Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20170321 : compare

Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20170321

major questions this morning. ♪ and sound and safe and sound. >> did someone take meier si. >> reports tom brady's jersey was found in mexico and showing this man allegedly walking off with it after brady's big win. how police cracked the case. good morning, america. welcome back to robin. >> donke. >> what an historic showdown. fbi director taking on a sitting president testifying president trump is not telling the truth when he accuses president obama of wiretapping and repealing for the first time he's investigating whether the trump campaign was colluding with russia. it would be treason. even the top republican said a big gray cloud is hanging over the trump white house. >> president was on the trail speaking to a large crowd in louisville but not addressing that investigation. >> so we'll have much more on that in just a moment. first to that breaking news about the ban on devices on board flights heading to the u.s. from eight countries. abc's david kerley starts us off from dulles airport with all those details. good morning, david. >> reporter: good morning, robin. hours ago this ban went into effect. specific airlines and airports told electronic devices bigger than a phone like this not allowed on direct flights to the u.s. they're taking the step of banning electronics bigger than cell phones from the cabins of jetliners flying in from eight middle eastern countries. including several ally, egypt, saudi arabia, the gulf coast, all in an attempt to prevent this, a laptop stuffed with explosives smuggled on to a somali jetliner detonating after takeoff. it camera and dvd players, it does not include phones or medical devices. >> they're trying to take an extra step that could take anything packed with explosives out of the cabin and prevent some sort of device being manually detonated. >> reporter: the news first revealed by royal juror dane an airlines apologizing saying they'll be strictly prohib at the timed. other, ooipair, ethiad and emirates. >> the u.s. government has some developed intelligence that a group as developed some type of device they can get on an airplane using a laptop or some other electronic appliance. >> reporter: now saudi arabia, another ally, its airline has told its passengers they will have to check their larger devices. the u.s. has told these airlines and airports they have four days to comply with this order. >> four days, david. for more let global affairs correspondent martha raddatz and first of all, i want to ask about the reports that homeland security john kelly phoned lawmakers over the weekend to brief them on some of the issues that led to this ban. is that correct. >> reporter: he did, robin. john kelly did call some lawmakers to tell them about the new security threat. while it is not a specific threat, something triggered this urgent change and officials believe that some terrorist group is now capable of getting past airport security and carrying on a device that the current screening may not catch. this is also happening as many top arab officials are headed to washington to attend a meeting of the u.s.-led coalition against isis. even though we do not know whether it is isis that is of the greatest concern with these new rules. there's also the possibility that the recent raid in yemen where a navy s.e.a.l. was killed yielded some valuable intelligence, that's the home of an al qaeda bomb maker the has long been after. >> we know you're familiar with these particular airports and people want to know why they were singled out and could others follow suit. >> these will for the most part major airports, especially dubai, one of the world's busiest airports, there's already strict screening there. one of the most thorough i have ever seen. they not only check you when you enter the gate but every passenger has an additional check of carry-on item by item but clearly the u.s. no longer thinks that is enough and maybe more will follow. >> that is clear. all right, martha, thank you. we move on to that testimony on capitol hill. fbi director james comey rocking the white house with his rebuke of trump's wiretapping claims and revealing for the first time his investigation into the trump campaign and russia. overnight the president did his best to ignore the bombshell at a rally in kentucky. abc's cecilia vega was there. she joins us now from louisville, good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. that's right. the president here during that rally overnight. you know, in the past he has been very vocal on this dismissing questions about russian ties to his campaign as fake news but fbi director james comey did confirm that this investigation is, indeed, very real. president trump on the campaign trail rallying supporters in kentucky overnight. >> this place is packed. >> reporter: a 40-minute speech covering just about everything. >> we are going to drain the swamp, we are going to massively reduce your taxes. we are going to put our coal miners back to work. >> reporter: everything other than the story of the day, the fbi's investigation into russia and his campaign and those wiretapping claims. >> director comey -- >> reporter: that extraordinary scene playing out on capitol hill, fbi director james comey testifying before congress waiting right into the middle of the president's allegations by flatly refuting them. >> i have no information that supports those tweets and we have looked carefully inside the fbi. the department of justice asked me to share the answer is the same for the department of justice and all its components. >> so president obama could not unilaterally order a wiretap of anyone. >> no president could. >> reporter: that's not all. for the first time comey publicly acknowledging that the fbi is investigating ties between russia and the trump campaign. >> the fbi as part of our counterintelligence mission is investigating the russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the trump campaign and the russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and russia's efforts. >> reporter: that inquiry on going and classified. under investigation but did offer this explanation for russia's interference. >> putin hated secretary clinton so much, that the flip side of that coin was he had a clear preference for the person running against the person he hated so much. >> reporter: he said the russians made no attempt to cover their tracks. >> the only thing i'd add they were unusually loud in their intervention. it's almost as if they didn't care that we knew what they were doing or what that they wanted us to see what they were doing. >> reporter: he offered this stark warning. >> they'll be back. they'll be back in 2020. they may be back in 2018 and one of the lessons they may draw they were successful because they introduced chaos and division and discord and so doubt about the nature of this amazing country of ours and our democratic process. >> reporter: yeah, this was a truly extraordinary moment. now, one other bombshell shot down during that testimony, the white house's suggestion that presen monitor the trump campaign. nsa director joining the chorus of those that called them ridiculous and nonsense. >> thank you. pierre thomas joins us now and, pierre, we just heard what cecilia said about yesterday. it was indeed extraordinary. >> reporter: robin, it really was. i was struck at how comey in refuting those tweets was speaking not only for the fbi but the entire justice department and pointed out neither of the two had any evidence to support trump's claims. in other words, to people who would know they said it did not happen. comey and justice officials showing their independence. >> tell people what we learned more about the trump campaign and possible livings with russian officials. >> reporter: the fbi and some prosecutors are clearly suspicious of the connections between trump associates and russian officials and while we don't know if anyone has done could be innocent, director comey was adamant he would follow this investigation wherever if leads but the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee said he hopes this investigation can be completed quickly because it has cast a big gray cloud over washington. robin. >> certainly has. all right, pierre. >> let's talk to jonathan karl right now and, jonathan, we just heard it there. double whammy for the white house, blows to the white house credible but the courthouse strategy trying to blow right by it. >> reporter: it's really quite incredible, george. you have the top law enforcement officials and top intelligence officials in the country saying that what the president said is simply not correct. that there is no evidence whatsoever to support it. and by standing by it, the white house is actually doing further damage to its credibility. you have the white house press secretary insulting our ally great britain and going through a series of statements the indefensible by making statements that re at the best most chairably dubious. >> you got into it with sean spicer yesterday. not only with the white house trying to deny contacts in the past but trying to distance themselves from those in the campaign who indeed had the cadges. let's watch. >> and then obviously there's been discussion of paul manafort who played a limited role for a very limited amount of time -- >> he was the chairman of the campaign. >> jonathan, can you stop interrupting? >> paul manafort didn't play a limited role. >> someone is asking a question. it's not your press briefing. please calm down. julie. >> you were correct, of course, paul manafort was the chairman before he left in the summer it appears now everybody who had these contacts with russia whether it was mike flynn or carter page or others is all being sort of set aside shunted ashied by the courthouse. >> reporter: sean spicer called mike flynn a volunteer for the ca george, as you know, he was the most high-profile national security adviser on the trump campaign. featured prime time speaker at the convention and as for paul manafort, he was there for five month, george. as you well know, he was in charge of that campaign. the chairman, the ceo, the person who put together and ran the convention. it's really ex-troird to hear the white house press secretary describe him as somebody with a very limited role. >> noise behind you right there. jon karl, thanks very much. the president heading to capitol hill to twist the arms of house republicans hoping to pass their plan later this week and our mary bruce is on capitol hill. how is speaker paul ryan announcing changes to the bill in a bid to get those voting. >> reporter: good morning, george. republican leaders think they're within reach. this morning they're bringing in closer, the president to help seal this deal. now, overnight republican leaders in the house released a series of changes that they are hoping will help win over those skeptical members of their own party. now, the tweaks include giving states more flexible to administer medicaid, boosting benefits for older americans and prohibiting taxpayer dollars for abortion coverage. they are now one step closer to keeping their promise to the american people and ending the obamacare nightmare. now, this morning we are seeing some members come around but the big question still remains, will these changes be enough to get this plan through? >> okay, mary bruce, thanks very much. >> another high-stakes hearing under way on capitol hill for president trump's supreme court nominee neal gorsuch who is bracing for tough questioning this morning. abc's terry moran covers the supreme court and is there right now. good morning, terry good morning good morning. well, so far it is a bright spot in some pretty dark times for president trump. he was bragging on his nominee last night in kentucky but today democrats are vowing to grill what they say is his corporate bias from the bench to the president's travel ban to the possibility one of them raised yesterday that he might have to rule on a criminal case involving the president and russia. judge gorsuch in his first congressional appearance was both personal and polished. >> i will do all my powers permit to be a faithful servant of this great nation. >> reporter: also paying tribute to his wife. >> i could not even attempt it do this without louise. i love you so much. >> but the pleasantries may be over. today he'll answer questions from democrats still fuming at gop obstruction of president obama's nominee. >> -- was never grounded in principle or precedent. >> reporter: and then there are trump's conservative campaign promises. >> president trump repeatedly promised that his judicial nominees would be pro-life and, quote, automatically end quote overturn roe v. wade. >> reporter: gorsuch didn't go there but hailed his predecessor staunch conservative justice antonin scalia who he described as a mentor. it was another recent loss that brought the supreme court nominee to tears. >> when we recently lost my uncle jack, a hero of mine and a lifelong episcopal priest he gave the benediction when i took an oath as a judge 11 years ago. i confess i was hoping he might offer a similar prayer soon. as it is, i know he is smiling. >> reporter: strong emotion there, mostly smooth sailing for neal gorsuch. but there's no question that he will get grilled today and democratic activists some of them are now calling for this nomination hearing to be halted until the fbi and congress get to the bottom of what happened if anything between russia and the trump campaign. robin. >> all right, terry, thank you. michael. >> we'll turn now to a massive eight-alarm fire tearing through an apartment building in kansas and damaging more than a dozen homes. those flames fueled by the dry conditions and alex perez is on the scene. good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning, michael. firefighters have been working through the night at one point officials here saying the scene looked like a war zone. now, take a look at some of the dramatic images overnight here. the blaze first igniting yesterday afternoon at this massive 579 complex still under construction outside of kansas city. those flames quickly spreading nearby. at least 17 other homes catching fire and damage. firefighters from across the area called in to battle the scorcher. authorities say summerlike hot, dry weather here combined with gusty winds helped this fire take off. now, three firefighters were cheated for minor injuries but the good news here this morning is that officials say this fire is mostly extinguished and under control. michael. >> glad no one got hurt. >> good news. now to amy wh starting with a terrifying plane crash and everyone survived. >> yes, they did. the video is incredible. a passenger jet burst into flames after crash landing and hitting a fire truck. look at that. this happened in south sudan, 49 people we on board and as robin said they all made it out alive. the pilot is being credited with finding the only door that wasn't on fire and then happening everyone escape. several passengers were injured but they are expected to be okay. back here at home a suspected gang member under arrest in the murder of two colorado teenagers. the bodies of 15-year-old derek greer and 16-year-old natalie partida were found on the side of a road in addition to first degree murder police say gustavo marquez faces kidnapping and robbery charges. in sports the commissioner of the nba is warning teams about resting star players during games. this comes after lebron james and steph curry sat out during prime time action. the commissioner says teams could be penalized if they don't and it's not just pasta and cannolis at the dinner table in italy. a new study ranks its lit as the healthiest nation on earth thanks to the mediterranean diet. an italian born today can expect to live into his or her 80s. the u.s. was the 34th healthiest. when i went to italy i was as unhealthy as it gets. bread, pasta, wine. i was not doing the mediterranean diet. >> mamma mia, no. all right. >> it didn't hurt you. >> just a little bit. >> i know. just a little extra running you had to do. ginger now with several fires burning across the plains. >> yes, so tulsa tied their record high at 92 yesterday and you can see that smoke devil that kicked up. the video of it that we have there. well, that is from a fire on a reservation north of tulsa because that forms like a dust devil with the heat. a look at the severe threat today stretches from parts of northeast arkansas, this into north georgia. - 70s returnf the first weekend of spring today: mostly cloudy. some sun late this afternoon. mild. highs: 60-65 winds: nnw 5 mph tonight: clearing skies. cool. becoming breezy by dawn. lows: 34-40 winds: nw 5-15 mph wednesday: mostly sunny. breezy and unseasonably cool. highs: 41-46 winds: nw 10-20 g 30 mph coming up how this footage is helping crack the case of tom you're not going to make it. best-selling brand? do you think you can make it? uhh... make it... every time. nice! going further to keep drivers moving freely. that's ford... and that's how you become america's best-selling brand. it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there's powerful, -hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear. make it sweet. make it savory. make it creamy. make it crunch. make it overnight. ♪ say goodbye to extra taxes and fees on your wireless bill... ...and hello to t-mobile one. right now, get two lines of unlimited data for a hundred bucks. taxes and fees included! two lines, a hundred dollars, all in, all unlimited. switch today. and the 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condition, another hurt. this all happened around 10:00 p.m. on blaine street right off benning road. walk to >> reporter: the battle of the seasons will continue today, spring winning. tomorrow, winter. you can see the clouds clearing out after the early morning ray. mid 50s by lunchtime. low to mid 60s for afternoon, with sunshine. a beautiful afternoon. tomorrow, windy. the arctic air moves in feeling like january, windchills tin mid 020s to low 30s. weekend, 72 on saturday. look at sunday, rain back in, wind as well. >> reporter: on the roads we are looking at a lot of incidences, especially on the secondary roads. slippery on the pavement this morning. let's look through the big picture, show you what's going on. southeast southwest freeway, no accidents there but we had accidents reported on 50 inbound near columbia park road and a beltway, east of new hampshire avenue, outer loop fothere's a seriousy boomers virus out there that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 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(singsong) budget meeting. sweet. if you compare last quarter... it's no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, flavours or dyes. ♪ we didn't have to wait long for this. mr. t. making his big "dancing with the stars" debut. what a big personality shining and you know who else so many people talking about charo. she was fired up on that dance floor. and also what she did when she was facing the judges. >> she did not hold back last night. >> not at all. were you expecting her to. >> i was not. >> much more on that ahead. also, department of homeland security banning passengers from carrying large electronics on planes from eight different countries to the u.s. fears they could hide explosives. president trump is heading to capitol hill this morning trying to put his health care bill over the top as that fallout from fbi director james comey's bombshell testimony. he revealed that the fbi is developing the trump campaign and shut down president trump's wiretapping claims. >> time for that major football mystery. that may finally be solved. authorities say they found tom brady's missing super bowl jersey in mexico and abc's matt gutman is there with all the details. good morning, matt. >> reporter: hey, good morning, michael. so how did that jersey wind up here in mexico a thousand miles away? >> well, police say a mexican newspaper editor helped himself to a five-finger discount that's arguably the most valuable nfl jersey in the world but that's not the most surprising part. the real stunner say police is that he's done this twice before at super bowls. >> nobody's ever won more super bowls, nobody's ever been better. >> reporter: moments after patriots great tom brady walked away with super bowl triumph authorities say new video shows a mild-mannered mexican journalist walking away with his game jersey. >> you put it in my bag. i absolutely 100% put it in my bag. did someone take my jersey. >> let someone at the door check every one of these media people. >> reporter: authorities in expectati mexico say the editor in chief of "la prensa," ortega say he strolled into the locker room behind coach bell lick. 14 minutes later authorities saying them ortega walked out with a black plastic bag he didn't have before and allegedly with a jersey valued at half a million dollars. >> want a cigar. >> somebody stole my jersey. >> it's like taking, you know, a great cha >> texas authorities not taking kindly to the alleged theft. >> don't come to texas and embarrass us on our home turf. >> reporter: houston police investigated 20,000 credential visitors scoured hours of surveillance tape and eventually landed on ortega. they launched a march 12th raid saying they found not only brady's super bowl li jersey but his jersey from super bowl xlix and also in his stolen memorabilia collection denver bronco von miller's mvp helmet from the super bowl in 2016. >> we tried to find him at the newspaper where he used to work, "la prensa," but learned he doesn't work here anymore. that's because two days after all that memorabilia was confiscated he resignation citing family health problems. miller telling us overnight there's so much going on after a super bowl win. >> it took me a year to reel lyle mize helmet has been missing and so it can get hectic after the super bowl. >> reporter: in a statement brady thanked law enforcement but he doesn't have those precious jerseys back yet. their authenticity is still being confirmed. as for ortega, no charges so he is still a free man and people close to him say he was a football fanatic. paid his own way to the super bowls and was probably much more likely to keep that memorabilia than to try to sell it. michael. >> all right, thank you, matt. let's bring in dan abrams and fox sports jay glazer who covered the super bowl with me in houston. he also broke the story and good morning to you, jay. good morning to you, dan. jay, my first question for you, you covered the super bowl and broke the story. were you doingou investigation? >> yeah, i was doing an investigation. i've been working on this for a couple of weeks, stra and it is amazing. if i tried to sell you this hollywood script you would have laughed me out of the room. the last thing you'd ever think it was a director from one of the biggest papers in mexico using his credential and just had this unfolded. i first broke it at 5:00 pacific time yesterday and kind of different ways. as the day went on i didn't know the von miller part until i broke the original part and probably about two hours after that and then we have this video and once i confirmed who he was but you had to make sure without a doubt, and we skewed the video at first on fox and, you know, as the day unfolded ainge you started hearing more and more of these bizarre twists and turns, you don't mean, i got to make sure i'm 100% all the time no matter what but dealing with enforcement down in mexico, you're dealing with nfl security, patriots security. they did so much work on this as well. there were so many different is to dot and ts to cross in order for me to make sure that it was 100% right. >> but, jay, you mentioned you didn't know there was a second brady jersey and von miller helmet. no one knew about this until they found the first jersey. what was he planning on doing with it? >> it's going to be interesting. they're bringing it back to give back to brady. i know they are authenticating from dna testing and make sure it was all right. they went down to mexico and were authenticating them down there. now i know they're bringing them back here to return them as well. from what i understand there's more than just those three, there are pictures of this guy with selfies at super bowls all the way back to when you played in your super bowl, stra, you sure you have your jersey. >> i'm 100% sure smart enough to let my friends take it out. i learned my lesson pretty early. we've seen a few clips. is there more video on the way? >> yeah, i'm going to show more video later on fox and a few shows there. you know, once we fully understood what we were looking at, again, fox, we did the super bowl and had so many cameras in so many different placing and then throughout the night we've been going back and looking at more of the video we've had as well but i again, i've beening there through this for the last couple of weeks. for something like this dealing with law enforcement and dealing with fbi issues which it is because you're talking about stolen property at a very high value not only over tate lines but international lines as well. i had to make sure that i was beyond 100% right. still mind boggling. >> and dan brought up a valuable jersey, and for you by one estimate someone valued it at half a million dollars. yes you said not so the value of the jersey is critical to this case. >> absolutely critical and as a legal matter, a court may say, well, we don't know it's worth half a million dollars. it costs $200 to make and maybe it's worth $200. that's the difference between a misdemeanor and a an enormous felony in texas. that's the difference in arizona in the first case between the statute of limitations having expired on a misdemeanor and a possible felony where you could still charge him so determining the amount of the jersey is going to be a critical issue that will be fought over before any other legal proceedings move forward. >> you know, chagalle and picasso. it will be interested that he will be extradited as well. >> u.s. has an extradition treaty with mexico if it's over 25 bucks mexico is supposed to extradite but they're going to be arguments he could make against extradition ranging from this is so high-profile a case it never would have been pursued otherwise. we'll see. government not so happy with donald trump these days. >> all right, thank you, dan abrams. jay glazer, thank you as well. a long way from over. we'll keep our eye on this. coming up, new surveillance video of that teacher accused of kidnapping a student. what we're learning now about their relationship. ♪ at almond breeze, we only use california-grown blue diamond almonds in our almondmilk. it's something we're proud of. knowing exactly where every almond comes from. but the whole "care-and-nurturing-making- sure-they-grow- up-just-right" part? 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(vo) get unlimited. plus, hd video and 10 gbs of mobile hot spot $22.50 per line for 4 lines. and now the offer everyone's been waiting for... for people with hearing loss, back now with that manhunt for a teacher on the run with a 15-year-old student from his former school and brand-new surveillance video of the kidnapper as the girl's family pleads for her return and eva pilgrim spoke with them. good morning, eva. >> reporter: george, her dad saying he never saw this coming. like so many other dads of teenage daughter, he worried but says he never worried about a teacher at her school. this morning, new images in the search for a missing tennessee teen and the former teacher accused of kidnapping her. >> we have imminent concern for >> reporter: they released this showing tad cummins days before the disappearance in a store where he appears to be picking up women's hair die. police say the teacher plotted elizabeth thomas' abduction after he was suspended from the school accused of having an inappropriate relationship with the teen. a claim he denied. >> he declared himself a father figure to her, then she changes her social media status to that of wife. that adds up to a very scary picture. >> please let us know you're all right and please come home to us. >> reporter: this morning a father begging for the return of his daughter. >> she's 15 years old. you send your kids to school. you know, you trust they're going to be all right there. >> reporter: school officials confirming 50-year-old tad cummins was elizabeth thomas' health sciences teacher and said cummins dazzled her with elaborate tales of being a millionaire, former cia operative and secret missions. >> she had been taken up so much these lies and it was just so much more exciting. >> reporter: elizabeth was last seen eight days ago when she was dropped off as a restaurant in tennessee. a cell phone ping in decatur, alabama the same day and the teen told her sibling to call police at 6:00 p.m. the day she disappeared. >> doesn't that say to you she doesn't want to be gone and leave? >> reporter: family says she was extremely social. couldn't go a day without contact with certain friends and siblings. it has now been more than a week. they say that silence terrifies them, george. >> that is scary. okay, eva, thanks very much. >> we wish the best for that family. coming up, rebecca is going to show us how to cash in big on dropping prices at the grocery store. we're back in two minutes. true radiance comes from within. new radiant toothpaste by white. whitens teeth both inside and out. for a radiant, whiter smile. be radiant by colgate optic white. come on! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline gold. its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. good boy. go for the gold. 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(announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. we're back with our big board and start with a one ring phone scam that could cost you big. the government warning americans about scammers who dial your number then wait for you to call back so they can charge you. abc news fixer stephanie zimmermann, i love that title, you are a fixer. going to get to the bottom of this. so, tell us what's going on here. >> yeah, this is a scam that's targeting cell phone users around america and showed up a couple of years ago and now making a comeback. these are overseas scam artists that use auto dialers to call people's cell phones and let it ring once or twice and they're hoping that you'll be curious enough to call back. if you do you end up with a big international calling charge on your bill and sometimes when you call back, they keep you on hold and then you're stuck with an even bigger charge. >> and, steph, it can happen to anybody. what should people look out for? >> yeah, well, it's tough because the area codes that they use and you can see them here, they really resem codes but they are overseas and they're often in the caribbean. so when you look at your phone bill you'll see something like premium international calling charge and it's a lot like an old scam where they call and they say, you know, you won a prize and have to call back this number in order to win and it's an overseas call but this time they're calling it, letting it ring once and preying on the fact that people are curious and want to return that call. >> you might not recognize that number and oh, let me hit it back. if you do get caught what should you do? >> yeah, well, if you're scammed call your wireless carrier and ask them to remove the charge from your bill then file a complaint with the federal communications commission and the federal trade commission. you know, some of these carriers will have call blocking but really the thing to remember is to never return any unfamiliar dropped call. if it's somebody that you know, a legitimate person who calls you and the don't worry, they'll call you back. >> i like that philosophy. >> half the people are so mad at me for calling back and i know the number. that's the crazy thing? that's a different story. >> stephanie, thank you. your phone bill could go up but your grocery bill could be going down. good news for shoppers everywhere. you may have noticed your bills shrinking and the retailers are fighting to keep customers in and rebecca jarvis is at wegmans in new jersey. what type of items are showing the biggest price drops for consumers? >> reporter: you're seeing the biggest drops on the staples. your meat, poultry, and here we found this greek yogurt used to be 89 cents, this year it's now 69 cents but it's all the grocery store we'll be finding the deals. the bean, the legumes, black bean, these used to be 79 cents last year, now 65 cents for a the goods thaw might use to make something, you can also have the premade goods, for example, this tomato basil sauce we found here used to be $1.19 a jar, now a few months later it is 99 cents a jar. >> we're not complaining. why is this happening now, though, rebecca? >> so, the reason this is happening now, robin is that there's more competition from those companies like the amazons and walmarts of the worm that have gotten into the grocery game and seeing these deals all overth place. we found eggs at costco. a year ago 18 would have run you $3.61. now that same container of eggs is $1.79 and at safeway we found steaks, new york strip steaks for less than $5 a pound. this is all about competition. everybody is trying to undercut everybody else on price and make that experience something that the shopper wants to come and enjoy. >> are there any other shoppers there this morning but you? i'm curious. so empty ther >> believe it or not, well, we kind of -- we got some people out of the way for the shot but there are shoppers and believe it or not i would like to come shop at this time of the day. it's very easy access. >> must have opened the doors for you. >> great time to complete the list, rebecca, thanks as always. what a might in the ballroom. "dancing" is back and so are new mom and dad peta, maks, going head to head. how did they do? we'll break it all down. i accept i don't race down like i used to. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but whatever trail i take, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i'm still going for my best. and for eliquis. ask your doctor about eliquis. pen house. 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(sfx: 2 kids scream) back here on "gma" the land is moving in northern idaho. look at this picture. a mudslide taking that house off its foundation and this picture of a different home nearby. the mud going in and see the covered up through its legs. so, feet of mud. the family was trapped. luckily they got them out and were all okay. here in washington state a landslide over the road and more rain is on the way so this low pressure system with that cold front going to slide lew and a lot of folks will get rain, a lot in the sierra could add up 3 plus inches then a foot or more "good morning america" is brought to you by one a day men's and women's. >> anchor: good morning, washington! i'm melanie hastings. here is a check of your stop stories. mongomery county fire crews say an overnight fire in glenmont started from improperly disposed smoking materials. the fire on sheridan street was brought under control and no one was hurt but the family living in the home is displaced. man accused in the deadly fire bombing of a baltimore row home has turned himself in. police say antonio wright through 2 cocktails into the home leading to the deaths of 2 teenagers. a 20-year old woman is in critical condition after jumping from the third floor of the home during the fire. wright says he is innocent. get ready for a nice warmup today. here is veronica johnson. >> reporter: the battle of the seasons will continue today, sprinwi out after the early morning ray. mid 50s here by lunchtime. low to mid 60s for afternoon, with sunshine. a beautiful afternoon. tomorrow, windy. the arctic air moves in feeling like january, windchills in the mid 020s to low 30s. weekend, 72 on saturday. look at sunday, rain back in, wind as well. >> reporter: on the roads, we have accident cleanup causing us a tie-up on u.s. 1. closed on the southbound lanes approaching lorton road. on the maps, you can see all the red on the suitland parkway, baltimore parkway with a northbound crash into laurel. trafficland cameras are showing heavy surrounds, making the road northbound 395, crash cleanup. this is southbound 27o falls road. the crash is at montrose road. accident cleanup continues on 66. we're finally clear eastbound near the prince william parkway. delays way to the beltway. >> anchor: thank you. you can get more news, weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. we'll see you back here in about half an hour, hope you have a great day. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. emergency ban. passengers heading to the u.s. from eight countries no longer allowed to carry electronics any larger than a cell phone on board planes, laptops and tablets must be checked. the new intelligence coming in now. mother and son becoming dad and daughter. >> i just saw this brave child facing the world and i finally said to myself, if she can do this, so can i. >> their story now making headlines. they talk to us about their journey. bridging the gap, the conversation across generations. what happens when we sit down for dinner with millennial women living life on their own terms. >> work/life balance is a chance. >> and pose the question is ambition replacing sex? ♪ i think i want to marry you wedding in five days? the bride who pulled it off all at a bargain price and how it strengthened her relationship. ♪ want to make you feel good >> bonkers in the ballroom. a startling night on "dancing with the stars." chris kattan bringing back "night at the roxbury." charo fighting with the judges and who brought the unicorn as they battle for the lead and jimmy kimmel he already knows who is going to win all ahead as we dance into tuesday. >> good morning, america. good morning, america. happy tuesday. welcome to sara haines, well kamg back from austria. >> there for the special olympics and i had to tell you joy is the word when you were there, when you're around the athletes and the hills are alive for and all the families and really spending time. twin sisters from cleveland, ohio, sharita and shaye taylor and sharita is competing it figure skating and her sister there to cheer her on and defied great odds and the opening ceremony, it was gorgeous for all the days leading up and pouring down rain and it didn't matter and jason mraz, his final song that he sang just really brought down the house with the lights and everything so it was reel wonderful to be there and it's continuing because you can get all the highlights on espn. >> we'll see more this morning. >> i'm sure we got a chance to talk to you because you allowed us to see some of that. >> you're very welcome. happy to do it. [ applause ] >> and something we just teased, "dancing with the stars," if you didn't know "dancing with the stars" is back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] back. >> of course. >> and we've got former champ tony dovolani, he's here. he's going to break down all the drama from last drama, "dancing with the stars," drama. >> first amy with the morning rundown. >> good morning to everyone. the big story, a new ban on electronic devices on some flights into the united states. that ban went into effect overnight and affects travelers from ten airports overseas. abc's david kerley has all the details. david, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, amy. this order went into effect just a few hours ago. the u.s. telling specific airports and airlines that devices bigger than a phone will not be allowed in the cabins of jetliners on direct flights to the u.s. this order affects eight countries in the middle east, many allies. the gulf states, saudi arabia, egypt, along with those eight countries there are ten airports and nine airlines being told. no "la prensa" top, no dvd players, no tablets allowed in the cabin. those will have to be checked on direct flights in the u.s. a senior administration official telling abc news this was based on intelligence. amy. >> david, thank you so much. president trump heads to capitol hill today to rally support for the republican plan to replace obamacare. overnight house republicans released a new version of the bill saying it will help older americans and will allow tates to force medicaid recipients to work. the house is expected to vote thursday. the president discussed health care during a rally in kentucky but did not bring up monday's testimony from fbi director james comey. comey testified he has no information to support trump's claim that former president obama wiretapped trump tower. supreme court nominee neal gorsuch is facing a second day of confirmation hearings and they're expect to press him on abortion to guns in a session that could last ten hours. and an investigation is under way in san francisco where a woman died after drinking tea she bought at a local store. lab tests determined it contained a plant-based stocksen and bought it a another became critically ill but recovered. officials say that store is cooperating to trace the source. also in northern california, police are searching for a woman who nearly ran over a mother and a toddler at this walmart parking lot. she then hit five other people, they say she was angry that walmart refused to let her return some batteries. finally, the mystery behind one big bird has been solved. take a look at this video of a chicken the size of a dog. it's racked up a million views. many wondering including me if that's actually a man in a chicken costume because that's exactly what it looks like. experts tell us it is a heritage breed brahma chicken often referred to as the king of all poultry. they can weigh 19 pounds which le l leeds me to say that is one big mother clucker.aeds me to sayha mother clucker.ds me to say tha mother clucker. [ cheers and applause ] >> you got to give her credit. 35-second windup and cracks herself up. >> notice how she said it so slowly make sure -- >> make sure she say it right. >> she's still laughing at it. she'll go all day with this one. >> how are you going to top that in "pop news"? >> i'm not. thanks for the tee-up, amy. time now for "pop news." last night was the big premiere of "dancing with the stars." as michael said in case you haven't heard. we all have our guesses on who will take home the mirror ball trophy and jimmy kimmel is no exception. last night guillermo revealed the host's official predict. take a look. >> i can't fill out an ncaa bracket for the life of me. i got the super bowl wrong. but when it comes to ball room dancing and "the bachelor" i am golden so the champion of "dancing with the stars" season 24 is -- >> rashad jennings. [ cheers and applause ] will bring home the mirrorball. >> out there with that one. >> but it looks like they're drawing it out of a bowl. i don't know if that's considered skills or not but says he has correctly predicted the winner 9 out of 18 times. those aren't bad odd. >> kind of a dark horse and after watching him and football players have jem done well and -- >> you're not biased at all. >> he was a giant but i'm not saying smog but he was really good yesterday. i was politely surprised. and the ladies agree, yes. [ applause ] >> does anyone -- >> i know robin is going you were sitting up last night. >> yes, i was up last night. >> just like jimmy kimmel and watched "the bachelor," as well. and, robin, this one is for you. >> okay. >> so many country fans abuzz with excitement over this collaboration, tim mcgraw and faith hill country superstars and longtime couple giv what is they want a joint album. they just announced it. it is their first album together. they've had three collaborations for this hit "let's make love." i think you can hear it but now an entire album together. >> just look at them. you don't even have to say anything. >> you want to believe -- could you guys ever work with your partners? you could. she could find a table and dance around you >> that's not really work for me. >> because you just sit there. hold on to your job for one more day. >> what about you guys? >> sure, absolutely. >> you could? >> sometimes couples can either or not at all. i don't know if i could. >> what about you? >> myself at work. >> michael. >> just saying. >> yes. >> i think i don't -- i probably don't respect max with -- i don't use as much patient with him as i do everyone else so he says if everyone saw how i treated him but i'm working on work. >> you're revealing a lot. >> we ought to get a counselor. >> i was promised a couch. i was promised a couch. i'm not paying for this one. finally it's not easy being a baby. sometimes you need to take a break from all that sleeping and hit up a spa. baby spa perth allows little ones to indulge in hydrotherapy and they say the benefits can improve sleep quality regardless of the benefits just pretty cute but that inner tube doesn't look comfortable. >> kind of cute but looks a little dangerous. >> i mean that's like a headlock of sorts. >> they look happy. >> they do look happy. >> i mean at this point they don't do much. i can speak from experience but it's cute, right? >> looked dangerous as george said. >> i'm with george. >> you know what, that was a great job at "pop news." you're always so good and so funny. coming up breaking down all the dancing drama. >> and the incredible story of a father and daughter's transition. their journeying to and how they are inspiring each other? come on back. 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does it change anything between my spouse and myself? no. it doesn't. it made it better. it made it more peaceful. >> reporter: but ultimately say it strengthened their marriage. >> it's not about the shell that you walk around in. it's about the person that you are. it's about the person that i fell in love with ten plus years ago. >> reporter: les' acceptance and support has shown eric another side to his husband. >> this is a different side of him that i didn't know existed. the acceptance and just the respect and the admiration just it made me fall in love with him all over again. >> reporter: what a love story. of course, eric and corey have both undergone years of counseling and a mental health assessment before starting hormones mom used to start a double mastectomy. >> to see your child going through that and to give you the courage to do it yourself. >> to be inspired like that together. ah. >> thank you for sharing that with us, juju. coming up, america's olympic sweethearts going head-to-head in the ballroom next. i heard superheroes read chucks norris comics.d you. i heard at night, the boogeyman checks under the bed for chuck. i heard cats say they have chuck-like reflexes. do you think he's still got it? 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>> good morning, guys. what a night it was, right? a smilestone 400th episode for the game full of incredible of course, a lot of big personalities. ♪ >> reporter: the 24th season kicked off big with a little sparkle of "24 karat magic." >> i think you got the magic to make it all the way. >> reporter: even a unicorn for erika jayne and a battle for ballroom glory between two of america's olympic sweethearts. ♪ olympic figure skater nancy kerrigan scoring high with hervher vienese waltz and simone biles earned the top score of the night. at the bottom of the leaderboard, a battle of t the '80s and '90s stars. charo salsaing for the judges. >> i think i saw your -- judges' critiques. >> reporter: coming in last place chris kattan known for his wacky dance moves. >> it was the perfect interpretation of a cha-cha-cha with a hangover. >> reporter: there was so much going on. here's one of my highlights. how about retired chicago cubs world champion david ross sharing a bit of an emotional moment with members of his team who had actually skyped in from spring training camp just to offer their own support. i think they were pretty surprised with how well he did and might have been surprised by the sequins chicago cubs outfit he was wearing uni. >> you were "the bachelor." we loved you at the same time. the same as well. and now we bring in "dancing with the stars" season 15 all-star champ, tonydovolani. >> how are you doing? >> straight up what was your favorite performance. >> i loved rha i thought he was great. i thought david ross knocked it out of the park. when it came on i was expecting the women to blow me out of the water. pretty much all of them but then rashad jennings, david ross, man -- >> they surprised me too. gave me a little bit more than i was expecting. we see a lot of '80s stars out there. what do you think about charo's performance. >> i think she is probably the oldest entertainer -- one of the most entertaining people. the wild card. she will talk back to the judges which i love. probably one of the best moments we've had in quite a few seasons. >> is there a stealth candidate/dancer. >> simone is great but i was expecting that but the one that actually surprised me the most i honestly do believe that david ross will be like the dark horse in this. because i really feel like he's got great potential. he showed up. i don't know what my expectation of a baseball player was but he showed up and held his posture and held his body and, in fact, think about it, look at his body contact with lindsay. i mean absolutely amazing holding his frame his head to the left. len will love this. >> still looking at the body contact with lindsay, all the other stuff you lost me on. and you have been doing this for a long time, man. >> yes. >> so what is your advice for these dancers? >> honestly i think because len's going to be there there from the beginning to the end they have to please len, len is the barometer. he is the older statesman so you believe everything he says and cops with an extensive background. if they listen to len they're going to make it all the way. >> we're listening to you and trust you. thank you. we'll be right back. >> anchor: good morning, washington! i'm melanie hastings. here is a check of your stop stories 3467 one woman is in critical condition, another hurt after a double shooting in northeast. this all happened around 10:00 p.m. on blaine street right off benning road. so far, no word on a possible suspect. keeping a close eye on temperatures, thursday morning it's expected to dip below 27 degrees, that is a critical number that could spell trouble four the remaining cherry blossoms. the national park service still expects the buds that survived the recent cold to reach peak bloom this coming weekend. we have nice weather to look forward to today. here is veronica johnson. >> reporter: the battle of the seasons will continue today, spring winning. tomorrow, winter. you can see the clouds clearing out after the early morning ray. mid 50s here by lunchtime. low to mid 60s for afternoon, with sunshine. a beautiful afternoon. tomorrow, windy. the arctic air moves in feeling like january, windchills in the mid 20s to low 30s. weekend, 72 on saturday. look at sunday, rain back in, wind as well. >> reporter: congestion, volume related delays if you're traveling interstate 95 in maryland, trying to merge with the capital beltway. you're in a marm delay. also i275 from the beltway, oxon hill maryland. as you can see you're in the red with the northbound ride all the way to the 11th street bridge. let's head to our trafficland cameras, a live look at photographic flow. crossing the 14th street bridge, 395 we're doing a low pace passing pentagon. jum volume delays. back to weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. ♪ and the trumpets they go [ applause ] ♪ and the trumpets they go are you feeling it, sara? >> i'm feeling it. >> this wonderful audience we have with us. [ cheers and applause ] what you got? >> what do i have? i have a topic i'm curious, okay, engagements and weddings. so, when you get engaged, how long was it -- from your engagement to your wedding? >> it was about a year. >> george. >> four months. >> four months. i thought you were going to say four years. >> no, no. >> whirlwind with you guys. >> how about this lady emily and rob. they accomplished the impo >> from engagement to the wedding. >> five days from the engagement to the wedding. >> good for them. >> because they decided over the course of the next year we're not going to have time. we're going to have all these different obligations so we're going to do it in five days. she came up -- >> had they known each other for a long time before that? >> that's none of my business. >> that's okay. you don't have to. just trying to get the basics. >> but they in five days got at least 100 people to show up and how they were able to put it together is that she didn't forget but she just bypassed a lot of the details that people put so much into and weddings are expensive. what about -- we don't need the flowers. as far as the dress she found a nice lacy blouse top and bought that for 10 bucks and -- >> 10 buck. >> instead of printing wedding invitations e-mailed. >> eco, as well. >> you know, what i thing when people go to wedding, most of the people -- ? food. >> they come for the food. she didn't go through with a fancy menu but told the place what is your best meat and potatoes meal you serve that people enjoy the most, make that the meal. >> wow. >> like very quick efficient in five days you're slacking and really slacking. >> i'm so slacking. blue that's the best way to do it because -- [ applause ] you had flowers i think the thing is quickly becomes only about the wedding and guests rather than the marriage and the partnership. >> thank you. >> she screened everything with does this achieve the goal of making people at my wedding loved or strengthen the prompts we made to each other. i bet you this couple will do fine. >> they put it in "the new york times" so they got to do fine now. so thank you "new york times" for that. >> i'm going to a wedding on friday. sharday miller. who works with us. shoutout to you sharday and michael. >> nations. >> it wa it was more than five days but looking forward to -- >> they'll have flowers in yes, they're going to have flowers. so -- >> hoping some meat and potatoes. >> the best in the house. >> we have a special guest. right now let's -- you know her from "mission: impossible" on a new mission with ryan reynolds, jake gyllenhaal in "life." please welcome rebecca ferguson. [ cheers and applause ] >> how are you? >> mwah. >> i love that. >> hi. >> so good. >> thank you. >> you scared me. >> how are you? >> nii feel like we're still in paris with all the kissing. hello. am i right here? >> yes. >> oh, george. >> i don't know about you guys. >> you're welcome very much. >> i didn't know what to expect with this. it is -- >> neither did i. neither did i. >> it would help if you knew what was going on. >> it's early for high guys, in the morning. >> okay, wait, wait, wait, i'm ready. >> there. >> good chairs. >> not bad. >> irheard you had ryan here. >> we did. >> human timing up here. >> and jake as well. it's been a lot of fun on set. >> it has. ongoing. never stopping. we just did a press tour and exhausted by humor. >> that's a good thing to be exhausted from. >> who is the prankster? >> i think it's them together. you know, some people just spin off each other. it is nonstop. they said do you want to do interviews with them and i said, no, no, i'll be by myself. we need time to promote the film. as well. >> this movie as robin said i didn't know what to expect. it is indefense. really intense and the stunt, a lot of stunts, most of the time you're kind of floating through the set. that's the majority of the movie. >> oh, zero gravity throughout the thing and even when we walk off set we're sitting there it was fun and it was hard. a lot of back work we did. harness hanging to the point -- >> you're not afraid of height. >> are we looking at it? trying to make that look real. >> it did. >> it worked. >> did that make you nauseous. >> a little bit dizzy sometimes but then also -- >> first thing that came to mind. >> it's a bit claustrophobic, height and -- >> would you like to see it? [ applause ] there it is. >> no. >> it's in between my fingers and it's not letting go. >> can i make a suggestion? can i just go in there and get him and bring him back. >> of course you're not because he's in quarantine. >> i can do this. i can do this. >> oh. >> oh. >> oh. >> we were talking. [ applause ] >> you're giving away all the secrets over here. >> while the clip was playing we're like -- we've seen it and there's so much we can't reveal so we were asking her a little thing about what -- i mean -- >> i'll tell you later. nothing you don't know already. >> okay. >> i told you guys? we're also excited because you'll return to "mission impossible 6." >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm applauding myself. >> i know. >> i'm so excited. >> yes. what was it like when you first met tom cruise? >> well, i was on a camel in the desert. >> how all her stories go. >> i was and the camel was called barbie, obviously. i was shooting something called "the red tent" for lifeline. >> a good movie. >> and it was fun and warm. camels are quite scary. >> they're mean. >> and they smell. they go. >> and they spit. >> and they do that as well. >> they spit as well so i was on a camel. >> i hope no camels are at home watching. [ laughter ] >> we love camels in general. >> yes, we do. >> yeah. and someone said, by the way, tom cruise wants to meet you from "mission: impossible" but we need you back in 24 hours and i think it was just wham, bam, thank you, ma'am and i was on that plane, i walked into this incredible building where i think they shot "eyes wide shut" if you've seen it. >> yes. >> just the set is quite intimidating. i walk in, okay, i'm going to get a coffee and chill and calm down a bit. i'm still mentally on a camel and -- >> barbie. >> barbie and i walked down the corridor and there he is, sunglasses, blue jumper, jeans, i still see it. >> i kind of see it now too. >> now we know why he hired you. >> exactly. >> thank you for coming in. it is in theaters on friday. we'll be right back. i've been blind since birth. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. or visit then you're a couple. think of all you'll share... like snoring. does your bed do that? 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>> for me it was a lot of bias towards my age when i first started the business but that gave me a lot of ammunition and a lot of drive. i was like i'm going to prove you wrong. i know i can do this. i will work harder than anybody. >> i do dr. to say i got that a lot because i left corporate and i joined as the first employee a start-up and so a lot of people asked, oh, you just didn't want to climb the corporate ladder. you know, you couldn't stick it i was feeling personally just like my creativity was sapped so i wanted to go into an environment where i was really inspired. >> i hope that when i work hard i can prove myself. >> there's this huge gulf of misunderstanding between generations between millennials and the again-or baby boomers when they are their bosses. when they ask for freedom, they want to work later or work on the withes, their own hours, that's making us easier for us to have a work/life conversation. >> how about, i'm going to say it, work/life balance, oh! work/life balance. >> work/life balance is a sham. it's all work all the time all life all the time. >> i think the problem with the statement is the word balance is interpreted as 50/50. things are equal and the work balance means something different to everybody. >> one point i want to make that's clear it's not just work/life balance when you have kid, right? your life is important at every more complicated as stephanie knows when you have children. she said to me when we met, that her goal was to work smarter not harder. >> i get an extraordinary amount of fulfillment of being who i am professionally and having kids did not replace that but meant i had time in the day i had to go somewhere else as well and making it all fit. >> is it true through your dinners and through your research that you discovered that sex has been replaced by the drive for success? >> robin, i have tried at every dinner to get these women to talk about sex. they're not stressed bit. they're not concerned bit. it just happens. those kind of "sex and the city" conversations have disappeared. >> i think i'm still having it. my group techs should not be seen by anybody. i mean sorry to anybody who is dating my friend group. >> we're setting our own standards and like expectations for what >> greater sense of confidence. >> exactly. >> we're not analyzing sex in that way. >> but you are analyzing the path to success, right? you want to know -- you want to know how does she do it? what does it happen? how does it go? what is her secret? >> more so than talking about sex but when it comes to success you do want to analyze. >> we've cracked the code on sex and know how to talk about it so we feed something else. >> came to my table and arctic laid more clearly than i've ever heard anyone say about the challenge that you feel in finding a partner when you're an ambitious woman. >> i had said to ann at the time i just wished i could find a guy who cared about anything as much as i care about everything. so like with my work and with my personal life and with my family i'm surrounded by really passionate women all day long. >> the big question is how do you find a partner who honors your ambition, right? >> i found someone who had a lot almost as many as me. i was looking actually for someone who i could talk to about my passions and then i could see that light in their eyes and they wanted to also share something back with me. >> the bottom line is, i look at each and every one of you and there is no way that you are not going to get everything you want in life. >> cheers. is there cheers. >> to the big life. >> to the big life. >> amen. >> and "the big life" is out now. coming up we are blending and sharing some great recipes. ♪ back now with kiefer sutherland and is the executive producer of "designated survivor." he sat down with paula faris to talk about it. >> from unlikely president -- >> you are now the president moment that had audiences on edge. >> you are lucky to be alive. >> there is a traitor in the white house. i'm not going to find him by just sitting here. >> reporter: kiefer sutherland's role as president kirkman on "designated survivor" finds him suddenly thrust into the presidency while balancing life as a nurturing husband and father. >> i'm not going to die for this. >> is dad scared? >> dad is not scared of anything. >> reporter: a stark contrast to the political operative he played on "24." a change in character for a lot of your fans that know you as jack bauer, now you're president kirkman. in real life kiefer, who are you more like. >> hopefully there's some similarities with both. both of these characters were confronted with a circumstance that was almost unwinnable. and yet they engage. there is a commitment with both of them to serve. they just have very different skill sets. so what jack can do or gun, president kirkman can actually do with a pen or his oratory skills in we cannot live in fear. we will not live in fear. >> i'm attract to any kind of character that's willing to sacrifice a great deal of themself to do the right thing and i think tom kirkman as president is trying to do that. >> that kind of who you are in real life. would you consider yourself an altruist. >> it isn't like me to say something that grand but something we all aspire to be and i think that is the better side of human nature. ♪ ♪ can't stay away >> reporter: another side of kiefer that of a country music star writing and producing original songing and touring with his band. this isn't just a small part of your life but a very big part. >> my interest as an actor is to have written over the years has been kind of an extension of that so when i get breaks from "designated survivor," i try and take as many opportunities as i can to just play shows, small bars, small theaters. >> we have a large audience but we also have a small set and we'd love for you to perform on "gma." >> one day i would love that. thank you. >> come on back. >> cheers. [ cheers and applause ] >> you can see "designated survivor" tomorrow night at 10:00, 9:00 central right here on abc. ginger. >> oh, sara, we're about to get goodness here with harley pasternak, representative for jamba juice and blending up healthy smoothies. you all have one, right? we'll be drinking. why blend? why such a big deal to blend. >> first of all blending is everything. life is better blended. when you have protein, fiber, healthy fat and feel fuller faster and longer and less like to make poor decisions when it comes to iteming. time is not an excuse anymore to top of that we're all little kids and too hide vegetables is a great example. i partner with jamba. we do great smoothies called superblends. the first one called green up and go. >> green up and go is what you have. let's make it. >> i have a little bit of lemon juice here. i have a little bit of greek yogurt. all real ingredients. no supments you're having here. these are real foods. i've got healthy fats in the form of pumpkin seeds and everything in here is green which is great. even the apples. >> green apple. >> right. >> seasonal in los angeles. all year long. lots of green apples and cucumber. and i like to sweeten it instead with sugar or simple sugar just a few of nature's greatest sweeteners, a little bit of grapes and spinach on top and blend it up. >> this is what comes out. >> this is what comes out, this is absolutely delicious. >> really is very good. cheers, by the way. a couple of our audience m are blending their own. by exercising. >> isn't that amazing. >> a couple of different blends. >> amazing. so on top of the green up and go, we also have a pb and jealous and we have apple in charge so like a peanut butter and jelly, green up and go, all superblends at jamba based on my body reset diet. >> everyone in the audience is going home with a gift card to jamba juice and one of these babies, a tumbler. go to jamba juice today and tomorrow. mention "gma" to receive $3 off any blend. we're going to be right back. thank you. i'm cheers to both of of them. "gma's" blending basics is brought to you by ♪ we got to work a little bit. you're on probation, amy. >> okay. >> anchor: one altercation happened at the rhode island station, one perspective was taken to the hospital after being hit with an object. the sectioned incident happened a short time later, a passenger refused to leave the gallery place metro station and assaulted the manager before taking off. the suspect was caught a couple blocks away from the station. we've a roller coaster week for weather. here is vietnam. >> reporter: the battle of the seasons will continue today, spring winning out, tomorrow it will be winter. you can see the clouds clearing out after the early morning ray. mid 50s here by lunchtime today. then low to mid 60s for the afternoon hours again with sunshine. a beautiful afternoon. tomorrow, windy. the arctic air moves in feeling like january with windchills in the mid 20s to low 30s across the area. the weekend, 72 on saturday. look at sunday, rain moves back in. could be wind as well. >> >> reporter: lots of late clearing accidents on the george washington parkway george washington traveling southbound near turkey run. we're looking at the southeast southwest freeway on the big picture map, you'll see a lot of red traveling near 295 and 395, especially on 395 from exhibitedsal road to the beltway costing extra time. on trafficland camera, southbound i270 dealing with 2 incidences. looking at 65 minutes from frederick to the spur. melanie. >> anchor: thank yous. what do you to when you first wake up? good the answer is look at your phone, well, you may have a problem. once thought harmless trend becoming a serious addiction of the how technology is hurting your relationships and health. coming up during the next hour of good morning washington over on news channel 8. hope you have a >> announcer: it's "live with kelly." today actor andrew garfield, and we get a visit from queen latifah. plus, we follow along as jerry o'connell tries out for cirque du soleil. all next on "live." [upbeat music] ♪ >> ♪ yeah, we're all about ♪ a good life ♪ you won't believe ♪ until you see >> announcer: now here are kelly ripa and jerry o'connell. [cheers and applause] >> ♪ yeah, we're all about ♪ a good life ♪ good energy, come follow me ♪ oh, it's gonna be ♪ a good night >> ♪ that's right ♪ that's right >> ♪ that's right ♪ my generation [cheers and applause] >> kelly: thank you. thanks, jer. hi, hi! >> jerry: what is up? yeah! [cheers and applause]

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Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20170321 :

Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20170321

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major questions this morning. ♪ and sound and safe and sound. >> did someone take meier si. >> reports tom brady's jersey was found in mexico and showing this man allegedly walking off with it after brady's big win. how police cracked the case. good morning, america. welcome back to robin. >> donke. >> what an historic showdown. fbi director taking on a sitting president testifying president trump is not telling the truth when he accuses president obama of wiretapping and repealing for the first time he's investigating whether the trump campaign was colluding with russia. it would be treason. even the top republican said a big gray cloud is hanging over the trump white house. >> president was on the trail speaking to a large crowd in louisville but not addressing that investigation. >> so we'll have much more on that in just a moment. first to that breaking news about the ban on devices on board flights heading to the u.s. from eight countries. abc's david kerley starts us off from dulles airport with all those details. good morning, david. >> reporter: good morning, robin. hours ago this ban went into effect. specific airlines and airports told electronic devices bigger than a phone like this not allowed on direct flights to the u.s. they're taking the step of banning electronics bigger than cell phones from the cabins of jetliners flying in from eight middle eastern countries. including several ally, egypt, saudi arabia, the gulf coast, all in an attempt to prevent this, a laptop stuffed with explosives smuggled on to a somali jetliner detonating after takeoff. it camera and dvd players, it does not include phones or medical devices. >> they're trying to take an extra step that could take anything packed with explosives out of the cabin and prevent some sort of device being manually detonated. >> reporter: the news first revealed by royal juror dane an airlines apologizing saying they'll be strictly prohib at the timed. other, ooipair, ethiad and emirates. >> the u.s. government has some developed intelligence that a group as developed some type of device they can get on an airplane using a laptop or some other electronic appliance. >> reporter: now saudi arabia, another ally, its airline has told its passengers they will have to check their larger devices. the u.s. has told these airlines and airports they have four days to comply with this order. >> four days, david. for more let global affairs correspondent martha raddatz and first of all, i want to ask about the reports that homeland security john kelly phoned lawmakers over the weekend to brief them on some of the issues that led to this ban. is that correct. >> reporter: he did, robin. john kelly did call some lawmakers to tell them about the new security threat. while it is not a specific threat, something triggered this urgent change and officials believe that some terrorist group is now capable of getting past airport security and carrying on a device that the current screening may not catch. this is also happening as many top arab officials are headed to washington to attend a meeting of the u.s.-led coalition against isis. even though we do not know whether it is isis that is of the greatest concern with these new rules. there's also the possibility that the recent raid in yemen where a navy s.e.a.l. was killed yielded some valuable intelligence, that's the home of an al qaeda bomb maker the has long been after. >> we know you're familiar with these particular airports and people want to know why they were singled out and could others follow suit. >> these will for the most part major airports, especially dubai, one of the world's busiest airports, there's already strict screening there. one of the most thorough i have ever seen. they not only check you when you enter the gate but every passenger has an additional check of carry-on item by item but clearly the u.s. no longer thinks that is enough and maybe more will follow. >> that is clear. all right, martha, thank you. we move on to that testimony on capitol hill. fbi director james comey rocking the white house with his rebuke of trump's wiretapping claims and revealing for the first time his investigation into the trump campaign and russia. overnight the president did his best to ignore the bombshell at a rally in kentucky. abc's cecilia vega was there. she joins us now from louisville, good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. that's right. the president here during that rally overnight. you know, in the past he has been very vocal on this dismissing questions about russian ties to his campaign as fake news but fbi director james comey did confirm that this investigation is, indeed, very real. president trump on the campaign trail rallying supporters in kentucky overnight. >> this place is packed. >> reporter: a 40-minute speech covering just about everything. >> we are going to drain the swamp, we are going to massively reduce your taxes. we are going to put our coal miners back to work. >> reporter: everything other than the story of the day, the fbi's investigation into russia and his campaign and those wiretapping claims. >> director comey -- >> reporter: that extraordinary scene playing out on capitol hill, fbi director james comey testifying before congress waiting right into the middle of the president's allegations by flatly refuting them. >> i have no information that supports those tweets and we have looked carefully inside the fbi. the department of justice asked me to share the answer is the same for the department of justice and all its components. >> so president obama could not unilaterally order a wiretap of anyone. >> no president could. >> reporter: that's not all. for the first time comey publicly acknowledging that the fbi is investigating ties between russia and the trump campaign. >> the fbi as part of our counterintelligence mission is investigating the russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the trump campaign and the russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and russia's efforts. >> reporter: that inquiry on going and classified. under investigation but did offer this explanation for russia's interference. >> putin hated secretary clinton so much, that the flip side of that coin was he had a clear preference for the person running against the person he hated so much. >> reporter: he said the russians made no attempt to cover their tracks. >> the only thing i'd add they were unusually loud in their intervention. it's almost as if they didn't care that we knew what they were doing or what that they wanted us to see what they were doing. >> reporter: he offered this stark warning. >> they'll be back. they'll be back in 2020. they may be back in 2018 and one of the lessons they may draw they were successful because they introduced chaos and division and discord and so doubt about the nature of this amazing country of ours and our democratic process. >> reporter: yeah, this was a truly extraordinary moment. now, one other bombshell shot down during that testimony, the white house's suggestion that presen monitor the trump campaign. nsa director joining the chorus of those that called them ridiculous and nonsense. >> thank you. pierre thomas joins us now and, pierre, we just heard what cecilia said about yesterday. it was indeed extraordinary. >> reporter: robin, it really was. i was struck at how comey in refuting those tweets was speaking not only for the fbi but the entire justice department and pointed out neither of the two had any evidence to support trump's claims. in other words, to people who would know they said it did not happen. comey and justice officials showing their independence. >> tell people what we learned more about the trump campaign and possible livings with russian officials. >> reporter: the fbi and some prosecutors are clearly suspicious of the connections between trump associates and russian officials and while we don't know if anyone has done could be innocent, director comey was adamant he would follow this investigation wherever if leads but the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee said he hopes this investigation can be completed quickly because it has cast a big gray cloud over washington. robin. >> certainly has. all right, pierre. >> let's talk to jonathan karl right now and, jonathan, we just heard it there. double whammy for the white house, blows to the white house credible but the courthouse strategy trying to blow right by it. >> reporter: it's really quite incredible, george. you have the top law enforcement officials and top intelligence officials in the country saying that what the president said is simply not correct. that there is no evidence whatsoever to support it. and by standing by it, the white house is actually doing further damage to its credibility. you have the white house press secretary insulting our ally great britain and going through a series of statements the indefensible by making statements that re at the best most chairably dubious. >> you got into it with sean spicer yesterday. not only with the white house trying to deny contacts in the past but trying to distance themselves from those in the campaign who indeed had the cadges. let's watch. >> and then obviously there's been discussion of paul manafort who played a limited role for a very limited amount of time -- >> he was the chairman of the campaign. >> jonathan, can you stop interrupting? >> paul manafort didn't play a limited role. >> someone is asking a question. it's not your press briefing. please calm down. julie. >> you were correct, of course, paul manafort was the chairman before he left in the summer it appears now everybody who had these contacts with russia whether it was mike flynn or carter page or others is all being sort of set aside shunted ashied by the courthouse. >> reporter: sean spicer called mike flynn a volunteer for the ca george, as you know, he was the most high-profile national security adviser on the trump campaign. featured prime time speaker at the convention and as for paul manafort, he was there for five month, george. as you well know, he was in charge of that campaign. the chairman, the ceo, the person who put together and ran the convention. it's really ex-troird to hear the white house press secretary describe him as somebody with a very limited role. >> noise behind you right there. jon karl, thanks very much. the president heading to capitol hill to twist the arms of house republicans hoping to pass their plan later this week and our mary bruce is on capitol hill. how is speaker paul ryan announcing changes to the bill in a bid to get those voting. >> reporter: good morning, george. republican leaders think they're within reach. this morning they're bringing in closer, the president to help seal this deal. now, overnight republican leaders in the house released a series of changes that they are hoping will help win over those skeptical members of their own party. now, the tweaks include giving states more flexible to administer medicaid, boosting benefits for older americans and prohibiting taxpayer dollars for abortion coverage. they are now one step closer to keeping their promise to the american people and ending the obamacare nightmare. now, this morning we are seeing some members come around but the big question still remains, will these changes be enough to get this plan through? >> okay, mary bruce, thanks very much. >> another high-stakes hearing under way on capitol hill for president trump's supreme court nominee neal gorsuch who is bracing for tough questioning this morning. abc's terry moran covers the supreme court and is there right now. good morning, terry good morning good morning. well, so far it is a bright spot in some pretty dark times for president trump. he was bragging on his nominee last night in kentucky but today democrats are vowing to grill what they say is his corporate bias from the bench to the president's travel ban to the possibility one of them raised yesterday that he might have to rule on a criminal case involving the president and russia. judge gorsuch in his first congressional appearance was both personal and polished. >> i will do all my powers permit to be a faithful servant of this great nation. >> reporter: also paying tribute to his wife. >> i could not even attempt it do this without louise. i love you so much. >> but the pleasantries may be over. today he'll answer questions from democrats still fuming at gop obstruction of president obama's nominee. >> -- was never grounded in principle or precedent. >> reporter: and then there are trump's conservative campaign promises. >> president trump repeatedly promised that his judicial nominees would be pro-life and, quote, automatically end quote overturn roe v. wade. >> reporter: gorsuch didn't go there but hailed his predecessor staunch conservative justice antonin scalia who he described as a mentor. it was another recent loss that brought the supreme court nominee to tears. >> when we recently lost my uncle jack, a hero of mine and a lifelong episcopal priest he gave the benediction when i took an oath as a judge 11 years ago. i confess i was hoping he might offer a similar prayer soon. as it is, i know he is smiling. >> reporter: strong emotion there, mostly smooth sailing for neal gorsuch. but there's no question that he will get grilled today and democratic activists some of them are now calling for this nomination hearing to be halted until the fbi and congress get to the bottom of what happened if anything between russia and the trump campaign. robin. >> all right, terry, thank you. michael. >> we'll turn now to a massive eight-alarm fire tearing through an apartment building in kansas and damaging more than a dozen homes. those flames fueled by the dry conditions and alex perez is on the scene. good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning, michael. firefighters have been working through the night at one point officials here saying the scene looked like a war zone. now, take a look at some of the dramatic images overnight here. the blaze first igniting yesterday afternoon at this massive 579 complex still under construction outside of kansas city. those flames quickly spreading nearby. at least 17 other homes catching fire and damage. firefighters from across the area called in to battle the scorcher. authorities say summerlike hot, dry weather here combined with gusty winds helped this fire take off. now, three firefighters were cheated for minor injuries but the good news here this morning is that officials say this fire is mostly extinguished and under control. michael. >> glad no one got hurt. >> good news. now to amy wh starting with a terrifying plane crash and everyone survived. >> yes, they did. the video is incredible. a passenger jet burst into flames after crash landing and hitting a fire truck. look at that. this happened in south sudan, 49 people we on board and as robin said they all made it out alive. the pilot is being credited with finding the only door that wasn't on fire and then happening everyone escape. several passengers were injured but they are expected to be okay. back here at home a suspected gang member under arrest in the murder of two colorado teenagers. the bodies of 15-year-old derek greer and 16-year-old natalie partida were found on the side of a road in addition to first degree murder police say gustavo marquez faces kidnapping and robbery charges. in sports the commissioner of the nba is warning teams about resting star players during games. this comes after lebron james and steph curry sat out during prime time action. the commissioner says teams could be penalized if they don't and it's not just pasta and cannolis at the dinner table in italy. a new study ranks its lit as the healthiest nation on earth thanks to the mediterranean diet. an italian born today can expect to live into his or her 80s. the u.s. was the 34th healthiest. when i went to italy i was as unhealthy as it gets. bread, pasta, wine. i was not doing the mediterranean diet. >> mamma mia, no. all right. >> it didn't hurt you. >> just a little bit. >> i know. just a little extra running you had to do. ginger now with several fires burning across the plains. >> yes, so tulsa tied their record high at 92 yesterday and you can see that smoke devil that kicked up. the video of it that we have there. well, that is from a fire on a reservation north of tulsa because that forms like a dust devil with the heat. a look at the severe threat today stretches from parts of northeast arkansas, this into north georgia. - 70s returnf the first weekend of spring today: mostly cloudy. some sun late this afternoon. mild. highs: 60-65 winds: nnw 5 mph tonight: clearing skies. cool. becoming breezy by dawn. lows: 34-40 winds: nw 5-15 mph wednesday: mostly sunny. breezy and unseasonably cool. highs: 41-46 winds: nw 10-20 g 30 mph coming up how this footage is helping crack the case of tom you're not going to make it. best-selling brand? do you think you can make it? uhh... make it... every time. nice! going further to keep drivers moving freely. that's ford... and that's how you become america's best-selling brand. it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there's powerful, -hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear. make it sweet. make it savory. make it creamy. make it crunch. make it overnight. ♪ say goodbye to extra taxes and fees on your wireless bill... ...and hello to t-mobile one. right now, get two lines of unlimited data for a hundred bucks. taxes and fees included! two lines, a hundred dollars, all in, all unlimited. switch today. and the 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condition, another hurt. this all happened around 10:00 p.m. on blaine street right off benning road. walk to >> reporter: the battle of the seasons will continue today, spring winning. tomorrow, winter. you can see the clouds clearing out after the early morning ray. mid 50s by lunchtime. low to mid 60s for afternoon, with sunshine. a beautiful afternoon. tomorrow, windy. the arctic air moves in feeling like january, windchills tin mid 020s to low 30s. weekend, 72 on saturday. look at sunday, rain back in, wind as well. >> reporter: on the roads we are looking at a lot of incidences, especially on the secondary roads. slippery on the pavement this morning. let's look through the big picture, show you what's going on. southeast southwest freeway, no accidents there but we had accidents reported on 50 inbound near columbia park road and a beltway, east of new hampshire avenue, outer loop fothere's a seriousy boomers virus out there that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know it. because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and it's not tested for in routine blood work. the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us it's time to get tested. it's the only way to know for sure. ♪usic: 'the best things in life are free' by sam cooke ♪ ♪ ♪ thins! our eyes on the amazingly then, feast your mouthhoy! on their rich chocolate-chipped-ness! it's no trick we put an exclamation point on thin and ta da, it's thin-credible! made with... so i thought it might be time to talk about a financial strategy. you mean pay him back? so let's start talking about your long-term goals. knowing your future is about more than just you. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. (singsong) budget meeting. sweet. if you compare last quarter... it's no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, flavours or dyes. ♪ we didn't have to wait long for this. mr. t. making his big "dancing with the stars" debut. what a big personality shining and you know who else so many people talking about charo. she was fired up on that dance floor. and also what she did when she was facing the judges. >> she did not hold back last night. >> not at all. were you expecting her to. >> i was not. >> much more on that ahead. also, department of homeland security banning passengers from carrying large electronics on planes from eight different countries to the u.s. fears they could hide explosives. president trump is heading to capitol hill this morning trying to put his health care bill over the top as that fallout from fbi director james comey's bombshell testimony. he revealed that the fbi is developing the trump campaign and shut down president trump's wiretapping claims. >> time for that major football mystery. that may finally be solved. authorities say they found tom brady's missing super bowl jersey in mexico and abc's matt gutman is there with all the details. good morning, matt. >> reporter: hey, good morning, michael. so how did that jersey wind up here in mexico a thousand miles away? >> well, police say a mexican newspaper editor helped himself to a five-finger discount that's arguably the most valuable nfl jersey in the world but that's not the most surprising part. the real stunner say police is that he's done this twice before at super bowls. >> nobody's ever won more super bowls, nobody's ever been better. >> reporter: moments after patriots great tom brady walked away with super bowl triumph authorities say new video shows a mild-mannered mexican journalist walking away with his game jersey. >> you put it in my bag. i absolutely 100% put it in my bag. did someone take my jersey. >> let someone at the door check every one of these media people. >> reporter: authorities in expectati mexico say the editor in chief of "la prensa," ortega say he strolled into the locker room behind coach bell lick. 14 minutes later authorities saying them ortega walked out with a black plastic bag he didn't have before and allegedly with a jersey valued at half a million dollars. >> want a cigar. >> somebody stole my jersey. >> it's like taking, you know, a great cha >> texas authorities not taking kindly to the alleged theft. >> don't come to texas and embarrass us on our home turf. >> reporter: houston police investigated 20,000 credential visitors scoured hours of surveillance tape and eventually landed on ortega. they launched a march 12th raid saying they found not only brady's super bowl li jersey but his jersey from super bowl xlix and also in his stolen memorabilia collection denver bronco von miller's mvp helmet from the super bowl in 2016. >> we tried to find him at the newspaper where he used to work, "la prensa," but learned he doesn't work here anymore. that's because two days after all that memorabilia was confiscated he resignation citing family health problems. miller telling us overnight there's so much going on after a super bowl win. >> it took me a year to reel lyle mize helmet has been missing and so it can get hectic after the super bowl. >> reporter: in a statement brady thanked law enforcement but he doesn't have those precious jerseys back yet. their authenticity is still being confirmed. as for ortega, no charges so he is still a free man and people close to him say he was a football fanatic. paid his own way to the super bowls and was probably much more likely to keep that memorabilia than to try to sell it. michael. >> all right, thank you, matt. let's bring in dan abrams and fox sports jay glazer who covered the super bowl with me in houston. he also broke the story and good morning to you, jay. good morning to you, dan. jay, my first question for you, you covered the super bowl and broke the story. were you doingou investigation? >> yeah, i was doing an investigation. i've been working on this for a couple of weeks, stra and it is amazing. if i tried to sell you this hollywood script you would have laughed me out of the room. the last thing you'd ever think it was a director from one of the biggest papers in mexico using his credential and just had this unfolded. i first broke it at 5:00 pacific time yesterday and kind of different ways. as the day went on i didn't know the von miller part until i broke the original part and probably about two hours after that and then we have this video and once i confirmed who he was but you had to make sure without a doubt, and we skewed the video at first on fox and, you know, as the day unfolded ainge you started hearing more and more of these bizarre twists and turns, you don't mean, i got to make sure i'm 100% all the time no matter what but dealing with enforcement down in mexico, you're dealing with nfl security, patriots security. they did so much work on this as well. there were so many different is to dot and ts to cross in order for me to make sure that it was 100% right. >> but, jay, you mentioned you didn't know there was a second brady jersey and von miller helmet. no one knew about this until they found the first jersey. what was he planning on doing with it? >> it's going to be interesting. they're bringing it back to give back to brady. i know they are authenticating from dna testing and make sure it was all right. they went down to mexico and were authenticating them down there. now i know they're bringing them back here to return them as well. from what i understand there's more than just those three, there are pictures of this guy with selfies at super bowls all the way back to when you played in your super bowl, stra, you sure you have your jersey. >> i'm 100% sure smart enough to let my friends take it out. i learned my lesson pretty early. we've seen a few clips. is there more video on the way? >> yeah, i'm going to show more video later on fox and a few shows there. you know, once we fully understood what we were looking at, again, fox, we did the super bowl and had so many cameras in so many different placing and then throughout the night we've been going back and looking at more of the video we've had as well but i again, i've beening there through this for the last couple of weeks. for something like this dealing with law enforcement and dealing with fbi issues which it is because you're talking about stolen property at a very high value not only over tate lines but international lines as well. i had to make sure that i was beyond 100% right. still mind boggling. >> and dan brought up a valuable jersey, and for you by one estimate someone valued it at half a million dollars. yes you said not so the value of the jersey is critical to this case. >> absolutely critical and as a legal matter, a court may say, well, we don't know it's worth half a million dollars. it costs $200 to make and maybe it's worth $200. that's the difference between a misdemeanor and a an enormous felony in texas. that's the difference in arizona in the first case between the statute of limitations having expired on a misdemeanor and a possible felony where you could still charge him so determining the amount of the jersey is going to be a critical issue that will be fought over before any other legal proceedings move forward. >> you know, chagalle and picasso. it will be interested that he will be extradited as well. >> u.s. has an extradition treaty with mexico if it's over 25 bucks mexico is supposed to extradite but they're going to be arguments he could make against extradition ranging from this is so high-profile a case it never would have been pursued otherwise. we'll see. government not so happy with donald trump these days. >> all right, thank you, dan abrams. jay glazer, thank you as well. a long way from over. we'll keep our eye on this. coming up, new surveillance video of that teacher accused of kidnapping a student. what we're learning now about their relationship. ♪ at almond breeze, we only use california-grown blue diamond almonds in our almondmilk. it's something we're proud of. knowing exactly where every almond comes from. but the whole "care-and-nurturing-making- sure-they-grow- up-just-right" part? 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(vo) get unlimited. plus, hd video and 10 gbs of mobile hot spot $22.50 per line for 4 lines. and now the offer everyone's been waiting for... for people with hearing loss, back now with that manhunt for a teacher on the run with a 15-year-old student from his former school and brand-new surveillance video of the kidnapper as the girl's family pleads for her return and eva pilgrim spoke with them. good morning, eva. >> reporter: george, her dad saying he never saw this coming. like so many other dads of teenage daughter, he worried but says he never worried about a teacher at her school. this morning, new images in the search for a missing tennessee teen and the former teacher accused of kidnapping her. >> we have imminent concern for >> reporter: they released this showing tad cummins days before the disappearance in a store where he appears to be picking up women's hair die. police say the teacher plotted elizabeth thomas' abduction after he was suspended from the school accused of having an inappropriate relationship with the teen. a claim he denied. >> he declared himself a father figure to her, then she changes her social media status to that of wife. that adds up to a very scary picture. >> please let us know you're all right and please come home to us. >> reporter: this morning a father begging for the return of his daughter. >> she's 15 years old. you send your kids to school. you know, you trust they're going to be all right there. >> reporter: school officials confirming 50-year-old tad cummins was elizabeth thomas' health sciences teacher and said cummins dazzled her with elaborate tales of being a millionaire, former cia operative and secret missions. >> she had been taken up so much these lies and it was just so much more exciting. >> reporter: elizabeth was last seen eight days ago when she was dropped off as a restaurant in tennessee. a cell phone ping in decatur, alabama the same day and the teen told her sibling to call police at 6:00 p.m. the day she disappeared. >> doesn't that say to you she doesn't want to be gone and leave? >> reporter: family says she was extremely social. couldn't go a day without contact with certain friends and siblings. it has now been more than a week. they say that silence terrifies them, george. >> that is scary. okay, eva, thanks very much. >> we wish the best for that family. coming up, rebecca is going to show us how to cash in big on dropping prices at the grocery store. we're back in two minutes. true radiance comes from within. new radiant toothpaste by white. whitens teeth both inside and out. for a radiant, whiter smile. be radiant by colgate optic white. come on! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline gold. its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. good boy. go for the gold. 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(announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. we're back with our big board and start with a one ring phone scam that could cost you big. the government warning americans about scammers who dial your number then wait for you to call back so they can charge you. abc news fixer stephanie zimmermann, i love that title, you are a fixer. going to get to the bottom of this. so, tell us what's going on here. >> yeah, this is a scam that's targeting cell phone users around america and showed up a couple of years ago and now making a comeback. these are overseas scam artists that use auto dialers to call people's cell phones and let it ring once or twice and they're hoping that you'll be curious enough to call back. if you do you end up with a big international calling charge on your bill and sometimes when you call back, they keep you on hold and then you're stuck with an even bigger charge. >> and, steph, it can happen to anybody. what should people look out for? >> yeah, well, it's tough because the area codes that they use and you can see them here, they really resem codes but they are overseas and they're often in the caribbean. so when you look at your phone bill you'll see something like premium international calling charge and it's a lot like an old scam where they call and they say, you know, you won a prize and have to call back this number in order to win and it's an overseas call but this time they're calling it, letting it ring once and preying on the fact that people are curious and want to return that call. >> you might not recognize that number and oh, let me hit it back. if you do get caught what should you do? >> yeah, well, if you're scammed call your wireless carrier and ask them to remove the charge from your bill then file a complaint with the federal communications commission and the federal trade commission. you know, some of these carriers will have call blocking but really the thing to remember is to never return any unfamiliar dropped call. if it's somebody that you know, a legitimate person who calls you and the don't worry, they'll call you back. >> i like that philosophy. >> half the people are so mad at me for calling back and i know the number. that's the crazy thing? that's a different story. >> stephanie, thank you. your phone bill could go up but your grocery bill could be going down. good news for shoppers everywhere. you may have noticed your bills shrinking and the retailers are fighting to keep customers in and rebecca jarvis is at wegmans in new jersey. what type of items are showing the biggest price drops for consumers? >> reporter: you're seeing the biggest drops on the staples. your meat, poultry, and here we found this greek yogurt used to be 89 cents, this year it's now 69 cents but it's all the grocery store we'll be finding the deals. the bean, the legumes, black bean, these used to be 79 cents last year, now 65 cents for a the goods thaw might use to make something, you can also have the premade goods, for example, this tomato basil sauce we found here used to be $1.19 a jar, now a few months later it is 99 cents a jar. >> we're not complaining. why is this happening now, though, rebecca? >> so, the reason this is happening now, robin is that there's more competition from those companies like the amazons and walmarts of the worm that have gotten into the grocery game and seeing these deals all overth place. we found eggs at costco. a year ago 18 would have run you $3.61. now that same container of eggs is $1.79 and at safeway we found steaks, new york strip steaks for less than $5 a pound. this is all about competition. everybody is trying to undercut everybody else on price and make that experience something that the shopper wants to come and enjoy. >> are there any other shoppers there this morning but you? i'm curious. so empty ther >> believe it or not, well, we kind of -- we got some people out of the way for the shot but there are shoppers and believe it or not i would like to come shop at this time of the day. it's very easy access. >> must have opened the doors for you. >> great time to complete the list, rebecca, thanks as always. what a might in the ballroom. "dancing" is back and so are new mom and dad peta, maks, going head to head. how did they do? we'll break it all down. i accept i don't race down like i used to. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but whatever trail i take, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i'm still going for my best. and for eliquis. ask your doctor about eliquis. pen house. 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(sfx: 2 kids scream) back here on "gma" the land is moving in northern idaho. look at this picture. a mudslide taking that house off its foundation and this picture of a different home nearby. the mud going in and see the covered up through its legs. so, feet of mud. the family was trapped. luckily they got them out and were all okay. here in washington state a landslide over the road and more rain is on the way so this low pressure system with that cold front going to slide lew and a lot of folks will get rain, a lot in the sierra could add up 3 plus inches then a foot or more "good morning america" is brought to you by one a day men's and women's. >> anchor: good morning, washington! i'm melanie hastings. here is a check of your stop stories. mongomery county fire crews say an overnight fire in glenmont started from improperly disposed smoking materials. the fire on sheridan street was brought under control and no one was hurt but the family living in the home is displaced. man accused in the deadly fire bombing of a baltimore row home has turned himself in. police say antonio wright through 2 cocktails into the home leading to the deaths of 2 teenagers. a 20-year old woman is in critical condition after jumping from the third floor of the home during the fire. wright says he is innocent. get ready for a nice warmup today. here is veronica johnson. >> reporter: the battle of the seasons will continue today, sprinwi out after the early morning ray. mid 50s here by lunchtime. low to mid 60s for afternoon, with sunshine. a beautiful afternoon. tomorrow, windy. the arctic air moves in feeling like january, windchills in the mid 020s to low 30s. weekend, 72 on saturday. look at sunday, rain back in, wind as well. >> reporter: on the roads, we have accident cleanup causing us a tie-up on u.s. 1. closed on the southbound lanes approaching lorton road. on the maps, you can see all the red on the suitland parkway, baltimore parkway with a northbound crash into laurel. trafficland cameras are showing heavy surrounds, making the road northbound 395, crash cleanup. this is southbound 27o falls road. the crash is at montrose road. accident cleanup continues on 66. we're finally clear eastbound near the prince william parkway. delays way to the beltway. >> anchor: thank you. you can get more news, weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. we'll see you back here in about half an hour, hope you have a great day. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. emergency ban. passengers heading to the u.s. from eight countries no longer allowed to carry electronics any larger than a cell phone on board planes, laptops and tablets must be checked. the new intelligence coming in now. mother and son becoming dad and daughter. >> i just saw this brave child facing the world and i finally said to myself, if she can do this, so can i. >> their story now making headlines. they talk to us about their journey. bridging the gap, the conversation across generations. what happens when we sit down for dinner with millennial women living life on their own terms. >> work/life balance is a chance. >> and pose the question is ambition replacing sex? ♪ i think i want to marry you wedding in five days? the bride who pulled it off all at a bargain price and how it strengthened her relationship. ♪ want to make you feel good >> bonkers in the ballroom. a startling night on "dancing with the stars." chris kattan bringing back "night at the roxbury." charo fighting with the judges and who brought the unicorn as they battle for the lead and jimmy kimmel he already knows who is going to win all ahead as we dance into tuesday. >> good morning, america. good morning, america. happy tuesday. welcome to sara haines, well kamg back from austria. >> there for the special olympics and i had to tell you joy is the word when you were there, when you're around the athletes and the hills are alive for and all the families and really spending time. twin sisters from cleveland, ohio, sharita and shaye taylor and sharita is competing it figure skating and her sister there to cheer her on and defied great odds and the opening ceremony, it was gorgeous for all the days leading up and pouring down rain and it didn't matter and jason mraz, his final song that he sang just really brought down the house with the lights and everything so it was reel wonderful to be there and it's continuing because you can get all the highlights on espn. >> we'll see more this morning. >> i'm sure we got a chance to talk to you because you allowed us to see some of that. >> you're very welcome. happy to do it. [ applause ] >> and something we just teased, "dancing with the stars," if you didn't know "dancing with the stars" is back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] back. >> of course. >> and we've got former champ tony dovolani, he's here. he's going to break down all the drama from last drama, "dancing with the stars," drama. >> first amy with the morning rundown. >> good morning to everyone. the big story, a new ban on electronic devices on some flights into the united states. that ban went into effect overnight and affects travelers from ten airports overseas. abc's david kerley has all the details. david, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, amy. this order went into effect just a few hours ago. the u.s. telling specific airports and airlines that devices bigger than a phone will not be allowed in the cabins of jetliners on direct flights to the u.s. this order affects eight countries in the middle east, many allies. the gulf states, saudi arabia, egypt, along with those eight countries there are ten airports and nine airlines being told. no "la prensa" top, no dvd players, no tablets allowed in the cabin. those will have to be checked on direct flights in the u.s. a senior administration official telling abc news this was based on intelligence. amy. >> david, thank you so much. president trump heads to capitol hill today to rally support for the republican plan to replace obamacare. overnight house republicans released a new version of the bill saying it will help older americans and will allow tates to force medicaid recipients to work. the house is expected to vote thursday. the president discussed health care during a rally in kentucky but did not bring up monday's testimony from fbi director james comey. comey testified he has no information to support trump's claim that former president obama wiretapped trump tower. supreme court nominee neal gorsuch is facing a second day of confirmation hearings and they're expect to press him on abortion to guns in a session that could last ten hours. and an investigation is under way in san francisco where a woman died after drinking tea she bought at a local store. lab tests determined it contained a plant-based stocksen and bought it a another became critically ill but recovered. officials say that store is cooperating to trace the source. also in northern california, police are searching for a woman who nearly ran over a mother and a toddler at this walmart parking lot. she then hit five other people, they say she was angry that walmart refused to let her return some batteries. finally, the mystery behind one big bird has been solved. take a look at this video of a chicken the size of a dog. it's racked up a million views. many wondering including me if that's actually a man in a chicken costume because that's exactly what it looks like. experts tell us it is a heritage breed brahma chicken often referred to as the king of all poultry. they can weigh 19 pounds which le l leeds me to say that is one big mother clucker.aeds me to sayha mother clucker.ds me to say tha mother clucker. [ cheers and applause ] >> you got to give her credit. 35-second windup and cracks herself up. >> notice how she said it so slowly make sure -- >> make sure she say it right. >> she's still laughing at it. she'll go all day with this one. >> how are you going to top that in "pop news"? >> i'm not. thanks for the tee-up, amy. time now for "pop news." last night was the big premiere of "dancing with the stars." as michael said in case you haven't heard. we all have our guesses on who will take home the mirror ball trophy and jimmy kimmel is no exception. last night guillermo revealed the host's official predict. take a look. >> i can't fill out an ncaa bracket for the life of me. i got the super bowl wrong. but when it comes to ball room dancing and "the bachelor" i am golden so the champion of "dancing with the stars" season 24 is -- >> rashad jennings. [ cheers and applause ] will bring home the mirrorball. >> out there with that one. >> but it looks like they're drawing it out of a bowl. i don't know if that's considered skills or not but says he has correctly predicted the winner 9 out of 18 times. those aren't bad odd. >> kind of a dark horse and after watching him and football players have jem done well and -- >> you're not biased at all. >> he was a giant but i'm not saying smog but he was really good yesterday. i was politely surprised. and the ladies agree, yes. [ applause ] >> does anyone -- >> i know robin is going you were sitting up last night. >> yes, i was up last night. >> just like jimmy kimmel and watched "the bachelor," as well. and, robin, this one is for you. >> okay. >> so many country fans abuzz with excitement over this collaboration, tim mcgraw and faith hill country superstars and longtime couple giv what is they want a joint album. they just announced it. it is their first album together. they've had three collaborations for this hit "let's make love." i think you can hear it but now an entire album together. >> just look at them. you don't even have to say anything. >> you want to believe -- could you guys ever work with your partners? you could. she could find a table and dance around you >> that's not really work for me. >> because you just sit there. hold on to your job for one more day. >> what about you guys? >> sure, absolutely. >> you could? >> sometimes couples can either or not at all. i don't know if i could. >> what about you? >> myself at work. >> michael. >> just saying. >> yes. >> i think i don't -- i probably don't respect max with -- i don't use as much patient with him as i do everyone else so he says if everyone saw how i treated him but i'm working on work. >> you're revealing a lot. >> we ought to get a counselor. >> i was promised a couch. i was promised a couch. i'm not paying for this one. finally it's not easy being a baby. sometimes you need to take a break from all that sleeping and hit up a spa. baby spa perth allows little ones to indulge in hydrotherapy and they say the benefits can improve sleep quality regardless of the benefits just pretty cute but that inner tube doesn't look comfortable. >> kind of cute but looks a little dangerous. >> i mean that's like a headlock of sorts. >> they look happy. >> they do look happy. >> i mean at this point they don't do much. i can speak from experience but it's cute, right? >> looked dangerous as george said. >> i'm with george. >> you know what, that was a great job at "pop news." you're always so good and so funny. coming up breaking down all the dancing drama. >> and the incredible story of a father and daughter's transition. their journeying to and how they are inspiring each other? come on back. 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does it change anything between my spouse and myself? no. it doesn't. it made it better. it made it more peaceful. >> reporter: but ultimately say it strengthened their marriage. >> it's not about the shell that you walk around in. it's about the person that you are. it's about the person that i fell in love with ten plus years ago. >> reporter: les' acceptance and support has shown eric another side to his husband. >> this is a different side of him that i didn't know existed. the acceptance and just the respect and the admiration just it made me fall in love with him all over again. >> reporter: what a love story. of course, eric and corey have both undergone years of counseling and a mental health assessment before starting hormones mom used to start a double mastectomy. >> to see your child going through that and to give you the courage to do it yourself. >> to be inspired like that together. ah. >> thank you for sharing that with us, juju. coming up, america's olympic sweethearts going head-to-head in the ballroom next. i heard superheroes read chucks norris comics.d you. i heard at night, the boogeyman checks under the bed for chuck. i heard cats say they have chuck-like reflexes. do you think he's still got it? 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>> good morning, guys. what a night it was, right? a smilestone 400th episode for the game full of incredible of course, a lot of big personalities. ♪ >> reporter: the 24th season kicked off big with a little sparkle of "24 karat magic." >> i think you got the magic to make it all the way. >> reporter: even a unicorn for erika jayne and a battle for ballroom glory between two of america's olympic sweethearts. ♪ olympic figure skater nancy kerrigan scoring high with hervher vienese waltz and simone biles earned the top score of the night. at the bottom of the leaderboard, a battle of t the '80s and '90s stars. charo salsaing for the judges. >> i think i saw your -- judges' critiques. >> reporter: coming in last place chris kattan known for his wacky dance moves. >> it was the perfect interpretation of a cha-cha-cha with a hangover. >> reporter: there was so much going on. here's one of my highlights. how about retired chicago cubs world champion david ross sharing a bit of an emotional moment with members of his team who had actually skyped in from spring training camp just to offer their own support. i think they were pretty surprised with how well he did and might have been surprised by the sequins chicago cubs outfit he was wearing uni. >> you were "the bachelor." we loved you at the same time. the same as well. and now we bring in "dancing with the stars" season 15 all-star champ, tonydovolani. >> how are you doing? >> straight up what was your favorite performance. >> i loved rha i thought he was great. i thought david ross knocked it out of the park. when it came on i was expecting the women to blow me out of the water. pretty much all of them but then rashad jennings, david ross, man -- >> they surprised me too. gave me a little bit more than i was expecting. we see a lot of '80s stars out there. what do you think about charo's performance. >> i think she is probably the oldest entertainer -- one of the most entertaining people. the wild card. she will talk back to the judges which i love. probably one of the best moments we've had in quite a few seasons. >> is there a stealth candidate/dancer. >> simone is great but i was expecting that but the one that actually surprised me the most i honestly do believe that david ross will be like the dark horse in this. because i really feel like he's got great potential. he showed up. i don't know what my expectation of a baseball player was but he showed up and held his posture and held his body and, in fact, think about it, look at his body contact with lindsay. i mean absolutely amazing holding his frame his head to the left. len will love this. >> still looking at the body contact with lindsay, all the other stuff you lost me on. and you have been doing this for a long time, man. >> yes. >> so what is your advice for these dancers? >> honestly i think because len's going to be there there from the beginning to the end they have to please len, len is the barometer. he is the older statesman so you believe everything he says and cops with an extensive background. if they listen to len they're going to make it all the way. >> we're listening to you and trust you. thank you. we'll be right back. >> anchor: good morning, washington! i'm melanie hastings. here is a check of your stop stories 3467 one woman is in critical condition, another hurt after a double shooting in northeast. this all happened around 10:00 p.m. on blaine street right off benning road. so far, no word on a possible suspect. keeping a close eye on temperatures, thursday morning it's expected to dip below 27 degrees, that is a critical number that could spell trouble four the remaining cherry blossoms. the national park service still expects the buds that survived the recent cold to reach peak bloom this coming weekend. we have nice weather to look forward to today. here is veronica johnson. >> reporter: the battle of the seasons will continue today, spring winning. tomorrow, winter. you can see the clouds clearing out after the early morning ray. mid 50s here by lunchtime. low to mid 60s for afternoon, with sunshine. a beautiful afternoon. tomorrow, windy. the arctic air moves in feeling like january, windchills in the mid 20s to low 30s. weekend, 72 on saturday. look at sunday, rain back in, wind as well. >> reporter: congestion, volume related delays if you're traveling interstate 95 in maryland, trying to merge with the capital beltway. you're in a marm delay. also i275 from the beltway, oxon hill maryland. as you can see you're in the red with the northbound ride all the way to the 11th street bridge. let's head to our trafficland cameras, a live look at photographic flow. crossing the 14th street bridge, 395 we're doing a low pace passing pentagon. jum volume delays. back to weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. ♪ and the trumpets they go [ applause ] ♪ and the trumpets they go are you feeling it, sara? >> i'm feeling it. >> this wonderful audience we have with us. [ cheers and applause ] what you got? >> what do i have? i have a topic i'm curious, okay, engagements and weddings. so, when you get engaged, how long was it -- from your engagement to your wedding? >> it was about a year. >> george. >> four months. >> four months. i thought you were going to say four years. >> no, no. >> whirlwind with you guys. >> how about this lady emily and rob. they accomplished the impo >> from engagement to the wedding. >> five days from the engagement to the wedding. >> good for them. >> because they decided over the course of the next year we're not going to have time. we're going to have all these different obligations so we're going to do it in five days. she came up -- >> had they known each other for a long time before that? >> that's none of my business. >> that's okay. you don't have to. just trying to get the basics. >> but they in five days got at least 100 people to show up and how they were able to put it together is that she didn't forget but she just bypassed a lot of the details that people put so much into and weddings are expensive. what about -- we don't need the flowers. as far as the dress she found a nice lacy blouse top and bought that for 10 bucks and -- >> 10 buck. >> instead of printing wedding invitations e-mailed. >> eco, as well. >> you know, what i thing when people go to wedding, most of the people -- ? food. >> they come for the food. she didn't go through with a fancy menu but told the place what is your best meat and potatoes meal you serve that people enjoy the most, make that the meal. >> wow. >> like very quick efficient in five days you're slacking and really slacking. >> i'm so slacking. blue that's the best way to do it because -- [ applause ] you had flowers i think the thing is quickly becomes only about the wedding and guests rather than the marriage and the partnership. >> thank you. >> she screened everything with does this achieve the goal of making people at my wedding loved or strengthen the prompts we made to each other. i bet you this couple will do fine. >> they put it in "the new york times" so they got to do fine now. so thank you "new york times" for that. >> i'm going to a wedding on friday. sharday miller. who works with us. shoutout to you sharday and michael. >> nations. >> it wa it was more than five days but looking forward to -- >> they'll have flowers in yes, they're going to have flowers. so -- >> hoping some meat and potatoes. >> the best in the house. >> we have a special guest. right now let's -- you know her from "mission: impossible" on a new mission with ryan reynolds, jake gyllenhaal in "life." please welcome rebecca ferguson. [ cheers and applause ] >> how are you? >> mwah. >> i love that. >> hi. >> so good. >> thank you. >> you scared me. >> how are you? >> nii feel like we're still in paris with all the kissing. hello. am i right here? >> yes. >> oh, george. >> i don't know about you guys. >> you're welcome very much. >> i didn't know what to expect with this. it is -- >> neither did i. neither did i. >> it would help if you knew what was going on. >> it's early for high guys, in the morning. >> okay, wait, wait, wait, i'm ready. >> there. >> good chairs. >> not bad. >> irheard you had ryan here. >> we did. >> human timing up here. >> and jake as well. it's been a lot of fun on set. >> it has. ongoing. never stopping. we just did a press tour and exhausted by humor. >> that's a good thing to be exhausted from. >> who is the prankster? >> i think it's them together. you know, some people just spin off each other. it is nonstop. they said do you want to do interviews with them and i said, no, no, i'll be by myself. we need time to promote the film. as well. >> this movie as robin said i didn't know what to expect. it is indefense. really intense and the stunt, a lot of stunts, most of the time you're kind of floating through the set. that's the majority of the movie. >> oh, zero gravity throughout the thing and even when we walk off set we're sitting there it was fun and it was hard. a lot of back work we did. harness hanging to the point -- >> you're not afraid of height. >> are we looking at it? trying to make that look real. >> it did. >> it worked. >> did that make you nauseous. >> a little bit dizzy sometimes but then also -- >> first thing that came to mind. >> it's a bit claustrophobic, height and -- >> would you like to see it? [ applause ] there it is. >> no. >> it's in between my fingers and it's not letting go. >> can i make a suggestion? can i just go in there and get him and bring him back. >> of course you're not because he's in quarantine. >> i can do this. i can do this. >> oh. >> oh. >> oh. >> we were talking. [ applause ] >> you're giving away all the secrets over here. >> while the clip was playing we're like -- we've seen it and there's so much we can't reveal so we were asking her a little thing about what -- i mean -- >> i'll tell you later. nothing you don't know already. >> okay. >> i told you guys? we're also excited because you'll return to "mission impossible 6." >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm applauding myself. >> i know. >> i'm so excited. >> yes. what was it like when you first met tom cruise? >> well, i was on a camel in the desert. >> how all her stories go. >> i was and the camel was called barbie, obviously. i was shooting something called "the red tent" for lifeline. >> a good movie. >> and it was fun and warm. camels are quite scary. >> they're mean. >> and they smell. they go. >> and they spit. >> and they do that as well. >> they spit as well so i was on a camel. >> i hope no camels are at home watching. [ laughter ] >> we love camels in general. >> yes, we do. >> yeah. and someone said, by the way, tom cruise wants to meet you from "mission: impossible" but we need you back in 24 hours and i think it was just wham, bam, thank you, ma'am and i was on that plane, i walked into this incredible building where i think they shot "eyes wide shut" if you've seen it. >> yes. >> just the set is quite intimidating. i walk in, okay, i'm going to get a coffee and chill and calm down a bit. i'm still mentally on a camel and -- >> barbie. >> barbie and i walked down the corridor and there he is, sunglasses, blue jumper, jeans, i still see it. >> i kind of see it now too. >> now we know why he hired you. >> exactly. >> thank you for coming in. it is in theaters on friday. we'll be right back. i've been blind since birth. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. or visit then you're a couple. think of all you'll share... like snoring. does your bed do that? 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>> for me it was a lot of bias towards my age when i first started the business but that gave me a lot of ammunition and a lot of drive. i was like i'm going to prove you wrong. i know i can do this. i will work harder than anybody. >> i do dr. to say i got that a lot because i left corporate and i joined as the first employee a start-up and so a lot of people asked, oh, you just didn't want to climb the corporate ladder. you know, you couldn't stick it i was feeling personally just like my creativity was sapped so i wanted to go into an environment where i was really inspired. >> i hope that when i work hard i can prove myself. >> there's this huge gulf of misunderstanding between generations between millennials and the again-or baby boomers when they are their bosses. when they ask for freedom, they want to work later or work on the withes, their own hours, that's making us easier for us to have a work/life conversation. >> how about, i'm going to say it, work/life balance, oh! work/life balance. >> work/life balance is a sham. it's all work all the time all life all the time. >> i think the problem with the statement is the word balance is interpreted as 50/50. things are equal and the work balance means something different to everybody. >> one point i want to make that's clear it's not just work/life balance when you have kid, right? your life is important at every more complicated as stephanie knows when you have children. she said to me when we met, that her goal was to work smarter not harder. >> i get an extraordinary amount of fulfillment of being who i am professionally and having kids did not replace that but meant i had time in the day i had to go somewhere else as well and making it all fit. >> is it true through your dinners and through your research that you discovered that sex has been replaced by the drive for success? >> robin, i have tried at every dinner to get these women to talk about sex. they're not stressed bit. they're not concerned bit. it just happens. those kind of "sex and the city" conversations have disappeared. >> i think i'm still having it. my group techs should not be seen by anybody. i mean sorry to anybody who is dating my friend group. >> we're setting our own standards and like expectations for what >> greater sense of confidence. >> exactly. >> we're not analyzing sex in that way. >> but you are analyzing the path to success, right? you want to know -- you want to know how does she do it? what does it happen? how does it go? what is her secret? >> more so than talking about sex but when it comes to success you do want to analyze. >> we've cracked the code on sex and know how to talk about it so we feed something else. >> came to my table and arctic laid more clearly than i've ever heard anyone say about the challenge that you feel in finding a partner when you're an ambitious woman. >> i had said to ann at the time i just wished i could find a guy who cared about anything as much as i care about everything. so like with my work and with my personal life and with my family i'm surrounded by really passionate women all day long. >> the big question is how do you find a partner who honors your ambition, right? >> i found someone who had a lot almost as many as me. i was looking actually for someone who i could talk to about my passions and then i could see that light in their eyes and they wanted to also share something back with me. >> the bottom line is, i look at each and every one of you and there is no way that you are not going to get everything you want in life. >> cheers. is there cheers. >> to the big life. >> to the big life. >> amen. >> and "the big life" is out now. coming up we are blending and sharing some great recipes. ♪ back now with kiefer sutherland and is the executive producer of "designated survivor." he sat down with paula faris to talk about it. >> from unlikely president -- >> you are now the president moment that had audiences on edge. >> you are lucky to be alive. >> there is a traitor in the white house. i'm not going to find him by just sitting here. >> reporter: kiefer sutherland's role as president kirkman on "designated survivor" finds him suddenly thrust into the presidency while balancing life as a nurturing husband and father. >> i'm not going to die for this. >> is dad scared? >> dad is not scared of anything. >> reporter: a stark contrast to the political operative he played on "24." a change in character for a lot of your fans that know you as jack bauer, now you're president kirkman. in real life kiefer, who are you more like. >> hopefully there's some similarities with both. both of these characters were confronted with a circumstance that was almost unwinnable. and yet they engage. there is a commitment with both of them to serve. they just have very different skill sets. so what jack can do or gun, president kirkman can actually do with a pen or his oratory skills in we cannot live in fear. we will not live in fear. >> i'm attract to any kind of character that's willing to sacrifice a great deal of themself to do the right thing and i think tom kirkman as president is trying to do that. >> that kind of who you are in real life. would you consider yourself an altruist. >> it isn't like me to say something that grand but something we all aspire to be and i think that is the better side of human nature. ♪ ♪ can't stay away >> reporter: another side of kiefer that of a country music star writing and producing original songing and touring with his band. this isn't just a small part of your life but a very big part. >> my interest as an actor is to have written over the years has been kind of an extension of that so when i get breaks from "designated survivor," i try and take as many opportunities as i can to just play shows, small bars, small theaters. >> we have a large audience but we also have a small set and we'd love for you to perform on "gma." >> one day i would love that. thank you. >> come on back. >> cheers. [ cheers and applause ] >> you can see "designated survivor" tomorrow night at 10:00, 9:00 central right here on abc. ginger. >> oh, sara, we're about to get goodness here with harley pasternak, representative for jamba juice and blending up healthy smoothies. you all have one, right? we'll be drinking. why blend? why such a big deal to blend. >> first of all blending is everything. life is better blended. when you have protein, fiber, healthy fat and feel fuller faster and longer and less like to make poor decisions when it comes to iteming. time is not an excuse anymore to top of that we're all little kids and too hide vegetables is a great example. i partner with jamba. we do great smoothies called superblends. the first one called green up and go. >> green up and go is what you have. let's make it. >> i have a little bit of lemon juice here. i have a little bit of greek yogurt. all real ingredients. no supments you're having here. these are real foods. i've got healthy fats in the form of pumpkin seeds and everything in here is green which is great. even the apples. >> green apple. >> right. >> seasonal in los angeles. all year long. lots of green apples and cucumber. and i like to sweeten it instead with sugar or simple sugar just a few of nature's greatest sweeteners, a little bit of grapes and spinach on top and blend it up. >> this is what comes out. >> this is what comes out, this is absolutely delicious. >> really is very good. cheers, by the way. a couple of our audience m are blending their own. by exercising. >> isn't that amazing. >> a couple of different blends. >> amazing. so on top of the green up and go, we also have a pb and jealous and we have apple in charge so like a peanut butter and jelly, green up and go, all superblends at jamba based on my body reset diet. >> everyone in the audience is going home with a gift card to jamba juice and one of these babies, a tumbler. go to jamba juice today and tomorrow. mention "gma" to receive $3 off any blend. we're going to be right back. thank you. i'm cheers to both of of them. "gma's" blending basics is brought to you by ♪ we got to work a little bit. you're on probation, amy. >> okay. >> anchor: one altercation happened at the rhode island station, one perspective was taken to the hospital after being hit with an object. the sectioned incident happened a short time later, a passenger refused to leave the gallery place metro station and assaulted the manager before taking off. the suspect was caught a couple blocks away from the station. we've a roller coaster week for weather. here is vietnam. >> reporter: the battle of the seasons will continue today, spring winning out, tomorrow it will be winter. you can see the clouds clearing out after the early morning ray. mid 50s here by lunchtime today. then low to mid 60s for the afternoon hours again with sunshine. a beautiful afternoon. tomorrow, windy. the arctic air moves in feeling like january with windchills in the mid 20s to low 30s across the area. the weekend, 72 on saturday. look at sunday, rain moves back in. could be wind as well. >> >> reporter: lots of late clearing accidents on the george washington parkway george washington traveling southbound near turkey run. we're looking at the southeast southwest freeway on the big picture map, you'll see a lot of red traveling near 295 and 395, especially on 395 from exhibitedsal road to the beltway costing extra time. on trafficland camera, southbound i270 dealing with 2 incidences. looking at 65 minutes from frederick to the spur. melanie. >> anchor: thank yous. what do you to when you first wake up? good the answer is look at your phone, well, you may have a problem. once thought harmless trend becoming a serious addiction of the how technology is hurting your relationships and health. coming up during the next hour of good morning washington over on news channel 8. hope you have a >> announcer: it's "live with kelly." today actor andrew garfield, and we get a visit from queen latifah. plus, we follow along as jerry o'connell tries out for cirque du soleil. all next on "live." [upbeat music] ♪ >> ♪ yeah, we're all about ♪ a good life ♪ you won't believe ♪ until you see >> announcer: now here are kelly ripa and jerry o'connell. [cheers and applause] >> ♪ yeah, we're all about ♪ a good life ♪ good energy, come follow me ♪ oh, it's gonna be ♪ a good night >> ♪ that's right ♪ that's right >> ♪ that's right ♪ my generation [cheers and applause] >> kelly: thank you. thanks, jer. hi, hi! >> jerry: what is up? yeah! [cheers and applause]

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