Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20170418 : compare

Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20170418

♪ and the pop princess and the prince. lady gaga one-on-one with prince william. >> people that you think would never have a problem do. >> opening up about her struggle with mental illness and how she's overcoming it and it's time to stop hiding with kate and prince harry. and good morning, america. boy, that is powerful exchange between lady gaga and prince william. they just released it early in morning. we begin with that nationwide manhunt for the suspect who posted that crime on facebook. this morning there are new 911 calls from the scene. and we are learning more about the killer who is still on the loose. abc's alex perez is in cleveland, has the latest details for us, good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning, robin. the fbi say they have been talking to the police about this situation trying to figure out what exactly -- how they can piece this together, this case together here. now, we've also learned that investigators are talking to anybody on the scene and anybody who may have any information on this case to try to figure out what exactly went wrong for the first time here. we are hearing some of these 911 tapes and the confusion and panic that followed in the moments after the shooting. >> reporter: this morning steve stephens is on the fbi's most wanted list, the hunt intensifying and now going nationwide. >> our reach now is basically all over this country. >> reporter: this as new 911 tapes are released of the moment a neighbor witnessed the shooting aftermath of the unarmed elderly man. >> where was he shot at? >> he's been shot in the head. >> he's unconscious. he >> stephens' cell phone signal pinged 100 miles east of cleveland, near erie, pennsylvania. they tried to persuade him to turn himself in but now the trail has gone cold. >> he's dangerous and could be a lot of places. >> reporter: stephens recorded this shocking video of himself randomly targeting 74-year-old robert godwin killing him in cold blood. then posting it to facebook sunday afternoon. this morning we're learning more about the 37-year-old suspect, a case manager who worked with troubled youth. >> every day but when it come to my [ bleep ] nobody gives a [ bleep ]. >> reporter: he complained about the downward spiral of his rife after gambling and girlfriend trouble. earlier videos posted to his youtube page a stark contrast. showing the cleveland native bowling, fishing and even celebrating -- >> yeah, we dit, basketball win last year. a former college friend of the alleged killer stunned. >> it was an act of cowardice, stand up, be a man, turn yourself in. >> reporter: to family and friends gathering to remember the innocent victim, who leaves behind ten children and 14 grandchildren. >> i saw the video and it forever will be in my mind because i saw the fear in my father's eyes. he was so frightened. >> he was. >> he was so afraid. so sweet. >> reporter: and authorities say they are following up on, quote, dodds and dozens of leads. there's now a $50,000 reward for any information leading to his arrest. >> joining us is rebecca jarvis and former dallas police chief david brown. chief brown, let me start with you. where does the search stand right now. >> it's a national search. it's been reported and we are combing all of that he might use, beyond cell phones, to social media might be leads that might develop as well as family and friends, because it's highly suggestive that he's getting help in order to be able to disappear off the radar like this. >> yesterday we were saying there were five states that were on high alert. now they're saying a nationwide search. as more time passes it becomes a little more complicated. >> more complicated and difficult for law enforcement to be able to locate. they need help from the public and made those pleas to the public to report anything they might see that's suspicious or a tip that leads them to capture the suspect. >> you're familiar with searching for suspects, so, what's next in the manhunt, do you think? >> most of all there are cameras at tollways and cameras in public spaces like malls and locations where people frequent and so we're combing all of those types of technologies in order to hopefully get that one little tip of a license plate or happened that people report and follow up on that but it's, again, a needle in the haystack type of search so we need the public's help and emphasize it is a crime to hinder apprehension and secrete him. >> there is a thought he must be getting help here. rebecca, going back to facebook, what are they saying this morning about this? >> what's so interesting as chief brown points out technology can help us find this individual, but it also helped this individual put his story public and overnight facebook has now apologized for this video being up on its site for as long as it did and said as a result of this terrible series of events we are reviewing our reporting flows to be sure people can report videos and other material that violates our standards as easily and quickly as possible. we know we need to do better. that's part of the thing. people, the users of facebook are the people who help facebook take down this material. >> that's true. >> in orde material like this as of today, facebook needs people to go on their site and say, this exists. >> there's nothing legally wrong with what facebook did. but people are thinking morally, is there something more they can. >> they want to do more and developing technology to try to do more if you look at that time line it was more than two hours. >> both of you thanks so much. george. >> we are following lots of other important stories. president trump heading to wisconsin where he's going to sign an executive order on buy american, hire american and sending tweets in a bid to stop a democrat running in a special election in georgia. the votes happening today. overseas tensions are reaching a boiling point with north korea. they promise weekly missile tests as vice president pence continues his tour of the region. >> right to abc's matt gutman in latest, matt. >> reporter: good morning, robin. we've been hearing more saber rattling with north korea vowing those additional missile test, but everybody in the region still on tenterhooks awaiting the much anticipated nuclear test, that as vice president mike pence in the region this morning saying all options are on the table including economic and diplomatic pressure. overnight, vice president mike pence in japan reassuring u.s. allies that asia and warning north korea that all options are still on the table. >> we will not rest and we will not relent until we achieve the objective of a denuclearized korean peninsula. >> reporter: with tensions between the u.s. and north korea reaching a new boiling point, president trump offering three simple words to the country on monday. >> got to be behave. >> reporter: north korea on the defense. its deputy u.n. ambassador blaming the u.s. for putting the nuclear warfare essentially warning the hermit state would fight to the day. >> the thermonuclear war may break out any moment on the peninsula. >> reporter: and defiantly battling a message back to president trump in an interview with the bbc saying if anything the country will only increase its missile tests. our nuclear weapons protect us from that threat. we will be conducting more missile tests on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis, that as new details emerge on that failed missile test on saturday. u.s. officials say it was a medium or possibly short-range missile that blew up seconds after launch. it flew only about 34 miles before spinning out of control into the sea of japan. while the range of this type of immigrant is unclear, north korea is developing one that could travel over 2,000 miles within range of guam and even longer range missiles, one of them could be capable of to hit the u.s. mainland. despite north korea's latest provocations the white house saying the president likely won't be drawing red lines in the stand telling fox news what his strategies are. >> i don't want to say what i'm thinking or doing. i'm not like other administrations. >> reporter: short of war some of the things that are being talked about limiting the already crippled exports of north korea and grounding its national airline, all that tension already rippling across the pacific and hawaii. lawmakers are dusting off emergency plans. they would have only 20 minutes to prepare in case of a possible attack there. >> george. a lot of tension, matt gutman, thanks very much. president trump planning to sign new executive orders as a new report reveals his daughter ivanka was awarded lucrative trademarks from china 0 same day she sat down with the chinese president in mar-a-lago and cecilia vega has all the latest. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: good morning to you, the associated press is reporting that the famous first daughter's business is booming. sales they say have hit record levels. imports are up and at least some of that success has come during some key moments during her short time here at the white house. now, the day that ivanka trump's won provisional approval from the chinese government for three new trademarks, that would give that company monopoly rights to sell things like jewelry and bags there, that night she and her husband jared kushner dined with china's president at mar-a-lago. ethics experts are already weighing in and saying this could pose serious conflict of interest concerns. ivanka trump personally has tried to distance herself from her company and stepped down as ceo. she has said that she would recuse herself from con flishlgs of interest. we tried to ask ivanka trump, the white house, her team about this report. they have not responded to us yet but her look at this -- did tell the associated press, quote, she has retained authority to direct the trustees to terminate agreements that she determines create a conflict of interest or the appearance of one. but some big questions about that this morning. >> can she judge her own conflict is the question. meantime, these executive orders from the president designs to encourage hiring of american workers and buying of american products somewhat limited in scope. >> reporter: this new order will take it tougher for tech companies to replace americans with foreign workers. we're talking about these highly skilled workers on these h1b visas. candidate trump had called for a moratorium on these visas. that doesn't go that far and also doesn't seem to impact the seasonal workers at the mar-a-lago hotel. >> he brings them in down at mar-a-lago and let's bring in jon karl for more. all kinds of question, john, about the merging of the president's business, family's businesses with government action and saw cecilia's report right there. it's also being raised in the you talked to the white house yesterday about that. democrats saying that they're going to have to see how any tax reform will affect trump's bottom line. >> reporter: yeah, democrat, keep in mind he needs democrats to pass tax reform. this needs to be a bipartisan approach if it's going to have any chance of passing in congress and, george, what democrats are saying is they want to see donald trump's tax returns before they agree to anything on tax reform because they want to know how the tax changes would affect trump and the trump organization. >> meanwhile, you were in the white house briefing room sudden with sean spicer. he made it about as clear as they have in the past although he was a little circumspect that he won't release the tax returns. >> reporter: i asked him point blank can we now just acknowledge the president is never ever going to release his tax returns and sean instead of kind of pushing back on that says i'll just have to get back to you on this. they're no longer saying he will whatever audit he may or may not be under is complete. they're saying, look, maybe he just won't ever release those tax returns. >> the president weighing in on the election down in georgia. he did this robo call overnight. let's listen. >> hello, this is president donald trump, liberal democrats from outside of georgia are spending millions and millions of dollars trying to make your republican congressional seat away from you. don't let them do it. >> jon, he's up and tweeting early this morning. >> reporter: a fascinating race and saying if we simply get to a runoff and if the democrat gets less than 50% this will be a victory. this is a fascinating district because it has been republican for years. this was newt gingrich's district but donald trump only won it by one percentage point last year. >> we will watch today. jon karl, thanks very much. now to the huge legal battle over the death penalty in arkansas. the state eight men on death row in 11 days but overnight the supreme court intervened. the state forced to abandon its plan minutes before one of the inmate's death warrant was set to expire and abc's mary bruce is at the supreme court with those details for us. good morning, mary. >> reporter: >> we're having audio problems with mary. let's move on to the search for two hikers swept away in a creek at grand canyon national park from the family who founded the merrell hiking boot company and kayna whitworth is in los angeles with the details. good morning, kwain. >> reporter: good morning. the two have been missing more than 48 hours and were in their second day of a multiback backpacking trip and family members telling us they are experienced and have the skills to survive the rugged terrange. this morning, investigators desperately searching to locate two missi swept away in the rushing waters of the grand canyon this weekend. 14-year-old jackson standefer and his step grandmother 62-year-old lou-ann merrell were hiking with a group including jackson's mother in a remote area of arizona on saturday. the national park service says the group was crossing this creek with fast-moving water when the two fell in and were swept away. >> this particular kind of incident is extremely rare. the two people would be washed away in a creek crossing is something that is unheard of in our local memory of grand canyon incidents. >> in 1981 randy merrell had an idea to create a hiking boot. >> reporter: lou-ann merrell is married to the head of merrell and is said to be an experienced hiker. jackson's uncle facing where the hikers are is hot during the day and freezing a water they were in was probably below 40 degrees. >> they were well provisioned for a multiday trip. the both were reported to have food and water in their backpacks. we believe they're equipped and have the knowledge to survive. >> reporter: now, the boy's uncle telling the ap searchers have found their backpacks. it's important to note this happened in such a remote part of the grand canyon search crews are having to stay the night into the wilderness. some areas can't be accessed by foot, using boat, helicopters and drones to find the two. >> thank you. now we have that incredible moment at the boston marathon. a finish for the ages when a wounded veteran carried his friend across the finish line while she was carrying the american flag. army staff sergeant earl granville has run a number of marathons since losing a leg in afghanistan in 2008. many are calling the moment how strong those who served in the armed forces are. there were so many moments like that. ginger has flash floods in texas? >> uh-huh, yeah. wildfires in florida and then looking at flash flooding in brazoria, texas. up to 10 inches has fallen overnight. that training thunderstorms, upper level low sitting around energizing the atmosphere has a flash flood warning south of houston. this will be in place and watches and warnings, the chance for it through the afternoon. something to watch for if you're in east texas. also those wildfires i was mentioning now 107 wildfires across the state of florida, the pictures are just intense. this one actually is right along the state line of georgia so now moving north. sunshine today with clouds increasing overnight. tomorrow will be a cloudy and cool day. a stray shower or areas of drizzle is possible. a warm front will lift north of the area thursday allowing highs to soar into the low 80s! an approaching front could trigger an isolated late day thunderstorm, but at this point, there's only a 30% chance you'll get wet weather where you are. friday will be a few degrees lower, in the mid 70s, with isolated shower chances, as the front slowly pushes east. >> this is the time i wish i could move that east texas rain right over to flori a it on. people said what's the dance look like? i don't know what the rain dance looks like. coming up new details about prince's death. what investigators found hidden inside his home. lady gaga and prince william going one-on-one with a candid conversation on mental health and how lady gaga finally got help. as long as we protect their employer's identity. there are a number of reasons but it starts with the water that is perfectly chilled. we actually have a custom-made straw. wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. oh my gosh, it's super fun to talk like this. say my name! mindy. min-deeee! wait say it again! mindy! should we prank call somebody? yes! hi, it's min-deee! hohoho or how high the pollen count, flonase allergy relief keeps your eyes and nose clear. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. flonase. when a fire destroyed everything in our living room. we replaced it all without touching our savings. yeah, our insurance won't do that. no. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance fothere's a seriousy boomers virus out there that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know 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's way beyond ice cream. >> anchor: good morning, washington! i'm melanie hastings. here is a check of your stop stories. a multistate man hunt for the facebook killer enters the third day. josh, that search came to our area. dc police received a tip a person see sembling steve stephens tried to check into a northwest hotel using carb. it was not him. he is accused after killing a 74 -year old man encleveland and posting the video off murder on facebook a team from fort rutger alabama will be at the scene of a chopper crash in maryland today. investigators will try to find out what caused that chopper to come down. one surge was killed, tw pulled from the wreckage and flown to a hospital. stronger is rebuilding a newborn's heart... and restoring a father's faith. it's standing tall after one surgery... not six. stronger is being a typical kid... despite a rare disorder. stronger is finding it earlier... and coming home sooner. stronger is seeking answers... and not giving up, until you find them. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. >> reporter: good morning. 7:26. blue skies making way from the clouds we had early this morning right now, 49 degrees over at dulles. nip in in the air with the blue skies and clouds thinning out temperatures will warm. low to mid 50s from lees burg to downtown. 62 in can'tco. high, low to mid 70s. gorgeous day. enjoy, cloudy skies roll in tonight. by tomorrow, mostly cloudy, color, only 60s for your mid week. what's happening with the morning rush? >> reporter: well, on the roads we're actually monitoring a crash on the prince william parkway for eastbound commuters closer to dumfries road. big picture map, a lot of red through river dale and chivalry. cleared a crash inbound 50. accident n lane after you pass ex bp engineers use robotic ultrasound technology, so they can detect and repair corrosion before it ever becomes a problem. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there's powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear. your smile says (brett) my ta lot about you. what does this say? 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>> unresponsive passenger. >> reporter: shellen berg told investigators he put the prescription in johnson's name for prince's privacy but his lawyer saying dr. shulen berg never to prince or any other person with the intent they will be given to prince. johnson telling investigators he was unaware prince was daddicte to pain medication even though the star's assistant had arranged a meeting with a rehab center for help and that center's representative at the home the morning prince died and called 911. >> at paisley park, 7801 audubon road. person down not breathing. >> reporter: his ex-wife telling "good morning america" -- >> he was a machine. music kept him going. >> reporter: not clear where he got that fentanyl that took his life ultimately. investigators scouring his computer, e-mail and phone records looking for clues but still no answer to that question. >> for more let's bring in dr. drew pinsky. always good to see you and get your insight and perspective. you've heard what these documents are alleging and so what do you make of the fact that so many prescriptions, so many drugs were found in various areas of the house? >> well, robin, i don't make much of it. it just start of standard fare with a history of opioid excess, stashes all over. what is unusual about the prince case, many things are unusual but some things that jump out are the issue of the fentanyl. how and why he got enough to take a huge a that's a hard drug to overdose on unless you're shooting it. i will remind people, people don't typically die of prescription opioid use unless you add a benzodiazepine and they found alprazolam and they graduate from that to heroin as physicians are getting the message we have to curtail the prescribing of oral opiates. about that doctor that said he filled it under a friend's name for privacy reasons. you're not buying that. >> well, if that's true, again, we don't know what the doctor was up to. if a doctor does that it's unkosher supermarku unconscionab unconscionable. it violates safety codes and rules and we can't monitor the practices but it does highlight one thing that happens all the time which is that people in special positions -- excuse me, celebrities and whatnot often seek out special care. michael jackson's physician being case a of that and when you get special care, you inevitably get substandard care. the standard is for a reason. it's the best care and if a physician is somehow sort of turned on by taking care of somebody special, that's terrible for the patient. what prince kneed was the same as every person with addiction. he lived 30 minutes from one of the premiere from hazelton. they could have taken him there and he would be alive today but the special needs people flying from san francisco, it's unthinkable. unthinkable to try to treat an opioid addict like that. >> dr. drew, thanks as always. coming up, the new claims about alex jones, are all his conspiracy theories just an act? 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>> do we know -- he's not rebutting his lawyer. >> i don't think they're going to care. look, these are people listening to stuff talking about 9/11 conspiracy theories and how oklahoma city and sandy hook and all these other things were an inside job. you get som custody hearing where he said, oh, i was an entertainer. i don't think people will hold him accountable to facts like a judge will. >> over to robin. all right, george, coming up on our big board, prince william and lady gaga one-on-one. it's a revealing new interview plus the fate of the furious breaking records at the box office. what's the secret formula to its success? we're back in two minutes. gs ar. because as we live longer... and markets continue to rise and fall... predictable is one thing you need in retirement to help protect what you've earned and ensure it lasts. introducing brighthouse financial. a new company established by metlife to specialize in annuities & life insurance. talk to your advisor about a brighter financial future. welcome to holiday inn! ♪ ♪ whether for big meetings or little getaways, there are always smiles ahead at holiday inn. everythat's why new dialo get closer hibiscus wateru love. is formulated for up to 12 hours of freshness, for the fresh skin feeling you love. dial. healthier skin. healthier you. happiness is powerful flea and tick protection from nexgard. nexgard kills fleas and ticks all month long. and it comes in an easy-to-give tasty chew. and that makes dogs and owners happy. no wonder vets love it too. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, see your vet for more information on flea and tick protection you and your dog will love. nexgard. the vet's #1 choice. how clean do you feel after(laughter)the bathroom? let's ask the experts. i feel as clean as a little, white tiny kitten. that's because only cottonelle® has cleanripple® texture. designed to clean better... how cottonelle® do you feel? back now with the big board and start with prince william and lady gaga putting their heads together in a candid conversation about mental health doing this on facebook and abc's lama haas ssan is outside kensington palace. good morning. >> reporter: this is a cause close to prince william's heart and last year the duke and duchess along with prince harry launched their heads together campaign to end the stigma around mental health and pri because she revealed this is something she has to deal with every single day. take a look. this morning, real life royalty joining forces with the queen of pop. ♪ >> hello, privence william. >> hello, lady gaga. >> reporter: facetiming her about the teed to open up about mental health. >> the little bits i've learned about mental health is very much the case of -- this conversation, it's really important to have. >> reporter: last year she revealed she was suffering from ptsd from a sexual assault when she was 19 years old. >> even though it was hard, it was the best thing that could come out of my mental illness was to share it with other people and to let, you know, our generation as well as other generations know that if you are el that you're not alone. >> reporter: the pair championing this cause agreeing to do more to end the stigma surround mental health. the duke and duchess of cambridge along with prince alreadiry have been involved with mental health causes since last year. >> we are not hiding anymore. we're starting to talk and that's what we need to do really. >> it's time that everyone sp k speaks up and really -- it feels very normal about mental health because it's the same as physical health. >> reporter: of course, this comes a day after prince harry gave his very powerful interview in which he opened up about his own mental health issues of ahis mother died and he almost had a breakdown and his brother encouraged him to seek after ending years of him suffering in silence. >> we were surprised when you reported that to us yesterday but prince william and also lady gaga, yes, it's a very heavy subject talking about mental health but they had some lighter didn't they? >> reporter: oh, absolutely, robin. it was like they were two old chums shooting the breeze and using their star power to bring awareness to a subject they both feel passionally about. >> you got to love the open, hello, prince william. >> hello, lady gaga. historic weekend hollywood. "fate of the furious" breaking the box office record, eighth film in that series and here's what it got, $532.5 million surpassing "star wars: the force awakens." chris connelly joins us. what's the secret? >> a lot of rubber hitting the road. the big secret is it's an international hit. this was huge overseas. a massive opening. the biggest film opening in the history of china, for example. ironically enough it only opened to than the fast "fast and furious" film opened. no one is complaining. both "the fast and furious" and "star wars" franchises are massive successes. family. two meanings, one, inclusive casts for age and gender ande e ethnici ethnicity. you see yourself up on stage and see yourself up on screen and that's special and see big stars in familiar situations over and over again and you feel like they're family and we saw that in a touching way in real-life situations. think of the emotional outpouring for the passing of paul walker and exclusive at outpouring for the passing of carrie fisher. we care for these people. >> befeel like we know them so all of this money that they're raking in and still have critics who say, well, it's not original and this, that and other and you're like, oh, come on now. it's obviously working. >> well, the problem is family costs money. when you have these big tars in movies over and over you have to pay increasingly high talent cost. not every film is a "star wars" or "fast and furious" movie. if you're thinking about doing a sequel you have a difficult choice to make because a lot of sequels in hollywood cost more than the original film and make a significant amount less so do you want to keep paying those stars a multiple of what they might otherwise make and see if they strike gold. tough decision for anybody to make. >> we saw the new trailer for "the last jedi," the next "star wars" film but the bar is high. can it cross over? >> yeah, i can predict that film will make $1 jillion. the cast of "pretty little liars" here live sharing secrets behind the final season. acronyms are fun. lol laugh out loud, btw by the way, and of course, wbyceiydbo we'll buy your car even if you don't buy ours wbyceiydbo! wbyceiydbo? we'll buy your car even if you don't buy ours wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo!! wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo!! wbyceiydbo! wbyceiydbo!!! wbyceiydbo!!! no, no, we're cool. i got you. ok. it's the right thing to do. ♪ carmax music sting beggin' skinny strips or beggin' black label? there's two?! now this is a delicious dilemma! introducing new beggin' strips premium edition. twwwoooooo?!?! with real meat as ingredient one. everything to your liking? mmm mmmmm... new beggin' strips premium. becaussssseeee beggin'! nobody does underwater stunts, sylvia. except me, of course. this is my stop. adios! ♪ if you're a stuntman, you cheat death. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. número uno! moms know their kids need love, encouragement and milk. with 8 grams of natural protein, and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. moms know kids grow strong when they milk life. and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. i doni refuse to lie down. why suffer? 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>> he's been shot in the head. >> is he awake at all? >> he's unconscious. he's dead. >> the manhunt goes nationwide and a $50,000 reward and facebook under fire right now. apologizing for leaving the video online for hours. we'll have what they're saying now to stop it from happening again. backlack over "13 reasons why." so many are watching and now many say the hit show could be doing more harm than good. >> we wanted to make something that can hopefully help people. >> is it a well-intentioned message or glam rising high school tragedy. ♪ this time baby time to splash into spring. the best rain boots and umbrellas for you and your kids. testers trying them out for more than 100 hour, trekking, slipping and sliding. we'll reveal what came out on top. ♪ bad girls and we've got a secret. just for you, hours before the blockbuster final season kicks off, all the pretty little liars are right here live with an exclusive clip from their show. >> and they're here to say -- >> all: good morning, america. >> good morning, america. happy tuesday. welcome to "pretty little liars" and lara. >> you fit right in with that cast. i couldn't tell. >> same age. [ laughter ] pretty old liars. >> and the wonderful cast of -- talking about pretty little liars. "pretty little liars" are here. they are taking over. [ applause ] oh, boy. oh, >> that's more like what our control room is normally. >> they got right into character. also, "dancing's" eliminated couple. erika. it's time to say good-bye to erika jayne and gleb. cannot wait to talk to them and about the unicorn, the lamborghini, many questions. >> which will be answered. now the morning rundown from tom llamas. >> good morning. we begin with breaking news overseas. authorities in france say they foiled an imminent terror attack arresting two men in the city of marseilles. investigators say the plot was aimed at disrupting thursday's first round of voting in the presidential election but they did not give any details about potential targets. vice president mike pence in tokyo making it clear the u.s. is 100% behind japan as north korea threatens to conduct weekly missile tests. both of them a peaceful resolution despite rising tensions and north korea says war could break out at any moment and president trump refused to comment on reports that the u.s. sabotaged their missile test sunday. back here at home new details in the nationwide search for the so-called facebook murder who randomly murdered a cleveland grandfather and posted the video online. alex perez has the latest on the manhunt. alex, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tom. the fbi says they have alerted law enforcement across the country to be on the lookout for the suspect. this morning for the first time we are hearing some of the confusion and panic that followed in the moments after the shooting. now, authorities are saying they're following up on, quote, dozens and dozens of tips and steve stephens has been on the run since sunday when police say he recorded himself brutally shooting and killing a 74-year-old man and then posted the ordeal on facebook. this morning investigators releasing some of the 911 calls that came in moments after the figure out what was happening. >> where was he shot at? >> he's been shot in the head. >> is he awake the all? >> he's unconscious, he's dead. >> reporter: there's a $50,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest in this case. >> one more update. facebook says it's reviewing procedures to make sure people can report disturbing videos as quickly as possible. president trump is signing executive order today aimed at curbing immigration fraud and overhauling a visa program. the buy american hire american order wants many tech companies to stop recruiting from other countries. they're undercutting americans by bringing in cheap labor something the president was accused of doing with some of his businesses. take a look at this in colorado. the moments after an explosion leveled this home near denver. the house reduced to a pile of debris. two people rushed to the hospital. the cause is still under and finally what would you do to win a new set of wheels? people at a dealership in texas are locking their lips onto this kia. the last one still kissing the kia gets to drive it home. they've been at it for a full day only taking ten minutes break every hour. if more than one contestant is still puckering up by tomorrow more than 24 hours later a drawing will decide the winner. kiss a kia. i don't know -- >> i'd do it for a lamborghini or a ferrari. >> oh, come on. >> a car is a car. >> it would just be a lottery at the end. >> why can't they can't them both one if you've kissed one for 24 hours. >> and we deserve some "pop news." >> good morning, everybody. [ applause ] we begin "pop news" this morning with lady gaga. a trifecta going on for her at co-chel l.a. the california. she's serving as the overall headliner as beyonce dropped out and debuting her new song you're listening to called "the cure" and using it as a backdrop if you will filming a scene for "a star is born." that little remake. you might have heard of it and the director and co-star broadly cooper and his team are asking extras to join them. all little monsters are encouraged to come over to their stage whering denim and boots and leave the usual inspired gaga at home. she shared this photo, her first shot in character opposite cooper and writes in part i'm so excited to star in my first movie alongside someone i'm lucky to call my friend and so grateful to bradley for making my dream come true. [ applause ] >> i think i read she had to >> yeah, she had to audition for the part and i did not now, googling this morning, there were -- i thought there were three -- this is the fourth remake of this. yeah, there was a version back in the '30s then judy garland and then barbara striegs sand. and now lady gaga looking forward to that. also in "pop news" this morning, the wedding of duchess kate's sister pippa and the question, will she or won't she? we're talking about meghan markle attending and the answer is kind of. while there is no formal rule for royals bringing dates to such occasions megan will likely not attend the church service alongside her boyfriend prince harry. a source telling "people" magazine she's trying as best she can to keep it in check sizewise but markle requested time off from her show "suits" and will attend all other wedding st and it comes on the heels that word that prince harry took a trip to toronto over easter weekend to visit her skipping his usual royal traditions for the holiday. things heating up, i think. >> but also because it's pippa's wedding and you never want to outshine the bride. >> exactly. absolutely. so much i could say. >> okay, okay. over coffee. finally, if you're a pet owner you might want to hide your iphone. your furry friends are likely to damage it out of sheer boredom. a new report, a protective plan provider released their damage report. it's very technical that name. pets break stuff and reports are a bit ruff, 59% of squaretrade users say their pets have destroyed at least one phone with male animals more likely to be the culprit and made up for 63% of tech wreckers and the report gives a not s report for others. small dogs get into trouble. you know it's not surprising. so why do they do it? they report them as being cure os or complained bored and 60% their weapon of choice was their teeth. the culprit was chewing and that, everybody, is "pop news" and a very in-depth one. [ applause ] >> thank you, lara. coming up here, the show "13 reasons why" and so many teenagers watching. the best rain boots to keep you dry this spring. "gma." [ applause ] "gma's morning menu" is brought to you by chick-fil-a. here we go! tradition calls it's "gotcha day!" love you, dad i love you too, sweetie unlimited data on t-mobile, now that's a treat. why did verizon take so long to offer it? is it because their lte network was built six years ago? six years ago? that's like a hundred in phone years. t-mobile built newer, faster, more advanced lte to handle unlimited data. switch to t-mobile, now covering 314 million americans and growing. and right now, get 2 lines of unlimited data for a hundred bucks, all in! taxes and fees included. and we are back with the controversy surround that popular new netflix series "13 co-produced by selena gomez takes on the nishikori of teen suicide and mara schiavocampo examines it. >> reporter: this morning backlash over the network series "13 reasons why." it may be doing more harm than good, some say. >> why didn't you say this to me when i was alive. >> reporter: the series based on the young adult novel of the same name and co-produced by selena gomez centers around high school hanna baker who takes her own life after leaving audio reportings for the 13 people she claims contributed to her death. >> settle in because i'm about to tell you the story of my life. >> reporter: now some suicide prevention groups saying the show glamorized suicide. the second leading cause of death among those ages 15 to 34 according to the cdc. >> my fear about this show, they'll wash this and not reach out for help because they'll feel as though there's no reason to. >> reporter: suicide prevention experts adding the show doesn't with thoughts of suicide or alternatives to taking one's life. >> it's important for meme to know that about 90% of the people that die by suicide have a mental health issue at the time of their death and miss that. >> reporter: show producers say they hope the series can help those who may be struggling as selena gomez shared in the netflix after show "beyond the reasons" accompanying the series. >> we wanted to do it in a way where it was honest and we wanted to make something that can hopefully help people because suicide should never ever be an option. >> reporter: overnight netflix telling abc news in a state we support the unfliping vision of the show's creator who engaged the careful advise of medical professionals in the scriptwriting process. the producing team saying they add suicide prevention resources and information on crisis hotlines in more than 35 countries on a sister website. for "good morning america," mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> thanks to mara for that and here with dr. janet taylor, child psychiatrist. i watched a couple with my older daughter elliott who is 14. it's beth gripping and disturbing at the same time but we decided it was too much for our 11-year-old. >> well, as parents we have that option but the reality is i applaud selena gomez. you had lady gaga talking about mental health issues because we have to break the silence and too often young people especially suffer in silence thinking they're the only ones, so you made the decision as parents it's too much but for so many kids they might not have parents to talk to and don't talk about it. >> how do you get the balance right between revealing something and reaching out to people and glam riding it. >> well, again, i think we don't talk enough about when things aren't going well. i had a patient who said i have to be perfect because i'm so flawed. where did she get in terms of covered up and now seeing the raw issues that bullying accounts for. the raw issues that sexual abuse or trauma or sexual assault and kids feel they can't talk about it and keep silent. we have to break the silence and talk to our parents and counselors. if you have a history of mental illness, talk to your children about it. if your child makes a threat about wanting to hurt themselves, take it seriously. >> that's the big one. >> share experiences. being a teenager in today's world is not all it cracks up to be. as adults we think they have so much freedom but they are he dealing with real arnettes and pressure and i think the show gives the opportunity to watch together with your parents and talk about those issues and listen without judgment. >> janet taylor, thanks for coming in. we'll be right back. first you start with this then add this and this face wait, we can do better yeah that's the one and fresh brewed lipton iced tea ah that can wait oh but not you buddy. bring everyone together with the refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. when a fire destroyed everything in our living room. we replaced it all without touching our savings. yeah, our insurance won't do that. no. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance hey scout, what's with the itchys and scratchys? it's these fleas and ticks. ow! 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an approaching front could trigger an isolated late day thunderstorm, but at this point, there's only a 30% chance you'll get wet weather where you are. friday will be a few degrees lower, in the mid 70s, with isolated shower chances, as the front slowly pushes east. a "gma" exclusive now. we are squashing into spring with the best gear to keep you dry. the wirecutter is out for its top pick for rain boots and adrienne bankert is here to tell us how they fared in our extreme wet weather challenge which was a challenge. >> extreme. it's beautiful outside here in new york city today, but a lot of families are getting into that spring cleaning mode and taking out their warm weather wardrobe but it's definitely not time to put away that umbrella or rain boots yet. spring showers really aren't much fun without the right footwear. the wirecutter is out with its best picks for men's and women's rain boots and took testers 100 hours in california and colorado wearing them as they trek through the wood, shoreline and even driving with them on to check comfort. we set up our own demo trying to make our own puddle to see if any of these leaked. >> exactly. to test for it writer liz thomas said they filled a kiddie pool and suffered the boots with paper towels letting them sit for 24 hours while our boots soak we move on to our extreme challenge, a water sport of sorts. to see whether the boots have enough traction. do the moonwalk and worst case their joe. the wirecutter soaked up a kitchen floor to see how they did in foot conditions. when you try to slide it'll stop you. >> reporter: on me, the extra tough salmon sister legacy boot for $135. it's much more weighted. and on xtratuf at $135. the top budget pick, target merone that malista performed better on slick surfaces than the hunter for $150. the wellies fared fairly well and named most stylstylish. we have the same results at the wirecutter test. >> none leaked. >> there is no purple stained paper towels in our boots. okay, so i'm rocking the winters from wire cutters. the extra tough salmon legacy boots. something practical and yet stylish it's going to last for a long, long time. the wirecutter does receive proceeds from retailers' products advertised on their website. >> good to know that. i feel silly what i'm wearing right now. but you talked about um the best overall winner for best umbrella. you can open that one up. this is the repel easy touch. of course, we've seen a lot with those inside out umbrellas in that strong wind. >> not happening here. >> i know it does happen sometimes. we do have this, as well. the totes auto stick umbrella. this is the best stick umbrella. >> all right. a lot of information there. thank you very much. coming up, the pretty little liars. stay with us. >> anchor: good morning, washington! i'm melanie hastings. here is a check of your stop stories. a teen team are be at the scene of a chopper crash, one soldier killed, two others hurt when the blackhawk helicopter came down, happened during a ru teen training exercise. ballerina misty copy labor day is in washington for the kennedy center ballet across america. celebrates diversity and innovation in dance. we sat down with her ahead of her performance. hear her interview coming up in our 8:00 hour of good morning washington on news channel 8. to the weather, brian, how is our day looking. >> reporter: we got some blue skies, right now currently downtown, 59 degrees. light east northeast wind. somewhat but above average, 59 in the city, 60 quantico. 59 leesburg. high into the lower 70s, tonight, clouds will return and by the day tomorrow temperatures in the 60s with a few spotty showers. 7:48, sunset. angela. >> reporter: thank you so much on the roads we cleared the crash interstate 95 northbound at the prince william parkway. 66 your crash westbound from the capital beltway, blocks the right travel lane. big picture map with a little bit of color, dealing with quite a few collisions tin district. twelfth street, independence avenue southwest. you can see that delay on southbound i270, costing 45 minutes from father hurley boulevard to the i270 spur. northbound 395, you're gridlock ed passing edsel road through landmark. >> anchor: thank you. you can get more news, weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. we'll see minutes, now back to "good morning america." have a ♪ [ applause ] back here at "gma." happy tuesday and we have a great audience. what do you have. >> i have a question for everybody. do you ever use these at home? >> post-it notes. >> i live by them. >> what to do if you forget things. >> i do. >> stay-at-home dad in pennsylvania. chris illuminati and his wife doesn't want him to forget things. he writes his wife funny messages as well and has a blog, he has 60,000 people that follow him for his like post-it parenting advice. we have some of them up here with us. he writes a lot. this one says if you're curious just state that my kids are absolutely unfazed by a home fire alarm. >> i have one. the kid and i are counting down to the last day of school for very different reasons. that's a good one. >> any time i see a lost toy i don't feel bad for the kid losing his mind for god. i feel bad for the parents losing their minds looking for it. >> sage advice. >> getting my handstand used to me i was getting into a crowded nightclub. now it means my son and i are here to see the penguins. >> like deep thoughts by a parent. >> we were talking about -- i don't know if you remember "sex and the city" and when carrie, her boyfriend broke up with her on that little post-it and said i can't, don't hate me. >> too late. >> that's what i think about. >> we asked some of our audience members what they would like to post and have someone find in their home so we have janelle from brooklyn, new york. how are you? [ applause ] >> good. >> what would you -- >> my message was that the dust bunny is in the corner and it's going to need feeding soon. >> cute. cute. thanks so much. >> kaitlyn, what's your message? >> love your outfit but not on the floor. [ applause ] >> i understand. >> lara understands. rich from rochester. >> i don't iron the clothes. i just let the dryer do it. >> that's a guy. [ applause ] >> once a parent -- >> delivery. your delivery really sold it. i love that. >> he's had a lot of practice with that one. okay, let's on. any of you ever feel judged when you take a yoga class? >> yes. >> you're nodding your head. you are going to feel it right now because we're about to meet a florida judge who actually teaches yoga on the courthouse lawn. there she is right there, eleni derke. how is it going this morning, eleni? >> good morning. we're here ready to do some yoga for you. >> tell me how you came up with it. >> how did you come up with this idea. >> uh-oh. she's going to derobe. >> taking it off. >> i can't do yoga in the robe, you know. >> the women behind you -- >> about two years ago -- what's that? i'm sorry. >> go ahead. >> well, about two years ago the president of the jacksonville bar association asked me to head up the health committee and i thought, what a better way to stay healthy than to do yoga so i started teaching yoga on the lawn every first friday of referee month and right now we're just getting members of the l is open to everybody because you know at the courthouse people need yoga. >> i'm sure of that. and -- >> high-stress situation. >> and i guess you're building a different kind of community out there. >> well, yeah, i mean, it's -- people just love yoga. i think they need to destress, especially the legal communities, you know, yoga is the best form of stress release and by definition, the legal communities is an adversarial system so it's just made for a high-stress situation so these attorneys are in the courtroom. they're warriors in there. so they come out here and then they're warriors on their mats. destress, they can refocus and then they can go back and do their jobs just right. >> is it true you've also tried to use some of these techniques with your juries? >> i sure have. [ laughter ] these poor guys just sit in those chairs for so many hours, i don't make them but i usually just say, why don't we all just stand up, inhale, arms overhead. take a deep breath in and exhale them back down. that energizes them. no falling asleep on my watch. >> and, of course, you're the judge so they have to do what you say. >> but everyone -- >> you know what, i feel bad about that and i didn't really think about that when i was doing it. but it's for their own good. >> absolutely. i would agree. >> well, everybody behind you, one in particular she has been holding that pose the entire time in the glasses behind you. she gets credit for that. >> they are very well trained. >> do you want to show us a few moves before we leave you. >> of course, sure. all right. so warrior two on the left first. [ speaking a foreign language ] we're going to reverse it. >> ah. >> then we'll do our side angle stretch. [ speaking a foreign language ] in sanskrit and then the other side. >> nice. >> well done. all right. well, we'll let you get to it. it looks like a beautiful morning there as well. thank everybody for us, judge. >> it's a gorgeous morning. >> you are gorgeous. namaste. >> namaste. now must go. before we go it is a very special morning here in times square because we're gearing up for the return of "pretty little liars." yes. i can't believe it's the final season. we've got a lot of fans here with us and how many -- i can tell you're excited about that. all right, there's some super fans right here. what is it about the show that >> well, i mean, the show is just -- it's incredible. it keeps you hooked the entire way through. it's been seven years and i'm still on the edge of my seat after every single episode so it's just amazing at keeping their audience. >> i understand you have not missed one episode of "pretty little liars." >> no, i've never missed an episode and watching it since i was like in fifth grade and dragged my little sister in the room and i record it and i'd rewind the scenes over and over again. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. [ cheers and applause ] >> i know. [ applause ] don't you love it? tell you what, they'll talk. they'll talk and spend a little time. we have more with the "pretty little liars." [ cheers and applause ] there's the view. there's more to life than the climb. you've gotta stop and look around a little. come, shed life's layers in asheville. let the child inside you out to play. remember who you are. life is for the taking, not for taking it easy. asheville. discovery, inside and out. ♪ [doorbell] ♪ ♪ when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪ visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ back here on "gma." a fun event inspired by gordon "guardians of the galaxy"'s character groot. well, guess what, whoa, whoa, groot. marvel and disney are launching the # grootdancebomb. every time you share this veo disney will consider donating a dollar to plant a tree. up to a quarter million dollars. i'm going to push it. let's do the groot dance, shall we? we're all doing it. that's all you have to do. you can see the new "guardians of the galaxy" mayin the low 70 sunshine today with clouds increasing overnight. tomorrow will be a cloudy and cool day. a stray shower or areas of drizzle is possible. a warm front will lift north of the area thursday allowing highs >> okay, lara, we have to get to you before we get dizzy. >> i have too much to talk about, ginger. let me get right to it. here we are "dancing with the stars'" erika jayne and gleb. the real housewife and her partner going out on a high note with a beautiful disney inspired viennese waltz before flying across the country to join >> thank you. >> you ended on a high note. how did it feel when the dance ended? >> go. >> it felt great. yeah, we did end on a high note. it was beautiful, it was emotional. i felt good about it. we worked hard. i'm proud of us. >> you have dancing experience. >> yes. >> because of your incredible performing that you do. how did this compare? was "dancing with the stars" harder than you imagined it would be? >> partnering is harder than you know you could imagine. i mean i knew it was going to be tough. i knew it would be a challenge. i always said that but it was really difficult to come into his space and learn and really be his student. >> letting me be the boss. >> if you watch "real housewives of beverly hills," you know that's not easy. >> it was tough but i'm so appreciative and had a great time. >> gleb, let me rank you is there a future erika's next music video? >> i think so. >> maybe. >> i see a unicorn and lamborghini in the video. >> he did a great job and created, director, choreographer. did a beautiful job. >> i want to ask you, erika, knowing all of the other housewives who do you think would do the best on "dancing with the stars"? >> probably kyle. >> kyle. >> kyle would be good. >> who would be the toughest judge? >> on "dancing with the stars"? >> yes. >> every one of them. you know, every one of them but, you know i hope kenyon moore gets on the show next. she'd be great. kenya. you're next, babe. >> you have your platform right here. [ applause ] that's interesting. so, tell me a little about the experience. what was it like? is it harder than being a housewife being on "dancing with the stars." >> it's two completely different things. first everyone on "dancing with the stars" is very nice and very warm and very sweet although you ani types but nothing like my other job, but, yes, nothing -- [ laughter ] i had a great time. >> were you ready to go? >> no. i wasn't. i felt like we were opening up. i felt like we were growing so i wasn't ready to go, no. >> i bet you weren't ready to go either because there was a promise of a lamborghini if you went to the end. would you have come through on that. >> of course, i would have. >> i knew you would have. >> i'm not going to say going -- come on. >> we have changed the deal at the end. if we make it to the final, you know, she was like we don't have to win it. if we make it to the final. >> let me tell you something we'll make your dream come true. do we have a special -- do we have -- >> you didn't make it to the final but erika is a woman of her word and wanted to make sure it came through. >> that is adorable. >> america wants to thank you. >> yay. >> can you bring out the other and then we'll go. erika, to the best uniform dance ever. >> thank you. >> the winner, america. [ applause ] you guys are great and you can see "dancing with the stars" 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on abc. >> thank you. >> of course. ♪ all about a good time ♪ yeah i've been talking to the gi girls because i don't want them to leave. "pretty little liars" gearing up for the final episode of the series. it is starting tonight and seven years after the show began, a lot of questions. a lot of questions still unanswered. >> uh-huh. >> it is great to have lucy, ashley, troian and shay here with us again. thank you just much respect and admiration after seven years. i mean that sincerely and you have been good to us over the years. >> you've been good to us. >> right back at you so tell me, hmm, what does it feel like that it's coming to an end lucy. >> so strange. it's really bizarre. i mean, we wrapped filming in october and -- but we still knew we had this week of press to promote so this is sort of our lat shebang like our last time being together for awhile so it's very weird and now about the time we go back to filming in our hiatus normally. >> can you put it in three words, the finale. >> i'll treat and use a high fin, game-changing. >> hey. got it. >> way to go. romantic. >> yes. >> and shocking is good too. >> shocking. >> this is kind of lik you guys have been so good to us. you know. [ applause ] >> so, would you like to see a little sneak peek? [ cheers and applause ] here you go. >> we haven't seen this one yet. >> i haven't seen this. >> let's see a bit. >> i still we still throw it in the fireplace, throw brandy over it and flambe it. >> jenna wouldn't have been able to build it. >> spencer, mary drake is a liar. >> my mom will prove that when she gets home tomorrow. >> since you're on a first name basis with the detective why don't we just turn this thing over to him. >> well, you know how that works. if we turn this in to the police it'll blow up before we even get it into the car. >> he wants us to play. >> no way. he wants to play with us. [ applause ] and edge of my seat. on the edge of my seat watching that. >> yes. >> association ashley and sasha, if we were to check in with your characters five years from now where would you want them to be? >> goodness. i don't know. i always say that i'd want hannah to become this huge fashion mogul and in france somewhere. like anna wintour. like running her own company and magazine in paris. >> and for you -- >> sounds like the dream. >> it does. >> i don't know, alison, i think she became a strong wheat woman which i loved and -- but i really like the way we endeds her character so i can't really spoil it too much but you saw that she was pregnant, right? that was kind of the last thing she pregnant. so, yeah, you do. -- [ al >> oh, my gosh. >> we have fear of releasing -- >> i got hot in my body. >> we're sweating. >> we're glad to be over. >> what? >> we all announced it. >> for all of this secret keeping because we've been like -- it's stressful for us. [ applause ] >> yes. >> you know what, you guys are giving us an example of what it must be like behind the scenes. what was the most fun being together and when the camera wasn't rolling and just -- >> we laugh a lot. >> yeah. yeah. >> we laugh a lot. for such a serious show, it's the complete opposite off set. >> we're always laughing. >> hard for us to keep a straight face. >> that was completely different, yeah. >> what's with the tattoos? you were a little scaredly cat about it. >> i was. for these girls i'd do anything but a tattoo wasn't, you of course, and, yeah, i'm happy about it. just wasn't happy in the moment. a little painful. >> one of your super fan, only a little time left. your question. >> did you take anything as a souvenir from set. >> i did actually. i took there's a poster in ezra's old apartment and it is now hanging in my living room because i thought i would look the cartoon girl in the poster. i thought i did. i don't know if i did. it's now in my home. yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> i stole a bunch of spencer's jeans. a couple swim caps and bathing suits for sure. >> anybody else want to fess. >> i'm getting a yellow shirt. classic that i supposedly died in. >> getting a call from warner brother, bring it back. >> 13 copies. they can spare one. >> well, i hope we could bring [ cheers and applause ] great things, great things for each and every one of you and just cherish this time because we certainly have and "pretty little liars" tonight 8:00 p.m. eastern on freeform. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] friday, it's ♪ there is a last time for everything ♪ >> in a live concert you can't miss friday on -- tell them, brad. >> "good morning america." >> presented by belvita. "good morning america" is brought to you by tide. if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. >> come on. look at this. >> quite a lineup. "pretty little liars," have a good day everyone. >> have a great day. good morning. >> anchor: good morning, washington! i'm melanie hastings. tops stories. a team are be at the scene of a one soldier killed, two others hurt when the blackhawk helicopter came down. crash happened during a routine training exercise. right now much metro transit police are looking for the 4 men who beat up a passenger on a red line train sunday afternoon. the victim says he was attacked when he refused to give the men his cell phone. police say the thieves got off the train at the wheaton station smooth sailing in the weather today. here is brian. >> anchor: today is beautiful out, there lots of sunshine. low 70s. pollen will be very high once againful low 70s this afternoon, sundown, 7:48. if you don't like sunshine, the cloudy skies will come back tonight. increasings clouds, 46-51. tomorrow, overcast. temperatures held back in the mid 60s just for one day. thursday, back in the low 80s. hit or miss shower in the afternoon. nothing wide spread. friday, the 70s. upcoming weekend, saturday, sunday, much cooler. the dmv. how about a look at the rose roads. >> reporter: on the roads we're trying to recover from earlier accidents on most of our interstates, southbound i270, lanes are open at west montgomery. we have delays. 95 and 66 trying to get to the beltway, delays from earlier accident act itched. big picture map on dc29a as well as 395, a live look here on 395, north of edsell where we have the gridlock toward landmark. melanie, back to you. >> anchor: thanks. you can get more news, weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. hope you have a great >> announcer: it's "live with kelly!" today, from the new series "american gods," kristin chenoweth. and, from "the immortal life of henrietta lacks," renee elise goldsberry. and, "dancing with the stars" erika jayne and gleb savchenko. "empire" star jussie joins kelly at the cohost desk. all next on "live!" ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and jussie smollett! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jussie: hey!

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