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One person taken away on a stretcher. Hazmat crews and emergency teams on scene. And the big divide. President obama surprising joe biden. Im pleased to award our nations highest civilian honor, the president ial freedom of honor. Thanking him for his service with one of the countrys top honors. The moment bringing the Vice President to tears as their bromance comes to an end and the touching letters from the bush daughters to sasha and malia obama about life after the white house. And good morning, america. Be careful out there this friday morning. Friday the 13th. My favorite day. So far so good. So far so good. Its gingers birthday. Exactly. How good is it for joe biden. Love the expression on his face yesterday when he it was a surprise. The president surprised the vp with that medal of freedom. You could tell he wasnt expecting it at all. That was quite a moment. Well have much more on that as well as the trump transition just ahead just one week, one whack from today. A lot to talk about and the president elect is up early this morning talking about it all. I think his first tweet was a little before 6 00, sent out eight since then commenting on every big story during the day. Before that we go to our birthday girl and tell us about that ice storm that is threatening 15 states already. I did not order this for my birthday. This is really not a great situation. This was from chicago, the south shoreline this passenger train got stuck going up a hill because of the ice. Already, this is kind of a precursor for the actual storm. This was the ice glaze in munster, indiana, that coated roads and thats what were going to see in parts of the planes. Ice storm warnings from illinois back through the panhandle of texas, wichita, through kansas city, you could see up to an inch of ice by the time the weekend is over. It started this morning. We get rounds of it. As we go through the weekend all the way through sunday where that low sits over new mexico and this is what we reveal up to an inch. One other thing, the drought, it got a lot better and a lot has to do with this. You see these images coming out. A ski lift, they had to shut down the ski resort. So much snowy is great and ill give you numbersen 0 how good the drought is looking. One way to end a drought. We move on to new scrutiny for james comey with the Inspector General of the Justice Department announcing a review of how comey handled the Hillary Clinton email investigation during last years election. Our senior justice correspondent Pierre Thomas in washington with the details. Good morning, pierre. Reporter good morning, george. Its extremely rare for an fbi director to have his judgment questioned and investigated in this manner. The Inspector General is looking at a series of actions comey took in the final stretch of the campaign, at issue, did comey adhere to the departments policies and traditions when he notified congress he was reigniting the clinton email probe 11 days before the election and then announcing he was closing the case just 4 hours before election day and was it appropriate for comey to hold a press conference to announce that charges should not be filed against clinton but harshly criticizing her in the process calling her extremely care also in the handling of classified information but he said he only had bad options in a situation that was unique, Public Interest that call for transparency. Unique Public Interest. A lot of raw feelings, still, pierre. Hillary clinton and her team believe that james comey cost her the election and welcoming the investigation. Donald trump tweeting about it this morning. He is still taking exception to the fbis decision not to take against her and calling her guilty as hell so what is james comey saying about this review . Well, hes welcoming the review saying he believes in transparency and that he will be vindicated. Basically this is a case, george, where comey was damned if he did and damned if he didnt. He said it wasnt even a close call. He believes the law was on his side in terms of not bringing charges, clearly the decision to announce these things in the way he did is causing all kinds of criticism on capitol hill and other places. Pierre thomas, thanks very much. Now to the latest on those confirmation hearings. Two of Donald Trumps nominee, general james mattis and mike pompeo openly disagreeing with trumps statements on key issues including russia. Our Congressional Correspondent mary bruce has more on capitol hill for us this morning. Good morning, mary. Reporter good morning, robin. Just one week from now, donald trump will be sworn in right here as the 45th president but this morning its clear he is not in lockstep with members of his own wouldbe cabinet and now there are concerns from within his own party that the new administration could be sending mixed messages. As trump gets ready to t oath of office, this morning signs the president elect is at odds with his own nominees. Trumps pick to lead the department of defense, general james mattis taking a tougher stance on russia than his potential boss. Im all for engagement, but we also have to recognize reality and what russia is up to. But just days ago trump welcomed a friendlier relationship with russia. If putin likes donald trump, guess what, folks, thats called an asset, no the a liability. Now, i dont know that im going to get along with vladimir putin. I hope i do. Reporter while trump continues to waffle on the Intelligence Communitys conclusion about the dnc hacking as far as hacking, i think it was russia. You know what, could have been others also. Reporter the man billed to the next cia director, miami pompeo, isnt hesitating. Its pretty clear about what took place here, about russian involvement in efforts to hack information and to have an impact on american democracy. Reporter on trumps controversial comments trail. What do you this i about waterboarding . I like it a lot. Reporter pompeo standing his ground. If you were ordered by the president to restart the cias use of enhanced interrogation techniques, would you comply . Senator, absolutely not. Reporter now republicans ive talked to are welcoming this tougher talk but stress it all comes down to trump and this morning the big question, how much will a President Trump follow his own cabinets advice. That remains to be seen. What about that bizarre moment on cspan yesterday. Reporter this was a strange one. Representative maxine wear he was on the floor when all of a sudden it switched to russian television. It stayed that way for about ten minutes. Now, cspan said it was likely a routing issue but the timing certainly raising plenty of eyebrows up here. Thank you. Theyre saying they dont believe they were hacked at all. More on these jon karl right now. Were hearing from the president elect on in this morning, jon. Hes got a new tweet out. His first before 6 00 a. M. , all of my cabinet nominees are looking good doing a great job. I want them to be themselves and express their own thoughts, not mine. Pretty remarkable not only the issues mary talked about but a secretary of state taking his positions on Climate Change and taking positions on the wall from others. There are differences across the board. Will this give the president elect a bridge back to different kinds of positions . Reporter on issue after issue, george, his nominees have been pressed on trumps most controversial issues during the campaign, most controversial statements, another one with general mattis is the iran deal, which trump repeatedly blasted during the campaign and said that he would undo as president. Mattis said that when america gives its word, america must stand by its word and said that he would be in favor of keeping the iran deal in place. The big disagreement happened when disagreements take place after trump is president. Will these individuals be able to challenge him . Will they resign if they are asked to do that is a big question . Also you have still donald trump tweeting about this intelligence. He is saying the Intelligence Community blaming them for leaking this unverifiable dossier which we talked about how the russians were targeting him. Yet, his nominees yesterday strong words of support for the Intelligence Community. Reporter strong words of support for the Intelligence Community and investigation, even into whats in this dossier. George, this is really Something Else because james clapper, the head director of National Intelligence in his statement yesterday said point blank that the Intelligence Community did not leak this and here you have trump this morning saying that they did. All right, jon, well get back to you but cecilia vega is also here because you kno higs confirmation hearing and d headtohead with elizabeth warren. Definitely the Testiest Exchange of the hearing and that is to become housing and urban development secretary. Elizabeth warren was trying to get him to promise that none of the hud budget would go to benefit trump or his real estate business. My concern is whether or not among the billions of dollars that you will be responsible for handing out in grants and loans, can you just assure us that not one dollar will go to benefit either the president elect or his family . It will not be my intention to do anything to benefit any american, particularly. Its for all americans, everything that we do. Do i take that to mean that you may manage programs that will significantly benefit the you can take it to mean that i will manage things in a way that benefits the american people. That is going to be yeah, ouch. They didnt get a yes or no answer out of him on that one. Hes brain surgeon. This is not his field coming in can no experience and partake on a listening tour to understand better what the needs are. More on this issue. The head of government ethics say the steps trump is taking are meaningless and that person under fire from capitol hill, jon. Reporter yeah, hes being called in for an interview by jason chaffetz, the chairman of the committee that oversees government reform and chaffetz is saying he wants to discuss the funding for the office of government ethics. It sure seems like a shot across the bow. He is one that has shown hes willing to be critical of trump but this sure seems to be a warning. Nothing yet on the c wait a minute, jon. We remember the moment that the congressmans son tried to dab behind speaker paul ryan. Did you see this . He had a little surprise in store last night, did the speaker of the house. He was just trying to say he knew exactly see, there you go, jon. Thats how you do it. Signature more, jon karl. Look, you know, robin, hey, robin, once the speaker of the house has done Something Like this, you know its over. That is over. We have put it to bed. To michael. All right, you put that in the file of things i thought id never see, jon karl dabbing. Now to that airplane emergency. Three Flight Attendants getting sick on a plane and david kerley joins us and, david, what do they think happened . Reporter well, a passenger says the pilot told them this was a deicing agent. It happened on descent. Flight attendants reportedly saw and smelled a emergency crews at the ready for the Alaska Airlines jet in san jose after three Flight Attendants were suddenly struck with a mysterious illness. The flight from seattle touching down with one Flight Attendant needing assistance. We see the paramedic light and want to clarify thats for the Flight Attendants. The paramedics are for the Flight Attendants. Reporter this photo snapped by a passenger as the Flight Attendant was taken to the hospital. Felt like something was wrong with he felt woozy. We dont know what the material was that the flight crew was exposed to but apparently the exposure took place before passengers got on board. Reporter but the pilot gave the best clue to passengers before landing saying what could have caused the illness. The deicing fluid they put on in seattle created some kind of powder that got in the air system and they were checking it out. The deicing agent came int reporter the pilot told passengers the deicing agent is nontoxic. Alaska Airlines Says it is still trying to determine what happened. None of the passengers fell ill. And while Alaska Airlines investigates, the passengers are told by the pilot this has happened before, robin, where this deicing as a white powder has come through the vents. It has happened before. All right, david, thanks so much. Amy with the mornings other top stories. Investigators look nothing whether a space heater caused that house fire in baltimore on thursday that claimed the lives of six children. Their mother and her three other children made it out of the fire. Her 8yearold daughter is credited with helping them escape. Cuban migrants entering the United States will no longer get special treatment under the socalled wet foot, dry foot rule. President obama has ended that policy which previously allowed cubans who made it to the u. S. Soil to stay here as legal residents. Well, Fiat Chrysler is on emission tests. The epa claims they installed software to allow diesel engines to emit higher pollution levels than allowed. Volkswagen pleaded guilty to similar charges. Amazon plans to hire 100,000 full time workers in the u. S. The new positions are for people of all education and skill levels. Finally police say they have brought the curtain down on a very creative toll evader. The suspect used a Remote Control device, see that to roll a black sheet over his license plate as the toll plaza so the state could not send him a bill. He was busted because a Police Officer was traveling behind him and saw him doing it. He was avoiding a 1. 25 toll. But those things add up. That device, though, its 50 buck, perfectly legal to manufacture but its completely illegal to use. Its going to cost him a lot more now. A felony. He deserves it. Thankyo how about that moment so many are still talking about. President obama surprising Vice President biden at what he thought was a special tribute event. The president had Something Else in mind. To know joe biden is to know love without pretense, Service Without selfregard and to live life fully. As one of his longtime colleagues in the senate who happened to be a republican once said, if you cant admire joe biden as a person youve got a problem. He is as good a man as god ever created. I am pleased to award our nations highest civilian honor, the president ial medal of freedom. [ applause ] to award the president ial medal of freedom of distinction to my brother, Joseph Robinette biden jr. [ applause ] mr. President , you have more than kept your commitment to me by saying that you wanted me to help govern. I can say i was part of the journey of a remarkable man who did remarkable things for this country. I dont deserve this. But i know it came from the president s heart. Mr. President , im indebted to your iendship. About six months in, the president looked at me and said, you know, joe, you know what surprised me how weve become such good friends. [ laughter ] i said, surprised you . But that is candid obama. And its real and, mr. President , you know as long as theres breath in me ill be there for you and my whole family and i know, i know it is reciprocal . They work so well together. And the president , of course, had a little fun with the bromance they call it and social media did as well. Take a look at this picture. This sums up their relationship. Best friends forever. Saw joe biden say he didnt deserve it. He certainly did deserve it, more than 40 years of public service, elected at the age of senate 29, never stopped. So much personal tragedy and still barreled through. When he talked about beau and he and his wife jill biden will be on siouxview later. Now back over to ginger. From a beautiful story i have a Beautiful Image to share with you. This was california one year ago. Can you see the drought, the exceptional drought is taking over 42 of that state. Well, as of yesterday, 2 in that is still droughtfree. Coy snow, sleet, freezing, rain saturday low accumulations; high road impacts cool for mlk holiday; few showers possible 60s return next week today partly cloudy and cooler. Highs 4550 winds n 515 mph tonight mostly cloudy and cold. Snow developing sw of the dmv. Lows 2932 winds ne 5 mph saturday snow, sleet, freezing rain, and rain likely. A slushy accumulation is possible winds se 5 mph coming up in the doghouse why one of the first familys pets is in trouble. Diane sawyer is here with her look at the secret struggle of so Many American families. , t how to brush his teeth. woman vo in march, my husband didnt recognize our grandson. woman 2 vo thats when moderate alzheimers made me a caregiver. avo if their alzheimers is getting worse, ask about onceaday namzaric. Namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimers disease in patients who are taking donepezil. It may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. Namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. Dont take if allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine, or any of the ingredients in namzaric. Tell the doctor about any conditions; including heart, lung, bladder, kidney or liver problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, or procedures with anesthesia. Serious side effects may occur, slow heartbeat, fainting, more stomach acid which may lead to ulcers and bleeding; nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. Most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. woman 2 vo i dont know what tomorrow will bring but im doing what i can. avo ask about namzaric today. The surprise of real life fairy tales . A safari alive with magic . 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The fire broke out yesterday morning, a mother and 9 children were inside at the time. The fire spread to all 3 floors house causing the second and third floors to collapse. The mother identified as katie malone made it out with 3 of her children, 6 did not make it out. Malone is listed in critical condition, the cause of the fire still unknown. A warning to women, a man is going around groping women in northwest washington, happened wednesday 8 20 a15th and t industries and 5 00 p. M. At logan circle. Massachusetts avenue yesterday morning. An update on weath reporter were in the going to hit 70 but well boo doing okay. Around 50 for a high, back to the coat. Watching the roads for tomorrow. Were expecting a combenefit nation of freezing rain, a little bit of snow, even some sleet and rain, and much better day for sunday. Because of the freezing rain there could be a tenth of an inch, maybe more, areas along west of i81, freezing rain advisory through saturday. For our roads, spotty issues, the high. 32. Reporter good news enmontgomery co, route 108 as reopened from the overnight crash. Not good on the capital beltway in fairfax county, a live look at the inner loop delays and accidents at the dullestle road. We continue to block one of your inner loop travel lanes and we have delays into mccain and collision. Thats a look at traffic watch. Good morning america of your brain can make it hard to lose weight . Contrave is an fdaapproved weightloss medicine that may help adults who are overweight or struggle with obesity lose weight and keep it off. Contrave is believed to work on two areas of the brain your hunger center. woman im so hungry. avo to reduce hunger. And your reward system. woman ice cream. French fries. avo to help control cravings. Than with diet and exercise alone. Contrave is not for everyone. One ingredient in contrave may increase suicidal thoughts or actions in some children, teens, and young adults within the first few months. Other serious side effects include seizures, increase in Blood Pressure or heart rate, liver damage, manic episodes, glaucoma and allergic reactions. Do not take with opioids. Reduce hunger, help control cravings. Contrave. The 1 prescribed weightloss brand. Go to contrave. Com. 360 replay makes anything look epic. Literally anything. That is a closeup. Welcome back to gma. Just weeks away from the super bowl and, of course, that is tom brady starring in the first commercial out before the big game. An inside look ahead and tom brady headlining a huge weekend of football. Patriots face the texans in the playoffs tomorrow night. Yeah. A lot of good games. Texans trying to pull off a big upset. It would be an upset. A lot going on. Fbi director james comey facing an investigation into how he handled Hillary Clintons email. He says he welcomes it. Donald trump back on twitter clinton is guilty. 15 states on alert for an ice storm. Its causing dangerous commutes. Look at that car in india. Power lines freezing. Schools closing in oklahoma and missouri. Thats tough to see. We begin with one of the president ial pups in the white house doghouse. This morning sunny apparently bit someone who posted a picture of the aftermath and abcs david wright is here with that story. Good morning, david. Good morning, robin. Moving is stressful and perhaps that explains what happened in this next story. Earlier in this week the leadup to the president s Farewell Speech one member of the first family reportedly bared his fangs. Its not clear what exactly set off 4yearold sunny obama, but according to tmz when an 18yearold family friend bent down to kiss the dog, sunny bit her. This picture posted on snapchat shows a nasty puncture wound on her face. No comment. I havent seen anything on this but we can take a look. Sunny is one of two family dogs. Sasha and malia, i love you both more than you can imagine and you have earned the new puppy thats coming with us to the white house. Reporter the first first dog bo with the white paws, sunny joined three years lateer. Merry christmas, everyone. From the two of us, sasha, malia, grandma, sunny. And bo. Reporter dogs are a white house tradition. Canines are naturally bipartisan. The reagans had rex. And lucky. Millie bush was a bestselling author and mother of six. Buddy clinton stood by bill through scandal but never quite made peace with sox the cat and president George Scotty dogs, barney and mrs. Beasley with their own christmas videos each year. His loyalty to them landed him in the doghouse. Some veterans were offended the president would return a salute with his hands full of fur. And barney was known to bite back. Hi, barney. Reporter as one reporter found out. Ooh. De get you . He totally got me. Oh, my god. Reporter so sunnys behavior is not without precedent. Tmz reports the girl sunny bit needs stitches and may have a small scar. Sunny and bo move out one week from today and the trump family has no pets. That breaks a president ial tradition going back 150 years although a guy in palm beach offered a supporter and friend of trump offered him this golden labradoodle trump colored and trump said barron would love the dog but said thanks but no thanks. Harry truman said if you dog. Indeed. Maybe hell decide he wants one lateer. Well see . You know what, we saw a little teaser of it and weeks to go before the super bowl but its not its too soon to tell if the patriots will make it but we do know one person who will be there and that will be tom brady because hes starred in the first big super bowl commercial out this year and t. J. Holmes is here with the details on that, good morning, t. J. Stra, i know how much you love quarterbacks. So this one is for you. You could get a double dose of tom brady at the super bowl if his patriots make it to the super bowl youll see him on the field throwing touchdown passes but also see him during the commercial breaks making pancakes and brushing his teeth. Intel 360 replay makes anything look epic. Reporter just over three weeks to go till game day and getting our first look at a super bowl commercial. Literally anything. Reporter tom brady stars in this ad for intel showing off its technology. Wait till you see it in the game. Reporter super bowl ads are expected to be 5 million for a 30second spot. Companies are prereleasing ads to get the most bang for their buck. If they get people talking about their ad early its got tom brady whos football royalty. Reporter own others revealing enough to keep us hungry. Snickers has star wars guy, adam driver. I will finish what you started. Companies advertising like snickers with their creative ads are trying to tap into Popular Culture and a certain zeitgeist. Hes eating doritos. Reporter some are skipping the game altogether. Dont expect to see staples like doritos or butterfinger but intel is hoping to score with tom brady whether hes on the field or not. Enough, they get it. You, stra . I wanted to hit him. You still want to hit people . For old times sake. Intel, the first time they advertised in the Super Bowl Technology used during the broadcast that 360. I guess brady is not afraid of jinxing himself. Its great. He has four rings. Hes all right. Hes all right. Thank you, t. J. Have a great weekend. Yall too. Youre going to watch football. You know i am. Yeah. Coming up our good friend diane sawyer is here. Shell take us inside a hidden america. You want to see this. And sisters to sisters, the advice the bush twins are giving sasha and malia obama as they leave the white house, very sweet. Just ahead. Im raph. My name is anne. You can talk to through legalzoom. Dont let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because were here, were here, and weve got your back. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Legal help is here. Havertys furniture helps even when life isnt. T [music playing] mmmmm. Oohhhh. Yeah. Skunks apparently have two glands on either side of the stop talking the new year Savings Event at havertys. Life looks good. We are back with a closer look at americas changing middle class. Diane sawyer spent more than a year talking to working families about their challenge, struggles and hopes for my reality back. So great to see you. This ryal, families working so hard to keep their heads above water. This started a year and a half ago when we posted is what is the American Dream online and were overwhelmed by these responses of people working so hard and trying to hold on and the struggle behind closed doors of your neighbors in all neighborhoods around the country and we went to pennsylvania, the heart of pennsylvania, 40 out of 68 firefighters, full time firefighters there are having to work a second job. Many of them three jobs in order to get by and youre going to meet right now chris smith, he is a firefighter working three jobs. We followed him. Its his first job as a firefighter. 15 straight hours. Chris makes us a video diary as six emergency calls come into the firehouse one after the other. We are heading out on a call, possible structure fire. Reported smoke. How was your day . Daddy. Lets go make macaroni. Reporter his wife, baby ella and toddler, little christopher. So how many calls you have . Two calls. Just two . Yes. You always say to people who are hurt. Did you see the gas bill. Reporter they bought a house in the neighborhood where the Public Schools are good. Ready . Open up. They have a 30year mortgage and also paying down Student Loans which totaled 75,000. Im going to get ready for work. I love you. Reporter they tell us that they bought some used furniture online. They only eat out once a year on their anniversary. They buy toothpaste and razors with coupons and chris shows us the one pair of shoes he uses for going out to like church. They are ten years old. I cant tell you the last time my wife and i bought anything for our selves. Reporter then when the smiths thought they could come in on their budget, two surprises. His Health Care Premiums were jacked years. And a storm flooded the backyard. At the end of each month, how much do you have left. Really nothing. And that is just to keep up with the necessities and to pay down that student debt having to work 15 hours three different jobs and this other story coming up which i still cant believe. A man with a fourhour commute. Each way. Four hours each way. He cant afford to live near the work. He cant afford a car so he goes by bike, by train, by bus, by foot and hes been doing it for ten years. And were going to tell you what happened. A full work day just commuting. Thats right. And then he works a workday as well. And were going to tell you so many of these stories also let you gauge is your house middle class . Do you know about the middle class . Do you know the reality of the middle class . Well follow them for a year. First year of the new presidency coming in and also we talk to people about Solutions Including business leaders. Such cant wait to watch it tonight. See her 20 20 special my reality a hidden america right here on abc. In response a lot of tweets coming in. This one said the most frustrating part for me is i have a College Degree and more in education and i still have to work two jobs and i remember meeting this woman in iowa when i was there for the caulks and thats what people are having to deal with. Part of the story. Yeah, that is. Be watching and people are also saying thelma and louise back together again also. I think i tweeted that. You probably did. But coming up on the big board that touching letter from the bush sisters to the obamas, its something about life after the white house. And plus the new scam targeting netflix users. Going to talk about that when we come back in two minutes. We live in a pick and choose world. Choose. Choose. Choose. But at bedtime. Why settle for this . Enter sleep number and the lowest prices of the season. Sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow only at a sleep number store, right now save 600 on our best selling i8 mattress, plus 36 month special financing. Learn more at sleepnumber. Com. Know better sleep with sleep number. When aachoo calls. Answer it. With zicam cold remedy. It shortens colds, so you get better, faster. Colds are gonna call. Answer them with zicam zicam. Get your better back. Now that i work there, i value dothe food even more. I feed it to yoshi because there are no artificial colors, preservatives and its made with real chicken. Im so proud to make dog chow natural in davenport, iowa. Time for the big board and cecilia is back with our first story and this is a heartwarming one. It is a letter from former first offering advice to malia and sasha as they prepare to leave the white house next week and i remember being told they had left a letter for the obama girls when they moved in and now theyve written another letter to them now that theyre moving out. This is my favorite story of the day. I mean, theyre such a small circle of people. They may be the only ones in it that have lived through this as two pair of sisters as a pair of sisters and what better advice to get than from the people who have done it before you. And the bush girls are fiercely protective of the obama girls so they send this letter. Weve got it i want to read you a piece of it if we can get it up on the screen. You have i didnt bring my glasses so ill lean in and try to do this. So there we go. You have so much to look forward to. You will be writing the story of your lives, beyond the shadow of your famous parents. Yet you will always carry with you the experiences of the past eight years. You wont have the weight of the anymore. Explore your passions. Learn who you are, make mistakes, you are allowed to. I mean chills. I like that when i read it. Make mistakes. You are allowed to. That stood out for me and the bush girls have been out of the white house almost eight years and how tough can that transition be . Can you imagine living every second as children just scrutinized and in a light no brighter than the one that shines on the white house . I cant even imagine what that look, there have been a few bumps that have landed in the tabloids, of course, but not huge ones, by all accounts these are great women. Barbara bush is a philanthropist and started her own Public Health nonprofit. Jenna is a Tv Correspondent and mom and really successful and they really, really care about the obama daughters and really just want to make sure that they understand this next chapter is perhaps even more important its about them than the one that they just lived through under the shadow of their parents. And people even though theyre not in the white hse people will still watch a lot of people thought it was a good idea for malia to take that gap year which many students do and then sasha is still in high school there in washington. These girls are so beautiful in every way. Right . Theyre so weve watched them grow up so, yeah, malia is going to harvard in the fall. We saw her just this week sitting there crying as her dad was giving his Farewell Speech. Sasha is in high school. Thats the reason the parents, the obamas are staying in washington. We heard president obama tell george recently that theyre just great, wonderful, young women and hes so proud of what they have become and i really think as a nation, we may be divided on politic, we can all agree these are fantastic girls. I think so. I think thatcoulds from the parenting. Yeah. From all these from all these kids who come out of the white house. The bush girls and now the obama girls. Absolutely. From the parenting. And another thing well talk about, the new warning about a scam targeting netflix users. Becky worley is joining us now with the details this could cost you a lot of money. Tell us about it. Michael, dont you hate it when the bad guys get even smarter . Ah, this is a traditional phishing scam. You get an email with a link and they want you to update your information. But its got super smart code that flies under the radar of almost all security and then lets say you entire your credit card number on the fake site. It takes you back to netflixs real site and lets you start watching movies. You dont even know youve been hacked. Yikes. What is netflix saying about this, becky . What can we do to protect ourselves. Well, they say they use lots of proactive measures to detect this kind of fraudulent activity. They want to keep the service and their members accounts secure. But, guys, heres the takeaway for all your accounts, everything received in email should be distrusted. Dont click those links. Even if it seems legit open your browser. Go directly to the site, for example, type in netflix. Com, go through the digital front door. And never give to anybody. You know, youre right. Theyre getting smarter and smarter. Heres another way theyve gotten smarter. Amy talked about this story yesterday. When you do a selfie and you do the peace sign that they may digitally lift your fingerprints. I was telling cecilia about this in the dressing room. She said i cant do it. Wait, why not . Are you mad . You got to turn the peace sign around the other way. Forget what i just did. Becky, what is it about that as well. These cybercriminals get really smart. Yeah. This is the second time, michael, someone said they can do this so its plausible. Cameras have gotten amazing, Digital Pictures are so high resolution. Do i anticipate hackers and the police using this technology to unlock my iphone fingerprint scanner later this week, no. But that being said, pictures taken today can last long into the future. Now, the researchers are working on a titanium dioxide sticker you would put on your finge hide your prints but for now if youre a peace sign selfie type thats paranoid, put a glove on it, guys. Michael, is that you . Is that you, michael. Looking good, beck. Too much work. I know. I know. I know, just keep your hands down. You just cant live. You cant live in live, live out loud. Coming up, robin thicke and paula pattons divorce battle. The. The new Health Concern about nutella. Dr. Richard besser is here. So come on back. Coming up, gmas Concert Series is presented by belvita breakfast biscuits. The delicious way to fuel your morning. Biscuits are for everyone. Like the hottest guy at the office. The secondhottest. Its a small office. Made with a Peanut Butter or dark chocolate creme avored filling. Try new belvita sandwich eakfast biscuits. Hurry in to lowes today across the entire store. Like paint plus primer at the new lower price of only 17. 98. Dont miss out on the seasons best savings happening right now at lowes. That trop50 could taste so good and still have 50 fewer calories. Can i stop, jane . No. Trop50. Tastes so good you wont believe it has 50 fewer calories. Cmohappy birthday i survived a heart attack. Im doing all i can to keep from having another one. And im taking brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. I take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. Brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. It worked better than plavix. Or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. Is this my car . Ck. State farm knows that for every one of those moments. What . This is ridiculous theres one of these. Sam, i gotta go. Is this my car . What . This is ridiculous this cant be happening this cant be happening oh, its happening sweetheart. Oh, its happening sweetheart. Shut up shut up thats why state farm is there, what a day. With car insurance, for when things go wrong. But also here with car loans, to help life go right. State farm. What a day back heren good morning america, what a crowd. Wow. I love this and my new friends from massachusetts, you guys know how to deal with snow in massachusetts, you do pretty well with snow in the new england how about this . This is minneapolis. Yeah. That guy riding a unicycle. This is where you laugh. A unicycle going through the intersection. Good morning america is brought to you by petsmart. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Big breakfast headline about nutella. The company battling not so sweet Health Claims after accusations over an ingredient in the spread. Could it be dangerous to your health and what should parents know . Dr. Besser is here live to weigh in. Reports that robin thicke is under investigation. His exwife paula patton accusing him of spanking their son. New details emerge overnight. Patton claims their son is scared of his father. Picture perfect. From seinfeld to schumer. What is the secret of this photo . The answer will crack you up. To me baby all that and its a full house. B. J. Novak is here live and hes here to say good morning, america. Good morning, america. Happy friday. Happy friday the 13th. Every time i see b. J. Novak i feel so old. I worked with his dad 20 years ago. He was just a kid and now in all these movies doing all these great things. His dad is a big author. Uhhuh. And worked with george i guess on your book. Im not old, right . No, no. Like a fine wine. That was our cue to go, oh, no. Youre a baby. Youre a baby. We do like to have some fun around here. Lets look at promos before the show. Look whos here . Were going to celebrate. Her birthday. Well celebrate gingers birthday. I didnt know that was coming. I just thought robin was saying hello. Is that ginger doing the that was always supposed to be seen in raleigh, north carolina, the affiliate with leave it up to simone. Seen everywhere now. See how lovely you are when its peoples birthdays. You like it because i was wearing that sweater ginger is so great. Happy birthday, ginger. Happy birthday to ginger. We love you. You got off to a good start. How about that . All right, so we have some just to switch gears we have tips to pick the perfect pet. Ginger, im getting you a puppy or kitten and well help you. How to help them adjust to life in gingers home or yours. We got a lot of news, as well. Amy has the morning rundown. The news begins with ginger. The big story, a major ice storm bearing down on the central part of the country affecting 15 states, oklahoma and missouri have declared states of emergency. Up to an inch of ice is possible and ginger has those details and because its your birthday, you get to change your outfit. I changed promo. It wasnt fitting like i wanted it to. Neither is this. St. Louis Public Schools are closed. Oklahoma city Public Schools are closed. This is an image from tulsa from our affiliate and they have a glaze, that dangerous glaze has not only just got started but has a weekend ahead for a lot in the plains. See the freezing rain advisories and downright ice storm warnings that stretch from texas into illinois. Again, this is much of wichita, you say topeka, east into st. Louis and kansas city. The setup is perfect for this. A lot of moist air, the stationary front is not going to go anywhere for a couple of days and it will meet the cold air and leave up to an inch of ice. Power lines, trees, roads, this weekend is going to be a mess. Love the dress, love you and happy birthday. Thank you. President elect trump is chiming in on twitter calling Hillary Clinton, quote, guilty as hell. Trump is responding to a new investigation into the fbi over the way it handled the Justice Departments Inspector General is reviewing whether fbi director James Comey Violated Department policy by announcing just days before the election that the agency was looking into new emails. Some critics claim comeys actions cost clinton the white house. Well, trump is also tweeting that he wants his cabinet picks to express their own thoughts which they do appear to be doing. Defense secretary nominee general james mattis took a tougher stance than trump on russia during his confirmation hearing and unlike trump he said the Iran Nuclear Deal should be honored. Meanwhile, cia director nominee mike pompeo appeared to contradict trumps claim that russia could help fight isis and pompeo rejected torture. Well, the company blamed for exploding air bags that caused 11 deaths is expecting to plead guilty to some criminal charges. Takata could face a billion dollars in fines. Honda, ford and toyota have recalled hundreds of thousands of additional vehicles because of this problem. Some dramatic immanuals from colorado where a skier triggered he slid 25 feet down. He ended up buried beneath four feet of snow. His friend was frantically digging him out when an avalanche expert happened to be passing by and together they were remarkably pulled him to safety. There was a new epipen on the market and its much easier on your wallet. Cvs unveiled it. For just 110. Six times less than the original from mylan which took heat for its significant price increases. Finally, one guy got so angry at the dmv he decided to get even by paying for his tax bill with 300,000 pennies. He purchased and brought in with help from others that he paid, he took five wheelbarrows to deliver those 300,000 pennies then it took workers at that dmv office in virginia 12 hours to count them all. He did this because he said he was just trying to get an answer register his car. He said he was put on hold for over an hour. When he called a direct number, he got hung up on repeatedly and so instead of getting too mad, he got even. Im going to bring you my pennies. 300,000 of them. 12 hours of counting. Thank you. Thank you, amy. Doesnt seem right. Bring us on home with pop news this morning. Tgif yes. Indeed, robin. Good morning, everybody. We have a great audience today. We do. Good morning to you. If you happen to be at new york citys comedy cellar wednesday night, oh, my. Did you get your moneys worth. Patrons thought they were seeing a regular standup show and then jerry sign fell, chris rock, dave chappelle, amy schumer and aziz ansari all took the stage to work out their material. Great show. We got these shots from instagram so rock was working on his tour and sign fell was there to watch b jumped on stage and chappelle, schumer, ansari also took turns sharing the spotlight. Amy summed it up best for the crowd saying, you guys who paid 14 for a ticket just saw a billion dollars worth of comedians. Wow. That never happens to me. You know, now somebody will go there every night and wait for it to happen again. I know. I often freak at that lace in l. A. Where john mayer played at. Youre still trying and bruce always shows up at yeah, just wait. A serious story, Natalie Portman weighing in on gender pay gaps and opening up about the moment she found out what she would be earning compared to her costar ashton kufrper on no Strings Attached and said kutcher made not 1, not 2, but 3 types her salary for an equal role and went along with it she said because of tinseltowns Wage Structure called quotes and we all know were paid well at this level but says the disparity is crazy. Ashton kutcher weighed in supporting his costar. He tweeted so proud of natalie and all women who stand up for closing the gender pay gap. Equal work, equal pay. Yep. Doesnt matter. Doesnt matter. Doesnt matter what the job is. Equal work, equal pay but i understand what shes saying. Yes, she makes an excellent salary and know if they say anything poor you. Equal pay in any job, i agree. So happy to share that with you, good job, natalie. Finally, you know them do we have the song . I like this. Drop it. Love this. We have been waiting to play this on the air. You know them as yes, we, meaning george and i have been waiting to play it on the air. [ laughter ] you know them as the all girl band who just want to work from thought camilla, fans have been working from home sending videos to become a replacement with the bethe fifthchallenge and even caught the attention of a certain guitar playing superstar. Who could that be . John mayer, everybody. Not that im following him on social media. We get to friday and you havent done john mayer in pop news its not a good week. I havent done my job. Shes got a serious crush. No, i really, really dont but i love you guys torturing me about it and i would like to see him in concert. Let me just tell you this, so john apparently is a fan. He tweeted up a storm about the girls saying numbers dont lie, they are a talented group of young ladies. He also tweeted his prediction that lauren would now emerge as the star. Fifth harmony tweeted back, its okay, john mayer, we got this along with a picture of mayer photoshopped in as the member. An interesting idea. I would watch but another member of our team who would be better, take the closeup, please. Yeah. Now, thats some harmony. I was completely waiting for a picture of george to pop up and i could see george going, what. Keep seeing that. Close your eyes. The dream. For the record the band says they are moving forward without michael, without john, yep, theyre going to release their album this year as a quartet and do you know how they started . No. Found by simon cowell whos got the midas touch. Theyll really good. They have some songs i wonder if theyll change their name, fifth harmony, fourth harmony. Well, at this point i want to keep the door open for you. So keep it at fifth. That, everybody, is pop good, lara. Coming up here on this friday edition of gma, that custody battle brewing between robin thicke and his exwife paula patton. And those new concerns about nutella, dr. Richard besser is going to be here to weigh in on that. So stay right there. Well be right back with more gma. Gmas morning menu is brought to you by the fast, powerful cough relief of robitussin because its never just a cough. Zzo caroline smi] let em say what they gonna say hey gon feel w they gonna feel and i love it, i love it and baby hey, you should too so let em say what they wanna say they gonna feel how they gonna feel but i love it, yeah i love it, baby, hey i just bought a book. And while i was telling you about the book, oh, and full disclosure, when we were just chatting about that song thing, someone arranged a date. Guilty. The point is, life is digital. So, carmax, created a site where you can reserve a car online. Come in when its convenient, your car will be waiting. Just another thing to make buying a car better for you. Reads this tweet that i just posted. Oh, that appears to be trending. Lol. 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In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low Blood Pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, im gonna step out with my favorite girl. Ask your doctor about entresto. And help make the gift of tomorrow possible. Rex tillerson put exxons interests before americas. Instead, tillerson sided with putin. With billions in russian oil deals. He opposed us sanctions on russia. For war crimes forced to pay hundreds of millions for toxic pollution. Putting profits ahead of our kids health. Tell your senators to reject Rex Tillerson. And protect american interests not corporate interests. We are welcome back, robin. Oh. What you dont see is we saw you saying happy birthday to ginger earlier. Now youre hanging out with the crowd a little bit. Yeah. A lot of things going on. Doing a video with megan. But we are back now and well talk about that custody battle brewing between robin thicke and his exwife paula patton after their 6yearold son reportedly him. Abcs paula faris is here with more. Robin thicke denies any allegations of child abuse. In Court Documents saying he never exceeded age appropriate discipline and that his exwife paula patton is doing this as retaliation. Reporter this morning, superstar crooner robin thicke reportedly under investigation for alleged physical abuse of his 6yearold son julian. This after thickes son reportedly told his school that his father spanked him on multiple occasions. School officials reported the incident to the l. A. County department of children and family services, prompting the singers exwife, actress paula patton to file an emergency order asking a judge to restrict contact between thicke and his son to monitor daytime visits only. Under california state law, parents are allowed to spank their children. As the spanking is done with an open hand on the buttocks and doesnt cause physical injury, there is no violation of the law. Reporter in these documents obtained by abc news patton claims her son is scared of thicke and a School Official noted julian said his father frequently, quote, punches him so hard but never where someone can see. The 39yearold singer says in the documents on a very rare occasion and only as a last resort i will use light spanking but it is consistent with the law, open hand on the butt. This is the type of discipline to which paula and i agreed during our marriage. Blurred lines reporter the blurred lines singer says in the document patton is retaliating because she was not invited to his father, alan thickes Funeral Services last month. He says paula often made negative comments to me about my father, as such, she was not welcome at his funeral. However, the actress posted this message on instagram last month i loved and respected him so much. Despite pattons concerns about the spankings, pattons request to limit his joint custody was denied. The court is not going to alter a custody arrangement because one parent chooses to use corporal punishment. Now, again, no comment from paula pattons camp, nor from dcfs and though the judge did deny her request for limited custody this investigation is open and it remains ongoing. Their divorce finalized last march and things are getting a little ugly. Thank you, paula. Coming up those new Health Concerns, could nutella be dangerous . Dr. Besser is here next to talk about that. 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So much more going on and info about nutella, guys, that youll want to hear. Nutella, dont take that cooley snow, sleet, freezing, rain saturday low accumulations; high road impacts cool for mlk holiday; few showers possible 60s return next week today partly cloudy and cooler. Tonight mostly cloudy and cold. Snow developing sw of the dmv. Lows 2932 winds ne 5 mph saturday snow, sleet, freezing rain, and rain likely. A slushy accumulation is possible. Highs 2935 winds se 5 mph our thanks to our birthday girl. Now to the Health Concerns about the popular food spread nutella. A study says its ingredient palm oil could be linked to increased cancer risk. But its producers say the way their product is made makes it safe. Well speak with dr. Besser in a moment but first Mara Schiavocampo has all the details. Reporter this morning, the makers of nutella fighting back against some not so sweet Health Claims that an ingredient in their chocolate and hazelnut spread could cause cancer. Its a good wakeup call for understanding the ramifications of processing oils the way that we do. Reporter this after food safety officials in europe found palm oil used in nutella poses a potential cancer risk. Palm oil, the most popular Vegetable Oil in the world, is found in everything from ice cream to pizza dough but this new report says it can create carcinogens when processed at temperatures above 393 degrees. As is the case with nutella. While researchers dont say consumers should stop eating palm oil products, they do say more study is necessary. Its been never really pinpointed what is it about processed food that makes it so harmful for our health. Reporter now ferrero, the Company Behind nutella is running this new commercial in italy. [ speaking a Foreign Language ] reporter saying their palm oil is safe adding in a statement to abc news when palm oil is refined correctly it contains a lower level of contaminants than other Vegetable Oils. Schiavocampo, abc news, new york. And abc news received a statement overnight from the Indonesian Palm Oil association, that country is the largest producer of the oil in the world and the organization is calling for further studies. Were going to bring in our chief health and medical editor dr. Richard besser to talk about it with us. I know this is very important for a lot of people who raised their hands saying they enjoy this product. Tell us more about this ingredient palm oil. So palm oil, when palm oil is heated to high temperatures during production of a lot of different food items, certain chemicals are made. And those chemicals when given to lab animals at high doses increased the risk of cancer. There have been no studies to show palm Oil Connection to cancer in humans, but the European Food safety group that looked at this said, well, these chemicals can be a problem, we should pay some attention to this. What does the fda say. I talked to the fda yesterday. They said theyre aware of the studies but from their perspective palm oil is safe to use in foods to look at the evidence. Youre always telling us to look at the label because this isnt the only product that has palm oil. Thats important. Palm oil is used in a lot of products because it improves the textures. Its mainly in processed foods so everything from popcorn. Margarine, cookies, instant noodles, whipped toppings, some of those are going to have palm oil in them. If you have a diverse diet you wont take in too much of that. Is there something if you like this product but a little concerned is there Something Else this should not be an everyday food, Peanut Butter, much better way to go. Less sugar. Three grams versus 21 grams of sugar and worry about sugar. All right, rich, thanks so much for that important information. Glad i wore my heels so i can see eye to eye. I love it. Well be right back. Tall drink of water. Anchor good morning, washington. Im melanie hastings. Armorer and a child from Montgomery County are missing. Police are asking for help finding her and her 4 month old daughter. They were last seen on spencer road in silver spring. They are believed to be in a silver Dodge Caravan with maryland plates, 6ce6816. A warning to women as you head out the door. A man is groping women in northwest dc. It happened twice on wednesday around 8 20 a. M. Along 15th and t streets. Then again at 5 00 p. M. In logan circle. Then again yesterday morning at 13th and massachusetts avenue. Still, mild today but not for long. Here is vietnam. Reporter were not going to hit 70 but well boo doing okay. Around 50 for a high, back to the coat. Watching the roads for tomorrow. Were expecting a combination of freezing rain, a little bit of snow, even some sleet and rain, and much better day for sunday. Because of the freezing rain there could be a tenth of an inch, maybe more, areas along west of i81, freezing rain advisory through saturday. For our roads, spotty issues, the high. 32. Reporter good morning washington. Finally, friday on the roadways, it looks pretty good for the most part, especially compared to what we are anticipating over the weekend. No weather rerated issues for the friday morning ride. Not as much volume on our interstates. We did have earlier collisions on the southeast southwest, from, cleared those out for you. Volume delays on 395 and 295, getting to the 11th street bridge. The big news, we are open on maryland 108 from that overnight tractor trailer crash. Anchor thanks. More news, on good morning washington on news channel 8. And now well send it back to good morning why are you checking your credit score . I think we can finally get a bigger place. Bigger place . Yeah, let me check my score too. Try credit karma. Its free. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Choose. Choose. Choose. But at bedtime. Why settle for this . Enter sleep number and the lowest prices of the season. Sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow only at a sleep number store, right now save 600 on our best selling i8 mattress, plus 36 month special financing. Learn more at sleepnumber. Com. Know better sleep with sleep number. And we are back. Welcome back to gma. The best audience of the week. The best audience. For to you say it on friday is a big deal . Usually we say that on monday. Thats a big deal. We have a very special guest this morning. You know him from the office, a writer, director, author and an actor and stars in a brandnew movie with Michael Keaton. Weekend at bernies 9. Absolutely a beautiful and brilliant man. George, im not hearing you. We need to get this intro right. Was i not laying it on thick enough, b. J. . House with. Complicated journey wed all be lucky to be on with this man. We should all write our own int intros, b. J. Novak, everyone. [ applause ] thank you. Good to see you. Good to see you. Have a seat. I was about to yell at the control room. The control room was unlocked and felt i could help you out and wanted to do my part. It was going good until they put that camera on you and crushed it. Tv is complicated and you have hard jobs so i wanted to keep things moving. We appreciate that. Youre quite the prankster. You got your start on punkd and we loved the office. Yeah. But you always have been a jokester. We actually have a little throwback photo that we found of you. Youve always kind of been this guy. Look at is that some kind of prank . Was that shirt a joke . Ah. That was the coolest i ever thought i was. Thats my High School Yearbook photo. You look the same. Wow. 97. Well, ive simplified my look, but, yeah. It was that long ago. Yeah. Yeah, thats when i first met b. J. , you come by your sense of human naturally, your dad, author, die laughing. Buy this book, fund my dads retirement so i dont have to. My mom wrote that blurb. I have a funny family trying to send a message whether this does well so thanks for plugging it. Maybes my life easier. Love the message in the founder thats coming out. Congratulations. The founder. The mcdonalds franchise which all of us are fascinated b a fan of his since he played batman. You were 10. I loved that batman. I loved it so much i still remember june 19th because that was the date the sequel was coming out. Wow. For like a year straight i was like june 19th and now every time its june 19th its like the batman day. Also your birthday. Thats the other reason i think of it now but, yeah. Thank you. Ive always loved Michael Keaton. You guys are gold on screen together. You play a financial manager for mcdonalds. I play the first becomes the first president of mcdonalds and hes the guy who kind of gives him the idea to take it to gives him a financial trick that lets it become what it ends up being. The operator selects the site. Yeah. He picks the property . Right. You provide the training, the system, the operational knowhow and he is responsible for the rest. Is there a problem. A big one. Business youre in. Youre not in the burger business. Youre in the real estate business. Oh. I heard the producers ask you if you had done any research for that role. Will you tell everybody the research you did to perfect the role. Having been to mcdonalds. Yeah. I went to mcdonalds and tasted everything. Sent me back 10. They need to reimburse me for that. Really incredible to see where it went. You see in the movie it was like a mom and pop burger stand of just exceptional perfectionist quality at this one location and Michael Keatons character had the vision for it and saw where it could go to like every corner in america but the battle, its sort of like hes the world hes a race car driver who is being a backseat driver. Like he knows how to take it there but they dont necessarily want to go there so its a great push and pull of american business. What was it like working with somebody you idolized as a kid . Its really exciting and especially, you know, i have a lot of big monologue moments in the movie so Michael Keaton is just sitting across from me going like you know, which is sort of the famous Michael Keaton face so thats a very fun thing to be right up close with an icon like that of your life. Great . We got to thank you. You gave us a shoutout on twitter ill be on gma talking about the founder but only because bob saget wouldnt book me on wake up san francisco. Take a look. We saw that. Good morning. Its time to wake up, san francisco. Im danny tanner . And im rebecca donaldson. Thats your big competitor, right . Yes. But hes a competitor and a friend, please welcome bob what . Bob. Wake up, b. J. Novak. See there. Im right here. Can you hear me . Can you see me . Yeah, i do. Yo, b. J. , i feel really bad. I would have made the danny tanner move to the producers of wake up, france to promote the founder and you because you know i love you but its now on fuller house its called wake up, usa. I got promoted so ill talk to the dude and get you the gig. Youll come on promote your movie because youre great in t you know i love you like a small child that became a man. Thank you for the bar mitzvah benediction. And thank you for booking me on i did hear that you youre on wake up usa on the new series so i got to congratulate you on that. Thank you. Well be holding a press conference. Im giving gma and you the exclusive. Youll be on. Bob thats a very cool surprise. Ye. As you said youve known this young man since he was at harvard, correct . When he was about 22 years old, b. J. Was at harvard and did a job called the b. J. Show and put me in and honored me for 2 1 2 hours and became a member of the Harvard Lampoon and, b. J. , we did a full house sketch and he played uncle jesse. Because danny tanner was taken. Thats right. Yeah. I play the guy that didnt i was very naive. Anyway, congratulations, b. J. Very rrated sketch. Its not morning show friendly. No. But it was a great time. I got to say. Bob, thank you. It really was and my pleasure. Amazing to see you, bob. Thank you, bob. Love you, b. J. Not the only one with surprises. You got a surprise for me too. That was very cool. Thank you for coming in. Thank you for having me. Nationwide next friday and coming up, lara goes oneonone with martin scorsese. There you go. On gma we have rosie, amy and, what, you brought 80 people. Yes, 81 people to be exact from my high school, Brookwood High School performing arts. I love it. I was a thespian myself, ladies and gents. You want to Say Something go, brookwood. Take it away, beginer. Now time for be a vet for your pet. Our series and were helping you pick the right pet for your family. Dr. Werber has been here all week, a spokesman for our sponsor, iams. This is their question, how do i pick the perfect pet . Picking a pet is all about lifestyles. If you have a lot of time and love to go out and exercise, if youre home a lot think about a big dog. A dog that needs a lot of exercise, a dog that needs a lot of attention. Smaller dogs, maybe a little less so and, of course, if you spent a lot of time out of the house vacation, animals that take care of themself, a cat. I have six of them and that is interinto a cat that read the dog book by mistake. Once you get them home how do you make sure the transition goes well. Preparation is key. Iams knows how important preparation is. You want to choose the right food for that pet. Give them the most energy and vitality. I love that just to house train, the house training is always tough. Absolutely. So, you know with a cat or kitten think about you got to get a good litter box and puffy pads, the essentials. Set yourself up. We want to thank the Humane Society of new york for bringing these wonderful pets with us. They are all up for adoption. So you can take little rosie cooler today snow, sleet, freezing, rain saturday low accumulations; high road impacts cool for mlk holiday; few showers possible 60s return next week today partly cloudy and cooler. Highs 4550 winds n 515 mph tonight mostly so, lara, you said rosie hungtingonwhiteley is for me, right . Of course, its your birthday present. We love you, ginger. Right now we want to talk about oscar winning director martin scorsese, though, a maverick behind the camera and in the way he is inspiring generations of filmmakers and movie fans alike. I had the chance to go oneonone with him as he revealed the secrets to some of his greatest films including his latest, silence. It seems to me that our mission here is more urgent than ever. We must go find father. Reporter his new film silence is the tale of two christian missionaries searching for their lost mentor, a film hes been trying to make for 28 years. I mean for me its the struggle every day between faith and doubt, you know. And this is based on your own i think so. Thats one of the reasons i could not get i couldnt figure out how to do it. I still am but at least this has reporter that struggle for director scorsese was a personal theme. You were supposed to be a priest. I tried for a year and preparatory seminary but i was invited to leave at the end of that year, yes. I was very bad in my studies and behavior. Lucky for us. I realized you have vocation is a real vocation, you have to really know what it is before you get involved with it. Reporter its his other career path, that of prolific filmmaker that made him a household name. A shot that is here. We caught up with him at the museum of moving imagine side the new exhibit dedicated to his iconic career. Im looking around here, 50 years. Oh, my god. Of moviemaking. What do you hope that the folks who get the chance to see this exhibit take away . Well, i dont know, im looking over there and see these little drawings and thats what reporter the director famously sketches many of his own story board, something he started doing it, believe it or not when he was 11 years old. So this movie is called the eternal city. Oh, yeah, its rome. And is there a shot it will ever get finished. I dont know. Its pretty big. These days you cant since ridley scott made gladiator you never know. Do you have a favorite. I dont think i do. I guess the initial explosions sort of speak was mean streets. There aint nothing wrong with me. Im feeling fine. Keep your mouth shut. Great collaborators on that, harvey keitel. That began everything, the one that how many more you got in you. I dont know. I dont know. I was thinking, who knows. Id like to do one more with de niro called the irishman in and maybe al pacino for the first time. Yeah. What is it about Robert De Niro to work with. Were both adolescents together in the lower east side. The roots. Hes the only one. There is a certain reaction to a word or a movement and hell know where it comes from and we just look at each other. You talking to me . Well, im the only one here. I like this shot of you and leo from the wolf of wall street you look like youre praying. Oh, yeah. Yes. Yeah. What were you praying for. To get through this. My name is jordan bellford. The year i turned 26 i made 49 million. What is it about Leonardo Dicaprio . Theres 30 years difference but has a similar sensible. I found it comforting to work with him, you know. Finding someone, the new generation that i feel that comfortable with, well, explore it. Reporter finally lets explore his last name, the correct pronunciation, once and for all. Originally its scorsese. But then they changed 9 name and spelling in 1920. But how do you want people thank you. Im like you dont even know. This has been such a treat. A true treat and silence is in theaters now. Coming up, the singer behind some of your favorite hits, bebe rexha performing live on gma. Tell me all your secrets. Gmas be a vet for your pet is brought to you by iams pet food. Good for lif were here now with bebe rexha. Her platinum hit in the name of love is topping charts everywhere. So many fans are excited for her debut album called all your fault which we can now announce is out february 17th so get ready for that. Plus, she will still be headlining her first tour which is great, as well and now beebe will perform. Here she is with i got you. Bebe rexha. I can see you hurtin ive been through the same thing baby dont you worry i got you i just wanna know you tell me all your secrets lookin like you need it cause i got you, you oh, you i got you i got you cause i got you you oh you i got you i got you we can get high oh nah, nah, nah we can get low oh nah nah nah let me be your friend baby let me in tell you no lies oh, nah nah nah we can get lost oh nah nah nah take it all off oh nah nah nah let me be your friend baby let me in give it to me all oh nah nah nah tell me what youre thinkin always overthinkin i just wanna love you i got you dont have to be so guarded lets finish what we started its all i ever wanted cause i got you oh you i got you i got you we can get high oh nah nah nah we can get low oh nah nah nah let me be your friend baby let me in tell you no lies oh nah nah nah we can get lost oh nah nah nah take it all off oh nah nah nah let me be your friend baby let me in oh nah nah nah cause i got you you oh you i got you i got you id do the time for you tell a lie for you yeah baby thats what id do id walk the line for you take a shot for you yeah baby thats what id do cause i got you its true id die for you id die for you i got you we can get high oh nah nah nah we can get low oh nah nah nah let me be your friend baby let me in tell you no lies oh nah nah nah we can get lost oh nah nah nah take it all off oh nah nah nah let me be your friend baby let me in give it to me all oh nah nah nah cause i got you, you, oh, you i got you, i got you you, oh, you i got you i got you, i got you thank you. Concert series presented by belv Rex Tillerson put exxons interests before americas. Im not here to represent the us governments interest. Instead, tillerson sided with putin. With billions in russian oil deals. He opposed us sanctions on russia. For war crimes forced to pay hundreds of millions for toxic pollution. Putting profits ahead of our kids health. Tell your senators to reject Rex Tillerson. And protect american interests not corporate interests. Z231xz zi0z y231xy yi0y we got to thank bebe rexha for oh, yeah. A quick note. Americas funniest home videos is celebrating its 600th episode on abc. And gingers birthday. Yay. Happy birthday, ging. Anchor good morning, washington. Im melanie hastings. Here is a check of your stop stories. Police are searching for whoever is responsible for a shooting in southeast. Sent a man to the it happened in the 1600 block around 12 30. Victim taken to the hospital with what officials are calling not life threatening injuries. And right now, the fbi is investigating the handling of Hillary Clinton emails. Inspector general is working to determine with james compy broke Department Policy announcing the brewer was reopening her private email server case just days before the election. It wont change the outcome but may provide insight about whether the investigation effected the outcome of the election. Wintery weather is on the way for the weekend. Here is veronica johnson. Reporter were not going to hit 70 but well boo doing okay. Around 50 for a high, back to the coat. Watching the roads for tomorrow. Were expecting a combination of freezing rain, a little bit of snow, even some sleet and rain, and much better day for sunday. Because of the freezing rain there could be a tenth of an inch, maybe more, areas along advisory through saturday. For our roads, spotty issues, the high. 32. Reporter the movie Hidden Figures chronicles the lives of 3 African American women who provided nasa with essential data needed to launch the programs First Successful space mission. Coming up during the next hour of good morning washington on news channel 8, a man who worked on that film is in studio to tell us how it all came together. You dont want to miss that you can get the rate, news, traffic and weather updates any time on news channel 8. Hope you have a terrific day announcer its live with kelly , Academy Awardwinning actor denzel washington. And from the tv series sneaky pete, margo martindale. Post film, tv and broadway star Neil Patrick Harris joins kelly at the cohost desk. All next on live. [cheering and applauding] announcer and now, here are kelly ripa and Neil Patrick Harris [cheering and applauding] [cheering and applauding]

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