Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness News At 5 20121206 : comparem

Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness News At 5 20121206

people with my kids. >> reporter: the boy's motor is outraged with how the school and the bus company handled the situation. >> anything could have happened yesterday. those children had nowhere to run. and the person who was supposedly on the bus to protect them failed. >> reporter: other parents, just as alarmed to learn about a bb gun at school. >> how can you learn when you're in an environment where you're full of fear and it's violent like that? so i want to know, like what are they going to do? what are they going to do so this doesn't happen to anyone's child? >> a school spokesperson says the school bus monitor who was riding the bus on that morning, did report the bb gun to the principal. but it's not clear why that bb gun wasn't confiscated immediately on the bus. derek valcourt, wjz eyewitness news. >> all right, derek, thank you. under the school system's code of conduct, punishment for bringing a bb gun to school could range from a suspension to an expulsion. new charges tonight in a shooting inside a baltimore county hospital emergency room. 30-year-old brian dargon will face an attempted murder charge. dargoon was in police custody at the university of maryland st. joseph's medical center yesterday. a fight ensued after a nurse noticed he had a syringe during the struggle. an officer's gun discharged, hitting a wall. the officer's gun was grazed when the weapon went off. but she was not seriously hurt. an aide for the maryland school for the deaf, is charged with sexually abusing students. vic is in the newsroom with the latest on this disturbing death. >> 36-year-old clarence taylor is arrested tonight after he is accused of molesting girls at school between 2009 and 2010. one of the girls now 15 and 16, is no longer at the school. the maryland school for the deaf has not yet commented. >> anyone with information who may have been a victim is asked to call howard county police. that number at the bottom of your screen. 410-313-3200. a 62-year-old man dies in a baltimore county house fire. sky eye chopper 13 is over the scene in jacksonville. police say william spencer died in his home in the 5600 block of sweet air road, filled with flames this morning. two firefirsts -- firefighters, battling it. the cause is under investigation. maryland begins issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. political reporter pat warren was at the mitchell courthouse this morning, where the first baltimore licenses were issued. hi, pat. >> hello, everybody. this is an historic day, according to baltimore clerk of courts frank conaway, because marriage licenses are now no longer restricted to one man, one woman. >> reporter: jesse webber and nancy eddie were among the first couples to apply for a license in baltimore this morning. >> by the power vested in me, by the state of new york, i now pronounce you married. >> the same-sex marriage movement in maryland got its biggest boost from new york, when governor o'malley last summer took a page from new york governor andrew cuomo and sponsored same-sex marriage legislation. >> and i believe new york showed you could do those things. you could protect religious freedoms. and you could also protect rights equally. and that's what we're going to do. >> reporter: after the bill passed and signed, it stalled, until winning voter approval last month. and an attorney general ruling has licenses being issued now, so couples can marry the minute it becomes law, january 1st. joann king is one of those soon to be newlyweds. >> it means the world to me. me and my girlfriend, we have been together for 15 years. and she has been on me about getting married. and we are going to get married new year's eve. >> reporter: clerk of courts frank conaway says he'll do everything he can to marry the people. >> we can't do anything until january 1st. but i'm going to see if the court wants to open on new year's eve. i'll be here and at 12:01, if they want to get married, i'll be happy to do it. >> reporter: now, we don't know yet whether anyone has attorney the clerk up on that. i'm pat warren reporting. now, back to you. >> all right, pat. thank you. couples who married in other states cannot marry in maryland, as long as their outof state license is valid. new jersey governor chris christie stops by the white house today, to ask for more help in super storm sandy's wake. so far, his state has received more than $20 million in emergency funds. president obama is expected to ask congress for $50 billion to help rebuild hard-hit states. the massive super storm killed 130 people in eight states and caused billions of dollars in damage. on capitol hill, republicans are sticking to their positions. the tax cuts should be extended for all americans. danielle nottingham reports for wjz. it comes as president obama meets with a family who would be impacted if the country goes over the fiscal cliff. >> reporter: lawmakers are getting an earful about why they need to avoid the so- called fiscal cliff. >> you gotta nail this down. uncertainty is killing us. >> reporter: top comiftds -- economists came to capitol hill thursday to talk about the impact of tax increases ask government spending cuts on the middle class. >> a couple thousand dollars means a couple months rent for this family. >> reporter: the white house has made clear, the country could go or the cliff -- over the cliff, if republicans refuse to raise taxes on the top 2% of american earners. >> for them to be burdened, unnecessarily, because democrats and republicans aren't coming together to solve this problem, gives you a sense of the costs involved in very personal terms. >> reporter: republican leaders say they will close loopholes and eliminate tax breaks to raise money but insist that bush-era tax cuts must be extended for all americans. >> reporter: the standoff and the country's skyrocketing debt concerns ryan shenecki. so much so that he's the guy in the can suit, dancing gangnam style with the cochair of the deficit commission, former senator allen simpson. senecki's group, the can kicks back, is working to get young people involved in fixing the debt crisis. >> we're trying to connect with our generation in a different way. we're using humor to get them to learn about this situation and how it affects their life. >> reporter: the grass roots campaign wants to sign up more than 2 million people to put pressure on both sides. in washington, danielle nottingham, wjz eyewitness news. >> reporter: former senator allen simpson said in an interview today, that a fiscal cliff compromise must include new revenue and spending cuts. the sun makes a return and that helped fight off the chill a little bit. taking a live look outside. the sun has set. and there is the washington monument. it will be lit momentarily. so is winter really back after our near record warm weather? bob is in the first warning weather center, updating temperatures for us. bob? >> well, we've got clouds and milder temps. but no record-making temperatures headed our way. not going to see 70. maybe not until next spring. let's take a look at temps now. we've cooled down to 37. under high clouds that have moved in. 38 ocean city. 34 in oakland. tomorrow, and overnight tonight, clouds begin to move in. there may be a little rain in the afternoon or tomorrow night. low pressure passing to our west. but ahead of it, we'll get milder air. probably back up to 50. and maybe even into the low 50s. and even milder this weekend. but with the risk of some showers coming back. kai? >> bob, thank you. getting into the holiday spirit in maryland tonight. the washington monument in baltimore. will become a bright spot of the season. wjz is live. jessica kartalija has more on the countdown to the flick of a switch. baltimore's washington monument. hi, jess. >> hi, kai. as you can hear, the festivities are already under way here in mount vernon. take a live look from sky eye chopper 13. what a beautiful evening. it always makes baltimore city look like such a beautiful place. a beautiful place as it possibly could be, with such a nice night as this. the music is going. the warm cocoa is flowing. and they have been out and about all day, getting ready for 5,000 people to descend on this area tonight. take a look. >> reporter: the unofficial start to the holiday season gets under way in just a few hours. >> 41 years we have been doing the monument lighting. it started out as a simple gathering of neighbors around the monument. and it's grown into this fireworks and laser extravaganza. >> reporter: crews prepare for some 5,000 people who will fill the holiday village here in mount vernonful. >> full color lasers. you're going to see laser beams all over your head and beautiful colors tonight. >> the monument is 178 feet tall. and it's covered with 16,000 l.e.d. lights. >> got chilly. i definitely bundled up once the sun goes down. but it's going to be great. >> the lights on the monument change every year. at this point, it's a surprise. will they be light or multicolor? >> there are 19,000 l.e.d. lights and all of the lights together use less energy than one strand of the old lights. >> reporter: but for a fourth year in a row, the entire monument is green. >> reporter: okay. taking a live look again, from sky eye chopper 13, as people are starting to get off of work. they're making their way over here. again, so many restaurants. sophie's crepes. james joyce. kaz bar. many restaurants to name a few, are here. so if you want to grab a bite to eat, come down and make an evening of it. you can also walk around, shop. check things out here in mount vernon. many stores staying open. kai, i'm going to bet that the lights are going to be white this year. that is my bet. we will see at 7:45 this evening. that is when they actually will light the monument up. but as i mentioned, the festivities started right at the top of the hour at 5:00. but i'm going with white. we'll check back. >> i'll see your bet and raise you one. i think they'll be mixed. white and a combination of something else. >> reporter: okay. i'll bet you a nice, warm hot chocolate. >> fair enough. that sounds good. all right, jess. >> reporter: okay. it's on. >> all right. it's on. jessica, thank you. >> you're going to need that hot chocolate out there tonight. >> she'll probably win. i need to get my money together. a grisly discovery. the bodies of two missing iowa cousins are found. coming up, how a community is honoring their memories. a local community project gets big bucks from johns hopkins. i'm christie ileto. and straight ahead, i'll explain my residents, living around the homewood campus, aren't the only ones who will benefit. beltway battle. a wager. from one city official to another. ahead of the ravens redskins game. find out what's on the line. and winter makes the chilly comeback. is our warm weather gone for good? don't miss the updated first warning weather forecast with bob. it's partly cloudy. 37 degrees in central maryland right now. the complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. a local project aimed at revitalizing area neighborhoods got infusion of money. christy aleto has more on what this means for those living around the homewood campus. dollars . >> reporter: $10 million. that's how much johns hopkins is giving to the homewood neighborhood. including hare. >> johns hopkins is committing $10 million. nearby neighborhoods will soon decide which community projects get a piece of the $10 million pie. >> people are excited about the possibility. >> reporter: possibility to eliminate dilapidated properties and bring small businesses to the area that in turn create jobs. but the money will be more than just a facelift for those neighborhoods. >> reporter: the neighborhoods will become safer. when there are more opportunities for young people. they become safer when we have the vacants. no longer just boarded up, where residents become homeowners. where small businesses begin to grow. that will make the neighborhoods safer. >> reporter: student residents agree. >> i like it a lot. it's a little dangerous. i know a lot of students feel uncomfortable. but i think if we can just make the neighborhood a little more safe, it will be really nice. >> reporter: a project that city leaders say will ultimately improve all city neighborhoods. >> we don't rise and fall apart. we rise and fall together. so this corridor, this swath of neighborhoods is going to help the city to grow. >> reporter: but starts first in north baltimore. the university has also given $2.5 million towards a city project to help rebuild a portion of north charles street. in north baltimore, kristy aleto, wjz eyewitness news. >> and the university also hopes to get more funding from others interested in areas around homewood. if you're waiting for someone to get home from work, let's check on the roads with kristy breslin at week traffic control. >> hello, kai. hi, everyone. it's turned into a very busy afternoon. very heavy in the northbound direction. shawan road to belfast. stop and go, from reisterstown road to bel air road. average speed, 34 miles per hour. west side inner loop, delays stretch there from southwest boulevard around to security boulevard. 95 still struggling in a couple of different spots. approaching 32 to the beltway, on the southwest side. then again, from the fort mchenry tunnel, over to the beltway on the northeast side. as far as accidents go, 175 at dobbin road. also, falls way at east monument and northern parkway at park heights. let's take a live look. as you can see, things are still building up there, 95 at 395. and we'll take another look at the beltway. really slow there on the inner loop, making your way towards york road. this traffic report is brought to you by papa john's. enter for your chance to win a free pizza. back to you. >> kristy, thank you. the beltway battle and the lines are being drawn before sunday's big matchup between the baltimore ravens and the washington redskins. howard county's executives have chosen a side and issued a challenge to counterpart in prince george's county. >> reporter: howard county executive ken ulman delivered his challenge in his ravens' jersey. to prince george's county executive rushan baker. >> when we come down to fedex field and beat you this sunday, you will take my favorite jersey, my haloti nata jersey, and you will be wear it in the office on a purple friday. >> reporter: allman is also doing a little trash talking, saying he is sick of hearing all about the redskins new quarterback, r.g. >> reporter: ulman and baker will be at sunday's game together between the ravens and redskins on fedex field. maybe not to the level of ravens and philly. >> it would be kind of crazy. but it's going to be quite the game. you know, it's not going to be any different than last week. it's going to be a slug fest. >> reporter: baltimore leads the series rivalry, 3-1. take a look. in the first matchup, the ravens defeated the ravens, 20- 17. three years later, they beat us, 10-3. but in the last two meetings, ravens have won. 17-10. and in 2008, 24-10. ravens' wide receiver tory smith grew up watching the skins. and some of his extended family are skins fans. >> i got a lot of text messages, we're going to beat you all down. it's a lot of fun. i'm looking forward to it. >> as for ken ulman, he is awaiting baker's response. but if the redskins win on sunday, ulman has already agreed to wear an r.g.3 jersey all day in the office on monday. that's not going to happen. >> i hear that the skins quarterback is kind of good or something like that. >> something like that. never really heard of him really. r.g. what? >> how many passes completed? >> could be a little rain. but it will be mild. let's take a look at temps and conditions right now. it's cold. and just a few clouds out. 37 now. humidity, 59%. east/southeast winds. barometer holding steady. come back and take a look at friday and the weekend after this. you know how much grandma wanted to be here for your fist christmas? you see grandma lives waaaay down here and you live way up here. brian, your cousin, he's a little bit older than you he lives here, in chicago. and your aunt lisa lives here in baltimore. uncle earnie? waaay out in hawaii. but don't you worry we will always be together for christmas. [ male announcer ] being together is the best part of the holidays and cheerios is happy to be part of the family. you just ate dallas! welcome back, everyone. we are here at the monument lighting in mount vernon with some of baltimore's finest, and the world's best. santa will talk with you in just a little bit. but guys, it is a little cold out here. for the latest on the forecast, i'm going to send it inside to bob. >> i didn't know santa wore glasses. that's amazing. all right. must be from working up close. let's take a look at temps and conditions around the region. it is a cold night. so if you're heading out tonight, take the winter jackets. yes, the hats and gloves and scarves would be probably necessary. 37. now 38 ocean city. 40, actually, warming up to the west. in oakland and 38 out in hagerstown. locally, mid- to upper 30s to the low 40s. it is a chilly night with very little wind in the region. we have clouds moving in. those clouds will be with us the next few days. and just the slight chance of a little rain breaking out, with milder air moving our way. right now, very light winds. the only wind really is out in oakland, with a 13-mile-an-hour wind. most places, very light wind. to the west, there is a front. a little light rain near chicago. milder air, however, is coming up ahead of that front. now, to our north tonight, because of clear skies temporarily, temps will fall close to freezing, and in some areas, just to the north, maybe a little light freezing drizzle, early in the morning. south winds ahead of this front will give us warmer temps tomorrow. and over the weekend, we'll be back in the 50s. maybe even 60 degrees in a few spots this weekend. so this cold air that is over us now is not going to be with us much, much longer. this front to the west has some rain with it, a little snow across the northern great lakes. with chilly air up there. a little snow in montana. this front is going to bring us across the country. bring us milder air. and cloud cover will be on the increase. tomorrow looks like a cloudy day. a little rain in the afternoon or tomorrow night. and over the weekend, we have chances of more rain. look at this. 62, 61. 51. 44 in chicago. so this is not even really super cold air. 38 in detroit. northern areas will get a little snow. much colder across canadament -- candaa. but at some point, this is going to break loose. there's going to be a lot of cold air here, eventually in the southern plains. some of that cold air could be in our region. maybe in 10 to 15 days to watch that happen. but for the time being, nothing really too drastic. tonight is one of the coldest nights we'll see for a little while. high pressure moves up east coast. milder air, with a lot of clouds. a little rain from here and there. not everywhere. we'll see you much. this will also help give us another chance of showers into early next week. south winds, 5 to 10 knots. tonight, increasing clouds around 31. but a little warmup tomorrow. back up in the low 50s. but a little light rain and shower activity possible, afternoon tomorrow night. i'm talking just a little rain. and when seeing some pictures -- >> bob. wears glasses. >> absolutely. yeah. because he's get to work up close. >> santa has always worn glasses. just clearing the record for all of our viewers there. bob, thank you. still ahead on wjz's eyewitness news at 5:00. >> i just really wish i had one last chance to tell my dad how much i loved him. >> a heartbreaking goodbye. the family of the man pushed in front of a subway train speaks out. their reaction and the suspect charged this his death. significant statistic. what it means after police got 1,000 guns off the streets of baltimore this year. and what's next in their efforts to keep people safe. a stroke doesn't take away someone's ability to think. but it can take away their ability to talk. now, a high-profile visit by captain mark kelly, the astronaut husband of gabby giffords. he's coming to town to he it is 5:30. 37 degrees. partly cloudy. good evening. thank you for striking with wjz eyewitness news. here are some of thes we're talking about tonight. baltimore city police take their 1,000th gun off the streets. what does this milestone mean? wjz is live at city police headquarters. investigator mike hellgren takes a deeper look with one woman touched by violence. mike? >> reporter: and mary, city police said they will continue to focus on gun crimes. the mayor said this this no cause for celebration. still, it's something she certainly wanted to highlight. >> this is the 1,000th gun taken off the streets of baltimore this year. the mayor and commissioner held a press conference, trumpeting the accomplishment at the crime scene. >> we are, again, relentless in our pursuit to make sure that erneighborhood in our city is a safer neighborhood and that baltimore becomes one of the safest big cities in the country. >> i want to see 1,000 cases solved. >> reporter: daphne alston knows firsthand the impact of gun violence. her son was murdered five year ago. she counsels with other mothers like her throughout maryland. >> i'm so proud to be the mother of tireek alston. because tireek has changed. we're going to change the face of this crime. >> it's that close to you now. it's no longer somebody else's backyard. it's right here in front of every one of us right now. >> reporter: within hours after the police announcement, there were four separate shootings across baltimore, including one in edmondson village. most of the victims were young men in their early 20s. >> why are we counting? we're counting to see, is the commissioner going to do a good job? is the mayor going to do a good job? it's not one person's responsibility. >> reporter: city police are dealing with what they call a slight spike in crime have started extensive new foot patrols, which they credited for that 1,000th gun. >> the horrific moment when someone broke into the house and violated their home. and it's a good thing our officers were here. >> daphne alston believe thies -- >> you have to come out. and you have to be better parents and see where your children are going and what they're doing. that's the bottom line. >> reporter: the number of people killed this year has already surpassed that of last year. mary? >> all right, mike. thank you. police arrested 19-year-old quincy holmes in the arrest. they say he broke into a home and tried to assault the woman inside. new insight into the man accused of the colorado movie theater massacre. denise has more on the university e-mails, regarding james holmes. >> reporter: the university released nearly 4,000 e-mails that holmes sent and received while he was a grad student. they reportedly revealed how he fantasized killing a lot of people six weeks before the shooting. another, a university psychiatrist opted not to hold him for a mental evaluation because he was withdrawing from the school. the university is under a gag order and has not commented on those e-mails. they're also withholding documents regarding holmes academic and medical records. 20 people were killed in the july shooting spree. >> holmes has not enter a plea in the case. a preliminary hearing is expected to begin monday. a family in iowa has their worst fears confirmed. the bodies of two missing girls who disappeared five months ago, have been found. christie ileto has more on the candlelight vigil for 9-year- old elizabeth collins and 11- year-old leera cook morrisy. >> reporter: by the light of the lake in some candle light, dozens appeared where the girls were last seen. >> i was shaking, standing in my doorway, waiting for the press conference to start. and it took so long. and when they said what they said, i shook and cried and left the tv. >> i was driving when i found out. my son called me and. and i had to pull over. i couldn't take it. i just can't imagine what the families are going through if i'm feeling this bad. >> reporter: the same strangers who held surge for collins 5 months ago, are searching for answers. >> we have to figure out a way to stop these people. it's just sad. i don't know what kind of person does this. >> reporter: in an instant, they turned from finding the girls to finding justice. >> the reward is still there. you know? and just say something anonymously. $150,000 is a lot of money. and it can do a lot of things for you. so just say something. and we have to stop this. it can't happen again. >> reporter: police haven't named any suspects and believes girls are still alive. made today's discovery especially surprising and devastating. >> reporter: i thought it would be a christmas miracle. and they would be fine. >> just broken? >> reporter: kristy aleto, wjz eyewitness news. >> and police say they have no suspects or motive in the case. the family of a new york city man, pushed in front of a new york subway train is speaking out. police say the suspect, nayim davis, argued with key suk hahn before this. davis said he was fighting with hahn and had no intention to harm him. >> i just really wish i had one last chance to tell my dad how much i love him. >> our family is grieving now. woo but we want to thank everyone who has reached out to us and offered their help. >> reporter: davis is charged with second-degree intentional murder and is being held without mail. -- bail. kate middle ton is back home after acute morning sickness. the duchess of cambridge is discharged in the hospital. >> reporter: the duchess of cambridge smiled, as she made her first public appearance since the royal family announced she is pregnant. she and her husband, prince william, left the hospital where kate spent three nights for severe morning sickness. if the duchess was still feeling symptoms, she didn't show it. she told the press she was feeling much better. kate was bundled up to guard against the cold and to protect the royal bundle of joy. >> it's a great year. i think everybody in the uk is excited. >> reporter: kate is going to take it easy here at the couple's london home. they have canceled her events for the weekend. >> future queen or king. >> reporter: prince charles, the soon to be grandfather said he is thrilled will and kate are having a baby. >> very nice thought of being a grandfather, in my old age, if i may say so. so that's splendid. and i'm very glad my daughter- in-law is getting betterment thank goodness. >> reporter: medical expertdzs say kate's condition, which causes vomiting and dehydration, sometimes lasts the entire pregnancy. the duchess has at least 6 months to go before the royal baby is born. in london, monica villamizar, wjz eyewitness news. >> and prince william is likely to get time off from his royal air force job to care for his wife. baltimore sun. get information on do it spaces for artists around baltimore. the significance behind the patches. some of the navy's players will be wearing saturday with their game against army. and how the ravens plan to slow down robert griffin iii in the battle of the beltways. for these stories and more, read tomorrow's baltimore sun. and remember to look for the updated -- updated forecast from wjz's first warning weather team. there are estimates that 100,000 americans each year lose their ability to speak, oftentimes after a stroke. long-term treatment is often expensive and not covered by insurance. but in today's healthwatch, mike schuh reports, a free center in baltimore is changing lives. a stroke, a decade ago, left howard schneider, struggling with aphasia. >> i was really wishing that there was a place where stroke survivors who had aphasia could go. >> reporter: judy howard learned his mind was fine. but the pathway to speech is gone. >> the thoughts are there. they just can't get them out. >> exactly. they're trapped. they're trapped. >> reporter: they started this aphasia center to help. >> massachusetts. >> reporter: as therapy usually stops once the medical response to a stroke is complete. >> all of a sudden, social isolation comes in, depression comes in, and these folks disengage from community. their friends stop coming around because it's uncomfortable to speak to them. >> what's the word? i'm having a hard time. >> reporter: in history teacher russell dehart's life, the spoken word was his foundation. >> i retired. >> reporter: his aphagia is mild. the center has helped him to speak better and feel better about himself. >> they're okay. and i'm okay. we're -- we kind of can come here and know we don't have to deal with anything. >> reporter: no one is judging you here. >> right. right. no one is judging me. >> reporter: and remember howard? training and technology leer now allows him to do this. >> someone you love may have a stroke. >> reporter: this, a speech he'll give to welcome mark kelly, the husband of representative gabby giffords, who after being shot in the head, has aphagia. kelly is coming to help the center continue its work. >> reporter: that fundraiser is monday night at the bethel congregation. you can find a link to their website at just look under local and news. tis the season. a crowd is gathering at baltimore's washington monument, as leaders get ready to flip the switch on the holiday season. wjz is live there. jessica kartalija is among the festive in the crowd. our bet is growing, jess. i think vegas is hopping in on this. >> reporter: yeah. kai, there is excitement here. music going. great food. great drinks. there are people showing up. taking a live look now from sky eye chopper 13. 7:45 is the official lighting of the tree. and to be followed by a fireworks display. but joining me now, with this exclusive interview, santa clause has come to the monument lighting. santa, what does it mean for you to see all of these people in the christmas spirit? >> well, it's very exciting for me, every year, when i come to downtown baltimore for the holidays and see everyone in the spirit. >> reporter: santa, you have been so busy. this is your busiest time of year. what are you working on these days? >> well, i'm just trying to get a lot of rest for the big day, as the elfs prepare. >> reporter: did you get my message about the boot? >> how could i miss it? you sent it first-class certified. >> thank you, santa. and santa, before we send it back to the studio. i need to ask you. this year is mary bubala on the nice or the naughty list? >> well, she's actually to wing the line between naughty and nice as we speak. >> i'm not going to even ask you about kai jackson. because that's just going to go south. kai, we're still going with the bet. i'm saying white, you're saying colored. it is hot chocolate for the winner. and mary, if i were you, i'd tow that line a little nicer. >> jess, you have it firsthand from santa's lips. >> he doesn't lie. stay with us, by the way. the anticipation builds as we await the lighting. the countdown continues at 6:00. there could be coal in our stockings this year, ms. bubala. >> i'm just going to dole out to the compliments to ms. kartalija. that's a beautiful tie. bob is so sweet today. >> i don't know. it's a little late. >> i'm going to try. all right. still to come tonight on wjz's eyewitness news. a school bus crash. what happened on the way to school in illinois? finally found. how police tracked down the man wanted, the software pioneer who has been wanted. i'm bob turk. first warning weather center. more clouds and milder air headed our way. i'll have the exclusive fiefortz warning five-day forecast. and here's today's report from wall street. we'll be right back. he should take somebody dancing. oh my god, him dance? have you seen his shoes? they look like they look like flippers. [ aunts laughing ] [ male announcer ] find some peace this holiday. get an 8 piece meal now with a dozen delicious cookies baked in-store. the kfc festive feast. all for just $19.99. yes you did. no i didn't. yes you did. no i didn't. yes you did. no i didn't. did not. [ male announcer ] today tastes so good. chilly out there tonight. a few high clouds. clouds will probably be with us most of the day tomorrow. we could see a little shower activity. but it is going to get warmer by tomorrow afternoon. back above maybe 50 degrees or so. most of the day, in the mid- to upper 40s. starts off in the 30s. eventually maybe getting up to 51 and 52. and for the weekend, there will be a risk of showers on saturday, probably sunday as well. 6155 staying mild. turning chilly again. but normal, actually, or a little above normal. 48 on tuesday. today's energy saver, it's not too late to install a programmable thermostat for the season. keeps your house comfortably warm in the winter and comfortably cool when summer arrives. go to, scroll down the right-hand side of the beige page and click on our special section. desperate rescue crews try to reach the injured after a typhoon blows through the philippines. at least 140 people are known dead. scores are injured, and tens of thousands are forced from their homes. huge storms caused floods and floods and landslides. officials say about 170,000 people sought refuge in evacuation centers. a tornado sweeps through, forcing evacuations. the fast-moving storm came through today. roofs were blown off. most of the homes are owned by military families who rushed home to check on loved ones. eight students were on a bus when the car crashed into the back. the driver of the car was killed. and one student on the bus was taken to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. the cause still under investigation. a man turns up in guatemala, after being on the run for weeks. he is seeking asibum -- asylum, after he calls being persecuted by police. he was undone by technology. >> reporter: software energy came to guatemala for asylum but was taken into custodiy for entering the country illegally. he gave an interview before he was arrested. >> i am now here and i'm going to speak out big-time. >> reporter: mcafee had been living in beliz, supported by the millions he made from his anti-virus company. but he said he was slapped with numerous misdemeanors in beliz. and police there want to question him in the recent murder of his neighbor. >> well, it was a convenient thing for them. next door neighbor got killed. now we can do something, we can blame him. >> mcafee went into hiding, but not alone. he invited journalists along for the ride. posting blogs and this photo. that was his undoing. a worker tracked him through gps data embedded in a smart phone picture. >> and some of that data, depending how the smart phone is set, will locate the person. >> they say there is no warrant for his arrest. and no restrictions on travel. so it's unclear why he wouldney need to seek asylum in guatemala. bigad shaban, wjz eyewitness news. >> the family of the victim says his murder has gotten lost on mcafee's manipulation of the media. >> check in for more on these stories and more. >> we will keep you updated. students threaten on a buzz headed for a baltimore school. eyewitness news speaks with outraged parents. a suspect wears a hockey mask. you can help police find him. check in for more on these stories and all the breaking news at 6:00. still to come tonight on wjz's eyewitness news. there's a sense of urgency on the ravens this week. >> mark has more on how the team is trying to rally after a difficult defeat. coming up. well, the ravens try to resume their play-off push to face the redskins this sunday. sports director mark viviano joins us this sunday with more, and an urgent week of preparations. >> yeah, the ravens suffered that stunning loss to the steelers this past weekend. and now it's onto washington, where the redskins are favored over the now underdog ravens. losing streak? pretty much unheard of for baltimore. you gotta go back three seasons to find the last time the ravens lost consecutive games. this year's team is still in first place, still in good position to make the play-offs, for what would be a fifth year in a row. but the players say there is a sense of urscrenszy to practice this week. that loss to pittsburgh was a significant setback. but the ravens have a history of bouncing back. losing streaks are a rarity for them. >> probably a little extra urgency for the loss. for whatever reason. i don't know if it's a bad thing or good thing. it's never a good feeling when you lose. but it's the way you take the loss. and i took the approach, what are you going to do, get better or worse from it? and we have been that kind of team to find a way. we've always found a way to bounce back after a loss. >> trying to bounce back from injury as well. linebacker terrell suggs. they're wearing jersey number 4. suggs says the torn biceps muscle in his right arm says his status for sunday will be a game-time decision. ravens and redskins. right here on wjz. coverage kicks off at 1:00. and our special post game coverage will follow. former raven marty williams with anal siss here ahead on wjz. and i'll have more ravens news. plus, oriole gm dan duquette at orioles winter meetings. we'll have more at 6:00. still ahead on eyewitness news. weapon in school. i'm derek valcourt, with more on what happened to some elementary school students and why some parents are so upset. i'll explain coming up on eyewitne ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] at yoplait we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good! coming up on wjz eyewitness news at 6:00. armed on the bus. trouble with a local student and a bb gun. significant statistics. what it means after police got 1,000 guns off the streets of baltimore this year. and what's next in their efforts to keep people safe? i'm jessica kartalija. we are live at the 41st annual lighting of the monument. that's straight ahead. a chilly night for the monnulate lighting. >> check in for these stories and all the day's breaking news. wjz eyewitness news at 6:00 start now. bus bullying. students threatened on their way to school. tonight, the weapons found as angry parents speak out. signalo, everyone. i'm vic carter. >> some

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