Attack speaking out. The first thing you notice is the fear in her eyes. The Terror Threat at home. The focus now on both president ial candidates. We cannot continue to allow thousands upon thousands of people to pour into our country. As the world unites in solidarity with orlando, tributes pouring in around the globe. Announcer live in times square and orlando, florida, this is a special edition of Good Morning America. And good morning, america. We have all the latest often the fallout from that Orlando Attack this morning. The world standing in solidarity with those victims and youre looking live at the growing memorial in orlando remembering those lost in the massacre. Amy is there right now. Good morning, amy. Thats right, george. Good morning to you and we are learning so much more now about the 49 victims who have now all been identified and theyre from all walks of life ranking from age from 18 to 50. Brother, sisters and friends and, yes, i am speaking with that survivor who hid in a crowded bathroom stall. He was shot, the gunman came in. He is revealing what got him through those incredibly terrifying moments. But first abcs gio benitez is starting us off this morning with new details about the attack. Good morning, gio. Reporter amy, good morning to you. From new york to california to hawaii, hundreds of thousands are gathering at these vigils across the country. 10,000 at the one here in orlando overnight. All to remember the victims. 21yearold cory connell dreamed of being a firefighter. Tevin crosby owned a Marketing Firm and cara murray was a recent high school graduate. Three of those 49 killed in the sunday morning massacre. As we learn more details about the those terrifying hours inside pulse nightclub. At 2 00 a. M. Offduty Police Officer adam gruley shots fired. A gun battle immediately ensues. Additional officers arriving on the scene forcing omar mateen to retreat to a bathroom where it is believed he takes four to five hostages. As many as 20 more people huddled in another bathroom. At 2 30 a. M. Mateen calls 911 hang up twice before a dispatcher calls him back. He then pledges his allegiance to isis. After nearly three hours of failed negotiations, Police Report omar mateen threatens to put bomb vests on hostages. The s. W. A. T. Team moving in setting up an explosive breach on the wall of the bathroom where a large group was gathered theed. When the explosion set off by police did not fully penetrate the wall an Armored Vehicle was used to punch a hole in the wall. We were able to rescue dozens and dozens of people that came out of that hole. The suspect came out of that hole himself armed with a handgun and a long gun. Reporter engaging in nover gunfight officer Michael Napolitano saved b sharing this image overnight of his injury. When it was over, mateen dead inside along with a Staggering Number of victims. This photo of Jeff Rodriguez taken just 30 minutes before the attack unfolded. As the horrific scene took place jeff who miraculously survived texted his brother who recounted the exchange. Ive been shot at a club. Im dying. I love you. Dead bodies on top of me. Tell everyone i love them. Reporter and back here live in orlando, i can tell you that all 49 families have now learned the fate of their loved one. 34 other victims are till in the hospital right now recovering. So many sad story, so many stories of bravery, beblawi, thank you very much. And, george, well send it back to you. More on the investigation now, amy. Officials learning much more about the gunman and his motivations as they scour his rampage. Brian ross here with the latest. Good morning, brian. Reporter good morning. Some surprising developments this morning as the fbi delves foo his background. Hes been a regular at gay club for years witnesses say at the same time federal authorities are capitalizing on two major break, the full exploitation of omar mateens cell phone and the cooperation of a key witness, him. Fbi agents also tore apart mateens apartment in ft. Pierce, florida and after they left we got a first look at how he lived. [ speaking a Foreign Language ] provided to abc news by a univision tv crew. With the reporter describing the messy aftermath of the fbis raid. [ speaking a Foreign Language ] otherwise, a portrait of a normal life. Family photos on the dining table and walls. On the kitchen counter an expired florida firearms license and the room of the killers 3yearold son filled with toys and a bike with a spiderman helmet. No sign of the devotion to isis mateen professed during his attack on the gay nightclub and now fbi agents are hearing accounts that mateen himself has been frequented gay clubs in florida for years and using gay dating apps to make contact with men including kevin west, who talked with abc station ktrk. When he first contacted me he was saying, like asking clubs are popping and things of that sort and what good places are to go. Reporter employees and patrons at the pulse club in orlando told abc news overnight they recognized mateen as a regular there. The shooter used to come into the bar on a regular basis. Sometimes he would be there for a few weeks at a time. Maybe on the weekends. Reporter one florida man told us that mateen was a regular at gay clubs going back at least ten years when he was at a Police Training academy in florida. George. My goodness. Okay, brian, thanks very much. Back to amy in orlando and there is another terror attack overseas. Thats right, george. A developing story there, two Police Officers, a husband and a wife, stabbed to death in france by a man isis claims is their fighter and abcs Alex Marquardt is in paris now with the latest details for us, good morning to you, alex. Reporter good morning, amy. Thats right, french officials are calling this a despicable act of terrorism. This attack took place around s. W. A. T. Teams quickly responded killing t attacker. Weve just learned that two more people have been taken into custody. This couple lived around 35 miles outside farce. The many husband was a local commander, the wife an assistant. The only person to survive the attack was their 3yearold son. Now, the profile thats emerging of the attacker one weve gotten to know well after all these attacks in europe. He was a 25yearold frenchman. He was known to police when he was younger for things like violence and theft and then he was radicalized and three years ago in 2013 he was sentenced to three years in prison alongside six others for conspiracy to prepare acts of terrorism for recruiting fighters for jihad in pakistan. And just like after the attack in orlando, isis put out a statement claiming that the attacker was a soldier of the islamic state. It appears he was responding to calls, a specific call before the holy month of ramadan for isis supporters to carry out attacks around the world. George. Okay, alex, thanks very much. More on this from the Homeland Security secretary jeh johnson. Mr. Secretary, thank you for joining us. George, thanks for having me. We hear another attack in paris. The french president saying there is a largescale threat there now especially during this month of ramadan. Do we have any Credible Threats of more attacks to come here in the United States . George, not at this stage. The president s number one priority as is mine is the protection of the homeland, protection of the American People as you know, were doing a number of things to do that both military think through aggressive Law Enforcement and Homeland Security and were going to continue and were going to keep at this in this environment of homegrown violent extremism and thats what orlando is looking more and more like. There is a role for the public to play. There is a role for us to play in building bridges with american muslim communities. Thats what weve been doing and keep doing and encourage the public to be vigilant and aware. You say this is like homegrown extremism. Any new signs he was directed by isis or had help . At this point, no. Theres no indication at this point that it was terrorist directed as we say in washington, this appears to be ye another tragic terrorist inspired attack and it reflects the environment were in right now. Accomplices . At this point we know of no accomplices but the investigation continues. Its barely 48 hours after the attack. Talking about this new threat environment. How do we deal with this, San Bernardino, to some he cextent, boston as well as orlando, individuals inspired by isis aislology in some fashion. The special twist here, though, is that this person was clearly on the radar screen, two different fbi investigations, three different interview, being watched for more than 11 months but still able to buy a gun. How do you explain that. Good question. Were taking the fight to isil militarily in places where they recruit, where they train, where they direct, weve made Good Progress in taking out some of the leaders in taking out those focused on external attacks. There is obviously the Law Enforcement role but were in an environment now of selfradicalization, its almost always the case that when someone selfradicalizes someone closes to them sees the sign which is why we continue to encourage public awareness, public vigilance. This shooter was under investigation in 2013 as jim comey said yesterday, he was interviewed several times. At that point the fbi had nothing further to continue its investigation with. Yet he was on a watch list. Should that information have gone to various gun shops when someone goes in to buy a gun can. When someone is on a watch list, when someone is under investigation, there are a number of us in federal government, in Law Enforcement, in the intelligence community, in Homeland Security who know about that, who are investigations eventually do close when theres nothing further to investigate because the matter has been thoroughly investigated. We continually evaluate our Security Posture and whether we should be doing something differently and well continue to do. Finally this has been intercorrected in the debate. Donald trump seeming to question the president s sympathies and commitment to fighting al qaeda and also saying its time to double down on this idea of banning immigration of muslims and he wants to expand it to banning immigration for a time from any country with a proven history of terrorism against the u. S. Your response. Number one, i know from working with him for seven years the president s number one priority is the protection of the American People, protection of the homeland. I know that from my Defense Department experience and now nye Homeland Security experience. I wont comment on what the candidates say running for president. I will say that overly simplistic ban people from entering this country based on religion or ban people from an entire region of the world is counterproductive. It will not work and we need to build bridges to communities, to americanmuslim communities now to encourage them to help us in our Homeland Security efforts. Secretary johnson, thanks for your time this morning . Thank you. Amy. Well, george, more now on the political response. The orlando terror attack looming large, of course, over the president ial race both donald trump and Hillary Clinton speaking out about the massacre clashing with their responses and Abcs Cecilia Vega has the very latest from pittsburgh. Good morning, cecilia. Reporter amy, good morning to you. Two candidates, two very different messages about terrorism, about muslims in this country, even about who is best for the Gay Community. The one thing that is clear, what happened in orlando now looms front and center over this race for the white house. This morning, donald trump not just doubling down on his controversial muslim ban, he now from any country with a history of terrorism should not be allowed into the u. S. We cannot continue to allow thousands upon thousands of people to pour into our country, many of whom have the same thought process as this savage killer. Reporter and in the wake of the orlando massacre, trump says hes the best candidate for the Gay Community. Hillary clinton can never claim to be a friend of the Gay Community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring islamic extremists to our country. Reporter overnight trump going even further. They want to make women slave, okay. And yet shes fine with, you know, the women say, oh isnt she wonderful . Shes not wonderful for women. Reporter in what was billed as a major terrorism speech surrounded by teleprompter but veering off script with this misleading statement. The killer whose name i will not use or ever say was born in afghan of afghan parents who immigrated to the United States. Reporter in the battleground state of ohio inflammatory antimuslim rhetoric hurts the vast majority of muslims who love freedom and hate terror. Reporter Hillary Clintons call for tougher gun laws drawing a standing ovation. I believe weapons of war have no place on our streets. And [ cheers ] reporter trumps latest target, the Washington Post revoking their press credentials calling it phony and dishonest. The post editor firing back saying the post will continue to cover donald trump as it has all along, honorably, honestly, accurately, energetically and unflinchingly. And Hillary Clinton and president obama were supposed to hit the campaign trail together for the first time tomorrow. Thats following his big endorsement of her. That trip has since been postponed and we now know we understand that he will be meeting with the victims families. Thanks very much. Lets bring in y2k for more. Jon, were seeing on the campaign trail two quite different approaches to this threat. Reporter the contrast couldnt be starker, george. You have Hillary Clinton who is talking in terms of empathy and unity, resolve. And donald trump who is channeling the anger and fear of the American People following an attack like this. This is a tactic that, worked well for donald trump for the primaries. That muslim ban was one of his most popular opinions popular stances in state after state even though he was roundly attacked by republicans. Now he is again trying to channel that anger and fear, a very different approach than what were hearing from Hillary Clinton or from the president. Offering voters a big choice. Jon karl, thanks very much. Here with lara and michael. We saw that vigil in orlando. Tributes pouring in from around the world. All around the world and all around this country. There are outpouring of love and support for the victims in or nba final game five in oakland, there was a moment of silence. Yeah, the American Flag unfurled as former player grant hill who played for orlando, he lives in the city, he led the ceremony taking a moment to recognize and honorhe 49 People Killed and 53 wounded in sundays attack, george. That was a moving right there. We want to bring in robin in china and, robin, youre there in part to cover the opening of disneys newest resort and the whole disney family so connected to orlando. Reporter really is, george. We landed in shanghai on sunday. We turned on our phones devastated to learn, of course, about the tragic shooting back home in orlando. People recognize that we are americans, they convey their condolences, they were all coming up to us. Yesterday i spent some time with dwiz chairman and ceo bob igor. He received a call in the middle of the night about the shooting. He expressed his concern for the victims, everyone in orlando including the more than he said as much as disney is in the business of creating fun and enabling people to escape elements of their daily life we are reminded that the world is, up deed, real and at times very dangerous and that is something that is not lost on any of us here, george. I am sure of that, robin. Thanks so much. Well have much more from you but right now to ginger. Dangerous weather again today. Tornadoes, more than 83 severe storm reports, hermosa, south dakota, some of the damage there and, of course, this tornado nocturnal north of amarillo, texas, today the threat slides to the east. You can see along the warm front, des moines, youre in the heart of it. Lets get to the tuesday trivia. Today. Highs in the low 80s. A stalled frontal boundary to our south will be the path for a few disturbances to track along. The first could bring a small chance of a stray tshower during the day tomorrow. Otherwise expect partly sunny skies with more humid conditions and highs in the low to mid 80s. A second stronger disturbance will track along the front to our and coming up amy speaks with the survivor of that orlando massacre shot multiple times. Reveals how he hid in the bathroom when the gunman came in and finally escaped to safety and an abc news exclusive. The family of this woman seen in that chilling and sad snapchat video inside the club they are speaking out. When they thought they should westart saving for retirement. Le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. When my doctor prescribedbad, medicationan opioid. 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Higher across the city. Clouds and sunshine mixed, high in the lower 80s. Another wonderful day because humidity remains in check making a comfortable feel throughout the afternoon. Next couple days, more unsettle. We see some improvement by the weekend but there could be a few showers in between. Well keep an eye on it, especially thursday and friday. Anchor on the roads, heavy traffic headed into the district. Earlier crash on the southeast southwest freeway, eastbound, third street tunnel. Cleared out but were looking at delays both directions on the Southeast Capital beltway, minor slowing know youre budgeted for the expected, and the unexpected. Know that at least the process of buying e clear and simple. Know your investments can make retirement closer than you think know. The one word behind all the guidance we provide, tools we create, d services we offer. Because when you have insight, you know. Anchor good morning. Top stories now. Were getting an exclusive look inside the cond oh of Orlando Night Club shooter omar mateen. A tv crew was able to get inside. You can see family photos, exercise equipment, art and childrens toys. We dont know what possible items investigators may have taken from the home. The mass shooting also taking center stage in the world of politics as gun control returns to the spotlight on capitol hill. Senate democrats say they will trito force a vote this week on making it harder for suspected terrorists to buy guns. Well have much more on this debate with one of the largest gun lobbying groups in a live interview, starts right now on news channel 8. Where you can get the latest news traffic and weather u all day long on good morning washington. Hope you have a great nivea inshower body lotion. First i wash. Next, i apply it to my wet skin and rinse. I get 24 hour moisture, with no sticky feel. Then, im ready to go. Nivea inshower body lotion. In the body lotion aisle. 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A lot of questions out there this morning. Also this morning so many incredible and touching tributes for those victims. All over the world. Thousands showing their support. And part of that, this is on the streets of london, the london gay mens chorus singing bridge overed troubled water quote. Bridge over troubled water i will bring me down well have much more coming up later on in the show. Thats right. First amy is down in orlando with that interview with one of the survivors. Good morning, amy. Its incredible, george and everyone, good morning, Norman Casiano was shot inside the nightclub hiding with others inside a cowed bathroom stall when the gunman walked in and started shooting. Norman was just discharged from the hospital on monday and spoke with us moments ago. I see you still have your yes. Wristband on. How are you feeling . Im just im still gathering everything just trying to make sense of everything. Physically its a lot. Theres pain but emotionally emotionally its a whole other level. Take us back to that night. You were about to call uber. You were about to leave the bar when the shots rang out and you managed to get to a bathroom. Yes. Tell me what happened next. Once i heard the first two shots i knew it wasnt music and i to the floor as i could and crawled my way to the bathroom and went into the biggest stall they had and once i got in there there was already about 20 people hiding and just lined up against the walls with me there came like another group of like 10 or 15 more so in total there were like 30 or more of us in there. Then you heard you were listening to the shots but then you started hearing them get closer and louder. Yes, at that point it became extra real. It became really real at that point everyone just was ducking and closing their eyes and just i heard a lot of people praying. I myself was praying just saying that this cant be my last moments here like this cant be whats going to happen right now. Its just its still very surreal. I cannot even imagine and then the gunman came into the bathroom. Actually a victim made his way into the bathroom first. Away and he had gotten hit already. So he was following that person into the bathroom. Yes. We didnt really put two and two together right away but the person was so injured he automatically fell to the floor and i was one of the closest people to the front where you could see the space he was laying underneath. We were trying to get him to be able to come into the stall but there were so many people that there was no way oh, my god. Of being able to get him in. I was just consoling him and, you know, telling him just make sure you like breathe and be quiet so that he doesnt hear us or, you know, so nothing worse happens and i just told him to look me in the eye and just relax and i ill remember this forever. He justing looked me in the eye and he was just like i dont want to die. At that moment the shooter came in and had fired another at that moment he fired another shot at the gentleman who was on the floor. And killed him. Yes. Actually witnessed his last few moments. At that moment he then rang fire on the stall just without knowing where he was shooting. He just shot at the stall. I was near the front and once i heard the him cocking the gun i turned there was no space. Everyone was piling up on top of each other trying to get as far away as possible and when he rang the first shots, thats when i got hit on my left i mean right side and i automatically knew like this was it was real. He had like a good three, ten seconds in between that and at that moment i pulled out my phone and started calling my parents. My phone was dying because i wasnt expected to be there that long so my father was able to pick up and the only thing i was able to put out with the last few seconds of my phone was mom, you know, i love you guys and then the phone hung up so i got even more distracted because im like this is real. This is really happening. We started screaming and yelling at him like please dont do this. We havent seen your face. We dont who you are. We havent even heard your voice yet like just please dont do this and i dont know if that made him want to do it more. He grabbed the gun and shot over the top of the stall. Oh, my god. Thats when i got hit on this side. And you said he didnt speak but he was laughing. He laughed once when he shot the gentleman in the front. Which its something im never ever going to be able to like remove from its imprinted forever like its just very intense how someone could be doing what hes doing and laugh at the same time. And as hes ringing fire i got got severely hit. One of the girls who i was actually having a good time with that night was right next to me and as i turned to like close my eyes, its happening, you dont have anywhere to go, i turned back to make sure, you know, im just looking around to see what happened and she was already unresponsive. Oh, i literally cant imagine living through that and then youre shot. How did you get out of that bathroom stall . I honestly dont even know where the courage and the strength came from because i was by the time i was thinking of leaving i was already shot on this side. When he shot on this side the second time everyone just immediately got quiet and like i like fell to the floor because at that moment thats when your body realizes youve been shot twice and i guess he thought that whoever was in there he had already taken care that point he left and i could hear the shots getting further and further away, i guess just hearing my parents voice and just thinking like theres more, theres no way this is going to be where my life ends and the door wouldnt open so i had to which is so impacting in my head. I had to then step on someones body and the last image is my foot print bloodied on their pants to then get on the sink and i had to pull myself up over the stall while i had like a space this big so i just pushed myself and i literally just landed on the floor and then i heard more gunshots so i scooted over and hid under the sink and once i saw flashlights i knew that the police was here and hopefully we were going to be okay at that point i still yelled and was like, lets get out. Lets get out. Everyone is being quiet or saying shh hment. I poke my h so the police didnt know what was going on or anything and they fired. I then pulled back. Oh, my goodness and started screaming. I guess i started going that a little bit of shock. Right, right. I started screaming and yelling im a victim, im a victim and they shined the flashlight. Theyre just if youre a vic, show us your hands and run out as fast as possible. Thats what i did. What an unbelievable story. Thank you for sharing it with us. Of course. Its an important thing for us to all hear and we are so glad, so glad that you are able to tell your mom and dad you loved them. Yes, yes. Thank you for being with us. Thank you. What an incredible story and i i have to say norman got over to the interview using a walker. He is still physically so weak but you can see there his spirit is so strong and he knows he needs to get some mental help after this, after living through some so horrific and we certainly hope that all the people in that nightclub who made it out get the help they need after living through something thats boy, they really are going to need it. As you said its just impossible for someone who hasnt been through it to imagine what that must have been like. He said that imprint, that memory will probably never go away. Thanks, amy. Well go on now to michael. All right, thank you, george. Up next, our big board, more lifesaving advice coming from that orlando tragedy. 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Just fifteen minutes and a little imagination are all you need to make summer magic. Chex party mix. Its what summer is made of. Time now for our big board. Our team of insiders ready to weigh in on todays story. Dan is right here with us to chat in just a moment but we do want to talk again about orlando. No one ever expects to be in a mass shooting but the reality of the orlando massacre shows us it can happen anywhere at any time. John matthews, a 30year Law Enforcement veteran author of mat shootings six at thes surviv survival is here with what to do if youre there. What do we do . Well, the first thing you want to do is exit. Get as far from the shooter as you possibly can. You may not have to go out the entrance that you came in. Look for anyway to get out, a side door, a back door, a loading door. Maybe go through a kitchen. We heard several witnesses said that they got out and put distance between themselves and the shooter and resist that urge to go back in. I know you want to help your friends but you dont want to be a victim. Once you if you cant exit then the next best thing to do is to find cover. Cover is anything that will protect you from bullets. We heard a bartender say i grabbed ten people and we dove behind the bar. The bar actually deflected the bullets and saved lives. So jump behind a copier, a soda machine, anything that will stop or deflect those bullets. If you cant exit and you cant find cover, the next best thing to do is conceal yourself. Get behind a that will hide you from the shooters sight. We heard some victims say they actually pulled bodies over themselves and concealed themselves from the shooter. If you can get out of that shooters line of sight then your chances of surviving the incident go up dramatically. I tell you what, i have one other quick question for you. What about engaging the shooter if you feel like you have a chance to engage them . Should you do that and should you try to stop them . Our Research Says no, only as a last resort should you engage the shooter. Almost all the time that an unarmed citizen engages a shooter they end up being a vic. Only during the following circumstances when you have three or more people. When the shooter is engaged in a nonshooting activity and you can attack him simultaneously do you have any chance to survive. You know what, john, thank you for your advice, hopefully its advice none of us will ever need but thank you so much, john. Now to one of the Biggest Bands of all time led zeppelin in stole the open for stairway to heaven from a song by another band and dan abrams is here. Our chief legal analyst joining us now and, dan, first lets listen to the songs. Heres stairway to heaven by led zeppelin. We all recognize that melody. Now lets listen to the 1960 song taurus by a group called spirit. Sounds very familiar, dan. We just had ed sheeran get sued for 20 million as and had the blurred lines case. Do you think there is a case here. These cases are toughment a lot of this has been thrown out. We want artists to build on the work of others but we dont want them to rip them off. The two fundamental question, is well, it sounds that way. To my ear. But, remember, the question isnt just sounds, its more important actually in a case like this the musical composition. And number two, and probably the most contested question in this case is access. Meaning the spirit team effectively says, look, we were touring with them. They were sitting in the front row. We were talking to them about our music yet jimmy page who wrote stairway to heaven says i never heard that song when i wrote it so important question there. And the song came out in 1968 so a few years later that led zeppelins song came out. Still a long time ago. Yes, absolutely. They just issued a remastered version in 2014 and so thats now considered a new work and so theyre within the statute of limitations at this point. Well, its in the hands of the court right now. Well see how that goes. Whats on the court now is the nba finals. Cavaliers down 32 on their way to ray comeback or trying to make a comeback. Threetime nba champ and analyst bruce bowen joins us with what to expect thursday night and no team has ever made a comeback from 31 in the finals. Cavaliers inching closer. What do they have to do to pull off a miracle . Well, first of all, you got to keep that same attack mentality you have from lebron james and kyrie irving. For them to go for 82 points between the two of them, that was incredible. 41 and 41, they play like their back was against the wall and thats what you want. Michael, you know as a competitor when you go on the road you got to be focused. They shot 53 from the field. Golden state, 36 . You are at home. You got to do a better job. All right, so i have some stats here. This did not come from me just watching the game. Lebron james, 41 point, 16 rebounds, if Draymond Green was not spuspended do you think lebron would have had such a big game. Would of, could of, should have. They did what they had to do. You cant worry about whos not there. Its about who is on the court and whos making an impact. Lebron james and kyrie irving made the necessary impact. Now you look at the leagues mvp and steph curry. What are you going to do, 8 for 21 at home. I think hell be focused going into the next game and youll sigh a different steph curry and the Golden State Warriors with Draymond Green back on the floor. Ruhroh. Who you got, cavs . No, i said the cavs early on but now im starting to think we will all find out. We thank you, dan, bruce and we thank you, john. And we will be right back in two minutes. The outpouring of love and support for the orlando victims goes around the globe and well ha zaphor you on Good Morning America. Nothing will keep you from magnum double caramel. Silky vanilla bean ice cream rich caramel sauce all covered in thick chocolate. Discover magnum, double dipped for Double Chocolate pleasure. We promise you the perfect match. Frenchs mustard is 100 natural, and our ketchup has no high fructose corn syrup. We promise. Real ingredients. Whatcha gonna do when you get outta here . Im gonna have some fun what do you consider fun . Fun, natural fun yeah, we rocking right now. Theres a party over here. Hey, im in heaven. And now to the tributes pouring in from around the globe honoring the victims orlando massacre. So many coming together to make a stand against the terror that took so many lives. I would like to start tonight by dedicating this entire show to everybody in orlando. Tonight i will not allow my anger and outrage over this attack to overshadow our need to honor those who are grieving. We remember the 49 lives lost and so much more coming from orlando when we come back. Stay with us. 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Uhh, this ones only a mile away. Oooo, and its innetwork. This is our best idea yet. Steve steve steve so close. Its not always easy to control your enthusiasm. But with unitedhealthcare its easy to find quick care options and compare costs. Thats my husband. Let me try this. Second times a charm. Oh there goes mine. Unitedhealthcare back here on gma we want to go straight to this video, a successful water rescue. I45 covered in water and not just there but they had issues with flash flooding and hail in colorado. I wanted to show you these images coming straight from there. The record heat here building as we go into the weekend. Look at phoenix, close to Good Morning America is brought to you by neutrogena hydro boost. Instantly quench your skin. Good tuesday morning. Another nice day on the way. Here is brian van de graaf very good morning, temperatures, 60s to low 70s. Fairly comfortable start. Clouds to get the numbers up higher across the city. Clouds and sunshine mixed, high in the lower 80s. Another wonderful day because humidity remains in check making a comfortable feel throughout the afternoon. Next couple days, more unsettle. We see some improvement by the weekend but there could be a few showers in between. Well keep an eye on it, especially thursday and friday. Anchor on the roads, heavy crowded and congested. Stalled car, Montgomery Village avenue. Open roadways but major delays. On this stretch of the beltw crash after 355, but the heavier delays are here on the outer loop headed in toward silver spring. A quick check on interstate 66, not too bad. Off and on slowing, about 50 minutes from gainsville to the beltway. Inside the beltway, taking some time to get to the tunnel. Back tie. Anchor thank you. The intense investigation into the orlando shooter continues, a performer at the pin says omar mateen was a regular at the gay club. His wife says he may have scouted Disney Properties as possible targets for attacks. All 49 people shot and killed have publicly been identified. President obama will travel to orlando thursday to pay his respects to the victims. Here at home, ax 7 brought a banner Dupont Circle for people to sign with their condolences and thoughts for orlando. We will send your words of support to the center in orlando. Thats an organization that works to promoted a the lonn lgbt community. You can get more news, weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. Hope you have a good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. And terror in orlando. Chilling new detays about the gunman and his deadly ram page. His wife is now talking to the fbi as the family of the victim shot this dramatic video of the Orlando Attacks speaks out. The first thing you notice is the fear in her eyes. An emotional abc news exclusive. Also this morning, oneonone with Ellen Degeneres. Opening up about some of the toughest digs of her life. Whats equally as important is my career is living my life without shame. What shes revealing about life with portia. Having kids and her meaningful new role. Im on top of the world. Get ready for this. Robin taking you on the adventure of a lifetime. Welcome to shanghai or should i say niihau. Million people and they are about to have the spectacular brandnew Shanghai Disney resort at their doorstep. This is a moment thats been 17 years in the making. Its the first ever Disney Resort in mainland china. Time to get the chains out. Vivica a. Fox is in one of the summers biggest blockbusters here live in times square as we say good morning, america. And good morning, america. Hello to vivica a. Fox here helping the u. S. Army celebrate its 241th birthday. Its flag day as well. A lot to get to this morning. And we also have the latest from orlando this morning, new details coming in hearing from the victims and their families, a lot the world is remembering the victims as we showed you earlier. So many moving tributes. Youre looking at stonewall here in new york city, the big gathering there last night. And also emotional abc news exclusive ahead. The woman seen in this video, she was snapchating inside the nightclub the moment the gunfire erupted. There you heard it. It was the last time she was seen alive. Her family now sharing her story. Thats just so heartbreaking. So many heartbreaking stories down there and of course, a lot more on the investigation as well. Amys in orlando with that. Thats right, good morning, guys. This morning a little bit later we will be hearing from even more survivors of the attack in a hospital news conference. The Orlando Regional Medical Center said many hospitalized with gunshot wounds are now improving. Some good news finally here in the city as we learn more about the victims, we are also learning more about the shooter, witnesses telling the fbi he was a regular at gay bars in florida for years and used gay dating federal authorities now analyzing omar mateens cell phone and a key witness, his wife is now cooperating saying mateen may have scouted alternate locations for his attack including Disney Properties here in orlando and this morning Homeland Security secretary jeh johnson told george there are no indications that mateen had any accomplices. Meantime, here in orlando last night, a spectacular showing, an estimated 10,000 people attended a vigil for the victims of the attack and this was just one of so many across the country and around the world and we have much more from orlando coming up in just a bit but first lets go back to new york and paula faris for the mornings other top headlines. Amy, powerful reporting from you all morning. Thank you. We begin with isis claiming responsibility for a deadly attack in paris in france, rather, two Police Officers, a husband and wife, have been stabbed at their home. The attacker who claimed allegiance to isis and shot video during the stabbing was killed by police had they stormed the house and rescued police later detained two people with alleged ties to the attacker. They say the attacker recently served prison time for recruiting fighters for jihad in pakistan. Today the president of france said his nation faces a Terror Threat on a, quote, very large scale with more than 100 arrests in just the past month. We do have new clues this morning in the egyptair flight 804 crash that departed paris last month. It veered off course before plugging into the Mediterranean Sea investigators now say and that new information suggests that a sudden inflight explosion was not to blame for this crash which killed all 66 people on board. However, they have not ruled out whether a mechanical fire or technical malfunction brought down the plane. For so many of you frustrated with long airport lines, more help is on the way. Congress has approved 28 million to allow the tsa to turn nearly 3,000 parttime officers into fulltime employees. The hiring of 600 additional officers by the end of the summer. Security lines so long in recent weeks some passengers have missed their flights. One man in minnesota even suing the tsa for the cost of his missed flight. To politics now and Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are expected to meet privately later today after voters in washington, d. C. Head to the polls in the final primary of the 2016 campaign. Sanders refused to drop out despite clintons insur mountable lead. Now, he is expected to try to get clinton to fight for some of his policy proposals including a 15 minimum wage as well as tuitionfree public universities. Meantime, donald trump has banned the the Washington Post from covering his Campaign Events revoguing the number newspapers credentials of because of what he calls inaccurate and dishonest coverage. The post says its proud of its coverage and will keep at it. The Trump Campaign credentials of the daily beast and politico. A fixture of Las Vegas Strip is to more after a short fireworks display overnight an implosion brought down the legendary Riviera Hotel and casino. The riv as its known opened back in 1955 and, of course, became famous for its ties to the mob and hosted the likes of sinatra, liberace, dean martin, the implosion makes way for an expanded ven eed convention. It was the backdrop for a couple of very famous las vegas movies. Any idea. Oceans eleven. The original, good job. 12 and 13 too. I didnt want to sorry, george. You created your own explosion when you walked over. I dont know what happened. I promise to never did that again. Pop news time. Yes, thank you, george. We begin with this. A former member of one direction finding it difficult to go it zayn maliks has canceled his performance at the capital fm summertime ball revealing to fans he suffers from anxiety and this bout leading up to the performance in londons womenly stadium which holds 90,000 has been the worst bout of his career. His reported girlfriend gigi hadid has seen it. She said his honesty in telling fans shows just how brave he really is. And for anybody who suffers from anxiety, you know, it can be so crippling so thinking about him. Hope hes okay. Another pop news. New documentary on our girl serena williams. Will debut on june 22nd. The feature length doc will be the most intimate shes ever allowed herself to be on film according to her and in it well see her battling it out on the court against Heather Watson and wise words from the legendary Billie Jean King that follow. I was actually. Mind your footwork. Get into position. Thats what you do so well. Yeah. Your movement is unbelievable. Its all about the footwork. Serena says it was a scary but ultimately really gratifying experience which, quote, shes hoping inspires others to pursue their dreams. Good to see Billie Jean King to help out the next generation and in turn serena could hopefully help me. I hear youre pretty good already. Not so much these days. Not so much. The old backhand not really working but thats another story. Finally in pop news, home buyers have the chance to live in a piece of movie history, the classic colonial from father of the bride is on the market for 23 million. The twostory Los Angeles Home built in the mid1920s sitses on an 18,000 square foot lot and includes an arbor where martin short, the wedding planner got everything for the big day and ba bathrooms. A new Gourmet Kitchen and Basketball Court in the driveway with the original hoop where steve martin shot those memorable scenes with kimberly williamspaisley. That i loved that movie. That too is upgraded with a threecar garage. All for 2 million bucks. Thats a bargain in l. A. All that can be yours, michael strahan. Im stuck in new york. Are you in the market . Im not in the market. You have to stay right here in new york, my friend. Im here. Im not going anywhere. Yeah you are. Im going to the morning menu. Heres whats coming up on the gma morning menu. Robin is in shanghai counting down to the big moment the spectacular opening of Shanghai Disney resort. Thats right, michael here for the grand opening with new friends and mickey and minnie being well received. The park. The lion king is premiering in the theater behind us at the mandarin translated in mandarin for the first time. Check this out, gma and Shanghai Disney are getting welcomed there in style. This was downtown and i got a sneak peek inside the park. It is truly incredible. You can feel the excitement in the air. Mickey and minnie, i could just keep going on and on and cant wait to share that vibe with you but right now back to you in new york and, michael, give vivica a big hug from all of us. I will definitely give vivica a big hug for us. She is here to talk about her new movie, Independence Day and also will help us celebrate the armys 241st birthday and our nations heroes. All that coming up live right here on gma. Music pretty woman with roy orbison. Even if youre just staying in. Walgreens has all the Beauty Products you need for whatever makes you feel beautiful. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Now buy two select skin care products, get the third free. In stores and online. Its a taste so bold, yet so smooth, it could only be called, black silk, from folgers. A taste you could enjoy, fresh brewed, or one cup at a time. Black silk, from folgers. The possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. 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Let it be let it be let it be let it be vigil in orlando as were learning a lot more about the shooting and the victims, families of the victims speaking out right now including the brother of the woman seen at pulse nightclub. You see her there in that snapchat video. Amy, you dot to seek with the brother . Thats right, Amanda Alvear was snapchating and thats the last time she was seen alive. Her brother brian is sharing her story. These are the chilling final moments before 5yearo25year Amanda Alvear would lose her while snapchating this video she captured the terrifying first moments of the gunfire. You hear the gunshots. Yeah and then as a brother like the first thing you notice is the fear in her eyes like, wait, its like you could tell shes like, is this the song . Immediate fear in her starts to run and you want to be there and you cant. Reporter amandas brother brian speaking exclusively to abc news sharing details about her sister. We know she was shot and died at the club. We dont know anything else. She lost 200 pounds and was working her butt off and i was so proud of her and she would just take shes proud of how she looked. Taking selfie, always snapchating, always on instagram. And the fact that she was instagraming the exact moment when the shots started it was kind of i mean it was surreal and then as a brother like the first thing you notice is the fear in her eyes. Brian says alve caring woman. She was go out of her way or anyone and everyone. Thats why she had so many friends. It wasnt like im going out tonight. Me and 0 people are going out tonight and yves always the alpha. She was always in charge. She was strong, independent, stubborn. I firmly believe that if anyone could get shot and be too stubborn to die it was my sister. Unbelievably heartbreaking. I know, amanda, you said, she was a special person. She was studying to be a nurse. She just wanted to help people and a lot of that stems from her experience growing up being in hospitals because my brother, the middle wild, im the oldest, nelson, he died of cancer when he was 11. So this is the second child my parents have lost. So your parents have suffered extreme loss already. More than most unfortunately because theyre good people. What has the world lost by not having amanda in it. I mean someone that everybody. Which is rare. Because the person that did it was the exact opposite. There are too many people that are that spread hate and not enough accepting of everyone. My sister wasnt gay and she was there and just started to come together with love for everybody. Brian told me that he and amandas mom is obviously are obviously devastated but his mothers heart also goes out to the shooters family because they lost a son just as she lost a daughter speaking to just how incredible the alvear family is and well be right back. Its me . 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Thats charmin ultra strong, remidude. Cleans so well. It keeps your underwear cleaner. secretly so clean. You could wear them a second day. Tell me i did not just hear that sheepishly i said you could. Not that you would . Charmin ultra strong with its washclothlike texture, helps clean better than the leading flattextured bargain brand. Its 4 times stronger, and you can use up to 4 times less it cleans better. to different boy you should try it, skidz. We all go. Why not enjoy the go with charmin . Coming soon from progressive, its savin u, the new hit single from the dizzcounts. Cash money the Biggest Discount and understand. The dizzcounts. Safe driver, paperless, paidinfull, multicar and joey fatone. Savin you five hundred im savin you five hundred we have autotune, right . Oh, yeah. Thats a hit all yeah back now with Ellen Degeneres opening up about finding cory and herself in an interview with abcs juju chang and sat down before the events in orlando. Take a look. My family, theyre out there somewhere. Reporter 13 years later blue tang cory once again making a splash. Her effervescence brought to life by the unparalleled talents of Ellen Degeneres. Oh, my goodness, nemo, are you okay. You have to give that fish complete Human Emotions and when you cry, i cried. I had to cry. I felt the sadness and the loss and the abandonment and all the feelings and so im, you know, im a comedian but im an extremely sensitive person, you know, i have lots of sadness in me and i think a lot of comedians do because theres a lot to you draw on. Reporter the famed comedian says she drew from her reallife heartaches. In a way shes lost and shes looking to find her way and so im wondering if youve ever felt lost and in need of typing a way. My loss was my earlier part of life and i didnt realize i was lost until i started really doing some soul searching and, you know, reading the right books and going to therapy and then i looked back and i go, oh, boy, i didnt have anybody to help guide me and i was lost and i just found my way on my own. Reporter part of owning her truth was speaking her truth. Coming out publicly as a gay woman in the 90s. When youre gay and youre successful in this your whole team says, dont rock the boat. Just keep it down and i just thought, you know, whats equally as important is my career is living my life without shame. The fear is that you lose your career and it turned out i did for awhile. And yet like dory, you persevered. Just like dory he will london is all about family swimming through life with wife portia derossi. You talked about not having your own kids. Like she confuses me. Sometimes shell say, that makes me want to have a kid and im like do you no but it just makes so i mean sounds like its kind of in discussion again. In the hopper. No, now its too late but we actually did wash we did kind of go through the process of thinking about, you know, a donor and who it would be and, you know, weve talked about it enough that weve really given it serious consideration, bu years now and its a good, wonderful relationship and we both have careers and were both busy. For now that means focusing on a little fish named dory. What do you hope people take away from the film. Theres always another way. Dont just put up with something or just say, well, thats the way it is. And then your disadvantage can be your strength. Reporter for Good Morning America, juju chang, abc news, beverly hills. Cant wait to see finding dory. Outside to ginger. 241st earth birbirthday of t army and were celebrating out in times square. Look at this video from red rock, colorado, where the flash flooding was coming down the steps at the steely dan concert. It moves to des moines. Be a few today. Highs in the low 80s. A stalled fr disturbances to track along. The first could bring a small chance of a stray tshower during the day tomorrow. Otherwise expect partly sunny skies with more humid conditions and highs in the low to mid 80s. A second stronger disturbance will track along the front to our coming up, the anticipation is growing. Robin is giving us a behindthescenes look at the new Shanghai Disney resort. Anchor getting ready for more great weather. Here is brian van de graaf very good morning, temperatures, 60s to low 70s. Fairly comfortable start. Higher across the city. Clouds and sunshine mixed, high in the lower 80s. Another wonderful day because humidity remains in check making a comfortable feel throughout the afternoon. Next couple days, more unsettled. We see some improvement by the weekend but there could be a few showers in between. Well keep an eye on it, especially thursday and friday. Reporter on the roads we are looking at extra heavy congestion with metro safety surge. On interstate 66, eastbound delays were following a cra eastbound 66 near the Fairfax County. Lanes are crowded as you make your way from manassas all the way to theb, inside the beltway, on the brakes as well. 395 jammed solid from duke street headed toward the 14th street bridge. And our secondary roads catches the brunt of this as well, a live look Montgomery Village avenue with heavy delays. Top stories. The fbi now has orlando shooter omar mateen cell phone and working to find if he was radicalized through any terror websites. We know mateen used a phone during the course of the weekend attack calling 911 at one point. Appears he cruised an android phone. Detectives will face different issues than they did with apple and the San Bernardino shooters phone. Abc 7 brought a banner to Dupont Circle for people to sign with condolences and thoughts for orlando. This morning well send your words of support to the center in orlando. Works to promote and empower t hello friday check that out, musical. Ly challenge. Central park on friday. Who was the best right there . Michael trying hard. Gingers got it that time. Perfect. The effort is there. Semifinalists, the next challenger coming up. As you see we have the army here with us this morning. Thank you all for being here today. And now were going to go back down to china where robin is there for the countdown of the opening of the Shanghai Disney resort. Hey, robin. Hey, guy, moving and grooving to you guys back in new york. California, florida, hawaii, paris, tokyo joe and now shanghai, china. We are counting down to the grand opening of shan resort and the festivities have already started. We have fireworks have been going off and we have right behind us now the World Premiere of the lion king in mandarin. Obviously we didnt get tickets. Thats why were still outside. Heres a look at how all this came to be. Its the first ever disney park in mainland china. This week opening its gates to the world. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my privilege to present Shanghai Disney resort. Reporter 17 years in the making. Disney chairman and ceo bob igors epic undertaking today a sparkling reality. Youre here on the cusp of the opening. Is it everything that you anticipated it to be . Its everything i anticipated it to be and more. What our people have managed to accomplish is well beyond what i ever marchinged possible. Constructed by more than 100,000 workers. Its home to disneys biggest enchanted disneys chinese partner projecting 10 million guests annually. Tickets to opening day selling out in just hours. Over a Million People have already come here just to catch a glimpse over the gate. Thats before the gates have even officially opened. The mass transit rail extension built to bring guests to the park capable of delivering 20,000 visitors every hour and with Domestic Tourism spending in china, expect it to soon top a trillion dollars annually, disney mania is taking the worlds most populous country by storm. Disney merchandise here already flying off the shelves and for the first time, mickey ears, personalized with your name in chinese. So excited. Very, very. Reporter China Eastern Airlines even customizing their fleet complete with flight attendants decks out in disney outfits. The people of shanghai are prou o welcomed us since we announced our arrival. Building for many years and people are impatient to see it. Reporter just outside the part disneytown. Open discuss over a month ago its already a huge hit with world class shopping and dining and overlooking the idyllic wishing star park. And as the clock counts down to the grand opening inside the finishing touches are under way. Fresh coats of paint. Lastminute polishing and troupes of dancers rehearsing to get the magic just right as disney makes china its newest home. And that was just a small taste of this magical new world. Tomorrow well take you deeper inside. Give you the grand tour of this brandnew park but right now going to chat with none other than yao ming. Honorary ambassador of Shanghai Disney resort and a basketball legend. Yao ming, ladies and gentlemen. [ applause ] you just walked the red carpet going to seehe translated for the first final in mandarin. It has to be exciting. New experience. Obviously lion king is very famous for decades since childhood. You grew up in shanghai. Yeah. And now this Disney Resort. What does it peen to the people here . Well, i think its almost like and entire city got a brandnew private backyard full of play toys and a lot of the magic here. Very happy about the grand opening, the official grand owing tomorrow. Okay, lets talk a little hoops. Cavs, warriors. Game was last night but for us in shanghai it was this morning. That was really great, a bonus getting to watch the game in the morning. What do you think of the series . Cavs pulling it out. Cavaliers took the game back to cleveland i heard. Right. So thats bring the game back, you know, looks like a little more competition. Back on their home court. Youre a western confenc well, you know, other than the rockets, i pick the spurs for the title this year but obviously theyre out already. You know hell be inducted into the Basketball Hall of fame this fall. [ applause ] that is a great accomplishment. How could you have thought about that when you were growing up in shanghai . Its a blessing. To himself. And not even playing in the United States play outside of the country. Have you been on any of these rides 76 and you fit on the rides at disney. I dont only one will find out. I like your style. Yao ming, thank you very much. Congratulations on everything and for this grand opening tomorrow well get to see every nook and cranny of this groundbreaking disney theme park. Its going to oh, gosh, its unbelievable but right now back i know how everybody feels now. This is usually how they look at me. Now back to new york. Wow, the story of my life. Hed mac you look small. He is a big man. Im glad robin did that interview and not me. What do we have. This roll cloud. I know you wanted to see. Northern michigan. Look at that thing. Very cool. Its from a lake breeze, outflow. Thanks to my best friend for taking that in frankfurt, michigan. Look at that heat index pile up close to 100 as it feels like in st. Louis and fly over the jet stream, it is cool, comfortable and a very low dew point. You could feel it, right . Its nice out here. Day with sun low humidity. There will be a few added clouds today. Highs in the low 80s. A stalled frontal boundary to our south will be the path for a few disturbances to track along. The first could bring a small chance of all right, love having the army here. All that weather brought to you lets go ahead to lara. Thank you very much, ginger. We are here with bobby brown on the heels of his much anticipated talked about interview with robin last week, the grammy winning artist joining us this morning to talk about his brandnew book every little step and we welcome you to gma. Thank you. Book out. Thank you so much. One day. The book has been out one, day yes. And the reaction because you didnt hold back. The book well, the reactions are what i expected it to be, you know, theres going to be some people that dont understand and theres also going to be some people that are anticipating the book. So, you know, i tend to go with the people that are anticipating the book. It was important for you, you told robin. This is it was very important for me. It was therapeutic for me because im moving on with my life and im moving into a better space and a better place in my life and i think you know, i couldnt have wrote this ten years ago, you now was the perfect time for me, you know, with everything that has happened in my life and everything that has gone on, and everything thats coming. Yeah. You know, i think right now was the perfect time. I do want to point out that Cissy Houston issued a response to your interview with robin. Heres an excerpt of it. Whether i would have chosen b bobby for my daughters husband is not important. It was into the my choice to make. She loved him and i believe him when he loved her. I own will i wish he would have loved and respected her enough to make some of the negative comments about her and crisssy when she was alive. What do you say to that. I mean thats a mother thats a mother of a woman and a child. She feels t far as were missing two people in our lives that we dearly love. And thats her thats per opinion. I mean i have my opinion and she has hers. Theres no difference. Were both mourning in the same way. If you read my when you read my book, youll notice that my book is not about whitney or my daughter. My book is about my 47 years on this earth and thats all. New edition. New edition. Your marriage. My marriage, my kids, all of my kids. Seven kids, well, six and one on the way. Yes and your wife alicia is here with us in the studio. Yes, shes here. So as you prepare for baby number seven. Uhhuh. How will you do fatherhood differently . Well biggest lesson learned. I my whole lifestyle is totally different from how i used to live. And im getting better. You know, i can only grow. You know, from this point from, you know, from a few years ago on, i can only grow and, you know, i dont i doepnt io not procrastinate on growing, you know. I just try to be better and better and better every day for my family, for my kids, for my siblings, for, you know, my friends and as long as i keep trying to grow, you know, i dont think anything can stop what im growing into and im growing into a better man. Bobby, what do you think the hardest, scariest thing to put in that book was that you said, okay, im going to do it but this could be explosive . I think i think everything that i talked about in this book i dont think i dont think what area it was scary what area was the scariest. I just had to get it out. This was therapeutic to release everything that i was holing in my heart and in my head and just to let it out, if i didnt let it out then god know what is would happen. You know have you reached out to cissy. No, i havent. I havent talked to her in a while but i wish her the best just like i hope she wishes me. And between the touring, still singing. Still touring, still singing, still making Barbecue Sauces and yeah, youre cooking . And seasonings youre quite a cook, i hear. Im chef bobbyb. And alicia managing all of it in addition to having her you guys have two and one on the way. Yes. And now your book. The which, you know every little step. Im really proud of. Im glad i got it off my heart and glad that i got it out of my head and its just time to move on and do bigger and better things. All right. Time for us to move on. We thank you soap for coming in. Thank you for having me. Aleash that, best of luck with the baby. Thank you. And everybody, every little step is out right now. Right now. Right now. Not now. But right now. Vivica a. Fox and the army with us live right here on Good Morning America. Baby youre a firework back now with vivica a. Fox and Independence Day was one of the summers biggest blockbusters back in 1996 and there is vivica escaping from aliens and now shes back and theyre back in Independence Day resurgence and here she is, everybody. Vivica fox. Hey. How are you . Im awesome, awesome, darling. Good morning. Good morning. Its great to see you and 20 years ago when this came out 20 years ago, it seems like yesterday to me. It was. You are still doing your own stunts in oh, my gosh. I did all of my own stunts. Youre going to see theres one scene that literally the next day i woke up and was covered black and blue because, you know, i didnt want anyone else to see it and say, you were faking it so i did my own stunts. You go all in. Absolutely. I mean from kill bill days i got that trained and its still there. Yes. Lets not forget it. Also in the first movie jasmine you were a single mom. Had the son so in this movie where is your character now . Well, its 20 years later and lets just say shes no longer working the pole. Jasmine is now a Hospital Administrator. Well, you know, everybody is going to say are you still stripping, no. But shes a Hospital Administrator and mentoring her young son played by jesse t. Usher stepping into the shoes of Steven Hiller and becoming a Fighter Pilot and back and going to kicking some serious alien butt again. What was it like to work with some of the original cast for the first movie. Ogs it was awesome and it was like a wonderful high school reunion. Then we have some young new whippersnappers from liam hemsworth, michael monroe, jesse t. Usher and celia ward is playing in it and all the crazeness going on in the world so see us united with all these wonderful men and women from the armed services, thank you so much for starting my morning off just fabulous. Well, you know what, thank you for coming here. I almost feel like you brought them with you because in this movie there are a lot of heroes in this movie and thats why we have our Service Members here. They are celebrating the 241st earth about birthday. Honored to be here with them as we both are. My nephew is first Class Private marine fox. He just joined the marines and my brother was in the army. Bop was a marine so for me to start off my morning like this, this is just like awesome. Im so proud and i commend and i salute all of you guys for your sacrifices for our country. Im so proud, this literally has been welling up all morning. This is just awesome. I second all that. We want to bring out two of these great women, major anne mcclain is a u. S. Army aviator. Yes. Also a nasa astronaut. And also Staff Sergeant lydia seaborn is a u. S. Army reserve forensic analyst with cyberoperations group. Lady, thank you so much for your service. Thank you. To everybody here and around the world who are serving for our country. Thank you all for your service and vivica a. Fox, thank you for coming here. Thank you for bringing all these soldiers and Independence Day resurgence, it hits theaters june 24th. And everybody coming up our musical. Ly challenge is heating up. Well revealing the semifinalists and all that is coming up next so dont go anhe hello friday waiting for you for a long time you just save me my life a lot of grooving going on and our gma musical. Ly challenge and all of abc is getting in on the fun and so are you. Youve sent in your best videos to flo ridas song. Reporter it was an epic round one for the record books. Send in your best music li and kick off this gma challenge. You dont users from coast to coast sending in more than 156,000 musical. Ly set to Jason Derulos song want to want me using the gmachallenge. I want you to want me. Reporter garnering over 7 million likes including those for our eight quarterfinalists. Hello friday now meet our four semifin semifinalists comprised of two quarter finalists and two wild card picks from our 37,000 picks we received in 8. 5 hours. Their musical. Ly set to hello friday left us wanting more as the competition heats up. So whats the next challenge for round three . Find out now live. Yes, find out right now and the contest is really heating up getting so hot we need a fan. Time to start round three and thank you, brad paisley has a special announcement. Hey, gma, its a battle till the end. Send in your best musical. Ly to without a fight. I got it crazy we without a fight and show me and demi lovato how youre knocking out this challenge. All right. There you go. Theres your challenge. Show us what youve got. Send in your best musical. Ly using the gmachallenge3 and announce the finalists thursday. There is a lot to win. A lot at stake. Come to new york to compete in the fines for a chance to get a meet and greet with demi lovato plus two tickets to a concert on a future now tour with nick jonas. You have till 5 p. M. To send it in and getting moving. If youre not a semifinalist you can make it as a wild card entry. Get all the details on goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. Farm, crate, and store. Were focusing on fresh. So you dont have to guess. My giant. Good morning america is brought to you by jcpenney. Thats getting your penneys worth. Paula is a big fan of this. Investigation discovery presents adnan syed innocent or guilty. Have a great day, everyone. Anchor good tuesday morning. Another nice day on the way. Here is brian van de graaf. Reporter very good morning, temperatures, 60s to low 70s. Fairly comfortable start. Few clouds, higher across the city. Clouds and sunshine mixed, high in the lower 80s. Another wonderful day because humidity remains in check making a comfortable feel throughout the afternoon. Next couple days, more unsettled. We see some improvement by the weekend but there could be a few showers in between. Well keep an eye on it, especially thursday and friday. Reporter for the ride were looking at extra long drive times for the commute with more folks joining the roadways due to metros safety surge. A live look at the beltway, these are inner loop delays from the springfield mixing bowl toward i66. Over on 66, we have heavy volume delays, a crash reported within delays at the Fairfax County parkway, and on the secondary rose a live look at virginia 28 making your drive from sterling to chantilly, northbound and southbound delays. Melanie. Were bringing you the latest details tin night club terror attack. The fbi has orlando shooter omar mateens cell phone, working to find out if he was radicalized through any terror websites. We know he used a phone during the course of this weekends attack calling 911 at one point. We are 100 days out from the opening of the new Smithsonian National museum of National African American History and culture. September 24 opening. There will be plenty to see, including exhibits, artifacts and performances this. You can get more news, weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. Right now. Hope you have a great its live with kelly. Today, hes back to save the planet in Independence Day resurgence, jeff goldblum. And from the allnew version of to tell the truth, nene leakes. And actor Jerry Oconnell is kellys cohost for the day. All next on live. [captioning made possible by isneyabc domestic television] and now, here are kelly ripa and Jerry Oconnell [cheers and applause] kelly hi, guys

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