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Your world in 90 seconds. A huge voter turnout and im talking about a huge voter Bernie Sanders pulls off a major upset in michigan. We have our differences. Comparison to what is happening on the republican side. Only one person did well tonight, donald trump. I will tell you. Listen. Donald says a different entertaining thing every day. Buckle up your seat belts. Its a wild ride. A huge explosion in seattle. The building was leveled. Several firefighters have been injured. Severe weather in parts of texas and arkansas, oklahoma. Power lines were knocked down roofs off buildings. A shooter of a pastor in idaho has been arrested after throwing items over a white house fence. Taylor force killed during a the killer was killed. The manhunt for an illegal immigrant from mexico suspected of five murders ended early this morning in missouri. Sheriffs deputy in pennsylvania brings a scary situation to a peaceful end. All that. Caught on live tv, a new reporter jumps out of the way after a car was in came in his path. George martin has died. The great thing about getting old, everybody does it, if they are lucky. All that matters. This Campaign Season has been brutal. You will never feel the love that Stephen Colbert felt from his fans. Stephen Stephen Stephen stop it that is not cool at mitt romney equals loser. Thats true. I lost. Who are you and where do you buy announcer this portion of cbs toyota. Lets go places welcome to cbs this morning. Bernie sanders says huge surprise win in the michigan primary creates the kind of momentum he needs. Donald trump is also celebrating after tightening his grip on the republican race. Sanders victory is a setback for Hillary Clinton ahead of a debate tonight and primaries next week. Sanders defied predictions. Polls suggested clinton would win easily but clinton scored a landslide victory in mississippi and added more delegates overall than sanders and she is more than halfway to the democratic nomination. Nancy cordes is in cleveland where people are already voting in next tuesdays ohio primary. Nancy, good morning reporter good morning. Its fair to say the clinton she was leading in the polls by anywhere from 10 to 20 points and at late last night she will still assuring us she would win, but sanders owned the issue that may have mattered more there than anyone realized, including him this has been a fantastic night. Reporter sander got the good news so late, he had already left his miami rally. Hotel. I just want to take this opportunity to thank the people of michigan who kind of repudiated the polls. Reporter this is how he did it. By winning more than 80 of michigans young voters under the age of 30. He won white voters by 16 points. And in the state that is home to the auto industry, nearly 60 ps of democratic voters said trade takes away jobs and one of his central themes. Hillary clinton has supported virtually every one of these reporter it was a blow to clinton who spent the last four days in the state and made the flint water crisis one of her signature issues for months. We are going to tackle this lead problem everywhere our children are at risk. Reporter she still ended the night with more new delegates than sanders, thanks to a blowou victory in mississippi where she won nearly 90 of the africanamerican vote and sanders still faces long odds. Im i cant imagine not voting for the first woman to become president of the united states. Reporter he is trailing in every poll of the five big states voting next tuesday, including ohio, illinois, and florida. But he has now proven it can change. Lets show the world that democracy is alive and well with a huge voter turnout. Huge reporter clinton was hoping to celebrate a big michigan win plant the flag for next tuesdays primary. Instead, she had to give her speech without knowing the outcome and take an overnight flight to florida where she faces Bernie Sanders in a debate tonight that just got a lot more interesting. Gayle . Ill say. Thank you very much, nancy cordes. Donald trump dominated his republican rivals again last night. The gop frontrunner won the michigan and mississippi primaries, plus the hawaii caucuses. Ted cruz won the republican primary in idaho. Trump added at least 59 delegates to his leading total. Cruz picked up at least 45 but marco rubio still has no new delegates. Major garrett is in palm beach, florida, outside of trumps resort. Reporter good morning. Inside the ballroom of Trump National golf club in jupiter, florida, last night, donald trump celebrated big victories saying he could be more president ial than anyone and treating the audience at times looked like a segment from the Home Shopping network. Ly tell you. Its true. Reporter donald trump celebrated crushing victories in michigan and mississippi with this message to gop forces arrayed against him. I want to thank the special interests and the lobbyists, because they, obviously, did something to drive these numbers. Reporter sounding like a party leader, trump delivered a plea for republicans to rally around him. I think its time to unify. We have Something Special going on in the Republican Party and, unfortunately, the people of the party, they call them the elites or whatever they call themselves, those are the people that dont respect it yet. Reporter but in typical trump fashion he mixed politic with an infomercial and displaying trump products that romney said was kaput. You see the wine. We have trurch mp steaks. He said trump magazine is out. It is . I thought i read one two days ago. The nights biggest losers marco rubio and john kasich must rely on their home states to keep their campaigns alive. Here we are. It always comes down to florida, doesnt it . We are going to win the state of ohio and it will be a whole new ball game reporter despite his big night, trump said he was taking nothing for granted. After tonight, do you consider yourself the presume Presumptive Republican nominee . I dont really. Because you have to win. I like to close things out. So until the last person is gone. Reporter ted cruz did well enough to carry on but marco rubios night was so disappointing and some within his inner circle discussing whether a good idea for him to drop off before the tuesday florida primary. Those within marco rubios campaign itself said those discussions are no nowhere. Rubio will stay in the fight and predict he will win come next tuesday. Cbs news political director and face the nation moderator has the effort to stop trump by definition failed . Yes, it failed certainly in michigan and mississippi. One of the things did it increase turn out for him . Im not sure it did that. But it did nothing to slow him. So they are going to have to find Something Else real quick before those winner take all contests next tuesday. What might that be . I dont know. I mean, they have certainly trump, over the last two weeks, has taken withering fire and it has not worked. They have gone in his business past and going on whether he is going to destroy the party. Neither of those two has worked. Remember the bang shot has to work to slow him. Marco rubio has to win in florida and kasich in ohio and two different wins and two different candidates, its a long shot and still looks like one. John, talk about the democratic race and that big upset in michigan. Although sanders did little to cut into clintons delegate lead, lets talk about what we sanders won 81 of young voters and 70 of independents and 8 out of 10 voters who said honesty is the most important issue. Is that a warning sign for Hillary Clinton as we look at illinois, ohio, and wisconsin . Its certainly a warning sign. She was supposed to win michigan and she didnt. She is still ahead in the delegates and marching along that path. So unless there is a string of upsets and a string of surprises, she is still headed towards the nomination. So this was a surprise for sure and it shows weakness and anemia in her candidacy that has always been there. The trust numbers are a problem. But we still have to have a lot more upsets by Bernie Sanders to change the direction in the way this campaign is going. How did the pole lsters get it they misunderstood the electorate there. Either a latebreaking shift which is interesting, why did that happen . There have been big foulups like this in the past when clinton won in New Hampshire in 2008. This sometimes happen. To norahs question is this an aberration, they messed up in michigan . Or does it tell us something about the contests next tuesday . Wall street journal has an interesting headline today saying angry white males have propelled donald trump and Bernie Sanders and sort of raises the question about whether white males will be the swing voters. How have they played in this primary electorate . They have fueled Donald Trumps rise. The way he was able to win and pick up the south, the midwest and the northeast. For Bernie Sanders he has support but hasnt swung him to the victories i mean, swing him to some victories but not the whole nomination. John dickerson, thank you. A massive explosion in seattle overnight sent nine firefighters to the hospital. Crews responded to the scene after reports of a gas leak. Jeff dubois is at kiro. Firefighters in downtown seattle are on the scene. You might be able to see flames in the building decimated in this Early Morning fire. Before 2 00 a. M. That seattle firefighters called to the scene for a gas leak. 40 minutes later, they were still trying to pinpoint the source of the gas leak, boom a huge explosion that leveled this building and knocked firefighters to the ground. Nine firefighters, as you mentioned, were injured. Just minor injuries. They were taken to the local trauma hospital here in seattle to be treated for those minor injuries. We have not heard of any other reports of injuries which is incredible because of the size of this explosion. However, two blocks radius from this area we are seeing glass that was shattered from windows. And its an incredible scene put the hot spots out of this fire. This building collapsed. It was a restaurants or cafe and so they are still trying to figure out what caused this fire and this explosion. Again, have not heard of any significant injuries to other people, but there are some search dogs called out to search for any of the people who may have been caught up in this wreckage in this Early Morning explosion in seattle. Im jeff dubois. Severe weather today targets more than 13 Million People in the south and parts of the midwest. Flash floods overnight in louisiana forced evacuations. Several people had to be rescued from the rising water. The violent storms from the gulf coast are blamed for one death. David begnaud is in laughton, louisiana. Where a neighborhood is under water. Reporter a wild night in northeast louisiana and the win continues to fall at a heavy rate almost ten hours now overnight. There were calls for rescue. People trapped in their homes. Others in their cars. And as we come on the air right responding to calls for help. Overnight, torrential rain pounded the southern gulf. In laughton, louisiana, dozens of homes were evacuated. Rapidly rising water forced the rescue of nine people on this road in a parish. More than 10 inches of rain in ten hours in the northwestern part of the state left streets submerged and emergency crews simply inundated. Firefighters in greenwood, louisiana, used boats to rescue people trapped in their apartment. By the time i got here, it was completely pointless to try to put sandbags there. It was completely gone. Oh, my god reporter this same storm fueled a barrage of thunder and lightning in texas. More than 750 strikes hit around san antonio last night and just a fiveminute time period. More than 20,000 people lost power there. Look at the stuff flying around this ef1 tornado in texas and winds 70mileperhour destroyed this housing complex and left this trailer park in the city of tovar a mangled mess and two people injured. Came through. Just wow. Just not any words two forit. Completely unbelievable. Reporter there were more rescues in denton, texas, where high water left drivers stranded. Back here in louisiana where i am right now, seven homes flooded including the one behind me. As the water starts to recede, the rain is still falling at a heavy rate and it will continue throughout today and we are told well into the end of this week. Gayle . Thank you, david. Vice President Joe Biden is visiting israeli this morning and paying tribute to an american tourist killed yesterday by a palestinian attacker. 28yearold taylor force was an Army Combat Veteran from texas who completed tours of duty in iraq and afghanistan. At least 12 other people were wounded by the knifewielding man who was shot and killed by amateur video apparently shows the attacker running along a boardwalk. Vice President Biden was less than a mile away from the attack and discussed the events this morning with the israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. My wife and two children and two grandchildren were having dinner on the beach not very far from where that happened. It brings home that it can happen, it can happen anywhere at any time. More attacks this morning in israeli during the Vice President s meeting with the Prime Minister. A Senior Defense official says an air strike last week likely killed a top isis leader. United states leaders say the militant was the target of the strike in northeast syria. He is sometimes called omar, the chechen. 12 isis fighters may have died. Omar the chechen is a national of the republic of georgia. The pentagon says his death would hurt the terrorist groups ability to recruit foreign fighters. Britains Prime Minister calls George Martin a giant of the legendary record producer who brought the beatles to the world died last night. He was 90. Paul mccartney said martin was like a second father. In a statement, mccartney called him the most generous and intelligent and musical person i ringo starr tweeted, thank you for all your love and kindness, george. Peace and love. When a little unknown british band was trying to sell rock n roll. Reporter it was George Martin, a jazz and comedy producer who signed the group their first reorganized contract in 1962. And helped launch a revolution. I knew their repertoire and what they were able to record and said lets record every song you got. Whistled through their songs in a day. Reporter martin was behind 30 of the beatles number one singles. Yesterday all my troubles seemed to far away that score was the strength of the quartet. Well, when we did it, paul scribbled on it by paul mccartney, john lennon, George Martin and mozart zoo from the beatles to james bond. Gold finger your candle burned out long before reporter and elton johns rework of candle in the wind honoring princess diana. He pretty much could have hung up his hat after the beatles but he continued to work with every from dire straits and meatloaf and celine dion. Reporter George Martin work with the beatles that propelled him, there, and everywhere. The first record producer i ever worked with, with the beatles. And working with him now, its very easy for me. Its not very flattering to him, but i keep saying he is like an old shoe. Yeah. Its old pair of shoes. I like them. He is a very, very good producer. He is one of the best in the world. Wow. Wow. So many songs in such a few amount of years. I know. Think about that. Every other british Record Company had turned down the beatles and he signed them. He knew. How many pictures you see hes in those pictures and you might not have noticed him before but you noticed him now. A man who approached the white fence was already a wanted man. The capture of the suspect is coming up. First, its time to check your local weather. Starting off with lots of blue sky as well. Theres Daytona Beach live in high definition. 60 now. Warming to 80 through the day today. 63 now in ocala. Near 70 at cocoa beach. Right now, 69. Up to 84 by 4 00, no rain, announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by petco. A new look at the deadly shooting of a man involved in an armed stan jaufed doff in oregon. You back down or you kill me now ahead how this new video is raising questions about the fbis role. The news is back in the morning right here on cbs this morning. Hey, jesse. Who are you . Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. Porange money represents the money you put away for retirement. Over time, your money could multiply. 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Look at the sunshine, almost like a halo behind me. Daytona beach, blue sky, beautiful start to the day. Gorgeous weather for bike week. 60 is the temperature now. We have warmed out of the 50s. 63 in orlando. And ocala, almost 70 cocoa beach. 69. Staying dry across the board, 80 at noon, 84 at 4 00, we stay in the 80s all week. Rain chances return for the weekend. Thank you very much. We have to add a new accident to the mix, we have one lane blocked because of the crash on colonial past d road. You can satisfy the delays on i4 this morning. Complication, to thank as well. It just cleared. We had a westbound crash by 436. Added delay getting past that spot. Thats the check on traffic. You can get breaking news alerts with our local 6 mobile app. Good day sunshine wang a Solar Eclipse is a rare sight but how about seeing wow Alaska Airlines pushed back a flight yesterday by 25 minutes just so passengers could get a glimpse of the moon blocking out the sun over the pacific ocean. An astronomer made the request to the airline last year and alerted them from the flight to guess what. He was a passenger on the religion this half hour the manhunt for the gunman accused of shooting an idaho pastor is over. The secret service captured kyle odom throwing several items over the white house fence. That is ahead. Fbi agents, did they cover up evidence in the deadly encounter with an armed protester . Ahead, the newly released video. Time toshow you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. Huffington post reports on a secret meeting of power brokers who want to derail Donald Trumps campaign and took place last weekend at georgias sea island. Tim cook of apple and ilan elon musk karl rove apparently told the group some voters do not see the Washington Post reports on a steppedup zika organization. Should avoid affected areas. The u. S. Issued the same advice more than a month ago. The u. N. Agency says besides mosquito bites it is spread through the system more often than people believed. Krcg reports on the capture of an undocumented immigrant kaust last night. A handhunt of 17 hours, victorino was captured. Immigration Officials Say he was deported to mexico in 2004. Wusa reports on the arrest of a former marine accused of shooting a prominent idaho pastor. The secret service says Kyle Andrew Odom threw items over the white house fence. A pastor was shot in idaho. Jeff pegues is outside the white threw the items. Reporter good morning. The president was inside the white house when the secret service says kyle odom began throwing things over the south lawn fence. It happened at around 8 30 last night and included a flash drive and documents, all part of some bizarre manifesto that Law Enforcement Officials Say mentions the president and some members of congress. Kyle odom, the former marine, wanted in the attempted murder of a prominent idaho pastor traveled more than 2,000 miles to the Nations Capital to make a delivery. The secret service said odom threw unknown material over the south fence line at the white house complex. He was taken into custody without further incident. When agents searched Law Enforcement databases, outstanding warrant for attempted murder firstdegree was discovered. Police inin coeur dalene, dlo, said odom planted the attack on shot in the back and skull as he walked in the parking lot after sundays services. The bullet basically ricocheted, you know, in and then in his skull right above his temple. Reporter remington was shot the day after he prayed with republican president ial candidate ted cruz. He indicative the invocation in coeur dalene. Odom was charged with armed and dangerous. How could someone board an airplane, im not the first person to answer that question. Im sorry. Reporter police say odom flew from boise, idaho, the day after the shooting to washington, d. C. A manifesto mailed to his family and news organizations mentioned lawmakers by name. Probably a dozen or 15 or so u. S. Senators along with probably that twice amount from the u. S. House. Reporter idaho authorities said they were also concerned about odoms facebook page. On tuesday, his profile picture was changed to a drawing of an saying things are not what they appear to be. The world is ruled by an ancient civilization from mars. I have no time. I have to go. Police say odom has a history of Mental Illness and despite being shot six times, pastor remington has regained consciousness and he is talking to his family and is expected to be released from the hospital later on this week. Jeff, thank you very much. Newly released video raises new questions about a deadly shooting connected to the siege at an oregon wildlife refuge. The cell phone video shows one of the armed occupiers moments before Police Killed him after a traffic stop and chase. Ben tracy reports fbi agents at the scene are now suspected of covering up some important evidence. Back do you know wn or kill me now of lavoy finicum. Helicopter aerials and both in january during confrontation with Oregon State Police and fbi agents. Go ahead and shoot me put the laser right there and put the bullet through the head Reporter Police say finicum passed off and going 70 Miles Per Hour before reaching a road block. Investigators are looking into why the fbi team failed to report firing two shots that missed finicum as he exited his vehicle. Go ahead and shoot me [ screaming ] shoot me reporter they say he ignored repeated requests to lie down. He was shot only after he was seen reaching into his jacket. You have to shoot me Major Incident team of investigators found a loaded 9th millimeter handgun in the left pocket of finicums jacket. Reporter his widow says he his hands up and not reaching for anything at the time of the first shot. Reporter for cbs this morning, ben tracy, los angeles. Very curious about this case. Video raises some interesting questions all the way around. A contact leads to more than 120 Million Dollar verdict in court. Cbs investigates the hidden danger that could put your children at risk when they are in the car. If youre heading out the door, dont leave us behind. Watch us live through the cbs allaccess app. Its on your digital device. We are going to share how you season. Hey, youre going to do great. Hi. You forgot the milk thats lactaid. Right. 100 real milk, just without the lactose. So, no discomfort . Exactly. Try some. Mmm, it is real milk. Lactaid. 100 real milk. No discomfort. Lowes presents happy valentines day. Happy birthday. Sorry i forgot our anniversary. Happy mothers day. Now get mulch, soil and perennials 5 for 10, at lowes. 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If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. See me. See me. On my way. Find clear skin. And a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist auto Safety Experts are demanding action this morning on what they call a serious safety defect. A newly obtained crash test video shows when cars hit from injuring the drivers and children. This and joins us now. Reporter the move comes days after a texas jury awarded more than 120 Million Dollar verdict against one automaker for a problem Car Companies admit dollars to fix. And children are paying the price. Some of the images you are about to see may be disturbing. It happens in an instant. An 11yearold jesse he was sitting behind his fathers audi sedan when it was rearended. We are constantly told put your children in the back seat and you dont know this danger is here. Reporter jesses seat broke and launching him headon into his son and he broke the news to his wife kathy. Its bad. He has a real bad head injury and so so i started praying. God, please, dont take my boy reporter jesse was left with permanent brain damage. After watching crash test videos like this, the jury ruled young jesses injuries resulted from audis gross negligence. In a deposition for the case a company engineer said the car was designed so somebody in the back seat would support the front seat with his knees. And here is the audi attorney talking to the emt who responded to the accident scene. So youre saying that the seat is supposed to do that . Absolutely proudly so it is absorbing manager. Reporter the audi seats met or competed the federal standard for strength. A standard so low, even banquet chair could pass. 200 that passes . Show car makes and the nhtsa have known about the potential for seatback claps for decades. Shame on them. My boy wouldnt be hurt if they had done their job. Reporter nhtsa says it has looked into the industry but challenging to upgrade the standard because these accidents are so rare. Our cbs news investigation has, so far, identified more than 200 people nationally who were severely injured or killed in apparent seatback failures since 1989 and most were children and 17 have died in the past 15 years alone. Like 7yearold crystal butler. My child got turned into a human safety device in the airbag. She saved my life. It wasnt supposed to be that way reporter improving the seats wouldnt necessarily be sprevens expensive. One expert said strengthening them would cost a dollar on sore. This morning the center for auto nhtsa to warning parents of the potential danger and create a new seatback standard. There is no excuse for safety defect. We have. Reporter we have tried for months to get rosekind to talk to us in a statement. In statement he says the agencys seatback standard is decades old and committed to available. Efforts that come too late for the rivera family. Your children are at risk and if you dont write your legislator and tell him to do something about this thing, nothing is going to be done, and more children are going to get hurt and it could be your child. Jesses father partially responsible because he wasnt wearing a seat belt and his son wasnt in a booster seat. In a stadium audi told us they are not pleased with the verdict and will evaluate their next legal steps. This problem . Reporter our Safety Experts tell us that all makes and models of mercedes, bmw and volvo have seats not designed to field. Beyond that, it depends on the carp model and how the seats are mottled. It doesnt make since they can fix it for under 2 and they cant do that very interesting questions. Very scary stuff. Indeed. Coming up, tennis star Maria Sharpova faces heat from some of her fellow players. That is ahead. And a remarkable escape for a reporter on live tv. Saved this man. Your local weather. He was too close. Sunshine through the day. Starting off with a mix of sun and clouds. A live view in high definition, orlando. 63 is the temperature. We are 64 at new smyrna beach. 60 in Daytona Beach. The 80s today, 84 by 4 00 with turns out lemon juice doesn t cure pink eye. Hi. How are you doing today . That s how i am. Red head fred. Ultra rare. I collect these too. Nah, these are for my dog decide which one he wants until he gets home, so. American express presents the blue cash everyday card with no annual fee. My only concern is that this is where we put food. A dog s mouth. S what they say. Is it . Cleaner than my mouth. Backed by the service and security of american express. Mess . Think outside the box. Colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen brush, whiten, go no mess, no waiting, no rinsing. Colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. 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Now, i feel a lot better. announcer you can quit. For free help, music playing i feel pretty west side story not every cake can be handcrafted in store by skilled decorators like our publix bakery chantilly cake itll be remembered for all the right reasons. Pu publix. Good morning. Breaking news in volusia county, a close scale for a deputy on i4 after a cruiser was rammed by another car. The deputy stopped to help after a motorcycle crash near the bridge. When he got out to help, troops cruiser. Fortunately the deputy was not hero, but the motorcycle rider did have to go to the hospital. Plenty of sun and heat. Turn the ac on. Mid 80s for highs today. High clouds, sun filtering through them. No rain in the forecast, we are 66 in downtown orlando. 66 Daytona Beach, 64 in ocala. Warming to the 80s, up to 84 by 4 00 with no rain chances, all week staying in the mid 80s, rain chances for the weekend. The roads now. Thank you very much. This morning, we have a few accidents to bring to your attention. The first is working, minimal blockages, beachline east by snorn boulevard. A crash on i4. Brake lights underway, filling in, slowing eastbound. Thats the check on traffic. You can get breaking news alerts with our local 6 mobile app. Good morning. It is wednesday, march 9th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. There is more real news ahead, including the life and legacy of beatles producer George Martin. How his talent tlued allowed the fab four to take over the music world. First, heres a look at todays eye opener at 8 00. The clinton campaign, itself, was stunned by this loss. She was leading by the polls from anywhere from 10 to 20 points. Donald trump saying he could be more president ial than other than the great abe lincoln. Kasich in ohio has to win and rubio in florida. Two different candidates. Always a long shot. A wild situation in seattle. Firefighters are still here on scene. That building was decimated in this Early Morning fire. Its been a wild night here in northwest, louisiana. Rain is continuing to fall at a heavy rate almost ten hours now. Car companies would knit only cost a couple of dollars to fix and children are paying the price. Look out its always good to be good to the crew. Something is burning down, i want cloud to carry me out of here. You got it, cloud . He has a favorite beatles song. The news is back shoot jesus, charlie god i almost said shoot outloud would you like to finish this, mr. Rose . Oh, my god. There he is im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. Let the record reflect you do not scare women. Let the record reflect that. Scare. You again okay. A huge primary upset is bringing new attention this morning to the democratic president ial race. Bernie sanders won the vote in michigan by two points. In a race that Hillary Clinton was expected to win. She led sanders by double digits in recent polls there. Clinton did win mississippi by a landslide but that state awarded 94 fewer delegates than michigan. Sanders critics say his economic proposals are unrealistic but our cbs news exit polls found 63 of michigan voters believe they are realistic. There were no upsets in the republican race. Donald trump won three of the four states voting last night. Ted cruz won the idaho primary. Those four states share the trumps lead over cruz is still less than 100. Marco rubio remains third but so far he has not qualified from for a single delegates from last night. Sources tell cbs news that rubios inner circle is in deep conversations about the campaigns future. One option under consideration is dropping out before next tuesdays primary. Speaking in florida last night, rubio told the supporters it is do or die time. I need your vote. If you havent already voted, early voting is open and vote now so you can spend the next six days finding other people to vote for me. Rubio says he believes the winner of the florida primary will be the republican nominee. The center for Public Integrity says 76 of all the attack ads the past week, targeted donald trump. Youre not going to raise taxes price. A super pac started airing attacking trumps use of profanity. He is brushing off the latest attack. I saw that ad. And people are sick and tired of being politically correct. I think its better than any ad ive ever taken for myself. I do. A lot of parents are trying to figure out how to explain some of the language youre so politically correct. Youre so beautiful. Look at you. Ah oh, he is so oh, i know. Youve never heard a little off language. I know. Youre so perfect. Arent you perfect . Arent you just a perfect young man . Give me give me a break. You know what . Its stuff like that that people in this country are tired of, okay . Its stuff like that. Donald trump says it is time for the Republican Party to embrace his campaign. Music fans around the world are remembering record producer George Martin who died last night at age 90. He signed the beatles after others rejected them. He was behind 30 of the bands he earned six grammys, a knighthood and a spot in the rock n roll hall of fame. Martin till holds the billboard record producing 23 number one pop singles. Paul mccartney wrote this morning im so sad to hear the passing of the great George Martin. He guided the career of the beatles with skill and humor. If anyone earned the title of beatleses, it was george. Help us understand what it was, other than signing them, that George Martin brought to the beatles. He brought so much. That is the amazing thing. Here is a guy who, at the height of swinging 60s was still dressed in a tie and white shirt like a banker. He was old enough to be their dad but he had an addon guard side to him and he loved the idea of audio exploration and the backwards taped on some of their psychedelic masterpieces because he loved that sound. He brought it to them and they became obsessed with it. He wasnt just a guy who turned on the microphone. He had the idea that you could do more in the rored ecording studio than make it a photograph. If all of those companies rejected the beatles, what did he see . How did they come together . Thats a good question and there is some dispute about this. Did they get signed because they were great songwriters or did they get signed because they were great musicians . He didnt hear it at first either. He heard the demo tapes and didnt love them and heard them in the room when they went down for tea. And then when we got started playing their own songs, he recognized something and wasnt sure what it was. He later said i was used to groups that had one guy standing in the front and a backing group. Here were who guys standing in the front and did everything. He wasnt sure what he was hearing but heard something. I love he was a pilot in world war ii and selftaught pianist pianist. Piano in that song. He said pick up the tempo on hit. He was a producer and not a businessman. He actually knew the craft the music. He was a producer at a time that this role was being invented. He was inventing what to do in the Recording Studio and you can do anything with your music. Yesterday one of the most recorded songs in the world he said maybe we should put pstrings. They said we are a rock group and dont do sergeant pepper inventing the way records are still made today and they are just creating it at penny lane they record two versions and i dont know which we like. Put them together and youll find it out. Different speeds and different tempos and he manipulated the tape for a sound no one ever heard. What about after the splitup of the beatles . Paul said they looked to him as a father figure. He continued to produce records with paul. So i think in the sense that he was their rock, yes. You know . They argued about credit that each of them deserved sometimes afterwards but they never argued about what he had given them. They always showed him respect. They always showed him consideration. They always acknowledged what he had done with them, for them. I like how you said he looked like a banker but had he a wicked sense of humor and you said so did the beatles. Thats right. They bonded because he was part of the comedy revolution. He recorded Peter Sellers and recorded these guys who were turning england on fire with when they first got to the studio he sets up the microphones and anything you dont like . And George Harrison said, i dont like your tie for starters. They recognized something and recognized the that i wear minds worked and bonded over there. Joe levy, great for you to be here. Tennis star maria share pova is facing criticism for taking a banned substance. First, its time to check if youre getting ready to file your taxes, its getting close. There is one big way to cut the number of mistakes. Jill schlesinger is in our toyota green room for the shortcut for taxpayers and including when its time to bring in the experts. That is coming up next on cbs this morning. We can work it out we can work it out think of what youre saying you can get it wrong announcement this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. With total accumulation of up to three feet. Roads will be shut down indefinitely. And schools are closed. Campbells soups go great with a cold and a nice red. Put more fun in your day at dunkin donuts. Go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. Enjoy one today. The bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. Dunkins new grandde burrito a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. Go grande with veggie or sausage today. America runs on dunkin. For most americans this years tax deadline is three days later, monday april 18th. The irs estimates half of us havent filed yet and nearly 70 worry about preparing their taxes. The top concern is make ago mistake. Jell Jill Schlesinger is joining us. Its scary to a lot of people so how do you get organized . Throw the documents in a file because youre probably not Getting Started until you get to that point. I suggest get last years tax return out. Its a really good guide as to what you were doing last year this year. Credit card statements are good. You might have job search costs and some contributions. Make sure you have that. And when you get it altogether, pull that information and create time so you can gather it and organize it. Youll need that whether you hire a cpa or tax preparer or youre doing it yourself. A majority of americans use a tax preparer. Should we hire one or do it our own . It depends on, number one, im in the lazy camp. Return is. If youre an employee and its Pretty Simple and maybe you can do it yourself, there is great that is fine. But maybe there are some big complications. Maybe youre selfemployed and need somebody to help with you a Retirement Plan and need to filed 1099 for other people. You may want to hire somebody. A tax preparer make the argument i went to school to do this and i cande deductions you wouldnt know. I should note there are some free resources that are so important out there and people dont use them. First of all, the irs has free file software. Great if you earn less than 62 62,000. A volume income tax shins and tax counseling for the elderly. They are staffed by volunteers and people are not using them. Do you itemize your deductions . You have to figure out your deductions and does it make sense for me to do that . Going through and filing electronically will help prompt you. I should note filing an efile tax return cuts the error rate down to less than 1 . Paper returns, 20 error for those who said im scared of making a mistake, there is place to go to. Will most people get refunds . A lot will and average three grand. I know you love it in the moment but if you get a refund check, its an interestfree check from uncle sam. You may want to bump up your deductions. Audits . 11year low and you have less than a 1 getting audited unless audited. A startup led by a pioneering woman vowed to industry. But is serranos delivering on its promises . Ahead, a fresh look on the cbs this morning. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by voya, financial. Changing the way you think of retirement. Im val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. Val from voya . Yeah, val from voya. Retirement squirrels doing in my house . Were putting away acorns. You know, to show the importance of saving for the future. So youre sort of like a Spokes Person . No, im more like a metaphor. Okay, a spokesmetaphor. No, im. Youre a spokesmetaphor. Yeah. Ok. See how voya can help you get organized at voya. Com. Its not an anti aging face cream its realizing beauty, doesnt stop at my chin. Rocs formula adapts to delicate skin areas. My fine lines here, visibly reduced in 4 weeks. Chest, neck and methods, not miracles. Soil is the foundation. For healthy plants. Just like gums are the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair toothpaste. It helps remineralize enamel and fight plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. Strengthen the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair. Ive been claritin clear for 14 days. When your allergy symptoms start. Doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season. For continuous relief. With powerful, 24 hour. Nondrowsy claritin, live claritin clear. Every day. My Opioid Pain Medication is slowing my insides to a crawl. Thats opioidinduced constipation, oic, a different type of constipation. Im really struggling to find relief. Paint a different picture. Talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment tennis super star Maria Sharpova is facing new fallout that she took a banned substance substance. Some fellow tennis star are criticizing, the fivetime champion. Sponsors have also cut off deals with her. Allilaforce is here with more. Reporter share pova has been the highest athlete for 11 years running and one of the most likeable women on the tour. Reporter Maria Sharpova received support from Serena Williams on tuesday. She is ready to take full responsibility. I think that showed a lot of courage and a lot of heart. Reporter other stars like former world number one jennifer cap riati saying the following. She wrote in this since deleted tweet. The russian tennis star said sunday she is using meldonium since 2006. I had a Family History of diabetes. Reporter the drug is used in Eastern Europe to treat heart problems. It was originally given to soldiers to boost stamina. The drug was banned in january by the World Antidoping Agency because they believed athletes were using it to improve endurance and oxygen intake. Among athletes in Eastern Europe, this was not a drug where people in this field say, of course, meldonium. Reporter she earned 23 endorsements last year but tag heuer said it would not renew its contract with her and nike did the same. Nike stood by. Nike come under fire for sticking with athletes too long. Tiger woods and lance armstrong. Within hours of sharpovas statement, hours they are distancing from her. Sharpova faces a maximum fouryear suspension but at age 28 she can make a comeback. Whether she be bankable as a popular star is a whole other matter. I think as an athlete you have to have a responsibility to know what is performance enhancing and what is right, because theres never going to be a way for these agencies to keep up with the amount of drugs that are out there on the market just because its not on the banned list doesnt mean its okay to use and that is up to the athletes discretion. So much is at stake. Not only the future of their endorsements, everything. Absolutely. Great reporting. Good to see you, allie, two days in a row. I like it a College Student says his moment with the boss made him feel alive. How a lucky fan ended up on stage to its 8 25 on this wednesday. Im bridgett ellison. Im david hall. We continue to follow breaking news for you and its coming out of orlando. Thats where police are searching for suspects after a man was shot twice it. Happened outside of a club on spine street earlier this morning. Police tell us they believe the shooting happened after some sort of a confrontation out sideof a nightclub. The victim was rushed to the hospital. An Orange County deputies are stepping up patrols after seven cars were broken into in an area sports complex. Investigators say the thieves busted windows to get inside the cars at west Orange Girls Club in ocoee. Will start patrolling there as well. Outside today its going to be hot and breezy. Lots of sunshine to florida. Theres a view over downtown. You see a little bit of haze in the atmosphere mainly in the form of a few clouds rolling in on the east breeze mainly at 10 Miles Per Hour. Already at 72 at this early hour in cocoa beach. Its 64 in ocala. Daytona beach right now at 66 degrees. Bike week under way looking good and dry for the rest of the week. Up to 84 degrees by 4 00 today there will be that breeze out of the east gusting near 20 Miles Per Hour. Look at the 80s sticking around all week even for the weekend and next week, but wouldnt you know it, rain chances return 30 saturday, 40 sunday and we do set that clock ahead one hour sunday night. Lets check on the roads with Amy Biondello in the napleton traffic center. An accident working on nims this morning. Swinging a little bit further over in on the beach line heading eastbound by Michelle Cimino boulevard. Watch out for an accident there. Can you see a minor slowdown as you work your way past. Tim stuff on i4 this morning eastbound and westbound but right now were at a stop and go pace. Back to you now. Cbs this morning continues next. Get updates any time on the big head lines with the news 6 mob app the Hollywood Reporter says a new game of thrones trailer may reveal the fate of a season character. Voice saying he is gone. The trailer also shows several other key characters facing difficult situations. The new season debuts april 24th. I cant believe myself that john yeah. I do. Charlie, do you . I dont watch it either. It would be a little gory for you, i think. I hear you raving about it. I dont know. People love that show. The Guardian Britt reports on the chaos and escaped tiger caused in qatars capital. It dodges from a truck and into traffic. The endangered animal is recaptured and media reports say it probably belongs to somebody keeping wild animals as a pet and is against the law. A human was beaten in an ancient chinese game. The possible number of moves on the board in this game is more than the number of atoms in the universe. Googles alpha go beat a go World Championships under his belt. This was the first match in a series of five. The victory is considered a breakthrough in artificial intelligence. Cool. Really is. Theranos is battling to save its reputation. Last year founders and Ceo Elizabeth Holmes was featured among time magazines 100 most influential people. Her company promised to offer people fast and cheap and accurate blood tests using a few drops of blood rather than viles. A series of articles in wall street journal raised questions about its Lab Practices and technology. Therapy under review by two federal regulators. The journal reported one agency found theranos gave blood clot testing to dozens of patients despite quality results from control checks. They say they notified infected patients. Every time you create something new, there should be asked then 31yearold ceo sarah holmes about disrupting the diagnostics industry. Where is the revolution . First of all, making it possible to do tests on tiny samples. Reporter in 2014, theranos was valid at 9 billion and made holmes the First Successful female bill billionaire. She described the promise of her breakthrough technology. We have made it possible to eliminate the tubes and tubes of blood that traditionally have to be drawn from an arm and reporter it was offered in more than 40 arizona walgreens. But wall street journal reporter says former employees told him that theranos primary technology was not being widely used and some had concerns about its accuracy. Theranos says it validates the accuracy of every test and voluntarily submitted 120 tests to the fda. To date, one has been cleared. The promise was with one drop of blood, you could test for all of these different sorts of things and youre telling me now it can only test for herpes . That was the promise and right now the reality on the ground is the only thing their device is being used is for a test for herpes. Why havent they been able to deliver . The company says they still have the capability to do many tests off a drop of blood, but the sources ive talked to tell me that actually the technology is pretty limited. Reporter last october, the inspection reports calling the nanotainer an uncleared medical device. In january, federal laboratory found deofficiate ficient practices. Theranos says it has voluntarily ner. I was in the laboratory putting the screws in the first instrument. Reporter stanford professor is a former mentor for theranos 13 years. I expect to be under the microscope and be scrutinized. We welcome that. We are not afraid of it because we know what we have done works. Reporter theranos board member and outside counsel david boies says the company is in a Holding Pattern now its tests the number of tests being run on theranos primary Technology Today is sgler zero. It depends what you mean. The company suspended using its before they did that, they had successful run more than 80 tests on thousands and thousands of patients. Reporter when do you expect an answer from the fda . We are hopeful it will move along. We think it will. These tests have been demonstrated to work. Demonstrated to be reliable. Reporter theranos said it invited top laboratory experts. We were able to speak to one doctor who confirmed the meeting took place. Medical professionals in here all day long going over our data. They were and sort of the local vernacular, blown away. Reporter he cited unnamed executives from safeway who said the company dissolved a 350 Million Dollar plan to include theranos centers in their stores and sources from walgreens told them that company threatened to end that deal. Theranos says both claims are untrue and the source arent credible. What about theranos say those sources of yours are disgruntedled former employees. The sources who spoke to me felt the story needed to come out because blood tests are used car eyrou has received an award. People who say Elizabeth Holmes say she is very smart and do not count her out. Thank you, knorr norah. I dont know why im thanking you, but thank you. Passwords smarter ways to remember your current password. If youre doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, youre not alone. While our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1 . My plan make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. Im Bernie Sanders. I approve this message because together, we can make a Political Revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all remembering all of your passwords can be a pain and one survey found that 20 of people keep track of their passwords in or on a smartphone. Technology could make passwords a thing of the past. A world with no passwords . Do you see that, really . What we have now is so unsustainable. You need a unique password for every site and service. You have to change them occasionally and seven digits or more and a symbol in there. No rational human being can keep track of these passwords. What do you recommend . In the future we are moving forwards a biometric system. You log in with your fingerprint or other phone or my laptop can let me in because of looking at me. The password is still there underlying everything. I heard something about a selfie password. I tried the fingerprint and couldnt remember what finger i used that tells you how much i use a fingerprint. I could not remember im so used to typing this i heard something about a selfie password. The Credit Card Companies and banks are concerned about this and using new things like using your phone as goting etting into an atm machine or mastercard is trying something the app will pop up and take a picture of yourself and show us your face and move it so we can tell its not like a photo. Purchase. That is coming soon. In fact, you tested some of this facial recognition. Lets take a look. Im going to start off with a straight facial recognition here and sit in front of the camera. And the playstation 4 knows who i am. I step off camera. Let it forget about me. Ill come back without my eyeglasses on. Im still me. Great. Step off camera again. This time, im going to come back wearing a hat. Who i am but if i take the hat off, im me again what is your take . It works pretty well . On that particular thing, both of the new current game consoles have game recognition that is fun and hat fooled it and then i shaved and came back clean shaven and thought it would fool them but they both recognized me. The only thing to do i think is never put anything of value on your computer. Yet, everything we do is on our computers now or more importantly on our phones. Its almost impossible to avoid. I like you say come up with a system. Come up with a formula or something. A stopgap measure. I think we cant go the way we are going and i think biometric is the future. What is it . What is the formula . Give an example. Netflix with the n and x and have a catch phrase and something unique. All you have to do is remember that phrase and your formula. Dont use the one that we show people as an example. Its the best of the Bad Solutions but i dont think its perfect. If everything is now on your phone, even if you use an app that controls all of your passwords and a lot of people write down their passwords and other stuff on their phone. Does that bolster the argument that apple is making that enabling Law Enforcement to be able to unlock your phone gives them access to almost everything . If you think about how weak Password Security is overall. Look at the list that comes out every year 1, 2, 3, 4 is 20 of all passwords so you need that extra layer of encryption that apple is making is important today to make sure your data is not locked behind a password but encrypted. A month ago who knew their phone was encrypted or whether or not they had that capability . Today Everybody Knows and important we are having this conversation now about that. Interestng, dan. Thank you. A wisconsin first grader likes to give a teacher a smile and a wave. So the teacher is giving her something that could save her life. Oh this lady of oakfield, wisconsin, burst into tears when she learned her granddaughter will receive. Smith plans to donate a kidney to that natasha. music playing i feel pretty west side story not every cake can be handcrafted in store by skilled decorators layered with fresh berries and frosted to perfection like our publix bakery chantilly cake itll be remembered for all the right reasons. The highway near the st. Johns river bridge, when the deputy got out, investigators say another drive rammed into the cruiser. Fortunately the deputy was not injured. But the motorcycle rider did have to go to the hospital. Sanford Police Holding a free gun safety class, after two incidents involving children and guns, last week a sixyearold was killed in sanford after police say she was playing with a gun and it went off inside her uncles home. Before that, another child showed up to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the hand. Outside today, a mild start. But plenty of sunshine. Lots of sunshine now, as it is a beautiful view in Daytona Beach, lots of sunshine, and hardly a cloud in the sky. A few clouds with the east breeze kicking up this afternoon. Bringing on shore moisture, not in the form of rain but high, thin clouds here and there. 72 is the temperature, calm winds at Daytona Beach. We can see folks out and about now. We are 71 in orlando. 68 in ocala, so many spots warming close to 70. Up to 84 today by 4 00, with the east breeze. Staying in the 80s the rest of the week and weekend. Rain chances return saturday, 30 . 40 sunday. And we spring forward one hour before bed saturday night. The roads now. We have a couple things this morning, i wanted to show you the flow over i4, for the most part is just stop and go spots as opposed to solid volume. To the map, we have an accident working, two lanes blocked on police cars as well as a fire truck on scene, they are getting shoulder. It is out there for now. That is our major slowdown spot for the time being. Join us at noon. For updates on top stories all day, clickorlando. Com. [cheers and applause] announcer today on Rachael Ray Ray . Rachael

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