Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20160914 : comparemel

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20160914

good evening. it has been extremely disturbing. details are beingiem revealed in this situation. in case most recently breakingb news rightr now. we have learned now a suspect who police have been talking tot working with all day. has been taken intoo. custody. within the last half hour.r forty year-old shawn. michael great. is held at the ash land county jail. on abduction charges. possible in theha days ahead. after ghastly discoveringng happening. counties. families of missing women have beening holding vigil here at te location. desperate for information. andr devastated by what's been happening. >> . forty-three year-old stacy has beenld missing s for nearly a ww tpaep memberse now f one of the victims found insidei thisn house. being searched by local and state investigators. on inv covert court in ash landn blocks from the gas stationt where she wasat last seen. s with a flat tire. >>fla . they have been scouring the town. every day. with no sign of stacy. until tuesday.y. here.e. deceased victims. and ac woman being held hostage. who got hold of the cell phone. kpp dialed 911. >> we were able to recover her from the she's alive. also able to take that persone into custodyr and question him. >> the suspect led investigators here. to 1027 state route 430 in phapbs field. where prosecutor says. a fire at this house in june iss linked to the case.. stkpwhr-t this. >> this wasst a >> . where had he disposed of a body at this location. >> authorities say it could take days or longer.lo to identify remains.r ande thoroughly search for evidence. as well as any other possible victim. in agonizing time frame and wait for the family. incredibly difficult right now. for theul families.e waiting for words as i said.. they just held a vigil and prayer service. moments ago. the two houses behind me. you can see theind crime scene e is set up. all of the investigativei kwraoupts andga vehicles haves moved from the area. you have this large scene. i'm sure they'll be back first thing in the morning. >> b . families hoping that their loved ones are still somewhere safe. but want.wa learn the identity of the victims. ithorities again sayingng could take days or longer.long just very disturbing story. >> still a lot to go through. so manyth unanswered questions. >> meantime. a reported abduction attempt. at a local high school. at a community. on edge tonight. >> in fact. district isinschoolol beefing up security at dismissad teachers in fact escorted students to their cars tonight. they will do so all this week. this comes after a 14 year-old girl told police a man pulledu right up to her. h outside the highe school. s and said herc mom told him to to pick her up. >> abduction there. . . we enhance security measures.m we alsoe work with over land policeer department. >> according to to the superintendent. doctor david hall. a 14 kwraoerl girl told police she was waiting at the bike rack. outside the high school monday night. when a man pulled up to her. said her mom told him to pick her up. theu teen refused. and the man sped off. real pleased for our students responding kraebgtly. correctly. and reacting correctly. she's a roleti model to other students as when a strange car comes up to you. shout. let someone know.k let the policen know.n and let theo school know. >>ool .. according to to the> superintendent. there is a resource officer here at the highf school. every day. but since the incident, there will be increased police presence. both inside and outside. >> it's you could only talk to them so much. >> an eye opener for parentsa picking up theirr kids tuesday night. >> . . we'll shr have a nice talk allt the waya home. >> security cameras managed toto pick up the suspects green suv. >> .. they are asking people in thehe community to be vigilant. asked to contact thea over land policeer department. again. that suspect and 30s and 40s driving a green suv. >> thern attorney for rice's mothe. says. she's glad to see the painfulul reminder of her sons death being removed. but approves plans to preserve it somewhere else. buti we deserve justice. >> . november 2014. twelve e andri killed.i byl police. when two cleveland officers responded toand a 911 call reporting a man waving a gun. the gun turned out to be a real looking air soft pistol. in december.d a grand jurye decided not to indict the officer.o on criminalf charges.g although the boyse family did receive a multimillion dollar wrongful death settlement from thetle city. no matter the situation.t it'si tragic. >i . an internal investigation involving the twoinv officers in the caseof has not been complet. >> . . new at we're getting a look at the his teenagefa daughter found san andd sound. after an amber alert issued. for the teen last night. police are sharing the dramatic dash cam video. >>dr . >> not all o*f the amber alert cases end well. thankfully this wub one did. she was found today aftert missing for hours. >> . . the moment her father. the suspect in thet case. wasn taken into custody.c he following the truck.t ofr william roberts.r he iso a registered sex offenden and known drugd user. police spotted his pickup truck this afternoon.n. eventually stopping him in knot field center township.o police pull over thew truck. surround it with guns drawn.r and order hima to get down on te ground. they were able to take him into custody. without any problems. statewide amber alert was issued last night. the girll anda her 11 year-oldr sister were removed from his-o custody. last week.t roberts 15 year-old daughter wah foundt safe. the cause of the fire is believed to be lek reu kal. >> . electrical. cricket noise. a great lull buy.ll and the crickets are happier tonight. for the temperatures came a triple little faster. and there's anf equation. for that. you can actually tell what the temperature is. by listening to thewhpe number f chirps of a cricket. okay. here's the cold front. which will give us kind of a but right now, that cloud coverc is justo barely coming in. so. you have a good shot at the moon tonight. look at the temperatures tonight.h a little bit close tot you. compared to last night. we have la the two extremes in between cleveland. and ash. seventy-three and 62. a and you can see thend temperatus over all. again ahead of a front. it's going to beo a little bit toastier. colder behind. eighty-three was the highr tod. fifty-six the low. we'll head for 62 tonh clear. moonlit early. clouds increasing tomorrow clouds will thickent u. showers. maybe a thurpd storm in the mix. but the showers will not be widespread or purr persistent. they willpe have enough of the day. where as you head outt door. if you're spending time outsideu it's probably a good idea to pack the umbrella. seventy-three. and then cooler drier again.d for ar few days. democratic nominee will stump in northll carolina.ol heri opponent spent the day in iowa. and he continued to hammer clintonr for calling some of his supporters a basket of deplorables. >> . it's timebl to free ourselves. from the baskets that politicians try to put us in. and always have put us into. and instead, to work together. and t io think you know what i mean. >> late today. the new york attorney general revealed his office has been investigating. donald trumps charity. thetr campaignum called the proe >> trump will campaign in cantoa tomorrow night. before hen takes the stage his campaign is cutting a 20,000-dollar check to the city. leaders demanded the cash toc help pay for safety and security. as well as a facility fee. the mayor says candidates fromes any party are welcome in his city. but. they'll all be asked to pay up front. >> army private will receive gender reassignment surgery. su while in prison. her lawyer saysp manning ended a hunger strike after assurances that the governmenten will provide the surgery. convicted in the massive leak of national security secrets. she is serving a 35 year sentence. at the army prison. in kansas. . russian hackers are believed to be behind the leak of a a confidential medical information of i several u.s. o olympians. >> . the information was stolen from the world antidoping agency. exemption. which allow athletes to used ban substances because of a verified medical need. >>al california police spent the afternoon chasing a stolen semie them pursuit began around 10:30:00 a.m. when somebody hopped in the trucks cab and took off. driver surrendered about threeu hourst later. semi-belongs to a company that transports hazardous waste. but they say it was carrying nonexplosive non-radio active material. at the time. especially for our own dick dick. who who spent five years traveling ohio state house. for legislation that would make it a th felony to abuse companin animals. >> wonderful. if it's the last thing i do of anyof consequence. i'm thrilled to death. >> . joined by a small group of animal rights activists. as governor signed house bill 60 into law last june. j state representative a cosponsor of the bill. was also there. just as he was every step of the way.. fighting with dick. to get itti passed. >> . a fifth degree felony. tof knowingly cause serious physical harm.ic to a companion animal.a thatn includes depriving them om food. water. and shelter. >> he put the name on the bill.l and it was. magic. >> a woman sexually assaulted in one ofed clevelands finest hote. >> tonight fox eight i teamm learning more about the suspect and thes chilling allegations. >> the i team walking into an unlikely crime the plush renaissance hotel. downtown. a man just been indicted foro creeping into ther hotel.o he didn'tm know. sexually assaulting her. h as shee slept.s so wel went to management about the case of thege suspect.c >>t . did. you ever determine how thi person was able toth get into a room. >> not able to determine it. >>d this manager didn't clear up a critical question. one court record shows the suspect went spao into a hotel room. door slightly opened. andtl sexually touched a sleepig woman. police report shows the attacker when the woman startedsc waking up. >> anybody can come to the front door. to the hotel.o and wet have 24/seven security. security guards on at all times. >> . police report show a break inb the caser came from what the suspect left behind in the bathroom. a coat. a hat.t.a and a wristband.t police sayb they found dna on te clothing. and they saw a suspect wearingin security. >> video. >> .ty the. hotel sexual assault happened inel may. just indicted for that. and for a rape in april. outside a bar in the warehouse district. plus. police sayp this same guy is under investigation for more sex crimes. one address for him.m above this. west side store. we went in. >> . >> back at the hotel.ho somet advice. no matter where you stay. >>u i think anybody staying at a hotel. make sure their door is shut.t every door. clicks. >> . thank you. a three year-old boy is aliveal and well tonight after an incredible scare: he got stuck inside the pipe of a septic tank. fast acting family members and incredibly close call here. >>y . when you hear about it. even days later. your heart starts pounding.p this happened ono saturday.r ind wellington. >> took the cap off the pipe.i and gotp stuck inside that pipep brother told theire dad who nevr moved so fast.f in hisa life. >> a few a normal family day in the backyard. of this weekend crisis are still there.h mom was note home. but when she got the call she feared she would never see hem alive again.a assistant fireg chief says he's never experienced anything like that. and he's never felt as good asa he felt thats day. talking about a pipe that's 8-inches in diameter. hard to believe he could get stuck. but he did. firefighters talk about dinosaurs with him. andighau gradually cut the pipe around him.p finally. so.r 40 minutes oror they pull them out.u momt finally saw him at the hospital. >> i was bawling. he was okay.. obviously far better of a out come. than i ever could have imagined. he has a scratch on his and chin. that's's it. >> let's say he really neededne thate shower.s mom saysh she's a safety first person. and never thought he could pry the top of the pipe. dispatchers were angels that day. in the name of one of the dispatchers. angel. >>isch . how fitting. >> .. glad everything turned out.o really anu incredible story. striking as. deal. he conducted some of the sessions. with the unsuspecting women in conference rooms. ate the hror rain county courthouse and his office in. pleaded guilty to five count os can kidnapping. years in prison. >> . u.s.. supreme court now shooting down ohio democrats attempt tot restore the soo called goldene week.n allowing people to register anda voten early. pushing for the change saying it gets more people to state argued it created too much of a burden onte election officl -ts. >>onffi . ohio man arrested. not for breaking out of jail. but in to one.o over then weekend. police received a grantic call c for help. a man broke into the facility. he claimed he was being chasedh and rana into the jail for protection. >> .> university of> akron reporting a rather large decline in enrollmentment in a letter to thent campus computer. interim president sayssa 8 percent from the female. the university previousi president steppedt down. after two controversial the school also dropped effort. to re-brand as ohio's polytechnic university. >>po . ohio university willremove thee name ofm former fox news channel ceo.c rapblger ails frome the student news room. >> . he gave a big donation in 2007. to fund the construction. in thefa wake of his resignatio. amid allegations of sexual harassment.. the graduate student senates unanimously voted toe tell the university to rename the space. he's decided to remove ails namm and returne his gift. >> up and away. drones can take flight across ohio.o. keep you safe on the >> bridge. that's in free phopbt.p the goal of the programh is keep crews off the road. and out off harms way. while making sure the structures are safe. >> you have to impact mote motorist i by closing lanes. putting people at risk by havina them hang over avi we think wei can do bridge inspection more safely.l and morey efficiently. >>e .. the turnpike commission saysn drones haven't been purchasedpu but. they havet more drone demonstrations planned across then state.eta take a look at it. >> see how they can save money.m and make sure people aren't hurt. >> turning to weather.w another great day oute there.t as weh heard from. we have chance of some rain. storms heading our way. >> you wouldn't know it. by looking at the time lapse. or the sky today.ay. except for one clue. that is some high thin clouds coming in. frequently they start to really come in. the dayly before.b the moisture begins. but tonight's stunning sunset time lapse.l showing a few ofa the cloudsds dancing out there. made it interesting sunset. to say the least. but most of the heavy cloud cover is out to the west. >> you can see the front pretty easily. right in here.h we're going to do ae weather flight. start looking this way.. and then swing it around. because we we see showers up in here.e and threer when we get away from them. earlier today. plenty of sun.of in ohio.oh thei showers so far away.a youw might think they're two das away. it's moving in quickly.q right now we have current temperatures. that are either intem the 60s or 70s.. seventy-three now. cleveland 67. andcl eerie. most of the inland temperaturess are 60s.60 buts the dew point is still thet bigh story. notice there's no green color.o inl ohio. humidity that makes things uncomfortable. >> let's show you some of the numbers. >> it's not tropical.i it'sc human it's humid n sot front can work with the moisture. look for the clouds to move in tomorrow. in the early morning hours.. clear early.ea clouds increaser late. beautiful moon moonlit night. sixty-two.y and tomorrow-t becoming cloudy. any morning shun should showers thurpbdzk those will beo scattered in nature. in the band. and mostt ofh them are going tog behind the front. after the wind shift. s sometime between eight. and noon tomorrow. >> then the showers will starti to come to an end. let's show you this way. we're going to take the this out. five days.d here's thea front. f and you can see the moistureo feel. with us oni wednesday.s wednesday night it driesd up. and for a couple days we'll be just barely in the dry zone. by the weekend here's another system. and this is going to start tost move sadve saturday and sunday.y. about every third day. ord so. >> here it is in the eight day. notice the showers. and thunder storm risk. of tomorrow. again scattered.s not all thec time. seven. and drier 1234-6r789 seventy-three. drier thursdays friday.f another front saturday. and after thater more 70s and e dry weather. >> nice breaks in between the anything that a regular shop will do. we teach them to do in here. >> people in the. >> instructor says his eyes were glued to the tube. when the cavaliers won the world championship. back in june. >> with this 2010 cleveland police c cruiser.s getting heavilye damaged. in the middle of the sell celebration. >> i was watching that night.a one of ourt students was and i spoke to him. he graduated last year.. and we were talking. we say we can get that work on it. >> after a visit to the city garage. the students got their wish. >> ien didn't think it would evr be fixed. and just for school work. it's coming along very well. they'll save the cityi 10,000-dollars. >> instead of selling scraps from thetof vehicle.v rulee -td as a total loss. the wreckage was given to rebuild. just like the cavs when they were down three to one. in the finals. >> it makes me feel good. doing something people say can't beop done. >> just like the cavs winning. >> this is an kpafpl example of theex cavalier miracle beingi asepblded to ourn kids. >> to . >> with the materials donated byby safe lite. and shera winfe the witness damaged cruiser will be as good as new in two weeks. from tra thanks to these students.d whoe are passion passionate abot the cavs.t and justh as passionate about their craft. >> >> that's wonderful what they're doing. >> awesome. >> still to come. alleged victim breaks herks >> i'm under age and i take responsibility for that.t. but. that doesn't give anybody the right to violate me. i didn't deserve to be raped. >> . lw university failed to send photo evidence to state crime lab. and accused prosecutors ofo dragging their feet.r prosecutors say thet investigation is stillhe ongoin. >> a handmade sign stirring upng controversy in main. m thea homeowners message includes a of an assault rifle.ri words that read blackf riflesi matter. the sign isfl raising concerns.o from tourists and residents whow feel it'sho racist. offensive and threatening.n small towng. chamber of commerce has been of getting complaints. it's about gun rights. not race. >> town officials say the owner has the proper permit. and exercising his first amendment ri maryland school bus driver being hailed a hero. after saving 20 students from massive fire. flames broke out yesterdayte afternoon. making her last run of ther daye she says the bus started making noise. then she noticed smoke coming from her rearview mirror. that's when sheview stopped the. got all b the kids. ages four to nine off.ine just in time. new hampshire bride thought she had every prepared for thet was having to hitchhike to her wedding. the bride was riding to her ceremony with her bridesmaid and when they limb zone got a flat tire: thankfully they did have champagne to take the edge off. what they didn't have was a ride. after many people drove by. a man with a car full of kids became her knight in shining armor.r offering a. chair yacht of sort. to the chapel. >> . t we had cars driving by us.u and justs took pictures and laughed. and then finally somo stopped. to see if we needed a ride. >> was there ever a moment. where you were likem wait a minute. i'm not getting stood up am i.i. >> a brief second. >> br . the couple is now on their honeymoon. everyone at the wedding wase laughing aboutd the adventure. and it will be a story. they will remember forever. >>r . indians in chicago. lose eight to one in downo. by one nothing count. in the second inning. when guyer tkwot a load of this one.o solo home run.n so. it is tied at one a piece. then things went south. sixth inning. still tied. bases loaded. that's a single right up to theh thee middle. go ahead run. making itr a two to one game. right there.t that cakes careh of business as two more score. making it a four t in comes the reliever. right through the box.ox gets it through the mound. couple runs would score. continuing that inning.i for the white soxn in chicago. wins this by a eight to one count. magic number now 13. because1 detroit lost tonight. >> dave wallace and the rubber ducks. six to three winners tonight in game one of the eastern league that's what i told them i'm more determined than everd before. to get this right. >> .to because at the end of the day. that's what i kale came tper. >> ohio state buck eyes put their number three national ranks on the line. against oklahoma. on saturday for ohio state theytu face a tem that could pose problems for them on the ground. scarlet and gray on the well as any team in the country. one of those to the house.h and ofo course that very leapine kind ofa guy. had a pick six. as well. >> . now the only place you can catch ohio state.o and oklahoma.o thism saturday.rd is righta here.h one fox eight. third ranked buck eyes invadinga to a take on the sooners. kick offset for 7:30.7 saturday night stick around after the game.:t fort ae special eight news. already weekn number four of thh high school football season. here are theotb nominees. >> . head over to web web. polls close polls close thursday night at nine. we'll announce the winner atat 10:00 p.m. >> . just saw the moon out there. tonight. it's dancing with some cloud cover. clouds will increase late. 62. here come the clouds tomorrow. with scattered t not continuous. buton scattered enough they'll e out seventy-three. >> . all right. thank you. >>evv . this customer is running to get her deposit in today. too late. branch is already closed. but she could make the atm. still won't beat the cutoff time. really? at huntington, with atm and mobile deposits, you have up till midnight. we call it all day deposit. midnight? what are you, a bank or a convenience store? i've got to make a deposit! you go, girl! she's got no chance. deposit hours that make sense for you, not the bank. welcome to huntington, one of money magazine's best banks in america. i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. i want to be unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable. priorities usa 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Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20160914 :

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20160914

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good evening. it has been extremely disturbing. details are beingiem revealed in this situation. in case most recently breakingb news rightr now. we have learned now a suspect who police have been talking tot working with all day. has been taken intoo. custody. within the last half hour.r forty year-old shawn. michael great. is held at the ash land county jail. on abduction charges. possible in theha days ahead. after ghastly discoveringng happening. counties. families of missing women have beening holding vigil here at te location. desperate for information. andr devastated by what's been happening. >> . forty-three year-old stacy has beenld missing s for nearly a ww tpaep memberse now f one of the victims found insidei thisn house. being searched by local and state investigators. on inv covert court in ash landn blocks from the gas stationt where she wasat last seen. s with a flat tire. >>fla . they have been scouring the town. every day. with no sign of stacy. until tuesday.y. here.e. deceased victims. and ac woman being held hostage. who got hold of the cell phone. kpp dialed 911. >> we were able to recover her from the she's alive. also able to take that persone into custodyr and question him. >> the suspect led investigators here. to 1027 state route 430 in phapbs field. where prosecutor says. a fire at this house in june iss linked to the case.. stkpwhr-t this. >> this wasst a >> . where had he disposed of a body at this location. >> authorities say it could take days or longer.lo to identify remains.r ande thoroughly search for evidence. as well as any other possible victim. in agonizing time frame and wait for the family. incredibly difficult right now. for theul families.e waiting for words as i said.. they just held a vigil and prayer service. moments ago. the two houses behind me. you can see theind crime scene e is set up. all of the investigativei kwraoupts andga vehicles haves moved from the area. you have this large scene. i'm sure they'll be back first thing in the morning. >> b . families hoping that their loved ones are still somewhere safe. but want.wa learn the identity of the victims. ithorities again sayingng could take days or longer.long just very disturbing story. >> still a lot to go through. so manyth unanswered questions. >> meantime. a reported abduction attempt. at a local high school. at a community. on edge tonight. >> in fact. district isinschoolol beefing up security at dismissad teachers in fact escorted students to their cars tonight. they will do so all this week. this comes after a 14 year-old girl told police a man pulledu right up to her. h outside the highe school. s and said herc mom told him to to pick her up. >> abduction there. . . we enhance security measures.m we alsoe work with over land policeer department. >> according to to the superintendent. doctor david hall. a 14 kwraoerl girl told police she was waiting at the bike rack. outside the high school monday night. when a man pulled up to her. said her mom told him to pick her up. theu teen refused. and the man sped off. real pleased for our students responding kraebgtly. correctly. and reacting correctly. she's a roleti model to other students as when a strange car comes up to you. shout. let someone know.k let the policen know.n and let theo school know. >>ool .. according to to the> superintendent. there is a resource officer here at the highf school. every day. but since the incident, there will be increased police presence. both inside and outside. >> it's you could only talk to them so much. >> an eye opener for parentsa picking up theirr kids tuesday night. >> . . we'll shr have a nice talk allt the waya home. >> security cameras managed toto pick up the suspects green suv. >> .. they are asking people in thehe community to be vigilant. asked to contact thea over land policeer department. again. that suspect and 30s and 40s driving a green suv. >> thern attorney for rice's mothe. says. she's glad to see the painfulul reminder of her sons death being removed. but approves plans to preserve it somewhere else. buti we deserve justice. >> . november 2014. twelve e andri killed.i byl police. when two cleveland officers responded toand a 911 call reporting a man waving a gun. the gun turned out to be a real looking air soft pistol. in december.d a grand jurye decided not to indict the officer.o on criminalf charges.g although the boyse family did receive a multimillion dollar wrongful death settlement from thetle city. no matter the situation.t it'si tragic. >i . an internal investigation involving the twoinv officers in the caseof has not been complet. >> . . new at we're getting a look at the his teenagefa daughter found san andd sound. after an amber alert issued. for the teen last night. police are sharing the dramatic dash cam video. >>dr . >> not all o*f the amber alert cases end well. thankfully this wub one did. she was found today aftert missing for hours. >> . . the moment her father. the suspect in thet case. wasn taken into custody.c he following the truck.t ofr william roberts.r he iso a registered sex offenden and known drugd user. police spotted his pickup truck this afternoon.n. eventually stopping him in knot field center township.o police pull over thew truck. surround it with guns drawn.r and order hima to get down on te ground. they were able to take him into custody. without any problems. statewide amber alert was issued last night. the girll anda her 11 year-oldr sister were removed from his-o custody. last week.t roberts 15 year-old daughter wah foundt safe. the cause of the fire is believed to be lek reu kal. >> . electrical. cricket noise. a great lull buy.ll and the crickets are happier tonight. for the temperatures came a triple little faster. and there's anf equation. for that. you can actually tell what the temperature is. by listening to thewhpe number f chirps of a cricket. okay. here's the cold front. which will give us kind of a but right now, that cloud coverc is justo barely coming in. so. you have a good shot at the moon tonight. look at the temperatures tonight.h a little bit close tot you. compared to last night. we have la the two extremes in between cleveland. and ash. seventy-three and 62. a and you can see thend temperatus over all. again ahead of a front. it's going to beo a little bit toastier. colder behind. eighty-three was the highr tod. fifty-six the low. we'll head for 62 tonh clear. moonlit early. clouds increasing tomorrow clouds will thickent u. showers. maybe a thurpd storm in the mix. but the showers will not be widespread or purr persistent. they willpe have enough of the day. where as you head outt door. if you're spending time outsideu it's probably a good idea to pack the umbrella. seventy-three. and then cooler drier again.d for ar few days. democratic nominee will stump in northll carolina.ol heri opponent spent the day in iowa. and he continued to hammer clintonr for calling some of his supporters a basket of deplorables. >> . it's timebl to free ourselves. from the baskets that politicians try to put us in. and always have put us into. and instead, to work together. and t io think you know what i mean. >> late today. the new york attorney general revealed his office has been investigating. donald trumps charity. thetr campaignum called the proe >> trump will campaign in cantoa tomorrow night. before hen takes the stage his campaign is cutting a 20,000-dollar check to the city. leaders demanded the cash toc help pay for safety and security. as well as a facility fee. the mayor says candidates fromes any party are welcome in his city. but. they'll all be asked to pay up front. >> army private will receive gender reassignment surgery. su while in prison. her lawyer saysp manning ended a hunger strike after assurances that the governmenten will provide the surgery. convicted in the massive leak of national security secrets. she is serving a 35 year sentence. at the army prison. in kansas. . russian hackers are believed to be behind the leak of a a confidential medical information of i several u.s. o olympians. >> . the information was stolen from the world antidoping agency. exemption. which allow athletes to used ban substances because of a verified medical need. >>al california police spent the afternoon chasing a stolen semie them pursuit began around 10:30:00 a.m. when somebody hopped in the trucks cab and took off. driver surrendered about threeu hourst later. semi-belongs to a company that transports hazardous waste. but they say it was carrying nonexplosive non-radio active material. at the time. especially for our own dick dick. who who spent five years traveling ohio state house. for legislation that would make it a th felony to abuse companin animals. >> wonderful. if it's the last thing i do of anyof consequence. i'm thrilled to death. >> . joined by a small group of animal rights activists. as governor signed house bill 60 into law last june. j state representative a cosponsor of the bill. was also there. just as he was every step of the way.. fighting with dick. to get itti passed. >> . a fifth degree felony. tof knowingly cause serious physical harm.ic to a companion animal.a thatn includes depriving them om food. water. and shelter. >> he put the name on the bill.l and it was. magic. >> a woman sexually assaulted in one ofed clevelands finest hote. >> tonight fox eight i teamm learning more about the suspect and thes chilling allegations. >> the i team walking into an unlikely crime the plush renaissance hotel. downtown. a man just been indicted foro creeping into ther hotel.o he didn'tm know. sexually assaulting her. h as shee slept.s so wel went to management about the case of thege suspect.c >>t . did. you ever determine how thi person was able toth get into a room. >> not able to determine it. >>d this manager didn't clear up a critical question. one court record shows the suspect went spao into a hotel room. door slightly opened. andtl sexually touched a sleepig woman. police report shows the attacker when the woman startedsc waking up. >> anybody can come to the front door. to the hotel.o and wet have 24/seven security. security guards on at all times. >> . police report show a break inb the caser came from what the suspect left behind in the bathroom. a coat. a hat.t.a and a wristband.t police sayb they found dna on te clothing. and they saw a suspect wearingin security. >> video. >> .ty the. hotel sexual assault happened inel may. just indicted for that. and for a rape in april. outside a bar in the warehouse district. plus. police sayp this same guy is under investigation for more sex crimes. one address for him.m above this. west side store. we went in. >> . >> back at the hotel.ho somet advice. no matter where you stay. >>u i think anybody staying at a hotel. make sure their door is shut.t every door. clicks. >> . thank you. a three year-old boy is aliveal and well tonight after an incredible scare: he got stuck inside the pipe of a septic tank. fast acting family members and incredibly close call here. >>y . when you hear about it. even days later. your heart starts pounding.p this happened ono saturday.r ind wellington. >> took the cap off the pipe.i and gotp stuck inside that pipep brother told theire dad who nevr moved so fast.f in hisa life. >> a few a normal family day in the backyard. of this weekend crisis are still there.h mom was note home. but when she got the call she feared she would never see hem alive again.a assistant fireg chief says he's never experienced anything like that. and he's never felt as good asa he felt thats day. talking about a pipe that's 8-inches in diameter. hard to believe he could get stuck. but he did. firefighters talk about dinosaurs with him. andighau gradually cut the pipe around him.p finally. so.r 40 minutes oror they pull them out.u momt finally saw him at the hospital. >> i was bawling. he was okay.. obviously far better of a out come. than i ever could have imagined. he has a scratch on his and chin. that's's it. >> let's say he really neededne thate shower.s mom saysh she's a safety first person. and never thought he could pry the top of the pipe. dispatchers were angels that day. in the name of one of the dispatchers. angel. >>isch . how fitting. >> .. glad everything turned out.o really anu incredible story. striking as. deal. he conducted some of the sessions. with the unsuspecting women in conference rooms. ate the hror rain county courthouse and his office in. pleaded guilty to five count os can kidnapping. years in prison. >> . u.s.. supreme court now shooting down ohio democrats attempt tot restore the soo called goldene week.n allowing people to register anda voten early. pushing for the change saying it gets more people to state argued it created too much of a burden onte election officl -ts. >>onffi . ohio man arrested. not for breaking out of jail. but in to one.o over then weekend. police received a grantic call c for help. a man broke into the facility. he claimed he was being chasedh and rana into the jail for protection. >> .> university of> akron reporting a rather large decline in enrollmentment in a letter to thent campus computer. interim president sayssa 8 percent from the female. the university previousi president steppedt down. after two controversial the school also dropped effort. to re-brand as ohio's polytechnic university. >>po . ohio university willremove thee name ofm former fox news channel ceo.c rapblger ails frome the student news room. >> . he gave a big donation in 2007. to fund the construction. in thefa wake of his resignatio. amid allegations of sexual harassment.. the graduate student senates unanimously voted toe tell the university to rename the space. he's decided to remove ails namm and returne his gift. >> up and away. drones can take flight across ohio.o. keep you safe on the >> bridge. that's in free phopbt.p the goal of the programh is keep crews off the road. and out off harms way. while making sure the structures are safe. >> you have to impact mote motorist i by closing lanes. putting people at risk by havina them hang over avi we think wei can do bridge inspection more safely.l and morey efficiently. >>e .. the turnpike commission saysn drones haven't been purchasedpu but. they havet more drone demonstrations planned across then state.eta take a look at it. >> see how they can save money.m and make sure people aren't hurt. >> turning to weather.w another great day oute there.t as weh heard from. we have chance of some rain. storms heading our way. >> you wouldn't know it. by looking at the time lapse. or the sky today.ay. except for one clue. that is some high thin clouds coming in. frequently they start to really come in. the dayly before.b the moisture begins. but tonight's stunning sunset time lapse.l showing a few ofa the cloudsds dancing out there. made it interesting sunset. to say the least. but most of the heavy cloud cover is out to the west. >> you can see the front pretty easily. right in here.h we're going to do ae weather flight. start looking this way.. and then swing it around. because we we see showers up in here.e and threer when we get away from them. earlier today. plenty of sun.of in ohio.oh thei showers so far away.a youw might think they're two das away. it's moving in quickly.q right now we have current temperatures. that are either intem the 60s or 70s.. seventy-three now. cleveland 67. andcl eerie. most of the inland temperaturess are 60s.60 buts the dew point is still thet bigh story. notice there's no green color.o inl ohio. humidity that makes things uncomfortable. >> let's show you some of the numbers. >> it's not tropical.i it'sc human it's humid n sot front can work with the moisture. look for the clouds to move in tomorrow. in the early morning hours.. clear early.ea clouds increaser late. beautiful moon moonlit night. sixty-two.y and tomorrow-t becoming cloudy. any morning shun should showers thurpbdzk those will beo scattered in nature. in the band. and mostt ofh them are going tog behind the front. after the wind shift. s sometime between eight. and noon tomorrow. >> then the showers will starti to come to an end. let's show you this way. we're going to take the this out. five days.d here's thea front. f and you can see the moistureo feel. with us oni wednesday.s wednesday night it driesd up. and for a couple days we'll be just barely in the dry zone. by the weekend here's another system. and this is going to start tost move sadve saturday and sunday.y. about every third day. ord so. >> here it is in the eight day. notice the showers. and thunder storm risk. of tomorrow. again scattered.s not all thec time. seven. and drier 1234-6r789 seventy-three. drier thursdays friday.f another front saturday. and after thater more 70s and e dry weather. >> nice breaks in between the anything that a regular shop will do. we teach them to do in here. >> people in the. >> instructor says his eyes were glued to the tube. when the cavaliers won the world championship. back in june. >> with this 2010 cleveland police c cruiser.s getting heavilye damaged. in the middle of the sell celebration. >> i was watching that night.a one of ourt students was and i spoke to him. he graduated last year.. and we were talking. we say we can get that work on it. >> after a visit to the city garage. the students got their wish. >> ien didn't think it would evr be fixed. and just for school work. it's coming along very well. they'll save the cityi 10,000-dollars. >> instead of selling scraps from thetof vehicle.v rulee -td as a total loss. the wreckage was given to rebuild. just like the cavs when they were down three to one. in the finals. >> it makes me feel good. doing something people say can't beop done. >> just like the cavs winning. >> this is an kpafpl example of theex cavalier miracle beingi asepblded to ourn kids. >> to . >> with the materials donated byby safe lite. and shera winfe the witness damaged cruiser will be as good as new in two weeks. from tra thanks to these students.d whoe are passion passionate abot the cavs.t and justh as passionate about their craft. >> >> that's wonderful what they're doing. >> awesome. >> still to come. alleged victim breaks herks >> i'm under age and i take responsibility for that.t. but. that doesn't give anybody the right to violate me. i didn't deserve to be raped. >> . lw university failed to send photo evidence to state crime lab. and accused prosecutors ofo dragging their feet.r prosecutors say thet investigation is stillhe ongoin. >> a handmade sign stirring upng controversy in main. m thea homeowners message includes a of an assault rifle.ri words that read blackf riflesi matter. the sign isfl raising concerns.o from tourists and residents whow feel it'sho racist. offensive and threatening.n small towng. chamber of commerce has been of getting complaints. it's about gun rights. not race. >> town officials say the owner has the proper permit. and exercising his first amendment ri maryland school bus driver being hailed a hero. after saving 20 students from massive fire. flames broke out yesterdayte afternoon. making her last run of ther daye she says the bus started making noise. then she noticed smoke coming from her rearview mirror. that's when sheview stopped the. got all b the kids. ages four to nine off.ine just in time. new hampshire bride thought she had every prepared for thet was having to hitchhike to her wedding. the bride was riding to her ceremony with her bridesmaid and when they limb zone got a flat tire: thankfully they did have champagne to take the edge off. what they didn't have was a ride. after many people drove by. a man with a car full of kids became her knight in shining armor.r offering a. chair yacht of sort. to the chapel. >> . t we had cars driving by us.u and justs took pictures and laughed. and then finally somo stopped. to see if we needed a ride. >> was there ever a moment. where you were likem wait a minute. i'm not getting stood up am i.i. >> a brief second. >> br . the couple is now on their honeymoon. everyone at the wedding wase laughing aboutd the adventure. and it will be a story. they will remember forever. >>r . indians in chicago. lose eight to one in downo. by one nothing count. in the second inning. when guyer tkwot a load of this one.o solo home run.n so. it is tied at one a piece. then things went south. sixth inning. still tied. bases loaded. that's a single right up to theh thee middle. go ahead run. making itr a two to one game. right there.t that cakes careh of business as two more score. making it a four t in comes the reliever. right through the box.ox gets it through the mound. couple runs would score. continuing that inning.i for the white soxn in chicago. wins this by a eight to one count. magic number now 13. because1 detroit lost tonight. >> dave wallace and the rubber ducks. six to three winners tonight in game one of the eastern league that's what i told them i'm more determined than everd before. to get this right. >> .to because at the end of the day. that's what i kale came tper. >> ohio state buck eyes put their number three national ranks on the line. against oklahoma. on saturday for ohio state theytu face a tem that could pose problems for them on the ground. scarlet and gray on the well as any team in the country. one of those to the house.h and ofo course that very leapine kind ofa guy. had a pick six. as well. >> . now the only place you can catch ohio state.o and oklahoma.o thism saturday.rd is righta here.h one fox eight. third ranked buck eyes invadinga to a take on the sooners. kick offset for 7:30.7 saturday night stick around after the game.:t fort ae special eight news. already weekn number four of thh high school football season. here are theotb nominees. >> . head over to web web. polls close polls close thursday night at nine. we'll announce the winner atat 10:00 p.m. >> . just saw the moon out there. tonight. it's dancing with some cloud cover. clouds will increase late. 62. here come the clouds tomorrow. with scattered t not continuous. buton scattered enough they'll e out seventy-three. >> . all right. thank you. >>evv . this customer is running to get her deposit in today. too late. branch is already closed. but she could make the atm. still won't beat the cutoff time. really? at huntington, with atm and mobile deposits, you have up till midnight. we call it all day deposit. midnight? what are you, a bank or a convenience store? i've got to make a deposit! you go, girl! she's got no chance. deposit hours that make sense for you, not the bank. welcome to huntington, one of money magazine's best banks in america. i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. i want to be unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable. priorities usa 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you're drinking it. d-dear lord! have you been drinking it? yes. it's my water. well, that's it then. i'm dead. here we go...

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