Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20160322 : comparemel

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20160322

>> glad you're here at 10:00 o'clock up first a budget crisis and a bottle over where the money a should s come from tonight the dispute brought out a sea f of blue in a rain suzanne strap for joining usst live with more on the situation and why safety forces are upset tonight. >> jennifer and bill that they are there's no denying everybody's knows it no denying the rain is facing a serious fiscal emergency in under a their budget however police and firefighters tonight say they feel like they wereer targeted without any discussion or warning. >> to the first people called in a crisis but also at the top of the list for budget cuts proposed by mayor chase ridenhour's administration in the rainupo the chief already cut $750,000 from his budget creating dangerous situations as local flp president kyle salinasus we've had increase in shootings in the city and our heroin epidemic is out of control at the same time the city is taking a big economic hit losing hundreds of fuel industry jobsin in need about three and a half million dollars to balance the budget by march 301 as mandated by the stateb are look at her as an time to be pragmatic at 86 votes to do anything what can we doa largely to move the needle to get this college at firefighters retire atatol age 57 with or without a pension ordinances that were taken off the agenda for monday's council meeting after backlash from safety workers who showed up in force my lease on the retirement age its discriminative it's discriminative marine firefighters union president can shopper sayss they're willing to work with the city if they work with them in a has to start with administration the mayor says that was only one idea t and that they are open to others some council members at say they'll keep say they'll keep trying until the clock runs outmbay. >> and we start new we look at all of the ordinances regarding wages and pay ranges and we are right size of them to the current economic conditions s and put in the cities city and safety in jeopardy is not the best way to cut a budgett. >> so again the deadline is march 301 tonight because the ordinances were taken off the and present them although there was a lot of discussion about the no public comment n however on wednesday there is a committee hearing where people thewe public they can come out and voice their concerns and their opinions at 530 wednesday night march 301 the deadline to find three and a half million dollars approximately to balance the budget in the rainhr without tax increases which a lot of people are unhappy about anymore a lot of cities in ohio basing this kind of crisis an. >> absolutely a lot of money got a find it somewhere. suzanne stratford line in the rain tonightt in other news tonight thousands of teachers in a local school district will be out of a job before the next school year administrators blame declining enrollment for the cutsl in the cleveland heights universityty high school district kevin freeman with details in reaction to this announcementch 52 positions it will because saving the district about $3.5 million the head of the teachers union said they has been awareer of layoffs were in they would be the steep. >> teachers at rally before s the start of school at cleveland heights high school monday morning protesting a plan to cut 52 positions up by the 2016 - -dash 2017 school year these photos were taken by teachers union president ari klein who teaches math at the school and has a child who is a senior we need to get out what we think is important and what's good for kidsut and that we've invested in teachers that have come to our district and really want to be hereedhe and love our district and love our kids a and i'd hate to see that investment lost. >> they range from kindergarten teachers elementary teachers secondary high school teachers and administrators and were making an effort to make sure that our quality of education will not be disrupted t cleveland heights university high school superintendent doctor teresado dixon said the cuts are needed enrollment she says that since 2007 the district has lost about 900 students and expects a hundred more to lead over the next 10 yearsun we cannot continue to see our enrollment decline and not making those decisions are to make sure we we're operating effectively and efficiently moving forwardww we probably have lost about 50 members over the same period of time a over the last same period of time i feel like we've already done a little bit of this refining administrators r say they expect average classroom sizes toi increase from about 14 - -dash 22 students per roomin you may see in some of our classes at three or fourse more students and their high school classrooms you may see aa consolidation of some classes fors example french at three and four may be taught togethere t we wanted to get individualized attention to give individualized attention to kid to need ito so i think that making it a little bit higher will certainly impact now the teachers union says that they would rather see the district a scaled-back staff over a two or three year periodr and make cuts through attrition by not telling vacant positions at the cleveland heights university heights board of education proposed layoffs at its meeting on april 5ri. >> an investigation is now underway and a community and morning after a stark county man died inside the tank timken steel plant in canton they served as a police officer or firefighter in several local communities that right with more. >> a tribute to kenny ray junior outside the atwater fire department where he lived and servedj i think we're all just in shock right now where the family here so it's devastating loss his gear now draped in a flag that just don't think it was something when it we need to do for our fallen brotherh for a fire technician at timken steel fircrest in canton sunday investigators say he been inspecting fire extinguishers with a coworker found him dead in a control room lucius is a deadly level of nitrogen used in the plant somehow seeped into that room. >> osha tells us the company and fire officials foundfi oxygen levels in the area where ray diedf so low that rapid suffocation can occur osha investigators are insuringng the area safe for other workers and pointing to timken steel's lengthy record less than a year ago osha cited the company for another nitrogen exposure incident at the same plant and in october placed the company in a a program for severe violators after several problems at other plants including amputation the company says its quote working with officials in their investigation andrk mourning the loss of our colleagues is always so full of energy and almost infectious to be around want to be around himmfe in the knowledge that he brought here was phenomenal forno on a day they would've celebrated two years of marriage his wife insteadad planned his funeral. >> it's devastating such a tragedyan missing him already he was a great guy like this that can say a second say anything good about them. >> now an autopsy was scheduled for tonight his funeral was planned for saturday in accra and his wife releasing a statement saying in part the family is deeply saddened and kenny will be missedee new details are emerging about a murder suicide involving a hudson couple that stunned their friends and neighbors hudson police were called to a home a in ravenna road saturday after a teenage boy discovered the bodies of his mother and say 42 -year-old christy kennedy bice wasye shot to death by her estranged husband 53 -year-old steven by sue dent tooku his own life couple had recently separated family members say stephen was arrested in january for domestic violence and his wife asked for and received a protection order i know my sister felt trapped and on others about of other victims that feel trapped and they feel like they have nobody i think we as the state of ohio can do more to try to help the victims in try to let them know that they have outlets and maybe do better on keeping track of the suspects family members are trying to make arrangements to take care of the three boys citizens grew up for sending a large message to cleveland city leaders that they are concerned about the amount ofe military stylety equipment being purchased for the republican national convention this summer the magglio joining us now and what are they worried about $20 million on the safety and surveillance equipment for the rnc in julyo they want to make sure the rights of individuals protest on in some way violated their calling on the city to release a list of equipment being purchased to the conventionea is being ordered they want input they want the city council to pass resolutions to in resolution to end their words demilitarize the city r their calling for transparency and public input citing the consent decree with the department of justicece that ensures its citizens are kept in the loop with the activities of the police department the public consultation is critical because the purchase and possibleur misuse of militarized weaponry and surveillance equipment may undermine public health and safety may lead to violations of the constitutional rights of the peoplec and may further damage the relationship between the public equivalent provision of police l the group represented now drafted a letter that spring sent to the mayor and city council mayor and city and othersmm they say they haven't been consulted yet but the convention as we know is just four months away b a story we will follow thank you new at 10 cleveland city council has passed a balanced budget for 2016 council tonight voted to approve a $566 millionio spending plan within a reduction in city services and however members did note that cost will be on the riseermb especially those associated with thees consent decree negotiated with the federal government as a result council has introduced legislation to put a half percent income tax increase on the ballotal still to come out 10 climbingbi temperatures less is up next to let us know how warm it will get this weeke while the moments on the water what it took forha a local firefighter to save lives of mcgarry's fraud caught on tape why it onlyht took one look at this video to realize a local man hopping mad. gloves furry gloves come off inside of a mall what prompted an easter bunny to brawl with shoppers plusea meet dog didn't see a regular pooch the story of a canine who failed at his first job in stumbled on an will come back to fox acres at 10:00 o'clock on this monday evening temperatures were onatwe the cold side today with highs running about 5 degrees or so below the norm current terms already cold were falling ton now still some 40s in toledo and finley along 75 otherwise we look it when's the winds have begun to lighten up think goodness it was quite a factor in terms of the windchill although right now most of ust felt like we are right around 30 in some spots as cold as the upper 20s like hopkins it feels like 27 when you're out and about it feels a winter like kind of feeling although it's the second day of spring to give broader perspective some a broader perspective some lake enhanced snow occurring upstate new york some of the locals give resorts spspc high pressure will try to stay off the front to our north end to the north is where there are winter storm watches with a front will be locatedwh partly to mostly cloudy to the day tomorrow the french and stay far enough north were clouds north but if you notice the quick shower and the blip in the screen tomorrow evening brings aboutee a slight chance across the northern counties of aos briefbr sprinkle or shower low 30s as you wake up tomorrow tomorrow warmer south we do have the 60s wednesday into thursday best chance of rain for all of us a call from during the day thursday temperatures falld rapidly behind that front where there could be left over rain and/or snow showers early friday before responding and then relisting the temperaturess into the 50-degree mark the first half of easter weekend the eight day is a day is coming up in just a few minutess. >> 's 60s sound nice not bad at all still to come tonight the push to keep guns off the streetsc the it breaks down a stricter new policy what it means for local prosecutors handling gun casesw the wild joy ride gives away to a police chase what it took to stop a childiva in a stolen cement truck later in sports are g3 how seriouste is this will have the latest on that plusr out the cute cavaliers cavaliers trying to get their edge backhe calves cabs and that >> history in cuba today is president obama becomes the first is sitting president and 88 years to visit that country the president says the two governments still have serious differences but believe they are capablesnc of having a constructive dialogue to differences center on issues human rights and democracy still both leaders referred to relationsns what i have said to president castro is that we are moving forward and not don't to view cuba as a threat to the united states . >> cuban president raul castro did call on the united states to" panama bayay return atlanta cuba four of the five remaining presidential candidates spoke to the same audience tonight everyone except to bernie sanders addressed to the nation's top pro-israel group in the nation's capitol hillary clintonol pledged to maintain israel as a military edge over its neighbors she also took someal shots at republican front runner donald trump. >> we need steady hands and not h a president who says he ish neutral on monday pro israel on tuesday and who knows what on wednesday when i become citizen will end on day one ohio governor john kasich also pledged from support for israelel shocking twist in the deaths of two young children in texas the daughters of internationally known were found slain in their beds thursday and tonight the musician's estranged wife is accused of killing them and investigators saycu the mother was in an extreme state of distress when they responded to the home she isis hospitalized for mental health evaluation theory has a warning even more money to pro wrestler hulk hogan today the panel adding another 25 million to the 115 mehsud's gawker media for violating the privacy by posting a snippet of a sex tape company's president sayspe if she is confident the new site will win the case on appealde the fbi may no longer need apple's help to crack a controversial postponedto at the fed to request investigators had asked the judge to order apple to help unlock a phone used by one of the san bernardino attackers l prosecutors say an outside party has shown the fbi a possible method for accessing the found still to come and a few minutes it wasut a drug ring like authorities had never seen before now in northeast ohio women responsible for distributing thousands of illegal narcotics learn her fate learn what she had to save for herselfle and if he was working to get the attention of police mission accomplished instead of getting angry over this it was one of the most sophisticated prescription drug rings police have ever seen now the woman behind it is heading to prison peggy gallant has more.di >> he may may be a person normally notot 41 -year-old heather mitchell cried as she stood in front of the judge monday for sentencing on numerous charges including engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity and trafficking in this deception to obtain a dangerous >> the tenant pled guilty and engagingng in a pattern of corrupt activity. >> mitchellvi said it was her own addiction that led her to was oneay of the most sophisticated fraudulent prescription drug schemes that they have ever handled i'veve never heard nobody or anything like that is just a drug and once again i'm sorry to chill was sentenced to 211 years in prison prosecutors say mitchell had several codefendants as iel hope to of that helped her illegally obtain prescription drugs h she knew exactly which pharmacies to go to and she would havehe about three cell phones on during the time his people will fill prescriptions they fraudulent prescription drug ring spanned over several counties in northeast ohioptug and operated for more than a year the prosecutors say the scheme caused more than 5,000 narcotic pills to be illegally distributed throughout the area thisut is one of the most sophisticated cases that is level of munich beer ration by heather mitchell as well as the amount of people that were involved b . >> still to come tonight scary moments out on the water find out how a quick thinking firefighters save the lives of lake erie fisherman plus it's the carry-on items at a flight attendant did not want anyone to see find out where she >> big changes in an effort to keep guns off the street the fox ait and details the stricter limits and what they mean for criminals. >> it's not your typical dog track meet the pooch who got major talentra with the paintbrush not lasting much continues right now. >> for criminals who use a gun to commit crimes stand a lot better chance of serving prison time the foxf ai team has uncovered a new policy at the cuyahoga county prosecutor's office at galaxy is you gallup shows you what it means. >> suddenly now a much better chance to get locked upa for a gun crime last september the it and found many convicts in cuyahoga county got probation for some gun crimes the office has a new policy putting stricter limitsew on plea bargains and gun cases encouraging news to the family of stephen holden junior rob shot to death on this his way to work in 2014at the crime never solved. >> we can bring my brother back for anything we can do to allow another family not to go through thiso they fell as the agony and the pain we felt even at two years later is reviewed about 90 cases from 2014 cases with the most serious charge carrying a concealed weapon or having avi weapon as a felon or improperim handling of a gun about half the suspects got probation only about a third ever got locked ups including some giving time served for the few days they spend in jail under investigationf when i looked i saw the spark and then i heard the pop pop pop gun violence is spilling into homes of innocent people killing children and more so cuyahoga county prosecutor tim mcginty has put limits on plea bargains for concealed weapons charges felons with guns and more and a new policy says every gun that must be sentd it to a lab to be checked for ties to other cases has it always happened of course in just a matter of months a new prosecutor will be taking an elevator to the ninth floor taking over the prosecutors officesp of the eye team the health and family anxious for the increase in testing to spark a break in this mystery anything that will hopefully bring our case to a head and hopefully it does.l >> today crews began demolishing a northfield center home will wear for family members and died died in a murder suicide this is all that's left of a houseus where 43 year old just made her m his wife and their two daughters were found ind january to summit county medical examiner says that it burned himself to death with gasoline and he used it to destroyi his home is 43 -year-old wife of cindy was found dead from an overdose ofrd prozac their daughter's eight -year-oldgh murphy and 12 -year-old allison were killed by asphyxiation before the fire starteded a town that shipped trustees of the house would've been removed sooner had it not been deliveredes with property finally the physical part of it is gone people around here can kind of start to recover. >> it's not yet known at what will happenkn with the property taking a look at other stories making headlines tonightp . a man considers a violent and dangerous on the montana after escaping custody us marshals trying to arrest maurice sinquefield at a home in euclid when he got into a carrye that it is a marshals vehicle they later found the damage getaway car but since that was gone and 51 -year-old womano found murdered in a garage tonight police are trying tomu figure out who killed her sky foxgu flying over the scene when officers were called on east 100 second and fourth avenue around seven this morning that's when they found that 51 -year-old lying face down medical examiner still investigatingth and a former metrohealth medical center employee who claimed executives received improper payments and other perks e now lie at the the man has withdrawn his lawsuit in a statement the allegations made in it were not truen hospital has agreed not to pursue defamation claims against him the rta hearing from the public today as they propose options to close a $7 million gapth the second of 14 public meetings was held today and rtato headquarters rta officials say they are considering raising fares or trimming some services to close the budget shortfallsg fri they have not increased in seven years i don't underestimate the cut for some of the listeners and viewers cutting a bus route for someone is like taking their car awayvg is a very personal issue some of them are so low rider ships are over $50 to deliver that priceo the board of trustees will make a decision in april and the changes are not likely to september they will get help from the us department of agriculture to pay for improvements after a water crisis today officials announcing that sebringg will receive a $400,000 for new technology those improvements will notify plant operators to add chemicals into the water when it becomes too aesthetic in january residents were warned not to drink the water after high lead levels were found in some homes just two weeks from today new york cleveland indians will openay the gates to a new season the triable host the boston red sox in april for its fans will be treated to a rock and opening ceremony because of the ceremony will be tossed out by the dramae kearny and bandmate formed the black teas and akron 2001 the past also middle teens and their hometowns which will be extra special turning to weather seven day of spring" like day of winter it really doesof it's definitely been a cold one temperatures in the 30s and 40s but even that you tapped on the wins and it felt like in the 20s and 30s all dayayns it's a beautiful sunset with beautiful views of yellowsfu and oranges and bright oranges at times two with a very high-level clouds it turned out to be a gorgeous sunset exactly at 741 this eveninga warm-up is on the way it doesn't also much like winter but like an early spring day starting tomorrow li as we had due thursday the best chance of rain and your easter weekendhe forecast right now it looks like a pretty good-looking weekend overall 42 the high temperature 20 for the little before below normal but tomorrow wee will go above normal and the high department we willll head back in the 50s sunrise around 728 sunset this evening at 741ar duties far north and east including a pair of threes a hopkins andho we have 40s to the west of capital and 45 right now in the queen city of cincinnati 30s 40s and then we had 50 once we hit iowa st. louis paducah and temperature as well in the 60s and omaha near 70 today although we won't get that one tomorrow we will begin that warm-up and head back at least in the 50s it could've been worse there were like affect the snow affecting areas in upstate new york rochester syracuse even a nor easter that slammed it northern and southern newo england yesterday through today with more than 6 inches of snow and in pockets through this morning high pressure to ourselves but also in the upper level winds it appears it will steer away and stave off the sprint to the north the front of the north will be pretty close proximity so what we will have to do is watchch how it could be bobbing back and forth over the next couple of days and other counties get more clouds frost advisory's freeze warnings acrossdv the deep south s and the carolina coast and weather front will be stalled out to our north is alsos for most as well as michigan's use a michigan here's a look at the front again the high pressure is trying to keep it away in far enough north but at times it could clip will graze her grades are northern counts a few showerstou late tuesday tuesday night into early wednesday in the front rebounds nicely but also a cold front on the way at that pointal for tonight we looking at low 30s early to mostly cloudyar as you wake up on your tuesday morning it'll be cold not as called not as cold as it was this morning would tomorroww we make it back to the middle and upper 50s look what happens after the noon time this brief little sprinkle could skim especially the snow beltco counties tomorrow late in the evening otherwise tomorrow more sunshine south t in the partly cloudy to mostly cloudy sky wednesday a chance early in the day especially northa otherwise most of us are dry 60 may be even 65 in pockets and by thursday good chance of showers or storms for the afternoon and evening which allows temperatures to fall back to the 40s wh in the back edge rain mix is not a little snow early friday easter weekend of sunshine saturday near 60 easter sunday if there is any rain at all it'll be late in the day0re anything early on easter egg hunts at brunch is and branches family gatherings thing should be pretty goodchch. >> still to come tonight is the cause of fraudd caught on tapeau a local man claims he was totally disabled could work newly released a video tells a different storytou plus easter bunny brawl an update on the wild scene inside a busy mall the disagreement with a undercover video caught a painesville man doing manual laborr despite his clients a total disability mark walker pleaded guilty to a felony count of programs, brought back in december just lastt week a judge sentenced him to a year in jail which was suspended for three years probation however he is also being ordered to pay back more than $74,000 to the state of ohio as howan much he got in the five years he collected disability. >> new tonight a local fishermen from the chilly waters of lake erie the magglio is on the story for us first where did i happeno with how you that right off the top to top a island in the boat was thinking at the time the three fishermenin here's some pictures we have from the scene it happened this morning the fishermen were in trouble and put out a distress call on a fishermen's channelbl you saw the boat going down and headed right over to help the fishermen also called the coast guard but the firefighter was in position to get their first he and two others on his boattw were able to b pull the three fishermen to safety now we know who this fishermen is this firefighter we talked to the chief tonight and the chief says the firefighter simply wants no attention t to credit for doing what he did the fishermen were medical, island by the coast guard and emts fine but lucky the water temperatures are at big risk if they waited too much longer they could've drownedey this firefighter and his buddies were after some fishing today ir they might've ended up saving three lives on firefighters great sea man truck joy ride delete police to through dressed up as the through booking of getting angry there making him an quiet busy with the easter bunny slip that it is by nature after taking a picture with a costumed character at the mall the easter bunny toldb police that god verbally and physicallyn assaulted him turned into an all-out brawl captured on cell phone video butd men had been charged withh aggravated assault and disorderly conduct i just see a man in the bunny suit top half was awesome everything else was on fighting t i'm assuming a parent i didn't see the kids but i felt sorry for them because they're just trying to get their picture taken and they see the easter men were taken to the hospital only minor injuries each charged assault and disorderly conduct a an 11 -year-old minnesotaea boy is facing charges after leading police on a chasei in a stolen cement truck witnesses capture a cell phone video of the wild chase to the streets of a small town police said the boy swiped the truck from a contractorh amazingly the chase lasted more than an hour he even lost a tire at one point witnesses say the boy rolled into the same streets over and over apparently lacking in escape pland smiling who in and hollering he was having a good time no one was injured there is no word on the of a young driver's identity authorities hold him off to juvenile detention bunny is looking for a flight attendant they say bolted from the security checkpoint at lax leaving behind her cocaine happened friday night when she arrived for awh flight flight attendants searches but she was pulled aside by the tsa for a random screening authorities say she appeared nervous mayday call in another language before takingr off she left behind a 60 pounds of coke and her gucci shoesshin a college student 's student apparently learns to bec famous police and north carolina are issuing a challenges in response brendan matteo posted brandon matteo posted a facebook picture of himselfpoda making a nude gesture because before a police car with the caption make me famous when greenville north carolina police am were made aware of the post they issued matteost the challenge of accompanying a police officer on a ride alongng representatives from the department say they hope he takes them up on the offerivm in order to gain an appreciation for the dangerous the situation police officers can unexpectedly encounterd i think that their constant patter for brandon f let's look to the windshield with that direction time will tell on and whether the student decides to accept the challengeeon. >> still to come here this canine has a way with the campus behold the dog up and see meet the pucci who is making it as an artist after his first job fell throughs cap next and sports cavaliers hosting the nuggets will have the latest from the queue and what's the latest on rg three will they be suiting up for there is a saying you cannot cough in new york is picking up a new skill like a champ meet dagger also known as dumping cheap he's a three year old black labrador retriever he was supposed to become an assistant dog for people with disabilities but his fear of going up and down stairs and disqualified him so he picked up a new trick from his owner who is an artist she realized hear had a way with the canvas after he saw her painting one day monday he was teaching me and i said do you want to paint dagger in his tail started to wag and i tell you i he was so excited to see the brush stroke on my, canvas it was almost as if she is a whole world had opened up. >> it spoke also reincarnated in gas at dad's paintings do sell at about 50 - -dash $100$1 per canvas all the proceeds go charities cavaliers won their second straight central division title with a convincing when whose 124 ra91 at the queue the cavaliers were aggressive and lebron of the jr chairs which have about jr easy buckets of their 33 points lebron james cavaliers had 38 assists use daily to fry lamaze and that looks easy spectacular james to jr and back end that way am with both hands a james and recorder to his 41st career triple-double 43 points 11 boards and 11 assiststsh as the cavaliers won convincingly and afterwards he told ali cliftonn it's having guys who can finish off the deal just being able to make multiple place for my teammates i can get don't knock them down the business in the rebound they put me in position to give the me assist nothing comes. >> the browns is splashed cold water on any calling cap and it talks>is the owners meetings the team will continue to investigate if he becomes a brownwn and wouldn't precludelu the team from drafting a quarterback high in this draft also today the nfl clarified a campbell and josh gordon's reinstatement when j appropriate in the browns are counting on him for 2016 he said the team has no plans to trade chert promise dating that joe is our lefts tackle and they are not certain joe haden will be readyad for the start of theth surgery while carlos carrasco allowed three runs on six hits today the indians scored five in the seven to beat the white soxhe delivering two runs in the giovanni rashad at will give his fifth get his fifth home run of the springn the power the attackth at goodyear ballpark in the indians went over the white sox nine - -dash for which a final score quite thel homecoming for a future olympian today right here on the north coast ha. >> and as charles conwell junior returning to cleveland todayan after securing a spot on the us boxing team the 18t -year-old with a gold medal and the americas olympic qualifier in argentina over the weekend is a senior at cleveland heights high school and the youngestei person ever on the team usa boxing squad. >> at going into a tournament i had to take top threeto for the olympics in the beginning it turned i knew i was can i go home with the gold b at a strategy and a game plan and >> course pro christian academy in willoughby saluted his division for champions they were david t lincoln views goliath at beating the state's top-rankedat team in the title game by 18 the best player i totally a sophomore in the sky's the limit it was definitely one of our goals of the season we know if we worked hard it could beou one of the things we accomplished just happening is crazy. >> and congratulations and bw women indoor track champs in america. >> thank you for your time at is anyone else troubled by the spider-man theme song? why would trouble you? it's, like, your third favorite cartoon theme song. it is, right behind do do-do do-do, inspector gadget... ...and teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes a half-shell others: turtle power! hover, the spider-man lyrics posit that "spider-man, spider-man es whatevea spider can." yeah, so? can think of many things spider-man can't do that spider can. one: crawl in your ear and die.

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New York , United States , Cuyahoga County , Ohio , Northfield Center , Montana , Munich , Bayern , Germany , North Carolina , Texas , Argentina , Akron , Cleveland , Painesville , Boston , Massachusetts , China , Greenville , Cleveland Heights , Michigan , Cincinnati , Israel , Iowa , Queen City , Cuba , Metrohealth Medical Center , France , Lake Erie , Accra , Greater Accra , Ghana , America , Canton , French , Cuban , Brandon Matteo , Suzanne Stratford , Tim Mcginty , Heather Mitchell , Carlos Carrasco , Louis Paducah , John Kasich , Josh Gordon , Charles Conwell , Raul Castro , Stephen Holden , Rochester Syracuse , Mehsud Gawker , Brendan Matteo , Kenny Ray , Joe Haden , Christy Kennedy Bice , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20160322 :

Transcripts For WJW Fox 8 News At 10PM 20160322

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>> glad you're here at 10:00 o'clock up first a budget crisis and a bottle over where the money a should s come from tonight the dispute brought out a sea f of blue in a rain suzanne strap for joining usst live with more on the situation and why safety forces are upset tonight. >> jennifer and bill that they are there's no denying everybody's knows it no denying the rain is facing a serious fiscal emergency in under a their budget however police and firefighters tonight say they feel like they wereer targeted without any discussion or warning. >> to the first people called in a crisis but also at the top of the list for budget cuts proposed by mayor chase ridenhour's administration in the rainupo the chief already cut $750,000 from his budget creating dangerous situations as local flp president kyle salinasus we've had increase in shootings in the city and our heroin epidemic is out of control at the same time the city is taking a big economic hit losing hundreds of fuel industry jobsin in need about three and a half million dollars to balance the budget by march 301 as mandated by the stateb are look at her as an time to be pragmatic at 86 votes to do anything what can we doa largely to move the needle to get this college at firefighters retire atatol age 57 with or without a pension ordinances that were taken off the agenda for monday's council meeting after backlash from safety workers who showed up in force my lease on the retirement age its discriminative it's discriminative marine firefighters union president can shopper sayss they're willing to work with the city if they work with them in a has to start with administration the mayor says that was only one idea t and that they are open to others some council members at say they'll keep say they'll keep trying until the clock runs outmbay. >> and we start new we look at all of the ordinances regarding wages and pay ranges and we are right size of them to the current economic conditions s and put in the cities city and safety in jeopardy is not the best way to cut a budgett. >> so again the deadline is march 301 tonight because the ordinances were taken off the and present them although there was a lot of discussion about the no public comment n however on wednesday there is a committee hearing where people thewe public they can come out and voice their concerns and their opinions at 530 wednesday night march 301 the deadline to find three and a half million dollars approximately to balance the budget in the rainhr without tax increases which a lot of people are unhappy about anymore a lot of cities in ohio basing this kind of crisis an. >> absolutely a lot of money got a find it somewhere. suzanne stratford line in the rain tonightt in other news tonight thousands of teachers in a local school district will be out of a job before the next school year administrators blame declining enrollment for the cutsl in the cleveland heights universityty high school district kevin freeman with details in reaction to this announcementch 52 positions it will because saving the district about $3.5 million the head of the teachers union said they has been awareer of layoffs were in they would be the steep. >> teachers at rally before s the start of school at cleveland heights high school monday morning protesting a plan to cut 52 positions up by the 2016 - -dash 2017 school year these photos were taken by teachers union president ari klein who teaches math at the school and has a child who is a senior we need to get out what we think is important and what's good for kidsut and that we've invested in teachers that have come to our district and really want to be hereedhe and love our district and love our kids a and i'd hate to see that investment lost. >> they range from kindergarten teachers elementary teachers secondary high school teachers and administrators and were making an effort to make sure that our quality of education will not be disrupted t cleveland heights university high school superintendent doctor teresado dixon said the cuts are needed enrollment she says that since 2007 the district has lost about 900 students and expects a hundred more to lead over the next 10 yearsun we cannot continue to see our enrollment decline and not making those decisions are to make sure we we're operating effectively and efficiently moving forwardww we probably have lost about 50 members over the same period of time a over the last same period of time i feel like we've already done a little bit of this refining administrators r say they expect average classroom sizes toi increase from about 14 - -dash 22 students per roomin you may see in some of our classes at three or fourse more students and their high school classrooms you may see aa consolidation of some classes fors example french at three and four may be taught togethere t we wanted to get individualized attention to give individualized attention to kid to need ito so i think that making it a little bit higher will certainly impact now the teachers union says that they would rather see the district a scaled-back staff over a two or three year periodr and make cuts through attrition by not telling vacant positions at the cleveland heights university heights board of education proposed layoffs at its meeting on april 5ri. >> an investigation is now underway and a community and morning after a stark county man died inside the tank timken steel plant in canton they served as a police officer or firefighter in several local communities that right with more. >> a tribute to kenny ray junior outside the atwater fire department where he lived and servedj i think we're all just in shock right now where the family here so it's devastating loss his gear now draped in a flag that just don't think it was something when it we need to do for our fallen brotherh for a fire technician at timken steel fircrest in canton sunday investigators say he been inspecting fire extinguishers with a coworker found him dead in a control room lucius is a deadly level of nitrogen used in the plant somehow seeped into that room. >> osha tells us the company and fire officials foundfi oxygen levels in the area where ray diedf so low that rapid suffocation can occur osha investigators are insuringng the area safe for other workers and pointing to timken steel's lengthy record less than a year ago osha cited the company for another nitrogen exposure incident at the same plant and in october placed the company in a a program for severe violators after several problems at other plants including amputation the company says its quote working with officials in their investigation andrk mourning the loss of our colleagues is always so full of energy and almost infectious to be around want to be around himmfe in the knowledge that he brought here was phenomenal forno on a day they would've celebrated two years of marriage his wife insteadad planned his funeral. >> it's devastating such a tragedyan missing him already he was a great guy like this that can say a second say anything good about them. >> now an autopsy was scheduled for tonight his funeral was planned for saturday in accra and his wife releasing a statement saying in part the family is deeply saddened and kenny will be missedee new details are emerging about a murder suicide involving a hudson couple that stunned their friends and neighbors hudson police were called to a home a in ravenna road saturday after a teenage boy discovered the bodies of his mother and say 42 -year-old christy kennedy bice wasye shot to death by her estranged husband 53 -year-old steven by sue dent tooku his own life couple had recently separated family members say stephen was arrested in january for domestic violence and his wife asked for and received a protection order i know my sister felt trapped and on others about of other victims that feel trapped and they feel like they have nobody i think we as the state of ohio can do more to try to help the victims in try to let them know that they have outlets and maybe do better on keeping track of the suspects family members are trying to make arrangements to take care of the three boys citizens grew up for sending a large message to cleveland city leaders that they are concerned about the amount ofe military stylety equipment being purchased for the republican national convention this summer the magglio joining us now and what are they worried about $20 million on the safety and surveillance equipment for the rnc in julyo they want to make sure the rights of individuals protest on in some way violated their calling on the city to release a list of equipment being purchased to the conventionea is being ordered they want input they want the city council to pass resolutions to in resolution to end their words demilitarize the city r their calling for transparency and public input citing the consent decree with the department of justicece that ensures its citizens are kept in the loop with the activities of the police department the public consultation is critical because the purchase and possibleur misuse of militarized weaponry and surveillance equipment may undermine public health and safety may lead to violations of the constitutional rights of the peoplec and may further damage the relationship between the public equivalent provision of police l the group represented now drafted a letter that spring sent to the mayor and city council mayor and city and othersmm they say they haven't been consulted yet but the convention as we know is just four months away b a story we will follow thank you new at 10 cleveland city council has passed a balanced budget for 2016 council tonight voted to approve a $566 millionio spending plan within a reduction in city services and however members did note that cost will be on the riseermb especially those associated with thees consent decree negotiated with the federal government as a result council has introduced legislation to put a half percent income tax increase on the ballotal still to come out 10 climbingbi temperatures less is up next to let us know how warm it will get this weeke while the moments on the water what it took forha a local firefighter to save lives of mcgarry's fraud caught on tape why it onlyht took one look at this video to realize a local man hopping mad. gloves furry gloves come off inside of a mall what prompted an easter bunny to brawl with shoppers plusea meet dog didn't see a regular pooch the story of a canine who failed at his first job in stumbled on an will come back to fox acres at 10:00 o'clock on this monday evening temperatures were onatwe the cold side today with highs running about 5 degrees or so below the norm current terms already cold were falling ton now still some 40s in toledo and finley along 75 otherwise we look it when's the winds have begun to lighten up think goodness it was quite a factor in terms of the windchill although right now most of ust felt like we are right around 30 in some spots as cold as the upper 20s like hopkins it feels like 27 when you're out and about it feels a winter like kind of feeling although it's the second day of spring to give broader perspective some a broader perspective some lake enhanced snow occurring upstate new york some of the locals give resorts spspc high pressure will try to stay off the front to our north end to the north is where there are winter storm watches with a front will be locatedwh partly to mostly cloudy to the day tomorrow the french and stay far enough north were clouds north but if you notice the quick shower and the blip in the screen tomorrow evening brings aboutee a slight chance across the northern counties of aos briefbr sprinkle or shower low 30s as you wake up tomorrow tomorrow warmer south we do have the 60s wednesday into thursday best chance of rain for all of us a call from during the day thursday temperatures falld rapidly behind that front where there could be left over rain and/or snow showers early friday before responding and then relisting the temperaturess into the 50-degree mark the first half of easter weekend the eight day is a day is coming up in just a few minutess. >> 's 60s sound nice not bad at all still to come tonight the push to keep guns off the streetsc the it breaks down a stricter new policy what it means for local prosecutors handling gun casesw the wild joy ride gives away to a police chase what it took to stop a childiva in a stolen cement truck later in sports are g3 how seriouste is this will have the latest on that plusr out the cute cavaliers cavaliers trying to get their edge backhe calves cabs and that >> history in cuba today is president obama becomes the first is sitting president and 88 years to visit that country the president says the two governments still have serious differences but believe they are capablesnc of having a constructive dialogue to differences center on issues human rights and democracy still both leaders referred to relationsns what i have said to president castro is that we are moving forward and not don't to view cuba as a threat to the united states . >> cuban president raul castro did call on the united states to" panama bayay return atlanta cuba four of the five remaining presidential candidates spoke to the same audience tonight everyone except to bernie sanders addressed to the nation's top pro-israel group in the nation's capitol hillary clintonol pledged to maintain israel as a military edge over its neighbors she also took someal shots at republican front runner donald trump. >> we need steady hands and not h a president who says he ish neutral on monday pro israel on tuesday and who knows what on wednesday when i become citizen will end on day one ohio governor john kasich also pledged from support for israelel shocking twist in the deaths of two young children in texas the daughters of internationally known were found slain in their beds thursday and tonight the musician's estranged wife is accused of killing them and investigators saycu the mother was in an extreme state of distress when they responded to the home she isis hospitalized for mental health evaluation theory has a warning even more money to pro wrestler hulk hogan today the panel adding another 25 million to the 115 mehsud's gawker media for violating the privacy by posting a snippet of a sex tape company's president sayspe if she is confident the new site will win the case on appealde the fbi may no longer need apple's help to crack a controversial postponedto at the fed to request investigators had asked the judge to order apple to help unlock a phone used by one of the san bernardino attackers l prosecutors say an outside party has shown the fbi a possible method for accessing the found still to come and a few minutes it wasut a drug ring like authorities had never seen before now in northeast ohio women responsible for distributing thousands of illegal narcotics learn her fate learn what she had to save for herselfle and if he was working to get the attention of police mission accomplished instead of getting angry over this it was one of the most sophisticated prescription drug rings police have ever seen now the woman behind it is heading to prison peggy gallant has more.di >> he may may be a person normally notot 41 -year-old heather mitchell cried as she stood in front of the judge monday for sentencing on numerous charges including engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity and trafficking in this deception to obtain a dangerous >> the tenant pled guilty and engagingng in a pattern of corrupt activity. >> mitchellvi said it was her own addiction that led her to was oneay of the most sophisticated fraudulent prescription drug schemes that they have ever handled i'veve never heard nobody or anything like that is just a drug and once again i'm sorry to chill was sentenced to 211 years in prison prosecutors say mitchell had several codefendants as iel hope to of that helped her illegally obtain prescription drugs h she knew exactly which pharmacies to go to and she would havehe about three cell phones on during the time his people will fill prescriptions they fraudulent prescription drug ring spanned over several counties in northeast ohioptug and operated for more than a year the prosecutors say the scheme caused more than 5,000 narcotic pills to be illegally distributed throughout the area thisut is one of the most sophisticated cases that is level of munich beer ration by heather mitchell as well as the amount of people that were involved b . >> still to come tonight scary moments out on the water find out how a quick thinking firefighters save the lives of lake erie fisherman plus it's the carry-on items at a flight attendant did not want anyone to see find out where she >> big changes in an effort to keep guns off the street the fox ait and details the stricter limits and what they mean for criminals. >> it's not your typical dog track meet the pooch who got major talentra with the paintbrush not lasting much continues right now. >> for criminals who use a gun to commit crimes stand a lot better chance of serving prison time the foxf ai team has uncovered a new policy at the cuyahoga county prosecutor's office at galaxy is you gallup shows you what it means. >> suddenly now a much better chance to get locked upa for a gun crime last september the it and found many convicts in cuyahoga county got probation for some gun crimes the office has a new policy putting stricter limitsew on plea bargains and gun cases encouraging news to the family of stephen holden junior rob shot to death on this his way to work in 2014at the crime never solved. >> we can bring my brother back for anything we can do to allow another family not to go through thiso they fell as the agony and the pain we felt even at two years later is reviewed about 90 cases from 2014 cases with the most serious charge carrying a concealed weapon or having avi weapon as a felon or improperim handling of a gun about half the suspects got probation only about a third ever got locked ups including some giving time served for the few days they spend in jail under investigationf when i looked i saw the spark and then i heard the pop pop pop gun violence is spilling into homes of innocent people killing children and more so cuyahoga county prosecutor tim mcginty has put limits on plea bargains for concealed weapons charges felons with guns and more and a new policy says every gun that must be sentd it to a lab to be checked for ties to other cases has it always happened of course in just a matter of months a new prosecutor will be taking an elevator to the ninth floor taking over the prosecutors officesp of the eye team the health and family anxious for the increase in testing to spark a break in this mystery anything that will hopefully bring our case to a head and hopefully it does.l >> today crews began demolishing a northfield center home will wear for family members and died died in a murder suicide this is all that's left of a houseus where 43 year old just made her m his wife and their two daughters were found ind january to summit county medical examiner says that it burned himself to death with gasoline and he used it to destroyi his home is 43 -year-old wife of cindy was found dead from an overdose ofrd prozac their daughter's eight -year-oldgh murphy and 12 -year-old allison were killed by asphyxiation before the fire starteded a town that shipped trustees of the house would've been removed sooner had it not been deliveredes with property finally the physical part of it is gone people around here can kind of start to recover. >> it's not yet known at what will happenkn with the property taking a look at other stories making headlines tonightp . a man considers a violent and dangerous on the montana after escaping custody us marshals trying to arrest maurice sinquefield at a home in euclid when he got into a carrye that it is a marshals vehicle they later found the damage getaway car but since that was gone and 51 -year-old womano found murdered in a garage tonight police are trying tomu figure out who killed her sky foxgu flying over the scene when officers were called on east 100 second and fourth avenue around seven this morning that's when they found that 51 -year-old lying face down medical examiner still investigatingth and a former metrohealth medical center employee who claimed executives received improper payments and other perks e now lie at the the man has withdrawn his lawsuit in a statement the allegations made in it were not truen hospital has agreed not to pursue defamation claims against him the rta hearing from the public today as they propose options to close a $7 million gapth the second of 14 public meetings was held today and rtato headquarters rta officials say they are considering raising fares or trimming some services to close the budget shortfallsg fri they have not increased in seven years i don't underestimate the cut for some of the listeners and viewers cutting a bus route for someone is like taking their car awayvg is a very personal issue some of them are so low rider ships are over $50 to deliver that priceo the board of trustees will make a decision in april and the changes are not likely to september they will get help from the us department of agriculture to pay for improvements after a water crisis today officials announcing that sebringg will receive a $400,000 for new technology those improvements will notify plant operators to add chemicals into the water when it becomes too aesthetic in january residents were warned not to drink the water after high lead levels were found in some homes just two weeks from today new york cleveland indians will openay the gates to a new season the triable host the boston red sox in april for its fans will be treated to a rock and opening ceremony because of the ceremony will be tossed out by the dramae kearny and bandmate formed the black teas and akron 2001 the past also middle teens and their hometowns which will be extra special turning to weather seven day of spring" like day of winter it really doesof it's definitely been a cold one temperatures in the 30s and 40s but even that you tapped on the wins and it felt like in the 20s and 30s all dayayns it's a beautiful sunset with beautiful views of yellowsfu and oranges and bright oranges at times two with a very high-level clouds it turned out to be a gorgeous sunset exactly at 741 this eveninga warm-up is on the way it doesn't also much like winter but like an early spring day starting tomorrow li as we had due thursday the best chance of rain and your easter weekendhe forecast right now it looks like a pretty good-looking weekend overall 42 the high temperature 20 for the little before below normal but tomorrow wee will go above normal and the high department we willll head back in the 50s sunrise around 728 sunset this evening at 741ar duties far north and east including a pair of threes a hopkins andho we have 40s to the west of capital and 45 right now in the queen city of cincinnati 30s 40s and then we had 50 once we hit iowa st. louis paducah and temperature as well in the 60s and omaha near 70 today although we won't get that one tomorrow we will begin that warm-up and head back at least in the 50s it could've been worse there were like affect the snow affecting areas in upstate new york rochester syracuse even a nor easter that slammed it northern and southern newo england yesterday through today with more than 6 inches of snow and in pockets through this morning high pressure to ourselves but also in the upper level winds it appears it will steer away and stave off the sprint to the north the front of the north will be pretty close proximity so what we will have to do is watchch how it could be bobbing back and forth over the next couple of days and other counties get more clouds frost advisory's freeze warnings acrossdv the deep south s and the carolina coast and weather front will be stalled out to our north is alsos for most as well as michigan's use a michigan here's a look at the front again the high pressure is trying to keep it away in far enough north but at times it could clip will graze her grades are northern counts a few showerstou late tuesday tuesday night into early wednesday in the front rebounds nicely but also a cold front on the way at that pointal for tonight we looking at low 30s early to mostly cloudyar as you wake up on your tuesday morning it'll be cold not as called not as cold as it was this morning would tomorroww we make it back to the middle and upper 50s look what happens after the noon time this brief little sprinkle could skim especially the snow beltco counties tomorrow late in the evening otherwise tomorrow more sunshine south t in the partly cloudy to mostly cloudy sky wednesday a chance early in the day especially northa otherwise most of us are dry 60 may be even 65 in pockets and by thursday good chance of showers or storms for the afternoon and evening which allows temperatures to fall back to the 40s wh in the back edge rain mix is not a little snow early friday easter weekend of sunshine saturday near 60 easter sunday if there is any rain at all it'll be late in the day0re anything early on easter egg hunts at brunch is and branches family gatherings thing should be pretty goodchch. >> still to come tonight is the cause of fraudd caught on tapeau a local man claims he was totally disabled could work newly released a video tells a different storytou plus easter bunny brawl an update on the wild scene inside a busy mall the disagreement with a undercover video caught a painesville man doing manual laborr despite his clients a total disability mark walker pleaded guilty to a felony count of programs, brought back in december just lastt week a judge sentenced him to a year in jail which was suspended for three years probation however he is also being ordered to pay back more than $74,000 to the state of ohio as howan much he got in the five years he collected disability. >> new tonight a local fishermen from the chilly waters of lake erie the magglio is on the story for us first where did i happeno with how you that right off the top to top a island in the boat was thinking at the time the three fishermenin here's some pictures we have from the scene it happened this morning the fishermen were in trouble and put out a distress call on a fishermen's channelbl you saw the boat going down and headed right over to help the fishermen also called the coast guard but the firefighter was in position to get their first he and two others on his boattw were able to b pull the three fishermen to safety now we know who this fishermen is this firefighter we talked to the chief tonight and the chief says the firefighter simply wants no attention t to credit for doing what he did the fishermen were medical, island by the coast guard and emts fine but lucky the water temperatures are at big risk if they waited too much longer they could've drownedey this firefighter and his buddies were after some fishing today ir they might've ended up saving three lives on firefighters great sea man truck joy ride delete police to through dressed up as the through booking of getting angry there making him an quiet busy with the easter bunny slip that it is by nature after taking a picture with a costumed character at the mall the easter bunny toldb police that god verbally and physicallyn assaulted him turned into an all-out brawl captured on cell phone video butd men had been charged withh aggravated assault and disorderly conduct i just see a man in the bunny suit top half was awesome everything else was on fighting t i'm assuming a parent i didn't see the kids but i felt sorry for them because they're just trying to get their picture taken and they see the easter men were taken to the hospital only minor injuries each charged assault and disorderly conduct a an 11 -year-old minnesotaea boy is facing charges after leading police on a chasei in a stolen cement truck witnesses capture a cell phone video of the wild chase to the streets of a small town police said the boy swiped the truck from a contractorh amazingly the chase lasted more than an hour he even lost a tire at one point witnesses say the boy rolled into the same streets over and over apparently lacking in escape pland smiling who in and hollering he was having a good time no one was injured there is no word on the of a young driver's identity authorities hold him off to juvenile detention bunny is looking for a flight attendant they say bolted from the security checkpoint at lax leaving behind her cocaine happened friday night when she arrived for awh flight flight attendants searches but she was pulled aside by the tsa for a random screening authorities say she appeared nervous mayday call in another language before takingr off she left behind a 60 pounds of coke and her gucci shoesshin a college student 's student apparently learns to bec famous police and north carolina are issuing a challenges in response brendan matteo posted brandon matteo posted a facebook picture of himselfpoda making a nude gesture because before a police car with the caption make me famous when greenville north carolina police am were made aware of the post they issued matteost the challenge of accompanying a police officer on a ride alongng representatives from the department say they hope he takes them up on the offerivm in order to gain an appreciation for the dangerous the situation police officers can unexpectedly encounterd i think that their constant patter for brandon f let's look to the windshield with that direction time will tell on and whether the student decides to accept the challengeeon. >> still to come here this canine has a way with the campus behold the dog up and see meet the pucci who is making it as an artist after his first job fell throughs cap next and sports cavaliers hosting the nuggets will have the latest from the queue and what's the latest on rg three will they be suiting up for there is a saying you cannot cough in new york is picking up a new skill like a champ meet dagger also known as dumping cheap he's a three year old black labrador retriever he was supposed to become an assistant dog for people with disabilities but his fear of going up and down stairs and disqualified him so he picked up a new trick from his owner who is an artist she realized hear had a way with the canvas after he saw her painting one day monday he was teaching me and i said do you want to paint dagger in his tail started to wag and i tell you i he was so excited to see the brush stroke on my, canvas it was almost as if she is a whole world had opened up. >> it spoke also reincarnated in gas at dad's paintings do sell at about 50 - -dash $100$1 per canvas all the proceeds go charities cavaliers won their second straight central division title with a convincing when whose 124 ra91 at the queue the cavaliers were aggressive and lebron of the jr chairs which have about jr easy buckets of their 33 points lebron james cavaliers had 38 assists use daily to fry lamaze and that looks easy spectacular james to jr and back end that way am with both hands a james and recorder to his 41st career triple-double 43 points 11 boards and 11 assiststsh as the cavaliers won convincingly and afterwards he told ali cliftonn it's having guys who can finish off the deal just being able to make multiple place for my teammates i can get don't knock them down the business in the rebound they put me in position to give the me assist nothing comes. >> the browns is splashed cold water on any calling cap and it talks>is the owners meetings the team will continue to investigate if he becomes a brownwn and wouldn't precludelu the team from drafting a quarterback high in this draft also today the nfl clarified a campbell and josh gordon's reinstatement when j appropriate in the browns are counting on him for 2016 he said the team has no plans to trade chert promise dating that joe is our lefts tackle and they are not certain joe haden will be readyad for the start of theth surgery while carlos carrasco allowed three runs on six hits today the indians scored five in the seven to beat the white soxhe delivering two runs in the giovanni rashad at will give his fifth get his fifth home run of the springn the power the attackth at goodyear ballpark in the indians went over the white sox nine - -dash for which a final score quite thel homecoming for a future olympian today right here on the north coast ha. >> and as charles conwell junior returning to cleveland todayan after securing a spot on the us boxing team the 18t -year-old with a gold medal and the americas olympic qualifier in argentina over the weekend is a senior at cleveland heights high school and the youngestei person ever on the team usa boxing squad. >> at going into a tournament i had to take top threeto for the olympics in the beginning it turned i knew i was can i go home with the gold b at a strategy and a game plan and >> course pro christian academy in willoughby saluted his division for champions they were david t lincoln views goliath at beating the state's top-rankedat team in the title game by 18 the best player i totally a sophomore in the sky's the limit it was definitely one of our goals of the season we know if we worked hard it could beou one of the things we accomplished just happening is crazy. >> and congratulations and bw women indoor track champs in america. >> thank you for your time at is anyone else troubled by the spider-man theme song? why would trouble you? it's, like, your third favorite cartoon theme song. it is, right behind do do-do do-do, inspector gadget... ...and teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes a half-shell others: turtle power! hover, the spider-man lyrics posit that "spider-man, spider-man es whatevea spider can." yeah, so? can think of many things spider-man can't do that spider can. one: crawl in your ear and die.

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