Transcripts For WLOS First News At 5pm 20160209 : comparemel

Transcripts For WLOS First News At 5pm 20160209

continue. icy roads especially closer to elevations. 21 at 11. we'll have snow in our forecast, too. not nearly as much, though. i'll show you how much to expect. we go down the road and how windy it's going to get. stick around. >> tammy: it's providing a boost for local businesses. >> darcel: rex hodge is live. rex, tell us about the pros and cons. >> rex: well you know the roads can still be tricky out here. but the dot doing a good job on the main roads. like the smoky mountain expressway. some businesses up here and towns like maggie valley, they revenue. another snow day for kids to enjoy. snow on the slopes of cataloochee means attracting skiers and snow boarders. >> i saw it was snowing up here and said let's go take a day trip. >> going to make a profit by the end of the season? >> we'll be all right. anytime we get snow it energizes the guest. it's great to see the scenery out there. >> if cataloochee doesn't have them, we don't have them. we were absolutely devastated during the school break, during christmas and new year's. we have spring weather. >> rex: the snow is fueling mcilroy oil plans to catch up. >> i think the warm days made them forget about winter. now they're out and wanting it like that. >> conditions are great. >> rex: remains a matter of perspective. >> everybody come see us. >> rex: back here live. some snow still falling right now. so you have to be careful right now. much colder temperatures. be careful on the roads, especially on the bridges and the overpasses. be very careful for black ice. rex hodge, news 13. >> darcel: you can stay up to date on this latest round of winter weather by downloading our free weather app. it shows all warnings, advisories and alerts in your area. all you have to do is search wlos in your app store. >> tammy: new at 5, a mother dies in a mobile home in mcdowell county. the mother's best friend helped kim, where did the fire start? >> kim: tammy, it was in a wall between the bathroom and the bedroom where victims stephanie grindstaff ledford was sleeping. that was the front of the trailer. this is the back of the trailer where her bedroom was. we've now learned there was a working space heater in the bathroom they believe started the fire. >> what i saw she had burns on her face, all over her body. >> kim: 33-year-old stephanie was more than fiance's best friend. after a ct scan. >> that's when they told us she had no brain activity. >> i created a go fund me page. >> kim: the page jeremy is using to raise the $5,500 he needs for a proper funeral. >> stephanie would be so ecstatic just to know how many people really love her. >> i can't help her no more. >> kim: stephanie's best friend bri tried to go in and help her but the smoke was too much. >> i got them out. >> she lived for her boys. >> kim: the survivors, including stephanie's two boys, were sleeping on the other side of the trailer and were all able to escape. for more information on the go fund me link is on our website at coming up at 6 o'clock, we will rescues tried to get here to save stephanie were unsuccessful. kimberly king, news 13. >> darcel: we have new information surrounding a train collision in germany. the death toll in that crash is now at 10. two commuter trains hitting each other while on a curve. an automatic braking system helicopters and boats shuttle the injured passengers to awaiting ambulances. >> tammy: a girl was pulled from a toppled building following the earthquake over the weekend after being trapped for more than 60 hours. she's now receiving treatment in a local hospital. person being held on suspicion of negligent homicide. report sponsored by debruhl's used cars. >> tammy: haywood county, drivers are urged not to travel up to the top of soco mountain because there are slick spots reported this morning, still could be there this afternoon. >> darcel: state parks in north carolina set a new record last year. more than 17.3 million people visited the parks. that's an 11% increase from the year before. increased attendance, with a 48% jump of visitation. >> tammy: we do everything we can to avoid car crashes, so why wouldn't we do the same thing to avoid making bad repairs to our cars? what body shops and insurance companies may not want you to know if you're in a wreck. from unsafe parts to unsafe carolina are cutting corners at the risk of your safety while no one is watching. >> i started a campaign seven years ago to get shop licensed. you have to get your license to braid hair. and i've talked to house of representatives senators, and a car can go down the road at 150, like this car, 150-160 miles an hour, and you or myself tomorrow, with no expertise whatsoever, you can open a body shop tomorrow. >> tammy: part one in to collision care. what your rights are when it comes to choosing parts. your insurance company may not want to pay for. >> darcel: heading to the polls. the surprise gop winner and the >> tammy: how a local service ismany sides to basketball star an fashion icon russell westbrook. and with coverage in the middle of anywhere from u.s. cellular, he can find some new ones. like, farmer. russell's brussels. russell speaking. paleontologist. hashtag t-rex. park ranger. where am i? and t.v. spokesperson. that's my line. i got it. with u.s. cellular, you can do all the things you like, from the middle of anywhere. you're watching news 13 with darcel grimes, tammy watford, chief meteorologist jason boyer and on time traffic with jaclyn deaugustino. this is news 13 at 5:00. >> tammy: in vote 2016, it's >> darcel: residents are going to the polls to vote in the nation's first primary. marci gonzales has what to expect. >> reporter: voters making last minute decisions in these final hours. >> i honestly was not sure who i was going to vote for up to the very minute. >> reporter: candidates making the rounds, trying to round up last minute support and even a little luck. >> your father shook my hand and he won. your brother shook my hand and he won. >> reporter: donald trump went in to primary day the frontrunner in the polls. the small first precinct to cast and count ballots at midnight. >> i just ran in to the trumper, he said, "you killed me." >> reporter: independent voters. >> bernie sanders. looking at the republican side and democratic side, he was our choice. >> reporter: bernie sanders pulled ahead here in new hampshire. but hillary clinton says this is a fight to the finish. >> we're going to keep working literally until the last vote is cast. >> reporter: and the first polls tonight. some of the voters are so confident, they've already planned their victory party. >> tammy: after the new hampshire primary results are in, candidates will turn their attention more fully on the south carolinas. the republican primary is on february 20th. and the democratic decision day is february 27th. >> darcel: set for march 15th. >> tammy: we got to get through february 1st. >> jason: the snow continues for we'll talk about how much more to expect. and there will be accumulation even as far as asheville. 32 degrees for the high today. 18 degrees below average. 25 the low today. we're going colder than that. some of the data didn't come in but no rain officially or snow in asheville. resides. and the winds pick up. forecast. stick around for all the details. we have a busy day. we'll show you how to make chocolate bath salts and sugar scrub. closes and delays. now your news 13 skywatch weather. >> jason: impressive snow totals now coming in. we have snow all the way down in to georgia, in to upstate. certainly an interesting scenario right now. robbinsville over towards jenkins meadow, fairfax, we're getting light to moderate snow fall in these areas. three forks over in to haywood the higher elevations of haywood county, you're getting light to moderate snows. marshall, mars hill, revere, faust. moderate snow coming down in areas closer to the tennessee border. lighter snows but you're still getting some in to the western end of mcdowell. yancey and spruce pine involved. we already have five inches on the ground in spruce pine. down. snow showers in that area. accumulations will be minimal overall but you could get a dusting in some spots. impact forecast here. these are the mountain communities through tomorrow. higher elevations, snow impact. of course moderately high. the same for the wind. the same for the cold and the same for the black ice. that's where you're going to find the worst conditions down about as high as the mountains for the wind because it's going to pick out. that means bitterly cold. and black ice will become an issue. 25 degrees in asheville under cloudy skies. look at this wind chill, 14. the wind chill at mitchell was 20 below last time i checked. several disturbances here all rotating or pinwheeling. this continues that northwest flow for the area. with the northwest wind, we continue to add the snow up and that relentless wind pattern will continue in to the morning. we'll continue with the snow chances all the way in to late morning for the mountains. midnight tonight still snowing heavily over the mountains. starting to break up a little bit towards day break. notice the blue start to shrink in coverage. the wind will stay with us and very, very low in the teens and single digits. could get another two to four inches here. the higher elevations. marshall, burnsville, bakersville. hi, tammy. we get a half inch to an inch. she didn't even know she just walked in front of the camera. >> tammy: hi, jason. >> jason: how are you doing? could see wind chills as low as 15 below in some of these places across the mountains. 15 degrees in asheville tonight. teens in many mountain communities. 20s over the upstate for lows. highs in the 20s. it will be very cold in the mountains. we go a little warmer thursday-friday before another blast of cold settles in for valentine's day. that time will stay dry. better chances of wintery weather by next monday. >> darcel: still to come, letting caregivers take a break. offering a little relaxation. we had to have carpet removed and dry wall removed as well. >> tammy: and a local after school program shut down after recent heavy rain. at steve: today is your lucky day. woman: (surprised) oh, my goodness mark: you've just won - a thousand dollars! woman: that's amazing! that's amazing! (shrieks) woman: ok, nice job. mark, way better than yesterday. maria, that delivery felt a little forced. and steve, steve: yeah? woman: i am still missing that raw emotion. woman: pretty awesome for a tuesday, but tomorrow is hump day, so let's really bring it! lucky for life. win a thousand dollars a day, >> tammy: studies show caregivers often die before the dementia patients they care for. caregivers need a break to stay strong. >> reporter: care partners adult day services for 83-year-old bob mayer have now turned to adult night service. with on site respite care in asheville. >> caregivers they need a break sometimes. they need to be able to get a couple nights good sleep. they need to be able to go to a family reunion. go to a wedding. >> when i need to go and want to go visit the children and grandchildren, i can't travel anymore. so that's where i use the respite. >> now retired chemical engineer. >> a chance for me to get out and visit other people. >> sometimes i actually look forward to it, especially if they've stayed here before and they know they're not going to it took a lot of guilt away pretty quickly because i knew he was in good hands. it was instant. >> reporter: gives the opportunity to rejuvenate and face the obstacles of memory loss. >> tammy: private pay overnight respite care at care partners is $150. >> darcel: legislation is in the works for medicaid to help cover the cost. it's like going to school but there's no homework or work. >> tammy: but that doesn't mean next in never stop learning, >> darcel: another snow day for kids in buncombe county, so that means many of them take part in the ymca's program. >> tammy: a full day of fun activities. take a look at that. valentine's day theme. i love it. it's just one of the activities they're joy enjoying at sand hill elementary school. it's the school's out after school program. that means students from a number of different schools are they say it's a great day to make friends. >> when i come i have friends. >> when you ask them how old they are, then you learn something there. when you ask them questions and they answer you, then you learn. >> you have to share with people or, like, in the game of dodge ball, you have to be a good sport. >> take your ears, you're going to glue them at the top of your puppy dog. >> tammy: students say they always have fun and look forward to those snow days. but they have a feeling tomorrow it's going to be back to class and that means homework. >> darcel: they're not going to like making up those snow days. >> tammy: hopefully they won't have to. >> darcel: oh, they will. coming up, punishment handed down to duke energy. >> tammy: how much the company is getting fined for coal ash spills. news 13 at 5:30 starts now. >> jason: and we continue to beat the snow drum. look at this, snow. blowing around in the high country.

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