Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20161112 : comparemel

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20161112

good evening. for the third night in a row and anti- donald trump protesters are taking to the street since streets in cities across the country.r large protests happening in miami atlanta dallas in new york city just to name a few. over tuesday's election results. he tweeted this morning that he loves that people have passion for our country and hope to come together ur keep tonight to locl high school students say they faceen suspension after posting another student students wordst online to get peekaboo said was an attempt to expose racism one day after the election.t melissa reid is here now with girl thought they were doing something nice by exposing racist rant on line but it turned out before thought they were l wrong and now both girls are suspended to give the day after the day after theus election, my friend who is nos longer my friend put on a snap story. >> something so racially insensitive that shaker heights junior elena try tot screen decided to screen grab it and put it on her own snapshot. >> you can comment on a story appeared. i got a lot of comments and my friend to put on twitter said can i put it on twitter and twitter and i said sure. >> we are not identifying the student who posted multiple snaps about black people online saying things like quote they are scary violentne rude and ney , loud rude and annoying, among others. a enter in maya, a shaker heights sophomore, who decided to expose the racist rant on her twittero account. >> i think people were hurt to see that this type of racism still exists a spatially and especially in such a place that shakera heights where everyone seems to be liberal and accepting. >> bye just one day later both elena and maia were called to the office.nd both say they were suspended for quote this rep to disruptive behavior. >> basically i i'm at fault because i put a private message on a public forum. >> we reached out to the district for comment and they declined to go on camera they released a statement that reads in part the student issue has been resolved with the parties involved. the shaker heights city school district cannot comment further on student issues according to law. elena says she's disappointed the student who posted the comments was not disciplined. she says free speech is one thing, but disrespecting someone's race is a problem. >> i understand that i did put a private message on a publici forum and they said with that i harassed. i just wanted people to know that saying that stuff is not okay to get elena served her in school punishment today and maia gets her punishment next week peekaboo so many nasty things online in anthat donald trump admits he will consider keeping parts of obama care, and he describes a concession call he received from hillary clinton.i >> he has been a vocal critic of obama care so what has changed here?cr >> he is not backing off his pledge to repeal and replace obamain care, but the wall stret journal is reporting that for president obama urged him to take another look at the healthcare law when they met at the whiteurure house, and he isw telling 60 minutes are parts of the law he would like to0 keep. >> when you replace it or you going to make sure that people with preconditions are still covered? >> yes because that happens to be one of the strongest assets. also children living with their we ared, going to very much tryt and keep that. it adds cost but it is very much something we're going to try anr keep. >> they're also making changes to his transition team to make key recommendations for the trump administration in new jersey.akak governor chris christie is no longer in charge. two of his former aides found he will be in the bridge gate scandal. christie becomes viceat chair wo is still a on the road but mike pence now is on charge of thatof transition talked about the concession call he received from hillary clinton. >> hillary called and it was a lovelyly call and it was a tough call for her. cover for her than it would've been for me and for me it would've been very difficult. she could not have been nicer. she just said congratulations donald, well done. i said i want to thank you very much. you were a great competitor. bill clinton also called him in and was very gracious as well. he also didas not rule out talkg to the clintons and presidentt obama for advice at some point. as for obama care he promised to replace it with something better and for better price. s tonight he is saying for the first time there are parts of that law that are worthorre keeg him at the recent rash of crime plaguing beachwood place has people urging people to be aware of their surroundings. here is more on these incidents. format in separate incidents have been violent and have shoppers here on edge. the first happened thursday october 27th. police a teenager was arrested after trying to steal from nordstrom at beachwood place.f police say he tried to walk away with more than a thousand dollars worth ofaa clothing. when he tried to get away police say he choked the loss prevention officer at that store.e he was arrested and faces and friday woman was robbed at gunpoint right outside saks fifth avenue.g her car was also stolen. police is still looking for are still looking for that suspect. if you have details on that robbery give police a call and be aware of your surroundings as crime do increase around the holidays. exclusive video of wild gunfire on the streets leads to your streets leads to a foxox to box eight i team gunshot. gunshots went into a and with all the police ha formica gunmen leaning out of a car window firing shots at an suv.v. we we've obtained this exclusive video. broad daylight tuesday not far from east 130 first and harvard in cleveland. e the gunfire left loopholes in a school building in the shooting of course led to nine 911 calls, but later witnesses wondered what took so long for police to get here. it took a very long times by the time it happeneden and by the time i left, no police were here and now as may with maybe 15 or 20 minutes later. >> receiving multiple calls of several vehicles shooting at one another from inside the vehicle. >> vi team has also obtained police radio h recordings. dispatchers put out an alert to all cars in thehe area but one transmission reveal dispatchers had no cars tot send. >> we heard the blog broadcast crystal of no one available to respond to the shotsts >> a police report shows a patrol car finally got on scene after 47 minutes. >> we're investigating more than how long it took a patrol car to get we even found a delay getting crime scene investigators who to follow up on this. a police report shows no csin unit was available until the next day. >> it is a big problem with that in thee community and police response time. >> folks in the neighborhood but a shortage of five bullets hit a charter school kids were not there but the teachers were. why did it take so long to get a police car there? we've reached out multiple times to thelt chief's office but no explanation has come yet. witnesses are amazed. apparently no one heard. >> it entered the school and he was only 10 to feet away from the truck so was he really aiming at the truck with you just trying to shoot just to scare the person and you didn't care where the bullets >> a spokesperson for the schoot called the police response port concerning pointsr out that this will had officers inside and outside when children ofh their. honoring those who serve our great nation, today today is veterans day in downtown clevelandod celebrated with a terrific parade. >> this is a look at the annual parade of is it marched down lakeside avenue. branch of the military as well as police color colorguard and marchingf band. ?? >> before the parade, a special event being held inside city hall paying tribute to the nation's veterans. among those in attendance to world war ii vets. this years theme celebrating the 75th anniversary of the united servicesth organization, and a marine corps vet to says the way america treats its veterans now is much different from when he served. >> i was from the vietnam era where they didn't treat us very well. we came back, we were spit at and all that and i didn't even want to let people know i was a veteran, but since the vietnam veterans came up and spoke all of ourpo veterans treated a lot better are treated a lot better. it is extremelye awesome. >> two today's ceremony also raising awareness of the green greenlightsso initiative a natil lights to the color green. the chill in the air is about to get colder. they've a first look at the first look at the forecast next. see how to local officers sprang into action. brown's rounds one step closer to an early 16 seasons away so why are some fans ready toas throw the team a parade? a social media proposal that is gaining traction. a status update that no one likes. why facebook listed many of its users as dead l >> for the first couple of years my health was pretty dramatic house is pretty dramatic clocks clock spinningng backwards. >> he participated in close to 100 experts exorcisms and now he has a target on his back one man's reason for continuing to help those possessed.on we are minutes away from friday night touchdown playoff edition. as immediately following foxy msn scanning all over the place and it seems like everyone's got a temperature between 38 and 42, even in a lot of your backyard weather stations that are plugged into thery network, and the coldest i see is to be five in i lisbon just outside of youngstown. these are the official numbers so it stands to reason that if west 343 in cleveland but 35 in toledo efficiently. gusty winds at hopkins and the lakefront, but they will start to ease up. right now they are out of the north which makes a lot of sense but those winds will come back around the and a bit more gentle from the west west and eventually southwest tomorrow. that wll normal air or when we get toom sunday. tonight a big temperature depth, obviously, compared to 24 hours ago and we will see a temperature spread perhaps says as old ass 28 in some of the areas that see this guy's clear out and the wind drop off. closer to 40 right up against the lake.e. tomorrow a crisp day but chris temperatures will recover to normal byh sunday which is somewhere in the low to mid beyond that it's it still looks pretty quiet so we will take advantage of that and take a look at a really cool timea lape and two fascinating pictures, one from the us and one from finland coming up. still to come, lifting up a local military family in need. for this veteran comes at a crucial time.e. you might next line to sister two sisters facing. what they are accused of doing to some sisters and a pledging president obama paid tribute to the nation's veteranp that arlington national cemetery today. he laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns for the final time asat president and he deliveren address in which a he referenced the suicide rate of veterans saying the nation has to get them the help they need the help theyt need and he also talked about the recent elections and the division that has left behind. >> when the election is over as we search for ways to come together, to reconnect with one another and with the principles transitory politics, some of our best examples are the men and women we salute on veterans day. >> tuesday veterans voted overwhelmingly for donald trump. was busy across the south fighting a number of wildfires burning across floors. a hundred homes have been evacuated 17,000 acres already burning dozens of people and in the nrt also have places on thee there charring parts of south carolina andnd tennessee new mexicans at the university of albany are under arrest accused of blindfolding sororityes recruits and making them eat mud then dousing them in rotten eggs and milk. one pledge ended up in the hospital after suffering an allergic reaction.pi the support supported the suspects belong to is not officially recognized from campus.ot to discourage students from having a good time in collegeo but you need to be safe and hazing is not only dangerous, it's against the law and it is a crime and you can be arrested. >> the students who are under arrest all women between the ages are all women between the ages of 19 andenn 21. a group of nfl players once the leak to change>> it dance on marijuana. one current and eight former players asked the leak to lift the ban on path on pot.po it allowed us as a viable pain management study more than half of all retired nfl players used narcotics during their careers and 71 percent ended up abusing those drugs. the browns get a parade. >> see the proposal on facebook that is getting a lot of t noti. how many forecasters can say we have a street named inw a honor. this would will look back on the that god is the covers over your matter how do you think met parties say thanks for men like dick goddard. dick thanks you thinks you done so i much not only for us here spirits us here at fox sake spirits foxy the fall of us in northeast ohio and inspired us work but also to the best out there for all you are so few our university we sayh thanks he to get the countdown to dick goddard's final forecast is on. keep watching all month long as we celebrate the life and career of mr. dicks goddard. >> not many people get to have a street named in their honor but then again not everyone is dick goddard. >> as social shows you now,o among the number of honors and awards mr. goddard has received over the years, one of them is more visible than all of the others. >> for more than half a century dick goddard has been cleveland'sce own when it comeso forecasting the weather. twice he has been named the most popular local weather television man in america. >> reigning moderately and hopkins, likely in the city of cleveland. >> his advocacy for animal rights is second to none and over 40 years he has held the here's a man with he is a man of many accolades to his credit and because he is such a valued asset to the cleveland community, it came as no surprise when in april of 20 (-left-parenthesisa 2011 cleveland city council probably renames the street fox eight calls home in his honor. the day was marked by speeches from numerous dignitaries including cleveland mayor franko jackson. >> spent 50 years maintains the confidence and trust of the people is remarkable somama that to me ise most remarkable thing about dick goddard and his 50 years. >> and congressman dennis kucinich of brought with him a message from presidentnt obama. >> you witnessed a you've witnessed great milestones in our nations history in the decades decade's end your life y represents an important part of the american story begins wasn't all business.bu former fox saving for tim tayloo roasted dick with a story abouto >> as he was being escorted to his table his companions nudged him and said dick, do you know your tennis shoes are lighting up? k >> the festivities were capped off caps off with dick receiving the sign renaming the street in front of fox eight foxy dick goddard way. it was presented by the mayor m and councilman jeff johnson. >> dick goddard is a cleveland asset, and we want to a knowledge that you acknowledge that you reallywe want.w >> you believe you really went out of your way to do this and i can't thank you y enough. >> no, thank you dick for showing us the a battle against evil that has turned very personal. he keep my father woke up at the top of thek steps and he was in the air and he never touched the step. >> part number two of our look story of staring demons right in the face. facebook is antisocial. why the site declared living every second counts as a a least counter the least and interaction. see how a pair of offic help for local veteran when he and hises family needed it most. inside today's special surprise. a real chill in the air this weekend. andr? will let you know how low the temperatures will go as we break down the local forecast. local police officers putting their lives on the line to make a daring a burning pickup truck with a man trapped inside. >> tonight a pair of painpa painesville police officers are rescue t caught on camera and mt wright has thatc story. >> shattered glass after a brush with death at the back of painesville's riverside cemetery wednesday night. >> businessman he's in a pickup truck and he drove into the woods and in this flick must be on thest gas pedal. it looks like he's having a seizure in their. >> cameras rolling as officer jesse tram won his first to arrive onm scene. >> i was definitely scared of the worried. >> officers bolted toward the burning vehicle with the man inside. >> he was not responding to > ything. when i looked inside i knew something was wrong. trend one smashed the window >> i think .-dot i got there at the same time. >> him he may very well have saved a life in a remote section of the cemetery that the officers say they were just doing theirirem job. >> i wouldn't consider myself a hero. we did what any officer in this departmentn or any officer acros this country would probably do peek it makes me feel good so it's my job though but i would do it every day if i have to. a court has approved a massive payout to the family downed power line. we've learned the $60 million settlement in the case of 12 location thomas has been approved. in 2012 she touched a live powerline that have fallen and she needs round-the-clock care for the rest of her life.le the family filed the suit against power companies. you meant he meant to liberties deliberations begin to brown the case of a former police officer now charged with earlier today the jury said they work and he told the panel they have all the information they need to reach a verdict.e a woman is under arrest for stealing from a disabled woman for the second time.a in 2015 wanda starcher pled guilty and was sentenced to two years of community control. detectives say she was again again withdrawing funds from the same victim's bank account thega summer and she is now charged with theft. it is veterans day and northeastch>> ohioans are honorg the brave soldiers and airmen airmen andarno marines served our country with distinction today there was a special veterans day veterans daync surprise for a decorated marine and his family. >> we would like to present you with a p $5,000 gift card for fe groceries keep sergeant jimmyea glenn and his family were given $5,000 in free groceries donated by mark ek ridge and eskridge and operation homefront.a he served two tours of duty in iraq and while in combat suffered a traumatic brain when he came home he was also suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. he was recently notified that his disability benefits are being cut, and that is why he and his wife are so grateful for today's gift. >> right now we are worrying about with the va about losing the even numbered of money helps we had to eat so at least we have that covered. >> it's just one of those thin somebody's watching all out fore us and somebody out there saying that there are good people out therea and they're struggling. it doesn't they are struggling. it doesn't really matter where they are att the gives you more gates seem our hope that there is good people out there. >> sergeant glenn says he has benefited from programs offered by operationfi homefront, a nonprofit organization that helps military families and in honor of our veterans, our parent company tribune broadcasting is recognizing men minute 6 documentary that puts s name and face to the millions of military members who have fought for our freedom.lili old man diaries american veterans follows for baroque veterans as they heroic veterans as they share theirlor struggls post service. that special airs tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. right here on foxy. we are getting into the weekend and finally a lot of people are sleepy because of the cold, tracy. >> it's b >> just flew cover is right up under the nose. it's going to be ad cold one but we are going tobe re- rehearsed that for one more time on sundy but i want to show you right now a time lapse which almost goes 24 hours. we are going to go back to midnight last night. that was the moon and we will go to sunset you can see the cold fronts that here comes the cold front. there is the brain about 10 or 11:00 o'clock on the east side and notice there is the noticed there is the sun sets. we are still dealing with some cloud cover but we think we slowly but surely will get rid of that. too neat photos you want to sho you right now we want to thank first of all sandy feet sandy d from lakewood for snapping the this and sending it toke us at and obviously to look into looking to use with the setting sun have the next one actually comes fromt from someone by the name of hannah new and there is his twitter handle peer asked, show can i show's picture? is from germany and he said absolutely. i you can see from northern finland and this was just recently a beautiful halo, some dogs and perry helix circles ago and we showed it on the air the clouds are beginning to disappearance will slowly move out 28 to 38 for the overnight temperatures spread and look at the moon.t it's almost full at 92 percent.h small brilliant sunshine and chris that 48. it's below normal but most of the errors in the northeast. sunday will be a nice day but the overall trend is a in northwest windv so we will see few degrees off the high temperaturekn so we will balance it up to 55 sunday, 55 monday, then low fifties mostly cloudy tuesday and wednesday, maybe if you a few spruces been quiet the rest of the week until the next front a week from this weekend. next saturday could be the gateway to something much colder and we will keep an eye on that but we should be fairly quiet. >> that looks great. still to come, celebrating failure?e? >> diehard browns fans pulling for their team to stayns perfect and the loss column see why they are calling for a different kind of victoryar parade. friday night touchdown playoff edition. gearing up for the big choose that's just minutesthe away. keep it here for high school football highlights from all over northeast ohio coming up at >> a big laugh also knew men newman>> can many points in spos on sports and plans from the ready for another event. >> tickets to celebrate. >> is to celebrate clevelandnd browns perfect season closer to a winless record kevin freeman is here with the details andfr reaction from browns fans can give. >> they look like they are on their waygi so the print parade may bepr passing after all. last night's loss to the baltimore ravens leads the browns of with an all when 10 record, the worst in franchise history but one man says instead of fans and can upset about it, it is time to celebrate what could be an historic season toughest ever for cleveland browns and their fans. so far the team has lost every single game. >> i will stay a browns fan for the rest of my life. >> browns fan chris mcneil said about one week ago he jokingly thought about celebrating the browns season with the parade if perfect winless oh and 16. we talked to him byes skype. >> it's really caught on. people are talking about the idea little, little bit of momentum.n i started up a facebook page in and a facebook event for its. >> f chris has officially filedd for a permit from the city. the parade is scheduled for 1:0n a stadium seventh. it goes around the stadium creating a zero and if you look at the map the rest of the roof creates a number 16. >> were kind of changing the dialogue from the browns being us and then actually doing it and then actually doing historic albeit in a negative light but still doing something historic for our team. >> so what do browns fans think about a perfect season freight?? >> i think a little disrespectful to the cavaliers and thea monsters and those who worked so hard to work so hard to bed victors.o >> i can see going to celebrate a losingn season do you wish in 100 percent celebrate them losing at this point because theyy c can't get themselves toget something. the brown thing is losing cavs isg winning. >> from a young age this team has been a part of me and it will continue to be so, win orm lose. >> chris chris's idea for a parade appears to be catching on as of tonight on the browns perfect season parade facebook page 2400 people say they plan to attend and nearly 5,000 say they are interested in attending >> why not have another part party. >> why not?hyno and he says from now on when he forwardwhy to peaked around the factory of sadness. he fights a real-life battle to saveve souls. >> tonight learn more about the personal toll it is taken on his life and why he continues to face down evil during gearing warning about this next story.y. it would be disturbing to some. if you thought your job could be hellish at times, you're about to meet a man who spends his days actually battling demons peaked suzanne stratford has. >> suzanne stratford has the interview revealing what really happens inside an exorcism. >> in the heart of steel city is a man of trueh metal with a career that makes most people >> for the first couple of years my health was pretty dramatic my house was pretty dramatic clocks spinning backwards while pounding on thed floors all caps of stuff like that. >> adam is demonology and exorcism from the diocese of pittsburgh sharing secrets in an effort to save >> pretty much all of the majors religious systems in the world have seen this problem. manifestations has witnessed in overa 100 exorcism speaking i don'ti argue with skeptics. i think it's a reasonable position. >>ti he was one with a masters degree in clinicalth psychology research and paranormal reports of possible human summations when he realized his calling. >> i was one when i first started. my will my wife and my kids get a pass because it will take that you love. >> a foreboding morning that came to fruition one fateful night. >> my father woke up at the top of thehe steps and he was in the air. he was thrownth hard enough that he never touched theo steps and broke his neck. >> fortunately, his dad survived and with newfound faith. >> it was a wake-up call for me. adam says starting out in the ministry is a lot like "-left-double-quote any career where on-the-job training is most important, and just like everywhere else, there is a lot of interest in the new guy. >> praying with the a man from madrid and immediately the demon spoke spoken english fluently with an american accent and said what are you doing here talking to me and he started yelling at me in english. >> screaming fighting and process heg g says which sometis turned surreal. >> dramatic stuff that's going on and demon stopping everything and turning in thing you're a and sing your little shakysve gy say have these moments almost like you're at the water cooler to give up up always with malevolent intent, looking for thefo weakest link. >> wherever you go they already know this your faults and the things that you're most embarrassed they will tell he will tell the room aboutow it is away to distract what is going on and to rattle the person. >> a spiritual suicide to face them with unrepentant sin. >> i'm seeing a person paralyzed and stopon breathing, lose their minds and the institutionalized. >> that's intense. >> it doesn't seem intense. when i am helping a priest at an exorcism, i feel more at peace with my life times. god takes away god takes away the fear. >> no matter who shows up from damned souls to the devil u himself. >> he is often not motivated for whatever reason. o which unlike the movies can take months or even u years. >> we get requests from people from all faiths or atheists, agnostics. >> the demons often say to us do you believe this one? they'll mock them and call l-letter mock them and call theo trash and then they start torturing them. >> must but heavenly support is always nearby says adam as witnessed by the possessed. people of all backgrounds was we see jesus his motherpe mary as they are finally freed he could be burst into tears of joy and their faces are transfixed and all suffering stop. so i will do this as wants me to do >> for more information about what really happens inside of an exorcism head to and click on seen on tv. you can't read believe everything you read on facebook. >> why the state social networking site listed countless users as dead today. could caps on's back following theirca first loss of to facebook readers. >> many of the social media sites users found their facebook page the message said facebook hopes the users loved ones would find comfort in and sing posts of othersg shared about them. even mark zucker berg's page listed him as deceased. facebook has not commented on the problem but it appears the company may have already fixed the voyage. history made in the nation's capital where the cleveland cavaliers. one lebron james sank a three pointer in the first quarter hes became youngest player to score 27,000 points in the nba. he broke the mark set by kobe bryant. the cavs led by two at the half then pulled away in the second. they beat the wizards 104 to 95 carrier for leading the teamth with 29 and lebron having adding 27.7. browns still winless after an ugly loss to the ravens last night.t. before the ball was even stamped and head coach coach you jackson raised some eyebrows and josh mcallen promptly threw a pair of interceptions. talked about that decision earlier. >> at the time it was the right decision decisions made for football team without looking for a spark and i didn't getal t so i mean none not going to be perfect and everything i do. do them wants want to do what i think is best for the football w team in the world series is has been over for a little more than a weekldi now and heading to hot having to hot atlanta the 43 -year-old right-hander a one-yearhe deal worth more than 12 million. the they won 15 games last year for thee mets and become the all-time winningest pitcher and candor is my analysis ad three-year $33 million deal with the blue jays. hehe hit 30 homers for casey a year ago critic of those. it was bothoy edwin and jos? batista friday night touchdown can only mean one thing. there they areon doing their mannequin challenge. >> don't blink our newsroom talking. >> are trying to make him laugh. >>g he he's like, on ontario. mo curley and schamp. >> they are they are. >> that's pretty good guys. >> very good. they didn't flinch or blank.>> it's going to be a brisk night overnight lows in the burbs outside the city we will get down to 28.i 38 in town " of at the lake but slow clearing and that'll leave us in pretty good shape for tomorrow and a crisp 48-degree chris 48-degree higha temperatue off by about four or 5 degrees from normal. we get that all back going into the day a sunday and then we puh that up to 55 degrees. a great weekend but my pick is still sunday. i give it a 10 out of 10 or maybe a nine out of 10 for your time. in 7:00 a.m. the morning show crew will be here in a good night everyone and staging for friday in staging for friday night touchdown. e you deserve great tv service. me? yes, you deserve tons of free hd channels. ok... it's all about meredith. you deserve tons of free on demand channels, second lady. who's talking? and you, confused lady, you deserve a technician who shows up on time. what about me? everyone deserves great tv service, okay? anybody else freaked out about this? while come to friday night touchdown. it is round two of the layouts. and saint ignatius is facing solon. >> walk up to the season 20 finale of fox8 friday nightp

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Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20161112 :

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20161112

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good evening. for the third night in a row and anti- donald trump protesters are taking to the street since streets in cities across the country.r large protests happening in miami atlanta dallas in new york city just to name a few. over tuesday's election results. he tweeted this morning that he loves that people have passion for our country and hope to come together ur keep tonight to locl high school students say they faceen suspension after posting another student students wordst online to get peekaboo said was an attempt to expose racism one day after the election.t melissa reid is here now with girl thought they were doing something nice by exposing racist rant on line but it turned out before thought they were l wrong and now both girls are suspended to give the day after the day after theus election, my friend who is nos longer my friend put on a snap story. >> something so racially insensitive that shaker heights junior elena try tot screen decided to screen grab it and put it on her own snapshot. >> you can comment on a story appeared. i got a lot of comments and my friend to put on twitter said can i put it on twitter and twitter and i said sure. >> we are not identifying the student who posted multiple snaps about black people online saying things like quote they are scary violentne rude and ney , loud rude and annoying, among others. a enter in maya, a shaker heights sophomore, who decided to expose the racist rant on her twittero account. >> i think people were hurt to see that this type of racism still exists a spatially and especially in such a place that shakera heights where everyone seems to be liberal and accepting. >> bye just one day later both elena and maia were called to the office.nd both say they were suspended for quote this rep to disruptive behavior. >> basically i i'm at fault because i put a private message on a public forum. >> we reached out to the district for comment and they declined to go on camera they released a statement that reads in part the student issue has been resolved with the parties involved. the shaker heights city school district cannot comment further on student issues according to law. elena says she's disappointed the student who posted the comments was not disciplined. she says free speech is one thing, but disrespecting someone's race is a problem. >> i understand that i did put a private message on a publici forum and they said with that i harassed. i just wanted people to know that saying that stuff is not okay to get elena served her in school punishment today and maia gets her punishment next week peekaboo so many nasty things online in anthat donald trump admits he will consider keeping parts of obama care, and he describes a concession call he received from hillary clinton.i >> he has been a vocal critic of obama care so what has changed here?cr >> he is not backing off his pledge to repeal and replace obamain care, but the wall stret journal is reporting that for president obama urged him to take another look at the healthcare law when they met at the whiteurure house, and he isw telling 60 minutes are parts of the law he would like to0 keep. >> when you replace it or you going to make sure that people with preconditions are still covered? >> yes because that happens to be one of the strongest assets. also children living with their we ared, going to very much tryt and keep that. it adds cost but it is very much something we're going to try anr keep. >> they're also making changes to his transition team to make key recommendations for the trump administration in new jersey.akak governor chris christie is no longer in charge. two of his former aides found he will be in the bridge gate scandal. christie becomes viceat chair wo is still a on the road but mike pence now is on charge of thatof transition talked about the concession call he received from hillary clinton. >> hillary called and it was a lovelyly call and it was a tough call for her. cover for her than it would've been for me and for me it would've been very difficult. she could not have been nicer. she just said congratulations donald, well done. i said i want to thank you very much. you were a great competitor. bill clinton also called him in and was very gracious as well. he also didas not rule out talkg to the clintons and presidentt obama for advice at some point. as for obama care he promised to replace it with something better and for better price. s tonight he is saying for the first time there are parts of that law that are worthorre keeg him at the recent rash of crime plaguing beachwood place has people urging people to be aware of their surroundings. here is more on these incidents. format in separate incidents have been violent and have shoppers here on edge. the first happened thursday october 27th. police a teenager was arrested after trying to steal from nordstrom at beachwood place.f police say he tried to walk away with more than a thousand dollars worth ofaa clothing. when he tried to get away police say he choked the loss prevention officer at that store.e he was arrested and faces and friday woman was robbed at gunpoint right outside saks fifth avenue.g her car was also stolen. police is still looking for are still looking for that suspect. if you have details on that robbery give police a call and be aware of your surroundings as crime do increase around the holidays. exclusive video of wild gunfire on the streets leads to your streets leads to a foxox to box eight i team gunshot. gunshots went into a and with all the police ha formica gunmen leaning out of a car window firing shots at an suv.v. we we've obtained this exclusive video. broad daylight tuesday not far from east 130 first and harvard in cleveland. e the gunfire left loopholes in a school building in the shooting of course led to nine 911 calls, but later witnesses wondered what took so long for police to get here. it took a very long times by the time it happeneden and by the time i left, no police were here and now as may with maybe 15 or 20 minutes later. >> receiving multiple calls of several vehicles shooting at one another from inside the vehicle. >> vi team has also obtained police radio h recordings. dispatchers put out an alert to all cars in thehe area but one transmission reveal dispatchers had no cars tot send. >> we heard the blog broadcast crystal of no one available to respond to the shotsts >> a police report shows a patrol car finally got on scene after 47 minutes. >> we're investigating more than how long it took a patrol car to get we even found a delay getting crime scene investigators who to follow up on this. a police report shows no csin unit was available until the next day. >> it is a big problem with that in thee community and police response time. >> folks in the neighborhood but a shortage of five bullets hit a charter school kids were not there but the teachers were. why did it take so long to get a police car there? we've reached out multiple times to thelt chief's office but no explanation has come yet. witnesses are amazed. apparently no one heard. >> it entered the school and he was only 10 to feet away from the truck so was he really aiming at the truck with you just trying to shoot just to scare the person and you didn't care where the bullets >> a spokesperson for the schoot called the police response port concerning pointsr out that this will had officers inside and outside when children ofh their. honoring those who serve our great nation, today today is veterans day in downtown clevelandod celebrated with a terrific parade. >> this is a look at the annual parade of is it marched down lakeside avenue. branch of the military as well as police color colorguard and marchingf band. ?? >> before the parade, a special event being held inside city hall paying tribute to the nation's veterans. among those in attendance to world war ii vets. this years theme celebrating the 75th anniversary of the united servicesth organization, and a marine corps vet to says the way america treats its veterans now is much different from when he served. >> i was from the vietnam era where they didn't treat us very well. we came back, we were spit at and all that and i didn't even want to let people know i was a veteran, but since the vietnam veterans came up and spoke all of ourpo veterans treated a lot better are treated a lot better. it is extremelye awesome. >> two today's ceremony also raising awareness of the green greenlightsso initiative a natil lights to the color green. the chill in the air is about to get colder. they've a first look at the first look at the forecast next. see how to local officers sprang into action. brown's rounds one step closer to an early 16 seasons away so why are some fans ready toas throw the team a parade? a social media proposal that is gaining traction. a status update that no one likes. why facebook listed many of its users as dead l >> for the first couple of years my health was pretty dramatic house is pretty dramatic clocks clock spinningng backwards. >> he participated in close to 100 experts exorcisms and now he has a target on his back one man's reason for continuing to help those possessed.on we are minutes away from friday night touchdown playoff edition. as immediately following foxy msn scanning all over the place and it seems like everyone's got a temperature between 38 and 42, even in a lot of your backyard weather stations that are plugged into thery network, and the coldest i see is to be five in i lisbon just outside of youngstown. these are the official numbers so it stands to reason that if west 343 in cleveland but 35 in toledo efficiently. gusty winds at hopkins and the lakefront, but they will start to ease up. right now they are out of the north which makes a lot of sense but those winds will come back around the and a bit more gentle from the west west and eventually southwest tomorrow. that wll normal air or when we get toom sunday. tonight a big temperature depth, obviously, compared to 24 hours ago and we will see a temperature spread perhaps says as old ass 28 in some of the areas that see this guy's clear out and the wind drop off. closer to 40 right up against the lake.e. tomorrow a crisp day but chris temperatures will recover to normal byh sunday which is somewhere in the low to mid beyond that it's it still looks pretty quiet so we will take advantage of that and take a look at a really cool timea lape and two fascinating pictures, one from the us and one from finland coming up. still to come, lifting up a local military family in need. for this veteran comes at a crucial time.e. you might next line to sister two sisters facing. what they are accused of doing to some sisters and a pledging president obama paid tribute to the nation's veteranp that arlington national cemetery today. he laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns for the final time asat president and he deliveren address in which a he referenced the suicide rate of veterans saying the nation has to get them the help they need the help theyt need and he also talked about the recent elections and the division that has left behind. >> when the election is over as we search for ways to come together, to reconnect with one another and with the principles transitory politics, some of our best examples are the men and women we salute on veterans day. >> tuesday veterans voted overwhelmingly for donald trump. was busy across the south fighting a number of wildfires burning across floors. a hundred homes have been evacuated 17,000 acres already burning dozens of people and in the nrt also have places on thee there charring parts of south carolina andnd tennessee new mexicans at the university of albany are under arrest accused of blindfolding sororityes recruits and making them eat mud then dousing them in rotten eggs and milk. one pledge ended up in the hospital after suffering an allergic reaction.pi the support supported the suspects belong to is not officially recognized from campus.ot to discourage students from having a good time in collegeo but you need to be safe and hazing is not only dangerous, it's against the law and it is a crime and you can be arrested. >> the students who are under arrest all women between the ages are all women between the ages of 19 andenn 21. a group of nfl players once the leak to change>> it dance on marijuana. one current and eight former players asked the leak to lift the ban on path on pot.po it allowed us as a viable pain management study more than half of all retired nfl players used narcotics during their careers and 71 percent ended up abusing those drugs. the browns get a parade. >> see the proposal on facebook that is getting a lot of t noti. how many forecasters can say we have a street named inw a honor. this would will look back on the that god is the covers over your matter how do you think met parties say thanks for men like dick goddard. dick thanks you thinks you done so i much not only for us here spirits us here at fox sake spirits foxy the fall of us in northeast ohio and inspired us work but also to the best out there for all you are so few our university we sayh thanks he to get the countdown to dick goddard's final forecast is on. keep watching all month long as we celebrate the life and career of mr. dicks goddard. >> not many people get to have a street named in their honor but then again not everyone is dick goddard. >> as social shows you now,o among the number of honors and awards mr. goddard has received over the years, one of them is more visible than all of the others. >> for more than half a century dick goddard has been cleveland'sce own when it comeso forecasting the weather. twice he has been named the most popular local weather television man in america. >> reigning moderately and hopkins, likely in the city of cleveland. >> his advocacy for animal rights is second to none and over 40 years he has held the here's a man with he is a man of many accolades to his credit and because he is such a valued asset to the cleveland community, it came as no surprise when in april of 20 (-left-parenthesisa 2011 cleveland city council probably renames the street fox eight calls home in his honor. the day was marked by speeches from numerous dignitaries including cleveland mayor franko jackson. >> spent 50 years maintains the confidence and trust of the people is remarkable somama that to me ise most remarkable thing about dick goddard and his 50 years. >> and congressman dennis kucinich of brought with him a message from presidentnt obama. >> you witnessed a you've witnessed great milestones in our nations history in the decades decade's end your life y represents an important part of the american story begins wasn't all business.bu former fox saving for tim tayloo roasted dick with a story abouto >> as he was being escorted to his table his companions nudged him and said dick, do you know your tennis shoes are lighting up? k >> the festivities were capped off caps off with dick receiving the sign renaming the street in front of fox eight foxy dick goddard way. it was presented by the mayor m and councilman jeff johnson. >> dick goddard is a cleveland asset, and we want to a knowledge that you acknowledge that you reallywe want.w >> you believe you really went out of your way to do this and i can't thank you y enough. >> no, thank you dick for showing us the a battle against evil that has turned very personal. he keep my father woke up at the top of thek steps and he was in the air and he never touched the step. >> part number two of our look story of staring demons right in the face. facebook is antisocial. why the site declared living every second counts as a a least counter the least and interaction. see how a pair of offic help for local veteran when he and hises family needed it most. inside today's special surprise. a real chill in the air this weekend. andr? will let you know how low the temperatures will go as we break down the local forecast. local police officers putting their lives on the line to make a daring a burning pickup truck with a man trapped inside. >> tonight a pair of painpa painesville police officers are rescue t caught on camera and mt wright has thatc story. >> shattered glass after a brush with death at the back of painesville's riverside cemetery wednesday night. >> businessman he's in a pickup truck and he drove into the woods and in this flick must be on thest gas pedal. it looks like he's having a seizure in their. >> cameras rolling as officer jesse tram won his first to arrive onm scene. >> i was definitely scared of the worried. >> officers bolted toward the burning vehicle with the man inside. >> he was not responding to > ything. when i looked inside i knew something was wrong. trend one smashed the window >> i think .-dot i got there at the same time. >> him he may very well have saved a life in a remote section of the cemetery that the officers say they were just doing theirirem job. >> i wouldn't consider myself a hero. we did what any officer in this departmentn or any officer acros this country would probably do peek it makes me feel good so it's my job though but i would do it every day if i have to. a court has approved a massive payout to the family downed power line. we've learned the $60 million settlement in the case of 12 location thomas has been approved. in 2012 she touched a live powerline that have fallen and she needs round-the-clock care for the rest of her life.le the family filed the suit against power companies. you meant he meant to liberties deliberations begin to brown the case of a former police officer now charged with earlier today the jury said they work and he told the panel they have all the information they need to reach a verdict.e a woman is under arrest for stealing from a disabled woman for the second time.a in 2015 wanda starcher pled guilty and was sentenced to two years of community control. detectives say she was again again withdrawing funds from the same victim's bank account thega summer and she is now charged with theft. it is veterans day and northeastch>> ohioans are honorg the brave soldiers and airmen airmen andarno marines served our country with distinction today there was a special veterans day veterans daync surprise for a decorated marine and his family. >> we would like to present you with a p $5,000 gift card for fe groceries keep sergeant jimmyea glenn and his family were given $5,000 in free groceries donated by mark ek ridge and eskridge and operation homefront.a he served two tours of duty in iraq and while in combat suffered a traumatic brain when he came home he was also suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. he was recently notified that his disability benefits are being cut, and that is why he and his wife are so grateful for today's gift. >> right now we are worrying about with the va about losing the even numbered of money helps we had to eat so at least we have that covered. >> it's just one of those thin somebody's watching all out fore us and somebody out there saying that there are good people out therea and they're struggling. it doesn't they are struggling. it doesn't really matter where they are att the gives you more gates seem our hope that there is good people out there. >> sergeant glenn says he has benefited from programs offered by operationfi homefront, a nonprofit organization that helps military families and in honor of our veterans, our parent company tribune broadcasting is recognizing men minute 6 documentary that puts s name and face to the millions of military members who have fought for our freedom.lili old man diaries american veterans follows for baroque veterans as they heroic veterans as they share theirlor struggls post service. that special airs tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. right here on foxy. we are getting into the weekend and finally a lot of people are sleepy because of the cold, tracy. >> it's b >> just flew cover is right up under the nose. it's going to be ad cold one but we are going tobe re- rehearsed that for one more time on sundy but i want to show you right now a time lapse which almost goes 24 hours. we are going to go back to midnight last night. that was the moon and we will go to sunset you can see the cold fronts that here comes the cold front. there is the brain about 10 or 11:00 o'clock on the east side and notice there is the noticed there is the sun sets. we are still dealing with some cloud cover but we think we slowly but surely will get rid of that. too neat photos you want to sho you right now we want to thank first of all sandy feet sandy d from lakewood for snapping the this and sending it toke us at and obviously to look into looking to use with the setting sun have the next one actually comes fromt from someone by the name of hannah new and there is his twitter handle peer asked, show can i show's picture? is from germany and he said absolutely. i you can see from northern finland and this was just recently a beautiful halo, some dogs and perry helix circles ago and we showed it on the air the clouds are beginning to disappearance will slowly move out 28 to 38 for the overnight temperatures spread and look at the moon.t it's almost full at 92 percent.h small brilliant sunshine and chris that 48. it's below normal but most of the errors in the northeast. sunday will be a nice day but the overall trend is a in northwest windv so we will see few degrees off the high temperaturekn so we will balance it up to 55 sunday, 55 monday, then low fifties mostly cloudy tuesday and wednesday, maybe if you a few spruces been quiet the rest of the week until the next front a week from this weekend. next saturday could be the gateway to something much colder and we will keep an eye on that but we should be fairly quiet. >> that looks great. still to come, celebrating failure?e? >> diehard browns fans pulling for their team to stayns perfect and the loss column see why they are calling for a different kind of victoryar parade. friday night touchdown playoff edition. gearing up for the big choose that's just minutesthe away. keep it here for high school football highlights from all over northeast ohio coming up at >> a big laugh also knew men newman>> can many points in spos on sports and plans from the ready for another event. >> tickets to celebrate. >> is to celebrate clevelandnd browns perfect season closer to a winless record kevin freeman is here with the details andfr reaction from browns fans can give. >> they look like they are on their waygi so the print parade may bepr passing after all. last night's loss to the baltimore ravens leads the browns of with an all when 10 record, the worst in franchise history but one man says instead of fans and can upset about it, it is time to celebrate what could be an historic season toughest ever for cleveland browns and their fans. so far the team has lost every single game. >> i will stay a browns fan for the rest of my life. >> browns fan chris mcneil said about one week ago he jokingly thought about celebrating the browns season with the parade if perfect winless oh and 16. we talked to him byes skype. >> it's really caught on. people are talking about the idea little, little bit of momentum.n i started up a facebook page in and a facebook event for its. >> f chris has officially filedd for a permit from the city. the parade is scheduled for 1:0n a stadium seventh. it goes around the stadium creating a zero and if you look at the map the rest of the roof creates a number 16. >> were kind of changing the dialogue from the browns being us and then actually doing it and then actually doing historic albeit in a negative light but still doing something historic for our team. >> so what do browns fans think about a perfect season freight?? >> i think a little disrespectful to the cavaliers and thea monsters and those who worked so hard to work so hard to bed victors.o >> i can see going to celebrate a losingn season do you wish in 100 percent celebrate them losing at this point because theyy c can't get themselves toget something. the brown thing is losing cavs isg winning. >> from a young age this team has been a part of me and it will continue to be so, win orm lose. >> chris chris's idea for a parade appears to be catching on as of tonight on the browns perfect season parade facebook page 2400 people say they plan to attend and nearly 5,000 say they are interested in attending >> why not have another part party. >> why not?hyno and he says from now on when he forwardwhy to peaked around the factory of sadness. he fights a real-life battle to saveve souls. >> tonight learn more about the personal toll it is taken on his life and why he continues to face down evil during gearing warning about this next story.y. it would be disturbing to some. if you thought your job could be hellish at times, you're about to meet a man who spends his days actually battling demons peaked suzanne stratford has. >> suzanne stratford has the interview revealing what really happens inside an exorcism. >> in the heart of steel city is a man of trueh metal with a career that makes most people >> for the first couple of years my health was pretty dramatic my house was pretty dramatic clocks spinning backwards while pounding on thed floors all caps of stuff like that. >> adam is demonology and exorcism from the diocese of pittsburgh sharing secrets in an effort to save >> pretty much all of the majors religious systems in the world have seen this problem. manifestations has witnessed in overa 100 exorcism speaking i don'ti argue with skeptics. i think it's a reasonable position. >>ti he was one with a masters degree in clinicalth psychology research and paranormal reports of possible human summations when he realized his calling. >> i was one when i first started. my will my wife and my kids get a pass because it will take that you love. >> a foreboding morning that came to fruition one fateful night. >> my father woke up at the top of thehe steps and he was in the air. he was thrownth hard enough that he never touched theo steps and broke his neck. >> fortunately, his dad survived and with newfound faith. >> it was a wake-up call for me. adam says starting out in the ministry is a lot like "-left-double-quote any career where on-the-job training is most important, and just like everywhere else, there is a lot of interest in the new guy. >> praying with the a man from madrid and immediately the demon spoke spoken english fluently with an american accent and said what are you doing here talking to me and he started yelling at me in english. >> screaming fighting and process heg g says which sometis turned surreal. >> dramatic stuff that's going on and demon stopping everything and turning in thing you're a and sing your little shakysve gy say have these moments almost like you're at the water cooler to give up up always with malevolent intent, looking for thefo weakest link. >> wherever you go they already know this your faults and the things that you're most embarrassed they will tell he will tell the room aboutow it is away to distract what is going on and to rattle the person. >> a spiritual suicide to face them with unrepentant sin. >> i'm seeing a person paralyzed and stopon breathing, lose their minds and the institutionalized. >> that's intense. >> it doesn't seem intense. when i am helping a priest at an exorcism, i feel more at peace with my life times. god takes away god takes away the fear. >> no matter who shows up from damned souls to the devil u himself. >> he is often not motivated for whatever reason. o which unlike the movies can take months or even u years. >> we get requests from people from all faiths or atheists, agnostics. >> the demons often say to us do you believe this one? they'll mock them and call l-letter mock them and call theo trash and then they start torturing them. >> must but heavenly support is always nearby says adam as witnessed by the possessed. people of all backgrounds was we see jesus his motherpe mary as they are finally freed he could be burst into tears of joy and their faces are transfixed and all suffering stop. so i will do this as wants me to do >> for more information about what really happens inside of an exorcism head to and click on seen on tv. you can't read believe everything you read on facebook. >> why the state social networking site listed countless users as dead today. could caps on's back following theirca first loss of to facebook readers. >> many of the social media sites users found their facebook page the message said facebook hopes the users loved ones would find comfort in and sing posts of othersg shared about them. even mark zucker berg's page listed him as deceased. facebook has not commented on the problem but it appears the company may have already fixed the voyage. history made in the nation's capital where the cleveland cavaliers. one lebron james sank a three pointer in the first quarter hes became youngest player to score 27,000 points in the nba. he broke the mark set by kobe bryant. the cavs led by two at the half then pulled away in the second. they beat the wizards 104 to 95 carrier for leading the teamth with 29 and lebron having adding 27.7. browns still winless after an ugly loss to the ravens last night.t. before the ball was even stamped and head coach coach you jackson raised some eyebrows and josh mcallen promptly threw a pair of interceptions. talked about that decision earlier. >> at the time it was the right decision decisions made for football team without looking for a spark and i didn't getal t so i mean none not going to be perfect and everything i do. do them wants want to do what i think is best for the football w team in the world series is has been over for a little more than a weekldi now and heading to hot having to hot atlanta the 43 -year-old right-hander a one-yearhe deal worth more than 12 million. the they won 15 games last year for thee mets and become the all-time winningest pitcher and candor is my analysis ad three-year $33 million deal with the blue jays. hehe hit 30 homers for casey a year ago critic of those. it was bothoy edwin and jos? batista friday night touchdown can only mean one thing. there they areon doing their mannequin challenge. >> don't blink our newsroom talking. >> are trying to make him laugh. >>g he he's like, on ontario. mo curley and schamp. >> they are they are. >> that's pretty good guys. >> very good. they didn't flinch or blank.>> it's going to be a brisk night overnight lows in the burbs outside the city we will get down to 28.i 38 in town " of at the lake but slow clearing and that'll leave us in pretty good shape for tomorrow and a crisp 48-degree chris 48-degree higha temperatue off by about four or 5 degrees from normal. we get that all back going into the day a sunday and then we puh that up to 55 degrees. a great weekend but my pick is still sunday. i give it a 10 out of 10 or maybe a nine out of 10 for your time. in 7:00 a.m. the morning show crew will be here in a good night everyone and staging for friday in staging for friday night touchdown. e you deserve great tv service. me? yes, you deserve tons of free hd channels. ok... it's all about meredith. you deserve tons of free on demand channels, second lady. who's talking? and you, confused lady, you deserve a technician who shows up on time. what about me? everyone deserves great tv service, okay? anybody else freaked out about this? while come to friday night touchdown. it is round two of the layouts. and saint ignatius is facing solon. >> walk up to the season 20 finale of fox8 friday nightp

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