Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News At 6 20160319 : comparem

Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News At 6 20160319

@plus, cleveland police shot and @killed a man last year, and now @his mother has sued the city. @ and the boys and girls club @and cleveland clinic tackle the @topic of community and police @interaction and did they make @any headway today? @and sentiment @reaches a new-level and @expressing their dislikes of @the donald. @>> from the station that sees @the possible, this is channel 3 @news, brought to you by @universal windows direct. @you will be saying i love my @windows. @now, channel 3 news at 6:00. @ breaking news in summit @county, hudson police @investigating after two dead @bodies found inside this home @this afternoon. @officials not commenting on @what happened, just yet. @we're expecting more details @shortly. @all of the latest breaking @ thank you so much for being @with us. @i'll hilary golston. @police involved shoots and more @specifically where to draw the @line of what is and isn't @justified? @at the heart of a lot of @questions being asked tonight, @families of people killed by @police coming together today @toll demand justice in @cleveland. @channel 3 is live in cleveland, @what has become a unifying @event. @>> reporter: @hillary, people are gathering @to remember the lives of these @two young men killed by law @enforcement as an afternoon and @evening full of celebrating @their lives and also, visiting @the places were they were @killed. @right now we're in the 7800 @block of lexington avenue, @where they're having a balloon- @release and vigil for angela @miller, the unarmed 17-year-old @shot by police officers @responding to a report of @people stealing from cars, back @in march of 2007. @old brandon jones was killed by @a law enforcement officer. @earlier, people gathered at the @store where it happened, @parkwood grocery. @police responded to reports of @breaking and entering at the @store what they say they saw @jones trying to escape with a @bag. @police say there wases a @struggle and jones was shot. @he was unarmed. @his mother recently filed a @lawsuit against the city of @cleveland and the officer @involved, the suit alleges @unreasonable and unnecessary @use of excessive force by @cleveland police. @the mothers of angelo and @brandon say their sons didn't @deserve a death sentence for @alleged @petty crimes and thankful for @all of the people showing @support for their cause. @>> i love him and i miss him @and i don't understand why my @baby is dead and he was unarmed @and not posing threat. @>> we're sick and tired of @them killing our kids. @everybody they kill, they want @to pay us off and that is not @fair to us indict the police. @>> reporter: @this group will gather at true @light church where other @mothers who lost sons will @speak. @two dozen of them have traveled @from other states to share @their message. @we'll have much more for you on @the story coming up at 11:00, @reporting live until cleveland @k-carley morgan channel 3 news. @ the boys and girls and @cleveland clinic creating and @likely partnership. @police and community @interaction and not always @quite well. @today the club on broadway @hosted the event, the punish to @build trust community and ease @tension and offered a relaxed @environment for kids to meet @officers with the cleveland @police department, the @cleveland clinic and cleveland @metropolitan housing committee @and people from ems were also @there. @>> it's a chance to sitdown @with first-responders in a way @that is casual and calm and a @way to really talk to people @effectively. @yet, but you will be able to @see it in the way that people @talk with police and they will @talk about the cleveland clinic @positively and we're good @neighbors. @>> this effort started as part @of the cleveland's clinic safe @summer program, and did events @in fairfax and south euclid and @this one at the boys and girls @won't be the last. @ an update now to a murder @investigation and manhunt out @of canton yesterday. @police now say they have gotten @their guy, homicide suspect @lance regan caught overnight @after a brief chase on i-70. @lincoln hit a highway patrol @car he was chased. @no officers thank goodness @were hurt. @ cleveland police sorting @through warn incident that @included a foot chase and @officer. @firing at a dog. @this happened last night on @were fired. @police found the suspect. @thanrin and during the chase @the officer fired a gun at the @dog. @we're not sure if the dog was @hit or injured. @one person taken into custody. @pleaded not guilty after being @accused scolding anne a boy @before he was found dead. @police say their investigation @shows the hot waters was a @punishment and the death of the @childhood has been ruled a @homicide. @the boy's biological mother @says she feels lost knowing she @will never get to hug her son @again. @>> i can't imagine the pain he @went through, that is what @kills me. @just knowing how bad it hurt @him. @>> annie ritchie is held on @$350,000 bond. @she is next due in court for a @hearing march 25th. @ cleveland police @investigating another strange @shooting situation from @overnight. @this time it's one that they @discovered. @a 20-year-old man found with @multiple gunshot wounds to his @arms and back. @he was taken to and university @hospital. @investigators don't have any @suspects quite yet. @ and some sad news to pass @away out of lake county. @willowick mayor richard bonde @has passed away, diagnoses with @hodgkins lymphoma. @tonight @somber emotions in the @community. @alliance woman admitted she @impersonated a nurse without a @nursing degree. @kristin sweet was sentenced to @county court to 3 years in @prison. @the 31-year-old pleaded guilty @to identity fraud and @practicing without a license @amongst other charge. @she is also in hot water in @crawford county with similar @charges. @ the protesters trying to @stop the candidate from speak @at a phoenix suburb using @traffic as a tool. @we'll show you all of this. @plus, they say diamonds are a @girl's best friend, but this @one would not be a buddy to @your bank account. @find out what this rare stone @is going for? @>> winds are definitely taking @its last gasp at chilly weekend @and even snow on the way. @i will let you know when and @ @. @ today in arizona dozens of @protesters blocked the main @highway leading to a phoenix @suburb where president @republican front-runner donald @trump held a rally. @they parked their cars in the @middle of the road and @unfolding barnes and chanting @"anti-trump slogans." @the disruption caused a several @hall of fame mile traffic back- @up and drivers honked in @frustration, police say. @the protest dissipated before @my arrests were made. @arizona voters head to the @molls on tuesday. @ the top suspect in last @year's deadly paris attacks in @police custody after to months' @on the run and face police @questioning to extradite him to @france. @he was apparently unnoticed for @months. @he was in an apartment in the @brussels neighborhood where he @grew up. @his four months on the run @finally ended yesterday when he @was shot in the leg and @arrested in a massive police @operation. @ 52 people are dead after a @trying to land in strong winds. @this was in southern russia @today. @workers from russian's emergency @ministry combed through debris @at crash site you are looking @at. @they recovered both of the @plane's flight recorders. @officials say the the plane @nose-dived and exploded. @today mourners left rain @showers in other tributes at @the airport entrance. @ a pair of the philadelphia @high-rises are reduced to @rubble today. @the philadelphia housing @authority is looking to @modernize one of it's @complexes. @they imploded two of the three @high-rises this morning. @pretty impressive video there. @the 18-story buildings are @coming down as the housing @group transition the 8-acre @area. @it will now be affordable @housing and market-rate rentals @and homes. @the buildings went up in the @1960s. @and just check it out a rare @more than 10-carat @the diamond is estimated to be @worth between $30 and $35 @million too rich for my blood. @the rare gem come phrase @private asian collection, one @of 12 blue diamonds that they @have on display this weekend. @ and how about this? @a multimedia shot of multiple @lights, animation and music, @projected over an ancient @pyramid that opened in mexico @this very weekend. @hundreds of lights pointing @towards mexico's perpend. @pyramid of the sun. @the site was considered the @biggest metropolis at the time. @ is there a chance that snow @could be moving? @ @once again channel 3 is proud @two-story colonial comes fully @furnished. @the wkyc early bird special is @available now, where you buy @ticket five tickets and get the @sixth free for a chevy malibu @car. @ @despite temperatures in the low @30s this morning some folks @taking the arctic plunge. @the 7th annual event is not @just a test of the will against @a very frigid lake. @also this is a fundraiser. @money raised from today's @research, the american heart @association, and west shore @critical incident, a volunteer @group that assists public @forces with stress after @intense and traumatic events. @some might say that might be an @intense and traumatic event @running into the cold water. @it's really chilly. @>> it's been chilly all @morning, all afternoon and even @going to be a chilly evening if @you have saturday night plans, @definitely bundle up. @we're in a north-northwesterly @wind flow that is going to @persist, not only through @tonight, but into tomorrow as @well. @you will see a lot of moisture @on the satellite and radar. @so far the real bulk of is off @to our west. @things are going to be changing @though for us overnight. @we're going to move a little @bit of that into our area. @for right now though, we have @mainly cloudy skies, mainly dry @conditions, but down towards @the south and off to the east, @i'm still tracking kind of a @across portions of new @philadelphia, out towards @canton area. @this is going persist into the @evening with just a few pops of @snow showers. @overnight, the widespread area @will have more of an @opportunity. @it's feeling like 20s with tha @wind chill. @so it will be a goodbye to @winter. @we have spring kicking in at @12:30 a.m., but the chilly @weekend and temperatures @continue into our sunday and @we'll even see a few snow @showers passing through tonight @and tomorrow morning. @i think your evening plans will @be intact, not expecting too @much moisture as we slide blow @the freezing mark during the @early morning hours and @definitely see light snow kick @in tonight. @downtown temperatures will be @26 degrees. @but we'll see temperatures a @little lower across some of the @western zones, a little bit @warmer to the south, only 30 @for an overnight low down @towards dover. @break in the cloud cover from @time to time, but notice the @persistent northeast winds as @the temperatures take tumble. @i'm expecting the snow showers @to rife more likely towards @sunrise into the afternoon. @we start to taper off, but @notice the warmer air to the @south where we have a mix of @rain and snow? @some of us will see all rain @showers and i think we're okay @into the monday forecast. @by early morning your commute @should be just final monday @morning knows they are who have @to get out and about. @accumulations, talking about @less than an inch for most @areas. @the seven-day forecast is on @the chilly side. @upper 30s near 40 degrees for @the next two days, but we'll @break in finally some sunshine @on monday. @by tuesday, tracking a slight @snow shower chance. @temperatures low in the @morning, but for wednesday and @thursday, we are yes, finally @going to feel great. @we're going to flirt with 60- @degree mark by the time we get @into midweek, but we'll also @ramp up our opportunity for @thunderstorms on thursday @afternoon. @we can even see quite a rainy @day for friday. @>> i harped a lot of @enthusiasm in your voice when @you said we're almost at spring @temperatures. @>> again, this is northeast @ohio, we can't say for certain. @>> a little dot of snow in @march is okay. @>> it's april i'm worried @about. @>> thank you,ologia. @another day, another @quarterback visit for the @browns. @. @ and hi again everybody @yesterday the browns were at in @california as they searched for @their new quarterback and today @word is out of berea is a well- @known veteran will be coming to @cleveland. @insider says former washington @quarterback robert griffin iii @was in town meeting with @brown's officials and says, "it @was a good visit between the @former heisman trophy winner @and cleveland." @griffin did not play in 2015 @because of the injury, but the @three previous seasons played @air and he has a career qb @rating of 90.6. @this is very interesting and @we'll see what happens here. @>> last night the cavaliers @clenched a trip to the nba @playoffs with the win over the @orlando magic, but their work @is not done and still hold the @best record in the eastern @conference and lead the pacers @in the central division. @tonight taking the team to @miami for a showdown with the @heat. @miami currently 4th in the @eastern conference with right @now. @last night in orlando lebron @james led the cavaliers along @with kyrie irving in that win @over the magic. @we'll have highlights of @tonight's game at 11:00. @make sure that you stay tune @here at channel 3 for that. @then this week the cavaliers @come back home monday have @denver and wednesday take on @milwaukee. @ well, a big day for three @area schools as the ohio boys @basketball champions are @st. joseph, st. valentinence @and the st. mary and christian @academy all vying for a title. @playing right now against @lincolnview in the 1st quarter, @mcqueen with the layoff @cornerstone up by 5. mcqueen @with 11 in the first half, 2nd @quarter, player drives to the @basketball and gets the foul. @11-point leaders. @wheeler adds two more. @cornerstone outscores @lincolnview 18-6 in the 2nd @quarter and lead 37-18 at the @half. @we'll have the final for you @tonight at 11:00s as you see in @the 4th quarter, things are @looking good for cornerstone @christian academy to get their @first-ever state title. @>> in division 2, @st. vincent-s mary. @graves with two of the team- @high 18. @irish trail. @st. v down by 4. they take the @54-53. @but they regain the lead and @huskies d2 state championships, @in @division iii tale of two @halves. @st. josi inside to higgins give @the vikings 19-17 lead. @near the end of the first half @the ball is loose coming up, @but. @what higgins does. @he finds the loose ball and @jumper right here. @hygrins had @higgins had 15 to lead the viks @and cobbs with 3 of the game- @high, and central @catholic a winner. @and indians host the chicago @conditions and great sign for @the tribe. @brantley is scheduled to make @his spring debut after off- @season shoulder surgery. @it's a very possibility that he @could be in the indian's @opening line-up against david @price and the boston red sox. @boy, would thatbre a boost to @their line-up if they could @make it back way earlier than @expect? @>> other big new, rg3, my @goodness. @>> if he is healthy, he is @very good. @the question is he healthy and @can he stay healthy? @>> former nfl rookoy of the @year and dynamic player. @>> dynamic indeed. @>> in fact. @>> thank you everyone for on this saturday night, charged with murder. the dramatic new details tonight on how the suspect in the deadly paris bombing attacks was finally tracked down and captured as the french try to bring him back to face trial. deadly crash. searching for answers in russia after a boeing 737 crashes and breaks apart on landing in bad weather killing all 62 people on board. arizona battleground. ahead of tuesday's primary, we are out with the protesters who are blocking traffic and chaining themselves to cars in the ground war to try to stop trump.

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , Cleveland Clinic , University Hospital , Ohio , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Parkwood , Arizona , Boston , Massachusetts , China , California , New Philadelphia , Russia , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Washington , District Of Columbia , Denver , Colorado , Dover , Mexico , Berea , Lab , Syria , South Euclid , Phoenix , West Shore , France , Lake County , Paris , Rhôalpes , Crawford County , Chicago , Illinois , Canton , French , Russian , American , Brandon Jones , Kyrie Irving , Cleveland Griffin , Angela Miller , Lance Regan , Annie Ritchie , Richard Bonde , Orlando Lebron James ,

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Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News At 6 20160319 :

Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News At 6 20160319

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@plus, cleveland police shot and @killed a man last year, and now @his mother has sued the city. @ and the boys and girls club @and cleveland clinic tackle the @topic of community and police @interaction and did they make @any headway today? @and sentiment @reaches a new-level and @expressing their dislikes of @the donald. @>> from the station that sees @the possible, this is channel 3 @news, brought to you by @universal windows direct. @you will be saying i love my @windows. @now, channel 3 news at 6:00. @ breaking news in summit @county, hudson police @investigating after two dead @bodies found inside this home @this afternoon. @officials not commenting on @what happened, just yet. @we're expecting more details @shortly. @all of the latest breaking @ thank you so much for being @with us. @i'll hilary golston. @police involved shoots and more @specifically where to draw the @line of what is and isn't @justified? @at the heart of a lot of @questions being asked tonight, @families of people killed by @police coming together today @toll demand justice in @cleveland. @channel 3 is live in cleveland, @what has become a unifying @event. @>> reporter: @hillary, people are gathering @to remember the lives of these @two young men killed by law @enforcement as an afternoon and @evening full of celebrating @their lives and also, visiting @the places were they were @killed. @right now we're in the 7800 @block of lexington avenue, @where they're having a balloon- @release and vigil for angela @miller, the unarmed 17-year-old @shot by police officers @responding to a report of @people stealing from cars, back @in march of 2007. @old brandon jones was killed by @a law enforcement officer. @earlier, people gathered at the @store where it happened, @parkwood grocery. @police responded to reports of @breaking and entering at the @store what they say they saw @jones trying to escape with a @bag. @police say there wases a @struggle and jones was shot. @he was unarmed. @his mother recently filed a @lawsuit against the city of @cleveland and the officer @involved, the suit alleges @unreasonable and unnecessary @use of excessive force by @cleveland police. @the mothers of angelo and @brandon say their sons didn't @deserve a death sentence for @alleged @petty crimes and thankful for @all of the people showing @support for their cause. @>> i love him and i miss him @and i don't understand why my @baby is dead and he was unarmed @and not posing threat. @>> we're sick and tired of @them killing our kids. @everybody they kill, they want @to pay us off and that is not @fair to us indict the police. @>> reporter: @this group will gather at true @light church where other @mothers who lost sons will @speak. @two dozen of them have traveled @from other states to share @their message. @we'll have much more for you on @the story coming up at 11:00, @reporting live until cleveland @k-carley morgan channel 3 news. @ the boys and girls and @cleveland clinic creating and @likely partnership. @police and community @interaction and not always @quite well. @today the club on broadway @hosted the event, the punish to @build trust community and ease @tension and offered a relaxed @environment for kids to meet @officers with the cleveland @police department, the @cleveland clinic and cleveland @metropolitan housing committee @and people from ems were also @there. @>> it's a chance to sitdown @with first-responders in a way @that is casual and calm and a @way to really talk to people @effectively. @yet, but you will be able to @see it in the way that people @talk with police and they will @talk about the cleveland clinic @positively and we're good @neighbors. @>> this effort started as part @of the cleveland's clinic safe @summer program, and did events @in fairfax and south euclid and @this one at the boys and girls @won't be the last. @ an update now to a murder @investigation and manhunt out @of canton yesterday. @police now say they have gotten @their guy, homicide suspect @lance regan caught overnight @after a brief chase on i-70. @lincoln hit a highway patrol @car he was chased. @no officers thank goodness @were hurt. @ cleveland police sorting @through warn incident that @included a foot chase and @officer. @firing at a dog. @this happened last night on @were fired. @police found the suspect. @thanrin and during the chase @the officer fired a gun at the @dog. @we're not sure if the dog was @hit or injured. @one person taken into custody. @pleaded not guilty after being @accused scolding anne a boy @before he was found dead. @police say their investigation @shows the hot waters was a @punishment and the death of the @childhood has been ruled a @homicide. @the boy's biological mother @says she feels lost knowing she @will never get to hug her son @again. @>> i can't imagine the pain he @went through, that is what @kills me. @just knowing how bad it hurt @him. @>> annie ritchie is held on @$350,000 bond. @she is next due in court for a @hearing march 25th. @ cleveland police @investigating another strange @shooting situation from @overnight. @this time it's one that they @discovered. @a 20-year-old man found with @multiple gunshot wounds to his @arms and back. @he was taken to and university @hospital. @investigators don't have any @suspects quite yet. @ and some sad news to pass @away out of lake county. @willowick mayor richard bonde @has passed away, diagnoses with @hodgkins lymphoma. @tonight @somber emotions in the @community. @alliance woman admitted she @impersonated a nurse without a @nursing degree. @kristin sweet was sentenced to @county court to 3 years in @prison. @the 31-year-old pleaded guilty @to identity fraud and @practicing without a license @amongst other charge. @she is also in hot water in @crawford county with similar @charges. @ the protesters trying to @stop the candidate from speak @at a phoenix suburb using @traffic as a tool. @we'll show you all of this. @plus, they say diamonds are a @girl's best friend, but this @one would not be a buddy to @your bank account. @find out what this rare stone @is going for? @>> winds are definitely taking @its last gasp at chilly weekend @and even snow on the way. @i will let you know when and @ @. @ today in arizona dozens of @protesters blocked the main @highway leading to a phoenix @suburb where president @republican front-runner donald @trump held a rally. @they parked their cars in the @middle of the road and @unfolding barnes and chanting @"anti-trump slogans." @the disruption caused a several @hall of fame mile traffic back- @up and drivers honked in @frustration, police say. @the protest dissipated before @my arrests were made. @arizona voters head to the @molls on tuesday. @ the top suspect in last @year's deadly paris attacks in @police custody after to months' @on the run and face police @questioning to extradite him to @france. @he was apparently unnoticed for @months. @he was in an apartment in the @brussels neighborhood where he @grew up. @his four months on the run @finally ended yesterday when he @was shot in the leg and @arrested in a massive police @operation. @ 52 people are dead after a @trying to land in strong winds. @this was in southern russia @today. @workers from russian's emergency @ministry combed through debris @at crash site you are looking @at. @they recovered both of the @plane's flight recorders. @officials say the the plane @nose-dived and exploded. @today mourners left rain @showers in other tributes at @the airport entrance. @ a pair of the philadelphia @high-rises are reduced to @rubble today. @the philadelphia housing @authority is looking to @modernize one of it's @complexes. @they imploded two of the three @high-rises this morning. @pretty impressive video there. @the 18-story buildings are @coming down as the housing @group transition the 8-acre @area. @it will now be affordable @housing and market-rate rentals @and homes. @the buildings went up in the @1960s. @and just check it out a rare @more than 10-carat @the diamond is estimated to be @worth between $30 and $35 @million too rich for my blood. @the rare gem come phrase @private asian collection, one @of 12 blue diamonds that they @have on display this weekend. @ and how about this? @a multimedia shot of multiple @lights, animation and music, @projected over an ancient @pyramid that opened in mexico @this very weekend. @hundreds of lights pointing @towards mexico's perpend. @pyramid of the sun. @the site was considered the @biggest metropolis at the time. @ is there a chance that snow @could be moving? @ @once again channel 3 is proud @two-story colonial comes fully @furnished. @the wkyc early bird special is @available now, where you buy @ticket five tickets and get the @sixth free for a chevy malibu @car. @ @despite temperatures in the low @30s this morning some folks @taking the arctic plunge. @the 7th annual event is not @just a test of the will against @a very frigid lake. @also this is a fundraiser. @money raised from today's @research, the american heart @association, and west shore @critical incident, a volunteer @group that assists public @forces with stress after @intense and traumatic events. @some might say that might be an @intense and traumatic event @running into the cold water. @it's really chilly. @>> it's been chilly all @morning, all afternoon and even @going to be a chilly evening if @you have saturday night plans, @definitely bundle up. @we're in a north-northwesterly @wind flow that is going to @persist, not only through @tonight, but into tomorrow as @well. @you will see a lot of moisture @on the satellite and radar. @so far the real bulk of is off @to our west. @things are going to be changing @though for us overnight. @we're going to move a little @bit of that into our area. @for right now though, we have @mainly cloudy skies, mainly dry @conditions, but down towards @the south and off to the east, @i'm still tracking kind of a @across portions of new @philadelphia, out towards @canton area. @this is going persist into the @evening with just a few pops of @snow showers. @overnight, the widespread area @will have more of an @opportunity. @it's feeling like 20s with tha @wind chill. @so it will be a goodbye to @winter. @we have spring kicking in at @12:30 a.m., but the chilly @weekend and temperatures @continue into our sunday and @we'll even see a few snow @showers passing through tonight @and tomorrow morning. @i think your evening plans will @be intact, not expecting too @much moisture as we slide blow @the freezing mark during the @early morning hours and @definitely see light snow kick @in tonight. @downtown temperatures will be @26 degrees. @but we'll see temperatures a @little lower across some of the @western zones, a little bit @warmer to the south, only 30 @for an overnight low down @towards dover. @break in the cloud cover from @time to time, but notice the @persistent northeast winds as @the temperatures take tumble. @i'm expecting the snow showers @to rife more likely towards @sunrise into the afternoon. @we start to taper off, but @notice the warmer air to the @south where we have a mix of @rain and snow? @some of us will see all rain @showers and i think we're okay @into the monday forecast. @by early morning your commute @should be just final monday @morning knows they are who have @to get out and about. @accumulations, talking about @less than an inch for most @areas. @the seven-day forecast is on @the chilly side. @upper 30s near 40 degrees for @the next two days, but we'll @break in finally some sunshine @on monday. @by tuesday, tracking a slight @snow shower chance. @temperatures low in the @morning, but for wednesday and @thursday, we are yes, finally @going to feel great. @we're going to flirt with 60- @degree mark by the time we get @into midweek, but we'll also @ramp up our opportunity for @thunderstorms on thursday @afternoon. @we can even see quite a rainy @day for friday. @>> i harped a lot of @enthusiasm in your voice when @you said we're almost at spring @temperatures. @>> again, this is northeast @ohio, we can't say for certain. @>> a little dot of snow in @march is okay. @>> it's april i'm worried @about. @>> thank you,ologia. @another day, another @quarterback visit for the @browns. @. @ and hi again everybody @yesterday the browns were at in @california as they searched for @their new quarterback and today @word is out of berea is a well- @known veteran will be coming to @cleveland. @insider says former washington @quarterback robert griffin iii @was in town meeting with @brown's officials and says, "it @was a good visit between the @former heisman trophy winner @and cleveland." @griffin did not play in 2015 @because of the injury, but the @three previous seasons played @air and he has a career qb @rating of 90.6. @this is very interesting and @we'll see what happens here. @>> last night the cavaliers @clenched a trip to the nba @playoffs with the win over the @orlando magic, but their work @is not done and still hold the @best record in the eastern @conference and lead the pacers @in the central division. @tonight taking the team to @miami for a showdown with the @heat. @miami currently 4th in the @eastern conference with right @now. @last night in orlando lebron @james led the cavaliers along @with kyrie irving in that win @over the magic. @we'll have highlights of @tonight's game at 11:00. @make sure that you stay tune @here at channel 3 for that. @then this week the cavaliers @come back home monday have @denver and wednesday take on @milwaukee. @ well, a big day for three @area schools as the ohio boys @basketball champions are @st. joseph, st. valentinence @and the st. mary and christian @academy all vying for a title. @playing right now against @lincolnview in the 1st quarter, @mcqueen with the layoff @cornerstone up by 5. mcqueen @with 11 in the first half, 2nd @quarter, player drives to the @basketball and gets the foul. @11-point leaders. @wheeler adds two more. @cornerstone outscores @lincolnview 18-6 in the 2nd @quarter and lead 37-18 at the @half. @we'll have the final for you @tonight at 11:00s as you see in @the 4th quarter, things are @looking good for cornerstone @christian academy to get their @first-ever state title. @>> in division 2, @st. vincent-s mary. @graves with two of the team- @high 18. @irish trail. @st. v down by 4. they take the @54-53. @but they regain the lead and @huskies d2 state championships, @in @division iii tale of two @halves. @st. josi inside to higgins give @the vikings 19-17 lead. @near the end of the first half @the ball is loose coming up, @but. @what higgins does. @he finds the loose ball and @jumper right here. @hygrins had @higgins had 15 to lead the viks @and cobbs with 3 of the game- @high, and central @catholic a winner. @and indians host the chicago @conditions and great sign for @the tribe. @brantley is scheduled to make @his spring debut after off- @season shoulder surgery. @it's a very possibility that he @could be in the indian's @opening line-up against david @price and the boston red sox. @boy, would thatbre a boost to @their line-up if they could @make it back way earlier than @expect? @>> other big new, rg3, my @goodness. @>> if he is healthy, he is @very good. @the question is he healthy and @can he stay healthy? @>> former nfl rookoy of the @year and dynamic player. @>> dynamic indeed. @>> in fact. @>> thank you everyone for on this saturday night, charged with murder. the dramatic new details tonight on how the suspect in the deadly paris bombing attacks was finally tracked down and captured as the french try to bring him back to face trial. deadly crash. searching for answers in russia after a boeing 737 crashes and breaks apart on landing in bad weather killing all 62 people on board. arizona battleground. ahead of tuesday's primary, we are out with the protesters who are blocking traffic and chaining themselves to cars in the ground war to try to stop trump.

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