Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20161128 : comparemel

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20161128

an alarming trend on the streets of cleveland thatat has city leaders intimately activist concern thanks for joining us fox 8 at ten i'm jennifer jordai the city is set to surpass l the years and easily fox 8oa wih the latest. l friends and family gathered to t say goodbye with balloons and candles that a makeshift memorial and southeast cleveland the man's family as does to simply called ted the father of a two -year-old girl. who was shot and killed saturday. oarwh milton bradford the past of good hope baptist church your lawn members of his congregation say blows they can feel the amount of homicides increasing.he details about who shot dead and the other menus with our limited with the latest homicide in the city so far this year 121 of them the same amount of homicides for all of us tof accordin statistics 134 people we're killed. on out know what we can do. there's no easy answer to stop you know buying because you pass a makeshift memorial. people having a reference and and off for god nine god is the killer of life and you'll need this evening to mourn the loss of a man shot and killed on i 90 authorities identified the man todaye as 24 your jamal greene please say he was driving a silver sedan on friday afternoon is usually go through weeks away open fire hitting him in the torsoee tonight investigators ae looking for the shooter along with the second mans was in the car with three. things are getting back to normal country after the thanksgiving holiday disorder look like l cleveland hopkins airport this evening while the lines we're longer than usual obviously were looking at the raw video right nowe passengers have been moving through security checkpoints at us airports. of beautiful day today to travel if you we're flying no problems out there i once expect giving back on the plane's wednesday night at what will the weather be like as we had into the work week and into a brand-new month at the end of this week. for the first look at the forecast. of course you know the answer the changes coming night were going to see that in four will close will say goodbye to the sunshine that we saw today and make way for a clouds tomorrow with the cloud cover from mild temperatures rain but right now our temperatures not mild we are pretty chilly 37 and cleveland akron and canton 34 with the news to philadelphia 35 and the rain 40 and finley and manson we started off the evening with ani clear sky clouds start to invade the buckeye state. not expecting rain tomorrow umbrella because by the afternoon the shower start to be pushing ine five to upwards of ten sustained wind direction i want you to focus on new mentioned make our temperatures rise here throughout your day tomorrow before the place of next system moves andut and if e are 50 degrees i'm still thinking were going to be dry at this point at 5:00 o'clock that's when i'm expecting a few showers to move into our areat' temperatures in the low 50s. we are completely dry on storm fox just lurking to the left it was.t releases rain not snow. will get the colder temperatures to move back into our area decembere at the end of the wee. i do have some snow in the forecast. w concerned with. you don't have to worry about getting that shovel out. you just have to worry about the 60-degree on forecasting. other news tonight it's been almost an entire year since the browns last wonar a game heading into the fourth quarter this afternoon they had a chance toc take off that elusive first win. fox 8 sports turned out to be dry good disappointment. the cleveland browns we're heading to the bright it with 22 think that was bad from the opening kickoff as he booted the ball out of bounds giving eli manning great field position. it would only get worse from touchdown passes including to the auto beckham junior three spent most of his afternoon dancing and in incense after torching joe hadenin but the browns five brought and corey koman's first touchdown catch and three months cut the giants lead to 7.28 minutes left that's when beckham dusting off his dancing shoes one more time by his second touchdown with lebron james signature sponsor movewn anything but signs the mostly giants browns lose a game 27-13 there 0-1227 on the when things don't go girl right it's easy to point fingers at different peoplele the best plae to point is at what are you would do we shoes we have that anyone feels are oa offense or defense all and special team that starts with me we all need a little browns break and we'll get it next sunday the team has built about week. december 11 against the bengals if they do not when that game though have gone a complete calendar year without a victory hard to imaginemp when it all startedma with the hiring of huh jackson are little more than a year ago. little less than a year ago is now come 20-12. blueberry decision is like there can you build for the future. i know what i signed up for. by the way he job very emotional during his press conference your hear what he had to say coming up at six. as when it found downtown as the season and our area businesses hurting as well fox 8 news reporter is liveus at first energy staying home with more we know the stands are not filled that has to mean fewer people downtown.n. you're saying a lot of empty seats that first energy stadium which are also saint empty barstools businesses as well. people downtown on sunday each re the very few browns fans in the mix today's no one is out here. east fourth is pretty quiet compared indians in cavs excitement we have experiencer and the 0-12 cleveland browns record does and how bring those ms. operations manager at the corner is noticed a lack of home team football fans on sundays the fans of the opposing teams can usually soften the blow. it's more of people that are going against turning out well. business hours tell me all around great if the brown started to when they don't really depend on a team for like winterfest of the wage and help balance out a slow sundayte folks to have more than one cleveland team in the season. they calves are making a surge as for the diehard browns fans is still watch these games with pride can't navigate your y experience down. there's always next year and next game. sometimes it back to happen some we need to start winning. loud and clear we need to went doesn't look so great for the rest of the season bill and jennifer the business owners iwn talked to said they're not too worried about the future when it comes to business they have they calves just started their season as we know. lots of stuff going on downtown. people will still come no matter what. diehard browns fans. how much would you pay for chance at immortality still ahead are cameras get int unprecedented access inside the kobe hillary clinton supporting a recount any key battleground of the election. all heartwarming homecoming this holiday seasonel reunion you dot who saw lots of sunshine a to end the holiday weekend now clouds are starting to fill and across the areaea ty continue to thicken up throughout the night and into day tomorrowow but so far nothig falling from them as of yet in to arm tracking rain moving in our direction.. were at 37 and cleveland look at this low 40s in indianapolis mid 40s in st. louis how about kansas city coming in at 57 degrees this is just ahead of that system that's moving in i do expect as strong push of milder temperatures as we had into your day tomorrower to thes the pic day of the week. our averageg by the way sunset this evening was out 5:00 o'clock that means tomorrot for 59 sunset. s can you believe that. alleys for dealing with rain and set of snow as of yetll snow lovers might want to get down cranking soon. now forecasting as a we measurable snow. long here's ae look at your 12 hour forecasts because that clod cover and wends out of the south temperatures are hovering in the mid 30s before eventually start to push of drunk 40 degrees at daybreak. here's a look at your night tonight and into tomorrow warm front will be pulling on througi that as part of the reason we're going to warm up about for ages pretty warm here we are doing studyis badge of rain rain at that in the bulk of it will come in tomorrow night and most of the buckeye state under the rain that's can a be moving and through the night and into the early morning hours of tuesday after that working a warm-up and it's going to be dryaf we've another system that's moving in the first batch of rain anywhee between a quarter to three quarters of an inch not bad mot of it m will come overnight i wt to time it out on future starting at noont on him crowds across the area drive at this onto seneca and sandusky county ventures trying to push and by the evening timeframe like i said look at this the rain is moving in around 11:00 o'clock out by the morning commute on tuesday and by the afternoon we are seeing sunshine that's good news there. clouds increasing kelly tomorrow 54 that's can a be a little bit of breezy and the showers will arrive b there is week 64 degrees drier the mix of sun and clouds are next system moves and bringing rain in a big drop in temperatures back to 40 degrees and of course we get to that freezing point overnight heart and it up in a dumpster ones manned mission to get it back to try phone her. cashel's death getting mixed reaction from all over the world are some are mourning the loss celebration number of those during turns deadly as a gunman opens fire the shooting taking including a big college football game saturday nightev bullets ht a man into women killing one and the process it's unclear if the shooter was arrested but we do know that two people including a man who was shot we're all taken into we we're able to make two-hour wrestling the victim was in possession of a firearm the other subject may have may not be affiliated with this event was arrested of possession of a re the mayor of new orleans to reading the shooting was unacceptablean same police and s and the city pursues the investigation aggressively. cuba andti the second of nine games of mentor and mornings reaction to the death of fidel castrome starkly different fox news correspondent has the latest tonight from miami's the death of communist cuban dictator fidel castro sunny shockwaves around the world the tone of the reactions are sharply different in miami's little havana section celebrations continue as many see this i think this the beginning of the and end elsewhere around the world people are mourning the lossssif the leader for world cup of cuba it century.oo a world leader capable of this an empire. caf?s played forecast on sunday morning e although castro himself resected the catholic church in 1959. fidel has a lot to do with that he take love and hateo very personal. many leaders are cautioning against the idea of castro's revolutionary even in death. was in a romantic figure he was in a romantic figure if you we're are being driven off the islandima hundreds of thousands were down gone up to its there is a second dayy of nine days of state and pose national morning while here my emma little havana being celebrations continue in theio streets there is a great sense of hope that fidel castro's death will trigger faster change on the island of cubawi and also great satisfactn cuban-americans in exile outlasted fidel. in miami fox news. are restaurant without prices simplyr pay what we want for yor meal why some say it's a great concept for the community i plus you using the black friday frenzypl but not like this for shoppers left behind at this an extra special homecoming over theci thanksgiving holiday at hopkins international airport cindy could not wait to see her son she's dave nether's wife dave is one of our veteran fox a reporters their son matthew was serving in the army and has not been and northeast ohio since june we we're a there when mattw got off the plane and rushed into his father's arms. was walking off the plane and are ready felt like i was going to cry i have that always stork season reporter david others clearly short on words the pictures also say it offff welcome home and they if they short on words. that's a miracle in itself.y they are suspended in time waiting for a turn to life fox 8 takes you inside a company that freezes the human body how much would you pay for a chance at eternal life. hillary clinton joining in the fight for a recount could change the bush to recount votes just lip thatpact your clinton campaign fox news correspondentai has the latest n the debate and what the president elect is saying. the fight to revisit voting totals and wisconsin saying her teamsn participated because of n obligation to the voters the recount effort is led by green party candidate joe stein clinton camp now saying is also on board stein also fall soldiers with retailer cut them michigan and pennsylvania to states pivotal to trumps victory. the democrats can see this will likely not change the results of the election. legal right not a big deal at think anyone thinks it's can a be a what donald trump set a majority of his voters believe elections for ratete minority of clinton's election further so the american people they we're not. pushing back against the plans to recount calling the process a scam mr. trump unleashing a stream of angry treat sunday morning m saying hillary clinton conceded the election when she speech after the results we're in nothing will change. why in the world can't the democrats except the election resultn president obama and trup speak regularly this petition they la there trying to move on and form a government. and they have representative monitoring they counts as lawyers to represent them in court should account to thatat deadlines to perdition for recount and pennsylvania are later this week in new york fox news. let's turn to our weather what a stunning look this.r all lit up for the holiday season after its makeover just a stunning look at the heart of downtown cleveland thousands packed downtown. ow and kick off the christmas festivities what can we expect not feeling like winter the next couple of days temperatures well above average and we have rain on the way. if you didn't get your christmas decorations up just yetwa you he one day this week where you're going to really enjoyed getting up on that latter ladder and putting on your lighttt temperatures are soaring in the 60s. one thing we're not can a see tomorrow this nice beautiful sunset because i do expect area thickening up and rain by the time the sun goes down the sunset tomorrow we're not going to see it at 459. temperatures are trending up out tomorrow we're in the 50s tuesday 60s low 60s but well above average even wednesday we are pretty mild before our big chill as happening later in the the 4 risk of snow shower will have big changes this week and of course when you get these big changes may have transition days with rain on the way. let's talk about the rain tomorrow overnight into early early tuesday morning that's good news. alleys his can a fall through the night. but right now temperatures ont the chilly side and upper 30s to low 40s. you can see clouds starting to artie pushed that's the thing clouds. on the ohio river valley as the system continues to pull and they continue to pick it up. that will pull all warm front through our area through the evening hoursaro that's was goig to kick off the rain it's also going to keep and the milder temperatures. in thehe upper 40s as it heads into early tuesday morning4 let's talk about the rain nothing going on right now you have to go to the left and that's where we're seeing rain.e again monday night i can't rule out maybe isolated thunder monday nightc most of us will have plane rain how much we get anywhere between are quarter of an inch to upwards of three quarters of an inch here on the ice 75 corridor 36 degrees tonight clouds continued toto increase wends ot of the south at five to ten. you are going to notice it while tomorrow evening and through the night hoursothi before the systs gets in here we like we have when gust of 25e sustained tenr 15. were at 54 degrees cloudy skies three clock western area get into it ry and they fill and the bulk of the rain coming overnightf just after 10:00 o'clock continuing through midnight and eventually getting out of here for tuesday morning commute. g so take a look at your forecast details like a said tuesday afternoon brings back sunshine and the warmth low to mid 60s expected upper 50s on wednesday and bringing rain polk into cold front one knock is down into the 40s c of coarse we have our rain and snow makes and scattered snow showers on saturday so far not forecasting anything significant.a of course it is that time of year again entering december this week your official school closing station on air online on just need to quick closings. folks ready to shoot is at three does hoping to provide life after death. actually trying to avoid bruising people so what are they doing? frozen in time hundreds of people including some in ice cream for signs to revive theme sounds crazy experts say many once of the same brought open-heart surgery and cpr ten night suzanne has an unprecedented inside like that though world leading presidential facility. the natural order of life is a ticking time line. and inevitable conclusion. but s as you might think. when someone declares you legally dead there's nothing i can do for you. out and arizona next prehistoric red rock is the futuristic past towards possible and mortality. at the alcorn life extension foundation ceo and president max moore is taking us on a full all our patients are restored. clinically deceased patients inside the large metal doers. inside is extremely cold. veterans couples children's even pads about half are for bodies and the rest the newer patients. like legendary red sox slugger ted williamsp there is neural preservation made headlines. people say why.y. mess we have a technology that can girl and her body winds is patient here all the alcorn can't comment they won a everyone is treated with tremendous care with cost ranging from 80 to $200,000 most paid for by insurance. i've been doing this for 30 years as a member. not frozen barbiturate friday fired immediately after being pronounced deadden then lowered into beth of liquid nitrogen. l rack she trying to avoid bruising people introduce a very high concentrationd a medical antifreeze .-period eventually be read animated which sounds a lot like frankenstein. but was actually inspired by founding father. think of the godfather as being benjamin franklinin he knew it s a visible but it wouldn't it be greatew with my best friends and future to see how they country with roberts book their pass breakup.p. and i said that makes perfect t linda chamberlain was just 23 live in california with like-minded husband an engineer at yet nasa's laboratory. we we're deftly consider lunatics by almost everyone. d on a mission to save her critically ill father and law. so that's how powerful is boring for jared was i alcor's first patient for decades later at linda's mother and her beloved husband have joined him. we enjoy life. we enjoy everything about it for ourselves and loved we don't want it to end. started in california was w eventually relocated in counterintuitive with high temperatures and the triple digits. linda says it actually makes more sense than you think.k. didn't have hurricanes are deadly tornadoes all those problems we're patient safety which they are monitoring. we actually see how well we've done. including clinical trials and in that gives you four times as much time to do the operation just last year another .-period pa manager bob of your spending ten hours frozen in a snow ban. many cases like thatn that we'e one spot to. i truly believe they will be really puzzled as we take our in scottsdale arizona suzanne strafford fox 8 news.ot is being researched by nasa for a longer space missions as well as possibly helping out with organ donationac more informatin go to soldiers military honors dumped into the trash this fall bonds giving a glimpsear into his years of service one man's mission to return them to their rightful paying what you want for your meal necessarily great for business but it is grateful of the john, we're giving you a raise. that's fantastic! but i'm gonna pass. are you ok? honey, you got another present. no thank you, dad. who says no to more? time warner cable internet gives you more of what you and those little data hoggers want. like ultra-fast speeds up to 50 megs. that's 8x faster than dsl. this internet speed is sick. get 15 meg internet starting at $39.99 a month. call now. and with home wifi, the whole family can be online at once. g reat for kids to stream you'll also get our exclusive 1-hour arrival window, a money-back guarantee, and there's no contract to sign. get 15 meg internet with no data cap starting at $39.99 a month. plus, free installation and access to over 500,000 twc wifi? hotspots nationwide. would rex pass up more beef stew? i don't think so. an army veteran in taxes is on a mission defy owner of a purple heart and other metalsef our fod inu a dumpster the small box gives a glimpse into the soldiers year the serviceal now gary kennedy an army veteran himself is trying to get the l right-hand. unclear who discovered the metals and why candy has reached out to several organization and working hardrg to find the owner there is a concept for ther restaurant pay which you bought when you order a meal the menuat, caf? doesn't have prices shown are the restaurant was pop up shop became of a food truck before the ownersrs we're able to expand their business his belief that people do want to do people are fair and honest contribute even if people say homeless or strivingng they want to contribute or pay what they can.o some days are harder than others his main mission is taking people a safe place where they can enjoy a good meal. some still a going on tomorrow is cyr monday fox 8 as recovered for all the best holiday shopping feelso the confines on the best bargains undert seen on tv. we all know black friday can get intense. you haven't seen anything quite like this. nt what choppers left behind at a nike store on the annual holiday. palio stile stay. it's a great position for the college playoffs and ohio state giant loss for the browns. where shoppers destroyed the store on black friday. larry posting video on facebook sign you there to get a pair shoes for her sonon and hit record. our shoppers struggled to get through a sea of orange boxes nike is not comment on what happened one thing is for sure we sure feel bad for the employees who have to clean this browns fans will certainly need a break this week a much-needed breakh come in from the clevelad browns a lot to think about this big 12 straight games this season including sunday's game against the new york football giants second quarterer isaiah they carry puts it on the ground and the new york giants recovern connects with dwayne harris for the 13-yard touchdown passs giants odo beckham junior falls in the 32-yard strike there was 14-3 new york fourth quarter giants up 14-6 jonathan hankin his josh mccowan. 43 yards the other way for thewa touchdown's the giants led 20-6. it's corey korman for the 21-yard touchdown that cast the lead to 20-13 the giants junior with a 4-yard touchdown coming into the game he now has eight the giants when 27-13 it was their sixth straight when27. john with more from the stadium and emotional you jackson. every moment of an hugh jackson stated emphatically this teamn won't have this kind of feeling ever again and said eer that locker room as a fighter he expects them to work their way out of this.. is probably the hardest thing ever. they have to have a hundred and 10 percent out there. i felt like we didn't do that collectively as a whole. not sure what our next game is it's important not to think of four individuals as one. we just keep fighting looking forward to better days like i i said before there's a tough inside comes out of stuff like this the bronze of time to reflect on what's happened so far how important the final four weeks of the season has become. john fox 8 news first energy stadium. calves suffered and ohio state hangover and philadelphia today thankfully it was only for three quarters than they woke up and take care business against the 70 sixers lebron james and the castmate 41 three-pointers in the last three games. drives they big lane hit hard by robert covington five stitches he finishes with 25 points. knocks down the triple for philadelphia moments later he gets another three sixers up by six at the half.ix and then a turnaround jumper right there and in the fourth lebron james hit the sweet dish to transcend thompsone j lebron finished with a triple-double andle finally tyree the three. calves when 112-108 the big three can bind for 90 points in the victory. to receive one of the four college football playoff spots next weekend a hostage remain over to the associated press college football poll after bidding michigan on saturday and double overtime alabama remains the unanimous number one choice the wolverines dropped two places after the loss to the as a sixth-ranked team in the pool. exciting night for the volleyball team the vikings as they watch the ncaa selection say he sought right there they will play at arizona on friday night in the first run of the ncaa tournament after winning the horizon league tournament last weekend g congratulations o they bring home a national championship.. we have some smaller temperatures back in the low and rain arriving and through the night and early tuesday and then you enjoy 60s. and of the week we're back in the 40s and we me have snow in the forecast as well. as all the time we have the morning crew is here at four what a year it's been in cleveland sports cavaliers won a chevy chip indians go to the world series buckeyes beat michigan. the rizzo so starts now. weird in a lead with the cavaliers ten night welcome to the rizzo show we are going to be down to when it not the loser joining me ten night three-time super bowl chat my radio partner draw jarret along with winter our internet sensation resident

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