Transcripts For WKRC Local 12 News At 5 20160301 : compareme

Transcripts For WKRC Local 12 News At 5 20160301

in court, wearing shackles around the. and the day after, parents escorted their children from school after the shooting, investigators were releasing new information. butler county sheriff, hancock waited in the lunch room, until a school resource officer walked out and then he said, hancock open fire. what followed were frantic 911 calls. >> there's a shooting, got a gun and started shooting people. >> how many people did he shoot. >> how many people did they shoot? >> i'm not sure. he started shooting. >> appears he waited for the officer to lay. and he knew the officer would come back and he was correct. within seconds. >> and cammy, sheriff jones says building and through the gun into a grassy area and headed for a wooded area that's where he was caught. and how quickly ken hall reacted. once he heard the shots, he went to the cafeteria, took over the victims. teachers attended to the victims. sheriff jones, happen kok has the gun since last february. and he also said, that yesterday, at the school, he was with the lloyded handgun all morning long, until he walked into the lunch room. fired a few shots and took off. he's not releasing. and why the victims, that were madison township, larry davis. >> and medical. and larry will be there to cover it for you. if it could happen to sleepy madison township, it could happen anywhere. >> especially in the village of seven mile. that's the next school. and yesterday there was a belong, is supporting its neighbor. >> it was a different kind of day at 7 mime, >> it can happen here. >> the ribbon's, red, black and white. playing as they walk out the door. >> they got to see, we're loving on them without them knowing it. just praying for them and hoping that all of them involved are objection. staff knew there would be questions. >> did you know it was in madison. my cousin goes to school there and he was in the room. just confirming to them, that they are okay. yes, it happened but we're going to be good. >> and a 5-year-old this morning came in and said, do you know why we're on locked down. >> why, sweetie? because there was a shooting in madison. i wasn't expecting it from a kindergartner. >> principal harrison invited children to write notes at madison high. letting them express feelings, they are not able to talk about. i'm sorry from madison. there's lots of hearts in the there likely will be more questions. such as could it happen here. >> yes, it could happen. we take lots of different precautions to make sure they are safe when they come here . >> it's a promise they make to parents and students every day here. >> we have them. they are safe. we will take care of them. >> debra dixon, local 12 news. >> and staff and students at the 5 schools in the edgewood school district are wearing red tomorrow, in support of madison junior senior high. >> tri-state is training with guns. >> and cold is pushing in tonight. here's erica. >> and i have better schools. and i don't expect any issues, other than wet roads. and we are already seeing some rain to come to an end in. and i expect you to be try a couple of sprinkles, an moving in a sh. george down sfomg. in south eastern adams county. west union, you'll get into light rain. the heaviest rain will be over the next half hour. i exec the heavy rain to move get ready for heavy rain in the next 10-15 minutes. butler county, we'll see a little more widespread rain towards hamilton. half an inch in sparta. some in the order of 3-5 an inch on average. this is moving northeast. we will continue to watch the temperatures fall rapidly behind the system. we're in the 50s right now for a lot of us. we'll be in the 70s by 7:00, 8:00 tonight. into the 30s even quicker around 9:00, 10:00. we'll see the 20s by tomorrow morning. and also, when the warmer weather will arrive. tomorrow, it will be pretty chilly. back to you. and as joe web reports from middletown, the long time next door neighbor, deserves a lot of credit for that. >> fire gutted the house on victoria avenue, early this afternoon. middletown fire got the call around 12:20 >> had heavy fog involvement. took us about 20-25 minutes. we're among some. >> he saw smoke coming from the attic and knew his elderly neighbor was home. call her. it was busy. she was close to coming out. and just helped her get over here and brought her over here, and called 911. >> the cause of the fire hasn't and it spread quickly. he said he's not a hero. the woman was not seriously injured but her hair was. and said the neighbor was alert, when the firefighters took her to the hospital. inon victorian officer for him. firefighters says. >> very good neighbor. >> very good neighbor when it counted. in middletown, joe webb, local 12 news. >> rick mannederra has lived there for over 40 years. >> and for spring break. and the state of tennessee award add contract with a price tag of $4 million, to fix problems, that blocked in both directions, border. table laz. and and. >> and the contractor sh. and at least one northbound lane within 21 days. the entire project has to wrap up by april 15. that is a mess >> >>ed the weight of them and the damage it could do. i guess it makes sense. >> i learned from some friends, the rocks are still falling. >> it's a big state that could make a big difference. with hours left before the polls ahead at . >> voter head to the polls. : they plan to focus on republican rather than democrat bernie sanders. g.o.p. rivals are running their >> i will let them to choose the nominee >> mean tooimg, donald trump told the crowd, and hillary clinton, does not have the strength or stamina to be president. and trump plans to win ohio's primary over state governor john kasich and repeated attacks against rubio and ted cruz while claiming he could bring people together. it can't get worst than it is right now. >> and two top republican leaders, denounce donald trump for the slow disavowel, former klu klux klan leader, david dukes. >> texas could be prime zero. they can reshape values. and they are at a polling ted cruz in the republican primary. >> any candidate that cannot win his home state, has real problems. >> it is the crown jewel of super tuesday. with 155 republican delegates up for grabs. polls shows front-runner doing well, but the junior senator from houston is expected to win. >> texas has been a solid red state. and and, and democrats are calling blue. strategist say a big win for hillary clinton, could erase the nomination. and hillary clinton has a long and pulled well with latinos. >> if she wins, she'll clean up afterwards. >> the big winner has gone to win the party's nomination. texas. super tuesday. we have special super tuesday coverage planned on at 10:00, scott pelly will anchor the coverage, as the votes cover on local 12. >> aaron andrerews . >> president obama met for the first time since the death of justice, steve scalia. they split 4-4 before scalia. and with so much at stake, republicans want to run out the clock on obama's term. >> if the shoe was on the foot, would any of you think, they would be confirming the republican nomination of the last year of his term? >> let's just do it. vote up or vote down. stop trying to politicize the supreme court since 1875, the supreme court nominee hasn't received the supreme court hearing. no matter the odds, they vow to send the nomination to the senate within a few weeks. in her 70, civil trial, in a hotel where he secretly recorded her. andrews describes how michael barrett has changed her life. >> worst, is when you go to high school college, treat me, i want to be andrews, except for the stalker thing. >> and andrews added the event traumatized her and now she's always on guard. hotel says, what happened to andrews is terrible but the stalker was to blame. barrett was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison. had 2 1/2 million worth of personal wealth. it was more than half amount of documents, worth that killed bin laden. he planned to divide his fortune among his relatives but wanted most of it spent to carry the work of al qaeda. . >> and we've had some rain today. it sounds like it's on the way out. >> and -- and in less than an hour. it will be out of the entire viewing area in a couple of hours. we'll see, a more quiet evening. and temperatures are at 50 at cincinnati. we fast forward to a couple of hours. it will be recold. and we'll neat the coat tomorrow, and that will be the winter coast, and not the jacket. we have clouds around, as we take a live look from the atrium weather camera. a little more rain, moving towards downtown cincinnati, within the next 15 minutes or so. this is a huge system. an area of low pressure, bringing snow to michigan and trailing cold front. kind of moving to the area right now. we're going to see the next batch to the south and west of us. and lawrenceburg getting rid of the rain, rising sun and getting rid of the light rain. that will continue to move northeast, towards florence. rain. and port mitchell, downtown cincinnati, kenwood, would eventually see the swing north and east. nothing severe. i'm glad we didn't see any severe warnings. just some plain old rain and heavy rain at times. we have heavy rain in south county. and adams county, will continue county. we have heavy rain moving to mazeville. in the next 24 hours, rain ends in the next hour or two across the local 12 viewing area. we're not looking at that much snow at all. later tonight. we're around 50 right now. folks, off to the east, we're close to 60, despite the rain we had a while ago. we're in the lower 50s pretty much everywhere you look, starting to dip in the upper 50s. and just a couple of hours north and west. and it's almost a 30 degree jump we have winds right now, that are sustained, 3 miles an hour. gusts up to 30, to 35 miles an hour, going to be possible from morning. and your winds throughout the night, at 8:00, winds around 20 miles an hour. still breezy by tonight. and tomorrow morning, we'll have the northwesterly winds around 10:00. temperatures in the mid to upper 30s by 9:00. we'll be in the lower 30s by 11:00. taking a look at the snow. in the next 24 hours, we're looking at a chance for a few flurries overnight. and a lot of us will stay snow-free. i don't expect any accumulation at all. i don't expect any issues for tomorrow morning's commute. temperatures will be pretty chilly. 27 at 7:00. 34 at noon and 37 at 4:00. late day sunshine. next system will bring us a chance of rain and snow on thursday. it doesn't look like we'll see a whole lot of issues. temperatures will be around 42. get a break on friday. saturday, we'll have a system that will give us spotty showers. temperatures well above 32. and sunday, it's looking better. partly cloudy and into the 60s and almost 70 on tuesday. remember i told you, next week will be good? tuesday, it will be very nice and very warm. >> thanks a lot. >> it's already received the oscar for best picture. now spotlight is getting a major thumb's up from a source that may surprise you. >> and that's a fast car. >> a a the difference between possible and impossible? it's a person who believes they can, surrounded and supported by others-by us- who believe it, too. u.s. bank -- the . >> adam pacman jones is promising to clean up his on-field act, whether it's with the bengals or other team. jones says, he doesn't think he has a discipline problem. he knows he -- didn't mean to cause the loss. he knows he lost his cool in the last game and says he won't let it happen again. and it's against any nfl rules for the nfl to contact him until next week. and major league baseball suspended former, chapman for 30 games. stem from the domestic disturbance. and in a statement, he best picture earns a stamp of approval from an unlikely source, vatican-owned newspaper. the newspaper says spotlight is not anti-catholic much the film follows a group of boston globe reporters, investigating the catholic priest sexual abuse scandal. ohio won't hold the primary until later this month. >> ahead on local 12 news at 5:30. how the early voting compared to the last presidential election. it is commonly called the little pipg pill. it took few tries. now a study raising questions on the safety and efficacy of the medication. we'll share what local doctors alleged big time drug >> everybody in the town is commenting on, how they are happy he's not on the street anymore. he was poisonous in the town. >> arrest an alleged drug dealer who managed to elude authorities has a small river village, breathing a sigh of relief. it was a month ago, we told you exclusively about a heroin dealer causing major problems. >> charles crofty is behind bars. rich jaffe joins us live from richmond, the community is feeling, i guess a sense of relief is an understatement. >> absolutely right there. and crosby's nickname is rome. he's been known here for a while. authorities say he's been dealing heroin and other drugs here for about three years. great strides in the war against drugs, roam figured he was anymore. investigators say charles crofty, known on the streets as rome, has been running a drug network, intimidation and fear out of the tiny unit of richmond. monday, the task force along with the cincinnati gang squad caught him in cincinnati with 25 grams of heroin and 20 grams of crack cocaine. investigators say the dope was probably headed to richmond. >> mr. crawford has been in my village for three years, terrorizing the village. people are absolutely lives in fear of the gentleman. >> it's believed that he shot up the home early last month. the target was probably here in sun, heroin addict. while the windows were replaced, >> at least i could sleep at night. i've been carrying a gun ever since this happened. i don't want to feel like that anymore. i'm sure the people in the town are super happy. >> residents are not relieved to see rome behind bars >> with his background and things that i have witnessed out of him, in the past three years, intimidating people in the village. i would be in fear for him to get out. not only for the citizens, but frankly, i believe this gentleman is capable of targeting law enforcement. >> probably not from a jail cell. >> charles is being held on 350 thousand bond at this point. prosecutors and some of the investigators i talked with were hoping it would be even higher. we'll see what happens in the near future in regards to that. in richmond, rich jaffe, local 12 news. >> charles crawford's problems are far from over. to be upgraded, when the case against him is expected to go against the grand jury. >> today, it's super tuesday. primaries are held in 11 states today. donald trump spent time talking to ohio voters. he spoke to about 4 thousand people in a rally held in the columbus airport. chris christie is travelling with him. today, trump hit some familiar theme. >> early voting absentee ballot requests are coming in the hamilton board of elections, but not as fast as 12 years ago. 12 thousand requests so far, versus 14 thousand requests at the same time for the 2012 primary. about 600 people have voted early in person. >> it's critical. it's critical. my voice is heard. all of our voices are heard. sitting at home, talking amongst >> the most recent election, 2015 didn't go so well. problems with poll votes, people signing the votes, caused the judge to extend voting hours. the biggest problem was with faulty routers, that are replaced and tested. poll workers get more training and put in more prep time before polls open, to make sure the computerized sign in system is working. >> lot of poll workers are older. a lot of the older folks, unquote, don't have computer skills that younger people do. what they are doing in the board of election, or election day, they are trying to recruit high school students to work at the polls. >> we are, we have a program called the youth at the booth. 17-18-year-old high school seniors could work the polls on election day. we have 125 worked in november. for the election, so far, we have approximately 15 area high school schools participating. >> while early voting requests are behind. the expectations are changed passed. >> >>. >> jeff hirsh, local 12 news. if you want to work, couple hundred people are needed. if you are interested, we have a link on the get it now link. >> we have live stream in the super tuesday states at 9:00. and then at 10:00. and scott pelley, as the votes come in on local 12. >> 13-year-old girl is missing. >> parents say she's never they are especially worried. if you see her, you're asked to call crimestoppers. >> it was not just a car accident. a gunshot wound to the head is what killed a man who -- inside the burning car. and police found him saturday, near mckinley avenue. it crossed the median and then burst into flames. white head died at the scene. police are investigating the death as a murder. there's a new panther leading the pact. elder high school. >> and school picked the clever way, letting them know a principal was chosen. >> purr purr smoke, in the price hill catholic school. 1981 graduate, kurt roughing was hired for the top job. >> clever. very clever. >> still ahead, zika virus, warnings for health officials, before mosquito season is about to begin. >> how a major local picture is attention of a whole >> health experts are talking about ways to respond to the zika virus. the meeting comes before the mosquito season that begins in may. the primary mosquito isn't established in ohio but its cousin is found in parts of the state and could spread the virus. ohio has reported five zika cases all from people who traveled out of the country. they will use social media to urge people to use caution while travelling. it will be busy for the local community. program cleans up trash, spruce up homes and landscaping. they are working with community leaders to make all of the improvements. >> >>. >> movie is opening the eyes of others. writer says he was apriced to find the queen city was a stand in. he highlights some local restaurants in historic spots. carroll has made him more curious on the german heritage. cincinnati's turn for the cincinnati screen is far from over. everybody who comes here says they love. >> and this training that puts weapon in the hands of teachers and administrators. we will go along for the first training session. . >> erica will let us know. and weather authority forecast is next. >> and presidential race. . bill that will allow sports official to overrule. and it advances in the kentucky legislature. current law says the kids could return to play only if a licensed medical provider. the athlete doesn't have a concussion. the athletic association is against the bill. for the referees in the empires. new controversy on pink pill for women. study says the benefits may not be worth the risk. >> this study in the journal of the medical association, examined dozens of other studies to draw the conclusions. many were unfinished or unpublished according to the experts they talked to. they say it has to do more on the bias against women who has a drop in desire and maybe it's a real disorder. >> the average age was in the 30s. >> the little pink pill is for younger women before menopause. it's the only pill without hormones, for what's called hyper active sexual desire disorder. >> the first in class medication. it balances neuro transmitter in the brain that has something to do with desire. any other medications on the market right now approved to treat it. as you may imagine, the study raising controverse y among health care providers to treat women. some of the problem they say is simply awareness and medication. >> and it's about one actually satisfying event per month. >> dr. lisa larson specializes in women's health. she says three out of four are on the medication because they are responders in three-ways. not just in one -- >> sexually satisfying events, decrease in events and decrease in sexual desire. >> and they look at studies not published for doses not approved for the medication now. they think the controversy whether hsdd is really a condition. it's focusing on female sexual health. i think there's stigma with that. >> it questions safety with the side effects. the side effects that include low blood pressure and nausea not many worst, in medications approved approved. and not all are life-threatening and we have at least 24 medications on the market for guys. >> thank you, liz. >> the drug was approved for use in august. it's available for women since october october. >> we're almost done with the rain and now comes the cold. and i don't think we'll see that much snow. we may see a few snow flurries late tonight and in the overnight hours. i don't think it will add up to anything. i don't think we'll look at any issues for wednesday morning's commute. from the atrium weather camera. large systems with the cold front moving through the area as we speak. that has brought the rain from the afternoon through the evening. we're almost done with it, the back edge moving through hamilton county and northern kentucky. that's the batch i was tracking about, 20 minutes ago, getting into south eastern indiana and into kentucky. that will continue to move northeast. cincinnati downtown through walton, union and florence, getting wet now. we have the heaviest of rain moving to claremont county and out of eastern hamilton county. that will continue to move through claremont county. owensville owensville, getting wetter. we have light rain stretching through adams county, getting to west union. heaviest now moving out of adams county. little bit of rain, southeast of mazeville and rain through dry county. and down toward mainville and comargo. that will continue to move northeast out of warren county. let's pick up the forecast at the airport. half an inch in sparta. overall, about 3-5 tenth an inch so far today. and take a look at the huge temperature difference. we're 7 degrees cooler than we were yesterday at this time. no big deal. if you look to the north and west, we're 20-almost 35 degrees this time. that air mass will move our way later tonight and tomorrow. we go spring like first of march, to winter like second of march for tomorrow. temperatures in the upper 40s. around 50, a short time ago. off to the north and west, twenties and 30s getting to northern illinois. on the heels of westerly and northwesterly. and 53 for mazeville. we're hanging on to pretty mild temperatures. we're sinking to the 40s for areas like brookville indiana. 46 to 47 degrees. take a look at the winds. 24 miles per hour out of the west. they will soon switch to the northwest direction. that's pulling the colder air mass to the tri-state. we're around 40 by 8:00 tonight. watch for gusts up to 40 miles an hour, still possible through at least midnight. temperatures in the mid 30s by 9:00. lower 30s by 11:00 under cloudy condition. but at least we stay dry. i don't expect any accumulation around them. temperatures will be more winter like for wednesday. tomorrow's forecast, it looks like this. 7:00, we're waking up to the 20s. make sure to bundle up all day long. topping around 37 by 4:00. little ridge of high pressure. that means nicer weather. calmer ns can. the day than the clouds that will start the day tomorrow morning. we drop to the 20s for thursday morning. 42 for a high. another system brings the chance of snow and rain. i don't expect any issues. 41 with a break from the rain and snow on friday. we're dry on friday. another system moves in for the beginning of the weekend. isolated chances. well above freezing. i don't expect many issues. sunday, it will be the better day. and it will be in the 60s, close to 70 for tuesday. big warm-up on the way for next week. make sure you enjoy it. those things don't last around here. >> erica, thanks. play ball. there will be a new place for you fans to hang out. take a look at the rooftop patio ahead at 6:00. >> young man that kills his best friend. talking to students, does more. i'm rich jaffe. a story you will only see on local 12 news, coming up. . tonight on local 12, ncis, >> given the events of yesterday, madison junior senior high school. and there are discussions on similar events could be prevented in the future. would you want teachers and your schools carrying guns. >> controversial issue. ohio, more than 400 teachers and administrators, with 63 counties carry concealed licenses have training, to carry weapons at class. and in a story, we brought you last fall. we thought it timely to bring it back to you again. >> start scenario. >> this teacher just shot an armed intruder in the back inside the school. >> what does it feel like? >> i wanted to cry. >> the teachers and administrators are training side by side with local law enforcement and paramedics. they are training for a nightmare. when classrooms and hallways become killing field. protector must quickly find the bad guy as terrified students, run out of the classroom >> any other shooter. >> parent in the district, asked that their staff be armed. the board okayed the training and the carrying of weapons on campus by trained staff. they asked us to not identify the school district. this shooter is the superintendent. he explained his reasoning on the controversial issue. >> when does help come. every 20-30 seconds, i don't know when a 911 gets made. it's not like they don't want to help. when they do help. i want to keep my kids safe >> practicing on the home turf is the third and most sophisticated level of the training. everybody here has a concealed permit and has passed the previous classes. >> if i hear somebody shooting, but bottom line, if we don't hear the other shots being fired. >> and instructors are from john boehner's institute in adams county ohio. one the foremost training facilities in the country. commander. time. we never thought we would be able to pull it off until sandy hook. then everything changed. and now people realized that -- if you don't have anybody in the school, armed and willing and capable -- you will lose a lot of people. >> cost of training is from the buckeye operation. >> teachers are going to die. we need a solution. we need -- and provide the training, provide the solutions. foundation is obligated to make >> a lot more tan the lessons planned. staff is given combat casualty training, which will use the event in the catastrophe. they are required to have tourniquets at all times. >> realize they are bleeding profusely from the left arm. >> each of the students, that cleat the training, tdi, gets the classroom trauma kits. at the end of the bigger, much more involved level three training, the school system will be presented with a facilities trauma kit, which is more sophisticated provided by buckeye firearms. jeff porter is deputy firefighter, school officer in deputy county. they opposed to carrying guns in his school. >> knew i had a gun in the building. had a uniform officer in the building. and i'm leaving today, to talk to the superintendent, to say we >> the intensive training changed his mind. >> if i could get through a training like this, total win, win >> not a job that law enforcement could successfully do. it doesn't have anything to do with their training, have anything to do with their desire. they would love to do a good job. time is the critical factor. >> rich jaffe, local 12 news. >> 2000 faculty, in the waiting list. it's called faster. and it's for safety training, and if you want more information, find it on the links on >> paula, brad, 14-year-old charged in the local school students, faces a judge. larry davis with the latest. >> and the school is opening its doors tonight. how teachers and staff hope to have students and parents start the healing process. >> and haunted by the tragedy. the man behind the wheel in a drag racing crash doesn't want anyone to share in his mistakes. . >> number one priority, to make our students comfortable, safe despite what happened. >> and search for answers, about a school shooting is far from over. good evening, everybody. students return to classes at madison senior high school tomorrow morning. >> as they face add hearing in juvenile court. we learned more on the fear and chaos in the building when the shots were fired. >> live at madison junior, senior high where the >> madison community took time to ear-old gunman waited for up to 30 minutes, until a school resource officer walked out of the cafeteria, before he stood up and opened fire. >> i'm at the football field. >> are you by yourself? >> one of the many, madison junior and high school students who called 911, report a shooting at the school. some took refuge on the ball field and others in the woods. austin hancock made his first court appearance. his attorney entered a denial of charges. his family refused to comment. butler county sheriff, hancock had the loaded han gun all morning long and waited until the school resource officer walked out of the lunch room, before he opened fire. >> this individual, it appears, had more than, he had a magazine with bullets.

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