Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20161103 : comparemel

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20161103

and hundreds of workers have lost their jobs. if that's what donald trump did here, why would we ever put him here? ? ? >> joe: look at the faces and murphys leaders in chicago just outside wrigley field. and then outside wrigley field as the celebration is on. the cubs win it tonight and a great world series, a tremendous game 7. let's go down to the field again. here is ken rosenthal. >> ken: thinks. this was your final game, david. it was an epic game. what was it like to play in this? this? >> a lot of ups and downs. i'm totally exhausted. what a group of winners, a group of resilient winners. these guys never quit. they have answered every challenge all year long. when you want to crumble when the ball goes over the fence, these guys fight back and continue to have good at-bats. we used every guy on our team position player-wise. that says a lot about this team. it's been that way all year. we have guys who didn't make the roster who are great players. it's a great organization. i'm so happy for these guys. i'm happy they took me on this journey. >> ken: when you hit the home run, you looked stunned. >> you would be stunned too if it was. floating around the bases. i was trying to focus on the win. came into the game, gave up two runs. so proud of this group. >> ken: how much was your family on your mind? >> i was staying in the when we won him i thought of my wife and kids, what a great journey these guys took me on. i am proud of these guys. >> ken: that's the way to end the interview. you saw the hug from joe maddon who becomes the second cubs championship. the other one, frank chance, player-manager in '07 and '08. kevin burkhardt, down to you. >> kevin: okay, joe buck. thank you very much. this clubhouse is fired up and ready to go. the commissioner rob manfred is here. we have the commissioners trophy. tom ricketts, the owner and executive chairman. lindor manager, joe maddon, the manager. we have some hardware to present. >> it's an honor to present the world series trophy. this one is historic. your fans waited 108 years and you delivered in style with a an amazing comeback. >> kevin: what does it feel like to hold this? >> it's incredible. thinking about so many millions of people giving so much love and support to this team for so many years. finally paying it back. it's all for the fans. i give all the credit to the players. joe and his great coaching staff. everything for the business in the neighborhood. it's a team effort. we are >> kevin: now you can officially say the cubs are world series champs. how does it sound? >> cubs are world series champions! i pretty good. >> kevin: go enjoy it. let's bring in theo. congratulations. i have to know. you are watching this in the stands. what are you thinking? how are you surviving this heart attack game? >> one of the best games of all time. it's unbelievable. what a testament to our players. we gave up the lead and then during the rain delay, i walked by the strength and conditioning room. they were gathered around saying this is only going to ke let's grind. they went out and had an unbelievable inning. got to congratulate the cleveland indians, chris antonetti, mike chernoff, terry francona. great organization. phenomenal year. what a battle. our fans to serve this. our players deserve this. chicago cubs are world champions. >> kevin: what do you think chicago is like? >> i can't wait to go back. our fans deserve it so much, all the former cubs. people. ernie banks, ron santo. bringing the trophy home to you guys. it's been a century in the making. nobody deserves it more than the cubs players, cubs player, cubs organization. coaches, staff, unbelievable. >> kevin: congratulations. enjoy it. joe, come on in here. joe maddon, the manager. that looks good. how does it feel? >> it's your baby. it's your first baby. it's pretty incredible standing here among our guys. this is why this has all happened. a tough game, obviously. we regrouped during the rain delay and this group never quits. give our guys all the credit in the world. phenomenal bunch of professionals. guys, staring at you ready to party, what are you most proud about? >> we never quits. i'm proud of the attitude, the culture we've created. it's something that carries for many years to come. not having won a world series trophy in 108 years. this is a breakthrough year. >> emotionally, how do you hang in the game? >> you've got to try. everything was going until davis hit the home run and then all of a sudden, you have to go to plan b, c, d. our guys were there all the time. conversation was great. incredible to be part of the moment. >> kevin: when do you think it will settle in? cubs have won the world series. back down south pretty soon. i will take it all in. we have the praise coming up and all that. it will hit me then. i want to congratulate tito and the indians. i have so much respect for them. great serious, great season for them. i want to make sure i put that out there. >> kevin: wonderful. congratulations to you. okay, joe maddon. this cubs clubhouses fired up. it's now time for the most valuable player trophy presented by chevrolet. let's bring inhe again. >> this year's most valuable player in the world series is ben zobrist. you had a great series. as everyone remembers, a crucial hit tonight. there's a piece of hardware for you. >> kevin: you've done this a couple years in a row. it's pretty hard to do. what that feel like? >> it's unbelievable. i can't put it into words. what the team has battled leading we are the best team. the ups and downs, having to fight through things. it's an unbelievable team to be a part of. every guy roots for each other, takes care of each other, picks each other up. that's what we did during the rain delay. >> kevin: you have the game-winning hit, you had two strikes, a defensive swing trying to stay alive. how do you calm yourself in that moment? >> i know he throws a hard cutter. i was battling. had swung on to strikes and barely hung in there in the at-bat. fortunately he put one close enough to the plate where i could slap it down the line. i never would have been in that situation if he wasn't such a good player. >> kevin: we have a surprise for you. we have the vice president for chevrolet. >> congratulations. an amazing performance tonight and all through the series. chevrolet, our 3100 chevy dealers across the country and kids who play chevy youth baseball, we want to honor you with the 50th anniversary chevy camaro on the field right now. congratulations. >> wow. thank you. look at that thing. oh, my goodness. unbelievable. i'm going to have to take everybody in a ride. >> kevin: i have a feeling if you drive fat around chicago, you will never have to buy another meal the rest of your life. ben zobrist, most valuable player in the world series. they are celebrating, enjoying this trophy presentation. any other players? anthony rizzo. anthony. do you want to say a word? come on up. how are you holding it together? >> i don't know. i don't know. it's the best game i've ever been a part of. best game i've ever seen, really. what a team. we started this year as the heavy favorites and we went wire-to-wire all year is investing in in baseball. the indians did one heck of a job. competing with their injuries. this is the best feeling in the world. >> kevin: you are here when this team wasn't very good. you've been here a while and you've seen the transition to this point. what's it like to be on top? >> oh, my god. it's the best feeling in the world. a lot of people had written us off. for us to come back 3-1 and went back and finish this in extra all-time. world champions. >> kevin: congratulations. anthony rizzo and the chicago cubs are world series champions. unbelievable. that's it from the clubhouse. let's go upstairs. >> joe: anthony rizzo suffered a 101 lost season in 2012 at h the cubs. bill murray is hoping to hog the horn. i don't know if the keys are in it. the mvp is ben zobrist. a world champion a year ago with kansas city. he got the go-ahead rbi double tonight in t rbi by miguel montero. made it at to run advantage. cubs win by 1. so much to talk about. what a game. every once in a while, the game of baseball gives you a night you will never forget. cubs are off the list. like theo epstein said for so many who have come before them, names like ernie banks, ron santo, billy williams, who is here. ferguson jenkins, rick sutcliff sutcliffe, mark grace, ryne sandberg. cubs are celebrating. back after this. today we're talking about automotive awards. which one of these awards appeals most to you? 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go, cubs, go ?? he won the 1908 cubs defeated ty cobb and the tigers. names like joe tinker, johnny evers, frank chance, mordecai brown. hall of famers who played on a team of. this young core celebrating in the visiting clubhouse here in cleveland. cubs win it all in 2016. we welcome you inside the broadcasters. i'm joe buck along with joe john smoltz. squeezing every last drop out of what these guys could give us. in the end, the cubs win. forward. the young core of the cleveland indians, when healthy, michael brantley, the two starters back in their spots. the young core is going to be in indians team that is to be reckoned with now in the next handful of years. the two i'm going to argue these are two favorites going into next year. cubs are not going anywhere. cleveland and terry francona and all i've been through and injuries, this was an incredible battle. both teams are going to be fun to watch not just this year and this postseason but years to come. >> joe: you never know who the hero is going to be. tonight ben zobrist, who really got hot with the bat. the rbi that put the cubs on top and the tenth, his second rbi of this world series. no bigger swing of the bat for a chicago cub then ben zobrist in >> john: he was the ultimate protector. we talked about the bottom of the lineup not producing and then sporadically they did. for zobrist, making sure rizzo is protected. that's what we saw. the walk and rizzo knew he wasn't going to get pitched too. zobrist came up huge. i thought his bat this whole series was locked down. >> joe: we like to have from the other side. the other side is represented by one of our favorites, terry francona. >> tom: terry francona, your team was down three runs, down to your last four outs. you forced extra innings. the game ended with the tying run on base. describe your emotions about this night and this team. >> that was some kind of game. somebody was going to win. somebody was going to lose. i wish they had lost. i mean, there was a lot of good baseball. from the pitchers. pitchers. corey kluber starting three games. trevor being in his third game. are relievers going to the end. we ask our players to play the game with respect and leave it on the field. that was it. they gave everything they had. i kind of talked about it before the game, what an honor it was. it really is. to go through that with this group and the an honor. >> tom: seemed like you had seized momentum and then the rain delay. do you feel like it reset the game? >> you know, i don't think it really -- bryan shaw was out there. of all our guys, he can bounce back probably as good as anybody. i really don't think so. they are a good team and they keep coming at you. that was tough. we tied. a lot of teams might fold. but we didn't either. we just ran out of time. you know, it hurts. it hurts because we care so much. but i still want our guys to carry their heads high because they deserve to do that. >> tom: what did you say to your team, either individually or collectively? >> we met for a minute. they know how we feel. i just want to thank them from me and the coaches. something like this with this group and we don't take it lightly. we appreciate it. we care. i thought they deserved to hear that. >> tom: congratulations on a great season and providing a great night of baseball. >> thinks. it was an honor. >> tom: back to you. >> joe: you can see in the interview why terry francona is loved in this game. two-time world champion manager. he's a leader of men. nice to have him stop by and gracious in the interview with tom verducci. kevin burkhardt, alex rodriguez, frank thomas and pete rose. tonight it's the cubs. they went to the giants in the division series. it took four. they went through the doctors in the nlcs. it took six. and they went through the cleveland indians in the world series. it took seven and then some. ten innings. a final of 8-7. a game none of us will ever forget. chicago cubs celebrating tonight here in cleveland. and back in chicago. it is on in chicago. world champion chicago cubs. kevin burkhardt. and the guys on the other side of the break. a draining series. a pleasure to call. kevin next up. power the first phone with the new google assistant, unlimited photo storage, and a stunning vr experience. how is this possible? 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[cheering] >> kevin: what a scene it was. the champagne will be flowing. how about at wrigley as the cubs wrap it up? nobody is going to sleep in why would they? these cubs fans who invaded cleveland, loud as ever as the cubs have won the world series. that's a phrase no one has gotten to say in a long long time. no more billy goat, no more black cat, none of that but what a night. frank thomas, pete rose, alex rodriguez. i'm kevin burkhardt. cubs have won the world series. unbelievable gain 7. >> john: living in that 108 years. >> frank: this team was hungry. they play their butts off. no excuses. they came out. they deserved to be world series champions. >> pete: the best team all year in baseball, capped it off by winning the world series. terrific and seven. most teams would have died when two-run home run off their closer to tie the game in the eighth. they stayed with it. >> alex: i've never been to a world cup. been to some superballs. this was amazing. being here and witnessing. what an incredible night for baseball. remind me why this is the greatest game in the world. how difficult it is to win a world championship. we have 66 years of major league baseball experience between us. five championships. >> kevin: hard to get back year after year. >> frank: you can never take it for granted. this is a special moments. this team is very strong. the hunger and desire they showed. you never know if it's going to happen again. anymore. >> alex: we talked about the raw talent. that's obvious. they have talent coming from top to bottom. the grit they showed. a lot of young teams would have rolled over. >> kevin: you look at the adversity, the playoffs. giants push them. second round, dodgers shut them out twice. beat clayton kershaw, they did. here. the closer gives up a home run. i don't know what other adversity you could overcome but they overcame at all. >> frank: that's why they are a great team. they have their backs against the wall more than once. they are resilient. once they got back here to win three games in a row down 3-1, it shows you the grit and hunger. >> alex: you can't say enough >> kevin: ended up getting the win. the cubs become the 16 in the history of the game to come back from a 3-1 deficit. unbelievable. stay tuned for your late local news and continuing posting coverage of the world series, turn to fs1 right now as we say congratulations to the cubs. one of their longtime fans, pearl jam front man eddie vedder. we leave you with this song. ? ? >> ?? someday we'll go all the cleveland's own fox 8 news. left field come it , the celebration and the third-base dugout. davis, to run homer down the left-field line clearing six. it was a moment that shook progressive field like an earthquake.. live, tied it all up, but in the end as we alll know, the tribes could not pull it out. they pull game seven of the world series in ain thrilling extra inning heartbreaker. be say good morning to you wall after 108 years chicago cubs world series championships after beating the indians extra innings in game seven of the world series. the final a look. the cubs win baseball get the praise tonight comeme a p.j. ziegler but though they highlights. no doubt about it it was a fantastic game. fantastic series all the way back to game one. tonight's game was like riding the roller coaster, the next minute you are down into the final season and, one win shy of center, solo home run postseason 1-0 cubs. tied up1- in the third winds -- when carlos santana, double inning, tied into one, addison russell up the center, roger davis makes thet catch and thros it home but not in time. t chris ryan, 2-1 cubs and later, wilson, and in right-center.of then on the devil, chicago takes 3-1 lead. and the cubs, second home run in the postseason 2-1 cubs, anthony rizzo, all the way around from first, and the cubs have 5-1 lead. bottom half of the inning. he "pitch" and 2-runs, and, david ross takes andrew miller deep to center, solo shot second, chicago, and delive rs the shot in cleveland to run home run tied at six. the cubs scored twice, but the indians rally once again. davis to center, and comes around to makk it the rally in spare, game seven and then 108 year drop. more on game seven, progressive fieldd with john standing by, this is what baseball is all about but unfortunately tonight you did not go the indians way. you are absolutely right p.j., began playing baseball as youngsters but dream of playing in the big leagues. you see right there, david ross behind med the catcher for the cubs playing in his last game and wins the world series by 8-7. as far as i'm concerned, by the way starting right now,, the cubs went to work. and with a base the base hit, "pitch" run and then fly ball to center field, "pitch" run are able to advance to second and series to deliver with base knock it gets over to second and already one run, and then drives in the second one, the indians packed on a run to make 8-7 came but just not enough. the potential here or at this game for the indians, to run home run that broadband dance to a tie x number -- all but these early. and we we didn't just give then. and we didn't just roll over and say that we actually fought. and our bets just grinding. in the end, they proved to be better. that is post game commentary of the indians and we came to progressive field today expecting to be drenched in champaign after the game, pj and apparently everybody stuck aroundst including thousands of cubs fans looking on at their adorable coveys the world champions. we are getting drenched and rain. as we send it back to the studio we will t see it in a little while. dry and we will check back later know second straight world series the intense lose game seven and extra innings. thatee is top 2 one win away from the world series. they certainly give it their all, emotional drama. just like a roller coaster. what a year he has it has been high breaking loss for fans certainly live outside progressive disappointed for sure that very proud of the cleveland indians and all they accomplished this could we not feel that way? crying for us right now's -- right now or chicago leaving us a souvenir, bringing a strong winds kicking around right now. it was a nailbiter come as issue know. andil fans back around in the, horse voices come i'm sure. people had to work but absolutely disappointed, nothing was an unbelievable game. . >> absolutely unreal. and what a shame. it was aa great game and we fought our hearts out all season. the cubs were a greatr team. and i can't believe guy. did a great job day one opening game, cancel but i can't believe it. the cleveland fans and i want to say for the cleveland indians come i am so proud and even though thank you for taking us to the world series. we love you ande i'm proud of cleveland come i love cleveland, thank you so much come appreciate it. things quickly, and unfortunately, if this would have happened the first little bit of rain started maybe could havet postponed. maybe that would have been our day but unfortunately it we will let you go. thanks,t suzanne.ha out of the ring righthtsu now bn the meantime the manager one of the best there is, took the podium a short time ago. let's listen to what he had to say. what did he say especially about the fight that the guys showed him the signature season?? that was an incredible game i mean, to be a part of. when i talke about being in a game like that, but to be associative with those players and that clubhouse, it is an honor. i just told them that. but is going to hurt. it hurts because we care. but they need to walk with their head held high because they left nothing on the field. nothing left. okay. when ties it up there you and you go to the bottom of the ninth with the top of the order, thoughts going through your head thator maybe e storybook ending what happened? we get so caught up in the game that we don't think about what your emotions are going to be or things like that. you are trying desperately to find a way to win a game. the emotions come after whether good orr bad. you don't think about story books and stuff like that. you are trying to figure out one more run. jordan. can you just speak to what cory and andrew gave you throughout the playoffs and what you saw? the guts to take the ball like corey kluber three times in a series and the other 2 guys. this is trevor's third time. and our relievers to be available for that much, that often, that effective, it is not locked. it is a will -- it is not luckno butt it is well. sometimes they prove they are human but wit get anywhere close to hear. not fail come we were hoping for but very proud of his guys. the world series postgame coverage continues in a much more reaction from the indians locker room coming up. following temperatures on theeu way already come actuallye andre with a first look at the l forecast coming up next. frightening attack on a police officer caught on tape. thed voters, absentee ballots d secretary of state pointed the finger at the post office and all too real, what they found in their candyal that prompted a . >> i have to tell you i havel never ever seen the tarmac at the airport and this build with corporate planes. check ithiwi out, and looking ot the rain is starting. a few of the plane starting to take off as the rain, the showers and thunderstorms start to pull linn. this take a closer look and the rain getting everybody drenched and a lot of and about a one hour shot precip, there is lightning with thatat butot there was a couple of hours ago pushing into northwest ohio but there it was, but the minus shortening up and making progress to the east. current temperature has dropped 67 but that after record high today of 78 degrees, 55 eventually towards morning. thunderstorms arriving and moving out, shifting winds but then tomorrow, scattered cloudy skies by afternoon with a high of only 59. that will be in the morning because temperatures willll fall very slowly through the day.he obviously, we will not see the nicet day that we had today and yesterday. that is gone and the coldd front is being announced right now with the rain. much more seasonal coming up. closing in on historic election. one week voters choose an oppressed inside the final push for the whitete plus locker room celebration with a controversialom turn and see why high school coach has been suspended. fox 8 with obtain cell phone video ofh taking place officer and stealing cruiser. investigators found the car but the suspect is on the run kelly freeman has the video and the t latest details. fox 8 viewer to capture the moment the man steals in oakwood village police cruiser after pursuit into cleveland. the police chief mark garrett saidga began around eleven o'clk tuesday morning when officer tried to pullover suspected stolen car on interstate 271. the vehicle indicated pulled over to the median and bend the vehicle took off. chased the vehicle in cleveland where sideswiped another car. though stopped and the area. unsuccessful and the officer in pursuit. record a video ofof what happend next. tasered him and the suspect dropped to thee ground, put hisi hands behind the back and look like he was going to give up. the handcuffs on, spun around. the video shows the officer and the suspect struggling south 70-year-old man stepped in to help. the suspect g taser, teasing the officer along but the gentleman and in the suspect got up and ran. the officer got up and chased him. jumped into the police car. the officer seen getting into the passenger side trying to grab the suspect but the man takes off for the cruiser which was found crashed into a tree clovertr site avenue in clevela. the suspect was gone and the place looking for evidence and the first car he was driving. several armed robberies in cleveland. there was a loaded one in the car, kevin freeman fox 8 news. the place say they are reviewing dash cam and body cam footage of the instant by incident by anyone with information about the suspect asked to call oakwood village police. a crowd and killing two people went before a judge today, 74-year-old this charged with 2 counts of net -- negligent homicide back in august, backing out of a parking spot and hit the gas instead of the brakes, nancy said hinckley and kathleen mcdonald was killed. six others also hurt. the police make a drug bust and recover more than a million dollars in cocaine. the officers reminded the suspected drug dealer kenwood boulevard at 16th street went the suspect drove up and the police caught up with him a the polices recovered cocaine ad that is the street value of more than $1 million. straight ahead this morning, cry for help, what it sad, positive . >> just one week to go until election day the presidential candidates crisscrossing battleground states. news course born that lauren blanchard from washington. pretend we are slightly behind . you have to -- we don't want to blow this. donald trump in florida to keep enthusiasm dropping a week election day telling voters they cannot sit this one out. trump has been sticking to his message that hillary clinton is unfit to be president. she is the crooked one, no question, cricket hillary clinton and that term has stuck. has anyone seen crooked hillary clinton today? that is going to be a great term for president, right? boy, oh, boy what a mess. saying republicans use fbi investigation of clinton'sli e-mail to cause more gridlock. you have some republicans in congress already suggesting they will impeach hillary. she hasn't has an even been elected yet. and it doesn't matter what evidence, they just want to find something. the latest fox news scorecard has moved the sunshine state from winning democrats to a tossup. good news for trump trumpet meanwhiless imported today surprising voters waiting to castsu their ballot early before heading west to campaign. more than 30 million people have already voted. double thee number at this point last -- last election and gokul trendsla say houseboat early has reached all-time high, lauren blanchard foxnews. much more to come in the latest edition fox 8 news. the try block room the indians talking about incredible season

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