Transcripts For WLOS Good Morning America 20160222 : compare

Transcripts For WLOS Good Morning America 20160222

>> of course, they have pandora in space. >> 30 years ago, yeah. >> also, it with us new then. welcome back, sam. good to have you here. we'll begin with the race for the white house. it's your "your voice, your vote." donald trump the clear front-runner in the republicans. their next contest in nevada tomorrow and abc's tom llamas is here with the latest. >> reporter: george, good morning. donald trump takes his high-roller campaign to vegas today while his two closest competitors, senator mar cue row owe and ted cruz try to argue the odds are on their side to win the nomination. their argument, trump may be winning today. but there are still 70% of voters not picking donald trump. this morning, donald trump on a victory lap following a big win in south carolina. saying he's attracted gop voters in all shapes and sizes. >> we won with everything. tall people, short people, fat people, skinny people. just won. >> in atlanta, the lights went on over the crowd. crowd. i like that muchh better. because the likes don't work, i won't pay the rent. >> reporter: trump on a roll after his back-to-back wins. the whole trump family on the victory stage in south carolina. even wife melaina leading the charge for the next contest. >> we love you and we're going ahead to nevada. >> reporter: hoping to limit those trump celebrations. senator marco rubio. who barely won second place in south carolina. rubio hit three states on sunday. speaking to some of his biggest crowds and unveiling a new message. >> in america, a message of the people flow through the veins. >> reporter: but senator ted cruz is telling rubio, not so marking rubio's appearance on his appearance on "this week." >> i think we can win floriri on march 15th. that's fairly amazing admission they don't believe they're going to win here in nevada. >> repororr: all three hoping to gain supporters from jeb bush who dropped out of the race following a weak showing in south carolina. >> a number of pundits said if a couple of other candidates drop out, if you add their scores together, it's going to equal trump. right? these geniuses. they don't understand that as people drop out, i'm going to get a lot of those votes, also. >> reporter: now the washington post reporting this morning that former new york city mayor rudy giuliani is advising donald trump. he'll announce his national security advisers very soon. news kids of the block member. he has the oh oh oh the right stuff. >> did he say it like that? >> he didn't say it like that. >> thanks for clarifying. to the democrats now. hillary clinton scoring a hard-fought victory in nevada over bernie sanders. a much-needed win for the clinton campaign they may now slow bernie sanders' momentum ahead of their next face-off in south carolina. abc's cecilia vega is here and has the latest for us. >> reporter: robin, good morning to you. bernie sanders said he's not going anywhere, he's into this race until the convention. after this loss in nevada, that path to the name nation is lookingg lot tougher. this morning, hillary clinton still riding high. >> we just won nevada! >> reporter: fresh off that nevada win -- >> something really special is happening here. >> reporter: clinton now armed for a third, heading into the next state, south carolina. >> the fight goes on, the future that we want is within our grasp. >> reporter: and she's looking ahead to the palmetto state feeling confident. the latest polls showing clinton with a double-digit lead over vermont senator bernie sanders. but despite that big vegas-style win, clinton conceding overnight, she has a big problem to overcome -- trust. >> i'll demonstrate that i have always been the same person fighting for the sam values. >> reporter: bernie sanders still vowing to stay in the race. vowing supporters. >> you and you and you have the power to determine the future of america. >> reporter: and former president bill clinton stopping in oklahoma overnight, bracing for a fight on super tuesday and beyond with a different competitor across the aisle. the other party said he's going to make america great again. let me tell you something -- america never stopped being great again. >> reporter: lots of cheers for that line sanders' team is spending heavily. this fight is going to get more heated. as the two sides go after the african-american voters. george, clinton supporters tell me we'll hear her go strong on sanders' record on guns. jon karl now. in the end, the nomination are all about piling up delegates. jon, where things stand right now. >> reporter: after three states, donald trump has a even bigger lead in the delegate race than he's had in the polls. 67 delegates compared to 11 for ted cruz, 10 for you marco ruk it's takes 1,237 to win the republican nomination. on the democratic side, hillary clinton and bernie sanders are actually tied among the delegates that have won in primaries and caucuses. democratics also have the super delegates, they can vote for whoever they want. really the party establishment. add those in, hillary clinton has a huge lead 5020 to 70. >> john, next tuesday, super tuesday, the most delegates at stake. >> that's the big prize, 11 states voting for candidates. george, if donald trump can keep his momentum, if he can score a sweep on super tuesday, it's hard to see how he's stopped. >> jon karl, thanks very much. let's talk to matt dowd south carolina. if you look at the betting markets right now, it has his odds for the nomination about even with marco rubio, why? >> we're in a unique situation right now. instead of coalescing around the front-runner they're trying to go against the front-runner. they have made two bad assumptions during this race. first, they assumed that donald trump has a ceiling he can't get above the ceiling. a assumption that's going to be broken in the next week or two. the momentum as win, you gain the ceiling. the early 1900s in football, when you bet on the running game and knute rockne shows up with the forward pass. donald trump has invebted the forward pass here. the gop that wants to stop donald trump it seems the only way they can stop him is with a contested convention. plan for somebody else to win. >> he has four opponents right now. >> meantime that path for hillary clinton with south carolina and super tuesday coming up, she can build up a huge lead. >> i think it's get very difficult if bernie sanders doesn't keep it close, she'll begin to wrap up the race next week. >> you went old school with the football analogy. now to that twist between apple and fbi. fbi director writing a letter about the disputes as protesters plan to back apple. abc's pierre thomas in washington has the latest for us. >> reporter: good morning, robin. while in support of apple across the country tomorrow, they continue to face off with both sides digging in, this morning, as you said the fbi director is getting personally involved in a releasing a letter calling on apple to comply to help the iphone of san bern dee owe killer, syed farook. fbi director james comey said, we don't want to break anyone's enkripgs. but apple is taking to the air waves to challenge the fbi's reasoning. saying that the privacy and security of millions of his customers are at risk. >> no limit on what the government could apple to do if it succeeds this way. >> reporter: to make the case, apple has hired ted olson two whose wife died on one of the planes in the 9/11 attack and this is pandora box. we can't give the terrorists a victory. >> reporter: the fbi claims that the investigation remains urgent, that the phone may have including whether others were involved. this morning, apple ceo tim cook e-mailed his employees to thank them for their support. he said an army veteran wrote him, quote, like my freedom, i will always consider my privacy a treasure. clearly, neither side backing down. >> high stakes in this battle. we'll get the latest now on bill cosby. his wife camille is set to go under oath this morning. after her lawyers' attempts to stopped the deposition failed. it will take place in springfield, massachusetts. linsey davis is there. >> reporter: good morning, george. this is exactly what camille cosby was hoping to avoid. at around 9:30, she's expected to face probing questions not only about her relationship with her husband but his relationship with other women. filed this emergency motion, to postpone her deposition at a massachusetts hotel. >> no wife wants to go into a deposition or public forum and have to testify about her personal relationship with her husband. definitely not testify about his relationship with other women. cosby's wife of 52 years has been hoping to avoid answering any questions about her husband. but the attorney for seven of cosby's alleged victims who filed a defamation suit against the embattled comedian saying she would have relevant information having served as his business manager for years. her public item would create a unnecessary media circus that serves no purpose other than to harass and embarrass her. more than 50 women have come forward claiming cosby sexually consistently denied. his wife right by his side. statement. defending her husband, saying he's the man you thought you knew. a judge has also ruled that mrs. cosby can refuse to answer certain questions that would involve private conversations between her and her husband. protected by the marital disqualification rule. now to that big scare on a megabus, catching flame on a highway outside of chicago. rnt fortunately, no one was hurt. abc's linzie yooeie yooeie janis is here. >> reporter: it had been on the road for just over an hour when disaster struck. it was really scary. >> reporter: horrifying moments >> big explosion. bus on fire. >> reporter: this megabus traveling from chicago to minneapolis, exploding. just moments after the 40 people onboard evacuated. >> it was full of black smoke. and as i got off, the bus blew up. >> reporter: panicked passengers watching as their belongings go up in flames. >> we lost everything. >> reporter: you can see the charred remains of the bus. miraculously no one was injured. many onboard said there were signs of problems early on. >> some people said they smell burning. >> reporter: "the new york times" frugal traveler lucas peterson was onboard doing a story on the bus. >> the driver kept pulling over to the side. >> reporter: last year in upstate new york, another megabus fire. after a tire blew. that bus pulling over and then megabus in georgia, destroyed by fire. a blown tire responsible for ravaging that bus. pending litigations, these bus may be carrying too much weight, causing the tires to blow out. this morning, an investigation is under way to what caused the latest bus to incinerate. >> they have an event data recorder. megabus is cooperating with authorities and safety is its top priority. >> boy, so glad everyone got out of there. lara, the reason we were singing poorly "rocket man." >> a bit of space mystery brewing. new audio unveiling that astronauts may have heard music on the dark side of the moon. raising some big questions this morning. ground control to major tom bowie is probably the closest we music. but newly declassified audio tapes reveal there may be music in space. in 1969 as apollo 10 cruises the dark side of the moon, where contact with nasa is unavailable, astronauts claim they heard something strange. >> did you hear that? that whistling sound? >> it sounds like outer space music. >> reporter: those transcripts were archived and held for the last four decades. there may be an earthly explanation. the music was caused by two different spacecrafts, radios interfering with each other. and thes a row naughts themselves aren't sure that music was caused by those radio they were very terrified by it. >> can you imagine? >> up there all alone. >> sure it's just radio frequencies. or not. >> or not. >> sure it was. >> sam, what else do you got today. big storm behind you. lot to talk about today. let's get to the wall. cooler temperatures in. we were in the 60s in the east and the northeast. now that's all cooler temperatures. tomorrow, we're talking about ice, rain and snow. philadelphia through to new york city. today, some strong storms developing in texas. watch this low and as it moves to new orleans this is the worst part of this storm, these storms in the darker shade, it could actually spawn off some tornadoes. could spin up a tornado in that. behind that, a low front. we're talking about snow. look at you, chicagoland, little bit south and east, getting some of the bigger totals here of the snow. nation. and thanks for joining us again this week, sam. already got chicagoland in one time. coming up here on "good morning america" -- an uber driver suspected in that deadly rampage in michigan. those passengers speaking out. >> once he came to a stop, i jumped out of the car and ran away. >> inside that terrifying ride and uber official will join us exclusively this morning. also coming up, a new crackdown on hoverboard. now an official saying no hoverboard is safe. if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go ...except you. still struggling to find relief? you may have opioid-induced constipation, oic. it's different and may need a different approach. opioids block pain signals, but can also block activity in the bowel. which is why it can feel like your opioid pain med is slowing your insides to a crawl. longing for a change? have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. made on behalf of those living with chronic pain enamel is your teeth's first line of defense. but daily eating and drinking can make it weak. try colgate enamel health. it replenishes weak spots with natural calcium to strengthen enamel four times better. colgate enamel health. so my kids 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sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. fibromyalgia may have changed things. but with less pain, i'm still a doer. ask your doctor about lyrica. good morning. it's 7:24 on your monday, february 22nd. i'm jay siltzer. the defense will present its case today... in the murder trial of a 3 3 richard o'shields is charged in the 20-11 shooting death of toby mathis. months before mathis was shot and killed, he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of o'shields son. prosecutors say o'shields gunned mathis down at the dollar general in rosman in retaliation for his son's death. 3 closing arguments are set for today, in the trial of dynel lane. she's accused of today in the trial of dynel cutting the unborn baby from her womb. prosecutors say lane lured michelle wilkins to her home in colorado in march of 20-15, using a craigslist-ad for maternity clothes. wilkins survived the attack, but her baby did not. 3 pickens county sheriff's deputies are investigating a homicide. deputies say a woman's body was found yesterday morning on a boat ramp at saluda lake. the victim is identified as 35- year-old farah kahn of yesterday morning at a boat ramp at saluda lake. watch forecast. welcome back to "good morning america." and the angola crater in tanzania where the great migration is taking place and tomorrow, amy is going to take us inside live for our "good morning america" on safari. we'll talk to her in just a moment. >> amazing the new technology we'll be using, you'll feel like you're right there with her. also right now, we're one day away from the gop caucus. donald trump. who just won a big victory in south carolina. marco rubio and ted cruz fighting to stop his momentum. and mark zuckerberg is predicting virtual reality is the future of social media during a surprise visit at a tech conference on sunday. he said, pretty soon we'll live in a world where everyone has the power to share and experience whole scenes like we're there. >> how pretty soon? >> like tomorrow. amy is going to lead us. it's incredible. a network television first. a live 360-degree virtual reality experience. "good morning america" will be on safari. let's talk to amy. >> that's right, guys. we'll be showing you animals like you have never seen them before. with amazing, sweeping views. you'll be looking at these that 360-degree virtual experience. we're bringing you a live, never before seen, an interactive safari. >> thank you. we'll be checking back with her. >> give willie nelson his hat back. >> sam. >> first day back, a little cranking. >> amy will laugh. >> thank you, sam. first in this half-hour, new developments in that horrifying massacre in michigan. the alleged gunman an uber driver now in custody while police investigate whether he picked up fares during the rampage. alex perez has the latest. >> reporter: good morning, the uber driver is expected to make his first appearance in court later today at this point, authorities are tight-lipid about new possible motives in this case. this morning, the hunt for answers. rampage that led to arrest uber driver jason dalton. mayhem in kalamazoo beginning saturday evening a woman shot several times in the parking lot of this residential complex, she arrived. but in this car dealership parking lot, a father and his 17-year-old son, shot and killed. just 16 minutes later, a gunman opens fire just outside of this cracker barrel restaurant, killing four people. including a former teacher. >> this is your worst nightmare. >> reporter: authorities spot the suspect's vehicle and take him into custody without incident. the victims investigators say, apparently selected at random. >> how you tell the families of these victims they weren't targeted for any reason. >> reporter: police investigating whether the uber driver took tears in between this man said he was one of his passengers during the rampage. >> he said i'm not the shooter. i said r you shoo. >> reporter: matt millen said he rode with dalton 70 minutes before the first shooting. the ride started normally. but within a few minutes he had to find a way out ofdalton's cars. >> we were driving through medians, driving through lawnsing. speeding along. finally, once he came to a stop, i jumped out of the car and ran away. >> reporter: millen then said he called 911 and gave dalton's license plate number. and this morning, we're learning one of the young victims a 14-year-old girl, who was believed to have brain dead is fighting for her life, responding to doctors with two thumbs up when asked if she can >> all right, alex, thank you very much. in a morning exclusive, we're joined by a member of uber's safety advisory board, ed davis. thank you so much for spending some time with us this morning to discuss this. what do you know about the suspect's background? the check that he went through. any details you can share? >> there's a full background check done on all driver partners for uber and this individual had the background check completed and there was nothing in his background to indicate he was a problem. he had no record whatsoever. >> is it true that uber's background check does not include checking fingerprints and law enforcement is not involved and that uber doesn't even meet with prospective drivers in person, is all that true? >> it is true that fingerprints aren't utilized. there are thousands of employers their bake ground checks. this process is handled online. this process is very comprehensive. the background checks looks not only where an individual lives right now but where they lived in the past. uber stresses that in an emergency situation, a call to 911 is the best way to deal with the situation like that. there was no background check that would have identified this man as a problem. he was a father, a husband, he was described as the police chief in kalamazoo as a regular guy. exactly the type of guy that any corporation would like to hire. >> was he still picking up the fares? >> all of that information is part of the ongoing investigation. >> people are waking up this morning and concerned about using uber. you have been in law enforcement before. be safe if they get in a uber car and will you recommend any changes to the board? >> uber is constantly looking at security procedures, before, during and after the trip. there's a constant flow of information. the identity of the driver, the vehicle they're driving. in an exact identification of every person that gets in the vehicle through their credit card information. >> all right, ed davis, thank you very much. of course, we're thinking of the victims and those that were injured and keeping those families in our -- >> our hearts go out to them, no question. >> ed davis, thank you for your information. we'll move on now to the you new development in the domestic investigation into nfl quarterback johnny manziel. abc's ryan smith has the story. >> reporter: this morning, examining hotel surveillance video reportedly showing an encounter between manziel and his ex-girlfriend. >> detectives have continued communicating with the complainant. interviewed witnesses. >> reporter: in her affidavit seeking an order of protection from manziel, crowley said she met up with manziel at hotel zazza in the earlying morning hours of january 30th. she claims the argument became off. that she told the valet, please don't let him take me. i'm scared for my life. crowley also claims, the 23-year-old struck him with his open hand. police would not release details about the surveillance video. >> there has been no if any, will be filed against mr. manziel. >> reporter: in october, police dash cam alleged another confrontation between the pair. manziel known for his hard partying ways off the field has not been arrested or charged for either encounter. for "good morning america," ryan smith -- abc news, new york. >> thanks to ryan for that. coming up -- the new warning about hoverboards. . the feds say most on the market now are not safe. we'll tell you why. ahh... ah. you probably say it a million times a day. ahh... ahh! ahh... ahh! but at cigna, we want to help everyone say it once a year. say "ahh". >>ahh... cigna medical plans cover one hundred percent of your in-network annual checkup. so america, let's go. know. ahh! and take control of your health. crisp garden vegetables. no artificial flavors. philadelphia garden vegetable. rich, creamy... ...and delicious nothing else tastes like philadelphia . pain from your day can haunt you at night, don't let it. advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need, helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. millions of people have switched to sprint this past year. and to celebrate, we're extending our 50% offer so you can save on most verizon, at&t or t-mobile rates. now save $200 instantly when you get the samsung galaxy note5 or gs6, and trade in your smart phone. so switch today. (trouble hearing on the phone, visit i have a resident named joyce, and she kept complaining about all her aches and pains. and i said "come to class, let's start walking together" and i said "and i bet you money you'll be able to do that senior walk". i said "if you need to stop, there's a bench we'll just hang out in the shade." she said "absolutely not! we are going to finish this race!" and we were the last ones in, but you know what? we finished the race. and she goes "desiree, i'll never quit walking. ever" eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! it's 7:43 we're back now with a new warning about hover boards. they're one of the hottest gifts. officials are now saying no hoverboard is certified as safe. telling manufactures and retailers they need to reach standards or face recall. >> reporter: couou the holiday's hottest gift be headed toward extinction. are responding to the cpsc's stunning announcement that no hoverboard is certified as safe. and they are out there in droves. at one point, e-bay said it was selling a hoverboard every 12 seconds. but we all saw those videos. coast. and those fires. the cpsc citing 52 hoverboard fires in over 24 states, damages. this home burned to the ground after a hoverboard went up in flames. some blaming those lithium ion batteries from china. but still, no firm proof. >> it's irresponsible for a company to continue to sell hoverboards that they know do not comply with the standard. >> reporter: the cpsc telling abc hoverboards currently on the market may be subject to recall and consumers should ask for toys "r" us now taking hoverboards off their shelves and stomg all sales. and swagway said it will comply with the new guidelines. they have come up with a new technology that should solve these issues. when it comes to a holiday gift, the cpsc hasn't seen a safety issue this major in years. >> how do you take it away without being the bad guy? >> it "disappeared." >> always a great answer. >> it's a mystery. >> all right, coming up on "good morning america" -- we're of course counting down to our incredible live tv event. amy getting up close and personal -- oh, my goodness -- with some amazing an malgs. coming up on "good morning america."didn't even move your hand?! it's all in the wrist schwartzy... alexa, what time is it? it's 5:43pm. i've got a table reading at 6:00... alexa, how's the traffic? the fastest route is 45 minutes to downtown. can we take the bike?! c'mon schwartzy! jason... get in the side-car. the market's been pretty volatile lately. there is a lot at stake here, you know? we've been planning for this for a long time. and we'll keep evolving things. knowing you is how edward jones makes sense of investing. when heartburn hits fight back fast tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum i've been claritin clear for 14 days. when your allergy symptoms start... ...doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season... ...for continuous relief. with powerful, 24 hour... ...non-drowsy claritin, live claritin clear. we're just 24 hours away from our epic live event in africa. "good morning america" on safari. amy is in tanzania and tomorrow, she's taking live to what we're many of those majestic creatures are under threat, including lions and amy had a chance to visit some orphan lion cubs and got a bit of a scare. >> okay. i'll hold you. >> oh. >> oh, my. >> it's okay. it's okay. calm down. >> yeah, calm down. >> amy, tell us -- great to see you again. tell us what that experience was like. >> i mean, even though there was a steel reinforced steel door between me and those cubs, my heart was pounding. they're wild and ferocious. they had to be rescued just four days ago, their mom was poached. they can't survive on their own. this orphanage rescued them, fattening them up, and reintroduce them to a pride in a couple of weeks. ferocious cat. it was so beautiful. and just so many groups doirng amazing things out here. >> so glad you're there. much more with you in our next hour. okay, amy. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimeme. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement.... ...that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. i am never getting married. never. psssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful ring. thank you. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. breathe. i love it here. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go. for all the nevers in life, state farm is there. people think californians live in our own reality. with our heads in the clouds. like a bunch of space cadets. huh? what? i've drawn a blank. what's my line? [director]: reset! maybe we do live in a fantasy... our own little bubble. just hangin' out! as if we're not completely down to earth. but just a bunch of dreamers? no way! we're just like everyone else. you know, average joes. start dreaming big at here's a headline you'll be hearing all day. the strongest cyclone to ever hit the island of fiji, where the storm is going now, coast of still a pretty strong storm.3 good morning. it's 7:56 on your monday, february 22nd. i'm jay siltzer. a major economic development announcement will happen today in henderson county. 3 3 governor pat mccrory will be on hand for the announcement at 4:30 this afternoon at the historic henderson county courthouse. last month, county commissioners approved a nearly 7 million dollar incentives package to bring in "g-f linamar", a car parts plant, to mills river. the company would invest 217 million dollars and create 350 new jobs. 3 we could learn more today about duke energy's plans to convert its lake julian plant to natural gas. today, staff with the state utilities commission will present their findings of duke's application raleigh. that application requested building a third back up unit. as we reported last week, the utilities commission staff recommended rejecting the third unit. the utilities commission is expected to make a decision by march first. 3 we have an update on a siberian husky that needed emergency surgery in asheville. the asheville humane society posted on facebook that "claire" pulled through the surgery on her lung... and that she is breathing well on her own. her now week old puppies are in foster care. an online fundraiser has raised nearly 3-thousand dollars to help cover the cost of claire's surgery. 3 3 good morning, america. it's 8:00 and we have the latest on kesha's emotional legal battle. fans taking her side. and taylor swift sends kesha a big dpoe nation overnight. scary case of stolen identity. a nightmare hoax. her photo stolen and across the internet linked to a fake story. identity safe online. and health alert the new research revealing that high cholesterol does not increase your risk of heart disease. dr. ashton is here with a reality check. it's oscar week. robin one-on-one with best actor nominee bryan cranston in his hometown. >> hello. >> i didn't know you dined here. >> so many stars getting red-carpet ready right now. this morning, the trainer revealing their favorite moves. that's all ahead as we say -- >> all: "good morning america"! . just dancing away. love that. love the laugh. can't wait for oscar sunday. less than a week away. with great moves and d.j. kiss and rachel smith, with the holtest workouts to get in shape fast. >> look at dj kiss. >> we're counting down this morning to "good morning america" on safari. you have seen amy out there in tanzania. >> oh, my gosh. >> we're using our drone technology that takes you live inside africa's garden of eden. amy is there. amy. >> that's right. right behind mes is the an gore ya carat. i can't wait to take you inside that carat with me and we're bringing with us groundbreaking technology. of course, we have our drone cameras flying above giving you unprecedented access to these animals and then that 360-degree virtual reality experience. millions of animals are threatened on this continent. in fact, our own t.j. holmes is bring the story of the rhino crisis in that country. are you guys getting excite snd. >> very excited. >> i'll be happier when t.j. gets his hands out of that. let's go to cecilia vega with the morning rundown we begin with that legal battle between apple and fbi. in a message to employees apple's tim cook said helping to hack into the san bernardino shooter's iphone would set a dangerous presscedentprecedent. and donald trump and hillary clinton are riding a wave of momentum after their big wins. there's word that trump is now getting advice from former new york city mayor rudye giuliani. and marco rubio has picked up endorsements including from bernie sanders getting help from actor danny glover. in medical news, reer is eveners said the hpv vaccine has helped reduce infection rates by 64% in teens. hollywood is facing new backlash over a lack of diversity. a new survey analyzing hundreds of recent movies and tv shows found a third of speaking roles went to women and behind the camera women directed only 3% of films. the report concluded there's a quote epidemic of invisibility for women and minorities. hands down the best video we'll see today. one woman dancing into the white house like it took 100 years to get there. because it did. virginia mclaurin finally got to meet the president obama and first lady. very tech savvy. she launched a petition to meet the obamas. when she finally got the chance this is what happened. >> i want to be like you. >> you can. >> she's dancing. come on! what's the secret to still dancing at 106? >> how much do we love that, virginia wouldn't reveal her secret to longevity because all that dancing she does, guys, she sprinted into the white house, that president obama had to tell her, slow it down, not too quick, virginia. >> 106. so glad you shared that with us, cecilia. now, we have a health headline. a new study that provides more evidence that eating high cholesterol foods does not increase your risk for heart disease. sam before, you grab more bacon with important details. there's some viewers who may be surprised by this new study. it. >> in cardiology and nutrition, we file this under everything old is new again. we know that if you have high cholesterol in your blood, yes, that is a risk factor for heart disease but in terms of what we eat, it's more about the saturated fat and believe it or not the carbohydrates that stacks the deck. >> genetics, too. >> genetics is huge factor in there, too. >> cholesterol gets a really bad rap. >> mini med school here, every cell in our body has cholesterol in the cell membranes. we need cholesterols to make hormones. if you have high cholesterol in your blood the key thing is, know these numbers. have high cholesterol. ldl the lousy cholesterol. you want to know that number and the healthy cholesterol number, the hdl. if you monitor aggressively with good nutrition and exercise, you can drop those numbers. >> i like l for lousy and h for healthy. >> breaking news, eggs are super foods. take a look at this graphic. look at their knew traditional profile. an average egg has 75 calories. sam, avert your eyes. 7 grams of protein. very high lean protein food. packed with nutrients. so, those are good. what's bad? all those breakfast meats, al those hash browns, all that bread. in moderation. >> but eggs are back and i like that. >> there you go. >> i'm with you. lara, what's else coming up today? >> here's what's coming up -- kesha's emotional court battle. taylor swift and so many more showing huge support for her overnight. then a nightmare hoax, a mom harassed after her photo was stolen and shared across the internet. she's speaking out on "good morning america" today. and a quiz for you. check out these dogs. which dog do you think is the most popular breed? we'll answer and we'll talk about the top dog coming up on "good morning america." i kind of feel like him right now. "good morning america's" by advil. hi, i'd like to make a dep-- scanner: rescan item. rescan, rescan. rescan item. vo: it happens so often you almost get used to it. phone voice: main menu representative. representative. representative. vo: which is why being put first... relax, we got this. vo: ...takes some getting used to. join the nation. nationwide is on your side (vo) if you have type 2 diabetes, you may know what it's like to deal with high... and low blood sugar. januvia (sitagliptin) is a once-daily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your body's own ability to lower blood sugar. plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). januvia should not be used in patients with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. tell your doctor if you have a history of pancreatitis. serious side effects can happen, including pancreatitis which may be severe and lead to death. stop taking januvia and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area which may be pancreatitis. an allergic reaction that causes swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat, or affects your breathing or causes rash or hives. kidney problems sometimes requiring dialysis some people may develop severe joint pain. call your doctor if this happens. using januvia with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. to reduce the risk, your doctor may prescribe a lower dose of the sulfonylurea or insulin. your doctor may do blood tests before and during treatment to check your kidneys. if you have kidney problems a lower dose may be prescribed. side effects may include upper respiratory tract infection, stuffy or runny nose, sore throat, and headache. for help lowering your blood sugar talk to your doctor about januvia. so my kids don't have to forage, got two jobs to pay a mortgage, and i've also got a brain. life's short, talk is cheap. i'll be working while you sleep. still don't think i've got a brain? who'll step up when things get tough? don't you want that kind of brain? a degree is a degree. you're gonna want someone like me. but only if you have a brain. that's kesha and timber. we're playing that because the latest on kesha's leelt battle. so many stars -- taylor swift has come out and supported her. they're doing it because a judge denied kesha's request to break the contract with a longtime manager. jesse palmer has the story. >> reporter: this ruling has sparked outrage with fans and fellow hollywood stars alike. that took to social media demanding that kesha become freed from working with her >> reporter: overnight, pop star kesha getting a huge new supporter in her legal battles with her producer. taylor swift making a $250,000 donation to help kesha with any financial needs during this trying time. this comes just after a judge refused to cancel kesha's contract with her label because she no longer wanted to work with producer lucas, the hitmaker behind radio smash hits from artists like katy perry, kelly clarkson and miley cyrus. kesha alleging in her contract against dr. luke, for the past ten years, dr. luke has sexually physical ly physically abused mrs. sebert. dr. luke refuting those claims. telling abc news, that the allegations against him are outright lies. of sexual abuse that's been going on in the music business quite a bit recently. >> reporter: these images showing an emotional kesha inside court. while her fans gathered outside showering the star with support. on social media, the #freekesha becoming a top trend and her famous friends very publicly supporting her. from ariana grande, to kelly clarkson. demi lovato with a twitter storm of support. this is only going to make you stronger. kesha posting this on friday, hung the for all the support. a long road ahead for the pop star. right now, kesha is contractual contractually obligated to make six more albums. >> thanks, jesse. a nightmare hoax that has a lot of parents paying attention this morning. a mom from connecticut is speaking out after announcement that her baby's birthday. linz yooeie janis has her story. >> reporter: the photo captured the day of the joy your first child is born. this morning, that very same photo creating a living nightmare nightmare. >> it's something that i don't believe at times. >> reporter: the photo originally posted in january 2015 about bennett's son being the first baby born in the new year. the same photo resurfacing wednesday. with the very different story. the headline reading, detroit woman gives birth to her 14th child from 14 different fathers. on "world news" daily the story going viral when bennett was tagged on facebook by a former co-worker. >> to be honest i thought it was a joke. >> reporter: the article tying bennett and her family's image to the fabricated story to a woman named anita sullivan. as the day worn on and the story spread it began to take an emotional toll on bennett. >> people are starting to make comments, calling you ugly and fat. that's where i started breaking down. >> reporter: according to experts all photos posted on public sites are at risk. experts say, mark your pages as private. or water mark your photos. >> anyone can grab the photo. >> unfontly the law hasn't caught up with technology. >> write a text, it's your name on it. or mark it in some way. it's your picture. >> intended to be funny, it's not funny at all. we're counting down to oscar sunday and our big "good morning america" show on monday. but first, we're getting red-carpet ready all week. this morning, we have the hottest workout tips, a-listers are using to look their best. abbie boudreau went one-on-one to get their secrets for you. >> reporter: stars sizzling on the red carpet. and what's the secret behind their perfectly-toned designer body. trainer jeannette jenkins knows. >> the hollywood trainer. >> reporter: training some of the hottest bodies in hollywood. >> i train pink, kelly rowland. >> reporter: pushing her a-list >> we do everything, we do cardio and sculpting. then we take everything up a level. >> reporter: in the three to six weeks leading up to the red carpet, her celeb clients working every day for an average of two hours. >> i make sure that i hit those arms and the upper body. >> rotate. reach. >> reporter: like this exercise targeting the arms and upper back. >> alternate. row. fly. >> reporter: jeannette said the row and fly is a celeb favorite and that it works. >> does pink do this? >> she sure does. she does whatever i tell her. >> reporter: another secret -- nutrition. >> lowering the sugar content. so it's like no more processed foods. no sugar areas. >> reporter: but her best advice beyond hitting the gym -- confidence. >> number one thing is, absolutely no self-hate. you have to absolutely love yourself. america," abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> abbie is keeping up. >> have you been doing your pre-oscars -- >> a little bit. >> very little. rachel smith is live from the grand entrance of the samsung. they're going to show us a few moves while dj kiss pumps up the workout playlist. hey, rachel. >> robin -- ladies, are we ready to jump back into things? jeannette, can you show us full body moves. >> first exercise, reverse lunge with an upright row. step the right leg back. now get off the couch at home. i need you to do this with us. come on. this is team work. all across america. we're getting red-carpet ready. shoulders and the back. >> all right, so, after the full-body move. what can we do? >> another full-body move. drop the dumbbells. up on your toes. arms overhead. lower down and squeeze everything. we call this is plie on your toes. it works everything. yes. >> something else for the backside? >> take your left leg back. lift the right leg off the floor. you're squeezing into the booty. arms, nice and long. squeeze tight. little balance. let's get the other side, too. i do this with all my girls, kelly rowland, alicia keys. if you do a hundred, by the end of the week, you'll look like pink. >> robin, i think we have to take five. >> rachel and abbie. what are we doing? couch potatoes over here. thank you to general ettejeannette. the very fit sam champion is outside. i'm doing skwats right now. happy birthday. >> who do you want to say hi to? >> my aunt. >> where is she? >> in minnesota. let's get to the boards. here comes the cold air. it's cooler than it has been. look at green bay this morning. that cold air sets up for tomorrow/tomorrow morning rain/snow mix. let's head west, santa barbara, you guys have a strong wind going on. be prepared for that. on the other side of the jet living, we got some >> we're live in times square. come say hi. now it's back to -- >> all: lara! >> thank you, sam. get in here. "pop news" time, everyone. we begin with lady gaga singing what should be at the theme song at my alma mater, penn state university hosting thon over the weekend. this year did not disappoint. 700 dancers shimmied for two days straight. no sleeping allowed. they raised $9.7 million. >> did you do it? >> yes. back in the day i did. you were encouraged to participated. you can see here, there's members of the sports teams trying to keep everybody going. there's the football team. doing a little bit of dabbing. $127 million has been raised by penn state in this largest-run student. a little shoutout. congratulations. also in "pop news" a little pop quiz for you. say you wake up. your famished. you go to restaurant. you order breakfast. you order scrambled eggs. they come out and they're runny. what do you do? sam? >> you make it work. they're healthy. >> you guys would be doing just fine. listen to this, so, how you respond to that moment could permanently alter your career path according to the charles schwab ceo, what he does, he takes candidates out to breakfast. he has now admitted that he tells the waiter to mess up their order on purpose to see how the candidates respond. he's more interested in the prospect's character. another way to look inside their heart rather than just their head. >> interesting. >> i think it's brilliant. the jig is up now. >> what if they're very polite. it's not what i ordered. send it back. >> this is wrong if you throw the plate and say, this is not what i ordered. >> this is not acceptable. yesterday -- that's not going to fly with schwab. also in "pop news" if you think your significant other is a little territorial, trust me, it could be worse. this photo was posted to an join site, one girl's gift to her boyfriend. a t-shirt with her face on it. captioning on the t-shirt, if you're reading this, you're still close. i have a girlfriend. now, we're not sure of the circumstances leading up to this gift. but look closely at this guy's face. >> help me. help me now. get me out of this room and this relationship right now. that may be the thought bubble. >> you're saying i love it honey. >> america, save me. that's "pop news." we'll be right back.3 good morning. it's 8:27 on your monday, february 22nd. i'm jay siltzer. today the >> jay: good morning. it's 8:27 on monday, february 22. i'm jay siltzer. transylvania county man. 3 3 richard o'shields is charged in the 20-11 shooting death of toby mathis. months before mathis was shot and killed, he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of o'shields son. prosecutors say o'shields gunned mathis down at the dollar general in rosman in retaliation for his 3 closing arguments are set for today, in the trial of dynel lane. she's accused of attacking a pregnant woman from brevard, and cutting the unborn baby from her womb. prosecutors say lane lured michelle wilkins to her home in colorado in march of 20-15, using a craigslist-ad for maternity clothes. wilkins survived the attack, but her baby did not. 3 pickens county sheriff's deputies are investigating a homicide. deputies say a woman's body was found yesterday morning on a boat ramp at saluda lake. the morning on a boat ramp at saluda lake. townville, south carolina. no other information has been released at this time. 3 welcome back to "good morning america" on this monday morning. and we're counting down to oscar sunday. rachel smith helping us get red-carpet ready. showing great workouts stars use to get in shape. rachel, you have some high-tech gifts that can help us, too. right, rach. >> oh, yeah. sure do, robin. to keep me on the glam game, i'm rocking the new smartwatch from i just talked my bpm. it will clock my steps. 2,237 steps this morning. nice work. yeah, and other versions will allow you to call, text and e-mail from your wrist. it's pretty handy while working out. >> all right, already 2,000 steps. it's 8:30. not bad. she loves that move. >> she does. >> i do this, it's thousands of steps and you don't even have to move. how about we go back to africa? amy is getting ready, on the scene in tanzania. in africa's garden of eden. >> that's right. we're so excited to take you live with unprecedented access i'm here with dave salmoni. he'll be our tour guide tomorrow. he's a big guy. i'm standing on a box right now to be transparent here. dave and i actually went into the crater earlier this morning. it will live up to the hype. the whole point is to shed some light on so many animals threatened. t.j. holmes is at an orphanage where they care for rhinos. baby rhinos. t.j., over to you. >> hey, there, robach. i'm at the oldest game reserve in all of africa. take a look down here. those are two rhino calfs. the truth is, i'm sorry to have show those here, they're orphans. their moms were killed by poachers, after the coveted rhino horn. we have a crisis here with rhinos in africa. why? because of demand in asia they grind it down, put it in drinks use it as mary >> caller: medicine. the thing is, it has no use. study after study has proven in in fact it has no signcientific purpose or medical purpose. i want to show you how we can end this crisis. they would chew their own fingernails. it's made of care tin, same thing in your fingernails. it has no impact what soefr. it's a shame, robach, that we're driving an animal to the brink of extinction to the equivalent of fingernail clippings. >> it's a shame, the. j., but so important to shine the light on the problem. in fact, that's why we're here the threat to wild animals. dave, i want to talk to you about the impact. >> one of the biggest pressures that these species face is this what you have to do is partner with the local people living around this park. this is one of the first parks ever to partner with its local people. >> and case in point, perhaps, this park, the angora crater has the densest population of lions in the world. >> it's because -- you'll see it's gorgeous down there. a perfect place for them to be protected by this big crater and the fact there's lots to eat. >> you have gotten close with those lions. >> with some, yes. >> i feel very safe with dave by my side tomorrow, you will too, you'll be watching from the the comfort of your own home. it's going to be spectacular. something you have never seen before. >> we can't wait for that, amy. we'll show you the technology you can use to go live on safari. >> the oscars. bryan cranston is nominated for trumbo. he opened up about his humble beginnings and the role that could lead to hollywood gold. here here's a sneak peek. >> hello. >> hello. i didn't know you dine here. how are you? >> good to see you. congratulations. >> thank you. >> this is your'hood. >> it is. i live right around the corner. >> it has to be humbling to come back here, you're back here as oscar-nominated bryan cranston. >> that life is about as far away from the boy who was raised in this area, as you can get. i was not raised with the idea that you could achieve that. angeles suburb of cangog park. >> my dad was an actor. and he made his living getting a job here, getting a job there. sometimes doing fairly well. at other times, not so well. >> reporter: bryan walked to his elementary school every day. >> so, this is the auditorium. >> reporter: and it was here he decided to walk in his father's footsteps. his first performance would be a memorable one, but painfully so. about this tall. so, everything seems really big. >> yeah. >> you're supposed to say -- >> president lincoln will finish are writing the gettiesburg when he arrives back to washington. later on, i realized the power i mistakenly misplaced one word and that did this -- you expect home how wide medicine. >> reporter: bryan was the ultimate journeyman, appearing in dozen of tv shows and commercials. unlike his father, he considered himself bless, simply to be a working actor. your father wanted to be successful. he wanted to be a star. that did not happen for him. did that break him? >> i think it did. i think that his ego was inflated to the point where he felt that was what was important. >> is this your wife? >> yes. >> you understood what i just said to you? >> lung cancer. >> walter white is the reason i was able to become dalton >> all: surprise! >> reporter: bryan's portrayal of walter white was one of to crowning achievements of modern television. he'd never been cast without the advocacy of the show's creator. >> he was my champion, because the network and is the studio, they were like, wait a minute, you're talking about walter white being played by this silly dad from "malcolm in the middle." and vince to his great credit and my benefit said, he's an actor. this is what he does. he can do this. >> reporter: now an oscar-nominated movie star for his performance as black-listed screen writer "trumbo." >> you don't want your name on it? >> no, you don't want my name on >> it we should be able to embrace someone's different not take someone's point of view that differs from ours as a threat to my own point of view but to be intrigued by it. >> it is -- you just saw the movie -- >> i loved that movie. >> that's a snippet. you just root for bryan cranston. >> yes. >> he's in a tough category, voting is still going on. >> it's still going on? >> it doesn't end until tomorrow. that's just a snippet of what you'll see on the journey to on oscars, a special edition of "20/20" this friday at 10:00 p.m. eastern. we sit down with sylvester stallone and brie lawson. the oscars sunday night and the "good morning america's" big after-party show is monday morning. are you guys ready? >> ready. out to sam again. >> hey, robin, i invited a few the "20/20." welcome. massachusetts, right. this i already know. what brings you to times square? >> we were just here for the weekend. >> and come out and hang out with sam. let's get to the weather. we got a long strong area of thunderstorms today that dwoms in texas. tomorrow is worst. lake charles, right on the only of this. baton rouge, areas that could see some tornadoes today. atlanta, we're wet starting >> hi, how are you? here's what we're waiting for. best dog. america's loving dog. >> the five most favorite breeds in america. we'll count them down. >> we have been teasing it all morning long. lara, do you have your favorite. >> all of them. >> don't let lara take a dog home. let's start with the fifth most popular dog. >> the fifth most popular breed is the beagle. >> come on out, beagle. >> oh, they are cute. >> the best barker of the bunch. a true hound dog. keep him on a leash. >> why do they make great pets. >> because they're friendly, they get along great with kids. >> plus, they're super cute. they make weird barking sounds. >> number four. >> the fourth most popular pup is the -- >> the bulldog! i really did. >> america lost it bulldogs. they're sweet. they don't require a lot of exercise. they're great in the city or in the country. >> you got to love them. >> absolutely. they have an unique face. >> america, i'm not sure what you're seeing right now. but we're holding on the third spot is -- >> golden retriever. >> now, i would have thought this was our number one. >> they're super versatile. easy to train. they get along great with families. they're athletic. you know, obedience, agility. >> kids can do anything to them. your kids can ride them, pull their ears. they love it. second place goes to -- >> second place goes to the german shepherd. >> we have a puppy and an adult. they're great protective dogs. they do shed. they're wonderful with families and they're adorable when they're puppyiespuppies, right in? >> right. all right, be prepared for that. number one. >> number one. >> number one. >> the number one popular dog breed -- >> for 25 years in a row -- the labrador retriever. >> what makes a lab so popular for so long? >> because they're athletic, easy to train. they come in three great colors. people just love them. they're great with families. and they're beautiful. >> oh, look at him. i believe we have an award to present. >> america's most popular breed for 2015. >> do we want me to hold this. >> coming up, "good morning america" anchors, we need a job program here. >> we're switching jobs from morning to what's all this nonsense about balls? pink balls, blue, yellow, red. it's hard to keep the whole thing straight. and all these so-called deals? well, they come with a lot of deal breakers. the signal goes weak. u.s. cellular built a network to give you a stronger signal where the other guys don't. and as for deals? how's $300 back for every line you switch? $300! no ball nonsense. get $300 per line and a stronger signal, welcome to my house. i love "good morning america." this week, we're going from morning time to primetime. amy, first up. guest-starring in tonight's episode of "castle" here on abc. playing not amy. take a look. >> he's the author turned crime fighter in abc's hit show "castle." >> get on your knees. >> reporter: while a fan of watching the show from the comfort of home it's now my turn to star opposite of the "castle" stars. where i play a tv reporter. seems fitting. i arrive late in the evening ready for my close-up. first up, my very own trailer. >> your room is right over here. let me get the door for you. >> ooh. it says your character's name. >> reporter: it's very nice. look at this spacious couch. this is nice. i could get used to this. >> reporter: it's time for >> i have some ideas that tie into the color palette that we have used in the episode. >> come on in. come on in. yeah. >> reporter: first dress. >> kind of dull. >> reporter: but this next dress seems to be the winner. >> way better. >> reporter: something that you wear in a news room. now time to grab a bite to eat. let's see how good it is. post-dinner, i get dressed and it's time for the world to meet -- first, we head to set to film a secret scene. once we wrap, time to get ready for my big moment and i'm getting some coaching from the pros. >> with tv, it's simplicity and truth wins out. you're doing great. >> reporter: is it always this much fun? >> generally. >> reporter: always? >> it's still fun. >> just a fun wagon that just >> reporter: my cast mates take me on a tour of the set. but it's the interrogation room where my acting skills are really put to the test. >> the handsome stranger gave us a certain look. a look in her eyes that tell us, we could be a part of something together. then, you killed him, didn't you? >> finally it's time for me to channel my inner laila cam poe. here's a sneak peek of our scene. >> he had seniority over her. >> and buckley was missed. i can't believe he would kill her for that. >> reporter: what ends up happening to buckley in the end? well, you'll have to watch tonight to find find out. >> she's a natural. there she is. amy, great job. >> thank you. what they didn't show you my laughing disorder kicked into high gear when i got there. we had to do several scenes over. i hope they don't hold it against me. >> you can see amy on "castle" tonight on abc. her incredible safari live. steve: today is your lucky day. woman: (surprised) oh, my goodness mark: you've just won - a thousand dollars! woman: that's amazing! that's amazing! (shrieks) woman: ok, nice job. mark, way better than yesterday. maria, that delivery felt a little forced. and steve, steve: yeah? woman: pretty awesome for a tuesday, but tomorrow is hump day, so let's really bring it! lucky for life. win a thousand dollars a day, every day, for life. welcome back to "good morning america" in africa. in less than 24 hours, we'll take you right behind me, inside the angora gora crater. we're partnersing with im360 the virtual reality experience. you'll feel like you're there in the crater with me. we'll show you the whole pick and you can control what you see from home. this has never been done before. you guys have a demo on what people can do from the comfort of their couch. >> right now w this tablet, you're looking around at 360-degree view. as you're standing right there in africa amongst all these beautiful animals. >> oh, my gosh. >> there's no way you can do this. >> that's impossible. it's amazing. >> upclose and personal. a little baby elephant. >> oh, my goodness gracious. >> the im360 camera we have there in africa, has six lenses that shoot simultaneously and then their game-changing software stitches all of the footage together in realtime to >> like you're right "good morning america" is brought to you by university of phoenix. we rise. we want to thank these top dogs for joining us this >> have a great day, everyone.3 good morning. it's 8:56 on your monday, february 22nd. today, a major economic development announcement in henderson county. 3 3 governor pat mccrory will be on hand for the announcement at 4:30 this afternoon at the historic henderson county courthouse. last month, county commissioners approved a nearly 7 million dollar incentives package to bring in "g-f linamar", a car parts plant, to mills river. the company would invest 217 million dollars and create 350 new jobs. 3 we could learn more today new jobs. >> we could learn more today about duke energy's plan to with the state utilities commission will present their findings of duke's application to utility commissioners in raleigh. duke's application requested to build a third back up unit, along with two natural gas units. the utilities commission is expected to make a decision by march first. 3 the siberian husky that needed emergency surgery in asheville humane society posted on facebook that "claire's surgery on her lung was a success. and that she is breathing well on her own. her now week old puppies are in foster care. an online fundraiser has raised nearly 3- thousand dollars to help cover the cost of claire's surgery. in foster care. a fundraiser has raised nearly $3,000 to cover the cost of surgery. >> here's ingrid with the skywatch forecast. >> ingrid: a dense fog advisory for mcdowell and burke counties. we are seeing fog in our western zones. blow 2002 miles in andrews. you can see the fog from morganton to forest city and anderson visibility at one and a half miles. we saw light showers this morning. now just seeing the clouds and light rape in our rain in our southern counties. it's mild outside, 57 into the upstate. some locations close to 60 and we'll stay close to 60 that rain returns especially near [cheers and applause] >> announcer: it's snow day on rachael ray. >> rachael! >> rachael: whoa! >> announcer: who better to be snowed in with than kate hudson? >> you said what? >> announcer: what is cooler than that? "gma's" jesse palmer is star of snowboarding, but when it comes boss. >> hot mess. >> announcer: now, are you ready for rachael! [cheers and applause] happy snow day, people! [cheers and applause] >> rachael: now i know you think snow day, it's only for kid when is they call up, no. today is a grown-up snow day and we're standing behind an ice bar with global bartending champion, this is charles. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: nice to see you, brother. >> noise to see you, as well. >> rachael: what are you concocting for us today? >> nothing for me says lack of responsibility on snowy day like enjoying a cocktail to warm ourselves up a bit. >> rachael: what a great way to start the day. all right. you have three glasses, i told you that you had to be prepared for one extra. >> i did. you never know when company might come over. >> rachael: you will be happy you are here today. who wouldn't want to get snowed

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