Transcripts For WKRC Good Morning Cincinnati 6 20160318 : c

Transcripts For WKRC Good Morning Cincinnati 6 20160318

a lot of sun coming up today. temperatures start in the 30s and 40s, kids will need the jackets in the bus stop, in the lunch hour mid-50s turning into a nice day, not nearly as windy, we are in the low 50s by late this afternoon, the weather is quiet here today. i'm tracking the storm that is bring rain and snow to parts of kansas and colorado. this is the way tomorrow, yes we expect some rain, and yes, we even expect the possibility of some snow, i will have the timing of that and a look at a cold weekend coming up. happening today, we will learn more about a mystery that kept he police and all of us perplexed for more than a year now. federal authorities say they know who fired all of the shots into the great american college shattering windows. and the they indicted this man harold for possession of the gun that is believed to have been used in the shootings. that building was targeted four times in january of last year. hurt. local 12 will have a news conference and bring you information here as we get it. one splash, that is all it took for an ordinary afternoon to turn into a dramatic rescue mission. a man in a truck went into the creek, and a local fisherman watching the whole thing happen, jumped into action. he stripped his clothes, and swam into the truck. as he got in the back, a man was climbing out the window. >> i'm glad i was there, i'm glad i did it. he definitely had somebody watching over him. >> he was having a medical emergency because of his diabetes. the fishermen say they would like to find out who the man the stranger was and why he happened to be at the right place at the right time. happening today, you have a chance to watch cincinnati's new soccer team play for the first time. fc cincinnati is playing a preseason game against xavier soccer team. keys complex at victory parkway. first regular season home goal is april 19th. an oakley woman has a new way for women to shop, she did it on her own and jen and i went with her to do some shopping so she could show us truck shop. >> reporter: the woman started the company the old fashion way, she saved her money, invested and took a chance. when ashley rolls in she usually makes quite an entrance. the petit blonde is in the driver's seat of truck shop, ohio's fist mobile boutique, think food truck but with clothes. >> i always wanted to be in fashion and open my own store, but this felt like a completely different twist to it all. we're here today gone tomorrow, we don't restock, people like the sense of the surprise when you come in. you don't know, you can't go back like a couple of days later to get so it keeps people on their toes a little bit. idea of truck shop during a trip to l.a. hired a local designer and created a unique boutique on wheels. we got tops in the front, tops in the back and dresses in the middle but frying to keep the commerce boom. >> reporter: selling online, and out of the truck. so far it's a success. ashley opens the doors on a third season on saturday. >> so it wasn't even open yesterday. >> we got a sneak preview for spring. >> reporter: and i managed to buy something. everything on the truck is giefdz or less, and you can check truck shop and it will be parked at the cincinnati junior league, she will be there at 11:00 and 3:00. you want to go often, because she is always restocking and getting new things. thanks a lot. mary. battle can certification but one -- cancer, but one local woman is going through that. christine, the mother of two who experienced homelessness as a child is known for her ability to connect with people even while battling stage four canner cancer, christine is able to connect with somebody as they come. >> everybody who comes has something special, i'm able to feel it. treat them like they're human beings. that is why i do what i do. >> years ago while christine was working at the shelter her estranged fathers walked through the doors because he didn't have a home. christine was reunited with him. and angela ingram who did the original story said that the doctors say she is responding to treatment. it is. splurging on your pet. how much money americans are spending on the furry friends. >> i don't want to know. the stph-z 6:09, and the bicyclists are traveling, and this fight is personal. >> mark cobel has the story. i was diagnosed in august of 2012. i got diagnosed in the fall of 2014. zack and tammy paris are both cancer survivors. there's only three of us in our house. that is pretty bad numbers. while they are fighting this devastating disease, this idaho couple is ride are for a cure. >> i didn't know i could ride that far to be honest with you. >> they have been a team racing for -- >> if you have cancer and you know you have it, there's no way getting around it, the only hope you have is if you can find a cure. >> zack trains with a team for the 440 bike ride and tammy works the phones. >> because there's not a person in this world that doesn't have a family or a friend that hasn't had cancer and research is everything. straight to prostate cancer, search that affects one in eight men. there's been a remarkable array of new therapies and procedures. >> reporter: and researchers are tryings find a cure, and thanks to these riders, they're getting the help they need. >> it shows you how much people care that they're willing to support. >> reporter: in salt lake city utah, mike cabell, reporting. and that is why riders can do 25 to 75 miles. every mile makes a difference. all the money raised goes to huntsman foundation. and we have more information at huntsman and check the pantry because there's a major recall, and why that food could make you sick. return to the place where a new stop trump movement is picking up stap and supporters. donald trump warns that any attempt to stop his campaign could lead to voter riots. the activist group an no posting it posted the billionaire's personal information online. if donald doesn't reach the delegates, the republicans will have the first contested convention since 1976. developing now michigan's governor wants congress to pass a $220 million bill to help fix the lead contamination water in flint. they criticized snyder and gina mccarthy for their response to the crisis, and lawmakers are calling for both of them to resign. global temperatures broke more records for the month with unprecedented heat around the world according to penn state researchers. no one says that the average temperature was more than two degrees above average, part of the change was because of el nio, the planet also saw the warmest meteorological winter on record. tuna, bumble bee are recalling cans that may have been contaminated during a sterilization process. eating that tuna could be life-threatening and they are recalling chicken of the sea tuna, it may be under cooked. you can find all of the upc codes for that exact tuna at do you buy your pets treats, maybe training for a few treats, that would be a part of the record of $60 million that americans spent on their pets last year. rising spent on the grooming, training for pets, and millennials and baby boomers $60 billion. one the first successful viral pictures, it was everywhere, and it still kind of old. and residents in in a neighborhood claimed they saw a leprechaun. he is still a legend, years >> who else will say yes. >> is he real? >> i don't know. >> i just want to know if he is real. >> some folks have seen it, and some folks haven't seen it. i'm the one who hasn't seen it yet. it's a little green. he had a green uniform on, and it's like, like what they say you, you know, and he was moving around. like i said, people came from everywhere because of something everybody wanted to see, they wanted to see if he had the gold on him. >> a decade later it's still a mystery just what magical creature was up in that infamous tree. the neighbors and people still themselves. >> i'm marching. >> i remember that story. >> if you haven't seen the original, i'm going to tell you you're missing something. >> i'm going to find him. [ laughter ] >> it's good stuff. i can't imagine making a pilgrimage there, and coming i occasionally watch the video. >> gold if i -- i would go if i thought there was some gold involved. >> i think that is the bottom line. i have the roads, too this morning, jen dalton is out today. fortunately everybody is taking it easy for me. we have an alert sign on the board. a couple of cameras so you know what is going on, at i-74, and southbound traffic right side the screen, northbound side those are all the headlights zipping around from down left, no problem. this is 71 at the smith road edwards road exit, and going northbound toward the lateral no problems, southbound traffic looks great, too and 471 the daniel carter beard bridge, ta right lane tends to get stuffy, it will. good to go. we're going to be in the 60s again today despite the cold start. i want to cut to the chase, we got some snow on the way. show what you is happening, we have quiet conditions, clouds working north of cincinnati but as we take you to the west, you're going to find some snow and even rain through parts of kansas into colorado around definite ver denver toward kansas city. it's this system that is going to make its way toward the tri-state, late tonight and early tomorrow morning. that is going to bring rain and even snow mixing in with that rain in our forecast. in addition to that, oh, boy we have chilly weather coming our way. temperatures are going to be below normal by around 7 to 10 degrees as the shell moves in. expect a weekend, w the weather, quite frankly is going to be pretty crummy this weekend as we spring. 43 with rain and snow showers tomorrow. now where we get some of those snow showers, we could see accumulation on grassy surfaces, we don't expect issues because the ground is so warm at this point, but i wouldn't be out an inch or so on the grass tomorrow, chilly tomorrow as well with highs only in the low 40s, sunday mostly cloudy a high of only 44 degrees. that's a look at the weekend, the weekend set up right now. looking downtown, 37 degrees, call winds a few high clouds making their way into the tri-state. here is the forecast today. hour by hour for the next 12 hours, we start out in the 40s by 8:00, make our way into the upper 50s at noon, skies will be mostly sunny through the day. late day we start to see more clouds work in and we're back around 61 just a touch cooler than what it was yesterday. as cold as 33 at lufkin and at hamilton as warm as 41 in brooksville and hillsborough and nothing on radar. we're going to see quiet conditions through today. notice by late afternoon, some clouds begin to sneak in from the west up to 61 late this afternoon, and after midnight tonight, we start to see the chance for some rain. this is around 3:00 in the morning, showers moving in and now as the morning goes on, temperatures are going to be in the 30s, we will begin to see a little bit of snow in this mixing in with some of that rain and spots, varying degrees of how aggressive the models are, the white will indicate snow trying to mix in with the rain, and as things warm up in the afternoon, we go back over to rain, so thus the forecast for rain, and snow showers tomorrow, temperatures in the low 40s, and then tomorrow night some rainshowers could end in snow showers or flurries into sunday morning, temperatures sunday morning going to be cold. we're down in the 20s sunday morning, sunday afternoon, i only expect highs to reach the low 40s under mostly cloudy skies. here is the planning forecast, 61 today, lots of sun, 35 tonight, and then 43 tomorrow with rain, and snow showers and even perhaps some accumulations on the grass, 28 sunday morning, the first day of spring, won't feel like it. 44 but you don't have to wait take a look at the extended forecast, going up to 48 on monday, still chilly, lows in the 20s as we head back to work on monday morning, but back in the 60s on tuesday with sunshine, mid-60s wednesday, upper 60s thursday, some slight rain chances return on wednesday and thursday, it looks like the best chance of rain holds off until next friday. so we stay down just for a few days there with a little snow coming this weekend. don't forget about the weather authority app, track that rain and snow tomorrow morning with our free app in the app store and on google play, back to you guys. thanks so much, john. 6:21 printing your own braces. why a college student decided to take his crooked smile into his we will show you if it's trending now, sea world will no longer precede orca whaifs. the ones they have will continue to live there. but the company is entering into a partnership with the humane society. also trending now, if you ever wondered, that is how a fox laughs. michigan would be more than 35 million times in three days. the fox actually laughs on command. >> i wonder what it thinks it's funny. the fact that whoever owns it never cleanse up the show apparently. >> it's so cute. >> we want to know on facebook, what is your best awkward moment. >> the number of guys who apparently walk around not realizing. >> flies are down basically. >> yeah. >> sometimes with more descriptive terminology, lot of you, takes care of that. but a lot of people saying, karen says one of many just happen to be on saturday when i walked into the men's room bathroom at a car dealership by mistake, of course. the customer in the waiting area got a good laugh when they heard me shriek. thankfully the man in the bathroom -- back 30 years ago it i was 17, and we took twins out on a date. he with wanted it to be impressive so we went to an expensive restaurant. we ate, and the bill came, and i ordered dessert, if i was going to be embarrassed, and -- the girls -- we saw somebody the girls knew and they borrowed the money. >> awkward. now this is just scary. he says i'm retired from the air force, one day while loading bombs on a jet we dropped a live bomb on the ground. pretty awkward trying to figure out how to get it back on the jet without getting noticed. >> awkward! >> karen says, i coached middle school and high school drama and i don't have a preteen or teen mentality, so this is everything i said was awkward the first few steps. i'd like to report that only happens around teenagers. >> they think we're awkward all the time. here that still make me giggle, like if you mention a lake in bof i havia, bolivia, i'm going to crack up for days. and i think people know what lake i'm talking about. >> yes. >> i don't. >> because the people that use the discrepancies to describe the flies -- we would like you to join the conversation, just share your thoughts at local 12 on facebook. and it's kentucky and taking on independent, and independent in, and indiana, the history behind that rivalry. why doesn't this happen to me. somebody knocks on the door and i'm tracking cold and i can only imagine what a 4-year-old went through, and knowing what it comes from having a 2-year-old, it's really, really sad. a local stepmother is heading to court after her son's death is ruled a homicide. to word of victims yet, what we could learn today. we saw quite a few dragon busters yesterday, and now tonight you will see in xavier take their first steps into the big dance. >> etan hall, and texas tech filled me yesterday. >> barely got me -- baylor got me, too, and now she is killing me. we are going to get to weather momentarily. we're going to start with >> reporter: we are. >> you're a busy guy. >> reporter: jen dalton is not here today. i'm going to do traffic. boy, traffic is light, and that is all, good, good stuff, a cut-in-the-hill, you can see a few more of those taillights going down and around the hill and toward the bottom deck of the north spence on the north side. we will see the delay later this morning, but it's not in place yet. expecting to get a little gummy before it's all said and done, we find traffic at i-71, i-75 as ronald reagan cross county highway, that southbound traffic no problem moving along but you can see in the middle of the screen, that's a broken down vehicle with flashing lights on, hope everything will get up and moving and we won't have to block anything there for you: smacking of things that are gummy. >> where is it going to get gummy. >> 75 and pfeiffer. >> that means the traffic is going tock smooth sailing. it's cold as you step outside, you're going to need the jacket this morning. despite the cold start, we are going to get warm again this afternoon. 39 lebanon, 41 degrees at brooksville, kentucky. harrison as cold as 34, nothing showing up on radar, from the 40s into the 50s by noon. sunshine today, we will see some clouds arrive late, and look at that, back up to 61 degrees for a high temperature just a little bit cooler than what it was outside yesterday. quiet weather for us here in the ohio valley. here is what i'm tracking, though, it's the storm system making its way into kansas, and colorado producing rain and even snow back here, and guess what? that is coming our way by tomorrow morning, some rain, even some snow in the forecast, i'm going to time out the snow. talk about amounts that we could see, also i will have a look at cold temperatures this weekend, and how cold those lows go in a few minutes, guys, back to you. hang today a local -- happening today a local stepmother could be facing charges after her stepson was found not breathing. >> and the coroner ruled the boy's death a homicide. right now she is only charged with endangerment. the little boy's death were placed in a tub of scalding water on tuesday. >> she add admitted to wanting to punish the child, and put her in a scalding water causing third and 4th degree burns. you can imagine when a 4-year-old went through. and coming from close its and having a 2-year-old, it's really sad. they had just gotten custody of austin a few days before this. also happening today, we expect to learn more about the vehicle that is at the bottom of the ohio river and the people who were in it. the people who have been looking evidence it's likely a red poonty pontiac vibe that went down on the bottom of the river. a local conference is expected to start, and we will stream it live. a man was shot at a restaurant near uc campus. he was shot in the leg at the coreyville restaurant. the restaurant was used for a private event when two men got in an argument and 1 shot the other. and they are forced to stay with neighbors after a fire in their home at fort thomas. is it started outside of the house near that home at rossmoor avenue. everybody did get out safely and the fire is still under investigation. the madness has begun. after the brackets busters yesterday, we can turn our eyes to uc and xavier, both will be taking their first step into the big dance tonight. and the megan moore is live at the montgomery boathouse where many will be there tonight for a morning, megan. >> reporter: that's right, uc and megan are getting ready to take their steps, the xavier team will take on the lever state, wild get, several will be invited here to the boathouse tonight. we will have their eyes glued to the screens for a special watch party. i'm told it's invitation only, and i believe it's already sold out. many area restaurants will have on, and they will be playing the uc games show tonight. the musketeers, will have the big send off and this time it's the team's first time in history, claiming the two seat in the ncaa tournament. a lot of excitement about that and a lot of fans are very excited and for uc this is the 6th appearance in the tournament. after the teams defeated the ac opponents, and they will be hoping for the same results as they face saint joseph at spokane, after filling out those bracket yesterday, we had to ask think their teams will go. through? >> i think it's possible, yes, just how they have been playing throughout the season and how they have been so consistent. and everything is possible. >> i can't see no reason why they can't beat saint joe's tomorrow and oregon on sunday. so let's hope for best.. >> reporter: and the xavier game starts tonight at 9:20 that is going to be on tnt. the bear cats take on giant joe's at 9:37 and that will be on true tv. and i have as to ask, bob, who are you rooting for? >> here is the thing, when it comes to i'm born and raised. the wild cats graduated from xavier, i'm crazy about the musketeers as well. i like for all the locals. what about you? >> well, you know, it's funny, i would say, i don't know, i think i'm going to have to bet back to you. -- get back to you. i apparently megan and i will never watch the shootout together. >> thank you very much. >> he covering xavier and st. louis, we are going to have all the bear cat coverage from spokane as well. it's the battle of the tri-state part 2. indiana versus kentucky, and hoosiers versus wild cats, and of course the fcc versus the big 10 as yahoo sports, the 40 road. it's clear the matchup is both expected and wanted by the vast majority of america. the program they won 13 national titles between them, and they played four times before in the tournament. uk takes three of those, and the two play tomorrow at 5:15 in des moines, and you can watch that game right here on local 12. there will be no one on the >> who did you pick for ta game. >> i picked uk. >> i did too, and you did. >> i have no dog in either fight. >> the point guard matchup is going to be special. >> yes, it is. >> it's going to be great. we have more news ahead 6:37, a threat to the trump. new this morning what was in a letter that was delivered to one roads have been great, no accidents, volume of traffic is picking up a bit. places like the cut in the hill, you can see the bottom bend of the brent spence. checkout spots. it's cold, bob, despite the cold start heading for a high of 60. mostly sunny today. today the last warm day we will see a for a while. temperatures will return to winter-like levels this weekend. how cold it gets and i'm tracking snow for the weekend when it gets here. it's rude. trending now, breakthrough are expensive and they don't always feel so good. >> so one college student decided to fix his crooked teeth him himself. student at the university institute of technology. he figured braces is something he could print himself. he got access to a 3d printer in college, and he is documenting it all in his blog, and after 16 weeks of wear, the braces are working. how does he design that? >> did he do a mold himself. you have to do a mold of your teeth and then that is how they model the braces off the mold of your teeth, if he did that, and 3d printed from that mold, just like the museum center. it's the same thing. i don't know how he knows how to change them each time to straighten the teeth. >> yeah. >> i wonder how orthodontists feel about that? , not happy. >> not great. >> they go out on a limb. >> 4 or 5 grand a pop on a set of braces. >> i'm going to 3d print my own >> put that sucker in there. >> coming up automatic brakes. why the government say they could save your life on the road. plus -- and the bear was standing right here. >> yikes. how a man 6:45, new this morning, the secret service are investigating after a letter was sent to eric trump. theler warned if trump didn't withdraw from the presidential race, harm would come to his children. it allegedly contained some white powder. happening today. the showdown at capitol hill continues at supreme court nominee mary garland makes calls to senators. >> harry reed met with garland and says he is confident he will get approval. he didn't met with republicans opposed to granting him a approval hearing. you meet with a dictator in uganda, i can surely meet with a decent person in america. do your job, hold your hearing, and then make up your set up more meetings when lawmakers return from the easter recess in two weeks. david petraeus has agreed to come back because there was still questions after his last interview. he led the cia, when they had an attack in benghazi. automatic braking will be a standard feature in cars by 2022. they identify dangers and stop the car if the driver doesn't. government leaders say more 32,000 people are killed on u.s. roads every year and they believe aeb, automatic breaking would help reduce that number. it's pretty impressive technology. bears in colorado, that's opening up the door, that is impressive. 10:00 at night. i heard the noise above me, and i saw that is way too big to be a cat. >> he was just downstairs watching television when he heard that noise, he thought it was his sister or maybe the cats, and then he found himself facing a large, black bear. he scared the bear by yelling at him and throwing his hands into the air, then the bear went back outside. >> i wonder if he had seen the revenant. >> you know, the john candy movie "the great outdoors" what that big bear. >> when my wife and i were newly weds, we got a cabin in gatlinburg. we were stunned to see bears all around; and our last night there we were sleeping in a dead crash, and we both jump out of bed and start screaming at each other. come to find out one the blind just fell. that came through the window. we wake-up screaming. >> that was your first chance to be heroic. >> no. no way. [ laughter ] >> terrible. >> she stands -- [ laughter ] >> get me to safety. too good. that is too good. the road is too good and jen dalton, and we haven't had an a an alert sign on the board. either that or i'm using the computer completely wrong which is entirely possible. and kyle's lane and you can see we're starting to get stuffy as you hit the s curve before the cut in the hill. taking it up as before you drop into the dip. we do so at a blinking lights there in the safety strip between the on-ramp from reagan and the southbound side of i-75. looking good today, bob. >> yes, today looks great. another warm day, we will need the jacket as you step out. this weekend, it's -- what can i do inside, what could i do all weekend inside since it's going to be a little cooler this week this. >> play checkers. >> watch basketball. >> you could do that. >> 48 hours. >> you can't find anything else to do, i guess. checkout the view from the atrium weather camera, looking from the radisson across the river downtown cincinnati. it's quite cold as you step out. we have most spots running in the 30s, despite the cold start it's going to be sunny and mild today. we will hit the high back around 60 degrees this afternoon, slightly cooler than yesterday into the weekend, though, a winter-like weekend and even some snow in here by tomorrow. in just a minute. 37, calm winds, a few clouds around, 33 in hamilton, and 32 at mount, and some spots dipped near the freezing line. 40 up there, we see some clouds up to the north and maysville at 35, a cold morning in ver ailes, indiana, by 33, 3:08 we will average, and we're at 57 degrees with mostly sunny skies and late day again, very close to the 60-degree mark with clear skies. some clouds will arrive late afternoon into the evening with temperatures at 53 at 7:00. if you are going out this evening, the weather looks really nice. to the north of us, not so nice. we have chilly air across canada across the northwest. that is going to move our way this weekend. temperatures anywhere from 7 to 10 degrees below the average and the upcoming weekend. where does that put us? low 40s both saturday and sunday and yes some rain and snow showers in the mix saturday just talking a lot of clouds as the cool weather continues. nothing arrayed araround here right now, but here is the system that is going to bring us some rain and snow tomorrow into kansas, colorado from denver to kansas city. rain and snow and this system is going to push our way come tomorrow. that is going to bring a chance for rain and snow back in our forecast,let give you a time line here starting at 9:00 this morning. high clouds arriving late day, otherwise we're looking good with highs close to 60, clouds thicken point, after midnight we see a chance for some rain moving in, ask tomorrow morning kind of wet. around 7:00 tomorrow morning, some showers in the area and then colder air works in later in the morning, notice green is rain, blue is some snow trying to mix in here, i wouldn't be surprised if a few spots saw a solid inch of accumulation on the grass. the ground is warm, that is going to limit accumulations in the places that do get the snow showers tomorrow, and because of the warmth, i don't expect first weekend of spring it's a little insult to injury. notice tomorrow night, we got some showers around, temperatures are going to warm up during the afternoon tomorrow, and then as this precipitation ends tomorrow night, may mix with a few flakes of snow. sunday we're talking mainly cloudy skies as the chill continues. 61, sunshine today, 43, rain and snow showers tomorrow, and if you are going out and about early sunday, maybe heading off to church 28 in the morning headed for a high of 44 on first day of spring. we won't have to wait long for spring temperatures, partly cloudy room for the 60s on thursday with sunshine, and mid-and upper 60s in the middle of next week. slight rain chances will be back on wednesday, and on thursday. you want to track that rain, you want to track that snow, you can do it on the go tomorrow morning with our free weather authority app. grab that in the app store and google play, search for wkrc. have a great weekend. late show, how a lucky 56:00, happening tomorrow,you can get a ticket to the reds, through opening package. >> there's a limit of four packages per person. last year's ticket sold out in less than an hour. they lined up to buy the tickets starting at 9:00 this morning. coming up on cbs this morning. campaign, voters share their disappointment. and good morning cincinnati on star 64, they will be showcasing why abby will be one of cincinnati's best restaurant in town. we are going to eat. yes. >> james cordon on the his work on the late, late show. known for his car karaoke, but this week he did something never seen before or at least for a while. this is so good. he literally knocked on the doors of strangers, just went up to houses until he found a family willing to host his show right in their own house. he didn't plan it, he kept knocking other doors. he sits with a family shooting the episode. it wasn't just him, the episode singer demi lovato, whom he invited to play hide and seek in people turned him captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is friday, march 18th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." a new threat targets donald trump's family. police swarm his son's manhattan apartment. voters say they are fed up with both presidential front runners. a new focus group reveals anger in a key swing state. >> huge hail hammers texas and millions could be hit by a spring snowstorm. we begin this morning with a

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Transcripts For WKRC Good Morning Cincinnati 6 20160318 :

Transcripts For WKRC Good Morning Cincinnati 6 20160318

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a lot of sun coming up today. temperatures start in the 30s and 40s, kids will need the jackets in the bus stop, in the lunch hour mid-50s turning into a nice day, not nearly as windy, we are in the low 50s by late this afternoon, the weather is quiet here today. i'm tracking the storm that is bring rain and snow to parts of kansas and colorado. this is the way tomorrow, yes we expect some rain, and yes, we even expect the possibility of some snow, i will have the timing of that and a look at a cold weekend coming up. happening today, we will learn more about a mystery that kept he police and all of us perplexed for more than a year now. federal authorities say they know who fired all of the shots into the great american college shattering windows. and the they indicted this man harold for possession of the gun that is believed to have been used in the shootings. that building was targeted four times in january of last year. hurt. local 12 will have a news conference and bring you information here as we get it. one splash, that is all it took for an ordinary afternoon to turn into a dramatic rescue mission. a man in a truck went into the creek, and a local fisherman watching the whole thing happen, jumped into action. he stripped his clothes, and swam into the truck. as he got in the back, a man was climbing out the window. >> i'm glad i was there, i'm glad i did it. he definitely had somebody watching over him. >> he was having a medical emergency because of his diabetes. the fishermen say they would like to find out who the man the stranger was and why he happened to be at the right place at the right time. happening today, you have a chance to watch cincinnati's new soccer team play for the first time. fc cincinnati is playing a preseason game against xavier soccer team. keys complex at victory parkway. first regular season home goal is april 19th. an oakley woman has a new way for women to shop, she did it on her own and jen and i went with her to do some shopping so she could show us truck shop. >> reporter: the woman started the company the old fashion way, she saved her money, invested and took a chance. when ashley rolls in she usually makes quite an entrance. the petit blonde is in the driver's seat of truck shop, ohio's fist mobile boutique, think food truck but with clothes. >> i always wanted to be in fashion and open my own store, but this felt like a completely different twist to it all. we're here today gone tomorrow, we don't restock, people like the sense of the surprise when you come in. you don't know, you can't go back like a couple of days later to get so it keeps people on their toes a little bit. idea of truck shop during a trip to l.a. hired a local designer and created a unique boutique on wheels. we got tops in the front, tops in the back and dresses in the middle but frying to keep the commerce boom. >> reporter: selling online, and out of the truck. so far it's a success. ashley opens the doors on a third season on saturday. >> so it wasn't even open yesterday. >> we got a sneak preview for spring. >> reporter: and i managed to buy something. everything on the truck is giefdz or less, and you can check truck shop and it will be parked at the cincinnati junior league, she will be there at 11:00 and 3:00. you want to go often, because she is always restocking and getting new things. thanks a lot. mary. battle can certification but one -- cancer, but one local woman is going through that. christine, the mother of two who experienced homelessness as a child is known for her ability to connect with people even while battling stage four canner cancer, christine is able to connect with somebody as they come. >> everybody who comes has something special, i'm able to feel it. treat them like they're human beings. that is why i do what i do. >> years ago while christine was working at the shelter her estranged fathers walked through the doors because he didn't have a home. christine was reunited with him. and angela ingram who did the original story said that the doctors say she is responding to treatment. it is. splurging on your pet. how much money americans are spending on the furry friends. >> i don't want to know. the stph-z 6:09, and the bicyclists are traveling, and this fight is personal. >> mark cobel has the story. i was diagnosed in august of 2012. i got diagnosed in the fall of 2014. zack and tammy paris are both cancer survivors. there's only three of us in our house. that is pretty bad numbers. while they are fighting this devastating disease, this idaho couple is ride are for a cure. >> i didn't know i could ride that far to be honest with you. >> they have been a team racing for -- >> if you have cancer and you know you have it, there's no way getting around it, the only hope you have is if you can find a cure. >> zack trains with a team for the 440 bike ride and tammy works the phones. >> because there's not a person in this world that doesn't have a family or a friend that hasn't had cancer and research is everything. straight to prostate cancer, search that affects one in eight men. there's been a remarkable array of new therapies and procedures. >> reporter: and researchers are tryings find a cure, and thanks to these riders, they're getting the help they need. >> it shows you how much people care that they're willing to support. >> reporter: in salt lake city utah, mike cabell, reporting. and that is why riders can do 25 to 75 miles. every mile makes a difference. all the money raised goes to huntsman foundation. and we have more information at huntsman and check the pantry because there's a major recall, and why that food could make you sick. return to the place where a new stop trump movement is picking up stap and supporters. donald trump warns that any attempt to stop his campaign could lead to voter riots. the activist group an no posting it posted the billionaire's personal information online. if donald doesn't reach the delegates, the republicans will have the first contested convention since 1976. developing now michigan's governor wants congress to pass a $220 million bill to help fix the lead contamination water in flint. they criticized snyder and gina mccarthy for their response to the crisis, and lawmakers are calling for both of them to resign. global temperatures broke more records for the month with unprecedented heat around the world according to penn state researchers. no one says that the average temperature was more than two degrees above average, part of the change was because of el nio, the planet also saw the warmest meteorological winter on record. tuna, bumble bee are recalling cans that may have been contaminated during a sterilization process. eating that tuna could be life-threatening and they are recalling chicken of the sea tuna, it may be under cooked. you can find all of the upc codes for that exact tuna at do you buy your pets treats, maybe training for a few treats, that would be a part of the record of $60 million that americans spent on their pets last year. rising spent on the grooming, training for pets, and millennials and baby boomers $60 billion. one the first successful viral pictures, it was everywhere, and it still kind of old. and residents in in a neighborhood claimed they saw a leprechaun. he is still a legend, years >> who else will say yes. >> is he real? >> i don't know. >> i just want to know if he is real. >> some folks have seen it, and some folks haven't seen it. i'm the one who hasn't seen it yet. it's a little green. he had a green uniform on, and it's like, like what they say you, you know, and he was moving around. like i said, people came from everywhere because of something everybody wanted to see, they wanted to see if he had the gold on him. >> a decade later it's still a mystery just what magical creature was up in that infamous tree. the neighbors and people still themselves. >> i'm marching. >> i remember that story. >> if you haven't seen the original, i'm going to tell you you're missing something. >> i'm going to find him. [ laughter ] >> it's good stuff. i can't imagine making a pilgrimage there, and coming i occasionally watch the video. >> gold if i -- i would go if i thought there was some gold involved. >> i think that is the bottom line. i have the roads, too this morning, jen dalton is out today. fortunately everybody is taking it easy for me. we have an alert sign on the board. a couple of cameras so you know what is going on, at i-74, and southbound traffic right side the screen, northbound side those are all the headlights zipping around from down left, no problem. this is 71 at the smith road edwards road exit, and going northbound toward the lateral no problems, southbound traffic looks great, too and 471 the daniel carter beard bridge, ta right lane tends to get stuffy, it will. good to go. we're going to be in the 60s again today despite the cold start. i want to cut to the chase, we got some snow on the way. show what you is happening, we have quiet conditions, clouds working north of cincinnati but as we take you to the west, you're going to find some snow and even rain through parts of kansas into colorado around definite ver denver toward kansas city. it's this system that is going to make its way toward the tri-state, late tonight and early tomorrow morning. that is going to bring rain and even snow mixing in with that rain in our forecast. in addition to that, oh, boy we have chilly weather coming our way. temperatures are going to be below normal by around 7 to 10 degrees as the shell moves in. expect a weekend, w the weather, quite frankly is going to be pretty crummy this weekend as we spring. 43 with rain and snow showers tomorrow. now where we get some of those snow showers, we could see accumulation on grassy surfaces, we don't expect issues because the ground is so warm at this point, but i wouldn't be out an inch or so on the grass tomorrow, chilly tomorrow as well with highs only in the low 40s, sunday mostly cloudy a high of only 44 degrees. that's a look at the weekend, the weekend set up right now. looking downtown, 37 degrees, call winds a few high clouds making their way into the tri-state. here is the forecast today. hour by hour for the next 12 hours, we start out in the 40s by 8:00, make our way into the upper 50s at noon, skies will be mostly sunny through the day. late day we start to see more clouds work in and we're back around 61 just a touch cooler than what it was yesterday. as cold as 33 at lufkin and at hamilton as warm as 41 in brooksville and hillsborough and nothing on radar. we're going to see quiet conditions through today. notice by late afternoon, some clouds begin to sneak in from the west up to 61 late this afternoon, and after midnight tonight, we start to see the chance for some rain. this is around 3:00 in the morning, showers moving in and now as the morning goes on, temperatures are going to be in the 30s, we will begin to see a little bit of snow in this mixing in with some of that rain and spots, varying degrees of how aggressive the models are, the white will indicate snow trying to mix in with the rain, and as things warm up in the afternoon, we go back over to rain, so thus the forecast for rain, and snow showers tomorrow, temperatures in the low 40s, and then tomorrow night some rainshowers could end in snow showers or flurries into sunday morning, temperatures sunday morning going to be cold. we're down in the 20s sunday morning, sunday afternoon, i only expect highs to reach the low 40s under mostly cloudy skies. here is the planning forecast, 61 today, lots of sun, 35 tonight, and then 43 tomorrow with rain, and snow showers and even perhaps some accumulations on the grass, 28 sunday morning, the first day of spring, won't feel like it. 44 but you don't have to wait take a look at the extended forecast, going up to 48 on monday, still chilly, lows in the 20s as we head back to work on monday morning, but back in the 60s on tuesday with sunshine, mid-60s wednesday, upper 60s thursday, some slight rain chances return on wednesday and thursday, it looks like the best chance of rain holds off until next friday. so we stay down just for a few days there with a little snow coming this weekend. don't forget about the weather authority app, track that rain and snow tomorrow morning with our free app in the app store and on google play, back to you guys. thanks so much, john. 6:21 printing your own braces. why a college student decided to take his crooked smile into his we will show you if it's trending now, sea world will no longer precede orca whaifs. the ones they have will continue to live there. but the company is entering into a partnership with the humane society. also trending now, if you ever wondered, that is how a fox laughs. michigan would be more than 35 million times in three days. the fox actually laughs on command. >> i wonder what it thinks it's funny. the fact that whoever owns it never cleanse up the show apparently. >> it's so cute. >> we want to know on facebook, what is your best awkward moment. >> the number of guys who apparently walk around not realizing. >> flies are down basically. >> yeah. >> sometimes with more descriptive terminology, lot of you, takes care of that. but a lot of people saying, karen says one of many just happen to be on saturday when i walked into the men's room bathroom at a car dealership by mistake, of course. the customer in the waiting area got a good laugh when they heard me shriek. thankfully the man in the bathroom -- back 30 years ago it i was 17, and we took twins out on a date. he with wanted it to be impressive so we went to an expensive restaurant. we ate, and the bill came, and i ordered dessert, if i was going to be embarrassed, and -- the girls -- we saw somebody the girls knew and they borrowed the money. >> awkward. now this is just scary. he says i'm retired from the air force, one day while loading bombs on a jet we dropped a live bomb on the ground. pretty awkward trying to figure out how to get it back on the jet without getting noticed. >> awkward! >> karen says, i coached middle school and high school drama and i don't have a preteen or teen mentality, so this is everything i said was awkward the first few steps. i'd like to report that only happens around teenagers. >> they think we're awkward all the time. here that still make me giggle, like if you mention a lake in bof i havia, bolivia, i'm going to crack up for days. and i think people know what lake i'm talking about. >> yes. >> i don't. >> because the people that use the discrepancies to describe the flies -- we would like you to join the conversation, just share your thoughts at local 12 on facebook. and it's kentucky and taking on independent, and independent in, and indiana, the history behind that rivalry. why doesn't this happen to me. somebody knocks on the door and i'm tracking cold and i can only imagine what a 4-year-old went through, and knowing what it comes from having a 2-year-old, it's really, really sad. a local stepmother is heading to court after her son's death is ruled a homicide. to word of victims yet, what we could learn today. we saw quite a few dragon busters yesterday, and now tonight you will see in xavier take their first steps into the big dance. >> etan hall, and texas tech filled me yesterday. >> barely got me -- baylor got me, too, and now she is killing me. we are going to get to weather momentarily. we're going to start with >> reporter: we are. >> you're a busy guy. >> reporter: jen dalton is not here today. i'm going to do traffic. boy, traffic is light, and that is all, good, good stuff, a cut-in-the-hill, you can see a few more of those taillights going down and around the hill and toward the bottom deck of the north spence on the north side. we will see the delay later this morning, but it's not in place yet. expecting to get a little gummy before it's all said and done, we find traffic at i-71, i-75 as ronald reagan cross county highway, that southbound traffic no problem moving along but you can see in the middle of the screen, that's a broken down vehicle with flashing lights on, hope everything will get up and moving and we won't have to block anything there for you: smacking of things that are gummy. >> where is it going to get gummy. >> 75 and pfeiffer. >> that means the traffic is going tock smooth sailing. it's cold as you step outside, you're going to need the jacket this morning. despite the cold start, we are going to get warm again this afternoon. 39 lebanon, 41 degrees at brooksville, kentucky. harrison as cold as 34, nothing showing up on radar, from the 40s into the 50s by noon. sunshine today, we will see some clouds arrive late, and look at that, back up to 61 degrees for a high temperature just a little bit cooler than what it was outside yesterday. quiet weather for us here in the ohio valley. here is what i'm tracking, though, it's the storm system making its way into kansas, and colorado producing rain and even snow back here, and guess what? that is coming our way by tomorrow morning, some rain, even some snow in the forecast, i'm going to time out the snow. talk about amounts that we could see, also i will have a look at cold temperatures this weekend, and how cold those lows go in a few minutes, guys, back to you. hang today a local -- happening today a local stepmother could be facing charges after her stepson was found not breathing. >> and the coroner ruled the boy's death a homicide. right now she is only charged with endangerment. the little boy's death were placed in a tub of scalding water on tuesday. >> she add admitted to wanting to punish the child, and put her in a scalding water causing third and 4th degree burns. you can imagine when a 4-year-old went through. and coming from close its and having a 2-year-old, it's really sad. they had just gotten custody of austin a few days before this. also happening today, we expect to learn more about the vehicle that is at the bottom of the ohio river and the people who were in it. the people who have been looking evidence it's likely a red poonty pontiac vibe that went down on the bottom of the river. a local conference is expected to start, and we will stream it live. a man was shot at a restaurant near uc campus. he was shot in the leg at the coreyville restaurant. the restaurant was used for a private event when two men got in an argument and 1 shot the other. and they are forced to stay with neighbors after a fire in their home at fort thomas. is it started outside of the house near that home at rossmoor avenue. everybody did get out safely and the fire is still under investigation. the madness has begun. after the brackets busters yesterday, we can turn our eyes to uc and xavier, both will be taking their first step into the big dance tonight. and the megan moore is live at the montgomery boathouse where many will be there tonight for a morning, megan. >> reporter: that's right, uc and megan are getting ready to take their steps, the xavier team will take on the lever state, wild get, several will be invited here to the boathouse tonight. we will have their eyes glued to the screens for a special watch party. i'm told it's invitation only, and i believe it's already sold out. many area restaurants will have on, and they will be playing the uc games show tonight. the musketeers, will have the big send off and this time it's the team's first time in history, claiming the two seat in the ncaa tournament. a lot of excitement about that and a lot of fans are very excited and for uc this is the 6th appearance in the tournament. after the teams defeated the ac opponents, and they will be hoping for the same results as they face saint joseph at spokane, after filling out those bracket yesterday, we had to ask think their teams will go. through? >> i think it's possible, yes, just how they have been playing throughout the season and how they have been so consistent. and everything is possible. >> i can't see no reason why they can't beat saint joe's tomorrow and oregon on sunday. so let's hope for best.. >> reporter: and the xavier game starts tonight at 9:20 that is going to be on tnt. the bear cats take on giant joe's at 9:37 and that will be on true tv. and i have as to ask, bob, who are you rooting for? >> here is the thing, when it comes to i'm born and raised. the wild cats graduated from xavier, i'm crazy about the musketeers as well. i like for all the locals. what about you? >> well, you know, it's funny, i would say, i don't know, i think i'm going to have to bet back to you. -- get back to you. i apparently megan and i will never watch the shootout together. >> thank you very much. >> he covering xavier and st. louis, we are going to have all the bear cat coverage from spokane as well. it's the battle of the tri-state part 2. indiana versus kentucky, and hoosiers versus wild cats, and of course the fcc versus the big 10 as yahoo sports, the 40 road. it's clear the matchup is both expected and wanted by the vast majority of america. the program they won 13 national titles between them, and they played four times before in the tournament. uk takes three of those, and the two play tomorrow at 5:15 in des moines, and you can watch that game right here on local 12. there will be no one on the >> who did you pick for ta game. >> i picked uk. >> i did too, and you did. >> i have no dog in either fight. >> the point guard matchup is going to be special. >> yes, it is. >> it's going to be great. we have more news ahead 6:37, a threat to the trump. new this morning what was in a letter that was delivered to one roads have been great, no accidents, volume of traffic is picking up a bit. places like the cut in the hill, you can see the bottom bend of the brent spence. checkout spots. it's cold, bob, despite the cold start heading for a high of 60. mostly sunny today. today the last warm day we will see a for a while. temperatures will return to winter-like levels this weekend. how cold it gets and i'm tracking snow for the weekend when it gets here. it's rude. trending now, breakthrough are expensive and they don't always feel so good. >> so one college student decided to fix his crooked teeth him himself. student at the university institute of technology. he figured braces is something he could print himself. he got access to a 3d printer in college, and he is documenting it all in his blog, and after 16 weeks of wear, the braces are working. how does he design that? >> did he do a mold himself. you have to do a mold of your teeth and then that is how they model the braces off the mold of your teeth, if he did that, and 3d printed from that mold, just like the museum center. it's the same thing. i don't know how he knows how to change them each time to straighten the teeth. >> yeah. >> i wonder how orthodontists feel about that? , not happy. >> not great. >> they go out on a limb. >> 4 or 5 grand a pop on a set of braces. >> i'm going to 3d print my own >> put that sucker in there. >> coming up automatic brakes. why the government say they could save your life on the road. plus -- and the bear was standing right here. >> yikes. how a man 6:45, new this morning, the secret service are investigating after a letter was sent to eric trump. theler warned if trump didn't withdraw from the presidential race, harm would come to his children. it allegedly contained some white powder. happening today. the showdown at capitol hill continues at supreme court nominee mary garland makes calls to senators. >> harry reed met with garland and says he is confident he will get approval. he didn't met with republicans opposed to granting him a approval hearing. you meet with a dictator in uganda, i can surely meet with a decent person in america. do your job, hold your hearing, and then make up your set up more meetings when lawmakers return from the easter recess in two weeks. david petraeus has agreed to come back because there was still questions after his last interview. he led the cia, when they had an attack in benghazi. automatic braking will be a standard feature in cars by 2022. they identify dangers and stop the car if the driver doesn't. government leaders say more 32,000 people are killed on u.s. roads every year and they believe aeb, automatic breaking would help reduce that number. it's pretty impressive technology. bears in colorado, that's opening up the door, that is impressive. 10:00 at night. i heard the noise above me, and i saw that is way too big to be a cat. >> he was just downstairs watching television when he heard that noise, he thought it was his sister or maybe the cats, and then he found himself facing a large, black bear. he scared the bear by yelling at him and throwing his hands into the air, then the bear went back outside. >> i wonder if he had seen the revenant. >> you know, the john candy movie "the great outdoors" what that big bear. >> when my wife and i were newly weds, we got a cabin in gatlinburg. we were stunned to see bears all around; and our last night there we were sleeping in a dead crash, and we both jump out of bed and start screaming at each other. come to find out one the blind just fell. that came through the window. we wake-up screaming. >> that was your first chance to be heroic. >> no. no way. [ laughter ] >> terrible. >> she stands -- [ laughter ] >> get me to safety. too good. that is too good. the road is too good and jen dalton, and we haven't had an a an alert sign on the board. either that or i'm using the computer completely wrong which is entirely possible. and kyle's lane and you can see we're starting to get stuffy as you hit the s curve before the cut in the hill. taking it up as before you drop into the dip. we do so at a blinking lights there in the safety strip between the on-ramp from reagan and the southbound side of i-75. looking good today, bob. >> yes, today looks great. another warm day, we will need the jacket as you step out. this weekend, it's -- what can i do inside, what could i do all weekend inside since it's going to be a little cooler this week this. >> play checkers. >> watch basketball. >> you could do that. >> 48 hours. >> you can't find anything else to do, i guess. checkout the view from the atrium weather camera, looking from the radisson across the river downtown cincinnati. it's quite cold as you step out. we have most spots running in the 30s, despite the cold start it's going to be sunny and mild today. we will hit the high back around 60 degrees this afternoon, slightly cooler than yesterday into the weekend, though, a winter-like weekend and even some snow in here by tomorrow. in just a minute. 37, calm winds, a few clouds around, 33 in hamilton, and 32 at mount, and some spots dipped near the freezing line. 40 up there, we see some clouds up to the north and maysville at 35, a cold morning in ver ailes, indiana, by 33, 3:08 we will average, and we're at 57 degrees with mostly sunny skies and late day again, very close to the 60-degree mark with clear skies. some clouds will arrive late afternoon into the evening with temperatures at 53 at 7:00. if you are going out this evening, the weather looks really nice. to the north of us, not so nice. we have chilly air across canada across the northwest. that is going to move our way this weekend. temperatures anywhere from 7 to 10 degrees below the average and the upcoming weekend. where does that put us? low 40s both saturday and sunday and yes some rain and snow showers in the mix saturday just talking a lot of clouds as the cool weather continues. nothing arrayed araround here right now, but here is the system that is going to bring us some rain and snow tomorrow into kansas, colorado from denver to kansas city. rain and snow and this system is going to push our way come tomorrow. that is going to bring a chance for rain and snow back in our forecast,let give you a time line here starting at 9:00 this morning. high clouds arriving late day, otherwise we're looking good with highs close to 60, clouds thicken point, after midnight we see a chance for some rain moving in, ask tomorrow morning kind of wet. around 7:00 tomorrow morning, some showers in the area and then colder air works in later in the morning, notice green is rain, blue is some snow trying to mix in here, i wouldn't be surprised if a few spots saw a solid inch of accumulation on the grass. the ground is warm, that is going to limit accumulations in the places that do get the snow showers tomorrow, and because of the warmth, i don't expect first weekend of spring it's a little insult to injury. notice tomorrow night, we got some showers around, temperatures are going to warm up during the afternoon tomorrow, and then as this precipitation ends tomorrow night, may mix with a few flakes of snow. sunday we're talking mainly cloudy skies as the chill continues. 61, sunshine today, 43, rain and snow showers tomorrow, and if you are going out and about early sunday, maybe heading off to church 28 in the morning headed for a high of 44 on first day of spring. we won't have to wait long for spring temperatures, partly cloudy room for the 60s on thursday with sunshine, and mid-and upper 60s in the middle of next week. slight rain chances will be back on wednesday, and on thursday. you want to track that rain, you want to track that snow, you can do it on the go tomorrow morning with our free weather authority app. grab that in the app store and google play, search for wkrc. have a great weekend. late show, how a lucky 56:00, happening tomorrow,you can get a ticket to the reds, through opening package. >> there's a limit of four packages per person. last year's ticket sold out in less than an hour. they lined up to buy the tickets starting at 9:00 this morning. coming up on cbs this morning. campaign, voters share their disappointment. and good morning cincinnati on star 64, they will be showcasing why abby will be one of cincinnati's best restaurant in town. we are going to eat. yes. >> james cordon on the his work on the late, late show. known for his car karaoke, but this week he did something never seen before or at least for a while. this is so good. he literally knocked on the doors of strangers, just went up to houses until he found a family willing to host his show right in their own house. he didn't plan it, he kept knocking other doors. he sits with a family shooting the episode. it wasn't just him, the episode singer demi lovato, whom he invited to play hide and seek in people turned him captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is friday, march 18th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." a new threat targets donald trump's family. police swarm his son's manhattan apartment. voters say they are fed up with both presidential front runners. a new focus group reveals anger in a key swing state. >> huge hail hammers texas and millions could be hit by a spring snowstorm. we begin this morning with a

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