Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News In The Morning 20161104 : com

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News In The Morning 20161104

in the separately will be close it will reopen by 8:00 p.m. on saturday.eo pick investigation the one must grossing more history live in the field this we legal hillary can't be trusted be trusted we learn. ie alo stake it's ath this is theh person on the campaign trail first you to motivate young gira that is the core of this campaign is the clock is hopes of her friends federal before theth election is going to be inb stacy fry the latest. foxy few we're said the number . it is a political rope will cal from the campaign ofo judge joa seven bird. and the calls are made by a service of the campaign. the use of the indians caller i not authorized. again at ignition that reflect onre her 12 years of service as the judge. >> weather and traffic every eight minutes coming up. >> police are fearing the worst of itit they find a woman chain up inside a storage locker. the latest on the man himself -- who heldm her captive. driving and rusher traffic and make the most experienced drive heart raced it up next, we will let you know what happened when traffic and went the wrong way. scott, good morning. >> we have temperatures in the 50s in cleveland. fortys in the south. i here at the on radar. it's going to stay that way through early next week. temperatures will drop slightly. we can forecast high school football coming up in a few minutes. a couple things happening,oo ma your coverage of the the number one health care for 22 years a row. i alone can fix it! bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. blood coming out of her... wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... she's a slob... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! priorities usa action is responsible good morning. we of the. download the weather app in our forecast discussion with two weather outlook outlook posted online because directory temperatures instead. playing larry onene on my weathr again to get the idea. their wind is also lake mostly clear skies. look what have you thoughtt i probably encounter that there i the way and the forecast, something not wintry we did the south. guild the upper 30s. morning and giving way to mostl sunny skies on saturday said that, monday and temperatures i thanks a lot, scott. virtually readad to thatki if you're headed westbou. in a fatal accident lancaster, the medical examiner stretched it determine this president is the television was averted with fan on october 17. overhear his body with intensit of the ground. southern sixth of the city up t getting calls about shots firedi they're were no students on boardrd and the driver was hurt. convention. the and nearby a woman who had been missing forn two months w found changed -- chain inside a medical storage very presley could be a half. a registered sex offender is ou is a case. his from a church group terraces were around the child and debris stops. did they do some of the circle stay with us. to products -- up. after it was killed her at 5:28 this the westbound side has close. is from for:22 is open for westbound traffic so while one lane. boycott is moreover already left the scene. bases are weatherwise but how i that whether looking?lo >> thanks very much. light north win keeping us the 50s through this surge of the were you like part in mansfield area through. any sort crew crew will certainly support the surrounds of the week for a ver hand. congratulations. those fans were heading home pick congratulations, great plus two in the campaign trail. gcin were just having fun. it's a friday. we're just make yourself happy. we should be coming up for it. if it is back, we are okay. we are mourning. is black today? >> no. that's why she wanted to wear black. n she sent a aren't residents sellings -- >> i am actually file cars. >> here so she's going to be there. ab federal up the red cover for christie capel. >> i'm not going to send spiderwebs, by the way. power football banquet and i'm one of the coaches, you cannot be thene. my wife said it off. >> it was mul l here. work with me here. look at the temperatures. we are generally in the lower 50 50s.i yesterday's forecast was picked upst the rain moved out. temperatures yesterday 68 and normal high from november and normal high at the end of the month is 44. widespread fog further south an temperatures and they are -- painesville at 50 and three and wesley down to west salem and 4 in medina. so the light north went is goin to continue their most the morning is going to be did you to driveveos off the leg and th fought with -- quickly burn off. temperatures are generally in the lower 50s. for tonight mostly clear and whitete -- the fog tomorrow morning giving way to a beautiful day future radar. lookup quiet it is.. the sticks it all the way through sunday in and mondayck. highs will steadily climb into the s lower 60s. probably in the monday the way this is working out. we get lost bike on election day. this going to be week front, just a 20 percent chance of a shower pretty stuckch going to electiono day. took play with bad weather, it won't happen on tuesday. and good chance of rain. there is some maps showing cold and warmer all over the place.s i don't want to walk the plank yet.' the last day -- sorry but thatat. what is he, chopped liver. we all know how dark it is. >> unfortunately we had this fa over there in gia conti. 422 westbound is closed. a pedestrian was struck and killed this morning. consider through and up in the westbound want eastbound side. so women in the eastbound side will be first down for the westbound -- this is 90 over by 22nd and the -- we're still moving pretty well. seventy-one and 40 maybe we're going to the airport a today. no problems right now. and retail for next in the clearing stages, thisa is for 9 eastbound is the head toward 55th. it's actually before 77.7. as you know it is the last friday before election today. the national poll shows races coming down to the wire. >> they're pulling out all the steps with day and some big money. stacy fry is live where there will be at the campaign event tonight that is right. clinton pope be here as well an according tond cbs news, beyon? is going to make an appearance. clinton trying to motivate youn black votersng was the key demographic for president obama most of the selections. the president doingng his part motivate those in voters as well. >> pictures could not be cleara because donald trump, don't move move. don't move. don't move.. you guys know that. you already knew that.h you can't move. he can hear you moving. >> big names, big money. it's coming down to the wire an hillary clinton has been -- over a late searching donald trump.ov 46-42 percent. there'll crisscrossing the country. 's wife hasn't deliver speech since the national convention. jamaican appearance pennsylvania. this and i know so well, donald trump, with your help and got guys will make america great again. of star power to support and help motivate young voters . cher will be in boston. we've got upb on job we tomorro in florida and also katie. and steve. will be in -- shall be back again on sunday and donald trump will be in the cincinnati area today . looks like that is lost and he >> stacy fry reporting live. an update on the campaign this morning. thanknk you very much. meanwhile as you knowo, will th tribe didn't of on top,. >> some local businesses is to to he thousands of billions watch the indians face-off against the cubs.wa >> fans for the downtown to the world series, packing watch parties onp comes and spending bait. >> one been told me it's cheape for them to come to cleveland, by a ticket, get a hold tell room, party, that it is a good game package back over. >> the club manager says it feels crippled three world series games, in my with thehe finals. >> it's been great, not just fo bartenders there is still series extends far beyond the ballpark. is $73 million economic impact in downtown cleveland. $ >> there's a significant occupancies. our restaurants we're packed. >> 2,000 hotel rooms were absen downtown at the republican convention, all world series. >> many of the hotelsls downtow were fully booked. they were able to charge a premium. >> this reports double. most people traveling to downtown cleveland during this >> that 2016 is done for this neighborhood. >> in cleveland, fox 8 news. >> the annual wayne dawson celebrity both on is tomorrow. we don't need to miss out on al the fun that it has been . aj, hard to believe. members of the family and not herem take a look at this innovative space and and going to be usingi he had two. 's the display -- more information is our website is so great that people can't. -- and it is your event. you >> the fireplace? >> that beautiful mind. 6:37 is your time right now. >> you can do it tomorrow. is a game 0-tback in the usuall with these terms.n millennial votes. up on survivor, the millennials against somebodyi else but are even know what a millennial lives. >> a millennial, by the way, it generation y. get that generation x then you hade the millennials that would've graduated round the time of the millennium, which was 2000. that's how you do it. math homework a lot of you want. duke was severus millions open. if you will be serious of the ball something you rest. >> you could do appreciate it. >> an update on your weather is good news is -- how us alone his mates over a for accusers coming forward to say there is sexuallyin assault by donald trump. everyone is getting dressed the origins of dressing room of contestants, soliciting of 15, we're changing.kiht uh... i can't say that either. alright, good. welcome back to fox 8 news in thek morning. panel accident this morning. eightde -- westbound traffic and get through and they're sharing the eastbound side of 422. stick the highways and you will see 271 and broadwaygh no probl. he is gobbled up there and no reason for them to an -- is been cleared away. plus the road work today. the going to be working during ther . -- rakas to qu?bec to you. >> think you. inpatients of the seventh of march of this post look at the surprise of a lot of time with some of the favorite a person euros in by to say hello.o get it was lots of sweet treats there's the and seeing thompkin throw. to think that is the most. the current workers us at her picture following cupcakes to brussels compile. that they would vote is called the bus driver to save the day. however the eastbound side of the concert will be tonight hillary clinton pulling out all the star power h for young black voters here info cuyahoga county queue for her to win the state of ohio estate is leaning in the donald trump way jay-z will be performing here please they will be cap out the vote there is here to. >> it was last friday they started giving out free tickets thousand startedvi lining up for those. volunteers there they are encouraging rate over fte to cast an early vote up for paul's nationwide are tightening the fbi's look fbi is looking into hillary clinton has hillary leading 42 clinton's large weekend to a screeching halt when the fbi director announced that tec he s reviewing e-mails that could or could not be connected to hillary. >> it was reported that an coming in. the fbi agents say they are investigation is likela to yield an indictment. >> imagine having a president who demeans women, mocks marks the disabled, insults latinos, latinas, african-americans, muslims l, pows, who penned peoe against each other and instead of and set up instead of pulling us togetherr >> donald trump campaign in the cincinnati area according to the schedule he has opened for hillary clinton will be here at the jay-z concert tonight. bon jovi in florida for her tomorrow stevie wonder and katie. both in philadelphia saturday. and >> there are tickets still available. they are free. you do need a ticketh and then the one on superior downtown. >> in northeast ohio judges apologizing this morning for a horrible comics wearable comics up after some gotngg phone calls that appears to be from appeared to be from the cleveland indians. b and says it was from the indians. so her campaign manager says there is no probleh police officer on trial this morning for murder. why the mother of a man shot and killed does not believe the x officer feels any more remorse. >> plus, drug dealer badly beaten with ther about. how one man took the law into his h own hands and the judges warning for others this morning w. >> the temperatures are starting to climb already in the lower 50s here in cleveland and running 13 ?- 14 degrees colder further south with fog. we take a look at election day whether in just a weather in will come back to fox eight news in the morning trying a vigil last night, the victim's mother says she so she does not believet,im the officer about the shootings, you are meeting face-to-face with them what is going to your through your mind? >> that thise man murdered my son, and he has no remorse.y he thinks nothing of it. >> a memorial was taken down earlier this week before jurors visit the site on tuesday prosecutor said it was to avoid >> he was convicted of polonius assault for attacking the drug dealer with a baseball bat last december told jurors he acted a little aggressively because he was trying to protect his family. the judge warned people notju to take the law into their own hands. >> i am in no way support what he did. i appreciate the frus support or condone vigil ante just us. >> the victim admits he is a herointi addict and says the attackd knocked out all of them teeth the most am blind and what i mean while his had hundreds of letters and online, supporting his actions. >> the state departmentonon plao release an additional 350 e-mails into e-mail clinton's private server theycl released e court order nearly 1300 werewe primarily duplicates of earlier materials but many were e-mails from 2010 discussing the wikileaks release of 250,000 messages. >> donald trump's wife gave her first speech since yesterday malani out trump says cyber bullying and social media will be one of the main first lady. >> it is not okay when a 12 -year-old girll o or boy is buld or attacked and that happens on the playground is absolutely unacceptable. >> trump also talks about emigrating to the united states start at 11 >> it doesn't matter how many people did they say? i am looking back 2 million people we needed need to top thato 7:13 a.m. is your time right few days closing out on 60. and what happened yesterday was a rapid clearing. temperatures earlier in the day fall back into the 60s normal high as 56 normal high at the end of the month is 44 is the temperatures drop further south south of booster we've had areas of fog.os forty-one light northwind from westlake out to lorraine sandusky at 49 in the overall outlook with the light northwind during some of those polled south with the lake water temperature is running well above normal such a warm summera with one of the warmest summers and falls on record i have not easily and that means the lake will stay warm when we start to see our firstly cold winter time of year before the end of the year it's not looking like that now. fifty-one should do it tonight some fog early tomorrow highs around 58. timeclock for sunday showing no organized weather system within a mile excuse me a thousand miles of i with the slow warm-ups back to the 60s sellers through sunday and that is through sunday and then you see s the temperature trend to continue through monday >> there's a percentage of probability a little jump on election day there day there is a week frontnt as i from the thursday chance of a shower by friday conflicting maps now maybe i will do it on monday, but i am not doing it now. i maybe tuesday. >> it is the ratings books, so we've got to keep them coming back thank you. 7:17 a.m. is >> let's keep them plugged in. free for all friday how is dick goddard i doing is he doing oka? >> these doing better hoping to get him inho here in november hb discount his final forecast coming up even though we don't like it it is newsve. >> our duty. >> we are really glad to have you back, christie. >> by the wayc she is back if yu the promo a you doing one of the one of these all good could the 521st game seven was a home game for the cubsme trading progressive into wrigley and we should ban political commerciald from sports >> my washington tigers begin their mission on tuesday in double anddss good luck to all e football teams. here are some voicemails before we go.he >> i never bet on sports but i got interested in lebron james back here and then i get interested in the indians. the indians don't have nothing. .-dot ##i don't think it's funny as integer shows you how illiterate we are this computer thing nobody can even sign their names. it's a shamey if got to go back to school to learn to sign your name. >> free for all friday anything you want to talk about? >> nineteen minutes after 7:00 o'clock right now. >> good morning. good morning, and over here who is blue. when we come back, lots to show you guys in the toured with some amazing stuff. own welcoming cleveland's own. >> this is it -month-old eight and from akron's parents say he is ae very happy and loving baby who loves to crawl and explore everything.lo upload a pictureo and maybe we will grab good morning, everyone we are in the design area. entertaining by design tomato are all with these different things i am hanging out actually. >> where you from. >> i am from cleveland to the west sidede tell us about your table and that was an aviation toth how he would time with the best different and this is what we came up with. >> and you created the stars literally. >> those naturally. and the fabric that you see on theirab with a few people workig on it and then we talk about some of the accents we see. >> yes. fortunately one of our designing systems was with theh pilot. so i kind of rated is storage area and thomas would propl >> on over here we see the bombers trackers. >> the bomber jacket that sounds and also the trump suit below are the accident we have a propeller. that was actually from does the pilot was okay but it was the cleveland airshow . >> let's talk about that tables >> everybody and loves gold and that is with the 1930s as well >> as the menus are pretty we have dinnerware and everything is pretty exciting. okay, you guys here at the design center center happening this weekend it is amazing these tables are out of this world >> thank you, kenny. >> if you just got up at is 725 the business of baseball how much money the world series games brought into downtown bars and hotels and restaurants. >> i have no idea we're going to win. plus, a taboo tattoos. how an indians alan indians fan plans to fix his world series. >> welcome back to fox eight news is your time right nowht oa friend in friday night in the city and we are kings americans seem to be kings of the world.em 7:29 a.m. i am kristi capel. >> it is almost 730. the clear sky with reports of fog the into chagrin falls in the open countrysidee of central ashtabua county 51 and eastlake no other better organized systems this weekend this trend continues there early next week and it is running well above normal we are not anticipating temperatures to drop year significantly although once we start to see the temperatures drop fi we will talk more about that inor the weeks ahead and nw they are impacting are really winter forecast it is chilly, but notice the sunshine which will be with us through the weekendh and early next week. >> fortunately we havey the rod closed over in geauga county for beginning tonight at seven this will not reopen until saturday beyonc? will make an appearance we count on the spot all four days to the election with hillary clinton and donald trumy maybe we will see even more history made in the next few is a survivor discounts. working hard to inspire and motivate the young vote for youngot graphic and both of thee elections also they go of this hard itas was on a total loss. s local businesses cashed in on the tens of thousands of fans watching the tribe. each postpo game brought an estimated $3 million to downtown cleveland. the manager of the tripled during the world seriesl about as much is the nba finals, and more than 2,000 hotel rooms were booked charging as much is three times the normal rate.u >> when cubs fan told me it's cheaper for them tos come to cleveland, biojector, get a hotel room, party, then it is to go to a game back in chicago. >> uber reports tripled the and they say the number toppled doubled. >> we are getting ready for football and a in a special play additionon> of the friday night touchdown. that will be tonight at liquid stadium. more than a dozen backups once again we ask you to join us at 11:00 o'clock right >> if you are just getting up 7:35 a.m. excuse me 7:35 a.m. is your time. >> we are getting plugged in with your thoughts on these free for all friday. and the indians dawson foundation with winter coats and hats and gloves for students. we've got some divide night bowling contest and check this out ?- a new space p are going to be using. here's the thing ?- t it is more than just a bowling alley it is a conference center the menu is off the chain. great food no doubt. it is available for rent also the event runs from three until 6:00 p.m. tomorrow. christie capel will be there. >> that's one reason to be there we will be right back. stay this is way back. nwa going way back. >> ?? top english right about now. >> a special concert for hillary joke thisi jay-z and beyonc?. nwa are not even together anymore . >> where they inducted into the rock 'n roll hall of fame last year? time to get plugged in e were doing the seventh-inning stretch. did you do take me out to the ball came ballgame as a thing? it is t friday it let's get out some of the comments. has not been working out his looking cap under his shirt this morning or maybe it is just his beard starting have you been working out a lot? another comment why was everyone watching the cubs to wanting the cubs to win i investigated apparently they were giving updates when the .as cheering >> i found that a lot with the celebrities on social media. i guess. >> mla that came in a challenge patty harkinin to the best of three games at wayne's both on i don't know if that is going to make a but if she does your some voicemails that came >> i was sorry to hear governor k- have i do not call list for telemarketers is there i do not call a do not call was for political campaignersno it is kd too bad they sell their tickets for saw their tickets for the almighty dollar. ti that is how you get all the rose for of us for a free for all friday wonder woman going back into the spotlight and i don't mean christie capel although she has beenha confused for mistaken for wonder woman. >> ra. we look at the trailer for the upcoming new film straightahead. >> take ane live look outside we will see how the weather is shaping up for your t friday and weekend traffic with patty when ?? ?? live in our studio hugely popular for r&b band here in ohio out they cover all music hear from the 70s to the present day. checke them out a hold of chagrin falls on saturday, november 12 at 8:00 p.m. >> and there is a cool down just a little around 50 here at fox 852 is the temperature in the last five minutes. fortys to the south partly sunny highs will generally stay in the upper 50s. upper 50s lower 60s this weekend we are looking pretty goodth here through mondy outside chance of a quick shower an election they should nothro a major issue. fiftys wednesday rain next thursday as temperatures remain in thehh middle 50s. 7:46 a.m. time for traffic with patty. >> good morning. unfortunately we still have the fatal accident this morning if you want to go westbound theyan have one of the westbound delays wings broadway and to 71 jennings freeway also cutting one southbound lane will be delayed >> it is 7:47 a.m. that is our time right now time to kick it with kenny crumpton. i know a beautiful austrian themed table printing worked on this table very nice. these are just a few of the tables you will see at this event.o this is table. seven of the most influential people this designer thinks would be tremendous to have. the table stays here another woman to take my man's love ??an making it easy. >> good morning you are listening to the benjamin so local r&b band salt rock and jazzzz from the 70s to today. they will be playing saturday november 12 in chagrin falls. speaking of getting cranky of the funkiest designers we've had all morning tell me the name of your studio. >> john cook design in that new lens design let's talk about the theme of your table. >> the theme is northern lightsu and scandinavian feast we decided to bring everybody to theev table and have a 20-foot everyone together to celebrate for the holidays. >> let's talk about the setting from the silverware to the charger to the plate. >> we have setting dishwareto ad fine cutlery including plants that were salvaged from pieces we own and designer trim work making the table look comfortable but yet you us welcoming to our guests we always want to make sure there's another space bar all of them that it is trending and out this is a custom-designed t tabe for us we constructed it in the room to get it in here. we just wanted it to feel like you don'o have the florals and the candles and bring everybody togetherd u don't have to have all matching chairs you just want them to gather to gather and celebrate. >> added to gather your northern lights?r >> these are cast infused custom infused into our artworkk from tempered glass and this is a local artist from 70s 70 it street studios hand blown glass we like to support local and they made this just for our display. >> entertainment for design happening today and tomorrow. and then finally tell us all from molly taylor in hudson weng make it nice and casual with a welcoming environment and she certainly did >> this kind of goes with your outdoor themes from i can't scandinavian been does not have to be black and white we wanted warm beautiful have you are such trend very striking way images think it needsds to have more warmth. >> you guys did a great job. thank you very much.h. we are going to go back to you guys at the events happening today and tomorroww check it out. >> this table could fit in wayne dawson's living room. >> you may need to actually.. >> time to support our family is news has your only news weather and traffic until 10:00 a.m. >> the candidates are pulling out all the stops:0 and in some cases the stars jay-z will be in cleveland today with a free concertnd in support of hillary clinton i will tell you about tickets as well as the latest on thisla day of the election. >> just one of the things you can talk about for your free for about. >> clear skies with lake driven clouds. a perfect morning herer are crisp day for fall. we will talk more about the weekend, election day forecastfare and te upcoming days ahead. all of them put together. >> okay. thanks. >> coming up at a, eight, we're talking turkey with cranberry polled tasty squares. seven of the world series. all good morning, cleveland and all of northeast ohio. it is a friday morninghe in the city the fourth day of november, 2016. thank you for joining us. >> stephanie is off today out today let's check out> scott fr asc look at your forecast. >> a nice crisp morning low 52 degrees here at fox eight and there's 15 degrees cooler than that out here and 12 degrees difference. and we're down into thee lower 40s 50 in westlake and eastlake temperatures in the lower 50s with mansfield in the lower 40s. full forecast looks relatively quiet we are not anticipating any weather systems once the temperatures go up most ofe that while shut down pretty quick not anticipating any major problems today with forecast is generally in the lower 50s. the eight day is coming up in about 15 minutes. traffic time with patty. >> good morning. a couple of problems soon lookout for to look out for soon lookout for as you step out the door inbound on o reports of an accident down towards mlk talking to cleveland fire and police they were headed to the scene. unfortunately we still

Related Keywords

Cuyahoga County , Ohio , United States , West Salem , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Akron , Cleveland , Turkey , Florida , Painesville , Boston , Massachusetts , Geauga County , Jamaica , Austria , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Cincinnati , Mansfield , Mexico , Salt Rock , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , America , Jamaican , Mexican , Austrian , Hudson Weng , Wayne Dawson , Molly Taylor , John Cook , Patty Harkin , Christie Capel , Lebron James , Dick Goddard , Kristi Capel , Gia Conti , Hillary Clinton , Kenny Crumpton ,

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Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News In The Morning 20161104 :

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News In The Morning 20161104

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in the separately will be close it will reopen by 8:00 p.m. on saturday.eo pick investigation the one must grossing more history live in the field this we legal hillary can't be trusted be trusted we learn. ie alo stake it's ath this is theh person on the campaign trail first you to motivate young gira that is the core of this campaign is the clock is hopes of her friends federal before theth election is going to be inb stacy fry the latest. foxy few we're said the number . it is a political rope will cal from the campaign ofo judge joa seven bird. and the calls are made by a service of the campaign. the use of the indians caller i not authorized. again at ignition that reflect onre her 12 years of service as the judge. >> weather and traffic every eight minutes coming up. >> police are fearing the worst of itit they find a woman chain up inside a storage locker. the latest on the man himself -- who heldm her captive. driving and rusher traffic and make the most experienced drive heart raced it up next, we will let you know what happened when traffic and went the wrong way. scott, good morning. >> we have temperatures in the 50s in cleveland. fortys in the south. i here at the on radar. it's going to stay that way through early next week. temperatures will drop slightly. we can forecast high school football coming up in a few minutes. a couple things happening,oo ma your coverage of the the number one health care for 22 years a row. i alone can fix it! bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. blood coming out of her... wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... she's a slob... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! priorities usa action is responsible good morning. we of the. download the weather app in our forecast discussion with two weather outlook outlook posted online because directory temperatures instead. playing larry onene on my weathr again to get the idea. their wind is also lake mostly clear skies. look what have you thoughtt i probably encounter that there i the way and the forecast, something not wintry we did the south. guild the upper 30s. morning and giving way to mostl sunny skies on saturday said that, monday and temperatures i thanks a lot, scott. virtually readad to thatki if you're headed westbou. in a fatal accident lancaster, the medical examiner stretched it determine this president is the television was averted with fan on october 17. overhear his body with intensit of the ground. southern sixth of the city up t getting calls about shots firedi they're were no students on boardrd and the driver was hurt. convention. the and nearby a woman who had been missing forn two months w found changed -- chain inside a medical storage very presley could be a half. a registered sex offender is ou is a case. his from a church group terraces were around the child and debris stops. did they do some of the circle stay with us. to products -- up. after it was killed her at 5:28 this the westbound side has close. is from for:22 is open for westbound traffic so while one lane. boycott is moreover already left the scene. bases are weatherwise but how i that whether looking?lo >> thanks very much. light north win keeping us the 50s through this surge of the were you like part in mansfield area through. any sort crew crew will certainly support the surrounds of the week for a ver hand. congratulations. those fans were heading home pick congratulations, great plus two in the campaign trail. gcin were just having fun. it's a friday. we're just make yourself happy. we should be coming up for it. if it is back, we are okay. we are mourning. is black today? >> no. that's why she wanted to wear black. n she sent a aren't residents sellings -- >> i am actually file cars. >> here so she's going to be there. ab federal up the red cover for christie capel. >> i'm not going to send spiderwebs, by the way. power football banquet and i'm one of the coaches, you cannot be thene. my wife said it off. >> it was mul l here. work with me here. look at the temperatures. we are generally in the lower 50 50s.i yesterday's forecast was picked upst the rain moved out. temperatures yesterday 68 and normal high from november and normal high at the end of the month is 44. widespread fog further south an temperatures and they are -- painesville at 50 and three and wesley down to west salem and 4 in medina. so the light north went is goin to continue their most the morning is going to be did you to driveveos off the leg and th fought with -- quickly burn off. temperatures are generally in the lower 50s. for tonight mostly clear and whitete -- the fog tomorrow morning giving way to a beautiful day future radar. lookup quiet it is.. the sticks it all the way through sunday in and mondayck. highs will steadily climb into the s lower 60s. probably in the monday the way this is working out. we get lost bike on election day. this going to be week front, just a 20 percent chance of a shower pretty stuckch going to electiono day. took play with bad weather, it won't happen on tuesday. and good chance of rain. there is some maps showing cold and warmer all over the place.s i don't want to walk the plank yet.' the last day -- sorry but thatat. what is he, chopped liver. we all know how dark it is. >> unfortunately we had this fa over there in gia conti. 422 westbound is closed. a pedestrian was struck and killed this morning. consider through and up in the westbound want eastbound side. so women in the eastbound side will be first down for the westbound -- this is 90 over by 22nd and the -- we're still moving pretty well. seventy-one and 40 maybe we're going to the airport a today. no problems right now. and retail for next in the clearing stages, thisa is for 9 eastbound is the head toward 55th. it's actually before 77.7. as you know it is the last friday before election today. the national poll shows races coming down to the wire. >> they're pulling out all the steps with day and some big money. stacy fry is live where there will be at the campaign event tonight that is right. clinton pope be here as well an according tond cbs news, beyon? is going to make an appearance. clinton trying to motivate youn black votersng was the key demographic for president obama most of the selections. the president doingng his part motivate those in voters as well. >> pictures could not be cleara because donald trump, don't move move. don't move. don't move.. you guys know that. you already knew that.h you can't move. he can hear you moving. >> big names, big money. it's coming down to the wire an hillary clinton has been -- over a late searching donald trump.ov 46-42 percent. there'll crisscrossing the country. 's wife hasn't deliver speech since the national convention. jamaican appearance pennsylvania. this and i know so well, donald trump, with your help and got guys will make america great again. of star power to support and help motivate young voters . cher will be in boston. we've got upb on job we tomorro in florida and also katie. and steve. will be in -- shall be back again on sunday and donald trump will be in the cincinnati area today . looks like that is lost and he >> stacy fry reporting live. an update on the campaign this morning. thanknk you very much. meanwhile as you knowo, will th tribe didn't of on top,. >> some local businesses is to to he thousands of billions watch the indians face-off against the cubs.wa >> fans for the downtown to the world series, packing watch parties onp comes and spending bait. >> one been told me it's cheape for them to come to cleveland, by a ticket, get a hold tell room, party, that it is a good game package back over. >> the club manager says it feels crippled three world series games, in my with thehe finals. >> it's been great, not just fo bartenders there is still series extends far beyond the ballpark. is $73 million economic impact in downtown cleveland. $ >> there's a significant occupancies. our restaurants we're packed. >> 2,000 hotel rooms were absen downtown at the republican convention, all world series. >> many of the hotelsls downtow were fully booked. they were able to charge a premium. >> this reports double. most people traveling to downtown cleveland during this >> that 2016 is done for this neighborhood. >> in cleveland, fox 8 news. >> the annual wayne dawson celebrity both on is tomorrow. we don't need to miss out on al the fun that it has been . aj, hard to believe. members of the family and not herem take a look at this innovative space and and going to be usingi he had two. 's the display -- more information is our website is so great that people can't. -- and it is your event. you >> the fireplace? >> that beautiful mind. 6:37 is your time right now. >> you can do it tomorrow. is a game 0-tback in the usuall with these terms.n millennial votes. up on survivor, the millennials against somebodyi else but are even know what a millennial lives. >> a millennial, by the way, it generation y. get that generation x then you hade the millennials that would've graduated round the time of the millennium, which was 2000. that's how you do it. math homework a lot of you want. duke was severus millions open. if you will be serious of the ball something you rest. >> you could do appreciate it. >> an update on your weather is good news is -- how us alone his mates over a for accusers coming forward to say there is sexuallyin assault by donald trump. everyone is getting dressed the origins of dressing room of contestants, soliciting of 15, we're changing.kiht uh... i can't say that either. alright, good. welcome back to fox 8 news in thek morning. panel accident this morning. eightde -- westbound traffic and get through and they're sharing the eastbound side of 422. stick the highways and you will see 271 and broadwaygh no probl. he is gobbled up there and no reason for them to an -- is been cleared away. plus the road work today. the going to be working during ther . -- rakas to qu?bec to you. >> think you. inpatients of the seventh of march of this post look at the surprise of a lot of time with some of the favorite a person euros in by to say hello.o get it was lots of sweet treats there's the and seeing thompkin throw. to think that is the most. the current workers us at her picture following cupcakes to brussels compile. that they would vote is called the bus driver to save the day. however the eastbound side of the concert will be tonight hillary clinton pulling out all the star power h for young black voters here info cuyahoga county queue for her to win the state of ohio estate is leaning in the donald trump way jay-z will be performing here please they will be cap out the vote there is here to. >> it was last friday they started giving out free tickets thousand startedvi lining up for those. volunteers there they are encouraging rate over fte to cast an early vote up for paul's nationwide are tightening the fbi's look fbi is looking into hillary clinton has hillary leading 42 clinton's large weekend to a screeching halt when the fbi director announced that tec he s reviewing e-mails that could or could not be connected to hillary. >> it was reported that an coming in. the fbi agents say they are investigation is likela to yield an indictment. >> imagine having a president who demeans women, mocks marks the disabled, insults latinos, latinas, african-americans, muslims l, pows, who penned peoe against each other and instead of and set up instead of pulling us togetherr >> donald trump campaign in the cincinnati area according to the schedule he has opened for hillary clinton will be here at the jay-z concert tonight. bon jovi in florida for her tomorrow stevie wonder and katie. both in philadelphia saturday. and >> there are tickets still available. they are free. you do need a ticketh and then the one on superior downtown. >> in northeast ohio judges apologizing this morning for a horrible comics wearable comics up after some gotngg phone calls that appears to be from appeared to be from the cleveland indians. b and says it was from the indians. so her campaign manager says there is no probleh police officer on trial this morning for murder. why the mother of a man shot and killed does not believe the x officer feels any more remorse. >> plus, drug dealer badly beaten with ther about. how one man took the law into his h own hands and the judges warning for others this morning w. >> the temperatures are starting to climb already in the lower 50s here in cleveland and running 13 ?- 14 degrees colder further south with fog. we take a look at election day whether in just a weather in will come back to fox eight news in the morning trying a vigil last night, the victim's mother says she so she does not believet,im the officer about the shootings, you are meeting face-to-face with them what is going to your through your mind? >> that thise man murdered my son, and he has no remorse.y he thinks nothing of it. >> a memorial was taken down earlier this week before jurors visit the site on tuesday prosecutor said it was to avoid >> he was convicted of polonius assault for attacking the drug dealer with a baseball bat last december told jurors he acted a little aggressively because he was trying to protect his family. the judge warned people notju to take the law into their own hands. >> i am in no way support what he did. i appreciate the frus support or condone vigil ante just us. >> the victim admits he is a herointi addict and says the attackd knocked out all of them teeth the most am blind and what i mean while his had hundreds of letters and online, supporting his actions. >> the state departmentonon plao release an additional 350 e-mails into e-mail clinton's private server theycl released e court order nearly 1300 werewe primarily duplicates of earlier materials but many were e-mails from 2010 discussing the wikileaks release of 250,000 messages. >> donald trump's wife gave her first speech since yesterday malani out trump says cyber bullying and social media will be one of the main first lady. >> it is not okay when a 12 -year-old girll o or boy is buld or attacked and that happens on the playground is absolutely unacceptable. >> trump also talks about emigrating to the united states start at 11 >> it doesn't matter how many people did they say? i am looking back 2 million people we needed need to top thato 7:13 a.m. is your time right few days closing out on 60. and what happened yesterday was a rapid clearing. temperatures earlier in the day fall back into the 60s normal high as 56 normal high at the end of the month is 44 is the temperatures drop further south south of booster we've had areas of fog.os forty-one light northwind from westlake out to lorraine sandusky at 49 in the overall outlook with the light northwind during some of those polled south with the lake water temperature is running well above normal such a warm summera with one of the warmest summers and falls on record i have not easily and that means the lake will stay warm when we start to see our firstly cold winter time of year before the end of the year it's not looking like that now. fifty-one should do it tonight some fog early tomorrow highs around 58. timeclock for sunday showing no organized weather system within a mile excuse me a thousand miles of i with the slow warm-ups back to the 60s sellers through sunday and that is through sunday and then you see s the temperature trend to continue through monday >> there's a percentage of probability a little jump on election day there day there is a week frontnt as i from the thursday chance of a shower by friday conflicting maps now maybe i will do it on monday, but i am not doing it now. i maybe tuesday. >> it is the ratings books, so we've got to keep them coming back thank you. 7:17 a.m. is >> let's keep them plugged in. free for all friday how is dick goddard i doing is he doing oka? >> these doing better hoping to get him inho here in november hb discount his final forecast coming up even though we don't like it it is newsve. >> our duty. >> we are really glad to have you back, christie. >> by the wayc she is back if yu the promo a you doing one of the one of these all good could the 521st game seven was a home game for the cubsme trading progressive into wrigley and we should ban political commerciald from sports >> my washington tigers begin their mission on tuesday in double anddss good luck to all e football teams. here are some voicemails before we go.he >> i never bet on sports but i got interested in lebron james back here and then i get interested in the indians. the indians don't have nothing. .-dot ##i don't think it's funny as integer shows you how illiterate we are this computer thing nobody can even sign their names. it's a shamey if got to go back to school to learn to sign your name. >> free for all friday anything you want to talk about? >> nineteen minutes after 7:00 o'clock right now. >> good morning. good morning, and over here who is blue. when we come back, lots to show you guys in the toured with some amazing stuff. own welcoming cleveland's own. >> this is it -month-old eight and from akron's parents say he is ae very happy and loving baby who loves to crawl and explore everything.lo upload a pictureo and maybe we will grab good morning, everyone we are in the design area. entertaining by design tomato are all with these different things i am hanging out actually. >> where you from. >> i am from cleveland to the west sidede tell us about your table and that was an aviation toth how he would time with the best different and this is what we came up with. >> and you created the stars literally. >> those naturally. and the fabric that you see on theirab with a few people workig on it and then we talk about some of the accents we see. >> yes. fortunately one of our designing systems was with theh pilot. so i kind of rated is storage area and thomas would propl >> on over here we see the bombers trackers. >> the bomber jacket that sounds and also the trump suit below are the accident we have a propeller. that was actually from does the pilot was okay but it was the cleveland airshow . >> let's talk about that tables >> everybody and loves gold and that is with the 1930s as well >> as the menus are pretty we have dinnerware and everything is pretty exciting. okay, you guys here at the design center center happening this weekend it is amazing these tables are out of this world >> thank you, kenny. >> if you just got up at is 725 the business of baseball how much money the world series games brought into downtown bars and hotels and restaurants. >> i have no idea we're going to win. plus, a taboo tattoos. how an indians alan indians fan plans to fix his world series. >> welcome back to fox eight news is your time right nowht oa friend in friday night in the city and we are kings americans seem to be kings of the world.em 7:29 a.m. i am kristi capel. >> it is almost 730. the clear sky with reports of fog the into chagrin falls in the open countrysidee of central ashtabua county 51 and eastlake no other better organized systems this weekend this trend continues there early next week and it is running well above normal we are not anticipating temperatures to drop year significantly although once we start to see the temperatures drop fi we will talk more about that inor the weeks ahead and nw they are impacting are really winter forecast it is chilly, but notice the sunshine which will be with us through the weekendh and early next week. >> fortunately we havey the rod closed over in geauga county for beginning tonight at seven this will not reopen until saturday beyonc? will make an appearance we count on the spot all four days to the election with hillary clinton and donald trumy maybe we will see even more history made in the next few is a survivor discounts. working hard to inspire and motivate the young vote for youngot graphic and both of thee elections also they go of this hard itas was on a total loss. s local businesses cashed in on the tens of thousands of fans watching the tribe. each postpo game brought an estimated $3 million to downtown cleveland. the manager of the tripled during the world seriesl about as much is the nba finals, and more than 2,000 hotel rooms were booked charging as much is three times the normal rate.u >> when cubs fan told me it's cheaper for them tos come to cleveland, biojector, get a hotel room, party, then it is to go to a game back in chicago. >> uber reports tripled the and they say the number toppled doubled. >> we are getting ready for football and a in a special play additionon> of the friday night touchdown. that will be tonight at liquid stadium. more than a dozen backups once again we ask you to join us at 11:00 o'clock right >> if you are just getting up 7:35 a.m. excuse me 7:35 a.m. is your time. >> we are getting plugged in with your thoughts on these free for all friday. and the indians dawson foundation with winter coats and hats and gloves for students. we've got some divide night bowling contest and check this out ?- a new space p are going to be using. here's the thing ?- t it is more than just a bowling alley it is a conference center the menu is off the chain. great food no doubt. it is available for rent also the event runs from three until 6:00 p.m. tomorrow. christie capel will be there. >> that's one reason to be there we will be right back. stay this is way back. nwa going way back. >> ?? top english right about now. >> a special concert for hillary joke thisi jay-z and beyonc?. nwa are not even together anymore . >> where they inducted into the rock 'n roll hall of fame last year? time to get plugged in e were doing the seventh-inning stretch. did you do take me out to the ball came ballgame as a thing? it is t friday it let's get out some of the comments. has not been working out his looking cap under his shirt this morning or maybe it is just his beard starting have you been working out a lot? another comment why was everyone watching the cubs to wanting the cubs to win i investigated apparently they were giving updates when the .as cheering >> i found that a lot with the celebrities on social media. i guess. >> mla that came in a challenge patty harkinin to the best of three games at wayne's both on i don't know if that is going to make a but if she does your some voicemails that came >> i was sorry to hear governor k- have i do not call list for telemarketers is there i do not call a do not call was for political campaignersno it is kd too bad they sell their tickets for saw their tickets for the almighty dollar. ti that is how you get all the rose for of us for a free for all friday wonder woman going back into the spotlight and i don't mean christie capel although she has beenha confused for mistaken for wonder woman. >> ra. we look at the trailer for the upcoming new film straightahead. >> take ane live look outside we will see how the weather is shaping up for your t friday and weekend traffic with patty when ?? ?? live in our studio hugely popular for r&b band here in ohio out they cover all music hear from the 70s to the present day. checke them out a hold of chagrin falls on saturday, november 12 at 8:00 p.m. >> and there is a cool down just a little around 50 here at fox 852 is the temperature in the last five minutes. fortys to the south partly sunny highs will generally stay in the upper 50s. upper 50s lower 60s this weekend we are looking pretty goodth here through mondy outside chance of a quick shower an election they should nothro a major issue. fiftys wednesday rain next thursday as temperatures remain in thehh middle 50s. 7:46 a.m. time for traffic with patty. >> good morning. unfortunately we still have the fatal accident this morning if you want to go westbound theyan have one of the westbound delays wings broadway and to 71 jennings freeway also cutting one southbound lane will be delayed >> it is 7:47 a.m. that is our time right now time to kick it with kenny crumpton. i know a beautiful austrian themed table printing worked on this table very nice. these are just a few of the tables you will see at this event.o this is table. seven of the most influential people this designer thinks would be tremendous to have. the table stays here another woman to take my man's love ??an making it easy. >> good morning you are listening to the benjamin so local r&b band salt rock and jazzzz from the 70s to today. they will be playing saturday november 12 in chagrin falls. speaking of getting cranky of the funkiest designers we've had all morning tell me the name of your studio. >> john cook design in that new lens design let's talk about the theme of your table. >> the theme is northern lightsu and scandinavian feast we decided to bring everybody to theev table and have a 20-foot everyone together to celebrate for the holidays. >> let's talk about the setting from the silverware to the charger to the plate. >> we have setting dishwareto ad fine cutlery including plants that were salvaged from pieces we own and designer trim work making the table look comfortable but yet you us welcoming to our guests we always want to make sure there's another space bar all of them that it is trending and out this is a custom-designed t tabe for us we constructed it in the room to get it in here. we just wanted it to feel like you don'o have the florals and the candles and bring everybody togetherd u don't have to have all matching chairs you just want them to gather to gather and celebrate. >> added to gather your northern lights?r >> these are cast infused custom infused into our artworkk from tempered glass and this is a local artist from 70s 70 it street studios hand blown glass we like to support local and they made this just for our display. >> entertainment for design happening today and tomorrow. and then finally tell us all from molly taylor in hudson weng make it nice and casual with a welcoming environment and she certainly did >> this kind of goes with your outdoor themes from i can't scandinavian been does not have to be black and white we wanted warm beautiful have you are such trend very striking way images think it needsds to have more warmth. >> you guys did a great job. thank you very much.h. we are going to go back to you guys at the events happening today and tomorroww check it out. >> this table could fit in wayne dawson's living room. >> you may need to actually.. >> time to support our family is news has your only news weather and traffic until 10:00 a.m. >> the candidates are pulling out all the stops:0 and in some cases the stars jay-z will be in cleveland today with a free concertnd in support of hillary clinton i will tell you about tickets as well as the latest on thisla day of the election. >> just one of the things you can talk about for your free for about. >> clear skies with lake driven clouds. a perfect morning herer are crisp day for fall. we will talk more about the weekend, election day forecastfare and te upcoming days ahead. all of them put together. >> okay. thanks. >> coming up at a, eight, we're talking turkey with cranberry polled tasty squares. seven of the world series. all good morning, cleveland and all of northeast ohio. it is a friday morninghe in the city the fourth day of november, 2016. thank you for joining us. >> stephanie is off today out today let's check out> scott fr asc look at your forecast. >> a nice crisp morning low 52 degrees here at fox eight and there's 15 degrees cooler than that out here and 12 degrees difference. and we're down into thee lower 40s 50 in westlake and eastlake temperatures in the lower 50s with mansfield in the lower 40s. full forecast looks relatively quiet we are not anticipating any weather systems once the temperatures go up most ofe that while shut down pretty quick not anticipating any major problems today with forecast is generally in the lower 50s. the eight day is coming up in about 15 minutes. traffic time with patty. >> good morning. a couple of problems soon lookout for to look out for soon lookout for as you step out the door inbound on o reports of an accident down towards mlk talking to cleveland fire and police they were headed to the scene. unfortunately we still

Related Keywords

Cuyahoga County , Ohio , United States , West Salem , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Akron , Cleveland , Turkey , Florida , Painesville , Boston , Massachusetts , Geauga County , Jamaica , Austria , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Cincinnati , Mansfield , Mexico , Salt Rock , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , America , Jamaican , Mexican , Austrian , Hudson Weng , Wayne Dawson , Molly Taylor , John Cook , Patty Harkin , Christie Capel , Lebron James , Dick Goddard , Kristi Capel , Gia Conti , Hillary Clinton , Kenny Crumpton ,

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