Transcripts For WKYC ET Entertainment Tonight 20161003 : com

Transcripts For WKYC ET Entertainment Tonight 20161003

and they refused to do it. and i'll never forget how it got resolved and you may remember this. but those pastors, along with a lot of people who helped them, of people wrote to all the pastors in all the country and told all of them to send all of their sermons to this group. they got so many sermons, they had to hire extra staff people to open the mail. and ultimately, they backed away from it and they weren't forced to turn in their sermons. but can you imagine? could you have believed 10 years ago that in any city in this nation, which is a nation supposedly under god, that the city government would require pastors to turn their sermons in because they didn't like what was in the sermon? you have stereotyping, marginalizing, threatening, intimidating, and then you've got litigating. they're taking us to court, friends. a growing number of christians and christian organizations are being taken to court for refusing to compromise their christian convictions. we may not think it's right, we may think it's totally ungodly which it is but it's going to happen so what do we do about it? that's what this is all about. let me remind you that what's going on in our world today is not something that's new. if you open the bible from the beginning of the bible, you'll discover christians have been persecuted throughout all of the history of christianity. christian behavior angers non-christians because it makes them feel judged. it resurrects in them the embedded truth of moral accountability that god planted in each one of us from the very beginning that we are ultimately accountable to god. and when they see christians living out that accountability, it causes them to be very angry and instead of being angry at the message, they get angry at the messenger. if you are good and you try to live your life godly and righteously you will get attention and it won't always be encouraging. they will come after you. they want you to live life at their level so they don't have to feel guilty about what they're doing. persecution in the new testament begins shortly after christ's birth in bethlehem and it does not end until the last chapter of the book of revelation. here are a few of the most notable examples. the judean king hero fearful of reports that a prophesied king had been born in bethlehem tried to protect his dynasty by killing all the male babies born within the prophetic timeframe. john the baptist, the first public proclaimer of christ, was beheaded by herod's son, herod antipas. several times, the jewish people and their leaders, angered over jesus' message and his rebukes, tried to seize and kill him, crucifixion plot. peter and other apostles were arrested and beaten and imprisoned several times for preaching jesus christ. stephen was stoned to death by angry jews for preaching christ. all 12 of the apostles, all of them, died violent deaths at the hands of their persecutors, with the exception of john who was simply exiled on the isle of patmos until his death. persecution's always been with u men and women, since the birth of christ. and if you study the history after the bible, the empire best known for persecuting christians is ancient rome. in the 1st century, romans under nero burned christians on stakes and fed them live to lions for arena entertainment. other empires and nations and religions also took the sword against christians. in the center of new york city, and i need to report to you that persecution is alive and well in our world. many believe that worldwide persecution of christians today is worse than at any time in history. here are some facts that i discovered. every single month there are 322 christians who are killed for their faith, 214 church buildings and christian properties are destroyed every month. and 772 forms of violence are committed against individual christians or christian groups. those figures add up to over 15,000 incidents of serious persecution against christians every year. given the history and the present state of christian persecution worldwide, we should not be surprised that we are beginning to feel the sting of it in the united states. i don't feel like i've ever been truly persecuted. i've been harassed and i do get a lot of emails and some letters and once in a while a phone call but i do believe that in our lifetime, most of us here in this room, we will either experience it or we will witness it. the side effects of christian persecution are interesting. how should we respond to persecution? what should our attitude be? to the philippians in philippians 1:29, "for to you it has been granted on behalf of christ, not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his sake." when you suffer, remember that's a gift from god. and here's one of the reasons you can be positive about it when it happens. remember these things. first of all, suffering promotes character. although persecution god uses it often as a form of discipline to mold us into greater christ-likeness. here's what we read in romans 5, "we glory in tribulation, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope." god is teaching me. he's taking me to school, he's putting me in the classroom, so that through the persecution that i face he i learn what it means to be a man of god and stand strong when everyone else is bowing down to the wrong people. suffering promotes character and it provokes courage. courage is a hallmark of authentic christianity because it reflects christ's character in adverse circumstances. suffering promotes character, it provokes courage, a.w. tozer once said, "to be right with god often means to be in trouble with man." tozer said that when you are right with god, you will not always be popular with the other people but isn't it great to know that we don't have to do this alone, that we can stand together as god's people? and paul put it this way. paul said, "all who desire to live godly in christ jesus will suffer persecution." he doesn't say maybe, you might, or you could. he says, "all li in christ jesus, all, a-l-l, all will suffer persecution." it's really a matter of simple logic. why would the enemies of christianity bother anyone who's not living godly in christ jesus? and then the bible says that suffering produces joy. when we realize the purpose and the blessing and the positive results of suffering a source of real joy. how many of you know, when you're really living for the lord jesus christ and somebody comes after you and tries to hurt you with their words, it hurts for a minute but then you walk away and you realize, "i got to stand with jesus today. got to stand with jesus today," amen. [congregation applauding] and then suffering also helps you to look to the future because the bible says there are special rewards let me read to you romans 8, verse 18. paul writes, "i consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in all of us." if you just could get a look of the future, makes all the rest of what goes on down here make sense, doesn't it? one of the things i love about the bible is to prepare us for life, prepare us for whatever's happening. so let me just give you a few thoughts about what to do when you began to feel the sting of persecution tugging at your heels. 1 thessalonians chapter 3, verses 2 through 4, we read these words from paul, "and we sent timothy to establish you and encourage you concerning your faith, that no one should be shaken by these afflictions; for, in fact, we told you before when we were with you that we would suffer tribulation, just as it happened, and now you know it." what is paul saying? "we told you this was gonna happen. we prepared you for it." and there are certain decisions that you and i can make, certain steps we can take to advance and steel ourselves for the moment when the persecution comes. let's look at three things as we close. first of all, make a decision that you're gonna stand for the truth. don't wait make the decision now. get before the lord and say, "lord god, whatever it is that you send my way, i'm gonna stand with you. i'm gonna stand for your word. i'm gonna stand for the truth." second, you get support from one another. you know, the bible tells us that christianity is not supposed to be lived solo. supposed to be lived in community. hebrews says, "don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together, that's where most people stop reading that verse. that's the great verse in the bible for preachers to preach on to tell their people, "get to church. don't forsake yourselves of assembling together. don't stay home and watch television, don't go play golf. come to church." i've heard the message, i've preached the message. but have you ever listened to the rest of that verse? have you ever heard the reasoning behind it? and the time sequence that the writer of hebrews puts in the middle of it? of ourselves together, as the manner of some, but exhorting one another," or encouraging one another, now here's the last phrase, "and so much the more as you see the day approaching." let me break that out for you. here's what the writer of hebrews is saying. "go to church." absolutely. when you go to church encourage one another. you ought to go to church every week with a word of encouragement just in the ready of your mind so that you can encourage them, say hello to them, hug their neck. you go to church not only to hear the word of god and worship but you go to church to encourage one another. and to bless one another. but then, notice what he says. and he says, "and you need to do that even more as you see the day approaching." what day? the day of the lord, the coming of christ, the rapture, the tribulation. in other words, paul says, "as you get closer and closer to the return of christ, you ought to be going to church more and more and guess what we're doing? we're doing it less and less. i read all the statistics of church growth in our country and it's not very encouraging. let me tell you, in order to sail through today's troubled waters, you need all hands on deck. the church needs you and you need the church. i wanna put in a plug for the church. i know i'm a pastor and i'm paid to say this. but you need to be in church. every friday for almost 30 years on my radio broadcast, before i say goodbye for we i tell all of you and you know it, "go to church this weekend. find a church where christ is honored and his word is taught and go to church. don't use 'turning point' as your church. we're not your church." i even go so far as to say, "don't send me your tithe. i don't want your tithe. your tithe belongs to the church. you got anything left over, we'll take it," yeah. listen, god ordained the church for such a time as this. we need the church now more than we've ever needed it. when you're feeling pressure is find a church where you can get involved, be a steward of that church, be invested in that church with your life and your presence and then build into the lives of other people while they're building into your life. and you won't have to face this by yourself. you'll be able to draw on the courage that comes from one another. and then finally, don't just determine to stand for truth and draw support from one another. derive your security from the lord. the key to standing firm in times of persecution is to remember who we belong to and where we're going. we belong to jesus christ and he secures us in his hand and we need not fear danger to our reputations, our jobs, our finances, or even our lives. jesus said in matthew 16, "whoever desires to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." men and women, originates from satan, the usurper who is temporarily the lord of the earth. that's why c.s. lewis called the world an enemy-occupied territory. we're living in a world that's been controlled by the enemy and whenever we move into his territory and we bring light into darkness, oh, does there come pushback! satan doesn't like us messing with his territory. when christians move into an area, they begin to evangelize and light begins to replace the darkness, spiritual warfare comes as fast as you can imagine. but listen to me now. philippians 3:20 says, "our citizenship is in heaven. and we eagerly await a savior from there, the lord jesus christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body." men and women, we are on the winning side. i read the last chapter. and you did too, didn't you? when you read the last chapter, you find out what god is up to. >> announcer: dr. jeremiah will return after this to give one last message of hope in light of today's critical issue. >> announcer: how do we face the increase of christian persecution at home? what do believers across the world know about oppression that american christians have yet to learn? find the answers to this and nine other crucial issues in dr. david jeremiah's new book, "people are asking, is this the end? signs of god's providence in a disturbing world." divided into two sections, "is this the end of america?" and "is this the end of the world?" dr. jeremiah provides a biblical perspective on topics including immigration, the decline in morality, and the isolation of israel. "people are asking, is this the end?" will be released worldwide october 4, but don't wait. you can reserve your copy now when you support "turning point" and if you give $60 or more, dr. jeremiah will send you the "is this the end?" study set which contains his new book, his complete series on your choice of dvd or cd, and a correlating study guide. plus, as a bonus for pre-ordering the book or set by october 3, you will also receive the exclusive resource, "ten prayers for our time," instantly as a digital download or as a set of ten beautiful prayer cards by mail. "is this the end?" book and study set. pre-order yours from "turning point" today. >> announcer: and now, with one last word for today's program, here is dr. jeremiah. >> david: are you one of those people who log on to an internet news site first thing every morning? many people do that and it's not because they're addicted to the internet. it's because they have learned that the world can change drastically overnight. never have we lived in such perilous and unpredictable times. when the world that never changes: jesus christ and his word. to encourage you in building your relationship with christ, please allow me to send you two free gifts from "turning point," gifts based firmly on the bible. one is a booklet called "your greatest turning point," and the other is our monthly devotional magazine, "turning points." we will gladly send both of these resources to you free of charge if you will contact us here at "turning point" today. >> announcer: next week on "turning point." >> david: almighty god has blessed this nation with blessings far beyond our population and totally out of comparison with the rest of the nations of the world and we don't realize that. because if we did, we'd be more thankful and not so critical. >> announcer: join us next week for dr. jeremiah's message, "the apathy of america," brad and angie's divorce game-changer. >> there's many things that can go wrong. >> the new closed door deal. why brad is getting drug tested. plus the new scandalous twist. who just hired the real life olivia pope to take the upper hand? >> funny how that works. >> this is what ten years of marriage will do to you. >> then "e.t." is first to show you janet jackson's baby bump. now new baby bombshell straight from janet's sister. plus -- >> stand back. >> make way for this hot duck. >> my first day, first scene. >> behind the scenes with rob lowe, why his new role has him nervous. then we're in the shower with john stamos. who is stripping down with the scream queens star >> not just shirtless. nude. >> and, we do the time warp with the stars. rocky horror remake. ? now this is "entertainment tonight." brad pitt drug tested as's battles back against angelina's p.r. attack. cameron mathison on assignment. initia the jolie-pitt, fact or fiction. did brad and angie reach a temporary custody agreement? that's true. >> "e.t." has confirmed that angelina and brad have agreed to a temporary deal. here's what we've learned. angelina would get full physical custody of their six children, and brad is subject to random d and alcohol testing. brad would be allowed visitation rights but a therapist must be present during that first vi go through individual counseling sessions and the couple, along with their six children, will have to complete family counseling. this is just a temporary deal. things could change. >> so what's the impact of this agreement? we asked attorney robert wallach. >> it's important to remember that we're at the very beginning of this case. so as far as impact goes, the only impact is that angelina is starting a little bit ahead of brad at the very beginning of the custody talks. jolie-pitt child custody dispute told "e.t." pitt voluntarily took a drug test as a preemptive strike. pitt was supposed to walk the red carpet wednesday night for the new documentary voyage of time. he's the film's narrator. >> the universe, billions of years in the making. >> pitt backed out, referencing his divorce drama. in a statement, quote, i'm currently focused on my family situation and don't want to distract attention away. next rumor, did angelina rea pope? yep. "e.t." has confirmed that angelina has been consulting with p.r. crisis manager judy smith. >> there's always a crisis. i mean there's no shortage of it. >> smith, of course, is a real life inspiration for carrie washington's character on scandal. >> you and i walk out of here. >> we want the show to be as real as possible. >> the 57-year-old fixer has advised many other celebrities, including paula dean, monica as a co-exclusive producer on scandal, she helps carrie understand the role. >> it's a tough job with very high expectations and a lot of intrigue and a lot of strategic thinking. >> and we're learning more about angelina's inner circle. >> angelina's two closest friends right now are ar minka hellish and chloe dalton, foreign policy experts in great britain and have been advising her on human rights issues around the angie doesn't make any decisions without these two. a source close to the pitt jolie situation says that the two women advising angelina have been fueling the aggressive approach against brad since the beginning. >> now, back to the rumors. one report claims angelina asked for an open marriage and that she wants to move the family to britain, where she can be the next princess diana. >> i understand you're actually open to politics. >> i'm not answering that tonight. >> open marriage, you know, let's boil that down to just a as for politics, what we're told today is that angelina's global ambitions are just part of the couple's current problems. you know, as u.n. special envoy for refugees for the past four years, angelina has things she wants to do and no one is saying that's wrong. would she move to england? that would be one of the possible reasons why she filed for sole physical custody. >> you may have also read that angelina has blocked all of brad's texts and calls and that he was willing to take a lie have an affair. >> there's no real way to know that this is true unless you're brad or angelina. but clearly this couple is not on good terms right now. this divorce is already heated, and it will just get worse if they don't settle this privately and quietly. >> now, one that many are questioning is that angelina is being consoled by johnny depp. >> i think this report came about because the two were co-stars in the tourist, and it's a great headline, but they divorce lawyer, laura wasser. naomi watts and liev schreiber, "e.t." was first to break the news the couple has separated after 11 years together. >> you hate seeing that happen. on to a war between couples playing out on tv. "dancing with the stars" eliminated rick perry this week, and we were with the crew on and off the set. >> leaving right now is rick and emma. ? >> i longer than i thought i would if you know the truth of the matter. i just had a really good instructor. >> despite his dismissal, rick and emma have more rehearsals planned. >> she's going to help on the foxtrots and we're going to do my daughter's wedding. so she's still not through teaching me. >> i've goat your back. >> as for rick's unlikely romance with vanilla ice, that too will continue outside the ballroom. they are already making plans to hang out. amazing. it was 30 days of make something great fans that will last now for the rest of my life. >> also leaving the ballroom, head judge len goodman, "e.t." has learned he will be gone until the season finale. len is the head judge of the british version of the show but promises to keep an eye on things from across the pond. >> i'm going to be well informed what's going on to make sure that it's a ballroom dancing competition. it's not all about razzle-dazzle. >> but when it take home the coveted mirror ball, rick and emma are rooting for her real life boyfriend. >> sasha, sasha, sasha. >> we're kind of for sasha and terra. terra is a good texas girl. >> emma and sasha are in our homes every week. now they've given "e.t." an exclusive invite into their home. >> hello, "e.t." >> welcome to our house. >> come on in. ? >> i was like oh, my gosh. was like this is our home. >> we just love the fairy tail look of the house, and it reminds me of handle and gretel. >> the couple moved into the 1,600 square foot home in august. >> right here is where all the choreography comes together. >> oh, we've already choreographed all our routines in this room. we just roll up the rug. >> the million dollar l.a. hideaway is also a hangout for their "dancing with the stars" cast >> we've had derek and hailey over the most. >> they love the house. it's cool to come here after rehearsals or whatever we're doing, just to chill, especially outside. >> emma is from england, and sasha was born in russia but grew up in australia. they met on broadway and have been dating for five years. >> everybody at "dancing with the stars" having babies, getting married. >> marriage is definitely in the cards. it's just there's no time at the moment. maybe soon. one day, tomorrow, next week, who knows? >> we talk about it. it's definitely -- >> in the cards. >> yeah. >> as for james hinchcliffe and sharna burgess, they've been spending their spare time at the races. james' pro partner sharna becomes the student, getting schooled on the track. >> i'm hoping that she's asner vus now as i was last monday. >> the indy car driver and his partner gave "e.t." a grand between the pair sped around the sew mona raceway, reaching speeds of 165 miles per hour. >> wow. that was fun. >> you have no idea how fast you're going until you're actually in that car and you just look out in front of you and you're like brakes, brakes, >> what was that like for you, that experience? >> it was amazing. it was the craziest, most awesome experience. i was terrified before it, and then after it, i was on an adrenaline high. i wanted to keep going around the track. >> now she knows how i feel before and after a dance. it's exactly the same thing. >> now there's an update on those two protesters who stormed the stage last month on dancing. they were officially charged this week on several trespassing-relatear tuesday. the maximum penalty that they could get is six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. coming up, i'm getting jennifer aniston's husband justin to spill secrets about their relationship. >> it sound oz simple, but it's true. >> then behind the scenes of ben affleck's strange new role. is he even when you're taking an antidepressant... but inside, the symptoms linger. in fact, 2 out of 3 people taking an antidepressant may still experience unresolved symptoms. when added to your current antidepressant... rexulti (brexpiprazole) has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression. it may help you feel better... without giving up the progress you may have made with your current antidepressant. rexulti is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in those 24 and younger. elderly dementia patients taking rexulti have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor if you have high fever, stiff muscles, and confusion to address a possible life-threatening condition... or if you have uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. high blood sugar was reported with rexulti and in extreme cases can lead to coma or death. other risks are increased cholesterol, weight gain... decreased white blood cells, seizures, trouble swallowing, and impaired judgment or motor skills. don't give up on the progress you may have made with your current antidepressant. talk to your doctor about adding rexulti. and feel better about facing the world. you may qualify to get your first 30 days free. visit for details. we dance on the salsa team together, and it's like a lot of power in what we wear. when we're practicing if i don't feel good in what i'm wearing i don't look good. t.j.maxx has that variety. i can get a lot for my money. it's like "yay t.j.maxx!" if you're feeling it, just go for it, don't wait. maxx life at t.j.maxx. we took lifelong pasta experts and gave one prego traditional and one ragu traditional. this is what happened. that's because even ragu users prefer the taste of prego traditional two-to-one. you? you're an accountant. we have to go to the police. >> ben affleck has played a leading man, an action hero, and a gangster. but this time he's playing an accountant. hey, who said accountants aren't sexy too, right? we have your first look behind the scenes of his unusual role in this wild new thriller. >> i guess i just thought this was something that was really original, you know, which is a rare thing. this seemed to have genuinely unique elements and to be genuinely surprising. >> that's ben badder than batman and taking on the role no one saw coming. >> i have difficulties socializing with other people even though i want to. >> ben plays christian wolfe. he's a cpa who often cooks and then uncooks the books for some of the world's most dangerous criminals. but the mild-mannered math genius has a secret. >> look at this. it's incredible. >> he's pigeon holed, yet we find out he's capable of so many things. >> despite the role's complexity, ben looked happy and upbeat on location. john lithgow and anna kendrick co-star. she plays a young star. >> i have a pocket protector. >> that's a nice one. he can barely look at me in some scenes because his character is so uncomfortable. but ben finds a way to make the oddities so charming. >> why you? you're an accountant? >> she's one of my favorite actresses. she's an awesome girl and an awesome actress and she's perfect in this part. she's this kind of awkward counterpoint. >> sarcasm? is that sarcasm? >> i don't use sarcasm. >> really it's a movie about how he has to reconcile his past with who he is now. >> as for the adaptation of the girl on the train, i sat down their anticipated thriller. >> what makes you and jennifer so good together? >> oh, boy. i don't know. i think we appreciate each other's sense of humor. we respect one another, and we get along, you know. i mean it sounds simple, but it's true. >> what makes john perfect for you? >> i knew you were going there. he is my perfect man, you know. he's funny and warm and bright >> this four som has been friends for at least five years, which made it pretty easy for justin and emily to be co-stars in the girl on the train, the thriller based on the massive worldwide best-seller. >> let me tell you, emily plays crazy obsessed so good in this. and towards the end of filming, she actually had to hide her pregnancy, but she couldn't keep justin. >> justin knew because he's my friends. he pulled me aside, like are you pregnant? i was like yes. >> all she would do is get up off the floor and kind of run just like five or ten feet, and she was like, no, i don't want to twist my hip or something. an injury? i'm like you were throwing tom cruise across the room in edge of tomorrow. later that day we went back to my place and she was not having a cocktail. i was like, are you pregnant? she was like, shhh. >> you're a good secret keeper. >> i'm the vault. >> everything is safe with justin. now, emily and john, they're not bad at keeping secrets either because they welcomed their second child, a baby girl, and we've never seen her. we're waiting for that first photo. on the way, rob lowe to the rescue. we are with tv's sexiest new doctor. >> this is my first day, first scene, first rescue. against wilmer valderrama. and we're are first on the set of the new mac giever with the new guy taking over richard oh, my goodness. did you see this? rob lowe stripping off his shirt and surprising stephen colbert on his show. it was magic. this week, rob also got serious on the season premiere of code black. now, i was there as tried to save his first life. this is officially day number one. >> my first day, first scene, first rescue. >> oh, boy. >> and action! >> does it feel like the first day of school? >> i can't compare it to anything because my first take is jumping out of a helicopter. there are jet engines blowing fans. there are two bodies on the beach. there's 30 extras. there's blood paraphernalia. it's overwhelming. >> it's rob lowe to the rescue. >> he's losing too much blood. he's not going to make it back unless we stabilize him right here. >> rob made his debut as military dr. ethan willis, and we caught his very first mission, trying to save a shark attack victim. >> somebody get her away, please. stand back. >> rob got a crew cut for the role and some pretty intensive training. did you go through a boot camp of your own? >> it was classes. four or cases set up, and we would all rotate through them. so there was sutures would be one. another would be how to intubate someone. the other would be how to put in a chest line. >> have you ever done this before? >> on a pig. >> a pig? >> it works. should work. >> as i'm walking down the beach, i don't see the pitch fork in my hand and i impale myself, you could save me. >> i could save you. heimlich. here's another guy who can turn a few heads. wilmer valderrama. he's been doing it since he was a happy-go-lucky teen on that 70s show, but now he's gone all tough guy on ncis. you said getting on this show was like parachuting onto a moving train. >> i felt like daniel craig. i landed and i didn't fall off the train. i was like, okay, now keep going. >> sure, wilmer can be all 007 with his action scenes. >> we're on the same side. >> but does he have what it takes to fill michael weatherly's shoes? he definitely does. he also brings a little comic relief. >> what did i miss. >> as for agent gibbs. >> are you coming? >> doesn't seem intimidated. >> i'm not much of a varsity letter guy. >> he plays a field agent emerging from a mysterious deep him yet? >> i'm here with my amazing cast. >> hi. >> hi. >> behind the scenes, wilmer brings the fun to this cast and the fact that he looks like this shirtless makes us happy to say welcome aboard. you said everybody has been really nice, but what if i told you there may be a prank lot against you that is brewing? >> i would feel really bad for them. it has to be emily. >> maybe i'll do something to wilmer's trailer. >> she think she's very slick, but i see it coming. for real, though. >> you're a deep cover agent. you find out. >> i will find out. >> oh, emily, i'm so, sorry sorry. i didn't mean to spill the beans. look, it's just the circle of life. coming full circle. emily was michael weatherly a victim a lot of time. now she's just passing the baton. this show has been on for 14 some pretty epic pranks. now to a show that lasted for seven seasons, mcguyver. it is back on tv. the show made a star out of richard dean anderson in the '80s, and we were first on the set with the new guy filling his secret agent shoes. >> i love richard dean anderson's mullet. someone has already put on twitter, they've like photocopied his mullet on to me. >> he gave the original, but this shower scene remains our favorite of the 26-year-old. >> you want to call me a sex symbol, that's up to you, man or someone else. i definitely can't admit to that myself. oh, yeah, i'm single, man. i'm single. >> that's nikki carpenter. no one is better on a keyboard. >> lucas may be all james bond sexy and smart as the new mac guyver, but when we visited the romance is building up between lucas and george ahe's. >> he said he was glad to meet somebody as crazy as he was. >> he looks after me and makes sure i don't die. he uses the gun because mcguyver doesn't use guns. >> i told him i hope we keep getting along. can you imagine cut to us three years from now, shaking each other's necks. we're ready for? >> you got 30 minutes. after that, i'm crashing the party. >> lucas has been re-watching the original series, and some of those episodes are pretty memorable. >> technically i would have been 2 years old when the original ended. now, no, i remember. the episode i remember the most when i was the kid was the one with the ant people. >> and as for those action scenes, lucas has this look alike stunt guy, but he actually likes to take on a lot of the danger himself. >> why would i do something like that, to save the day? because i'm mcguyver. >> lots of action in that one. by the way, the original was produce the by henry winkler, and he's producing this one too. >> henry winkler is the nicest man in hollywood. two other nice guys, cameron mathison, josh ha stories of the week. follow your own sense of style... because, you want to be confident. t.j.maxx really helped us express our creative side. that's the best part. you don't know what you're going to find. i always find great deals on shoes... purses... we're a team. yeah. maxx life at t.j.maxx. many sleep-aids have pain medicine but zzzquil is different because why would you take a pain medicine when all you want is good sleep? zzzquil: a non-habit forming sleep-aid that's not for pain, before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and these feet doctor about lyrica. little dakota's nose was quivering in fear. because it knew an ordinary tissue was near. the fiery tissue left her nose sore and red. so dad slayed the problem with puffs plus lotion, instead. puffs have pillowy softness for dakota's tender nose. with lotion to comfort and soothe when she blows. don't get burned by ordinary tissues. marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! s?? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. s?, sono qui... what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! if you're just joining us, here are this week's top five stories. number five, amy schumer's major kiss cam pda. when the camera landed on the comedian at last week's game, amy gave her dad a sweet kiss before going all in about with ben hanisch. liev schreiber call it quits. quote, the best way forward for us as a family is to separate as a couple. we look forward to raising our children together. >> how much fun are you having putting on a tuxedo and coming here tonight. >> cam spoke with liev two weeks ago at the emmys. naomi had instagramed it. >> number three, failed at flipped out fans. ? this week in london at the apple music festival, wait for it. bam! yep, brit backed out of a lift last minute. twitter lit up with fan freakouts and some gifs. this one captioned when every heart of the entire britney army just stopped for a second. brit later explained. >> i freaked out. i put my hand up and there was a new guy there. >> it wasn't his first day, was it? >> no. it was first time to catch my back, though. i should have felt more confident. number two, janet jackson pregnant at 50. the first shots. ? the mom to be put an end to rumors she hired a surrogate on tuesday at a high-end london boutique. sister latoya janet confirmed janet has been told to reduce her activities. a source says janet is due around early november, and it doesn't look like she's having twins. and the number oneto week, brad pitt drug tested. a source close to his child custody dispute with angelina jolie tells "e.t." brad voluntarily took the test before reaching a temporary custody agreement. >> here's what we've learned. angelina would get full physical custody of their six children, and brad is subject to random drug and alcohol testing. brad would be allowed visitation rights but during that first visit, a therapist must be present. >> go to "e.t." for do you understand me? >> deepwater horizon is out this weekend and it stars kate hudson kurt russell and mark wahlberg. mark wahlberg is working on the fifth installment of transformers. >> i'm not sure how, but cameron is there of course. he's hanging out with josh duhamel. >> transformers 5, baby. >> action! [ gunfire ] >> between the two of you, who's better? >> wahlberg, absolutely. >> i can bring the heat because i have a full military suit behind me. >> on work ethics, the edge also goes to wahlberg. >> he gets up every morning and plays 18 holes of speed golf. when we started the movie, i was like i'm going to come and do that with you. he was like we get up at 3:30 and work out. then we go play at 5:00. you know what, i'll catch you on legendary saint andrews, not speed golf for sure. >> you had a little trouble in the sand trap. >> i was thinking these bunkers can't be that hard to get out of. seven shots later, i couldn't get out of the sand trap. >> josh is spending about two months in england as he returns to the transformers franchise. >> these movies are unlike anything that i've ever done, and this one especially. it's amazing to watch michael work first of all because he imagine. >> fergie and their 3-year-old axle are also here. josh being the coolest dad in the universe. >> everybody that i talk to, whether it's on the street or at work or whoever, he thinks that they help me find the deseptember cons. it's his question. >> josh and cameron charted during an art walk in east london, a creative haven for street artists. >> that's good. >> josh actually looked quite at labyrinth of painted walls and alleyways for good reason. >> i've been into art my whole life. it was something i did as a kid. i drew. you know, i thought about even being a cartoonist. >> and our guide, street artist gregory simpson, says it's all on the up and up. >> hey, man, you like what i do? can i paint it on your wall? if they like it, then you're free to paint. >> watching him with a sprain can, i'm thinking to myself, if ax >> back on the set with mark wahlberg, it gets crazy. it's raining and there are helicopters everywhere. but what's even crazier, mark's traveling gear. >> what is like something that you must have with you? what's like the one thing that you make sure you have with you when you travel? >> right now, my workout equipment and i've got my rotisserie so making my own chicken. i've got a blender, a hot plate so i'm making eggs in the kitchen is closed. then i got my clubs. >> josh duhamel back in the mix. he told me that you get up every day around 3:30. you work out. you do a speed round of golf before coming to work. >> i put on a lot of weight for that movie. when michael saw me, he was freaked out. i promised i would be in shape. >> life hasn't been too rough on the road for mark, and there are some perks. >> my family was here, went to buckingham palace. we had a private tour of the >> really? >> transformers is not out until next summer. big machines, good-looking men. pretty good to me. >> i think we already bought our tickets and lined up. up next, we're on the set of criminal minds after the recent cast shake-up. shem ar moore, gone. tom is gibson, fired. >> some big shoes to fill. >> can this magic mike and csi miami hunk fill the void? you have that big grin on your face, so it must be pretty good. >> only "e.t." is with adam the scenes at the rocky horror picture show remake. >> how sexy is this going to be? i'm on the job. >> drop your weapon. >> i'm with the fbi. >> we know who you are. lower your gun. >> season 12 of criminal minds kicked off this week and after some major shake-ups. thomas gibson is gone after he was fired amid a clash behind the sexy shem ar moore, he's gone too. but enter adam rodriguez. a whirlwind of change on that set. >> do it again, glen. like you mean it. >> gibson was on set the day we visited. the altercation with a writer didn't take place until a week later. he appeared on the season premiere episode and cbs confirms he'll be on this coming week as well. but they won't reveal how his character departs. >> i can't sit around brainstorming about these guys. i need to chase. factor shem ar left behind. >> some big shoes to fill. >> has anyone given you the what for yet for magic mike? >> he's given you a little needling. >> a little bit. you know, you can always tell when somebody brings it up. you know, it's usually one of the girls that will go like -- it's actually funny when one of the dudes bring you up. saw you in that movie. funny, funny. >> adam is one sharp dressed man in the new issue of cbs watch mane market. he and grace gail married in may, and baby number two is on the way. freshly married life. >> freshly married life is fantastic. i've never been happier. >> for adam, it's a cbs homecoming. he spent ten seasons on csi miami. >> i mean this is such a different way of going after bad guys every week, you know. it's so much more cerebral than it is about scientific evidence. >> but let's face it. we all want to see adam do more than just hunt down those criminals. >> i'm always up for a little >> yeah. i think it's part of life. it makes things fun. >> can we make this happen script writers, please? thank you. >> still waiting on the love. let's do a little empire news. we cannot wait to see mariah carey episode on the fox hit. but miss mimi is also hanging out with her co-star off the set. she and jussie smollett are now set for multiple thanksgiving week concerts in hawaii, and jussie told us he is psyched. >> gobble, gobble with me and mariah. i mean mainly with maribu it was supposed to be one night only. that sold out in a couple of hours and they added a second show. that sold out. now we're going to do three shows. >> a fun way to get your gobble, gobble on. but before turkey day, it's halloween. and just in time on october 20th is the premiere of the rocky horror picture show on fox. i am excited for this one. remember the original? ? you just know i am biting my tongue to not break into song. hit is being re-imagined, and only carly steel was invited to watch singer adam lambert take his place in rocky horror history. >> quiet, please. here we go. action! ? let's do the time warp again ? ? let's do the time warp again ? >> how sexy is it going to be? >> well, i'm starring in it, so it has to be really sexy. >> they've given you like a kind of elvis, punk elvis with a bit of zombie going on. >> yeah. you know, he got half of his brain removed. >> yeah. >> it's a transle veinian convention hosted by mad scientist frank-n-furter, originally tim curry and in fox's re-imagining, laverne cox. >> the scale of the production is top notch. >> and remember meatloaf as

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