Transcripts For WKRC Good Morning Cincinnati 430 20160322 :

Transcripts For WKRC Good Morning Cincinnati 430 20160322

3 we're following breaking news right now ...just a day after authorities said a new suspect likely loose in brussels, two explosion are heard at the airport.we're working to learn just how many people were killed or hurt.right now, the airport is being evacuated, and all flights are being diverted.witnesses say the explosions happened in the departure hall in the main terminal, and near the american airlines desk.police are still looking for najim laachraoui.his d-n-a was found on the explosives used in the paris attacks. 3 time/temp ...ahead at four-30 ...handing down punishment ... a mom who caused her son to get sick will learn how long she'll spend behind bars today ...vying for more delegates ...and today, voters in three states will weigh in on which candidate they want in the white house're watching good morning break one 3 3 now at four-30 ...two different crash suspects will have their day in court ...and we're learning more about what led to an officer-involved chase ... 3 unsolved murder ...for more than a year now, family members are still looking for answers ... 3 new devlopments in the encryption battle between apple and the f-b-i ..why the feds may no longer need the tech giant's help ... 3 good morning cincinnati.thanks for joining us on this tuesday. i'm john lomax.and i'm sheila gray.the stories of the day of the weather. here's meterologist john gumm. 3 accused of leading police on an early morning chase will make his first court appearance.william dickens is charged with failure to comply and receiving stolen property. we covered the aftermath of that crash yesterday.. when a car went airborne and hit a utility pole and gas light pole in started when a sharonville officer spotted dickens and another man outside a business on reading road.he says when he went to investigate, the two hopped in the car and took off. turns out dickens had a felony warrant for stealing mail and forging checks.police say they found mail in the car.. from businesses in sharonville and other parts of town. 3 the man accused in a deadly interstate crash is also due in court this morning ... 35-year old cory lippmeier is charged with vehicular homicide.police say lippmeier was speeding when he rear- ended another car sunday night on the combs-hehl bridge.the man in that rear ended car.. 41- year old scott petredis, was killed.lippmeier was also seriously hurt.. and police think he may have been drinking.he's been arrested driving.. in 2002 and 2004. 3 now, that deadly crash happened on the same bridge which a car fell from last week.and crews are still waiting for the right river conditions to pull the car from the water. the car plummeted off the bridge after a crash involving 12 vehicles. it's still at the bottom of the ohio river. crews were hopeful they could have pulled the car out yesterday, but the current was still too strong. police think they know who was driving the car, but will not know for certain until they get the car out of the river. 3 a hamilton county judge will hand down punishment to a mother from new york today. jessica valik pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of child endangering.valik injected benadryl into her four-year-old son's feeding tube while he was under treatment for rare skin disease at children's hospital last october.the disease causes the boy's skin to be fragile.the benadryl caused him to suffer diarrhea, which led to many diaper changes ... changes that are painful because of his skin condition. 3 friends and family will say their final goodbyes to a visitation starts at noon for austin cooper at the herr- riggs funeral home in middletown.his funeral will follow.meanwhile, cooper's step-mom, anna ritchie, is behind bars for his death.the coronor says the little boy died after ritchie punished him by putting his legs in scalding hot water. 3 a father and hard working man lost his life in a shooting in north college hill.his family and police have no idea why anyone would want derek jones dead.local12's angela ingram shares his family's plea for justice. 3 family and friends are remembering a father of four. derek jones loved his job as an iron worker. but he loved being around the people in this crowd even more.36:12 derek was a fun loving guy. he liked to go out, liked to have fun, took care of his kids 36:17 he was trying to get his life on track and he was doing what he had to do.:22 there's a void in his parents' hearts. they have questions about who killed him -- and why.35:46 "we need to know why did you wasn't bothering anybody. he went to a funeral that day. he was working so hard to build his family :57 the spot on savannah avenue where jones was gunned down is a place his friends usually try to avoid. there are too many painful memories connected to it.38:30 i don't like coming up to the scene no more. this whole street :31 i don't even like driving on it :33 page williams was with derek that night. the pair who had been friends since high school went to hang out at this bar. surveillance video shows an individual passing derek on the street... then turning around and following derek as he went back to his car. moments later... page, who was still inside, got the news. 38:15 they pulled me out to tell me he's laying on the ground 38:17 i'm thinking he's just drunk, couldn't make it to car 38:20 and that's when i just see him holding on to breath looking at me 38:25 for now the family is praying for help... and they won't give up trying to find out who mottos that he said was, can't stop, don't stop. :30 so that's one of the things that we're trying to do :33 we're trying not to stop :37 3 angela ingram reporting. police do *not* believe robbery was the motive. nothing of value was taken from derek. meanwhile, there's a two-thousand dollar reward for information about who killed derek jones.if you know anything, call crimestoppers at 352-3040. 3 time/temp more local news ...there's a new fight over the streetcar ... one that cincinnati city council members will weigh in on this week.a proposed ordinance would ask sorta to halt the streetcar during certain big downtown events -- including the taste of cincinnati, oktoberfest, the opening day parade and the flying pig marathon.some would like to see the streetcar still operate on the parts of the line not involved in the events.others say certain downtown events should be relocated once the streetcar begins operations this fall. 3 time/temp ...wrapping up an historic trip ...what president obama has planned for his last day in cuba ... plus ...another busy day on from the candidates ahead of primaries in three states today, on good morning cincinnati ... 3 it's a struggle all parents know growing out of their clothes almost as fast as you can buy them ...a local company not only lets you sell your childrens' clothes without a trip to a consignment store.. but the website offers easy money, and more trendy clothing options. i'll tell you all about it, in my family 411, tonight on local12 news live at six.we'll be right back. president barack obama has a full schedule for his final day in cuba. this morning, he'll address the cuban people in havana. he'll also meet with dissidents at the u-s embassy and take in a baseball game between the tampa bay rays and the cuban national team. the president has said he believes the cuban trade embargo will end. he says he had a frank discussion with with cuban president raul castro about the issue of political prisoners and human rights. 3 today, apple and the f-b-i were set to duke it out in the courtroom. but now it's on hold...the government has ordered the tech company to break into an i-phone used by one of the san bernadino shooters. but now there's word that an outside party could get into the phone..we don't know who it is.. but it would discount the argument that only apple can get into the phone. now the hearing is rescheduled for next month. 3 turning to campaign 2016 ... today voters in idaho, arizona and utah will cast ballots in the presidential election. democratic frontrunner hillary clinton looks to extend her delegate lead, while donald down. don champion is on the campaign trail. 3 -nats-voting in the west today could further lay the landscape for the republican presidential racemonday gop front-runner donald trump focused on foreign policy during a trip to washington where he suggested the u-s should rethink its involvement in nato.a sentiment he continued on cnn last night. (sot cnn blitzer interview donald trump/r- presidential candidate) "we're paying disproportionately, it's too much, and frankly, it's a different world than it was when we originally conceived of the idea and everybody got together."rival ted cruz and john kasich quickly responded. (sot cruz) this is a dangerous world. if america withdraws, we get the kind of chaos that obama, clinton has produced. (sot kasich) as a leader of this country, you want to be very careful and i wouldn't say that now-nats-while in washington, trump tried rallying support from party leaders.he also spoke before aipac.(sot trump) "when i become president, the days of treating israel like a on day one."democratic front- runner hillary clinton used her speech before the pro-israel group to target trump:(sot clinton) "we need steady hands. not a president who says he's neutral on monday, pro-israel on tuesday." bernie sanders skipped the conference and campaigned in utah where he needs to pull off a win today.(sot sanders) to be successful, we have to be a friend not only to israel but to the palestinian people. palestinian but to the not only to israel have to be a to be a friend not only to israel but to the palestinian people.more than 200 delegates are up for grabs today.don champion cbs news. vice presidentjoe biden is in cincinnati today. he'll be at a fundraiser for former ohio governor ted strickland.. who's running for the u-s senate. strickland won the democratic primary and will take on the republican incumbent, rob portman in november. polls show strickland and portman pretty even right now. getting a democrat in that seat could have big implications. highways were shut down overnight as fundraiser is at the westin hotel, downtown. 3 time/temp ...many people have voted in presidential primaries or caucuses ...but there's one group lacking appearances at the polls ... how that may be changing ... plus ...presidential candidates are often caught in awkward situations ...which ones are the best at busting a move ... next on good morning cincinnati. break three3 right now ...explosions throughout brussels. two explosions this morning at the airport.and now reports of explosions at a brussels metro least three people are dead at the is quoting a public broadcasting reporter .. who reports a brussels says at least 10 are dead.several are hurt.right now, the airport is being evacuated, and all 3 flights are being diverted.. and belgium's terror alert status is at its maximum level. witnesses say the explosions were in the departure hall in the main terminal, and near the american airlines desk. the prime paris attacks .. salah abdeslam was arrested in brussels friday.. and police are still looking for a suspect whose d-n-a was found on the explosives used in those attacks. 3 an early voting law is getting support from kentucky's top state alison lundergan grimes says she hopes the state senate will approve an early voting law passed by the house. it would create 12 days of early voting before each election.ohio's early voting is 35 days before the election. 3 when it comes to get- out- the- vote efforts.. it's been historically difficult to get one group to show up to the polls.we're talking about young people, or millenials. that may be changing this year. national correspondent kristine frazao looks at one group trying to energize them. 3 their enthusiasm and energy doesn't often translate into votes but charlie kirk is hoping to change that."i saw barack obama and his army organize incredible effectively with incredible effectiveness on college campuses and i said the conservatives should be competing in this arena."so he started turning point u-s-a while he was still in high school and now his own army of volunteers and staff."we have a lot of students from the northern region and we'll be able to get you plugged in with what we're doing on your young to rent a car, but his company is making waves, active on more than a thousand college campuses.charlie kirk/founder & exec director, turning point usathe number one thing we hear is apathy and the second is frustration and anger and distrust of washington and the political class 04a major theme this election cycle, and one that's brought bernie sanders a large part of his support - from young people.the so called snapchat generation overwhelmingly supports democrats, 56 percent to 36 percent according to a recent poll.kirk believes the tide will turn, calling young generationuber and lyft is this bottom up grassroots entrepreneurial model that people should be in charge of their own choices and decisions. and you can actually see taxi cabs get better, that's competition, that's what we're fighting for" standupthe organization - circle - which studies the politics of young people crunched the numbers, and found the youth vote in these 10 states exceeded the margin of victory in the 2012 presidential election... so a shift in *their* vote could have changed the ultimate result. in washington i'm kf 3 time/temp ...the reds mascots will make a special appearance at a local preschool today... rosie and gapper will meet with students at primrose school in west chester for its bow tie tuesday fundraiser. kids, families, and teachers are encouraged to wear bow ties ...the school's owners will donate five dollars to the charity save the children for everyone who enters the 3 the world's only rock and roll nutrition show is coming to two local schools today.the jump with jill tour will be at william avenue elementary, and john p-parker uses music and dance to encourage healthy habits.the idea behind it is that kids learn better when they are well fed.. and dancing is great exercise. 3 you know you open yourself up to some ridiculous responses when you turn to the internet ....that's what the u-k's national environment research council did to find a name for its newest research vessel.and if the public gets its way ... the 288-million-dollar ship mcboatface."mcboatface is the current frontrunner ...other suggestions include "the r-s-s it's bloody cold here" and "usain boat."the council says the names are only suggestions. 3 now here's jen with a local 12 traffic alert. 3 3 3 it happens to most presidential candidates sooner or later.they end up being forced to bust an awkward move. donald trump did a bit of "dad-dancing" as he was serenaded on stage recently. jeanne moos reports ... 3 if having people sing happy birthday to you...(nat sound) "happy birthday."makes you squirm, put yourself in donald trump's shoes....(nat sound) "so donald donald stand by me." standing and swaying, on stage carson, as they were serenaded by singer beau davidson.(nat sound)"or the mountain crumbling to the sea."the daily mail called it "toe- curling" "dad-dancing", a 3- minute "cringe-fest."(jeanne moos/cnn correspondent)"so donald donald stand. there is nothing easy about standing by someone who's singing "stand by me" to you." and clapping...(nat sound)"c'mon, put your hands together for mr. trump."clapping in unison is even more challenging. ben carson's hand movements are already under intense scrutiny...(nat sound)"oh stand by me ."by the folks at s-n-l. at one point the donald even sang along, mouthing his own name...(nat sound)"so donald donald stand by me." though maybe this wasn't as uncomfortable as it must have been for hillary to have a hillary imitator serenading make you love me if you don't.."the donald was a good sport...(nat sound)"you used to call me on the cell phone." s-n-l called on him to dance to drake's hotline bling. when it comes to politicians doing their thing, they all dance to the beat....(nat sound)of a different drummer. or make their own beat. jeanne moos, c-n-n(nat sound)new york. 3 time/temp ...still ahead ... today is national sing out loud day go to our facebook page and let us know the one song you can't resist singing out ... pint-sized bengals ...some of the players' families are getting a little bigger ... that's ahead at five on good break four3 3 it's national sing out loud on facebook, we want to know ...what's the one song you cant resist singing out lout when you hear it? 3 we want you to join the conversation -- just *like* the local 12 page on facebook to share your thoughts. 3 3 (show open) 3 now at five.we're tracking breaking news in brussels. we'll bring you the latest details on the deadly explosions at an airport.. and across the city. 3 the hurt doesn't go away. one year after an unsolved murder..the search for answers continues for a local family. 3 good good morning.we'll get to those top stories in just a moment.but first we want to start with a first check of your's 3

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Kentucky , Hamilton County , Syria , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Washington , District Of Columbia , Cincinnati , Ohio , Ohio River , West Chester , Arizona , Middletown , Idaho , Israel , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , North College Hill , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Utah , Primrose School , America , Northern Region , Palestinian , American , Cuban , Ben Carson , Angela Ingram , Ted Strickland , John Kasich , Donald , Jeanne Moos , Derek Jones , John Lomax , Anna Ritchie , Raul Castro , Barack Obama , Alison Lundergan Grimes , Charlie Kirk , William Dickens , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WKRC Good Morning Cincinnati 430 20160322 :

Transcripts For WKRC Good Morning Cincinnati 430 20160322

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3 we're following breaking news right now ...just a day after authorities said a new suspect likely loose in brussels, two explosion are heard at the airport.we're working to learn just how many people were killed or hurt.right now, the airport is being evacuated, and all flights are being diverted.witnesses say the explosions happened in the departure hall in the main terminal, and near the american airlines desk.police are still looking for najim laachraoui.his d-n-a was found on the explosives used in the paris attacks. 3 time/temp ...ahead at four-30 ...handing down punishment ... a mom who caused her son to get sick will learn how long she'll spend behind bars today ...vying for more delegates ...and today, voters in three states will weigh in on which candidate they want in the white house're watching good morning break one 3 3 now at four-30 ...two different crash suspects will have their day in court ...and we're learning more about what led to an officer-involved chase ... 3 unsolved murder ...for more than a year now, family members are still looking for answers ... 3 new devlopments in the encryption battle between apple and the f-b-i ..why the feds may no longer need the tech giant's help ... 3 good morning cincinnati.thanks for joining us on this tuesday. i'm john lomax.and i'm sheila gray.the stories of the day of the weather. here's meterologist john gumm. 3 accused of leading police on an early morning chase will make his first court appearance.william dickens is charged with failure to comply and receiving stolen property. we covered the aftermath of that crash yesterday.. when a car went airborne and hit a utility pole and gas light pole in started when a sharonville officer spotted dickens and another man outside a business on reading road.he says when he went to investigate, the two hopped in the car and took off. turns out dickens had a felony warrant for stealing mail and forging checks.police say they found mail in the car.. from businesses in sharonville and other parts of town. 3 the man accused in a deadly interstate crash is also due in court this morning ... 35-year old cory lippmeier is charged with vehicular homicide.police say lippmeier was speeding when he rear- ended another car sunday night on the combs-hehl bridge.the man in that rear ended car.. 41- year old scott petredis, was killed.lippmeier was also seriously hurt.. and police think he may have been drinking.he's been arrested driving.. in 2002 and 2004. 3 now, that deadly crash happened on the same bridge which a car fell from last week.and crews are still waiting for the right river conditions to pull the car from the water. the car plummeted off the bridge after a crash involving 12 vehicles. it's still at the bottom of the ohio river. crews were hopeful they could have pulled the car out yesterday, but the current was still too strong. police think they know who was driving the car, but will not know for certain until they get the car out of the river. 3 a hamilton county judge will hand down punishment to a mother from new york today. jessica valik pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of child endangering.valik injected benadryl into her four-year-old son's feeding tube while he was under treatment for rare skin disease at children's hospital last october.the disease causes the boy's skin to be fragile.the benadryl caused him to suffer diarrhea, which led to many diaper changes ... changes that are painful because of his skin condition. 3 friends and family will say their final goodbyes to a visitation starts at noon for austin cooper at the herr- riggs funeral home in middletown.his funeral will follow.meanwhile, cooper's step-mom, anna ritchie, is behind bars for his death.the coronor says the little boy died after ritchie punished him by putting his legs in scalding hot water. 3 a father and hard working man lost his life in a shooting in north college hill.his family and police have no idea why anyone would want derek jones dead.local12's angela ingram shares his family's plea for justice. 3 family and friends are remembering a father of four. derek jones loved his job as an iron worker. but he loved being around the people in this crowd even more.36:12 derek was a fun loving guy. he liked to go out, liked to have fun, took care of his kids 36:17 he was trying to get his life on track and he was doing what he had to do.:22 there's a void in his parents' hearts. they have questions about who killed him -- and why.35:46 "we need to know why did you wasn't bothering anybody. he went to a funeral that day. he was working so hard to build his family :57 the spot on savannah avenue where jones was gunned down is a place his friends usually try to avoid. there are too many painful memories connected to it.38:30 i don't like coming up to the scene no more. this whole street :31 i don't even like driving on it :33 page williams was with derek that night. the pair who had been friends since high school went to hang out at this bar. surveillance video shows an individual passing derek on the street... then turning around and following derek as he went back to his car. moments later... page, who was still inside, got the news. 38:15 they pulled me out to tell me he's laying on the ground 38:17 i'm thinking he's just drunk, couldn't make it to car 38:20 and that's when i just see him holding on to breath looking at me 38:25 for now the family is praying for help... and they won't give up trying to find out who mottos that he said was, can't stop, don't stop. :30 so that's one of the things that we're trying to do :33 we're trying not to stop :37 3 angela ingram reporting. police do *not* believe robbery was the motive. nothing of value was taken from derek. meanwhile, there's a two-thousand dollar reward for information about who killed derek jones.if you know anything, call crimestoppers at 352-3040. 3 time/temp more local news ...there's a new fight over the streetcar ... one that cincinnati city council members will weigh in on this week.a proposed ordinance would ask sorta to halt the streetcar during certain big downtown events -- including the taste of cincinnati, oktoberfest, the opening day parade and the flying pig marathon.some would like to see the streetcar still operate on the parts of the line not involved in the events.others say certain downtown events should be relocated once the streetcar begins operations this fall. 3 time/temp ...wrapping up an historic trip ...what president obama has planned for his last day in cuba ... plus ...another busy day on from the candidates ahead of primaries in three states today, on good morning cincinnati ... 3 it's a struggle all parents know growing out of their clothes almost as fast as you can buy them ...a local company not only lets you sell your childrens' clothes without a trip to a consignment store.. but the website offers easy money, and more trendy clothing options. i'll tell you all about it, in my family 411, tonight on local12 news live at six.we'll be right back. president barack obama has a full schedule for his final day in cuba. this morning, he'll address the cuban people in havana. he'll also meet with dissidents at the u-s embassy and take in a baseball game between the tampa bay rays and the cuban national team. the president has said he believes the cuban trade embargo will end. he says he had a frank discussion with with cuban president raul castro about the issue of political prisoners and human rights. 3 today, apple and the f-b-i were set to duke it out in the courtroom. but now it's on hold...the government has ordered the tech company to break into an i-phone used by one of the san bernadino shooters. but now there's word that an outside party could get into the phone..we don't know who it is.. but it would discount the argument that only apple can get into the phone. now the hearing is rescheduled for next month. 3 turning to campaign 2016 ... today voters in idaho, arizona and utah will cast ballots in the presidential election. democratic frontrunner hillary clinton looks to extend her delegate lead, while donald down. don champion is on the campaign trail. 3 -nats-voting in the west today could further lay the landscape for the republican presidential racemonday gop front-runner donald trump focused on foreign policy during a trip to washington where he suggested the u-s should rethink its involvement in nato.a sentiment he continued on cnn last night. (sot cnn blitzer interview donald trump/r- presidential candidate) "we're paying disproportionately, it's too much, and frankly, it's a different world than it was when we originally conceived of the idea and everybody got together."rival ted cruz and john kasich quickly responded. (sot cruz) this is a dangerous world. if america withdraws, we get the kind of chaos that obama, clinton has produced. (sot kasich) as a leader of this country, you want to be very careful and i wouldn't say that now-nats-while in washington, trump tried rallying support from party leaders.he also spoke before aipac.(sot trump) "when i become president, the days of treating israel like a on day one."democratic front- runner hillary clinton used her speech before the pro-israel group to target trump:(sot clinton) "we need steady hands. not a president who says he's neutral on monday, pro-israel on tuesday." bernie sanders skipped the conference and campaigned in utah where he needs to pull off a win today.(sot sanders) to be successful, we have to be a friend not only to israel but to the palestinian people. palestinian but to the not only to israel have to be a to be a friend not only to israel but to the palestinian people.more than 200 delegates are up for grabs today.don champion cbs news. vice presidentjoe biden is in cincinnati today. he'll be at a fundraiser for former ohio governor ted strickland.. who's running for the u-s senate. strickland won the democratic primary and will take on the republican incumbent, rob portman in november. polls show strickland and portman pretty even right now. getting a democrat in that seat could have big implications. highways were shut down overnight as fundraiser is at the westin hotel, downtown. 3 time/temp ...many people have voted in presidential primaries or caucuses ...but there's one group lacking appearances at the polls ... how that may be changing ... plus ...presidential candidates are often caught in awkward situations ...which ones are the best at busting a move ... next on good morning cincinnati. break three3 right now ...explosions throughout brussels. two explosions this morning at the airport.and now reports of explosions at a brussels metro least three people are dead at the is quoting a public broadcasting reporter .. who reports a brussels says at least 10 are dead.several are hurt.right now, the airport is being evacuated, and all 3 flights are being diverted.. and belgium's terror alert status is at its maximum level. witnesses say the explosions were in the departure hall in the main terminal, and near the american airlines desk. the prime paris attacks .. salah abdeslam was arrested in brussels friday.. and police are still looking for a suspect whose d-n-a was found on the explosives used in those attacks. 3 an early voting law is getting support from kentucky's top state alison lundergan grimes says she hopes the state senate will approve an early voting law passed by the house. it would create 12 days of early voting before each election.ohio's early voting is 35 days before the election. 3 when it comes to get- out- the- vote efforts.. it's been historically difficult to get one group to show up to the polls.we're talking about young people, or millenials. that may be changing this year. national correspondent kristine frazao looks at one group trying to energize them. 3 their enthusiasm and energy doesn't often translate into votes but charlie kirk is hoping to change that."i saw barack obama and his army organize incredible effectively with incredible effectiveness on college campuses and i said the conservatives should be competing in this arena."so he started turning point u-s-a while he was still in high school and now his own army of volunteers and staff."we have a lot of students from the northern region and we'll be able to get you plugged in with what we're doing on your young to rent a car, but his company is making waves, active on more than a thousand college campuses.charlie kirk/founder & exec director, turning point usathe number one thing we hear is apathy and the second is frustration and anger and distrust of washington and the political class 04a major theme this election cycle, and one that's brought bernie sanders a large part of his support - from young people.the so called snapchat generation overwhelmingly supports democrats, 56 percent to 36 percent according to a recent poll.kirk believes the tide will turn, calling young generationuber and lyft is this bottom up grassroots entrepreneurial model that people should be in charge of their own choices and decisions. and you can actually see taxi cabs get better, that's competition, that's what we're fighting for" standupthe organization - circle - which studies the politics of young people crunched the numbers, and found the youth vote in these 10 states exceeded the margin of victory in the 2012 presidential election... so a shift in *their* vote could have changed the ultimate result. in washington i'm kf 3 time/temp ...the reds mascots will make a special appearance at a local preschool today... rosie and gapper will meet with students at primrose school in west chester for its bow tie tuesday fundraiser. kids, families, and teachers are encouraged to wear bow ties ...the school's owners will donate five dollars to the charity save the children for everyone who enters the 3 the world's only rock and roll nutrition show is coming to two local schools today.the jump with jill tour will be at william avenue elementary, and john p-parker uses music and dance to encourage healthy habits.the idea behind it is that kids learn better when they are well fed.. and dancing is great exercise. 3 you know you open yourself up to some ridiculous responses when you turn to the internet ....that's what the u-k's national environment research council did to find a name for its newest research vessel.and if the public gets its way ... the 288-million-dollar ship mcboatface."mcboatface is the current frontrunner ...other suggestions include "the r-s-s it's bloody cold here" and "usain boat."the council says the names are only suggestions. 3 now here's jen with a local 12 traffic alert. 3 3 3 it happens to most presidential candidates sooner or later.they end up being forced to bust an awkward move. donald trump did a bit of "dad-dancing" as he was serenaded on stage recently. jeanne moos reports ... 3 if having people sing happy birthday to you...(nat sound) "happy birthday."makes you squirm, put yourself in donald trump's shoes....(nat sound) "so donald donald stand by me." standing and swaying, on stage carson, as they were serenaded by singer beau davidson.(nat sound)"or the mountain crumbling to the sea."the daily mail called it "toe- curling" "dad-dancing", a 3- minute "cringe-fest."(jeanne moos/cnn correspondent)"so donald donald stand. there is nothing easy about standing by someone who's singing "stand by me" to you." and clapping...(nat sound)"c'mon, put your hands together for mr. trump."clapping in unison is even more challenging. ben carson's hand movements are already under intense scrutiny...(nat sound)"oh stand by me ."by the folks at s-n-l. at one point the donald even sang along, mouthing his own name...(nat sound)"so donald donald stand by me." though maybe this wasn't as uncomfortable as it must have been for hillary to have a hillary imitator serenading make you love me if you don't.."the donald was a good sport...(nat sound)"you used to call me on the cell phone." s-n-l called on him to dance to drake's hotline bling. when it comes to politicians doing their thing, they all dance to the beat....(nat sound)of a different drummer. or make their own beat. jeanne moos, c-n-n(nat sound)new york. 3 time/temp ...still ahead ... today is national sing out loud day go to our facebook page and let us know the one song you can't resist singing out ... pint-sized bengals ...some of the players' families are getting a little bigger ... that's ahead at five on good break four3 3 it's national sing out loud on facebook, we want to know ...what's the one song you cant resist singing out lout when you hear it? 3 we want you to join the conversation -- just *like* the local 12 page on facebook to share your thoughts. 3 3 (show open) 3 now at five.we're tracking breaking news in brussels. we'll bring you the latest details on the deadly explosions at an airport.. and across the city. 3 the hurt doesn't go away. one year after an unsolved murder..the search for answers continues for a local family. 3 good good morning.we'll get to those top stories in just a moment.but first we want to start with a first check of your's 3

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New York , United States , Kentucky , Hamilton County , Syria , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Washington , District Of Columbia , Cincinnati , Ohio , Ohio River , West Chester , Arizona , Middletown , Idaho , Israel , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , North College Hill , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Utah , Primrose School , America , Northern Region , Palestinian , American , Cuban , Ben Carson , Angela Ingram , Ted Strickland , John Kasich , Donald , Jeanne Moos , Derek Jones , John Lomax , Anna Ritchie , Raul Castro , Barack Obama , Alison Lundergan Grimes , Charlie Kirk , William Dickens , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders ,

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