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Im todd meany. Any. Not just any thursday it is saint judeu thursday. A special special day here already at 9 00. Thanks to all of you. 9 00. Thanks to all of you. Im Stefani Schaefer. It is friday eve. Thanks hector. Coming up on fox8 news in the morning a young c comihild goes missing in the freezing cold weather all the snow. Just a little pj outfit happened last night stacey frey is live with more on how she was rescued how all tfit happenedof that came to be thank god. A mile from her home. What the family is saying. Thank you so muchhat ca generouserous viewers you guys are the best 96 minutes we sold out of our dream home tickets 18,888. 8,888. Find out how you can still help such a great cause. Thanks guys. What did you give up for lent did you give up meet some people do for sure on fridays b ut even through the entire 40 days. Chef rocco is sharing some of be a family favorite maybeci something perhaps you can make tomorrow. Fish fry all of them going on around town. Fry all of them going on around town. Check in with scott sabol for a look at our forecast on this thursday are we going to get warmer. Taking a wiitook at our focastld for that to happen temperatures all over the place this morning theres the ice cover starting to see some breaks and it. Due to the three reasons heavy snow cover clear sky and lack of ndhe three rns hea wind. Called the spot we could find was pierpont nine below read theyre close to the line. Six below ashtabula and peggy turners picture of her thermometer check it out on my Instagram Page one below still in rocr check itut on myk creek. Bainbridge at to Chagrin Falls at six. Look at the temperatures to the west middle teens from valeria to brunswick look at medina seven. Bounced around ari little bit by afternoon should all climb back up into the lower 30s. That huge range in temperature will quickly even out and we will have a pretty good nicee the looking at lower 30s. Lower 30s tomorrow. Jump right to it. Take a look at the warm front starts to push north increase the winds tom orrow it will increase the temperatures most of us will make a run at 50. There is a warm fronest will talk about whether or not we see rain or snow from that coming up in a little bit. Back to you. Thanks. A lorain family is counting snow little a lorain family is counting their blessings, after they were reunited with a toddler whote wandered out of the house last night. Unbelievable story so many questionsel to about how that could happen. It was a harrowing few hours. Harrowingw h fox 8s staoucey frey is live in lorain with the story. X 8s stacey frey good morning again. Good morning. Lana lowther was only wearing her pajamas when she wandered out of the house last night. T. Her family realize she was missing before 9 00. She wasnt found until a little after 1a. M. In those hours in bund untilittletween a lot of panic and a lot of people looking for her. Family, friends, neighbors, thermal imaging on a wooded lana was eventually found near the corner of missouri andking foce, firee fbi. Area. Cleveland avenues, about a mile away from where she was last seen. Lorain police say she was in good condition, but was brought mileehe was las her to the hospital to get checked out. Er to tital to get checked out. We talked to the man who found her. She seemed a little bit out of it. Her. Ittle bit out of it. Like she was able to say sit, like she wanted to sit in the car. N the and i could tell she was really i could tell she was really cold so she had to have been out there for a long time cause she was shivering when i picked her up. The second i put her in the a long up. The second i put her in the vehicle she was just relaxed and started to close her eyes and sit down. A 30 pound girl to live out inarted to cse her e this cold for this length of time and the hundreds of people thngth ofat were, and shes laying right there in the snow. I mean, hundreds of people m looking for her for hours and she was right there in plalain sight basically. Up so far from home. Brought to Mercy Medical center but seuartransferred to Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital overnight. Spoke with her mom briefly shetransferred to rain said is a message this morning she is table being treated at the hospital mom says she is safe and very thankful for the people who went out to look for her a little girl last night. God bless botha people and the man that founder i bet he could it believe it. He seemed a little emotional. Absolutely. Absolutely. Thanks so much. Facebook was a huge part of that social media being sspread and people showing up out of nowhere thats where they got those volunteers. Amazing. Are other top story this morning. The head of the Teachers Union is strasburg is asking for a state investigation, into anan alleged grthade rigging schemeats ere theyeyeng for a ed grade rigging scheme involving the superintendent. Despite the controversy, the school board has agreed to extend the superintendents contract. All right soo take a listen here. Exte the all right so take a l im disappointed obviously thatisten here. Its reached this point, and i work with the staff, thek students, the community, to give our kids the best education thathe they deserve. The school board for the Strasburg Franklin local schools said they support cindy brown, and they extended her contract last night for three more years. D more than two dozen teachersn teachers signed a resolution, seeking an investigation, accusing brown of changing students grades to artificially inflate student performance. Many parents at the meeting spoke up in support of the superintendent. I feel strongly, though, veryg ign gradeate stup strongly that the strasburg board of education got it right when they hired mrs. Brown to lead this district applause. At teachers are trained to evaluate students and give grades based on wistrict applaushers are trined that they earn, not on what the administration is telling them that they should earn. The president of the Teachers Union says they do not want brown to resign or be fired right notheyllrn. The pw. The School Board President says they will cooperate with anyet now. State investigation, but adds, the board has no plans for its own investigation. Dewine is planning to act as aine is planning to act as a special prosecutor to look into the death of a cleveland woman who died in police custody. Tanisha anderson died ince custody. Tanisha anderson died in november of 2014, while struggling with officers when they tried to take her for a mental evaluation. Her family claims she died after an officer slammed her to the ground. The medical examiner ruled her o death a homicide, but adds heartide, but adds heart trouble and Mental Illness were factors. Cuyahoga county prosecutor tim mcginty asked dewine to take over the case, to avoid any conflicts of intere cahoga c mcgst. Earlier this week we told you aboutrlier th the attack on a Security Guard at an akrony guard at an akron hospital is now the focus of an investigation by the Us Department of labor. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration will look into the stabbing of an unarmed Security Guard at akrons Saint Thomas Hospital tuesday night. The 54 year old guard was working in the hospitals psych guardthomasspital tuesday night. Ward. Hes expected to be okay. The suspect 33 year old andrew felonious assault. The Ohio Supreme Court will hear arguments before considering if convicted serial killer Anthony Sowell should get a new trial. Sowell is on death row following his nting if con a2011 conviction for killing 11 women at his imperial avenue home. Defense attorneys argue he did not get a fair trial, because his jury selection was doneiis imp behind closed doors. The high court will hear oral will hear oral arguments from sowells attorneys, on april fifth. Ikea is pulling plans to build a new store here in northeast ohio. Attor the Swedish Furniture giant hadhad been looking at a site in brooklyn just off i480. But the army corp of engineers says the area is part of at a site i i protected wetland, and construction cant be done there. Ikea is not looking at any other locations in our area. Ikea the company is now focusing on opening a new store in columbus, in the summer of 2017. All right. We are so excited and proud tooud to announce that once again ourthat o fox8 viewers have gone above and sport us as we support anport incredible cause. The Fourth Annual. 18,888 tickets sold out in 96 9 minutes and thank you because we couldnt do this without you and you guys are so good and we appreciate that. And goo the sd an tory i was telling somebody about it last year somebody saidabout i was saving uit lyear sp my money since christmas so i could buy a Prepaid Debit Card so i can have thne hundred dollars to buy a ticket. It shows the power of saint jude and how great of an organization it is. The phone bank the phones lit upntnt it is. The phone bank the phones lit up at 6 00 a. M. Until 730 when we had to shut everything down. Nick abraham automall donatingat that car. What an amazing day it was as it always is. We have to wait and see who wins. Its exciting ys i e to wait and we see the house being built and people take the tours and bacon whenple other great prizes and the they really come out there d and help support it because as weve talked many times to the owners they truly believe in this cause and they get behind it in their excited to be part of it. Theyve toured the hospital they know the impact indin t tt has and how great it is. We have two. We have two. Its a special place. Its amazing. You are awesome. You bring u are us to tears every year. Very emotional you see everybodys being so generous. Ero we raise 1. 8 million. Overall about 5 million thank you once again it is awesome. Check in with Kenny Crumpton speaking of the house out there the nce red tail Golf Course Community and avon a nice sunny day good to see that. Good to e that. You and stephanie talking about how beautiful it is and how thew the humanity of cleveland comes about. We are watching a really cool example of it right now hanging out with jeff from cleveland custom homes and they have taken on a cool responsibility of teff from clevelandhe dream home. Morning people have been inut the charitable spirit what is going on here. Tell the folks whats happened in the past 45 minutes out here. Its truly amazing. You guys we have seenks whats ened past 45 m the generosity with the tickets sold not too long ago and now we are seeing a real example of it with ourg a realexamp framing crew. They are out here donating there time today to the saint jude cause. All of this for free. In addition they called up there pain company and they said will going to come out here and do this lift libyans up on the foundation at no cost as well. The frame company. That wasnt even the plan. These are just two of manyo of ma examples of the spirit of generosity that is following through this entire project. That is just great tuesday project. That is just great tuesday because it really does boil down the goodness of people it really does. We are blown away by it. E i our subcontractors vendors and suppliers are really just pouring themselves into this we are so blessed to have them a part of this entire effort with us. So awesome and you wanier theinto tt to give a shout out to your family. Myt to to. To hello lexi and addison and my my wife christine. Theyre also huge supporters. Very cool we appreciate it welcome aboard. E my pleasure. Appreci it. Its an honor. Will come out when it is warm. It is cold but well come out when we get some sun. Sounds good to me. Wersoue going to go back to you in the studio another couple a few stories of just the spirit of giving thats in the cleveland area of ride out here with jeff and cleveland custom homes its a great day you guys. Back to you guys. So nice that he is on board. Great to have that. Ayat. We love the sponsors. Great. Remember one of our patient ambassadors middle carsonf our patit higgins. He wasnt here this year theres a reason why he is back at saint jude there he is. Photos now w wasnt e thie talk to him about his new health fight and how really important today is for him in all of the patients at saint jude Childrens Hospital. We have a skype interview withthe paties at he and his mom in a few moments. More study or more play how many recess breaksew m should kids get during school. Some students are getting for. Do you think that might be too somdo you think that might be too many. At the story in your comments next inn todays download. Good morning check it out fox eight our outlook shows pretty chilly air by the tempe rature starte go back up low 30s regionwide and i know we had below zero readings but just the beginning well have a pretty good look at tomorrows forecast and the weekend in just a few it took Joel Silverman years to become a master dog trainer. But only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. Technology designed for you. Some north texas schools say are benefiting from their kids having more recess time. The Elementary Schools are letting students enjoy two 15 minute breaks in texex the morning and two in the afternoon for a total of one hour of recess a day. Thmorning and thats three times longer than they used to get. It used to be 20 minutes. Imes longthan teachers say it is working. The new recess schedule makee make kids are less fidgety and more focused in the classroom. Is it too much. I think its great i think studies have shown you and i talked about this especially with boys they really need that time to just let looseust let lo have fun and then they can focus better. N obviously they say its working theyve seen an improvement the kids are behaving better theyre learning more that goes i think it is terrific. An i it is rr work toific. Wards that goal. If i focus right now 10 minutesmi were going outside. We get you know. And our altogether. Geth and parents are serious they think that is too long the kid should be. His the books. Kids arent getting the exercise that we all l thagot when we were young coming home. I think that is a big part of it to because home. They need all of thatey need al socialization the running around. We say that we are to sedentary kids are obese. This is a way for them to run around in there focusing it is a winwin. In our not on theirr o runsi ipad. Theres no debate. Lets see what you guys think lets see what you guys think rebecca says on our Facebook Page yes because kids cant focus for hours at a time so giving them page because kidbreaks allows for them to come back ready to start. Tricia commentedbreakllows on our Facebook Page kids need to run and play Research Shows the longterm benefits of play for children makes sense to let train educators dictate what kids need as opposed to politicians. Sandra wriri edutors dtes it does seem with the computer activity at home the only stretching they get is with some action so moremore activity at school makes sense. And king writes they are recess recess thinking about the recess at afterschool programs better at lunch and more security i n our schools. Recessed please. Amy says she commented this would have benefited me big time until high school 30 minutes was never nearly enough time for me. R me. We want to know what you think do kids need more recess breaks kids need more recess breaks during the school day head over to fox8. Com vote on our web full let us know what you think. I think its schooday headfantastic. I think its a great idea. 15 minutes and us time to geteadea. 15 minutes and us time to get out that. They need it. Get the bugs out of wiggle it all out. Mentally get yourself ready. Mentally get yourself ready. School days are eight hours. Seven or eight hours. 6474 elemm chool entary school. Thats a long time. Especially for elementary kids. Pec moreially eleme recess for everyone. Even for us. Im going to recess. Taking my recess breakk i will see you later. Going on the monkey bars. We probably have those somewhere. I ll thank you. Already wherere g oointhgan to check in with scott sabol taking a look at our forecast for us. Sounds good im sure you would feel the same way with youru would feel the same way with your kids. He likes that half dome type of of thing that you would climb on. Remember that thing back in the day are those even around anymore. Ive seen thememember tht thing b b da on a couple of playgrounds. Good times back in the 70s and. Good times back in the 70s and 80s. The things that we used to spin on. The merry go round. I dont think they have thosee anymore. So dangerous. Now i do that im all thrown off and i cant drive home. Check it out cold this morning some spots out in Geauga Ashtabula county techat were wellthat w below zero. Because of the snow cover thethe lack of wind and the clear sky thats usually when we get those wide range and temperature. Range and temperature. All right seasonal snow up to 21 inches thats at hopkins a little more in the snow belt. 54 inches last year tha through today 622 years ago and threeday and four 622 y ago years ago notice how the snow numbers werent nearly as impressive in those winters mentor 1119 and brunswickwick starting to climb back out of it now ravenna at 15 painesville at six. So sullen at six canton at 15. So nine be suln at low this morning now back up to zero. We climblow tis mor back up to the lower 30s. Click this afternoon under mostly sunny skies. The warm front which will beunny skies. The warm front which will be responsible for not only triggering a few showers but increasing the ponsiwinds and the warmth is still off to the west. We cloud over cant rule out a quick showers and i 25 the front will pass to esr the north real fast and by tomorrow look at these highs well aalbove 50 tomorrow. Start to melt off some of the snow and keep that when going when goi through saturday nas we not only increase the temperatures but also keep it relatively dry. Show you the forecast now 40s over the weeketurd emnd not much rainfall for this next front. We do tread cooler next week. The pattern over the next seven or 10 days heading into the end of next weekend the following weekend is right for not only below normal temiso tr pator 1peratures but keep an eye on that here because again this pattern is going toto to beecher several more of these panhandle those which typically produce wet snow and also may be a noreaster or two before the winter is through. Keep that in mind we included and also may be w snow on the eight day next thursday. Fox8 news your official schoolchoo closing station. Although the heart of the cold air is probably behind us thelosibably be us the snow is definitely not. We will see what happens. The seat of the coldd is hanging the heart of the cold is gone where onto the seat in the toes. Youve got it. Thanks. Ngt it. The battlele between apple and thepple a fbi is growing. Should n they be forced to unlock the phone belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters. Filled her up with water. Whyy drivers were pumping water instead of gas at one gasne g station. What is falling from the sky i quite a mess in one city. Doesnt look a good. Come into Steak N Shake for better yet, come into Steak N Shake for handdipped milkshakes r r at halfprice during r halfprice happier hour, p weekdays, now two to five at Steak N Shake. The four dollar menu at Steak N Shake. Featuring handcrafted steakburgers, allbeef footlongs and fresh guacamole made from scratch. The four dollar menu, where all meals are under four dollars, knew this morning. Turkey has launched airstrikes against kurdish militants in response to a deadly bombing. A car bomb is suspected in an to a deadly bombing. A car bomb is suspected in an explosion killing 28 people and injuring more than 60 turkey. The blast hit a group of military vehicles near the Turkish Parliament in the vehicles near the Turkish Parliament in the capital city of ankara. Turkish investigators say the bombing is a terrorist act. Ca bring the suspects to justice. Its unclear if the victims werenclear if the victims were military personnel, or civilians. Googles ceo is siding with apple, when it comes to a dispute with the fbi. Dispute wi the fbi investigators want apple to help unlock a phone, belonging to one of the San Bernadino shooters. But apple says it cannot currently do that and should notundino shoot be required to build a back door into systems, to bypass security. The heads of apple and google say forcing companies to dotooogle say forcing companies to do that, would compromise users privacy and put them at risk to hackers. The government says thegovernment says the information is critical to national security. A hospital in texas is shutting in down because of a bat infestation. Dozens of small bats have beenf small bats have been found in the walls and ceilings of the good Shepard Kilgore er. The facility is forced to cut capacity and reduce rooms available to patients. Allhe e the hospital is trying to getet lable rid of the bats, and resume full operations. Imagine going to the gas station to fill your tank and instead of gas, you put water in your tank. You dont know it. Gas,u put well it happened this week att happened this week at one pennsylvania gas station. Customers who filled up at the busy b in bowmanstown began tousy b in bow stall shortly after getting gasnstown prompting inspectors to come in. As expected the gas station was selling watered down gasoline. Tored downoline. Inspectors say gas station owners are responsible for finding and fixing the problems they caused. Ectoed. To your vehicle. Hope that wasnt intentional hopefully something was leaking but thats a bad situation. Heres a mystery mess taking place in michigan. People want to know what isplace in michigan. People want to know what is falling out of the sky. Take a look at this black substance that showed upnce that wed up splattered on cars, homes, andattered on cars, homes, and everywhere in one neighborhood. Its not bird droppings. Its an ash like substance, with an oily consistency. An ash lik almost looks like tar. Tar. Base nearby but they says the substance did not come from them. Them. Hopefully the truth is outt there. Investigators are currently running tests. Ut that with a good one. D e. Thank you. Following some developing news. Check in with wayne dawson for a look at what is just an. A look at what is just an. Good morning. Big news coming out of the white house on this thursday gomorning the president just tweeted he plans to visit cuba. Thats right a brief visit will hsit cuba. Take place in midmarch it will mark another step forward towards relations between washington and havana. Relations that have been very colna. Reld the last half century or so. Last august the American Embassy if you recall reopen. And h embargo remains in effectffect however which restricts most trade with the island nation. And for tourism that will be be allowed until Congress Lifts a h e longstanding embargo. This is the first time in nearly nine decades us president hasde nt once again president barack obama visited the ioplanning to visit cuba in midmarch. Midmarch. That is what is just in. Now back to you. Learning more information after a two year old little baby girl a two year old little baby girl goes missing last night. Find out who found her and where and how shes doing later on this morning. Would you want to live in a tiny home pintsize houses are being built in northeast ohio. D yo find ouublt in not what is inside and howe and ow much they will cost. Scott. Temperatures are going back up take a look we saw single digit readings that will be ending within the next hour. Fox eight our goineadingsthatoutlook looks brings us intor the 20s and middle 30s. Help warm will begin tomorrow will we melt off the snow before she was taken to Mercy Medical center before being transferreded the necessary data got into the righthand thumb Police Supervisor or manager and other offices demoted for not reporting the problem the epa saidd the area where is safe for at levels browns retired after the number 99 after nine hall of fame seasonsr i guess always be with you. U. Wow. Thats awesome. Thank you. Congratulations. There hoping a pair of tiny n those said he hopes will be a hundred and 2,550,000 its only 30 a month is what that is. there is such an exciting day here att fox 8. Our Fourth Annual saint jude james Home Campaign kickoffxx we sold out of all tickets. Those the best part about that generosity and northeast ohioi and members of the fraternity and sorority that they partner withdr it was a really cool day we get emotional because you are raising money for kids who really need help. It takes a billion dollars a yearea you knew that so many were gradyn ready to call at six same t it was amazing. I think youaz and i have both been blessed to be there and visit with our families. D their darkest times and make it more special placei is there arty going to major financial anyway. Medicine and housing is paid for in the treatment is pay for. Hell be remember one of our saint jude ambassadors hes been with us for many years he still get a chip that we are able to through skype. Ar we still mow doctors and nurses is like a second home. We went to a hospital. So then i did for more rounds of chemo and they shrunk a little bit. Of radiation and take five days. O along with chemo what might actually start today it means a lot to have that prayers and thoughtsye pages have extremely bad luck and im ready to fight god healed me last timedy and this time im old enough to tell my own story. And to top off our interviewer heres the woolly bear sure thatsu we send them in a big thank you to all. Home ticketou al thats right bigig thank you to all who supportup lou maglio, fox 8 news. Pa its truly an inspiration. Im glad hes doing good. Go hopefully he continues to do well. Please keep him in your prayers. O you can find out about the credit youin could be owed. What did you give up for at length you better not give up any rocco whalen suit. On friday roccos got some delicious seafood for lunch. Well talk about that when we 3 million suvs being recalled worldwide. A flock could cause them with seatbelts to fail. Most are built between 2005 and 2014 they say they will fix thate problem at no cost to thest consumer. Youll get a credit to your bill. They issued an apology and one day for video service. I two boxes to box. They will vary depending onx. The label to search for moving m tweets and direct messagestu more than 1 million were shared last year alone they are adding gifts to increase user engagementnt1 have no fear of chef rocco Whalen Whalen is here. Vegetables his family 20 years later a little bit of good lettuce. And some cucumbersit that adds that in nam a bit of the bit of the citizens to the tongue and get you goingha cook or uncooked you want to influence the track on the t extra side of the shrimp isf been cleaned out we have two pieces of shrimpe not only the cucumbers a little bit of speciallyly Stefani Schaefer saw less than 200 calories. Kids are going to love it. What you want to put on theirth and that. First choice right herean would pick on muscles in the big on fishers hearing cleveland so here we are. We do things they care weve got betterer a little bit of garlic a little bit of caramelized fixes make everything come together nicely. A little bit of fresh kessler going to let this cook down foro muscles. Fish it should be opec and they have the answersk all of the grocers downtownf they know what theyre doing doesnt hurt to ask. Were going to go to pounds of muscles. O minuteses on the 23rd for the first and second great opportunity three g for 33 all over town kudos to all the chefs who are doing as well as the cities. Clevelands risinginh the polls rnc and its really great time jonathan sorry matthew my chair its an energy thing its about clevelands sheer on the cavaliers thing great job at super bowl. He cant eradicate hunger try totr shake them up a little bit. The video of a girl beating up a boy at a high school gone viral a facebook wont take it down. Will tell you why. T also a special bond between twins is captured on a sonogram find out why this heartbreaking its trying some controversy in the community. This location has beenro attaching figures of bible verses on the backs of food given to customersttgu with some people say and they just orders to be correct and thats with those computers are for. Nothinga behind it. Eh like we used to do is get a trapper keeper. D fiftys tomorrow. Keep it dry through saturday with 40s over the weekendnd late sunday night into monday. We will have more when we come back. Hey, welcome to new day cleveland, im david moss, and were gonna noodle our way around northeast ohio, and i say noodle, im talking about noodles well. I am david mossoo noodles asian hungarian noodles and thus

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