Transcripts For WJLA News 7 At 11 20170509 :

Transcripts For WJLA News 7 At 11 20170509

alison: the series had fans on the edge of their seats. they told stephen tschida all about it tonight. hey, stephen. stephen: hi, alison. we were in the green turtle when the game ended, a lot of happy capitals fans inside the bar, looking forward to wednesday night back i d.c. at the verizon center for game seven. >> i'm so excited! it was a great win! >> hopefully they close it out wednesday night. it's going to be a good one. >> i mean, we get there, we get there, and we stop. i'm hoping we get there and take it there. thaten: they are hoping they win this time around for some will be hearing from the capitals later in the newscast. the lawsuit involving use ofender bathrooms. lawyers for gavin gri are arguing his case is still relevant even though he is about to graduate from his high school. the supreme court sent the case back to a lower court earlier this year. jonathan: searching for who left if i submitted graffiti on the georgetown campus -- searching for who left anti-somatic graffiti on the georgetown campus tonight. the police are asking anyone with information to come forward. alison: online sexual predators taken down in a three-day operation, it arrests made, some involving cases of child prostitution. jay korff is live with the important conversation taking ?jay?tonight. jay:o aliso according to experts, galleryw? i'm standing, is one of the hubs of sex trafficking and washington, d.c. we will tell you tonight how you can slow it down or prevent it. >> we do not hide the reality of human trafficking. jay: it is considered a nationwide epidemic by the d.c. attorney general. >> every three minutes, a child is sex trafficked. jay: traffickers use the streets and internet to lure vulnerable kids into this cruel underworld. >> they often run away and the trafficker is waiting around the corner. jay: she runs an agency helping young women who are escaping the clutches of exploitation. she and experts talked monday night to help kids and keep them from trafficking. >> the majority of the girls that we serve are sold and recruited onto the internet. may not were buying sex know they are buying don't open your door to strangers knocking. if you spotall 911 something or someone suspicious. jonathan: must-see video into the newsroom, a woman rescued through the sunroof of her dangling vehic in houston. she told the police she accidentally shifted into drive when she was parking. that did not work so well. she was not seriously hurt. new developments in the murders of nine people in phoenix, arizona. a man in custody for killing his mother's boyfriend was rebooked today on 26 charges. >> he just literally pulled out a gun. >> it's my brother. thishan: the police say man shot 12 people between august 2015 in july of 2016. investigators say all but one of the shootings were random, targeting people in a mostly latino section of phoenix. alison: closed in a hospital bed, this man you are about to see a hospital bed is accused of murdering two engaged doctors. they had their throats slashed in boston. the victims may have know their keller, but how is still a mystery. stopped theience work of more than 200 advisory board on hold as the trump administration is reviewing their necessities. this after the environmental protection agencyów remove nine scientist from review boards. the president is dismissing congressional testimony from the former acting attorney general. in tweets today he called the russian collusion story a hoax and old news. today, sally yates repeatedly said that she warned the white michael flynn could be blackmailed because of his communications with the russians. >> underlying conduct. we told the white house counsel general flynn had be interviewed -- had been interviewed by the fbi. alison: we learn today that former president obama also warned trump about flynn. been here over 100 years. the library opened in 1903 and close down in 1972. since then, it has been occupied in spurts, but much of the time it has sat vacant. >> a complete restoration, a very detailed and thorough restoration. stone by stone by stone. stephen: apple maintains that it will return the early 20th century luster to the building while infusing it with 21st century vitality. stephen tschida, abc 7 news. jonathan: we had a breaking news afternoon, adorable video and a happy outcome. adorable breaking news, ducklings rescued from a storm drain. they were reunited with mom. it took cooperation from firefighters, animal control, got involved. jonathan: they did a great job and they were very patient getting the ducklings out of a storm drain. ahead, official charges against a former star of "the bachelor." plus -- alison: pricey perks for politicians. the surprising member of local stronger is blasting without risking her bones. it's training her good cells... to fight the bad guys. stronger is less pain... new hope... more fight. it's doing everything in your power... and everything in ours. stronger, is changing even faster than they do. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. nancy: negative zika tests have found that three people tested positive for the virus last year. pregnant womenwo who thought they were negative but then found out they had zika. that retesting came after botched results from the d.c. public health lab because of a mistake in the formula and miscalculation by lab workers. 423 samples had to be retested by other public health l havetions still inconclusive results. -- 23 patients still have inconclusive results. jonathan: how much is too much to pay local politician? we are talking city council or county executive. alison: personal drivers, security details --should taxpayers pay for that? a seven on your side investigation found many taxpayers are, but it depends on where you live. jonathan: chris papst explains. your elected official makes about $100,000. >> wow. chris: they responding to the latest 7 on your side investigation. >> i don't think senators on capitol hill get that. ofis: the benefits package local officials, what they make and what they get. >> it depends on the amount of progress they provide. title of highest-paid goes to 000 per year, he makes more running prince george's county then governor larry hogan makes running the states. the also makes more than many senators. >> this type of compensation seems irrational. : chris d.c. mayor muriel bowser, montgomery county executive ike leggett, and muriel bowser get a security detail. in virginia, we cannot find one politician with an armed guard. >> i don't think somebody at that level needs that kind of protection. chris: what comes to drivers, the river again is the dividing line. >> i don't have a driver and i get around fine. chris: in virginia, lawmakers drive themselves. >> i love my job. the perks. is the chairman of the fairfax county board. she makes0 per year, half of what other executives make in d.c. were pg county. >> i like to drive myself. i've never found the need for having security. my biggest perk is i have a parking space at the government center. chris: prince george's has something none other has. aery member gets a car or $10,000 per your car allowance. a recent "washington post" article found in the last five years those councilmembers racked up more than 100 traffic hes. in their taxpayer-funded take-home cars. pensions, and health care costs are straining budgets across control spending can only come from the top. rationales for paying public official so much is you need to attract good, talented people. how do we explain the fact that in virginia they get by with paying their folks a lot less? are they that much less talented? that's hard to believe. chris: chris papst, abc 7 news. jonathan: 7 on your side requested camera interviews with ike leggett, baker, and muriel bowser. they did say that their compensation packages are set by law and are in line with other municipalities. if you want to see their full responses, go to tonight there are formal charges against former "bachelor" star chris souls. he faces charges of hit and run resulting in death. police said that he on an iowa highway and the tractor driver died. officers say he left the scene as alcohol in his truck. , famous for their "real beauty" campaign, is taking it a step further, using different shapes and sizes for their body wash bottles. ny were quick to criticize this idea. no word on when or where the bottles will be sold. want to crank up the heat tonight as you head to bed. it will be cold early tomorrow morning. degreesugh we are 57 right now at reagan national, dropping into the lower 40's winchester and luray. upper 30's oakland, maryland. stormwatch 7 satellite and radar, mainly clear skies at this hour. clear overnight, allowing temperatures to drop quickly. 35 to 45 overnight, the coldest temperatures north and west of the district. 42 to 45 early tomorrow morning inside the capital beltway. talking about a frost advisory northern montgomery county, pouting county, fauquier county, all the areas in light blue. to the west, mineral, hampshire, hardy, that is where you have a freeze warning. if you have an indoor plant that you brought outdoors, planted anything early, you may want to bring the plant inside or cover the plants that you have already planted to help protect them from the cold overnight. tomorrow morning, upper 30's, lower 40's. not staying there long. grab the sunglasses heading out the door, along with a warm jacket, especially if you are walking to a metro stop or grabbing coffee. it will be chilly. midday, clouds late afternoon, but we stayed dry for the early-morning rush and the early evening rush-hour commute. the forecast degrees the high. the average this time of year is just about 73, so what will be chilly for the ninth day of may. 65 thursday. a better chance of showers. lower 60's friday. d.c. united is playing saturday with 60 degrees the hive. mother's day, if you have ok, maybeans looking a stray shower, but not worth canceling the outdoor plans yet. next week, middle to upper 70's, near 80 degrees. alison: (announcer) there's more to life than the climb. there's the view. you've gotta stop and look around a little. come, shed life's layers in asheville. remember who you are. life is for the taking, not for taking it easy. asheville. discovery, inside and out. alison: the company behind coach handbags is purchasing its rival, kate spain. coach -- kate spade. coach said that it will help them reach younger shoppers. now, that was a good game. alison: so exciting. robert: lopsided, but good. jonathan: we like lopsided. robert: the capitals completely shut down the penguins tonight. sports is next. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. g design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. the volvo xc90. then you're a couple. think of all you'll share... like snoring. does your bed do that? 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n laughs] steve: it will be a cool start. grab your sunglasses and a warm jacket to start the day. highs in the middle 60's. with mother's day sunday. the temperatures will go from 60 saturday to 66 sunday, mother's day, and we are trending drier and warmer. jonathan: jimmy kimmel is next. alison:rraalways rightme is to do what is right. ralph northam. army doctor during the gulf war. volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. progressive democrat. in the senate, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound anti-choice law, and stood up to the nra. as lieutenant governor, dr. northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. ralph northam believes in making progress every day. and he won't let donald trump stop us. i'm at higher risk fore as depression.ave a stroke. i'm 26% more likely to develop an irregular heartbeat. i have a 65% higher chance of developing diabetes. no matter who we are, these diseases can be managed or prevented when caught early on. because with better research, the right medicine, and with doctors who help keep me healthy to begin with, we will thrive. ♪ you guys are really cousins. >> really cousins. >> first 'cause snin second? >> his mother and my father are brother and sister. >> oh, my god. i married my first -- second cousin. >> is that right? >> in north carolina you can do that. anyway. does it bug you that he kind of sends you out to do all that dirty work for him? >> like the pranks? >> the pranks. >> yeah. >> he gets to sit back in his comfy chair and orchestrate. it's kind of cowardice. >> yeah, i never really thought of it that way. yeah, but i mean i kind of think of us as a team. like he has the idea to paint my aunt chippy's house and i go out and do it and i'm there and she smacks me around and he laughs. >> yeah. i think somebody from hr might be interested in that. okay. well, thanks for your time, sal.

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North Carolina , United States , Washington , Asheville , Boston , Massachusetts , Virginia , Russia , Prince George , Fauquier County , Hampshire , Maryland , Arizona , Prince George County , Fairfax County , Phoenix , Houston , Texas , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Montgomery County , Baltimore , Russian , Russians , Larry Hogan , Sally Yates , Ike Leggett , Jimmy Kimmel , Trey Mancini , John Carlson , Muriel Bowser , Michael Flynn , Ralph Northam , Jay Korff , Gavin Gri ,

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