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I see, well expose it all in the skinny. This is wednesday, may 10th. Announcer from abc news, this is world news now. Obama rocking the ray donovan look. Very relaxed in italy. Must be really, really hot there. Start things off. Excuse me, i interrupted you. Go ahead. Start things off with the shocking turn of events in washington. Fbi director james comey now out of a job, fired by President Trump. Comey in the midst of investigating russian the aisle are questioning the president s timing on the front page of the New York Times today, the entire termination letter from the president to comey. Saying his decision was necessary to restore public trust in the fbi abcs david wright with the latest. Reporter fbi director james comey was out in los angeles for a recruitment event for new agents. Unaware it would seem that in washington. Excuse my breath, i ran out here to bring you the news. Coming out of the white house. Just fired the director of the fbi. Comey is out. Abruptly fired by his boss, president donald trump. As fbi director comey was accused by the democrats of helping trump win. Recently been a thorn in trumps side. In charge of the high profile probe into russian meddling in the november election, and, possible links between moscow and the trump campaign. Comeys sudden departure now clears the way for the president to name his successor. An historic day at the white house. The firing of an fbi director, by a president , is an extraordinarily rare event. It hasnt happened nearly quarter of a century. Reporter the president does not cite the russian comeys dismissal. Instead, the white house suggests comey fell short of fbi standards. Trump called the bureau one of our nations most cherished and respected institutions, and it will mark a new beginning for our crown jewel of law enforcement. Trump spokeswoman, Kellyanne Conway spoke with cnn andersen cooper. Not a coverup. The president makes clear, the fact that mr. Comey on three occasions assured the president he is not under investigation the this has nothing to do with russia as sure as some body must be getting 50 every time the word is said. Sean spicer says trump took the advice of rod rosenstein. He determined the fbi director lost his confidence. He forwarded that recommendation to the attorney general. And the president agreed. By all accounts, comey was taken aback. Caught flatfooted one agent described it. He told us the news popped up on the tv screens as comey was speaking suddenly everyones phones exploded. Over the past few days comey landed himself in yet another controversy over Hillary Clintons emails. The focus of so much turmoil during the campaign. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god. Thank you. Testifying last week before a joint senate committee, comey was at pains to explain his mails turned up on a computer l shared by clintons top aide, huma abedin, and abedins disgraced husband anthony weiner. The fbi admitted comeys testimony was inaccurate saying only a small number of emails were forwarded by abedin and none of the forwarded emails were marked classified. A small number of them however contained information that was later deemed classified. We still dont know what comey thinks of all this. He is now headed back from l. A. On the fbis private jet. David wright, abc news, new york. David, thank yo while comey may have been blindsided by all of this, President Trump did call congressional leaders to tell them about the decision. Though the president repeatedly slammed the investigation into russian meddling and denied collusion between his campaign and moscow, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer reiterating what Kellyanne Conway said insisting the decision to fire comey was prompted by the justice department. Well the Deputy Attorney general, was confirmed by the Senate Two Weeks ago. He oversees the fbi who is confirmed by 946. He has been a 30year career prosecutor, some one appointed by obama as u. S. Attorney for maryland. He determined the fbi director lost his confidence. Forwarded the recommendation to the attorney general. The president agreed with it. Sean spicer there overnight. President trump already met with the acting fbi director in the oval office. Andrew mccabe, 49 years old, served as comeys deputy. The wh for permanent replacement begins immediately. As you heard, democrats accusing the president of interfering with the russia investigation. Many republicans are asking why now . Some even saying the timing and reasoning behind the firing is very troubling. Abcs mary bruce has more reaction from capitol hill. Mary. Reporter diane, kendis swipt reaction from both side of the aisle. Leading republicans, senator Lindsay Graham say this is a fresh start that will serve the nation well. While democrats are already raising red flags. Many questioning if comey was fired because the white house feared he could possibly get to the bottom of any potential russia connection. Now the top democrat on the House Oversight committee is already calling for immediate emergency hearings saying the president fired the one independent person who was doing the most to investigate President Trump. Democarts now say this move underscores their call for an independent prosecutor to lead the russia investigations. Diane . Mary, thanks. Hearing from republicans saying time for a new start. This is a good move. We will hear the debate go on. A new development in the Ongoing Investigation into possible Russian Election interference. Yeah, before james comey was fired, federal prosecutors issued subpoenas to associates of former National Security adviser michael flynn. Seeking Business Records of people who worked with flynn, after he was forcinged out, as head of the Defense Intelligence agency. In the meantime, today President Trump will be holding his first face to face meeting with the highest ranking russian official that he has the met with so far as president. The president will meet Russian Foreign minister, sergei laserov in the white house a jen day will include syria, u. S. russia relations and global issues. All right, well have more coverage on the firing later on in the newscast and throughout the morning. But fresh controversy is swirling on capitol hill. Around Senate Majority leader reform. Mcconnell downplaying criticism of 13 senator Health Care Working group that contains no women. He says, the entire republican conference is, in fact, involved. Mcconnell says the focus on those 13 members is exaggerating its importance. Working group that counts is all 52 of us, we are having extensive meetings every day. Nobody is being exclued based on gender. You need to write about what is actually happening. And we are having a discussion about the real issues. Everybody is at the table. Everybody. Scuss health care reform. Y to he told reporters to pay more attention to the actual policy discussion and less on gender politics. Also under fire. House Speaker Paul Ryan confronted by protesters, hundreds of them as he left a Charter School in new york citys harlem neighborhood. Ryan visiting Success Academy criticized for inviting ivanka trump to visit in november. The school is one of the highest performing Charter Schools. Barack obama is getting attention for an address in italy, not anything he said. Cutting down on distractions at school. Districts new approach is sparking debate, should certain apps be blocked when in the classroom. Aduation. Veryone at dent when he walks to get his diploma. First, a look at todays forecast. Announcer world news now weather brought to you by liberator medical supply. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. No matter who was in there last. Protection. New lysol power fresh 6 goes to work flush after flush for a justcleaned feeling that lasts up to 4 weeks. Lysol. What it takes to protect. Allure best of beauty and Marie Claires most wanted. Olay eyes. Ageless. We are back with new video of a fight between passengers on a plane, with a Flight Attendant in the middle. Quite a wild scene. This comes on the heels of that chaos at Fort Lauderdale airport we told you about yesterday. Here is abcs david kerley. A sign of civility disappearing from aviation. A Flight Attendant pleading for security and the captain. Stop it. Then that same Flight Attendant slammed to the floor as two men continue to fight at the end of the flight to burbank. In all three passengers were involved before being pulled apart. One arrest in the sunday incident. Police in Fort Lauderdale called in when a crowd becomes angry and agitated that Spirit Airlines is canceling flights again. The travel nightmare continued. Lines out the door. Dozens more, flights canceled. Spirits week of cancellations, labor trouble, because pilots are refusing overtime flights. Southwest praised flight the attendants, and Spirit Airlines could face further cancellations. David kerley, abc news, Reagan National airport. Amazon is firing back in a battle with walmart over shipping costs. We learned ecommerce giant dropped its threshold for Free Shipping by 10 to 25. According to online price tracker, best black friday. The reported move comes four months after walmart reduced its Free Shipping threshold to 35. Do we hear 15 . 15. Dont think it counts from ing a lot of after school be tweeting abut a social media experiment. Three schools have blocked kids access to face book, instagram and 30 sites during the day. Officials want to see if student grads and, if theyre, their Graduation Rates that is and behavior improve. So two high schools, and one middle school are taking part in the expeerment. Another high school joins in monday. Here is the deal. They can do that. Students dont use instagram or facebook. Theyre all on snapchat. Snapchat. Block away. Go ahead. Hold my beer. And inspiring grad in the meantime out of florida. Check out the video. Sam bridgeman being helped on stage at university of south floridas conventionment. Bridgeman has a disorder that left him in a wheelchair for the past seven years. And now, he also has an mba. Both are great achievements there. Bridgeman challenged himself to walk across the stage to accept his two degrees. Congratulations. Big day. Yeah. When we come back, Channing Tatums message to women. The former president raising the temperature and a few eyebrows at a Climate Change summit. We have the skinny next. [000 15 35;00] eyebrows at a Climate Change summit. We have the skinny next. I will never wash my hair again. I will never never wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene. The first shampoo with active prov nutrient blends that puts in what others just strip out. Fueling 100 stronger hair. Dont just wash your hair fuel it skinny so skinny many people look at barack obama nowadays as the exboyfriend you keep running into, who is looking much better than you would like for him at this point. Very relaxed. Very relaxed. Tan, living his best life post white house. Turning up in milan to speak at a Climate Change event, sort of creating buzz right away. Not so much for the president s speech. People started saying he has gone too far having nothing to do with his comments and everything to do with his wardrobe. Look, look at that. By too far. One button too far. That is a deep cut. All right. One person tweeting, at his next speaking event. Obama is going to roll in with his shirt completely unbuttoned. Pina colada in hand. Umbrella too. I tried that look. Another says, obama undoes an additional button for each month he is out of office. Started out as a full suit. Up. Grab the popcorn. The tie and off with the button we go. To a man used to showing a little extra skin. Then some. Magic mike star, channing tatum, open letter in cosmo about hopes and fears for his daughter everly. Channing began, saying he hoped everly would read the letter when she is older, and she would be fearless and confident in who she was. He wants her rather to barack free of gender roles, adding when it is more women, start to truly feel this power in themselves, the world will become so magical, it makes my head hurt. Ah, actually concluded by saying, he created the magic mike live show he wanted to create a space to explore these themes. What themes are they . So. Everly should feel empowered enough to attend a male strip show. Feel confident i guess to be able to go to a male strip show, have enough money to make it rain. There we go. So, financial independence. Uhhuh. Yeah. Right. All right. Message across. By the way tickets for the show coincidentally are on sale and available now. Just so happens when he pens the letter. Yeah. Its, isnt it ironic. Didnt you think . Its like rain on your wedding day. I thought we were ready to new on. In news, beyonce still pregnant, shocking, posted images even more shocking. Stella mccartney shoes are 1,100, gucci bag, 2,700. Turns out her maternity wardrobe is well over 50,000. Just what she has got going on so far. And so that got us thinking about her maternity wear and what she has been wearing around. What all of these things, might cost. Yes. Now the producers have decided to put us to the test. Lets start it off. Well decide to look at many of her outfits. Fashion quiz. Guess the cost of the first look, Emerald Green dress. Wore to the beauty and the beast premiere. 400. I gather a good 1,000. The whole outfit . 2,000. Full outfit. What is it . No, keeping us suspense. Next up. Oh. 29,150. You have got to be kidding me . Is there gold in that . What . Can she fly . I know she is a goddess and all. Up next, pretty in a pink dress, at maama tinas, alvin ailey benefit. Ill go 2,000. 10,000. Final price. 15,000. 8,000. Bargain. A steal. A bargain. They have passions to pursue. How do they avoid trips to the post office . Stamps. Com mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. Get a 4 week trial, plus 100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. Go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. This clean was like pow everything well . My teeth are glowing. They are so white. Step 1 cleans. Step 2 whitens. Crest [hd]. 6x cleaning , 6x whitening a i would switch to crest [hd] over what i was using before. Two kids barfed in class today. It was so gross. Lysol disinfectant spray kills 99. 9 of bacteria, one more way youve got what it takes to protect. In new herbal essences its bio renew a blend of sea kelp, aloe and antioxidants that help bring your hair back to life. New herbal essences. Let life in. Bowwow yippeeyo few things as sad as walking through an animal shelter, notice every dog getting attention, love, adoption papers being signed. Then . The lonely dog off in the corner. The workers at places try to help out. Jumping into action. At this one shelter, they got, extremely creative launched a social Media Campaign to find an owner in the process created a star. Abcs david muir has the story. Reporter the faces of the dogs desperate for a home. We learned of a program called empty the shelters. The Bissell Pet Foundation effort that placed 7,000 dogs and cats in homes across several states. The hugs, kisses in so many cases, new families taking them home. But we heard of the story of 1yearold eastwood from harbor andoned, stray lab found over the holidays. Born with an issue with his leg and problem with one eye, they say he is a love. The Little Traverse Bay Humane Society held an empty the shelter adoption events two weeks ago to pay fees and paperwork. Every single dog and cat adopted there except for eastwood. But they didnt give up. Posting pictures of east wood on facebook, immediately hundreds of requests. Coming around the corner, eastwoods new family. Weve been waiting all morning. The van gundys all there. Eastwood wearing a Detroit Pistons bandanna, because it turns out his new dad, stan is head coach. The pistons tweeting out a welcome to eastwood, writing after all this attention, that head coach is no longer the most famous member of that family. You see east wood everywhere, if you google east wood he comes up before clint eastwood, yeah about as famous as it gets. Reporter on their way home, a final wave, and eastwood right there in the car. David muir, abc news, new york. Very cute dog. Going to get a lot of practice too, chasing basketballs. If they let him on the court. Should become the teams mascot. Perfect for pistons. Boom. Fashion photographer in new york does same thing for spca, option of many, many, many pets. Put them all in a book. Look at their cute little faces out there. Still havent gotten around to adopting. I want to adopt them all. Frank could have a brother or sister. Not 70 pound dog. The dog is cute. 70 pounds. Announcer this is abcs world news now informing insomniacs for two decades. Not 70 pound dog. The dog is cute. 70 pounds. Announcer this is abcs world news now informing insomniacs for two decades. Making news in america this morning, breaking news, a new fallout from the dismissal of james comey. The fired fbi director landed back in washington overnight. This as President Trump weighs in and members of Congress Respond from both sides of the aisle. So, whats next for the fbi . And what happens now to its investigations including the major one into the trump campaigns potential links to russia . Well hear from an fbi insider. Complete coverage live from washington. Plus new details about the tunnel collapse at a Nuclear Storage site. Were hearing from workers who were told to take cover. And new this morning, more airline anger. Another Customer Service headache for united caught on camera while southwest passengers, well, they were

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