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A New York Times editorial calls on clinton to release the transcripts on the paid speeches given to wall street. Saying the stonewalling only fuels speculation. It could be a cloud that hangs over her campaign whether shes taking on senator sanders or the gop nominee. Kristen, thank you. Lets bring in our political director, press, chuck todd. Math, how might this his rivals . Our best estimate of what the delegate count is going to look like after super tuesday. Its over here on the board over here. Essentially if donald trump wins all of these super tuesday states like he did in south carolina, he will build a little over a 100 delegate lead, starting a methodical march to the nomination. And then he has a chance to accelerate it, and essentially cinch the nomination two weeks later. How does he do it . If he wins all of states, by beating kasich, all delegates in florida by beating rubio, he gets to 650 delegates. Basically halfway to the magic number of 12 1237. However, if john kasich can beat trump in ohio and marco rubio can beat trump in florida, look at how the delegate map changes. We did the math here. What does this mean, lester, is the bottom line . Theres two scenarios left in the republican nomination race. Donald trump wins this nomination by march 15th, were headed to cleveland in a contested convention. There is no other scenario. All right. Chuck, thank you. High drama tonight in the battle between apple and the fbi. The company filed a motion today to throw out a judges order for it to help the fbi crack an iphone used by the San Bernardino killers. Saying the feds are seeking a dangerous power, all of it as apple insiders say the company is now working on a new version that would be impossible to unlock by anyone but the user. Our Justice Williams has details. Reporter apple has always made security a selling point. These are the new iphones. Reporter when it released the iphone 6, snowden was warning about government surveillance, apple made a point saying it would no longer help police get information out of the new phones when they were locked, even when served with a search warrant. Now apple is trying to make the phones more secure, working to develop an iphone that cannot be unlocked by anyone but the user, not by the police, not even by apple itself. Its fighting the fbi which wants apple to modify the software in the phone to disarm the security and let agents try to unlock an iphone used by one of the San Bernardino attackers. The fbi director told Congress Today its a lead that must be pursued. We must do a competent investigation following the murder of 14 people in San Bernardino. And well use whatever lawful tools are available to us. Reporter apple said the fbi is trying to force it to create the iphone by changing the software, and it says the government cannot do that. You cannot ask a private citizen to create a product for it. And it cannot ask apple to change the iphone in ways that was never intended to be used or to be employed in. Reporter apple today told a judge in San Bernardino that what the fbi wants would create a back door, leaving personal information vulnerable to hackers, identity thieves, hostile foreign agents and unwarranted government surveillance. Next week both apple and the fbi will face off in a hearing on capitol hill. They both say it should be up to congress, not the courts, to settle this fight. Pete williams, nbc news, at the Supreme Court. Chilling and uncomfortable moments in court today that prompted star sports anchor erin andrews to leave the courtroom, as jurors saw for the first time the tape at the center of her lawsuit against a hotel giant that captured her private moments in her hotel room, shot by a stalker in the room next door. Morgan radford. Reporter today the video that she says changed her life was shown to a room full of strangers. Erin andrews stepped out as the jury sat in the dark watching those stolen images viewed almost 17 million times. So this is the first one at the national marriott, correct . Yes, this is one of the once its on the internet, its on the internet. Many people have individual copies out there. Reporter Michael Barrett modified the peephole of the door and filmed her getting dressed in 2008. The former insurance executive admitted to following her to three Different Hotels across the country. Caught in 2009, he offered a tearful apology, if he was sentenced to 2 and a half years in jail, begging for forgiveness. His apology isnt good enough. It doesnt take down the video off the internet. Ive cried enough. Its not taking the video down. Reporter earlier today, andrews therapist testified by video, describing the panic andrews felt when her stalker got wasnt told. She was extremely concerned that this would reinvigorate the story on the internet. Reporter andrews is expected to take the stand next week. Hearing new testimony from the man she says left her hurt and humiliated. Morgan radford, nbc news. The people of jackson, mississippi, are facing a scary and unfortunately familiar sounding crisis over lead found in drinking water. Children and pregnant women have been warned not to drink the water in this city of more than 170,000 people, where 30 live below the poverty line. There are questions about why they werent warned sooner. Reporter the lead warnings rattled the people of jackson. Many like the mother of three worry their city is another flint. Just to hear that water is gone wrong in another city, in another state, and now my own city and state. Its something i would have never thought of. Downplay the comparisons, while at the same time warning pregnant women and children under 5 not to drink the tap water for six months. Small children need lead testing, and everyone should avoid hot water and run the tap two minutes before using it. The problems began last june. 20 of home samples had high lead levels. Ten months later, 10 . That is when the state alerted city leaders. The public wasnt warned until wednesday. Nearly eight months after the first high readings. State Officials Say they were following epa guidelines. Weve done exactly what the federal you look at the requirements and your evaluation is actually theyre not sufficient. And weve made the change so that they sufficient. Reporter it wont be an easy fix for jackson. The mayor said the plants need urgent upgrade. A problem facing nearly every city. Lead is all over the country. Become a national issue. Reporter at this childrens clinic, worried parents have been calling all day. Better to be safe than sorry. Especially with the children at stake. Reporter monica says her church sent bottled water to flint. But now they wonder if they should have kept it here. Stephanie gosk, nbc news, jackson, mississippi. The risk from socalled super lice. Its much more stubborn to get rid of and its already spreading in half the country. What to do if your kids come home with it. A sports superstar just made a dream come true for a little boy if you have school age children, maybe youve dealt with it, or you likely know a family who has, lice. The cdc reports up to 12 million children a year will get lice. And tonight, that important warning you need to hear. Research now shows an outbreak of socalled super lice, much more resistant to treatment in 25 states so far. Heres how to stop it. Reporter 11yearold lylea is getting checked for lice today. Sure enough, theyre back again. Her mother, andrea, says this is the fourth time in a year for her family. She was itching her head. It wasnt like she was itching her head. Reporter shes not alone. Recently identified super lice, resistant to the main chemical in overthecounter treatments. The socalled super lice have now spread to 25 states. Its important not to panic. Lice are not a health hazard. They dont transmit disease. Reporter to kill these super lice, try learning how to comb them out. Use overthecounter treatments repeatedly over several weeks. Ask your doctor for treatments. Wash clothing and linens in hot water. Theres also a lice clinic like hair genie. Theres nothing to be ashamed of. We tell the kids, its not your fault. Somebody gave it to you. Reporter lyla is learning to stop it from spreading. They have a spray. I use their spray. Before i go to school. What do you and your girlfriends do . Do you share hats, hair brushes . No, i get my hair brush, and since were on the phone a lot, we have to make sure our reporter families need to stay super vigilant against super lice. Were back in a moment with a big but rather unexpected name who has a role to play the Supreme Court buzz around nevada governor brian sand a vol is over before the balloon got off the ground, after the white house said it was vetting the republican for the court vacancy. He told the white house he does not wish to be considered for the job. A surprise announcement ahead of the oscars. Vice President Joe Biden will appear at the ceremony to spotlight the issue of campus sexual assault. The efforts hes leading to fight it. She will introduce lady gagas song until it happens to you highlighted in the documentary the hunting ground. A little boy who touched so many on social media got the thing he most desired. The 5yearold wanted the jersey worn by soccer star messi. It proved impossible for his family in afghanistan to get. So his brother made him one with a plastic bag, and a magic marker. The photos went viral moved, he sent the boy not one, but two signed jerseys. When we come back, should a wall be built on a border . How the controversy is dividing voters who will decide the. Finally tonight comes super tuesday, the biggest prize on the map will be texas. We wanted to know what will decide this crucial race for voters there. So we asked our Kevin Tibbles to find out in one small texas town in our series we the people. Reporter its a bitter wind that blows through the oil fields south of san antonio. Here in the city, people say 95 of the jobs depend on the price of a barrel of the black stuff. And its dropped like a stone. Its horrible. Reporter chaz service company. 50 of his business has vanished. He wants the economy back on track. Somebody go. It weighs on you after a while. Reporter zack is 27 with a family, a mortgage and no job. Down as a man. I have a 7monthold little girl that relies on me that life. Reporter heres the kind of candidate hes looking for. Someone thats going to fight for us. Reporter with the southern border less than 200 miles away, the issue of jobs and immigration go hand in hand, over beers and bris cut at the red dog ice house. Immigration has to do with the sovereignty of our nation, not just me, but every job. If somebodys coming across the border taking their job. Reporter stanley has also been laid off. I think we should build a wall. You dont want me to tell you what kind of wall i would build. Theyre coming from a different background. Reporter in a place where opportunity has dried up, it is troubling for a young father. I dont know where im going to be or what im going to be doing, but im going to go to work. Reporter and for the moment, there is is changing direction. Kevin tibbles, nbc news, karne kre, texas. Im lester holt reporting from our studios in los angeles. For all of us at nbc news, thank you for watching and good its friday, february 26th. Coming up on early today, the tense gop debate proved to be a texas sized slug fest. Youll have competition. Youll have so many different plains. Now hes repeating himself. I watched him repeat himself five times four weeks ago. I saw you repeat yourself five times four seconds ago. He says everything were going to win, win, win. Youre all talk and no action. Artist and this guys a liar. And those were just the slower moments. Developing overnight, new details on the kansas shooting. And Aaron Andrews leaves the courtroom as the jury is showing the naked video taken by her convicted stocker. Plus the latest log vegas odds on who will take home the oscar. Early today starts right now. Im dara brown. It was a true tex tks as slug fest. Both former president bush and barbara bush were in attendance. The donald wasnt one to sit back and take it, take a look at the top tweeted moment of the it night on the subject of replacing obama care. So, thats the only part of youll have many different plans. Yowl ull have competition. Youll have so many different plans. So, now hes repeating himself. I watched him repeat himself five teams four weeks ago. And i watched you repeat yourself five times five seksds ago seconds ago. He says five things, everyones dumb, hes going to make America Great again. Were going win, win, win and the lines around the state. Every night. The second most tweetable exchange. Donald, relax. Go ahead. Im relaxed. Go ahead. Dont get nervous. And cruz brings us full circle slamming trump on past have you said youre a liberal on health care . Let me talk. Explain your plan, please. My plan is simple. Were going to have private health care but i will not allow people to die on the sidewalks and the streets of our country if im president. You may threat and you may be fine with it but im not fine with it. Were going answer the question. Excuse me. On wednesday, trump was the most googled candidate in the state of texas and during the debate the numbers were similar with ben carson and john kasich getting a boost. Later cruz talked to nbcs Hallie Jackson about trumps tax returns. It was rather astonishing that he still refuses to hand over his tax returns. Theres a real question of audit reveal hes committed tax fraud, voters deserve to know that now and not until is this general election. Nobody can defraud the irs. Governor kasich remained a positive tone after the debate. As the field gets narrower, it allows me to be in my comfort zone better. I was able to get the time by being constructive and not in a war. And hes right. He edged out marco rubio in speaking time by just under a minute. Dr. Carson ended the night by talking about his news on medicine and the future of his people ask me all the time do you miss medicine . And i always say i miss the way it used to be. This would be one of my goals to make it fun again, to make it efish ficient again. Will you be in this race all it will depend how many delegates and how much enthusiasm we have. And Hillary Clinton is speaking out about her relationship with donald trump. How surprised are you that we woke up after nevada and everybody in washington said oh, my god, this guy is most likely going to be the nominee . I didnt know him that well but i did know him and its been most surprising to me to see someone who was good company and affable and had a reputation of being bigger than life really traffic in a lot of the prejudice and paranoya doesnt quite fit what i thought i knew about him. So, its going to be interesting to see what he decides to do with it and how he presents himself. But he has really been offensive to those of us who did bow know him. Meanwhile the New York Times secall is calling for her to release her transcripts. I have talked about the fact that Hillary Clinton has received many millions of dollars from wall street for her campaign and for her super pack. Sheez arer er s received very large speaker fees from Goldman Sacks and by the way, i agree with the New York Times editorial. Where they urged secretary clinton to release the transcripts of the speeches she gave behind closed doors. Clinton has responded. The real question underneath this is okay, if you take money from wall street, can you regulate wall street . Money from wall street than any other to run for president , and i think you should be judged on what youve done. If you look at what caused the great recession, a bill he voted for in 2000 had a greater impact than most of the talk that were now doing. So, lets get everybody out on the same field. I feel like i dont mind being responsive. I dont mind answering questions. But at some point i want everybody to have to answer. I respect that call. Can you assure the American People that you didnt say anything that would undermine your promise to be tough on big business and banks . Absolutely. Three people dead and 14 others injured after a gunman opened fire in multiple locations in rural kansas late yesterday afternoon

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