Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20161008 : comparemel

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20161008

cleveland's own fox 8 news. it's always a -- up against the world. cleveland against the world, let's go. . >> into the corner, right. it is a fair run. the baseball sent him to a frenzy. one win away from a dancing alcs. the sold-out crowd but with aa shutout win over the red sox and indians have a chance to close out thei series at fenway park. spot -- progressive field, joins us with more, what a night. my ears are still ringing two of the likes of port cello and david price but o today never ot of the fourth ending, one taken in the bottom of the second, the first two plate appearances today, 1-0t game, ripping three run home run over to the right, the first of the season against left-handed pitcher and everybody was lovingas it. fourh hit in the score, up 5-0. corey clue for outstanding. seven innings, allowed only threee hits,. and strike out seven batters, showed no effects and how about this party? bare hands and clover, just tell. i don't remember too much i i knew it was a home run so i slow down pretty quickly. a quick run around the bases. i think everybody is playing baseball. that is what we know how to do. i think when you start thinking about other things that maybe not so good that. we try to stay away from that and play the game, play the game as well as we can to see what happens here for so we will seel what happens. the indents will tomlin to the hill him being in beantown with a chance tot manage -- to meet the series for the firste time in nine years. later from spirit -- having a great time. these guys are some of the biggest stars in the sports world, lebron james, is he not, the jumbotron and like kids. it was a great atmosphere. they just play baseball come a good mix of young players, some you but just enjoyed playing with each other and not afraid of the moment. i don't think anything is daunting the appearance in boston. got to win a a game and not a foregone conclusion. let's play a ball. the sunset, e home crowd sunday. so the indian pitching very, very t good. tw game day. . [overlapping voices] thank you. other news devastating out of florida, hurricane matthew claim several lights there this weekend it will march rid of the coast. meteorologist jim hargett tracking the storm and joins us live with much more. it s is category 2 hurricane and expecting the latest on this at eleven o'clock, category 2 hurricane to march up the east coast. you can see the eyewall off the coast of georgia. , the stronger winds the eyewall. and 130. possible landfall between savannah in charleston, however at the moment expected to jump little bit to the northeast which we are hopingg because you do not one a direct hit. the most out of the winds and the rain and theout storm. storm surge i will talk about in in a second but take a look at the rainfall forecast, on average for most of the south carolina and north carolina the satellite, obviously the storm surge, and then even after that, the carolina coast, still dealing with a big surge in dealing but this the next 48 -- 48 hours term back backtracked itself as a tropical storm. a lot more details coming still powerful and dangerous category 2 hurricane.n slow-moving. estimated could cost multiple billions of dollars of insurance losses. some people using it in the same sense, at katrina. and an update tonight joel waldman. hurricane matthew blue some steam friday but most of the day date it is still potentially evacuated the process of evacuating 174 medical facilities at this point. hurricane matthew continues to more of these coast and along the way knocked out power for a million people has claimed multiple debt in the uniteded states. flooding in saint augustine and significant flooding tonight. many places arbor day creating dangerous flood situations. could still bring 15 inches of rain along with the storm surge in some about potentially deadly flooding in storm surges latell friday, south carolina governor's should the stern warning. low lying area for any coastal areas, get to the highest floor house. in the meantime rest trips mobilizing to help in haiti whereto hundreds are dead and thousands are homeless because of the storm.o back inrm the us, national cost tr between 25 van $30 billion making it the second costless hurricane on record. it is possible the hurricane could do the kind of damage that katrina did. forecast has a warning and hurricane matthew's all the way up impacting the coastal carolina. savannah,ctih georgia -- savann. stay with us for continuing coverage of hurricane matthew, live to georgia coming up in te live hurricane checkan or on the website fox new tonight the local please need your help to find a missing teen and a good look at this picture, a 15-year-old bernard with autism and last seen lasting at his homee on shortly before 6:00 o'clock this afternoon. the -- patrick scene with purple,e, white shirt, and carrying a backpack. place. cleveland police investigating after a man struck on the side of a local roadway. investigators tell us the victim changing a flat tire when struck home for 90 westbound east 55th street. the victimst take into metro bak condition not released. closed for some time but since reopened. man shot during an alleged road rage case showing what happened with the fox 8 i team, this exclusive david says he will never this fornts like granted again. just trying to get out of there. i didn't know if he would come around or whatnot. the 22-year-old was driving home from w work on the stretch of interstate 90, near the geneva exit. when he said he noticed a car trying to pass him. lane, losss into one my rearview mirror. this car sped up and try to run him off of the road. that is when he called 911. . at this car chasing met down. and while he was still on thedo phone, his worst nightmarema happened. as i sped upre he still the side of me and i heard pop pop pop. i just gotarp shot. what kind of vehicle was it? hurry up. whatat is your emergency? interstate 90. realized he was shot he immediately got out of his car and kept talking to dispatchers.g the two rounds trevor side door, penetrated the inside of the this is the one supposedly struck the victim in his left leg. and right here commit exited about right here and the travel went through and that's where it ended. thehe ohio state patrol is investigating. we believe it is road rage. his fianc?e agree saying they spoke about 15 minutes before the shooting. i lost my father when i was accident, so it would be hard to tell her when she got w older tt she lost her dad because of somebody being so stupid. i like to get back to work and i have a family to support but it's hard and you were sitting here but they went to wanted leg. astabula peggyt w gallek fox 8 i team. lucky to be alive, the up the race for the white house donald trump comments about women in the campaign responding tonight. goodbye to the big dipperthsp iconic roller coaster dismantled, legalte trouble fora picture outside of progressive the i team learning about longtime street vendor us plenty of people killed time on smart phones but what about world leaders, a prime minister caught playing. just minutes away from friday night guest and immediately following fox 8 news for all the northeast >> the big plays from your school, friday night touchdown. tonight at 11 on fox 8. . >> boy, have we been sweat lots of sunshine and feeling like days.f the last twot we had 80 degrees. eighty-one to be exact and today, things are changing, a cold front moving through tonight. the remainder of the night, looking at dropping damp low 60s by early tomorrow morning and eventually dropping into the mid-upperni 50s. not as cool as we have been muppet at least -- but at least we will eventually see temperatures cooling off a little bit more like fall. it is october for that matter, right? try of the moment the ticket look to the west of us. cold front moving into our area through the nighttime hours evening, the fall jacket for sure. and it is picking up on showers out east right now, east of 79 on storm fox why would not be surprised with a few sprinkles at that point but the most part the bulk of the rain come about a tenth of an inch through the early morning hours three and five o'clock and out by 9:00 o'clock in the morning, lots of sunshine. the 70 degrees, chicago at 62 so we are cooling0 off temperatures t they big temple, upper 50s and low 60s and that last line that you saw there, some patchy frost and the port -- the forecast. the eight-day coming yourur way. and business is in exactly booming ford clowns thee days. creepy nationwide trend, cracking down on romantic tradition among the famous shockwaves and the presidential race donald trump food comments about women back in 2005. . bust but theyll conversation wih billy bush. trump has heard breaking trying to have sex with a married woman although he admits, not only successful in those and those efforts. trump ambush see a soap opera extra -- actress off of a bus and groping women at well. . >> you can do anything. whatever you want. . >> trump released a statement calling the conversation locker room banter and apologizing if anyone offended and will no longer attend a rally butut speaker paul ryan. no woman these terms are talked about in this manner ever. ever. delivery clinton tweeted, we cannot allow this man to become president ohio governor john kasich refused to enjoy -- endorsed trump the comments wrong and offensive but they are in defensible. the obama administration competent behind recent political he met -- e-mail hacks and officially accused russia of the democratic national committee hacked over thee summer, meant o interfere with us election process. epi-pen, process. epi-pen, $465 million t o settle allegations overbuilt medicaid for allergy in injects --- injections, and loeber 2016 earningsd guidance because of te the company criticized early this month for spike in the cost of the injections. a familiar face outside of progressive field but the street vendort in legal trouble again. what they have learned about history of citations, popular restaurants nfl plays or lose his appetite but among his order of chicken wings coming big show coming up at eleven o'clock right after fox 8 news at ten, special guest natalie will bring us all the high school footballl highlights from week seven coming up. the i team uncovered new trouble for downtown he s has a man prosecuted many times before. i team reporter ed kallick found something surprising when his case goes to court. . >> they cited you again for scalping. who did. thee place. i'm not involved in this interview. trouble for a man with virtual he had his business for decades and may recognize what he had set up here. the i team heard he just got cited for ticket scalping we found something startling about his record. since a the 90s more than 20 cas -- cases for scalping or vendors permit only 4 convictions. you have like 27 cases against you and most of them not dismissed, thrown out. i don't want toow try anything n the news. i and the news. specific corner set aside for scalpingeesp tickets and recordw mccarthy busted in the past for selling outside of the dome even from at work fan. this guy admits he scopes ticketssc and can't understand w anyone can beat theow system. bt when you went down, what happened? always found guilty. i don't fight it because i know what i'm regulations about setting up shop likeo h this. so what about the current vendors permit for this business? the ibonn team contacted city hl plus new information that insteadat told to file a former request withor the law departmet a process to take weeks or even months. because we are doing a story. i just want to hear from you. in the end mccarthy not speaking out before his next day in court. why not? you have been here for years. i on camera i will talk toa you f. still to come, truly the end of an era. the centerpiece decades of summer fun northeast ohio coming down. the decision surrounding the big dipper. the teacher accused of assaulting one of the students and what he allegedly wrote on the team for him. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. a man attacked me in a parking garage. tried to stab me with an 8-inch knife. but i carry a pistol. i fight back. that's why i'm still here. every woman has a right to defend herself with a gun if she chooses. hillary clinton disagrees with that. don't let politicians take away your right to own a gun. hurricane matthew peck they punch inc florida but tonight millions of people bracing for the storm. keep it here for a live report. apparently no one can escape pok?mon craze, world leaders embarrassing moment. plus to see a lot more like fall, jenn will break down the changes in the extent of forecast. extended forecast cleveland's own fox 8 news. hurricanene matthew in florida destroying beachfront communities. georgia and the carolinas with a long weekendin ahead. scott mcclean live in savannah but the very latest. , still still about 90 miles south/southeast of year. that were still yet toea come, very powerful storm. the band has picked up, hard to keep balance at some .47-mile an hour sustained winds up to 58 miles an hour. you can also see the rain coming down and one of the spans of rain, if it gets heavier you will end up losing. we are in the historic waterfront in savannah, savannah river but obviously the big concerns right here is the storm surge and so expecting to get nine plus levels, 2:00 a.m. the high tide mark. that will belev:0 around we stao see the worst weather. a lot of people so obviously t concerned about what that need to. the mayor in n savannah come 75 percent of people, good news considering the dangerous conditions. you do not wantd people out and about. plenty of people hunkering down and waiting this out. lines. could be before the power is restored as well. and scott, talk about the people with evacuation orders pre- much on their own, aren't they?at yeah, well, our cameras actually standing the overhang of the tavern downtown savannah. the owners said they are here. they there window ended up on arrowhead. it broke several hours ago and landed beside the awnings,go just watching for flying debris. and i went offshore tybee island a lot of people have chosen to stay and first responders are look, never a medical emergency we simply will not be able to get to you. we have already seen to depths important because of medical responders could not get to those people because it was not safe. it is possible that we could see fatalities just likeke that savannah and especially as theas storm creeps closer. we are hoping we have seen the worst of it but it looks muchee worse when we check in during the 6:00 o'clock hour, hunker down and be safe. prayers go out to the families along the eastou coast scott mcclean east coast. grieving family too gather to remember a loved back in august while crossing the road. there have been no arrest in the case. his family is calling for the person responsible to surrender to the police. crimestoppers offering of $2,500 award for information leading to an arrest in the case. and update to a story we brought you earlier this hour, a 15-year-old with autism has been patrick bernhardt reported missing for severalk be hours t. again, the police say he is safe tonight. certainly some good news they are.s authorities asking for your help to identify theou man who robbea mayfield heights bank earlier this suspect handed a note to the teller huntington break and handed over the cash and the man took off. the fbi said no weapon was seen during the robbery and no one was hurt. the fbiobbe said reward money available for information leading to an thrilled riders for decades, northeast ohio roller coaster finally meet the wrecking ball. the big o dipper closed, the amusement park set to be demolishedlo and in the newsroom with all the details and reaction. been there for a long, long time. a lot. of memories for many, may people. the big dipper recognizable, the amusement park but just a few the task. local leaders look to the future. i used to watch everybody l outside, and it was just nice ride. everybody said. the screens silent, the thrills gone and the big dipper roller coaster is barely visible at the side of thepppp old amusement pk that shut down in 2007. the 600 plus acres located in the township owned by theater fair which fairbridge also on cedar.. the township trustee said he recently learned the company plan to demolish the coastth are built in 1925 in jut a few weeks. even the parks closed, it is nice to see the roller coaster taking over all the weeds and trees. but i think it is that because the end of ann era. it is a shae still remains a popular attraction. this is video taken by fox 8 you were in february. the sentimental view -- viewer is obvious from the air. but the trustee say some thrill seekers on the ground climbed over the fence onto the coaster. this thing is rickety suit -- rickety to some extent. and so i can understand the concerns about having people getting in there even though up, falling down. local leaders in talk about selling the land and saving parts of the coaster to put onan display. that's always an attractive opportunity. the development would be the boardwalk with retail, commercial, living above that. the apartment above thee retail. and you may recall a lot more and the property shut down after labor day.. trustees also excited about the possibility of the park becoming a large-scale movie stage. he said other possible uses for the land could be a hospital or college campus that really wants the public to be able to have access to the lake. as far as the future i can see many you cannot have have a dangerous roller coaster sitting there for sharing tons ofle memories.. >> and you can really see. thanks, kevin. the 70s and '80s go for good. maybe not for good but for a long, long time. all of the details, we are expecting a cool down. big changes and i think maybe some 70s but not 80s in the but from one part to the other part, let's go to cedar.and some of the clouds starting to spill in. that is what i wanted to show you a cold front that will be moving through c tonight continuing to thicken up then clouds, bring showers to te areas, not a complete t wash but so spoiled the last couple of days, yesterday 81 commit today oncey again he did it normalid high 65 sample leave it or not for a couple of we will be below normal. that things are changing all things to the sky the cold front to move through the area through thet nighttime. so likely hear some rain tonight. not a big deal but in and out before you knoww it. we are back to full sunshine tomorrow afternoon. to need ast going jacket because look at what is lurking behind the front. we have 60s from chicago to des moinese where we are sittig tonight and no rain on the radar yet. in our area but you notice the cold front still continues to work its way through the area. the cold front will do, hopefully push have to off the coast over the next 24 to 48 hours but right now you can see summing in on the radar -- zoom in off of the radar. in savannah, already getting te steadier went but watching the eyewall closely. sustained winds the latestye advisories in the next 20 minutes. the update at the end of the show for you. moving to the north. savannah, charleston, making landfall, but the forecast has it moving to the north and east. not making landfall. something we have to watch closely through the night tonight and into tomorrow morning. eastern north carolina, to come a lot of rain come a lot of winds and thinker back around. take a look atth this, right bak towards west palm beach next week. this iswa just hurricane matthe, sustained winds 109. little bit bumpy three to five footers northwest ten to 20, 69 degrees mild water temperatures and 70 right now. sixteenth 60 rain, 50s moving over warmer lake, the clouds. tonight 58 and continue to increase with showers coming after midnight tonight between 2 andt around 6:00 o'clock in the morning before finally gets out of here by nine. we are back to full sunshineshin through the afternoon but like said you will notice a different 62 degrees only through the afternoon. and in fact, xt, it will be in the upper 50s, overnight lows in say outer lying areas could possibly have some patchya frost. saturday night. gone forever. . >> it is autumn after all. a lot of baseball to play. thanks. real clowns just trying to make a living. but itjust see it for everyone. in the midst of a creepy nationwide trend. yes to love but note tode locks officials cracking down on tradition at new york city landmark. seven of the friday night touchdown, special guest natalie, gearing up for the big show just minutes away. keep it here for high school football highlights from all >> so creepy clowns popping up across the country even around here. some school districts bandnd clouds -- clown classrooms. this is not fair. the so-called bad clowns that for business jack shea with has been a professional clown bojangles for the past 17 years. and he says until recently his business steadily grownte to 230 appearances a ye. again, people changing to get away from all of the humdrum and craziness in the world. concerned about a drop in business and individuals dressed as clowns are images of clowns and to commit crimes. just happening because that's the way society isng turning to bitter or anger. andn chaos. bob said they . many in ourim team at that the children's party asking him not to wear his clown costume. . >> you may clown iny the clown is a traditional thing and bob says instead of focusingst on images of menacing evil clowns,in social media to promote images of entertaining children and the elderly at nursing homes. good people doing good things. jack shea fox 8 >> they are like this amine clown. a message to a student and cost him his job. accused of writing on a teenagers for ahead. discovery nfl player making headlines for what he found in order of chicken wings. if you want to sell your car carmax will give you seven days to consider their offer. why seven days? science. join me as we walk through the seven stages of decisioning. 1. consideration. 2. questioning. 3. deciding. 4. queso. 6. sudoku. 7. tambourine practice. i think i made my point. they'll give you an offer for your car, you take seven days to think about it. ?? a man attacked me in a parking garage. tried to stab me with an 8-inch knife. but i carry a pistol. i fight back. that's why i'm still here. every woman has a right to defend herself with a gun if she chooses. hillary clinton disagrees with that. welcome back for jenn you beach math teacher accused of assault for writing on a four head up in eighth-grader in his class. , -- criminal complaint daniel grabbed the back of a boy's head and wrote focus on his forehead refused to let the boys wife the word off of his face until he completed the work.t middle school teacher upset because the school not paying attention is his class. the teacher has cook got on advertising surprisn hisg order of chicken wings. a fried chicken head. and his carryout order from buffalo wild wings. tweedy -- tweeted a photo of the head which we chosen to blur. returned his order to they restaurant and puzzling explanation. it was just like we are sorry. that doesn't mean -- chain said it takes food preparation seriously and reached out to cook have theep players for more information. they say love conquers all buts not in the big apple new york city officials announced $100 fine for proclaiming your undying love with a padlock on the painless --n famous brooklyn bridge love locks in on the bridges pedestrian walk w theh signs are not about humor but once is nore lock, get locks with padlock and bagel and locks. seen around the world but they can pose safety and structuralt hazards. it seems like a harmless romantic gesture but still starting to pile up and be a problem. come to the brooklyn bridge, nothing but selfies nothing but footprints. who from the $116,000. later caught out in the act. prime minister dooming onac her phone in the middle of parliament.o but 2-0 much more from tonight's big win over the red sox next in >> >> the "pokemon go" craze dying down and the states a bit but it seems really popular overseas. case in., norwegian prime minister playing "pokemon go" parliament. the speech given at the time was not too interesting. she was not even the first person caught playing cop playing the game. politicalt opponent cop playing "pokemon go" during a hearing in august. prime minister says she has game and took it up after abandoning first love which is candy crash. crush. hi everybody pick up a victory tonight out at progressive field. we will take you there, just one win away from the american league championship series, branton brent think i. he hadd his second appearances 1-the over the h wall into the right, first home run this yearin against. how about 5-0? the series, perez will score and it is 5-the row. meanwhile kamal, outstanding, seven innings without three hits, he would strike out seven and showed no strain and they grew it up. there is a fire in their that burns a lot. can't be that good without it. he won't let anybody know it which i think it's great. extra adrenaline stuff come a bigger stage or whatever you want to call it but i think we've done a good job and we will continue to just play baseball. . and we can support each other. and support us. we saw the response. . >> and talking about lebron the ballpark. and gets the start from the afternoon for clock came three, the red sox, tomlin allowed 2 run sevenal in the third inningo help clinch home-field of venice this past weekend. all in kansas city, hoping to get somey, of the same kind of momentum in boston tomorrow, sunday and perhaps monday to cover game three and four if neededf the. let's talk sports, big this weeo cleveland browns, new england patriots return with hall of famer quarterback in tom brady. one of the best ways to keep brady and company off balance is to run the football and the browns hoping to do more of that. we will see but situation is in termsat of running the football against new england patriots. it is friday night. that can only mean one thing, minutes away but normally all of the guys come i will run over, get the jacket. and then with us, she will be the bat -- she will be the guest host, her work on the show and of course all thehe highlights some upsets him the ball tonight. we will have that coming up eleven o'clock. that is all the time we have for tuning in a wonderful weekend. live from the studio of fox 8. bringing you the best high school football coverage in northeast ohio. driven by -- this is friday dinah. and friday night game of the week. let's do this. x number -- zero, medina, they host the cards. could they pulled the all -- upset, the touchdown game of the week, and the highlights coming up. welcome tod h week friday night

Related Keywords

Haiti , Norway , New York , United States , Charleston , South Carolina , Georgia , North Carolina , Savannah River , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , Russia , Tybee Island , Mayfield Heights , Ohio , Saint Augustine , Geneva , Genè , Switzerland , Chicago , Illinois , Norwegian , American , Joel Waldman , Billy Bush , Matthew Peck , John Kasich , Scott Mcclean , Jack Shea , Jack Shea Fox , Lebron James , Patrick Bernhardt , Cleveland Browns , Jim Hargett , Tom Brady , Hillary Clinton , Paul Ryan ,

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Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20161008 :

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20161008

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cleveland's own fox 8 news. it's always a -- up against the world. cleveland against the world, let's go. . >> into the corner, right. it is a fair run. the baseball sent him to a frenzy. one win away from a dancing alcs. the sold-out crowd but with aa shutout win over the red sox and indians have a chance to close out thei series at fenway park. spot -- progressive field, joins us with more, what a night. my ears are still ringing two of the likes of port cello and david price but o today never ot of the fourth ending, one taken in the bottom of the second, the first two plate appearances today, 1-0t game, ripping three run home run over to the right, the first of the season against left-handed pitcher and everybody was lovingas it. fourh hit in the score, up 5-0. corey clue for outstanding. seven innings, allowed only threee hits,. and strike out seven batters, showed no effects and how about this party? bare hands and clover, just tell. i don't remember too much i i knew it was a home run so i slow down pretty quickly. a quick run around the bases. i think everybody is playing baseball. that is what we know how to do. i think when you start thinking about other things that maybe not so good that. we try to stay away from that and play the game, play the game as well as we can to see what happens here for so we will seel what happens. the indents will tomlin to the hill him being in beantown with a chance tot manage -- to meet the series for the firste time in nine years. later from spirit -- having a great time. these guys are some of the biggest stars in the sports world, lebron james, is he not, the jumbotron and like kids. it was a great atmosphere. they just play baseball come a good mix of young players, some you but just enjoyed playing with each other and not afraid of the moment. i don't think anything is daunting the appearance in boston. got to win a a game and not a foregone conclusion. let's play a ball. the sunset, e home crowd sunday. so the indian pitching very, very t good. tw game day. . [overlapping voices] thank you. other news devastating out of florida, hurricane matthew claim several lights there this weekend it will march rid of the coast. meteorologist jim hargett tracking the storm and joins us live with much more. it s is category 2 hurricane and expecting the latest on this at eleven o'clock, category 2 hurricane to march up the east coast. you can see the eyewall off the coast of georgia. , the stronger winds the eyewall. and 130. possible landfall between savannah in charleston, however at the moment expected to jump little bit to the northeast which we are hopingg because you do not one a direct hit. the most out of the winds and the rain and theout storm. storm surge i will talk about in in a second but take a look at the rainfall forecast, on average for most of the south carolina and north carolina the satellite, obviously the storm surge, and then even after that, the carolina coast, still dealing with a big surge in dealing but this the next 48 -- 48 hours term back backtracked itself as a tropical storm. a lot more details coming still powerful and dangerous category 2 hurricane.n slow-moving. estimated could cost multiple billions of dollars of insurance losses. some people using it in the same sense, at katrina. and an update tonight joel waldman. hurricane matthew blue some steam friday but most of the day date it is still potentially evacuated the process of evacuating 174 medical facilities at this point. hurricane matthew continues to more of these coast and along the way knocked out power for a million people has claimed multiple debt in the uniteded states. flooding in saint augustine and significant flooding tonight. many places arbor day creating dangerous flood situations. could still bring 15 inches of rain along with the storm surge in some about potentially deadly flooding in storm surges latell friday, south carolina governor's should the stern warning. low lying area for any coastal areas, get to the highest floor house. in the meantime rest trips mobilizing to help in haiti whereto hundreds are dead and thousands are homeless because of the storm.o back inrm the us, national cost tr between 25 van $30 billion making it the second costless hurricane on record. it is possible the hurricane could do the kind of damage that katrina did. forecast has a warning and hurricane matthew's all the way up impacting the coastal carolina. savannah,ctih georgia -- savann. stay with us for continuing coverage of hurricane matthew, live to georgia coming up in te live hurricane checkan or on the website fox new tonight the local please need your help to find a missing teen and a good look at this picture, a 15-year-old bernard with autism and last seen lasting at his homee on shortly before 6:00 o'clock this afternoon. the -- patrick scene with purple,e, white shirt, and carrying a backpack. place. cleveland police investigating after a man struck on the side of a local roadway. investigators tell us the victim changing a flat tire when struck home for 90 westbound east 55th street. the victimst take into metro bak condition not released. closed for some time but since reopened. man shot during an alleged road rage case showing what happened with the fox 8 i team, this exclusive david says he will never this fornts like granted again. just trying to get out of there. i didn't know if he would come around or whatnot. the 22-year-old was driving home from w work on the stretch of interstate 90, near the geneva exit. when he said he noticed a car trying to pass him. lane, losss into one my rearview mirror. this car sped up and try to run him off of the road. that is when he called 911. . at this car chasing met down. and while he was still on thedo phone, his worst nightmarema happened. as i sped upre he still the side of me and i heard pop pop pop. i just gotarp shot. what kind of vehicle was it? hurry up. whatat is your emergency? interstate 90. realized he was shot he immediately got out of his car and kept talking to dispatchers.g the two rounds trevor side door, penetrated the inside of the this is the one supposedly struck the victim in his left leg. and right here commit exited about right here and the travel went through and that's where it ended. thehe ohio state patrol is investigating. we believe it is road rage. his fianc?e agree saying they spoke about 15 minutes before the shooting. i lost my father when i was accident, so it would be hard to tell her when she got w older tt she lost her dad because of somebody being so stupid. i like to get back to work and i have a family to support but it's hard and you were sitting here but they went to wanted leg. astabula peggyt w gallek fox 8 i team. lucky to be alive, the up the race for the white house donald trump comments about women in the campaign responding tonight. goodbye to the big dipperthsp iconic roller coaster dismantled, legalte trouble fora picture outside of progressive the i team learning about longtime street vendor us plenty of people killed time on smart phones but what about world leaders, a prime minister caught playing. just minutes away from friday night guest and immediately following fox 8 news for all the northeast >> the big plays from your school, friday night touchdown. tonight at 11 on fox 8. . >> boy, have we been sweat lots of sunshine and feeling like days.f the last twot we had 80 degrees. eighty-one to be exact and today, things are changing, a cold front moving through tonight. the remainder of the night, looking at dropping damp low 60s by early tomorrow morning and eventually dropping into the mid-upperni 50s. not as cool as we have been muppet at least -- but at least we will eventually see temperatures cooling off a little bit more like fall. it is october for that matter, right? try of the moment the ticket look to the west of us. cold front moving into our area through the nighttime hours evening, the fall jacket for sure. and it is picking up on showers out east right now, east of 79 on storm fox why would not be surprised with a few sprinkles at that point but the most part the bulk of the rain come about a tenth of an inch through the early morning hours three and five o'clock and out by 9:00 o'clock in the morning, lots of sunshine. the 70 degrees, chicago at 62 so we are cooling0 off temperatures t they big temple, upper 50s and low 60s and that last line that you saw there, some patchy frost and the port -- the forecast. the eight-day coming yourur way. and business is in exactly booming ford clowns thee days. creepy nationwide trend, cracking down on romantic tradition among the famous shockwaves and the presidential race donald trump food comments about women back in 2005. . bust but theyll conversation wih billy bush. trump has heard breaking trying to have sex with a married woman although he admits, not only successful in those and those efforts. trump ambush see a soap opera extra -- actress off of a bus and groping women at well. . >> you can do anything. whatever you want. . >> trump released a statement calling the conversation locker room banter and apologizing if anyone offended and will no longer attend a rally butut speaker paul ryan. no woman these terms are talked about in this manner ever. ever. delivery clinton tweeted, we cannot allow this man to become president ohio governor john kasich refused to enjoy -- endorsed trump the comments wrong and offensive but they are in defensible. the obama administration competent behind recent political he met -- e-mail hacks and officially accused russia of the democratic national committee hacked over thee summer, meant o interfere with us election process. epi-pen, process. epi-pen, $465 million t o settle allegations overbuilt medicaid for allergy in injects --- injections, and loeber 2016 earningsd guidance because of te the company criticized early this month for spike in the cost of the injections. a familiar face outside of progressive field but the street vendort in legal trouble again. what they have learned about history of citations, popular restaurants nfl plays or lose his appetite but among his order of chicken wings coming big show coming up at eleven o'clock right after fox 8 news at ten, special guest natalie will bring us all the high school footballl highlights from week seven coming up. the i team uncovered new trouble for downtown he s has a man prosecuted many times before. i team reporter ed kallick found something surprising when his case goes to court. . >> they cited you again for scalping. who did. thee place. i'm not involved in this interview. trouble for a man with virtual he had his business for decades and may recognize what he had set up here. the i team heard he just got cited for ticket scalping we found something startling about his record. since a the 90s more than 20 cas -- cases for scalping or vendors permit only 4 convictions. you have like 27 cases against you and most of them not dismissed, thrown out. i don't want toow try anything n the news. i and the news. specific corner set aside for scalpingeesp tickets and recordw mccarthy busted in the past for selling outside of the dome even from at work fan. this guy admits he scopes ticketssc and can't understand w anyone can beat theow system. bt when you went down, what happened? always found guilty. i don't fight it because i know what i'm regulations about setting up shop likeo h this. so what about the current vendors permit for this business? the ibonn team contacted city hl plus new information that insteadat told to file a former request withor the law departmet a process to take weeks or even months. because we are doing a story. i just want to hear from you. in the end mccarthy not speaking out before his next day in court. why not? you have been here for years. i on camera i will talk toa you f. still to come, truly the end of an era. the centerpiece decades of summer fun northeast ohio coming down. the decision surrounding the big dipper. the teacher accused of assaulting one of the students and what he allegedly wrote on the team for him. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. a man attacked me in a parking garage. tried to stab me with an 8-inch knife. but i carry a pistol. i fight back. that's why i'm still here. every woman has a right to defend herself with a gun if she chooses. hillary clinton disagrees with that. don't let politicians take away your right to own a gun. hurricane matthew peck they punch inc florida but tonight millions of people bracing for the storm. keep it here for a live report. apparently no one can escape pok?mon craze, world leaders embarrassing moment. plus to see a lot more like fall, jenn will break down the changes in the extent of forecast. extended forecast cleveland's own fox 8 news. hurricanene matthew in florida destroying beachfront communities. georgia and the carolinas with a long weekendin ahead. scott mcclean live in savannah but the very latest. , still still about 90 miles south/southeast of year. that were still yet toea come, very powerful storm. the band has picked up, hard to keep balance at some .47-mile an hour sustained winds up to 58 miles an hour. you can also see the rain coming down and one of the spans of rain, if it gets heavier you will end up losing. we are in the historic waterfront in savannah, savannah river but obviously the big concerns right here is the storm surge and so expecting to get nine plus levels, 2:00 a.m. the high tide mark. that will belev:0 around we stao see the worst weather. a lot of people so obviously t concerned about what that need to. the mayor in n savannah come 75 percent of people, good news considering the dangerous conditions. you do not wantd people out and about. plenty of people hunkering down and waiting this out. lines. could be before the power is restored as well. and scott, talk about the people with evacuation orders pre- much on their own, aren't they?at yeah, well, our cameras actually standing the overhang of the tavern downtown savannah. the owners said they are here. they there window ended up on arrowhead. it broke several hours ago and landed beside the awnings,go just watching for flying debris. and i went offshore tybee island a lot of people have chosen to stay and first responders are look, never a medical emergency we simply will not be able to get to you. we have already seen to depths important because of medical responders could not get to those people because it was not safe. it is possible that we could see fatalities just likeke that savannah and especially as theas storm creeps closer. we are hoping we have seen the worst of it but it looks muchee worse when we check in during the 6:00 o'clock hour, hunker down and be safe. prayers go out to the families along the eastou coast scott mcclean east coast. grieving family too gather to remember a loved back in august while crossing the road. there have been no arrest in the case. his family is calling for the person responsible to surrender to the police. crimestoppers offering of $2,500 award for information leading to an arrest in the case. and update to a story we brought you earlier this hour, a 15-year-old with autism has been patrick bernhardt reported missing for severalk be hours t. again, the police say he is safe tonight. certainly some good news they are.s authorities asking for your help to identify theou man who robbea mayfield heights bank earlier this suspect handed a note to the teller huntington break and handed over the cash and the man took off. the fbi said no weapon was seen during the robbery and no one was hurt. the fbiobbe said reward money available for information leading to an thrilled riders for decades, northeast ohio roller coaster finally meet the wrecking ball. the big o dipper closed, the amusement park set to be demolishedlo and in the newsroom with all the details and reaction. been there for a long, long time. a lot. of memories for many, may people. the big dipper recognizable, the amusement park but just a few the task. local leaders look to the future. i used to watch everybody l outside, and it was just nice ride. everybody said. the screens silent, the thrills gone and the big dipper roller coaster is barely visible at the side of thepppp old amusement pk that shut down in 2007. the 600 plus acres located in the township owned by theater fair which fairbridge also on cedar.. the township trustee said he recently learned the company plan to demolish the coastth are built in 1925 in jut a few weeks. even the parks closed, it is nice to see the roller coaster taking over all the weeds and trees. but i think it is that because the end of ann era. it is a shae still remains a popular attraction. this is video taken by fox 8 you were in february. the sentimental view -- viewer is obvious from the air. but the trustee say some thrill seekers on the ground climbed over the fence onto the coaster. this thing is rickety suit -- rickety to some extent. and so i can understand the concerns about having people getting in there even though up, falling down. local leaders in talk about selling the land and saving parts of the coaster to put onan display. that's always an attractive opportunity. the development would be the boardwalk with retail, commercial, living above that. the apartment above thee retail. and you may recall a lot more and the property shut down after labor day.. trustees also excited about the possibility of the park becoming a large-scale movie stage. he said other possible uses for the land could be a hospital or college campus that really wants the public to be able to have access to the lake. as far as the future i can see many you cannot have have a dangerous roller coaster sitting there for sharing tons ofle memories.. >> and you can really see. thanks, kevin. the 70s and '80s go for good. maybe not for good but for a long, long time. all of the details, we are expecting a cool down. big changes and i think maybe some 70s but not 80s in the but from one part to the other part, let's go to cedar.and some of the clouds starting to spill in. that is what i wanted to show you a cold front that will be moving through c tonight continuing to thicken up then clouds, bring showers to te areas, not a complete t wash but so spoiled the last couple of days, yesterday 81 commit today oncey again he did it normalid high 65 sample leave it or not for a couple of we will be below normal. that things are changing all things to the sky the cold front to move through the area through thet nighttime. so likely hear some rain tonight. not a big deal but in and out before you knoww it. we are back to full sunshine tomorrow afternoon. to need ast going jacket because look at what is lurking behind the front. we have 60s from chicago to des moinese where we are sittig tonight and no rain on the radar yet. in our area but you notice the cold front still continues to work its way through the area. the cold front will do, hopefully push have to off the coast over the next 24 to 48 hours but right now you can see summing in on the radar -- zoom in off of the radar. in savannah, already getting te steadier went but watching the eyewall closely. sustained winds the latestye advisories in the next 20 minutes. the update at the end of the show for you. moving to the north. savannah, charleston, making landfall, but the forecast has it moving to the north and east. not making landfall. something we have to watch closely through the night tonight and into tomorrow morning. eastern north carolina, to come a lot of rain come a lot of winds and thinker back around. take a look atth this, right bak towards west palm beach next week. this iswa just hurricane matthe, sustained winds 109. little bit bumpy three to five footers northwest ten to 20, 69 degrees mild water temperatures and 70 right now. sixteenth 60 rain, 50s moving over warmer lake, the clouds. tonight 58 and continue to increase with showers coming after midnight tonight between 2 andt around 6:00 o'clock in the morning before finally gets out of here by nine. we are back to full sunshineshin through the afternoon but like said you will notice a different 62 degrees only through the afternoon. and in fact, xt, it will be in the upper 50s, overnight lows in say outer lying areas could possibly have some patchya frost. saturday night. gone forever. . >> it is autumn after all. a lot of baseball to play. thanks. real clowns just trying to make a living. but itjust see it for everyone. in the midst of a creepy nationwide trend. yes to love but note tode locks officials cracking down on tradition at new york city landmark. seven of the friday night touchdown, special guest natalie, gearing up for the big show just minutes away. keep it here for high school football highlights from all >> so creepy clowns popping up across the country even around here. some school districts bandnd clouds -- clown classrooms. this is not fair. the so-called bad clowns that for business jack shea with has been a professional clown bojangles for the past 17 years. and he says until recently his business steadily grownte to 230 appearances a ye. again, people changing to get away from all of the humdrum and craziness in the world. concerned about a drop in business and individuals dressed as clowns are images of clowns and to commit crimes. just happening because that's the way society isng turning to bitter or anger. andn chaos. bob said they . many in ourim team at that the children's party asking him not to wear his clown costume. . >> you may clown iny the clown is a traditional thing and bob says instead of focusingst on images of menacing evil clowns,in social media to promote images of entertaining children and the elderly at nursing homes. good people doing good things. jack shea fox 8 >> they are like this amine clown. a message to a student and cost him his job. accused of writing on a teenagers for ahead. discovery nfl player making headlines for what he found in order of chicken wings. if you want to sell your car carmax will give you seven days to consider their offer. why seven days? science. join me as we walk through the seven stages of decisioning. 1. consideration. 2. questioning. 3. deciding. 4. queso. 6. sudoku. 7. tambourine practice. i think i made my point. they'll give you an offer for your car, you take seven days to think about it. ?? a man attacked me in a parking garage. tried to stab me with an 8-inch knife. but i carry a pistol. i fight back. that's why i'm still here. every woman has a right to defend herself with a gun if she chooses. hillary clinton disagrees with that. welcome back for jenn you beach math teacher accused of assault for writing on a four head up in eighth-grader in his class. , -- criminal complaint daniel grabbed the back of a boy's head and wrote focus on his forehead refused to let the boys wife the word off of his face until he completed the work.t middle school teacher upset because the school not paying attention is his class. the teacher has cook got on advertising surprisn hisg order of chicken wings. a fried chicken head. and his carryout order from buffalo wild wings. tweedy -- tweeted a photo of the head which we chosen to blur. returned his order to they restaurant and puzzling explanation. it was just like we are sorry. that doesn't mean -- chain said it takes food preparation seriously and reached out to cook have theep players for more information. they say love conquers all buts not in the big apple new york city officials announced $100 fine for proclaiming your undying love with a padlock on the painless --n famous brooklyn bridge love locks in on the bridges pedestrian walk w theh signs are not about humor but once is nore lock, get locks with padlock and bagel and locks. seen around the world but they can pose safety and structuralt hazards. it seems like a harmless romantic gesture but still starting to pile up and be a problem. come to the brooklyn bridge, nothing but selfies nothing but footprints. who from the $116,000. later caught out in the act. prime minister dooming onac her phone in the middle of parliament.o but 2-0 much more from tonight's big win over the red sox next in >> >> the "pokemon go" craze dying down and the states a bit but it seems really popular overseas. case in., norwegian prime minister playing "pokemon go" parliament. the speech given at the time was not too interesting. she was not even the first person caught playing cop playing the game. politicalt opponent cop playing "pokemon go" during a hearing in august. prime minister says she has game and took it up after abandoning first love which is candy crash. crush. hi everybody pick up a victory tonight out at progressive field. we will take you there, just one win away from the american league championship series, branton brent think i. he hadd his second appearances 1-the over the h wall into the right, first home run this yearin against. how about 5-0? the series, perez will score and it is 5-the row. meanwhile kamal, outstanding, seven innings without three hits, he would strike out seven and showed no strain and they grew it up. there is a fire in their that burns a lot. can't be that good without it. he won't let anybody know it which i think it's great. extra adrenaline stuff come a bigger stage or whatever you want to call it but i think we've done a good job and we will continue to just play baseball. . and we can support each other. and support us. we saw the response. . >> and talking about lebron the ballpark. and gets the start from the afternoon for clock came three, the red sox, tomlin allowed 2 run sevenal in the third inningo help clinch home-field of venice this past weekend. all in kansas city, hoping to get somey, of the same kind of momentum in boston tomorrow, sunday and perhaps monday to cover game three and four if neededf the. let's talk sports, big this weeo cleveland browns, new england patriots return with hall of famer quarterback in tom brady. one of the best ways to keep brady and company off balance is to run the football and the browns hoping to do more of that. we will see but situation is in termsat of running the football against new england patriots. it is friday night. that can only mean one thing, minutes away but normally all of the guys come i will run over, get the jacket. and then with us, she will be the bat -- she will be the guest host, her work on the show and of course all thehe highlights some upsets him the ball tonight. we will have that coming up eleven o'clock. that is all the time we have for tuning in a wonderful weekend. live from the studio of fox 8. bringing you the best high school football coverage in northeast ohio. driven by -- this is friday dinah. and friday night game of the week. let's do this. x number -- zero, medina, they host the cards. could they pulled the all -- upset, the touchdown game of the week, and the highlights coming up. welcome tod h week friday night

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Haiti , Norway , New York , United States , Charleston , South Carolina , Georgia , North Carolina , Savannah River , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , Russia , Tybee Island , Mayfield Heights , Ohio , Saint Augustine , Geneva , Genè , Switzerland , Chicago , Illinois , Norwegian , American , Joel Waldman , Billy Bush , Matthew Peck , John Kasich , Scott Mcclean , Jack Shea , Jack Shea Fox , Lebron James , Patrick Bernhardt , Cleveland Browns , Jim Hargett , Tom Brady , Hillary Clinton , Paul Ryan ,

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