Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News At 7 20160809 : comparem

Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News At 7 20160809

there were five accidents last year reported to the state that mean someone had to go to the hospital right away or passed away. there were 3700 licenses issued for rights and more than 22 for water parks in the state, but really the only number that we care about is zero. zero problems on these rides for the people you care about. do you remember we tried he went on -- which ride you with tom? >> no. >> reporter: in 2003 a boy was electrocuted because inspectors failed to do their jobs. three kids were injured in tennessee. a child was dead after writing the world's tallest water slide. the details count. the chief inspector for the department of agriculture showed me today -- >> we will do a mechanical inspection which is this particular piece the lap ours safeties so they won't operate without it engaged. >> reporter: he tried is supposed to have a three-point inspection and maybe more. this tab is proof positive that it is licensed. has this ride been expected -- inspected? >> you can see especially with inflatable devices. >> reporter: you can take control of your own safe how do you know that your kids are safe? >> we take care of them and don't let them go on rides that they are not tall enough for. >> reporter: we always want to have a lot of fun. another thing to keep in mind is keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times. there is really a possibility for you to stay safe in the things that you do. another thing to keep out -- that can get caught on things. don't go in restricted areas. another thing we learned is that some of these rides can be inspected 15 to 20 times during the course of the season but that does not always happen. always look for some notification that a -- it has been expect -- inspected. >> thank you so much hillary. donald trump is raising eyebrows again with a comment that he made about the second amendment. >> hillary wants to abolish second amendment. if she gets to pick her judges there is nothing that you can do. although the second amendment people -- maybe there is. i don't know. >> hillary clinton's campaign responded saying trump is dangerous in the presidential nominee should not suggest violence. the campaign denies he called for violence saying that second amendment people have great political power and will vote for donald trump. dashcam video of the police cape. the pursuit ended near martin luther drive at least 105th street. he shot and killed his girlfriend and then shot a man and woman in south euclid. police pursued him and surrounded his car. when they enter the -- when they ended the chase they found him dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. get ohio's medical marijuana farms processing plants in stores in place. we found some local cities that want to control or even ban them. >> reporter: there are a lot of moving parts to ohio legalizing medical marijuana from scratch. farms, factories, and stores are some time away from starting. officials want some say in what >> we are a tightknit and intense community. it is our belief that our best road would be to do an out and out ban. >> reporter: the past a temporary ban on marijuana business startups. others are moving in that direction. it's not like any businesses will start that soon. the governor and legislature must pick and advisory commission that the state commerce department, medical board, and pharmacy board to decide whirls and regulations. >> our enforcement bureau is advocating against allowing those three processes to go on in any of the cities so that is attack we are taking. >> reporter: joe suffers from epileptic spells. >> she had caesars -- seizures every single day. >> reporter: her mom is not sure that she can get the getting the needed doctors note is proving easier said than done. >> if other states can do it we can do is also. >> reporter: it could be more than three years before the industry is in place. brooklyn is another community and act in a six-month -- enacting a six-month morning -- moratorium. you have to be cautious about changes when you make a one- time illegal substance legal. driving headaches for you. ramp closures impacting akron traffic in a big way. more changes are coming. the i 77 northbound to i 76 westbound is now closed. so is the one from route a to i 76 w. the changes were supposed to happen last tuesday night that the contractor failed to put up detour signs in time. first time drivers had to deal with the changes. >> it's a big inconvenience. i have to circumvent things. >> starting tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. the ramp from i 76 e. to i 77 s. will also be closed. these closures will be in place for late november. legends it can be hard for us to remember where they actually started. two of team usa's most well don't -- well-known swimmers looked up to michael phelps long before they became olympians. cheryl from her sister station chairs what they've learned from phelps and how he has grown also. >> reporter: you will not find a young swimmer with big aspirations who does not have an athlete they really look up to. who make up the elite of team usa. >> reporter: olympic gold medalist katy ledecky was just starting to race when she met the swimmer who set the bar high. michael phelps was 17 at the time. >> he was so nice. >> reporter: his teammates say they are glad to see him come out of retirement for one more game. >> he is such a leader on r >> we do really well as a team. when we pick it up and get the ball rolling. >> reporter: michael phelps says he is more grounded and fighting for his family. >> to be able to have our first one watch my swimming is something that nicole and i have talked about a lot and got an emotional about. legendary career. >> i've overcome a lot of things. it has cleared my head and i can go back in the pool and feel like a kid. >> i feel like he loves swimming now. i dare to say more than he ever has. just being with him and watching him train and race. >> as long as i can hang up my suit how i want to that's all i care about. we will talk about how three athletes from ohio did later. when we come back vaccination required why thousands of local students need an additional shot before thousands of students need an additional vaccination before the quibec for the school year. seventh graders and seniors need to meet a new requirement. monica robins shares the reason for the change. >> reporter: add one more shot to the list of vaccines ohio kids are required to have school. breanna has seven kids but jordan is an group -- seventh grade this year. that means he's required to get the meningitis vaccine. >> knowing the risk factors involved that was an important one to us. >> reporter: the cdc advises kids get the first meningitis shot at age 12 and a booster at 16. in ohio it is mandatory. >> the reason we want them to they are teenagers it is the most likely time they will come into contact with the bacteria is that cause meningitis. >> reporter: it is spread by saliva and mucus. meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes that cover the spine and spot -- brain. it can lead to death if not treated. those that survive could have serious complications. that is why breanna protecting her kids. >> it's scary. there are so many things to worry about and if you can cross one of those things off your worry list it is awesome. >> reporter: a student cannot remain in school if they have not had the vaccination within 14 days of the start of the school year. the only exception is if the student is allergic to the vaccine or philosophical reasons. both would have to be still to come. ohio olympians big day how three local athletes fared in a very busy day for the summer olympics games. fencing, rugby, and boxing all represented by athletes from northeast ohio. we have been running all around rio following our local olympians. what a day. >> reporter: what a day. i was calling it cleveland tuesday but now that i think about it maybe that was i know we are a championship city but i don't know if the cursor is over because it has been a rough day here in rio. just before 6:00 charles conwell lost his middleweight boxing olympic debut. charles was as surprised as anyone about the judge's decision. he told the other competitor cleveland i will come back 10 times stronger. south euclid's jason prior was knocked out in the men's faa fencing tournament earlier today . this was his first olympic matchup. 11 members of his extended family came to rio . for many of them it was the first time seeing him compete on the international level. they say that was worth every penny. >> checkbooks to make the trip out here. this is the first time a lot of my family has seen me on the world stage. it's a huge moment. >> reporter: he is one of the elite's for sure. the us men's rugby seven team got into action against argentina. ohio state nate ebner now a new rally but argentina finished it in the last second 17-14. team usa played again winning 26-0 over brazil. both nate ebner and carlin isle's had tried. tomorrow rugby in the -- is back in action. it will also be watching for some excitement from growing we have women's volleyball tomorrow rachel adams from cincinnati. >> i know it is hard for our local athletes like bad news conwell and jason prior to accept this right now but in a couple days i hope they look back and enjoy the ride of what they have been able to do. it's amazing just to get their. >> it is a journey. i believe both of them will already do. they were so excited to be here and competing at this level. when you put it in perspective he really see how great these guys are even though they are not coming home with hardware. >> thank you so much sarah. michael is here with the weather. before we get to whether i was watching the fight know the scoring of that will but i thought he would of won the fight. >> >> as you mentioned before i'm so happy that he made it there. that's like getting to the finals. >> at 18 years old. >> also i want to take you out to the mats because we have the rainfall and thank goodness we are starting to see it. the only caveat is that it will and most of us are dry but notice toward richland county if you are joining us say them out -- from say the mount vernon area this thunderstorm complex there is almost 170 lightning strikes. all of this racing up interstate 71. let's talk about timing. if you are joining us this evening from saint mansfield at about 8:15 or so wooster just before the orville same story for you. it will come with those really big bright flashes of light -- lightning and you will hear the deep growls of thunder but it is much-needed rainfall. here is what is trivial -- triggering it. all the screen is scattered showers and thunderstorms toward the southeast. what we are tracking is the counterclockwise area of low pressure and hear up toward the -- rotation. what we are seeing is a pummeling of that moisture through the pressure gradient and that is how you scoop up all the moisture out the gulf of mexico and the atlantic ocean. meaning all of the rain and the humidity in showers and thunderstorms all of that moving right here and to northeast ohio through the evening hours tonight and through the end of your work week. let's time it all out for you so you can plan out your evening and your day. tonight looking for scattered showers and thunderstorms to move on through. the first thing in the morning with the loss of the daytime heat there's a decent start here wednesday. by wednesday afternoon we will see a few more scattered showers and thunderstorms in store. we will watch very carefully for that. otherwise the window nation seven-day forecast will show you 90s with rain in the weekend. time for access to tonight's summer game schedule one hospital, cleveland clinic. more swimming. the women's 200 meter freestyle final. simone biles leads the have really -- the heavily favored us to back to back titles in us gymnastics. that is your schedule brought to you by cleveland clinic providing you with access to number one care anytime she's one of the wealthiest women in politics. rld on private jets. protected by armed guards for thirty years. but she doesn't believe in your right to keep a gun at home for self-defense. "i fully appreciate how hard life is for so many americans today." an out of touch hypocrite. she'd leave you defenseless. the nra political victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. the best performance by an athlete is brought to you by cuyahoga community college. last night catherine baker won silver in her first olympic appearance at the age of 19 classes start august 29. let's go out to a very hot and humid brown's training camp today. we are couple days away from the preseason. friday night they will play the packers. the position to watch is the wide receivers. they have a bunch of young guys. corey coleman and andrew hawkins are still out with hamstring injuries. this is stored in patent. a fifth round pick out of ucla he missed a lot of the off- season because of school obligations back at ucla. he has caught up in is looking forward to showing us what he's got. >> every day is something new for me. i am excited and getting there. it is definitely a process but i think we are going to showcase some great talent there. >> the united states leads overall in the middle count with 22 metals. a quick note from washington manager has hospitalized with had -- pest chain -- chest pains. he is going to be okay. tempting accents of sheer pleasure. introducing "unicorn whispers." this should be the name. or something more like "golden gold." or maybe, "mmmmmm mmhmm." but, with 20% of your daily fiber, its actually fiber one. so delicious, it should have another name. wow! ohioans used to work here, but not anymore. portman voted to give tax breaks to companies that shipped our jobs overseas. and get this: he even gave them a tax break to pay for packing up the equipment and shipping it to places like china. rob portman certainly isn't going to get a lot of votes from here in ohio. coming up next on the olympic zone. the heavily favored women's gymnastics team is ready to dominate tonight. how good are they? we will ask the 1996 weather got -- gold-medal winner. there is a new face and rugby and he is fast. carlin isle's is a track and field star and is on a mission to win the gold. and we're having a pool party with diana mugs. they are talking about the 200 meter men's butterfly showdown. all of that and more next on

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Cuyahoga County , Ohio , United States , Argentina , Washington , Akron , Cleveland , Brazil , China , Brooklyn , Cincinnati , Jordan , Mansfield , Mexico , Richland County , Mount Vernon , Tennessee , South Euclid , Americans , Catherine Baker , Nate Ebner , Monica Robins , Andrew Hawkins , Carlin Isle , Corey Coleman , Michael Phelps , Atlantic Ocean , Rachel Adams , Martin Luther , Charles Conwell , Hillary Clinton ,

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