Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness News At 6 20131008 : comparem

Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness News At 6 20131008

department of public works. you can see repairs are under way right now. >> reporter: and our complete coverage continues with sky eye chopper 13 and captain jeff long with more on the repairs. jeff? >> reporter: work crews are on the scene. they've got the work load up. you can see next to that gentleman, the pipe. that's the 24-inch pipe that broke. and as i move around here a little bit, you're going to see the broken piece of the pipe laying down there in that hole. and it's coming up in just a second. you can kind of see it there, coming into view. now, the bricks are part of the manhole. and a lot of those were blown away. but you can see the gentleman is standing by with a manhole cover. that was blown off of its location, over those bricks by the force of that water. there was a lot of debris on the road. cleanup is going to be extensive. so they can repair that pipe and get water back to this neighborhood. reporting live, i'm captain jeff long. >> and of course we'll yep you updated on those repair efforts. the deaths of two divers at aberdeen proving ground shocked many. now, they are charging sailors with the tragedy. >> reporter: federal investigators found some huge problems with this dive, including a breakdown in the chain of command. and now, some members of an elite diving unit will face serious charges as the government seeks justice. >> reporter: the massive super pond at aberdeen proving ground is where two young divers lost their lives this year. james and harris plunged. but according to published reports, both men quickly stopped responding. they uncovered serious safety infractions. including a lack of supervision. they will be arraigned this week. that will happen in norfolk, virginia, where their names and specific charges against them will be revealed. dave wilkens who livers in aberdeen is concerned and following the outcome. >> they should know what they're doing. supervisors should know what the risks are and how to avoid those things. >> reporter: wjz has reported extensively on the troubles surrounding this dive, including multiple violations, the occupational health and safety administration found. and chilling testimony from those who were there that day. >> reporter: at a military hearing, the dive supervisor said everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong for us. >> in a controlled environment as such, accidents of that nature shouldn't happen. >> federal investigators found the dive should not have happening. with violations serious enough to cause death. the fate of those in charge that tragic day will soon be left to the court. >> there's also a fifth soldier who is accepting an administrative punishment and will not have to go through a court-martial. >> mike, thank you. in january, a former marine, performing routine maintenance at the super pond died. the army says his death is not related to the other two. howard county police make an arrest in the case of human sex trafficking. >> reporter: the victim was kidnapped in rhode island and police say forced to have sex with a number of men. 32-year-old craig anderson faces charges tonight in connection with the case. police say for two years, anderson forced victims to have sex with him for money. the victim finally fled, searching for help. at the sykesville howard county station. anderson is being hold on $75,000 bond at the howard county detention center. back to you. >> thank you, mary. additional charges are pending. an ann, rundle county woman faces charges now. police say it's ball always-- all because she was texting while driving. derek valcourt with more on those charges. >> well, this is believed to be one of the first times in maryland. and certainly the first time in anne arundel county, when someone has been charged with negligent manslaughter while texting. >> reporter: 31-year-old jonathan wesley roberts of west virginia was a father, son, and brother, who loved riding his motorcycle. march 10th, he was riding north here on route 3 in gambrels. that's when then 19-year-old elizabeth haley myers drove right into his path, as she tried to cross route 3 to get to the farms. roberts died in the ensuing accident. the state's attorney says they can prove myers was texting while driving. >> we have an eyewitness who was walking in the area. he saw her driving with one hand on the wheel and the other looking down and texting. we also have cell phone records which confirm that she was texting at the time. >> myers now faces several charges, including negligent manslaughter. and she's getting little speaghtd from fellow drivers. >> i mean, she deserves it. she deserves to get in trouble for something. she killed a guy. >> texting? come on, your hands, your mind and your eyesight is being used at the same time. you can't drive a vehicle doing those type of things. >> reporter: the charges comes just days after maryland's newest distractive driving law takes effect. making it illegal not only to text and drive, but to talk on a handheld phone as well. >> this is a big wake-up call to everyone to knock it off, put the phone down and drive your car. >> reporter: if elizabeth myers is convicted, her punishment will be up to a judge. but it is possible she could spend up to 10 years in prison. derek valcourt, wjz eyewitness news remember. >> derek, thank you. wjz could not reach eliz beth myers for comment on this story. maryland state police make an arrest in a hit-and-run crash that left a teen fighting for his life. 47-year-old tanya brown faces numerous charges. she's accused of striking michael hatfield at an intersection last month. hatfield suffered serious injuries and is in a medically- induced coma. investigators say tips from the public helped lead them to brown who was arrested last week. president obama says there will be no negotiating over the government shutdown. this comes with the u.s. facing another serious deadline, the one over the debt limit. danielle nottingham reports for wjz from capitol hill. >> reporter: president obama and house republicans are standing firm with the partial government shutdown in its 8th day. and the deadline to raise the nation's debt limit just nine days away. >> let's take a vote. let's end this shutdown now. let's put people to work. >> reporter: the president called house speaker john baiper tuesday morning-- john boehner this morning. >> members of congress and the house republicans in particular don't get to demand ransom in exchange for twoing their jobs. >> reporter: speaker boehner says he does not have the votes to pass a clean temporary spending bill or raise the debt limit. he wants the president to sit down and negotiate. >> there's never been a president in our history that did not negotiate over the debt limit. never. not once. >> reporter: republicans argue the debt limit is the only leverage they have to get democrats to reign in government spending. >> what they're learning is the no-obligation loan. they want no strings attached. >> reporter: if the debt ceiling isn't raised by october 17th, the u.s. will run out of money to pay its bills. and economists say it could throw the country back into a recession. in washington, danielle nottingham, wjz eyewitness news. >> reporter: now, senate democrats are planning to vote this week to provide new borrowing without new spending cuts, the cuts that republicans want. we have breaking news now. a police-involved accident in northeast baltimore. >> bel air road, just north of erdmann, completely shut down in both directions. it is a mess. there's one person right now, being put into the back of that ambulance. there are two cars involved in this. plus a police car. plus two cars that were hit that were parked on the side of bel air road. so a lot of cleanup. a lot of investigation. baltimore city police and fire on the scene. reporting live from sky eye chopper 13, i'm captain jeff long. back to you. >> okay, jeff. thank you very much. it is a very pleasant october evening. but more changes are coming. a live look outside right now. a look at much of the rest of the week could be a washout. wjz is live with complete coverage. meteorologist chelsea ingram is live at the mobile weather lab. but first, we begin with bob turk, with a look at our updated temperatures. we've had weeks and weeks of dry sunshine. looks like we'll go back to our wetter pattern for at least several days. 66 in d.c. 63 in ocean city. and 59 up in oakland. temperatures right now, 1 degree warmer than they were yesterday. eastern shore, a little cooler there. 5 degrees cooler in ocean city. up to the west of us, they were seven degrees carmer. this morning, we did drop with clearer skies for a while to french. only 55 in ocean city. let's check in with meteorologist chelsea ingram, who is live in the mobile weather lab. tell you what, it's actually really nice out right now. let's take a look at our current informs. numbers. right now, temperatures sitting at 65.1 degrees. relative humidity, 48%. so it is a very comfortable night. now, don't get used to this weather, even though it is closer to normal for this time of year. we have rain on the way. and rainfallwise, we aren't necessarily normal for this time of year. take a look at this graphic. we had about .84 inches of rain. that's the total for the entire month. and that's a little above normal. as for the year, we're actually still sitting below normal. over 4 inches below normal, rainfallwise. now, we are going to get rainfall, as we head into tomorrow. wednesday through saturday, we're looking at a bit of a crummy forecast in the mix for us. we'll be seeing wet, breezy and cool continues. bob will have more of what you can expect coming up in your exclusive first warning forecast. for now, i am live with the wjz mobile weather lab, here at canton crossing. back to you guys on tv hill. >> thank you, chelsea and bob. and speaking of canton crossing, restaurants, retail and jobs. it's all coming to this brand new baltimore development. and wjz is live there now. christie ileto has more on the grand opening. kristy? we're talking an old navy, mission barbecue. pretty up everything your hearts desire here. and for many people who live here, it's all about convenience. >> reporter: scanners are sounding. and registers are ringing at five below. the store is one of the many shops at canton crossing, officially opened for business tuesday. >> this is a lot closer. >> it's great to be so close to stores. >> reporter: canton resident emily knap says she used to drive out of the way for necessities. >> i would drive often to get a lot of what i need. >> reporter: the $105 million center on boston street includes 30 retailers, like michaels. and soon a 54,000-square-foot at harris teeter. >> in january of this year, we started going vocal with the buildings themselves. and 9 months later, here we are. >> doesn't mean just keeping local dollars local. during the 14-month conception period, it also put hundreds of baltimoreans back to work. >> 700 in fact. >> the economic impact is significant. we are adding over 1,000 jobs at this shopping center with this first phase. >> but for canton residents, what's all about one thing. >> very convenient. >> reporter: and it means a big return for baltimore's bottom line. and denise, the ribbon cutting was, i'd say about an hour ago, in the parking lot here, was pretty packed. we have been here all day. developers say they expect it to be one of the most popular retail hubbs -- retail hubs in the city. >> for those stores that did not open, many did not open today. >> it will be great to see all of those new jobs coming into the area. >> right. still to come on wjz eyewitness news. a surprise announcement from actor tom hanks about his health. local doctors react to the news and how it could change the face of the disease next. coming up, getting unmanned jones into manned air face. why maryland is poised to take off, as eyewitness news continues. noik mayhem. disturbing new video as police make more arrests. get ready for more wet weather. the updated first warning weather forecast is coming up. , it is mostly cloudy. with the wjz mobile weather lab at canton crossing now. the complete first warning weather is coming up. oscar winning actor tom hanks makes a surprise announcement on the late show with david letterman. >> denise, hanks revealed he is now living with type 2 diabetes. and local health professionals hope his diabetes is -- diagnosis is a wake-up call for millions of americans. >> reporter: when tom hanks joined david letterman on stage, he began the conversation with an unexpected announcement. >> i went to the doctor and he said, you know those high blood sugar numbers you've been dealing with since you were 36? well, you graduated. [ laughter ] you've got type 2 diabetes, young man. >> we have two 65s approach -- skiffs approaching. >> reporter: the 57-year-old actor is known for taking on roles that require him to gain and lose a lot of weight. johns hopkins doctor abs strasays it could play a role in his diagnosis. >> clearly, when you are gaining and losing, it alters your metabolism. and as we get older, that metabolism slows down as well. probably a multipronged effect. >> glenda ford was diagnosed two years ago, and now sees a nutritionist, takes classes and talks with other patients, at the diabetes resource center at sinai. like hanks, glenda says people are surprised by her diagnosis because she looks healthy, just like the actor. >> a lot of people tell me that all the time. you don't look like you have diabetes. but i have it. and i have to wake up every single morning and remember that i'm a diabetic. i have to take my sugar every single morning to see if it's okay. i have to be very careful about what i eat. diabetes is nothing to take lightly. it's nothing to play with. because the complications can come out of nowhere. >> and the complications include heart disease, nerve, eye and foot damage, along with an increased risk of alzheimer's. it is, though, a controllable condition, through diet, exercise and medication. back to you, denise. >> all right. thank you, mary. tom hanks says he has changed his diet and he is exercising more to control his diabetes. plenty of room in the sky for unmand drones. -- unmanned drones. if it can be done, merging man with unmanned flights could lead to a big payoff. >> reporter: unmanned drones have been under military development for 20 years at patuxent naval air station. technology, headed toward civilian use, provided they can fly safely with what is already up there. >> so you're trying to fit an unmanned system into a manned system. >> reporter: and the university of maryland is trying to convince the government it can, using patuxent and southern maryland to test systems to integrate drones. >> so the idea is to take advantage of the infrastructure we have in place down there, as well as the people and bring them to bear on the same issues. >> reporter: drones piloted from the ground have already branched into severe weather, riding into hurricanes long before they reach shore. >> the purpose is to give people that warning of what is going to be happening. >> reporter: and on land, police are testing small eyes in the sky. >> i don't want to see this get shot in the air. but i would rather have that than an officer shot. >> reporter: keeping drones from hitting people on the ground or in the air is a critical step to a new industry. >> reporter: -- t is estimated that drones could be a $90 billion business. maryland's potential share. >> the projection for maryland is to gain $2 billion of that just for the state. >> reporter: provided what is in the sky isn't the limit. alex demetrick, wjz eyewitness news. >> maryland is vying for one of six sites the federal government will establish to test integrating drones into civilian air space. >> big brother is watching you. >> absolutely. >> that is for sure. >> or will be watching you. all right. let's take a look at temps and conditions around the region. clouds are moving in now. we're at 63. east/northeast winds at 6. that is going to continue to bring in moisture off the ocean. the dew point is going to come back up. the barometer right now, holding steady. come back and take a look at the chances of rain after this. , @yo⌟] we are live with the wjz mobile weather lab here at the canton crossing on a beautiful autumn night. but we have changes in the forecast. bob has a look at your updated forecast now. >> we have clouds moving in south of you. south of the area. we've got a lot of clouds that will slowly move into our region. and probably some rain breaking out by this time tomorrow afternoon. take a look at temps now. we're at 63. we got up to about 67, 68 this afternoon. actually, the official high was 68. and the low this morning, we showed you, is 47. 63 in ocean city. easton, 59 in oakland. they were 39 this morning. pretty chilly out there. dew points comingum a little bit. 46. it will continue coming up. the temperatures will kind of come down a little bit. and they'll kind of meet in the middle. that will given us a good chance of rain by later in the day tomorrow. currently, temperatures in the low 60s around the area. annapolis, d.c. and kent island. northeast winds. they will get a little strong and continue to bring moisture, as we said, from the atlantic ocean. low clouds, drizzle, rain at times. could be some moderate rain in some areas. most of the heaviest rain would be east of the area. much lighter rain. in fact, west of the blue ridge. they may not see much in the way of rain at all. so it will be a sharp, sharp cutoff. as low pressure off the south carolina coast now is going to move up the east coast. and that moisture beginning to spread to the west/northwest. cloud cover, you see it this afternoon, getting right about to hagerstown. west of that area. clear, clear skies. it will be much cooler tonight than with the cloud cover. temperatures tonight, probably around the 50-degree mark or so. not quite as cold as last night. but the rain coming in. there it is, in fact, just approaching the norfolk, virginia beach area. and slowly moving up the east coast. ocean city, it's going to be wet there and breezy for the next several days. here's the low pressure. now, if it gets far enough away, we may begin to start seeing some clearing, at least dryer air, hopefully coming in on saturday. but not not a -- that's in the a guarantee at this point. small craft advisory throughout the day. and the next several days, actually. tonight, down around 48. with cloudy skies moving in. tomorrow, showers possible in the afternoon. upper 60s may not get that warm. and chance of rain and drizzle tomorrow night. continuing through friday at this point. so we may pick up a good half inch to inch of rain in the next couple of days. still to come tonight on wjz's eyewitness news. making lacrosse safer for young players. i'm monique griego. coming up, what u.s. lacrosse is doing to save the culture of what can be a hard-hitting sport. >> i was starting to have trouble. and we had not eat nen several days. >> reporter: dramatic rescue. two hikers stranded for days in rugged wilderness. how they survived. major security breach. a 9-year-old on a cross ,,,,,,,, ♪ i wish i was made of money. i wish you were too. chances are, you're not made of money. so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico motorcycle. see how much you could save. it's 6:30. 62 degrees and mostly cloudy. good evening, everyone. thanks for staying with wjz. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. through video of a beating of a new york driver, who was surrounded by a group of bikers. it comes as a group makes more in the case. >> reporter: craig rice, recover covering himself with a blanket as he was driven out monday night. he is the fifth suspect arrested in the motorcycle road rage incident for the beating of alexian lyanne in front of his wife and baby daughter. the 20-year-old was arrested outside of his home in kenarsy, brooklyn, where police searched the bags of each person, leaving the house. >> he was a very nice young man. very responsible as far as i know. >> reporter: very fasts say rice was one of the men in this video, where several bikers are seen beating lien on the pavement of a washington heights street. we're also now hearing from the man whose helmet cam recorded the original video that has now become viral. kevin breslove was questioned by investigators and released. in an exclusive interview with cbs news, senior correspondent john miller, his attorney says breslove did nothing wrong. >> he's not in a gang. he's not affiliated with a motorcycle club. he's simply a motorcycle enthusiast that had a helmet cam on. >> reporter: meanwhile, christopher cruz, police say started the attack by slowing down in front of lien's range rover, said he was only braking to change lanes and to find his friends. he, along with reginald, robert chance and sims, are all facing multiple charges meanwhile, police are continuing to search for these two bikers, who they consider persons of interest. police are also questioning at least two off-duty police officers, including an undercover detective who were part of that motorcycle group. well, we are learning more about the 9-year-old boy who evaded airport security and made it onto a cross-country flight. mary is in the newsroom with the new information. mary? >> reporter: denise, that 9- year-old boy is well-known to child protection services. in the past, he has stolen a car, and even snuck into a water park. the boy, who is not being identified, was able to get on board a delta airlines flight from minneapolis to las vegas earlier this week. he did not have a boarding pass, nor an id. the crew eventually realized he was on the flight alone. he was taken into custody when the plane landed. and security says the boy became violent and had to be hospitalized. he eventually calmed down. he is too young to be charged with a crime. but child protection is reviewing what to do. back to you, denise. it's not clear when the child will be sent back to minneapolis. a couple from arkansas is telling their story of survival, after their day hike in texas turned into a harrowing five-day ordeal. vinita nair reports for wjz with more. >> reporter: kathy fry and her husband, rick macfarland wanted to walk at big bend national park in texas but they were told to leave because of a get shutdown. instead, they decided to go to a state park they had never hiked. by nightfall, they were lost. >> we discovered that there had been quite a bit of rain and what looked to be flash flooding that had knocked a lot of the trail markers out of the way. >> the experienced hikers spent three days wandering in the blistering heat. kathy could barely walk. so they decided to separate. >> because i didn't have what it took to push on. and we were in pretty dire straits at that point. >> we said our i love yous, you know, to each other. and she wanted me to tell the kids to make sure to let them know she tried. >> reporter: after walking around for a few hours, macfarland, news photographer, saw something through his camera lens. it was a reflection from a car windshield. using his zoom lens, macfarland followed the reflection and reached rescuers. it took two more day toss find kathy. she was only about a mile from where the couple had started their hike. >> we stopped and just lessened. and we heard a faint "help." and we looked down. and there was kathy. >> reporter: incoherent from the heat and lack of water, fry had taken all of her clothes off. she was severely dehydrated, had sun burn and bruises, but had no serious injuries. vinita nair, wjz eyewitness news. >> fry is an award-winning reporter at the arkansas democrat gazette. macfarland is a photographer at the same newspaper. we now know the identity of the man who set himself on fire on the national mall in washington, d.c. and later died. he has been identified as 64- year-old john constantino of mount laurel, new jersey. last week, the man poured an entire cannister of gasoline on himself and set himself on fire. he died after being rushed to the hospital. constantino reportedly suffered from mental health problems. back for the fall session, the u.s. supreme court takes up the issue of campaign contributions. the u.s. supreme court will decide if there will continue to be caps on contributions made to political campaigns. supporters say contribution limits seven as a check on corruption. opponents say it's a hit to first amendment rights. the $100 bill gets a facelift. the redesigned bill goes into circulation today. it features high-tech features, designed to discourage counterfeiters, including a security ribbon and some more color. time now for a quick look at some of the stories you'll find in tomorrow morning's edition of the baltimore sun. the senator theater returns as a movie showplace, but with not one but four screens. a preview of the drunken bottannist event at the silver arboretum, which explores the roof in popular spirit. and learn about an 87-year- old marathoner running this weekend, who wants to run a marathon when he is 90. for these stories and more, read the baltimore sun. and remember to look for the updated forecast from wjz's first warning weather team. with concussions and sports head injuries in the news, u.s. lacrosse based here in baltimore is taking a major step to put safety first in youth spoartdzs. monique griego has more on their latest move. >> reporter: u.s. lacrosse has nounced it is joining the newly- formed national sports concussion coalition. the group's goal is to make sports safer for young players. >> reporter: lacrosse, not usually considered a full- contact sport, isn't without its hard hits. >> it would increase the safety aspect of it. it's what we need. players are getting bigger, they're getting faster, getting stronger. i know that the speed of the game has increased. >> reporter: stephen berger, a professional lacrosse player for the boston cannons, is also the men's game director for u.s. lacrosse in baltimore. today, it announced it is joining forces with 15 other organizations to form the national sports concussion coalition, a group focused on reducing concussions and increasing safety in youth sports. >> parents are concerned. consumers are concerned. what can we do to prevent these types of injuries? >> reporter: the coalition, which includes the nfl, pop warner and youth soccer will share research and other data. u.s. lacrosse has already implemented its own safety initiative, which includes new rules, better equipment and increased penalties for illegal hits. >> 10 years ago, you heard people say, you got your bell rung, got hurt, and people got back in the game. and people didn't understand the long-term empindications of a head injury. >> to put more emphasis on skill development. to put more emphasis on sort of the safety development side, i think will allow them to be involved in the game longer. >> reporter: u.s. lacrosse has already spent more than half a million dollars researching concussions and how to prevent them. reporting live from north baltimore, monique griego. wjz eyewitness news. >> u.s. lacrosse was founded in 1998. still to come on wjz's eyewitness news. i have seen the very worst of humanity. >> speaking out. elizabeth smart, on her abduction ordeal. and why she's writing a book on it. the source of the contamination. we are live, with the wjz mobile weather lab at the new cannon crossing. bob and i will have a look at your wednesday and five-day forecast coming up. and we'll have the exclusive first warning weather forecast for you in detail. wjz 13 is always on. here are the top stories on for updated news ,,,,,,,, mom... yes honey? dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. [ dad ] jan? ♪ pressure points on my tired, achy feet. i had no clue i was putting this kind of stress on my feet. i have flat feet. i found this out at the free dr.scholl's foot mapping center at walmart. in less than two minutes, i got my foot map and my custom number. i'm a 440. i'm a 210. 340. that number matched the dr.scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts with just the right support to help relieve stress on my feet. i'm a believer. find a walmart with a foot mapping center at i'm a believer. an investigation is under way, after a fire rips through a lumber in san jose, california. firefighters are still on the scene, putting out hot spots. officials say the lack of a water supply slowed their efforts. at least one building collapsed. two others were damaged. but no injuries have been reported. it's been more than a decade, since her abduction made headlines. now, elizabeth smart is opening up about the ordeal in a new book. she was 14 years old, when she was taken from her home by brian david mitchell. her book details her nine months in captivity. elizabeth smart said she didn't hold anything back because she feels it's the best way to help others. >> i want to reach out to those survivors and those victims. i want them to know that these things do happen. but that it doesn't mean that you have to be defined by it for the rest of your life. you can move forward. and you can be happy. >> smart's memoir is released this week. she is now 25 years old and married. her kidnapper, brian david mitchell, was sentenced to life in prison in 2011. scott pelley has a preview of what's coming up tonight on the cbs evening news. now, death benefits have been cut off for the families of fallen troops. it's part of the government shutdown. late today, the president apologized, but the speaker of the house stood his ground. we'll report where things stand tonight on the cbs evening news. >> thanks, scott. here's a look at tonight's closing numbers from wall street. we'll be right back. ,,,,,, what are you doing? we're switching car insurance. why? because these guys are the cheapest. why? good question. because a cut-rate price could mean cut-rate protection. you should listen to this guy. [ female announcer ] get great protection and a great price! plus an agent! drivers who switched saved an average of $498 a year. plus, allstate has new lower rates just for baltimore. switch and start saving today! just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. [ female announcer ] call a baltimore area allstate agent at 866-650-7900 today. father finally starting to feel a little more like fall. but considerably cooler than the last few days. meteorologist chelsea ingram is live at the wjz mobile weather lab. bob has what we can expect tomorrow. but first, let's check in with chelsea, where the sun is setting. >> thanks, vic. that's right. beautiful sunset, too. take a look at what you can expect for tomorrow. enjoy the dry weather while you can. we'll start ought the day dry, with temperatures around 51 degrees. skies will be mostly cloudy. by the afternoon, around 68 degrees for your high temperature. and by dinnertime, chances for rain will roll in. we're looking at about a 70% chance of rainfall. temperatures right around 60 degrees. now let's go in to bob for the look at the next five days. >> not too bright. that's for sure. rain showers likely in the afternoon. continuing tomorrow night. good chance we'll have rain on thursday and friday. upper 50s to the low 60s. it may -- it may get out of here by saturday. not making any promise on that. 68 and 68. cloudy for the most part. expect it here for the weekend. denise? vic? >> it's me. thank you, bob. the baltimore ravens team up with nfl play 60. mike schuh was there with three star ravens players who let their inner child come out. >> reporter: to play like a raven, during the season, you only get one day off a week. to play like a second grader at spring garden elementary, during the school day, you only have to know how to have fun. >> you know how to do a high five? >> yeah. >> high five. >> today, thanks to three grown men, for 400 kids, it's a fun, high-five kind of day. >> ed dixon, michael hoffman, and jameel mcclain are making this a time to remember. >> hampstead is a small, country community in many ways. so it is unusual to think about us being chosen by the ravens. >> the first to get all seven teammates through, wins the play 60 challenge, okay? >> these men remember meeting pros when they were little. now, part of their only day off is spent reminding the kids to do something active for an hour every day. >> hopefully it's a lesson they'll remember forever. >> there's nothing like it, when you hear the kids cheering. instead of saying ravens,they're saying "wavens." it's a beautiful thing, you know. to hear the kids get excited. it's what we play for. it's what we do this for. it's what community work is. >> the kids kids dutifully remember the lesson. >> to play 60 minutes of exercise. >> 60 minutes of exercise. >> reporter: never forget in second grade, who is the biggest star. >> that sufficiency really -- it was really fun. and the ravens bird came. >> the ravens bird came? >> yeah. >> and who is over there? >> and the players. >> well, the wavens take applications from schools for the grant every spring. >> good for those kids. still to come tonight on wjz eyewitness news. more roster changes for the ravens as they get ready to face the green bay packers. >> ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, mark is here with the wjz the fan sports report, in time for fans who are going to the game to get noisy. get loud. >> get noisy and get reacclimated. ever-evolving ravens roster, continues to spin. and receiver brandon stokley is back in. this, less than a week after he was released. stokley now returns to the active roster. the veteran pass catcher caught a total of nine passes. he was slowed by a groin injury when he was released last week. it was a move to give flexibility for that miami game. in that game, torrey smith continued to catch passes that has him well on his way to the best season of his career. smith was even more impressive, when you consider how short- handed the ravens were with receivers in miami. >> i was really happy to see the way our receivers played. it was tough. it was hot. we only had three of them. we've never had that before. never had any experience with that before. didn't know how that was going to go. especially in that heat. >> made a great play over his right shoulder. and left shoulder. joe made a great throw. basically, made the throw out there. that was a big throw out for us. got a big interference call. it was good, too. >> and through all of that, jacoby jones is going to practice again this week. he could join the rest of the receiving corps sunday. jones has not played since he suffered that knee injury in the opener. former ravens head coach rex ryan is fired up after a comeback win in atlanta in the monday night game. jeno smith threw a short t.d. pass to give a lead in the fourth quarter. atlanta took the lead late. then in the final seconds, the jets got in position to win. and nick folk got connected. jets win, 30-28. they improved to 3-2. same record as the ravens. falcons fall to 1-4. college football. it is a recovery week in college park. and the terps are happy to be home. they're going to take on virginia at bird stadium on saturday. terps coming off one of the most lop-sided defeats in all of their history. dressed in all white. blown out by the seminoles, 63- 0. it was the first loss after four straight wins. coach andy edsel said maryland is not dwelling on this one. instead, you're looking ahead. >> that's why i said, you really don't worry about anything until the end of the season. then you have something to judge yourself and go by. if you do that, you're able to i think stay sane in this business. >> edsel would not comment on the status of quarterback cj brown, who was knocked out of the florida state game with a concussion. the acc has reviewed that play and ruled that the hit was not illegal. unknown, though, if brown is going to play saturday against virginia. finally, in baseball, the l.a. dodgers used plan b. first was for juan uribe to bunt. but uribe failed in two attempts to bunt. so the bunt call was aborted. he swang away. that was a good plan. that gave the dodgers the lead. that proved to be enough for the win. clinching the series in four games. so to heck with the plan. >> swing away. >> thank you, mark. >> thank you, mark. we'l,,,,,,,, i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. no! you don't even get football. 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Arkansas , United States , College Park , Virginia , Brooklyn , New York , China , California , Howard County , Maryland , Hampstead , Prince George , Washington , District Of Columbia , West Virginia , Hagerstown , South Carolina , Baltimore , Anne Arundel County , Miami , Florida , Kent Island , Texas , Oakland , Boston , Massachusetts , Rhode Island , United Kingdom , Mount Laurel , Virginia Beach , State Park , Ocean City , New Jersey , Sykesville , Norfolk , Capitol Hill , France , Americans , America , Britain , Canton , French , Michael Hoffman , Tom Hanks , Jan Crawford , David Martin , Vinita Nair , Atlantic Ocean , Scott Pelley , Glenda Ford , Beth Myers , Mike Schuh , John Constantino , Denise Koch , Jacoby Jones , Stephen Berger , John Boehner , Brian David Mitchell , Brandon Stokley , Christopher Cruz , Kaiser Permanente , Derek Valcourt , Dave Wilkens , Michael Hatfield , Jonathan Wesley Roberts , Monique Griego , Elizabeth Myers , Rex Ryan , Johns Hopkins , David Letterman , Danielle Nottingham , Craig Anderson , Juan Uribe , Las Vegas , Tanya Brown , Elizabeth Haley Myers , Chelsea Ingram , Anthony Mason , Cj Brown , Jameel Mcclain , Christie Ileto , Torrey Smith , John Miller , Queen Elizabeth ,

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department of public works. you can see repairs are under way right now. >> reporter: and our complete coverage continues with sky eye chopper 13 and captain jeff long with more on the repairs. jeff? >> reporter: work crews are on the scene. they've got the work load up. you can see next to that gentleman, the pipe. that's the 24-inch pipe that broke. and as i move around here a little bit, you're going to see the broken piece of the pipe laying down there in that hole. and it's coming up in just a second. you can kind of see it there, coming into view. now, the bricks are part of the manhole. and a lot of those were blown away. but you can see the gentleman is standing by with a manhole cover. that was blown off of its location, over those bricks by the force of that water. there was a lot of debris on the road. cleanup is going to be extensive. so they can repair that pipe and get water back to this neighborhood. reporting live, i'm captain jeff long. >> and of course we'll yep you updated on those repair efforts. the deaths of two divers at aberdeen proving ground shocked many. now, they are charging sailors with the tragedy. >> reporter: federal investigators found some huge problems with this dive, including a breakdown in the chain of command. and now, some members of an elite diving unit will face serious charges as the government seeks justice. >> reporter: the massive super pond at aberdeen proving ground is where two young divers lost their lives this year. james and harris plunged. but according to published reports, both men quickly stopped responding. they uncovered serious safety infractions. including a lack of supervision. they will be arraigned this week. that will happen in norfolk, virginia, where their names and specific charges against them will be revealed. dave wilkens who livers in aberdeen is concerned and following the outcome. >> they should know what they're doing. supervisors should know what the risks are and how to avoid those things. >> reporter: wjz has reported extensively on the troubles surrounding this dive, including multiple violations, the occupational health and safety administration found. and chilling testimony from those who were there that day. >> reporter: at a military hearing, the dive supervisor said everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong for us. >> in a controlled environment as such, accidents of that nature shouldn't happen. >> federal investigators found the dive should not have happening. with violations serious enough to cause death. the fate of those in charge that tragic day will soon be left to the court. >> there's also a fifth soldier who is accepting an administrative punishment and will not have to go through a court-martial. >> mike, thank you. in january, a former marine, performing routine maintenance at the super pond died. the army says his death is not related to the other two. howard county police make an arrest in the case of human sex trafficking. >> reporter: the victim was kidnapped in rhode island and police say forced to have sex with a number of men. 32-year-old craig anderson faces charges tonight in connection with the case. police say for two years, anderson forced victims to have sex with him for money. the victim finally fled, searching for help. at the sykesville howard county station. anderson is being hold on $75,000 bond at the howard county detention center. back to you. >> thank you, mary. additional charges are pending. an ann, rundle county woman faces charges now. police say it's ball always-- all because she was texting while driving. derek valcourt with more on those charges. >> well, this is believed to be one of the first times in maryland. and certainly the first time in anne arundel county, when someone has been charged with negligent manslaughter while texting. >> reporter: 31-year-old jonathan wesley roberts of west virginia was a father, son, and brother, who loved riding his motorcycle. march 10th, he was riding north here on route 3 in gambrels. that's when then 19-year-old elizabeth haley myers drove right into his path, as she tried to cross route 3 to get to the farms. roberts died in the ensuing accident. the state's attorney says they can prove myers was texting while driving. >> we have an eyewitness who was walking in the area. he saw her driving with one hand on the wheel and the other looking down and texting. we also have cell phone records which confirm that she was texting at the time. >> myers now faces several charges, including negligent manslaughter. and she's getting little speaghtd from fellow drivers. >> i mean, she deserves it. she deserves to get in trouble for something. she killed a guy. >> texting? come on, your hands, your mind and your eyesight is being used at the same time. you can't drive a vehicle doing those type of things. >> reporter: the charges comes just days after maryland's newest distractive driving law takes effect. making it illegal not only to text and drive, but to talk on a handheld phone as well. >> this is a big wake-up call to everyone to knock it off, put the phone down and drive your car. >> reporter: if elizabeth myers is convicted, her punishment will be up to a judge. but it is possible she could spend up to 10 years in prison. derek valcourt, wjz eyewitness news remember. >> derek, thank you. wjz could not reach eliz beth myers for comment on this story. maryland state police make an arrest in a hit-and-run crash that left a teen fighting for his life. 47-year-old tanya brown faces numerous charges. she's accused of striking michael hatfield at an intersection last month. hatfield suffered serious injuries and is in a medically- induced coma. investigators say tips from the public helped lead them to brown who was arrested last week. president obama says there will be no negotiating over the government shutdown. this comes with the u.s. facing another serious deadline, the one over the debt limit. danielle nottingham reports for wjz from capitol hill. >> reporter: president obama and house republicans are standing firm with the partial government shutdown in its 8th day. and the deadline to raise the nation's debt limit just nine days away. >> let's take a vote. let's end this shutdown now. let's put people to work. >> reporter: the president called house speaker john baiper tuesday morning-- john boehner this morning. >> members of congress and the house republicans in particular don't get to demand ransom in exchange for twoing their jobs. >> reporter: speaker boehner says he does not have the votes to pass a clean temporary spending bill or raise the debt limit. he wants the president to sit down and negotiate. >> there's never been a president in our history that did not negotiate over the debt limit. never. not once. >> reporter: republicans argue the debt limit is the only leverage they have to get democrats to reign in government spending. >> what they're learning is the no-obligation loan. they want no strings attached. >> reporter: if the debt ceiling isn't raised by october 17th, the u.s. will run out of money to pay its bills. and economists say it could throw the country back into a recession. in washington, danielle nottingham, wjz eyewitness news. >> reporter: now, senate democrats are planning to vote this week to provide new borrowing without new spending cuts, the cuts that republicans want. we have breaking news now. a police-involved accident in northeast baltimore. >> bel air road, just north of erdmann, completely shut down in both directions. it is a mess. there's one person right now, being put into the back of that ambulance. there are two cars involved in this. plus a police car. plus two cars that were hit that were parked on the side of bel air road. so a lot of cleanup. a lot of investigation. baltimore city police and fire on the scene. reporting live from sky eye chopper 13, i'm captain jeff long. back to you. >> okay, jeff. thank you very much. it is a very pleasant october evening. but more changes are coming. a live look outside right now. a look at much of the rest of the week could be a washout. wjz is live with complete coverage. meteorologist chelsea ingram is live at the mobile weather lab. but first, we begin with bob turk, with a look at our updated temperatures. we've had weeks and weeks of dry sunshine. looks like we'll go back to our wetter pattern for at least several days. 66 in d.c. 63 in ocean city. and 59 up in oakland. temperatures right now, 1 degree warmer than they were yesterday. eastern shore, a little cooler there. 5 degrees cooler in ocean city. up to the west of us, they were seven degrees carmer. this morning, we did drop with clearer skies for a while to french. only 55 in ocean city. let's check in with meteorologist chelsea ingram, who is live in the mobile weather lab. tell you what, it's actually really nice out right now. let's take a look at our current informs. numbers. right now, temperatures sitting at 65.1 degrees. relative humidity, 48%. so it is a very comfortable night. now, don't get used to this weather, even though it is closer to normal for this time of year. we have rain on the way. and rainfallwise, we aren't necessarily normal for this time of year. take a look at this graphic. we had about .84 inches of rain. that's the total for the entire month. and that's a little above normal. as for the year, we're actually still sitting below normal. over 4 inches below normal, rainfallwise. now, we are going to get rainfall, as we head into tomorrow. wednesday through saturday, we're looking at a bit of a crummy forecast in the mix for us. we'll be seeing wet, breezy and cool continues. bob will have more of what you can expect coming up in your exclusive first warning forecast. for now, i am live with the wjz mobile weather lab, here at canton crossing. back to you guys on tv hill. >> thank you, chelsea and bob. and speaking of canton crossing, restaurants, retail and jobs. it's all coming to this brand new baltimore development. and wjz is live there now. christie ileto has more on the grand opening. kristy? we're talking an old navy, mission barbecue. pretty up everything your hearts desire here. and for many people who live here, it's all about convenience. >> reporter: scanners are sounding. and registers are ringing at five below. the store is one of the many shops at canton crossing, officially opened for business tuesday. >> this is a lot closer. >> it's great to be so close to stores. >> reporter: canton resident emily knap says she used to drive out of the way for necessities. >> i would drive often to get a lot of what i need. >> reporter: the $105 million center on boston street includes 30 retailers, like michaels. and soon a 54,000-square-foot at harris teeter. >> in january of this year, we started going vocal with the buildings themselves. and 9 months later, here we are. >> doesn't mean just keeping local dollars local. during the 14-month conception period, it also put hundreds of baltimoreans back to work. >> 700 in fact. >> the economic impact is significant. we are adding over 1,000 jobs at this shopping center with this first phase. >> but for canton residents, what's all about one thing. >> very convenient. >> reporter: and it means a big return for baltimore's bottom line. and denise, the ribbon cutting was, i'd say about an hour ago, in the parking lot here, was pretty packed. we have been here all day. developers say they expect it to be one of the most popular retail hubbs -- retail hubs in the city. >> for those stores that did not open, many did not open today. >> it will be great to see all of those new jobs coming into the area. >> right. still to come on wjz eyewitness news. a surprise announcement from actor tom hanks about his health. local doctors react to the news and how it could change the face of the disease next. coming up, getting unmanned jones into manned air face. why maryland is poised to take off, as eyewitness news continues. noik mayhem. disturbing new video as police make more arrests. get ready for more wet weather. the updated first warning weather forecast is coming up. , it is mostly cloudy. with the wjz mobile weather lab at canton crossing now. the complete first warning weather is coming up. oscar winning actor tom hanks makes a surprise announcement on the late show with david letterman. >> denise, hanks revealed he is now living with type 2 diabetes. and local health professionals hope his diabetes is -- diagnosis is a wake-up call for millions of americans. >> reporter: when tom hanks joined david letterman on stage, he began the conversation with an unexpected announcement. >> i went to the doctor and he said, you know those high blood sugar numbers you've been dealing with since you were 36? well, you graduated. [ laughter ] you've got type 2 diabetes, young man. >> we have two 65s approach -- skiffs approaching. >> reporter: the 57-year-old actor is known for taking on roles that require him to gain and lose a lot of weight. johns hopkins doctor abs strasays it could play a role in his diagnosis. >> clearly, when you are gaining and losing, it alters your metabolism. and as we get older, that metabolism slows down as well. probably a multipronged effect. >> glenda ford was diagnosed two years ago, and now sees a nutritionist, takes classes and talks with other patients, at the diabetes resource center at sinai. like hanks, glenda says people are surprised by her diagnosis because she looks healthy, just like the actor. >> a lot of people tell me that all the time. you don't look like you have diabetes. but i have it. and i have to wake up every single morning and remember that i'm a diabetic. i have to take my sugar every single morning to see if it's okay. i have to be very careful about what i eat. diabetes is nothing to take lightly. it's nothing to play with. because the complications can come out of nowhere. >> and the complications include heart disease, nerve, eye and foot damage, along with an increased risk of alzheimer's. it is, though, a controllable condition, through diet, exercise and medication. back to you, denise. >> all right. thank you, mary. tom hanks says he has changed his diet and he is exercising more to control his diabetes. plenty of room in the sky for unmand drones. -- unmanned drones. if it can be done, merging man with unmanned flights could lead to a big payoff. >> reporter: unmanned drones have been under military development for 20 years at patuxent naval air station. technology, headed toward civilian use, provided they can fly safely with what is already up there. >> so you're trying to fit an unmanned system into a manned system. >> reporter: and the university of maryland is trying to convince the government it can, using patuxent and southern maryland to test systems to integrate drones. >> so the idea is to take advantage of the infrastructure we have in place down there, as well as the people and bring them to bear on the same issues. >> reporter: drones piloted from the ground have already branched into severe weather, riding into hurricanes long before they reach shore. >> the purpose is to give people that warning of what is going to be happening. >> reporter: and on land, police are testing small eyes in the sky. >> i don't want to see this get shot in the air. but i would rather have that than an officer shot. >> reporter: keeping drones from hitting people on the ground or in the air is a critical step to a new industry. >> reporter: -- t is estimated that drones could be a $90 billion business. maryland's potential share. >> the projection for maryland is to gain $2 billion of that just for the state. >> reporter: provided what is in the sky isn't the limit. alex demetrick, wjz eyewitness news. >> maryland is vying for one of six sites the federal government will establish to test integrating drones into civilian air space. >> big brother is watching you. >> absolutely. >> that is for sure. >> or will be watching you. all right. let's take a look at temps and conditions around the region. clouds are moving in now. we're at 63. east/northeast winds at 6. that is going to continue to bring in moisture off the ocean. the dew point is going to come back up. the barometer right now, holding steady. come back and take a look at the chances of rain after this. , @yo⌟] we are live with the wjz mobile weather lab here at the canton crossing on a beautiful autumn night. but we have changes in the forecast. bob has a look at your updated forecast now. >> we have clouds moving in south of you. south of the area. we've got a lot of clouds that will slowly move into our region. and probably some rain breaking out by this time tomorrow afternoon. take a look at temps now. we're at 63. we got up to about 67, 68 this afternoon. actually, the official high was 68. and the low this morning, we showed you, is 47. 63 in ocean city. easton, 59 in oakland. they were 39 this morning. pretty chilly out there. dew points comingum a little bit. 46. it will continue coming up. the temperatures will kind of come down a little bit. and they'll kind of meet in the middle. that will given us a good chance of rain by later in the day tomorrow. currently, temperatures in the low 60s around the area. annapolis, d.c. and kent island. northeast winds. they will get a little strong and continue to bring moisture, as we said, from the atlantic ocean. low clouds, drizzle, rain at times. could be some moderate rain in some areas. most of the heaviest rain would be east of the area. much lighter rain. in fact, west of the blue ridge. they may not see much in the way of rain at all. so it will be a sharp, sharp cutoff. as low pressure off the south carolina coast now is going to move up the east coast. and that moisture beginning to spread to the west/northwest. cloud cover, you see it this afternoon, getting right about to hagerstown. west of that area. clear, clear skies. it will be much cooler tonight than with the cloud cover. temperatures tonight, probably around the 50-degree mark or so. not quite as cold as last night. but the rain coming in. there it is, in fact, just approaching the norfolk, virginia beach area. and slowly moving up the east coast. ocean city, it's going to be wet there and breezy for the next several days. here's the low pressure. now, if it gets far enough away, we may begin to start seeing some clearing, at least dryer air, hopefully coming in on saturday. but not not a -- that's in the a guarantee at this point. small craft advisory throughout the day. and the next several days, actually. tonight, down around 48. with cloudy skies moving in. tomorrow, showers possible in the afternoon. upper 60s may not get that warm. and chance of rain and drizzle tomorrow night. continuing through friday at this point. so we may pick up a good half inch to inch of rain in the next couple of days. still to come tonight on wjz's eyewitness news. making lacrosse safer for young players. i'm monique griego. coming up, what u.s. lacrosse is doing to save the culture of what can be a hard-hitting sport. >> i was starting to have trouble. and we had not eat nen several days. >> reporter: dramatic rescue. two hikers stranded for days in rugged wilderness. how they survived. major security breach. a 9-year-old on a cross ,,,,,,,, ♪ i wish i was made of money. i wish you were too. chances are, you're not made of money. so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico motorcycle. see how much you could save. it's 6:30. 62 degrees and mostly cloudy. good evening, everyone. thanks for staying with wjz. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. through video of a beating of a new york driver, who was surrounded by a group of bikers. it comes as a group makes more in the case. >> reporter: craig rice, recover covering himself with a blanket as he was driven out monday night. he is the fifth suspect arrested in the motorcycle road rage incident for the beating of alexian lyanne in front of his wife and baby daughter. the 20-year-old was arrested outside of his home in kenarsy, brooklyn, where police searched the bags of each person, leaving the house. >> he was a very nice young man. very responsible as far as i know. >> reporter: very fasts say rice was one of the men in this video, where several bikers are seen beating lien on the pavement of a washington heights street. we're also now hearing from the man whose helmet cam recorded the original video that has now become viral. kevin breslove was questioned by investigators and released. in an exclusive interview with cbs news, senior correspondent john miller, his attorney says breslove did nothing wrong. >> he's not in a gang. he's not affiliated with a motorcycle club. he's simply a motorcycle enthusiast that had a helmet cam on. >> reporter: meanwhile, christopher cruz, police say started the attack by slowing down in front of lien's range rover, said he was only braking to change lanes and to find his friends. he, along with reginald, robert chance and sims, are all facing multiple charges meanwhile, police are continuing to search for these two bikers, who they consider persons of interest. police are also questioning at least two off-duty police officers, including an undercover detective who were part of that motorcycle group. well, we are learning more about the 9-year-old boy who evaded airport security and made it onto a cross-country flight. mary is in the newsroom with the new information. mary? >> reporter: denise, that 9- year-old boy is well-known to child protection services. in the past, he has stolen a car, and even snuck into a water park. the boy, who is not being identified, was able to get on board a delta airlines flight from minneapolis to las vegas earlier this week. he did not have a boarding pass, nor an id. the crew eventually realized he was on the flight alone. he was taken into custody when the plane landed. and security says the boy became violent and had to be hospitalized. he eventually calmed down. he is too young to be charged with a crime. but child protection is reviewing what to do. back to you, denise. it's not clear when the child will be sent back to minneapolis. a couple from arkansas is telling their story of survival, after their day hike in texas turned into a harrowing five-day ordeal. vinita nair reports for wjz with more. >> reporter: kathy fry and her husband, rick macfarland wanted to walk at big bend national park in texas but they were told to leave because of a get shutdown. instead, they decided to go to a state park they had never hiked. by nightfall, they were lost. >> we discovered that there had been quite a bit of rain and what looked to be flash flooding that had knocked a lot of the trail markers out of the way. >> the experienced hikers spent three days wandering in the blistering heat. kathy could barely walk. so they decided to separate. >> because i didn't have what it took to push on. and we were in pretty dire straits at that point. >> we said our i love yous, you know, to each other. and she wanted me to tell the kids to make sure to let them know she tried. >> reporter: after walking around for a few hours, macfarland, news photographer, saw something through his camera lens. it was a reflection from a car windshield. using his zoom lens, macfarland followed the reflection and reached rescuers. it took two more day toss find kathy. she was only about a mile from where the couple had started their hike. >> we stopped and just lessened. and we heard a faint "help." and we looked down. and there was kathy. >> reporter: incoherent from the heat and lack of water, fry had taken all of her clothes off. she was severely dehydrated, had sun burn and bruises, but had no serious injuries. vinita nair, wjz eyewitness news. >> fry is an award-winning reporter at the arkansas democrat gazette. macfarland is a photographer at the same newspaper. we now know the identity of the man who set himself on fire on the national mall in washington, d.c. and later died. he has been identified as 64- year-old john constantino of mount laurel, new jersey. last week, the man poured an entire cannister of gasoline on himself and set himself on fire. he died after being rushed to the hospital. constantino reportedly suffered from mental health problems. back for the fall session, the u.s. supreme court takes up the issue of campaign contributions. the u.s. supreme court will decide if there will continue to be caps on contributions made to political campaigns. supporters say contribution limits seven as a check on corruption. opponents say it's a hit to first amendment rights. the $100 bill gets a facelift. the redesigned bill goes into circulation today. it features high-tech features, designed to discourage counterfeiters, including a security ribbon and some more color. time now for a quick look at some of the stories you'll find in tomorrow morning's edition of the baltimore sun. the senator theater returns as a movie showplace, but with not one but four screens. a preview of the drunken bottannist event at the silver arboretum, which explores the roof in popular spirit. and learn about an 87-year- old marathoner running this weekend, who wants to run a marathon when he is 90. for these stories and more, read the baltimore sun. and remember to look for the updated forecast from wjz's first warning weather team. with concussions and sports head injuries in the news, u.s. lacrosse based here in baltimore is taking a major step to put safety first in youth spoartdzs. monique griego has more on their latest move. >> reporter: u.s. lacrosse has nounced it is joining the newly- formed national sports concussion coalition. the group's goal is to make sports safer for young players. >> reporter: lacrosse, not usually considered a full- contact sport, isn't without its hard hits. >> it would increase the safety aspect of it. it's what we need. players are getting bigger, they're getting faster, getting stronger. i know that the speed of the game has increased. >> reporter: stephen berger, a professional lacrosse player for the boston cannons, is also the men's game director for u.s. lacrosse in baltimore. today, it announced it is joining forces with 15 other organizations to form the national sports concussion coalition, a group focused on reducing concussions and increasing safety in youth sports. >> parents are concerned. consumers are concerned. what can we do to prevent these types of injuries? >> reporter: the coalition, which includes the nfl, pop warner and youth soccer will share research and other data. u.s. lacrosse has already implemented its own safety initiative, which includes new rules, better equipment and increased penalties for illegal hits. >> 10 years ago, you heard people say, you got your bell rung, got hurt, and people got back in the game. and people didn't understand the long-term empindications of a head injury. >> to put more emphasis on skill development. to put more emphasis on sort of the safety development side, i think will allow them to be involved in the game longer. >> reporter: u.s. lacrosse has already spent more than half a million dollars researching concussions and how to prevent them. reporting live from north baltimore, monique griego. wjz eyewitness news. >> u.s. lacrosse was founded in 1998. still to come on wjz's eyewitness news. i have seen the very worst of humanity. >> speaking out. elizabeth smart, on her abduction ordeal. and why she's writing a book on it. the source of the contamination. we are live, with the wjz mobile weather lab at the new cannon crossing. bob and i will have a look at your wednesday and five-day forecast coming up. and we'll have the exclusive first warning weather forecast for you in detail. wjz 13 is always on. here are the top stories on for updated news ,,,,,,,, mom... yes honey? dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. 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[ female announcer ] call a baltimore area allstate agent at 866-650-7900 today. father finally starting to feel a little more like fall. but considerably cooler than the last few days. meteorologist chelsea ingram is live at the wjz mobile weather lab. bob has what we can expect tomorrow. but first, let's check in with chelsea, where the sun is setting. >> thanks, vic. that's right. beautiful sunset, too. take a look at what you can expect for tomorrow. enjoy the dry weather while you can. we'll start ought the day dry, with temperatures around 51 degrees. skies will be mostly cloudy. by the afternoon, around 68 degrees for your high temperature. and by dinnertime, chances for rain will roll in. we're looking at about a 70% chance of rainfall. temperatures right around 60 degrees. now let's go in to bob for the look at the next five days. >> not too bright. that's for sure. rain showers likely in the afternoon. continuing tomorrow night. good chance we'll have rain on thursday and friday. upper 50s to the low 60s. it may -- it may get out of here by saturday. not making any promise on that. 68 and 68. cloudy for the most part. expect it here for the weekend. denise? vic? >> it's me. thank you, bob. the baltimore ravens team up with nfl play 60. mike schuh was there with three star ravens players who let their inner child come out. >> reporter: to play like a raven, during the season, you only get one day off a week. to play like a second grader at spring garden elementary, during the school day, you only have to know how to have fun. >> you know how to do a high five? >> yeah. >> high five. >> today, thanks to three grown men, for 400 kids, it's a fun, high-five kind of day. >> ed dixon, michael hoffman, and jameel mcclain are making this a time to remember. >> hampstead is a small, country community in many ways. so it is unusual to think about us being chosen by the ravens. >> the first to get all seven teammates through, wins the play 60 challenge, okay? >> these men remember meeting pros when they were little. now, part of their only day off is spent reminding the kids to do something active for an hour every day. >> hopefully it's a lesson they'll remember forever. >> there's nothing like it, when you hear the kids cheering. instead of saying ravens,they're saying "wavens." it's a beautiful thing, you know. to hear the kids get excited. it's what we play for. it's what we do this for. it's what community work is. >> the kids kids dutifully remember the lesson. >> to play 60 minutes of exercise. >> 60 minutes of exercise. >> reporter: never forget in second grade, who is the biggest star. >> that sufficiency really -- it was really fun. and the ravens bird came. >> the ravens bird came? >> yeah. >> and who is over there? >> and the players. >> well, the wavens take applications from schools for the grant every spring. >> good for those kids. still to come tonight on wjz eyewitness news. more roster changes for the ravens as they get ready to face the green bay packers. >> ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, mark is here with the wjz the fan sports report, in time for fans who are going to the game to get noisy. get loud. >> get noisy and get reacclimated. ever-evolving ravens roster, continues to spin. and receiver brandon stokley is back in. this, less than a week after he was released. stokley now returns to the active roster. the veteran pass catcher caught a total of nine passes. he was slowed by a groin injury when he was released last week. it was a move to give flexibility for that miami game. in that game, torrey smith continued to catch passes that has him well on his way to the best season of his career. smith was even more impressive, when you consider how short- handed the ravens were with receivers in miami. >> i was really happy to see the way our receivers played. it was tough. it was hot. we only had three of them. we've never had that before. never had any experience with that before. didn't know how that was going to go. especially in that heat. >> made a great play over his right shoulder. and left shoulder. joe made a great throw. basically, made the throw out there. that was a big throw out for us. got a big interference call. it was good, too. >> and through all of that, jacoby jones is going to practice again this week. he could join the rest of the receiving corps sunday. jones has not played since he suffered that knee injury in the opener. former ravens head coach rex ryan is fired up after a comeback win in atlanta in the monday night game. jeno smith threw a short t.d. pass to give a lead in the fourth quarter. atlanta took the lead late. then in the final seconds, the jets got in position to win. and nick folk got connected. jets win, 30-28. they improved to 3-2. same record as the ravens. falcons fall to 1-4. college football. it is a recovery week in college park. and the terps are happy to be home. they're going to take on virginia at bird stadium on saturday. terps coming off one of the most lop-sided defeats in all of their history. dressed in all white. blown out by the seminoles, 63- 0. it was the first loss after four straight wins. coach andy edsel said maryland is not dwelling on this one. instead, you're looking ahead. >> that's why i said, you really don't worry about anything until the end of the season. then you have something to judge yourself and go by. if you do that, you're able to i think stay sane in this business. >> edsel would not comment on the status of quarterback cj brown, who was knocked out of the florida state game with a concussion. the acc has reviewed that play and ruled that the hit was not illegal. unknown, though, if brown is going to play saturday against virginia. finally, in baseball, the l.a. dodgers used plan b. first was for juan uribe to bunt. but uribe failed in two attempts to bunt. so the bunt call was aborted. he swang away. that was a good plan. that gave the dodgers the lead. that proved to be enough for the win. clinching the series in four games. so to heck with the plan. >> swing away. >> thank you, mark. >> thank you, mark. we'l,,,,,,,, i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. no! you don't even get football. 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