Transcripts For WJLA News 7 At 11 20170426 :

Transcripts For WJLA News 7 At 11 20170426

animals. alison: 7 on your side investigates, next. xanax cocktail being classed -- passed around a classroom, seven students at riverdale high school sent home. alison: and that is not the only place the cocktail was found. tom roussey is live with the investigation happening now. tom? tom: alison, xanax is supposed to be taken for anxiety, but teenagers are using it to try to get high, which apparently happened at riverbend middle school and another school just m street. >> am i concerned as a parent? . yes, i'm concerned schools, one day, nine students, all with the drinks believed to contain xanax. >> i don't know what is going on. tom: the loudoun county sheriff's office believes they shared a xanax-laced drinkn the school said after finding out, registered nurse determined the kids were ok. the sheriff's department said they were then sent home with a parent. >> it scares me it is happening at younger and younger ages. the police department is investigating a possible connection with what happened hours later down the street at potomac falls high. a student acting weirdly had apparently drank a xanax mixture. parents say this is a reminder. not the first time i've talked to him, but it was a good opportunity to reemphasize the danger of drugs. these kidsately, were ok, but the sheriff's office is concerned because xanax can be dangerous and these kids probably had no idea how much was in the drinks. the authorities are trying to determine where the xanax came county, tom roussey, abc 7 news. >> we just had a shooting at montgomery mall. three down, silver car. jonathan: terrifying moments in prince george's county one year ago. alison: today a former police officer pled guilty to shooting two and wounding two in the shooting spree. >> i don't know, i heard gunshots. he is in the mall right now. a frantic daughter pleas for help last may. her stepfather had just shot and killed her mother, gladys, outside of the maryland high school. >> she could not get out or drive away. jay: prosecutors say that tordil, protective service officer, wrote in a journal that he was distraught after his ex-wife accused him of abusing their daughters. he then gotten down a good samaritan while trying to steal a gun in bethesda. >> there are three down, silver car. killed another woman while trying to carjacker vehicle and aspen hill. the woman fought back and tour of his glasses. he walked around in a daze, sat down and ate lunch, and the police surrounded him and captured him when it was safe. >> hurting somebody is not in easy thing to do. jay: the authorities said that bydil thought he might die suicide by cop. he was hoping that it would be quick. jay korff, abc 7 news. jonathan: notorious d.c. murder case. hamill or butler -- pamela butler disappeared in 2009, but it was not until a couple weeks ago that jose rodriguez was arrested. investigators are also investigating the disappearance of cruz's wife. and we are closely watching developments that could change your friday commute on metro. alison: transit workers fed up and ready to take a stand by not coming to work. nancy chan has the latest. sources say that metro workers are planning to take action this week, but it will not be a sick out. a spokesperson for metro's largest union said they are not aware of any sick out, but says the union is looking at every legal action to combat what they are calling a hostile work environment. abc 7 news response to this metro is adjusting staffing. a spokesperson said that it is staffing based on an unusually high number of absence requests for friday. we will follow this developing story right here and heading into the weekend. alison: nancy, thank you. three people hospitalized after a small bus crashed into a group home on lawrence avenue in kensington. six residents are displaced, but none of the injuries are life-threatening. the cause is still under investigation. >> now, your stormwatch 7 forecast. josh: we are still tracking a few showers across the area thanks to this wave of low pressure, but finally moving out and through the day tomorrow we will really notice is the clouds break down. still showers closer to annapolis, if you outside of the metro. not looking for any stormy weather. lifts in just a few isolated showers. finally later in the day we get sunshine and clear out. tomorrow come into the mid-70's. just have to wait until after lunchtime for to clear out. when we hit 90 degrees later this week coming up. alison: josh, thank you. a search for a web are broken to 17 offices -- a search for whoever broke into 17 offices. the police say that this man fairfaxash and ipads in county. if you recognize him, call the police. jonathan: a 7 on your side investigation, where family say they are forced to live with mold, rats, and worse in northwest. alison: the district is now suing the complex owners. and bedbugs.ats, thes problems in this northwest washington apartment. >> we are treated worse than animals. tim: they also took video of water pouring into her apartment. this neighbor mainly speaks spanish. >> there was water here in the side. tim: but we did not need a translator to understand the problems. mold? >> mold. cockroaches. tim: those are some of the big things, but it's also small things. this awning is missing. district leader say the owners have neglected the building for years. will takeey general control of the building and give the tenets money from the owners. >> the office of the attorney general will not allow them to do that. tim: the building has 26 units, but has half of the apartments empty. >> drug use, crime. tim: is it dangerous? >> very dangerous. far have not heard back. reporting in northwest washington, tim barber, abc 7 news. jonathan: developing now, the uss michigan guided missile submarine has arrived in south korea. visitntagon calls the routine, despite continued tensions with north korea. the uss started deploying a different system that when complete tissue down incoming ballistic missiles. senatew the full u.s. will travel to the white house for a briefing with the president on north korea. as the probe into possible russian meddling in the elections moves forward, there is a new deputy attorney general to oversee that. the senate confirmed the maryland attorney to be the deputy attorney general. alison: and here is a look at the headlines from the white house when you wake up. tomorrow the president will unveil tax reforms that include a 15% coor y to prevent a deficit increase. the plan is said to include infrastructure spending. the white house will not comment on information about the former national security adviser michael flynn's contacts. the leader of the house oversight committee said that flynn likely broke the law by failing to disclose payments from russia and turkey. and the border wall continues to be a sticking point in negotiations over a spending bill. congress has until midnight friday to pass the bill to avoid a government shutdown. jonathan: there is a page being have texas senator ted cruz have assets seized from drug lords as part of its case. said that would go a long way in helping build the wall. alison: a blor for the trump administration, a federal judge said the administration cannot withhold funding from century communities. place assion stays in the issue plays out in court. sanctuary cities include washington, d.c., as they limit cooperation with immigration authorities. no word on what caused this devastating fire in college park. nobody was hurt in yesterday's did $40 million worth of damage. the fire generated the largest response in the history of the prince george's county fire department. our consumerad n alert, a warning about a possible data breach at chipotle restaurants. alison: and could a fitbit read the key to solving a murder? this is the silverado special edition. man: this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. woman: ooohh!! uh! man 2: hooooly mackerel. man 3: wow. man 4: nice. strength and style. which one's your favourite? come home with me! make a strong decision. find your tag and get 16% below msrp on select silverado 1500 pickups in stock. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. jonathan: incredible first-hand video of the end of a chase. he crashes and goes over on the side. with guns drawn, the police move in. first, they rescue him. then they realize he is ok and then they arrest him. alison: the mayor rapids, michigan, said she will procedures over concerns about what happened with body camera video. the video shows the officer are holding a unarmed teenagers at gunpoint until another officer arrives. nobody was hurt and the teenagers were not arrested. the police chief said the officer followed protocol after he read a report of a group of armed teenagers fighting. jonathan: a fitness tracking device may hold the key to a murder case. the cases from connecticut. the man is charged with killing his wife in 2015. he told the police and intruder had killed her. specifically looked at her fitbit and found the story was not matching the timeline on the device. the next hearing on the cases friday. former president george h w bush is still the hospital, dealing with the effects of chronic bronchitis. the 92-year-old has been hospitalized now for a week. alison: new court. he is accused of leaving the scene of a deadly crash on a farm. his truck it a tractor last night and killed the driver. court documents say that he had alcoholic beverages and containers. is being held on bond. last month they came together to save a life. today was better circumstances. alison: the reunion was a chance for her to say thank you to the sick strangers who saved her life. six year bash to the strangers who saved her life. veteran thanked god for having them in the right place to save her life. >> their actions were truly the most critical reason why she is still alive today. >> i have a second chance at life. alison: began cpr, the others flag down a fire and he makes unit that happened to be driving by. thatfire and ems unit happened to be driving by. forthan: more bad news chipotle, word of a possible data breach. chipotle said there was owned out the rise activity on their payment system that happened between march 24 and april 15. a took steps to stop the activity right away and will notify customers as they find out more. some samsung users are seeing red, literally. customer say that the brand-new galaxy has a red tint to the screen. at first the company said, just the color settings. well, now it is acknowledging and theyem is there are rolling out a software update to fix it. alison: it has been one year since beyoncé dropped her "lemonade" album. formation scholarship for women that will be given at four different colleges, including howard university. the school says it will have more information about the scholarship in the next month. jonathan: big news for movie in 2019, expect the highly anticipated "frozen 2." i know you are going nutty with that,alison. as well as star wars episode ix. and a live-action remake of "the lion king." alison: how do you top those? jonathan: you cannot. there is a lot to keep up in the world of fashion, but this is a head scratcher. alison: these are muddy jeans being sold at nordstrom for $425. jonathan: what! alison: nordstrom says they show that you are not afraid to get down and dirty. jonathan: you can buy levi's or wranglers for about $40, and because of all the rain we've had, wake them on your pants. alison: and then you can charge an arm and leg for them. josh: and these are probably not jeans thatorst they sell. will still be sought you tomorrow, but we are finally starting to dry out and things would be much better. now,rs pushing in right hanging onto it in the same places early tomorrow morning. still the same wave of low pressure that brought us rain even saturday. it is now finally moving up. wakingw morning, 6:30, up to drizzle, but the clouds slowly break down through the day. they are still with us around lunchtime, unless you live further to the west. winchester looking good, more of the shenandoah valley, but it will take a cover. tomorrow evening on the way home from work and school, finally will enjoy the drier weather and clear skies. thek out thursday, 73:0 in morning, sunny skies, a slight chance of a shower to the west thursday evening. i don't think that will be an issue for dcu tomorrow morning, pretty comfortable as far as the temperatures go, still cloudy. 57 d.c., 53 manassas, 55 leesburg. by the afternoon, when we get the sunshine breaking through, we jump quickly, 75 degrees. the average high officially from way 70, so we go below to well above, especially thursday come 85 degrees high. cooler along the bay, 78 annapolis, 88 fredericksburg. and we continue from there. 75 tomorrow, 85 thursday, drive. hit 90 degrees, the first time this spring. with that we can see in isolated storms, more likely further to the west, closer to the blue ridge mountains. 83 sunday, that is a tricky day of the forecast. that could change the next few days. a good chance of rain shows up next monday. after that, finally more springlike temperatures. jonathan: josh, thanks. kids take a lot of things for granted for a birthday party. alison: but homeless children do not always get that chance. nobody does underwater stunts, sylvia. except me, of course. this is my stop. adios! ♪ if you're a stuntman, you cheat death. it's what you do. if you want to save or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. número uno! alison: a touching story from wisconsin. a seventh grader started a charity to throw birthday parties for homeless children. lawmakers are recognize erring her -- are recognizing her with the hometown hero award, but she said a positively. alison: she has thrown more than 50 of the celebrations for children. each kid gets a cake, a gift, and lots of decorations. jonathan: that is a special little girl. erin: i love that. such a great idea. i would love to be there for one of the parties. good for her. feel a going to work tomorrow, don't worry. scottzards head coach brooks says, go ahead, skip it. and the nationals and rockies finally got underway after a rain delay. it if you want to see the wizards play in game five, watch "good morning washington" for chance to win a pair of tickets. ♪ [doorbell] ♪ ♪ when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪ visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ creating a cleaner environment by using cleaner energy sources like solar, wind and natural gas. we've reduced carbon emissions by nearly 25%, which is the equivalent of taking close to two million cars off the road. cleaner air and cleaner water. it's good for all of us. dominion. depend on us for more than energy. >> and now the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. erin: after a rain delay, the nationals and rockies got underway in colorado. the nats scored early and often. bryce harper has been so good, base hit through the right side. trea turner can fly, carlos gonzez all the way from first. top of the second, bases-loaded for daniel murphy. he splits the outfielders with a gapper to left center, clearing the bases. it is a triple for murphy. inht now the nats lead 8-3 the fifth inning. with the series tied at 2-2, the wizards will host the hawks tomorrow night, tip-off at 6 p.m., making it difficult for fans to get to the verizon center right after work. head coach scott brooks says just take the day off, we need you there. it might throw everybody a little off because it's an hour early, but get it out there that is important to be there. our crowd has been great. just go to work. come to the verizon store center wednesday. and new redskins receiver terrel pr alison: a final look at the weather? josh: i don't want people to he saidand say, whoa, it would be so nice. it's by the afternoon and evening things clear up, 75. thursday, we hit 80. with a 90 degrees saturday, a good chance we get pop-up thunderstorms. in general, a big improvement this coming weekend from what we had last weekend. you are looking for spring weather, we get that starting next tuesday. jonathan: that looks really nice next week. jimmy kimmel's next. alison: have a great night. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! chris evans, from "brockmire," amanda peet, and music from mastodon. and now, hold everything, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. hi. i'm jimmy. i'm the host. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. it's good to be back from vacation. [ cheers and applause ] i appreciate that. i hope you had a great weekend, a good spring break. april fools' day came and went and donald trump is still president. so i guess that's real. [ laughter ]

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