Anytime a joint is injured, has trauma to it, or overuse, it has the potential to become arthritic. And so what were seeing as that with the active sports that people are experiencing today, sometimes. Like bob. He was a sophomore in high school, and that one event had repercussions for his whole life, so that by the time of 40, he was really, really in a lot of pain and discomfort. Ive heard stories about Young Children who play soccer or, you know, lots of different sports, and they get injured. And im wondering if this program would help them if their parents were to add this yoga to their exercise routine. Would that help . I think yoga is valuable for everybody, and its something that can be learned and then practiced on your own. I think its so valuable because it teaches you how to begin to listen to your body, to your mind, to your whole being, and develops an appreciation for how the movements work in the body. Do Something Wonderful for yourself. Help yourself right now, help this station, and give us a call. Heres laurie with more. Thanks, anne. You know, i have to tell you that peggy dramatically changed my notion of yoga. You do not have to bend like a pretzel to do yoga. In fact, i had the privilege of going to one of peggy cappys classes in peterborough, new hampshire, and i was right next to someone who was 89 years old, and she said, laurie, you can do this. And i tell you, i did. Whether its standing tall leaning on a chair, sitting in a chair, this is yoga that you can incorporate as part or your daily routine. And i think the thing you have to do is stick with it day in, day out. Go to that phone, make a membership pledge of 60. We would love to send you the easy yoga workout. Call right now. Theres a great group of volunteers, and theyre standing by for your call. Thanks. The physical aspect is very important in yoga. But what happens over time when someone practices yoga is they come to see that the benefits for the mind are perhaps more profound than the physical benefits. And the physical benefits are pretty remarkable. In the beginning, you notice the physical changes that are really beneficial. But over time, you notice that ah, Something Else is happening. I have a better ability to focus, better ability to bring myself into the present moment rather than worrying or having anxiety about the future, or feeling overwhelmed by past experiences. Another important aspect is it helps develop balance and harmony through all the systems of the body. So it promotes health on the physical aspect, but the mental aspect is just as important. It helps me with balance, which is an issue for me. And ive also felt that yoga has become a part of my reflective meditative side of my life in a way. That this whole business of concentrating on the breathing and being aware of ones body and noticing changes after activity and so on has given me a new kind of awareness. Im sure it has to do with health, but its also just interesting to live with. One of the things that yoga helps with is. Makes you aware of the relationship between what youre doing physically with your body and and whats going on in your mind. So sometimes i connect my head with the rest of my body. And its interesting when you just think in terms of the breath. Thats two ways, right . Breathing in, you might say, breathing in. I think in some way, what does that say to me about the concept of love . What does it say when i breathe out, right . Then if you have two or three things and youre going through a series of motions and youre still. Then youre still exploring, say, faith, hope, and love, and each one comes with a different bodily motion at a different moment. And you say, ahhah. I just spent some time exploring what these words mean. In addition to the physical benefits, there are emotional benefits that yoga provides. Yoga is one of the greatest stress relievers that i know. And there are components of yoga that really help deal with Emotional Trauma and strain. And slowly down to the left. Yoga is a great antidote to stress. And stress is not a friend of people that suffer with arthritis. As you feel stressed, what happens is that you tense up your muscles. You get really tight. And that tension then creates more pain. Pain creates emotional disturbance, and then the more upset you are, the more pain you create. And its a cycle that just continues. All of us at one time or another, and some people more than others, feel run by our minds. The minds constant chatter seems like it seldom slows down. And for many people, its actually hard to be in the present moment, to be aware of whats happening. Deep breathing itself is known to bring about decreased Blood Pressure. And with better breathing, sometimes it even affects sleep. People sleep better once theyre doing a yoga program. I began yoga. I had the good fortune to begin yoga when i was only 21. And as a result of my very first yoga class, i knew this was something i would do for the rest of my life. And coming from that place for myself, having that experience myself, thats what kind of drives me in my teaching. I want. I love teaching first time people. I want people to have that great First Experience with yoga so that they too know that all of the benefits are theirs. I think one thing about yoga is that theres a more calming effect, perhaps a little more peaceful. Im more peaceful with myself, and a little more at ease. He liked it. He liked, i think, being able to move again. And he stayed with it. And so for the past ten years, hes faithfully done yoga probably two to three times a week. And the changes are nothing less than miraculous. Meditation and yoga is your life. There is no separation. Yoga is almost like a cultural feeling. When you come into contact with yoga, it affects all parts of your life. I felt like i had found somewhat of a spiritual home base. Allow the energy to flow. And after about three months of really just doing the breathing with her, because i wasnt Strong Enough to do the gentle stretch exercises, but just doing the breathing, i found a great reduction in my pain. In the mornings, i do get up and i meditate. Not for long. Just about ten minutes. And i do my own personal practice first thing in the morning. And its usually a fairly quiet practice. And it has. Its a flowing practice, just to get the juices flowing. I knew. When i went to that yoga class, i knew i wanted to know more. I knew i wanted it to be part of my life for the rest of my life. I also knew that it filled a spiritual gap that i had, and that id been searching to fill that gap for quite a long time. I just think that yoga has kept me in the best of health. And im so thankful for that. It has made such a difference in my life. People cant believe that i walk with my shoulders back. My balance isnt always the best, but that comes with age. I just cant say enough about yoga and what its done for me. And people say, but, oh, i cant do that now, you know, im too old for that. And i keep telling them that well, youd be surprised. And just let me know when you want to go. Ill take you. Yoga is my life. And i dont think that i would ever miss a day of it. And so its one of the most important things i do every day. Yoga is my life. I feel very alive and healthy. I look at people my age, and some people just seem like theyve given up, that they really arent very comfortable in their body. And i feel tremendously vital. I feel young and full of energy, enthusiasm, and i attribute a lot of that to yoga. Its allowed me to find my true self, which is really the goal of yoga, to find the light within yourself, but to find your true self and be confident in that, and in the decision of being yourself. And then you find that people are just fine with that. So what helps you have a good yoga practice . First of all, yoga poses that are safe and effective. Second is a well thoughtout program. Third is being able to practice from home. And another factor that i think people often neglect is you can invite a friend over, or do it with a Family Member. And then theres a social component to the yoga as well, where you just really enjoy taking care of yourself with somebody. Peggy leads the class with her heart. Shes very aware of everyone in the class and their needs, and while she directs the class, she can very discreetly give adaptations out. And she knows exactly who theyre for, and so do we. But it never feels like, i dont think you can do this, so do it that way. Its always a choice, and its always a wonderful way that she enables us, everyone, to be able to do yoga. Sometimes people are hesitant to start yoga, because they feel like they dont have time in their lives, or they feel like not only are they too busy, but they just cant fit in an extra moment to spare. If someone feels like that theyre going to benefit even more from a yoga practice. Other people say theyre too tired for yoga, they dont have enough energy. And its precisely for that reason that they should begin. Tremendous energy is released internally, and you end up feeling so much better and have more energy and endurance for the other daily activities. My recommendation is for you to focus on what you want. You want a better body. You want to move with more ease. You want to be able to enjoy the activities in life that youve always loved. Turn the torso, come into side facing warrior. Bend that knee. And by adding a little yoga to your day, you bring about a sense of ease on every level of your being. I think we live in an instant culture where were used to having instant results. With yoga, you dont need to be afraid that youre moving too slowly. In fact, i encourage you to slow down, to not expect results overnight. But you will see those results very soon. I think yoga means to me. Its more of a. Its a lifetime learning for me. Im hooked on it now, and its something i can do for the rest of my life. The beauty of this yoga program is that anyone can do it. And what i mean is ive provided three different variations of the poses. You can do the yoga from a seated position, you can do the yoga with the support and aid of a chair for balance and alignment. Or you can do the yoga as a preventative to ward off any problems. My students hear me say all the time, you hold a yoga pose as long as it remains comfortable and steady. If its no longer comfortable or steady, time to come out and just be with the conditions that youve created in the body and be with what your needs are. I myself come from a family that has arthritis all over. Not only my mother and grandmother suffered from arthritis, but now my sisters and my brother also complain. One sister ive shown stretches to, and she said they make all the difference in how her hips feel throughout the day. Youre elated for one thing you know . You just have this feeling. You feel so much better, and everythings moving okay. Voile. I think for sure i would suffer from arthritis had i not been doing yoga my whole adult life. From time to time i have a little twinge, and what i do is just rededicate myself to the poses and activities that i know are going to benefit the circulation, benefit the joint and in no time that twinge is gone. Dont wait. Do it now. Youre never too old. When things might get difficult, it still is a process that lifts my mood. If i am having any frustration or sadness, i get on that mat, or i go to a class. Go to a class with people. Its important to go with people too, not just the personal practice. And it will lift your mood as it lifts your body. Yoga is such a very important part of of my life, because it enhances my wellbeing on every dimension. It also puts me in relationship with the cosmos, with the universe, in a way that is very important to me, where i extend the idea of who i am to a bigger picture. Yoga for me, and the philosophy, helps me understand about the mystery of life, and have appreciation and really awe for the fact that we are alive. And by the practice of yoga, i found my lifes purpose. Such a beautiful program, peggy cappy. Thank you. This was an inspiration, and i hope that its going to inspire you to go to the phone right now and support this Public Television station, and also do something really wonderful for yourself. Because the dvd is just such a treasure trove. And tell us about some of the things that make it different from anything else. This dvd is different, as are all my programs, because i start with a warmup. And this one has warmup for the whole body, but then one specially for the hands and wrists. And its important because i was trained as a dancer early on and a dancer would never not honor the body by warming up before going into a combination. And so i use that gentle approach. But whats interesting is that so much can be worked in in the warmups themselves. We use both halves of the brain, so its a brain exercise, as we sometimes do figure eight movements, or infinity symbol movements. Well, this would be great for somebody who suffered from stroke, or. I learned that information from someone who did suffer from a stroke, yeah, so its very good. Thats fantastic. And then there are 95 minutes of workout programs on this dvd. So you can do this in the comfort of your own home. Go to your phone and support it right now, wont you . Thank you. Thanks, anne. You know, peggy created this special because she wanted to help alleviate the symptoms of the leading cause of disability in the United States. But i think the tendency is when you feel pain, do nothing. But the fact is, you need to move. And im telling you, the best way to move is go to that phone, get off the couch, make a wonderful membership pledge of 60, and we will send you the dvd. This dvd includes the broadcast show you just saw. But what you will love is it also includes 95 minutes of home workouts. There are three varieties of poses that youll see. You can do it standing, you can do it seated, and you can also do it just holding onto a chair. You will love this. Trust me a few sessions and it will dramatically change your life. So go to that phone, make a pledge right now, and were going back over to anne. Thanks, laurie. Pbs helps you follow your individual passions, like the people in the yoga for Arthritis Program that youve just seen. We offer ideas, models, advice and practical guidance to help you discover your place in life. You can explore the really big issues, like identity and religion, or you can learn a handson skill. Were here to provide resources to inspire everyone to realize their inner potential, and lead fulfilling and enriching lives. Support quality Public Television today. Here are ways that we can say thanks when you do. With one out of every three adults suffering from the pain of arthritis, it may be time for you to join the thousands who have made yoga a way of life. When you contribute 60 to your Public Television station, well send you the easy yoga for arthritis dvd with our thanks. Its made me more flexible, more able to do everything i want to do. The dvd includes the 40minute program youve been enjoying, and more than 95 minutes of home workout programs. Learn safe and effective ways to reduce pain and increase your mobility. Its the perfect introduction to yoga for those challenged by arthritis or the stiffness that comes with age or injury. Ive been able to still consider. Pursue hiking, walking, golf, things of that nature. So yoga has helped restore some of my lifes activities that i used to enjoy before. You too can change your life. And for your 100 donation well send you the easy yoga for arthritis dvd and peggy cappys deep relaxation for stress cd. Give us a call now, or contribute on our secure web site. The yoga poses help bring increased circulation to the joints, and thats very important. Its kind of like the motor oil for the body. When you think about it, one in three people have arthritis and yet only one percent of them are actually doing something beyond taking medications. We wanted this show to inspire you to get off that couch, do gentle easy yoga for arthritis. For just five dollars a month, you can make a 60 contribution, and we will send the dvd right out to you. You will love it. More than 95 minutes of home workout with three varieties of poses seated, standing, or holding a chair. Or why decide . Lets have the 100 dvd and cd gift combo. You will love this. This will teach you to relax. And this is the program that you can follow every day for the rest of your life. So go to the phone right now. Weve got great volunteers standing by, and right now were going back over to anne and peggy. You know, peggy, one of the things that i found so heartwarming and so inspiring in this program is to see these people who started off not being able to do anything, and they seem to be getting so much better. What are the cumulative effects of doing yoga . Well, personally i think were all getting younger by doing yoga. But there is something that happens. Once you start taking care of yourself and you start feeling better on every level, then youll be able to think about your family in a way that takes care of them. And soon its youre thinking about your community, and finally the whole environment. And were really attuned to the needs of our planet today. And i think it starts first with being able to take care of yourself, and to give yourself the nurturing and the care and the support that your body needs to be its best so that you can go forth and do whatever your passions lead you to. You know, and this sounds exactly like what were actually doing here by creating programs like this and showing them to people and sharing with them what they can do, how they can make their own lives better. So when youre watching these programs and then youre calling and youre making a donation and asking for the program for yourself, youre going to get so much better and so much stronger, but so is your community, because youre supporting Public Television. This is why youve come to Public Television for all five of your specials. Well, its my passion to do yoga, and its my passion to teach yoga, and thats what i can do this way. So pick up the telephone and give us a call right now, and give your support. Heres laurie. You know, Public Television is different from other businesses. In fact, you know, it might be easier to think of it more like a coop, because everyone has a stake here at the station. Some of our funding comes from sponsors, another portion comes from the corporation for public broadcasting, but, you know, the bulk of it comes from you, our viewers, who make annual financial gifts. Its worked this way for decades, and what we like best about this model is theres really a sense of ownership and responsibility that it gives to you, our supporters. So please consider what you can do right now. Get started with a gift of just five dollars or ten dollars a month, whatever is c