Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News In The Morning 20161017 : com

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News In The Morning 20161017

against the great lakes. it's going digital weekend the graffiti begin today for thefor very close to that later on. talk more about that in thea eight-day forecast a few we are in sky fox on this beautiful monday. very mildldb out here with herer showing the inner belt bridgebri for the big news this over thet weekend as you head out of town, you will noticeheken it is a wie open. they got rid of the barrier walls they did they need to do. everything is open on the in abinabout southbound. should be a lot easier. that's always good to eastbound side tough restrictions in place and a. also getting them at 71 and 90 back to two lanes. i suspect is in custody the fatal shooting of the we have more details.en >> good at morning. we need to know as>> suspect isn custody no charges yet they do say this man matches the description of the suspect insu thes shooting friday night bit the life of the 15 -year-old. officer spotted the matter walking into the dollar general taken into custody.stod the thing that's not be released unless he gets charge police say he matches the description of a man seen in surveillance photoo from fridayt night shooting on friday officers were called to the mister here south taylor road h when they arrived they found 15 -year-old th he was tan to university hospitals where he later diedto years old in this life taken wy too soon.o an. very sad story. jessica dill, thank you very much the family of a cliff the manli killed in a hidden one accident. hold a a candlelight vigil it's an's night where he died. he will crossing the road on the city's eastside early sunday morning investigators arrested a 20at drinking and speeding through a 35 mile-per-hour zone at the time an a of the accident.c ceric you hec somebody you can'n think about running. you've got to think about say isn't your family how to feel somebody you feel somebody hit fur family.. he didn't bother nobody or nothing. suspect is facing big your homicide and felony hit skip charges.s. trying to figure what sparked a fire in the city's eastside this morning.o f a clinton police officer action is part of the frame shooting from the roof this house just before ice a.m.m. they said it was occupied houses reported on the door to get outu the fire department arrivedt thy checked in town there's nobody home t firefighters were able to put click at the fines under control. here firstst look at the cavaliers championship banner. it'sheec been four months then cavaliers won their nba title in fields have gottent wo to see te larry o'brien trophy and the championship ring.ri finally at the line ankle been hinting gilbert until the banner. this all happened yesterday they release it toapp the raftersr preseason opener next tuesday, october 25.afes james. waynene on the sherwin-williams headquarters is coming down tell us for the next two dayso removing the better don't worrn a new' pet is going up anything that will much the same. it's the same image of lebron but the trophy patch will be addedrop to the pet collar games in there as well for game we have more faith expected for the picking. >> trevor bauer is going to get for game threeht that pinky in januaryam that he suffered from the drone and should not impact is pitching. conference yesterday who do theh self-described nerd.e thi powering through the matter what challenges theyenenp face. everything we talked about cleanup utilities not 18 and how dangerous he can. that can change the game in serious.h >> came through tonight in toronto t at 8:00 p.m. in game four is tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. if necessary game five would be will stay afternoon.e john tillage is up in toronto and will bring us complete ge festivities and alln the last about. civic note at the trevor powerde is impressive skills off the field the terry francona will be fao closet until after the season is over.on huge offensive to drive out isis is underway.n the rapid uptake for you straight ahead.dd see what led to a deadly accident. >> goodod morning, scott. >> there's the shower right come into steak 'n shake for hand-dipped milkshakes. better yet, come into steak 'n shake for hand-dipped milkshakes at half price during half-price happier hour, weekdays, now two to five at steak 'n shake. new at steak 'n shake! 24 meals under four dollars. with handcrafted steakburgers, all-beef footlongs and fresh guacamole made from scratch. get 24 meals for under four dollars. announcer: there are moments in our history that measure the character and courage of our leaders. where did you stand on joe mccarthy? george wallace? this is one of those moments. rob portman endorsed donald trump -even with his history of degrading women. portman stood by trump -even after seeing trump brag about sexual assault. then portman panicked -and ill we do? ted strickland: i'm ted strickland it feels like july with the humidity is high as it is. and temperatures are running more running warmer than normal fordaytime high is october 17. lahaina it's the ambulance now there's willoughby in the upper clouds increasing and windy and very warm again. it'd been since 1979 this is kind of a rarity as we look another i know you like that. things look great thing. this morning. that should it alleviate some of the painho held off open newew details and the shooting that of a high school student day all started as a robbery in good morning everyone aroundar 9:00 p.m. last night cleveland spotts policece suspect he attempted to flee the baseball now the american championship series resumes tonight in toronto stacy fry is life at this site as her things in town is used joining us this the ind challenges a postman down with injuries. a freak injuryanwi further complicated things. they cut this on the outside of powers finger th and tennyson impact his ability to go up the ever own john toes shipping is highlights. linda b graveman up 3-0.. he's never seen any of the star wars films. here finding out the new a scooo of nominees for the rock 'n roll hall of fame.os this could include pearl jam and tupac. on the list tomorrow morning campaign continues to get uglier the gop office firebomb. how tall are you? how do we measure greatness in america? the height of our skyscrapers? the size of our bank accounts? no. it's measured by what we do for our children. the values we pass on. i've spent my life fighting for kids and families and it will be my mission to build a country and hard work take them. that means good schools for every child in every zip code. college that leads to opportunities... not debt. and an economy where every young american can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. we face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. working together. respecting one another. and never giving up. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. good morning, everyone we are here and we have a zombie moving stuff all over the place here at joann's in hudson and as you know, halloween is right around procrastinators, i will call for those of us who are multitaskinc doing so many things decorating getting ready for hollowing, so we are going to give them a few ideas this morning. >> this isthi the perfect time o shop for your hollowing to court. wi we have a great selection of 50 percent off everything you need to turn your house into a spooky that happy hollowing place. you have oncrafts your site out he so we will show them a couple to give them some ideas. >> awesome, sure. >> the reason we are standing in front of these pumpkins has to do withto pumpkins, so it will e a lot of fun with custom and decorating ideas we have them all here getting ready for those produced spookiest halloween of the season fox eight news at 7:00 o'clock starts right now. all of northeast ohio 7:00 o'clock on me .-dot on a monday morningt and not just any monday morning. >> a great monday morning for sure the indians are playing. the weather is going to be a phenomenal today it is a great start to the work week let's check in with scott for an update. >> good morning everybody. light winds out of the south southwest get pretty strong today driving at these temperatures already look at te widespread readings generally in the low to middle 60s down to 63 cuyahoga falls strongsville medina pretty uniform temperature spread from point-to-point today. the sun is gonen now not only northern ohio we think the weather is very unique care to some extent but usually when we get temperatures like this we are includedh in a huge geographic ?- 12 states with temperatures running well above normal we will make a way to 87 is at noon record high of 72 some excuse me 82 the last time we had an 80 late this year l was in 2007. traffic time with patty. >> thank you so much wee are in sky fox and it is slowing down as you can see on i 90 coming in the west side normal stuff with your margin delays at west 25th also west 44thth and of course the one lane to get on the inner belt that will open two lanes by october 24 so that will hopefully give us some really speaking of relief, and our belt southbound wide open all 5 million available for means available for your driving pleasure,ll and they think you the evening commute. back to you in the studio. >> investigators trying to figure out what sparked a fire at a house on the city's east this morning. cleveland police say they spotted flames shooting from the house on east 100 13th just before 230 neighbors told the officers people did live there so they parted on the door, that no one was home thankfully firefighters werere able to quickly get the flames under control. >> just into the fox eight news roomlin on this monday happened overnight cleveland heights police taking a man into custody they believe may be connected to the deadly shooting at mr. hero. we go to the cleveland heights police department with what we know this morningto . >> good morning, everyone. we do know somebody was taken into custody aroundnd 9:00 p.m. last night. they approached him as officers approached, hehe took off, but they were able to track it was thei same man who horrifically shot and killed a 15 -year-old on friday. investigators say the man hidin- his face in this picture last night, a man matching the description saww was seem entering the dollar general he was exiting when approachedn by officers, he took doctor croft on easter road pic kahneman to come in the custody crimestoppers has been offering up to $5,000 leading to the arrest of whoever pulled the trigger killingul sunny. family-friendly fun it wasg the nephew of the owner who is well respected in the community. >> they are extremely friendly and open to any and everybody and if somebody as a neighborhood problem they try to help them out.nd >> we pray for the family's >> sunny it was a mayfield high school student as for the suspect in custody police will not release any information or an identity unless he is charged. we will keep you updated. >> reporting live from the cleveland heights police department we will check backck with you. meanwhile, the family of a cleveland man had been an killed in the head and run crash cold a memorial fori he was hit while crossing st. clair avenue on the city's east side early yesterday morningen investigators later arrested a 20 -year-old they believe- she had been drinking and was speeding. thirty-five mile-per-hour zone when she hit jones. >> when you h kill somebody you can think about running if it was your son how would you feel the family has no more we know bother nobody and nothing. >> she is facing vehicular homicide and she told her father what happened when she got home and he was the one who notified police. >> in other news,if this ?- >> in other news, the indians are north of the border this morning t commandin zip lead over the toronto blue jays in the al that is the hope right now. a lot of talk has been about trevor brouwer and has grown injury we checkre in again with stacy live at progressive field with an update and our starting hour starting pitcher. good morning. >> good morningou he heard his pitching finger during what he called a routine drone asked that he is apparently obsessed with them fixing the drone you pinky finger a couple of days ago pushing his start back from game two togo game three which s tonight what a series this has done so far great to bee able to enjoye the two ends here at progressive. really two teams capable of scoring a lot have just combined four ?- five months in two games it will be up to power to push indians commanding a three ?- nothing leader must best of the seven seriesd the cap, pinky although think that will impact him in a news conferenceim sunday he brought alongu the offending drone explaining his love of star wars inspired him to bow that he isns been doing it for years and never heard him so beforenn. >> i started teaching myself about it i was a mechanical engineering major in college it has been a passion of mine in my entire life just a great outlet a little bit and enjoy technologygy i custom designed this entire frame. game three tonight a pinch runner up in toronto game for tomorrow afternoon on our chief wahoo on anything he calls their nameon and mask the defensive and a masculine story. >> we see how that works out today. they may have to work out and play in there for bought uniforms. >> you never know. >> stacy, thank you very much we have to remind you know that at 8:08 p.m. game four will be tomorrow afternoon at 4:08 p.m. to be exact. if a game five is needed, it will be wednesday afternoon. >> i like this that doesn't mean we would be able to watch the games them because we are going to bed pretty early but we can watchwe at 4:00 p.m. >> this isp. the first time the indians have led a game two gamesr to none. and the cleveland a browns remain the mt this the series after followingze to the titans titans of tennessee yesterday afternoon. >> thirteenth play of the drive touchdown cleveland. courtney koestler for second game score with just two months to play down by nine the browns went for twoni to pass was incomplete the downfield looking good before duke johnson punched it inn and it made it a two-point game with 27 seconds left the brown slated another kick for the titans recovered t stealing the game titans 128 ?- 26. >> i napped some.we were going to need to go for it and that is why i did it. i knew at some.i was.i going to have to take a whack at it obviously we did make it. >> next week's homecoming of sorts for coach hugh jackson the browns head to cincinnati facing the two and four bengals offensive coordinators before coming to cleveland sunday's b kickoff is at 1:00 o'clock. hopefully we will know more of the ins and outs of the team and get the first one of the seasont >> he was the offense of coordinator last season we will seela you. >> it is 7:08 a.m. they battle to win back iraq's largest city morning. >> how the long fight is expected to last. >> it meant to scare and intimidate people from volunteering plus, the republican presidential nominee donald trump is blaming this morning after a new yorkn excuse me north carolina offices bombed. winds will pick up> today and temperatures into theda high 70s at that minimum byh midafternoon we talk about the big pattern set by the end should by the end of the weekg . >> thank you, scott. good morning plenty of slowdowns as you head into town i will give you the details for your morning commute in just a moment cleveland clinic now ranked the number two hospital in the nationoni and number one in her care for 22 years in a row. access the number one care in ohio number one anytime, 7:12 a.m. is your time happening over at night are massive th military offenses to reach we take the city by is now underway 30,000 troops launched attack the last night including heavy airstrikes. officials estimate there are 3500 ?- 5,000 isis fighters in the city. a rock forces of the moving towards the target since marchg the fight is expected to last weeks if not months. >> republican presidential nominee blaming clinton the weekend a swastika and the worlds not the republican sweep toner else where reportedly spray-painted on the building next are clinton's campaign tweeted the attack is terrific and unacceptable. very grateful everyone is safe. ve meanwhile, trump continues to claim the election is being redone holding places. >> the election is being rapedda by corrupt media pushing completely false allegations >> trump is also taking aim at saturday night live> as actorct alec baldwin plays the gop skids he calls social boring and unfunny and says it's time to >> billy bush's departure from nbc could be announced as early as today. he has been off the air since he was caught on tape in a lewd conversation with donald trump earlier this month you started posting the 9:00 a.m. hour of nbc today show leaked out actor harry connick junior will fill in on the today show this morning and tomorrow morning. >> starting today, he will be able to bring home home an unlimited amount of cigars however it you cannot resell their kids in the us or reorder them online and have them shipped internationally. this is the latest move as the united states and cuba normalize a relationshipat. cross with the car into the house. >> west 1052 stores just north of i 90 right into the house you see certainly not the way want to wake up for arriving home no particulars other than the two vehicles are not how they are i-95 north western avenue, city's west side as he it look i 90's we see traffic is slowing from this.all the way ine to downtown. the inner belt bridge good news for travelers coming home this evening inner belt southboundnd is wide open now. they took up the variables over the weekend you are good to go they will do the northbound side and by next monday, all of those restrictions should be lifted as well. another gorgeous start weatherwisew with the forecast here. >> the temperatures are continuing to climb, and we wil be into the low 70s by the lunch hour today the humidity is high with a few showers and rain late tonightn to the south more showers have moved up with the overall forecast remaining much dryer mostly cloudy skies. now without widespread lower to mid 60s 60s through chardon all the to chardon all the way up tohr ashtabula county all points northern ohio temperatures fairly uniform with the light winds and called dark of showers we have lost my what will happen this morning is the concert tooth and how winds kick upto and as a pickup that will e a temperature jumped you need a pretty good outne of the south southwest wind to boost temperatures up to theoo hig year last time it happened itf was nine years ago with a high above 80w and october of 2007 unseasonably warm the record high of 82ec a couple locations could make a run at a. it will be even windier tonight into tomorrowow record high tomorrow4 set by early 50s. breezy and mostly clear tonight with the middle 60s for overnight lows tonight we mentioned tomorrow windh gusts 25 ?- 30 miles per hour. - you will really no spae temperature differences heading into wednesday a couple of quick numbers here the last time we had two consecutive days of 80 degrees was an 63. more than 60 years since we've had consecutive days above 80 here is a pattern chip with a few showers early wednesday we will geth a higher chance rain on thursday. the front moves on notice the temperatures trend back down we fall into the upper 60s with the wave of cooler air u all of that translates o into 50s and 60s for the high for the beginning of next week. the best chance of rain this week will be thursday a few left over showers friday and saturday university and we will be back down to reality i can hear again don't project out 80s and october that means it's going to be whatever in the winter. there is not an action we will see a pattern flip before i you know it. it is a matter of time. not that i want that but it is bound to happen. >> if you are just getting up at is 7:18 a.m. h y hello we are g fine a bit spooky here at joannes giving you guys some ideas for hollowing major them wear costumes, we will cover ite for you kicking it wih kenny stayit tuned. >> it is time now for the fox eight stork report cleveland's own welcoming cleveland's own. say hello to this adorable little boyel vincent alexander f northridge will born about three weeks ago. the proud parents matteo and janine. upload a send you a stork report one pretty good morning. glad to have you here. >> okay, we are going to talk about decorations first let's walk over here this is whatta we are working on a little decorative pumpkin dewpoint outside our indoorsec and over here we see a different sizes and different colors sosi people can choose what they want to do and mix it up a little bit. >> that is right this is all different sizes. forever you don't have to throw them away. you can decorate them and that is what we are going to do for our craft today. >> through the magic of tv, it is this weekend? what is this? us a fun pumpkin what do you want next, black? >> i will go and try to create some kind of uniform. >> doing great. see the this is fun for the entire familys to d no selling now to get different ideas do you guys have that available on your website? >> we do. check out joy and .com, and we have ideas for everyone.d another silver one month to another server one for youh we see that uniform unifor. >> if people come into the store is or someone available to help them if they are looking for something specificf decorating something? >> of course this is why we all work yourso this is our happy place and we want to see our customers happy i am sorry. we have experts in jewelry making and scrapbooking and we all love to craft there is always someone here to help you with whatever you want to create. >> i kind of looks like a 19 '80s rock star we are at joannes giving you guys great decorating ideas for your pumpkin even rock pumpkin like i am making now. a little pumped up from can we have a whole new theme. we go backa to you in the studio while i work, scott benatar pumpkin as they go back to the 1980she we will make sure he brings it back it isll beautifu very interesting tips there. >> 7:24 a.m. cap next on fox the to go. your cleveland indians taking on the toronto blue jays in game three of thea lcs happening tonight including the return of trevor bauer and three months after your cleveland cavaliershs prepared o raise your t nba title banner. what we are learning about with a good movie star as well straightahead. >> your is a live look outside for youou a warm start to t and traffic coming up after the short break.g >> a reminder to one all to and all to log on to to vote for lutheran west lake catholic high opportunity we announce the winning school thursday right here on fox eight news in the morning. we will be sought will get you going on a monday morning he is a budding superstarh. >> a million-dollar smile he's a he is a handsome man yes definitely.le and a great shot stop shortstop excellent great shortstop g and scott obama ball diamond on himself when he played about 30 years ago? >> you that was a long time ago quite a long time ago yes. i played third base in case you're wondering here we go. let's take a look at the temperatures lower and middle 60so we have the last area of rain a couple of hours ago north olmsted 64 warm and humid early on as it look at the temperatures this is not just cleveland this iss almost two dozen states year when we look back where temperatures are running well above normal pretty windy you add added all of our high very close to 80 degrees. overnight we fall back into the low to mid 60s once again one more day and outlaws as we not only increase the winds with 30 mile-per-hour winds increasing the cloud cover shower or two with the front coming in early on wednesday a better chance of rain late wednesday into thursday as the temperatures willl begin to fal a shout out to my buddy drilled who b broke his collarbone over the weekend wishing him a quick recovery he is tough i'm sure it won't be long until he is i out swinging a baseball bat doing all sorts of things are as we head into the winter best of festival, drew. let's take a look at traffic with patty. couple of things happening 77 northbound by 480 we talked to independents police they have an accident to blocking down by 480 the other off into the berm and then the report of an accident 76 overbite east central inner-city expect delays if you are traveling downtr in the accident areain this morning sot ofrt an accident on 271 northbod near broadwayn anything that we expected in that area. we send it back to wayne and natalied a. >> thank you very much. new this morning a suspect in custody in a fatal shooting of a teenager and that mr. hero restaurant. we have more details good morning. good morning, everyone. we do know a suspect was taken into custody say this person matches the description of the suspect they were looking for at involved ina shooting of a 15 -year-old boy friday night had a mr. hero. cleveland heights police say officers spotted the man walking into the dollar general at least road in east over a look around 9:00 p.m. last night when he was approached, he rank0 down the rd the police were able to stop them and taken into custody. the suspect's these aspects the suspects they've not been releasedhe unless he gets charge description of the man scene and surveillance photos from friday night shooting. on friday, officers were called around 8:0d shooting when they arrived they found 15 -year-old to a gunshot wound to his said he was taken to university hospital story later died police say the suspect entered the restaurant and shot him in the head before taking money from the register and running. >> they are just trying to make just crazy. >> a couple weeks ago they ran a truck through the atm and now a teenager gets killed. it is really scary.ts >> family and friends tell us that he was a sophomore at mayfield high school and was also the nephews of the owner of thatr mr. hero's but the mayfied school districts district sent out a noticed to everyone in their condolences there with the fa have counselors in the schoole for staff and other people dealing with something like this it is horrible a 15 -year-old shot and killed friday night so the counselors will be there today and throughout the week. >> an update on a very sad lead story for us tonight thank you very much. >> switching gears now ?- sure indians keeping the dreams alive as a power through toronto for tonight's game three live at progressive field with what we can expect. >> good morning.n indians pitcher trevorin bauer will be back on the mound tonight for game threeee the drone injury to his pinky he says should not impact isld bitching you talked about that yesterday during a news conference as well as is well-known fascination with drones. >> you know,,el it is tough with my three d printer with the whole process. >> he is that it is a fairly known thing hee is a big night e plansis to take the indians to a commanding three ?- zero against the toronto blue jays the teamns powering through no matter what challenges they faced with losing starters are drone injury the manager talks about the cleanup hitter even when he is not hitting and how dangerous these can be. >> and he does not let it were on him. you can see his face after a wayne,. you can never could never tell he has three hits. that is all he cares about. like i said at the beginning, he has the one swing that can change the gameni. >> we are waiting for and although so far saver. great to see them onto game three this morning tonight 8:00 o'clock tomorrow's game will ber at four if they need a game five that will be wednesday at 4:00 o'clock.ll we are up there out there with complete coverage. so,o, get ready. go tribe. >> it will bea a great game. from the first pitch to the championship. >> in that the meantime, the cleveland cavaliersc unveil the championship banner for season ticket holders. it included the sea logo wrapped around team owner says raptors at the arena the team will raise the banner before the season opener against the new york knicks next tuesday october 25. before the game, the cavaliers players will also gete also get the.out championship rings. >> we learned something surprising about lebron james recently. he seems to be a huge fann of the three-time academy award winner meryl streep. >> what you'reread favorite merl streep movie? >> devil wears prada or it's complicated. >> all right. >> she was nominated for her first nomination was the deer hunter which is partially filmed here w in cleveland. >> that is right. >> the lebron james banner hanging on the sherwin-williams headquarters is coming down, did but don't worry workers will spend the next three dayso removing the banner. a new one isne going up in its place among the kind of like the new one there now. the new nba championship world banner is the famedba image of lebron, but the larry o'brien championship trophy patch will be added to the back part of his jersey. the new banner expected to be in place by friday afternoon. >> looking good out there for sure. >> if you t are just getting upt is 7:37 a.m. next line plus fox eight news in the morning former secretary of state madeleine albright campaigns for clinton. hear what she has to say about the republican nominee is lewd we are now just 21 days from election day, and ending f latet auction ball leads 45 ?- 41 percent. >> former secretary of state madeleine albright made a stop yesterday afternoonon. >> with just about three weeks until the election, all eyes are on ohio while many were across the country this room in cleveland heights. people that say they know which candidate they wante to come president history. >> these voters are from another woman who helpedd pave the way. the first female secretary of state, madeleine albright. she is in the middle of a three-day statewide push to encourage early voting. >> let me just tell you to give her a chance to hillary. >> so as is his ten -year-old. >> that is the only place for presidentla named after mandolin is said she was following the election closely others in that room say the and emotionally draining. >> i d just hope the policy of peaceful election. >> secretary albright to did not all back against trump in the comments he had in 2005. i can imagine somebody was a discussion things in and then wall street reform. secretary albright saysor this is the most important election and rentals me this ran tells me this is the choice betweenal the two could t be more clear. >> what is important is that people understand they have to go out and vote and understand that trump is not a person may want toon have as president because he is vindictive and does v not tell the jury. >> voters say even if the candidatef does important now children, especially girls grow up to become powerful woman. >> it is very important you get the message and also, i want to be able to tell my daughters she can be anything she wants in the world. >> donald trump and hillary clinton will square off for a you can watch live right here on fox eight. >> must see tv that is for sure if you are just getting at, 7:4e 68 days away from christmas. >> we are just the messengers. don't tell us. coming up on fx eight news ?- your holiday out or cap customers plan toho cashn on the deal, and what the best things to buy now are. >> plus winnie the pooh has a heartwarming inspiration behind paying onesni making its debut n the 100-acre world. >> firstc we take a live look outside for you. a gorgeous day when it comes to our forecast. we will have weather and traffic i was recording it because i wanted to post it. this makes the dance. let me tell you. we will get you the act sometime. that is true. everybody from east cleveland can dance a littlest bit. you've got some playing the walk-up songs this week. they do a good job picking out these songs in the players picked great songs to walk out. er i love it. >> they do. scott you need to sing the song. >> i wonder what songs he would pick if you had to walk out to something.ou >> walk out the front yard what would you choose?on we need to give you a theme song sounds like a good idea. suggestion it's raining men i i'm just the messenger. let's seele what is going on about windsor in the mid 60s with breaks of sunshine and cloudy skies. we don't have any rain on radar should make it to high 70s later today. another warm day windy tonight windy tomorrow the slight chance of a shower early wednesday better chance of a widespread rain thursday and we drop backansp into the 50s friday started staying through the beginning of nextr week. patty harkin with a look at traffic. >> a busy rush-hour. good morning to you we take a look at a couple of accidents across the highway here at east one tenthci of an accident involving a school bus police are on theol scene there the other is on 77 northbound up delays in the center lane. let's look at some of the other and heavy areas dealing with an accident on the plate with a tn of construction. it has been a delayed right for 80 eastbound from the valleyview towards 361 i now we are not dealing with sun glare but some but slowdowns slowdowns from west 17th nearly 25 minutess from route 8277 northbound at 20 minute commute most of the volume is between for 80 and for 90. the time right now is 750. >> kenny is getting as prepared for the following holiday you know why trying to wrap my head around the next live shottr when we coe back, we give you great halloween ideas kicking it with >> good morning, everyone we are here at joannes in hudson hanging out to give you great ideas for halloween right around the corner good morning very nice. i love the hollowing touch there. okay we did a really coolhe craft on the first one, and people might think this is a really cool spooky tablecloth, but it is not queue makings of a costume we can seec this is just cost you guys have any back. >> it is. how do we make a zombie costume? >> first off,a folders and have. >> we would measure how tall we are how much cloth we need. >> we will let her zombie give us a little template for the cut out. and you will just cut out and neck in th corey is our resident zombie here and then we have scissors right behind you. i will hold this study.y. it has to be big enough to fit around her neck. >> okay. there we go. very simple. and then we can see on inquiries costume o that you gus >> we just cap random strokes on all the sides so it gives that spooky of fact and then his arms and put vulture helps. >> you guys have the face paint that was availableha and there s the costume for 20 some dollars then we go over here and you guys already have ready-made costumes queue my ladies in. here is my beautiful lady bug there she is in her are awesome costume talk about what we have here. >> we havee a great selection f ready-made costumes for kids and adults showcasing our wonder woman costume with a lovely butterfly. theyy come with accessories we pretty much have everything you neede. awesome. look at that beautiful lady bugug rain here with joanns in hudson. awesome. she is amazing. back to you guys in the studioio great ideas there. good morning. happy monday to you. we have your only local news weather and traffic until 10:00 a.m. coming up at the top of the hour ?- >> suspect now in custody here in cleveland heights say the suspect matches the description of the suspectse involved in the shooting death of a 15 -year-old boy on friday coming up, i will let you know what the school district is doing for students and staff. good morningt. >> good morning. thank you very much the return of trevor bauer kenny out push the cleveland indians two or three to a three ?- zero lead to the toronto blue jays in game three tonight? it. >> scott. >> good morning. winds are picking up still pretty cloudy temperatures jump whilere to the high 70s at the minimum could we break a record today or another one tomorrow? we will have a look in just a few cleveland and all of art 90s 90s over northeast ohio magnificent monday morningar 8:00 o'clock is your time i want >> we have great news to deliver to everybody because this forecast is spectacular today we could reachh 80 degrees as this right? >> incredible. >> i think we will make a run of a today the clouds are still pretty thick this time of year you needodod pretty good wind to boost thesee wind speeds augustine approaching the southwest breeze sustained winds really pick up thiss afternoon showers of moved out widespread lower to middle 60s ashtabula very warm and humid earlyw on today here is the forecast so cloud cover still cloud cover left over from yesterdayt were clouds and sunshine the winds are beginning to pick up now and once we start to see it little peaks of sunshine along with the wind we go with the higher couple of degrees w to either side of 80 warmer tomorrow with your chance

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