Transcripts For WKRC Good Morning Cincinnati 430 20160222 :

Transcripts For WKRC Good Morning Cincinnati 430 20160222

3 3 new this morning...two teenagers are in the hospital after a crash in crosby township ...police say a 16- year old girl lost control on new haven road last night.. as she approached the bend at mount hopple road.her vehicle hit a guardrail and a utility pole.the driver and a 15-year old passenger are at children's hospital.. and they're expected to be okay. 3 also new this morning ... investigators want to know what caused a fire in happened at a home on flintrock bluff around ten last night.crews say the fire started in the garage, then spread to the upper man was able to get out safely, along with his dog ... but a cat is still missing. the man is now staying with family.two vehicles were destroyed, and there's at least 100-thousand dollars in damage to the home. time/temp ...ahead at four-30 ...jumping rope for a good cause the local students helping a local boy with a heart defect ... remembering the victims..and what's happening today with the suspect in a shooting, on good break one3 3 now at four-30 ...a man is locked up for a shocking string of murders ....we'll tell you what's happening 3 delivering justice ...why the f-b-i's director says it's so important to get into the san bernardino attacker's phone ... 3 getting back into the swing of things ...the latest on reds spring training in arizona ... 3 good morning cincinnati.thanks for joining us on this monday. i'm john lomax.and i'm sheila gray.the stories of the day are coming up. first a check of the weather. here's meterologist john gumm. 3 a michigan man will be arraigned today in connection with a seven-hour shooting spree saturday night that left at least six people dead, and two others injured.authorities are working to piece together the timeline of the alleged killer --- a 45-year-old uber driver -- who reportedly picked up passengers in between the shootings. don new york. 3 jason brian dalton faces multiple murder and weapons charges connected to a deadly shooting rampage in kalamazoo. officials say the 45-year-old uber driver targeted his gets chills thinking about his encounter with the accused killer:(sot mark dunton/ uber think that someone could have gone out and just done all these horrible things and came to work straight-faced -- like he's just coming to work (-59) dunton and his friends heard about the killing spree and got nervous when dalton picked them up in a car that matched the one police were looking for..(sot mark dunton/ uber passenger) my buddy scott actually said something to him said hey this isn't the hhr, you're not the guy are you? richard smith and his 17-year-old son tyler were killed car shopping at this dealership.barbara hawthorne was among those killed at this cracker barrel.(sot patti jones) when a tragedy like this strikes you never expect it to be this close at homethe first victim in the shooting spree was a woman who was shot multiple times at an apartment complex. she is expected to survive.the sheriff says her quick actions saved the lives of several children including 12-year-old joi coleman:(joi coleman, 12-year-old survivor) he shot her once, and she was still running, and then he shot her again, and she fell and she was asking joi help me father of two, had no prior criminal history.don champion cbs news. 3 uber's chief security officer released a statement saying: "we are horrified and heartbroken at the senseless violence in kalamazoo, michigan. our hearts and prayers are with the families of the victims of this devastating crime and those recovering from injuries." 3 also new this morning ...isis is claiming responsibility for a string of attacks in syria that left at least 140 dead ... in damascus, four blasts killed at least 83 people yesterday.earlier in the day, 57 people were killed after two car bombs exploded in homs. both attacks focused on areas where beliefs run counter to isis' ideology. 3 turning to local news now ...a woman is due in court this morning for her alleged role in a police chase ...police say iesha harris assaulted a person and stole a u-haul van early yesterday morning.when a colerain township officer spotted the u-haul and tried to stop it... police say harris took off ...and according to court documents, township police car during the chase.police used stop sticks near i-275 and 128 in miami township.but once the u-haul came to a stop, police say harris jumped out and ran.she was stopped when a police dog bit her.the 24-year- old now faces a number of charges. 3 in more local news ...those who want to succeed john boehner will take part in candidate forums today ... organizers say most of the 17 congressional candidates plan to be at two sessions at miami university.there are 15 republicans running in the march 15th primary.that's when voters will choose nominees for a special election in june to fill boehner's term, and for the next congress. 3 local students will raise money for the american heart association today ... by jumping!kids from dillsboro, manchester, and moore's hill elementary schools are taking part in the "jump for justin" event this afternoon.12-year old justin wilburn has a heart defect.. but doesn't let his health issue stop him.justin's school raised more than three- thousand dollars last year to already tallied up more than five-thousand this year. 3 baseball is back out in goodyear arizona.spring training is underway is in full swing..and local 12's brad steinke is there. 3 time/temp ...on the campaign trail ...the latest on the candidates' week historic storm fiji is trying to recover after getting slammed by a break two3 3 the government in fiji says its top priority right now is getting emergency supplies to the areas hardest hit by a deadly weekend cyclone.cyclone winston brought torrential rain and 177 mile an hour winds to the islands.18 people are dead.. and more than six- thousand residents are staying in emergency shelters after their homes were destroyed. it was the strongest storm on record in the southern hemisphere. 3 new this morning ...the director of the f-b-i says the agency owes it to the victims of the san bernardino massacre.. to gain access to a cellphone used by sayed farook. james comey posted a message last night saying the f-b-i can't look the survivors in the eye if the agency don't follow this lead.last week a federal magistrate ordered apple to create software to get into farook's locked i- phone.. but apple is refusing. comey says the case isn't about setting a precedent, but is about delivering justice for the victims. 3 presidential candidates heads out west this week for the nevada republican caucuses. donald trump looks for his third victory tomorrow, and senators marco rubio and ted cruz battle for second place. danielle nottingham has more from the campaign trail. 3 donald trump is on a roll after picking up 50 delegates in his south carolina victory. but trump isn't underestimating his republican rivals.(sot: donald trump, republican presidential candidate) i'm dealing with very talented people, smart people, good people.i think they'll be competing. we still have competition. its shaping up to be a three man race between trump and senators marco rubio and ted cruz heading into tuesdays caucuses in nevada. rubio picked up the endorsement of nevada senator dean heller-- it could be key in his effort to become the choice of (sot: senator marco rubio)"the democrats don't want to run against me, but i want to run against them"(danielle nottingham, cbs news, pahrump, nv)"cruz is hitting the ground hard here in nevada after a disappointing third place finish in south carolina, vote to trump"(sot: ted cruz, republican presidential candidate)it is becoming clearer and clearer that we are the one campaign that can beat donald trump. infact we're the only campaign that has beaten donald trumphis supporters agree.(katreen romanoff, cruz supporters)he will do the best to save our country. more than that he's going to save the constitution. we're going back to the constitution.senator bernie sanders was also looking to rebound from a tough loss in nevada to hillary clinton. he attended church services in south carolina sunday trying to court black voters.the democrats have their next contest saturday in the palmetto state. 3 overall, trump has 67 delegates, ted cruz has 11 and marco rubio has 10 delegates. 3 time/temp ...sweating to make a difference..we'll introduce you to an inspiring local ...a new trend called bio-hacking ...and how it's making things easier for a local student, next, on good morning cincinnati. break three3 good morning... (ad lib) 3 some local basketball players aren't waiting for march madness for some mad competition...38 kentucky special olympics teams went head to head at sports of all and while it was a olympics set out to provide confidence, joy and fulfillment to all players. 3 "they found a home here. we have different skill levels here. they can compete, they can do whatever they see on tv, playing games, what their brothers, sisters may do."the winners of the regional tournament will now head to louisville on march 11th, 12th and 13th to play in the state tournament. 3 a fitness instructor in blue ash has a new campaign to change women's's called the sisterhood of sweat, and the sweat stands for something really powerful local 12's liz bonis met the women who say it's healing in many ways. 3 {**pkg **{**nat sot open of fitness class**if you've never tried kangaroo fitness, linda mitchell says - - this low impact, high energy bounce and burn class,, really could help propel you toward not only a better body --{** sot **< linda mitchell 00:43 it burns fifty percent more calories, than average workout like running, so you can get a workout in half the time.>{** vo ** but also a better see linda's life mission is to get women of all 1: 55 to love themesleves from the inside out,, i believe everybody deserves to feel 100 great about themselves.>{** sot **< tease is at 14:35/ stand up is at 15: 28/ okay so what she really wants you to know is you can get great workout in ,, in a lot of different ways this is one of them, and support each other while you are doing this,, she refers to this as the sisterhood of sweat.>{** vo ** you see linda, is the author of the sisterhood of sweat. sweat stands for strong women empowering achieving together those who are part of this says not only are they feeling -- {** sot **< clarissa stronger , fitter, a lot more endurance.>{** vo **but also part of a collective movement --that builds women up, in a whole new way --{**sot **< sara matchison / 2:36 i love the comroderie of all the women, i get excited to come, i just had a baby almost 8 weeks ago, so being able to come back in and feel comfortable around everyone , although my body is not back in shape where it was,,i have enjoyed every minute of it.> reasons linda says she wrote the to help women oversome the all or nothing idea when it comes to getting back into fitness --{** sot ** < 4:00: she says you get a changes to stink for awhile,, until you are back to where you were.> {** sot **< 2:02: 05 i also wrote it because in society i noticed that sometimes we attack each other, and i wanted to bring this community together where we build each other up.>{** vo **as for why many of here support linda and the sisterhood of sweat ?{** sot **< 5:10 she's a big inspiration.> 3 liz bonis reporting.the book is available on amazon for 19- 95.we have a link to the book and the kangaroo fitness classes at local12-dot-com. just hover on news, and click on the get it now links. 3 now here's bob with a local 12 traffic alert. 3 (traffic check) 3 a growing tech trend takes personal computing to its highest level.... going from *hands-on* to *hands-in*.more and more people are *bio- hacking* their bodies with implanted computer chips that can perform a wide range of tasks.local 12's joe webb found a local guy who is all in. 3 garrett frey is already an accomplished entrepreneur and other than that seems like a pretty typical 21-year-old college student. until you look more's right here in my left hand. you can see it and feel it if you touch it.hardly bigger than a grain of rice is a radio frequency identification device implanted between frey's thumb and index finger. using an app on his phone, frey uses the chip to open the unlock his phone. you can program it to send specific texts, turn on an alarm, set a timer, turn off your wi-fi. there's a vast number of things you can do with the actual chip.frey's chip 3 was injected using a syringe. he had a professional do it. the chip and insertion cost him $150. he's had it for more than a year but just recently told his get your ears pierced or a tattoo that's one thing. geting an actual implant of an rfid 3 chip, it can be a taboo subject.his parents are okay with it.garrett frey's chip is very simple. like he says, it's not much different than the id chip you have implanted in your dog or cat. but they are becoming more complex. compass that lights up and you can see through your skin.the technology is just starting to take off and more people are embracing...or ingesting it. bio-hacking has sparked moral and ethical discussions. in computing circles it has raised security questions. as the technology has shrunk from mainframes to desktops to laptops to phones to implants...has security kept up? unfortunately, given every technology generation that i've seen we make the same security mistakes and we don't secure a new generation of technology until the mistakes are bad enough and cause enough dollars or human injuries to take security seriously again.frey says the information on his chip is encrypted and not hackable. dr. walden isn't so sure that's the case. either way, it's working unlocking doors..literally and figuratively. the's limitless we're just getting started.and garrett frey is getting firsthand experience on what the future may hold. in highland heights, joe webb local 12 news. 3 garrett frey is a senior at n-k-u, but has already launched his own business. *event-spider-app-dot-com* helps connect students to activities on campus and helps schools retain their students. 3 time/temp's walk the dog day head to our facebook page and share your favorite place to take your dog for some outdoor fun ... using two wheels to turn exercise into art ...we'll look at the creations, ahead at five, on good morning break four3 it's walk the dog day on facebook, we're asking .... where's your favorite place to take your dog for some outdoor fun? 3 we want you to join the conversation -- just *like* the local 12 page on facebook to share your thoughts. 3 3 (show open) 3 now at five.innocent people become targets of a shooting spree after a gunman opens fire at random.we have the latest details from kalamazoo, michigan. 3 organic produce is trendy.. and lucrative!we'll tell you how a local company is turning healthy eating into a billion dollar industry. 3 plus, an update from goodyear, arizona.hear from reds catcher, devin mesaraco. about the hype surrounding this season. 3 good morning.we'll get to those top stories in just a moment.but first we want to start with a first check of your's

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Louisville , Kentucky , Nevada , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , Moore Hill , Michigan , Highland Heights , Palmetto , South Carolina , Cincinnati , Ohio , Miami University , Fiji , Arizona , Pahrump , Colerain , American , Linda Mitchell , Richard Smith , Marco Rubio , Jason Brian Dalton , James Comey , Patti Jones , Joe Webb , John Lomax , Garrett Frey , Barbara Hawthorne , Danielle Nottingham , Justin Wilburn , Brad Steinke , John Boehner , Dunton Uber , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WKRC Good Morning Cincinnati 430 20160222 :

Transcripts For WKRC Good Morning Cincinnati 430 20160222

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3 3 new this morning...two teenagers are in the hospital after a crash in crosby township ...police say a 16- year old girl lost control on new haven road last night.. as she approached the bend at mount hopple road.her vehicle hit a guardrail and a utility pole.the driver and a 15-year old passenger are at children's hospital.. and they're expected to be okay. 3 also new this morning ... investigators want to know what caused a fire in happened at a home on flintrock bluff around ten last night.crews say the fire started in the garage, then spread to the upper man was able to get out safely, along with his dog ... but a cat is still missing. the man is now staying with family.two vehicles were destroyed, and there's at least 100-thousand dollars in damage to the home. time/temp ...ahead at four-30 ...jumping rope for a good cause the local students helping a local boy with a heart defect ... remembering the victims..and what's happening today with the suspect in a shooting, on good break one3 3 now at four-30 ...a man is locked up for a shocking string of murders ....we'll tell you what's happening 3 delivering justice ...why the f-b-i's director says it's so important to get into the san bernardino attacker's phone ... 3 getting back into the swing of things ...the latest on reds spring training in arizona ... 3 good morning cincinnati.thanks for joining us on this monday. i'm john lomax.and i'm sheila gray.the stories of the day are coming up. first a check of the weather. here's meterologist john gumm. 3 a michigan man will be arraigned today in connection with a seven-hour shooting spree saturday night that left at least six people dead, and two others injured.authorities are working to piece together the timeline of the alleged killer --- a 45-year-old uber driver -- who reportedly picked up passengers in between the shootings. don new york. 3 jason brian dalton faces multiple murder and weapons charges connected to a deadly shooting rampage in kalamazoo. officials say the 45-year-old uber driver targeted his gets chills thinking about his encounter with the accused killer:(sot mark dunton/ uber think that someone could have gone out and just done all these horrible things and came to work straight-faced -- like he's just coming to work (-59) dunton and his friends heard about the killing spree and got nervous when dalton picked them up in a car that matched the one police were looking for..(sot mark dunton/ uber passenger) my buddy scott actually said something to him said hey this isn't the hhr, you're not the guy are you? richard smith and his 17-year-old son tyler were killed car shopping at this dealership.barbara hawthorne was among those killed at this cracker barrel.(sot patti jones) when a tragedy like this strikes you never expect it to be this close at homethe first victim in the shooting spree was a woman who was shot multiple times at an apartment complex. she is expected to survive.the sheriff says her quick actions saved the lives of several children including 12-year-old joi coleman:(joi coleman, 12-year-old survivor) he shot her once, and she was still running, and then he shot her again, and she fell and she was asking joi help me father of two, had no prior criminal history.don champion cbs news. 3 uber's chief security officer released a statement saying: "we are horrified and heartbroken at the senseless violence in kalamazoo, michigan. our hearts and prayers are with the families of the victims of this devastating crime and those recovering from injuries." 3 also new this morning ...isis is claiming responsibility for a string of attacks in syria that left at least 140 dead ... in damascus, four blasts killed at least 83 people yesterday.earlier in the day, 57 people were killed after two car bombs exploded in homs. both attacks focused on areas where beliefs run counter to isis' ideology. 3 turning to local news now ...a woman is due in court this morning for her alleged role in a police chase ...police say iesha harris assaulted a person and stole a u-haul van early yesterday morning.when a colerain township officer spotted the u-haul and tried to stop it... police say harris took off ...and according to court documents, township police car during the chase.police used stop sticks near i-275 and 128 in miami township.but once the u-haul came to a stop, police say harris jumped out and ran.she was stopped when a police dog bit her.the 24-year- old now faces a number of charges. 3 in more local news ...those who want to succeed john boehner will take part in candidate forums today ... organizers say most of the 17 congressional candidates plan to be at two sessions at miami university.there are 15 republicans running in the march 15th primary.that's when voters will choose nominees for a special election in june to fill boehner's term, and for the next congress. 3 local students will raise money for the american heart association today ... by jumping!kids from dillsboro, manchester, and moore's hill elementary schools are taking part in the "jump for justin" event this afternoon.12-year old justin wilburn has a heart defect.. but doesn't let his health issue stop him.justin's school raised more than three- thousand dollars last year to already tallied up more than five-thousand this year. 3 baseball is back out in goodyear arizona.spring training is underway is in full swing..and local 12's brad steinke is there. 3 time/temp ...on the campaign trail ...the latest on the candidates' week historic storm fiji is trying to recover after getting slammed by a break two3 3 the government in fiji says its top priority right now is getting emergency supplies to the areas hardest hit by a deadly weekend cyclone.cyclone winston brought torrential rain and 177 mile an hour winds to the islands.18 people are dead.. and more than six- thousand residents are staying in emergency shelters after their homes were destroyed. it was the strongest storm on record in the southern hemisphere. 3 new this morning ...the director of the f-b-i says the agency owes it to the victims of the san bernardino massacre.. to gain access to a cellphone used by sayed farook. james comey posted a message last night saying the f-b-i can't look the survivors in the eye if the agency don't follow this lead.last week a federal magistrate ordered apple to create software to get into farook's locked i- phone.. but apple is refusing. comey says the case isn't about setting a precedent, but is about delivering justice for the victims. 3 presidential candidates heads out west this week for the nevada republican caucuses. donald trump looks for his third victory tomorrow, and senators marco rubio and ted cruz battle for second place. danielle nottingham has more from the campaign trail. 3 donald trump is on a roll after picking up 50 delegates in his south carolina victory. but trump isn't underestimating his republican rivals.(sot: donald trump, republican presidential candidate) i'm dealing with very talented people, smart people, good people.i think they'll be competing. we still have competition. its shaping up to be a three man race between trump and senators marco rubio and ted cruz heading into tuesdays caucuses in nevada. rubio picked up the endorsement of nevada senator dean heller-- it could be key in his effort to become the choice of (sot: senator marco rubio)"the democrats don't want to run against me, but i want to run against them"(danielle nottingham, cbs news, pahrump, nv)"cruz is hitting the ground hard here in nevada after a disappointing third place finish in south carolina, vote to trump"(sot: ted cruz, republican presidential candidate)it is becoming clearer and clearer that we are the one campaign that can beat donald trump. infact we're the only campaign that has beaten donald trumphis supporters agree.(katreen romanoff, cruz supporters)he will do the best to save our country. more than that he's going to save the constitution. we're going back to the constitution.senator bernie sanders was also looking to rebound from a tough loss in nevada to hillary clinton. he attended church services in south carolina sunday trying to court black voters.the democrats have their next contest saturday in the palmetto state. 3 overall, trump has 67 delegates, ted cruz has 11 and marco rubio has 10 delegates. 3 time/temp ...sweating to make a difference..we'll introduce you to an inspiring local ...a new trend called bio-hacking ...and how it's making things easier for a local student, next, on good morning cincinnati. break three3 good morning... (ad lib) 3 some local basketball players aren't waiting for march madness for some mad competition...38 kentucky special olympics teams went head to head at sports of all and while it was a olympics set out to provide confidence, joy and fulfillment to all players. 3 "they found a home here. we have different skill levels here. they can compete, they can do whatever they see on tv, playing games, what their brothers, sisters may do."the winners of the regional tournament will now head to louisville on march 11th, 12th and 13th to play in the state tournament. 3 a fitness instructor in blue ash has a new campaign to change women's's called the sisterhood of sweat, and the sweat stands for something really powerful local 12's liz bonis met the women who say it's healing in many ways. 3 {**pkg **{**nat sot open of fitness class**if you've never tried kangaroo fitness, linda mitchell says - - this low impact, high energy bounce and burn class,, really could help propel you toward not only a better body --{** sot **< linda mitchell 00:43 it burns fifty percent more calories, than average workout like running, so you can get a workout in half the time.>{** vo ** but also a better see linda's life mission is to get women of all 1: 55 to love themesleves from the inside out,, i believe everybody deserves to feel 100 great about themselves.>{** sot **< tease is at 14:35/ stand up is at 15: 28/ okay so what she really wants you to know is you can get great workout in ,, in a lot of different ways this is one of them, and support each other while you are doing this,, she refers to this as the sisterhood of sweat.>{** vo ** you see linda, is the author of the sisterhood of sweat. sweat stands for strong women empowering achieving together those who are part of this says not only are they feeling -- {** sot **< clarissa stronger , fitter, a lot more endurance.>{** vo **but also part of a collective movement --that builds women up, in a whole new way --{**sot **< sara matchison / 2:36 i love the comroderie of all the women, i get excited to come, i just had a baby almost 8 weeks ago, so being able to come back in and feel comfortable around everyone , although my body is not back in shape where it was,,i have enjoyed every minute of it.> reasons linda says she wrote the to help women oversome the all or nothing idea when it comes to getting back into fitness --{** sot ** < 4:00: she says you get a changes to stink for awhile,, until you are back to where you were.> {** sot **< 2:02: 05 i also wrote it because in society i noticed that sometimes we attack each other, and i wanted to bring this community together where we build each other up.>{** vo **as for why many of here support linda and the sisterhood of sweat ?{** sot **< 5:10 she's a big inspiration.> 3 liz bonis reporting.the book is available on amazon for 19- 95.we have a link to the book and the kangaroo fitness classes at local12-dot-com. just hover on news, and click on the get it now links. 3 now here's bob with a local 12 traffic alert. 3 (traffic check) 3 a growing tech trend takes personal computing to its highest level.... going from *hands-on* to *hands-in*.more and more people are *bio- hacking* their bodies with implanted computer chips that can perform a wide range of tasks.local 12's joe webb found a local guy who is all in. 3 garrett frey is already an accomplished entrepreneur and other than that seems like a pretty typical 21-year-old college student. until you look more's right here in my left hand. you can see it and feel it if you touch it.hardly bigger than a grain of rice is a radio frequency identification device implanted between frey's thumb and index finger. using an app on his phone, frey uses the chip to open the unlock his phone. you can program it to send specific texts, turn on an alarm, set a timer, turn off your wi-fi. there's a vast number of things you can do with the actual chip.frey's chip 3 was injected using a syringe. he had a professional do it. the chip and insertion cost him $150. he's had it for more than a year but just recently told his get your ears pierced or a tattoo that's one thing. geting an actual implant of an rfid 3 chip, it can be a taboo subject.his parents are okay with it.garrett frey's chip is very simple. like he says, it's not much different than the id chip you have implanted in your dog or cat. but they are becoming more complex. compass that lights up and you can see through your skin.the technology is just starting to take off and more people are embracing...or ingesting it. bio-hacking has sparked moral and ethical discussions. in computing circles it has raised security questions. as the technology has shrunk from mainframes to desktops to laptops to phones to implants...has security kept up? unfortunately, given every technology generation that i've seen we make the same security mistakes and we don't secure a new generation of technology until the mistakes are bad enough and cause enough dollars or human injuries to take security seriously again.frey says the information on his chip is encrypted and not hackable. dr. walden isn't so sure that's the case. either way, it's working unlocking doors..literally and figuratively. the's limitless we're just getting started.and garrett frey is getting firsthand experience on what the future may hold. in highland heights, joe webb local 12 news. 3 garrett frey is a senior at n-k-u, but has already launched his own business. *event-spider-app-dot-com* helps connect students to activities on campus and helps schools retain their students. 3 time/temp's walk the dog day head to our facebook page and share your favorite place to take your dog for some outdoor fun ... using two wheels to turn exercise into art ...we'll look at the creations, ahead at five, on good morning break four3 it's walk the dog day on facebook, we're asking .... where's your favorite place to take your dog for some outdoor fun? 3 we want you to join the conversation -- just *like* the local 12 page on facebook to share your thoughts. 3 3 (show open) 3 now at five.innocent people become targets of a shooting spree after a gunman opens fire at random.we have the latest details from kalamazoo, michigan. 3 organic produce is trendy.. and lucrative!we'll tell you how a local company is turning healthy eating into a billion dollar industry. 3 plus, an update from goodyear, arizona.hear from reds catcher, devin mesaraco. about the hype surrounding this season. 3 good morning.we'll get to those top stories in just a moment.but first we want to start with a first check of your's

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Louisville , Kentucky , Nevada , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , Moore Hill , Michigan , Highland Heights , Palmetto , South Carolina , Cincinnati , Ohio , Miami University , Fiji , Arizona , Pahrump , Colerain , American , Linda Mitchell , Richard Smith , Marco Rubio , Jason Brian Dalton , James Comey , Patti Jones , Joe Webb , John Lomax , Garrett Frey , Barbara Hawthorne , Danielle Nottingham , Justin Wilburn , Brad Steinke , John Boehner , Dunton Uber , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders ,

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