Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 5PM 20160304 : comparemela

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 5PM 20160304

way before crashing. >> he says he harbors no hard feelings towardrd timothy taylor in hopes the hopes that giving realizes he has a problem that needs to be addressedd. >> understand that we all all have problems, leo struggles and if he was sober, he would not have done anything like this.w >> to the tate . taken to metrohealth, they say he will face charges including ovi. it could be an evidence of the that the los angeles police department has been looking for for the past 20 or.h >> on i found on o.j. simpson's former state is in police circumstances. >> as roosevelt leftwich reports . >> even after all this time, something like this to make people pay >> from the bronco chase to the court trial and the verdict in the case of people versust o.j. simpson. >> with the jury find the defendant, not guilty of the crime of murder. >> that trial was long over, the murder of his ex-wife nicole brown andride ron goldman remain unsold melt the murder weapon may have been found. >> that is described as a knife it from is a retired lapd officeri who retired in the late '90s. >> police captain says that life may have been found during the estate in 2,004,4, was found in an and taken to an officer who was workingndnd at a movie set nearby, the officer did not turn the damned and even the police say they're not sure why.d >> me-time you come into contact with evidence that you should submit that to investigators . i don't know the circumstances,.. >> after so many years, could this be the murder weapon the police say they have no idea . the lab has been tested for dna evidence or any other evidence and if by some circumstance that this could be linked to a person they say it could solve the murder but the case of california versus o.j. simpson is over.. >> i'm not an attorney but my understanding is that officer for 30 years that double jeopardy would be in place so we cannot charge him with the acquitted. >> he said the police treating this like any other cold case because with the acquittal of o.j. simpson the murders are still unsolved . and this will remain open until the killer or killers are identified with god after all this time. >> makes you wonder why he held on to for so long. >> they don't know if he thought it was nothing for,th they say they do not know if this is real if this was just made up out of the blue so they're going to try to figure this outt if this is real or just another mystery . the man accused of shooting and killing a canton k-9 officer appeared in court, he pled not robbery i assault of a police dog they could get more than 50 years in prison if convicted . the german shepherd jethro was shot three times during the january confrontation and died the next day. >> two our teenagers facing charges for a school shooting in cincinnati. as though they did not fire shotsas georgio's suspect showed his gun to students shall before opening fire at a cafeteria, two people were shot and two others were injured the teenagers who were shown the gun t charged with failing to report a crimeme the shooter remains locked up and due in court next week. >> the shakeup in the cleveland browns front office choosing john telich joins us with more. down as the brownss president effective at the end of the month, he will continue as a consultant to the end of the year, browns owner's lauded him for his work enhancing the experience at first energy stadium .ci he spearheaded the switch to the new orange uniforms . it was clear that wants to restructure the front office, saucycy paul depodesta and sashi brown bed alec scheiner was not long for one for the team in some discord between the front office and coaching staff that he was a part of, he said in a team released went forward to helping the browns as he determines is the next challenge . the nfl has suspended defensive line-man armonty bryant for the first four games .f for violating the policy of stemming from a christmas day last month he pled not guilty to two counts of drug possession after they foundt oxycodone and federal during that christmas morning stop . he joined the browns and january 2,013th he was not involved in the latest search. expected to last nights debate night's debate to get personal in a dead. >> the attacks are not stopped, a day the day after what seemed like name-calling, the candidates are still added. in florida they hate little the fact that he never votes, he never shows up to vote a book contract continues his personal attacks of marco rubio during a michigan campaign stop the lastal night's debate was the nastiest of the season with cruz and rubio going after donald trump. >> we have the front runner in the primary that refuses to answer a single policy question last nightpr he took took a position inside i change my opinion on temporary guest workersooe, high-tech workers and as soon as the debate ended within seconds he reversed his position. >> there's no doubt if we remain divided, donald trump winds. >> remain divided as the path to catastrophe for this country , primaries and caucuses held in four states and puerto approaches in ohio the campaigning is increasing the institutional baptist church where bernie sanders to speak to an audience tomorrow described as nonpublic event . polls this weekend have shown that he and clinton in a tossup into the march 15 primary, the church reached out to both campaigns toar be invited to speak and he accepted first this willnd not be a rally not open to the public this is a ticketedra intimate event with a limited number of people toat attempt to share their concerns of what he can bring to the table, the southto hillary clinton with a overwhelming majority of the african american the parents would give voters something to consider. >> it'll bebe not a rally but a dialogue on his vision and then she will do to impact our local community so it is important. >> hillary clinton was meeting todayay with members of the ohio legislative black caucus, a group that can influence the votes of thousands here in the state . things are ramping up as we head into march 15. was part john kasich stays away from the personal attacks levied by donald trump, cruz and rubio he thinks people will see past the bluster and decide the race >> sat down with gabe spiegel for an interview the only local reporter to talk to the candidate todayntly . some of that conversation. >> just keep working the little engine that can andnd ohio will be critical, we have to win ohio see what the people have to say . i could have been knocked knocked out early but i'm doing great and i'm having a good time . >> a lot of the polls say that you're the only guy on stage to beat hillary clinton ty why do you think that is? >> i can get crossover votes, i'm not an angry guy i'm not divisive, and that is appealing, the problem with the debate is that it is really harde for people to get to know who you are . . maybe a little by little into starting to happen, people hear my messagege in my town hall meetings that are emotional that people coming and come in and tell me things that are personal been a good experience. >> is amazing that this is coming down again to ohio, ohio is so important in this race if i win ohio were going to go to the convention and then the convention is in cleveland again to the convention in 1976 when it was very disruptive withve ronald reagan versus gerald ford andit one thing i learned is that if you want really want to get attention as a delegate to stay uncommitted as long as you possibly can.ta >> are they getting wrapped up? >> not really? my girls are going to school they see the debates they send send me send me e-mails that that would be a little bit i just wanted to have some memories of her father that they can tell their children what he was all about. >> back in august you pierce through and you keep your chin up. you are motivated to write way, which is trying to do the things to fix fix the country, i'm not that worried aboutw that unaware that much about success . i just figure you do your thing you put 1 foot in front of the other and be outside, but on my jacket, then my nose started running and still is. >> when i was in pittsburgh,st i did the weekend weekend and the weatherman did not show up so i had to do with the weather reportnh. >> how did it come? >> i don't knowd i don't remember they put show you the webcam time-lapse from burke lakefront airport, premier flight academy, we'd lunchtime . the last hour or so this is of the fairweather keyless writing were still on the backside of that cloud deck going to check in, next weather segment with two webcams web atg geauga county airport and cedar point they've had more sunshine . of strain, the next and final clipper systems of the series to come through and most of them will be light snowfall mixing with rainfall in the southern counties this low-pressure system near minneapolis will be just to our north tomorrow . that may allow light snow 30 degrees, and 31 akron-canton . there is nobody in the area that is above freezing . those of you in zanesville, watching us, you say that you are above freezing but just barely .at very little temperature change between yesterday, look far enough to the west is a huge increase and that is what's coming next week . it will switch around to the south they selectll warm night 22 the tomorrow 30 degrees the light clipper snow will mix with rain most of the snow will be in michigan .st by late day were looking at mostly rainfall . a cosmetic coating . with temperatures that would be paraphrasing . and then into some 40s, 50s and 60s . though looking at today and show you that once we get throughgh precipitation chances on the high side first part of the weekend, this sunday, monday and tuesday sunshine and then rainfall . to be a lot of rainfall in here talk more about that coming up in the next segment, the dynamics behind the increase shower and thunder storm activity on wednesday, thursday and possibly part of friday and saturday . we'll have three days of dry and mild and mildet . when the snow flies s turned to fox 8 . fox 8 studio at the university of akron. fox 8 the official school and delays on-air, online. of next in trending the latest on the night allegedly discovered on theth old property gabe spiegel is a detroit cover the debate, and he also has to a couple of very serious stories in trending today, the lapd investigating investigating a life they say found on propertyn once belonged to o.j. simpson, he she was living there in 1994 at the time his ex-wife and ron goldman were killed almost abolished in 1998 the police say , a retired lapd officer, received the weapon from a construction worker of providing security for a movie nearby he held onto until recently, says there was no connection to place it is an open investigation, since it would not be able to be convicted since he has been acquitted, the thing i don't get is a construction workert just a few years after this gives this this might be interesting . and the police officer takes it home as a memento . we don't know all the details just yet . but that is strange. in may or may mir may not be related to the crime may be a piece of the puzzle.e maybe the biggest drought in decades, the one who called a grocery chain created a stir on social media .c a picture of several peeled oranges at a whole foods store catches set of holy nature could find a way to cover these saluted not have to waste so much plastic, whole foods reacted, less than three hours later they said that it was our mistake, these have been pulled we will lay these on there -- metro packaging, the story does not end there, some other people are upset with the peeled fruit, 115 that i have rheumatoid arthritis and it is often impossible to peel an orange and as we were talking before it is almost impossible . that no matter what she did you get into trouble. >> i can't they have both. >> plastic is classic and some plastic and some people don't want anything to do with plastic said what she saw the video she was appalled by his actions she understandseh that she should not have put the headband back on appeals that the school could have given her daughter detentionu. for it .. >> this will be an ongoing process of counseling, and i am weather clipper seven, she does not leave my site other than to go to school. >> she no longer attends steam academy there considering a civil lawsuit, crum no-load works at the school he would not o talk on campus so that he does feel badly about what happened at the ashtabula county convention and visitor bureau wants to push back the start of the school year for students they say classes classes start too early and hurt the tourism industry . >> they say that the numbers are up but they now deal with another problem, the students and teachers they hire for the summerh to go back to school in mid-august leaving them short staffed with the rest of the season on thatin for most of their income the director of the visitor bureau said they did research thesi best option would be to delay the start of the school year until august 29ti that way everybody benefits. >> for our businesses, it is the holiday season, they tell retail makes their money in december, for tourism and travel is in august so it impacts jobs, wages , taxes, it may economic impact. >> they've gotten positive feedback from homeschool leaders but others want to make sure they get adequate time for testingot it's also good for the those schools that do not have air conditioninggo. >> i think the trend started in the south first then migrated north because we would take vacationsat to tennessee in early august and all the kids were in school.l this is the weekend, we have one more, and then three beautiful days of coming, the concept of stubborn to get out of the area . middlefield, geauga county airport . looking at the cloud cover, the you can see the clouds tried to for the west, cedar point webcam showing long shadows . most of the sunshine is west of cleveland today .o that spot there, has been pretty small despite the one before that we cleared out on thursday and had that before the clipper brca here's the saturday clipper clicker, not much of an improvement . ay most of the snow sn is through minnesota and line of periodic snow showers sunset at 6:22 p.m., we will be springing forward next weekend . . partly cloudy tonight, 22 light snow it will be sporadic as the clipper goes by density improvement sunday monday and tuesday . on tuesday, 65 . the gesturing will tap into lots of moisture we could seeap between wednesday and saturday, two or morene inches of rainfall and talking some flooding potential cannot say much snowfall here in northeast ohio butut then again have some breaking news, ben conservative political action committee, donald trump was scheduled to speak but he bowed out and outs ben carson is officially announcing india's presidential bid . still snow is being shipped to alaska, and a high-tech way to clean airplane bathroom's. going to talk about is now receiving around-the-clock medical treatment ori rescued had been beaten, beaten, and lost tonight, after surgery, he is gaining strength and responding,, once recovers he will remove into a larger enclosure at a wildlife refuge. >> alaska's iditarod dog race begins this weekend and anchorage they had a problem is em that it with that it stopped snowing but they got some help from fairbanks alaska th they sent seven carloads of stone said that it had plenty to spare,ds the snow will be spread out out to build a slamdunk trail for the ceremony on saturday.d >> rupert murdoch and jerry hall have tied the knot,, they announced their engagement in january, marking the fourthy merge for murdoch the first marriage for jerry hall she is a they had an unofficial marriage that was later declared by the british courts to be invalid backha they sound too good to be true but boeing is developing self-cleaningng restrooms for the technology uses ultraviolet light which kills more than 99 percent of germsmss it would be that would expose the entire >> the auto show gives you the chance to look to the past and get a close up close and personal with the automotive industry where it began as p.j. ziegler joins us with the classic cars from the clue that auto show at the i. x. center. >> i grew up the trail and chevy van or hot. >> got a surprise for you coming up, we are here at the south hall of the i. x. centert is a popular place, this is a chance to take a stroll down memory lane relives all those past cars while growing up and look at these cars you see where the technology was and a couple hundred feet away you see the technology is going for that industryhn, over 80 cars and the south hall as part of this classic card is played at the i. x. center . some of them come fromom early 1900s two locations are they must be 25 years or older to be in the classic cars section, this gives you a connectiony to the new cars on display that some of the same styling from the '50s and 60s on saturday 78 we auctioned off as part of the rubber city classic car auction taking place at the auto show for all in attendance.t >> everyone of these 78 vehicles in thehe south hall will be up for auction someth the unreserved some numbers are that means that the owner of the vehicle sat the dollar amount that they are willing to sell at . the the auction takes place at 2:30 p.m. in the south hall of the i. x. center on saturday .h we talk about that first car that you had, were able to located at the auto show . this is a 1904 model the vacancy the side says the best anchor in the tri-state area. smartphone with two cameras in a way to monitor your family perpetual for. the.e >> get creative and keep an eye on the house with these gadgets to knowowy . logitech circle is a new spin on the monitoring camerar that necessarily a security camera about a way to check in on your family or pets. ec >> it is portable, it goes from room to room lasts a few hours on a charge or just leave it on thea wireless charger for most of you would see a live stream from your phone and talk back and forth, my favorite feature, the debris search automatically becomes the basis for base was for the best parts that invites to a 32nd video reminder of just how busy your house can get a tattoo it that way for hours to download any clips capturedo by the camera but after after that it disappears logitech circle is $200. >> keeper came under control with a durable take on theke duty than the wire covered in rubber when it one and attach it to your cable with a stretchy loopni easy way to keep them wrapped up in table three costing $5 in various colors that were check out the smartphone, it is a powerhouse, expandable memory and a second screen who is on handy to see the time whether notifications and more the camera camera is camera is amazing, but that these photos on a recent trip to costa ricasa is even a manual mode for extra control the. >> two selfie cameras complete the package one for you and one for taking group pictures. the cost of pizza delivery most of you have the a timeframe of when it will arrive customers who order from a london pizza placece kept track of it the entire way permanently friendly pizza shopp teamed up with runners from a local running club with help of live videoa the pizza even able to offer shortcuts they say it was such a big success that they offer the service on a monthly basis . he says he's going to win ohio and says he is in the game go one-on-one with governor john kasich after last night group of eight. >> command, can result in agr school students get a look at happened to. >> more than two decades since the world held on every twist and turn of the oj trial today that's just a bit of the one of the most contentious debate of all time . the most part john . >> believes people as they ot see past the bluster aside on the issues he spoke topa gabe spiegel for a one-on-one interview he is the only local reporter to talk to thely candidate today to hear some of that conversation. >> i feel good because i said that the people of ohio are proud of me and that means a lot . to have the people say that he is our boype, that is a great thing. >> it took about 12 minutes before you said anything on chant kasichoan, how frustrating is that the way for the circus to him before you can talk?e >> how frustrating, there are worse things to happen that could have been knocked out early and i feel great and have a good timei people hear my message has been nothing but a good experience the problem with debates is that it is really harde hihe for people to know who you are, but maybe a little by little it started to haven't. >> he said you said that you're going to win ohio you said you feel confident the body of the donald trump? >> which is run our campaign will have a very aggressiveve grassroots oriented campaign dislike i run all the campaigns that our message out there not going to spend my time ripping into donald way to talk by to talk about me and hopefully, the ohio republicans will say that we like the gag .i do some people

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Middlefield , Ohio , United States , Germany , Zanesville , Alaska , Akron , Florida , Minnesota , China , Iditarod , California , Anchorage , Michigan , Cincinnati , London , City Of , United Kingdom , India , Tennessee , Fairbanks , Geauga County Airport , Cedar Point , South Hall , Argyll And Bute , Town Hall , Canton , German , British , American , Marco Rubio , Gabe Spiegel , Ben Carson , Nicole Brown , Chris Sanna , John Kasich , Ronald Reagan , Los Angeles , Roosevelt Leftwich , Ron Goldman , Cleveland Browns , Gerald Ford , Alec Scheiner , Jerry Hall , Sashi Brown , Rupert Murdoch , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders , Timothy Taylor ,

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