Transcripts For WLOS News 13 At 6pm 20160207 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WLOS News 13 At 6pm 20160207

he is undergoing treatment at mission hospital. his dad says he's a great kid. he also tell us that two weeks ago was christopher's birthday when he turned 14. right now he's asking for prayers for his family, especially for his son. live if franklin, justin hinton, news 13. >> frank: a hiker was air lifted to mission hospital after a tumble in lynnville gorge. that happened around 11:00 yesterday morning. 60 miles northeast of asheville. authorities say it took more than five hours and two helicopters to get the man out. he suffered a broken leg. a hike up is a steep one. about a four mile trip. a utility company with a plant in south carolina says duke energy's plan to upgrade here is not necessary. columbia energy says its facility can generate more than five hundred mega watts of power the utility commission agreed to allow columbia to intervene. duke says building two gas powered units to replace coal in asheville remains the best option. the commission is expected to rule by march 1 whether to allll construction of the new plant. a brisk sunny sunday. we hope you got out to enjoy i. our weather is about to take a turn that will make it feel and look like winter. karen wynne joins us with the sky watch forecast. >> karen: we have snow, rain and bitter cold winds coming our way. that's why we have a winter weather advisory out from early tomorrow morning until 6:00 tomorrow night for the purple shaded counties. that includes buncombe county. travel is going to be a little tricky with blowing snow. once advisory ends we're going to see the winds pick up, the colder air rushing in, snowfall winter storm watch will go into effect tomorrow evening through thursday morning. we're talking about a fairly long period of time for the tennessee state line counties. also north jackson and macon included in the winter storm watch. travel is going to be dangerous at times. right now enjoy the last several hours that we have of this beautiful weekend. we're very mild, 45 asheville... franklin 49... burnsville 48... 52 morganton with the sun shining. the evening planner is a chilly one. 39 by 7:00. under clear skies we're down in the mid 30s at 9:00. at that freezing mark at 11:00. of course, that heavy jacket is going to be in order if you're headed out to any superbowl festivities. 44 at 7:00 down to 38 at 11:00 in the up state. coming up some changes to the flake meter. i'll show you what they are a >> frank: the count down to superbowl 50 almost over. panthers and broncos kick off minutes away. millions will be watching the game on television all around the world. but the center of the football universe is santa clara, california. news 13 luke notestine is there. he joins us live outside levi stadium. the buzz must be incredible. reporter: the buzz absolutely is palpable. it's entertaining. these fans are ready. after two weeks of build up for superbowl 50, the panthers and newton, the mvp versus peyton, perhaps his last hurray. the panthers have been spectacular all season. 17-1 record. a very good offense led by cam newton. a good defense. going up manning, one of the best quarterbacks after all time. you're not a fan of either team it's going to be fun to watch. we spent a few minutes walking around a few moments ago. it is a full house. tons of fans. they are ready to watch what should be a great football game. it's going to kick off in a few minutes. we'll have more coming up in sports and we'll bring you coverage after the game tonight. stay tuned to wlos. for now reporting live from santa clara, outside levi stadium, luke notestine. news 13. >> frank: a big game day for local players. the asheville humane society sent four puppies to new york to compete in animal planet's puppy bowl. bella was in the starting lineup. the crowd gathered for her debut. several other puppies were there and ready to be adopted. >> last year over thirteen and a half million people watched the puppy bowl. ashevilles own are representing us this year, where the viewership should be higher, is a huge deal. >> frank: the puppy bowl helps bring awareness about adoptions in this area. next week another litter will be ready to find forever homes. gop candidates hit the campaign trail fresh of last nights debate. what they are doing with the new hampshire primary two days away. rescue search through the rubble in taiwan. where the death toll i don't know what i'm doing. i can't find anything just when i think it's just not going to work. this woman that works there comes over and asks and he was so happy, to do it amazing right? i never would have expected would have thought that anyone would find that do that. make that go out of their way for me. right then, right there i couldn't believe it he was so helpful i know it's such a small thing little thing. simple thing but it made me smile made me happy made my day share your story. you're watching news 13 with frank kracher, sky watch with karen wynne and sports with ie note. this is news 13 at 6. >> frank: presidential candidates are blitzing voters in new hampshire ahead of the game today. their big game tuesday. for some republicans that means cashing in on last nights debate or trying to make up for lost ground. marcy gonzalez is in manchester with the latest. >> a tamer tone today on the trail. go prgs debate stage. >> let me talk. quiet. >> front runner donald trump moving up more in the polls today. standing by some of his most controversial stances on this week. >> as president you would authorize torture? sgli would authorize something beyond water boarding. >> do you gwen by being more like them? >> you have to do it that way. >> another headline. >> let's start with this fiction that obama doesn't know what he's doing. he knows exactly what he's doing. >> there it is. memorize 25 second speech. >> today some mocking marco rubio for being competitive. >> i don't like that he went back to his 25 second spiel. >> it means more pushing towards jeb bush. >> i hope they keep running it. it's true. >> and bernie sanders is appearance on saturday night live. >> looks like socialism to me. democratic socialism. >> campaigning in new hampshire today... [chanting] >> while hillary clinton visits flint, michigan discussing the water crisis there. >> what happened in flint is immoral. >> and not much movement in the polls on the democrat side. sanders lead clinton by double digits here with two days to go before the primary. marcy gonzalez, abc news, manchester, new hampshire. >> frank: chelsey clinton made a campaign tomstop in the up state on behalf of her mothers campaign. she attended a town hall meeting in rock hill yesterday where she defended the stance on healthcare. yesterday she spoke at a woman for hillary event. the former first daughter also addressed a cloud at clemson coming up next on news 13 at 6:00. how it may be a threat to >> frank: a three-year-old boy in alabama shoots and kills his nine-year-old sister. a tragic accident that tops tonights newsreel. authorities say the boy found a loaded gun on a night stand in his great grandparents home. the girl was taken to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. although they believe it was accidental an investigation is underway. the death toll from yesterday's earthquake in taiwan is climbing. the government puts the number of those killed to at least 26. two dozen of those victims were pulled from a 16 story apartment building that collapsed. dozens more may be trapped in the rubble there. one of eleven buildings destroyed by the 6.4 magnitude at least 121 people are still missing. north korea causes international uproar after the launch of a long range rocket. it was put into orbit yesterday. officials there say the payload is a satellite. but the u.s., south korea and japan believe the launch was just a front for a ballistic missile test. the un secretary general calls it deeply deplorable and violation of security county resolutions. pizza hut going all out. 50 random customers that order a stuffed garlic pizza get a pie topped with real gold. containing near ri $100 of edible 24 carat gold. copping in a golden box along with a $100 pizza hut gift card. i'm not excited about eating gold m i don't know about you. what do you think? 24 carat gold. that would stay outside of my body. we're looking at the flake meter. ramping it up a little bit into that buy bread and milk category. with the watch and advisory make sure you have what you need on hand to deal with tricky travel and maybe spending more time at home. now your news 13 sky watch weather. >> karen: big changes coming our way with our next storm system. we have that winter weather advisory kicking in early tomorrow morning. winter storm watch tomorrow evening. gusty and cold air moving in. chilly into the teens before the week is over. right now kind of hard to imagine that. we are under mainly clear skies on the satellite an radar. one area of moisture moving away from us. that system did bring snow to the eastern part of north carolina today. all about the sunshine for us here in the mountains. 45 degrees. a beautiful blue sky on our unca cam. gusty wind, north-northwest winds so we feel more like we're at 38 degrees. keep that windbreaker handy if you're about to head out. mild in greenville at 50. light winds ending up a beautiful weekend. changes are upon us in the form of this cold front and as we put see this front is going to be moving in tomorrow morning bringing a rain/snow mix along with it. during the day we are going to see more of that mix and then as we cool back down again by tomorrow around dinner time, turning back over to all snow. we have a clipper system then moving in behind the first front. that is going to give us an additional shot of chilly air and keep the snow showers around as we go through the day on tuesday, even on into wednesday morning in the higher elevations making for tricky travel, gusty winds and cold air coming in along with that. so hour by hour future cast, we can see during the evening we're dry. by daybreak tomorrow, maybe a little bit of light snow happening right along the tennessee state line. we're talking about parts of swayne county. by lunchtime it is going to be mix. the foothills by noon. temperatures warm up into the lower 40s. maybe a few flurries in the up state. turning back to all snow as we go into the late afternoon on into the evening. we are going to continue to see these snow showers even on into wednesday morning. so, of course, we want to know how much snow. little accumulations as we go through the day on monday. much of this mixing in with the rain. it doesn't get much of a chance to pile up. maybe an inch and a half in the northern mountains but then monday night on into tuesday rg we see accumulations go up to about three inches in and around burnsville. then we can see over four inches in some of the higher elevations near the tn tennessee state line, over an inch in most of the western mountain county and half an inch in asheville. lighter totals as we go to the south. still, with the gusty winds and the bitter cold, it is going to be tricky to get around. many mountain locations. highs tomorrow are going to be around 41 degrees in asheville. that is going to allow some of that snow to turn over into a rain/snow mix. then we cool down and we have a couple of days of snow, including blowing snow. check out how cold we get. down to 13 degrees on thursday with the windchill it's going to feel colder than that. here is your up state seven day forecast. things shape up though for valentine's day. >> frank: i guess we have black ice issues or potential? >> karen: absolutely. we're talking monday night especially it's going to be very slippery. >> frank: be careful. a hendersonville church effort to help the hungry takes on a football theme. youth group at grace lutheran church collected canned goods and cash as part of the souper they are proud to spend their game day sunday nighting hunger. >> it makes me feel better knowing they are going to have food. instead of thinking nobody is going to have food today. >> frank: last year more than seven hundred cans of food and $1,200 collected. the panthers participation in the superbowl will push the numbers higher. we hope so. the panthers and broncos are a few minutes away from kicking off superbowl 50. these fans can't wait. coming up we'll hear from a couple that tries to control biggest game that feeling. you know the one. that "grand-slam, aced-the-presentation" feeling. multiply that feeling. it's the deal of all deals. a moment worthy of celebration. now multiply that. you're everyone's hero in the championship of all championships it's that feeling. multiplied. introducing the new multiplier scratch-offs. a chance to win. and a chance to multiply your winnings. finally just a few minutes away from superbowl 50. panthers and broncos. bronco fans getting their nerves on. it's time to play. if we're nervous about the players how about the players. luke notestine joins us from outside levi stadium. are you nervous? reporter: i'm not nervous at all. you know what? i've got any superbowl 50 replica football. i'm ready to go. the panthers players haven't shown nerves hardly at all this season. 17-1 record heading into the superbowl. they have the mvp leading their offense. the coach of the year in ron. they've been spectacular all season and hope that contities one more game so they can win the biggest game of their lives. we caught up with a couple of the players earlier this week to get a feel for how they are controlling their emotions before the biggest game in the world. >> i never had nerves. just always just waiting. might have a little jitters but never nervous to play the game. >> we worked our entire season, multiple seasons to get to this point. you have to hunker down and make the most of it. when the game start and after the initial butterflies and the jitters from everything in pregame, when you get settled into the game it'll be pretty common. reporter: what players may get settle, what is not common place is playing in the superbowl. they hope they can do something extraordinary against manning and the broncos. we'll find out who will be the world champions. live in santa clara youdz of levi stadium, i'm luke notestine. last night in south bend the heels suffered their second straight loss. it seemed like they got back on paige was lighting it up on saturday. scoring 21 points. five of eight from the three land. a 15 point lead in the first half. the irish krau back and beat care loo that. notre dame two back. a big win for the irish. >> it's huge resume win to get to seven league wins is big. when you look at our resume and you've got iowa at a neutral court. duke in cameron which will continue to be a good win. and these guys which are ten or eleven in the rpi. your resume is pretty strong. >> women's hoops saturday. losing an eleven point halftime lead. on the drive, 12 seconds left and putting it in. ten to go. going into over time. foul on the play, too. fitzgerald is fouled. a rare five point play. asheville gets the victory. that was the kind of win resident nates. >> to have that win. it's not the way i drew it up but i am glad. i'm thankful for that experience. >> they host liberty saturday at 2:00. >> frank: we saw it was sunny and breezy out in california. it's cold and breezy here. >> karen: yes. we're going to have that snow beginning in the morning. winter weather advisory kicking in at 6:00 a.m. and continuing all day long. that winter storm watch with snow picking up. >> frank: we've got our blue and black on. go panthers. keep pounding and keep watching. we hope to see you here at 10:00 have a good

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Japan , Alabama , New Hampshire , North Carolina , Burnsville , Asheville , Mission Hospital , California , Town Hall , Macon County , Greenville , Michigan , Taiwan , Morganton , Tennessee , Lutheran Church , Iowa , South Carolina , North Korea , Ireland , South Korea , Hendersonville , Irish , Marco Rubio , Chelsey Clinton , Notre Dame , Karen Wynne , Santa Clara , Marcy Gonzalez , Jeb Bush , Justin Hinton , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WLOS News 13 At 6pm 20160207 :

Transcripts For WLOS News 13 At 6pm 20160207

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he is undergoing treatment at mission hospital. his dad says he's a great kid. he also tell us that two weeks ago was christopher's birthday when he turned 14. right now he's asking for prayers for his family, especially for his son. live if franklin, justin hinton, news 13. >> frank: a hiker was air lifted to mission hospital after a tumble in lynnville gorge. that happened around 11:00 yesterday morning. 60 miles northeast of asheville. authorities say it took more than five hours and two helicopters to get the man out. he suffered a broken leg. a hike up is a steep one. about a four mile trip. a utility company with a plant in south carolina says duke energy's plan to upgrade here is not necessary. columbia energy says its facility can generate more than five hundred mega watts of power the utility commission agreed to allow columbia to intervene. duke says building two gas powered units to replace coal in asheville remains the best option. the commission is expected to rule by march 1 whether to allll construction of the new plant. a brisk sunny sunday. we hope you got out to enjoy i. our weather is about to take a turn that will make it feel and look like winter. karen wynne joins us with the sky watch forecast. >> karen: we have snow, rain and bitter cold winds coming our way. that's why we have a winter weather advisory out from early tomorrow morning until 6:00 tomorrow night for the purple shaded counties. that includes buncombe county. travel is going to be a little tricky with blowing snow. once advisory ends we're going to see the winds pick up, the colder air rushing in, snowfall winter storm watch will go into effect tomorrow evening through thursday morning. we're talking about a fairly long period of time for the tennessee state line counties. also north jackson and macon included in the winter storm watch. travel is going to be dangerous at times. right now enjoy the last several hours that we have of this beautiful weekend. we're very mild, 45 asheville... franklin 49... burnsville 48... 52 morganton with the sun shining. the evening planner is a chilly one. 39 by 7:00. under clear skies we're down in the mid 30s at 9:00. at that freezing mark at 11:00. of course, that heavy jacket is going to be in order if you're headed out to any superbowl festivities. 44 at 7:00 down to 38 at 11:00 in the up state. coming up some changes to the flake meter. i'll show you what they are a >> frank: the count down to superbowl 50 almost over. panthers and broncos kick off minutes away. millions will be watching the game on television all around the world. but the center of the football universe is santa clara, california. news 13 luke notestine is there. he joins us live outside levi stadium. the buzz must be incredible. reporter: the buzz absolutely is palpable. it's entertaining. these fans are ready. after two weeks of build up for superbowl 50, the panthers and newton, the mvp versus peyton, perhaps his last hurray. the panthers have been spectacular all season. 17-1 record. a very good offense led by cam newton. a good defense. going up manning, one of the best quarterbacks after all time. you're not a fan of either team it's going to be fun to watch. we spent a few minutes walking around a few moments ago. it is a full house. tons of fans. they are ready to watch what should be a great football game. it's going to kick off in a few minutes. we'll have more coming up in sports and we'll bring you coverage after the game tonight. stay tuned to wlos. for now reporting live from santa clara, outside levi stadium, luke notestine. news 13. >> frank: a big game day for local players. the asheville humane society sent four puppies to new york to compete in animal planet's puppy bowl. bella was in the starting lineup. the crowd gathered for her debut. several other puppies were there and ready to be adopted. >> last year over thirteen and a half million people watched the puppy bowl. ashevilles own are representing us this year, where the viewership should be higher, is a huge deal. >> frank: the puppy bowl helps bring awareness about adoptions in this area. next week another litter will be ready to find forever homes. gop candidates hit the campaign trail fresh of last nights debate. what they are doing with the new hampshire primary two days away. rescue search through the rubble in taiwan. where the death toll i don't know what i'm doing. i can't find anything just when i think it's just not going to work. this woman that works there comes over and asks and he was so happy, to do it amazing right? i never would have expected would have thought that anyone would find that do that. make that go out of their way for me. right then, right there i couldn't believe it he was so helpful i know it's such a small thing little thing. simple thing but it made me smile made me happy made my day share your story. you're watching news 13 with frank kracher, sky watch with karen wynne and sports with ie note. this is news 13 at 6. >> frank: presidential candidates are blitzing voters in new hampshire ahead of the game today. their big game tuesday. for some republicans that means cashing in on last nights debate or trying to make up for lost ground. marcy gonzalez is in manchester with the latest. >> a tamer tone today on the trail. go prgs debate stage. >> let me talk. quiet. >> front runner donald trump moving up more in the polls today. standing by some of his most controversial stances on this week. >> as president you would authorize torture? sgli would authorize something beyond water boarding. >> do you gwen by being more like them? >> you have to do it that way. >> another headline. >> let's start with this fiction that obama doesn't know what he's doing. he knows exactly what he's doing. >> there it is. memorize 25 second speech. >> today some mocking marco rubio for being competitive. >> i don't like that he went back to his 25 second spiel. >> it means more pushing towards jeb bush. >> i hope they keep running it. it's true. >> and bernie sanders is appearance on saturday night live. >> looks like socialism to me. democratic socialism. >> campaigning in new hampshire today... [chanting] >> while hillary clinton visits flint, michigan discussing the water crisis there. >> what happened in flint is immoral. >> and not much movement in the polls on the democrat side. sanders lead clinton by double digits here with two days to go before the primary. marcy gonzalez, abc news, manchester, new hampshire. >> frank: chelsey clinton made a campaign tomstop in the up state on behalf of her mothers campaign. she attended a town hall meeting in rock hill yesterday where she defended the stance on healthcare. yesterday she spoke at a woman for hillary event. the former first daughter also addressed a cloud at clemson coming up next on news 13 at 6:00. how it may be a threat to >> frank: a three-year-old boy in alabama shoots and kills his nine-year-old sister. a tragic accident that tops tonights newsreel. authorities say the boy found a loaded gun on a night stand in his great grandparents home. the girl was taken to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. although they believe it was accidental an investigation is underway. the death toll from yesterday's earthquake in taiwan is climbing. the government puts the number of those killed to at least 26. two dozen of those victims were pulled from a 16 story apartment building that collapsed. dozens more may be trapped in the rubble there. one of eleven buildings destroyed by the 6.4 magnitude at least 121 people are still missing. north korea causes international uproar after the launch of a long range rocket. it was put into orbit yesterday. officials there say the payload is a satellite. but the u.s., south korea and japan believe the launch was just a front for a ballistic missile test. the un secretary general calls it deeply deplorable and violation of security county resolutions. pizza hut going all out. 50 random customers that order a stuffed garlic pizza get a pie topped with real gold. containing near ri $100 of edible 24 carat gold. copping in a golden box along with a $100 pizza hut gift card. i'm not excited about eating gold m i don't know about you. what do you think? 24 carat gold. that would stay outside of my body. we're looking at the flake meter. ramping it up a little bit into that buy bread and milk category. with the watch and advisory make sure you have what you need on hand to deal with tricky travel and maybe spending more time at home. now your news 13 sky watch weather. >> karen: big changes coming our way with our next storm system. we have that winter weather advisory kicking in early tomorrow morning. winter storm watch tomorrow evening. gusty and cold air moving in. chilly into the teens before the week is over. right now kind of hard to imagine that. we are under mainly clear skies on the satellite an radar. one area of moisture moving away from us. that system did bring snow to the eastern part of north carolina today. all about the sunshine for us here in the mountains. 45 degrees. a beautiful blue sky on our unca cam. gusty wind, north-northwest winds so we feel more like we're at 38 degrees. keep that windbreaker handy if you're about to head out. mild in greenville at 50. light winds ending up a beautiful weekend. changes are upon us in the form of this cold front and as we put see this front is going to be moving in tomorrow morning bringing a rain/snow mix along with it. during the day we are going to see more of that mix and then as we cool back down again by tomorrow around dinner time, turning back over to all snow. we have a clipper system then moving in behind the first front. that is going to give us an additional shot of chilly air and keep the snow showers around as we go through the day on tuesday, even on into wednesday morning in the higher elevations making for tricky travel, gusty winds and cold air coming in along with that. so hour by hour future cast, we can see during the evening we're dry. by daybreak tomorrow, maybe a little bit of light snow happening right along the tennessee state line. we're talking about parts of swayne county. by lunchtime it is going to be mix. the foothills by noon. temperatures warm up into the lower 40s. maybe a few flurries in the up state. turning back to all snow as we go into the late afternoon on into the evening. we are going to continue to see these snow showers even on into wednesday morning. so, of course, we want to know how much snow. little accumulations as we go through the day on monday. much of this mixing in with the rain. it doesn't get much of a chance to pile up. maybe an inch and a half in the northern mountains but then monday night on into tuesday rg we see accumulations go up to about three inches in and around burnsville. then we can see over four inches in some of the higher elevations near the tn tennessee state line, over an inch in most of the western mountain county and half an inch in asheville. lighter totals as we go to the south. still, with the gusty winds and the bitter cold, it is going to be tricky to get around. many mountain locations. highs tomorrow are going to be around 41 degrees in asheville. that is going to allow some of that snow to turn over into a rain/snow mix. then we cool down and we have a couple of days of snow, including blowing snow. check out how cold we get. down to 13 degrees on thursday with the windchill it's going to feel colder than that. here is your up state seven day forecast. things shape up though for valentine's day. >> frank: i guess we have black ice issues or potential? >> karen: absolutely. we're talking monday night especially it's going to be very slippery. >> frank: be careful. a hendersonville church effort to help the hungry takes on a football theme. youth group at grace lutheran church collected canned goods and cash as part of the souper they are proud to spend their game day sunday nighting hunger. >> it makes me feel better knowing they are going to have food. instead of thinking nobody is going to have food today. >> frank: last year more than seven hundred cans of food and $1,200 collected. the panthers participation in the superbowl will push the numbers higher. we hope so. the panthers and broncos are a few minutes away from kicking off superbowl 50. these fans can't wait. coming up we'll hear from a couple that tries to control biggest game that feeling. you know the one. that "grand-slam, aced-the-presentation" feeling. multiply that feeling. it's the deal of all deals. a moment worthy of celebration. now multiply that. you're everyone's hero in the championship of all championships it's that feeling. multiplied. introducing the new multiplier scratch-offs. a chance to win. and a chance to multiply your winnings. finally just a few minutes away from superbowl 50. panthers and broncos. bronco fans getting their nerves on. it's time to play. if we're nervous about the players how about the players. luke notestine joins us from outside levi stadium. are you nervous? reporter: i'm not nervous at all. you know what? i've got any superbowl 50 replica football. i'm ready to go. the panthers players haven't shown nerves hardly at all this season. 17-1 record heading into the superbowl. they have the mvp leading their offense. the coach of the year in ron. they've been spectacular all season and hope that contities one more game so they can win the biggest game of their lives. we caught up with a couple of the players earlier this week to get a feel for how they are controlling their emotions before the biggest game in the world. >> i never had nerves. just always just waiting. might have a little jitters but never nervous to play the game. >> we worked our entire season, multiple seasons to get to this point. you have to hunker down and make the most of it. when the game start and after the initial butterflies and the jitters from everything in pregame, when you get settled into the game it'll be pretty common. reporter: what players may get settle, what is not common place is playing in the superbowl. they hope they can do something extraordinary against manning and the broncos. we'll find out who will be the world champions. live in santa clara youdz of levi stadium, i'm luke notestine. last night in south bend the heels suffered their second straight loss. it seemed like they got back on paige was lighting it up on saturday. scoring 21 points. five of eight from the three land. a 15 point lead in the first half. the irish krau back and beat care loo that. notre dame two back. a big win for the irish. >> it's huge resume win to get to seven league wins is big. when you look at our resume and you've got iowa at a neutral court. duke in cameron which will continue to be a good win. and these guys which are ten or eleven in the rpi. your resume is pretty strong. >> women's hoops saturday. losing an eleven point halftime lead. on the drive, 12 seconds left and putting it in. ten to go. going into over time. foul on the play, too. fitzgerald is fouled. a rare five point play. asheville gets the victory. that was the kind of win resident nates. >> to have that win. it's not the way i drew it up but i am glad. i'm thankful for that experience. >> they host liberty saturday at 2:00. >> frank: we saw it was sunny and breezy out in california. it's cold and breezy here. >> karen: yes. we're going to have that snow beginning in the morning. winter weather advisory kicking in at 6:00 a.m. and continuing all day long. that winter storm watch with snow picking up. >> frank: we've got our blue and black on. go panthers. keep pounding and keep watching. we hope to see you here at 10:00 have a good

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Japan , Alabama , New Hampshire , North Carolina , Burnsville , Asheville , Mission Hospital , California , Town Hall , Macon County , Greenville , Michigan , Taiwan , Morganton , Tennessee , Lutheran Church , Iowa , South Carolina , North Korea , Ireland , South Korea , Hendersonville , Irish , Marco Rubio , Chelsey Clinton , Notre Dame , Karen Wynne , Santa Clara , Marcy Gonzalez , Jeb Bush , Justin Hinton , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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