Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News Sunrise 20161005 : compa

Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News Sunrise 20161005

hopefully your windows are opened. this is great for the bus stop and for a little walk before you leave for the day. and you know just in general your conditions are going to be i think picture perfect throughout. we have a lot of sunshine on the way. it's up around 7:30 this morning. next thing to track is the cold front that's to the west. there are showers associated with it. we are seeing some of the rain but the thing is i don't think it will be too impressive as far as rainfall goes. we will look for the chan i am going to let you know exactly when i think the big take away is a cool down and we will see just how cool as we look ahead. we are tracking the drive and there's no fog because we have wind going on. >> reporter: very good. we are not tracking the fog but i am tracking accidents that are impacting your commute and we have one on cleveland's east side. one at parkwood drive nearst. clair on the east side no road other than that great on the traffic map a little slow traffic 422 eastbound in bainbridge approaching monroe adding a few minutes to the community but other than this we are good to go. >> thank you. police are searching for the people who shot two children last night. >> tiffany tarpley joins us live and police say this was a driving by shooting. >> reporter: police say that someone fired the bullets in before 10:30 last night. we are here at metrohealth medical center where the two young girls were taken ages 3 and 9 years old. according to ems they were taken here one in critical condition one in serious condition and we know the young 3-year-old according to sources say that she was shot in the face. the 9-year-old shot in the back. so a very troubling situation colored vehicle. they say that they are looking for two people who may have been involved in this shooting. so of course, we will keep up with the latest developments throughout the day and bring you updates as we get them. live at metro health medical center, tiffany tarpley channel 3 news. >> thanks. today people who live in lorain will get a chance to voice questions and concerns about police officers and community relations. >> out here i am scared police. they arrest -- harass people i mean like they don't play fair. >> issues like these will be addressed at two community forums this week. the meetings came about after a story that channel 3 news first broke about pele smith dash cam video showing a police officer slamming smith's face in the windshield of a police cruiser. it has been a hot topic on the the only urban christian radio jay the gospel kid william sayslisteners have been calling in. >> that was a man slammed into a windshield and cracked it. handcuffed. that's a scary situation. >> the first forum is tonight at 6:00 at eglazeo de glacia church. emotions ran high in parm after after -- parm after after the school -- parma after the school board out. maureen kyle has details of what happened and what's next. >> reporter: interesting video we have here. the problem is that the district is threatening cuts to programs and teacher layoffs and shutting schools down. and this was not something that families were taking lightly. hundreds of students from valley forge and normandy marched in the streets and held signs make their way to the auditorium. 15 minutes into the school board minutes president clear they were not going to let cuts happen. >> we are a family and will continue to fight for our right on that stage because our bond is bigger than any. [audio not understandable] >> reporter: the decision is not up to the school district. the ohio department of education is saying district needs to cut 15 million dollars from the budget over the next two years. the school board will now ask the state for an extension. if the state grants one, closures would be tabled. we will ay back to you. tim kaine and mike pence faced off in the first and only vice presidential debate last night. it happened at longwood university in virginia. the two spent most of the 90 minutes defending respective running mates pence tried to condemn obamacare and bill clinton's criticism of the pence over trump not releasing taxes. >> even former president bill clinton calls obamacare a crazy plan. but hillary clinton and tim kaine want to expand it into a single pair program and for the world hillary clinton thinks it's a good start. >> he stood on the stage last week and when hillary said you haven't been paying taxes he said that makes me smart. so it's smart not to pay for military. it's smart not to pay for veterans. it's smart not to pay for tempes and all of us who do stupid. >> the next debate will be sunday night donald trump and hillary clinton will face-off in the form of a town hall meeting in st. louis. former president bill clinton will be campaigning for his wife in canton this afternoon. he will make an appearance at the ironworkers local training center on high avenue northwest. he plans to lay out hillary's plans for the economy and the high stakes in the election for working families. doors for the event open at president obama will be stomping for hillary clinton in cleveland next week. he is scheduled to be here a week from friday but a time and location haven't been announcedyet. according to the latest quinnipiac poll donald trump is beating hillary clinton here in ohio by 5 points. >> last night protesters marched against cleveland's major police union in an unprecedented move. the cppa voted to endorse donald trump and it and stake holders including the president of black shield an organization supporting the interest of black officers. some in the rally said police union president steve loomis should no longer sit on a police commission or hold the post as union president because of the support for the trump endorsement. >> that's the bed they made and they have to lie in it. otherwise do something about it and vote him out. >> loomis says his impartiality support of a presidential candidate. russ sat down with him for an interview and find that on it's 5:08. bracing for the storm and it's a big storm. hurricane matthew continues to churn towards the u.s. what people in the east coast is doing to prepare before it hits. >> and scanning your e-mails. yahoo is under fire again this morning for what -- we will tell you what happened coming up. hollie. >> sound good. and we are looking fabulous day. you ready for more sunshine? it's going to be a ton of it upper 70s for highs and heck yes. it's october 5th let me remind you of that. and it looks like we have have another gorgeous night a-- we have another gorgeous night ahead mostly clear and 50s. perfection does it last through the next seven days is probably the next thing you want to know. we will look and speaking of hurricane pact yew,ion and john and lynna were talking about it. 5:12. the eye of hurricane matthew moved off the coast of cuba and it could threaten florida. >> major, major storm. maureen is following that and other top stories in the morning news feed. >> reporter: everybody is bracing for the worst there in florida. hurricane matthew is expected to maintain wind of 130 miles per hour as it heads towards florida. it hit haiti southwestern peninsula and so far we don't know how much damage it did because communications systems are down. forecasters say matthew will move through the bahamas tomorrow and be very close to florida by tomorrow night. who robbed a convenience store wearing masks. take a look. it was early tuesday morning when they entered the speedway gas station one was wearing a clown masks and another a surgical mask and the third they are not quite sure what kind of mask the third person was wearing. authorities say they took all of the money from the register and they are asking the public for help in identifying them. if you use yahoo for your personal e-mail there's a decent chance you were not the only one reading the messages. byreuters yahoo has been scanning millions of e-mail accounts. they were allegedly ordered by the u.s. intelligence and law enforcement to search for certain characters. yahoo is not denying the report it released a statement saying it complies with the laws of the united states. and this story trending this morning, a utah couple is outraged over a hospital bill that they received after having their baby. aid hot topic on social media on reddit. father says it shows a $39 charge for skin to skin contact with the baby after c-section. basically they were charged for holding their baby. a nurse explains this kind of contact in an operating room requires an additional staff member. you know a lot of people always complain about some of the charges that are on their-- some people don't read it. >> right. >> reporter: but here's an ince make you think twice next time you get a bill from the hospital. >> infuriating. i mean i can understand maybe extra snacks or whatever but that's something skin to skin contact is something doctors advocate. >> reporter: yeah. no they tell you that you are supposed to hold your baby afterwards. >> oh gosh. >> at that hospital for $39 you can. >> great. thank you. >> and if dad wants to hold the baby that's double. >> what do they charge to feed right. horrible. i am sorry. that's my opinion. can we talk about the weather instead. >> how fitting we are at the fire museum outside that and matt granite has a product that can put out a fire quickly. >> aid lifesaver. >> yeah. >> it really is. >> full circle john. >> it is. >> thanks for changing the subject and extinguishing my rage jean-bertrand aristide. -- john. >> 39 dollars but give me a break. we are in the 50s to near 60 at the bus stop. kid it's going to be a beautiful day. again. and we are talking headlines which include more october warmth. we have been having a great week. cooler weekend weather is definitely something that we will look ahead to and maybe even a few rain drops as that happens. 72 degrees at noon today. when's october 5th dak that not all the time. upper 70s easy for highs. mostly sunny skies. we are not dealing with the fog this morning. we have got a pretty decent breeze. about 5 to 10 miles an hour sustained and a gorgeous stretch of weather that continues into the afternoon. so here we are just speccing a lot of sun and it's up around 7:30 this morning. and as we zoom out, what we will see is a cold front to the west. there are showers associated with this. and our chances will be mainly saturday frois thing for certain is going to be a much cooler forecast as we do look ahead. right now we have got the showers but there's not a ton of energy as far as the rain goes -- rain goes with this system and it will be minimal. we will show you in a moment. but the big headline that every body is talking about is hurricane matthew. wind are at 125 miles an hour right now. and the general track is taking it up the east coast from care behindas. all keeping a -- carolinas. all keeping a close eye on this moving north at 8 miles per hour. rainfall potential is incredible. we are talking upwards of 10 inches in some cases. yeah, this is not even from a direct hit. so, you think of it that way. the potential of flooding and everything else that goes along with it. numerous hurricane warnings and if it's not actual hurricane warnings that are out, we have got hurricane watches and trop extend up the coast. we look at various computer model forecast and i wanted to show you because i think it helps to tell the story of how the national hurricane and meteorologists in general put these together. everyone of the lines reaps different computer model forecast. and what the hurricane center will do in that cone where we see the margin of error is take it down the middle. any deviation can change this which is why it's very important to keep up with the it's not going to have an impact on the 7-day aren't you grateful? it makes you think we are for the any to live where we -- fortunate to live where we could because it's not common we see impacts from hurricanes or tropical systems. 78 today. tomorrow 77 friday i am thinking of sandy now few years ago remember that. we were talking a cooler weekend. we will be in the low 60s. we have the rain chances saturday and then we are back in the upper 60 next week. the heart walk is saturday october 8th i can't wait to see you. thank you in advance for everyone who joined my team. 8 until 10 and after we will walk right on into the health expo where you see all of us and do some great for your own health. it's going to be really amazing day. i will send out a link so you can join the team at the very least even be there you know for moral support. 5:18 let's check your drive. >> wkyc traffic brought to you by mike bass ford get a great deal and great deal more at mike bass ford. >> reporter: we are halfway through week so i am here to help you make it through the commute. at i-90 and you can see traffic is moving just fine in this area. in fact we are all green to the west on all the highways and roadways. the same to the east there's actually an accident on parkwood drive near columbia avenue. it's not near st. clair near columbia avenue but no road closures. this is on the east side so use caution as you travel. to the south, we are looking pretty good. a little slow traffic 77 north through bass. the drive time 77 north between 21 and 480, 24 minute commute is only about adding about 2 to 3 minutes to the commute. and heading south is a 20 minute drive so we are really a- okay and when you hit the road they will have updates every ten minutes. john and lynna back to you. >> thank you. 5:20 right now. hard work pays off a local man used to walking 18 miles to his job is now getting a helping hand. we will have that story after 5:23a big day for fans of the hit show gilmore girls. this morning a local coffee shop will be transformed into luke's diner. poor cleveland on euclid downtown will be giving away free coffee and other surprises from 7 until noon. all this is ahead of the revival of the hit show in time for thanksgiving on netflix. local man values his job so much he walks 5 hours each way story of a police officer turned good samaritan who helped get the man to work in the pouring rain. here's channel 3 dawn kendrick. >> reporter: 30-year-old kevin finley leaves his home in euclid 3 a.m. five hours later gets to work at the ruby tuesday in mentor. his mode of transportation, right here. how far do you walk. >> about 18 miles. so i risk being late when i catch the bus on saturday so i don't like being late rather walk. >> he comes in every day and does a great job. and he's never once asked anyone for a ride. >> reporter: this time mentor police officer phil croucher driving by offers a ride. >> i told him i was going to work at ruby tuesday and he he dropped me off there. >> reporter: debi boehlefeld's husband saw it. >> he saw a officer picking up a young man. >> reporter: he was not looking for a interview. just gave him a ride knees not the first police office here offered me a ride so i was not surprised by it. >> i said i am going put it on facebook and everyone wishing him well and saying god bless you and you are such a hard worker. >> we love him. >> you the guy that walks five hours to work. >> yeah. >> present you something from our hearts. >> thank you. >> and god bless you. >> thank you. >> people have been coming in bringing $5, $10 we have an envelope in the office for him full of money. >> wish i could give him call. >> this ought to help. >> reporter: the guy behind the audio crees it he is -- credit put up a thousand dollars of his own and if people will match another,000 dollars, this car is kevin's. >> i been there and walked miles in the guy's shoes years ago. so i figure i am in a position to help why not people help me and i will pass it on. >> that would cut the trip down to 20 minutes i think. dawn kendrick. >> oh my goodness. >> all the way around a great story. >> yes. >> and now 20 minutes to work. >> yes. >> wow. >> we are going to follow up on it definitely and see how it goes. hollie. >> fabulous. >> puts you in a good mood. >> my heart is smiling. >> 5:26. we have lots to smile about today it's going to be a sun filled forecast. we are expecting a warm day as well. yesterday well into the 70s. we will be upper approaching 80. 50s to near 60 as you wake up. you are halfway there. wednesday here we are. there's a front to the west which will have a impact on the weekend weather. we will talk about that and the other thing of course hurricane matthew. taking a look at forecast highs, what's notable is the 60s in places like minneapolis and denver. we are going to see some cooler weather. eventually. john lynna i will let you know 5:26. evacuations are underway. which areas are now under a state of emergency as hurricane matthew heads towards the east coast. >> and limited time tours. why prince's paisley park estate may not be available we start your morning rush with a developing story from cleveland's west side. two little girls they are recovering here at metrohealth medical center after being shot in a drive by. it happened before 10:30 last night on dudley near west 73rd. you are looking at video here from the scene as police investigate. we know that the girls were ages are ages 3 and 9. one in serious condition and the other in critical condition. the three-year-old we are told and a 9-year-old girl shot in the back. a neighbor tells us she heard about 5 shots last night. police tell us they are looking for a dark colored vehicle and they are looking for two people this morning. back to you. >> all right tiffany thanks. two miami university students were shot last night at a house near campus. this morning, oxford police are looking for two gunmen. the university tweeted a campus alert and says the shooting happened before 8 on north campus avenue during apparent robbery. police say the students both men have nonlife-threatening injuries. we are learning more about the murder-suicide in burger king on the west side. police say a man up while his girlfriend was work and shot and killed her and killed himself yesterday morning on the burger king on lorain. jorge aviles and erlyn rivera-cintron. childrenum of the couple. no charges will be filed for a hotel clerk who mistook a muslim man for a terrorism. he was wearing the traditional dress officers drew guns and took him to the ground and police say the clerk saw him talking on the cell phone and texted her fears to her sister and she called 911 with worries he had ties to isis. the city apologized to him. now the hollie. >> 5:32 and it's looking beautiful. welcome to october 5th, wednesday, hump day and what a beautiful sun filled forecast it will be. highs well into the 70s. so it is dark right now. skies are clear. we are not seeing the fog because there is a breeze 5 to 10 miles per hour sustained. look at this. 63 degrees at 9. we are in the low 70s at lunch today. and i think 78 is going to be a we are 50s to near 60 at the moment. we are forecasting clear sunny skies. it's going to be fabulous. the next thing to track is the cold front to our west. it is going to have an impact on the weekend weather i think the chance of a shower as we head into saturday is looking pretty small right now. there's not a ton of energy as far as moisture with this front. but we are going see a cool down. so i will let you know how cool it gets and we will look ahead to what's happening with matthew as we wake up this all eyes focus on the tropics. let's see. big underlying weather story. we have a look at the commute it's nice to see no fog. >> reporter: and it's nice to see a clear drive and also for those of you who traveled on cleveland's east side that accident that is on parkwood drive parkwood drive near columbia has cleared out so you are good to go there. no problems. we are actually clear on the traffic map. normal drive time in that slow traffic on 77 north has cleared and everyone is getting by just fine. maureen back to you. >> thanks. topping morning news feed residents from florida to the carolinas are bracing for hurricane matthew. evacuation orders are in effect in south carolina for the coastal areas of the the state. states of emergency are in effect for florida georgia and both carolinas. residents have started to board up windows and fill the cars with gas and gather supplies. now category four hurricane is expected to skirt out to sea. and president obama will head to the fema headquarters for updates on the hurricane today. president will track the storm and meet with the officials at the federal emergency management agency. he had been scheduled to campaign for hillary clinton in florida today, but the strength of hurricane matthew the most powerful atlantic storm since 2007 made the president change his plans. a little boy shot on a school playground in south carolina will be laid to rest. little hero. jacob hall's mother asked everyone attending to dress as a super hero because that's what the little 6-year-old loved. people who attended jacob's visitation yesterday you can see right here also dressed up like super heroes e was shot at school last -- he was shot at school last wednesday what teenage gunman opened fire. he was shot in the leg and a bullet hit a main artery. he died on saturday. prince fans can tour paisley park but not for much a temporary permit to operate as museum it was issued after managers started to sell tickets without the city's permission. they were worried they were not prepared to handle the safety and traffic concerns. tourists will be given to guests who bought tickets between now and october 15th but no new tickets will be sold which leads to the issue of what you will see on ebay now i am sure. >> right anybody who has a ticket is going to basically win the lottery on that one. limiting them now you have more safety and traffic concerns. >> right. because now everybody is going to flock if they have gotten a ticket so it will be interesting to see how that unfolds. >> only so many tickets out there. thanks. 5:36 right now. debate aftermath. tracie potts joins us with highlights from last night's debate coming up in a live report from dc. >> and former cavs coach says he will accept the team's offer and take a championship ring. but i say there's move the cavs have to make. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. 5:39. both vice presidential nominees head to pennsylvania after a rough and tumble debate last night. >> yeah let's get more on that tracie potts is live in washington with the recap. hi tracie. >> reporter: and we have have the first numbers from the debate last night. 48% for mike pence and 42 for tim kaine. looks like the cnn poll finds that viewers think pence won this debate interestingly with more democrats than republicans in that poll. were there substantive issues >> i don't have much of a voice left. >> reporter: here's why. >> don't put words in my mouth. >> reporter: back and forth for 90 minutes at times impossible to hear. >> gentleman the people at home can't understand either one of you when you speak over each or. >> reporter: tim kaine interrupted to bring up donald trump's tax returns. >> why wouldn't he release his tax returns. >> we are answering request the question -- the question about the business thing. >> reporter: mike pence on hillary clinton's e-mails. >> if yo handled classified information- - >> governor. >> that's false and you know it. >> absolutely true. >> reporter: oche acuing the other of insults. >> you can't have somebody at the top who demeans every group he talks about. >> that's small potatoes compared to senator clinton calling half. >> reporter: pence denied trump's comments. >> more nation should get nuclear weapons. >> he never said that. >> all right. >> reporter: they talked about and abortion. >> what i can't understand is with hillary clinton, and now senator kaine at her side, is to support a practice like partial birth abortion. >> i don't. >> why doesn't you trust women to make the choice for themselves? >> reporter: a contenous debate the first -- contentious debate the first and last chance to see the vice presidential nominees on the same stage. it kept the fact checkers bessy we have been checking with oversimplify what donald trump had to say about nuclear weapons. they think that mike pence understatemented -- understated how much mondayity clintons give to charity and says it's morelike 80 or 90% according to the records and denies things donald trump has been actually recorded saying on camera. >> well the bickering and talking over each other i saw with kindergartners. i wonder what the analysts are saying this morning about how this debate might actually impact campaign. >> reporter: so it's a good question so the hope for the debate was that we would get into a lot of substive issues and we did sort of it was just the tone and the style more so of the debate made it difficult for people to understand what they were saying. it was not a lot of new information that came out. as you might not expect in thevice presidential debate will it move the hillary clinton or donald trump? not clear but so far probably not. >> all right. thanks tracie for breaking it down for us. appreciate it. it's 5:42. >> look at the view. look at the view. >> right take it all in. john lynna big deal deep breaths of sunshine. and some smoke through the air. >> yeah don't know where that's from. >> that's the special effects we paid for. >> exactly. >> spook factor. we made it up to 77 yesterday. officially at hopkins and we have totally clear skies and we are expecting a gorgeous day. we are going to warm it up and then we will talk cooler weather and we will get there. what you might think about heading to a pumpkin patch or apple farm or something like that coming up this weekend. hopefully you are head together heart walk this saturday. can't wait to see you there. we have health expo going on this weekend 72 by lunchtime. so think of it this way we should be around 67 normally. highs this time of year we are well above at noon. 78 degrees i think very doable it's going to be great day to get outside. many of you will do that at school and at work maybe it's a little walk to the car on your break. sometimes it's the little things that makes a big difference. park farther away let yourself take in the sunshine. the stretch over the next several hours is lovely as can control. and there's absolutely no issues. we are going see just a gorgeous gorgeous day as we have been mentioning. the next thing we are tracking is a cold front to the west. and what's next i think shower chances by saturday. and cooler weather as we get into the weekend. nothing dramatic. don't panic. it's going to be more seasonal to a few degrees below normal as we get into the weekend itself. what's really creating all the headlines today is still so, the winds are 125 miles an hour. it's moving north at 8. and the track still takes it up along the east coast very close to florida and georgia and the carolinas and numerous warnings watches posted. states of emergency being declared and it's easy to see why when you take a look at the rainfall potential alone. from this massive hurricane. this is not even making a rain up and along the coast. that's very impressive. now you can see all the warnings in place. you know through the bahamas and into florida. and as we take a closer view here of the various tracks that we take into account, there's several of them, you can see how many scenarios there may be. that's why it's important tokeep up to the latest. and if there's change we have time to watch this as it gets closer to the united states. we will let you know. forecast. upper 70s through the end of the work and school week. great weather for the indians game tomorrow and friday and it's going to be amazing. and then we are low 60s saturday. small shower chances a cooler vibe over the weekend. we will warm it back into the upper 60s next week. looks really nice begin. i have to say -- again i have to say. look at evelyn. 5 years old. a basset hound beagel mix and she was rescued and jennifer watches the show every day as many of our dogs do we love thatch and in this picture she is enjoying the beautiful weather at the dog beach at edgewater. jennifer thanks for sharing. it's 5:46 we are check being the traffic dani anything going on. >> reporter: not really all the accidents have cleared out but we look at the traffic maps and for those traveling this early morning, we are looking pretty good a little slow traffic 77 south past 271 but at central enterchange where 76, 8 and 77 meets in akron everybody getting by fine. those on the east side no problems here. slow traffic 90 east is cleared out in the mentor area but no problems and to the west we are all good green and clean. deep left field and the ball game is over. beat the orioles in the american league wild card game. the game winning 3-run homer a former indian jimenez and the biggest walk off homer since joe carter did it to win the world series. jays win 5-2 and get texas and those two teams hate each other. there will be plenty of fireworks in that series. here's my take on the cavs as they on the preseason tonight against orlando at th david blatt a championship ring is a ren joust scsh -- generous thing to i do don't think whoa have won with him because he didn't figure out how to beat the west. so now gilbert need to sign jr smith to a new contract the biggest reason is because lebron james wants him. jr gives the team a stark when they need a 3 he hits it and he but more importantly, he is a piece of the puzzle lebron wants. and the cavs should know by now that lebron deserves an open checkbook to construct the team his way. think about this. before lebron came back the cavs were worth 515 million dollars according to forbes. as of last january, before winning the title, 1.1 billion. and that number is growing. who's responsible for all money? dan gilbert? or lebron james this is about making jr smith happy but more importantly keeping lebron happy ceet tweet me your thoughts at john wkyc. kevin durant era has started as far as the preseason. durant made the warriors debut and hit the first shot of the game a 3-pointer finished with 21 points in 24 minutes. steph curry was the low man for the warriors big 3. he scored can they make it work during the regular season because that he one basketball and there's three superstars on this team. but they start the preseason with a 45 point win over the clippers. 120 to 75. clippers did you show up? i know it's preseason but come on. 45 points already? what do you think of durant in the warriors jersey you worried? >> i am just jealous worried but the cavs start the preseason tonight. >> with orlando. >> i still-- i know experts say give the title to the warriors. i don't know if it works and don't know if they can make chemistry work in golden state. >> it will be fun to watch. >> or not. coming up, just ruin your day right? 5:49 ways to save coming up. >> bring us back up. >> reporter: i am happy to help. i have $10 to save your family seriously. it's a mind blowing no brainer the average age of a homeless person is 9 years old. my dream is to help kids living on the streets with education. charles what's up man? -whoa! how can we help? -ah man! wait, is that a basketball player? yes! -wow! my heart's about to jump out my chest man. charles you ought to be proud man. i'm just extremely grateful they were here giving them some encouragement- that's something that these kids are going to remember for a lifetime. did you see his big old feet? look. holiday shopping forecast is out and one part of the survey may surprise you. numbers show lower income american shoppers plan on spending more money this year. in fact up 23% over last year. this group will spend an average of 837 dollars a piece. but while the wealthiest shoppers will spend an average of 1800 dollars, they will be 3%. number one reason why, the wealthiest americans are concerned about the economy. the lower income americans feel we have turned the page and are on our way. >> interesting. >> that's an interesting thing there. today we help prevent a household disaster thanks to a deal. >> you are here to save us matt granite. >> reporter: here's the thing in the event of an emergency, this is not always what saves picture a kitchen fire, a chm any fire. this is the situation where we are lighting fires this time year a campfire and you run and grab the extinguisher and then i don't know what that is pull pin hold up right and step back 6 feet aim the base at fire squeeze lever and sweep to left side by pushing from button. seriously in a panicked state what will the equivalent i have before the fire gets out of control is one step solution. spray and you don't need to worry because what i sprayed is nontoxic noncorrosive and biodegradable and you can give it to a kid lynna your hair looks awesome with that in it. >> for real. >> reporter: your hair is beautiful. >> you got it in my hair. >> reporter: no you are precious come on. this is the season for chimney fires and kitchen fire and i will show you this. this is just as powerful as a and again this is what you use prior to things getting out of control. there's no messy cleanup and i don't care what i did to the studio floor light dry and is environmentally safe. it's $16 off it's no brainer bargain it's not a paid product. i don't care whether or not you buy any product go to put one in the trailer and your glove compartment and rv whatever you have. check it out in action. i apologize to my parent company. and you can see the wind is making it worse. and instantaneously that's out. that was a big fire a little push and now things are completely under control. and under $10 a can that is lifesaver and i am not saying fire extinguishers are ineffective i am saying in an event of a emergency the fumbling can be replaced by fire soft control. >> and out of control get out of the house right away. >> reporter: absolutely. >> day' top stories are straight ahead -- the day's top stories are straight ahead. >> let's economic with tiffany. >> reporter: two children are shot on the west side. what we have learned about the search for the shooter. maureen>> reporter: thanks student protest and the parma schoolboard president rather walks off the job. we are going to tell you what they are doing in the face of a 15 million dollar shortfl lynna. >> and baby boy is back. but we won't be calling him that much longer. we are revealing the puppy with a purpose new name coming up hollie. >> i can't wait. we are also talking a beautiful day. so i know you are excited for that. how warm? we are forecasting upper 60s but here's deal we have cooler weather and i am going let you know how cool it gets. latest on hurricane matthew as you wake up this wednesday. you are halfway there. this channel 4 3? morning newscast is made possible by the cal vetta brothers floor show time to fall in love again with your home. and now, channel 3 news today. >> right now at 6, two little girls taken to metro after being shot in a drive by. coming up what we have about the injuries. john. >> tiffany parma school protest and administrator resigns as hundreds pack an emotional meeting about cutting jobs and closing buildings. >> immigration health care and security. a look at some of the blows the vice presidential candidates lappeded during their only debate. hollie. >> thanks lynna. 6 a.m. sharp wednesday october 5th. 77 degrees the high yesterday. and we have got another stunner. beautiful weather we are

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