Its sunday its meet the press. From nbc news in washington, this is mehe good sunday morning. President elect donald trump spent the weekend at his bed minister new jersey club meeting with possible members of the administration including onetime rival and critic mitt romney who is reportedly being considered for secretary of state as well as michelle reed, a democrat who ran the School System in washington, d. C. She could be the next education secretary. But if mr. Trump has made one thing clear its that hes not many conservatives perhaps had feared or liberals had hoped. Flynn says that militant islam poses a threat to the u. S. And sessions who has been accused of making racially insensitive to a federal judgeship in the 80s and mike pompeo, a tough critic of Hillary Clinton, on benghazi hes gotten bipartisan for the pick. Republican senators were largely supportive of the choices and democrats on the most part in particular Jeff Sessions sharply opposed. Joining me from new jersey is the current head of the Republican National committee but of course is president elects new Incoming White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus. First of all, congratulations on the new job. Well, good morning, chuck. Appreciate you having me on. Let me start with the meeting talked to a few people close to your campaign. But were talking to you. Thats simply that its Rudy Giuliani or mitt romney for secretary of state. Is that fair to conclude . Look, i think if you see the entire picture here, what i think americans should take from this, we have a president elect trump that wants to bring all americans together. He started with that speech that he gave on wednesday morning. Very graciously saying no matter o background is, im going to be here for you, make you proud of the country. What you saw with mitt romney, people with obviously ted cruz coming in is a continuation of the bridge building and this scene that all americans should take in that he wants to bring us all together. The meeting with mitt romney itself though i will tell you was a very good meeting. It was gracious and personable. It was very sincere and it was productive. So i dont we dont know where it will lead right now, should be proud of the way things are going here in president elect trumps operations. Would it surprise you ifpresident elect trump selected mitt romney for secretary of state . Look, im not sure who hes going to select but i but would you surprise you . Giuliani, general keane, general kelly, hes talked to mitt romney obviously. And well see, chuck, where it goes. But its a good sign for all americans. I want to talk about obviously donald trump ran especially at the end on the phrase he used it a lot, drain the swamp. But theres a number of moves that have happened this week that call that into question, perhaps some conflicts of interest. His daughter ivanka was seen pictured at the meeting with the japanese prime minister. There is some businessmen from india who have deals with the president elects organization, Trump Organization. They had a meeting with the of it. Creating this idea theyll end up profiting off of the trump name now that hes president in india. How are you organizing a divestment or a blind trust right now of donald trump and his businesses . Were not going to get into the details of that, but that is being handled. Theres nothing being discussed of any import. The meeting how do we know that . Because you didnt bring the meeting the meeting was cursory. Look, all of these things all of the rulesl chuck. There is going to be no violation of any of these rules i can assure you of that. And as we move forward, those those matters are going to be more clearly spelled out and youre going to be aware of it. But look, the one person i can tell you that makes these decisions is donald trump. Family is historically been involved with their fathers administrations and i can assure you though what youre seeing donald trump do right now is bring the best and the brightest decisions for america, for all americans. No matter who you are. But at the end of the day, how does he prove hes not planning to use the presidency to profit . There are reports that the trump hotel in washington, d. C. That ambassadors were encouraged to bring their visiting delegations and have them stay at the trump hotel in washington, d. C. , is that true . No its not true at all, chuck. And i think what you what we have here is a its truly a unique situation where you have a an International Business incredibly well in life thats now going to work toward focusing 24 7 on being president of the United States and setting up a system, a legal system, to shield himself from any and all conflicts. That whats were doing. Thats what people are going to see in the coming days and weeks the American People will see that. The wall street journal is recommending the following. The trump family political business, wall street journal, at least editorial page, the political damage to the new administration could be extensive they write if mr. Trump doesnt liquidate. He will be accused of a pecuniary motive any time he takes a policy position. They believe its untenable for trump or his kids to have any control over the Trump Organization while hes president. Does the president elect share look, were looking at this right now, chuck, as well. Like i said before well make sure that no matter what decisions are made that theyll be run through council. Theres a White House Councils office that will be there that will be issuing opinions and these matters all will be dealt with, dealt with accordingly. And donald trump, our new president is going to spend every hour, every minute of the day making america proud of where were going and making America Great america and making the decisions that benefit everyone the most in this country. So i think were just getting ahead of ourselves a little bit. But i can assure you that the will continue to be brought together no matter their background, their political affiliation, and all the rest. Let me ask you a question about the appointment of general mike flynn to National Security adviser. Essentially there are two corner offices in the white house. Youre in one, hes going to be in the other. In february, flynn posted a video listing bombings perpetrated by muslims with the comment, fear of muslims is rational. Registry for muslims . Look, im not going to rule out anything, but i wouldnt were not going to have a registry based on a religion. But what i think what were trying to do is say there are some people certainly not all people, chuck, there are some people that are radicalized and some people have to be prevented from coming into this country. And Donald Trumps position President Trumps position, is house and the senate that say the following. If you want to come from a place or an area around the world that harbors and trains terrorists, we have to temporarily suspend that operation until the better vetting system is put in place. And when that happens, that when a better vetting system is put in place, then those radical folks or theyll not be allowed in. But others will be allowed in. But only until that thats what not what flynn believes but donald trump believes. But does he believe that fear of muslims is rational . Well, he believes that no faith in and of itself should be judged as a whole. But there are some people in countries abroad that need to be prevented there are some people that need to be prevented from coming into this country. So i think thats where 99 of americans are at. All right. Reince priebus, the next white house chief of staff, appreciate the time and thanks for coming thank you, chuck. You got it. Well, on friday i travelled to michigan for a story on middle class voters who picked donald trump over Hillary Clinton. Well have that story for you later in the hour. But while i was there i took a break to interview the new Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer. He said that Senate Democrats would give a very thorough look at Jeff Sessions and he had tough questions for mike flynn. Though he doesnt need confirmation. But then well begin with a question that i asked as to whether Senate Democrats should oppose trump because its good for the party or its good for the party. Well, my test is the specifics. We wont work with him for the sake of working with him and we wont oppose him because its something that trump sponsors. Let me give you an example. Candidate trump voiced very progressive and populist opinions. For instance, getting rid of the carried interest loophole, a large infrastructure bill, cleaning up the swamp in washington. These are things that democrats have always stood for and frankly republicans have always been against. So well challenge President Trump to work with us on those issues where we can. If he doesnt hell be breaking his promise to particularly the blue collar whom have voted for him on those particular issues. But on issues where our values are at stake, where the president goes in a divisive direction, where his campaign did before, well go against him and with everything weve got. Were not going to repeal or help him repeal obamacare. We are not going to roll back dodd frank. I think they should forget about that. We have 60 votes to block them. Were not going to help him Immigration Reform bill that builds a much tougher Border Security that has much more bipartisan support than he ever called for. We wont oppose him because its trump, but well oppose him wherever he opposes our values and i hope, chuck, one final thing, i hope on the promises hes made to blue collar america on trade, on carried interest, on infrastructure, that hell stick with them and work with us. Even if it means breaking with the opposed these things. You may have the longest relationship of any current u. S. Senator with donald trump. I know you frequently speak with him. Im curious how frequently have you spoken with him post election . Well, look, number one, i didnt know him that well. We see each other occasionally at events in new york. But i really didnt know him very well. You did a lot on the apprentice. Well, they asked me to do it and i was surprised and i dont i learned far more about him in the campaign. I was troubled by a whole lot of things in the campaign. The only thing i can say to my colleagues is, you know, president obama met with him and said the presidency is a sobering experience. So i hope President Trump will rise to the oncation and occasion and when he does well try to be supportive but when he doesnt well use everything weve got to oppose him. Im interviewing you right now from the suburbs of detroit. Were doing a big happened for instance in mccomb county, a place that there were obama trump voters. Why do you believe you lost the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton lost the voters that voted obama in 08 and 12 and voted trump in 16 particularly in michigan . You cant flinch or look away from it, you have to look at it directly in the eye and analyze what you did wrong. The analysis will continue. But my preliminary reading is strong, bold and pointed economic message that appealed to these people. And a message that talked about how rigged the system was in washington. What i hope to do is our democratic leader is craft policies and platform and message that are bold on economic issues. That are strong on economic issues. That dont just nibble around the edges believe, unite not only democrats in the senate. You have seen in our Leadership Team this kind of message has gotten Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren on our team as well as joe manchin and mark warner. But unite america. I dont think there should be a choice. People say, well, should we go after the Obama Coalition or the Blue Collar Workers . A bold, strong economic message will unite both of them. Both groups. Oakland county, the factory worker, the College Student in los angeles, the single mom trying to get above minimum wage in harlem. Finally let me ask you about the supreme court. Obviously you were not pleased with how Senate Republicans handled the Merrick Garland nomination. I assume baring some miracle for your side it is not going to be brought up during the lame duck. How pray for that miracle. Are you going to comfortable filibustering any pick that a President Trump makes . And if that happened, do you fear the Nuclear Response essentially by the republicans. Well, first, i hope that President Trump picks a mainstream candidate. A mainstream candidate is somebody you may not agree with on every issue, but basically believes in precedent and basically believes in following the what does that mean . Can he nominate somebody in your is he too conservative for you . Well, im not going to get into specific candidates, but we hope it would be mainstream. If it is mainstream, you have to remember the last four nominees, two from president bush, two from president obama got bipartisan support on the bench. If he doesnt nominate a mainstream candidate, were going to go at him with everything we have or her. Go at the candidate with everything weve got, because this is so, so important. Now has said lets not lets not use the filibuster. But they dont come with clean hands having delayed Merrick Garland for a whole year and furthermore, i was the person when the rules were changed back a few years ago when leader reid changed the rules. I said lets not do the supreme still do. Because we should get bipartisan support. So i hope both President Trump and leader mcconnell will recognize those facts. All right. Chuck schumer, i have to lead it there. The new Senate Democratic leader, thank you for joining us. As i told you, i did that interview on friday. Well, as the interview was airing donald trump tweeted the following about Chuck Schumer this morning, i have always had a Good Relationship with schumer. He is far smarter than harry and he has the ability to get things done, good news. There you go. My trip to macomb county, michigan. The reagan democrats who voted first for president obama and hear from senator hear from senator Bernie Sanders. Welcome to the world 2116, you can fly across town in minutes or across the globe in under an hour. Took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. And if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. . . Hey there, hi. Why do people have eyebrows . Why do people put milk on cereal . Oh, are you reading why people put milk on cereal . Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . Why is it all mimics a stomach grumble no more questions for you was messing with you, wasnt it . Yeah, happens to more people than you think. Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good, right . Mmm, yeah. I got your back. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Lets dig in with the panel. Kathleen parker and tom friedman. Welcome to you all. Robert, i want to start with you. Romney, giuliani, how real is romneys secretary of state . You are quick with the trump scoops. What you got . My trump sources tell me romney is very much in the running for secretary of state. Trump likes his look, he likes his background. He wants to make an overture to the republican establishment. Reputation not only at home but around the world. He wants to maybe have a different kind of face. Theres no question that romney brings a different face because he is the epitome of goodness and would be, i think, a very smart move for trump to put him up front as the face to the rest of the world. As somebody joked, if you took an American Flag and turned it into a human being, it would look like mitt romney. You have to have a Good Relationship though with the National Security advisor. I bring this up, thomas, as somebody who covered plenty of white house and international affairs. Mike flynn has been described this is by former colleagues, people that worked with him, they did it anonymously. You have covered general flynn back in the days of the first afghanistan surge. What do you know of him . I have seen general flynn in iraq, afghanistan, washington at the dia. Who has been tweeting. I had many encounters with him or several in his job as one of the most intelligent intelligent officers we have had. He and Stan Mccrystal together created the killing machine that took down al qaeda in iraq. They did it in an amazing way, leveraging big data. They would take down a terrorist leader, take his computer and cell phone and pour it into a computer, find links and do one raid and another and another. I dont kn