Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness 11PM News 20130822 : comparem

Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness 11PM News 20130822

what you would think about this. (smiling through the tears) you would make a joke, that much i know. you'd tease me about it - about me being here, talking to a hunk of stone. (sighs) i know people talk about grief and... they say that it takes time. i'm waiting, evan. it doesn't seem fair though, right? that the 3 years you have been gone take up so much more of my heart than the seventeen we spent together. (soft crunch of approaching footsteps) you shouldn't be here. no one knows i'm here. he'd be 21 today. it doesn't go away, does it? you know what i miss? luke, please. we can't do this. you know, i have something for you. that bike chain bracelet evan made, it's been broken for the longest time. i finally got around to replacing the pin. he wore it every day. he'd want you to have it. you keep it. it's yours. luke: mrs. a, i think- this can't happen again. (winnie types furiously) parker: where is he? briefing room. ed: hold up. take a breath. a street fight, ed? we don't know the details. i spoke to terry from 52. he took the call - a bunch of kids fighting; someone swinging a hockey stick. apparently. what's he doing getting mixed up in stuff like that? greg, you're gonna ask him. parker: you're damn right, i'm gonna- ed: all right, hold up. you go in hot right now, it's not gonna help the situation at all. well, i don't wanna help the situation. i wanna take a paddle to the little punk. when does this get easier? well, i hear that they become a little more manageable when they're... they're 40. (kids laugh and chatter) luke: hey, you know that beemer that came in yesterday? brian: the enduro? luke: yeah. got it running. brian: the engine was full of sand, it was shot. luke: it was. brian: that's it, sweetie. luke: now it's not. brian: you're a genius, kid, you know that? when i was your age, it would've taken me weeks. 'course things were different then. yeah. horsepower was actual horses... coal was the way of the future. (brian laughs) yeah, yeah, yeah. don't get cocky, smartass. sorry, honey. you didn't hear that, all right? brian: hi. steven. boss? look, uh, sweetie, i want you to go out in the backyard, okay? play with the other kids, all right? you have fun. hey, i hear there's a meet and greet in chatham. new clients. yeah? where'd you hear that? all i'm saying is, now that i've been promoted, maybe i should come. (vehicle beeps unlocked) (encouraging) yeah, we'll see. (loud explosion) (guests scream) (fire roars) (motorcycle peels away) brian: luke, get back here! (engine revs) luke, get back here! come on, luke! (starts engine) (el camino peels away, tires squealing) (flames roar) hey. ahh... (sighs) you okay? i didn't start it. (hot call klaxon blares) winnie: team one, hot call! (sighs) look, go home. ice it, all right? we'll talk later, all right? dad, i didn't start it. dean, you know what? the older i get, the less that matters to me. just go home. now. winnie: car bomb, 284 mapledawn road. suspect fled on a motorcycle, last seen headed eastbound on bloor. reports of a blue el camino in pursuit. ed: spike, jules, scene of the explosion. sam, leah, let's find that bike. (el camino races along) (under his breath) there you are... (motorcycle zooms forward) (sirens wail, tires squeal) spike: winnie, how far away is ems? winnie: they just passed east mall. mother: (frantic) over here, please! my daughter... spike: what's her name? mother: alex. it's her leg. spike: alex, can you hear me? jules: clear back! stay back! back! spike: that's shrapnel from the explosion. looks like she twisted it when she fell. winnie: vehicle spotted at queensway and kipling. we're close. ed: sam, come north; we'll close him in. sam: copy that. (motorcycle and el camino rumble along) (into phone) yeah, it's me. listen, there was a bomb. they got steven. yeah, i'm on the queensway following the guy. ah, dammit. (tires squeal, peels around the corner) what's happening?! spike: alex, can you hear me? alex? hypovolemic shock; she's lost a lot of blood. just hold this down here. mother: okay... spike: keep the pressure on. mother: (panicked) okay! spike: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... (fire truck and ems arrive, sirens wailing) alex? 1, 2, 3... boss, the bomb went off at a children's birthday party. two deceased - mary-ann and steven miller. spike: alex! alex, can you hear me? 1, 2, 3... keep the pressure on! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... come on, alex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... (alex gasps for air) alex, can you hear me? can you hear me, alex? (groggily) what... what happened? you're gonna be okay. thank god... ma'am, she's in good hands, okay? can you tell me what happened here today? sorry. ma'am? i can't. (motorcycle slows and rumbles down lane) (tires squeal) team one, another sighting - queen east. heading north - we're blocks away. (sirens wail, truck rumbles) (water sprays, steam hisses) what did you get, jules? it doesn't add up. assassination, broad daylight, a house full of kids. like someone's making a point. yeah, but to who? this place says welcome to mayberry. did you get anything from witnesses? that's the other thing. a house full of people and nobody saw a thing. yeah, i got the same thing from the kid's mom. something's not right. (garage doors whir open) think it's a hobby? spike: no. i think we're dealing with bikers. boss, the hosts of this party are members of the brigadier motorcycle club. okay, team, extreme caution. copy that. (sirens wail) winnie: boss, i got a call from detective kate andrews, organized crime division. parker: not a good time, winnie. winnie: she says it's urgent. direct order; you're to take the call. kate: sergeant parker? listen, detective, i'm in the middle of a bomb investigation and chasing two gangland soldiers. kate: no, one gangland soldier. the young man in the car works for me. he's a ci. he's my asset. (el camino rumbles loudly) (tires screech) (gun cocks) (sawed-off shotgun fires, glass shatters everywhere) ed: we got gunfire. (sirens wail, tires squeal) agh! (gun cocks) agh! ♪ ♪ and it's not exactly therwhat you might dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt is packed with 12 grams of protein in every 5.3 oz cup. sink your teeth into that. dannon oikos. the new protein. ♪ dannon ♪ ooh, baby, baby ♪ ba-ba-ba, baby [ microwave beeps ] ♪ ooh, baby, baby ♪ ba-ba-ba, baby ♪ get up on this ♪ [ music stops ] [ man ] chef don't judge. ♪ come on, girls, let's show the guys ♪ ♪ that we know how to become number one ♪ [ male announcer ] chef boyardee microwavable cups. it's your time and your chef because... [ man ] chef don't judge. it's your time and your chef because... break the ice, with breath freshening cooling crystals. ice breakers. so do tire swings! this is our ocean spray cran-lemonade. it's good, old-fashioned lemonade. only better! whoa! [ splash! ] ocean spray cran-lemonade. a bold twist on an old favorite. [ male announcer ] hurry in for labor day deals, like 10% off all major appliances $399 and above at lowe's. ♪ (siren wails) ed: sam, leah, go direct to gunfire, we're coming north. (gun fires) (siren wails, getting closer) (truck screeches to a stop) ed: stop! right there, stop! sam, we've got an active shooter coming your way. (siren wails) ungh! (truck screeches to a halt) i think you got him. you doing all right, son? yeah. winnie, i need you to connect me to- kate: luke! luke! parker: never mind. detective andrews? kate: are you all right? are you hurt? luke: i'm fine. i'm fine, mrs. a. what the hell were you thinking, huh? you could've been killed. luke: well, i was trying to keep eyes on the guy, like you said. i said stay clear. get intel, but stay clear. mrs. a, he ambushed me. parker: detective andrews, i'm greg parker. this is ed lane. ed: how're you doing? that man killed in the explosion - steven miller - is he a member of the brigadiers? he was the leader. parker: what does that tell you, detective? is this a war? looks that way. the brigadiers have been expanding their operations; they've been encroaching on rival turf. which rivals? kate: another bike club - devil's guard. they run a lot of meth, weapons, extortion - all areas the brigs have been getting into. detective, the bomber didn't have any patches or any gang markings or anything. now you're thinking old-school. nowadays, these guys keep a white-collar profile. they mow their lawns. they send their kids to french immersion. the hogs and the leathers, they only come out on special occasions. the shooter's not talking. no id. i'm sending you a photo now. devil's guard? could've brought him in from another chapter, hired someone unaffiliated. leah: i found something in the bombers jacket; an ied detonator. sam: it's rf controlled. short range, maybe 200 feet. why a kid's party? send a message. devil's guard letting us know, "we can get you any place, any time..." (luke's phone rings) it's brian. (phone rings) luke: (into phone) hey, brian. yeah, i know, i'm sorry, i just, i... i wanted to get the guy, but the cops showed up. no, no, no. i got outta there, made myself scarce. okay. yeah, you got it. walter's called an emergency meeting, right now, at the clubhouse. they want me there. parker: well, that's not happening, so relax. you know the dynamics, detective, what's your guess? they're gonna hit back. walter mchale was second in command. now he's the lead, and he is not one to back down from a fight. then we get ahead of it. we bust open their headquarters. kate: we don't have the evidence. these guys are pros. they don't store weapons on site, and they keep their noses clean. 8 months i've been all over them - not one single piece of actionable intel. send me back in. i mean, if we're gonna hit back, i can get a time and place; that's actionable, right? parker: detective, i don't... i don't wanna stop on your case here, but you can't be considering this. everyone in that clubhouse is going to be amped up and on high alert. in his state right now, can your ci keep playing the part? what do you say, luke? you up for this? look, this could be the chance we've been waiting for. get brian, walter, all of them. you gotta let me try. 'kay, let's wire him. he's going in. ed: it gets hot, we can bust that place wide open. parker: spike, jules, all hands on deck. (trucks rumble up, doors bang shut) ed: we got razor wire, crash barriers, cameras at every entrance. leah: door's reinforced steel. jules: yeah, no element of surprise. sam: unless we make our own doors. ed: okay, the north wall's got no cams. we stay out of line of sight. breach charges. jules with me. sam, leah, up top. let's move. luke's belt buckle comes with a mic and a gps tracker, so we can hear everything and know where he is at all times. it doesn't show. not unless you're really, really looking for it. kate: they'll ask you what happened with the bomber. you keep your story simple, stick as close to the truth as possible. distress code is "bad deal." luke: okay, yeah, i got it. bad deal. (testing mic) oh, uh, check, check, check, hello, goodbye. good to go. (running footsteps) parker: luke, my team will be outside. if anything goes wrong, you just stay down, we'll get you out safe, okay? do you know what your job in there is, son? bring down the brigadiers. no. you get us a time and the place of the retaliation and that's it. you get out, all right? you don't go anywhere else, you don't take any assignments, understood? understood. all right. (quietly) okay... (members murmur quietly, pool balls clack) so far so good. we need to talk. now. i'm not liking this. he's okay... he's okay. walter: luke. we got a problem. eddie, standby for my go. alpha team in position. sam: bravo team in position. walter, what's the problem? hey! walter: shut up. luke: brian, come on, what the hell's going on here? the man told you to shut up, luke. walter: (menacing) brian gave you a direct order to stay, so you take off. that guy killed steve, i had to try and get- (wham) parker: alpha team- kate: wait! kate: he hasn't given the signal. he's fine. he gave you an order! are you a brigadier, luke? are you one of us?! look, i know i screwed up. but i did this for steve, for the brigadiers. you don't like that, you better kick me out now. because if someone comes at us again, i'm gonna do the same damn thing. all i needed to hear. get the guys together. that's a brave kid. yeah, he is. parker: look i was meaning to ask... "mrs. a?" luke called you that in the alley. i've known luke for a long time. friend of my son's. luke didn't have an ideal family life, so he came over a lot. you know how that can be. sure. what's your son think of this - you and his friend working together? my son died three years ago. i'm sorry. thank you. was he ill? kate: boating accident. well, that must've been difficult. kate: it was. walter you've all heard what's happened. it's a real shame. it's a tragedy that it had to come to this. this club is at a crossroads - you all know that. we all loved and respected steve. he was our president, our friend, our brother. but he was blind... blind to our enemies, blind to our opportunities... parker: doesn't sound like a war speech, does it? walter: this is the point i was trying to make with steve for months now. many of you have. sorry to say... he never did see the light. i wish that he had, i really do, but take a look around you, gentlemen. see who's here, who isn't here. these are your real brothers, the ones standing beside you right now. everybody else... like i said, crossroads. some of us will be going in one direction, some of us in another. anybody got a problem with that? he's not talking about going to battle. kate: he's talking about taking over. he's talking about a purge. ed: if he's announcing it, it's already in motion. how many targets are still out there? and where? luke: geez, brian... brian: just keep your mouth shut and your head down, okay? you'll be fine. karl's not here. i know. dennis, richard... are they all dead? good work, luke. karl borance, dennis barber, richard breed. who are they? loyalists - of steven miller, the assassinated brigadiers leader - and now marked men. don't ruin the moment. barilla pasta cooks right every time. always al dente for the perfect night. barilla. the choice of italy. with in-wash pre-treaters. to prove how amazing it cleans, we set out to find tough stains. and every mom knows, little league plays... mean major-league stains. and now all is the official detergent of little league baseball. all combines in-wash pre-treaters with its active stainlifters to attack tough grass stains for more cleaning power... than just washing with the leading value detergent and booster combined. give us your worst, we'll give it our all. give us your worst, protmilk vs. omelet (ding!) winner: m-m-m-m-milk! has protein and travels. got protein. can i still get a great deal? yes, there's lots to choose from, but you'd better hurry. they're going fast. [ gasping ] what is that?! this is ted. he's gonna help pick the color. blue. we have that. can you take him? [ gasps ] ah, we have that, too. aah! [ male announcer ] save big on a great selection at toyota's nationwide clearance event right now, get 0% apr financing on a 2013 camry. hurry. the amazing deals won't last long. did you find him? still looking. [ male announcer ] toyota. let's go places. ♪ ♪ school's out [ male announcer ] from the last day of school, back to the first. they're gonna write a lot. so make sure they've got somewhere to write it. this week only get composition books for a dime. staples has it. staples. that was easy. ♪ [ male announcer ] they'll see you before you see them. cops are cracking down on drinking and riding. drive sober, or get pulled over. 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[ into every life, ] a little fudge must drizzle. new banana drizzled with dark fudge fruit thins. real fruit, real fudge, whole grains. newtons fruit thins. one unique cookie. like dishes that don't fit in the top rack of the dishwasher. come into sears, i'll tell you about our one hand adjuster... on our exclusive kenmore elite dishwasher. it's amazing what'll happen when... tall things have the right space. also amazing, jd power ranks... kenmore elite highest in customer satisfaction. one appliance store helps more people... find savings and solutions than any other. this is sears. and it's not exactly therwhat you might dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt is packed with 12 grams of protein in every 5.3 oz cup. sink your teeth into that. dannon oikos. the new protein. ♪ dannon parker: okay, team, you heard the news. the brigadiers are cleaning house. we've got three targets. spike's sending you photos. ed: spike, home numbers, cell phones. on it. sam: if you wanted to take out three guys without tipping your plan... make sure they're together. and we know these guys love bombs. ed: spike! spike: no answers at home or at work. cell phones are off, but i'm getting a gps ping back from karl borance's phone. he's southeast from here. that's dennis barber's restaurant. it's downtown, lunch hour. pretty brash move. kate: not if they're trying to play it off as a gang war. gives them deniability. parker: well, they've shown they're not worried about collateral damage. ed: let's move. hey, i'm gonna stay back, make sure luke gets out all right. ed: what's going on? i don't know, something about this... ed, you go. i got it. go. parker: winnie, detective andrews' son, what can you tell me about him? evan andrews. died at 17 in a boating accident. the file's sealed because the parties involved were minors at the time. 'kay, contact the officer that was there. maybe he can give us some more information. winnie: sure. spike: team, schematics of the restaurant coming at you. ed: spike, break this down for me. if we're dealing with the same tech, how's this go? spike: real simple; bomber plants the device, waits for the targets to show up, presses a button. jules: it hasn't gone off yet. what does that tell us? best case, someone had a change of heart. more likely... all three of the targets aren't in place yet. so we call ahead, start clearing the place. jules: unless we supervise the evacuation ourselves, it's too risky. patrons start running out of there, it's gonna cue the bomber. he's gonna take out whatever target's are already there. ed: and we show up with the sirens blaring - same story. you all right? yeah. these aren't easy times. had to be done, right? parker: (bangs door shut) okay, let's bring your guy in. kate: hang on. something's up. brian: tell you what... walter and i have a loose end to tie up. you wanna be part of it? i mean, you said you wanted to step up. well, today would be a good day for it - chance to prove yourself to the new regime. luke, no. say no. you know what? never mind. you've had a hell of a day. yeah. i'm in. no. no, no, no. what's he doing? he's giving us walter; that's what he's doing. not the plan, detective. kate: listen to me. this is our chance. they're going on an assassination run. kate: which is why we have to let it play out - to protect the target. parker: you mean arrest your man. kate: yes! yeah, that too. sergeant, nothing that happened today can be traced back to walter. so far he can just walk away from all of it. if he orders this hit, then we've finally got him. my investigation, my call. eddie, ci's on the move and we're following. what's your twenty? boss, we're almost at the restaurant. (vehicle rumbles away) (parker starts truck) hang back, sergeant. tracking signal's strong. we'll follow at a distance. i know you think i'm pushing him, but you really have to trust me. he knows what he's doing and this is what he wants. parker: yeah? how can you be sure of that? kate: because i didn't recruit him. he came to me. he wanted to be a ci? no, he wanted to change his life around. he knew i could help. well, you were the parent in his life. you had mentioned it earlier that he didn't have a very strong home life and that he was at your house a lot. i helped out where i could. he must have been grateful. sometimes. (sirens wail) okay, team, listen up. sam, you're on the trigger man. this guy's gotta have a sight line to the restaurant. i want you to find him and stop him. all right, i'm on it. ed: leah, you're with me. back service door. let's clear the place out quick and quiet without tipping him off. got it! jules, you're out front. no lights, no sirens. you're looking for the targeted bikers. keeping 'em out buys us more time inside. jules: copy. ed: spike? let me guess. i'm on bomb? you're on bomb. kate: there was one summer where evan and luke got jobs at a garage. brian novak was their boss, and when i got wind of his affiliation with the brigadiers, i... i just hit the roof. i went driving over there, and i marched both those boys out, one in each hand. i guess i thought luke got the message, but um... a few months ago, in the middle of the night, luke showed up at the station. kate: luke, it's 2 in the morning. what're you doing here? whose is that? (bracing himself) mine... kate: how long? couple years... i got patched in this week. (kate sighs, horrified) no, no, don't do that. you just joined a violent criminal gang - these are the people i spend my whole life trying to put away. look, i'm in over my head, mrs. a. it's not... it's not at all what i thought it would be. okay... luke: look, i'm a fully patched member of the brigadiers. i've got names, locations, jobs. i can give you all of it. kate: he wanted out... he realized he'd made a mistake, and he wanted my help making things right. walter: (over headset) you gotta be clear about this, luke. you go through this door, you can't come back. you understand that, right? i'm ready. so who are we gonna see, anyway? (grave) ron. who is it? kate: ron mchale. walter's own cousin. not a full-time member, but still involved. always got along with steven, and i should have seen this coming. (into the phone) yeah, i need units at ron mchale's house - plain clothes, unmarked cars - right away. no. go! (door creaks open) (cell phone rings) yep. ron: walter, it's ron. you were right. okay. got it. (phone beeps off) walter: that was ron. he's got company. luke's cover's blown. what're you talking about? it was a set-up, it was a test. they suspected he was wired and they fed us bad intel. no! they would've searched him in the clubhouse. and we would've busted in and saved him. oh my god. (sirens wail) (vehicles roar down alleyway and screech to a halt) let's move! go, go! everyone, can i have your attention please! this is a police emergency. (doors bang shut) i need you to stay calm and exit through the back door, please. exit through the back door! let's go, folks! folks, please, now! do it now! let's go, ladies, let's go! here we go! through the back of the building! it's an emergency, folks! if i can have you up and out! up and out! let's go, people, let's go! spike - there! spike: mr. barber? dennis: yes. spike: this your restaurant? dennis: what's this all about? spike: this your usual table? dennis: yes. you need to get outta here, right now! your lives are in danger. go! go! (into headset) okay, two of the targets are coming out. (explosives scanner chirps) got the bomb! leah: jules, the missing target is richard breed. repeat: the bomber's waiting for richard breed. copy.

Related Keywords

France , Italy , French , Brian Novak , Kate Andrews , Steven Miller , Evan Andrews , El Camino , Dannon Parker , Dannon Oikos , Greg Parker , Walter Mchale , Ron Mchale ,

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Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness 11PM News 20130822 :

Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness 11PM News 20130822

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what you would think about this. (smiling through the tears) you would make a joke, that much i know. you'd tease me about it - about me being here, talking to a hunk of stone. (sighs) i know people talk about grief and... they say that it takes time. i'm waiting, evan. it doesn't seem fair though, right? that the 3 years you have been gone take up so much more of my heart than the seventeen we spent together. (soft crunch of approaching footsteps) you shouldn't be here. no one knows i'm here. he'd be 21 today. it doesn't go away, does it? you know what i miss? luke, please. we can't do this. you know, i have something for you. that bike chain bracelet evan made, it's been broken for the longest time. i finally got around to replacing the pin. he wore it every day. he'd want you to have it. you keep it. it's yours. luke: mrs. a, i think- this can't happen again. (winnie types furiously) parker: where is he? briefing room. ed: hold up. take a breath. a street fight, ed? we don't know the details. i spoke to terry from 52. he took the call - a bunch of kids fighting; someone swinging a hockey stick. apparently. what's he doing getting mixed up in stuff like that? greg, you're gonna ask him. parker: you're damn right, i'm gonna- ed: all right, hold up. you go in hot right now, it's not gonna help the situation at all. well, i don't wanna help the situation. i wanna take a paddle to the little punk. when does this get easier? well, i hear that they become a little more manageable when they're... they're 40. (kids laugh and chatter) luke: hey, you know that beemer that came in yesterday? brian: the enduro? luke: yeah. got it running. brian: the engine was full of sand, it was shot. luke: it was. brian: that's it, sweetie. luke: now it's not. brian: you're a genius, kid, you know that? when i was your age, it would've taken me weeks. 'course things were different then. yeah. horsepower was actual horses... coal was the way of the future. (brian laughs) yeah, yeah, yeah. don't get cocky, smartass. sorry, honey. you didn't hear that, all right? brian: hi. steven. boss? look, uh, sweetie, i want you to go out in the backyard, okay? play with the other kids, all right? you have fun. hey, i hear there's a meet and greet in chatham. new clients. yeah? where'd you hear that? all i'm saying is, now that i've been promoted, maybe i should come. (vehicle beeps unlocked) (encouraging) yeah, we'll see. (loud explosion) (guests scream) (fire roars) (motorcycle peels away) brian: luke, get back here! (engine revs) luke, get back here! come on, luke! (starts engine) (el camino peels away, tires squealing) (flames roar) hey. ahh... (sighs) you okay? i didn't start it. (hot call klaxon blares) winnie: team one, hot call! (sighs) look, go home. ice it, all right? we'll talk later, all right? dad, i didn't start it. dean, you know what? the older i get, the less that matters to me. just go home. now. winnie: car bomb, 284 mapledawn road. suspect fled on a motorcycle, last seen headed eastbound on bloor. reports of a blue el camino in pursuit. ed: spike, jules, scene of the explosion. sam, leah, let's find that bike. (el camino races along) (under his breath) there you are... (motorcycle zooms forward) (sirens wail, tires squeal) spike: winnie, how far away is ems? winnie: they just passed east mall. mother: (frantic) over here, please! my daughter... spike: what's her name? mother: alex. it's her leg. spike: alex, can you hear me? jules: clear back! stay back! back! spike: that's shrapnel from the explosion. looks like she twisted it when she fell. winnie: vehicle spotted at queensway and kipling. we're close. ed: sam, come north; we'll close him in. sam: copy that. (motorcycle and el camino rumble along) (into phone) yeah, it's me. listen, there was a bomb. they got steven. yeah, i'm on the queensway following the guy. ah, dammit. (tires squeal, peels around the corner) what's happening?! spike: alex, can you hear me? alex? hypovolemic shock; she's lost a lot of blood. just hold this down here. mother: okay... spike: keep the pressure on. mother: (panicked) okay! spike: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... (fire truck and ems arrive, sirens wailing) alex? 1, 2, 3... boss, the bomb went off at a children's birthday party. two deceased - mary-ann and steven miller. spike: alex! alex, can you hear me? 1, 2, 3... keep the pressure on! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... come on, alex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... (alex gasps for air) alex, can you hear me? can you hear me, alex? (groggily) what... what happened? you're gonna be okay. thank god... ma'am, she's in good hands, okay? can you tell me what happened here today? sorry. ma'am? i can't. (motorcycle slows and rumbles down lane) (tires squeal) team one, another sighting - queen east. heading north - we're blocks away. (sirens wail, truck rumbles) (water sprays, steam hisses) what did you get, jules? it doesn't add up. assassination, broad daylight, a house full of kids. like someone's making a point. yeah, but to who? this place says welcome to mayberry. did you get anything from witnesses? that's the other thing. a house full of people and nobody saw a thing. yeah, i got the same thing from the kid's mom. something's not right. (garage doors whir open) think it's a hobby? spike: no. i think we're dealing with bikers. boss, the hosts of this party are members of the brigadier motorcycle club. okay, team, extreme caution. copy that. (sirens wail) winnie: boss, i got a call from detective kate andrews, organized crime division. parker: not a good time, winnie. winnie: she says it's urgent. direct order; you're to take the call. kate: sergeant parker? listen, detective, i'm in the middle of a bomb investigation and chasing two gangland soldiers. kate: no, one gangland soldier. the young man in the car works for me. he's a ci. he's my asset. (el camino rumbles loudly) (tires screech) (gun cocks) (sawed-off shotgun fires, glass shatters everywhere) ed: we got gunfire. (sirens wail, tires squeal) agh! (gun cocks) agh! ♪ ♪ and it's not exactly therwhat you might dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt is packed with 12 grams of protein in every 5.3 oz cup. sink your teeth into that. dannon oikos. the new protein. ♪ dannon ♪ ooh, baby, baby ♪ ba-ba-ba, baby [ microwave beeps ] ♪ ooh, baby, baby ♪ ba-ba-ba, baby ♪ get up on this ♪ [ music stops ] [ man ] chef don't judge. ♪ come on, girls, let's show the guys ♪ ♪ that we know how to become number one ♪ [ male announcer ] chef boyardee microwavable cups. it's your time and your chef because... [ man ] chef don't judge. it's your time and your chef because... break the ice, with breath freshening cooling crystals. ice breakers. so do tire swings! this is our ocean spray cran-lemonade. it's good, old-fashioned lemonade. only better! whoa! [ splash! ] ocean spray cran-lemonade. a bold twist on an old favorite. [ male announcer ] hurry in for labor day deals, like 10% off all major appliances $399 and above at lowe's. ♪ (siren wails) ed: sam, leah, go direct to gunfire, we're coming north. (gun fires) (siren wails, getting closer) (truck screeches to a stop) ed: stop! right there, stop! sam, we've got an active shooter coming your way. (siren wails) ungh! (truck screeches to a halt) i think you got him. you doing all right, son? yeah. winnie, i need you to connect me to- kate: luke! luke! parker: never mind. detective andrews? kate: are you all right? are you hurt? luke: i'm fine. i'm fine, mrs. a. what the hell were you thinking, huh? you could've been killed. luke: well, i was trying to keep eyes on the guy, like you said. i said stay clear. get intel, but stay clear. mrs. a, he ambushed me. parker: detective andrews, i'm greg parker. this is ed lane. ed: how're you doing? that man killed in the explosion - steven miller - is he a member of the brigadiers? he was the leader. parker: what does that tell you, detective? is this a war? looks that way. the brigadiers have been expanding their operations; they've been encroaching on rival turf. which rivals? kate: another bike club - devil's guard. they run a lot of meth, weapons, extortion - all areas the brigs have been getting into. detective, the bomber didn't have any patches or any gang markings or anything. now you're thinking old-school. nowadays, these guys keep a white-collar profile. they mow their lawns. they send their kids to french immersion. the hogs and the leathers, they only come out on special occasions. the shooter's not talking. no id. i'm sending you a photo now. devil's guard? could've brought him in from another chapter, hired someone unaffiliated. leah: i found something in the bombers jacket; an ied detonator. sam: it's rf controlled. short range, maybe 200 feet. why a kid's party? send a message. devil's guard letting us know, "we can get you any place, any time..." (luke's phone rings) it's brian. (phone rings) luke: (into phone) hey, brian. yeah, i know, i'm sorry, i just, i... i wanted to get the guy, but the cops showed up. no, no, no. i got outta there, made myself scarce. okay. yeah, you got it. walter's called an emergency meeting, right now, at the clubhouse. they want me there. parker: well, that's not happening, so relax. you know the dynamics, detective, what's your guess? they're gonna hit back. walter mchale was second in command. now he's the lead, and he is not one to back down from a fight. then we get ahead of it. we bust open their headquarters. kate: we don't have the evidence. these guys are pros. they don't store weapons on site, and they keep their noses clean. 8 months i've been all over them - not one single piece of actionable intel. send me back in. i mean, if we're gonna hit back, i can get a time and place; that's actionable, right? parker: detective, i don't... i don't wanna stop on your case here, but you can't be considering this. everyone in that clubhouse is going to be amped up and on high alert. in his state right now, can your ci keep playing the part? what do you say, luke? you up for this? look, this could be the chance we've been waiting for. get brian, walter, all of them. you gotta let me try. 'kay, let's wire him. he's going in. ed: it gets hot, we can bust that place wide open. parker: spike, jules, all hands on deck. (trucks rumble up, doors bang shut) ed: we got razor wire, crash barriers, cameras at every entrance. leah: door's reinforced steel. jules: yeah, no element of surprise. sam: unless we make our own doors. ed: okay, the north wall's got no cams. we stay out of line of sight. breach charges. jules with me. sam, leah, up top. let's move. luke's belt buckle comes with a mic and a gps tracker, so we can hear everything and know where he is at all times. it doesn't show. not unless you're really, really looking for it. kate: they'll ask you what happened with the bomber. you keep your story simple, stick as close to the truth as possible. distress code is "bad deal." luke: okay, yeah, i got it. bad deal. (testing mic) oh, uh, check, check, check, hello, goodbye. good to go. (running footsteps) parker: luke, my team will be outside. if anything goes wrong, you just stay down, we'll get you out safe, okay? do you know what your job in there is, son? bring down the brigadiers. no. you get us a time and the place of the retaliation and that's it. you get out, all right? you don't go anywhere else, you don't take any assignments, understood? understood. all right. (quietly) okay... (members murmur quietly, pool balls clack) so far so good. we need to talk. now. i'm not liking this. he's okay... he's okay. walter: luke. we got a problem. eddie, standby for my go. alpha team in position. sam: bravo team in position. walter, what's the problem? hey! walter: shut up. luke: brian, come on, what the hell's going on here? the man told you to shut up, luke. walter: (menacing) brian gave you a direct order to stay, so you take off. that guy killed steve, i had to try and get- (wham) parker: alpha team- kate: wait! kate: he hasn't given the signal. he's fine. he gave you an order! are you a brigadier, luke? are you one of us?! look, i know i screwed up. but i did this for steve, for the brigadiers. you don't like that, you better kick me out now. because if someone comes at us again, i'm gonna do the same damn thing. all i needed to hear. get the guys together. that's a brave kid. yeah, he is. parker: look i was meaning to ask... "mrs. a?" luke called you that in the alley. i've known luke for a long time. friend of my son's. luke didn't have an ideal family life, so he came over a lot. you know how that can be. sure. what's your son think of this - you and his friend working together? my son died three years ago. i'm sorry. thank you. was he ill? kate: boating accident. well, that must've been difficult. kate: it was. walter you've all heard what's happened. it's a real shame. it's a tragedy that it had to come to this. this club is at a crossroads - you all know that. we all loved and respected steve. he was our president, our friend, our brother. but he was blind... blind to our enemies, blind to our opportunities... parker: doesn't sound like a war speech, does it? walter: this is the point i was trying to make with steve for months now. many of you have. sorry to say... he never did see the light. i wish that he had, i really do, but take a look around you, gentlemen. see who's here, who isn't here. these are your real brothers, the ones standing beside you right now. everybody else... like i said, crossroads. some of us will be going in one direction, some of us in another. anybody got a problem with that? he's not talking about going to battle. kate: he's talking about taking over. he's talking about a purge. ed: if he's announcing it, it's already in motion. how many targets are still out there? and where? luke: geez, brian... brian: just keep your mouth shut and your head down, okay? you'll be fine. karl's not here. i know. dennis, richard... are they all dead? good work, luke. karl borance, dennis barber, richard breed. who are they? loyalists - of steven miller, the assassinated brigadiers leader - and now marked men. don't ruin the moment. barilla pasta cooks right every time. always al dente for the perfect night. barilla. the choice of italy. with in-wash pre-treaters. to prove how amazing it cleans, we set out to find tough stains. and every mom knows, little league plays... mean major-league stains. and now all is the official detergent of little league baseball. all combines in-wash pre-treaters with its active stainlifters to attack tough grass stains for more cleaning power... than just washing with the leading value detergent and booster combined. give us your worst, we'll give it our all. give us your worst, protmilk vs. omelet (ding!) winner: m-m-m-m-milk! has protein and travels. got protein. can i still get a great deal? yes, there's lots to choose from, but you'd better hurry. they're going fast. 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[ into every life, ] a little fudge must drizzle. new banana drizzled with dark fudge fruit thins. real fruit, real fudge, whole grains. newtons fruit thins. one unique cookie. like dishes that don't fit in the top rack of the dishwasher. come into sears, i'll tell you about our one hand adjuster... on our exclusive kenmore elite dishwasher. it's amazing what'll happen when... tall things have the right space. also amazing, jd power ranks... kenmore elite highest in customer satisfaction. one appliance store helps more people... find savings and solutions than any other. this is sears. and it's not exactly therwhat you might dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt is packed with 12 grams of protein in every 5.3 oz cup. sink your teeth into that. dannon oikos. the new protein. ♪ dannon parker: okay, team, you heard the news. the brigadiers are cleaning house. we've got three targets. spike's sending you photos. ed: spike, home numbers, cell phones. on it. sam: if you wanted to take out three guys without tipping your plan... make sure they're together. and we know these guys love bombs. ed: spike! spike: no answers at home or at work. cell phones are off, but i'm getting a gps ping back from karl borance's phone. he's southeast from here. that's dennis barber's restaurant. it's downtown, lunch hour. pretty brash move. kate: not if they're trying to play it off as a gang war. gives them deniability. parker: well, they've shown they're not worried about collateral damage. ed: let's move. hey, i'm gonna stay back, make sure luke gets out all right. ed: what's going on? i don't know, something about this... ed, you go. i got it. go. parker: winnie, detective andrews' son, what can you tell me about him? evan andrews. died at 17 in a boating accident. the file's sealed because the parties involved were minors at the time. 'kay, contact the officer that was there. maybe he can give us some more information. winnie: sure. spike: team, schematics of the restaurant coming at you. ed: spike, break this down for me. if we're dealing with the same tech, how's this go? spike: real simple; bomber plants the device, waits for the targets to show up, presses a button. jules: it hasn't gone off yet. what does that tell us? best case, someone had a change of heart. more likely... all three of the targets aren't in place yet. so we call ahead, start clearing the place. jules: unless we supervise the evacuation ourselves, it's too risky. patrons start running out of there, it's gonna cue the bomber. he's gonna take out whatever target's are already there. ed: and we show up with the sirens blaring - same story. you all right? yeah. these aren't easy times. had to be done, right? parker: (bangs door shut) okay, let's bring your guy in. kate: hang on. something's up. brian: tell you what... walter and i have a loose end to tie up. you wanna be part of it? i mean, you said you wanted to step up. well, today would be a good day for it - chance to prove yourself to the new regime. luke, no. say no. you know what? never mind. you've had a hell of a day. yeah. i'm in. no. no, no, no. what's he doing? he's giving us walter; that's what he's doing. not the plan, detective. kate: listen to me. this is our chance. they're going on an assassination run. kate: which is why we have to let it play out - to protect the target. parker: you mean arrest your man. kate: yes! yeah, that too. sergeant, nothing that happened today can be traced back to walter. so far he can just walk away from all of it. if he orders this hit, then we've finally got him. my investigation, my call. eddie, ci's on the move and we're following. what's your twenty? boss, we're almost at the restaurant. (vehicle rumbles away) (parker starts truck) hang back, sergeant. tracking signal's strong. we'll follow at a distance. i know you think i'm pushing him, but you really have to trust me. he knows what he's doing and this is what he wants. parker: yeah? how can you be sure of that? kate: because i didn't recruit him. he came to me. he wanted to be a ci? no, he wanted to change his life around. he knew i could help. well, you were the parent in his life. you had mentioned it earlier that he didn't have a very strong home life and that he was at your house a lot. i helped out where i could. he must have been grateful. sometimes. (sirens wail) okay, team, listen up. sam, you're on the trigger man. this guy's gotta have a sight line to the restaurant. i want you to find him and stop him. all right, i'm on it. ed: leah, you're with me. back service door. let's clear the place out quick and quiet without tipping him off. got it! jules, you're out front. no lights, no sirens. you're looking for the targeted bikers. keeping 'em out buys us more time inside. jules: copy. ed: spike? let me guess. i'm on bomb? you're on bomb. kate: there was one summer where evan and luke got jobs at a garage. brian novak was their boss, and when i got wind of his affiliation with the brigadiers, i... i just hit the roof. i went driving over there, and i marched both those boys out, one in each hand. i guess i thought luke got the message, but um... a few months ago, in the middle of the night, luke showed up at the station. kate: luke, it's 2 in the morning. what're you doing here? whose is that? (bracing himself) mine... kate: how long? couple years... i got patched in this week. (kate sighs, horrified) no, no, don't do that. you just joined a violent criminal gang - these are the people i spend my whole life trying to put away. look, i'm in over my head, mrs. a. it's not... it's not at all what i thought it would be. okay... luke: look, i'm a fully patched member of the brigadiers. i've got names, locations, jobs. i can give you all of it. kate: he wanted out... he realized he'd made a mistake, and he wanted my help making things right. walter: (over headset) you gotta be clear about this, luke. you go through this door, you can't come back. you understand that, right? i'm ready. so who are we gonna see, anyway? (grave) ron. who is it? kate: ron mchale. walter's own cousin. not a full-time member, but still involved. always got along with steven, and i should have seen this coming. (into the phone) yeah, i need units at ron mchale's house - plain clothes, unmarked cars - right away. no. go! (door creaks open) (cell phone rings) yep. ron: walter, it's ron. you were right. okay. got it. (phone beeps off) walter: that was ron. he's got company. luke's cover's blown. what're you talking about? it was a set-up, it was a test. they suspected he was wired and they fed us bad intel. no! they would've searched him in the clubhouse. and we would've busted in and saved him. oh my god. (sirens wail) (vehicles roar down alleyway and screech to a halt) let's move! go, go! everyone, can i have your attention please! this is a police emergency. (doors bang shut) i need you to stay calm and exit through the back door, please. exit through the back door! let's go, folks! folks, please, now! do it now! let's go, ladies, let's go! here we go! through the back of the building! it's an emergency, folks! if i can have you up and out! up and out! let's go, people, let's go! spike - there! spike: mr. barber? dennis: yes. spike: this your restaurant? dennis: what's this all about? spike: this your usual table? dennis: yes. you need to get outta here, right now! your lives are in danger. go! go! (into headset) okay, two of the targets are coming out. (explosives scanner chirps) got the bomb! leah: jules, the missing target is richard breed. repeat: the bomber's waiting for richard breed. copy.

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France , Italy , French , Brian Novak , Kate Andrews , Steven Miller , Evan Andrews , El Camino , Dannon Parker , Dannon Oikos , Greg Parker , Walter Mchale , Ron Mchale ,

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