Transcripts For WKYC Today 20160826 :

Transcripts For WKYC Today 20160826

investigation. and facing charges. ryan lochte ordered back to brazil for filing a false police report. will he comply and what happens if he doesn't? how his case could be setting up an international tug of war, "today," friday, august 26th, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, everybody. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. big crowd on the plaza for dnce in our 8:30 half hour. if you're going to dnce today you may want to put baby powder on. >> a hot, sweaty dance party on our plaza. looking forward for that. let's start on a friday morning with politics. 73 days to go until the election. clinton now saying her rival's rhetoric is taking hate groups mainstream. let's begin our decision 2016 coverage with nbc's andrea mitchell. andrea, good morning to you. >> good morning, matt. the racial insults were flying between donald trump and hillary clinton. he calling her a bigot. she saying that he's helped a radical fringe take over the gop. donald trump ramping up his war of words with hillary clinton on her a bigot. >> she is a bigot. look at what's happening to the inner cities. you look at what's happening to african-americans and hispanic in this country where she talks all the time. >> clinton's running mate tim kaine addressing the bigot word in a taped interview. >> he called your friend, hillary clinton, a bigot. >> when hillary clinton got out of law school she helped to alabama. at his early career, donald trump was a real estate guy who got sued by the justice department for discriminating against people in housing. >> he's taking hate groups mainstream. >> in major speech, clinton tearing into trump charging her rival with building his campaign on prejudice and paranoia tying him to right wing extremists. >> he promoted the racist lie that president obama is not really an american citizen. >> dismissing his her health. >> his latest paranoid fever dream is about my health. all i can say is, donald, dream on. >> calling trump's new ceo >> hillary clinton isn't just attacking me. she's attacking all of the decent people of all backgrounds. doesn't matter. of all backgrounds who support this incredible once in a lifetime movement. >> escalating his attack on the clinton foundation. >> hillary clinton's actions constitute all of the elements of a major criminal enterprise. >> asked whether his donations constituted pay for play, trump hedged. >> they like me a lot. if i didn't make that contribution, they probably wouldn't have liked me at all. >> in his cnn interview thursday night, trump suggested he may flip back to his original legalization for undocumented workers unless they first leave the country and come back causing more head spinning among his supporters and his critics. matt and savannah? >> thank you very much. >> a lot to sort out with chuck todd and nicole wallace. the olympics glow is still all around matt. let's talk about the latest back and forth on the campaign trail over race. chuck, to you. you have donald trump calling you have her giving this huge speech which essentially makes the argument that he or his supporters are bigots. is this a good strategy on either side? >> it's not a good strategy to hurl epithets at one another. we thought this would be a race to the bottom and this week is proving it. we're headed to a race at the bottom. there's strategy behind this. donald trump, at least the new there are republicans not supporting us. if we can fix our problems with hispanic or african-americans or not sound so hateful than maybe some of the white republican voters will come back to the polls. >> do you agree this pitch from donald trump, it's not to win minority votes. >> this is about receiving suburban votes in northern virginia and southern philadelphia. you name it. >> before the last couple of days the big news out of the trump campaign willingness on his part to walk back one of his main policy promises on immigration where he said these 11 million people, immigrants living in this country illegally had to leave. deportation. he comes back and says only the ones who committed crimes. others can pay back taxes and last night it seems he's back to square one. what is donald trump's policy on immigration? >> i have no idea. cooper about a softening of his position and answered as if anderson was using a word that anderson thought of. it's not a softening. trump called it a softening in two town halls this week. i say on speeches today when hillary clinton went to what all of the republicans have done on race, she cited george w. bush going to a mosque. she cited john mccain standing up to someone who called president obama a muslim. that speech. >> there's an amazing thing that happened yesterday. hillary clinton called the republican nominee a racist. and all these republicans decided to come and say oh my gosh -- not a word. no republicans outside of the campaign said how dare you, hillary clinton, call a republican nominee a racist. the sound of silence among mainstream republican elected officials yesterday is stunning. >> 73 days. where is this race right now? bottom. we're looking up at the bottom. it's somewhere we've never been before. i think we sort of entered this black box phase where the crash happened and we're trying to figure out how we got here. i would caution republicans to not make this all about trump. he won because people picked him. republicans have to understand what the good parts were about his message and what they lacked that our voters picked him over 16 others. >> what i can't figure out is what this is going to do to turnout. that's the one last when you race to the bottom a lot of people are going to say why bother? that scrambles the whole electoral map. >> we're thoroughly depressed. thank you very much. >> let's bring the olympics back. >> happy to be home. also this morning, there seems to be a lot of uncertainty swirling around that tropical system that could threat southern florida as soon as this mr. roker, good morning to you. >> you talk about politicians flip-flopping, our models have been flip-flopping as well. so here we have this system that is yet to develop. they've got invest 99-l. chances of development dropping over the last 24 hours. now a 30% chance of development in 48 hours. 60% in the next five days. watch this. so now on saturday both u.s. model and european model are gusty winds in the bahamas. rain in southern florida. now watch what happens. as we get into monday the european model starts to come across florida. the american model starts going out into the gulf with that warmer water. 90 degrees. and now by the time we get to tuesday the european model is off the southeastern atlantic coast. 24 hours ago it was just the opposite. the american model is out in the gulf. so we really have to watch this very, very closely. central and southern florida at least five inches throughout southern florida. again, this flip-flop is something we haven't seen in a long time. it's still out there. we'll really have to pay very close attention to it. a chaotic scene at an airport in omaha, nebraska. a man scaled a barbed wired fence late last night and stole a truck and rammed i of a southwest airlines plane. it happened as passengers were boarding a flight to denver. one thought it was a bomb going off because there was a loud boom and then the lights went off. three people suffered minor injuries. the suspect was taken into custody. the fbi and ntsb are now investigating. we go to italy now where overnight the death toll from that powerful earthquake rose higher as this urgent search for survivors enters its third day. town of amatrice this morning. >> reporter:. this is still a mission to rescue survivors. this is an tell elementary school. it's a race against time as hope fades of finding survivors. rescuers say staying alive under this is not likely. this sister survived and can't believe it. other nuns died. her escape an iconic image. good-bye forever, she says. the ground is still shaking. this aftershock bringing down buildings and triggering clouds of dust. another violent aftershock this morning. they are still pulling victims out. more than 36 hours since they last pulled a survivor like 10-year-old julia out of the rubble but no repeat. this 97-year-old man is homeless now. the whole town men living in shacks. the lives of two children were saved but heard others in the rubble he couldn't hurt. people are now living in tents and depending on food handouts. this is their main camp. it can hold around 300 people. but there are thousands homeless here. there's anger too. investigators now probing why this school collapsed in spite of a million dollar spend to amatrice was voted one of italy's most beautiful towns. some towns have stood for 600 years. now it's a ruin. people retrieved briefly to salvage the few possessions they have left. this man lost five friends. >> panic and cry and scared. i'm scared. >> reporter: the dust rising still like the death toll in this shaken to rattled buildings and rattled nerves as well. some of the dead will be buried in a state funeral here tomorrow. at least a dozen foreign tourists are among the dead but no americans among the dead or the injured. savannah, matt? >> bill neely at the quake scene for us. thank you very much. also this morning, a disturbing crime is rocking a mississippi community and making headlines all around the world. the bodies of two nuns found inside their home. they had been stabbed to death. not far away. janet shamlian has the latest on the investigation. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. this was a horrific crime. two women who devoted their lives to helping others brutally murdered in their own home in what's a small rural community that hasn't seen a murder in many years. police are searching for their killer. this morning a community in shock at the deaths of two nuns described as the kindest people on earth. nurse practitioner sister merrill and sister margaret held. police found them brutally murdered in the home they shared in the small community of durant after a supervisor at their clinic reported the pair did not show up for work. the local archdiocese telling nbc news there was a sign of a break in and their blue corolla well. >> they came to mississippi to outreach to the poor using their medical services and expertise. their faith got through this tragedy and it will get us through our tragedy of mourning them. >> reporter: sister margaret was from wisconsin. >> this is one of the poorest counties of all of mississippi. >> we make a difference i what that is. >> reporter: sister paula has been helping mississippi's less fortunate for more than 30 years. >> we see patients and do what needs to be done. >> reporter: two women driven to help others victims in their own home. and because their vehicle was found a short distance away, authorities believe the killer may be someone local. the clinic where they work will be closed today allowing their co-workers time to grieve. makers of epipens with the company refusing to lower the price of that life saving medicine along a firestorm over its soaring cost. kristen welker is in washington this morning with the latest. good morning. >> good morning to you. the chorus of voices expressing outrage is growing louder from capitol hill and now to a big name in hollywood. the company's ceo is in the hot seat but even that's doing very little to quiet the with the firestorm building this morning over mylan raising prices. the price skyrocketing over the past ten years from $90 to more than $600. >> the patient is paying twice. they are paying full retail price at the counter and higher >> reporter: after she and her company lobbied to make epipens widespread on planes and schools across the country is on defense about her own compensation jumping from $2.4 million she made eight years ago. >> you're making $18 million a year. you understand how that looks? >> look, i understand better than anyone that facts are inconvenient to headlines. >> with calls mounting for a congressional investigation, the controversy is putting her joe manchin in an awkward position. on thursday manchin saying in a statement, i look forward to working with my colleagues to lower the price of prescription drugs and other lawmakers accuse the company of price gauging. >> i think one of the reasons mylan had the guts to prove this price up to rapidly is because they have a monopoly. >> now a big name in hollywood is weighing in. >> we learned about my son's young. >> sarah jessica parker cut ties lashing out on instagram. it's just the latest drug company to come under fire for high drug costs. seven months ago testimony before congress after a company hiked up the price of hiv and malaria medication 5,000%. >> it srt with the epipen focus it's snowballed and every drug maker wants to avoid being in that position. >> mylan will offer a coupon and financial assistance but some lawmakers have dismissed that as a pr move. one tampa bay area company says it will sell epipens at cost with no markup. savannah? >> thank you. have? >> we're looking at wet weather through the gulf coast and risk of strong storms in the central plains. record highs continue in the pacific northwest. we're going to get to your local >> that's your latest weather. >> just ahead, ryan lochte now being summoned back to rio to face charges over that incident at the gas station. could he be looking at time behind bars? the lost his family in a brutal home invasion reveals his surprising new mission in life. still to come, the surprising new finding about the perks of ignoring your office dress code. clean food. words panera lives by. no artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners. no colors from artificial sources. that's food as it should be. ?? ? ? the ford freedom sales event is on! our biggest event of the year just got better! ? ? announcing zero for seventy-two across the entire lineup of ford cars, trucks and suvs. plus, tagged vehicles now get a thousand smart bonus. that's freedom from interest... and freedom to choose with ford. america's best selling brand. ? ? across the entire ford lineup, plus specially tagged vehicles get a thousand smart bonus. what are you doing up? mom said i could have a midnight snack. it's not even midnight, it's ten forty-three. well, let's have a ten forty-three snack. quietly, though. okay. yeah. mmmm. shhhh. the family favorite. yoplait. per serving? yoplait original. i had a wonderful time tonight. me too! call me tomorrow? i'm gonna send a vague text in a couple of days, days before responding. perfect! we're never gonna see each other again, will we? no-no. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back. 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. sfx: boop ?? this back to school, unleash their creativity... his crayola 24-pack for just $.50. all right. 7:30 this friday morning. just about one hour until dnce takes to our citi concert stage and does that number live. people started lining up last night. it's steadily grown all morning long. >> about an hour until w of the weekend. let's get a check of the rest of the headlines. hillary clinton launched into one of her sharpest attacks yet on donald trump criticizing his campaign for embracing prejudice and paranoia. >> he is taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the republican party. >> for his part, trump doubled again claiming she's done nothing for her minority supporters. after shocks are worsening the damage from that earthquake in italy causing even more buildings to crumble. overnight the death toll rose again. it now stands at nearly 270 people. look at this frightening moment captured on surveillance video. a hit-and-run driver knocking a philadelphia police sergeant 15 feet into the air. other officers eventually ct him. the officer who was hit is recovering from nonlife threatening injuries. in the meantime, today marks the 30th anniversary of one of the most notorious murder cases in u.s. history. it was called the preppie murder trial. robert chambers killed jennifer levin in central park in 1986. >> we spoke exclusively with the victim's mother ellen levin who reflected on her daughter and future. she would be 48 years old and most likely i would have had grandchildren to adore from her. children that she would adore. >> it became one of the first so-called blame the victim cases. we'll have a closer look at that case and some other high profile murders next week on a special series "where are they now true crime." we'll start with a major development at the olympics involving ryan lochte. brazilian police summoning the swimmer back to rio to face a judge for filing a false police report. craig melvin is here with the latest. >> good morning to you guys. after a very rough week for the swimming superstar, ryan lochte now facing charges in brazil. this as he hopes to mount a comeback in the world of public opinion. this morning more fallout for ryan lochte. the swimming star is being officials there want him to respond to a criminal case in a brazilian court. >> given what we know about this case and the inquiry thus far, brazil's new request is bizarre to say the least. >> reporter: brazilian police charged lochte with filing a false police report after a drunken night out where he first claimed he was robbed at gunpoint. if the olympian does not appear, the process will continue without him until the final sentence. >> it was because of the cover up, the international attention and brazil's statest desire to get to the bottom of this that it's become a legal and now international snafu. >> reporter: originally he told billy bush he had been robbed at gun point. >> he cocked it and put it to my week after the incident, lochte apologized saying he was drinking the night he admits to vandalizing a sign at a gas station. >> it was immature and childish. >> lochte is now trying to rebound from a world of problems. this week four sponsors including speedo and ralph lauren dropped him. >> lochte has own over the lead. >> lochte now lookingo his public image preparing to join the upcoming season of "dancing with the stars" and picking up a new sponsor, pine brothers cough drops signing him to an endorsement of cough drops that will be forgiving to your throat. he's great guy who has done fans will support our decision to give ryan lochte a second chance. we've reached out to lochte and his representatives a number of time and have not provided comment on the criminal charges. lochte facing possible disciplinary action from the united states olympic committee. the story continues. >> we'll see what happens. >> craig, thank you. let's get another check of the forecast from mr. roker. >> guys, we're looking at a lot of wet weather down through the gulf. this is really absent any kind of a tropical system pus o this is just what's -- there's a weak area of low pressure in there. we're keeping an eye on that. we are looking for anywhere from 4 to 5 inches of rain in southern texas and we've got summer heat in the east cooling to start in the plains but then it warms up. record highs in the pacific northwest. look at these temperatures. mid 80s to mid 90s throughout the northeast in through the midwest. you can see temperatures starting to warm up from bismarck, kansas city, on into dodge city and the pacific as well. that's what' >> check out your important weekend forecast on the weather channel on cable. >> all right, al. thank you very much. still to come, we're along for the ride as the woman who was paralyzed just weeks before her wedding now soars to new heights. coming up next, the man who lost his family in that horrifying home invasion opens horrifying home invasion opens up about mhey there, hi. t milk on cereal? why does your tummy go "grumbily, grumbily, grumbily"? why is it all (mimics a stomach grumble) no more questions for you! ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah, happens to more people than you think... try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. good, right? mmm, yeah. i got your back. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. ? ask sherwin-williams during the endless summer sale! and save 30% on paints and stains, august 25th through september 5th. visit to find the store nearest you. hey nice game today. thanks. juicy fruit? sure i'll try a piec.... juicy fruit. so sweet you can't help but chew. ...non-drowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy 24 hour relief... for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. ? ? you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. only at a sleep number store. and packs 6 grams of protein per serving? yoplait original. the family favorite. yoplait. a leading consumer testing publication recently tested the top laundry detergents. the winner - persil 2 in 1, didn't only beat tide... it beat every single detergent tested. boom. switch to persil proclean 2 in 1. #1 rated. dove oxygen moisture with oxygen fused moisture... for the nourishment you need... with 95% more volume. dove oxygen moisture. technology is useful. i just bought a book. out the book, i downloaded a song. oh, and full disclosure, when we were just chatting about that song thing, someone arranged a date. guilty. the point is, life is digital. so, carmax, created a site where you can reserve a car online. come in when it's convenient, your car will be waiting. just another thing to make buying a car better for you... reads this tweet that i just posted. oh, that appears to be trending. we're back now. 7:41. we have a "today" exclusive. voters in central connecticut this fall will see a new name on the ballot. dr. william petit. he was thrust into the spotlight in 2007 when he was the sole survivor of a home invasion that left his wife and two daughters dead. >> this morning dr. petit announces a run for state house of representatives in connecticut but first he's op investigative correspondent cynthia mcfadden in an exclusive interview. >> dr. petit lost his family and home in a horrific and brutal way. the two men who committed the crime were sentenced to death and then connecticut voted to eliminate the death penalty. he was an outspoken critic of the change and now nine years later he's a husband and father once again with a new mission in life. was it a big decision to decide >> yes. you know, it's a commitment. >> dr. william petit is hoping to represent his neighbors in plainville, connecticut, in the state house of representatives. for the last nine years, he's been an outspoken supporter of the death penalty but he says he stands for so much more. you've gone through a very public tragedy. how has that influenced your thinking for running for office? has it? >> it's not the know where you stand. you're for the death penalty. i say, you know, i'm not really running on the death penalty. so what's important to people is their quality of life, the economy, their jobs, their children's futures. >> he was a happily married doctor and father of two until that night in july of 2007 when his wife jennifer and their 11-year-old michaela were followed home from a grocery store by two men. dr. petit was beaten with a his wife was raped and strangled. michaela and her 17-year-old sister were attacked and tied up. they died when the men set fire to the family's home. your views about the death penalty have been controversial to some people. some say the best thing is forgiveness and how do you deal with that part of it? >> never forgive evil. never, ever forgive evil. that's wha that's what the death penalty is about. erasing evil. >> how do you get rid of the survivor's guilt that has to go along with something like this? >> i don't think you do. i don't think you do. it's packaged up and compartmentalized a little bit. it's sort of like on the top shelf in the closet in a small box and occasionally it comes out and you open the box and you terrible weekend or whatever the case may be and then you come to grips and you talk to your wife and you talk to your son and you talk to your family and friends and you wrap it up again and put it in the closet knowing that it's probably never going to be gone. >> dr. petit found purpose in helping others. friends launched the petit family foundation after the murders. >> it was a very difficult time. they made me the president and i basically would be in bed the en meeting and go back to bed. >> the foundation has given away more than $2 million to charities in memory of jennifer, haley and michaela and petit got help from ptsd from which he still suffers. how does it manifest? >> mostly flashbacks and disrupted sleep people talk about closure but there's no closure. dr. petit met christine when she volunteered at the foundation. they've been married four years. their son, william, turns three in november. this journey you have gone on with this man, it must have its ups and downs like most marriages, right? >> maybe higher ups and higher downs maybe. it's certainly more challenging circumstances at times. >> how do you think about it? is it a new life? how wife, christine, and your son, little billy. >> it's new. it's additional. it's different because you never forget what you had. it's part of you. people say how do you go forward? i say, well, your choices are to stay in bed and do nothing or die or go forward. >> he has chosen to go forward. a really impressive man. dr. petit may face an uphill bat until his election. not lost an election in 22 years. >> just to see someone to have a courage to put a life back together and try to move forward under those circumstances. >> and be so honest about what he still faces. >> 100%. it was really moving to be with him. >> cynthia, thank you. appreciate it. >> coming up next, we'll shift gears and go over to the orange room and tamron has the story of here we go, come on. was that our lunch? sfx: "boop" oscar mayer turkey & american cheese basic lunchable, made with white meat only, on rollback for $1 save money. live better. walmart get your home in gear with big labor day deals at lowe's. like up to $40 off paint + primer, stains + sealants and resurfacers via rebate. plus get up to 35% off appliances $396 or more. make your home happy this labor day with huge savings right now at lowe's. going to the skate park today? maybe... kellogg's frosted flakes gives you the sweet spark to go all in and let your great out. they're gr-r-reat! clean food. words you don't often hear. words we at panera live by. because clean food is food as it should be. with no artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners, and no colors from artificial sources. we think clean food tastes better, feels better, does better. every bite will be food as it should be. ?? there are 16 fresh-picked orans o each bottle of tropicana pure premium. and absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. tropicana. we put the good in morning. tamron is over in the orange room. carson is on the west coast. good morning. >> take a look at this. this photo is causing quite a controversy online. the image was posted by "vogue" instead of using actual paraolympians, it contains images of those altered to look like paralympic athletes. >> this is no end of "vogue" said in a statement that they did not create the ad. they just chose to publish it and it turns out the image has the full support from the paralympic officials committee. athletes have been supportive as well. two olympians were at the photo shoot helping in the creation process. one paralympan said i'm clear that i'm proud to be part of magazine "vogue" began to publish the first pictures of this beautiful work. the paralympics kick off in rio september 7th. >> in the paralympians were there, why didn't they use them in the ad? >> i don't know. they support the decision. i don't have the answer to the other part of the story. initial reaction when you see they use able bodied models? this has the blessing of the people who >> maybe a good reminder to all of us that when you have a knee-jerk reaction sometimes there's more complexity. it's interesting. >> thank you. coming up, what a week it's been for our pal, charlie. paul and bongo march to a different beat. a very different beat. sfx: cymbals they break only for the 100% complete and balanced nutrition of meow mix cat food. no wonder it's the only one cats ask for by name. ?? ?? ?? the new 2017 ford fusion is here. it's the beauty of a well-made choice. ?? there's nothing like trying something new. especially when it comes to snacking. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. ? ask sherwin-williams during the endless summer sale! stop by your neighborhood sherwin-williams paint store and save 30% on paints and stains, august 25th through september 5th. visit to find the store nearest you. ?? ?? tag, you're it. tag! you're it. tag, you're it. yes! it's 8:00 on "today." reaching new heights. the courageous woman who came to be known as the paralyzed bride proving once again that nothing can hold her back. >> what's going through your mind right now? >> i'm excited to go. adventure. plus, it's a dog's life. our new puppy with a purpose bounded into our hearts on monday. >> he's adorable. >> he's been entertaining our guests ever since. we'll look back at charlie's whirlwind first week on "today." ?? and ready to dnce. plaza as they get set to get our crowd moving, "today," friday, august 26th, 2016. >> i love dnce! >> dnce on "today." >> we it 8:00 on "today." it's friday, august 26th. it's dnce day. we're so excited to have them here. our crowd is totally fired up. by the way, i should mention a week from today we have another great guest. alicia keys who is also the newest judge on "the voice." >> that's going to be great. we look forward to that. news at 8:00. >> we begin with a devastating earthquake in central italy. i'm bill neely here in amatrice. the worst hit town where the search for survivors is now in its third day and it's desperate because the death toll is rising steadily. it could have been so much worse. this is an elementary school. if this had been full when the earthquake hit, hundred in the rubble it's a race against time as hope fades of finding survivors. rescuers say staying alive under all this is a long shot. on the ground, they call for silence. they listen for signs of life. they hear none. this sister survived and can't believe it. other nuns died. i texted my friends to say good-bye forever, she says. the ground is still shaking. this aftershock bringing down buildings and triggering clouds of dust. another violent aftershock this morning. they are still pulling victims out. the whole town is homeless. people are now living in tents and depending on food handouts. this is their main camp. it can hold around 300 people. here. there's anger too. investigators now probing why this school collapsed in spite of a million dollar spend to make it earthquake proof. the dust rising still like the death toll in this shaken town. this morning's aftershocks rattled buildings and they rattled nerves here. there will be a state funeral tomorrow for some of the dead. many foreign tourists were among the dead but no americans among matt, savannah? >> bill neely thank you. we move to the presidential race. donald trump and hillary clinton escalating their personal attacks over racism. last night trump repeated his accusation that clinton is a bigot. he said she's not doing anything for african-americans and hispanic in the inner city neighborhoods where she frequently makes appearances. for her part, clinton accused trump of taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the republican party. that's quote. he video that featured forms ku klux klan david duke praising trump. police are investigating a crime that stunned a community. the murder of two catholic nuns. sister margaret held and sister paula merrill were nurse practitioners that provided health care to poor families. there were signs of a break in and their car was stolen although it was recovered last home. police say the victims had apparently been stabbed. they aren't saying anything about a possible suspect or motive. a small plane crashed nose first into a house in terre haute, indiana, last night. nobody was home at the time. officials say the plane circled a nearby airport several times before clipping a tree and crashing. investigators from the faa and ntsb are expected at that site today. we'll take a you go to get a great picture? our hearts are in our throats as we watch this unicyclist performing stunts 100 feet in the air. >> we'll check in with charlie and the progress he's made during his first five days in studio 1a. >> we'll head outside for a live ? ? ? there's nothing like trying something new. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. if you want to carmax will give you seven days to consider their offer. why seven days? science. join me as we walk through the seven stages of decisioning. 1. consideration. 2. questioning. 3. deciding. 4. queso. 5. nap. u. 7. tambourine practice. i think i made my point. they'll give you an offer for your car, you take seven days to think about it. wish you could nourish your hair without it falling flat? dove oxygen moisture with oxygen fused moisture... for the nourishment you need... with 95% more volume. hi! hey! i've made plans for later in case this date doesn't go well. likewise! but, funny story. on top of that? my mom is my best friend. uh oh. yeah. oop! there's the rescue text from my roommate saying she needs me. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? we are back now 8:10 with a "today" exclusive. an update of a remarkable woman whose story we've been following for six years now. >> rachel chapman was paralyzed in an unusual accident during her bachelorette party back 2010. ever since she's proved that nothing can hold her back. as janet shamlian explains, that was true in her latest endeavor. >> reporter: for most people just thinking about skydiving takes guts. for rachel chapman jumping out of a plane is a profile in courage. why in the world did you want to do this? >> i've wanted to do this since i was a teenager. i figured the wheelchair isn't >> the wheelchair has been part of her life since her life was forever changed. another year before she and chris would finally be able to tie the knot. by then, known as paralyzed bride. a term she's embraced amid all kinds of new challenges. most fulfilling, she says, the couple's daughter, kaly. born with the help of a surrogate last year. you're a mom now. months. >> she is adapted to me being a mom in a wheelchair. it's fun to see her learn new things. >> on this day it's rachel learning something new. the plan, a tandem jump with mike elliott who leaves the all veteran parachute team. what's going through your mind right now? >> i'm ready to go. >> with chris and kaly watching, the team will make the leap from 14,000 feet. >> i'm more nervous than when i was on the ground. >> finally out the door and into unbridled freedom. she flies. for a few moments an exceptional view and feeling that anything was possible. whas >> scariest part was getting out of the plane. you have no control over that. >> for rachel chapman another barrier conquered as she soars to new heights. for "today," janet shamlian, nbc news, north carolina. >> that was crazy. >> crazy amazing. so impressive. let's do "trending." it's 8:12. this one is about men. here we go. no commentary at all. scientists discovered that balding does reduce the perception of attractiveness. researchers at johns hopkins university -- i did not call for the split screen. here we go. researchers found that shall we say folicly challenged men were rated as more youthful, successful and approachable after they had a hair transplant. >> that's ridiculous. would you ever consider getting a hair transplant? >> not for a moment. by the way, dwayne johnson not sexy? >> michael jordan. come on. >> i'm not saying this to butter you up because you know me i always look for a reason to not do that, i think you both look great if not better than you ever looked before. >> also, we could grow hair any >> look at you guys. it's how you own it. >> matching outfits today. >> we talk about it all the time, best things we did was shaving our heads. do you have a dress code at work? if you do, you may want to bend the rules a little bit. you may be more successful either dressing above the dress code or below it. an article in new york magazine says there's an advantage to dressing professionally but you only reap the benefits if you e peers in the office. experts found that workers who intentionally dress either above the dress code, more dressy, or below it, more casual, appear more competent. the takeaway is you seem to be more competent if you stand out. >> monday i'm coming in a tux. >> i'm coming in a swimsuit. >> ignore the dress code. go above it or below it. >> i think that applies to a party. if you're going to a garden party and you don't know what to casual or go in a full flowing floral number so you stand out. >> the dress code should not turn you into sheep that everyone is following the same jacket, same tie, same shirt. >> you have seen guys in the same plaid shirts. not like yours, mr. roker. as i said plaid shirt, wait a minute. but you're handsome. a video s heart pumping this morning. as if unicycle is not hard enough, how about doing it around the edge of a chimney at 840 feet. this is a dare devil. he's in romania. captured this on video. >> my gosh. >> look at this. the balance beam. a few other tricks up his sleeve. just for the sheer joy of it. he's just hanging out. you know who is a big unicyclist? our producer and my wife unicycles. >> do you ride your bike around? >> sometimes i'm too tired. >> al, we set you up for it. >> these why i need two tires. i don't know how to follow that joke. barbra streisand took to the stage last night for a duet with donald trump. no. it's donald trump played by jimmy fallon. they promised to make duets great again. here it is. ? any wall you can build i can build taller. i can build any wall taller than ? no you can't ? ? i'm going to get mexico to pay for it ? >> great time there with jimmy. and now to ryan reynolds. we know the actor is hilarious on twitter. yesterday was a special day. he shared a heartfelt message that went viral. tweeted just want to wish billy ray cyrus the most special, magical birthday ever. i love you with all my heart. happy belated birthday to blake lively and billy ray cyrus. britney spears released her album "glory" and she brought back greatest hits doing carpool karaoke. some things that we learned. she wants three more kids. she no longer believes in style. ?? ? give me a sign ? ? hit me baby one more time ? i know you were looking at the ponytail but look at his shirt. so for more "pop start" stories head over to "today's" facebook page. >> i'm not sure anyone has more fun in their job. >> tamron, thank you so much. let's get a check of the weather. >> oaky doaky. we've been talking about this tropical disturbance and over the next couple days it doesn't really have that much of a chance. the chances keep dropping down to 20% but in the next five days the u.s. model and european model keep it through tomorrow coming across the bahamas bringing a lot of wind and rain. rain to southern florida. then monday the tracks begin to differ. european model brings it across florida. u.s. model brings it into warm waters of the gulf where it could become more of a tropical entity and cause problems for parts of louisiana and the gulf >> announcer: today's puppy with a purpose is created by our sponsor, petsmart. >> today marks the end of charlie's first week with us. i'm a 12 on the infatuation >> it's time to meet our puppy. let's have a drum roll please. >> hi, sweetie. >> welcome. >> he's adorable. >> so cute. >> nice folks at petsmart, $25,000 donation. >> what our puppy with a purpose doesn't have is a name. >> charlie, let's go see your new home. >> it's all yours. >> now he has a name. what about a uniform. >> a vest to start out on his new job. >> and charlie is here with his siblings. >> look who we have here. here's wrangler. did you miss us at all? i don't think so. bona fide olympic champs. a puppy. >> can i take the labit >> no. you can't have our dog. >> country queen dolly parton in studio 1a. she's with charlie. look who is here. jessica alba. ?? charlie's trainer. how would you characterize week one? >> such an awesome week. he's acclimating to the city. he's getting used to everything that's involved with being on tv. we're doing that by associate it with lots of snuggling and playing and treats and toys because the more comfortable he is, the better he'll work in the future. >> we all fight over him all day long. we want to hold him and so do all of the celebrities that come by the studio. is that good for him to have a lot of different interactions with peoples >> absolutely. so socializing is such an important part of being a future service dog for a veteran because like i said, the more comfortable he is, the better he's going to do in the future. >> the different environments are good for him as well. >> he's taking in all sorts of sounds and sights and things outside of the studio like the crowds of people on the plaza and it's amazing for him to have the foundation. >> the hardest part for us has been remembering that when charlie is wearing the vest, charlie is working because our cuddle and then we look down and go -- >> he's getting used to wearing the vest. he doesn't have that total association. in the future he will understand what his job is. >> what are his next few weeks like? what are skills you'll be teaching him? >> as a vet dog he'll retrieve and picking up items and turning on and off lights. he'll learn his name and do retrieve and things like that. light and fun. >> how do you like these hours? >> these are amazing. i met so many incredible people and everyone is welcoming and encouraging so we're happy to go here. thank you. >> we're thrilled to have you. by the way, you can learn more about america's vet dogs at and find out about this perfect for our puppy. >> let's go outside for tamron. dnce is getting ready to perform live on the plaza. these ladies are the biggest fans of the band. i admitted to them earlier that i have to admit i don't know everything about the band so help me out here. what does dnce stand for? >> it was supposed to be -- >> i got you. >> what's so funny? >> my gosh. >> why are you red now? >> what are they laughing >> they thought they were here to help me out. meanwhile, they got to meet the band and guess what? 8:30 on a friday morning. great crowd out here for a live performance from dnce on our citi concert stage. >> also coming up, we've been talking about the roker at shake shack all week long. al is going to fix us up some of those burgers. >> folks have been tweeting that there isn't a shake shack near them so how can they get a roker burger? we'll show you how to make your own. >> a programming note, this sunday night natalie is hosting a documentary special robin williams behind closed doors. it's a complete look at the legacy of the genius. two-hour special takes us from his childhood in chicago to mindy" while uncovering troubling times in his life. >> it's interviews of people that knew him professionally and personally. robin williams behind closed doors airs sunday night on real. >> what a genius. let's take a look and show you our weekend outlook. warm temperatures in the northeast and mid-atlantic states. wet through the gulf coast. the heat breaks in the pacific northwest and then sunday, ay upstate new york, northern new england, hot and humid in the mid-atlantic states. flooding rains possible. dry and hot through the plains. sunny skies in the southwest. we do have wet weather from now to our special series "today's original." it's about the roker burger created with folks at shake shack. $1 donated for every burger sold. if you can't make it to the shake shack or there isn't one in your area, we'll show you how to make a roker burger at home. we have senior vice president of operations. zach, good to see you. >> thank you so much. >> there's a lot that goes into this besides the burger. let's get started. first of all, as far as the burger is concerned, how do we do this? probably best to start with our mayo. >> everybody commented about the mayo. >> a take on southern red eye gravy. we've done it here. you helped us dream up this delicious burger. let's dream up mayo. we'll start by adding so the brewed espresso. the roasted notes will pick up on smoke of the barbecue and then you're adding maple syrup here that will pick up on the sweetness from the barbecue. vinegar in a little pinch of salt and pepper and whisk that up. you do that very well. >> thank you. >> it's the best. so then next thing we want to do is take our potato rolls here. that's the best way to eat a burger. we'll take melted butter. we want to get that nice on each side there. what you'll do is take melted butter and put it on your medium griddle here. get that toasted where it's almost like french toast looking. >> your burger. >> high heat with any burger start with great meat. we'll take our nice patty here. we smash our burgers like this. >> chefs say don't do that because it pushes out juices. >> i don't know what chefs say that. >> i have heard. >> you want to smash and let that go a minute and a half. burgers are like pancakes. when you see juices coming up through the middle like when you see bubbles coming up, that's these are flipped already here. you were smart when you helped us create this. we'll put two slices of cheese. >> i like a lot of cheese. >> a lot of flavors going on. we need that extra component of cheese. let's just make this. you have your toasted bun. we have you set up with a patty. we'll take this. i'll make this. we have our barbecue pulled pork. you helped us with that. so amazing. this one comes to us from an you get first. let's get pulled pork on there. you like it, too. go heavy. >> go heavy or go home. >> so we've had so much fun with you this week. we thank you so much. fans are loving it. >> no kid hungry is such a great organization to help fight childhood hunger. three dill pickles goes on here. >> that's what fans like. >> fourth. throw another one in there. >> >> guys? >> this is brilliant. >> you got your shakes. >> i'm happy. >> savannah was upset earlier in the week. >> with he brought extras. >> nice job. it's delicious. >> we posted the recipe online on our website, big news about the roker burger. if you were not able to get to shake shack this week, they'll until sunday night. supporting no kid hungry. how's it been doing? >> we've sold thousands of them. you have to feel good because just another bit of help to get kids fed ending childhood hunger in america. >> thank you to the team at shake shack. >> thank you so much. >> eat a couple of them because you can always go out and dnce them off. >> we should do that. >> that's what we're about to do. concert time on the plaza after >> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> dnce has taken the world by storm with its infectious music. first, a look at their whirlwind year. it's one of the catchiest songs of the summer. and for dnce led by front man joe jonas, "cake by the ocean" has brought the sweet song of success. the song certified double platinum. ?? their follow-up single "toothbrush" just as popular with 40 million viewsn and counting. >> it resonates because they write catchy songs but joe jonas says the mission is to celebrate wild, weird and quirky. >> they spent the summer on a world tour putting the finishing touches on their debut full length album. get ready to dnce as the band takes to our summer concert stage. by the way, if you're at home, you can get virtual reality go to to join in and now without further ado, dnce, take it away. ?? ? see you walking ad ? not so serious, girl, why those feet cold ? ? we just getting started don't you tiptoe ? ? waste time like a masterpiece don't waste time with masterpiece ? ? you should be rolling with me you should be rolling with me ? ? you're a real life fantasy ? ? but you're moving so carefully let's start living dangerously ? ? talk to me baby ? sweet, sweet craving ? ? let's lose our minds and go crazy ? ? let's lose our minds and go crazy ? ? i keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean ? your own hands ? ? i want another taste i'm begging yes, ma'am ? ? i am tired of all this candy on the dry land, dry land ? ? waste time with a masterpiece don't waste time with a masterpiece ? ? you should be rolling with me ? ? you should be rolling with me ? ? you're a real life fantasy ? ? you're a real life fantasy ? ? but you're moving so carefully ? i'm going blind from this sweet craving ? ? let's lose our minds and go crazy ? ? i keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean ? ? walk for me baby ? ? i'll be diddy you'll be naomi ? ? let's lose our minds ? ? i keep on cake by the ocean ? ? i keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean ? ? i keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean ? ? i'm going blind from this sweet, sweet craving ? ? let's lose our minds and go crazy ? ? i keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean ? ? i'll be diddy, you'll be naomi ? ? go crazy, crazy ? ? keep on hoping we'll eat by the ocean ? ?? ? i keep on hoping we'll eat >> dnce. we are just getting started with this dance party. more music just ahead. >> we are so excited to have dnce here on our stage this morning. >> first full length album is on the way. dnce is joe jonas, jack lawless, cole little, good to have you here. can we start by saying thank you for doing the radio version of that last song. we appreciate that. >> i don't know what you're talking about. we know you're very sensitive, matt. >> let's get lingo out of the way for uninitiated dnce means? >> it means us. and we liked it and kept it. >> i thought it meant do not crush eggs or something like that. >> she figured it out. >> cake by the ocean means? >> mystery solved again. for us it's just a party anthem. a fun song. misunderstanding of sex on the beach, the drink, the cocktail. we thought that was bizarre so we put it into a song. >> you've been playing together a year but you've knownh that, right? >> joe has known jack and ginger for over ten years and played countless time. i fell out of a space ship and landed in joe's lap. >> are you surprised at how the song took off? >> we had no expectations of what "cake by the ocean" would do. it's incredible to play it here have them sing it back up. >> best new artist nomination. is this exceeding all expectations? >> we're happy to be nominated amongst incredible other artists. >> you guys are great. i know you have been traveling from london here and then the vmas and back all over the place. what are you going to sing next? >> i think we're going to sing a song called all. >> ladies and gentlemen, dnce. ?? ? maybe you don't have to rush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush ? ? at my place at my place ? ? we don't need to keep it hush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ? ? half hypnotized ? ? each time i let you stay the night stay the night ? ? up in the morning tangled in sheets ? ? we play the moment on repeat on repeat ? ? when you're standing there in your underwear and my t-shirt from the night before ? ? with your messed up hair and your feet still bare would you mind closing the bedroom door ? maybe you don't have to rush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ? ? we don't need to keep it hush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ? ? i just, i just can't let you go ? ? give me something i've never known ? ? so maybe you don't have to ? at my place at my place ? ? no need to question next time we meet ? ? i know you're coming home with me, home with me ? ? sweat like a sauna ? ? break out the ice ? ? i know you're going stay the night stay the night ? ? when you're standing there in your underwear and my t-shirt from the night before ? with your messed up hair and your feet still bare ? ? would you mind closing the bedroom door ? ? maybe you don't have to rush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ? ? we don't need to keep it hush you could leave a toothbrush ? ? at my place at my place ? you go ? ? you give me something i've never known ? ? so maybe you don't have to rush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ? ? cause i don't want this to end ? ? and there's no need to play pretend ? ? if you stay with me a ? would you mind closing the bedroom door ? ? maybe you don't have to rush ? ? you can leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ? ? we don't need to keep it hush you could leave a toothbrush ? ? at my place at my place ? go ? ? give me something i've never known ? ? so maybe you don't have to rush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ?? >> hear more from dnce and all our summer concert artists at friday morning. ? ? ? there's people who care where i'm going ? ? so get a full tank of freedom, ? ? drive the american road ? ? and with a full tank of freedom, ? ? find your own highway ? ? we'll take you wherever you go. ? >> all right. that was a special time of day for birthdays. >> time to find out who is celebrating milestones. let's start out with bickford. she played tennis until she was 90. way to go, ann. mr. benny langworth. he's been the locker room attendant at the golf and tennis club for 30 years. happy 100th birthday to barbara jost. winter and went barbara is not doing that, she loves watching her grandson, collin. that's right. "saturday night live." all righty. dr. annie beard of richmond, texas. also 100 years old. she loves to read, sing, and spend time with her family and friends. and anna laforge. and 75 years for jack and vera jones from michigan. they say the secret to a long and happy marriage is to never go to bed mad. if you know someone turning 100 or celebrating 35 years of marriage or more, head to and include a photo. >> we can do celebrate with all those people, roker burgers for about dental hygiene. i think that's great. it's fantastic. >> and cake. >> we'll have more music from dnce. we will get to talk to them some more. first, a check of your local >> this morning on "today's take," dnce and joe jonas bring the sweet taste of cake by the ocean to our plaza. which one of these stars is the highest paid actor and al is in the kitchen with his snack. all that and more >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, tamron hall and billy bush live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on this friday morning, august 26th, 2016. billy along with al and tamron and we have heard your feedback on our need for a bigger desk. unfortunately it's not in the thing. >> we did what we could. >> we made us bigger. this is the same size desk. we just got bigger. >> good luck with your man spread. >> i'm cramped. >> you should feel these thighs. here's what i'm upset about. our managers, okay, our executive producers, you lied. you lied. you lied to tamron. you lied to me. you lied to billy. and i just can't take this anymore. this is oh gosh. >> and the table looks the same. we showed the tiny table and this is not much better. >> now you've seen that to me it feels not so small after you see that. >> it's all relative. >> it doesn't bother me. >> really? >> another person here it might get cramped. >> i think we should have a design contest and have viewers like sketch out what they think i do feel -- >> a design contest. what great idea. does it always have to be this shape? it could be something else. tamron and i went on a ropes course adventure park. an adventure on long island. [ screaming ] >> first clip we show is of me screaming. >> wow. >> unbelievable. look at her. she was our leader. she went first. ladies first. every single thing we did. stuck that landing. >> why did i go first, billy bush? >> ladies first. >> that's not why. >> first and foremost i'm a gentleman. i have a terrible fear of heights. if tamron went i could motivate of have to. >> oh. >> this is not how it's supposed to work by the way. this is a licensed facility. kids as young as seven all of the way up to adults go out here. they have seven locations. >> you're like george of the jungle hitting trees. >> look at that man spread. >> it's ridiculous. we won't show you everything. there are no brakes. no ak >> once i've been on you can brake. >> a glove with your bare hand. we won't show you everything. there is a moment that it really boiled down to who we are as human beings. we were there together like holding hands surrounded by 10 year olds heckling us. they like "lord of the flies." all of these children -- one little boy -- >> he gave me this. i said i know where you live, kid. >> they were challenging us basically to go on different courses. >> you didn't see what they were talking about you guys on twitter then? >> thank you, al. we were standing there together and i said to tamron in a moment -- >> we were 40 feet up high reflecting on life and things that are important. >> i said i deactivatedtt today, tamron. >> i said did you? >> deactivated my account. i'm afraid it's become troll land. it's so negative. majority negative. maybe that's just me. it's majority negative. >> my twitter feed is pleasant. >> you said i'm out too. >> i said i'm out too. i'm thinking about it. in the moment i said i'm in. >> have you deactivated yours? >> not yet. >> what about instagram? >> i don't have the issue on instagram. you post a picture of baby. >> everybody go to instagram. >> there's still no comment section on snapchat. instagram video no comment section. instagram you post a picture of a baby. that's cute. twitter, what's wrong with that baby's eye. >> you k vicious? pinterest? they'll come after you. >> i love pinterest. you have gotten into a few twitter -- >> i enjoy it. it's a little sport. >> occasionally you have to respond. it's so hard not to. but you know what? as michelle obama said, they go low, you go high. so i like to use humor to -- >> here's a compromise. did you know you can look at verified remarks. whatever, they're not verified so on your twitter account, i sound like the -- you know you can do this. look at people who have verified that they are real people. >> that's an interesting thing. i may have to look into that. >> how about your daughter? she's real. >> this is a picture i want to post on this television screen. today is my oldest daughter's 18th birthday. she's turning 18. looks like her mama. >> exactly. >> they could be sisters. >> she's beautiful. her name is josie. sh i told her that you can get lottery tickets now. you can serve in the military. >> let me ask a question. i'm 18 now. >> yeah. >> leila, that's all she's been talking about. coming up in november, i'm going to be 18. she asked me, dad, who should i vote for? i said it's a longer discussion. >> it is an independence -- especially for a young woman. 18, dad. >> i understand. >> serious note, she's had a big year. a tough year in many ways. i'm not going to get emotional, but i'm really proud of this girl. she's special. >> happy birthday. >> you know what, aretha franklin is a fan of the show. she loves us. i want to send some love to my n. some treatment. she had to cancel a series of concerts and hopefully she'll be on the mend soon. she sends her love about the roker burger of course. we want to give love to my queen this morning. >> she'll have her purse with her. >> one day i'll tell you my aretha franklin purse story. >> we have action this sunday. vmas coming up here. tmz reporting that kanye west he can perform. he can forego the performance. >> he can juggle. do whatever. >> producers have no idea what he's going to do. is this a good idea? >> i love it. i absolutely am tired of orchestrated award shows. you know what's going to happen. it's all preplanned and leaked. i want kanye to go kan crazy on stage. >> presidential ambitions in an 11-minute speech last year. >> i need energy from these shows. >> i have said before, i think the man is a musical genius. i really do. i think he's a very talented man. and who knows? maybe he'll use this time for good. and not make it all about kanye. i think there is in this very core he wants to do good and he wants to effect change. >> i'll tell you this quickly. i don't want to be mean to york for three days i could not go in and out of my home because it's pop-up shop. t-shirts selling outside all night. kids from all backgrounds, all races, he has a fan base. i kind of appreciated that. i thought all kinds of kids, all backgrounds. i thought, okay, he's bringing them in from all necks of the wood. i like that. >> bill simmons said he's a genius. the problem is i think that's interesting. taylor swift presented -- remember they brought them together after the huge dust up in 2009 is when they had the dust up and grabbed the microphone. beyonce deserved it. they brought them together last year because kanye got the award and she presented it and then things have fallen out over "famous." taylor will not be at vmas. she's not going to be there. >> who is going to get vanguard award? >> rihanna. >> love her. >> coming up, who is hollywood's highest paid actor? do you think it's jackie chen? leo decaprio? tom cruise? and john jonas, dnce crushing it on the plaza. olay regenerist renews from within... weekend plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation ?without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age...your skin never will. olay regenerist. olay. ageless. and try the micro-sculpting cream you love now with this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's this, this, this, and this. it is the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal in all the history and will be for eternity. honey bunches of oats. this. is. everything. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. an unprecedented natural outburst seems to have taken over the country. everything's all right in there? security. hi , i'm stuck in an elevator with a cow. a what ? all natural, non gmo ingredients with vitamin d and whole milk. paul and bongo march to a different beat. a very different beat. sfx: cymbals they break only for the 100% complete and balanced nutrition of meow mix cat food. no wonder it's the only one cats ask for by name. we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. this is dove. someone's finally ready to start her day. time to work some magic. tada. get gooeyflakyhappy. toaster strudel. ? ask sherwin-williams during the endless summer sale! stop by your neighborhood sherwin-williams paint store and save 30% on paints and stains, august 25th through september 5th. visit clean food. words you don't often hear. words we at panera live by. because clean food is food as it should be. with no artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners, and no colors from artificial sources. we think clean food tastes better, feels better, does better. 100% of our food will be clean by year's end. every bite will be food as it should be. ?? back now with more of "today's take." earlier this week we talked about highest paid actresses. jennifer lawrence. and now the boys, we count them down from the top four. let's see. who is fourth. >> tom cruise. $53 million. this was a -- was this the year he was outside of a plane without a stunt devil. >> how about "jason bourne"? >> they brought him back. they did one with jeremy who was great. he was great. damon held out. >> are they good? >> we'll have to do a weekend. >> next on the list -- >> this speaks to -- wow. that >> can i clarify? >> no, it's okay. >> i want to clarify. i would stay with y'all if we watched "steel magnolias" and movies -- >> a weekend of movies you like and -- >> this is what speaks to the power of the foreign box office. number two, mr. jackie chan. >> look at that face. >> and number one i think you know. >> he earned it. >> the rock, baby. >> "the rock" dwayne johnson. this is a lot of "fast and furious" money. >> dwayne "the rock" explodes. >> you were on the set for that movie? >> no. i did "ride along 2" with kevin hart and ice cube. >> can we put a picture of the rock back up? we did a story earlier in the hour that men without hair are less attractive. who did that stupid study? >> he was one of the people i dwayne johnson has the most beautiful piece of any human being and the best gums. >> how close did you get in there? >> i remember that he was talking and my eyes just kept going into his mouth. >> wow. >> i've been in your shoes. i sat in my radio the day with flo rider and i couldn't get over his teeth. they're gorgeous. al, we need to go no further than the beautiful man sitting right here. >> now, up until recently, samuel l. jackson was the highest grossing actor of all-time. but because of the latest "star wars," harrison ford has now movies that all add up. sam jackson was up until -- >> i just want to say swear words. >> when i think of sam i think of telling donald trump that he cheats at golf. we were talking vmas earlier. britney spears performing. she's got her album coming out. we have to pay this off. earlier this the week we played the trailer for carpool karaoke. singing or not. i believe she sings every time she opens her mouth. >> wow. you do? ? i shouldn't have let you go ? ? show me how you want me to be ? ? tell me baby because i need to know now ? killing me ? ? and i must confess i still believe ? >> i can't do it. >> girlfriend was singing. >> she brought it. case closed. >> one of the biggest man crushes on james corden. i do. >> fight me for >> when i saw him on broadway was just brilliant. >> he's adorable. >> it was brilliant. to see what he's done, i'm in love with this man. >> he's become all of our best friends in our heads. he's the guy you want to hang out with. >> he was body shamed when he was in school we found out yesterday. now he's embraced it. >> he got the last laugh on the bullies. >> who's laughing now? >> everyone picked on him is >> not the last time we talk about to lochte. he's going with "dancing with the stars." it's a report that i think he is. he's been summoned back to rio. officials there are charging him with filing a false police report. he will not have to return. they won't get lochte back there. >> this is why i said he needed to take a break and not go on "dancing with the stars." i't forgiven. i'm about redemption and forgiveness. you need a break sometimes. i feel like -- i got my political show mixed in. you can forgive people. i sound like you. i've taken on your voice. billy regis. i think he needs a break from tv and just chill out for a while. he's got a girlfriend. hang out with her. kick it in florida. >> it's not as bad as you think. four sponsors dropped out. he lost speedo and the mattress company but he picked up pine brothers throat lozenges. they have a statement that says forgiving on your throat. they're going with a forgiving thing. >> forgive me if let's show you what's going on. here we go. >> that means stop talking. >> investigation area 99-l. over the next five days, 60% chance and you'll see that the models actually veer. they've almost flip flopped where u.s. model puts it into the gulf. european model over the southeast. we have to watch it. >> and that is your latest weather. up next, hacks to ?"all you need is love" plays ? my eyelove is finding a different angle. my eyelove is season 1, episode 1. my eyelove is making a story come alive. eyelove is all the things we love to do with our eyes. but it's also having a chat with your eye doctor because if your eyes feel dry, itchy, gritty, or you have occasional blurry vision, it could be chronic dry eye. go to and feel the love. tag, you're it. tag! you're it. tag, you're it. yes! new gogurt write-on tubes. this back to school, say it with gogurt. liquid foundation, revolutionized l'oreal's lumi cushion p on a little for a fresh, luminous glow tap on more whenever you need more coverage lumi cushion from l'oreal makeup designer paris i've been taking fish oil from nature's bounty to support my heart. i'm running, four times a week. eating better, keeping healthy. so that no matter what happens in the future, my "future self" will thank me. thank you! you're welcome! hey listen. whatever you do, don't marry dan! thank you. 45 years of experience has taught us: no matter what the future holds, you're always better off healthy. nature's bounty kids, juicy fruit gum with starburst flavors? yeah. (mmm...) (mmm...) (zipper noise) (zipper noise) (baby rattle shaking) juicy fruit so sweet you can't help but chew. are you tired of hazardous glass made so clear by sfx: slide show windex that you don't even know it's there? sfx: slide show with the new smudge stick even clear glass gets visibly smudged in a snap. sfx: smudge sounds against glass get it now and say no to spotless clear windex glass. to feel this special... ? i love it ? start your day with crunchy whole-grain flakes... and real strawberries. special k. eat special. feel special. not to bum you out, there are only a few weeks left of summer. we brought in brandy malloy, host of "eat the trend" to show us fall good to see you. you get sweaters for fall around the corner and then before you know it kids have -- >> we need to refresh the winter wardrobe. we use regular day items. a razor. you know those matted fuzzies you get when you wash sweaters. place your sweater flat with a razor. single blade. look at the fuzzies. bye-bye. all you do is tiny strokes and >> i love that idea. >> you can use a lint roller for that as well. >> we come in from fall. >> our boots. we put them in storage but don't cake care of them. two parts cold water and vinegar. give them a spray. wipe it down. once it dries, use a damp cloth. >> great tips. an unprecedented natural outburst seems to have taken over the country. we'll bring you more as soon as new updates come in. this house was literally invaded minutes after the hi , i'm stuck in an elevator with a cow. a what ? we have a situation. everything alright in there ? witnesses say this is where it all started, okay guys. we're comimg in now. copy that. all natural, non gmo ingredients with vitamin d and whole milk. new dannon , natural is back. can't see it. can't taste it. but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber? works. inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. nourishes them... and what helps them, helps you. ?? >> be careful with that. how sweet it is for dnce in their first year together they created the smash hit "cake by the ocean" and now to release the first full length album. called "sway." good morning, guys. what a morning. crushing the plaza. best friends with charlie, our puppy. >> charlie loves us. >> you have vmas this weekend. congratulations. nominated as best new artist. time to buy lottery tickets. things are in your favor. >> she can legally. guys, did this happen by design or is it luck? we all knew each other from some place and it kind of came together that way? >> it was the perfect timing for us. we were looking for the next thing individually. came together and said let's try something of our own and then dnce was started. >> have you all known each other before this? >> i played in joe's old band >> it seems to me like it's happening. "cake by the ocean" blows up. did you have any idea it was going to be the size of hit it was and is? >> no idea. we wrote the song simply because it felt right. it was a fun vibe in the studio that day. we're playing it all over the world and here today. it's a special song to us. >> how does that happen? does it begin with that lick and you say we have to do something >> i think any time you're creating, the first idea is the one that sets the ship out in the ocean and for this one it was just a cake ship out into the ocean and here it is. >> how do you handle these guys? you're the lone woman in the band. >> it's so much fun every day. >> having too much fun. >> they make me laugh all day long. >> let's talk about the style of this band. the clothing style and where do you guys shop? >> you know, we shop at the superhero store. everyone is a different role. we all make sense together because we're weirdos and that's what dnce is about. >> the style reflects the music and the vibe, doesn't it? it's loose and kind of thrown together. >> everything that we do we try to -- we have fun with obviously. we take music seriously. i think clothing is representation of who you are as well. so we make sure that what we wear showcases our music. >> what goes on at the show? >> it's been kind of insane. we've been on tour for the last six months straight. we were all over the u.s. we went to japan, australia, new zealand. europe. it's been a whirlwind experience. amazing crowds. it's great to know our music even in countries where we don't speak the same language. >> your brother is having great success solo artist. dnce. where is kevin? baby number two coming? >> he's a great day. baby number two is on the way. he's been doing some really exciting stuff on his own. he's doing a lot of app development. he's been building applications you use on your phone and don't realize it. he's killing it. >> what about bonus jonas? >> he just went to college two days ago. >> no, he's not. are the ladies eating out of the palm of his hand? >> so vmas this weekend. best new artist. kanye west has four minutes to do with whatever he wants. >> i'm hoping he talks for four minutes straight. i would love to see more speaking. that went well last time. >> congratulations to all of you on your success. it's awesome. dnce. they'll perform their new song "body moves" in just a couple minutes. al is in the kitchen with a twist on one of my favorites and a large coming up on "look! famous people!" we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. you just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] ? ? special k nourish. apples, almonds, and raspberries. devour something different. special k nourish. sara, could you come in here. yep, coming. oh wow, what kind of underwear are those? they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. [gasp] what are those? guys... they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. yes, they have these tiny holes to let the air through, can you help me? ook at those. can you feel this? [blowing] turn around for me. seriously? yeah. slow...slow...slower...slower is that okay. i don't think you should get that dress. it doesn't fit. stay cool with breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. from frui? ? ?the loom. the best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. what makes a lipton meal? first you start with this. then add this. and this face. wait, we can do better. yeah... that's the one. and fresh brewed lipton iced tea. a lipton meal is what you bring to it. and the bright refreshing taste this is mister kitty. mom doesn't know we have him. so we're using fresh step with the power of febreze to eliminate litter box odors for 10 days. guaranteed. victory is ours, mr. kitty! fresh step. with the power of febreze. tag, you're it. tag! you're it. tag, you're it. yes! new gogurt write-on tubes. this back to school, say it with gogurt. pampers. unlike ordinary diapers with two layers, pampers have three absorbent layers to stay up to three times drier, so babies can sleep soundly all night. on "today food," we'll wrap up a week of back-to-school meals and i hope your kids will love it. they have the snack bar and carbs in it. protein is the way to go. give kids protein. we'll show you how to make a healthy beef jerky that you can put in a ziploc for your kids. water, teriyaki sauce. sweet chili pepper. liquid smoke. beef and brown sugar and garlic. put in your teriyaki sauce and mix into the marinade some sweet chili sauce. it's a little sweet. a little spice. not a lot. garlic powder and garlic salt and brown sugar. whisk that up. take your flank steak and cut against the grain if you like it less chewy. so against the grain. as thin a slice as possible. if you you can go the length of it. so you take this and you'll pour your marinade and put this in the fridge and let it sit for 24 hours. now, take it out onto a nice cookie sheet. you can use a bigger one. pat it dry. now, you take your meat and you put it on a wire rack, all putting some foil at the bottom of this. >> parchment paper. >> you can do that as well. little known secret. put this in the oven. you'll put this in the oven at the lowest possible temperature your oven can go to. low and slow. it's going to be in there for a bunch of hours. leave it in there. until you see that it has a consistency like this. >> this is so good. brisket jerky. >> you have your you just put this nice ziploc. >> i think jerky could be big. we have to get in on this. >> kale chips. all you have to do is cut out the rib. all right. you're going to lay these down on parchment paper or baking sheet. take olive oil. use salt. you can do any seasoning you barbecue sauce. >> the key is for people, you don't overpack the pan because it steams it. >> put it in the oven at about 325 for 15 to 20 minutes. this comes out. other thing i love, avocado toast. you can put smoke salmon, veggies. i like to put on a bigger piece a whole fried egg on top. that's yummy stuff. and you sprinkle a little parmesan and you're set. also by the way, i mention food club member standout. taylor kaiser made energy bars. for the recipe, go to and by the way, the roker burger is so successful, they're going to keep it on sale through the weekend at shake shack. $1 from every roker burger goes to no kid hungry to help beat childhood hunger. my gate at the airport. i'm going to have me a roker burger. >> let's check your weekend weather to see what we have for you. for tomorrow we have a lot of wet weather through the upper midwest and also the gulf coast. heat breaks in the pacific northwest. sunny and hot in the northeast and new england. sunday, sunday, look for more hot, humid weather in the mid-atlantic states. flooding possibility depending >> you have your weather. you are your snacks. how about a little dessert. how about a little cake come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet. can't see it. can't taste it. but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber? works. inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber? nourishes them... and what helps them, helps you. clear, taste-free, benefiber?. ? ask sherwin-williams during the endless summer sale! and save 30% on paints and stains, august 25th through september 5th. visit to find the store nearest you. there are a lot of ways to pack your breakfast with protein. but the most delicious way is to just add milk. nature valley cereals. at least 10 grams of protein with milk, and just a touch of sweetness to power you through your day. make fit happen! fit me matte + poreless foundation from maybelline new york. blurs pores. controls shine. our most natural look... now, in more shades than ever! maybelline's fit me make it happen maybelline new york. (kids laughing) what's going on? shhh! gasp! you going to shut it down? this is totally going viral. i wanna go viral. going viral? get scrubbing bubbles, clean and disinfect. 20,000 views! what? oh, it looks so clean in here. we could brag about what's in new light & fit yogurt. gredients. and with 70 calories... maybe we're kind of bragging? new light & fit. i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about once-daily xarelto... a latest generation blood thinner. then i made the switch. xarelto? significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. xarelto? is selective targeting one critical factor of your body's natural clotting function. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. , ask your doctor about xarelto. there's more to know. xarelto. you totaled your brand new car. nobody's hurt, ce company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement?, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement?, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you?. >> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> nce kicking off our fun on the plaza with their awesome songs. they're getting ready to release their full length album. here with a new song called "body moves," dnce. ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? >> dnce. thanks so much. >> think about this. you love your man but do you love his looks? we want to give two men a style makeover. go to send a picture of your fella, name, location, and why he needs a new look. maybe it's the shirt. it's the pants. it's the back hair. could be that. he may get picked. >> you have to think about body ha hair. >> i'm not going to say what i was thinking. meanwhile -- >> guess who is coming up next. kathie lee and hoda. they've got john krasinski and margo martindale from the movie the "hollars" which is very funny. >> and top fall trends under 50 bucks. looks we can find for you that >> i helped billy pick this out. >> looked nice all week. he gave me the pink shirt. also ahead, turn your kid into a huge business mogul like barron trump. thank you for great first week. >> you were fantastic. group hug. ?? >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. ? >> yes, it is. it's try day friday, august 26th. that's called "women up" by meghann traynor. all of her songs she learned to sing and after she's roughing it. >> we're going to kick your weekend off to that talented stars of "the hollers." hering with us will be john

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Transcripts For WKYC Today 20160826

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investigation. and facing charges. ryan lochte ordered back to brazil for filing a false police report. will he comply and what happens if he doesn't? how his case could be setting up an international tug of war, "today," friday, august 26th, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, everybody. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. big crowd on the plaza for dnce in our 8:30 half hour. if you're going to dnce today you may want to put baby powder on. >> a hot, sweaty dance party on our plaza. looking forward for that. let's start on a friday morning with politics. 73 days to go until the election. clinton now saying her rival's rhetoric is taking hate groups mainstream. let's begin our decision 2016 coverage with nbc's andrea mitchell. andrea, good morning to you. >> good morning, matt. the racial insults were flying between donald trump and hillary clinton. he calling her a bigot. she saying that he's helped a radical fringe take over the gop. donald trump ramping up his war of words with hillary clinton on her a bigot. >> she is a bigot. look at what's happening to the inner cities. you look at what's happening to african-americans and hispanic in this country where she talks all the time. >> clinton's running mate tim kaine addressing the bigot word in a taped interview. >> he called your friend, hillary clinton, a bigot. >> when hillary clinton got out of law school she helped to alabama. at his early career, donald trump was a real estate guy who got sued by the justice department for discriminating against people in housing. >> he's taking hate groups mainstream. >> in major speech, clinton tearing into trump charging her rival with building his campaign on prejudice and paranoia tying him to right wing extremists. >> he promoted the racist lie that president obama is not really an american citizen. >> dismissing his her health. >> his latest paranoid fever dream is about my health. all i can say is, donald, dream on. >> calling trump's new ceo >> hillary clinton isn't just attacking me. she's attacking all of the decent people of all backgrounds. doesn't matter. of all backgrounds who support this incredible once in a lifetime movement. >> escalating his attack on the clinton foundation. >> hillary clinton's actions constitute all of the elements of a major criminal enterprise. >> asked whether his donations constituted pay for play, trump hedged. >> they like me a lot. if i didn't make that contribution, they probably wouldn't have liked me at all. >> in his cnn interview thursday night, trump suggested he may flip back to his original legalization for undocumented workers unless they first leave the country and come back causing more head spinning among his supporters and his critics. matt and savannah? >> thank you very much. >> a lot to sort out with chuck todd and nicole wallace. the olympics glow is still all around matt. let's talk about the latest back and forth on the campaign trail over race. chuck, to you. you have donald trump calling you have her giving this huge speech which essentially makes the argument that he or his supporters are bigots. is this a good strategy on either side? >> it's not a good strategy to hurl epithets at one another. we thought this would be a race to the bottom and this week is proving it. we're headed to a race at the bottom. there's strategy behind this. donald trump, at least the new there are republicans not supporting us. if we can fix our problems with hispanic or african-americans or not sound so hateful than maybe some of the white republican voters will come back to the polls. >> do you agree this pitch from donald trump, it's not to win minority votes. >> this is about receiving suburban votes in northern virginia and southern philadelphia. you name it. >> before the last couple of days the big news out of the trump campaign willingness on his part to walk back one of his main policy promises on immigration where he said these 11 million people, immigrants living in this country illegally had to leave. deportation. he comes back and says only the ones who committed crimes. others can pay back taxes and last night it seems he's back to square one. what is donald trump's policy on immigration? >> i have no idea. cooper about a softening of his position and answered as if anderson was using a word that anderson thought of. it's not a softening. trump called it a softening in two town halls this week. i say on speeches today when hillary clinton went to what all of the republicans have done on race, she cited george w. bush going to a mosque. she cited john mccain standing up to someone who called president obama a muslim. that speech. >> there's an amazing thing that happened yesterday. hillary clinton called the republican nominee a racist. and all these republicans decided to come and say oh my gosh -- not a word. no republicans outside of the campaign said how dare you, hillary clinton, call a republican nominee a racist. the sound of silence among mainstream republican elected officials yesterday is stunning. >> 73 days. where is this race right now? bottom. we're looking up at the bottom. it's somewhere we've never been before. i think we sort of entered this black box phase where the crash happened and we're trying to figure out how we got here. i would caution republicans to not make this all about trump. he won because people picked him. republicans have to understand what the good parts were about his message and what they lacked that our voters picked him over 16 others. >> what i can't figure out is what this is going to do to turnout. that's the one last when you race to the bottom a lot of people are going to say why bother? that scrambles the whole electoral map. >> we're thoroughly depressed. thank you very much. >> let's bring the olympics back. >> happy to be home. also this morning, there seems to be a lot of uncertainty swirling around that tropical system that could threat southern florida as soon as this mr. roker, good morning to you. >> you talk about politicians flip-flopping, our models have been flip-flopping as well. so here we have this system that is yet to develop. they've got invest 99-l. chances of development dropping over the last 24 hours. now a 30% chance of development in 48 hours. 60% in the next five days. watch this. so now on saturday both u.s. model and european model are gusty winds in the bahamas. rain in southern florida. now watch what happens. as we get into monday the european model starts to come across florida. the american model starts going out into the gulf with that warmer water. 90 degrees. and now by the time we get to tuesday the european model is off the southeastern atlantic coast. 24 hours ago it was just the opposite. the american model is out in the gulf. so we really have to watch this very, very closely. central and southern florida at least five inches throughout southern florida. again, this flip-flop is something we haven't seen in a long time. it's still out there. we'll really have to pay very close attention to it. a chaotic scene at an airport in omaha, nebraska. a man scaled a barbed wired fence late last night and stole a truck and rammed i of a southwest airlines plane. it happened as passengers were boarding a flight to denver. one thought it was a bomb going off because there was a loud boom and then the lights went off. three people suffered minor injuries. the suspect was taken into custody. the fbi and ntsb are now investigating. we go to italy now where overnight the death toll from that powerful earthquake rose higher as this urgent search for survivors enters its third day. town of amatrice this morning. >> reporter:. this is still a mission to rescue survivors. this is an tell elementary school. it's a race against time as hope fades of finding survivors. rescuers say staying alive under this is not likely. this sister survived and can't believe it. other nuns died. her escape an iconic image. good-bye forever, she says. the ground is still shaking. this aftershock bringing down buildings and triggering clouds of dust. another violent aftershock this morning. they are still pulling victims out. more than 36 hours since they last pulled a survivor like 10-year-old julia out of the rubble but no repeat. this 97-year-old man is homeless now. the whole town men living in shacks. the lives of two children were saved but heard others in the rubble he couldn't hurt. people are now living in tents and depending on food handouts. this is their main camp. it can hold around 300 people. but there are thousands homeless here. there's anger too. investigators now probing why this school collapsed in spite of a million dollar spend to amatrice was voted one of italy's most beautiful towns. some towns have stood for 600 years. now it's a ruin. people retrieved briefly to salvage the few possessions they have left. this man lost five friends. >> panic and cry and scared. i'm scared. >> reporter: the dust rising still like the death toll in this shaken to rattled buildings and rattled nerves as well. some of the dead will be buried in a state funeral here tomorrow. at least a dozen foreign tourists are among the dead but no americans among the dead or the injured. savannah, matt? >> bill neely at the quake scene for us. thank you very much. also this morning, a disturbing crime is rocking a mississippi community and making headlines all around the world. the bodies of two nuns found inside their home. they had been stabbed to death. not far away. janet shamlian has the latest on the investigation. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. this was a horrific crime. two women who devoted their lives to helping others brutally murdered in their own home in what's a small rural community that hasn't seen a murder in many years. police are searching for their killer. this morning a community in shock at the deaths of two nuns described as the kindest people on earth. nurse practitioner sister merrill and sister margaret held. police found them brutally murdered in the home they shared in the small community of durant after a supervisor at their clinic reported the pair did not show up for work. the local archdiocese telling nbc news there was a sign of a break in and their blue corolla well. >> they came to mississippi to outreach to the poor using their medical services and expertise. their faith got through this tragedy and it will get us through our tragedy of mourning them. >> reporter: sister margaret was from wisconsin. >> this is one of the poorest counties of all of mississippi. >> we make a difference i what that is. >> reporter: sister paula has been helping mississippi's less fortunate for more than 30 years. >> we see patients and do what needs to be done. >> reporter: two women driven to help others victims in their own home. and because their vehicle was found a short distance away, authorities believe the killer may be someone local. the clinic where they work will be closed today allowing their co-workers time to grieve. makers of epipens with the company refusing to lower the price of that life saving medicine along a firestorm over its soaring cost. kristen welker is in washington this morning with the latest. good morning. >> good morning to you. the chorus of voices expressing outrage is growing louder from capitol hill and now to a big name in hollywood. the company's ceo is in the hot seat but even that's doing very little to quiet the with the firestorm building this morning over mylan raising prices. the price skyrocketing over the past ten years from $90 to more than $600. >> the patient is paying twice. they are paying full retail price at the counter and higher >> reporter: after she and her company lobbied to make epipens widespread on planes and schools across the country is on defense about her own compensation jumping from $2.4 million she made eight years ago. >> you're making $18 million a year. you understand how that looks? >> look, i understand better than anyone that facts are inconvenient to headlines. >> with calls mounting for a congressional investigation, the controversy is putting her joe manchin in an awkward position. on thursday manchin saying in a statement, i look forward to working with my colleagues to lower the price of prescription drugs and other lawmakers accuse the company of price gauging. >> i think one of the reasons mylan had the guts to prove this price up to rapidly is because they have a monopoly. >> now a big name in hollywood is weighing in. >> we learned about my son's young. >> sarah jessica parker cut ties lashing out on instagram. it's just the latest drug company to come under fire for high drug costs. seven months ago testimony before congress after a company hiked up the price of hiv and malaria medication 5,000%. >> it srt with the epipen focus it's snowballed and every drug maker wants to avoid being in that position. >> mylan will offer a coupon and financial assistance but some lawmakers have dismissed that as a pr move. one tampa bay area company says it will sell epipens at cost with no markup. savannah? >> thank you. have? >> we're looking at wet weather through the gulf coast and risk of strong storms in the central plains. record highs continue in the pacific northwest. we're going to get to your local >> that's your latest weather. >> just ahead, ryan lochte now being summoned back to rio to face charges over that incident at the gas station. could he be looking at time behind bars? the lost his family in a brutal home invasion reveals his surprising new mission in life. still to come, the surprising new finding about the perks of ignoring your office dress code. clean food. words panera lives by. no artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners. no colors from artificial sources. that's food as it should be. ?? ? ? the ford freedom sales event is on! our biggest event of the year just got better! ? ? announcing zero for seventy-two across the entire lineup of ford cars, trucks and suvs. plus, tagged vehicles now get a thousand smart bonus. that's freedom from interest... and freedom to choose with ford. america's best selling brand. ? ? across the entire ford lineup, plus specially tagged vehicles get a thousand smart bonus. what are you doing up? mom said i could have a midnight snack. it's not even midnight, it's ten forty-three. well, let's have a ten forty-three snack. quietly, though. okay. yeah. mmmm. shhhh. the family favorite. yoplait. per serving? yoplait original. i had a wonderful time tonight. me too! call me tomorrow? i'm gonna send a vague text in a couple of days, days before responding. perfect! we're never gonna see each other again, will we? no-no. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back. 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. sfx: boop ?? this back to school, unleash their creativity... his crayola 24-pack for just $.50. all right. 7:30 this friday morning. just about one hour until dnce takes to our citi concert stage and does that number live. people started lining up last night. it's steadily grown all morning long. >> about an hour until w of the weekend. let's get a check of the rest of the headlines. hillary clinton launched into one of her sharpest attacks yet on donald trump criticizing his campaign for embracing prejudice and paranoia. >> he is taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the republican party. >> for his part, trump doubled again claiming she's done nothing for her minority supporters. after shocks are worsening the damage from that earthquake in italy causing even more buildings to crumble. overnight the death toll rose again. it now stands at nearly 270 people. look at this frightening moment captured on surveillance video. a hit-and-run driver knocking a philadelphia police sergeant 15 feet into the air. other officers eventually ct him. the officer who was hit is recovering from nonlife threatening injuries. in the meantime, today marks the 30th anniversary of one of the most notorious murder cases in u.s. history. it was called the preppie murder trial. robert chambers killed jennifer levin in central park in 1986. >> we spoke exclusively with the victim's mother ellen levin who reflected on her daughter and future. she would be 48 years old and most likely i would have had grandchildren to adore from her. children that she would adore. >> it became one of the first so-called blame the victim cases. we'll have a closer look at that case and some other high profile murders next week on a special series "where are they now true crime." we'll start with a major development at the olympics involving ryan lochte. brazilian police summoning the swimmer back to rio to face a judge for filing a false police report. craig melvin is here with the latest. >> good morning to you guys. after a very rough week for the swimming superstar, ryan lochte now facing charges in brazil. this as he hopes to mount a comeback in the world of public opinion. this morning more fallout for ryan lochte. the swimming star is being officials there want him to respond to a criminal case in a brazilian court. >> given what we know about this case and the inquiry thus far, brazil's new request is bizarre to say the least. >> reporter: brazilian police charged lochte with filing a false police report after a drunken night out where he first claimed he was robbed at gunpoint. if the olympian does not appear, the process will continue without him until the final sentence. >> it was because of the cover up, the international attention and brazil's statest desire to get to the bottom of this that it's become a legal and now international snafu. >> reporter: originally he told billy bush he had been robbed at gun point. >> he cocked it and put it to my week after the incident, lochte apologized saying he was drinking the night he admits to vandalizing a sign at a gas station. >> it was immature and childish. >> lochte is now trying to rebound from a world of problems. this week four sponsors including speedo and ralph lauren dropped him. >> lochte has own over the lead. >> lochte now lookingo his public image preparing to join the upcoming season of "dancing with the stars" and picking up a new sponsor, pine brothers cough drops signing him to an endorsement of cough drops that will be forgiving to your throat. he's great guy who has done fans will support our decision to give ryan lochte a second chance. we've reached out to lochte and his representatives a number of time and have not provided comment on the criminal charges. lochte facing possible disciplinary action from the united states olympic committee. the story continues. >> we'll see what happens. >> craig, thank you. let's get another check of the forecast from mr. roker. >> guys, we're looking at a lot of wet weather down through the gulf. this is really absent any kind of a tropical system pus o this is just what's -- there's a weak area of low pressure in there. we're keeping an eye on that. we are looking for anywhere from 4 to 5 inches of rain in southern texas and we've got summer heat in the east cooling to start in the plains but then it warms up. record highs in the pacific northwest. look at these temperatures. mid 80s to mid 90s throughout the northeast in through the midwest. you can see temperatures starting to warm up from bismarck, kansas city, on into dodge city and the pacific as well. that's what' >> check out your important weekend forecast on the weather channel on cable. >> all right, al. thank you very much. still to come, we're along for the ride as the woman who was paralyzed just weeks before her wedding now soars to new heights. coming up next, the man who lost his family in that horrifying home invasion opens horrifying home invasion opens up about mhey there, hi. t milk on cereal? why does your tummy go "grumbily, grumbily, grumbily"? why is it all (mimics a stomach grumble) no more questions for you! ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah, happens to more people than you think... try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. good, right? mmm, yeah. i got your back. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. ? ask sherwin-williams during the endless summer sale! and save 30% on paints and stains, august 25th through september 5th. visit to find the store nearest you. hey nice game today. thanks. juicy fruit? sure i'll try a piec.... juicy fruit. so sweet you can't help but chew. ...non-drowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy 24 hour relief... for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. ? ? you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. only at a sleep number store. and packs 6 grams of protein per serving? yoplait original. the family favorite. yoplait. a leading consumer testing publication recently tested the top laundry detergents. the winner - persil 2 in 1, didn't only beat tide... it beat every single detergent tested. boom. switch to persil proclean 2 in 1. #1 rated. dove oxygen moisture with oxygen fused moisture... for the nourishment you need... with 95% more volume. dove oxygen moisture. technology is useful. i just bought a book. out the book, i downloaded a song. oh, and full disclosure, when we were just chatting about that song thing, someone arranged a date. guilty. the point is, life is digital. so, carmax, created a site where you can reserve a car online. come in when it's convenient, your car will be waiting. just another thing to make buying a car better for you... reads this tweet that i just posted. oh, that appears to be trending. we're back now. 7:41. we have a "today" exclusive. voters in central connecticut this fall will see a new name on the ballot. dr. william petit. he was thrust into the spotlight in 2007 when he was the sole survivor of a home invasion that left his wife and two daughters dead. >> this morning dr. petit announces a run for state house of representatives in connecticut but first he's op investigative correspondent cynthia mcfadden in an exclusive interview. >> dr. petit lost his family and home in a horrific and brutal way. the two men who committed the crime were sentenced to death and then connecticut voted to eliminate the death penalty. he was an outspoken critic of the change and now nine years later he's a husband and father once again with a new mission in life. was it a big decision to decide >> yes. you know, it's a commitment. >> dr. william petit is hoping to represent his neighbors in plainville, connecticut, in the state house of representatives. for the last nine years, he's been an outspoken supporter of the death penalty but he says he stands for so much more. you've gone through a very public tragedy. how has that influenced your thinking for running for office? has it? >> it's not the know where you stand. you're for the death penalty. i say, you know, i'm not really running on the death penalty. so what's important to people is their quality of life, the economy, their jobs, their children's futures. >> he was a happily married doctor and father of two until that night in july of 2007 when his wife jennifer and their 11-year-old michaela were followed home from a grocery store by two men. dr. petit was beaten with a his wife was raped and strangled. michaela and her 17-year-old sister were attacked and tied up. they died when the men set fire to the family's home. your views about the death penalty have been controversial to some people. some say the best thing is forgiveness and how do you deal with that part of it? >> never forgive evil. never, ever forgive evil. that's wha that's what the death penalty is about. erasing evil. >> how do you get rid of the survivor's guilt that has to go along with something like this? >> i don't think you do. i don't think you do. it's packaged up and compartmentalized a little bit. it's sort of like on the top shelf in the closet in a small box and occasionally it comes out and you open the box and you terrible weekend or whatever the case may be and then you come to grips and you talk to your wife and you talk to your son and you talk to your family and friends and you wrap it up again and put it in the closet knowing that it's probably never going to be gone. >> dr. petit found purpose in helping others. friends launched the petit family foundation after the murders. >> it was a very difficult time. they made me the president and i basically would be in bed the en meeting and go back to bed. >> the foundation has given away more than $2 million to charities in memory of jennifer, haley and michaela and petit got help from ptsd from which he still suffers. how does it manifest? >> mostly flashbacks and disrupted sleep people talk about closure but there's no closure. dr. petit met christine when she volunteered at the foundation. they've been married four years. their son, william, turns three in november. this journey you have gone on with this man, it must have its ups and downs like most marriages, right? >> maybe higher ups and higher downs maybe. it's certainly more challenging circumstances at times. >> how do you think about it? is it a new life? how wife, christine, and your son, little billy. >> it's new. it's additional. it's different because you never forget what you had. it's part of you. people say how do you go forward? i say, well, your choices are to stay in bed and do nothing or die or go forward. >> he has chosen to go forward. a really impressive man. dr. petit may face an uphill bat until his election. not lost an election in 22 years. >> just to see someone to have a courage to put a life back together and try to move forward under those circumstances. >> and be so honest about what he still faces. >> 100%. it was really moving to be with him. >> cynthia, thank you. appreciate it. >> coming up next, we'll shift gears and go over to the orange room and tamron has the story of here we go, come on. was that our lunch? sfx: "boop" oscar mayer turkey & american cheese basic lunchable, made with white meat only, on rollback for $1 save money. live better. walmart get your home in gear with big labor day deals at lowe's. like up to $40 off paint + primer, stains + sealants and resurfacers via rebate. plus get up to 35% off appliances $396 or more. make your home happy this labor day with huge savings right now at lowe's. going to the skate park today? maybe... kellogg's frosted flakes gives you the sweet spark to go all in and let your great out. they're gr-r-reat! clean food. words you don't often hear. words we at panera live by. because clean food is food as it should be. with no artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners, and no colors from artificial sources. we think clean food tastes better, feels better, does better. every bite will be food as it should be. ?? there are 16 fresh-picked orans o each bottle of tropicana pure premium. and absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. tropicana. we put the good in morning. tamron is over in the orange room. carson is on the west coast. good morning. >> take a look at this. this photo is causing quite a controversy online. the image was posted by "vogue" instead of using actual paraolympians, it contains images of those altered to look like paralympic athletes. >> this is no end of "vogue" said in a statement that they did not create the ad. they just chose to publish it and it turns out the image has the full support from the paralympic officials committee. athletes have been supportive as well. two olympians were at the photo shoot helping in the creation process. one paralympan said i'm clear that i'm proud to be part of magazine "vogue" began to publish the first pictures of this beautiful work. the paralympics kick off in rio september 7th. >> in the paralympians were there, why didn't they use them in the ad? >> i don't know. they support the decision. i don't have the answer to the other part of the story. initial reaction when you see they use able bodied models? this has the blessing of the people who >> maybe a good reminder to all of us that when you have a knee-jerk reaction sometimes there's more complexity. it's interesting. >> thank you. coming up, what a week it's been for our pal, charlie. paul and bongo march to a different beat. a very different beat. sfx: cymbals they break only for the 100% complete and balanced nutrition of meow mix cat food. no wonder it's the only one cats ask for by name. ?? ?? ?? the new 2017 ford fusion is here. it's the beauty of a well-made choice. ?? there's nothing like trying something new. especially when it comes to snacking. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. ? ask sherwin-williams during the endless summer sale! stop by your neighborhood sherwin-williams paint store and save 30% on paints and stains, august 25th through september 5th. visit to find the store nearest you. ?? ?? tag, you're it. tag! you're it. tag, you're it. yes! it's 8:00 on "today." reaching new heights. the courageous woman who came to be known as the paralyzed bride proving once again that nothing can hold her back. >> what's going through your mind right now? >> i'm excited to go. adventure. plus, it's a dog's life. our new puppy with a purpose bounded into our hearts on monday. >> he's adorable. >> he's been entertaining our guests ever since. we'll look back at charlie's whirlwind first week on "today." ?? and ready to dnce. plaza as they get set to get our crowd moving, "today," friday, august 26th, 2016. >> i love dnce! >> dnce on "today." >> we it 8:00 on "today." it's friday, august 26th. it's dnce day. we're so excited to have them here. our crowd is totally fired up. by the way, i should mention a week from today we have another great guest. alicia keys who is also the newest judge on "the voice." >> that's going to be great. we look forward to that. news at 8:00. >> we begin with a devastating earthquake in central italy. i'm bill neely here in amatrice. the worst hit town where the search for survivors is now in its third day and it's desperate because the death toll is rising steadily. it could have been so much worse. this is an elementary school. if this had been full when the earthquake hit, hundred in the rubble it's a race against time as hope fades of finding survivors. rescuers say staying alive under all this is a long shot. on the ground, they call for silence. they listen for signs of life. they hear none. this sister survived and can't believe it. other nuns died. i texted my friends to say good-bye forever, she says. the ground is still shaking. this aftershock bringing down buildings and triggering clouds of dust. another violent aftershock this morning. they are still pulling victims out. the whole town is homeless. people are now living in tents and depending on food handouts. this is their main camp. it can hold around 300 people. here. there's anger too. investigators now probing why this school collapsed in spite of a million dollar spend to make it earthquake proof. the dust rising still like the death toll in this shaken town. this morning's aftershocks rattled buildings and they rattled nerves here. there will be a state funeral tomorrow for some of the dead. many foreign tourists were among the dead but no americans among matt, savannah? >> bill neely thank you. we move to the presidential race. donald trump and hillary clinton escalating their personal attacks over racism. last night trump repeated his accusation that clinton is a bigot. he said she's not doing anything for african-americans and hispanic in the inner city neighborhoods where she frequently makes appearances. for her part, clinton accused trump of taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the republican party. that's quote. he video that featured forms ku klux klan david duke praising trump. police are investigating a crime that stunned a community. the murder of two catholic nuns. sister margaret held and sister paula merrill were nurse practitioners that provided health care to poor families. there were signs of a break in and their car was stolen although it was recovered last home. police say the victims had apparently been stabbed. they aren't saying anything about a possible suspect or motive. a small plane crashed nose first into a house in terre haute, indiana, last night. nobody was home at the time. officials say the plane circled a nearby airport several times before clipping a tree and crashing. investigators from the faa and ntsb are expected at that site today. we'll take a you go to get a great picture? our hearts are in our throats as we watch this unicyclist performing stunts 100 feet in the air. >> we'll check in with charlie and the progress he's made during his first five days in studio 1a. >> we'll head outside for a live ? ? ? there's nothing like trying something new. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. if you want to carmax will give you seven days to consider their offer. why seven days? science. join me as we walk through the seven stages of decisioning. 1. consideration. 2. questioning. 3. deciding. 4. queso. 5. nap. u. 7. tambourine practice. i think i made my point. they'll give you an offer for your car, you take seven days to think about it. wish you could nourish your hair without it falling flat? dove oxygen moisture with oxygen fused moisture... for the nourishment you need... with 95% more volume. hi! hey! i've made plans for later in case this date doesn't go well. likewise! but, funny story. on top of that? my mom is my best friend. uh oh. yeah. oop! there's the rescue text from my roommate saying she needs me. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? we are back now 8:10 with a "today" exclusive. an update of a remarkable woman whose story we've been following for six years now. >> rachel chapman was paralyzed in an unusual accident during her bachelorette party back 2010. ever since she's proved that nothing can hold her back. as janet shamlian explains, that was true in her latest endeavor. >> reporter: for most people just thinking about skydiving takes guts. for rachel chapman jumping out of a plane is a profile in courage. why in the world did you want to do this? >> i've wanted to do this since i was a teenager. i figured the wheelchair isn't >> the wheelchair has been part of her life since her life was forever changed. another year before she and chris would finally be able to tie the knot. by then, known as paralyzed bride. a term she's embraced amid all kinds of new challenges. most fulfilling, she says, the couple's daughter, kaly. born with the help of a surrogate last year. you're a mom now. months. >> she is adapted to me being a mom in a wheelchair. it's fun to see her learn new things. >> on this day it's rachel learning something new. the plan, a tandem jump with mike elliott who leaves the all veteran parachute team. what's going through your mind right now? >> i'm ready to go. >> with chris and kaly watching, the team will make the leap from 14,000 feet. >> i'm more nervous than when i was on the ground. >> finally out the door and into unbridled freedom. she flies. for a few moments an exceptional view and feeling that anything was possible. whas >> scariest part was getting out of the plane. you have no control over that. >> for rachel chapman another barrier conquered as she soars to new heights. for "today," janet shamlian, nbc news, north carolina. >> that was crazy. >> crazy amazing. so impressive. let's do "trending." it's 8:12. this one is about men. here we go. no commentary at all. scientists discovered that balding does reduce the perception of attractiveness. researchers at johns hopkins university -- i did not call for the split screen. here we go. researchers found that shall we say folicly challenged men were rated as more youthful, successful and approachable after they had a hair transplant. >> that's ridiculous. would you ever consider getting a hair transplant? >> not for a moment. by the way, dwayne johnson not sexy? >> michael jordan. come on. >> i'm not saying this to butter you up because you know me i always look for a reason to not do that, i think you both look great if not better than you ever looked before. >> also, we could grow hair any >> look at you guys. it's how you own it. >> matching outfits today. >> we talk about it all the time, best things we did was shaving our heads. do you have a dress code at work? if you do, you may want to bend the rules a little bit. you may be more successful either dressing above the dress code or below it. an article in new york magazine says there's an advantage to dressing professionally but you only reap the benefits if you e peers in the office. experts found that workers who intentionally dress either above the dress code, more dressy, or below it, more casual, appear more competent. the takeaway is you seem to be more competent if you stand out. >> monday i'm coming in a tux. >> i'm coming in a swimsuit. >> ignore the dress code. go above it or below it. >> i think that applies to a party. if you're going to a garden party and you don't know what to casual or go in a full flowing floral number so you stand out. >> the dress code should not turn you into sheep that everyone is following the same jacket, same tie, same shirt. >> you have seen guys in the same plaid shirts. not like yours, mr. roker. as i said plaid shirt, wait a minute. but you're handsome. a video s heart pumping this morning. as if unicycle is not hard enough, how about doing it around the edge of a chimney at 840 feet. this is a dare devil. he's in romania. captured this on video. >> my gosh. >> look at this. the balance beam. a few other tricks up his sleeve. just for the sheer joy of it. he's just hanging out. you know who is a big unicyclist? our producer and my wife unicycles. >> do you ride your bike around? >> sometimes i'm too tired. >> al, we set you up for it. >> these why i need two tires. i don't know how to follow that joke. barbra streisand took to the stage last night for a duet with donald trump. no. it's donald trump played by jimmy fallon. they promised to make duets great again. here it is. ? any wall you can build i can build taller. i can build any wall taller than ? no you can't ? ? i'm going to get mexico to pay for it ? >> great time there with jimmy. and now to ryan reynolds. we know the actor is hilarious on twitter. yesterday was a special day. he shared a heartfelt message that went viral. tweeted just want to wish billy ray cyrus the most special, magical birthday ever. i love you with all my heart. happy belated birthday to blake lively and billy ray cyrus. britney spears released her album "glory" and she brought back greatest hits doing carpool karaoke. some things that we learned. she wants three more kids. she no longer believes in style. ?? ? give me a sign ? ? hit me baby one more time ? i know you were looking at the ponytail but look at his shirt. so for more "pop start" stories head over to "today's" facebook page. >> i'm not sure anyone has more fun in their job. >> tamron, thank you so much. let's get a check of the weather. >> oaky doaky. we've been talking about this tropical disturbance and over the next couple days it doesn't really have that much of a chance. the chances keep dropping down to 20% but in the next five days the u.s. model and european model keep it through tomorrow coming across the bahamas bringing a lot of wind and rain. rain to southern florida. then monday the tracks begin to differ. european model brings it across florida. u.s. model brings it into warm waters of the gulf where it could become more of a tropical entity and cause problems for parts of louisiana and the gulf >> announcer: today's puppy with a purpose is created by our sponsor, petsmart. >> today marks the end of charlie's first week with us. i'm a 12 on the infatuation >> it's time to meet our puppy. let's have a drum roll please. >> hi, sweetie. >> welcome. >> he's adorable. >> so cute. >> nice folks at petsmart, $25,000 donation. >> what our puppy with a purpose doesn't have is a name. >> charlie, let's go see your new home. >> it's all yours. >> now he has a name. what about a uniform. >> a vest to start out on his new job. >> and charlie is here with his siblings. >> look who we have here. here's wrangler. did you miss us at all? i don't think so. bona fide olympic champs. a puppy. >> can i take the labit >> no. you can't have our dog. >> country queen dolly parton in studio 1a. she's with charlie. look who is here. jessica alba. ?? charlie's trainer. how would you characterize week one? >> such an awesome week. he's acclimating to the city. he's getting used to everything that's involved with being on tv. we're doing that by associate it with lots of snuggling and playing and treats and toys because the more comfortable he is, the better he'll work in the future. >> we all fight over him all day long. we want to hold him and so do all of the celebrities that come by the studio. is that good for him to have a lot of different interactions with peoples >> absolutely. so socializing is such an important part of being a future service dog for a veteran because like i said, the more comfortable he is, the better he's going to do in the future. >> the different environments are good for him as well. >> he's taking in all sorts of sounds and sights and things outside of the studio like the crowds of people on the plaza and it's amazing for him to have the foundation. >> the hardest part for us has been remembering that when charlie is wearing the vest, charlie is working because our cuddle and then we look down and go -- >> he's getting used to wearing the vest. he doesn't have that total association. in the future he will understand what his job is. >> what are his next few weeks like? what are skills you'll be teaching him? >> as a vet dog he'll retrieve and picking up items and turning on and off lights. he'll learn his name and do retrieve and things like that. light and fun. >> how do you like these hours? >> these are amazing. i met so many incredible people and everyone is welcoming and encouraging so we're happy to go here. thank you. >> we're thrilled to have you. by the way, you can learn more about america's vet dogs at and find out about this perfect for our puppy. >> let's go outside for tamron. dnce is getting ready to perform live on the plaza. these ladies are the biggest fans of the band. i admitted to them earlier that i have to admit i don't know everything about the band so help me out here. what does dnce stand for? >> it was supposed to be -- >> i got you. >> what's so funny? >> my gosh. >> why are you red now? >> what are they laughing >> they thought they were here to help me out. meanwhile, they got to meet the band and guess what? 8:30 on a friday morning. great crowd out here for a live performance from dnce on our citi concert stage. >> also coming up, we've been talking about the roker at shake shack all week long. al is going to fix us up some of those burgers. >> folks have been tweeting that there isn't a shake shack near them so how can they get a roker burger? we'll show you how to make your own. >> a programming note, this sunday night natalie is hosting a documentary special robin williams behind closed doors. it's a complete look at the legacy of the genius. two-hour special takes us from his childhood in chicago to mindy" while uncovering troubling times in his life. >> it's interviews of people that knew him professionally and personally. robin williams behind closed doors airs sunday night on real. >> what a genius. let's take a look and show you our weekend outlook. warm temperatures in the northeast and mid-atlantic states. wet through the gulf coast. the heat breaks in the pacific northwest and then sunday, ay upstate new york, northern new england, hot and humid in the mid-atlantic states. flooding rains possible. dry and hot through the plains. sunny skies in the southwest. we do have wet weather from now to our special series "today's original." it's about the roker burger created with folks at shake shack. $1 donated for every burger sold. if you can't make it to the shake shack or there isn't one in your area, we'll show you how to make a roker burger at home. we have senior vice president of operations. zach, good to see you. >> thank you so much. >> there's a lot that goes into this besides the burger. let's get started. first of all, as far as the burger is concerned, how do we do this? probably best to start with our mayo. >> everybody commented about the mayo. >> a take on southern red eye gravy. we've done it here. you helped us dream up this delicious burger. let's dream up mayo. we'll start by adding so the brewed espresso. the roasted notes will pick up on smoke of the barbecue and then you're adding maple syrup here that will pick up on the sweetness from the barbecue. vinegar in a little pinch of salt and pepper and whisk that up. you do that very well. >> thank you. >> it's the best. so then next thing we want to do is take our potato rolls here. that's the best way to eat a burger. we'll take melted butter. we want to get that nice on each side there. what you'll do is take melted butter and put it on your medium griddle here. get that toasted where it's almost like french toast looking. >> your burger. >> high heat with any burger start with great meat. we'll take our nice patty here. we smash our burgers like this. >> chefs say don't do that because it pushes out juices. >> i don't know what chefs say that. >> i have heard. >> you want to smash and let that go a minute and a half. burgers are like pancakes. when you see juices coming up through the middle like when you see bubbles coming up, that's these are flipped already here. you were smart when you helped us create this. we'll put two slices of cheese. >> i like a lot of cheese. >> a lot of flavors going on. we need that extra component of cheese. let's just make this. you have your toasted bun. we have you set up with a patty. we'll take this. i'll make this. we have our barbecue pulled pork. you helped us with that. so amazing. this one comes to us from an you get first. let's get pulled pork on there. you like it, too. go heavy. >> go heavy or go home. >> so we've had so much fun with you this week. we thank you so much. fans are loving it. >> no kid hungry is such a great organization to help fight childhood hunger. three dill pickles goes on here. >> that's what fans like. >> fourth. throw another one in there. >> >> guys? >> this is brilliant. >> you got your shakes. >> i'm happy. >> savannah was upset earlier in the week. >> with he brought extras. >> nice job. it's delicious. >> we posted the recipe online on our website, big news about the roker burger. if you were not able to get to shake shack this week, they'll until sunday night. supporting no kid hungry. how's it been doing? >> we've sold thousands of them. you have to feel good because just another bit of help to get kids fed ending childhood hunger in america. >> thank you to the team at shake shack. >> thank you so much. >> eat a couple of them because you can always go out and dnce them off. >> we should do that. >> that's what we're about to do. concert time on the plaza after >> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> dnce has taken the world by storm with its infectious music. first, a look at their whirlwind year. it's one of the catchiest songs of the summer. and for dnce led by front man joe jonas, "cake by the ocean" has brought the sweet song of success. the song certified double platinum. ?? their follow-up single "toothbrush" just as popular with 40 million viewsn and counting. >> it resonates because they write catchy songs but joe jonas says the mission is to celebrate wild, weird and quirky. >> they spent the summer on a world tour putting the finishing touches on their debut full length album. get ready to dnce as the band takes to our summer concert stage. by the way, if you're at home, you can get virtual reality go to to join in and now without further ado, dnce, take it away. ?? ? see you walking ad ? not so serious, girl, why those feet cold ? ? we just getting started don't you tiptoe ? ? waste time like a masterpiece don't waste time with masterpiece ? ? you should be rolling with me you should be rolling with me ? ? you're a real life fantasy ? ? but you're moving so carefully let's start living dangerously ? ? talk to me baby ? sweet, sweet craving ? ? let's lose our minds and go crazy ? ? let's lose our minds and go crazy ? ? i keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean ? your own hands ? ? i want another taste i'm begging yes, ma'am ? ? i am tired of all this candy on the dry land, dry land ? ? waste time with a masterpiece don't waste time with a masterpiece ? ? you should be rolling with me ? ? you should be rolling with me ? ? you're a real life fantasy ? ? you're a real life fantasy ? ? but you're moving so carefully ? i'm going blind from this sweet craving ? ? let's lose our minds and go crazy ? ? i keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean ? ? walk for me baby ? ? i'll be diddy you'll be naomi ? ? let's lose our minds ? ? i keep on cake by the ocean ? ? i keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean ? ? i keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean ? ? i'm going blind from this sweet, sweet craving ? ? let's lose our minds and go crazy ? ? i keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean ? ? i'll be diddy, you'll be naomi ? ? go crazy, crazy ? ? keep on hoping we'll eat by the ocean ? ?? ? i keep on hoping we'll eat >> dnce. we are just getting started with this dance party. more music just ahead. >> we are so excited to have dnce here on our stage this morning. >> first full length album is on the way. dnce is joe jonas, jack lawless, cole little, good to have you here. can we start by saying thank you for doing the radio version of that last song. we appreciate that. >> i don't know what you're talking about. we know you're very sensitive, matt. >> let's get lingo out of the way for uninitiated dnce means? >> it means us. and we liked it and kept it. >> i thought it meant do not crush eggs or something like that. >> she figured it out. >> cake by the ocean means? >> mystery solved again. for us it's just a party anthem. a fun song. misunderstanding of sex on the beach, the drink, the cocktail. we thought that was bizarre so we put it into a song. >> you've been playing together a year but you've knownh that, right? >> joe has known jack and ginger for over ten years and played countless time. i fell out of a space ship and landed in joe's lap. >> are you surprised at how the song took off? >> we had no expectations of what "cake by the ocean" would do. it's incredible to play it here have them sing it back up. >> best new artist nomination. is this exceeding all expectations? >> we're happy to be nominated amongst incredible other artists. >> you guys are great. i know you have been traveling from london here and then the vmas and back all over the place. what are you going to sing next? >> i think we're going to sing a song called all. >> ladies and gentlemen, dnce. ?? ? maybe you don't have to rush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush ? ? at my place at my place ? ? we don't need to keep it hush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ? ? half hypnotized ? ? each time i let you stay the night stay the night ? ? up in the morning tangled in sheets ? ? we play the moment on repeat on repeat ? ? when you're standing there in your underwear and my t-shirt from the night before ? ? with your messed up hair and your feet still bare would you mind closing the bedroom door ? maybe you don't have to rush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ? ? we don't need to keep it hush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ? ? i just, i just can't let you go ? ? give me something i've never known ? ? so maybe you don't have to ? at my place at my place ? ? no need to question next time we meet ? ? i know you're coming home with me, home with me ? ? sweat like a sauna ? ? break out the ice ? ? i know you're going stay the night stay the night ? ? when you're standing there in your underwear and my t-shirt from the night before ? with your messed up hair and your feet still bare ? ? would you mind closing the bedroom door ? ? maybe you don't have to rush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ? ? we don't need to keep it hush you could leave a toothbrush ? ? at my place at my place ? you go ? ? you give me something i've never known ? ? so maybe you don't have to rush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ? ? cause i don't want this to end ? ? and there's no need to play pretend ? ? if you stay with me a ? would you mind closing the bedroom door ? ? maybe you don't have to rush ? ? you can leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ? ? we don't need to keep it hush you could leave a toothbrush ? ? at my place at my place ? go ? ? give me something i've never known ? ? so maybe you don't have to rush ? ? you could leave a toothbrush at my place at my place ?? >> hear more from dnce and all our summer concert artists at friday morning. ? ? ? there's people who care where i'm going ? ? so get a full tank of freedom, ? ? drive the american road ? ? and with a full tank of freedom, ? ? find your own highway ? ? we'll take you wherever you go. ? >> all right. that was a special time of day for birthdays. >> time to find out who is celebrating milestones. let's start out with bickford. she played tennis until she was 90. way to go, ann. mr. benny langworth. he's been the locker room attendant at the golf and tennis club for 30 years. happy 100th birthday to barbara jost. winter and went barbara is not doing that, she loves watching her grandson, collin. that's right. "saturday night live." all righty. dr. annie beard of richmond, texas. also 100 years old. she loves to read, sing, and spend time with her family and friends. and anna laforge. and 75 years for jack and vera jones from michigan. they say the secret to a long and happy marriage is to never go to bed mad. if you know someone turning 100 or celebrating 35 years of marriage or more, head to and include a photo. >> we can do celebrate with all those people, roker burgers for about dental hygiene. i think that's great. it's fantastic. >> and cake. >> we'll have more music from dnce. we will get to talk to them some more. first, a check of your local >> this morning on "today's take," dnce and joe jonas bring the sweet taste of cake by the ocean to our plaza. which one of these stars is the highest paid actor and al is in the kitchen with his snack. all that and more >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, tamron hall and billy bush live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on this friday morning, august 26th, 2016. billy along with al and tamron and we have heard your feedback on our need for a bigger desk. unfortunately it's not in the thing. >> we did what we could. >> we made us bigger. this is the same size desk. we just got bigger. >> good luck with your man spread. >> i'm cramped. >> you should feel these thighs. here's what i'm upset about. our managers, okay, our executive producers, you lied. you lied. you lied to tamron. you lied to me. you lied to billy. and i just can't take this anymore. this is oh gosh. >> and the table looks the same. we showed the tiny table and this is not much better. >> now you've seen that to me it feels not so small after you see that. >> it's all relative. >> it doesn't bother me. >> really? >> another person here it might get cramped. >> i think we should have a design contest and have viewers like sketch out what they think i do feel -- >> a design contest. what great idea. does it always have to be this shape? it could be something else. tamron and i went on a ropes course adventure park. an adventure on long island. [ screaming ] >> first clip we show is of me screaming. >> wow. >> unbelievable. look at her. she was our leader. she went first. ladies first. every single thing we did. stuck that landing. >> why did i go first, billy bush? >> ladies first. >> that's not why. >> first and foremost i'm a gentleman. i have a terrible fear of heights. if tamron went i could motivate of have to. >> oh. >> this is not how it's supposed to work by the way. this is a licensed facility. kids as young as seven all of the way up to adults go out here. they have seven locations. >> you're like george of the jungle hitting trees. >> look at that man spread. >> it's ridiculous. we won't show you everything. there are no brakes. no ak >> once i've been on you can brake. >> a glove with your bare hand. we won't show you everything. there is a moment that it really boiled down to who we are as human beings. we were there together like holding hands surrounded by 10 year olds heckling us. they like "lord of the flies." all of these children -- one little boy -- >> he gave me this. i said i know where you live, kid. >> they were challenging us basically to go on different courses. >> you didn't see what they were talking about you guys on twitter then? >> thank you, al. we were standing there together and i said to tamron in a moment -- >> we were 40 feet up high reflecting on life and things that are important. >> i said i deactivatedtt today, tamron. >> i said did you? >> deactivated my account. i'm afraid it's become troll land. it's so negative. majority negative. maybe that's just me. it's majority negative. >> my twitter feed is pleasant. >> you said i'm out too. >> i said i'm out too. i'm thinking about it. in the moment i said i'm in. >> have you deactivated yours? >> not yet. >> what about instagram? >> i don't have the issue on instagram. you post a picture of baby. >> everybody go to instagram. >> there's still no comment section on snapchat. instagram video no comment section. instagram you post a picture of a baby. that's cute. twitter, what's wrong with that baby's eye. >> you k vicious? pinterest? they'll come after you. >> i love pinterest. you have gotten into a few twitter -- >> i enjoy it. it's a little sport. >> occasionally you have to respond. it's so hard not to. but you know what? as michelle obama said, they go low, you go high. so i like to use humor to -- >> here's a compromise. did you know you can look at verified remarks. whatever, they're not verified so on your twitter account, i sound like the -- you know you can do this. look at people who have verified that they are real people. >> that's an interesting thing. i may have to look into that. >> how about your daughter? she's real. >> this is a picture i want to post on this television screen. today is my oldest daughter's 18th birthday. she's turning 18. looks like her mama. >> exactly. >> they could be sisters. >> she's beautiful. her name is josie. sh i told her that you can get lottery tickets now. you can serve in the military. >> let me ask a question. i'm 18 now. >> yeah. >> leila, that's all she's been talking about. coming up in november, i'm going to be 18. she asked me, dad, who should i vote for? i said it's a longer discussion. >> it is an independence -- especially for a young woman. 18, dad. >> i understand. >> serious note, she's had a big year. a tough year in many ways. i'm not going to get emotional, but i'm really proud of this girl. she's special. >> happy birthday. >> you know what, aretha franklin is a fan of the show. she loves us. i want to send some love to my n. some treatment. she had to cancel a series of concerts and hopefully she'll be on the mend soon. she sends her love about the roker burger of course. we want to give love to my queen this morning. >> she'll have her purse with her. >> one day i'll tell you my aretha franklin purse story. >> we have action this sunday. vmas coming up here. tmz reporting that kanye west he can perform. he can forego the performance. >> he can juggle. do whatever. >> producers have no idea what he's going to do. is this a good idea? >> i love it. i absolutely am tired of orchestrated award shows. you know what's going to happen. it's all preplanned and leaked. i want kanye to go kan crazy on stage. >> presidential ambitions in an 11-minute speech last year. >> i need energy from these shows. >> i have said before, i think the man is a musical genius. i really do. i think he's a very talented man. and who knows? maybe he'll use this time for good. and not make it all about kanye. i think there is in this very core he wants to do good and he wants to effect change. >> i'll tell you this quickly. i don't want to be mean to york for three days i could not go in and out of my home because it's pop-up shop. t-shirts selling outside all night. kids from all backgrounds, all races, he has a fan base. i kind of appreciated that. i thought all kinds of kids, all backgrounds. i thought, okay, he's bringing them in from all necks of the wood. i like that. >> bill simmons said he's a genius. the problem is i think that's interesting. taylor swift presented -- remember they brought them together after the huge dust up in 2009 is when they had the dust up and grabbed the microphone. beyonce deserved it. they brought them together last year because kanye got the award and she presented it and then things have fallen out over "famous." taylor will not be at vmas. she's not going to be there. >> who is going to get vanguard award? >> rihanna. >> love her. >> coming up, who is hollywood's highest paid actor? do you think it's jackie chen? leo decaprio? tom cruise? and john jonas, dnce crushing it on the plaza. olay regenerist renews from within... weekend plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation ?without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age...your skin never will. olay regenerist. olay. ageless. and try the micro-sculpting cream you love now with this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's this, this, this, and this. it is the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal in all the history and will be for eternity. honey bunches of oats. this. is. everything. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. an unprecedented natural outburst seems to have taken over the country. everything's all right in there? security. hi , i'm stuck in an elevator with a cow. a what ? all natural, non gmo ingredients with vitamin d and whole milk. paul and bongo march to a different beat. a very different beat. sfx: cymbals they break only for the 100% complete and balanced nutrition of meow mix cat food. no wonder it's the only one cats ask for by name. we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. this is dove. someone's finally ready to start her day. time to work some magic. tada. get gooeyflakyhappy. toaster strudel. ? ask sherwin-williams during the endless summer sale! stop by your neighborhood sherwin-williams paint store and save 30% on paints and stains, august 25th through september 5th. visit clean food. words you don't often hear. words we at panera live by. because clean food is food as it should be. with no artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners, and no colors from artificial sources. we think clean food tastes better, feels better, does better. 100% of our food will be clean by year's end. every bite will be food as it should be. ?? back now with more of "today's take." earlier this week we talked about highest paid actresses. jennifer lawrence. and now the boys, we count them down from the top four. let's see. who is fourth. >> tom cruise. $53 million. this was a -- was this the year he was outside of a plane without a stunt devil. >> how about "jason bourne"? >> they brought him back. they did one with jeremy who was great. he was great. damon held out. >> are they good? >> we'll have to do a weekend. >> next on the list -- >> this speaks to -- wow. that >> can i clarify? >> no, it's okay. >> i want to clarify. i would stay with y'all if we watched "steel magnolias" and movies -- >> a weekend of movies you like and -- >> this is what speaks to the power of the foreign box office. number two, mr. jackie chan. >> look at that face. >> and number one i think you know. >> he earned it. >> the rock, baby. >> "the rock" dwayne johnson. this is a lot of "fast and furious" money. >> dwayne "the rock" explodes. >> you were on the set for that movie? >> no. i did "ride along 2" with kevin hart and ice cube. >> can we put a picture of the rock back up? we did a story earlier in the hour that men without hair are less attractive. who did that stupid study? >> he was one of the people i dwayne johnson has the most beautiful piece of any human being and the best gums. >> how close did you get in there? >> i remember that he was talking and my eyes just kept going into his mouth. >> wow. >> i've been in your shoes. i sat in my radio the day with flo rider and i couldn't get over his teeth. they're gorgeous. al, we need to go no further than the beautiful man sitting right here. >> now, up until recently, samuel l. jackson was the highest grossing actor of all-time. but because of the latest "star wars," harrison ford has now movies that all add up. sam jackson was up until -- >> i just want to say swear words. >> when i think of sam i think of telling donald trump that he cheats at golf. we were talking vmas earlier. britney spears performing. she's got her album coming out. we have to pay this off. earlier this the week we played the trailer for carpool karaoke. singing or not. i believe she sings every time she opens her mouth. >> wow. you do? ? i shouldn't have let you go ? ? show me how you want me to be ? ? tell me baby because i need to know now ? killing me ? ? and i must confess i still believe ? >> i can't do it. >> girlfriend was singing. >> she brought it. case closed. >> one of the biggest man crushes on james corden. i do. >> fight me for >> when i saw him on broadway was just brilliant. >> he's adorable. >> it was brilliant. to see what he's done, i'm in love with this man. >> he's become all of our best friends in our heads. he's the guy you want to hang out with. >> he was body shamed when he was in school we found out yesterday. now he's embraced it. >> he got the last laugh on the bullies. >> who's laughing now? >> everyone picked on him is >> not the last time we talk about to lochte. he's going with "dancing with the stars." it's a report that i think he is. he's been summoned back to rio. officials there are charging him with filing a false police report. he will not have to return. they won't get lochte back there. >> this is why i said he needed to take a break and not go on "dancing with the stars." i't forgiven. i'm about redemption and forgiveness. you need a break sometimes. i feel like -- i got my political show mixed in. you can forgive people. i sound like you. i've taken on your voice. billy regis. i think he needs a break from tv and just chill out for a while. he's got a girlfriend. hang out with her. kick it in florida. >> it's not as bad as you think. four sponsors dropped out. he lost speedo and the mattress company but he picked up pine brothers throat lozenges. they have a statement that says forgiving on your throat. they're going with a forgiving thing. >> forgive me if let's show you what's going on. here we go. >> that means stop talking. >> investigation area 99-l. over the next five days, 60% chance and you'll see that the models actually veer. they've almost flip flopped where u.s. model puts it into the gulf. european model over the southeast. we have to watch it. >> and that is your latest weather. up next, hacks to ?"all you need is love" plays ? my eyelove is finding a different angle. my eyelove is season 1, episode 1. my eyelove is making a story come alive. eyelove is all the things we love to do with our eyes. but it's also having a chat with your eye doctor because if your eyes feel dry, itchy, gritty, or you have occasional blurry vision, it could be chronic dry eye. go to and feel the love. tag, you're it. tag! you're it. tag, you're it. yes! new gogurt write-on tubes. this back to school, say it with gogurt. liquid foundation, revolutionized l'oreal's lumi cushion p on a little for a fresh, luminous glow tap on more whenever you need more coverage lumi cushion from l'oreal makeup designer paris i've been taking fish oil from nature's bounty to support my heart. i'm running, four times a week. eating better, keeping healthy. so that no matter what happens in the future, my "future self" will thank me. thank you! you're welcome! hey listen. whatever you do, don't marry dan! thank you. 45 years of experience has taught us: no matter what the future holds, you're always better off healthy. nature's bounty kids, juicy fruit gum with starburst flavors? yeah. (mmm...) (mmm...) (zipper noise) (zipper noise) (baby rattle shaking) juicy fruit so sweet you can't help but chew. are you tired of hazardous glass made so clear by sfx: slide show windex that you don't even know it's there? sfx: slide show with the new smudge stick even clear glass gets visibly smudged in a snap. sfx: smudge sounds against glass get it now and say no to spotless clear windex glass. to feel this special... ? i love it ? start your day with crunchy whole-grain flakes... and real strawberries. special k. eat special. feel special. not to bum you out, there are only a few weeks left of summer. we brought in brandy malloy, host of "eat the trend" to show us fall good to see you. you get sweaters for fall around the corner and then before you know it kids have -- >> we need to refresh the winter wardrobe. we use regular day items. a razor. you know those matted fuzzies you get when you wash sweaters. place your sweater flat with a razor. single blade. look at the fuzzies. bye-bye. all you do is tiny strokes and >> i love that idea. >> you can use a lint roller for that as well. >> we come in from fall. >> our boots. we put them in storage but don't cake care of them. two parts cold water and vinegar. give them a spray. wipe it down. once it dries, use a damp cloth. >> great tips. an unprecedented natural outburst seems to have taken over the country. we'll bring you more as soon as new updates come in. this house was literally invaded minutes after the hi , i'm stuck in an elevator with a cow. a what ? we have a situation. everything alright in there ? witnesses say this is where it all started, okay guys. we're comimg in now. copy that. all natural, non gmo ingredients with vitamin d and whole milk. new dannon , natural is back. can't see it. can't taste it. but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber? works. inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. nourishes them... and what helps them, helps you. ?? >> be careful with that. how sweet it is for dnce in their first year together they created the smash hit "cake by the ocean" and now to release the first full length album. called "sway." good morning, guys. what a morning. crushing the plaza. best friends with charlie, our puppy. >> charlie loves us. >> you have vmas this weekend. congratulations. nominated as best new artist. time to buy lottery tickets. things are in your favor. >> she can legally. guys, did this happen by design or is it luck? we all knew each other from some place and it kind of came together that way? >> it was the perfect timing for us. we were looking for the next thing individually. came together and said let's try something of our own and then dnce was started. >> have you all known each other before this? >> i played in joe's old band >> it seems to me like it's happening. "cake by the ocean" blows up. did you have any idea it was going to be the size of hit it was and is? >> no idea. we wrote the song simply because it felt right. it was a fun vibe in the studio that day. we're playing it all over the world and here today. it's a special song to us. >> how does that happen? does it begin with that lick and you say we have to do something >> i think any time you're creating, the first idea is the one that sets the ship out in the ocean and for this one it was just a cake ship out into the ocean and here it is. >> how do you handle these guys? you're the lone woman in the band. >> it's so much fun every day. >> having too much fun. >> they make me laugh all day long. >> let's talk about the style of this band. the clothing style and where do you guys shop? >> you know, we shop at the superhero store. everyone is a different role. we all make sense together because we're weirdos and that's what dnce is about. >> the style reflects the music and the vibe, doesn't it? it's loose and kind of thrown together. >> everything that we do we try to -- we have fun with obviously. we take music seriously. i think clothing is representation of who you are as well. so we make sure that what we wear showcases our music. >> what goes on at the show? >> it's been kind of insane. we've been on tour for the last six months straight. we were all over the u.s. we went to japan, australia, new zealand. europe. it's been a whirlwind experience. amazing crowds. it's great to know our music even in countries where we don't speak the same language. >> your brother is having great success solo artist. dnce. where is kevin? baby number two coming? >> he's a great day. baby number two is on the way. he's been doing some really exciting stuff on his own. he's doing a lot of app development. he's been building applications you use on your phone and don't realize it. he's killing it. >> what about bonus jonas? >> he just went to college two days ago. >> no, he's not. are the ladies eating out of the palm of his hand? >> so vmas this weekend. best new artist. kanye west has four minutes to do with whatever he wants. >> i'm hoping he talks for four minutes straight. i would love to see more speaking. that went well last time. >> congratulations to all of you on your success. it's awesome. dnce. they'll perform their new song "body moves" in just a couple minutes. al is in the kitchen with a twist on one of my favorites and a large coming up on "look! famous people!" we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. you just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] ? ? special k nourish. apples, almonds, and raspberries. devour something different. special k nourish. sara, could you come in here. yep, coming. oh wow, what kind of underwear are those? they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. [gasp] what are those? guys... they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. yes, they have these tiny holes to let the air through, can you help me? ook at those. can you feel this? [blowing] turn around for me. seriously? yeah. slow...slow...slower...slower is that okay. i don't think you should get that dress. it doesn't fit. stay cool with breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. from frui? ? ?the loom. the best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. what makes a lipton meal? first you start with this. then add this. and this face. wait, we can do better. yeah... that's the one. and fresh brewed lipton iced tea. a lipton meal is what you bring to it. and the bright refreshing taste this is mister kitty. mom doesn't know we have him. so we're using fresh step with the power of febreze to eliminate litter box odors for 10 days. guaranteed. victory is ours, mr. kitty! fresh step. with the power of febreze. tag, you're it. tag! you're it. tag, you're it. yes! new gogurt write-on tubes. this back to school, say it with gogurt. pampers. unlike ordinary diapers with two layers, pampers have three absorbent layers to stay up to three times drier, so babies can sleep soundly all night. on "today food," we'll wrap up a week of back-to-school meals and i hope your kids will love it. they have the snack bar and carbs in it. protein is the way to go. give kids protein. we'll show you how to make a healthy beef jerky that you can put in a ziploc for your kids. water, teriyaki sauce. sweet chili pepper. liquid smoke. beef and brown sugar and garlic. put in your teriyaki sauce and mix into the marinade some sweet chili sauce. it's a little sweet. a little spice. not a lot. garlic powder and garlic salt and brown sugar. whisk that up. take your flank steak and cut against the grain if you like it less chewy. so against the grain. as thin a slice as possible. if you you can go the length of it. so you take this and you'll pour your marinade and put this in the fridge and let it sit for 24 hours. now, take it out onto a nice cookie sheet. you can use a bigger one. pat it dry. now, you take your meat and you put it on a wire rack, all putting some foil at the bottom of this. >> parchment paper. >> you can do that as well. little known secret. put this in the oven. you'll put this in the oven at the lowest possible temperature your oven can go to. low and slow. it's going to be in there for a bunch of hours. leave it in there. until you see that it has a consistency like this. >> this is so good. brisket jerky. >> you have your you just put this nice ziploc. >> i think jerky could be big. we have to get in on this. >> kale chips. all you have to do is cut out the rib. all right. you're going to lay these down on parchment paper or baking sheet. take olive oil. use salt. you can do any seasoning you barbecue sauce. >> the key is for people, you don't overpack the pan because it steams it. >> put it in the oven at about 325 for 15 to 20 minutes. this comes out. other thing i love, avocado toast. you can put smoke salmon, veggies. i like to put on a bigger piece a whole fried egg on top. that's yummy stuff. and you sprinkle a little parmesan and you're set. also by the way, i mention food club member standout. taylor kaiser made energy bars. for the recipe, go to and by the way, the roker burger is so successful, they're going to keep it on sale through the weekend at shake shack. $1 from every roker burger goes to no kid hungry to help beat childhood hunger. my gate at the airport. i'm going to have me a roker burger. >> let's check your weekend weather to see what we have for you. for tomorrow we have a lot of wet weather through the upper midwest and also the gulf coast. heat breaks in the pacific northwest. sunny and hot in the northeast and new england. sunday, sunday, look for more hot, humid weather in the mid-atlantic states. flooding possibility depending >> you have your weather. you are your snacks. how about a little dessert. how about a little cake come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet. can't see it. can't taste it. but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber? works. inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber? nourishes them... and what helps them, helps you. clear, taste-free, benefiber?. ? ask sherwin-williams during the endless summer sale! and save 30% on paints and stains, august 25th through september 5th. visit to find the store nearest you. there are a lot of ways to pack your breakfast with protein. but the most delicious way is to just add milk. nature valley cereals. at least 10 grams of protein with milk, and just a touch of sweetness to power you through your day. make fit happen! fit me matte + poreless foundation from maybelline new york. blurs pores. controls shine. our most natural look... now, in more shades than ever! maybelline's fit me make it happen maybelline new york. (kids laughing) what's going on? shhh! gasp! you going to shut it down? this is totally going viral. i wanna go viral. going viral? get scrubbing bubbles, clean and disinfect. 20,000 views! what? oh, it looks so clean in here. we could brag about what's in new light & fit yogurt. gredients. and with 70 calories... maybe we're kind of bragging? new light & fit. i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about once-daily xarelto... a latest generation blood thinner. then i made the switch. xarelto? significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. xarelto? is selective targeting one critical factor of your body's natural clotting function. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. , ask your doctor about xarelto. there's more to know. xarelto. you totaled your brand new car. nobody's hurt, ce company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement?, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement?, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you?. >> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> nce kicking off our fun on the plaza with their awesome songs. they're getting ready to release their full length album. here with a new song called "body moves," dnce. ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? >> dnce. thanks so much. >> think about this. you love your man but do you love his looks? we want to give two men a style makeover. go to send a picture of your fella, name, location, and why he needs a new look. maybe it's the shirt. it's the pants. it's the back hair. could be that. he may get picked. >> you have to think about body ha hair. >> i'm not going to say what i was thinking. meanwhile -- >> guess who is coming up next. kathie lee and hoda. they've got john krasinski and margo martindale from the movie the "hollars" which is very funny. >> and top fall trends under 50 bucks. looks we can find for you that >> i helped billy pick this out. >> looked nice all week. he gave me the pink shirt. also ahead, turn your kid into a huge business mogul like barron trump. thank you for great first week. >> you were fantastic. group hug. ?? >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. ? >> yes, it is. it's try day friday, august 26th. that's called "women up" by meghann traynor. all of her songs she learned to sing and after she's roughing it. >> we're going to kick your weekend off to that talented stars of "the hollers." hering with us will be john

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