Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News At 11 20161004 : compare

Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News At 11 20161004

. battleground ohio. new poll numbers out tonight, show a big lead for one candidate. >> and slammed into a cruiser's windshield. it's video like this that has many questioning federal police reform. the investigators tom myer explores the debate. >> he had a white face, red hair, teeth. >> and clowns popping up around the country. is it going too far? see when all of the clowning around became illegal. >> and some chipotle is ready to roll out a news spicy menu option tomorrow. five weeks from tonight will be the last hours of seeing political ads and the rapid fire campaigning will come to an end. but from now until then, there's a lot to chew on. and a lot of different >> hillary clinton, stops by the rubber city as lebron james weighs weighs in on the presidential race. and new rumblings of a major bomb shell. >> they call bomb shells the month of election october surprises and plenty to choose from tonight. the associated press reporting the cast and crew of trump's reality show, the aparen it is a, calling him lewd and sixists. the other reports, of wiki le clinton bomb shell. and taxes. donald trump not paying taxes because of loopholes. it's legal but not sitting well everywhere. >> trump wrote off $915 million in losses in his 1995 taxes. to trump critics? that shows his financial shakiness and he wants poorer trump fans say bravo. use the system to your advantage. it shows his savvy. trump himself says it's a classic reason to vote for him because he knows the system so well and a perfect way to make it better for you. >> i understand the tax laws bern almost anyone. which is why i am one who can truly fix them. i'm working for you now. >> also the attorney general says trump's charity organization needs to stop raising money because it has supporters calling into questions the attorney general's motive since he's a clinton supporter. post debate poll numbers. trump fans point out, he's winning ohio. the latest has him up 5% here over clinton. trump critics say the same polls have him down. states he has to carry in november. and finally tomorrow, a big trump supporters. new york mayor will be in cleveland to accept the a major victory for trump. but the city council many cleveland, renounced his visit and endorsement by the union. >> it's a pure slap of the face of the african-american unit. the hispanic community and every community of color. >> and if that's not enough on the storiy front. trump trump touching a nerve with veterans. a group he says he's a big backer of. after active combat. "they see things maybe a lot of folks in this room many times over and you're strong and you can handle it. but a lot of people can't handle it. on social media, many pushing back. saying it's the stereo type that returning vets are aren't strong. so at least six stories as this thing marchs a month away. >> getting ready for an october we have never seen before. >> all right. thank you. >> you bet. hillary clinton is basking lebron james. this as she courted voters there tonight. senior political correspondent tells us clinton is still working to win ohio. but it's no longer a must win state for her. >> good evening. clinton back in ohio for the first time in 29 days. and that, by itself, indicates how her campaign no longer think this is is a much win state. >> but clinton elated when lebron james endorsement. >> he's given back hometown. >> i may become president, but he will be king. >> i believe hillary can continue the legacy that barack has done over the last eight years. >> focusing more on colorado, north carolina, and florida, and ohio as much needed states. her campaign saying they easily get without. many say trump must win ohio. still, clinton hoping to reverse polls that show her makes the best choice for the future of the people of this great state. >> reporter: she hammered trump's publicized tax losses. >> what kind of a genius looses a billion dollars anyway? we'll pass a law that any candidate of a major party has to release third taxes. >> i will never raise taxes on the middle class. that is not in >> maybe lebron's endorsement will bring out more voters. maybe two more debates will make a difference. maybe there will be an october surprise. but in any case, clinton, still working hard to inwith ohio. in akron, channel 3 news. >> less than 24 hours from now, the vice president candidates will square off in a debate for the first time. preparations under way at longwood university. head to head with republican indiana governor mike pence. cbs correspondent will moderate the debate. the on l time the vice presidential candidates will face off. kia, no is the first asian american journalist will moderate a national debate. and a series of murders. that span several counties. we have reported that shawn grade has been charged with tw confessed to another. now, police released a sketch of a new woman. he reportedly confessed to killing a woman in marion county in 2005. great told police he could not remember her name. police also say great sold them, the woman sold his mother a magazine subscription and he got angry and killed the woman when the mother did not get the for local police departments for using excessive force? the investigator tom myer is back with a story he broke last week. >> reporter: it began in l. a. in the wake of rodney king beating by white cops. department of justice or d. o. j. information and police use of excessive and deadly force. since then, few big city federal scrutiny often results in mandatory reforms that cost taxpayers millions of dollars. it's better to manage it on the front end. and incur these costs. >> since president obama tooks off, 16 cities have reached agreements with the feds. one analysis last year, found the federal interventions don't always work. >> we try talking to you. you got to fight. probe of learanie police. found "problems regarding the use of force" but two years following the d. o. j. probe, this incident was caught on camera. causing critics to wonder if these are effective. police found slamming his face into a windshield, system shattering the glass. >> it doesn't appear the training and recommendations made in the letter have been followed very closely by the city. >> reporter: police chief about the video and the lawsuit connected with it. it was only after we aired the video twice that he called a news conference. he announced the county prosecutor would review the case. something the victim's attorney says should have been done a long time ago. >> to avoid any appearance of inpropriety or conflict of interest, it would be prudent to bring in a special prosecutors. >> reporter: while federal had declined since 2008, they were especially critical of lorain police brass. the feds called ifor the city to "investigate and remedy deficiencies that had the past use of excessive force." d. o. j. criticized lorain police for allow minor infractions to escalate. critics say it happened again in the case of smith who was initially. sod -- stopped by police for in this video that would justify them slamming that guy's face into the windshield. >> county prosecutor could have reviewed this case soon after it happened. but he never did. we know he had the video. he turned it over to us at our request. will has yet to return our phone call. >> thanks, tom. watch out for this fugitive of the week. wanted for parole violations after being charged with timmy bailey jr. is 21 years old. about 5-foot 11 and ways about 160 pounds. believed to be hiding in cleveland. if you have any information on him, you can call the number on your screen. tips can stay anonymous and there is reward money available. coming up tonight, sitings around the country. when does dressing like a clown become illegal. we take a look at cases including here in northeast start ordering tomorrow. >> and hurricane matthew, hear how millions from florida and up the eastern sea board are preparing for the category 4 storm. >> tough one. it definitely is. and believe it or not. our tribes forecast, late weekend, could be impacted by that storm. as well as a cold front that comes into our weekend forecast. lots going on. i'll tell you about it in your full forecast. chipotle spices up its menu. the team announced chirzo will hit the menus tomorrow. the restaurants website says it toasted cumin. chipotle pepper and three variations of paprik, a. what has become known as "clowning" has been a hot topic this fall. >> it sounds funny. but police say this trend takes it too far. carlee found out when dressing up as a clown becomes illegal. >> reporter: we're not talking about doing the normal halloween th with friends. but if you're purposely trying to scare someone specific or the public at large. even if you never touch them or talk to them, you could end up facing a fine or even jail time. >> the people behind the masks, think they're hilarious. but not everyone is laughing. reports of clowning popping up in states across the country including here in ohio. people dressed at clowns. sometimes holding weapons. intending to scare whoever sees intention on clown sitings and such. they think, maybe this would be funny. >> east lake police dealt with it today. clown threats on instagram naming east lake middle school. according to global intelligence company, it's similar to a bomb threat at a school. >> these kind of threats in our day and age need to be taken seriously in light of some of the school shooting that have occurred until proven otherwise. >> reporter: the east lake threats turned out to be from three they'll likely face the city's diversion program but others could get a hasher funnel. charges could include inducing panic, aggravated menacing. and trespassing. they can be elevated to felons in some cases. >> create a lot of alarm and use valuable resources. >> reporter: the chief says all case is different. whether you're actually intent, what's implied, the time of day, and what's said or transmitted. even people who sell the clown costumes know you shouldn't be a bozo when it comes to clowning. >> think before you act. dress up in a scary clown. menacing others will get someone in deep trouble. >> if there are clown sitings in your community, take a photo, get a description of the person or vehicle, note which way they travel and call 911. >> at this matthew makes its way across the caribbean. packing winds of more than 140 miles an hour. it's already causing issues in the islands and later this week, could impact the east coast. the water is already knee deep in jamaica. and more in the way. haiti and aruba also feeling the effects. it's too early for a i definitive track. >> the destruction could be we have something like in a long time. >> and governor scott declared a state of emergency for every county in florida. matthew already blamed for four deaths. >> and you have been watching this closely. we could see of impact here -- see some impact here. >> i think that direct impact will be well to the east of us. but the front that's coming in, it's going to be the pushing force. that will impact us. that starts our weekend off. i want to remind everybody, when governor's declare states of emecy open up funding and opportunities. it does mean the storm is imminent and coming. >> not the same as an evacuation order. >> exactly. >> but first, we have a dense fog advisories issued here. >> quite the other end of the spectrum. dense fog early. so the red light is on. green light in the afternoon. as temperatures pushing into the 70s. there's where that dense fog advisories kicks off. all of the counties see there with the exceptions being, lake shore, the areas north of 90 and also carol counties. here's how the visibilities expected to go tonight. you can see where we get these darker colors. that's where things get a little merky. remember fogs come and god. what you leave may not be what you encounter. so just keep that in mind. you may want to check in with them. minutes in the morning. just to be safe. rather than sorry. the dense fog, seemingly going to be spread across the area. and i think a lot of us will have the light fog with area of dense fog possible. but by 10:00 a.m. most of the fog should be mixed out. and we shouldn't have any problems with that. high pressure is in control. our upper level low that we dealt with last week is out of here. thankfully, took the rain, took the clouds with it. and now as we look to the west, we are keeping an eye on a canada impressive. as far as the satellite and radar picture, this is going to trips its way across the country. late friday into early saturday. just about the time, this front comes through northeast ohio, we will have a pretty good idea as to where matthew will be along the east coast. this is the hurricane that everyone has been talking about. big hurricane. it's a beast as i have been saying 145-mile an hour winds now. moving to the north at 7 miles r way past haiti and cuba. but causing devastating effects there. going to spend quite some time in the bahamas. forecast tracks have shifted west slightly. throughout the day today. and then the storm is expected to kind of hug the east coast. could take an easterly turn. could. as it goes out. but here's the thing. as that storm is expected it to come off of the east coast. our front is coming in and that hurricane. so by sunday, with the front just in to boston. and a potential masty storm off shore. our time could get soaked with the red sox. so we'll see what's going on with that. and that could definitely be a gig story for the weekend. window nation forecast has us in the 70s for tomorrow. lots of sunshine today. and don't forget, the sunny skies would certainly be nice. the fog will be with us in the morning. up around 80 and here comes the front with cooler weather. >> all right. thank you. coming up, just three days away now from the baseball playoffs. round one, between the indians and the redd red sox. jimmy has the schedule, the game times, and a preview of the series next in sports. >> hey, martha stewart here. she's going to talk about her new book. tonight. >> hey, emily blunt is here plus more. here we go. off we go to game one of the american league division and that's great news for the indians. indians and red sox game. game one of the best of five. third pitch, thursday night at 8:08. inside the series. the red sox won the season series. four games to two. hear in cleveland and twice in boston. more wins on the road than any other team in the american lead. they had 46. but the indians had more wins with a good finish. 94 winds to 93. but really, short series, or any series. it comes down to pitching and really, it comes down to young, trevor bower. here's jenson lewis. >> it stepped up so much better. i think trevor bower is pitching at home instead of fenway park. even if josh tomlin goes out there and lays a clunker, i don't think he'll do that. you have the advantage in a short series. you don't need a four may make the roster. to be able to add some length. but that sort -- shortening the game. >> but it's about the starters right away. game one thursday night. rick will go for the red sox. a young award candidates he had 22 wins on't year and you go against trevor bowerrer. and then kluven going in game two. friday afternoon, that could put them in a great position to the blown browns win and again, they were in position to win the game yesterday in washington. but they cannot get over the top. and i think it's because they're missing that big play maker. both on offense and on defense. somebody, that when things go wrong, when you fumble or throw an interception, the world doesn't cave in. you have a guy that goes, listen, i'll get us through this p follow me. they don't have that guy right now. so they're 0-4. which is this difficult. it's tough. but we are -- i'm seeing a lot of young guys improve. we just not seeing what i want to see. >> it's crazy how, so many times we're up and we're in the game and beat -- and something goes wrong. >> yeah. he's right about that. >> and a tough break for this young man. austin rider. but he tore his acl out. waved today by the browns. eligible to. coback after a four game suspension. he's still facing further suspension from the nfl and the browns say bye bye to him. cavs today back at practice and they're first preseason game. comes up in a couple days. on wednesday, lebron james did not play yesterday in the wine and gold scrimmage. he just sat and as you can see, he just kind of took it easy. how much does he need to play. they'll play >> i don't know. i haven't actualed talked to coach about preseason schedule. i'm okay, either or. i'm talking plays. doesn't want me to play or whatever. it doesn't mean anything. >> i would agree with him about that the. they signed a buddy of his today to point guard. he played with him in miami. he gets a chance to make the team out of training camp. still no deal with j. r. smith. >> and still no win on -- i out. for the browns yet. >> you may have pointed that out. >> there you go. stop. with that box, you'll be the first to win playstation vr. "player one." soon, it spreads like wildfire. humanity becomes so plugged in... we never see them coming. that's why i was sent back to stop you - [slrrrrrp] oh, hey, i won! right. the future of gaming starts at taco bell. to win playstation vr. i think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament. i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell you. i would bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves. get him out of here! get him out of here! of here! priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. almost summer clothes there. >> looked like they were all sitting beside me. [ cheers and applause ] ?? >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight rring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- emily blunt. mario batali. musical guest,

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