Transcripts For WLFL Teen Kids News 20160904 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WLFL Teen Kids News 20160904

based on a 2,000-calorie diet per day. but that does not apply to everybody. your nutritional needs might be different. your caloric needs might be different based on your activities. so, if you want to find out what your caloric needs are, you should visit, where you'll be able to calculate your calories based on your activities and based on your nutrient needs. >> so, once i've calculated how many calories are right for me, let's say, for lunch? >> well, we think of each meal to be around 600 calories. so, what you would like to do when you're packing your lunch is think of substituting white bread with whole-wheat bread and pita bread. make sure you're including fruit, and you want your lunch to add up to around 600 calories. >> okay, how about snacks? what should i think about when i'm choosing a snack? >> there are many healthy and fruits are really good, but, again, you have to think about the serving size. please look at the serving size at the back of the packet, because you really want to limit yourself to no more than one serving size. the best way of doing this is by packing, like measuring out a single serving in resealable bags or in tiny tupperwares so that you can control your serving size. >> how about those times when you can't look at a nutrition label, like when eating at a restaurant? how can we tell what meals are healthy and which aren't? >> many restaurants now have their menus and nutrlitiona facts already up on their website. so, before you go out to eat, you might want to go online and see if the restaurant offers that. and if they do, you want to take look at the menu and see what items on their menus. and i know that the fast-food places, most of them already have the information up, so you should really pay attention to the calories and fats when you go out to eat. >> and how about grocery shopping? what should we look for? >> if you're shopping for, for example, frozen pizza, you want to look for those items that have low sodium, low fat, and generally low in calories. if it's canned fruit, you want to look for low-sugar canned-fruit items. and definitely you want to go to the produce aisle and the fruit aisle. >> by mentioning the produce and fruisles, sharmi ist ai reminding us to buy fresh veggies and fruit. sharmi, thanks for your time. those are great tips. >> thank you very much. >> "everything in moderation" is a phrase that comes from ancient greece. it means, as long as you don't overdo it, you should be okay. while that's certainly not true about everything, it is a balanced diet. sure, it takes a little extra effort to read those labels, but living a longer, healthier life is worth it, isn't it? i think so. >> ever hear the saying "all's fair in love and war"? well, i'll tell you why that's >> most of us have never experienced what it's like to be in a war. and hopefully we never will. the world aren't so lucky. for them, war is a very real danger. and that's where the american red cross plays a vital role. the red cross helps educate people that whether you're a soldier, prisoner of war, or a civilian, you should have certain rights and protections. it's all part of what's called "international humanitarian law." alexa found out more about that law through a special red cross program for teens. >> okay, just so we're all on the same page, let's make sure we agree on what the word "humanitarian" means. >> humanitarian? when you're for the good of the people? >> humanitarian? isn't that like someone who's really into, like, human rights, something like that? >> it's like what should be done, like, morally. >> humanitarian is someone who thinks about other people's feelings and other people, the people around them. >> it has to do with, like, human rights and, like, just like causes and stuff. like, my mom does a lot of humanitarian stuff. >> humanitarian can mean two things. one, it could be the person who helps to alleviate human suffering. or it can be the act of helping out people in need. >> and she should know. amanda works for the american red cross. so, what is international humanitarian law? >> international humanitarian law, also sometimes known as the geneva conventions, are basically the rules of war. >> and what's happening today? >> today is something that we call "raid cross." it is a series of simulations that teaches young people about the rules of war. so, the idea is that there are two opposing armies -- one, the haddarian army and the other one is the deldarian army, and they've been in conflict for a long time. the point of having two separate armies is a way that we can show simulations with prisoners of war and humanitarian workers, and >> can i join in? >> absolutely! >> so, i joined the group haddarians, and we got ready for things to begin, which they did, with a bang. >> every one up!t' les go! let's go! stand upget up!! >> so, the first simulation that we do is called "prisoners of war," and what we do is we sort of surprise the students. they're not anticipating it. we take away their rights to food and water and their ability to contact their family members. we make them do push-ups and sit-ups, and we run them around, >> ten jumping jacks -- let's go. repeat after me. first came the soldiers. >> first came the soldiers. >> then came the sailors. >> then came the sailors. >> jumping jacks -- let's go. then came the prisoners of war. >> then came the prisoners of war. >> and the whole concept is to teach them that prisoners have rights, as well, and that they are allowed to get in touch with their family members. they are allowed to speak to the international committee of the red cross. >> at first it was a little bit actually realized that it stood for something. like, r examfople, the push-ups were representing, like, torture and physical activity. and then later we learned that that was actually violating the geneva laws that are human rights. >> next, we learned about humanitarian assistance. >> this activity teaches students about what it feels like to be a humanitarian-aid worker. so, instead of being members of the haddarian army, they are now members of the international committee of the redro >> the mission is to carry a box of supplies through a dangerous area. >> okay, put it down. put it down. wait, wait, wait. hold it and then lift your right leg up. >> uh-huh. >> and, cybil, there's a chair next to you. >> the people behind the first person in line had to give directions on how to navigate through the field without hitting any of the mines, and once the person did they would have to pass the coat and the package and the blindfold to >> you're dead. [ laughter ] >> i was up next. with a lot of help from my teammates, i made it safely through. but it didn't end there. the border guard didn't seem to care that i was a humanitarian-aid worker. >> who are you? >> uh, alexa. >> what are you guys doing here? >> i'm delivering this package. >> what's in it? >> um... >> what's this cross? what is this? >> we're with the red cross. >> what is that? i don't know what that is. >> i think your government allo >> no, they didn't. we don't know anything about you. what are you guys doing? >> what did you learn from this? >> that it's really difficult to even work in the red cross because when you visit different places, there's always danger and sense of unfamiliarity, and you're not always treated likey. >> so, here's a question. you come across two soldiers from opposing armies. both are wounded. who do you help first? we'll find out the answer when ?? >> there's been a battle! many people are injured! come! come! >> we're at a special program run by the american red cross. it's called "r"aid cross. we're learning that there are rules that must be followed in warfare. and for this exercise, we have to hurry to help the injured. >> we call this our wounded soldier simu the idea behind this is that we want to teach the students about the priorities of those who are wounded and that it's actually not based on which army you're on, which side you believe in. >> so you're expected to help the soldiers that aren't on your side? >> absolutely. so, after a soldier has stopped fighting and has put down their weapons, they now have certain rights because they are not actually engaged in the conflict treated the same as the soldiers on your side. so, in this activity you guys are soldiers. you're part of the haddarian army. and i'm going to hand out weapons. you're only allowed to stand from here back. and take a look. take a couple minutes to see which target you actually aim, plan to hit. you're not going to throw every ball at every target, because then you're going to hit all of them, right? so, you want to be able to see the pictures first. see who you're hitting before you make that decision, 'cause it's a big decision, right? this activity, called "artillery," is a scenario where the students throw all different size of weapons. they're just small balls ranging to large, at photos that represent either soldiers or civilians. and the idea is that sometimes the targets are people who we mean to hit, and sometimes it's other civilians who are not involved in the conflict. >> i'm going to aim for the guy in the trees. >> okay. students about the idea that some people get hurt when maybe they're not intended to be hurt. >> so, i tried aiming for a war tank and ended up accidentally hitting over another image that contained two soldiers trying to help out a friend. so, it really shed some light on the perspective that soldiers have to go through every single day when they are trying to aim for a certain target in a battlefield. [ gavel bangs ] >> this is the trial for the international committee of the red cross into the international criminal court. >> the last exercise in the program is a trial for those accused of committing war crimes. >> you're all being held accountable now for the actions that you made throughout the day. >> so, why is there a trial? >> the students need to know that there are rules to international humanitarian law, and if they break those rules they need to be held accountable. >> so, what did you think of the raid cross program? >> well, i think it was really great. >> in this program, i was a captive soldier. i learned how it was like to be a prisoner at war and the advantages and disadvantages i had. >> so, overall it was very eye-opening. >> the red cross was created over 150 years ago because of the need for humanitaria during wartime. today, the american red cross continues this mission by inspiring our generation, encouraging us to not only learn about international humanitarian law but to respect and support it. for "teen kids news," i'm alexa. away. >> ever take a close look at your state flag? you should because you might be surprised at how much you can learn from it. ?? >> in 1803, president jefferson made one of the greatest land deals in history. the size of the united states. eventually, the area would make up all or part of 15 new states, including kansas. kansas is a flag meant to represent manifest destiny. there are three separate images of people on the flag, all moving westward. >> manifest destiny was the belief that american expansion across the continent was both inevitable and justifiable. >> in the foreground, you see a farmer plowing his land. just beyond a wagon train, also heading west. in the backgund you see native americans hunting bison. there's also a steamboat on the kansas river meant to represent commerce. life for the pioneers was not easy, and the state motto is "ad astra per espera," which means "to the stars through difficulties," which is certainly a reference to how hard it was to settle the land. >> within the state seal, 34 stars represent kansas' place is a blue-and-gold band meant to reference the french and the louisiana purchase. >> and at the very top is the state flower -- the sunflower. believe it or not, in kansas, it used to be illegal to serve ice cream on cherry pie. i have no idea why. if you know, send us an e-mail at [email protected]. with "flag facts," i'm veronique. >> can you tell when your dog is playing and when he's not? eden found out how to tell the >> back with us again are the dog gurus, robin bennett and susan briggs. hi, guys. >> hey, it's great to be back. >> thanks for having us again. >> there are times i'll be playing with my dog, and i'll throw a ball or a stick, and he'll get it and bring it back. but when i go to take it from his mouth, he growls and won't let it go. is that part of the game, or is he not playing? >> well, the answer so often to questions is, it depends. it really depends on what the dog's body is telling you. and kind of wary about you taking it, or is he wiggly and kind of inviting you, "hey, take this and throw it for me again"? it really depends on which way the dog's body is telling you he's feeling. >> so, susan, how do i take something from his mouth without angering him? >> what we like to do is set up a trade. so, you're not really taking something. you're giving him something he likes even better -- so, maybe a tasty treat or a chew bone. offer that, and when he goes for it, then you can take the toy or the bone, or maybe even your sock, whatever the dog has that you're wanting to get away from him. >> oh, very interesting. so, the old, fast switcheroo. >> exactly. >> well, that's great information. thanks, robin and susan, for joining us. >> you're welcome. have a great time with your dog. >> thanks for having us. >> for more tips on learning to read your dog's body language, visit our website... >> this important message is brought to you by the national road safety foundation. "dancing with the stars." i'll tell you about a dance team called "shooting stars." "teen kids news" will be right >> dance is often called "poetry in motion." it takes grace, timing, and hard work -- lots of hard work. but as emily reports, joining a competitive dance team can be a life-defining experience. ?? performing-arts company is a dance program that prides itself on empowering young women. >> we really focus on girl power and teamwork, and we're building leadership skills all through dance. >> located in new york city, the company offers after-school classes, summer intensives, and competitive teams for all dance styles. >> i really wanted to dance, and i was only 6 years old, so my mom put me into dance, and i was hooked ever since. just learning how to move your body. >> it helps with skills in a lo. of >> obviously, dancing is fitness, so you work out, and that's good for your body. i also think that i learn a lot of leadership skills here and also a lot of responsibility and obviously like picking up choreography. so, that definitely helps me in school. >> dancing for a competitive group like shooting stars also gives these girls a much needed break from the constant pressures at school. >> the biggest thing is providing such an outlet for these girls in the city. they have such crazy, busy lives, and to be able to come for an hour to four hours and just forget about all of that and grow and dance with your sisters is an amazing thing. >> absolutely, i come to dance really to get relief from the stress of everyday life. especially being a junior in high school, it's very hectic, and i to comedance really to st ljuet go and get all of my energy out. >> classes are open to girls of >> they're led by professional dancers who take time out of their schedules to teach. >> they stole my heart. i love their dedication. i love the motivation that they have, the support that they show one another, and i'm just -- i don't feel like i'm going to work when i come here. >> ? started from the bottom, now we here ? ? started from the bottom ? >> shooting stars have been riding high, performing at high-profile locations like madison square garden and brooklyn's new barclays center. >> ? shooting stars ? >> i think competitions are definitely a highlight and watching the company grow from 10 girls on a team to 25, it's been a really amazing experience. >> a few years ago we placed number-one overall-highest score at competition. it was like the biggest deal,d t aned. ?? >> of course, it's a long road from taking your first dance >> really, it takes commitment and drive and energy and just like a love of dance itself. >> i think anybody could be a dancer. i think if you're passionate about something and it's in your heart, then it's absolutely something that anyone could do. >> i would say go as hard as you can, go to your full potential, and the results will show. >> come on! come do it. don't be shy. don't be scared. dance helps you in so many ways. it helps you with sports. it helps you with your self-esteem. it helps with so many aspects of your life. [ crowd cheers ] >> if you're interested in learning to dance or joining a team, go online and check out dance teams in your area. for "teen kids news," i'm emily. >> that wraps it up for this edition of "teen kids news." - up next on eco company - the future of the automobile and it may mean pulling up to a pump like this. - there's enough hydrogen produced in the u.s. to fuel millions and millions of vehicles today. the difference is we now need to bring it to a retail environment. - [voiceover] why the fuel in these pumps is better for the planet. - then, a quiet ride. no, not a luxury car, we're talking buses. llution is zero. we start the bus up in the mornings, you barely can even know the bus is running. - [voiceover] are these the buses of the future? they're here now, and we take a ride. - and, powering our homes. you guessed it, clean energy for the future. - this isn't something that might happen, or that could happen. this is something that is happening now.

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Geneva , Genè , Switzerland , United States , New York , Louisiana , Kansas , Kansas River , France , Greece , Americans , French , American , Madison Square , Robin Bennett , Susan Briggs ,

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