Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News Sunrise 20160908 : compa

Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News Sunrise 20160908

us in the kitchen. >> we're going to do some cooking but the idea is to do something fast and quick. let's talk about the weather. my hair is not good for this weather. will the humidity keep up? >> all day. we were laughing because i've used every product in the book and flatirons i have serum and hairspray and nothing works. >> it doesn't and i'm close to that happening 81 degrees at 9 am. near 90 for the high today. showers and storms are possible through the day so the heat and humidity are not going anywhere. dew point in the upper 60s to low 70s which is the moisture content and we have school closings running at the bottom of the screen because of the heat and humidity. we are tracking showers and storms and what we're watching is to the west. this will impact the weekend -- the first part especially. ahead of the front today we are going to see some showers and storms but it is dry for the moment. the roads are dry so far. your hands are full this morning. that was impressive weather with all of that in your hands. most roadways are fine except if you are going to be on for a zero. -- 480. a big accident at warrensville ctr., road eastbound exit ramps are closed and they do not have a time for how long these will be closed so if your commute takes you eastbound on 480 and you have to accident takes you eastbound on 480 and you have to accident warrensville ctr., commute. the eastbound lanes -- ramps are closed. traffic is blocked cleaning up this accident. we been talking about the alerts and we see these during the winter months but the extreme heat has forced some schools to close state. >> tiffany tarpley joins us. some students say it's hotter inside than it is out >> reporter: that is th classes out early yesterday and close today. we are in parma outside a constellation school which is a charter school. i do know about you but i'm scientific when i want to know temperature is i ask my telephone. we are in parma already 78 degrees. and it's only 5 am. the big question is will cleveland schools again close some schools today? that shut down early in the day . but this is all throughout northeast ohio from lorain county to stark county. as john said check the alerts at the bottom of the screen before you get ready to send your child the class. many classes they don't have air conditioning so they had to use fans and water and things like that but it is just not the humidity and the heat we have seen parents frustrating -- voicing frustration on social media saying why work some of these schools closed earlier in the week? and some parents even saying their kids came home and were overheated. this is something we all have to deal with. it's something to be aware of. coming up we will have some >> when you press that button siri positive because she did not believe it either. >> it is hot. a cry for help. a man with a gunshot wound walked into the lobby after being shot in their parking lot at the first district police station it was a domestic issue during a child exchange that led to the shooting the sugar surrendered to police and was arrested. shoulder and taken to metrohealth medical center. the medical marijuana law takes effect today but there are still many on its questions. rules for producing, prescribing, distributing cannabis to eligible patients will take up to one year to come up with does. the law of people certain conditions to begin using marijuana immediately but it is unclear where they would legally obtain it. some communities of artie banned dispensaries. dispensaries. donald trump's path will go through northeast ohio again today will you like joins us with the details. >> reporter: -- will you wake -- will ujek joins us with the details. >> reporter: downtown cleveland at the arts and social science academy. this comes one day after last night's commander in chief forum in which he and hillary clinton were both in new york with many military personnel trying to explain what would make them the best commander in chief. they both clinton talked about her emails denying that she knowingly sent classified material from the military and said she would be steady and iraq war veterans a limited war against isis that does not include ground troops. >> we're not putting ground troops into iraq ever again and not putting ground troops into syria. we will defeat isis without committing american ground troops. >> reporter: donald trump touted his judgment as his key reason for fitness to run the country. he says he knows what's going on more so than the generals rr generals and believes russia could help but also runny nose how to be isis. >> if i win i don't want to broadcast to the enemy what my plan is. if i like a combination of my plan and the generals plan or the generals plan if i like their plan i will not call you up and say we have a great plan. >> reporter: his basic pitch as the same as it's been for a while. we need a change and he has been that change. you'll hear that echoed again hillary clinton said that change would be a dangerous one . she is not done today either. she has a few events one will be here in cleveland but she will not be present at this one. we will talk more about it coming up at 5:30. cleveland is on the rise and a meeting held highlight the city's accomplishments and more good things to come. the greater could the partnership held its annual meeting with over 1000 business and attendance. governor kasich was in town and spoke to the crowd and said the state is invested in improving roads in northeast ohio and preparing our kids for 21st century jobs. multiple reports say the us olympic committee and usa swimming have suspended ryan lochte for 10 months. >> this is topping the newsfeed today. he originally told police they were robbed by armed men l is buzzing about who is to blame for lack of zika funding both parties accusing the other of playing politics yesterday. david jolly brought an issue front and center by addressing the house while carrying 100 mosquitoes from florida in a jar. they have until the end of the month to prove the funding bill or risk attentional government shutdown. a different court will rule on two native american tribes challenge to the dakota axis clashes and protest near the construction site. the tribes are working to stop the company from building an oil pipeline saying it goes through and disrupts burial sites and other culturally significant features the company agreed to stop construction on the $3.8 million pipeline until friday. a ruling on that pipeline is expected by midnight. more than two weeks after the olympic torch was extinguish in rio the called 15th paralympic games. or than 160 countries are present it's a largest games in history. allison jones led the to an 89 member us team into the stadium. time to upgrade. apple unveiled the iphone seven a look at the phone's biggest changes and other products the company is working on love from lebron james. the special message he had for his teammate kevin love. another hot humid day. in addition to the alerts scrolling at the bottom of your screen 20 schools are also closed today. because of the heat and humidity. there are some tickets enable for the fight and will get underway saturday night at 6:15. a full card of fights. we ha happy birthday a few times in our lives. >> superstar like lebron james are no exception. but listen to his version. >> happy birthday dear kevin. smile. happy birthday to you. lebron james wanted to give a special birthday present to his teammate kevin love supposed to this evil rendition on instagram. he celebrated his 28th birthday yesterday. >> we talked about what kind of birthday cake would we make for kevin love? >> i said a delicious one. because he is yummy. [ laughter ] >> that is what she said. >> and i am loving it. in the next half hour so if you're looking for ideas for lunches stephanie has some great ones. will get in the pbn jay writes -- pbj ruts. numerous schools are closed because of the heat and humidity. you can see them at the bottom of your screen. there is a cool down insight. but first we are still dealing with the heat and humidity today. much of you are close to 80 already. scattered storms with a better chance this evening. close to 90 and we could even the over 90. if the cloud cover remains in place it could be upper 80s. storm chances over the next 12 hours an get the general trend. if you have plans for the indians game today there could be a passing shower or storm and first pitch 12:10. mid-to upper 80s by the end of the game and we're looking at an organized line of showers and storms to the west. this is a front that will track as we get into the first part of the weekend. in front of it we see the scattered showers and storms. if you fly through chicago there is a lot going on so check for delays. their morning commute. but here at home and has been dry so far. we will follow the radar closely. but it is very humid so many for any kind of jacket. and you will see how these showers and storms become scattered around into the afternoon and this evening. it will not be all of you but many of you will see wet weather again today. along with the hot humid conditions. on the forecast near 90 today. a breather from the rain tomorrow but still warm and humid and 84. affront on saturday with showers and storms and gradual clearing sunday. a refreshing change on sunday because 70s for the highs. good morning. 480 at warrensville center road the eastbound exit ramp are still closed and delays will continue especially as volume picks up this morning. right now it's not a big issue and cars are getting by without problems. in the rest of the area is looking good. let's zoom in closer on cuyahoga county. brook park or broadview heights over toward northfield all looking good. here is lena and maureen are off this week so we are bringing in guest co-anchors to keep me company. and seth stephanie paganini is with us this morning. >> we see you on live on lakeside a lot with holly and michael and you are cooking. >> this has been fun. it's a nerve-racking was you don't want to mess up people's names but other than that it's fun. >> you are doing a great job. >> i will be up every few hours yes. starting in november. 30 weeks pregnant today. >> congratulations. i was an attorney for about six years and law school and worked as a this is a prosecuting attorney in lake and geauga county and then joined the family business. >> i love being a prosecutor i to give people cookies than to make them cry. >> that is a great way to look at it. >> it's a happy job. you have many great ideas on back-to-school lunches so we will talk about that. >> some alternatives for a ham and cheese sandwich. greg is joining us with a geek fix coming up. a special one. we're talking about how new technology is helping preserve those that survive the holocaust. a preview of a new exhibit in fleet is over. the new iphone seven was unveiled it is water resistant and features stereo speakers with a battery that lasts two hours more than the iphone success and comes about the analog headphone jack. apple also introduced wireless earbuds called air pods with a separate purchase of $159. apple also introduced new editions of its watch -- includes one work with mike and what is on specific for runners. fe operating system a number 10 operating system and the debut of super mario gaming. we will have the competition. >> if we had a joystick i would smoke you on mario. centipede was my game. greg is joining us with some other tech news. mario three all the way. i would be everyone. we have a special edition this morning. i got to visit a museum. using new technology and it's a way to preserve the memories of holocaust survivors. i was introduced to pinkus gutter who is a survivor of the holocaust using amazing the voice reco and look at this set up. this is how he was filmed with 8000 led lights and the idea is to actually make them seem like he's sitting in front of you. it's a holographic projection in front of you and not only is he sitting talking to you on the stage the neglect he's on stage but you get a microphone in your hand and he's been recorded for over three hours question i wanted. the artificial intelligence matched my question to one of the thousands of answers he gave during his interview and it was like i was talking to him. like he was sitting on the stage and you are having a conversation. it blew me away. it's an amazing way to preserve the memory of holocaust survivors who are disappearing quickly and they've only have six people now and they're hoping to do many more be preserved forever. look for this exhibit to travel around the country to museums in schools. but it was really an amazing experience. and actually having a pencil questions just took this to a new level. >> it is incredible. thank you for sharing. let's shift gears and talk about the forecast. you might want to go the iced 70s to low 80s now and we will end up upper 80s to near 90 today. more showers and storms possible today along with the heat and humidity. on the travel map the front to the west is what we are tracking and that will have an impact on our weekend. the full forecast coming up. extreme heat is shutting if time is infinite, why is there never enough of it? a john deere 1 family tractor with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love, so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor for just $99 a month. the average age of a homeless person is 9 years old. my dream is to help kids living on the streets with education. charles what's up man? -whoa! how can we help? -ah man! wait, is that a basketball player? yes! -wow! my heart's about to jump out my chest man. charles you ought to be proud man. i'm just extremely grateful they were here giving them some encouragement- that's something that these kids see his big old feet? look. whoa. they say a lot of things about rain. (engine revs) like how hard it's gonna fall. (engine revs) the things it does to your parade. we've got a saying about rain, too: when it rains... it roars. the all-wheel-drive lineup from dodge. time for the morning rush lanes were closed overnight after a motorcycle and semi the warrensville road ramp. at least one person was taken to the hospital but no word on the extent of their injuries or if speed played a factor we are getting updates on school closings today due to extreme heat many of schools are closed today but we also have learned in the last 40 minutes or so that cleveland metropolitan school districts will be closing 20 schools today compared to 10 they let out early yesterday. we've posted all of that information on our social media site, and sent out an alert as well. when it comes to getting your child prepare for school and even yourself with this heat take commonsense approach. drink plenty of water and where light clothing a senate panel is launching the company has been criticized for stick price increases in the price skyrocketed into $600 for a two pack of more than 500% a drugmaker announced it will launch a generic version that will cost $300 in the next several weeks. the battleground state of ohio continues to be the focus of the presidential candidates. stop in cleveland at the cleveland arts and social sciences academy. he was here on monday and brook park now he will be back talking more like he did last night he was touting his judgment as a key reasoning for his pick to run the military. he knows what is going on and those more so than the generals that are currently fighting isis. hillary clinton talk about her emails tonight again she knowingly sent classified material on military. she would be steady as commander-in-chief and use north carolina missouri today that will be an event in cleveland was several retired generals speaking about the differences between donald trump and hillary clinton hoping to sway people into clinton's favor. tiffany was talking about the school closings because of the heat and humidity. 's is one i wish i could control it will be another warm humid day. we're already about 80 degrees in some spots. upper 80s to near 90 for the high. more storms in the forecast. dew points is what you're looking at. it is very humid again. upper 60s to low 70s. it is tropical as can be. the good news is we are dry but what to look for is these organized showers and storms to our west. that is the front we are going to watch for the first part of the weekend especially. in front of this we are seeing showers and storms today. it is dry at the moment but it feels it could rain at any time. we will see these chances kick in getting into the afternoon so if you have plans to go to the indians game or any other outing you might have wet roads. the roads are looking pretty good. no major delays. there was the accident earlier on 480 but that is causing some minor delays of the exit ramp but the eastbound traffic is bunching up at warrensville center road. volume is not high enough to cause major delays but just be aware i think we'll see some orange and red over towards to 70. -- 270. the rest of the area no major between west 41st and west 44th. and down toward the south and mid-cuyahoga county the main interchange are looking good. the anniversary of 9/11 is days away. people in chagrin valley are breaking the community together to honor >> the chamber of commerce represents 13 communities with the chagrin ocean within the chagrin valley and residents in those committees have been asked to change light bulbs to read or below in a salute to first responders. the hardware stores that plenty of buyers after stocking stores with red and blue light bulbs. >> they are humble and not need to be found or want to be thanked but that is all the them. >> chagrin hardware sold well over 500 light bulbs already. photos of the american flag raised by three firefighters at ground zero has become an iconic image of the terror attack. that flag is returning home it disappeared hours after the picture was taken. in 2014 it was found and will now be unveiled at the 9/11 museum in manhattan today. it will remain on display. a man and ru programs for the poor when most of us would call him rich. ali mahvi was an 8000 ft.2 home in geauga county come with an inground swing pool and sports cars inside the garage. the past two years he has been collecting hundreds of dollars in food stamps. investigators are looking into his multiple bank accounts as they try to piece together his as well as medicaid and welfare fraud charges. a new angle on the colin kaepernick protest of the national anthem. one coach is saying if his players pull this they will not play and he is not backing down. school is back in session. a look at some easy back-to- hillary clinton and donald trump campaigning in swing states today including ohio after battling it out on stage last night. tracie potts has more. >> reporter: interesting. wide-ranging from the things they talked about. isis, russia, healthcare veterans -- for veterans. hillary clinton spent a lot of time talking about her email. >> hillary clinton ballet in charlotte today after answering questions from a military audience about email classified information. >> i communicated about separate system. i took it very seriously. >> reporter: she drew the line on ground troops to fight isis. >> we are not putting ground troops into iraq ever again and we're not putting ground troops into syria. >> reporter: she insisted that donald trump also supported the iraq war. >> i've taken responsibility for my decision. he refuses to take responsibility for his decision. -- support >> reporter: trump goes to north carolina after being challenged repeatedly by the audience to explain his policies. he said immigrants who are not citizens should be allowed to serve in the military. >> it would be a special circumstance yes >> reporter: he defended praising russia's later. >> if he says great things about me i will say great things about him. >> reporter: he criticized the terry peters. >> the daniel zarete been reduced to rubble. they have been reduced to a point where it is embarrassing for our country. >> i will not let the va -- >> privatized. >> reporter: setting the stage for the first debate later this month. speaking of clinton and the emails the exchange between herself and former secretary of state colin powell came out and that was released on capital singer was republican version of the playbook on how to get around government rules. >> >> we're not going to see a difference until that front moves through over the weekend. that cool down is in sight which is the good news. we are all standing ourselves. this time of year we like to see those 70s more often. we will get there. 79 at hopkins now. mid-80s at lunchtime and upper 80s to low 90s for the high today. we are tracking a chance for showers and storms and will see some sunshine. depending on how much of the sun and that whole show it could end up into the 90s again today. we tied the record had yesterday at 94. we have an indians game this afternoon and it will be warm and muggy so stay cool and titrate. storms passing through so hopefully not the case. hopefully they will be scattered in other spots. the front i was talking about is still well to the west that's with the rain is organized and we are seeing a lot of showers and storms now around chicago. check for delays because it really is active now. and that's a hope for many of you. it's dry as we're waking up but humidity. upper 60 to low 70s as far as dew points. as we track on future viewing hour by hour we start to see the scattered showers and storms again through this afternoon. not all of you -- yesterday hopkins got over half an inch of rain. others maybe a trace. others maybe nothing at all. it's going to be similar but at least as we get into the evening we will see more of that wet weather. morrow is a breather and then we see the front ed through saturday. showers and storms likely for saturday in the low 80s for highs. could have a leftover sprinkle or shower early on sunday before we clear out and cool off. 70s into next week. doggone weather this is cosmo and casanova. their dad joe sent in the sharing. good morning. this is i-480 at warrensville center road. a bottleneck as traffic continues to slow because of an accident cleanup. the eastbound lanes on ramps from for a zero towards the center road are closed and odot did not have a time as far as when they will open if you're going eastbound approaching warrensville center road eventually go traffic is flowing to 34 miles per hour now approaching northfield. plan on extra time or avoid i- 480. the rest of the area looking good. watch were an object on the road eastbound between west 41st and west 44th because that will be cleaned up soon. we are so honored to have stephanie paganini with us. she is our guest celebrity multitasking because she has talents. i from live on lakeside. and you will share some of your back-to-school lunch recipes. we're going a little gourmet. >> one of the things that would to the kids want and kids today are watching the cooking shows and competing on the cooking shows. they want something stepped up. if you someone is not a meat ea quinoa salad. it's a complete protein and will fill them up and give them energy they need but it has sun- dried tomatoes and olives and >> they are going to feel good and has a nice flavor. and mrs. ham and cheese pinwheel. take ready-made puff pastry but ham and cheese on it and roll that up into a role and slice it and bake it and have these and the last one i did is when i was a kid my mom always tried to get a piece of fruit in the lunch. and what you do is sneak into the sandwich. a turkey and bree panini sandwich but there's green apple slices. you'll get the apple and the fruit but it's going to be wrapped up in something delicious like a did the sandwich in and have a wonderful sandwich a little more gourmet but still getting nutrition. >> these are all lovely ideas. we're excited to have you and thank you for your ideas. don't ever tell grady what the indians are looking for a sponsor for the september stretch i'm thinking orkin. they have pest-control down to a science. carlos carrasco might even pay for it after the midges made the return and were bugging him on the mound. one even got into his left eye and affected him. colby rasmus hit a towering shot and that gave the astros a 3-2 lead. mike napoli is heating up. he sent other deep homer out into the left a 12:10 start today with trevor bauer in the final 23 games and all 23 are against division. nfl season starts night with rematch of the several which means carrie underwood is back to start things off with her opening song. this is some of the behind the scenes look of the shooting of the video. the panthers officer people at retirement might have something to do with the point spread. kickoff 830 tonight right here on channel 3 and nbc. had go to speaking out and saying that month of his players better pull a colin kaepernick move and set during the national anthem or that player will be sitting for the entire game. colin kaepernick for the protest because of the calls the oppression of binaries america. as to use a practicing in front of the world cup of hockey in canada john tortorella says will he respects the player's right protest he says it should not happen in the anthem. he wants his players to show respect to our military. >> there is no chance and anthem and the flexion coming to any type of situation where you are trying to make a point. it is probably the most disrespectful thing you can do to -- as a us citizen. that is our symbol. approached him about the issue but he says he will not back down. no protest during the anthem or that player is out and will not play. the world cup of hockey begins in nine days. ways to save is coming up. good morning. i have the ultimate placement for a fire hazard in your home save protect your tech and wallets. matt gets excited when the guests co-anchor. >> double whammy. i get excited with a co-anchor like that. we to protect precious cargo coming into your home. >> here is a the thing you have >> several. >> it has not evolved in the time we have been alive. in many cases it is a fire hazard and you want to keep your home safe and protected. i've better solution. we replace this with this. intern casey shows you. >> i will put this to the tested sea-tac and power all of these devices at once. a laptop another la cell phone in the usb. another cell phone. another phone. let's turn it on and see. yes. >> they are all powering up. >> safer power and look at the screen. this 6 foot long three ac and looks. you can plug anything directly into it. so an eye pattern enjoyed or smart phone whatever it is you can even put in appliances safely. $14 down from 40. there's no better deal of the country today. . >> you plug in your refrigerator and phone and the tv and never have to leave the room. >> by one for each room and you still be under budget. >> we're going to give you this as a gift. >> it is your anchor present. >> you couldn't have done a car today? >> we don't have the budgets for that. that is next month. the top stories coming up. we are getting updates this morning on school closings what you need snow before you send your kids to school. as we get closer to november election the candidates visit ohio and get more frequent. donald trump with your monday and is back today. punishment for ryan lochte. creamy swirls of pure indulgence. silky sifts of total transcendence. tempting accents of sheer pleasure. introducing "unicorn whispers." this should be the name. or something more like "golden gold." or maybe, "mmmmmm mmhmm." another school is closed because of the extreme heat and northeast ohio. coming up how one district made his decision. was a northeast ohio he's making his return and again showing you the importance of ohio for this election. new medical marijuana law goes into effect today. is still there are so many questions about this. we tried to get some of those answered. lena's office weeks we have another special guest anchor.

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New York , United States , Cuyahoga County , Ohio , Brook Park , North Carolina , Cleveland , Turkey , Florida , Geauga County , Manhattan , Syria , Russia , As Us , Lab , Charlotte , Iraq , Metrohealth Medical Center , Chicago , Illinois , America , American , Trevor Bauer , Terry Peters , Ryan Lochte , Carrie Underwood , John Deere , Stephanie Paganini , Allison Jones , Carlos Carrasco , Pbn Jay , Colin Powell , Lebron James , Tiffany Tarpley , Seth Stephanie Paganini , Colby Rasmus , Mike Napoli , Hillary Clinton , Tracie Potts ,

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