Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News At 6 20160216 : comparem

Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News At 6 20160216

@tom meyer joins us with >> reporter: rucker accused of @misusing about a @hundred thousands dollars from @two foundations: @am,rican cleveland, and . @both set up to help troubled @kids and stop violence @in the inner city. @rucker ran up huge debt at @casinos in vegas cleveland, use his status to @solicit big money to @support two nonprofits. @according to the indictment, @rucker used bank @accounts from the s as if they were @his own. @he wrote all kinds of checks to @himself, some for @25,000, 20,000, and 10,000. @rucker needed the money huge gambling debt, and @he's also accused of @using the cash to pay his @mortgage, eat out, and for @other personal items. @ @clean about a year ago @once the feds confronted him @with hard evidence. @>> reggie knows he's made @mistakes. ating @accepting responsibility, @taking his punishment, and @trying to make it right. @>> reporter: about ten years @ago, we reported ely cleveland muni @court secretly cut ties @with americancan. @the relationship ended when @allegations of sexual @mia @city employee brown @had hired. @no, we're told rucker resigned @from peacemaker's @alliance two months ago. @his lawyer confirmed he's being mbling @diction. @keep in mind he was charged by @way of what's called @criminal information, which @typically means a deal @was cut with prosecutors. @not sure how much time, if any, @he'll @bars, but his lawyer says @rucker will be punished. @>> do we have any idea which @charity he's @>> reporter: prosecutors won't @say, but the @cleveland foundation has been a @very generous @supporter. @he will be in court next week. @>> thank you. @>> sure. @ it literally took an entire @a man from drowning in the @portage lakes this past @weekend. @ice as he tried @crossing a frozen andrew baranski spoke with @the woman today, who @was the first to notice and @call 911. @andrew joins us tonight from @>> reporter: hi, sarah. @had that woman not noticed @nathan beam @offishnessville calling for d @have possibly had a very @different ending. @fortunately, everyone here @moved very quickly. @it is called the iron channel @for its steel sides, @and when the weather gets @it freezes. @but night it wasn't frozen @enough. @>> there was a print, like he @fell down here, and e right through @the ice immediately @looks like, and broke his leg @across. @>> reporter: am were could @hear him from her @bedroom, and first ruled it out @as a wild n outside to see what was @happening, then flew @back in @>> oh he was completely @exhausted. @it was everything for him to @put those last , helps, and i went @back down to get the @phone. @>> she said a couple of guys @across the channel @heard the commotion, too, the @difference. @>> when i got there, i saw two @men in about @waist-deep water, and then @another man was holding @on to the completely submerged. @>> reporter: that victim was @breathing, but not @hyper themia was setting in. @body temperature was. @>> reporter: yet no one @thought of themselves was safely @removed. @amber hopes she never sees @anything like it again. @while comforted by the fact @that man is r. @>> @recover. @. and alcohol is believed to be @a folk tore in his @deathan beam has not been @charged. @>> grew up on those lakes. @you just can't assume anything @with ice. @thank you. @deadly for one man and his @dogs after bankment. @police say the elderly man was @parking to walk his @dogs when he lost control of @the dog, drove through @a parked fence, over an frozen @lake below. @the man was able to walk back @to the street and get @help. @he was taken to the hospital . @ a crash involving a @cleveland police cruiser had @traffic backed up at east to @'0th and chester this police say an officer and @driver of this white car @you see here were both injured @in the crash. @as you can see, there was major @damage to both @vehicles. @police are still working to @determine what exactly @caused that crash. @ we have frank jackson on @the hot seat today, @answering tough questions from @council members on @the city's budget crunch, and @making his case for an @income tax hike. @our senior political @correspondent tom baris was @there. @>> reporter: the jackson -- @council with @>> we have over $50 million of @increased income tax @revenues coming into the city @of cleveland, which @indicates there's prosperity. @>> reporter: but the city has @lost $18 million @from lower property tax values, @$30 million in state @budget cuts. @it can squeak by this year. @next year would mean big cuts @and layoffs. @the mayor wants the tax to @allow up grades. @>> if you want additional @service, you need -- @>> reporter: councilman zack @reed complained city @residents not getting a fair @share of work on @projects like this new fire @station, the city not @meeting its on goals. @>> to see only 8% of -- gone to @people in the city @of cleveland, that is immoral @and wrong. @>> the difference is i do @stuff, and he just talks @about it. @>> brewer has been -- -- in all @these areas. @>> reporter: the mayor unsure @whether the tax @hike goes on november's ballot @opposite a levy or @>> we need happy income tax and @renew a school. @i have to ensure both of those @are successful. @>> reporter: where do his @. @>> by the end of next year, end @of this year, early @decision. @>> reporter: okay. @>> okay. @>> but i bet i know what it'll @be. @>> i think you're going to @>> all right. @>> reporter: well, someone @light amid serious @talk. @the mayor's team putting @together a list of what the @voters by mid-year. @half hours, talking @about city progress and @problems, the words @"republican convention" not @mentioned once. @live in the newsroom, tom @baris, channel 3 news @>> good stuff, tom. @thank you. @ speaking of republicans, @governor john kasich @remains on the campaign trail @tonight. @he was 30 minutes outside @detroit in levineia, @michigan, speaking with @reporters. @other republican contenders @focusing their efforts @will participate in @the next primary on saturday. @ . @>> i want you to want me. @ @i need you to need me. @>> and you will want tickets to @this year's rock @hall benefit concert. @the hall announced today 2016 @inductee cheap trick @will perform at public hall on @may 6. rock hall officials say @the show not only benefits @concertgears, buts a the @museum's mission. @>> the great thing about the @spring benefit is that @the money that comes from that @event, it helps to @promote the mission of the @museum, which is to @engage, teach, and inspire @through the power of rock @and roll. @so great to think you can come @out, get a ticket for @as little as 17.50 to get in @the door, see this @amazing show. @all that money is going to help @support the @education and out reach effort @of the museum here in @cleveland. @>> tickets for the concert go @on sale to the public @next friday. @ and coming up tonight, @heart disease is the @leading cause of death among @women. @we'll tell you what one group @is doing to spread the @word and save lives. @>> plus hover-board fires have @been happening around @the country, but this latest @one hit close to home. @a local warning about this hot @item when channel 6 @ @ lawmakers threaten to block @the president's @nominees. @>> plus a brother's love. @the incredibly sweet gift a @teen gave to his sister @as the family coaches with her @terminal illness. @we'll see you at 7. @ and cuds weren't the only @ones that got to enjoy @some fun in the snow today. @take a look at animal from the @akron zoo. @as you can see they are love @playing in the white @stuff. @even the animal who aren't able @to adapt to the cold @temperatures got to play. @zoo keepers made them a @snowman, look at that. @another look at your forecast @coming up in 5 @minutes. @we'll be right back. @ @. @>> president obama speaking out @about republicans @and his determination to choose @the next circuit @court justice as trial begins @murder case, we look at the @cutting edge science @that help police get their man. @>> and we'll tell you about the @start-up that's @changing the way consumers pay @for generic drugs @when we see you back here @ @ tonight there are photos of @the damage caused by @the self-balancing scooters. @>> investigators are warning @anyone with a @hoverboard be cautious, @especially when charging the @device. @ heart disease is the @leading cause of women; @four out of five of us don't @consider it our @number-one health threat. @senior health correspondent @monica robbins shows us @an effort to change that. @for the first time ever, a @scientific statement on @heart attacks targeted to @women. @>> reporter: h,rmella powers @checks her pulse @and pressure daily, looking for @subtle sounds of @problems. @she ignored them for years, @having no idea pain in @her jaw signaled serious heart @trouble. @>> down here is where it would @erupt. @it would come on strong and go @away. @>> reporter: three heart @attacks in a matter of @attention, and now @unique symptoms in women also @have the attention of @doctors. @>> but it hasn't been compiled @together about what @are the symptoms, what are the @treatments, what are @the types of heart attacks @women experience. @>> reporter: but that's now @changed. @the american heart association @released an 87-page @scientific statement dr. mehta @awe in order. @in women, heart attack @differences can be deadly. @>> when women are having heart @attacks, their @recognition is often delayed. @it can be a few hours; it can @be days. @>> reporter: both sexes have @chest pain. @women can have shoulder or jaw @pain or may mistake @heart attack for heartburn or @the flu; and while @most men have heart attacks due @to artery block @cage. @>> women can have different @type of heart attack @else. @one type is where they have @intense spasm of their @heart artery. @>> reporter: information @their finger trips to best @treat women. @high blood pressure and @diabetes impact women more @than men, and women are @surprisingly worse than men @in getting followup care. @remember, ladies, if you don't @take care of @yourself, you can't take care @of anyone else. @>> such a good point. @thank you, monica. @ as bethie told us earlier, @300 schools closed @their doors today after snow @showers hit the area. @some of you may be saying, "it @was bad in some @spots, but rally?" @went to akron to get one @explanation, which probably @covers other districts @as well. @they told us they considered a @number of factors, @including the amount of snow @that's fallen, the @forecast, road conditions. @leaders said they would need @more time to -- 55 @schools in the district to keep @cars and buss for @getting stuck. @makes sense to me. @>> it's a big deal for the @school districts to @close. @i mean there's a lot of @students that depend on the @districts for lunch. @>> right. @>> you don't want them to go @it is a huge deal. @i'm happy -- @>> a big responsibility as @well. @. @ we all take a big breath @and enjoy the cloud @cover with lack of snow as far @as the evening goes. @we have a little snow that will @be falling early @tomorrow. @this is not expected to bring @us any slowdowns or be @a big problem for us. @warming weather is coming our @way for the weekend, @and in the next 7 days, there @are no major storms @coming, although there are a @few little systems we @are going to have to dodge. @yes the snow day was certainly @welcome by a lot of @people. @teachers are actually the most @enthusiastic about @snow days, believe it or not. @i would have never guessed that @as a kid; but let me @tell you, they are. @gave the kids a chance to got @out and do a little @crafting. @this is el la and olaf on my @facebook page. @scott price sent in this @picture from hazel price in @cleveland. @nice snowman there. @christine west r, in,g,r sent @this nice snowman in. @good arms going on. @from north canton. @a nice snowman coming to us @from rebecca is,ntrot. @i'll get it. @anna and toddler didn't build a @snowman, but they @did build snowy the snow @monster. @there were snow deer, snow @monsters, you name it. @we're going to put all of these @in a gallery. @if you have pictures of your @family out enjoying the @day, please tweet them to me at @betsy cling on @twitter, or you can also post @it on the wall of my @facebook page, wkyc weather. @i'd love to see them. @we'll include those as well. @the storm system that came @through is now out of @here, causing all kinds of @problems in mug. @we have this little bit of snow @to the west of us. @the frontal system that will be @moving through the @state of ohio. @not really expected to bring us @mass amounts of @snow. @it's pretty light p. little @baby down to the south @will miss us completely. @we don't have to worry about @that. @high side of things this @time of year, about 38 degrees. @we've already passed through @the coldest average @temperatures of the year. @we're on a warming trend. @this is good news, but it is @still rather chilly. @and we're going to get into a @little bit of a @going to hover in @the low 30s for the next couple @days before a @warmup comes. @we're sitting in the low 30s @still around. @as we head through the night @tonight, we are @anticipating temperatures to be @in the upper 20s, @cloudy, some areas of fog. @and the snow chances will stay @with us predawn. @about those snow chances, we'll @start to see those @moving in. @you can see definitely out to @the east, as those @temperatures are going to be in @the mid-s to. @a lot of cloud cover around @tomorrow, but a random @flurry or 2 can't be ruled out @in the morning. @and then as we go through the @afternoon, we could @see some snow showers @developing. @this is some lake enhancement @off of lake erie. @but we are not anticipating any @accumulation out of @this. @as a matter of fact, i think @you'd be hard-pressed @to find an inch, and i think @two would definitely be @on the outside. @temperatures are only going to @tomorrow. @a lot of cloud cover around. @these are the days a lot of @people consider their @seasonal affective disorder to @kick into high gear, @so -- take that. @jump up on your vitamin c, get @some light going in @the house, whatever you need. @hug somebody. @that always helps me. @the 7-day forecast shows that @nice warmup coming. @we will be in the 40s this @weekend with a chance @to get outside and get some @fresh air. @>> a little bit of sun on @saturday, too. @>> fingers crossed. @>> okay. @>> dr. becky, thank you. @ coming up, another day, @another rumor involving @cavs as we near that trade @deadline. @>> jimmy has the latest name @ @ the orlando magic are @shopping forward channing @fry. @he's 6, 11, averaging 5 points, @3 rebounds per game, @and it is said, the reports @interested in trading for him. @mozgov could be a name. @no matter what the deal is, and @there have been a @lot of rumors, mozgov always @seems to be the guy who @is packing and heading out of @town. @ now to the nfl draft, @that's coming up on @april 28th through the 30th, @and interesting @story, the browns have the @number-two pick in the @draft. @the tennessee titans have the @number-one pick in the @draft. @but the titans are revealing @today through their new @general manager john robinson @they are fielding all @kinds of telephone calls from @teams trying to get up @above the browns, get to the @number-one spot in the @draft, ahead of cleveland so @they can get the first @pick of a quarterback in the @draft. @and a lot of people think it is @jared goff, the @quarterback out of -- and that @the browns are @interested in him, and the @browns certainly need a @quarterback. @many, many teams again calling @the titans and @saying, "we would give up a lot @to get the number @one." @so we get the clear pick to get @the quarterback @rather than allowing cleveland @two. @and that mights a be a tactic @if the browns would @put something in a deal to go @up to number one, @which i would not do. @but, you know, they don't @always follow me. @ any way, the nfl combine is @next week in @indianapolis, and ohio state @has 14 athletes that @are going to be there. @this is one of them a great @linebacker, darren lee. @he's been working out, as most @of them do, with @special trainers. @he's out in phoenix. @he was the defensive mvp of the @sugar bowl in al in @2015. @he could be a late 1st round @pick. @here's what he thinks. @>> personally, i don't care. @knob knows for sure -- guess @what. @>> that's a good way to take a @look at it. @ tonight the sips in @basketball, taking on the @the zips and their -- their 7- @game winning streak @come to an end over at northern @illinois. @>> akron beat buffalo earlier @at buffalo 75-71. @they want to remain at the top @spot in their side of @the bracket in the mac. @>> well it's big week. @i mean, it's a big week. @we try to take pressure off our @guys. @''hey, just play basketball. @realize it's a game. @play the best you can play." @kent is two games behind. @if we don't take care of @business, we're in another @dogfight. @ another big game tonight, @ohio state taking on @michigan. @and the numbers tell you, the @buckeyes must keep on @winning just to make the @tournament. @>> obviously all games are @vitally important, i @think you look just where they @are, where we are. @you know,, you don't need to be @a rocket scientist @to figure out there's @implications to this game. @ on our high school @to you by ohio university. @boys ice hockey playoffs up @rocky river taking on @mentor. @winter windoval goes top shelf, @and winter advances @with a 3-0 win. @that's a nice shot. @>> thank you so much. @ and we thank you for @watching, jimmy. @>> that's right. @ weekly knightley news just @minutes away. @ breaking news tonight. slamming trump. president obama comes out swinging late today. a harsh attack on the gop front-runner and firing back in supreme court. buried and blown away by record snow and a ferocious tornado outbreak. a massive storm stretching over 1,000miles. er. sleeper trial in los angeles after a decade-long cold case mystery. how a bite of pizza may have caught an infamous murderer. slashing the price of prescription drugs by as much as 95%.

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