Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 5PM 20161129 : comparemela

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 5PM 20161129

injured in the attack to say that she is focusing on her recovery and appreciated the community support. there is an event called buckey strong tonight a campus at 7:00 p.m. for students here to come together to begin the healing process. our thoughts are with the victims and hopefully the investigators find the answers that they're looking for very soon. from the calmest wastewater , perhaps during a press conference about the suspect an the lot of, reports that law enforcement looking into different cell phones and internet records of the suspect in talking to his family and friends to determine exactly ho this happened. getting a look at the heavy damage caused by strong winds there were trees abound and buildings damaged as peggy gallek shows us. >> strong winds causing damage to the seaside in west side. members at this eastside church said that this is a blessing in disguise. >> church's been here for about 65 years it was founded by dr. von. reverend theresa hatcher grew up saint teresa holiness science church on the east side on tuesday the congregation gathered to observ damage. i think that there was no one seriously hurt, nobody was injured the cars were damaged that is what many here are thinking, no injuries reported that there were calls of severa downed trees and branches in place closing a portion of east ninth street briefly after reports that a construction cable broke into some windows a the pnc bank building downtown. high winds cost about 2,000 people to be withou power thismo >> the fox 8 weather team says wind gusts between men in 2:00 a.m. between 30 and 40 mph. as many spent tuesday cleanup, so thankful for what remains. >> for whatever reason that thi happened i know that he has a master plan, she knows and that he does things for us is going there were no injuries reported, many home for eight calm night tonight. >> the church has to have those repairs done in the next few weeks, the winds have settled down the sunset here is stunning, is certainly grabs your attention just the right mix of fair skie in cloud cover so that the sunshine can't eliminate the bottom of the clouds, and not much wind but that was differen earlier today. looking at some of the wind gusts. airport, it is wide-open against the lakeshore, a wind gust of 5 mph also 53 mph at dunkirk new york, hopkins airport with a wind gust of 45. the current brace has been reduced quite a bit. during this hour the is in the single digits, out of the southwest, expect some of it to kick back up as the second front moves through. the first front came through last night, kept the temperature at degree or two currently it i in the mid- 50s. the second front will push the temperature down even more so. currently it is near arkansas, in memphis tennessee that will be brought up tomorrow with the second front in depth look at all that snow fall in that the countess, tonight frenetic race with clouds thickening and showers arriving with that southeast wind. it would be windy between five and 15 mph. doula police chases turned deadly and now four years later united to remember the two killed in to discuss systematic changes they believe still need to be made and the justice system. >> jennifer jordan joins us. november 29, 2012, malissa williams into the russell were killed in a hail of gunfire after failing to stop straight- chased by police, say one needs to be done to improve relations between the black community in place, the united on church road in east cleveland today the location where the to work on down at th end of the police chase, a group of 13 officers fired the shots, williams and russell were unarmed, michael brelo the old officer currently charge will find his weapon was found not guilty, many are also praising to be believed to be changes resulting from the shooting, cuyahoga county prosecutor tim mcginty do not get reelected and judge john o'donnell presided over the brelo trial lost a bid to be elected to the ohio supreme court. prosecutor who is out of a job and also a judgment don't have to worry about to see on supreme court bench of ohio. racism is a cancer in this country, the only way that we'r going to have equal rights for got to fight for them, russell williams were both thomas with history of mental illness and drug use, they would try to pul them over for a turn signal violation, then they gave chase, the families of both suspects pawned lawsuit against the city of cleveland receiving a settlement of $3 million. the death of the message 16-year-old boy from cleveland has been ruled homicide, alexander mullins in sight and vacant home east 54th street this month week after he went missing, his father dropped off at the schoo november 9 said that was last time he saw him alive place and i said if they have any suspects. millions of people making minimum wage across the nation rally today to get a raise, frustration hopkins airport one of many held all over the country, calling for lawmakers wage of $15 per hour, and local efforts have been previously defeated while critics say that that is too high for that type of work, demonstrators say it i crucial for those trying to support a family, then one of the wealthiest countries in the world but plenty to go around site should not be on your asking for a decent wage. >> is not be happening it is truly said we ought to be ashamed to be fighting to get to $15 we should show in other to happen. employment policies institute group leaves that the middle wage increase would result in lost jobs, reduce hours and closures. metrohealth medical center has big plans to expand, the bard looking to foster construc a new facility in red ink bite-wing 22 the president and ceo says this bid in patients deserve better. alone decided that waiting for the plane to taxi was not i her best interest, so she took it is a warm breeze, things may get wintery in about ten days from now. what do you know? >> i just know these things studied these things, a lot. all of the cold air has been bottled up in eurasia. they had these massive snowfall for two or three weeks, the block that has been holding a stationary for quite some time, it appears to be letting loose. like watching all of the water bathtub, that may happen in about ten-12 days we may be interesting time as we approach the christmas holiday, today, cloud cover that was unproductive mostly. we had just enough breaks to allow sunshine this is the first front with although the strong winds and showers , and then a another wave of moisture that well is essentially generate showers an that will be somewhat steady into early wednesday this is part of the second front of the maps in motion. the first front moving through, temperature decrease in the win shift, this next one has a larger contrast beginning late tomorrow to thursday. 57 degrees in cleveland, we should have the high temperatur in the low 40s this time of year. that represents an increase from yesterday and tha goes until the second front right about here. that front approaching during morning program tonight, clouds thickening and then an morning so we don't showers, 49 the overnight low, and then one more mild day ahead of the second cold front, here is the first front, and then the second front, does not look like say that when it will be a wet start and then the second dry slot smart eatin with father temperatures from 5 into the 40s and eventually 38 wednesday night and then thursday friday saturday it wil be at or below normal and from time to time we could see a few lake enhanced rain or snow showers, no big deal, from time to time, overnight lows into th 20s morning. then another front tuesday next week just beyond the 8 -day outlook as we anticipate what could be the pattern changing storm, a pretty decent one in the ohio valley their brains in cold air to keep it here for a while that will be just beyond the 8 -day outlook, we will let see what dave did today with some help o our good friends on the name of giving tuesday. today tell you about a new product designed to help to correct a square is looking spectacular for christmas, the skating rink is a little warm, but that will change. all trending on social media, hash tag giving tuesday began four years ago, the money you save on black friday many like to donate to charities, whateve charity just pay it forward wit the help of antonio's pizza, we at public square to help feed hungry people. today is hash tag giving tuesday people , it is a pay it forward, about some hot fresh pizza from antonio's pizza? >> i'm fine with that. >> what do you think of giving tuesday? >> i think it is great? of the newscaster? >> sometimes, are you hungry? giving tuesday, we just want to give you a hot fresh slice of pizza. have you heard of hash tag giving tuesday? you give all the money that you saved from black friday in cybe monday for charities. eye you pay it forward what you going going to give the blessing to the lord. i like to have somebody homeles downtown, i was homeless i know how it is. give this two someone who needs it, i am blessed, that would be my little donation. you got to be bold, and you got a good holiday, thanks. pay it forward, pay a compliment to something, have a good day, merry christmas. thanks to the good folks at antonio's pizza, we ha to they wanted to participate i they said absolutely. they came up with a semi truck from columbus, from chips ahoy giving up cookies. i know that some people turned around and lita ford right it was a nice sharing experienc and i felt all warm and tingly inside. cannot go i skitter there is too much water on the ice-skating rink today high of about 623. keeping track of those who mistreat animals the plan to goddard's law could get monteith, tonight there is push to take enforcing to one step further. >> maia belay joins us with more. and animal abuse registry could become a renowned in cuyahoga county right now there is no universal database to track users. >> and maybe even harder to get away with harmon animals. those who haved fines goddard's law made it a thought into harm companion animals, sunny simon a cuyahoga county councilwoman tows and force it one step further. >> version wants to try to procure another pet they will be on a registry, proposing a norton's to create a universal database to track convicted abusers. sharon harvey, apl ceo, says it is difficult to track abuse cases. >> right now we don't have that ability unless we have actually handle that case he's been here about three weeks, and rescued as part of a cruelty investigation, apl report abuse and neglect cases increased 12 percent from last year , the nearly 1300 new local cases, if passed this registry harder for abusers to adopt pets. make sure that we do what we can to put them into good homes. file editors could face fines of two $500, she said that it would protect the animals. they are family members and as the implementation. >> if passed, it could be running next month, or early next year, the cuyahoga county sheriff would maintain the registry. wildfires damaging or destroying more than 250 buildings around several popular tennessee resort towns from 14,000 people evacuated the southern appalachian mountains as more than a dozen fires raging, out-of-control wildfires forcing thousands to flee, had to drive-thru the flames to get to safety. >> a dozen fires threaten the great smoky mountains of east tennessee one people feel hot flames and strong winds push th damaging, or destroying homes and businesses. >> i think i have lost my house things can be rebuilt, it is difficult to try to protect and serve others, when your own property have worked for is burning. that is what these people have done for the last 24 hours as firefighters fight the flames, those people in shelter wonder what will be spared? the things that i have known about probably do not exist, i just have that memory in my heart, just pray for us, that i the one thing that will work, god will take care of the wallin who made a break for it after her flight landed in houston not face charges she wa a passenger on a united flight from new orleans to houston whe she pulled the exit and ran as the plane approached the gate the wallin was taken to the hospital for evaluation, cannot believe what they saw. >> summit hi-def said that ther was a runner, i do not pay much attention. passengers thought that she had left something on the plane like a bomb they said there was nothing found and no idea why she would leave the plane like that, cyber monday with a new record, final part of the holiday shopping brought in almost three half billion dollars in sales shopper spent 12 percent more than last year, smartphones the national retail federation said 23 percent of those cyber monday shoppers expected to the browsing from their mobile gadgets about the same number as last year. it was a wednesday night. >> it got your attention. >> was wind gusts approaching 4 mph hopkins , and 53 mph at burke lakefront, and the time when it hits 48, show you of the webcam time lapse adds junk accounting. classic as effective in the afternoon none of the clouds ar just in case you missed it just beyond the 8 -day . we may be looking at the game changing storm that will bring the cold air interstate for much longer than a day or two. remember dick goddard's final forecast, we asked him and he said that for this winter is going to be calorie counting everywhere these days. >> including fast food restaurant but does it really janet, i'm giving you an extra week's vacation! oh, ah... nooo. what? no way. who says no to more? time warner cable's all about giving you more. like the most free hd channels and virtually unlimited movies and shows on demand, so you can binge all day. and don't forget the free tv app. switch to get ultra-fast internet with call now. for $89.99 a month you'll get free hd channels, 30 meg internet and unlimited calling. term term plan for slumping sales and neighbors and that carroll county may be for nothing. no pubik hair with the update. the soccer world grieves brazilian soccer team to the biggest match in its history crashes in colombia, the plane crashed yesterday killing 75, with sick survivors they say that the crew radioed a distress signal before the crash today they arrived to begin searching for evidence. >> tiffany's blames its neighbor for falling sales at its flagship store,n they do not mention donald trum my name but said that the nearb chaos that adverse effect on traffic, the new york store accounts for nearly 10 percent of tiffany's total sales. brianna keller's investor does not stop people from eatin it, next year faster change mus start displaying calorie counts on the menu, research indicates only very few people make counts, the study found less than half of those surveyed correctly estimate of the numbe of calories they should consume daily. avored cavs fan and chef used his artistic skills to relive the world series, the gingerbread replica of wrigley field ways 400 pounds and it is all edible except for the players who are made out of legos the seats are made out of crackers scoreboard is edible paper the windows says it took in more than 70 hours to build the replica. looking a lot like christmas at the white house the capitol christmas tree went up yesterda today and violence show off the decorations included are statues of their dogs, there are city 5,000 ornaments, 7500 strands o ribbons, next time your child throws a temper tantrum there is a new way to teach them a lesson to welcome back, a beautiful shot of the city and a quiet night after all of the strong winds last night, every runner knows a journey of seattle man is resting after proving that a terminal lyme disease not stop him from pursuing his dream. his was to complete a full marathon as suzanne phan has th story. is proving to the world that he can make a difference. >> on sunday he tackled 26.2 miles of the seattle marathon, he had oxygen tanks in his wife at his side >> it is the last leg to the finish line. pulmonary fibrosis and hypertension have scarred his lines is get-go lodz to survive both diseases in the past five years with only three people >> he was a competitive runner but on sunday he was expecting to finish the entire marathon, is trying to get the word out about pulmonary fibrosis and to raise money for a cure. they joined up to show support. >> my father passed away from here three years ago. >> it has been a exhausting endeavor for him. as he runs, becomes a little closer and then during the final stretch. he was welcomed with open arms. congratulations it was so amazing. >> he started at 6:00 a.m. and then ended 11 hours later. it feels great to be done. >> the upset he made a difference to help bring in mor donations for desperately neede research and drastically trick-or-treating temper tantrum, a new product designed to deter your kids from acting out, that's what people are talking about on facebook live as elizabeth noreika joins us with more. a spray helps keep the sassy leica the motto of this invention is called sassy spray it is kind of the updated version of soap in your mouth, it's loaded with apple cider vinegar and this will be spraye in the child's mouth when they talk back they say that is supposed to keep them from having a temper tantrum created by tony romo's wife, who wants to know what you think about this sassy spray, many of you a lot of people on facebook said that they are not fans of this kind of treatment would prefer other methods of discipline plus the price of this is $10.99. if you want this product, sassy spray. at that just set them down to try to teach the lesson by speaking to them. code a mild quiet night but eventually everything was comin to an end. the second cold front arriving tomorrow morning. it will be along with scattered showers tomorrow morning into early afternoon. and then some colder air beginning to arrive. tonight for a net decrease clouds thickening most of the showers hold off until after predawn just before sunrise tom early it will still be mild early with falling temperatures in the afternoon for any cooler than normal and of the week by couple of degrees. gadgets are to be holiday favorites again this year. >> what you need to do to avoid getting hacked as soon as you sobered in george harrison who electronics are the top of everybody's wish list this christmas season but there also catching the eye of cyber criminals. those pac-12 holiday gifts including pcs, smartphones and tablets, any of those streaming sticks that you plug into your tv are fiery hot items were computer hackers they say that you need to as soon as you get the device out of the box. >> first thing you should do is change the default password, loves all of these have some sort of password capability chains that is something other than password or 123456 or something similar. >> they say if you get a laptop or pc install antivirus softwar immediately and set up your firewall, don't put that off because someone could hack in. >> appreciate your time >> drying winds bringing a huge wall crashing down in cleveland we have the exclusive video. authority's conan on the motive behind the ohio state attacks as the victims began to tell their stories. smash and grab at saks fifth avenue, could be linked to incidents in several states? >> fox 8 news begins now. it happened so fast turn to go back into the building and i get flipped into the air. >> survivor tells a story a day after the attack that left 11 people injured and the suspect dead, they're trying to figure out if the attacker was inspire by isis, matt ride reporting from columbus at the osu's isis now claimed responsibility for the attack that injured 11, three of the victims remain hospitalized in fair condition, here they are shaken but resilient. >> returning to class today at ohio state. it is still kind of like, will it happen again but to wha we hope not but we have some friends who do not come to school today because they were scared. >> there are few of the attack outside of watts hall, they believe that the terror group isis inspired abdul razak ali artan to crash according to a crowd, they say he began stabbing people with a butcher knife. police officer quickly shot and killed him, professor william clark, one of the 11 it happened so fast, he turned to go back in the building and there's car was there and i get flipped into th air. they're seeking more clues about the motive included this post to his face to page before the attack that said, sick and tired of saline fellow muslims killed and tortured. they say that he immigrated from smalley via pakistan in 202014, this year he graduated from enrolling at ohio state, he told the student newspaper he was scared to pray nope because he was muslim, they say he lived in this west columbus townhouse with relatives. child care as they could begin to heal. >> begins to hit home that this is happening places it could happen here. >> i see it as a chance for hop

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New York , United States , Arkansas , Cuyahoga County , Ohio , Tennessee , Brazil , Cleveland , Eastside Church , Columbus , Houston , Texas , Colombia , Carroll County , Metrohealth Medical Center , Pakistan , Brazilian , Alexander Mullins , Lita Ford , Sharon Harvey , Maia Belay , George Harrison , Dick Goddard , Simon A Cuyahoga , Abrianna Keller , Russell Williams , William Clark , Abdul Razak Ali Artan , Tony Romo , Theresa Hatcher , Suzanne Phan ,

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