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From the people and what we want to know. We hear so much negative. K you know Earnest Byner and kevie mack as two of the original dawgs. K as tw coming up theyre reuniting with some former players for theirorr 30th anniversary of the 86 Cleveland Browns. 0th anni the dog pound. And, youre invited to take aita walk down memory lane with them. Well tell you how you canl youw secure your spot. Theyre coming up. Ng up. Were excited im excited to see them. Ive never met kevin. K looking forward to that. T a look at the forecast talktal the next couple of days. The rain will be pretty heavy but we wont see itn noww becae we dont have much cloud coveroc we cleared out late last night and temperatures have l cooledol down most of us the middle and upper 50sn away from the lakee l light northwind. Hw well have thein winds to deal with. 60 North Olmsted 57 in Bedford Canton 59. Cuyahoga falls currently 58 inc here stuff that cold front through yesterday5u and we areer seeing the showers developing along ohio river starts to liftv todayyt cooler but still aboveve normal temperatures about tell toe read novels than yesterday. Upper 60s in lower 70s light northeast wind. And tonight showers will startsa to develop after midnight and the rain will be steady. A fairly deep system the rai and it will bring widespread rain not only tonight late tonight into thew predawn hours of thursday but during the day on thursday wel check it out look of theout look rainfall amounts and look at th weekend in just a couple of of minutes. Back to you. Ou thank you. Appreciate it. Thank yoate on to our big story today we ara all smiles they are playing great. The Toronto Blue Jays holdon foe another day after beating the Cleveland Indians 5 to one in game 4 of the alcs. S hoor another day afr the indians still hold a commanding lead in the 3 to 1d series and today they play again. Again jessica dill is live at Progressive Field with more on how the players and cleveland progressi fans how we are feeling. Elin a little less positive like yesterday but stilli confident n our team. Our t absolutely especially theally think toronto had a game where they played better than we did some of the fans a little bit they were a little bit disappointed in yesterdays game diough. Hehe what went wrong . G . What they scored more runs than us. T i mean i think they got cocky ai little bit. Nk t got the meat of our lineup has got to do better than that. Meat of fans sat stunned at bw3s downtown as the indians fell to blue jays tuesday that was theie first loss in 20 days and the first loss in the post season. Sr but today cleveland will try again to earn its first world series trip since 1997. Today theyll use rookie ryan merrit at the pitching mound wh only has 11 Major League Innings to his credit. He faces blue jays pitcher marc ajher marc estrada. Game time is set for 4 08 and cleveland fans are ready becaus they know if we win today were going to the world series. And the icing on the cake. Cleveland could get the world series and cavaliers Championship Rings on the same night october 25th. H. Es. Icing a and everything. G. And ev and with the indians playing for a world series, cleveland will be on fire. It will be nuts. The city will literally explode. Yes, it will. Be be nutsevelandd if youre a registered indiansed fania some little name to it iff youre one of those you can get your world series tickets at at 10 00 this morning on the indians website. Tomorrow thursday at 10 00 a. M. T and will open up to the general public. 11 very limited number of ticketsck to the world series they advisei you tose make sure youre on indians website right atsite 10 00 a. M. To see if you can rit those tickets. World series would be on tuesdad we have three more opportunities to win one game has to be tonight friday or saturday wewe only need to win when we go toww the world series. Hen we whats interesting where the only team this entire seasonh that we never lost four games in a row. Is entia row. If we continue on that trend that will make the world series. We have to win one and whereer and. You cantes on fox if how exciting. Really great. Ow if that happens on tuesday weve got the openerthat happe. So exciting. What a great day for her cleveland. I know. Thanks jessi and go indians tonight. All right moving onto our other htg door a. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Ldh donald trump ramping up hisilla argument that the election is ld rigged as Hillary Clinton faces more quetstions about emails. Hee tonight theyll faceoff in the third and final president ial debate. Fox 8s stacey frey is here, third hat we can expect. E questl a little preview for us. Preview. Good president obama called out donald trump over the donublicans insistence that tht election is rigged. N is rid. The president telling trump to stop whining. G. Ining. Expect trump to go after Hillary Clinton on her emails, anothernr batch recently dropped by e wiklileaks and for her to goks o after him on his comments about women which trumps wife malania has blamed on boy talk and billy bush. Bla the nominees are engaging in aea bit of psychological combat with their invitations. T of psycho clinton, inviting meg whitman the former Hewlett Packard ceo and Top Republican donor nowow the forme endorsing clinton and alsoon ans billionaire mark cuban an Trump Inviting obamas kenyan born half brother who has callee former lybian dictator moammarra khadafy one of his best friends. As well as the mother of a benghazi victim who has accusede clinton of murdering her son. Trump continues to blame theuest media for rigging the election against him. I agnst resident obama dismissing, trumps claims of widespreadms voter fraud in modern us elections. De eged have rigged it from theus beginning by telling total itroh false stories. Most recently about p allegations, where i have been under constant attack. I have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political historyr any president ial candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place. Debate is tonight at 9. Foxs Chris Wallace will moderate from las vegas. You can watch it live, right here on fox8. Chri in the latest fox poll 61 percent of likely voters say clinton has the temperament toeo serve as president. 37 think she doesnt. As presid trump is the opposite. Hink she nt say he does have the temperament while 61 dontttru believe he does. Back to voter fraud or issuesiss with voting in the us there is a law professor in california in n la who says hes been studying this since 2000 instances of some type of votero fraud out of a billion votes. So widespread voter fraudes woud not be there. Re. Theres no evidence. De last chance to face that temperament issue. Itll be interesting i pull out all the stops do they hting oldk we dont knowi what were goingo expet. Thats for sure. That will start when the indians wrap things up tonight. Onig a lota of other stories to get you caught up on on thishis wednesday we thank you for beina with us today. Y we than a School Festival turns into a somber celebration, as studentss th ufestival remember the life of a classmate who died in an accident. Students and staff paid tributet to nine year old carmella to ninetch tuesday evening. T t she was a fourth grader ater at rushwood elementary school, in the nordonia hills school district. Y school, in police say monday evening, carmella was killed when the ca she was riding in, turned in front of a pickup truck, on east shwas ridi street in bainbridge. Two relatives and the oth the schools fall festival went on as planned yesterday, buted t with a different focus. We changed this festival to the word gathering this is a fall gathering for a loved one that will be lost in our hearts for a very long time. Grief counselors were at theo school to help students cope scth the tragedy. Unselors w acci investigation, but they do not believe drugs or alcohol played a factor. Its been 11 months since amonta small plane went down in summit county, killing all nine people onboard. Now we finally know what caused the fiery crash. Pn su all nin the hawker jet carrying seven passengers and two pilotsnge crashed into an Apartment Building on approach to the akron Fulton Airport last november. Nd two p building the ntsb says the first officer the ntsb says the first officer was flying the plane with the flaps in the wrong configuration. The investigators claimed bothtr f il operating procedures, and said that appears to have been a part of the culture of the company they worked for. Procedures, th execuflights casual attitudeat. Towards compliance with standards illustrates a disregard for operational safety and an attitude that likely lead its pilots to believe thata its pilto bele e to standardttit operating procedures was notd required. The ntsb found the impact of tht crash itself was survivable for some of the victims but the vice quickly spreading fire spreadi afterwards made it impossible that is so sad. It is. Were following some developing news for you on this wednesday. Heres wayne dawson with a look at whats just in. S this just into the newsroomnewsm Beachwood Police have just released information about anbe armed robbery. The victim was an adult who was involved with a beachwood highah schwool homecoming related event onh saturday. Y. Police say they believe the bele robbery was a random act that occurred tt off school grounds. No word on what actu the suspectat a no suspects i su say have been arrested as of nw. If you have any informationny about this situation you are being asked to contactinform thee Beachwood Police department. That is just in back to you guys. Thank you. You still to come here on thet morning show. As of motrnhisin morning facultc members at 14 universities are on strikem. What it mean for students presses and sporting events coming up this weesk and. Nd teacher trouble see what onet o teacher is accused of doing to a did he go too far . We will explain. Scott. Ll look at these temperatures notsn as warm as yesterday buto stilll above normal. Should be pushing 70 later today. Tod slow drops in temperature good chance of rain the nextmper day. Announcer there are moments in our history that measure the character and courage of our leaders. Where did you stand on joe mccarthy . George wallace . This is one of those moments. Rob portman endorsed donald trump even with his history of degrading women. Portman stood by trump even after seeing trump brag about sexual assault. Then portman panicked and scrambled to save himself. History will judge rob portman a coward. What will we do . Ted strickland im Ted Strickland welcome to fabulous las vegas. Where theyve been up all night. The big debate. Third and final president ial debate takingig a debate takinging place between donald trump anddd Hillary Clinton in las vegas. Debate topics will likelyto liky include immigration, themmigrate economy, the supreme court, and fitness to be president. It will also likely spark talkl of controversies from both campaigns. Also of contr thats if they can get past thee beginning stuff. G stuff. You wanted last debate where is all this link to get into somegi hearty meat topicsnto no handshakes between the families. No hanlies. Kind of odd. I dont know. And the guests that are coming mark cuban for Hillary Clinton president obamas half brother forrk cuban for supporting donad mother of benghazi victim. There bringing special guest in. I dont remember that in thein e past. Do you . O it seems like and he would guess that during the debate theyhe would be speaking specificallys about those people and referencingly audience. Well have to see ho a that goes. It will be interesting to seetoe how the audience plays because b the last debates they were tecor to be quiet and they were not. Its going to be interesting. Er. If you can ask the candidates ad question what would you ask them . Were takingt that. At. I like that a lot of the people who have written into us arear asking the real questions. Ing tu the qesuestion to these candidas should be addressing verses all of this banter and nastyd be ads going back and forth between the two of themfo th deal kind of thing well get to some ofl these right now. W. First off we have more writingi and saying how is that all willl you deal with sanctuary cities basicallyy yo shelter in illegal Illegal Immigrants and if they remainma under aidministration do youyou believe funding from thethe government should stay the samee be reduced or increased . Ncre wea have a need of writing andnn saying why will undercut be better off with you . W what is your platform . Tfor know more about groping or raping no more personal dont let moderators lead you into the stephanie wrote what are you going to do fornie w women on ai of equal play elaboratec thiss time. She feels they havent done so in a. The debtore detail on relief for Student Loans ands ad school cost. A topic a lot of younger people i would hope are wonderingwonde about. What can you do for the children of our country . Ri steve wrote how will they fixf primary Education System . Syst being a worlde power we shouldnt be ranked as low as we are. Havent heard a lot about that. Great questions. Stio it eric also wrote i would ask them if they are aware the vast majority of americaem if they ao is embarrassed by them. Is em ive heard so many people sayba dont know who to vote for because i dont know who will be better. Ont know who and people are saying is this the best that we have to offer. E of all the people that live here that we dont have bettertter options. I hear that a lot. Lopot of people are questioningue we got to the point where again its so much more about theirei personal lives and instead ofte okay we were stuck in this crisis situation how are you going to fix it . Is how are you going to get us out of ityo . . Thats what people want to hear its politicss. Social media. Because of social media people e are getting involved more inlv peoples personal lives when it comes to that. Ed m and a lot of times that obscures the issues that are out there. T social media can also terrible terrible thing. Both sides. Es see what happens tonight for toi sure. Ill be back with more of your questions and comments later ina the show. Ter i t thank youhe. Show. You. We want to remind you tonights debate will be broadcast live from las vegas right here onm l fox8 beginning at 9 p. M. Itll be moderated by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. As ven must see tv no doubt. Already. Were going to shift gears rightg now check in with scott sabol taking a look at our forecast beard . . Something like thhat. Bea i lost track day 40 or 41 i want to break my record now that i want the browns to lose but i i want like 74 days three years ago that would put us input november 20. U getting a little itchy not really looking that realistic. Okay. You can only tolerate it for so long. Whether we can tolerate thisrati even though its like 12 degrees cooler than yesterdayik werer still well above normal. R heavier rain south Akron Wister Mansfield about half inchnch quarter to half inch 10th of in1 an inch of cl0teveland. H nch winds have died down of cleve temperatures this guys havepera cleared outtu hraesve thi fallee 50s. A few spots backck up to the lower middle 60s. Cold front further south lifts back at us with a warm front late tonight and we are highlighting clearing skieshighh cooler weatherng cle the forecae still shows rain developing. Opi. Wont see it today looking pretty goodd with highs a couplo the downward trend the last 24t hours south of akron will be between 72 and 74. 74 will be around 67 to 70 ind 67 t cleveland if theres that low noticeo 700cleveland that low me will be out of the southwest in it will slow down allows clouds to increase tonight look at the showers widespread rain late tonight to early tomorrow burningad the rain continues predawn tomorrow. Orrow. It will be breezy lows in thethe 50s it will stay around 60 to 62 with steady raino the day. Ay. We need rain that falls so far since september 1e the last eig weeks temperatures were like top free all time warmest. Rme rainfall running about 1 inch deficit. Over the last three or four weeks. And will make up for it lookekst that rain tonight tomorrow and tomorrow night and the front goes throughtow you added up h thehe rain tomorrow and tomorrow nightt more than likely willy wl exceed an inch in most Northern Ohio. O five day. Temperatures well belw normal will fall to the 50s on n friday rain early. Y. Late day sunshine and the eightg day forecast shows lake effectec rain shower with a north wind on saturdayay. It will be cold and windy middle upper 40s saturday. Urday. Lows in the third 30s. And sunday and monday back into the 50s with not as much went. N kind of going back down t. To whe we should be. We fall a little below average weekend through the beginning of next week. A typical looking eight dayookin after a big warm up likg eeight. The last time we had a stretch like this aboutas 53 years ago n the early 60s and we went from the 80s into the 40swe just like well do that here the next couple of days. l that comes at you fast. Okay. Thanks. 9 20 still to come fox8 news at lord l cichappell has been kille where it happen and do policelie have any suspects. Spect a lot of celebrities helping hep celebrate president obamasi finantl state dinner. They a list oo guest list and wo was on a. Student scare. Scare. Hear what dozens of students at one university are being diagnosed with and what doctors nf or te of el chapo has been shot and killed. Caseof it happened while he was jogging near his home about 40 miles from mexico city. Ar his home ththe gunman fired at close rann and hit him in the head. Ge the judge also handled other high profile cases involvinginvn accused drug lords. No arrests have been made. Een me el chapo is currently awaiting extradition to the u. S. Chapo i four S High School students areu recovering this morning, after a shooting in the parking lot. Shoting ies say the shootingng happened at the june Jordan School for equity in san francisco, as classes let out for the day. Lan Police Say One of the students pice say oncal condition, whilee the other victims sufferedt nonlife threatening injuries. Investigators are looking for four male suspects in the shooting. An overnight strike by facultyhm teteg for at 14 universities in univ pennsylvania has a lot of students in the dark this nsylvag. Sisi both sides had a 5 a. M. Es had a deadline, to reach an agreement. But talks fell apart. The strike involves more than. E. 5,000 faculty and coaches atcul state universities and collegesc involved. N they dont think it would affect the ohio state game this weekend. About 105 thousand students are affected. Out 105 th the university of illinois in urbana champaign, reports a viral infection outbreak. There are more than 60 cases of hand, foot and mouth diseasein urbana chaviral infection outb among students since the studenc beginning of the semester. E the infection causes painful sores in the mouth and on the hands and feet. Its a virus that spreadss through coughing, sneezing, kissing or touching infected areas. Consistent hand washing prevents the spread of the virus. Nsistenn Florida State university alsoy o reports an outbreak. There have been many cases alsoe reported here in northeast ohio. Even adults and parents getting state dinner at the white house last night honoring italiannal Prime Minister matteo renzi. Last welcome to the white house. And welcome to the final state dinner of my presidency. Elcome t but in the immortal words of a great italian american, yogi berra, it aint over til its over. And so. And so the dinner continued. Tin. The dinners guest list included celebrities like comedian jerry seinfeld, singer frank ocean and auto racing legend mario andretti. Celebrity chef mario batali served up the actual dinner. O ra aretti. Afterward gwen stefani performed. D. Afterww and greatformed. Event. Every time i hear state dinner n hear steak dinner. Inne can he have steak ever again . A the state dinner. You got it. T. You g it. Coming up on fox8 news in thehe morning. Stealing fromom all placesplace cemeteries. Police searching for several suspects accused of taking sentimentallpolice several ites left out gravesites. Sayinga goodbye to the big dippr whats happening to the formerom g. I. Are like a eroller coastere and who could benefit from above the historic pieces. Ec scott. These temperatures are going up and 5 00. Noticeably cooler still aboveove average. Will talkve more about the rain chances the next several days in the big cooldown for the weekend in columbus last night jr smith pulled up three. First game since resigning with theulsi cows. Lebron had ebron had they brought the starters out. Half. We lost the preseason gameme is still close with our bench players. Another know how about this. They served although we general managers. Rv its continuing its two or this morning and its making a stop coanchor tomorrow larry is wearing a tight. I we areg going to be wearing our wine and gold tomorrowe gettine ready for the trophy to be heret as we mentioned earlier tomorrow isea the third and final president ial debate and itsi takingt place in these out las vegas. Its going to be an all nighter that is for sure. E. G the Upcoming Supreme Court and and some other people out there aso wellu its going to be an interesting debate considering the audience and topics that it might not get past one thing. Hopefully he will be able to keep them levelheaded that ist enoughi amanda wrote in and said what are they going to do aboutam people disrespecting america and the flake that is not freedom that is what we stand foric needs to know. The just airplane aloneaeds a lf questions coming and a lot of people making good pointsque we time passes between its collection. You can see where those issues need to be addressed. Yo if you cant stay thing will have the recap for you. R t watch the indian starting at 408 watch the debate they will be a fault night. T teaching and push them. Be in your eyes on. How about this we have your new wehave the good one. G its hardo to believe its been 30 years since the 86 Cleveland Browns for the team to celebrate the anniversary former playersl getting together for Billy Special reunion and its wonderful walk down memory lane. Who gets no tell us more this great reunion. Re a just were surprised that so many are is going to be working around the community in theg cleveland area and it working with trying to develop people from the inside. You guysngngel are doing some ry anytime people get together for the entire group as well. We weve got some Trading Cards as well. You guys will be there you thoughts. Im in houston i worked for the its been a tough year. Just be. The way the team is developing. I am mentally looking forward to they showed me just a tremendous amountshow of not gog out on the field including. With they do a week in and week out. Th then once they add a few more pieces to it. Th my book is everybody. More than anything we want to think the people of clevelandl given to us on a consistent basis. They have been loyal and loving to us for a long timeme the teachers it is fired after repeatedly shoving a student intotht i a beanbag. You can see the former teacher whose them with a behavior specialist he shuns theth a this a strict fired him after his posted to facebook. Tri who happen to be in the room at was wrong. R for sensitive filming because he that howat d about howon mad the sky was getting he acted in ane inappropriate manner when dealing with this young student. Also in texas police in houston are investigating possible chid abduction attempt caught on surveillance videostsib he was Grocery Shopping look at this turned her head okay lo tried to grab the baby. She was trapped in so hen couldnt get her our office. He ended up hitting the child and thats that. The man has not been identified hes not been charged with a crime. Nt wow. An elephant is being called a called out to this baby elephant shes e how that goes in trouble so she ran to go help him. Look at that. The man was finedat turned intoe overly precious moment and shed loves to hold hands with the cofounder shend leads him on the part she just wanted to sayo fence the way that he saved her absolutely precious. The reason lies been she eventually found outut brought r to tearsro she shared her storyn an emotional video that quickly has gone viral she says her sonh lunches everyday since is clearly get because that she found out one of his friends has nothing to eat. The School Principal called them into the office because i will that she hadheoutlee been time feeding her son she could not accept money from ar mom recently lost her job. O everyone was a heartwarming story. Y. Shower said to spread into Northern Ohio tonight. Beyond that everything is looking really quite here today we will have the wind to deal with today. Ave mainly after midnight its up fairly widespread. God tomorrow morning as it will for someoe 50s0s pretty good rain tomorrow it will bemod breezy watch the los it slows down and although he gets type into itdo widespread will see was coming on new day. And they were there yesterday. Connie tell me how to make is going to be so simple and so easy you are going to s love it. T. Its healthy. H im excited to see it. You are looking very stylishemh us thed simple formula to make sure we have a wellbalanced attire were going to have a good show today to give a informationdg thats coming up also. Were talking chocolate and cheese. A lot of surprises on today

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