Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20170214 : compare

Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20170214

>> the celebration has begun. >> and the uconn women making history overnight with their 100th consecutive victory. they haven't lost since 2014. now coach geno auriemma revealing his secret to success. can anyone stop the huskies? another late night and storrs, connecticut. 100 consecutive wins. can you imagine? >> unbelievable. great having him on the show yesterday also, geno and let's take a look at what happened after they won the game. see all that stuff that's falling from the ceiling. fake $100 bills to celebrate the 100th victory. >> jesse will have a lot more on that. breaking news, michael flynn forced to resign three weeks after the white house was told by the justice department that he could be vulnerable to russian blackmail for not telling the truth about his contacts with the ss abc's chief white house correspondent jon karl has all the latest and, jon, this is extraordinary. the white house was warned that the president's national security adviser could be a national security threat. >> reporter: unbelievable, george. and flynn really had no choice but to resign. he had misled the white house and the president had clearly lost confidence in him. general flynn was front and center but he had already fallen out of favor. the president refusing to even answer whether he had confidence in him. >> do you have confidence in michael flynn, mr. president? >> reporter: in his letter of resignation flynn made it clear he was leaving because he had misled vice president pence and other senior officials about his conversations with the russian ambassador. quote, i inadvertently briefed the vice president-elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the russian ambassador. vice president pence took that inaccurate information and television. >> what i can confirm having spoken to him about is that those conversations that happened to occur around the time that the united states took action to expel diplomats had nothing whatsoever to do with those sanctions. >> reporter: but that was not true. the justice department became aware of flynn's lie through routine surveillance of the russian ambassador and notified the white house weeks ago. but it wasn't until friday that flynn personally apologized to the vice president. the shake-up comes at a critical time for president trump. a missile test over the weekend by north korea. rising tensions with iran and a key visit wednesday by israeli prime minister bibi netanyahu to the white house. keith kellogg will serve as acting national adviser for now. also under consideration as a permanent replacement general david petraeus and retired navy s.e.a.l. vice admiral robert harwood. the search for a replacement a permanent replacement for flynn begins right now. i am told general petraeus will be here at the white house today. but the front-runner here seems to be vice admiral bob woodruha who has a close relationship with general mattis. >> stand by, we'll come back to you in a minute. you have pierre. >> patrick mcenroe for more on what the white house and justice department knew and when. good morning, pierre. what do you know. >> reporter: good morning, robin. a key moment in this drama came when sally yates began seeing top transition officials saying flynn did not discuss obama sanctions on ruks hacking with that country's ambassador. yates, a source tells me, knew that fbi agents had captured a phone call between flynn and the russian ambassador discussing those very sanctions. she became increasingly when then vice president-elect pence said on national tv that flynn told him he did not discuss the sanctions. on january 23rd after the inauguration, white house press secretary sean spicer repeated the same false claim. shortly afterward yates apparently decided she had no choice but to inform the white house that they had been misled and she and other officials were concerned about the potential of the russians blackmailing flynn. >> pierre, are there any legal implications here? >> it doesn't appear that any charges are imminent but officials are concerned that flynn was having these conversations, robin. they want to know how many did he have and what precisely were they talking about? >> again, three-week period. >> so many questions and let's bring jon karl back as well as matthew dowd our chief political analyst and cecilia vega here and, jon, let's begin with the three-week gap. as we said it's kind of extraordinary. around january 23rd. sally yates tells the white house counsel that flynn could be vulnerable to blackmail yet that's going to be the big question for the white house. why. >> reporter: the big question is did the president know about it three weeks ago. i asked that directly of senior officials. the only answer i've gotten is that the evaluation of flynn that ultimately led to his ouster began weeks ago so what officials insist is they knew about this and started to evaluate and look into it weeks ago. we don't know about the president himself. the president was asked about the initial "the washington post" story breaking this news on friday on air force one and told reporters that he hadn't seen the reports yet. >> so just to underscore that we don't know yet or the white house isn't telling us yet whether the president or the vice president who had been misled were told about this phone call from sally yates at the justice department. >> reporter: i of course aed that directly and have not gotten an answer. >> matthew dowd, kind of unbelievable. >> every time we think it's unprecedented. it gets more. day massacre from russia with love in this. this is a contagion and virus. >> russia. >> the whole operation at the white house. not just you throw out the guy with the fever, michael flynn. there will be an investigation and as of today, we've learned that it's not okay to mislead the president and vice president. but it is still okay to mississippi lead the public who's been misled in this whole thing is the question and finally as a president governs by his legal and moral authority and both are in question this morning. >> a lot to talk about and cecilia vega, one of the points that matthew makes is we know there is an fbi investigation going on now about the russian contacts, intelligence investigation. calls in the intelligence committee to look into this in the senate and house as well but this is going to intensify calls for an independent investigation as well. >> reporter: and it already is, george. democrats especially on capitol hill smell blood in this political water and they are not backing off as you can imagine. but just take a look at this one tweet that's out from former u.s. ambassador to r micha michael mcfaul. he tweets as flynn steps down i have even more questions about the russian role in our elections. we need to investigate. this is not going to end right now, the top democrat on the house intelligence committee is also saying that investigations need to continue. not surprisingly perhaps, george, the group quiet, republicans on capitol hill. they're not really getting into this mess yet. >> matthew dowd, only 3 1/2 weeks in to this administration, not even coming up on the month-long mark. how do they reboot? >> i think they're in total disarray in the moment of this and will have to replace a national security adviser and the taff as we've always talked about, the taff at the white house is actually more important than cabinet officials and spent more time on cabinet officials and less time at staff and, george, i remember we talked within days of the election and about one of the main things that might dog president trump was his -- the connections with russia and we've learned, one, michael flynn had connections with russia. he reresigned. paul manafort, he the whole russian situation is wide open. >> raises questions about credibility. matthew suggested that and the white house had this information for three weeks yet didn't correct the record. >> reporter: absolutely and, george, also questions about dysfunction at the national security council. i have talked to -- i talked to a senior official there who basically threw his hands up yesterday saying that he couldn't get answers or decisions made on key things. this is the incredibly busy time, the president is pursuing changes, big changes in u.s. foreign policy. foreign leader visits and you have this dysfunction at the top and as you mentioned, lack of, you know, a question of the record of what's told to the public, you can't really -- it seems trust what you're being told. >> let me bring pierre thomas back as well. pierre, initially when this information first came to sally yates when president obama was still in office, she questione the trump administration. apparently at that time james comey, the fbi director resisted because his investigation is ongoing and that investigation continues. >> reporter: the investigation continues, again, as i said earlier, the key question is how many contacts are we talking about? and what precisely was general flynn talking about with his russian ambassador is the key question. they need to know that and so now the question becomes, were there contacts prior to trump being elected? these are aquestions that everybody wants to know the answers to. >> thank you all very much. michael. >> thank you, george. to flooding fears in california and people rushing to shore up the dam dropping rocks from helicopters before a new storm moves in and abc's kayna whitworth is on the scene, good morning, kayna. >> reporter: michael, good morning. they are pumping water out of that this river swelling over its banks. you can see how high it is on the tree and how fast the water is moving. evacuation orders are still in place despite the fact that water levels are dropping at the dam. the trick is they have to get it down 50 feet before it rains again on thursday. overnight, efforts to make repairs to the oroville dam under way. large bags of rocks dropped into the massive holes of both the primary and emergency spillways by helicopter. no more water rushed over the emergency spillway but the main spillway which was damaged a week ago is still in use. i'm seven miles downstream from the dam and this is the feather river. it is raging in places where it's normally dry. so if that spillway were to fail the sheer amount of water released into this river would be devastating. near nearly 200,000 forced to flee their hopes. >> i'm scared because i've never been in anything like this before. >> reporter: authorities fearing the worst. >> we're looking at a 30-foot wall of water coming out of the lake. >> reporter: some leaving food on their plates at denny's. a mad rush to escape and sitting in line and gas stations running out of fuel. >> our phone started going off and we immediately loaded up the kids and took off. >> reporter: water levels in the lake dropping but evacuation orders remain in place. >> get everything in place where they can return. >> reporter: many wondering when they'll get back home. >> i want to go home but, of course, you want to be safe. >> reporter: overnight we learned that three environmental companies warned state officials about problems with that emergency spillway and they did it back in 2005. i looked through the documents last night and according to them, they needed that spillway to be paved or as they called it armored because a spillway should never be designed so that it might guys. >> tough situation. yeah, hopefully they can get it all figured out for everyone who lives in that area. >> now we go from the storm to the battle for your phone bill. verizon announced it will now offer an unlimited data plan and rebecca jarvis is here and already companies are responding already to their move. >> this is the new battleground. i spoke it t-mobile's ceo and say this is a wireless war. the more we binge-watch on devices and use them for everything the pore data we used and verizon was forced into this, consumers, many leaving for the competition which offers unlimited plans. their new unlimited plan is $80 for one, 180 for four and t-mobile responding by upping the ante and the ceo is saying they're offering two unlimited lines for $100 a month. these make sense fofrp the heavy smartphone users, using it to stream music hot spot for your wi-fi they will save you hundreds of dollars in overages a year. you get surprise overage, with these unlimited plans, you don't see that. >> i'm a verizon customer with my kids on a plan. >> there you go. >> how easy is it for me to switch. >> it is simple to switch if you want the advertised rates you have to sign up for auto pay and paperless billing. >> taking those notes. >> i'm willing. >> give them a call. >> amy has the morning headlines. >> growing scandal at the tsa, six current and four former workers have been charged in a cocaine smuggling ring. authorities say the agents helped move 20 tons of that drug through puerto rico with the help of airport security skro screeners. the son of the penn state sex abuse scandal is jeffrey sandusky and his father serving up to 60 years in prison. investigators at disneyland do not suspect foul play. seven workers suffered minor injuries. at least four cars destroyed. damage estimated at nearly $185,000. d d dramatic video from peru. 16 were inside that van. some escaped through a window. others helped by rescuers who used a human chain and tried to stabilize the van. flooding has displayed thousands. apple's stock has hit an all-time high looking forward to the tenth anniversary iphone. apple's market value is about $700 billion. that is more than exxon and jpmorgan combined. finally on this valentine's day, burger king wants you to forget a happy peel and choose they're offering what they call the adults meal complete with a toy, which includes a satin mask or a scalp massager. burger king in israel is the only one selling this. you have to be over 18 to purchase it and only available after 6:00 p.m. date night. >> i know. i love how you lowered your voice as you talked about it. >> the adults. >> i can't believe you went there. >> why not. if i'm going to say it, sell it. >> i tell you what another late night watching a game and the huskies did it becoming the first college team ever to win 100 basketball games in a row and, jesse, you have more on last night's historic win. >> that's right. what a game. the lady huskies soaring to victory over south carolina keeping their winning streak since 2014 alive. when you think greatest sports dinah cities of all time you might thin >> world champions for the 27th time. >> reporter: or the patriots. >> nobody has ever won more super bowls. >> reporter: it's the scrappy women from storrs, connecticut who have become the most dominant sports team in the history of america. with their 100th consecutive win over south carolina they have more consecutive wins than any other team in sport including john wooden's ucla bruins who won 88 in a row in the 1970s. >> nobody got a medal tonight for winning anything. that comes in march. >> how dominant are the huskies? this season they have beat their opponents by an average of almost 40 points a game. they are gearing up for their 12th national championship and even beat their own record to gain the most consecutive wins between 2008 and 2010 they won 90 consecutive games. can you guys believe the heading into this year they lost three senior stars so weren't even ranked number one heading into the eight. >> eight of roster have never lost an ncaa game. severe weather down south with texas from texas to florida, ginger? >> that's right. dense pockets of lightning and see it in this from san antonio, texas. on the highway, the lightning striking rapidly. we have a brand-new tornado watch including victoria and houston, through the late hours is when the severe weather will break out and time it out in a moment. first this is the area in yellow. see that pocket, new orleans right over into the panhandle of florida, that's for later tonight so there are two times we have to watch out for. i'd say after 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., 45 in houston. just at the lunch hour then right into the evening and overnight hours for new orleans. let's go ahead and get to tuesday trivia. this valentine's day. clouds will give way to sunshine late with highs around 50. clouds will return tonight keeping lows above freezing. we'll start off with clouds wednesday, as a dry cold front approaches. the front will slide through around lunchtime with winds kicking up and skies beginning to clear. gusts will reach 25 mph tomorrow afternoon and highs in the upper 40s. and coming up here new security concerns about mar-a-lago. trump calls it the winter white house. these photos showing he responded to and classified information at risk? we are hours away from the westminster dog show finale. who is the favorite for best in show? take a look at this beagle. why mia is already winning over so many fans' hearts. come on back to "gma." when did mixing food, with not food, become food? thankfully at panera, 100% of our food is 100% clean. no artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a medication... ...this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain... ...and protect my joints from further damage. humira has been clinically studied for over 18 years. humira works by targeting and helping to... ...block a specific source... ...of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain and... ...stop further joint damage in many adults. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, 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were found saturday in springfield. her death has been ruled a homicide. yesterday some some so far, no arrests have been made. how about starting off this valentine's with an extra $100. in about ten news channel 8, seventh >> reporter: we have clouds out, there watching future calfs , popping up a shower here mid-morning, isolated snowflake or two to the west. middle burg to marshal. from manassas around 10:00. by nook, isolated sprinkle to the south, it's out of here. very slight chance. otherwise clouds break for sunshine later in the day. low 50s. should be perfect for your afternoon and eve evening plans. >> reporter: on the roads we are looking at congestion, around the capital beltway. a couple trouble spots in prince georges county. suitland road. also a serious accident on walk road. i270, volume befi was a doer.gia, i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. 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the good we make. mattress firmness? enter sleep number... she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. ultimate limited edition bed. go to for a store near you. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our next bachelorette rachel lindsay. rachel. [ cheers and applause ] >> welcome back to "gma," everybody. that's a little valentine's day surprise, the brand-new bachelorette revealed overnight on "jimmy kimmel live." rachel lindsay becoming the first african-american ever bachelorette and flying all night. she's here. i saw her upstairs right around in the hallways and she's joined us live. >> but isn't she still on -- >> now i know she didn't win. >> spoiler. >> spoiler alert. >> we're a little behind and now i know. >> okay. >> we were big rachel fans in our house. >> well, behind her no more. >> now i know. also right now the search is on for a new national security adviser as w you after general mike flynn resigned overnight following that revelation he was vulnerable to russian blackmail and misled the president about a conversation with the russian ambassador, david petraeus is one of the people being considered as a replacement expected to visit the white house today. this is still a very fluid situation. >> yeah, there are security concerns tied to mar-a-lago. what president trump calls the winter white house raised by these questions discussing it in front of guests and members and tom llamas is here with the details. the big question did this open meeting have the potential to compromise national security? >> reporter: the white house is saying no but president trump is facing growing criticism over what some top democrats as the situation room al fresco. president trump and japan's prime minister abe dining in public at mar-a-lago this weekend. learning north korea just launched a ballistic missile into the sea of japan. the two appearing t preliminary response right there in front of other diners. mar-a-lago member richard deagazio writing, the president receiving the news about the missile incident and this, holy moley, it was fascinating to watch the flurry of activity at dinner. wow. the center of the action. >> donald trump talks about making america secure. security gierschs at home. >> reporter: house democratic leader nancy pelosi also outraged. tweeting, there's no excuse for letting an international crisis play out in front of a bunch of country club members like dinner theater. the white house says the president and abe were only discussing logistics of a news conference at the table. not classified information. and that president trump had been briefed in a secure location prior to dinner. but in the photos on social media, you can see aides including stephen bannon huddled around the president and others using cell phone lights to illuminate documents for the leaders. >> there's a sign that there is a lack of security, maturity and seriousny among the president and his team and i would expect that to change. >> reporter: the mar-a-lago images, a stark contrast to this image posted by president obama's photographer who said outside of the white house, all national security briefings and head of state phone calls were held inside a secure location. some now questioning if mar-a-lago is not private enough for the president. security is ramped up when president trump is visiting but members can come and go. membership isn't cheap. initiation fees just went up from 100,000 to $200,000 along with $14,000 in yearly dues. but the price may be worth it for some who apparently get to watch the west wing work right out on the patio. just ask that member who posted these photos from dinner. a military aide writing this is rick. he carries the football. the nuclear football. rick is the man. now, we also want to mention as that volatile situation in asia was unfolding the president also found time to stop by a wedding happening at mar-a-lago. he gave a toast to the newlyweds and took this photo thumbs up with the bridal party. >> okay, tom, thanks very much. just moments ago i spoke with the president's senior counselor kellyanne conway on today's big story general michael flynn. and, we are back with kellyanne conway, the president's counselor. kellyanne, thanks for joining us. the big story general michael flynn. the white house was told by the justice department last month that flynn is vulnerable -- was vulnerable but stayed on the job for 17 days after the warning from the justice department. why? >> george, general flynn continued on the national security team and kept doing the presidential briefings being on the leader of the justice department opinion but the fact is that not until yesterday general flynn continued in his job and it became increasingly -- >> i understand that but that's my question. the question is why? the white house counsel was told by sally yates of the justice department that the general flynn was vulnerable to russian blackmail. did the white house counsel tell president trump that in i don't know the answer to that and president trump has asked me to join you today to say that he accepted the resignation of general flynn and really the key here in that resignation is very simple. it's that the vice president, mike pence was misled by general flynn or general flynn could not completely recall what his conversations had been. >> but you knew that -- but, kellyanne, the white house knew that almost three weeks ago. they knew that after the justice department told the white house counsel almost three weeks ago that general flynn had not told the truth about those phone calls and was vulnerable to >> these are what are printed reports. i can't reveal what the white house knew or didn't know. all i can tell you is that general flynn as the national security adviser to the president continued in that role and the president also is -- wants me to refer everyone to the comments of charles krauthammer on a different network wherein he makes the point that it's the misleading of the vice president or the incomplete information. it's either -- it's being dishonest or forgetful and i'd like to say general flynn had a 30 plus year honorable career in the military, one of the chief intelligence officer, key intelligence officers of a generation and we're sorry for this situation buts president accepted his resignation and moving on. >> i understand what you're saying there, kellyanne, but this is exactly the point. three weeks ago the justice department told the white house that general flynn was misleading the vice president, was misleading the public about you had that information. the white house had that information. chose to keep general flynn in his job, chose not to correct the record, chose not to tell the public what they knew about general flynn's phone calls. how could that be? >> but, george, again, i'm not here to say who knew what when. because first of all that would be divulging information that is highly sensitive and secondly i don't know all the details. i haven't spoken to everyone that you're talking about. in that instance. it was obviously very fluid into the night. we were here very late last night. the upshot of it is general flynn did have a conversation with vice president pence, apart what you're saying in printed reports. and general flynn assured vice president pence of something that turned out to not be true and that's really the key here. i think that general flynn in the e decided he was a lightning rod and did not want to be a distraction and he tendered his resignation last night because, because what he had provided the vice president either misleading information or forgetfulness and neither one was sustainable long term. >> kellyanne, i got to get to the bottom of this here. you asked to come on at the president's request. the president wants you to come out and speak for the white house this morning. do you know if the president was told three weeks ago when sally yates told the white house counsel that general flynn had been compromised. do you know if the president was told that. >> i do not. >> do you know if the vice president was told that. >> i do not know that. >> do you know why the white house chose not to correct the record for those three weeks? >> well, again, you're presuming that all the information you have there is completely factual and who knew what when and this is very fluid. i mean, the bottom line is, that as time wore on, as everybody continued in their roles, it became increasingly apparent particularly over the weekend when general flynn clarified his own earlier statement, george, a statement that he had provided to the vice president and that other members of the administration, frankly, went out and pli which is that he had not discussed the certain topic in his conversations with the russian ambassador. and so, when general flynn clarified the comments it's possible and he could not recall that accelerated matters in a way that was different and that's where we are today. >> it is a fact that the justice department did tell the white house counsel information almost three weeks ago. you said late yesterday afternoon the president had full confidence in general flynn. how could that be true? >> the president is very loyal. it became unsustainable and last night he accepted the resignation of general flynn. today he is moving on. it just became clear we'll need to have acting national security adviser general keith kellogg in the role. he's been working very closely with the president for a number of months and then, of course, we've been talking about a former navy s.e.a.l. and vice admiral general david petraeus. >> thanks very much. pretty clear that these questions for the white house just beginning. >> why can't these questions be answered? >> that is one of the biggest questions. why does the president have kellyanne conway ask to have her come on our program if she can't answer the simple yes or no questions about what happened with general flynn. >> all right. coming up in two minutes, new trouble for lance armstrong as well. the court case that could cost him $100 million. come on back. introducing theraflu expressmax our powerful relief now in pill form. flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. power through with theraflu expressmax caplets. your smile says (brett) my ta lot about you, what does this say? (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. . we are back with new trouble for lance armstrong, the disgraced cycling champion set to face a jury over a $100 million lawsuit from the government resulting from his years on the tour de france. abc's neal karlinsky has more. >> reporter: this morning lance armstrong the one-time sporting icon who has mostly disappeared from public view now hosting his own eclectic podcast from the wine cellar ofis facing a new judge. a federal judge ruling the u.s. government's massive $100 million case against armstrong will move forward. a development the disgraced former tour de france champion had fought hard to avoid. >> this is a devastating turn of events for a man who used to be an american hero and now is just seeing one bad thing after another happen in his life. >> reporter: the case stems from this. ♪ the united states postal service sponsored armstrong's team. we now know armstrong was on a lot more than just his bike. despite years of denials, even lying under oath. >> i've never taken performance-enhancing drugs. how many times do i have to say it. >> reporter: the u.s. government claims they wouldn't have paid more than $32 million to sponsor armstrong's team if it knew he was cheating but armstrong argued he brought them far more value during goyears of good publicity asking the judge to throw it out, the judge disagreed saying damages must be therefore left to a jury. i had spoken to armstrong about the case and says his lawyers won't let him comment but he is clearly frustrated. the trial could cost him everything. >> michael, what's coming up on the big board? >> we'll have the star stealing the westminster dog show. while mia the beagle is this year's fan favorite and the major upset that happened overnight. we'll come back in two minutes. to lose weight? d contrave is an fda-approved weight-loss medicine that may help adults who are overweight or struggle with obesity lose weight and keep it off. contrave is believed to work on two areas of the brain: your hunger center... 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>> so, robin, you can't use the cellular service on your phone right now but there's no rule about wi-fi when you're in flight and you can scream so you could make a call on skype or one of the other systems, right? so the transportation department said should we require airlines to let you know you could make a wi-fi call and took comments. the comment period ends today and, robin, i got to tell you overwhelmingly people said, no, don't do this. nearly 8,000 responses. here are just a couple of what folks said to the department of transportation, no, no, no, please, no, texting, sure, phone call, no, another one said a closed cabin, 35,000 feet is no capital letters place for people to be allowed to carry on conversations, usually at ridiculous volume levels. >> that's true. >> the comment period coming to an end and the transportation department saying, please, don't allow this to happen. >> but the thing is, david, whenever you get on a plane they can't tell you enough to turn your phone off. are there real safety concerns on the plane when it comes to your phone? >> reporter: so, the fcc has concerns about the cellular signals and raid dwrdiradios. the wi-fi, we all use it watching programs on the plane, the question really is do you want it to happen? is it polite? should it happen? >> no! can we just say -- i'll make a comment right now, no. no, no, no, please. >> i like the plane peace and quiet. put on your headphones. t.j. has no idea. >> no, i'm saying this dude is eating an egg sandwich. kid kicking my seat. he's getting drunk. what's one more annoyance. why t.j., we'll talk about why you're here to talk about the super bowl for dog lovers. >> yes. >> the 141st wesminster kennel club dog show taking place in manhattan and taking manhattan by storm, nearly 3,000 dogs from 202 breeds competing and tonight a new dog will be crowned the best in show. what's the big story lines. big upset. >> huge upset. think douglas over tyson. preston, this dog was the talk of the show. the one you put your money on for sure. well, he's not even going to get a chance to compete for best in show, got beat in his group last night by a german shepherd. that beauty right there finished runner-up last year. impressive dog but the favorite is out. this is huge. >> yeah. >> dog news. >> cats are allowed -- i mean they're not competing but they can be th cats will be in the dog show, prancing around with a cat on a leash. they let them in -- yes, there was an event called meet the breeds and had cats come in. they thought it was end of days. cats and dogs hanging out. >> more cat lovers than dog lovers. more cat owners than dog owners. >> one of your own facts. >> where is dan harris when you need him? >> up there. >> hey, thanks, t.j. thank you, david. coming up the ultimate snowball after those major winter storms. ginger has that next. and the wolf huffed and puffed... like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. lps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! 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[000:53:59;00] you just go ahead and cannonball into the snow. we'll watch it from the beginning because i think this is great. yep, one, two, three and jump. that's some powder. it wasn't all good. some of the cars there completely covered. jonesboro, maine, had 36 inches of snow just with the latest and there is another storm that's on the way. that's why we have winter storm watches for new hampshire, vermont an "good morning america" is brought to you by kay jewelers. for 100 years, every kiss begins with kay. >> anchor: good morning, washington. i'm melanie hastings. checking top stories, as many as 3 suspects are on the loose after breaking into an atm at the bp gas station in lanham. the suspects took off in a white van. they ditched it a few miles away on suitland road. no one was inside. the suspects have not been caught. principal alex case and michelle little in fairfax county are on administrative leave. the school district sent a legal home with students announcing the leave, has not given an explanation why. to that valentine's day forecast w here is brian van de graaf. >> reporter: we have clouds out, there watching future calfs, popping up a shower here mid-morning, isolated snowflake or two to the west. middle burg to marshal. a few flakes from manassas around 10:00. by noon, isolated sprinkle to the south, it's out of here. very slight chance. otherwise clouds break for sunshine later in the day. low 50s. should be perfect for your afternoon and evening plans. >> reporter: we are in the height of rush hour. we're seeing delays around the capital beltway. police activity, we're still shut down on suitland road. you'll have to follow police direction. you can see on the map northbound 395, delays through spinning field. a live look at the beltway delays, inner loop heavy, slow. another collision toward gallows road. if you're tramping through prince georges county on the capital beltway, outer loop delays closing to green belt and college park. also dealing with a collision passing 214 central avenue, delays there as well. back to you. >> anchor: thanks. you can get more news, weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. we'll see you back here for another local update in 30 minutes. now back to good morning america ♪ good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. valentine's surprise of the a new bachelorette revealed overnight and it's rachel. >> i'm ready to find love, find a husband. >> the show's creator calling historic. chris harrison dishing to us why she's the right choice. rachel lindsay flying all night to join us here live. health alert. new guidelines for battling back pain. should you ditch the drugs? new ways to find relief ♪ until we feel all right chocolate taste test. our "gma" consumer lab just in time for valentine's day. what is the best value when it comes to chocolate from cost to taste. we'll reveal the ones on top. ♪ beauty and the beast only right here this valentine's day, a brand-new sneak peek of "beauty and the beast." luke evans here live but get ready for the bachelorette and she's here saying -- >> good morning, america. >> and good morning, america. welcome to all of you. happy valentine's day, everyone. people are really celebrating in the crowd today. >> we're seeing a lot of red. the hearts. did we put that on your head or did you all come with it? nice shot. >> well done. >> and, you know, we are excited to have the brand-new bachelorette with us here, rachel lindsay. [ applause ] >> there she is. >> looks nice over there. >> getting some advice and she's over there with anthony anderson's mom. yes. >> don't do it. >> mama doris. >> mama doris, she gives some great advice. >> yeah, she does. she does not play. she's dishing out love advice answering all your questions. if you got them, bring it on. mama doris has something to say. >> yes, she does. >> she does, so, we got a whole lot coming up and news, amy has the morning rundown. >> good morning, everyone. the big story this morning the shake-up at the white house. national security adviser michael flynn has resigned. he admits misleading the vice president when he briefed him about his calls with the russian ambassador and now there is word that the justice department warned the trump team about this last month. chief white house correspondent jon karl has the very latest. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, amy. the white house says that flynn resigned because he misled the vice president, he misled the white house and by extension he misled the public. but as you point out, the justice department informed the white house counsel's office flynn had not been telling the truth and, in fact, during those conversations with the russian ambassador, he did talk about the sanctions that had just been imposed on russia. we have been trying to get an answer about whether or not the president himself knew about this. here's george trying to get an answer to that question. >> so, the white house was told by the justice department last month that flynn is vulnerable, was vulnerable to russian blackmail yet he stayed in the job for, what, 17 days after the warning from the justice department. why? >> we are aware of the justice department opinion but the fact is that not until yesterday general flynn continued in his job and it became increasingly unsustainable for him. >> reporter: now the acting national security adviser is retired lieutenant general keith kellogg. i am told he one candidate and others include retired general david petraeus at the white house later today and retired vice admiral former navy s.e.a.l. >> the top immigration enforcement officer meeting with hispanic members of congress answering questions about a series of deportation raids in recent days, hundreds of immigrants have been arrested but officials are calling those raids routine. and in california, workers trying to repair an emergency spillway protecting the oroville dam are bracing for more heavy rain tomorrow. helicopters have been dropping rocks to fill a hole in that spillway. water levels have fallen but nearly 200,000 residents could remain evacuated for up to two weeks. in health news new guidelines for those suffering with back pain, the american college of physicians says you should avoid painkillers as the first treatment option. instead the group says yoga, tai chi and other fors of exercise are better and reduce the prospect of surgery. and finally talk about an occupational hazard. take a look at this dentist in the uk who had to work on the teeth of this he's a real pro. didn't hesitate when the zoo came calling. was just were told that the sedative didn't wear off. each fang is five inches long and this dentist was news fighting against enamel cruelty. >> enamel? >> one could say. >> let the record state that amy robach said it. hey, thank you, amy, so much. how about a little news that goes pop. >> absolutely. we're going to begin with some wonderful love news. hanna and derek jeter are ready to hit parenthood out of the park. the yankee slugger and "sports illustrated" swimsuit girl are pregnant with their first child and roll the picture. it's a girl. there's the picture. that derek jeter posted along with hannah holding a giant bunch of pink balloons looking a li closely. it was in "the player's tribune" and in an article called the derek i know hannah talks about how they met and how she thought he was a pitcher at first, i love that and that the big softy already has a name picked out for his little girl. she says he's set on it and she says we'll see. [ laughter ] we'll see who gets the name. we don't know what that name is. >> couldn't happen to nicer people. >> absolutely. >> class, sweet, really gentle, nations to both of them and i talked to him yesterday and the name is michelle. >> really? >> no, i'm joking. [ applause ] >> it's already on twitter. it's too late. >> i'm giving him an idea if he changes his mind, michelle. >> i think she's going to change his mind, all right, thank you, michael. also in "pop news" if you thought you were bad ordering your one put a poor barista with 27 very specific modifications to what should have been a vanilla bean frappuccino until he needed stevia, mosque fruit, foam a third of a thought of almond milk and a smidge of coconut milk in a venti cup served at exactly 34 degrees and i'm just giving you the reader's digest version. >> i saw greek yogurt. >> the pain the barista felt and had thousands of comments. one reddit user who says for some people being high maintenance must be a badge of honor. >> wow. >> i wonder how it tates. >> better taste really, really good. >> too much in it. >> the monk -- i don't know. finally cardiologists from st. luke's hospital are using their message across like one that says -- that's the one that's cute. you got a broken heart, i'll fix you up. this is dr. allen, date night is you and me and a moderate amount of red whine and dark chocolate. >> this is fantastic. dr. austin says let's slip into something lacy, only thing is she's holding sneakers. she wants you to get out and move. the whole goal is to get that heart pumping and keep it that way. happy valentine's day, everybody. [ applause ] >> thank you for that. and speaking of happy valentine's day we have a special valentine's day. the brand-new bachelorette rachel lindsay is here live. plus, we have the ultimate valentine's day taste test. do you need to spend a lot of money to get good chocolate? we're going to have our results coming up next. brought to you by the fast, powerful cough relief of robitussin because it's never just a cough. acronyms are fun. lol laugh out loud, btw by the way, and of course, wbyceiydbo we'll buy your car even if you don't buy ours hey, what if i wanted to sell my car? wbyceiydbo! wbyceiydbo? we'll buy your car even if you don't buy ours wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo!! wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo!! wbyceiydbo! wbyceiydbo!!! wbyceiydbo!!! no, no, we're cool. i got you. ok. it's the right thing to do. ♪ carmax music sting the well, it's not one look. ethan allen is about the freedom to design your look president's day savings are going on now. design your look today. know when i got sick my mom used to make me chicken noodle soup. aw, ok... you should call your mom. bye. there when no one else is. campbell's. made for real, real life. remember 2007? smartphones? o m g ten years later, nothing's really changed. it's time to snap out of it. hello moto. snap on a jbl speaker. put a 70" screen on a wall. get a 10x optical zoom. get excited world. hello moto. moto is here. the moto z with moto mods. get a moto z play droid for only $5/mo. no trade-in required. honey bunches of oats. it's crispy sweetened flakes, plus crunchy granola clusters, plus a touch of honey. it's like adding up "awesome", the sum of the best of the best in a cereal. honey bunches of oats. we are back now with that bachelorette bombshell. current bachelor star and high-powered attorney rachel lindsay will be the next and first african-american bachelorette. we'll hear from her in a moment. first take a look at her journey. >> hi. >> how are you? right now she stands out to me. >> reporter: giving her the first impression rose and two romantic one-on-one dates. >> i'm already breaking rules but i'm super into you. >> reporter: 31-year-old attorney from houston winning over the rest of bachelor nation with her confidence and poise. >> i'm 31. i want a man in my life. i want a campaign common and i want a big fam i'm ready for that stage of my life. >> please welcome our next bachelorette, rachel lindsay. >> reporter: she may be ready for love but in the bombshell announcement she revealed to jimmy kimmel she doesn't find it with nick. but -- >> it's a bit of a spoiler. you're still on the show. >> we're ready to get this started and ready to find love. >> she has this charisma and charm that you just want to be around her. >> reporter: bringing brain answer beauty to the table, rachel will also be the first bachelorette of color in franchise history, something many fans have been waiting for. >> it's not the fact that she is the first african-american bachelorette. it's that she should be the bachelorette, period and that's what i like. >> it is great to have the new bachelorette rachel lindsay here. welcome to the show. >> thank you for having me. >> congratulations to you couldn't say anything about this until last night. so, what has the reaction been since you've gotten it out there. >> i haven't been on social media so i haven't seen that much yet but the cast members that i was on the season with have been great. giving me great, you know, congrats and family and friends have been wonderful too so it's -- i'm just glad i don't have to keep it a secret anymore. >> that's got to be a pretty hard thing to do. >> you're on the current season which makes it -- now they'll go -- but it's still going. little spoiler alert for most people. when you were first asked to be the bachelorette, any hesitations on your part. >> no, i'm a skeptical person so i was definitely -- i was excited that they asked me to do it but i was also equally nervous. when i started to weigh out the pros and con, i decided this is too good an opportunity to turn away. >> you're making history. first african-american bachelorette and how does that make you feel? that added pressure, you think. >> i don't feel added pressure. i'm honored to have this myself as an african-american woman and i just hope that people rally behind me like they did in nick's season the same or hope they will in my season and just realize my journey is, you know, i'm just trying to find love. even i'm an african-american woman it's no different than any other bachelorette. >> i'm just a woman trying to find a man. >> just trying to find a man. >> that's it. >> you did it. you understand it. >> i love that. and on that hometown visit episode coming up with nick, i got a little sneak peek at that and in that your mother asks him how he feels about being in an interracial relationship. now, did you know that conversation was coming? >> i know my mom. so i am shocked my mom asked that. you know, my sister is married to a white guy and so it's nothing new for our family. and she just wanted to make sure nick was comfortable with it. >> and one more thing. what is your -- i'm pretty and least favorite part about "the bachelor"? a lot have misconceptions about the show and think it's fancy trips and dinners. what is your favorite and least favorite part? >> least favorite was living in a house full of women. [ laughter ] yeah, yeah, sharing a room with that many women, i mean, i was in a sorority, i haven't done that in year, that was definitely my least favorite part. my favorite part were the surprises. you know, the friends that i made on the show, the relationship that i had with nick. i didn't think we would click the way that we did and i really enjoyed the process that we had making our relationship grow. >> and now we know the track record of the show. how are you going to avoid some of the pass pitfalls. >> you know, i said this on the show all the type. i just like to keep it 100 and keep it real so i figure if i stay true to myself then it'll be a successful show. [ applause ] >> stay true to yourself and that's how you do it. rachel lindsay, congratulations to you. >> thank you very much. >> rachel makes her bachelorette day but when season 13 premieres on may 22nd. and coming up, it's valentine's day, everybody. we'll have the taste test. do you have to spend a lot of money to get great chocolate? we'll be right back. ( ♪ ) ♪ they tell me i'm wrong ♪ ♪ to want to stand alongside my, my love ♪ ♪ whoa, talkin' 'bout my love ♪ the top notch team of stain experts has performed over ten thousand stain evaluations to prove persil delivers a premium clean. we've made a new stain with wasabi and goji berries. make that ten thousand and one. persil proclean. with not food, become food? thankfully at panera, 100% of our food is 100% clean. panera. food as it should be. welcome back to "gma" on a valentine's day morning. you're from where. >> wisconsin. >> you're out of school. do you want to wish a valentine's day to anybody. >> all my friends and family. >> ah. so cute. not giving away the boy's stuff. nebraska forecast and some of the other cities beforemilder t this valentine's day. clouds will give way to sunshine late with highs around 50. clouds will return tonight keeping lows above freezing. we'll start off with clouds wednesday, as a dry cold front approaches. the front will slide through around lunchtime with winds kicking up and skies beginning to clear. gusts will reach 25 mph tomorrow afternoon and highs in the upper 40s. time for a special valentine's day edition of new series "gma's" frugal foodie. americans are expected -- are you ready for this -- to spend $18 billion this valentine's day. yeah, 18 billion and chocolate is one of the most popular gives so do you need to spend a lot to get good quality chocolate? that's why becky worley is here. >> you know me. >> i'm frugal. i'm so frugal. so, what is the sweet spot to buy a bar of chocolate? >> hmm. let's find out. >> reporter: walls of bars, shiny wrappers, chocolate has gone artisanal. at dandelion they take it from bean to bar. >> it does not smell like chocolate. >> reporter: this is a full chocolate production >> these are the grinders that looks like chocolate and it smells like chocolate. >> yeah. >> i'm driving the chocolate. >> you are. >> stop. go. oh, my gosh. i think if a chocolate bar costs 2 buck, maybe a high-end one 7 bucks. >> no, you can go as high as 20. >> 20? >> reporter: you may think it correlates with the percentages correlated on the wrapper. chocolatier pam williams says don't be fooled. >> it only tells you how sweet it is. it does not tell you quality at all. >> reporter: for example, 70% means 70% of the bar is cacao or cocoa bean, the rest sugar so 90% cacao is bitter. 70% sweeter. >> you can make a 70% bar from really not so good-tasting beans. >> reporter: so we've devised the world's greatest blind taste test. >> love chocolate. >> reporter: three bars all about 70% and $11. to taste, nine testers. >> liked how sweet number one was. >> number two my favorite. >> i'm ray chocolate 2k3w5guy. i want the whole thing. >> 3 was very good. cut above the rest. >> surprise. that's the $3 bar while lou liked it, most didn't. it got the fewest votes. our $11 came in second place and our midrange $7 bar won the day. >> a good chocolate is think of wine. it's the one you love. >> so it's very personal. >> it's very personal. >> mm-mm. for buying, a good bar of chocolate, very specific. look at it. it should be shiny and not have any imperfections. secondly, smell it. what does it smell to you. >> it smells like chocolate. smells good. >> nutty, raspberry or -- earthy. then, listen. >> oh. >> it should snap. so that's how you find a good >> how much did you love doing this piece. >> i ate such chocolate. oh, my god. >> whoa. coming out my more popores. >> there's a code. hershey and russell stover sent us some. let's start with hershey. if you have a square chocolate in the box, we want to make sure you get what you like. square is caramel. or caramel. caramel or caramel. >> either way. it's good. >> words. >> you got 20 seconds. >> next one up, all right. what do we have here? russell stover. if it's round and pillowy, it's marshmallow. if it's rectangular and high it's noug gat. i can't even say the word. i can't eat that and toffee is rectangular and flat. >> and we're gone. >> anchor: good morning washington. i'm melanie hastings. we're following breaking news right now, as many as 3 suspects are on the loose after breaking into an atm at the bp gas station on annapolis road. they took off in a white van. it was found a few miles away on suitland road. suspects still have not been caught. and today, national pitchers and catchers back to work in florida , spring training. the big question, will steven strawsberg stay healthy. the ace pitcher has been placed on the disabilitied list several times since signing the monster $175 million contract. how is that weather looking? here is brian van de graaf. >> reporter: we have clouds cast, popping up a shower here mid-morning, isolated snowflake or two to the west. middle burg to marshal. a few flakes from manassas around 10:00. by noon, isolated sprinkle to the south, it's out of here. very slight chance. otherwise clouds break for sunshine later in the day. low 50s. should be perfect for your afternoon and evening plans. >> reporter: on the roads, tuesday morning commute, a lot of red trying to get to the southeast southwest freeway. northbound, 395 from the george washington parkway, we have delays crossing the potomac river. you can see the red on 50 as well as dc295. outside at the delays on the capital beltway, they start actually on interstate 95 trying to get to springfield from an earlier accident. we are now dealing with the fifth collisio the springfield mixing bowl to gallow ♪ love shack is a little ole place where we can get together ♪ you feel the love. you feel the love here with this beautiful audience. welcome back here to "gma" on this valentine's day. a lot of people are celebrating their birthday today in the audience and so is my sister sally-ann. >> happy birthday, sally-ann. >> very nice. i got something special for valentine's day this morning. for anyone having trouble figuring out exactly the right words to say to their loved ones, from a story of cyrano, help me, shakespeare. here's what it does. if you type something into the app, message you're thinking of sending to your loved one it will give a response and if it's not good enough it will actually write a for you. >> here's an example. ariel had a simple one. will you be mine? okay. >> well, that's what you said. help me shakespeare sued oof, i have met others with better penmanship. may i recommend a son net of my own and it wrote, 20-line son net right there. >> mine eye -- some in their bodies force why love is thou which thou -- >> you get 20 lines out of one line. >> but you can also if you write a good one get some praise. here's what he will london said you are the moon and sun and stars. we are on a rocket ship of love. i was surprised that shakespeare loved in that much. well done, ellen, you cherub. it appears you need me not. >> wow. you must feel pretty good. >> you're good. if you're bad -- >> it writes you a good one. >> the person you're dating is going to say, you didn't write this. oh, my son net of love. great idea, you know. >> genius how they can figure that out. >> good for one day of the year. >> exactly. >> who would do that? who would have shakespeare translate your love message? >> one over there. >> best of luck. >> i already know what to say. >> i agree. i think keep it simple. >> will you be mine? how can you go -- >> we all will. >> if you are mine just always be mine. >> there you go. >> that was good. oh. [ applause ] >> i'll type that into the app. >> good job. >> speaking of love nothing is better than, you know, man's best friend, and always good to give someone a hug but since it's valentine's day. we have a special guest with us here in times square. her name is louboutina and she's new york city's famous hugging dog racking up almost 82,000 followers on instagram. and she is here with her owner cesar and louboutina, come on up with cesar. hey. [ applause ] >> hey. and louboutina is quite popular. this all started with gerard butler. >> yes, she saw us one day holding hands and said come on, this is not for real. that's when i posted a picture on facebook and then i got a lot of calls and text messages from my girlfriends saying like i cannot believe that louboutina was licking him. then a suggestion i should start on instagram and that's when the already 3 years old when that happened. >> 82,000 followers on instagram. how did she learn how to hug? >> it's her. it's her personality. i never train her to do that and one day she just wrapped my legs and a few months after hugging all the people. >> are you going to get a hug, michael? >> how does she handle all this recognition and fame? >> she love -- i mean she love the attention. she love having all this friends waiting for her now where we live in chelsea and she's just a happy puppy and, you know, she's been gaining -- we were coming out for a walk and there was one corner eight girls waiting for her last night and she hugged all of them. >> give me this dog. [ applause ] so, but if every time you walk out and there's so many people for walks? >> our walks are very short in distance, but very long in time. you know. now that it's cold i'm trying to like do maybe like an hour max but i'm freezing. i have to layer up but in the spring and summertime we're spending a lot of time outside. >> any way i can get a hug? >> let's see. she's very excited with the audience. i think she wants to go with robin now. >> probably smells lucas. >> are you wearing lu-- >> give me a hug? you don't want to hug me? >> she already has a date. a dachshund. >> named after christian lu louboutin shoes. >> thank you. >> happy valentine's. everyone. happy valentine's. >> great dog. >> bye, baby. >> no hug from louboutina but we do have another special guest on this valentine's morning getting ready for the new tale as old as time and hear ariana grande and john legend singing that from "beauty and the beast" and that means we have one of the stars from the film. everybody, welcome luke evans. ♪ ♪ then somebody bends unexpectedly ♪ >> hi. hello. how are you? >> good to see you. >> good to see you. [ applause ] >> mwah. >> i didn't get a hug from louboutina. there you go. >> i got my hug right there. >> from luke evans. >> michael is my body double on "beauty and the beast." >> i would be so lucky, my friend. >> congratulations on the film and how was it t >> it's one of those jobs you just love going into to work to play. i didn't want it to finish. he's a total idiot. >> isn't he just the best. >> he's so much fun. he's the lovable rogue of the village. tries to get belle. makes a complete idiot of himself and you see this man, this -- become a complete monster throughout the film so it was great and we were surrounded by amazing people. josh gad plays lafoo who we love, makes me look funny although i'm not. >> the cast is unbelievable. i want to rattle it off because everybody if you haven't heard about it yet quite remarkable. emma watson. dan stevens from "downton abbey" and sir ian mckellen. what was that like. >> i didn't work with him on that but know him from playing gandolf in "the hobbit." so it was nice to go back and do another job although he was just a clock. the clock is a very shakespearean place. >> we're seeing a lot of scenes. everybody said you had great chemistry as friends. >> saying you don't know your lines, luke. >> but you also -- you and josh gave us a little taste of another disney classic on the set. can we roll it, everybody, before we see the clip? this is behind the scenes. ♪ i can show you the world shining shimmering splendor ♪ ♪ tell me now when did you -- >> i like they're holding their ears. you have to do -- >> you see that. [ applause ] >> that's the one behind the scenes but with the 25th anniversary of "beauty and the beast," take a look at this clip from the new version. it's pretty great. eyes like gaston ♪ ♪ than the sum of his parts gaston has a special on intimidating ♪ ♪ what a guy like gaston >> yeah. [ applause ] >> exciting. >> "fast and furious." "the hobbit." where does this rank. >> very near the top if not the top. it's disney, you know, you bring an animated character that people have known so long to life and it's an honor but it's so much fun. so much fun. i couldn't go far enough with the character. it was just brilliant. >> i was reading your history, i had no idea a lot of musical theater in "rent." >> and chris in "miss saigon." and i was in "avenue q." one of the puppets. done it all. done it all so singing was first love so -- and i wanted to bring it back and it was nice to be able to merge the film career with the musical theater career and this was it. this was the role and we've been waiting almost 18 months to be able to talk to you guys about it. you know, finally we have two we weeks -- >> no hesitation. you get this call and say play a cartoon character, and you -- >> almost. when they came to me with the role. we want to see you for gaston, and i was like, yeah, but the beast is the best character. why didn't i get asked to play the beast. i watched it with my godchildren and i thought, my god, this character is huge. i can do something great with this and, so, yeah, it was actually the animation rewatching the animation that sold it to me actually watching them look at themselves in the mirror and how beautiful he was to his himself. this is going to be fun. >> we can't wait to see it. >> we can't lovely. just a lovely soul. >> thank you very much. >> thanks. >> it's nice to be here. >> happy valentine's. >> happy valentine, yes. you can see "beauty and the beast" in theaters march 17th. we cannot wait. coming up, you guys said mama doris is here dishing out love advice. don't go anywhere. mattress firmness? fortunately there's a bed where you both get what you want every night. enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. and right now save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. go to for a store near you. we are cuddling and staying warm on valentine's day but we have exciting news. freeform's "ambassador daddy" returning this spring with its 100th episode so to celebrate the cast got matching tattoos. yeah, you can see -- that's kind of crazy. derek in the foreground. you can see season six of "baby daddy."milder temperatures for this valentine's day. clouds will give way to sunshine late with highs around 50. clouds will return tonight keeping lows above freezing. we'll start off with clouds wednesday, as a dry cold front approaches. the front will slide through around lunchtime with winds kicking up and skies beginning to clear. >> so, guys, i guess that means that we have to get tattoos. we're way past the 100th episode. "gma" tattoo right there, bicep. >> oh, yeah. >> we're in. okay. y'all need to buckle up. were she is the mother of "black-ish" star anthony anderson. [ applause ] >> this valentine's day she has answers. >> she'll answer your dating questions but first a look at mama doris, the love expert. >> yeah. >> mama knows best and she's taking over hollywood with her zingers when it comes to living life and taking her advice. >> as always, mama doris. >> reporter: meet mama doris. anthony anderson's real-life mom. >> i was about to say i love you. >> okay. >> all right. >> that's a lie. >> see. >> you've seen them ribbing each other on "to tell the truth." >> i think she's the star. you're the co-host. you are a scorekeeper. >> are you behaving like a star. >> yes. >> it's not just anthony who she's keeping in line. she has love advice for everyone on everything. even the bachelor. and she's willing to bet on it. >> if you're wrong, you owe me breakfast. >> hell, i'll cook you dinner too. >> oh. >> so move over, cupid. she's here to dish on love and how to find it and you can ask her anything. [ applause ] >> and mama doris, mama doris does not hold back. it's wonderful to have you here with us. we know you're busy and work at a senior center. how did you get off. >> he's a great boss. i work he at a senior center in bellflower. i told him i'm coming to "good morning america" and flying to new york and i'm bringing one of your tenants, mary jane. >> oh, that's nice. >> he told us to have a safe trip. have fun. >> smart man. you're about to make your big debut on "black-ish," your son's show. i thought you were already on by now. >> me too. me too. call him. >> how did this feel for you when you see yourself sharing a tv screen with your son? >> oh, it's wonderful b hey! i get a check. honey. >> you like that. >> i get a check. i love it! i love it. i love my job. >> and we love you. we love having you here. let's get to some advice. you read it. we polled the audience and their number one question they want to ask mama doris. are you comfortable? >> i feel comfortable, girl. >> here it is. do you have to get your partner a valentine's day gift? 57% said yes. 40% -- changing constantly, what do you say, mama doris. >> yes, because i want one too. yes, get them a gift. [ applause ] don't you think so? >> any suggestion on the type of gift? >> whatever you want. i don't know. i don't know. i don't know. get him something he needs. he always needs drawers and t-shirts. you know. >> underwear and t-shirts. >> yeah. >> nothing says love like underwear and t-shirts. >> thank yo depends on what kind. >> oh, depends on what kind. i like the way you're going. >> uh-huh. >> so we have a viewer video question. let's roll them. >> hi, mama doris, my name is mary anne and i will like to ask you how long i should wait before texting a guy after the first date? should i text him first or should i wait for him to text me first? >> ooh. >> don't be texting no man. girl, is she crazy? let the man call you. [ applause ] no, back in my day we didn't even have no text. you gave him a phone number. he didn't call, hey, that's his loss. [ laughter ] that's it. >> mama, is that you? that's exactly what my mom would say. >> no texting. okay. we've got a question from our studio audience couple ben and gretchen from new jersey. where are you, ben and gretchen? there we go. go ahead. what's your >> we've been married one year. >> ah. >> nations. >> i want to know how we can keep the honeymoon lasting forever. >> oh, okay, girl. when he ain't cooking breakfast give him a pinch on the butt. lots of hugs. lots of hugs. just spontaneous kissing. you know what i mean? >> keep it spicy. >> he's going to say what's that for? just because. you know. a lot of hugs. a lot of hugs. [ applause ] >> i'm just imagining you gave him a little pinch. i'm just imagining. >> see. there you go. >> all right now don't go anywhere. we have more with mama doris next so you just get comfortable. we got more. >> okay, girl. let me put my leg ♪ a lovely day we are back with mama doris and she's got some more love advice, doesn't she? uh-huh. >> and i have a question for you. mama. >> is there from you? >> who knows? you know. >> okay. >> i know you're single and ready to mingle, i heard. >> that's right. and anthony told me to go young. >> what are you looking for in a man? >> six feet. your height. [ applause ] hey, and you got your own job and your own apartment or house. you got your own money because i ain't giving you a dime. hey, and you are no couch potato. i love to travel and i love to eat and we got to go out and you got to like one of my sports like playing cards. dominos. that's my sport. domino, honey. going to the casino in vegas. >> check, check, check. >> antho that's all i know. >> hey, he told me. >> want to help one more viewer. this is rachel about first dates. will you take a look. >> mama doris, my name is rachel and my question is, should the person who asked the other person out on a first date always pay? >> oh, that's kind of tricky here nowadays. now, a man should always pay but if a lady asks a man to pay, be expected to pay. but if he's a gentleman he's going to pay. [ applause ] >> that's right. >> yes. yes. >> you got to reach -- >> the alligator arm. >> you do the reach. nothing worse than not doing it. good morning, america. is brought to you by secrets resorts & spas. experience unlimited luxury where everything is included. >> mama doris is a love machine. nothing but a love machine. have a happy valentine's day. >> anchor: good morning, washington. i'm melanie 4 people arrested for stealing prescription drugs from a cvs. police tell us it happened around 1:00 a.m. at the same location hit by an armed robber last month. no word on if the incidences are related. let's check the weather for your valentine's day. >> reporter: we have clouds out, there watching future cast, popping up a shower here mid-morning, isolated snowflake or two to the west. middle burg to marshal. a few flakes from manassas around 10:00. by noon, isolated sprinkle to the south, it's out of here. very slight chance. otherwise clouds break for sunshine later in the day. low 50s. should be perfect for your afternoon and evening plans. >> reporter: not seeing anything unusual. typical congestion for this time of morning, especially around the capital beltway. if you travel metro, keep in mind we have started safe track surge no. 12, that means the arlington cemetery station is closed on the no trains between rosslyn and pentagon city. use the yellow or silver. delays on 295, as well as 395, trying to get to the southeast southwest freeway. capital beltway remains a struggle on the inner loop from the spring field mixing bowl. we've had 5 accidents on the trip toward gallows road. no such issues on the prince georges county side, just volume delays on the outer loop near the bw parkway. >> anchor: thank you. we want you to know during 9:00 of good morning we're celebrating valentine's day. for those who are maybe just bit ter over the day we've got you covered. we're showcasing the perfect place where you can head tonight to hang out with people who feel the same way, on news channel 8. [car engine failing to start] [clicking of ignition] wha-- woof! eeh-- woof! wuh-- [silence] [engine roars to life] [dog howls] ♪ dramatic opera music swells from radio ♪ [howling continues] >> announcer: it's "live with kelly!" today, from "orange is the new black" and "doubt," laverne cox. and one of the stars of the new series "big little lies," adam scott. plus, stage and screen actors john leguizamo will join kelly for the hour. all next on "live!" ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and john leguizamo! [cheers and applause]

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