Transcripts For WJLA Jimmy Kimmel Live 20170511 : comparemel

Transcripts For WJLA Jimmy Kimmel Live 20170511

guillermo, hello, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. that's very nice. we have not a moment to waste. you are very kind. we have a lot to get to tonight. starting with what might be the most shocking episode of "the celebrity president" yet. as i'm sure you've heard by now, president -- what is his last name? trump? president trump yesterday said adios to james comey, who was director of the fbi, and also was in charge of investigating his campaign's relationship with the russians. he fired the guy who is investigating him. you know when we said trump should act more presidential? we probably should have specified we didn't mean nixon. [ laughter ] although nixon supported universal health care. not only did james comey get fired, the way he got fired, trump had his long-time personal bodyguard deliver a letter in a manila envelope to fbi was fired. james comey wasn't there, he was here in l.a. speaking to a group of fbi agents. they had the tv on. he sees on the news that he was fired. he thought it was a prank. for real, he thought it was -- which makes you wonder what kind of friends he has in the first place. it wasn't a prank. donald trump has only pulled one prank, it was getting elected president by selling the most hats. [ cheers and applause ] and to make the situation even stranger, our local news channels here in l.a. went to live helicopter coverage of james comey's car. why, i don't know. but they followed him like it was a high-speed chase. >> he's on the 405 in that motorcade going down south through the mara vista area. >> breaking news, it's the 105 freeway, they're headed directly to the airport. >> we've been kind waiting to see if we would get a glimpse of him. he's a very, very tall man, james comey appears to be getting on that plane. >> looks like that might have been him boarding that plane. we are now looking at this live has become a very different day than planned for the former fbi director. >> jimmy: yeah, well. you know, when you're not with the fbi, you can't go on the plane. it's a rule. must have been a united flight, i guess. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] once the news of the firing broke, team trump scrambled, most of them didn't know it was happening, white house stress secretary, sean spicer, he's in the naval reserve. every so often he has to go on active duty for a few days. yesterday when the comey firing happened, he was about to leave for his reserve duty. and he didn't want to answer questions. so he hid in the bushes outside the white house. for real. sometimes you've got to stop and smell the rose garden, you know? unfortunately for him, a group of reporters spotted him. i guess they heard crying in the bushes. and spicer finally agreed to co their camera lights off and their cameras -- i guess for some reason he felt like the white house press secretary crawling out of his hiding place might an bad visual. so he had them turn the cameras off. and they did. and then he talked to them. sean spicer is about two weeks away from throwing down a smoke bomb and disappearing like batman. [ laughter ] without sporty spicer trump was apparently unhappy with the coverage on cable news. he didn't like the way people were reacting to his decision. so he dispatched his team of henchpeople led by someone who i thought might have run away. kellyanne conway is back. >> he brought back his reputation. he brought it back. he's got to hang tough because there's a lot of people want him to do the wrong thing. what he did was the right thing. >> so now your white house is saying that what he did was wrong, but previously, as a candidate, donald trump was saying it was the right thg. that don't belong together. thanks for the trip down memory lane. i was on your show often last fall saying we were going to win michigan and how we were going to do it so that was fun. >> jimmy: that's quite an eyeroll. she is back and better than ever. right now there's no permanent director of the fbi. so this is a very good time to rebroadcast or retransmit games without the express written consent of major league baseball. [ laughter ] [ applause ] don't do it, it's a crime. attorney general jeff sessions who recused himself from the russian investigation is now leading the search for a new director of the fbi. who would then presumably lead the russian investigation. is it possible he doesn't know what the word recuse means? that's when you keep doing something, right? i recuse to give up! [ laughter ] so today sessions released what they're calling the shortlist. according to this list, the next director of the fbi will be one of these people. it will be either dog the bounty hunter. or this man, jona lchljonald d.. he's a newcomer but he's very, very good that i can tell you. cbs caught up with vladimir putin to get his take on the departure of james comey, boy did they pick a weird spot to find him. >> how will the firing of james comey affect u.s./russian relations? [ speaking russian ] >> there will be no effect. [ speaking russian ] >> translator: your question was very comical, don't be angry with me. we have nothing to do with that. [ speaking russian ] >> translator: however, i would like to announce that president trump is one sexy [ bleep ]. by the way, how cute do i look in this outfit? >> jimmy: very, very he's a cutie putie is what he is. [ applause ] while all this nonsense is going on in washington, president obama is in italy sporting a very casual new look. it's the i do not give a flying you know what about anything look. he hasn't been buttoning his shirt lately. i think he's auditioning to be the new dos equis spokesman. [ laughter ] he seems to be enjoying his time away from the white house almost as much as donald trump is hating his time in it. meanwhile, i know it's a little early to start talking about 2020 but there's a major new figure on the political scene in california, antonio sabato jr. that's right, actor, model and dancing star antonio sabato jr. is running for congress. please hold your applause. [ laughter ] he's running in the 26th congressional district. 26 is also what place he came in on "dancing with the stars." [ laughter ] i don't know if you remember, he spoke ought the republican national convention over the summer. he said he firmly believes president obama is a muslim. see, that is problem with trump becoming president, it gives other nutty celebrities the idea they can do something like this too. antonio you may know is best known for starring on "general hospital." maybe he knows something about health care, i don't know. but i will say, i applaud antonio sabato jr. for putting his nonexistent acting career on hold to make this country a better place. that is quite a sacrifice. [ cheers and applause ] and i believe he has the ability to reach across the aisle and work with both the bold and the beautiful. [ laughter ] hey, did you see this? the photo of saturn that went around social media? monday nasa tweeted this picture of saturn which -- what does that look like to you, guillermo? >> guillermo: well -- i think it's a boob. >> jimmy: it does. saturn spacecraft captured this pic of saturn's hexagonal polar jet stream in reflective light. wow, check out the hexagonal polar jet stream on her. now we know why nerds love space. this is another social media phenomenon today. bow wow, the artist formerly known as little bow wow, is in the middle of an embarrassing fix. monday bow wow posted this to instagram. travel day, new york city press run for growing up hip-hop, let's go, i promise to bring y'all the hottest show ever. unfortunately, later that day, someone tweeted this user named osama bin drinking shot, a photograph of the back of bow wow's head. he wrote, so this guy little bow wow is on my flight to new york. but on instagram he posted a picture of a private jet. captioned, traveling to new york today. well. i for one am shocked and sad ened to learn a celebrity would about how wealthy he is. [ laughter ] turns out the picture, someone did a reverse google image search of the private plane he posted. it was a stock photo from a transportation service in florida. [ laughter ] so whenever something dumb happens, if you look hard enough, you will trace it back to florida eventually. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] anyway. not only is this an awkward situation for bow, it's an embarrassment for the entire wow family. and also embarrassing for the guy on that commercial flight who accidentally admitted he follows bow wow on instagram. [ laughter ] all right, now it's time to take a journey into the future. my future, specifically. 30 years from now when i'm old and gray and no longer hosting the show, i will need money. probably badly. and the way i plan to make that money is by selling crap to you on television. like this. >> the following is a paid advertisement for ameri-cane industries, china. >> hello, i'm former host and three-time prison esca escapee jimmy kimmel. when you get to be my age you have a new best friend. no, not your nurse. she's been stealing your social security checks. i'm speaking about your cane. canes are great but huge design flaw has plagued them for eons. when you let go, they fall down. whoa. that could have hurt someone's foot. but worry no more. introducing the cane cane. the cane for your cane. using it is so easy. simply attach your cane cane to your regular cane and then let go. look, ma, no hands. just kidding, my mother's been dead for a long time. no more hurting your back, no more falling down like a sad old baby. cane cane stands up for you. >> ever since i started using cane cane, over once. >> my cane cane is always on my side. unlike my husband, who left me for a whore. >> to give your cane the indicate deserves call the number on your screen. >> order now and you'll get a cane cane cane absolutely free. >> order now. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, order now, order later. we are going to take a break. when we come back, as an early mother's day gift we went around the office, we asked members of our staff to read texts from their moms. and they did, so stick around, it's fun. we'll be right back. a naturally aspirated 5.0-liter v8 engine. a 10-speed direct-shift transmission. a meticulously crafted interior. combining them with near-perfect weight distribution... a feat of amazing. experience the first-ever 471-horsepower lexus lc 500 or the multistage hybrid lc 500h. experience amazing. welcome to maxx you. you are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. we see what makes you unique. so we have something for everyone, at a price that's just right for you. maxx you. maxx life. t.j.maxx like the maple bacon dijon signature craburger.cipes. applewood smoked bacon with sweet maple seasoning. grilled onions. and a creamy dijon sauce with a hint of honey. on chicken or seared beef. you never know what'll inspire you. but i take it all with me, and give it all back. experience more as a member. the marriott portfolo has 30 brands so no matter where you go, you are here. of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. man: let's go! man #2: we're not coming out! man #1: [ sighs ] flo: [ amplified ] i got this. guys, i know being a first-time homeowner is scary, but you don't have to do this. man #2: what if a tree falls on our garage? woman: what if a tornado rips off our roof? flo: you're covered. and you've bundled your home and auto insurance, so you're saving a ton. come on. you don't want to start your new life in a dirty old truck. man #3: hey. man #1: whoa, whoa. flo: sorry. woman: oh. flo: you're safe. you're safe now. woman: i think i'm gonna pass out. can you stop using the bullhorn? flo: i don't make the rules. get 25% off nike for mom.llhorn? that's 25% off select nike shoes, apparel and accessories just in time for mother's day! and, everyone gets kohl's cash! earn it on everything! spend it on anything! right now at kohl's. introducing the fios gigabit connection with download speeds up to 940 megs that are 20x faster incredibly, it's $79.99 a month for one year. comcast charges you $89.99 for a triple play that only offers 200 mgs speeds. switch to the most powerful internet at the most revolutionary price. get fios gigabit connection for $79.99 a month and we'll give you tv, hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years all with a 2 year agreement. so act fast. go to washed up? never.times. l'oreal's new age perfect rosy tone moisturizer. increases cell renewal. boosts skin's rosy tone - instantly. new age perfect rosy tone from l'oreal paris. and we're still worth it. voluminous original mascara from l'oreal. in black and now in blue l'oreal's creamy formula builds 5 times the volume the soft-bristle brush separates every lash it's america's #1 mascara for a reason the one and only voluminous original mascara from l'oréal paris >> jimmy: hi, there welcome back. billy crudup, ariel winter, music from wale. sunday is mother's day. do you get your mother a gift? >> guillermo: flowers and i take her to dinner. >> jimmy: what about your mother-in-law? >> guillermo: i haven't talked to her in six years. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, very good. on mother's day we take our mothers to brunch, we give them flowers, we let them know how much we love them, then we go back to screening their phone calls the rest of the year. moms are the best, especially when it comes to sending texts. as a tribute to the mothers of the world, we went around our office today, we asked some of the people who work here to read actual texts from their actual moms and this is what they shared. >> hi, ben. my friends that came to watch your comedy said your eye contact and stage presentation was good, and you are very good and funny there are very good comedian, they do well, like bill companiesby and others without the dirty jock. this is 2012. but still. >> hey that pic you put on instagram, you look like a movie glamor girl. where are you going? your boobs look bigger. are you wearing a pushup bra? >> what is facebook etiquette when someone pokes you? do you poke back or what? a high school friend who i only see at reunions just poked me. what should i do? she poked me a year ago and i didn't respond. i thought i had removed the poke. i wonder instead if i poked her? love, mom. >> right now i'm trying to take your dad to the mall to distract him. he's on facebook too much. married men should not be allowed on that thing. i'm going to shut it down and don't tell him. call me. >> fyi, yesterday at cards i was told to use vick's vaporub on my cuticles. can't wait to try that tonight. >> our paint history has joint pain started using this cream, parentheses, odor free, and gets a lot of relief. buys it on amazon for a great savings. thought it was worth sharing with you. >> son, i have no clue where you are but you need to call your mother. so don't make me put out an apb on you because you know i will. call me, love love. i'm at work. >> jane told me her nantucket housekeeper died two weeks ago. >> we went to red hook and met a glass blower. he's going to do our chandelier. it's going to look like rice paper only made out of glass when it's turned on. naturally i then did an extensive real estate search on real estate and redbook. it's perfect except for it tends to go under water. but we had an adventure with young people. we're so cool. >> i sent my mom a grocery list because i wanted to make the family dinner. and she responded, no one likes you. >> i am so frigging exhausted because my dog is a [ bleep ]. got home from your house at 8:30 p.m. after babysitting charlie all day so i was already tired and hungry. then i came home to [ bleep ] all over the white throw rug. i was on hands and knees for one hour trying to clean rug. i finally had a bite to eat and went to bed around 11:00 p.m. then barney woke me up every hour to go outside to [ bleep ]. i literally was up midnight to 6:00 a.m. of course i then had to get up for the day and he got to sleep all day. oh, and i almost forgot that when i woke up there was [ bleep ] all over the dining room rug again. i don't know how so much [ bleep ] can come out of such a small dog. >> are you seeing your imaginary girlfriend today? [ laughter ] >> my mom is obsessed with al looks, today al was at loyola university trying to break the record for most people crab walking for two minutes with no tushes touching the ground. they had 494 which beat the old record by 118. thanks for the roker report, mom. >> i sent my mom a picture of a new bathing suit i just bought and she said, it's cute, butte you've got to start working out, you're beautiful but you're too heavy, you don't want it to get to the point where you can't lose the weight. even if you work out in your room. thanks so much, mom. happy mother's day. >> jimmy: oh, well, that's -- happy mother's day. [ cheers and applause ] i guess we got to do this. but you understand what i mean. we got a good show. tonight wale is here with g-eazy. from "modern family", ariel winter is here and we'll be right back with billy crudup. so stick around! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by new mobil 1 annual protection. protect your engine for one full year with just one oil change. mom, i have to tell you something. dad, one second i was driving and then the next... they just didn't stop and then... i'm really sorry. i wrecked the subaru. i wrecked it. you're ok. that's all that matters. 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[ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night ewan mcgregor will be here, from "scandal" katie lowes will join us and we'll have music from at the drive in. so join us tomorrow night too. our first guest is a tony-award winning actor who sings and dances his little heart out in "alien covenant." >> a hidden planet that turns up out of nowhere and happens to be perfect for us. this is a monumental risk not worth taking. >> i'm not committing to anything, i'm trying to navigate the path as it unfolds before us. this has the potential to be a better habitat for our colony. and that was a human voice in that transmission. it's our responsibility to investigate -- >> it's our responsibility to protect the 2,000 colonists on this ship. >> jimmy: "alien: covenant" opens in theaters may 19th. please welcome billy crudup! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. >> it so is nice to see you. >> jimmy: your costar danny mcbride and his clip had an alien and a spaceship in it. >> tell me which one he was again. >> jimmy: he was the guy who looks like kenny powers. >> oh, that guy's hilarious, no wonder they showed so much action. i told my son, dad's in an action movie, you'll be so excited that i'm not just sitting around talking about my feelings. and that's the clip you have to show. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> i will tell you this, i did have some action sequences which were mostly running from aliens. >> jimmy: yes. >> not towards them. >> jimmy: right, no. >> at a certain point, no spoilers, but captainer on recommend takes care of base. that being said, i like to exercise, get out and jog. >> jimmy: i heard that about you, i read that in the magazines, yeah. so i was out in sydney. and i guess the politically correct way of telling the story is that i tripped and fell. and landed on a tree stump. and cracked a rib. and then had to go to work that day. we were working splits. it's a movie term, don't worry -- >> jimmy: what is the unpolitically correct way of telling this story? >> the tree was eyeballing me. it's kind of an uncomfortable position to be in any foreign country as an american right now. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, right. >> i took offense to the way this australian tree was looking at me, and like any good new yorker i went after it, i was going to uproot it, burn it. it tripped me, i broke a rib. but i went to work, jimmy. >> jimmy: you did. >> that very night with a cracked rib. it was an undisplaced fracture, they say. it didn't puncture the lung. that would have been great if it did. i told everybody by kind of not telling them that i broke a rib. they cut all of that from the movie. >> jimmy: did scene. >> jimmy: your heroism went unrecorded. >> there was no broken rib in that scene, just hurt feelings. >> jimmy: did you tell your son you broke the rib? >> of course, i flew back home two or three days later and i was like -- i was very excited to see him, it had been three weeks since i had been in australia. listen, bubba, i'm going to be excited to see you but you mustn't touch daddy, daddy is very fragile at this point because i have a broken rib. he took care of me the entire weekend. >> jimmy: did he really? >> yeah, you should tell any of your children as they get older that you've got a broken rib, and they will take care of you. >> jimmy: don't touch daddy. >> your belly -- >> jimmy: i have a feeling mine will specifically touch daddy. your son is 14? >> 13. almost taller than me now. he's a william as well. >> jimmy: he is. >> and i'm a william. and your son william. between the two of them in their 13 1/2 years, they have accomplished more than in my 48 years. so i'm conside because i can't live up to it. >> jimmy: were you always billy? >> there was a brief period of time, there was a cool kid in middle school, william, who had a comb in the back of his pocket? what was his last name? >> can't remember. >> jimmy: really, okay. >> yeah, because it's better that i don't give them any more press. he got all the girls in seventh and aid grade, he doesn't deserve to -- >> jimmy: that never ends well, really. >> his hair was so cool. wow, if i change my name. my name was william. i didn't have to change it. but if i get rid of the nickname. maybe i could have the cachet. no, didn't fly. >> jimmy: that did not work. >> what name do you think i could live up to in the williams now have taken all of the -- >> jimmy: i think you could live up to ethan. [ laughter ] >> listen. i'm a big fan. ethan hawke is a good friend of mine and i can't live up to that, try something else. trust me, i went through the list. >> jimmy: what about elliot? you got life? >> i can shoot for elliot gould. >> jimmy: is that the only elliot you can think of? >> the only one i can think of. >> jimmy: i have a friend named elliot. >> what's his status? >> jimmy: well, he went off on a bicycle with e.t., you know? [ laughter ] i think of him as a friend. don't worry about it, you've done quite well for yourself. >> i do what i can. >> jimmy: this is not a therapy session, this is a place to come and share. >> every time i'm here i feel like it's a roast of some kind. >> jimmy: it's not a roast of any kind, we know you like to exercise. you do mention that you exercise every time. and i feel like it's a shot at me. >> i just want to get the word out there. i'm getting older, it's harder to get the parts where i can move around. i read the script on the plane here. i read the script of the movie i'm about to do, and it said elgin, the character, in his 50s. and i thought, who could -- oh, crap. wait, i'm fast approaching 50. so maybe there's casting directors who watch this, you don't know. i have to net you have this gig, i'm always looking for something. >> jimmy: i feel you look at my body -- >> i'm not here to talk to you, i'm here to sell goods and get a job. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> i'll live up to that. >> jimmy: will your son see this movie? is it too gory? >> i confess, i went to the screening. they said, would you like to see the movie before you do press? and i thought, yeah, probably a good idea. sam rockwell is a very good friend, he's been obsessed with i'll yep since he was a kid, he'd send picture of him with the alien. i said, would you like to come to a screening? he said, oh my god, yes, that would be amazing, can i bring my mom? and i thought -- you know. cool, man. i mean, that's -- sure, that's fine. it's really gory, dude. i don't know if this is going to be the kind of thing for like a mom and the son. well, they saw the origi out, and they screamed the entire time. they thought it was the goriest -- >> jimmy: his mother loved it? she wasn't yelling at him, are you sure? >> no, she saw -- when -- because he didn't tell her we were seeing "alien." >> jimmy: it was a surprise. >> it was a surprise, that was the word i was looking for, good for you. >> jimmy: it's one of those obscure words, you don't hear it much. >> i can't keep up with you. what's the thing where it comes up -- a surprise. >> jimmy: a surprise, right. >> so when "alien," the letters come up very slowly, when she sees "alien" she screams. it's just the three of us in the screening room. "holy [ bleep ]! yes!" and i thought, this is going to be a fun ride, the three of us. >> jimmy: sam rockwell's mom sounds like she's fun. >> i don't know if my son -- listen, he wants to see it. i just don't know if i'm ready to have him like be up with nightmares for weeks on end. >> jimmy: ri >> it's a pretty intense ride. >> jimmy: take him to the movie, send him to camp for the summer. >> great idea. >> jimmy: let them deal with it. >> you've done this before, i see. >> jimmy: you have a netflix show coming up. >> i've got a lot of stuff coming up. it's a tv show on netflix, it has -- it's with naomi watts, fantastic actor. >> jimmy: wow, that's good. >> it's called "gypsy." i don't play a gypsy. in "alien covenant," i don't sing or dance, okay? >> jimmy: you don't? >> no i save lives. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: spoiler alert. >> i'm checking with the people. that's not a spoiler aalert. in "gypsy" i don't sing, because i can't sing or dance. you think because i have a tony i can do that, but it's just feelings. in a theater you do the feelings loud. in a movie you do it quietly. >> jimmy: we're learning so much, really. >> it's all in my pamphlet. "how to act loud." >> jimmy: do you have a website we could look that up on? >> not yet. tell me about getting a domain. >> jimmy: we'll get you william and billy both so you can be whoever you want to be. that's the great lesson we have tonight. [ cheers and applause ] >> i've learned many things tonight. "gypsy" will be out on netflix the end of june. she plays a therapist who starts to have -- hm -- what's the -- unethical, maybe, relationships with her patients. i play her husband. needless to say the marriage starts to suffer the consequences. >> jimmy: you are the sad -- >> no, no, no, i'm not sad! i save lives again, jimmy. >> jimmy: you save lives. billy crudup, he's saving lives in "alien covenant." it opens may 19th. thank you, billy. we'll be right back. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. ve it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. well thank you. free at at, even if you're not a customer. and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. roomba navigates your entire home. cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. which means your floors are always clean. you and roomba, from irobot. better. together. fromi wanted to seeved, this great country. my last wish is for you to do it for me, as a family. ♪ let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together ♪ older grandaughter: it'll be alright. i know. grandson: how did you meet grandpa? grandmother: actually on a blind date. [ laughter ] i wish he was on the trip with us. he's sitting right between the boys in the back of the car. [ laughter ] ♪ america ♪ all come to look for america ♪ all come to look for america life's as big as you make it. the all-new 7-seater volkswagen atlas with america's best bumper-to-bumper limited warranty. are you still trying to perthat's like trying to perform with an old racket. ahhhhhhhh! hhhhhhh! upgrade your game to intel's fastest processor. to repay our gift, of leaving it completely alone. bottled at the source. untouched by man. it's earth's finest water. ariel winter and music from wale and g-eazy is on the way. but first of all the struggles we face as humans, there is none more dire than having to take your car in to have the oil changed several times a year. that's why exxon-mobil came up with a way to ease that burden with mobil 1 annual protection a product that inspired our own guillermo to achieve something remarkable. >> esteemed judges. my invention will allow man to travel through time. thereby traversing the spacetime continuum. >> judges, why travel through time when you can get time back by using new mobile 1 annual protection, protecting your engine for one full year with only one oil change. that's right. >> congratulations: guillermo, you have won the international prize for scientific science. >> i am so proud of you. here, have some snacks. from the future. >> wow, what is this? >> we call it beef jerky. >> amazing. >> dicky: to learn more head to, or visit your local participating retailer. >> jimmy: we will be right back with ariel winter! get whatat olive new early dinner duos for just $8.99. choose from over 50 delicious combinations. and all the salad and breadsticks you want. from 3-5 monday through thursday. hurry in, it's early dinner duos. only at olive garden. ooh, is that a galaxy s8? a world traveler, start by... handsome screen. well, pack that... need a tour guide. apparently not. don't forget a big camera. or that phone will work. traveling by yourself can be lonely. and... you've already made friends. ♪ ok, i guess you have the world traveler thing covered. ♪ schick hydro ® technology that transforms. schick hydro ® protecting mankind, one face at a time. stasave on gifts for moml's and get kohl's cash for you! pick out a diamond ring for just $79.99 and get $10 kohl's cash! a cookware set and get $20 kohl's cash! or the fitbit charge 2 and you'll get $30 kohl's cash! kohl's. home loan, that newly listed,ank mid-century ranch withed for a the garden patio will be gone. or you could push that button. 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[whisper: rocket] introlike the pico guacamole signature crsandwich.ipes. with guacamole made from hass avocados. and served with a fresh lime wedge. on chicken or seared beef. introducing the fios gigabit connection 40 megs that are 20x faster and more powerful than most people have. incredibly, it's $79.99 a month for one year. comcast charges you $89.99 for a triple play that only offers 200 mgs speeds. switch to the most powerful internet at the most revolutionary price. get fios gigabit connection for $79.99 a month and we'll give you tv, hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years all with a 2 year agreement. so act fast. go to >> jimmy: hi, we're back. still to come music from wale. our next guest is the smartest dunphy of them all. she plays "alex" on the multi-emmy award-winning "modern family." its eighth season finale is one week from tonight here on abc. please welcome ariel winter. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: you look very glamorous. >> thank you. >> jimmy: how you doing? >> good, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. how old are you now? >> i'm 19. >> jimmy: and you understand that it's strange for us, we've watched you grow up. how long has the show fwn been on? >> eight years now. >> jimmy: wow. [ cheers and applause ] on-set to your castmates still treat you like a kid? or are they according you the respect an adult gets? >> they definitely treat me like an adult now. i think it's a little weird for them. we started on the show when we were 10 ask 11 years old, we were running around with nerf guns and being crazy and not doing anything adult-like. now that we're all sellive-ad t sellive-adults -- >> jimmy: you don't have nerf guns anymore? >> we retired those, nolan started liking girls. >> jimmy: we learned today "modern family" has been renewed for two more seasons. [ cheers and applause ] that's very good news. that's exciting. >> it's really exciting. we're really grateful that we get to continue the show. we love doing it. we love each other. we're so grateful people watch it. >> jimmy: at 19 do you have your own place? do you have roommates from craigslist? >> i definitely found my boyfriend on craigslist, we live together -- no. i do have my own house. last year i bought my first house, really exciting for me. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. >> jimmy: do you -- are you out mowing the lawn, cooking, doing all the stuff you do when you own a house? >> my boyfriend and i live together, he cooks. i can't cook at all. he takes care of all that handy stuff. he's great, he does all that. i can bake a pie. occasionally. pumpkin and apple. >> jimmy: pumpkin and apple. >> i baked those two the other day. >> jimmy: you baked pumpkin pies in april and may? that's very wild. that's a very outrageous thing to. >> you know me. i'm wild n' out rage jus with my pies. >> at all? >> oh, no. i'm horrible at all that stuff. i'm like the worst wifely person. but whatever. like i said, i baked those pies. he does everything else. it's great. >> jimmy: you can order anything you want, you don't have to cook -- >> post mate clean, whoever invented that, like if i could -- >> jimmy: i invented it. [ laughter ] thank you. >> hugs, truly. i love post mates, it's great. >> jimmy: that's the service they'll go get -- i've ordered food through that. they can bring you anything you want, right? >> i ordered eight limes the other day. just eight limes. >> what does the guy say when he shows up with eight limes? is he annoyed that you made him pick that up for you? >> i mean -- he's definitely not super happy about it. [ laughter ] i give him kind of like, you know, an empathetic look, like i understand this sucks. >> jimmy: is ridiculous, yeah. i needed limes. >> i really needed my limes. >> jimmy: what are you going to do? what did >> my friend's 21st birthday. we're cutting up limes. i'm 19 so i was not doing any of the drinking. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's what i was getting at. >> my friend's 21st birthday. i could have made a key lime pie. but no. >> jimmy: you were making cocktails. >> that's the extent. >> jimmy: all right. are you going to college? that is something that's going to be -- >> i am. i got accepted to ucla. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: congratulations. so i'll ask, i don't necessarily always recommend that people go to college. what are you going to study there in college? >> political science. i want to be a lawyer. >> jimmy: you want to be a lawyer, you do. [ cheers and applause ] you're giving up acting? >> i wouldn't give up acting. i love being an actress, i think it's great. i definitely want to have another skill. i could work today and then never work a day in my life -- >> jimmy: do lawyers really have a skill, though? [ laughter ] >> arguing. i'm good at arguing. but i just think it's important. because like i said, i could be an actress another role in my life. as long as i have a backup plan i'll be set. >> jimmy: you made a movie with burt reynolds. >> ted. >> jimmy: how old is burt reynolds now? >> he's in his 80s. >> what is he like? i've never met hinm. >> he's a legend. >> jimmy: somebody my age, manly as it gets. >> he's the nicest, kindest, loveliest, most talented man you could work with. >> jimmy: is he really? >> he really is. it's something that's important for me. i was scared working with such a legend, like wow, i'm just a young actress, that's crazy. >> jimmy: did you know his work? >> i didn't really. my dad, my boyfriend, everybody knew who he was but i didn't really know. i did a lot of research. i watched "boogie nights." i love that movie. >> jimmy: yeah. >> he hates it. >> jimmy: what? right a . >> he hates it. i came up up to him with his "cosmopolit "cosmopolitan" spread, where he's naked. >> jimmy: one of the most lebrity nudes. >> he hates th, he's the nicest person you'll meet. nice to the crew, to the cast -- >> jimmy: he primarily hates himself and his own work. >> some of his things. >> jimmy: thank you for being here. congratulations on the renewal of the show. [ cheers and applause ] two more seasons of "modern family." the finale is one week from tonight, 9:00 here on abc. ariel winter, everybody. be right back with wale! >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. republican leaders are to affordable health care. i'm tom perriello and in congress i voted for obamacare because it was wrong that a million virginians weren't covered while insurance companies held all the power. now i'm running for governor because it's wrong that most virginia incomes haven't gone up in 20 years. together, we can stop donald trump, raise wages and build an economy that works for everyone. and we'll make sure this never happens in virginia. >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: want to thank billy crudup, ariel winter and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next but first his new album is called "shine." here with the song "fashion week" with help from g-eazy, wale! >> everybody hands up! everybody hands up! hey, hey, hey! go, go, hands up, bonds up, yo, yo, hands up now. higher, higher. higher, higher. you ready? hold up. ♪ walk by on fire baby can't douse it ♪ ♪ that body bangin' accept that ♪ ♪ you should model girl who do your booking ♪ ♪ walk by on fire baby can't douse it ♪ ♪ that body bangin' accept that ♪ ♪ i walk by again a little look quick hol' up ♪ ♪ switch gold switch switch gold switch ♪ ♪ switch gold switch switch gold switch my chick ♪ ♪ switch gold switch switch gold switch ♪ ♪ switch gold switch switch gold switch ♪ ♪ mmm i know a thing and she tell me -- ♪ ♪ her and call her a bad chick ♪ ♪ i can never cuff her i'm stuck on this rap -- but nothin' but rap -- ♪ ♪ mmm i know a thing shea butter twitter be callin' shawty a queen ♪ ♪ head game silly might give her the don c hair game killin' i get her a new mcqueen ♪ ♪ in case you behind though let me remind you the way that i make my move wale from the maybach crew ♪ ♪ heard about me what they say about you ♪ ♪ heard about me what they say about you heard about me what they say about you ♪ ♪ heard about me what they say about you ♪ ♪ party in the hills tell that -- come through hol' up ♪ ♪ walk by on fire baby can't douse it ♪ ♪ that body bangin' accept that you should model girl who do your booking ♪ ♪ walk by on fire baby can't douse it ♪ ♪ that body bangin' accept that i walk by again a little look quick hol' up ♪ ♪ switch gold switch switch gold switch ♪ ♪ switch gold switch switch gold switch my chick ♪ ♪ you wanna sit front row ask me get anything that you want though ♪ ♪ she a fashion killer me i'm a cutthroat that she wants ♪ ♪ one oak or webster up and down paparazzi gonna think that i'm cuffing now ♪ ♪ it's casual i'll call you up when i'm back in town we fall out but she always come back around ♪ ♪ hit barney's and -- up a check there in the dressing room -- have sex there ♪ ♪ what's taking so long oh she trying the next pair people see us everywhere and they just stare ♪ ♪ and she mixing off white with s-l i got my vans on chick i dress well ♪ ♪ i'm from the bay i see her once in a blue moon until paris fashion week how soon is too soon ayy ♪ ♪ walk by on fire baby can't douse it ♪ ♪ that body bangin' accept that ♪ ♪ you should model girl who do your booking ♪ ♪ walk by on fire baby can't douse it ♪ ♪ that body bangin' accept that i walk by again a little look quick hol up ♪ ♪ switch gold switch switch gold switch ♪ ♪ switch gold switch switch gold switch my chick ♪ ♪ switch gold switch switch gold switch ♪ ♪ switch gold switch switch gold switch ♪ hands up hands up hands up hands up hands up hands up hands up hands up hands up ♪ shout-out to america too. love love. ♪ switch gold switch switch gold switch ♪ ♪ switch gold switch switch gold switch ♪ ♪ walk by on fire baby can't douse it ♪ ♪ that body bangin' accept that ♪ ♪ you should model girl who do your booking ♪ ♪ on fire baby can't douse it that body bangin' accept that ♪ ♪ you should model girl who do your booking whoa ♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, fiery fallout. >> he was not doing a good job. >> president trump on the firing of fbi director james comey. and a rising tide of concern by many it's all about alleged campaign ties to russia. >> it's clear he's trying to cut off any investigation. >> some making comparisons to nixon. saying saturday night massacre. many also saying it's time to move on. >> we've got a chance for a fresh start. >> what happens next? plus dirty dancing? >> no, none! >> louder than life dance mom star abby lee miller speaking out after being sentenced to a year and one day in prison for financial crimes. >> i wasn't ever trying to hurt anyone. >> how she plans to spend her time behind

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