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Little too quickly, and she cant see whats coming. . . [ zing crash ] cut nice of all the scenes shot that one with the cakes. Okay, here we go. Standing by, everybody. This is it. This is the big one. Action . . I was holding a cake, and i kind of demonstrated how, like, when you cant see, youre gonna crash, and so i got the cake all over me. It was a good example of what smaller metaphor of what an accident could be with a collision with two cakes instead [ splat ] and i was completely covered in vanilla frosting. I think it was a pretty fun way to display a pretty serious situation. Okay, we got it the bottom line if you slow down and make sure you have proper line of sight, blind curves and hills should be a piece of cake. And you can check out the finished video at teenlane. Org. For teen kids news, im nicole. [ engine starts ] [ engine revving ] [ horn honks ] hey oh [ click ] whoohoo [ horn honks ] [ clicking ] its a painful subject for might help. For too many kids, bullying is an ugly fact of life. Experts say one in five High School Students are bullied on school property. That doesnt even count what happens at the i mall orn thene ighborhood. Then add in bullying by text and online. Clearly, bullying is an issue. And, as monika reports, in a program is taking center stage. Outside, it looks like just another day at the h. C. Crittenden middle school. But inside, the students are getting ready for a special performance. . . . Summers over, and you know what that means . . Were going back to school . The new kid is an antibullying musical. Its an hour long, and it stars kids in all of the roles, which watching so that they can relate to it. And it tells a story of zack, a new kid at a middle school, and the challenges he faces trying to fit in with the other kids. . Im the new kid . . Like i dont even have a name . . But i think i know this games first rule . . They say, hey, you, kid . . And even though im shy . . I just look up and say hi . . Real cool . Well, there are these four groups, and everyone is supp to belong to one of them. And theres the brainiacs, who wear blue, and they are, like, the smart girls in the school. And theres the mods, who wear yellow, and theyre the popular and the mean girls. And the geeks wear purple, and theyre, obviously, the geeky boys. And the gangstas are two boys and one girl, and they push everyone around and they have to wear red. [ rapping ] . This heres shawn, and shes my main man . . You mess with her, youll be and im samantha, and i wear black because i got kicked out of being in any of the groups. . Popular . . Youre not popular . . Ooh, what you wouldnt trade if you want to absolutely have it made and be popular . . Oh, so popular . . Its the greatest feeling in the world . Random farms kids theater produces the show. They stage performances at various local schools. You see thos se kidover there . The brainiacs doing homework during recess. The audience is both entertained and educated. They learn that bullying can take many different forms for example, making kids do things that are just plain wrong. Because they dont know you and you can get close, is to copy the homework and get it back to me by the end of the day. Dre, the bully, he gives zack, the main character, three tasks. And the first one is that he has to copy homework from another and then the second test was that he had to kiss a girl a girl that he didnt really know, he had just met a few minutes ago. I love your nails are you gonna kiss me or what . I. Guess. . Should i take out my gum . The third test is that zack has to beat up a geek named louis. And hes not really comfortable doing that because its one of his really good friends, so its kind of a very uncomfortable situation. Maybe in real life, things dont always work out, but they do in the play. Everyone realizes that to be themselves, its better than just to be fake. And no matter if someone doesnt like you, just be true to yourself and stay with who you really are. . . [ cheers and applause ] even when the curtain comes down, its not over. An important part of the program is what happens next the cast comes back out onstage, them questions. I think the audience is getting how were trying to tell them a very important lesson about bullying. So when were giving it to them, theyre gonna say, oh, maybe i was being a bully. What is a bully . Or who is a bully . I love seeing, you know, like, how the kids react to the show, cause i really love it how theyre like, oh, my god you know, i really was moved, and stuff. And, you know, its great that were actually, like, making a change or a difference in what kids think. Some of the cast members were once in the audience themselves. I decided to join the play because it really sent out a good message when i first saw it, and it was something that ive always wanted to do because ive been bullied myself. After the show, students told us theyre more determined than ever to stand up to bullying. Theres even a term for it being an upstander. An upstander is somebody who takes a stand for someone whos being bullied. And they dont just stand by we can go tell an adult or we can say stop. Theyve got the right idea. If we had a lot more upstanders, wed have a lot fewer bullies. Cheerleading requires much more than just chanting and waving pompoms. Many of the stunts are similar to gymnastics and just as dangerous. In fact, cheerleading causes about 37,000 visits to the emergency room each year. To increase safety, the American Academy recommends that cheerleading be considered a sport, not just an activity. Designating it a sport means that coaches would be required to undergo additional training, and that would reduce the number of injuries. Three cheers for that. Weve got lots more to tell you about on teen kids news. Speak of the week is when we get to hear what you have to say. When it comes to paper money, all the bills printed by the u. S. Government have at least two things in common theyre all the same size, and and they all portray images of men. Well, the treasury is planning to change that. By the year 2020, they intend to put a woman on the 10 bill. What do you think of that idea . I think thats a great idea. I think its time that we have a woman on a, like, any bill. As long as it doesnt know, increase the price of [laughing] the currency you know, if the currency is still valued the same, its. Fine i think there definitely should be a woman on the 10 bill because there isnt a lot of female representation in the government, so yeah. I dont think its necessary. Its part of our history and doesnt really need to be changed. I think they should because, you know, theres just been men on it for the whole time, and as, you know, our society just about everyone agrees that women have earned a place on our currency. Here are some of the names being considered. Sacagawea, the shoshone woman who helped guide the lewis and clark expedition. Susan b. Anthony and alice stokes paul. They were suffragettes who campaigned for women to have the right to vote. Harriet tubman also fought for womens suffrage, but shes better known for helping africanamericans escape southern slavery. Rosa parks refused to give her seat on an alabama bus to a white passenger, earning the title the first lady of civil rights. Two women on the short list were fliers amelia earhart, the first woman to cross the atlantic solo, and sally ride, americas first female in space. So, who would you like to see on the 10 bill . Well, a name thats been going around a lot is rosa parks, and i think thats a great one, cause, like, it would be a woman and also a black person, too, so i think thats great. I think harriet tubman. Mrs. Obama . I think it should be Eleanor Roosevelt or harriet tubman. Well, like i dont know. Im sure theyll pick anyone good. I think Eleanor Roosevelt should be on the 10 bill. I know id nominate my mom. I feel like shes a good, strong figure. [ laughs ] every mother should have such a loving son. And while many of us may want to nominate our own moms, the treasury is looking for women whove had more of a, lets say, historical impact, particularly on democracy. And one more thing they cant still be living. Currently on the 10 bill is alexander hamilton. Whether hell be replaced by or joined by a woman is still up in the air. By the way, women havent always been given short shrift on our paper money. More than 100 years ago, the treasury printed bills sporting pictures of pocahontas and martha washington. Since then, the only women celebrated on our currency were on coins. But as bob dylan wrote, the and frankly, its about time. With speak of the week, im eric. Global warming is melting the sea ice in the arctic, and thats putting animals like the walrus in danger. Sea ice is critical for all parts of a walruss life. Females give birth and raise their pups on the frozen expanse. Adults use the ice as a diving platform to go after the fish that they need to survive. And that, strangely, brings me to lewis carroll, author of alice in wonderland. Almost 150 years ago, he wrote whats called nonsense verse. Surprisingly, some of it seems to be coming true. Pigs still dont fly, but our and thats not nonsense. Its actually something we have theres an entire History Lesson in a state flag. You just need to know what to look for. In 1681, the king of england gave land in the new world to an englishman named william penn. Since the area was rich in forests, it was named pennsylvania, which is latin for penns woods. Pennsylvania is a wonderful agricultural state. Actually 30 of the state is considered agricultural land. And thats represented on the state seal, and the state seal there are corn stalks, there are sheaves of wheat, there are plows, and then above all this is a ship, and thats meant to represent the importance of philadelphia as a port city. The flags blue background represents loyalty and justice. Its the same color blue found on the american flag, which originated in pennsylvania. Well, june 14th is flag day in the united states, and thats because in 1777 the Continental Congress met in they accepted the firstever american flag. The declaration of independence and the constitution were also written in pennsylvania. Despite these contributions to our federal system, pennsylvanians did not want any government to have unlimited powers over their state. So, emblazoned across their state flag for all to see is the motto, virtue, liberty, and independence. And heres another influence pennsylvania had on colonial america. When william penn drafted the states first constitution, he included religious freedom for all. That provision became the model for one of our nations most precious rights. With flag facts, im harry. [ bat cracks ] [ cheers and applause ] walkoff home runs are always very dramatic for any baseball team. A walkoff home run is when a team wins a game on a home run in the teams final atbat. Now, this has happened twice in world series play to win a in 1960, where in the bottom of the 9th of game 7, pirates second baseman Bill Mazeroski hit a home run off yankees relief pitcher ralph terry. That was the Pirates Third world series crown. In 1993, the Toronto Blue Jays won their second consecutive world series on a walkoff, threerun, world serieswinning home run by joe carter. Im matt with teen kids news. Are you dreaming of a White Christmas . If youve never actually had a White Christmas, dont feel bad. Neither have a lot of people. For example, 95 of the people in india have probably never seen snow. Thats more than a billion people. Using weather conditions, a world almanac, and logic, one enterprising person came up with a global estimate. Almost half the people on our planet 46 have never had an upclose and personal encounter with the fluffy white stuff. This report is brought to you by allstate insurance. Allstate is out with its annual best drivers report. Roadway fatalities are at their highest point in nearly a decade. Our best drivers report looks at collision trends from across the country with a goal of raising the public discussion on safe driving. So who takes the top spot . This year, brownsville, texas, is americas safest driving city, followed by kansas city, kansas, and madison, wisconsin. Allstate reminds all drivers to keep a tasafe disnce, lim distractions, and never drink and drive. For more, go to learning how to create things with balloons is a great skill to have. Its also a great way for a teen to make some extra money. Sandi masori, americas top balloon expert and author of the diy balloon hat bible, shows us how. So, youve said that a great place for a teen to set up to sell balloons is in a public place, like a park. What do you think is the best sculpture to make there . I, personally, love hats. Hats are so visual, so colorful, and they become a walking advertisement. Right. And the thing is being an entrepreneur is not just having the skills to make money, but also knowing its a little bit of marketing knowing where to go. Right, so, a park is a great enough . I mean one, if youve got a good visual when you pull in, you can see if theres kids there. But another way to know is if theres an Ice Cream Truck there. Or if theres several Ice Cream Trucks there. Theres some parks in my area where there are like three or four Ice Cream Trucks because theyre so busy, so you know theres gonna be a ton of kids there. And oon asas s you make the first balloon hat and a kid walks away with it, youre gonna draw a crowd. So, you might even, you know, call a kid over and make the first one for free not looking for tips or like that. Because theyre gonna be your billboard to get you more. So, im gonna show you just a simple hat twoballoon hat. Really effective but really simple. So, we start with a fully inflated balloon. It has a good burp. Let some air out so its not too tight. And were gonna put a bubble in the end, and then im gonna wrap it around your head. We always want to measure the head of the person were gonna put it on. And then im just gonna squeeze and twist. So this is what i would call a basic stick hat. Right . We just have the stick going up, balloon and im just gonna twist make a little bubble and twist it onto the stick or the bubble at the bottom of it. And now im gonna spiral these two together, just like that. And squeeze and twist, and im gonna bring this extra piece here to the back of the hat. Im gonna make a bubble. And squeeze and twist. And then im just gonna kind of bend it a little bit and shape it. And so here we have something thats really fast, easy, fun, and will bring a crowd to you. Cool and there are countless hat designs. Theyre only limited by your imagination. And skill. For teen kids news, im emily. That wraps up our show. Be sure to tune in to teen kids news again next up next on eco company. Birds of prey. Were talking owls, and hawks, and eagles and this is a very, very powerful weapon. [voicover] these teams visit a Raptor Rescue Center and learn how they help farmers and local ecosystems. Then, into the lab. But not just any lab, this ones all about green chemistry. U. S. Every year its a huge number [voiceover] we learned how green chemistry can help us and the planet stay healthy. Plus, an amazing teen with a passion for the planet. So this is an event dedicated for kids where kids can come and showcase what theyre doing and learn about the ways they can take action. [voiceover] hes the founder of the green kids conference and a lot more we sit down with him to learn all about his passion

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