Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness News At 5 20131004 : comparem

Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness News At 5 20131004

the 4 and a half hour trip with her daughter is still unclear. >> dr. bryan evans a dentist in connecticut said kerry worked as a hygienist in his office for 2 years. >> sometimes it just doesn't work out. there's nothing unusual about her leaving our office. >> sources tell cbs news kerry had fallen and hit her head last year and after wards her behavior changed. relatives and friends suggest she was battling depression. danielle nottingham, wjz eyewitness news. >> a secret service member and a capitol police officer were both injured during the chase. they are expected to be okay. maryland state police are investigating a crash in anne arundel county this afternoon that claimed the life of an elderly woman. sky eye chopper 13 was over the scene. it happened just 1:00 at route 3. police say a suv and sedan collided. the woman killed was 73 years old. drugs and alcohol were not a factor in the crash. a school bus heading to pikesville middle school over turns injuring five students and the driver. wjz is live along greenspring avenue. here is monique griego. >> reporter: according to police that school bus was traveling along greenspring avenue when it lost control, veered off the road, hit a bridge and crashed into a ditch. >> frightening moments for baltimore county parents who arrived on greenspring avenue to find their child's school bus off the road, overturned facing the wrong way 10 feet down in a creek. >> i can't imagine the fear of the parents when the parents came to pick up their kids from the accident. >> baltimore county police say the bus was carrying ten pikesville middle school students when it somehow lost control, veered off the road and crash intoed the ditch. >> it's a miracle that we didn't have any significant injuries. >> the 10 middle schoolers were thrown about. everyone scrambled out the back and through this roof hatch before help arrived. >> they quickly determined that all the occupants had self-evacuated. >> five students and a driver left with injuries. others left with parents. >> it appears we have been lucky. >> investigators are looking into the cause of the crash. taking a look at the scene this is a narrow road that cuts downhill and it appears that one point all the wheels on the right side of the bus dropped off the road and skidded. >> we are extremely lucky that children -- it appears that children were not seriously hurt. >> reporter: again, the cause of the crash is still under investigation. district leaders tell us the driver of the school bus will be tested for drugs and alcohol, which is standard procedure. reporting live, monique griego, wjz eyewitness news. >> thank you. the bus driver was transport ed ed to the hospital. the students went to johns hopkins hospital pediatric center and to greater baltimore medical center. tropical storm karen is moving closer to the gulf coast tonight. emergency officials are concerned they could face problems getting helped to damaged areas because of the partial government shutdown. hundreds of thousands of workers are on furlough. many work for fema. the governors of louisiana, mississippi and florida have declared states of emergency. where is karen now and could it impact our weather here? bob is in the first warning weather center. >> the latest information says karen remains disorganized. if you take a look at it, it's a little hard to tell on this satellite picture. it has not increased. the pressure came up today. the winds still around 50 miles per hour. that's all east of the center. there's a lot of sheer, which is not allowing the storm to intensify. over the next day or so it will come ashore just about we think east of mobile bay, alabama, head up towards alabama and into central georgia as a remnant low by monday, which is still a long way from our region. some of tropical moisture will come north ward. so we have two things approaching the area. tropical moisture and a cold front that will be kind of hard to tell what we will get monday. what is left of the tropical storm, the cold front, most of the models have what's left of it, the remanence heading out west of our region along the front or southeast of us. we expect at least to see some decent rain and we need it. 87 this afternoon. our record 92. the normal is only 71 degrees . another hot weekend. have a look at those temperaturess coming up. >> check with wjz for first warning weather coverage. we will keep you updated on tropical storm karen and its potential impact all weekend long. president obama wants a temporary spending bill on his desk with no strings attached. the partial government shutdown heads into the weekend. wjz has complete coverage. linh bui is in washington talking to leaders. first more on the president's message from capitol hill. >> president obama stepped out for lunch at a local sandwich shop but has no plans to sit down at the table with republicans to end the partial government shut down. >> i'm happy to have negotiations with the republicans and speaker boehner on a whole range of issues. we can't do it with a gun held to the head of the american people. >> an agitated house speaker boehner pointed the finger at democrats and the white house. >> this isn't some damn game. the american people don't want their government shutdown and neither do it. >> house republicans continue to push for legislation to reopen parts of the federal government, including the veterans administration and the parks department. >> we can't agree on some things on health care. we're trying to put out bills where we can agree. >> the house will be in session to continue to press this strategy. democrats are having none of it. >> this is not the way to run a government. we need to open the entire government. some 800,000 workers remain off the job without pay will get paid once the shutdown ends. >> our complete coverage continues now. live in washington dc, linh bui with reaction from local leaders and people effected by the shut down. linh. >> reporter: vic, the out rage is building. there was a huge demonstration on capitol hill today. people saying enough is enough. >> on a hot october day in washington tensions reach a boiling point. >> [screaming] >> today hundreds rallied on capitol hill. >> get these employees back to work so they can provide the services for the american public. >> then marched across the capitol grounds. >> it effect always of us all around the country. this government shutdown is not a washington dc thing. it's a country thing. >> these you are furloughed federal employees can't go to work so they've been standing outside the senate instead. >> when your bills are stacking up on your desk and have no way of paying them it gets scary. >> they want the legislation to end the shutdown. >> there's no reason. >> we also spoke with maryland lawmakers who say they are equally frustrated but don't know when it will end. >> if speaker boehner would allow a vote on the house floor we're convinced the votes are there to get the government open and sit down and negotiation. . >> dutch ruppersberger has sponsored a bill to give retroactive pay to furloughed workers. >> at least that will give some sense of security to those people who have been basically laid off or furloughed. they will get their a back pay once is all resolved. >> frustrated americans say they want it resolved d now. >> let the government go back to work. >> reporter: as long as the government remains shutdown we can expect to see more protests and rallies like today. reporting live in washington, linh bui, wjz eyewitness news. >> thank you. a new crisis is just around the corner too. treasury secretary jack lou said the if nation's debt limit isn't raised by october 17th the country could head back into a reses session recession. details on us where a man was arrested. >> reporter: 31-year-old david jeffery anderson is charged with multiple marijuana counts, including manufacturing, production and distribution of the drug. detectives say they got a tip about the growing operation that led to the search of the savage home and the arrest. when they served the warrant they found the room under the house that contained the marijuana. he had items plugged into the events to keep out the smell. police found a loaded handgun and ammo inside that house. >> thank you. the child care center has been shut down. anderson is out on $35,000 bond . it is a purple friday for ravens fans. the team is preparing for another road trip. mark viviano joins us now with the latest, including predictions for the big game. mark. >> reporter: well, week to week it is hard to predict what ravens team are we going to see in miami on sunday. even the ravens admit they are a work in progress. >> part of the ravens preparation for miami has included talk of an attitude adjustment, especially for the ravens run game. they say their identity on offense is to run the ball. they have not been able to do it so far. other teams are determined to keep it that way. >> there's that much respect that they have for our run game that everybody is coming to play. we have to match the other team's intensity to be effective. >> quarterback joe flacco said he's happy to keep passing. our panel of predictors weighs in. >> we'll be using the word identity a lot. i think the raven red sox still wins are still winning for it. i don't look for them to win. >> look for the defense to carry the game. look for a big day out of suggs and doomerville, ravens 20-10. >> last week was a huge wake up call for the ravens. the alarm is set for 1:00 p.m. sunday in miami and i don't think the ravens will hit the snooze button. i think they take it over the dolphins. >> it won't be easy but i think the ravens bounce back, 23-20. >> reporter: these real games are tough to call. not an easy pick. i got the ravens winning though 20-13. we're going to hear from coach john harbaugh coming up in sports at 6:00. back to you. >> thank you, mark. remember you can watch the ravens and the dolphins sunday at 1:00 right here on wjz. our big weekend of football actually starts tomorrow. you can see navy take on air force in annapolis. you can see that game at 11:30 right here on wjz. people are going to be in front of the tv all weekend long. >> i know but it's going to be nice outside too. grass to cut and things to do and leaving to rake. still ahead on wjz eyewitness news at 5:00, shocking request. what the boston marathon bombing suspect is asking a judge to do. due diligence or dirty tricks? neurosur gone gone ben carson said the irs audit he went through may have been a calling card. it's a school that prides itself on leadership and loving the ravens. i'm gigi barnett in middle river. the new meaning of purple friday here. it's a warm sunny afternoon in baltimore. will the nice weather be sticking and for your weekend? don't miss the updated first warning weather forecast. complete coverage continues with kai jackson, mary bubala and first warning weather with bob turk and meteorologist tim williams and sports with mark viviano. it's wjz, maryland's news station. and when you get up -- can i play? no! you don't even get football. 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perfect match at and thrive. mostly sunny, 85 degrees. the former johns hopkins director is suspicious of the timing of an irs audit. dr. ben carson is asking questions. wjz is live. pat warren reports. carson thinks it's tied to his politics >> reporter: that's right. in a statement dr. carson tell s wjz that one of the reasons he thinks it's suspicious is because people told him it was coming. >> doctor ben carson known for medical miracles now known for making waves. >> i am. i didn't expect it to go viral. >> it started with an in your face criticism of the president's policies this year. >> people are not used to hearing things that make sense come out of washington. so somebody actually getting up and says something that makes sense and it's like people start hyper ventilating. >> whether he said it with the president sitting there or the media fall out or he was audited. the suggestion that the irs using its power to influence politics seemed farfetched. then we see this. >> we'll go where no government employee has gone before. >> irs employees in a star trek spook, part of a $4 million training conference. >> it was difficult. in the end we got it . >> then came the admission that group requests for tax exempt status were red flagged. >> in a statement to wjz dr. carson said when you have a government agency involved in activities that are partisan in nature it calls into question all of their actions. if they really auditing me where there was no question about their integrity this could be ignored. this february interview may have summed it up. >> the best thing they can possibly do is stop trying to interfere with everybody's life. >> because of government furloughs no one from the irs is available to comment. >> reporter: keep in mind any motive for any audit is hard to prove. i'm pat warren reporting live. >> thank you. dr. carson spoke about it on the fox news channel also. let's check in on our roads right now. here is christy breslin live at wjz traffic control. hi, christy. >> hi, everyone. it's a mess out there. we have a lot of accidents that have happened around the topside of the inner loop. we still have that one at charles street, the left shoulder is blocked. watch for delays back to reisterstown road. the outer loop of the beltway heavy from 95 over to charles street. average speed about 27 miles per hour. as far as 95 goes in the northbound direction slow traffic from 82 over the 895 and then slowing down at 195 going over the white marsh boulevard. still moving at only about 30 miles per hour. we've got plenty of accidents out there. old court road at reisterstown road, west joppa near falls and green mountain at 39. this traffic report is brought to you by papa johns. call or click online atpapa joan johns. >> thank you. as we see out there , it's nice still. >> i saw a squirrel taking a sunbath today. flat on his back holding some walnuts. let's take a look at temperatures and conditions. right now we're at 85 degrees. west, northwest winds at 6. we'll look at the weekend right after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well, a beautiful day out there. we see that bob has been outside today with his squirrels enjoying the sunshine. >> that's a shot that looks like the middle of august. >> i know. it's all green. >> a i guess some folks are heading down to the beach because it's nice down there. not as warm as here but plenty of sunshine. temperatures now 85 degrees. we got up to 87, just 5 degrees shy of the record. 88 in dc. 77 in oakland and 76 in ocean city. locally still the low to mid 80s around the area. the normal high today is 71 degrees. that's pleasantly cool. the normal low is 49. west winds right now around 5, 6, 7, 8 miles per hour. we've seen that most of the day. we've had a few clouds but no precip around here. some thunderstorm activity no northern ohio. some showers across pennsylvania and new york. a slight boundary line between wet and humid air. south of us along the gulf coast very little rain showing up right now. in fact, just really a report from the hurricane center this storm remains very, very disorganized and they're saying that it's possible it could totally degenerate in the next day or two because of a lot of dry air coming in from texas and the plains and a lot of sheer in the upper atmosphere that's tearing it apart. it may never get any stronger. the winds are now around 50 miles per hour. hopefully it will weaken. they'll have a lot of rain along the gulf coast, that's for sure. it's not that huge of a deal for those folks. they're quite used to hurricanes. there will be some coastal flooding. it's 3 to 4 feet storm surge as it approaches. it's been spinning out in the gulf. as it heads up towards central georgia it will dissipate. some of that rain will make it into our area. it will also be moving into that cold front. we have a good shot that we will get some rain here sunday night, monday maybe into tuesday. big snowstorm over the northern rockies tonight. casper, wyoming had a foot of snow this afternoon. they may see one to two feet in the black hills of north dakota. south dakota will see snow as well. northern colorado a lot of snow and southern portions of montana. there's karen, very, very disorganized, defused loud cover. nothing around the area, just a few in northern pennsylvania. we don't expect so see much activity. later into the weekend as the heat and humidity continues the front approached. scattered showers late sunday night. southeast winds 5 knots. some patchy clouds tonight, a low of 62. then tomorrow it's almost identical to today. a rather humid afternoon by october standards, 86 degrees. >> perfect. >> thank you. still ahead on wjz eyewitness news at 5:00, jody arias still has not been sentenced. what her attorneys are asking for now. i'm derek valcourt at the baltimore county detention center. police have arrested someone for sneaking prescription drugs into the jail. you might be surprised to learn who it was. i'll explain. i'm ron matz at fa yette and calvert streets. the lady of baltimore statue the getting a new home. what's being done to replace her coming up here on wjz. first here's today's report from wall street. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it is 5:30, 85 degrees and mostly sunny in central maryland. thank you for staying with wjz eyewitness news. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. she's used to defending accused criminals this court but now a local defense attorney finds herself on the wrong side of the law. wjz is live in towson. derek valcourt explains her arrest is connected to her work as a lawyer. derek. >> reporter: well, police say she was helping sneak drugs to her clients locked in jail. >> attorney jill swirlin may need a good lawyer of her own. she used visits with her locked up clients to discuss their legal cases as an opportunity to sneak drugs to them behind bars. >> earlier this year we received information that a local defense attorney was bringing illegal prescription drugs into the baltimore county detention center and distributing them to the clients. that attorney was her. >> under this new indictment she's charged with drug possession and conspiracy with intent to distribute. police say they seized prescription pills, including accompany exing xanex. they have also indicted eight other people. >> among those indicted, her 20-year-old son, brett, along with an assistant in her law office. nobody answered the door at her home, friday and our phone calls were not returned. >> our narcotics team is still working on it. this is very much an ongoing investigation. >> reporter: no word on a motive. we reached out to baltimore county state's attorney and he declined to comment on the case. >> thank you. if convicted the charges againsr carry the possibility of up to 24 years in prison and $50,000 in fines. anne arundel county police charge a man in a shooting at a glen burnie gas station. 39-year-old quinton morine is charged with attempted murder. he was at the station on hospital drive in glen burnie on september 24th when he was driving out of the station and another car pulled in and he began shooting according to police. the passenger of the other car was hit. police believe the shooting may have been drug-related. convicted murder jody arias is back in an arizona courtroom today. her attorneys are trying to make change to her penalty retrial. denise is in the news room with more on what happened today. >> reporter: well, attorneys for arias argued several motions, including a possibly change of venue and media access. after a televised trial a jury found arias guilty of stabbing to death and shooting her ex-boyfriend travis alexander. the jury could not decide whether she should live or die for the crime. a retrial will not allow another jury to make that decision. vic. >> thank you. today 's hearing was closed to the public. her original trial was open. lawyers for the surviving boston marathon bombing suspect want some restrictions lifting. he's been kept in near total isolation and banned from praying with other inmates. prosecutors say it's necessary because he has a desire to insight others to join in a vi lep gang. vie leapt gang. an arm sergeant is saved by a 12-year-old boy. it happened when he was kayaking. his boat started filling with water. that drew the attention of aiden prewitt and his dad. they threw him a life jacket and pulled him into their boat. >> he was very mature and helpful. >> i was just like, wow, i just saved a guy's life. >> i'll live another day for him. >> once on the boat wesley began suffering an asthma attack. it was aiden to the rescue again. he ran to the soldier's truck and got his inhaler. one baltimore school has become a teaching school leaders. it's a serious lesson with a light-hearted approach. >> come on. let's go. hurry up pre -k. >> rounding up more than 600 students for picture day takes a bull horn. >> you're doing great. just a couple more minutes. >> and a little bit of encouragement from evan barhigtt. >> don't forget to smile. >> the important thing at this middle river school isn't the photo, it's the teacher. it's the right color for a purple friday. the right message for the awareness month. >> when people is bullying something happens in their life they don't like. >> students at the school say they've seen bullying in the halls before although not much. the purple t-shirts teach them to be leaders, a major theme at the school and to speak up if they see it. >> i don't want anybody to get hurt. i'll just go up to one person and be like, yo, it's not right. >> the shirts were given by donner. all parents had to do was say yes. >> it's working. >> we have many kids fewer kids getting referrals to the office. kids are doing compliments. >> many of the compliments are on the purple t-shirts. >> the t-shirts were donated to all the students for free. time now for a quick look at some of the stories you'll find in tomorrow morning's edition of the baltimore sun. the youth to dreamers group is facing a bigger challenge, finding enough funding to stay alive. a preview of the navy and air force game. coverage of a busy weekend in area high school sports. for all these stories and more read tomorrow's baltimore sun. look for the updated forecast from wjz's first warning weather team. the baltimore city fire department plans a thrilling start to fire prevention week. tomorrow they will hold their annual thrill show on pulaski highway. families are encouraged to attend in order the meet the firefighters and learn more about home and personal safety. there will be live fire demonstrations and firefighter competitions. the e event runs from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. she's known as baltimore's statue of liberty and she's about to get a new home. ron matz has more on tomorrow's scheduled big move of the lady baltimore. >> the battle monument sits at fayette and calvert streets. on the top a lady baltimore. she's been there nearly 200 years. time and the weather have taken a big toll. >> her material is marble, which is very fragile over time. so the conditions are quite sugary and the marble is literally crumbling away. >> so the lady will come down tomorrow. this will take her place. >> two years ago we restored the whole monument. at that time we took a mold of lady baltimore in anticipation of one day casting a new one because it was in bad shape. >> wearing her crown of victory the lady weighs 2,750 pounds. >> she's one of the earliest sculptures in the nation and the work after antonio capalano. we decided we needed to rescue her. >> the iconic statue will be placed in a cage and then carefully lower from the monument. the new home maryland historical society. celebrating history and baltimore's statute of liberty. >> people can appreciate it for what it is and what it represents. it's a terrific thing. >> ron matz, wjz eyewitness news. >> tomorrow's operation moving lady baltimore is scheduled to begin at 7:00 a.m. and will take several hours. so grab a cup of coffee. it's going to be a nice morning and go see it happen. >> there's donuts around the corner too. she's fragile. it's going to be interest ing ing. >> it will be interesting. still to come on wjz eyewitness news, expected to surrender. the identities of several people involved in the brutal motorcycle road rage incident. police expect to see one suspect in person. preparing for a storm. the gulf coast is bracing itself for tropical storm karen. why emergency workers may be scarce. i'm bob turk in the first warning weather. a warm weekend a warm weekend headed our way.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so, um, do you want to come up for a coffee? yeah. 'kay... uh... good. so... so, uh... you make yourself at home and i'll be... yeah. right back. sure. (gasp) oh, i th... i thought we were... (deep inhale) (coffee grinder whirring) ooh... with authentic, expertly crafted roasts and legendary brews, eight o'clock is the coffee for those who put coffee first. this is nice. for those who put coffee first. i need health coverage for emergencies. i need coverage that fits my needs, and my budget. narrator: shop, compare, and select your health coverage at from october through march, and you'll choose from more than 80 medical and dental plans. we're getting financial help to lower our monthly premiums. ♪ gotta have it, gonna get it. ♪ ♪ at ♪ narrator: visit or call 1-855-642-8572. well, a very, very warm day. we got up to 89 just a few minutes ago. tomorrow may be about mid 80s. something like that. 86, maybe 87 degrees. most of the day we'll be in the 70s to the mid 80s by mid afternoon. may peak out about 3:00 or 4:00 at 86 or 87 degrees. on sunday another warm day. more clouds coming in late in the day. 87, showers likely. on monday showers and some thour thunderstorm activity. >> thank you. people along the north gulf coast are preparing for tropical storm karen to strike. the storm is expects today hit amid the federal government shutdown while emergency workers are off the job. marly hall reports for wjz. >> the surf is whipping up along the northern gulf coast, the first sign of what's on the way. karen is moving fast and expected to make land fall saturday. forecasters predict karen could bring as many as 10 inches of rain to some areas. >> it's going to be a big rain event. there will be flooding. >> the wind is pick ing up in pensacola beach but the sky is mostly clear. a hurricane watch is in effect for most of the region. >> some emergency officials have expressed concerns they could face problems getting help to stricken areas because of the partial government shutdown. hundreds of thousands of federal workers are on furlough. the white house said some of those employed by the federal emergency management agency have been called back to help prepare for karen. local fire departments are getting ready. >> some people don't heed the warning. they think they're not in a flood zone. they will stay. >> the governors of louisiana, mississippi and florida have all declared states of emergency in advance of the storm. in pensacola beach, florida, marly hall, wjz eyewitness news. >> energy companies have shut down production. a large violent storm whips across southeast nebraska. it generated one tornado spotted near hickman. officials say rain and damaging winds struck several homes and downed trees and power lines creating dangerous road conditions. crews plan to begin the long clean-up process this weekend. new video appears of a rescue after a boat sinks off the italian coast. it shows some survivors. it was carrying about 500 african migrants. at least 111 people died. today italy is observing a day of mourning. a newlywed accused of pushing her husband off a clip just days after they got maryland is indicted for murder. jordan graham admitted she pushed her new husband cody johnson over the cliff at glassier national park in montana but said it was an accident that happened during an argument. a grand jury disagreed, indicting her. prosecutors say she killed him with fore thought. the charges are bringing relief to family and friends. >> it's great to hear that justice might be served after all, after what seems like an eternity for anything to take place. it's nice to hear it sounds like there's some progress being made. >> graham has been under house arrest since september. she was also charged with second degree murder and making a false statement to police. one of the motorcycle riders at the center of the shocking video of a road rage attack is expected to turn himself in according to new york police. attorney gloria alred said she wants justice for her client who was ran over. >> law enforcement officials tell krns news that reginald chance used his helmet to smash the window after an suv. a mob of motorcycles swarm the suv sunday. the driver alexian lein took off and ran over jay mieses. >> the suv comes and hits him while his back is turned. >> mieses remains here at saint luke's roosevelt hospital. his spine is severely injuryed. he may be paralyzed. >> he does not deserve what happened to him. >> police say mieses was operating the motorcycle without a license hasn't had one since 1999. it was believed he was part of a stunt ride. it shows the group running red lights and weaving in and out of oncoming traffic. police is have not charged lein. they say his wife made four 911 calls from their suv. on thursday she issued a statement expressing sympathy but explained her husband was forced to do what he did to protect his family. >> one rider has been charged with unlawful imprezment and reckless driving. 15 other riders were charged that day. 55 motorcycles were taken. a florida man attempts to rob an elderly woman but is given a run for his money. police say the suspect was caught on surveillance camera trying to snatch a chain off a 78-year-old woman the woman use ing using her umbrella to smack him. a police officer saw the fight and grabbed him. baseball star alex rodriguez is heading back to court. he's suing major league baseball and league commissioner. the suit accusing the mlb and commissioner of trying to destroy his reputation and career. rodriguez was suspended in august for 211 games after the league accused him of taking performance enhancing drugs and having ties to a miami clinic. a-rod is fighting his suspension through arbitration. check in with eyewitness news at 6:00 for new stories. denise is live with a preview. >> reporter: well, sudden impact. a school bus over turns on a road in baltimore county. the latest on the investigation as to how it happened. the developing story from washington dc. a man on fire at the national mall. what emergency responders are saying. check in for these stories and all the breaking news at 6:00. now back to mary and vic. >> thank you. still to come on eyewitness news tonight. >> putting a face to a voice. the well known voice of si ri is finally identified. >> the woman at the heart of the iphone coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,, you have heard her voice many times. you may have asked her to help you find a good restaurant or get directions. it's siri, iphone's virtual assistant. who is this woman behind the famous voice? we are now being introduced to her. >> hello. i'm susan bennett. you probably know me. i'm the voice actor who pro vided the voice for siri. >> ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> the first time i actually heard my voice as siri was when my friend e-mailed me and said, isn't this you? >> not bad. only two meetings today. >> because i didn't have the newest version of the iphone i went to the apple site and that's where i heard the voice. i just went, oh, humm, that is me. i started my life as a machine quite young. i was the voice of tilly the all time teller. the first atm machine. >> i'm tilly the all time teller. i work for first national bank. >> the siri voices were recorded in 2005 in the month of july, four hours a day for the whole month. so when i recorded those voices i had absolutely no idea where they would end up. my voice can be heard on many gps systems, many telephone systems. >> siri, who is the real voice of siri? >> when i first discovered that that was my voice to be honest it was a little creepy. >> yes, ate peers to be raining. >> i'm used to hearing my voice maybe in the airport. >> thank you for using delta airports airlines. >> this real thing you can interact with in your hand was a little ksh it took some time for me to get used to it. she and i are friends now. >> i bet they are. apple don't confirm that bennets siri but an audio expert said she's 100% certain the two are the same person. a man in east texas is a trillionaire. he was checking his bank account online where he saw his balance was $4 trillion. he said he would use $3 trillion to pay down the national debt and still have enough to get by. unfortunately it's disappeared. it was a glitch during an online banking update. >> with draw, with draw, with draw, quick, quick, quick. >> i'm telling you. >> get some cash. still to come tonight on wjz eyewitness news. >> the government shutdown stretches on. i'm linh bui reporting from washington. next on wjz, reactions from frustrated americans and maryland lawmakers. ,, coming up right now on wjz eyewitness news at 6:00. wild chasing gunfire, the new revelation about the woman that sent capitol hill into a lockdown. tracking tropical storm karen. where it is expected to make landfall and the potential impact on maryland. a baltimore county school bus loses control crashing into a ditch injuring six people including five students. we'll have the very latest on the investigation. and check in for these stories and all the breaking news on wjz eyewitness news at 6:00 starts right now. out of control, a school bus crashed in baltimore county. >> tonight, the injuries to the children and inest have -- investigation on how it happened. >> hello, i'm denise koch. >> i'm ricky liu. a sight that no parent wants to see. the school bus turned over on the baltimore county road. wjz is live where we've got the latest on the investigation with monique. >> reporter: this was a single- car accident. according to baltimore county police, that school bus was traveling here along green springs avenue when it somehow lost control, veered off the road, crashed into a brick, and then ended up in

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the 4 and a half hour trip with her daughter is still unclear. >> dr. bryan evans a dentist in connecticut said kerry worked as a hygienist in his office for 2 years. >> sometimes it just doesn't work out. there's nothing unusual about her leaving our office. >> sources tell cbs news kerry had fallen and hit her head last year and after wards her behavior changed. relatives and friends suggest she was battling depression. danielle nottingham, wjz eyewitness news. >> a secret service member and a capitol police officer were both injured during the chase. they are expected to be okay. maryland state police are investigating a crash in anne arundel county this afternoon that claimed the life of an elderly woman. sky eye chopper 13 was over the scene. it happened just 1:00 at route 3. police say a suv and sedan collided. the woman killed was 73 years old. drugs and alcohol were not a factor in the crash. a school bus heading to pikesville middle school over turns injuring five students and the driver. wjz is live along greenspring avenue. here is monique griego. >> reporter: according to police that school bus was traveling along greenspring avenue when it lost control, veered off the road, hit a bridge and crashed into a ditch. >> frightening moments for baltimore county parents who arrived on greenspring avenue to find their child's school bus off the road, overturned facing the wrong way 10 feet down in a creek. >> i can't imagine the fear of the parents when the parents came to pick up their kids from the accident. >> baltimore county police say the bus was carrying ten pikesville middle school students when it somehow lost control, veered off the road and crash intoed the ditch. >> it's a miracle that we didn't have any significant injuries. >> the 10 middle schoolers were thrown about. everyone scrambled out the back and through this roof hatch before help arrived. >> they quickly determined that all the occupants had self-evacuated. >> five students and a driver left with injuries. others left with parents. >> it appears we have been lucky. >> investigators are looking into the cause of the crash. taking a look at the scene this is a narrow road that cuts downhill and it appears that one point all the wheels on the right side of the bus dropped off the road and skidded. >> we are extremely lucky that children -- it appears that children were not seriously hurt. >> reporter: again, the cause of the crash is still under investigation. district leaders tell us the driver of the school bus will be tested for drugs and alcohol, which is standard procedure. reporting live, monique griego, wjz eyewitness news. >> thank you. the bus driver was transport ed ed to the hospital. the students went to johns hopkins hospital pediatric center and to greater baltimore medical center. tropical storm karen is moving closer to the gulf coast tonight. emergency officials are concerned they could face problems getting helped to damaged areas because of the partial government shutdown. hundreds of thousands of workers are on furlough. many work for fema. the governors of louisiana, mississippi and florida have declared states of emergency. where is karen now and could it impact our weather here? bob is in the first warning weather center. >> the latest information says karen remains disorganized. if you take a look at it, it's a little hard to tell on this satellite picture. it has not increased. the pressure came up today. the winds still around 50 miles per hour. that's all east of the center. there's a lot of sheer, which is not allowing the storm to intensify. over the next day or so it will come ashore just about we think east of mobile bay, alabama, head up towards alabama and into central georgia as a remnant low by monday, which is still a long way from our region. some of tropical moisture will come north ward. so we have two things approaching the area. tropical moisture and a cold front that will be kind of hard to tell what we will get monday. what is left of the tropical storm, the cold front, most of the models have what's left of it, the remanence heading out west of our region along the front or southeast of us. we expect at least to see some decent rain and we need it. 87 this afternoon. our record 92. the normal is only 71 degrees . another hot weekend. have a look at those temperaturess coming up. >> check with wjz for first warning weather coverage. we will keep you updated on tropical storm karen and its potential impact all weekend long. president obama wants a temporary spending bill on his desk with no strings attached. the partial government shutdown heads into the weekend. wjz has complete coverage. linh bui is in washington talking to leaders. first more on the president's message from capitol hill. >> president obama stepped out for lunch at a local sandwich shop but has no plans to sit down at the table with republicans to end the partial government shut down. >> i'm happy to have negotiations with the republicans and speaker boehner on a whole range of issues. we can't do it with a gun held to the head of the american people. >> an agitated house speaker boehner pointed the finger at democrats and the white house. >> this isn't some damn game. the american people don't want their government shutdown and neither do it. >> house republicans continue to push for legislation to reopen parts of the federal government, including the veterans administration and the parks department. >> we can't agree on some things on health care. we're trying to put out bills where we can agree. >> the house will be in session to continue to press this strategy. democrats are having none of it. >> this is not the way to run a government. we need to open the entire government. some 800,000 workers remain off the job without pay will get paid once the shutdown ends. >> our complete coverage continues now. live in washington dc, linh bui with reaction from local leaders and people effected by the shut down. linh. >> reporter: vic, the out rage is building. there was a huge demonstration on capitol hill today. people saying enough is enough. >> on a hot october day in washington tensions reach a boiling point. >> [screaming] >> today hundreds rallied on capitol hill. >> get these employees back to work so they can provide the services for the american public. >> then marched across the capitol grounds. >> it effect always of us all around the country. this government shutdown is not a washington dc thing. it's a country thing. >> these you are furloughed federal employees can't go to work so they've been standing outside the senate instead. >> when your bills are stacking up on your desk and have no way of paying them it gets scary. >> they want the legislation to end the shutdown. >> there's no reason. >> we also spoke with maryland lawmakers who say they are equally frustrated but don't know when it will end. >> if speaker boehner would allow a vote on the house floor we're convinced the votes are there to get the government open and sit down and negotiation. . >> dutch ruppersberger has sponsored a bill to give retroactive pay to furloughed workers. >> at least that will give some sense of security to those people who have been basically laid off or furloughed. they will get their a back pay once is all resolved. >> frustrated americans say they want it resolved d now. >> let the government go back to work. >> reporter: as long as the government remains shutdown we can expect to see more protests and rallies like today. reporting live in washington, linh bui, wjz eyewitness news. >> thank you. a new crisis is just around the corner too. treasury secretary jack lou said the if nation's debt limit isn't raised by october 17th the country could head back into a reses session recession. details on us where a man was arrested. >> reporter: 31-year-old david jeffery anderson is charged with multiple marijuana counts, including manufacturing, production and distribution of the drug. detectives say they got a tip about the growing operation that led to the search of the savage home and the arrest. when they served the warrant they found the room under the house that contained the marijuana. he had items plugged into the events to keep out the smell. police found a loaded handgun and ammo inside that house. >> thank you. the child care center has been shut down. anderson is out on $35,000 bond . it is a purple friday for ravens fans. the team is preparing for another road trip. mark viviano joins us now with the latest, including predictions for the big game. mark. >> reporter: well, week to week it is hard to predict what ravens team are we going to see in miami on sunday. even the ravens admit they are a work in progress. >> part of the ravens preparation for miami has included talk of an attitude adjustment, especially for the ravens run game. they say their identity on offense is to run the ball. they have not been able to do it so far. other teams are determined to keep it that way. >> there's that much respect that they have for our run game that everybody is coming to play. we have to match the other team's intensity to be effective. >> quarterback joe flacco said he's happy to keep passing. our panel of predictors weighs in. >> we'll be using the word identity a lot. i think the raven red sox still wins are still winning for it. i don't look for them to win. >> look for the defense to carry the game. look for a big day out of suggs and doomerville, ravens 20-10. >> last week was a huge wake up call for the ravens. the alarm is set for 1:00 p.m. sunday in miami and i don't think the ravens will hit the snooze button. i think they take it over the dolphins. >> it won't be easy but i think the ravens bounce back, 23-20. >> reporter: these real games are tough to call. not an easy pick. i got the ravens winning though 20-13. we're going to hear from coach john harbaugh coming up in sports at 6:00. back to you. >> thank you, mark. remember you can watch the ravens and the dolphins sunday at 1:00 right here on wjz. our big weekend of football actually starts tomorrow. you can see navy take on air force in annapolis. you can see that game at 11:30 right here on wjz. people are going to be in front of the tv all weekend long. >> i know but it's going to be nice outside too. grass to cut and things to do and leaving to rake. still ahead on wjz eyewitness news at 5:00, shocking request. what the boston marathon bombing suspect is asking a judge to do. due diligence or dirty tricks? neurosur gone gone ben carson said the irs audit he went through may have been a calling card. it's a school that prides itself on leadership and loving the ravens. i'm gigi barnett in middle river. the new meaning of purple friday here. it's a warm sunny afternoon in baltimore. will the nice weather be sticking and for your weekend? don't miss the updated first warning weather forecast. complete coverage continues with kai jackson, mary bubala and first warning weather with bob turk and meteorologist tim williams and sports with mark viviano. it's wjz, maryland's news station. and when you get up -- can i play? no! you don't even get football. 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perfect match at and thrive. mostly sunny, 85 degrees. the former johns hopkins director is suspicious of the timing of an irs audit. dr. ben carson is asking questions. wjz is live. pat warren reports. carson thinks it's tied to his politics >> reporter: that's right. in a statement dr. carson tell s wjz that one of the reasons he thinks it's suspicious is because people told him it was coming. >> doctor ben carson known for medical miracles now known for making waves. >> i am. i didn't expect it to go viral. >> it started with an in your face criticism of the president's policies this year. >> people are not used to hearing things that make sense come out of washington. so somebody actually getting up and says something that makes sense and it's like people start hyper ventilating. >> whether he said it with the president sitting there or the media fall out or he was audited. the suggestion that the irs using its power to influence politics seemed farfetched. then we see this. >> we'll go where no government employee has gone before. >> irs employees in a star trek spook, part of a $4 million training conference. >> it was difficult. in the end we got it . >> then came the admission that group requests for tax exempt status were red flagged. >> in a statement to wjz dr. carson said when you have a government agency involved in activities that are partisan in nature it calls into question all of their actions. if they really auditing me where there was no question about their integrity this could be ignored. this february interview may have summed it up. >> the best thing they can possibly do is stop trying to interfere with everybody's life. >> because of government furloughs no one from the irs is available to comment. >> reporter: keep in mind any motive for any audit is hard to prove. i'm pat warren reporting live. >> thank you. dr. carson spoke about it on the fox news channel also. let's check in on our roads right now. here is christy breslin live at wjz traffic control. hi, christy. >> hi, everyone. it's a mess out there. we have a lot of accidents that have happened around the topside of the inner loop. we still have that one at charles street, the left shoulder is blocked. watch for delays back to reisterstown road. the outer loop of the beltway heavy from 95 over to charles street. average speed about 27 miles per hour. as far as 95 goes in the northbound direction slow traffic from 82 over the 895 and then slowing down at 195 going over the white marsh boulevard. still moving at only about 30 miles per hour. we've got plenty of accidents out there. old court road at reisterstown road, west joppa near falls and green mountain at 39. this traffic report is brought to you by papa johns. call or click online atpapa joan johns. >> thank you. as we see out there , it's nice still. >> i saw a squirrel taking a sunbath today. flat on his back holding some walnuts. let's take a look at temperatures and conditions. right now we're at 85 degrees. west, northwest winds at 6. we'll look at the weekend right after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well, a beautiful day out there. we see that bob has been outside today with his squirrels enjoying the sunshine. >> that's a shot that looks like the middle of august. >> i know. it's all green. >> a i guess some folks are heading down to the beach because it's nice down there. not as warm as here but plenty of sunshine. temperatures now 85 degrees. we got up to 87, just 5 degrees shy of the record. 88 in dc. 77 in oakland and 76 in ocean city. locally still the low to mid 80s around the area. the normal high today is 71 degrees. that's pleasantly cool. the normal low is 49. west winds right now around 5, 6, 7, 8 miles per hour. we've seen that most of the day. we've had a few clouds but no precip around here. some thunderstorm activity no northern ohio. some showers across pennsylvania and new york. a slight boundary line between wet and humid air. south of us along the gulf coast very little rain showing up right now. in fact, just really a report from the hurricane center this storm remains very, very disorganized and they're saying that it's possible it could totally degenerate in the next day or two because of a lot of dry air coming in from texas and the plains and a lot of sheer in the upper atmosphere that's tearing it apart. it may never get any stronger. the winds are now around 50 miles per hour. hopefully it will weaken. they'll have a lot of rain along the gulf coast, that's for sure. it's not that huge of a deal for those folks. they're quite used to hurricanes. there will be some coastal flooding. it's 3 to 4 feet storm surge as it approaches. it's been spinning out in the gulf. as it heads up towards central georgia it will dissipate. some of that rain will make it into our area. it will also be moving into that cold front. we have a good shot that we will get some rain here sunday night, monday maybe into tuesday. big snowstorm over the northern rockies tonight. casper, wyoming had a foot of snow this afternoon. they may see one to two feet in the black hills of north dakota. south dakota will see snow as well. northern colorado a lot of snow and southern portions of montana. there's karen, very, very disorganized, defused loud cover. nothing around the area, just a few in northern pennsylvania. we don't expect so see much activity. later into the weekend as the heat and humidity continues the front approached. scattered showers late sunday night. southeast winds 5 knots. some patchy clouds tonight, a low of 62. then tomorrow it's almost identical to today. a rather humid afternoon by october standards, 86 degrees. >> perfect. >> thank you. still ahead on wjz eyewitness news at 5:00, jody arias still has not been sentenced. what her attorneys are asking for now. i'm derek valcourt at the baltimore county detention center. police have arrested someone for sneaking prescription drugs into the jail. you might be surprised to learn who it was. i'll explain. i'm ron matz at fa yette and calvert streets. the lady of baltimore statue the getting a new home. what's being done to replace her coming up here on wjz. first here's today's report from wall street. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it is 5:30, 85 degrees and mostly sunny in central maryland. thank you for staying with wjz eyewitness news. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. she's used to defending accused criminals this court but now a local defense attorney finds herself on the wrong side of the law. wjz is live in towson. derek valcourt explains her arrest is connected to her work as a lawyer. derek. >> reporter: well, police say she was helping sneak drugs to her clients locked in jail. >> attorney jill swirlin may need a good lawyer of her own. she used visits with her locked up clients to discuss their legal cases as an opportunity to sneak drugs to them behind bars. >> earlier this year we received information that a local defense attorney was bringing illegal prescription drugs into the baltimore county detention center and distributing them to the clients. that attorney was her. >> under this new indictment she's charged with drug possession and conspiracy with intent to distribute. police say they seized prescription pills, including accompany exing xanex. they have also indicted eight other people. >> among those indicted, her 20-year-old son, brett, along with an assistant in her law office. nobody answered the door at her home, friday and our phone calls were not returned. >> our narcotics team is still working on it. this is very much an ongoing investigation. >> reporter: no word on a motive. we reached out to baltimore county state's attorney and he declined to comment on the case. >> thank you. if convicted the charges againsr carry the possibility of up to 24 years in prison and $50,000 in fines. anne arundel county police charge a man in a shooting at a glen burnie gas station. 39-year-old quinton morine is charged with attempted murder. he was at the station on hospital drive in glen burnie on september 24th when he was driving out of the station and another car pulled in and he began shooting according to police. the passenger of the other car was hit. police believe the shooting may have been drug-related. convicted murder jody arias is back in an arizona courtroom today. her attorneys are trying to make change to her penalty retrial. denise is in the news room with more on what happened today. >> reporter: well, attorneys for arias argued several motions, including a possibly change of venue and media access. after a televised trial a jury found arias guilty of stabbing to death and shooting her ex-boyfriend travis alexander. the jury could not decide whether she should live or die for the crime. a retrial will not allow another jury to make that decision. vic. >> thank you. today 's hearing was closed to the public. her original trial was open. lawyers for the surviving boston marathon bombing suspect want some restrictions lifting. he's been kept in near total isolation and banned from praying with other inmates. prosecutors say it's necessary because he has a desire to insight others to join in a vi lep gang. vie leapt gang. an arm sergeant is saved by a 12-year-old boy. it happened when he was kayaking. his boat started filling with water. that drew the attention of aiden prewitt and his dad. they threw him a life jacket and pulled him into their boat. >> he was very mature and helpful. >> i was just like, wow, i just saved a guy's life. >> i'll live another day for him. >> once on the boat wesley began suffering an asthma attack. it was aiden to the rescue again. he ran to the soldier's truck and got his inhaler. one baltimore school has become a teaching school leaders. it's a serious lesson with a light-hearted approach. >> come on. let's go. hurry up pre -k. >> rounding up more than 600 students for picture day takes a bull horn. >> you're doing great. just a couple more minutes. >> and a little bit of encouragement from evan barhigtt. >> don't forget to smile. >> the important thing at this middle river school isn't the photo, it's the teacher. it's the right color for a purple friday. the right message for the awareness month. >> when people is bullying something happens in their life they don't like. >> students at the school say they've seen bullying in the halls before although not much. the purple t-shirts teach them to be leaders, a major theme at the school and to speak up if they see it. >> i don't want anybody to get hurt. i'll just go up to one person and be like, yo, it's not right. >> the shirts were given by donner. all parents had to do was say yes. >> it's working. >> we have many kids fewer kids getting referrals to the office. kids are doing compliments. >> many of the compliments are on the purple t-shirts. >> the t-shirts were donated to all the students for free. time now for a quick look at some of the stories you'll find in tomorrow morning's edition of the baltimore sun. the youth to dreamers group is facing a bigger challenge, finding enough funding to stay alive. a preview of the navy and air force game. coverage of a busy weekend in area high school sports. for all these stories and more read tomorrow's baltimore sun. look for the updated forecast from wjz's first warning weather team. the baltimore city fire department plans a thrilling start to fire prevention week. tomorrow they will hold their annual thrill show on pulaski highway. families are encouraged to attend in order the meet the firefighters and learn more about home and personal safety. there will be live fire demonstrations and firefighter competitions. the e event runs from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. she's known as baltimore's statue of liberty and she's about to get a new home. ron matz has more on tomorrow's scheduled big move of the lady baltimore. >> the battle monument sits at fayette and calvert streets. on the top a lady baltimore. she's been there nearly 200 years. time and the weather have taken a big toll. >> her material is marble, which is very fragile over time. so the conditions are quite sugary and the marble is literally crumbling away. >> so the lady will come down tomorrow. this will take her place. >> two years ago we restored the whole monument. at that time we took a mold of lady baltimore in anticipation of one day casting a new one because it was in bad shape. >> wearing her crown of victory the lady weighs 2,750 pounds. >> she's one of the earliest sculptures in the nation and the work after antonio capalano. we decided we needed to rescue her. >> the iconic statue will be placed in a cage and then carefully lower from the monument. the new home maryland historical society. celebrating history and baltimore's statute of liberty. >> people can appreciate it for what it is and what it represents. it's a terrific thing. >> ron matz, wjz eyewitness news. >> tomorrow's operation moving lady baltimore is scheduled to begin at 7:00 a.m. and will take several hours. so grab a cup of coffee. it's going to be a nice morning and go see it happen. >> there's donuts around the corner too. she's fragile. it's going to be interest ing ing. >> it will be interesting. still to come on wjz eyewitness news, expected to surrender. the identities of several people involved in the brutal motorcycle road rage incident. police expect to see one suspect in person. preparing for a storm. the gulf coast is bracing itself for tropical storm karen. why emergency workers may be scarce. i'm bob turk in the first warning weather. a warm weekend a warm weekend headed our way.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so, um, do you want to come up for a coffee? yeah. 'kay... uh... good. so... so, uh... you make yourself at home and i'll be... yeah. right back. sure. (gasp) oh, i th... i thought we were... (deep inhale) (coffee grinder whirring) ooh... with authentic, expertly crafted roasts and legendary brews, eight o'clock is the coffee for those who put coffee first. this is nice. for those who put coffee first. i need health coverage for emergencies. i need coverage that fits my needs, and my budget. narrator: shop, compare, and select your health coverage at from october through march, and you'll choose from more than 80 medical and dental plans. we're getting financial help to lower our monthly premiums. ♪ gotta have it, gonna get it. ♪ ♪ at ♪ narrator: visit or call 1-855-642-8572. well, a very, very warm day. we got up to 89 just a few minutes ago. tomorrow may be about mid 80s. something like that. 86, maybe 87 degrees. most of the day we'll be in the 70s to the mid 80s by mid afternoon. may peak out about 3:00 or 4:00 at 86 or 87 degrees. on sunday another warm day. more clouds coming in late in the day. 87, showers likely. on monday showers and some thour thunderstorm activity. >> thank you. people along the north gulf coast are preparing for tropical storm karen to strike. the storm is expects today hit amid the federal government shutdown while emergency workers are off the job. marly hall reports for wjz. >> the surf is whipping up along the northern gulf coast, the first sign of what's on the way. karen is moving fast and expected to make land fall saturday. forecasters predict karen could bring as many as 10 inches of rain to some areas. >> it's going to be a big rain event. there will be flooding. >> the wind is pick ing up in pensacola beach but the sky is mostly clear. a hurricane watch is in effect for most of the region. >> some emergency officials have expressed concerns they could face problems getting help to stricken areas because of the partial government shutdown. hundreds of thousands of federal workers are on furlough. the white house said some of those employed by the federal emergency management agency have been called back to help prepare for karen. local fire departments are getting ready. >> some people don't heed the warning. they think they're not in a flood zone. they will stay. >> the governors of louisiana, mississippi and florida have all declared states of emergency in advance of the storm. in pensacola beach, florida, marly hall, wjz eyewitness news. >> energy companies have shut down production. a large violent storm whips across southeast nebraska. it generated one tornado spotted near hickman. officials say rain and damaging winds struck several homes and downed trees and power lines creating dangerous road conditions. crews plan to begin the long clean-up process this weekend. new video appears of a rescue after a boat sinks off the italian coast. it shows some survivors. it was carrying about 500 african migrants. at least 111 people died. today italy is observing a day of mourning. a newlywed accused of pushing her husband off a clip just days after they got maryland is indicted for murder. jordan graham admitted she pushed her new husband cody johnson over the cliff at glassier national park in montana but said it was an accident that happened during an argument. a grand jury disagreed, indicting her. prosecutors say she killed him with fore thought. the charges are bringing relief to family and friends. >> it's great to hear that justice might be served after all, after what seems like an eternity for anything to take place. it's nice to hear it sounds like there's some progress being made. >> graham has been under house arrest since september. she was also charged with second degree murder and making a false statement to police. one of the motorcycle riders at the center of the shocking video of a road rage attack is expected to turn himself in according to new york police. attorney gloria alred said she wants justice for her client who was ran over. >> law enforcement officials tell krns news that reginald chance used his helmet to smash the window after an suv. a mob of motorcycles swarm the suv sunday. the driver alexian lein took off and ran over jay mieses. >> the suv comes and hits him while his back is turned. >> mieses remains here at saint luke's roosevelt hospital. his spine is severely injuryed. he may be paralyzed. >> he does not deserve what happened to him. >> police say mieses was operating the motorcycle without a license hasn't had one since 1999. it was believed he was part of a stunt ride. it shows the group running red lights and weaving in and out of oncoming traffic. police is have not charged lein. they say his wife made four 911 calls from their suv. on thursday she issued a statement expressing sympathy but explained her husband was forced to do what he did to protect his family. >> one rider has been charged with unlawful imprezment and reckless driving. 15 other riders were charged that day. 55 motorcycles were taken. a florida man attempts to rob an elderly woman but is given a run for his money. police say the suspect was caught on surveillance camera trying to snatch a chain off a 78-year-old woman the woman use ing using her umbrella to smack him. a police officer saw the fight and grabbed him. baseball star alex rodriguez is heading back to court. he's suing major league baseball and league commissioner. the suit accusing the mlb and commissioner of trying to destroy his reputation and career. rodriguez was suspended in august for 211 games after the league accused him of taking performance enhancing drugs and having ties to a miami clinic. a-rod is fighting his suspension through arbitration. check in with eyewitness news at 6:00 for new stories. denise is live with a preview. >> reporter: well, sudden impact. a school bus over turns on a road in baltimore county. the latest on the investigation as to how it happened. the developing story from washington dc. a man on fire at the national mall. what emergency responders are saying. check in for these stories and all the breaking news at 6:00. now back to mary and vic. >> thank you. still to come on eyewitness news tonight. >> putting a face to a voice. the well known voice of si ri is finally identified. >> the woman at the heart of the iphone coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,, you have heard her voice many times. you may have asked her to help you find a good restaurant or get directions. it's siri, iphone's virtual assistant. who is this woman behind the famous voice? we are now being introduced to her. >> hello. i'm susan bennett. you probably know me. i'm the voice actor who pro vided the voice for siri. >> ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> the first time i actually heard my voice as siri was when my friend e-mailed me and said, isn't this you? >> not bad. only two meetings today. >> because i didn't have the newest version of the iphone i went to the apple site and that's where i heard the voice. i just went, oh, humm, that is me. i started my life as a machine quite young. i was the voice of tilly the all time teller. the first atm machine. >> i'm tilly the all time teller. i work for first national bank. >> the siri voices were recorded in 2005 in the month of july, four hours a day for the whole month. so when i recorded those voices i had absolutely no idea where they would end up. my voice can be heard on many gps systems, many telephone systems. >> siri, who is the real voice of siri? >> when i first discovered that that was my voice to be honest it was a little creepy. >> yes, ate peers to be raining. >> i'm used to hearing my voice maybe in the airport. >> thank you for using delta airports airlines. >> this real thing you can interact with in your hand was a little ksh it took some time for me to get used to it. she and i are friends now. >> i bet they are. apple don't confirm that bennets siri but an audio expert said she's 100% certain the two are the same person. a man in east texas is a trillionaire. he was checking his bank account online where he saw his balance was $4 trillion. he said he would use $3 trillion to pay down the national debt and still have enough to get by. unfortunately it's disappeared. it was a glitch during an online banking update. >> with draw, with draw, with draw, quick, quick, quick. >> i'm telling you. >> get some cash. still to come tonight on wjz eyewitness news. >> the government shutdown stretches on. i'm linh bui reporting from washington. next on wjz, reactions from frustrated americans and maryland lawmakers. ,, coming up right now on wjz eyewitness news at 6:00. wild chasing gunfire, the new revelation about the woman that sent capitol hill into a lockdown. tracking tropical storm karen. where it is expected to make landfall and the potential impact on maryland. a baltimore county school bus loses control crashing into a ditch injuring six people including five students. we'll have the very latest on the investigation. and check in for these stories and all the breaking news on wjz eyewitness news at 6:00 starts right now. out of control, a school bus crashed in baltimore county. >> tonight, the injuries to the children and inest have -- investigation on how it happened. >> hello, i'm denise koch. >> i'm ricky liu. a sight that no parent wants to see. the school bus turned over on the baltimore county road. wjz is live where we've got the latest on the investigation with monique. >> reporter: this was a single- car accident. according to baltimore county police, that school bus was traveling here along green springs avenue when it somehow lost control, veered off the road, crashed into a brick, and then ended up in

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