Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning Washington 6am 20170227 :

Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning Washington 6am 20170227

way of clear skies right now, but those classic quickly moving -- those clouds are moving quickly our way. 57 to about 62, the range and temperatures today. seven to 10p there degrees higher than yesterday. in fact, look at areas south and west of us. rappahannock, fauquier county, close to 60 degrees for today. any exercising today? hitting the playground? the kids will need a warm jacket, walking the dog on the cool side. overcast today, mid 70's on wednesday. , hard toties again believe we continue the roller coaster ride and the spread for spring storms. highways right now, a new problem, locating things and 95 headed out of beltsville towards the capital beltway. this is the crash over the stalled vehicle that is tying up the left lane of lane to the outer loop, swing by to the right to get through. look for the delays building traveling in from 212 towards the capital beltway. route 80, the at accident is still there, only the right lane can get high traveling south from interstate 70. finally, the outer loop in virginia out of annandale, remains of the crash off the road to the right shoulder, lanes are now open. back in the next 10 minutes to update your commute out of beltsville. larry? larry: you can bet a lot of people will be talking about the oscars this morning. -- "new,"onlight walking away with best picture. walking away," with best picture. what happened, kidd o'shea? kidd: if you are not a fan of big speeches, you may have turned your television off after your heard that "la la land you could go to bed now. but moments afterwards, there was a change announcing that " moonlight," was the winner. >> know, there's a mistake. "moonlight," you guys won best picture. this is not a joke. i'm afraid there where the wrong thing. this is not a joke. -- i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. this is not a joke. "moonlight," best picture. [applause] kidd: "moonlight," the best picture. you can see outside the adobe theater, they are to have the -- already have the plaque for the winner. it's up there, "moonlight" is the winner. --ice waterhouse coopers price waterhouse cooper's came out with a statement this morning saying that they apologize to all the parties involved, there were two cards and the presenters the wrong card and that is where the mixup happened. i was told by some of the people backstage last night that after the show there was screaming going on. who was screaming and who was screaming at who? that may always be unknown. behind me this morning, cleanup is well underway. the red carpet is already picked up. i want to show down their real quick, the tv crew from the abc affiliates in miami came all the way from miami just because of "moonlight," the film that took thee there, a story about slums of miami. they came to get a victory and they got just that this morning. in miami is celebrating the big win. we will have much more on this story, including what barry jenkins, the director and producer of the film, had to say about the mixup, after 6:30. back to you guys. larry: our live post-oscar coverage continues in t and until then we have got the entire breakdown of the night online. new overnight, a potentially dangerous situation on the metro tracks. jummy olabanji has the details. jummy: police were out late last night after police -- on the green line after police say that someone got onto the tracks. you can see the metro transit police cars there. we don't know who this person is or what they were doing on the tracks. we do have calls out to metro transit police and as soon as we learn what this was about, we will be sure to pass it along. larry: thanks, julie. heads up for drivers downtown, parking rates and meters will change again. the adjustment is part of a parkingoject to improve availability through demand-based pricing. the area impacted is between e street and 8th street. hourly range from $1.50 to three dollars 25 cents and prices will vary based on the time of day. seven is always on your side with breaking metro in traffic alerts. this to get -- autria: the latest updates sent to your phone. tracking a critical week for donald trump, set to deliver his first joint speech before congress tomorrow night. his goal, to convince democrats and republicans to get on board with his agenda. facing low approval ratings and an up-and-down start, wednesday the white house is expected to unveil its revised executive order on immigration. right now, a missing girl in montgomery county. john gonzalez is following this one. john: yet another hispanic teenage girl has gone missing in our area. why this case appears to be connected to other missing cases and even a murder investigation. that live report, coming up on "good morning washington." autria: thanks. first, or tornado hitting maryland. damage after a wild weekend. prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant. veronica: well, the cleanup and charles county is under way this morning after a tornado touchdown saturday. the ef1 tornado barreled north charles county. tornadoes in february? extremely rare for the area area this is only the third in maryland since 1950 and it's easy to see why all of the damage occurred. miles peraround 90 hour, staying on the ground for a little more than eight miles. you can see the location here, north of la plata, off of 301, heading towards waldorf. a wild scene on saturday in the afternoon. i am tracking, stormwatch 7 is tracking, the potentl strong and severe storms coming our way on wednesday with what or twoke two rounds lines of thunderstorms coming through. until then the weather will stay fairly benign. mid 20's right now, cold start in ashburn, myers will. -- myersville. arengton, virginia, you again above freezing. upper 50's for highs, 9:00 this evening, dropping only to 51 degrees. even tonight will not be all that cold. certainly not as cold as the overnight temperature. fewday, tomorrow, a showers, the weather will have a low impact on the area, but by midweek the weather could have a moderate impact on the area. could be a weather alert day from stormwatch 7, more on that, coming up, with what we could what with power outages -- we could see with power outages across the area. julie: 95 maryland is the hot spot. capital beltway, the accident activity was on the ramp to the outer loop and it looks like we have police and fire rescue units on the scene, pushing everybody to the left to get by. police tell me that they are checking for second incident southbound on 95, before you reach this initial crash. headed out towards the outer loop. big tire coming from the icc. using the bw parkway is a workaround. the crash at 80 was tying up the left lane. look for delays from interstate 70, that is the traffic watch, back in the next 10 minutes to update your ride out of beltsville. larry? julie: still ahead -- larry: still ahead, breaking boundaries, the military couple that defied the rules in the name of love. takes 12 hours to steep... and almost no time to sip. keep on with ultra smooth taste, now available with a sweet and salted kick. america runs on dunkin'. >> you are watching "good morning washington," on your side. a teenager, missing in montgomery county. autria: police in our afraid that this might be connected to a gang related case that they might already be working on. john gonzalez is live with new developments. john? john: good morning. that's right. montgomery county police confirming to us this morning that this missing girl is the cousin of the 15 euro girl who was found murdered in fairfax county last month. ins is a disturbing trend our area. missing girls. many of these cases, like you gang autria, connected to activity. we are here right in front of the walk express, chinese restaurant -- wok express, chinese restaurant. this is where angelica ivania barahona-rivas was last seen. she left work early, 9:00. place closes at 10:00. family and friends saying they have not been able to contact this 18-year-old girl. she does have ties in the new jersey area. here's the connection with the cousin. young woman, she also lived here in gaithersburg, her body found at a park near springfield, virginia, damaris reyes rivas. 10 people arrested, several of them juveniles, that case also linked to missing cases in the area as well. reporting live, john gonzalez. johnny, thank you. a somber anniversary today. one year ago today that fellow officer ashley guindon was killed on the job. it happened that she was responding to a dispute. police believe that ronald hamilton killed his wife and shot her into others as they approached the house. this was her first day on patrol. she was 28. larry: people in new york city are mourning the victims of another tragedy. the ceremony was held yesterday to mark the 24th anniversary of the first islamic terror attack on the world trade center. february 26, 1993, a massive truck bomb it. six people were killed, 1000 others were injured. the mastermind died in prison in north carolina last weekend. happening today, another big visit for the trump administration. julie? china is sending its first senior official to the u.s. since president trump took office. the top for them -- top foreign top foreign-polic the future direction of relations between the two world powers has grown more uncertain following the accusations from president trump that china was cheating at trade. we will be keeping a close eye on the visit and update you as we learn more. autria: last night was, of course, the oscars in l.a. as that ceremony was going on, the president and first lady were holding their own social event at the white house. nearly all the countries governors and their spouses attended the black-tie dinner. it started with some good-natured ribbing. trump: i would like to ask a friend of mine, i just destroyed his political career, from the other side, a man from virginia that i have known a long time, he's a very good guy, governor and, mcauliffe to come up also, perhaps, make a toast. >> i am the chairman of the national governors association largest crowd ever is due to my chairmanship or your presidency. [laughter] autria: the theme of the event last night was spring renewal, which is fitting, as it's been feeling more like spring than winter. veronica: every time we get winter, it's back to the spring. [laughter] autria: a little dose and then me go back. veronica: i don't know about you, but my car has all sorts of jackets in the backseat. autria: and flip-flops. [laughter] veronica: exactly. for the early part of the workweek, warm jackets, midweek, short sleeves, and of the week, jackets. instead of coats. i think that people will be able jacket.y with just a upper 50's today, a whopping 20 degree jump. you can see it there at reagan national. clouds, you can see them obscured. just a few, but at this, 25 degrees in 39 degrees ashburn, in annapolis, one of the warmer spots right near the water. lunchtime again, up to 50, 57 degrees. stay dry.r -- we showers will be to the northwest. wanted to show you this, midweek, we will be tracking a strong cold front coming into the area. talking about two rounds of storms that i think we'll be moving into the area. converging right around our area, there could be quite a bit of wind kicking up. another round coming and 8:00, 9:00, moving quickly off to the east. something to keep an eye on for wednesday. julie, look at these temperatures for the work week. 75 on wednesday. julie: keeping a close eye on the commute out of college park, this is where we have had some trouble. southbound 95, accident on the ramp to the outer loop. this is removed to the shoulder. within the delay coming south of 212, another crash has been reported. heads up, delays are building headed south. your best bet is to stick with the bw parkway as an alternative route out of laurel. near route 80, now that the lanes are open, it's about a 33 minute commute to travel south towards clarksburg. 355 is working great as a workaround. outer loop after 236, this one is south of the little river turnpike, tying up the right side of the road with a rollback on the scene. back in the next 10 minutes to update that biden college park. >> you are watching "good morning washington," on your side. our abc 7 team, working out for a good cause this weekend. i got to hit the bikes with olabanji,nnedy, jummy and brianne carter. cycle for survival raises money in the fight or -- fight against rare cancers. similar events were held in new york and seattle. larry: president trump is getting ready for his first joint address to congress. but there is now a call from a prominent republican for a special prosecutor to investigate the alleged presidential republic -- involvement with russia during the campaign. >> honoring the governors of the trump: i want to toast the great governors. >> but the president remains besieged i reports of russian influence in the campaign, including alleged contacts between his associates and washington intelligence as the fbi investigates a prominent republican, who wants an independent special prosecutor to review the case. meanwhile, democrats are regrouping for a fight. former obama labor secretary, tom perez, inching out keith chair of the the democratic national committee. that's not the only political news. at 7 a.m., we will take a look at how hollywood took on trump at the oscars. with your "gma first look," jonathan karl, abc news, washington. takes 12 hours to steep... and almost no time to sip. keep on with ultra smooth taste, now available with a sweet and salted kick. america runs on dunkin'. >> now, "good morning washington," on your side. we begin with a breaking news alert. autria: and that breaking news a military operation underway in iraq. larry: let's get right to jummy olabanji with the latest. jummy: reports are just now that reached ary -- have ,ey bridge in the city of mosul enabling a new route to be opened into the part of the city that they are trying to retake from isis. that is where some 2000 jihadists are said to be holding out, trying to keep that part of mosul. the iraqi forces have already taken the eastern part of the city. this all, though, comes after an emotional weekend. i kurdish journalist was killed on saturday while reporting on the battle there. her cameraman and eight others were also injured, but we are keeping a close eye on this one. new pictures just coming in as these iraqi forces continue to push their way into that city. back over to you. larry: let's get a check on the forecast. it's improving? veronica: improving again, we should say. we keep doing it. every time we came -- we take a couple of steps back, we improve. springing into spring. we have some cloud cover, just a few clouds, mainly to the north and west of d.c., increasing across the area. you will remember today as a partly cloudy to mostly sunny kind of day. mild by midweek as we head into the first couple of days of march. coming up on wednesday it could be quite stormy and wild as we enter march, so a possibility for a weather alert day is certainly looking more and more like it could be just that. today's range and temperatures is 54 to 61 degrees with wet weather off to the north and west. if you are traveling to northern -- to western maryland or the shenandoah valley you could see some showers or a sprinkle coming your way. lunchtime.m., you can see the fading of sunshine. we will have a look at your ten-day forecast coming up. we are lookingw at metro rail, checking in with delays on the red line. for those traveling towards shady grove, you can expect delays due to an earlier trade malfunction outside farragut north. this is where we have the crash merged onto the outer loop, the accident activity is cleared on the shoulder, checking for another crash south of 212 but before you reach the beltway, look for those delays, you may want to stick with 295 as the workaround. leaving 230 six, accident activity is still on the shoulder with a rollback on the scene. not much of a delay getting past it, but you might want to watch out headed south. that is our traffic watch. back in the next 10 minutes to update our ride in college park. autria: in just a few hours, a d.c. elementary school plagued with bedbugs and rod -- set to reopen its doors. kennedy joins us with what students and parents can expect. suzanne, good morning. morning to you, larry and autria. the problem started in the fall and then persisted and came to ahead earlier in the month. the school was closed about three weeks ago with the hope of permanently getting rid of the issues here. we heard this morning that they started a top to bottom cleanup of the facility. antibacterial wipes and other materials to tackle a variety of issues that were being experience, including rat infestation and bedbugs. also off materials were replaced while students attended school today. today the students will return. the chief of schools will be here to welcome back students, as well as talk to the media about what has been done there -- done here. we will be able to take a tour of the school to check out the changes reporting live, suzanne kennedy. thank you, suzanne. thfather of an abc will, killed in action. the president interrupted a private family moment. bill owens told the herald that he and his wife refused to meet with the president when he showed up for the transfer of his remains. he said he made the decision in part because of the way the president treated the kahns, a , during theficer campaign. a veteran himself, a is calling for -- oh ends is calling for an investigation into the attack on his son. is calling for an investigation into the attack on his son. couple, and aded story that had to hide behind a powerful secret. >> we met in 2010. online. they fell in love after living parallel lives. both of them married young, later divorcing their husbands. both of them had sons. now, a total of five grandchildren. both are army veterans, each serving for more than two decades. >> the lgbt community is everywhere. fathers,thers, grandmothers. >> they married at the d.c. metropolitan community church and share a home in clinton, maryland. >> i love you. i'm proud. this is my wife. >> i love her. my life would not be the same. i am so thankful that god has brought her into my life. >> for meeting each other, she had retired from the army in 1999, the other in 2009, just before the don't ask don't tell meant, where survival secrets. >> we would not be allowed to se from her two decades in the military closet, she's still cautious. >> i look forward to the day when it is still behind me. that feeling. that feeling of having to hide. >> after the military service ended and their relationship began, the world around them really changed, but what is constant is their commitment and a love that grows stronger. >> with me finding dale, her finding me, it made my life complete. if i leave today or tomorrow, i'm a. -- i'me of the happy happy. i'm some of the happiest of ever been. autria: this is just one of several reports we are doing throughout the newscast today in anticipation of this week's miniseries, "when we rise." we invite you to join in on the discussion during our live roundtable tonight from 8:00 until 9:00 we rise," airs at 9:00, going to 11:00, and then there is an exclusive interview with a brave teenager. look: taking a live outside, clouds today, rougher weather in the days ahead. veronica johnson is back autria: well, this morning you could be seeing the new disney "beauty and the beast" movie for anybody else. we are giving away advance screening tickets in silver spring. because i number seven, that four pack of tickets is all yours. what numbers are you working with today, vj? veronica: 32 this morning, but by this afternoon, 50 seven. that's your morning start and today.mperature 32 degrees for the most part. virginia, all the way northward, it is a cold pocket this morning. it's not frigid, but it is cold this morning. what is next for us? 53 degrees by off, 50 seven. overcast later today, or i should say that much more overcast. we could have an isolated shower coming through with temperatures coming through at 41, 51, rising quickly through the upper 60's tomorrow during the afternoon. a few showers coming to the area, midweek, the potential for weather, potential is higher for wednesday. i will explain why coming up in my next weather. right now around the capital beltway we have got problems on the roads in the rails. the red line is headed towards shady grove and is experiencing delays due to a train malfunction outside farragut north. on 95, the accident activity is south of 212 at the beltway and is gone. back in virginia, southbound 286, the fairfax county parkway up the far right lane. also on the outer loop, the little river turnpike and remains of a crash, tow truck on the scene without much of a delay as you continue past the scene leaving springfield towards 66 and vice versa. that's the traffic watch. in the next 10 minutes we will update the ride on the north side of town. autria? autria: tornado in maryland. larry: eileen whelan is tracking the damage. eileen? in la: guys, we are plata, maryland, where the confirmed tornado fell through .n saturday behind me you can see that this barn is no longer standing. you have a live report from charles county, coming up. >> hello? hello? i want -- >> warren, what did you do? >> i want to tell you. >> good morning. live in hollywood, "moonlight was the big -- moonlight" was the big winner last night. yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. my giant. extended bonus buys only at my giant.nt. morning washington," on your side. >> guys, i'm sorry. no. there is a mistake. won bestt," you guys picture. this is not a joke. this is not a joke. >> this is not a joke. i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. >> this is not a joke. "moonlight" won best picture. "moonlight," best picture. larry: confusion in the dolby theater. vj," -- "la la land," enjoying a win for about two minutes. autria: "moonlight" was actually the real winner. larry: kidd o'shea is out there live. we never thought you would be covering a story like this when we sent you out there last week. say, a plot twist that i don't think that hollywood could have or would have written, even if they could. many people thinking originally that it was a joke. how could this be happening at nothing like this ever happened before. jenkins, the barry director and the writer of moonlight. ." --"moonlight." sitting there, thinking that you hadn't one. and then realizing -- wait, i did win. >> i thought that something strange had occurred. i heard the commotion. i'm sure they use on my face, .ut i was speechless i have watched the academy awards and i've never seen that happen before. never see that happen before. later on other post-oscar shows he was very congratulatory ," saying "la la land that it wasn't a big deal, they handed it over. let's be clear, "la la land " was recognized all night. they won lots of oscars. ," well-deserved best picture win, and there was a feeling on the red carpet that somebody could beat them in the best picture category and that with the two films that they mentioned were hidden figures in moonlight and "moonlight did it last night. they beat "la la land." the oscars were well prepared winneronlight" to be the . they already had the plaque up for the 2016 best picture. the people lining up her are getting ready for "live with kelly." autria: no surprise here that the oscar flub lit social media on fire. larry: jummy olabanji is tracking the fallout from overnight. on nightsove twitter like this. take a look at this. from jimmy kimmel, the host, who said that steve harvey for this. we know that he's talking about miss universe last year. speaking of miss universe, they said -- have your people call our people. doh, they know what to because they had that mess up between philippines and columbia last year. shamalan, " iight wrote the ending." we know that his movies are known for their twist endings, so no wonder he tweeted that as a joke. [laughter] larry: how did warn beatty get his hands on the wrong envelope? autria: the first clue came from the star of v "la la land." wewe would have one to -- would have been so excited to win best picture, but we are so excited for "moonlight ," one of the best films of all-time. i was pretty beside myself. i was also holding my best actress in a leading role card that entire time. whatever story that was? i have that card. [laughter] autria: saying that she had the card that he read for the rest of the show. time to figure out where the apparent duplicate came from. new this morning, best supporting actress, viola davis, talking about her big win. accepting an academy award for her role in "fences," but she says is big and honor as it is, don't expect it to change her life. >> i feel good. you know, it's not my style to just wake up and go -- i'm an oscar winner. my gosh, let me go for a run. you know? i'm good with it. i will have some mac & cheese and i will go back to washing my daughter's hair tomorrow night. larry: [laughter] davis, by the way, grew up in poverty. she said that her biggest dream in life is to have been good at something. she said she had always dreamed and hopes that she sticks the landing. our oscar coverage continues when we make the switch to news channel 8. until then, we have the entire breakdown of the big night online, at now, a desperate search for a missing girl from montgomery county. police say that this morning, they fear the disappearance is connected to the suspected gang murder of her 15-year-old cousin. john gonzalez is live in gaithersburg with what he has uncovered. john eschenbach john: that's : that's right, the cousin of that 15-year-old girl who was found murdered in fairfax county has gone missing. disturbing trend in the area, missing girls. in many cases they to gang activity. live here in gaithersburg, take a look, live in front of the wok express. this is where 18-year-old angelica ivania barahona-rivas was last seen. the place closes at 10:00, she left at 9:00, but she never made it home. detectives telling us that she does have ties in a new jersey area. the cousin, damaris reyes rivas, also in the area, her body was found in a park. 10 juveniles have been arrested in that case, which is also linked to other missing cases in the region. reporting live in gaithersburg, john gonzales, "good morning washington." autria: the national weather service confirming a tornado in maryland over the weekend. that is where we find stormwatch 7 meteorologist, eileen whelan, out there surveying the damage this morning. eileen? eileen: brought storm trak 7 here to la plata. it was an 8.5 mile path that the tornado traversed. he you can see behind me, this is a barn that couldn't withstand the tornado's impact. -- off ofght out of hawthorne road. we have side-by-side video of the tornado that came through here on saturday and, i'm sure you remember the one from 2002 in april, in la plata, which was much worse. ting this all in perspective, this is only the third time there has been a tornado in maryland since 1950. very rare. we are on storm watch with another risk for severe weather later on the day -- later on, wednesday. larry: sounds like we are not out of the woods. veronica: we have got the spring temperatures, anytime you have a cold front there is a possibility for winter storms and there could be elevated risk on wednesday because of the higher humidity. downpours, more unstable air across the area. not being an alarmist by any means, but there is something to stale or for midweek. moving our way. we start the day with a little bit of sunshine. clouds in the next weather system we are already tracking. it will be a multi-day event with severe weather for us. high rain, damaging wind, large hail, could see that. while it is not zero, we could have maybe a brief, isolated midweek.our way i think there is that possibility. just stay tuned. power outages, showing you the forecast for the next 10 days. 68 tomorrow, 75 tomorrow. your warmest day out of the work week with that severe potential. on the highways right w, height -- julie: on the highways right now, checking out the roads and rails. south of 95 and lois they'll road, the crash here is tying up the right side of the highway --a over at davis ford highway. over at davis ford, police are still the scene of that accident. leaving 236 towards the springfield interchange, that right lane is still blocked off at the scene of that crash. a new crash reported at south capitol street the red line still facing delays at shady grove road at sign farragut north because of a train delay. updating your ride on the top side of the beltway in 10 minutes. starting today, some of you will be paying more to park in the district. sam sweeney is on the corner with some coins. julie, good morning. it's going to be, the prices are going to change depending on demand. some of you may pay more, some of you may pay less, depending on the will be affected. we are talking about 1000 spots in chinatown and penn quarter. the district is trying to increase the traffic flow and make it easier to park. during high demand times, prices will be higher, and during low demand times, prices will be lower. the lowest parking will be one dollar 50 cents per hour. the highest it will go, $3.25 per hour. threeices will be set times a day and change every three months, depending on demand. the first change begins today. back to you in the studio. autria: thank you, sam. now it is time for your 60 second express. >> for best picture? >> "la la land." >> i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. >> this is not a joke. "moonlight," best picture. >> forces in iraq have reached a mosul.dge in the city of >> this 16 euro girl, angelica ivania barahona-rivas, the cousin of the 15 euros girl murdered last month. >> people turned out to a town hall to challenge the president's agenda. >> i tear -- i care very deeply about that. >> the pending on the time of day, parking could be more or less expensive. >> they closed at this school for three weeks to permanently get rid of rat infestation and [ alarm weather.eping ] ♪ [ laughter ] cartoons. wait for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1... hi grandma! and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] good morning, america. the biggest blunder in oscar history. >> "la la land." >> "la la land" mistakenly announced as best picture. >> warren, what did you do? >> but "moonlight," the real winner. >> this is not a joke. moon has won best picture. >> you guys chose us. thank you for the choice. >> we're right there with the stars after one of the craziest moments ever, capping a night full of emotional wins from the radiant viola davis. >> we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life. >> to best actor, casey affleck. and emma stone stancing off with best actress. politics center stage at the oscars. jimmy kimmel skewers president trump. >> i want to say thank you to president trump. i mean, remember last year when it seemed like the oscars were

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Philippines , Springfield , Maryland , North Carolina , Clarksburg , China , Gaithersburg , Virginia , Annandale , Charles County , Washington , Russia , Seattle , College Park , Fauquier County , Beltsville , Iraq , New Jersey , Shenandoah , Davis Ford , Hollywood , California , Fairfax County , Town Hall , Montgomery County , America , Chinese , Iraqi , Russian , Tom Perez , Jimmy Kimmel , Suzanne Kennedy , Eileen Whelan , Casey Affleck , Steve Harvey , John Gonzalez , Barry Jenkins , Reyes Rivas , Sam Sweeney , Waterhouse Cooper , Brianne Carter , Veronica Johnson , Jonathan Karl , John Eschenbach , John Gonzales ,

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Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning Washington 6am 20170227 :

Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning Washington 6am 20170227

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way of clear skies right now, but those classic quickly moving -- those clouds are moving quickly our way. 57 to about 62, the range and temperatures today. seven to 10p there degrees higher than yesterday. in fact, look at areas south and west of us. rappahannock, fauquier county, close to 60 degrees for today. any exercising today? hitting the playground? the kids will need a warm jacket, walking the dog on the cool side. overcast today, mid 70's on wednesday. , hard toties again believe we continue the roller coaster ride and the spread for spring storms. highways right now, a new problem, locating things and 95 headed out of beltsville towards the capital beltway. this is the crash over the stalled vehicle that is tying up the left lane of lane to the outer loop, swing by to the right to get through. look for the delays building traveling in from 212 towards the capital beltway. route 80, the at accident is still there, only the right lane can get high traveling south from interstate 70. finally, the outer loop in virginia out of annandale, remains of the crash off the road to the right shoulder, lanes are now open. back in the next 10 minutes to update your commute out of beltsville. larry? larry: you can bet a lot of people will be talking about the oscars this morning. -- "new,"onlight walking away with best picture. walking away," with best picture. what happened, kidd o'shea? kidd: if you are not a fan of big speeches, you may have turned your television off after your heard that "la la land you could go to bed now. but moments afterwards, there was a change announcing that " moonlight," was the winner. >> know, there's a mistake. "moonlight," you guys won best picture. this is not a joke. i'm afraid there where the wrong thing. this is not a joke. -- i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. this is not a joke. "moonlight," best picture. [applause] kidd: "moonlight," the best picture. you can see outside the adobe theater, they are to have the -- already have the plaque for the winner. it's up there, "moonlight" is the winner. --ice waterhouse coopers price waterhouse cooper's came out with a statement this morning saying that they apologize to all the parties involved, there were two cards and the presenters the wrong card and that is where the mixup happened. i was told by some of the people backstage last night that after the show there was screaming going on. who was screaming and who was screaming at who? that may always be unknown. behind me this morning, cleanup is well underway. the red carpet is already picked up. i want to show down their real quick, the tv crew from the abc affiliates in miami came all the way from miami just because of "moonlight," the film that took thee there, a story about slums of miami. they came to get a victory and they got just that this morning. in miami is celebrating the big win. we will have much more on this story, including what barry jenkins, the director and producer of the film, had to say about the mixup, after 6:30. back to you guys. larry: our live post-oscar coverage continues in t and until then we have got the entire breakdown of the night online. new overnight, a potentially dangerous situation on the metro tracks. jummy olabanji has the details. jummy: police were out late last night after police -- on the green line after police say that someone got onto the tracks. you can see the metro transit police cars there. we don't know who this person is or what they were doing on the tracks. we do have calls out to metro transit police and as soon as we learn what this was about, we will be sure to pass it along. larry: thanks, julie. heads up for drivers downtown, parking rates and meters will change again. the adjustment is part of a parkingoject to improve availability through demand-based pricing. the area impacted is between e street and 8th street. hourly range from $1.50 to three dollars 25 cents and prices will vary based on the time of day. seven is always on your side with breaking metro in traffic alerts. this to get -- autria: the latest updates sent to your phone. tracking a critical week for donald trump, set to deliver his first joint speech before congress tomorrow night. his goal, to convince democrats and republicans to get on board with his agenda. facing low approval ratings and an up-and-down start, wednesday the white house is expected to unveil its revised executive order on immigration. right now, a missing girl in montgomery county. john gonzalez is following this one. john: yet another hispanic teenage girl has gone missing in our area. why this case appears to be connected to other missing cases and even a murder investigation. that live report, coming up on "good morning washington." autria: thanks. first, or tornado hitting maryland. damage after a wild weekend. prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant. veronica: well, the cleanup and charles county is under way this morning after a tornado touchdown saturday. the ef1 tornado barreled north charles county. tornadoes in february? extremely rare for the area area this is only the third in maryland since 1950 and it's easy to see why all of the damage occurred. miles peraround 90 hour, staying on the ground for a little more than eight miles. you can see the location here, north of la plata, off of 301, heading towards waldorf. a wild scene on saturday in the afternoon. i am tracking, stormwatch 7 is tracking, the potentl strong and severe storms coming our way on wednesday with what or twoke two rounds lines of thunderstorms coming through. until then the weather will stay fairly benign. mid 20's right now, cold start in ashburn, myers will. -- myersville. arengton, virginia, you again above freezing. upper 50's for highs, 9:00 this evening, dropping only to 51 degrees. even tonight will not be all that cold. certainly not as cold as the overnight temperature. fewday, tomorrow, a showers, the weather will have a low impact on the area, but by midweek the weather could have a moderate impact on the area. could be a weather alert day from stormwatch 7, more on that, coming up, with what we could what with power outages -- we could see with power outages across the area. julie: 95 maryland is the hot spot. capital beltway, the accident activity was on the ramp to the outer loop and it looks like we have police and fire rescue units on the scene, pushing everybody to the left to get by. police tell me that they are checking for second incident southbound on 95, before you reach this initial crash. headed out towards the outer loop. big tire coming from the icc. using the bw parkway is a workaround. the crash at 80 was tying up the left lane. look for delays from interstate 70, that is the traffic watch, back in the next 10 minutes to update your ride out of beltsville. larry? julie: still ahead -- larry: still ahead, breaking boundaries, the military couple that defied the rules in the name of love. takes 12 hours to steep... and almost no time to sip. keep on with ultra smooth taste, now available with a sweet and salted kick. america runs on dunkin'. >> you are watching "good morning washington," on your side. a teenager, missing in montgomery county. autria: police in our afraid that this might be connected to a gang related case that they might already be working on. john gonzalez is live with new developments. john? john: good morning. that's right. montgomery county police confirming to us this morning that this missing girl is the cousin of the 15 euro girl who was found murdered in fairfax county last month. ins is a disturbing trend our area. missing girls. many of these cases, like you gang autria, connected to activity. we are here right in front of the walk express, chinese restaurant -- wok express, chinese restaurant. this is where angelica ivania barahona-rivas was last seen. she left work early, 9:00. place closes at 10:00. family and friends saying they have not been able to contact this 18-year-old girl. she does have ties in the new jersey area. here's the connection with the cousin. young woman, she also lived here in gaithersburg, her body found at a park near springfield, virginia, damaris reyes rivas. 10 people arrested, several of them juveniles, that case also linked to missing cases in the area as well. reporting live, john gonzalez. johnny, thank you. a somber anniversary today. one year ago today that fellow officer ashley guindon was killed on the job. it happened that she was responding to a dispute. police believe that ronald hamilton killed his wife and shot her into others as they approached the house. this was her first day on patrol. she was 28. larry: people in new york city are mourning the victims of another tragedy. the ceremony was held yesterday to mark the 24th anniversary of the first islamic terror attack on the world trade center. february 26, 1993, a massive truck bomb it. six people were killed, 1000 others were injured. the mastermind died in prison in north carolina last weekend. happening today, another big visit for the trump administration. julie? china is sending its first senior official to the u.s. since president trump took office. the top for them -- top foreign top foreign-polic the future direction of relations between the two world powers has grown more uncertain following the accusations from president trump that china was cheating at trade. we will be keeping a close eye on the visit and update you as we learn more. autria: last night was, of course, the oscars in l.a. as that ceremony was going on, the president and first lady were holding their own social event at the white house. nearly all the countries governors and their spouses attended the black-tie dinner. it started with some good-natured ribbing. trump: i would like to ask a friend of mine, i just destroyed his political career, from the other side, a man from virginia that i have known a long time, he's a very good guy, governor and, mcauliffe to come up also, perhaps, make a toast. >> i am the chairman of the national governors association largest crowd ever is due to my chairmanship or your presidency. [laughter] autria: the theme of the event last night was spring renewal, which is fitting, as it's been feeling more like spring than winter. veronica: every time we get winter, it's back to the spring. [laughter] autria: a little dose and then me go back. veronica: i don't know about you, but my car has all sorts of jackets in the backseat. autria: and flip-flops. [laughter] veronica: exactly. for the early part of the workweek, warm jackets, midweek, short sleeves, and of the week, jackets. instead of coats. i think that people will be able jacket.y with just a upper 50's today, a whopping 20 degree jump. you can see it there at reagan national. clouds, you can see them obscured. just a few, but at this, 25 degrees in 39 degrees ashburn, in annapolis, one of the warmer spots right near the water. lunchtime again, up to 50, 57 degrees. stay dry.r -- we showers will be to the northwest. wanted to show you this, midweek, we will be tracking a strong cold front coming into the area. talking about two rounds of storms that i think we'll be moving into the area. converging right around our area, there could be quite a bit of wind kicking up. another round coming and 8:00, 9:00, moving quickly off to the east. something to keep an eye on for wednesday. julie, look at these temperatures for the work week. 75 on wednesday. julie: keeping a close eye on the commute out of college park, this is where we have had some trouble. southbound 95, accident on the ramp to the outer loop. this is removed to the shoulder. within the delay coming south of 212, another crash has been reported. heads up, delays are building headed south. your best bet is to stick with the bw parkway as an alternative route out of laurel. near route 80, now that the lanes are open, it's about a 33 minute commute to travel south towards clarksburg. 355 is working great as a workaround. outer loop after 236, this one is south of the little river turnpike, tying up the right side of the road with a rollback on the scene. back in the next 10 minutes to update that biden college park. >> you are watching "good morning washington," on your side. our abc 7 team, working out for a good cause this weekend. i got to hit the bikes with olabanji,nnedy, jummy and brianne carter. cycle for survival raises money in the fight or -- fight against rare cancers. similar events were held in new york and seattle. larry: president trump is getting ready for his first joint address to congress. but there is now a call from a prominent republican for a special prosecutor to investigate the alleged presidential republic -- involvement with russia during the campaign. >> honoring the governors of the trump: i want to toast the great governors. >> but the president remains besieged i reports of russian influence in the campaign, including alleged contacts between his associates and washington intelligence as the fbi investigates a prominent republican, who wants an independent special prosecutor to review the case. meanwhile, democrats are regrouping for a fight. former obama labor secretary, tom perez, inching out keith chair of the the democratic national committee. that's not the only political news. at 7 a.m., we will take a look at how hollywood took on trump at the oscars. with your "gma first look," jonathan karl, abc news, washington. takes 12 hours to steep... and almost no time to sip. keep on with ultra smooth taste, now available with a sweet and salted kick. america runs on dunkin'. >> now, "good morning washington," on your side. we begin with a breaking news alert. autria: and that breaking news a military operation underway in iraq. larry: let's get right to jummy olabanji with the latest. jummy: reports are just now that reached ary -- have ,ey bridge in the city of mosul enabling a new route to be opened into the part of the city that they are trying to retake from isis. that is where some 2000 jihadists are said to be holding out, trying to keep that part of mosul. the iraqi forces have already taken the eastern part of the city. this all, though, comes after an emotional weekend. i kurdish journalist was killed on saturday while reporting on the battle there. her cameraman and eight others were also injured, but we are keeping a close eye on this one. new pictures just coming in as these iraqi forces continue to push their way into that city. back over to you. larry: let's get a check on the forecast. it's improving? veronica: improving again, we should say. we keep doing it. every time we came -- we take a couple of steps back, we improve. springing into spring. we have some cloud cover, just a few clouds, mainly to the north and west of d.c., increasing across the area. you will remember today as a partly cloudy to mostly sunny kind of day. mild by midweek as we head into the first couple of days of march. coming up on wednesday it could be quite stormy and wild as we enter march, so a possibility for a weather alert day is certainly looking more and more like it could be just that. today's range and temperatures is 54 to 61 degrees with wet weather off to the north and west. if you are traveling to northern -- to western maryland or the shenandoah valley you could see some showers or a sprinkle coming your way. lunchtime.m., you can see the fading of sunshine. we will have a look at your ten-day forecast coming up. we are lookingw at metro rail, checking in with delays on the red line. for those traveling towards shady grove, you can expect delays due to an earlier trade malfunction outside farragut north. this is where we have the crash merged onto the outer loop, the accident activity is cleared on the shoulder, checking for another crash south of 212 but before you reach the beltway, look for those delays, you may want to stick with 295 as the workaround. leaving 230 six, accident activity is still on the shoulder with a rollback on the scene. not much of a delay getting past it, but you might want to watch out headed south. that is our traffic watch. back in the next 10 minutes to update our ride in college park. autria: in just a few hours, a d.c. elementary school plagued with bedbugs and rod -- set to reopen its doors. kennedy joins us with what students and parents can expect. suzanne, good morning. morning to you, larry and autria. the problem started in the fall and then persisted and came to ahead earlier in the month. the school was closed about three weeks ago with the hope of permanently getting rid of the issues here. we heard this morning that they started a top to bottom cleanup of the facility. antibacterial wipes and other materials to tackle a variety of issues that were being experience, including rat infestation and bedbugs. also off materials were replaced while students attended school today. today the students will return. the chief of schools will be here to welcome back students, as well as talk to the media about what has been done there -- done here. we will be able to take a tour of the school to check out the changes reporting live, suzanne kennedy. thank you, suzanne. thfather of an abc will, killed in action. the president interrupted a private family moment. bill owens told the herald that he and his wife refused to meet with the president when he showed up for the transfer of his remains. he said he made the decision in part because of the way the president treated the kahns, a , during theficer campaign. a veteran himself, a is calling for -- oh ends is calling for an investigation into the attack on his son. is calling for an investigation into the attack on his son. couple, and aded story that had to hide behind a powerful secret. >> we met in 2010. online. they fell in love after living parallel lives. both of them married young, later divorcing their husbands. both of them had sons. now, a total of five grandchildren. both are army veterans, each serving for more than two decades. >> the lgbt community is everywhere. fathers,thers, grandmothers. >> they married at the d.c. metropolitan community church and share a home in clinton, maryland. >> i love you. i'm proud. this is my wife. >> i love her. my life would not be the same. i am so thankful that god has brought her into my life. >> for meeting each other, she had retired from the army in 1999, the other in 2009, just before the don't ask don't tell meant, where survival secrets. >> we would not be allowed to se from her two decades in the military closet, she's still cautious. >> i look forward to the day when it is still behind me. that feeling. that feeling of having to hide. >> after the military service ended and their relationship began, the world around them really changed, but what is constant is their commitment and a love that grows stronger. >> with me finding dale, her finding me, it made my life complete. if i leave today or tomorrow, i'm a. -- i'me of the happy happy. i'm some of the happiest of ever been. autria: this is just one of several reports we are doing throughout the newscast today in anticipation of this week's miniseries, "when we rise." we invite you to join in on the discussion during our live roundtable tonight from 8:00 until 9:00 we rise," airs at 9:00, going to 11:00, and then there is an exclusive interview with a brave teenager. look: taking a live outside, clouds today, rougher weather in the days ahead. veronica johnson is back autria: well, this morning you could be seeing the new disney "beauty and the beast" movie for anybody else. we are giving away advance screening tickets in silver spring. because i number seven, that four pack of tickets is all yours. what numbers are you working with today, vj? veronica: 32 this morning, but by this afternoon, 50 seven. that's your morning start and today.mperature 32 degrees for the most part. virginia, all the way northward, it is a cold pocket this morning. it's not frigid, but it is cold this morning. what is next for us? 53 degrees by off, 50 seven. overcast later today, or i should say that much more overcast. we could have an isolated shower coming through with temperatures coming through at 41, 51, rising quickly through the upper 60's tomorrow during the afternoon. a few showers coming to the area, midweek, the potential for weather, potential is higher for wednesday. i will explain why coming up in my next weather. right now around the capital beltway we have got problems on the roads in the rails. the red line is headed towards shady grove and is experiencing delays due to a train malfunction outside farragut north. on 95, the accident activity is south of 212 at the beltway and is gone. back in virginia, southbound 286, the fairfax county parkway up the far right lane. also on the outer loop, the little river turnpike and remains of a crash, tow truck on the scene without much of a delay as you continue past the scene leaving springfield towards 66 and vice versa. that's the traffic watch. in the next 10 minutes we will update the ride on the north side of town. autria? autria: tornado in maryland. larry: eileen whelan is tracking the damage. eileen? in la: guys, we are plata, maryland, where the confirmed tornado fell through .n saturday behind me you can see that this barn is no longer standing. you have a live report from charles county, coming up. >> hello? hello? i want -- >> warren, what did you do? >> i want to tell you. >> good morning. live in hollywood, "moonlight was the big -- moonlight" was the big winner last night. yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. my giant. extended bonus buys only at my giant.nt. morning washington," on your side. >> guys, i'm sorry. no. there is a mistake. won bestt," you guys picture. this is not a joke. this is not a joke. >> this is not a joke. i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. >> this is not a joke. "moonlight" won best picture. "moonlight," best picture. larry: confusion in the dolby theater. vj," -- "la la land," enjoying a win for about two minutes. autria: "moonlight" was actually the real winner. larry: kidd o'shea is out there live. we never thought you would be covering a story like this when we sent you out there last week. say, a plot twist that i don't think that hollywood could have or would have written, even if they could. many people thinking originally that it was a joke. how could this be happening at nothing like this ever happened before. jenkins, the barry director and the writer of moonlight. ." --"moonlight." sitting there, thinking that you hadn't one. and then realizing -- wait, i did win. >> i thought that something strange had occurred. i heard the commotion. i'm sure they use on my face, .ut i was speechless i have watched the academy awards and i've never seen that happen before. never see that happen before. later on other post-oscar shows he was very congratulatory ," saying "la la land that it wasn't a big deal, they handed it over. let's be clear, "la la land " was recognized all night. they won lots of oscars. ," well-deserved best picture win, and there was a feeling on the red carpet that somebody could beat them in the best picture category and that with the two films that they mentioned were hidden figures in moonlight and "moonlight did it last night. they beat "la la land." the oscars were well prepared winneronlight" to be the . they already had the plaque up for the 2016 best picture. the people lining up her are getting ready for "live with kelly." autria: no surprise here that the oscar flub lit social media on fire. larry: jummy olabanji is tracking the fallout from overnight. on nightsove twitter like this. take a look at this. from jimmy kimmel, the host, who said that steve harvey for this. we know that he's talking about miss universe last year. speaking of miss universe, they said -- have your people call our people. doh, they know what to because they had that mess up between philippines and columbia last year. shamalan, " iight wrote the ending." we know that his movies are known for their twist endings, so no wonder he tweeted that as a joke. [laughter] larry: how did warn beatty get his hands on the wrong envelope? autria: the first clue came from the star of v "la la land." wewe would have one to -- would have been so excited to win best picture, but we are so excited for "moonlight ," one of the best films of all-time. i was pretty beside myself. i was also holding my best actress in a leading role card that entire time. whatever story that was? i have that card. [laughter] autria: saying that she had the card that he read for the rest of the show. time to figure out where the apparent duplicate came from. new this morning, best supporting actress, viola davis, talking about her big win. accepting an academy award for her role in "fences," but she says is big and honor as it is, don't expect it to change her life. >> i feel good. you know, it's not my style to just wake up and go -- i'm an oscar winner. my gosh, let me go for a run. you know? i'm good with it. i will have some mac & cheese and i will go back to washing my daughter's hair tomorrow night. larry: [laughter] davis, by the way, grew up in poverty. she said that her biggest dream in life is to have been good at something. she said she had always dreamed and hopes that she sticks the landing. our oscar coverage continues when we make the switch to news channel 8. until then, we have the entire breakdown of the big night online, at now, a desperate search for a missing girl from montgomery county. police say that this morning, they fear the disappearance is connected to the suspected gang murder of her 15-year-old cousin. john gonzalez is live in gaithersburg with what he has uncovered. john eschenbach john: that's : that's right, the cousin of that 15-year-old girl who was found murdered in fairfax county has gone missing. disturbing trend in the area, missing girls. in many cases they to gang activity. live here in gaithersburg, take a look, live in front of the wok express. this is where 18-year-old angelica ivania barahona-rivas was last seen. the place closes at 10:00, she left at 9:00, but she never made it home. detectives telling us that she does have ties in a new jersey area. the cousin, damaris reyes rivas, also in the area, her body was found in a park. 10 juveniles have been arrested in that case, which is also linked to other missing cases in the region. reporting live in gaithersburg, john gonzales, "good morning washington." autria: the national weather service confirming a tornado in maryland over the weekend. that is where we find stormwatch 7 meteorologist, eileen whelan, out there surveying the damage this morning. eileen? eileen: brought storm trak 7 here to la plata. it was an 8.5 mile path that the tornado traversed. he you can see behind me, this is a barn that couldn't withstand the tornado's impact. -- off ofght out of hawthorne road. we have side-by-side video of the tornado that came through here on saturday and, i'm sure you remember the one from 2002 in april, in la plata, which was much worse. ting this all in perspective, this is only the third time there has been a tornado in maryland since 1950. very rare. we are on storm watch with another risk for severe weather later on the day -- later on, wednesday. larry: sounds like we are not out of the woods. veronica: we have got the spring temperatures, anytime you have a cold front there is a possibility for winter storms and there could be elevated risk on wednesday because of the higher humidity. downpours, more unstable air across the area. not being an alarmist by any means, but there is something to stale or for midweek. moving our way. we start the day with a little bit of sunshine. clouds in the next weather system we are already tracking. it will be a multi-day event with severe weather for us. high rain, damaging wind, large hail, could see that. while it is not zero, we could have maybe a brief, isolated midweek.our way i think there is that possibility. just stay tuned. power outages, showing you the forecast for the next 10 days. 68 tomorrow, 75 tomorrow. your warmest day out of the work week with that severe potential. on the highways right w, height -- julie: on the highways right now, checking out the roads and rails. south of 95 and lois they'll road, the crash here is tying up the right side of the highway --a over at davis ford highway. over at davis ford, police are still the scene of that accident. leaving 236 towards the springfield interchange, that right lane is still blocked off at the scene of that crash. a new crash reported at south capitol street the red line still facing delays at shady grove road at sign farragut north because of a train delay. updating your ride on the top side of the beltway in 10 minutes. starting today, some of you will be paying more to park in the district. sam sweeney is on the corner with some coins. julie, good morning. it's going to be, the prices are going to change depending on demand. some of you may pay more, some of you may pay less, depending on the will be affected. we are talking about 1000 spots in chinatown and penn quarter. the district is trying to increase the traffic flow and make it easier to park. during high demand times, prices will be higher, and during low demand times, prices will be lower. the lowest parking will be one dollar 50 cents per hour. the highest it will go, $3.25 per hour. threeices will be set times a day and change every three months, depending on demand. the first change begins today. back to you in the studio. autria: thank you, sam. now it is time for your 60 second express. >> for best picture? >> "la la land." >> i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. >> this is not a joke. "moonlight," best picture. >> forces in iraq have reached a mosul.dge in the city of >> this 16 euro girl, angelica ivania barahona-rivas, the cousin of the 15 euros girl murdered last month. >> people turned out to a town hall to challenge the president's agenda. >> i tear -- i care very deeply about that. >> the pending on the time of day, parking could be more or less expensive. >> they closed at this school for three weeks to permanently get rid of rat infestation and [ alarm weather.eping ] ♪ [ laughter ] cartoons. wait for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1... hi grandma! and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] good morning, america. the biggest blunder in oscar history. >> "la la land." >> "la la land" mistakenly announced as best picture. >> warren, what did you do? >> but "moonlight," the real winner. >> this is not a joke. moon has won best picture. >> you guys chose us. thank you for the choice. >> we're right there with the stars after one of the craziest moments ever, capping a night full of emotional wins from the radiant viola davis. >> we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life. >> to best actor, casey affleck. and emma stone stancing off with best actress. politics center stage at the oscars. jimmy kimmel skewers president trump. >> i want to say thank you to president trump. i mean, remember last year when it seemed like the oscars were

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