Transcripts For WKYC Today 20161119 :

Transcripts For WKYC Today 20161119

highways and causing at least two deaths and dumping up to 2 feet of snow. it is heading for the northeast and what could be a busy pre-thanksgiving travel weekend. dr. phil under fire accused of exploitation for airing an interview with shelly duvall. >> the man who threatened me is the sheriff of nottingham. >> the former star admitting she is mentally ill. spoiler alert. the man who says he still doesn't know who won the election. how has he avoided hearing? why is he doing it? when does he plan to learn who won? we will talk to him live. today, saturday, november 19th, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" live from studio welcome to "today" on this saturday morning. i'm sheinelle jones with stephanie ruhle and dylan dreyer and jose here for craig. welcome back. >> thank you. it's thrilling to be back. >> do we believe this man doesn't know? >> i hope he didn't see the open. >> if you live in a rural area and no tv. >> it is probably refreshing to life. >> i think he wants to find out let's get to the top story. that is president-elect trump meeting with one of the harshest critics today. mitt romney. the day after vice president-elect pence went to see the show "hamilton." nbc's kelly o'donnell is near the president-elect as golf club. >> reporter: jose. this is new jersey. meetings including one with the high profile critic and the team briefs reporters on the transition with just eight weeks to go. the motorcade pulled in to what may soon be known as the jersey white house. trump's weekend home. at his golf resort to work on transition plans. today's big meeting could be awkward. >> here's what i know. donald trump is a phony. a fraud. >> reporter: eight months ago, mitt romney led the charge against trump's candidacy with a whithering takedown. their relationship that once included a nomination in 2012 unravelled. >> mitt romney choked. pure and simple. he choked like a dog. >> reporter: but today, trump will host romney for a private fence mending meeting. romney may have opened the door. the meeting is more about interview. friday, the president-elect filled three positions. attorney general. senator jeff sessions. trump advisors defended the pick sending praise from fellow senators who need to confirm sessions. 30 years ago, sessions was blocked from becoming a federal judge after making racially charged comments. sessions denied that. trump turned to congress for cia director. kansas congress member mike pompeo. he was on the benghazi committee. and security adviser, another confidant. lieutenant general michael flynn. meanwhile, vice president-elect mike pence enjoyed down time taking in "hamilton" on broadway. his arrival getting mixed reviews. [ boos and applause ] >> reporter: and later, there at that broadway show. the star of "hamilton" playing aaron burr, brandon dixon addressed the vice president-elect. >> we, sir, we are the diverse america who are alarmed and anxious that your administration will not protect us. our planet, our children, our parents defend us and uphold inn ail able rights. we hope you work on behalf of all of us. all of us. >> reporter: so an extra monologue about inclusion for those attending the broadway show. of course, jose, the vice president-elect is head of the transition and is part of the meetings this weekend. jose. >> kelly, thank you very much. that was an unusual thing that happened on broadway. something only the "hamilton" crew could pull off. extraordinary. let's turn to philip rucker. the national correspondent for "the washington post." we have to talk about mitt romney and donald trump spending the weekend together. in terms of his policies, he is moderate than the picks we have seen from donald trump already. there is no love lost. if you said about trump during the campaign. unqualified and phony. let's assume they bury the hatchet this weekend. is he qualified for the job? >> he is qualified for the job. he would be a cerebral statesman that donald trump is considering. one difference is the views on russia. you may remember the 2012 campaign. romney called russia our number trump wants to mend fences. >> let's talk about the other names out there. former mayor rudy giuliani. john bolton, former ambassador to the u.n. and nikki haley. a rising star in the republican party. a new governor of south carolina. >> nikki haley is the most intriging of the names. she doesn't have the tradition al foreign policy c. she can promote trump's vision. she doesn't have her hardened world view like john bolton does. >> let's talk about attorney general. jeff sessions from alabama. for the cia director, mike pompeo from kansas. both of these jobs need to get confirmed. which of the gentlemen will have a tougher time? >> clearly jeff sessions will have a tougher time in the senate. democrats are already crying foul pointing to a record of statements. that is what derailed jeff sessions for a federal judgeship in 1986. we will see that revived. >> phil, this is for me. it speaks to what we heard from the "hamilton" cast. donald trump says he wants to be a president for all americans. we look at the first five appointments. they are all white guys. do we think trump will mix it up? >> i certainly there are women under consideration. nikki haley would be an indian-american. historic pick. there's an african-american gentleman. mr. woodson is meeting with mr. trump today to talk about the secretary of hud job. right now, it is white men. three if you include the vice president-elect, are named mike. >> they are hard core donald trump loyalists. phil, thank you. friday, a major turn around by president-elect trump. he settled the lawsuit against trump university. he is set to enter office with questioning about conflicts of interest with the duties of his job and business ventures. nbc's tammy leightner has more. >> reporter: we are at the crown jewel of trump tower. you know, the trump brand really is yw happen to that brand once he takes office. a trump about-face. on friday, the president-elect agreed to settle the $25 million lawsuit against trump university. alleging fraud. after insisting all along he was not going to give in. >> i don't settle lawsuits. very rare. once you settle lawsuits, everybody sues you. >> reporter: the trump organization admitted no doubt trump university would prevail at trial. the new york state attorney general, a democrat, said the victims of trump university have waited years for today's result. >> trump university was a business to give out business advice that went out of business. >> reporter: on fox news last night, an inside look into mr. trump's lavish lifestyle. a guided tour by the man him see hi himself before he was elected. >> my mother spoiled me. >> reporter: questions about the campaign and trump presidency could hurt the brand. trump telling "60 minutes." >> i don't care about hotel occupancy. it is peanuts compared to what we are doing now. >> reporter: ivanka trump took heat for wearing an $11,000 later. and criticized. and sitting in on the meeting with japanese prime minister. >> and if you drew up the list of the 10,000 experts on japan, i don't think ivanka trump would be on the list. >> reporter: and in new york city, a literal sign. the trump brand could be tarnished. three buildings with trump place took their signs down after renters petitioned. >> he is he is persona non grata. >> reporter: and a look to liquidate his company, he could put the assets in a blind trust. he is talking about setting up the blind trust and let his children run his businesses. it is unclear if that would clear him of conflict. sheinelle. >> tammy, thank you. millions of people from the midwest to the northeast are in big winter storm here. dylan is here with more. >> in minnesota, some areas picked up 20 inches of snow. incredible. look at the roads. there were two deaths in minnesota because of spinouts on the roads. you could see that fed ex truck off the road there. we saw most of our accidents across minnesota because the snow came down so heavily and it reduced visibility down to almost nothing at times because of the blizzard conditions. we are still seeing the sno minnesota, but eastern wisconsin. that will taper off through the morning. then we will see the cold air work over the still warm great lakes. that will trigger lake-effect snow. especially as we go into the next couple days. upstate new york. that will be the zone we focus on. especially saturday night and sunday. sunday night and monday. keep in mind the water is still warm, but the cold air behind the front will turn on the combine with 40 to 50-mile-an-hour wind gusts in michigan and upstate new york, that could lead to whiteout conditions. as far as snowfall conditions. up to 6 inches in traverse city in michigan. but in new york, potsdam and water town. we could see a foot or more. >> it is not even thanksgiving yet. >> i know. dylan, thanks. we will get the rest of the moments. moving on. tragedy near a nevada casino. three crew members and patient on a medical flight were killed when the plane slammed into the parking lot last night. local explosions were reported. the faa says no one was injured on the ground. an investigation is on the way. a local cardiologist says it was taking a heart patient. and local police searching grandson. they broke into the south side son where illinois representative danny davis broke out. a fight broke out and the grandson was shot in the head. now a story we are following for you. a woman charged with murder after the car with she and her twin sister driving in shot off a cliff in hawaii. she lived. her sister died. the suspect made a court appearance in albany, new york. >> reporter: on friday, fighting extradition to hawaii. where she was indicted on october 31st for the second-degree murder of her twin sister anastasia duvall. the sisters grew up in upstate new york where police found duvall last week. >> she left hawaii to come back to the states to grieve. not to escape. >> reporter: she is accused of cliff in maui last may. police say there were no signs she tried to brake. >> report of a car off a cliff. >> reporter: her sister died at the scene. alexandria was air lifted to the hospital in critical condition. this is the second time she is facing the same murder charges. back in june, a judge dismissed the case after finding no probable cause. the district attorney presented the case to a grand duvall was iindicted. >> a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich. >> welcome to twin power yoga. >> reporter: the sisters previously ran popular yoga studios in florida. after a reality tv project fell through, there was a series of business failures and debts and drunk run-ins with the law. turning what was a fresh start her next day in court is set for december 16th. for "today," sarah dallof, nbc news. pope francis welcomed three new cardinals. they come from five continents. the pope said immigrants and refugees and people of different races or faiths should not be seen as enemies. important message. and it was like the movie "the sea of foam caused a massive confusion in santa clara, california on friday. the blowing and growing blob overwhelmed cars in the streets. it turns out the foam was fire retardant. it went off accidentally filling the 60-foot high building before escaping. it is not hazardous to people, but not good for the environment. >> looks like a saturday night at south beach. normal saturday night. let's get a check of the rest of the national forecast from dylan. >> we have the snow storm developing back through the great lakes. lake-effect snow machine on this weekend. we have this storm system. kind of weak, but we could see rain from seattle through the coast of oregon and san francisco. sierra nevada mountain range with 6 inches of snow. elsewhere, all about the cooldown that will work in behind the cold front. look at high temperatures today. and that's your latest forecast. >> thank you. >> all right. he is no stranger to controversy. television's dr. phil is under fire for a startling interview with che shelly duvall. the story from steve patterson. >> reporter: once thrilling audiences in "the shining," shelly duvall i spotlight. >> hi, shelly. >> hello. >> reporter: appearing on the dr. phil show. she says she suffers from mental illness. making wild claims about people coming after her. >> the man threatening me is the sheriff of nottingham. >> reporter: and about her late co- star robin williams. they starred together in the 1980 film "popeye." >> i don't think he is dead. >> shape shifting. he looks good in some forms. >> reporter: the outcry started before the show air. stanley kubrick's daughter called for a boycott. saying this is a form of lurid and exploitative entertainment. it is purely cruel. and mia farrow tweeted, there should be laws for mentally ill peopo predators. >> people love to come in and watch what is considered salacious and what they consider a train wreck. >> reporter: dr. phil says he only wants to help duvall. >> i want you to be checked out by really good doctors for free. i'll pay for it. >> if you promise me they won't murder me. >> i promise you. talk show host who is really doing the helping. for "today," steve patterson, nbc news, los angeles. up next, the cat who saved a man from the life on the streets. now a movie star. we say hello to bob the street cat. and is ignorance really bliss? the man who has no idea who won the presidential election. he says he likes it that way. we will speak to him and we won't tell him who the president is. >> i'm achieve. a couple of years ago, we introduced you to bob the street cat. he helped turn a life around of a man on the streets of london. now a movie about the pair is opening nationwide. nbc's kelly cobiella caught up with them. >> reporter: the unlikely story of a drug addicted street performer and the cat who saved him is now on the big screen. no one is more surprised than bob the cat's owner. james. >> somebody said that to me when i met him. i would have just said, it's a cat. this little man, yeah. you can see how clever and intelligent he . >> reporter: bohen and bob came a team on the streets of london nine years ago when the stray wandered into bohen's life and would not leave. >> he followed me on to the bus. it was a bit terrifying. it was an adventure. he gave me a reason not to just exist, but get out and really live again. >> reporter: with bob's help, wrote a book about him and inspired a movie. >> look at bob. >> reporter: bob stars as himself. >> he's a natural acting cat? >> he is a natural at everything. >> reporter: the tom cat has a facebook and twitter accounts. his pick of treats and ride on the red carpet and pick of royals. >> there is a rumor he scratched the duchess? >> false. >> reporter: he even brought or busy london newsroom to a halt. bob, the acting and celebrity cat, making friends for wherever he goes. for "today," kelly cobiella, nbc news, london. >> what do you think about that? >> i'm not a cat person. it is more like of your little guy, bosco, your dog, not your soon to be. i'll stop talking. the power of the pet to change your life. >> it is more about an inspirational story. >> true. >> street cat named bob. >> i hear cat and i space out. >> we have where's waldo scarf. >> we had a goldfish that lasted for four years. i gave it the wrong food. it didn't end well. >> i think we should go to commercial now. >> do you? >> >> time for black friday. ?? that as we get ready for the "today" show. that is a britney spears. "slumber party." it's a huge hit online. we will have a lot more of it coming up in popstart. meantime, we have a great crowd on the plaza this saturday morning, november 19th, 2016. who knows? maybe some of them had a slumber party last night themselves. here is what is making headlines this morning. >> this is a weird start. >> it reminded me of 5:30 in the morning. with former presidential nominee mitt romney. they traded harsh attacks on the campaign path, but discussing the possibility of romney joining the administration. and a dramatic night at "hamilton" last night, but not for the reason you expect. vice president-elect mike pence faced cheers and boos. and many people are alarmed and storm of the year is moving across the great lakes after dumping 2 feet of snow in minnesota. causing hundreds of accidents and two deaths. let's begin this half hour with a download from donald trump assembing a new team to facebook under fire and a bat swooping down near adele during a concert. it's been a week to remember. white house staff in order. >> thank you. >> for chief of staff, rnc chairman reince priebus. and strategist, steve bannon. >> he is a nightmare and he's the chief advisor to the president of the united states now. >> donald trump makes his decision for michael flynn for the national security advisor. he would help the president wit no national experience navigate foreign vices. >> there have been a few times this past week when all i wanted to do is just to curl up with a good book or our dogs and never leave the house. facebook under fire for publishing fake news who some say influenced the election. mark zuckerberg not one of them. >> there is a certain profound that the only reason why someone could have voted the way they did is because they saw fake news. victim has been shot on the sidewalk outside his house. >> chaos at the oklahoma city airport when a shooter opened fire. >> police identified the victim as 52-year-old mike at winchester of southwest airline employee and father of kansas city chiefs player james winchester. >> a manhunt shutdown air traffic for hours. shooter found dead in his pickup truck. a former member of the nbc news family. gwen ifill gone too soon. >> she died earlier today after an almost year-long battle with cancer. >> she was a reporter's reporter. >> democrats are scared. they have been scared for a long time. this is their worst nightmare. >> pardon me. want me to get this together. >> emotional speech from dallas cowboys quarterback tony romo. handing the team over to rookie dak prescott. >> if you think for a second i don't want to be out there, you probably never felt the pure ecstasy of winning. dak knows i have his back. ultimately it is about the team. that's what we preached our entire lives. al roker surprised some lucky "today" turkey truck. >> this is my sauce to you. >> this is my gift to you. >> sasha, how are you? >> you are not doing a parent/teacher conference. >> there's a bat. >> adele in mexico on monday when a bat interrupted her concert. >> there's a bat. it went by your head. oh, a bat. it's true. i'm happy to be here. >> half of it is beeped out. >> open air concert. you get a bat or two. >> i will say a snake across the stage is bad. a bat is high up there for me. >> really? >> what is the big deal? it wasn't close to her. maybe ozzy ozborne was there. >> maybe a bat just flying by? >> >> real any. >> really? >> yeah. >> growing up we had a bat in our house. i opened up all the windows. i ran to my grandma's house. they are good at catching bugs. >> great for mosquitoes. >> she doesn't like cats. >> dylan, you and i are on the same page. let's look at cold front moving across the great lakes. cold. 63 degrees in new york. 68 in washington, d.c. 74 in norfolk, virginia. that is 17 degrees above average. pittsburgh, though, 53 degrees. look what happens as we go into tomorrow morning. lansing, michigan, below freezing at 28 degrees. pittsburgh, below freezing at 23. and the lake-effect snow will take effect on sunday afternoon, temperatures below average and closer to normal. the 60s is unusual this time of year. 30s and 40s across the northeast. charlotte, north carolina, 54 degrees. monday morning, that's when it will be very blustery and very cold with windchills in the teens and 20s. so get out that big jacket. that's a look at the weather across the country. now here's a peek out your ywyway, dylan. >> don't tell anyone. >> thanks, dylan. black friday is just around the corner, but should you buy now or wait for your favorite items? this is on another level. do you want to dress for success while feeling comfortable at the same time? we just might have the answer. our special today is the seared ahi tuna, and i'll be right back to take your order. thank you. thanks. don't you hate that? when they don't tell you how much something costs? and you have to ask? right. i do. maybe that's why i always make sure to... ...?bring up the costs associated with your services.? i know. hey, i'm nothing if not predictable. lemme guess, the salmon? being transparent about our costs. it's a big deal. i work 'round the clock. i want my blood sugar to stay in control. so i asked about tresiba?. ? tresiba? ready ? tresiba? is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i want to trim my a1c. ? tresiba? ready ? tresiba? provides powerful a1c reduction. releases slow and steady. works like your body's insulin. when my schedule changes... i want something that delivers. ? tresiba? ready ? i take it when i remember, as long as there's at least 8 hours between doses. once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration... twice as long as lantus?, which lasts 4 weeks. tresiba? is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. don't use tresiba? to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. don't share needles or insulin pens. don't reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba?, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing... fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your doctor if you're tresiba? ready. this morning in "today's take away." buy now or wait for later? black friday is six days away. should you shell out your cash on sales or wait for a better deal? lisa freeman is with us this morning from flipp app. i have a feeling i won't get any of these this morning. the first is tech from fitness trackers and x-box. >> buy now or later? >> i'll say buy now. >> you are right. black friday is known for amazing deals on electronics. it will deliver. >> i figure because they know people need to buy it. >> absolutely. it is amazing. you will save on all kinds of tech toys. in addition to hundreds of dollars off televisions and deals on headphones and wireless speakers and tablets and game items and apple watch series one or apple mini ipad two. that is the way to get the best deals. the way to stay on top of the action is to download flipp. you can find all the deals easy. >> the next is winter clothing. i say wait for later. >> actually, you are right on that. >> really? >> yes. you are seeing amazing de offering 30% or 40% off. if you wait for christmas, you will see sales of 60% or 70% off on boots and coats. >> we are too close to it now. next is children's toys. i'm going to say buy now? >> actually, a lot of good deals now, but as the season progresses, we will see broader and deeper cuts on toys. the only exception is what you like catchimals. only the hot toys. wait for the other stuff. >> the next one. cleaning appliances. should you buy now or later? you want me to guess? i will say wait. who wants to clean? >> if you are dreaming of a vacuum cleaner. >> of course i do every day. >> right now is a great time to buy. $200 off dyson. washing machines and dishwashers are on sale. for up to 40% off at the home centers, sears, best buy. a great time to snap up that. >> now i'm confused. cookware, you buy now for thanksgiving and christmas and stuff like that. cookware. i'll say buy later. >> actually, now is a good time. >> i was going with my gut. with pots and pans. all of that on sale. >> i think they would not lower it because they know people need it. >> they are trying to get your dollars. they know you are in the market for it now. >> a lot of things you should buy now. >> absolutely. >> thank you, lisa. up next, an anchor challenge. two truths and a lie. can we fool our tv family? ?spread a little love today? ?spread a little love my way? ?spread a little somethin to remember? philadelphia cream cheese, made with fresh milk and real cream. makes your recipes their holiday favorites. impressive linda. it seems age isn't slowing you down. but your immune system weakens as you get older increasing the risk for me, the shingles virus. i've been lurking inside you since you had chickenpox. i could surface anytime as a painful, blistering rash. one in three people get me in their lifetime, linda. will it be you? and that's why linda got me zostavax, a single shot vaccine. i'm working to boost linda's immune system to help protect her against you, shingles. zostavax is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults fifty years of age and older. zostavax does not protect everyone and cannot be used to treat shingles or the nerve pain that may follow it. you should not get zostavax if you are allergic to gelatin or neomycin, have a weakened immune system or take high doses of steroids are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. the most common side effects include it's important to talk to your doctor about what situations you may need to avoid since zostavax contains a weakened chickenpox virus. remember one in three people get shingles in their lifetime, will it be you? talk you to your doctor or pharmacist about me, single shot zostavax. you've got a shot against shingles. okay. it is my favorite time. >> this is the moment in the show where producers like to throw us a challenge. this morning, it is a game called two truths and a lie. we make three statements. two are true and one is a complete fiction made up nonsense. the question is can you guess the lie? i'll start it off. here we go. no one asked me to the senior prom. number two. i once did an entire tv interview with a guest who and i won a one-handed hot wing contest. >> we have to pick the lie? >> nobody took me to the prom and i interviewed the guest where he thought i was in the commercial. >> i will say eating. >> i'll do the guest. >> i'll do the prom. >> are we picking the lie? >> you are picking the lie. what am i making up? >> >> you are making up you never went to prom. >> i think the prom. >> okay. you are all wrong. the hot wing eating contest. i have never one that. >> tiny people. they can eat a billion things. >> you are right. i learned to speak english before spanish. i lived in seven countries. i once spilled an entire glass of red wine on michael bolton. >> i'll go with english before throw us off. >> english before spanish. >> that is the only lie. you all got it right. the michael bolton story. i'll tell you one day. >> these are mine. it helps to have a glass of water by my side to fall asleep. quincy jones is a cousin on my father's side. i used to make art work designs on clothes and people would wear them. >> the lie is the quincy jones. >> the lie is the fashion designer. >> i think the fas >> it's quincy jones. i used to tell everybody he was my uncle. >> we don't have time for me. sorry guys. >> oh, no. >> you don't lie in anything. >> i don't lie. >> dylan will tell us at commercial break. >> i'll tweet it out. >> still to come, he is "people" magazine's sexiest man alive. even the rock looked silly in >> i disagree. >> dylan and i went to high school with guys like that. very hot. >> that's a new jersey thing atat for the men he picked to run the administration and as he gets set for what could be an awkward meeting. we will talk to one in america who says he doesn't know who won the election. when you're close to the people you love, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now's your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz. ?? now's your chance at happy thanks for giving! thanks for giving lien the strength to outrun her brother. and joseph, the ability to see monsters. when you choose walgreens, you choose to make a difference... like how every vitamin and flu shot you get at walgreens helps give life-changing vitamins and vaccines... to children in need. so, really... happy thanks for giving! walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. eucerin has been solving dry skin problems for over 100 years. discover eucerin advanced repair. it moisturizes dry, itchy, rough, skin. for immediate relief re. for healthier-looking skin... ...look for eucerin, good morning. strange bed fellows. donald trump and mitt romney meeting in new jersey today to discuss a possible role in the trump administration. just months after the two traded harsh attacks. has the president-elect his team with hard liners. the vice president-elect was a subject of a lecture at "hamilton" last night. >> we, sir, are the diverse america who are alarmed and anxious that the administration will not protect us. travel disaster. the first big winter storm of the season causes hundreds of accidents and two deaths. it is moving to the northeast for a busy weekend for people thanksgiving weekend. and is ignorance bliss? the guy who says he still doesn't know who won the presidential election. clinton or trump. we'll talk to him today, saturday, november 19th, 2016. ?? >> celebrating 27 years at the "today" show. >> all the way from p.a. >> spending my 13th birthday at the "today" show. friendship here. >> hey, "today" show! >> we are happy to be here with that crowd and you inside. good morning. welcome back to "today" on saturday morning here in front of the big apple with a lot of friendly faces waving hello to everybody back home. colder weather is coming. we hope to get ready to bundle monitors, they just go nuts. >> hello, everybody. >> it is like an nba game. you see it on the jumbotron. >> nicest people. we have to begin with news. president-elect trump with just over two months to go until he takes the oath of office is at his new jersey golf club today meeting with former presidential nominee mitt romney. this one day after he agreed to settle a multimillion dollar university. kelly o'donnell has latest. >> reporter: good morning, stephanie. this is a chance for the president-elect to do house cleaning and spend the weekend home here in new jersey and turn it into a home office. he will meet mitt romney today. that is significant because of the fierce criticism that romney levelled at trump during the campaign season and upon his election. it was romney who wished him the lead the country. this is a chance, aides say, for them to share ideas and talk about things and maybe not a cabinet post, but they leave open the door for that possible ty. in addition to that, trump settled the three lawsuits to trump university. the $25 million will be distributed to the former students. there is no admission of wrongdoing. the timing is notable. one of the cases is supposed to advance later this month. and this is sort of clearing the decks before he moves in to the white house. unusual for trump to settle. that is not his typical way of handling business. this takes this issue where there's been so much criticism off the table. another unexpected thing happened when his vice president-elect, the man he asked to run the transition, also in new york visiting and and family. mike pence went to see the broadway smash "hamilton." as he walked in he was noticed by others. there was applause and also some very noticeable boos as he took his seat in the theater. after the production, something highly unusual happened. the star of the show, brandon victor dixon who plays aaron burr, after the curtain call, addressed mike pence and asked about a saying many americans are fearful about the new administration and how it will handle civil liberties and imploing him to work for all americans. a piece of the show that had never been seen before. it shows you the politics of the weekend and transition. we expect that donald trump will also have meeting with some of the top advisors here as well. we expect to get briefings from senior staff about the upcoming picks and other decisions they steph. >> i like hearing new jersey white house. kelly, thanks so much. the first big snowstorm of the season working east this morning. up to 2 feet of heavy know covers minnesota. michigan expect to get hit hard today with 50-mile-an-hour winds. minnesota police report 200 crashes so far. a 63-year-old got between her mother bear and cubs. the bear left her helpless on the ground. >> stomping and kicking on the ground. like he was getting ready to attack me again. please tell my husband i love him. >> she survived with a broken arm and wrist. plus more than 70 stitches. now let's head to the plaza where dylan has another check of the forecast. selfies with the girl scouts from rhode island. what are you doing? >> visiting. >> going to the rockettes . >> have you seen them before? >> yeah. >> it is cool. what do you think of the tree? >> cool. >> it will be amazing when the wood comes down. let's look at the weather across the country. there it is. we need to replace that with a lot of lots. they are putting them up right now. a traveling on thanksgiving. we have a storm developing out in the rockies and southwest on monday. then watch what happens for tuesday. it turns into heavy snow in the upper midwest. an area hit hard by several inches of snow. up to 2 feet in places. storms through texas. on wednesday, we could see indianapolis. on thursday, thanksgiving itself, the storm will weaken a bit. it is still looking damp. if you are coming to new york city for the macy's thanksgiving day parade, you could dodge a couple showers. temperatures in the 50s. let's take a big picture of us? and that's your latest forecast. guys. >> thanks, dylan. up next, trending. one of my favorite parts. the guy who says he still does not know who won the we'll talk to him live. and in popstart. a dream come true for "saturday night live" fans. night live" fans. kristin connecting with my frie. love it. connecting with some sketchy guy from a blocked number who just called saying he's with a tech company that needs remote access to my computer to block a virus he detected?! really? hey we hear you. that's why aarp created the fraud watch network. to help you protect your family with information on the latest scams, so you can spot fraud from a mile away. if you don't think "this is right for me" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". ?spread a little love today? ?spread a little love my way? ?spread a little somethin to remember? philadelphia cream cheese, made with fresh milk and real cream. makes your recipes their holiday favorites. the holidays are made with philly. hurrhappening all month long. great black friday deals plus get 15% off all in-stock inflatables. we are back on a saturday morning. it's time to trend. >> let's get right into it. around here, we are going to assume most places in the country, you probably can't find bigger news than the election. one man who doesn't know who the next president will be. shall we meet him? his name is joe chandler. he is from brunswick, georgia. he avoided newspapers, tv and internet. when he leaves the house, he wears headphones and sign that reads, "i don't know who won i don't want to." please don't tell me. we happen to have him on skype. hi, joe. >> good to see you. >> i have to tell you, everybody around here, we are trying to you. so be real here. a lot of people who probably don't believe this. you really truly don't know who the president is and how are you doing it? i mentioned not reading newspapers. it seems your newspapers would have holes in it if you took the headlines out. >> that's right. i got to be an expert at this. i divert my gaze from newspaper boxes. i don't venture out much. and sign. people have been respectful. >> joe, why are you doing this? >> it was never a plan. i was invited to a gathering at a friend's house on election night to sit there with everybody else and gnaw my nails to the quick into the night. i'm just beat to a pulp like we are all are. the next morning, i'm an artist and writer. i had a lot of creative work. i worked in my studio all at the 24-hour mark, i wanted to give myself 24 hours of blissful ignorance. i talked to my daughter near atlanta. she said you know you may be the only person in the country other than those in a cave or something, who still doesn't know. >> that's so cool. if you are limiting newspaper reading, you don't know the martians landed in new york either. when will you find out, joe? plan. there has been talk of throwing a gender reveal party. rather than is it pink or blue, is it blue or is it red? >> if you had to guess, who do you think won? >> i'm playing the 50 yard line on that one. when it is revealed to me who the winner is, i will reveal who i was rooting for. >> can we be there when you i believe you. you can live in a place -- is it a rural place? brunswick. i don't want to say isolated. >> it is on the coast of georgia. it's just south of savannah. >> okay. >> i believe you. >> i'm living in my little bubble of solitude here. it is rather pleasant. >> some call it the bubble of ignorance. >> bubble of peace. >> thank you so much. >> this one's for the guys out there. have you ever wanted to wear sweat pants to work? >> of course. >> all day? all night? >> girls too. >> in all fairness. women have athleisure. fruit of the loom has a collection of theme sweat suits from the cor the knob's sucker. and the country club collection. we happen to have some. check them out. they run around $49. >> the country clubber. >> this is very cool. >> let me see. is this comfortable, guys? >> fantastic. >> you could do a high kick in >> very nice. >> i may need a bigger size for my long arms. >> on the far left here, this actually looks real. >> it does. >> i think from a distance, at 4:00 in the morning, they could look real. >> what about from behind? >> yeah. >> when you go down to the bottom and see the taper. >> this is great for airplanes. instead these are not allowed. >> they are about $50. they are limited edition. go out and get them if you think this is a look you like. this is perfect holiday season wear. >> this is sleep wear. >> you guys are addicting to watch. thank you. dylan, you have popstart. >> moving on. first up, what is better than "saturday night live." how about alec baldwin? he confirmed the news at the museum in new york city saying he will do it again this weekend. he is not going to be a regular. why was he missing last week for the first show since the election? well, he says he and his family simply had plans. it will be fun, i think, to see what he has in store. moving on to dwayne "the rock" johnson. he was named sexiest man alive. however, an older picture with his gold chain and turtleneck and fannie pack. saying the funny thing about the picture is it is not a joke. i walked out of the house like this. saying hey, baby. it takes a lot of confidence to that was a look. >> dylan and i went to high school in new jersey. we know that look. >> gold chains everywhere. >> from strollers to car seats and diaperpails, dylan finds out what she needs after these this morning on expecting today. we are counting down the until dylan is ready to give birth. a boy. less than one month to go. >> saturday is my changeover day. i'm super excited. like a lot of other first-time moms and dads, i'm overwhelmed by all the stuff a baby needs. i went to the store buy-buy baby to look at what you need for your little one. >> hi. i'm julie. >> i will take all the help i can get. >> okay. it looks overwhelming. we will get you started with the things you need right away. >> let's get started. >> i'm looking around and i want one of everything. i'm sure there are certain things that you need the second you get home with the baby. >> one thing i did not think about was a car seat. we don't have a car living in the city. >> this is the and it has the extra bar to distribute the energy if you are in an accident. this is what you have. the seatbelt and it comes around here and it has a little belt path and cuts across. the handle you carry with acts as a rebound bar. the car seat will not move. >> once we get the baby home, sterilizing bottles is this will steam and dry the bottles for you. it has different settings. it accommodates up to six bottles. standard and wide neck. you can put breast parts in here. >> i live in an apartment building. >> i think you need a diaper pail. this is the diaper pail. put the diaper in there. close it and push the release. it >> this, i know, is something we need. i have no idea how it works. >> this is the ergo 360 carrier. it can face you. it can face out to the world. as they get bigger, when it is hard to carry, they go to the side and to the back. this is the flexi bath. a great option for a smaller apartment. you can get some practice and hold baby for me. >> this is like a real heavy baby. you can store in your bathtub or side of the tub. this is the newborn insert. it keeps them upright. you can sponge bathe them. this can accommodate up to a 4-year-old child. my best advice is get in the store to feel things and touch them. tryout the strollers. lift the car seats. >> as overwhelming as the process can be, down? >> you look at a sea of products, but not everything is appropriate for you and your lifestyle. we will narrow it down. >> now i want to do more shopping. if i could get someone else to do this for me, that would be great. >> oh, yeah. >> more cofortable there. i tried to pocket some items. they are too big. >> you need them all. >> it is fun to watch you live through this. >> so great to have you here, with this ring... you brighten my world. with this ring... you are my true love, my ideal. with this ring, i will love you...forever. kay jewelers is the only store to bring you... the visibly brighter leo diamond. tolkowsky-the first-ever ideal cut diamond. and our very own now & forever collection. you'll find all three only at kay, the number one jewelry store for... yes! ? every kiss begins with kay. ? before fibromyalgia, i kept on top of things. i was a doer. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ? ? ? i want a hippopotamus for christmas ? ? only a hippopotamus will do ? at the united states postal service, we deliver more online purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. and more hippopotamuses, too. ? ? so whatever your holiday priority, we asked woman to smell two body washes and pick their favorite. they both smell good. i like b better. i prefer b. b. i would like to smell like this every day. but what was body wash a? ohhhh i love bath and bodyworks. i have this in my bathroom. and what was the one they preferred? ohhhh. this is suave. really? that's quite a bit of smelling good. in northeast ohio we are talking weather. bringing new life to ohio city. the celebration happening in this neighborhood today. channel 3 news today starts rising now. all right, it's the big story of the weekend. we are seeing the wintry mix move in. all of you have been asking when will the snow hit the. micheal has been tracking it. >>reporter: a lot of us were tracking the rainfall and the wind out their as well.

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