Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness 11PM News 20131008 : comparem

Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness 11PM News 20131008

>> wild weather. it all happened so fast. heavy rain and strong winds cause major damages to parts of maryland. the scary moments for some homeowners. hello, everybody. i'm denise koch. here's what people are talking tonight. trees snapped like twigs in parts ever maryland in cecil county. some say it sounded like a tornado. wjz is live with first warning coverage. bob turk has been tracking these storms all day. first here's meghan mccorkell with the damage left behind. >> reporter: those storms tore through cecil county this afternoon, leaving nearly 1,500 people in the dark. trees uprooted, branches everywhere. once a well-manicured front lawn this now looks like a war zone. >> all the trees were flailing back and forth. it was scary at the time. >> reporter: the powerful storm pushed through this cecil county neighborhood snapping trees and bringing down power lines. >> i heard what sounded like a freight train and a helicopter together. >> reporter: sarah porter was in her bedroom and tried to run for the basement as the storm came through, but it made so fast she never made it underground. >> i had my windows open. i started hearing things crack, boom, crack. >> reporter: chopper 13 over the damage that porter was hearing just up the street. >> there's about a dozen trees we counted that have received serious damage. the tops ripped off, some missing branches. >> reporter: you can see exactly where the storm came through. tree after tree down in this yard all in a straight line. while no houses were hit, the damage has been heartbreaking for some. >> these people here planted these trees when they first moved in here about 50 years ago. they're kind of like shattered about what happened. >> reporter: now, cleanup is starting as neighbors continue to wonder what kind of storm hit here. and there's no word if the national weather service will be investigating that cecil county storm. reporting live, meghan mccorkell, wjz eyewitness news. >> all right, thank you very much, meghan. the worst of the damage as you saw was centered right in that northeast area. here's bob with a closer look at how it ripped through. bob? >> that was right around 1:10 this afternoon. here in the city it got going around noontime. up there about an hour or so later. take a look at radar from that particular time frame. there's this big red storm moving through the northeast area. there you see it right down to charlestown up to northeast into elkton and moved into southern town and jersey. that's all gone. things are cleared out and cooling down. will it say calm and dry for the rest of the week? our look at the forecast coming up in just a few minutes. >> thank you, bob. the family of a woman killed by police after she rammed her car into a white house barricade is defending her ettle state. they say the sister was not delusional. she was afraid and fleeing with her daughter. kerry was shot and killed after a chase by officers. they are reviewing the use of deadly force. one of the world's most wanted terror suspects is in u.s. custody tonight, being questioned aboard a navy warship. the al qaeda insider is linked to bombings that killed hundreds of people, including americans. danielle nottingham has details of his capture for wjz. >> reporter: he's being held on the u.s.s. san antonio which is in international waters on the mediterranean sea. he was captured just after dawn saturday by u.s. commandos in his homeland of libya. sources say he was part of osama bin laden's inner circle in the mid-1990's. interrogators from the military intelligence community and the justice department will bepressing him about al qaeda terror network and any future attack plans. >> he has been indicted in the southern district of new york in connection with his alleged role in al qaeda's conspiracy to kill u.s. nationals and to conduct attacks against u.s. interests world wild. >> reporter: he's accused of helping plan the 1998 bombings of two u.s. embassies in africa. those attacks killed 224 people, including 12 americans. a second weekend raid in somalia targeted a kenyan terror suspect. he's said to be a senior planner of the somalia terror group. navy seals approached the compound where he was believed to be hiding but a firefight broke out before they could get to it. rather than call in an air strike to kill him and the civilians and children nearby, the seals called off the raid. danielle nottingham, wjz eyewitness news. >> now, he is also the group responsible for the attack two weeks ago in a shopping mall in nairobi, kenya. the partial government shut down is entering its second week and neither side is budging. today president obama called on the house to vote on a temporary spending bill to end the shutdown. speaker john boehner and house republicans want to put conditions in the bill that will reopen the government and the one needed to raise the nation's debt limit. meanwhile senate democrats plan to introduce their own bill to raise the debt ceiling. a stunning development in the deaths of two navy divers at the aberdeen proving ground. four members of their elite diving team will face court- martial stemming from the deaths last february. the two victims underwater breathing units failed and their tether line became tangled. the search is over for the female bank robber who struck three times in anne arundel in recent weeks and it was a lucky break that led police to the arrest. derek valcourt has surprising details on the suspect. derrick? >> reporter: not your typical bank robbery suspect. in this case, she was a school bus driver. jamese queen confessed to police she needed money to pay her bills. the 47-year-old bus driver stands accused of robbing this bank of glen burnie not once but twice. >> a bus driver? crazy world. >> a lot of people are desperate nowadays. not really surprised anymore. >> reporter: surveillance cameras captured the robberies both times. she demanded a note asking for cash. a dye back exploded. the second time she handed the note to the same bank teller adding no dye back this time. >> reporter: know when you come in, i know when you leave. don't draw attention to yourself. on saturday police say she tried it again at a different branch. >> and a very alert employee voted down a tag number that was just the break that we needed. >> reporter: shortly after saturday's attempted robbery, an officer on routine patrol spotted that black hyundai with its matching plates here in the parking lot of this glen burnie apartment complex and inside one of the apartments they found their suspect, jamese queen. her arrest, welcome news to bank managers. >> it was with great joy i got to tell the teller that was held up twice that we have apprehended the suspect and the relief and joy was something to see. >> reporter: investigators have recovered some of the clothes they believe queen was wearing during the robberies. >> reporter: in all, 14 bank robberies so far this year in anne arundel county. with this arrest, police say they've solved 13 of them. derek valcourt, wjz eyewitness news. >> thank you, derek. police say all. bank robberies have been committed by robbers who passed notes demanding money. maryland's casinos continue to rake in cash. they generated just over $65 million in total revenue in september. maryland live, the state's largest casino made the most, more than $50 million. revenue is up by $19 million this september compared to the same month last year, a 45% increase. rare marine animals make their way to charm city. the first of 1,700 new creatures arrived at the national aquarium in baltimore after renovations forced d.c.'s to shut down. loss for d.c. is a gain for baltimore. >> reporter: four wheels isn't the way you would expect an 8- armed octopus to travel but packed in cardboard is how he arrived from d.c. he's part of the first group of animals to make the long somewhat stressful trip north from the recently closed national aquarium location in d.c. >> everything went well. he was responsive when i opened the box. so everyone down in d.c. did an excellent job. >> reporter: the d.c. aquarium lost its space due to renovations at the u.s. department of commerce. in all baltimore will receive 1,700 of its 2,500 animals. today trucks hauled in the first 38 and while some went to the aquarium, the majority, mostly different species of fish were unloaded at a holding facility. >> it's a very intricate process. there's a lot of animals we're moving that have specific habitats we have to pay attention to. >> reporter: all the animals will spend 60 to 90 days in quarantine here at the holding facility. trucks will continue bringing up animals from fish to turtles, frogs and even sea horses. this new octopus will make two of the aquarium but some of the animals will be things we've never seen before. they have to stay in the small containers for just a few hours so they can get used to their surroundings before being moved into the holding tank. reporting in the inner harbor, monique griego, wjz eyewitness news. >> they have created a task force to look at options how they can keep it in d.c. for now nothing official has been planned. a store owner fights back against a robber and the shocking exchange is caught on camera. >> this one is pretty scary. >> dangling disaster. construction crane malfunctions high above new york city streets again. how workers fixed it just in time. 9-year-old stow away. i'm jessica kartalija. how an elementary cooler managed to slip on to a flight to las vegas with no ticket or i.d. that's next. sunshine and cooler temps return. i'm bob turk. i'll have the complete first warning forecast coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> it is mostly cloudy, 58 degrees in central maryland right now. the complete first warning forecast is coming up. a powerful typhoon slams into the eastern coast of china killing at least 5 people. wind speeds were measured at nearly 100 miles an hour. the government says that caused air and rail traffic to shut down. it also left hundreds of thousands of homes without electricity. they say damage in the hardest hit provinces is estimated at $2 billion. a monster truck show in mexico becomes the scene of death and destruction and it's all caught on tape. watch as the monster truck known as big show goes into the crowd. eight people were killed and 79 injured. government officials say the driver is to blame, but a vendor organizer say the victims were in a restricted area. so far, no one has been charged. a dangling construction crane gridlocks manhattan and leaves people fearing for their safety. a 7-ton concrete square was being moved when the crane's generator malfunctioned. that left it hanging over 57th street. it took more than 8 hours for workers to manually guide it to the ground. no one was hurt but the site sight of a dangling crane had everybody deeply concerned. >> this one is pretty scary. >> if it falls, it's going to shatter everything. >> the crane was being used to build a luxury high rise next to carnegie hall, the same construction site where a crane collapsed during super storm sandy. the police officers present during the motorcycle road rage attack in new york may be disciplined by the department. a lawyer for the undercover officer who was riding alongsays his client did not witness the attack on the suv. the officer has been stripped of his gun and badge, pending an internal affairs review. officials say two off duty cops were also among the bikers. they may face criminal charges. a 9-year-old boy board a plane all alone without a ticket and flies from minneapolis to las vegas. experts say while it's an impressive feat, it is a sign of a bigger problem. jessica kartalija looks into this breach of security. >> it all started here at the minneapolis st. paul international airport. officials say a 9-year-old boy took the light rail from home to the airport, made it passed the tsa screeners and boarded a plane to las vegas without a ticket or i.d. a former chairman of the ntsb. >> in my wildest imagination i could not figure out how this young man was able to do this. >> reporter: here's what officials say happened. he apparently scouted the airport on wednesday taking a bag off the carousal and sitting down to eat at a restaurant. he told the waitress he had touse the restroom leaving the luggage and the bill. he somehow made it past the airport security, possibly blending in with another family and got on a delta bound flight to las vegas. >> i can understand standing behind a family or whatever, if the family's checking in and they're not aware that he's standing behind them. i can understand that. i cannot understand that delta gate agent. this is where i put the major problem. this happens there. >> it wasn't until mid-flight that a delta crew member noticed the 9-year-old was alone and contacted authorities to return him to minneapolis. delta released a statement. we're investigating the situation and cooperating with all authorities involved. there's no word on why the little boy ran away from home. jessica kartalija, wjz eyewitness news. >> the tsa says the boy was properly screened but they're looking into whether changes to the barrier might prevent another stow away incident. a store clerk in new york uses his own weapon to chase a robber and the frightening scene is caught on tape. watch as a masked man pulls out a gun and fires a shot. now, the clerk seems unfazed and then grabs a machete from under the counter. he chases the gunman out of the store. the suspect did not take anything and is still at large. an ostrich, as you well know, is a flightless bird. but not this one. take a look at the ostrich copter. it is the creation of a dutch artist, bart johnson. he used the body of a deceased ostrich, hopefully of natural causes, and added an engine and propellers. now, this bird can take off and hover around. this isn't johnson's first try at giving flight to an animal. last year he created the cat copter. who knows what animal is next. animals, you see johnson coming, run for your life. that's a very indignified way to be remembered in the animal world. >> i'm glad you added that the ostrich died of natural causes. >> i don't know this. i'm hoping and assuming. >> okay. >> okay let's just pretend. >> he's an artist. we've got nice weather headed our way, at least for the next 36 hours. 58 degrees now, northwest winds at 7. the barometer coming back up. the northwest winds at 7. look how much, the dew point is down to 46 degrees this afternoon. yesterday, we were in the 60s. so it's really, really come down quite a bit. 44 degrees, the current temperature in oakland. 53 in cumberland. 62 in ocean city and over in d.c., 61 degrees. locally, mid-50s, even a few mid-50s in a couple of locations. down by the bay a little warmer. 63 on kent island. 49 the normals and the records, what range here. 1996 in 1941 and 2001, 35 degrees. and the airport has .84 of an inch of rain. northwest winds in the area bringing this drier and cooler air mass in. at least for the time being. it's going to be a cooler week than we've seen in the last week or so. down across the southeast, the front's moving offshore. however it's going to start a little bit in the atlantic ocean, moisture developing somewhere over east of florida in the next 24 hours. could develop an area of low pressure along that front and it may bring us, may, not 100% chance, but may bring us more clouds and some more rain here late wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday, it may just hang up along the coast. the front will slow down. that's the problem. here's the front and it really doesn't go anywhere. that low pressure indicated by the models offshore bringing rain, maybe just west of the baltimore area. that could last with the northeast winds may not get out of the 50s to low 60s by the middle or end of the week. northeast wind 10 to 15. bay temp around 70. tonight not a bad night. cloud break up. some 40s. 70 degrees tomorrow, less humid. beautiful day tomorrow. clouds, maybe showers late wednesday. better chance we think thursday, friday, maybe even lingering into saturday. tempt may not even get that warm if we have the winds off the ocean, could be in the upper 50s. >> coming up, joe flacco stands tall and a big win for the ravens. how the quarterback divides a tough day to deliver a victory. ♪ ♪ [ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-potato chip decoy bag. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix is a bag of interesting. >> well a good win, a big win. >> one for the ravens to look back on and move forward for sure. quarterbacks usually categorized as the high profile, but now the ravens joe flacco as he showed in the win, he's the guy who takes a licking and keeps on ticking. he has been taking his licks behind a suspect offensive line this season. been sacked 14 times. and he takes hits even when he's throwing completed passes like this big one, a second half scoring drive. qb's have to be tough. flacco fits that description. >> i think that's part of joe's greatness. i think that's part of what makes know who he is. and you look around the league and you'll see a lot of quarterbacks not doing those things, not standing in the way he stands in there. he's special that way. >> less special at times. the pass protection provided by the ravens who have fen sieve line. harbaugh said they did improve from the bad game at buffalo he didn't say if eugene monroe would play against the green pay bay packers sunday, the newly acquired tackle. they won't have to worry about clay matthews. the linebacker had surgery on a broken left thumb today. he suffered it when he made that sack against the lions yesterday. his season could be over. ravens and packers in baltimore coming up on sunday. october means baseball playoffs. and the action is heating up, along with some tempers as the intensity picks up. high drama today and tonight with one fantastic finish. former oriole reliever pitching for boston, bottom of the ninth at tampa bay. tied game tied no more. jose lifts the fly ball that lands out in the water. that's a game winning home run for the rays, the first ever game-ending playoff home run in tampa bay history. a 5-4 victory keeps the rays alive and the best of 5 series with the red sox. boston still up two games to one. game four tomorrow in st. petersburg. in detroit, oakland and the tigers, these two guys are laser focused. martinez focuses his gaze on bellefor, leads to words and both teams confronting one another in a bench-clearing incident. order was restored. the a's won the game 6-3. game four in the motor city tomorrow. they say boys will be boys and the playoff time, they'll be angry boys. >> you don't see football players do that very often, do you? >> their faces are covered, so you can't tell. >> that's right. thank you, when our little girl was born, we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the two-thousand-fourteen subaru forester. (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. oh, please don't call me "pumpkin." no, white chocolate and pumpkin. oh! pumpkin. ha-ha! pumpkin is back at dunkin' donuts. hurry in for delicious pumpkin coffees and lattes today. america runs on dunkin'. an candy maker in vermont decides to go big, really big. nick monte set out to create the largest peanut buttercup. he started with 70 pounds of milk chocolate, then added peanut butter filling. it weighs in at 229 pounds and it weighs in at 229 pounds and that would ,, i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. when ouwe got a subaru.s born, it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the two-thousand-fourteen subaru forester. (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.

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Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness 11PM News 20131008 :

Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness 11PM News 20131008

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>> wild weather. it all happened so fast. heavy rain and strong winds cause major damages to parts of maryland. the scary moments for some homeowners. hello, everybody. i'm denise koch. here's what people are talking tonight. trees snapped like twigs in parts ever maryland in cecil county. some say it sounded like a tornado. wjz is live with first warning coverage. bob turk has been tracking these storms all day. first here's meghan mccorkell with the damage left behind. >> reporter: those storms tore through cecil county this afternoon, leaving nearly 1,500 people in the dark. trees uprooted, branches everywhere. once a well-manicured front lawn this now looks like a war zone. >> all the trees were flailing back and forth. it was scary at the time. >> reporter: the powerful storm pushed through this cecil county neighborhood snapping trees and bringing down power lines. >> i heard what sounded like a freight train and a helicopter together. >> reporter: sarah porter was in her bedroom and tried to run for the basement as the storm came through, but it made so fast she never made it underground. >> i had my windows open. i started hearing things crack, boom, crack. >> reporter: chopper 13 over the damage that porter was hearing just up the street. >> there's about a dozen trees we counted that have received serious damage. the tops ripped off, some missing branches. >> reporter: you can see exactly where the storm came through. tree after tree down in this yard all in a straight line. while no houses were hit, the damage has been heartbreaking for some. >> these people here planted these trees when they first moved in here about 50 years ago. they're kind of like shattered about what happened. >> reporter: now, cleanup is starting as neighbors continue to wonder what kind of storm hit here. and there's no word if the national weather service will be investigating that cecil county storm. reporting live, meghan mccorkell, wjz eyewitness news. >> all right, thank you very much, meghan. the worst of the damage as you saw was centered right in that northeast area. here's bob with a closer look at how it ripped through. bob? >> that was right around 1:10 this afternoon. here in the city it got going around noontime. up there about an hour or so later. take a look at radar from that particular time frame. there's this big red storm moving through the northeast area. there you see it right down to charlestown up to northeast into elkton and moved into southern town and jersey. that's all gone. things are cleared out and cooling down. will it say calm and dry for the rest of the week? our look at the forecast coming up in just a few minutes. >> thank you, bob. the family of a woman killed by police after she rammed her car into a white house barricade is defending her ettle state. they say the sister was not delusional. she was afraid and fleeing with her daughter. kerry was shot and killed after a chase by officers. they are reviewing the use of deadly force. one of the world's most wanted terror suspects is in u.s. custody tonight, being questioned aboard a navy warship. the al qaeda insider is linked to bombings that killed hundreds of people, including americans. danielle nottingham has details of his capture for wjz. >> reporter: he's being held on the u.s.s. san antonio which is in international waters on the mediterranean sea. he was captured just after dawn saturday by u.s. commandos in his homeland of libya. sources say he was part of osama bin laden's inner circle in the mid-1990's. interrogators from the military intelligence community and the justice department will bepressing him about al qaeda terror network and any future attack plans. >> he has been indicted in the southern district of new york in connection with his alleged role in al qaeda's conspiracy to kill u.s. nationals and to conduct attacks against u.s. interests world wild. >> reporter: he's accused of helping plan the 1998 bombings of two u.s. embassies in africa. those attacks killed 224 people, including 12 americans. a second weekend raid in somalia targeted a kenyan terror suspect. he's said to be a senior planner of the somalia terror group. navy seals approached the compound where he was believed to be hiding but a firefight broke out before they could get to it. rather than call in an air strike to kill him and the civilians and children nearby, the seals called off the raid. danielle nottingham, wjz eyewitness news. >> now, he is also the group responsible for the attack two weeks ago in a shopping mall in nairobi, kenya. the partial government shut down is entering its second week and neither side is budging. today president obama called on the house to vote on a temporary spending bill to end the shutdown. speaker john boehner and house republicans want to put conditions in the bill that will reopen the government and the one needed to raise the nation's debt limit. meanwhile senate democrats plan to introduce their own bill to raise the debt ceiling. a stunning development in the deaths of two navy divers at the aberdeen proving ground. four members of their elite diving team will face court- martial stemming from the deaths last february. the two victims underwater breathing units failed and their tether line became tangled. the search is over for the female bank robber who struck three times in anne arundel in recent weeks and it was a lucky break that led police to the arrest. derek valcourt has surprising details on the suspect. derrick? >> reporter: not your typical bank robbery suspect. in this case, she was a school bus driver. jamese queen confessed to police she needed money to pay her bills. the 47-year-old bus driver stands accused of robbing this bank of glen burnie not once but twice. >> a bus driver? crazy world. >> a lot of people are desperate nowadays. not really surprised anymore. >> reporter: surveillance cameras captured the robberies both times. she demanded a note asking for cash. a dye back exploded. the second time she handed the note to the same bank teller adding no dye back this time. >> reporter: know when you come in, i know when you leave. don't draw attention to yourself. on saturday police say she tried it again at a different branch. >> and a very alert employee voted down a tag number that was just the break that we needed. >> reporter: shortly after saturday's attempted robbery, an officer on routine patrol spotted that black hyundai with its matching plates here in the parking lot of this glen burnie apartment complex and inside one of the apartments they found their suspect, jamese queen. her arrest, welcome news to bank managers. >> it was with great joy i got to tell the teller that was held up twice that we have apprehended the suspect and the relief and joy was something to see. >> reporter: investigators have recovered some of the clothes they believe queen was wearing during the robberies. >> reporter: in all, 14 bank robberies so far this year in anne arundel county. with this arrest, police say they've solved 13 of them. derek valcourt, wjz eyewitness news. >> thank you, derek. police say all. bank robberies have been committed by robbers who passed notes demanding money. maryland's casinos continue to rake in cash. they generated just over $65 million in total revenue in september. maryland live, the state's largest casino made the most, more than $50 million. revenue is up by $19 million this september compared to the same month last year, a 45% increase. rare marine animals make their way to charm city. the first of 1,700 new creatures arrived at the national aquarium in baltimore after renovations forced d.c.'s to shut down. loss for d.c. is a gain for baltimore. >> reporter: four wheels isn't the way you would expect an 8- armed octopus to travel but packed in cardboard is how he arrived from d.c. he's part of the first group of animals to make the long somewhat stressful trip north from the recently closed national aquarium location in d.c. >> everything went well. he was responsive when i opened the box. so everyone down in d.c. did an excellent job. >> reporter: the d.c. aquarium lost its space due to renovations at the u.s. department of commerce. in all baltimore will receive 1,700 of its 2,500 animals. today trucks hauled in the first 38 and while some went to the aquarium, the majority, mostly different species of fish were unloaded at a holding facility. >> it's a very intricate process. there's a lot of animals we're moving that have specific habitats we have to pay attention to. >> reporter: all the animals will spend 60 to 90 days in quarantine here at the holding facility. trucks will continue bringing up animals from fish to turtles, frogs and even sea horses. this new octopus will make two of the aquarium but some of the animals will be things we've never seen before. they have to stay in the small containers for just a few hours so they can get used to their surroundings before being moved into the holding tank. reporting in the inner harbor, monique griego, wjz eyewitness news. >> they have created a task force to look at options how they can keep it in d.c. for now nothing official has been planned. a store owner fights back against a robber and the shocking exchange is caught on camera. >> this one is pretty scary. >> dangling disaster. construction crane malfunctions high above new york city streets again. how workers fixed it just in time. 9-year-old stow away. i'm jessica kartalija. how an elementary cooler managed to slip on to a flight to las vegas with no ticket or i.d. that's next. sunshine and cooler temps return. i'm bob turk. i'll have the complete first warning forecast coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> it is mostly cloudy, 58 degrees in central maryland right now. the complete first warning forecast is coming up. a powerful typhoon slams into the eastern coast of china killing at least 5 people. wind speeds were measured at nearly 100 miles an hour. the government says that caused air and rail traffic to shut down. it also left hundreds of thousands of homes without electricity. they say damage in the hardest hit provinces is estimated at $2 billion. a monster truck show in mexico becomes the scene of death and destruction and it's all caught on tape. watch as the monster truck known as big show goes into the crowd. eight people were killed and 79 injured. government officials say the driver is to blame, but a vendor organizer say the victims were in a restricted area. so far, no one has been charged. a dangling construction crane gridlocks manhattan and leaves people fearing for their safety. a 7-ton concrete square was being moved when the crane's generator malfunctioned. that left it hanging over 57th street. it took more than 8 hours for workers to manually guide it to the ground. no one was hurt but the site sight of a dangling crane had everybody deeply concerned. >> this one is pretty scary. >> if it falls, it's going to shatter everything. >> the crane was being used to build a luxury high rise next to carnegie hall, the same construction site where a crane collapsed during super storm sandy. the police officers present during the motorcycle road rage attack in new york may be disciplined by the department. a lawyer for the undercover officer who was riding alongsays his client did not witness the attack on the suv. the officer has been stripped of his gun and badge, pending an internal affairs review. officials say two off duty cops were also among the bikers. they may face criminal charges. a 9-year-old boy board a plane all alone without a ticket and flies from minneapolis to las vegas. experts say while it's an impressive feat, it is a sign of a bigger problem. jessica kartalija looks into this breach of security. >> it all started here at the minneapolis st. paul international airport. officials say a 9-year-old boy took the light rail from home to the airport, made it passed the tsa screeners and boarded a plane to las vegas without a ticket or i.d. a former chairman of the ntsb. >> in my wildest imagination i could not figure out how this young man was able to do this. >> reporter: here's what officials say happened. he apparently scouted the airport on wednesday taking a bag off the carousal and sitting down to eat at a restaurant. he told the waitress he had touse the restroom leaving the luggage and the bill. he somehow made it past the airport security, possibly blending in with another family and got on a delta bound flight to las vegas. >> i can understand standing behind a family or whatever, if the family's checking in and they're not aware that he's standing behind them. i can understand that. i cannot understand that delta gate agent. this is where i put the major problem. this happens there. >> it wasn't until mid-flight that a delta crew member noticed the 9-year-old was alone and contacted authorities to return him to minneapolis. delta released a statement. we're investigating the situation and cooperating with all authorities involved. there's no word on why the little boy ran away from home. jessica kartalija, wjz eyewitness news. >> the tsa says the boy was properly screened but they're looking into whether changes to the barrier might prevent another stow away incident. a store clerk in new york uses his own weapon to chase a robber and the frightening scene is caught on tape. watch as a masked man pulls out a gun and fires a shot. now, the clerk seems unfazed and then grabs a machete from under the counter. he chases the gunman out of the store. the suspect did not take anything and is still at large. an ostrich, as you well know, is a flightless bird. but not this one. take a look at the ostrich copter. it is the creation of a dutch artist, bart johnson. he used the body of a deceased ostrich, hopefully of natural causes, and added an engine and propellers. now, this bird can take off and hover around. this isn't johnson's first try at giving flight to an animal. last year he created the cat copter. who knows what animal is next. animals, you see johnson coming, run for your life. that's a very indignified way to be remembered in the animal world. >> i'm glad you added that the ostrich died of natural causes. >> i don't know this. i'm hoping and assuming. >> okay. >> okay let's just pretend. >> he's an artist. we've got nice weather headed our way, at least for the next 36 hours. 58 degrees now, northwest winds at 7. the barometer coming back up. the northwest winds at 7. look how much, the dew point is down to 46 degrees this afternoon. yesterday, we were in the 60s. so it's really, really come down quite a bit. 44 degrees, the current temperature in oakland. 53 in cumberland. 62 in ocean city and over in d.c., 61 degrees. locally, mid-50s, even a few mid-50s in a couple of locations. down by the bay a little warmer. 63 on kent island. 49 the normals and the records, what range here. 1996 in 1941 and 2001, 35 degrees. and the airport has .84 of an inch of rain. northwest winds in the area bringing this drier and cooler air mass in. at least for the time being. it's going to be a cooler week than we've seen in the last week or so. down across the southeast, the front's moving offshore. however it's going to start a little bit in the atlantic ocean, moisture developing somewhere over east of florida in the next 24 hours. could develop an area of low pressure along that front and it may bring us, may, not 100% chance, but may bring us more clouds and some more rain here late wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday, it may just hang up along the coast. the front will slow down. that's the problem. here's the front and it really doesn't go anywhere. that low pressure indicated by the models offshore bringing rain, maybe just west of the baltimore area. that could last with the northeast winds may not get out of the 50s to low 60s by the middle or end of the week. northeast wind 10 to 15. bay temp around 70. tonight not a bad night. cloud break up. some 40s. 70 degrees tomorrow, less humid. beautiful day tomorrow. clouds, maybe showers late wednesday. better chance we think thursday, friday, maybe even lingering into saturday. tempt may not even get that warm if we have the winds off the ocean, could be in the upper 50s. >> coming up, joe flacco stands tall and a big win for the ravens. how the quarterback divides a tough day to deliver a victory. ♪ ♪ [ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-potato chip decoy bag. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix is a bag of interesting. >> well a good win, a big win. >> one for the ravens to look back on and move forward for sure. quarterbacks usually categorized as the high profile, but now the ravens joe flacco as he showed in the win, he's the guy who takes a licking and keeps on ticking. he has been taking his licks behind a suspect offensive line this season. been sacked 14 times. and he takes hits even when he's throwing completed passes like this big one, a second half scoring drive. qb's have to be tough. flacco fits that description. >> i think that's part of joe's greatness. i think that's part of what makes know who he is. and you look around the league and you'll see a lot of quarterbacks not doing those things, not standing in the way he stands in there. he's special that way. >> less special at times. the pass protection provided by the ravens who have fen sieve line. harbaugh said they did improve from the bad game at buffalo he didn't say if eugene monroe would play against the green pay bay packers sunday, the newly acquired tackle. they won't have to worry about clay matthews. the linebacker had surgery on a broken left thumb today. he suffered it when he made that sack against the lions yesterday. his season could be over. ravens and packers in baltimore coming up on sunday. october means baseball playoffs. and the action is heating up, along with some tempers as the intensity picks up. high drama today and tonight with one fantastic finish. former oriole reliever pitching for boston, bottom of the ninth at tampa bay. tied game tied no more. jose lifts the fly ball that lands out in the water. that's a game winning home run for the rays, the first ever game-ending playoff home run in tampa bay history. a 5-4 victory keeps the rays alive and the best of 5 series with the red sox. boston still up two games to one. game four tomorrow in st. petersburg. in detroit, oakland and the tigers, these two guys are laser focused. martinez focuses his gaze on bellefor, leads to words and both teams confronting one another in a bench-clearing incident. order was restored. the a's won the game 6-3. game four in the motor city tomorrow. they say boys will be boys and the playoff time, they'll be angry boys. >> you don't see football players do that very often, do you? >> their faces are covered, so you can't tell. >> that's right. thank you, when our little girl was born, we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the two-thousand-fourteen subaru forester. (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. oh, please don't call me "pumpkin." no, white chocolate and pumpkin. oh! pumpkin. ha-ha! pumpkin is back at dunkin' donuts. hurry in for delicious pumpkin coffees and lattes today. america runs on dunkin'. an candy maker in vermont decides to go big, really big. nick monte set out to create the largest peanut buttercup. he started with 70 pounds of milk chocolate, then added peanut butter filling. it weighs in at 229 pounds and it weighs in at 229 pounds and that would ,, i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. when ouwe got a subaru.s born, it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the two-thousand-fourteen subaru forester. (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.

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