Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20140809 : compare

Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20140809

the fight of his life. attacked during a dip in a lake. >> i felt its jaw. i felt its teeth. >> how he managed to fight the shark toothed beast off and the souvenirs to prove it. and good morning. we're going to get to the news in just a moment but first this is a huge day for us here at "gma." paula faris officially joining us as the weekend co-ang choreograph having been your friend and colleague for three years now, i'm extremely please you're here. i know sara haines feels the same way. even ron claiborne. >> i'm very excited. >> okay. >> faris and harris. 15 seconds into the know. we knew that would happen. i'm so thrilled to work alongside what i believe to be the best tv team in all of the world. just not in just in front of the camera but pore all those people working diligently behind the camera and so grateful for this opportunity. this is going to be a fun ride. >> we're happy to have you. coming up, a get to know you session with paula looking back at her career in news, her three years of -- >> do we have to gentleman. >> yes. >> we have footage of my play date with paula's three children. >> i was hazed. >> i happen to have been coming from the office. >> i'm going to send you the dry cleaning bills. but first partner, want to kick us off. >> thank you so much. we start with that breaking news. u.s. warplanes bombing militant targets in iraq. dramatic new video showing those massive explosions aimed at trying to stop the violence from isis from advancing on a terror where there are roughly 150 americans and abc's jon karl has the latest on the mission from the white house where the president is getting ready to leave for summer vacation. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, paula. welcome to weekend "gma." great to see you there. the president leaves later this morning for a family vacation on martha's vineyard but this will not be your typical family vacation. he is leaving with senior members of his national security team including national security adviser susan rice and will be closely monitoring u.s. military operations over iraq. >> reporter: breaking overnight the pentagon released new video of the latest air strike in iraq. bombs can be seen as they drop from the sky. exploding on a target in northern iraq. >> american forces have carried out several bombings missions with f-18 fighter jets and drones hitting terrorist armments and a convoy moving towards erbil where 150 american diplomats and military advisers are posted. along with the bombs, a humanitarian mission is under way. military dropping food and water for thousands of members of a religious minority trapped by isis on a mountain and threatened with death. >> we're in some sense committed to their protection by having gone there and provided humanitarian aid. >> reporter: one key concern, this dam in the city of mosul located some 200 miles northwest of baghdad. the state department confirms it is now under the control of the terrorist group known as isis. not only does it supply electricity for much of iraq, if isis were to open the floodgate, the water could flood all the way down to baghdad including the u.s. embassy. >> they're controlling dams and rivers and roadways. these are all ingredients to a sustained presence for isis. >> reporter: as president obama leaves washington to begin his vacation he is promising this operation will not be the start of a larger mission, ruling out any ground troops. >> as commander in chief i will not allow the united states to be dragged into fighting another war in iraq. >> reporter: in an interview with "the new york times" president obama reiterated that this will be a limited mission telling "the times" that it will be up to the iraqis to defeat isis, the cavalry is not coming to the rescue, he said. the united states has no interest in being the iraqi air force. paula. >> i'll take it from here. let's bring in abc news military consultant steve ganyard in washington this morning. from a military perspective what exactly are we trying to achieve here and is it likely to work. >> good morning, dan. i think it will work. that's the short answer here. what we're trying to did is prevent erbil from falling from kurdistan from falling, prevent baghdad from falling and so going in with some very limited air power, stopping the advance, being able to hit artillery pieces, convoys, things like that that will stop isis, i think american air power can be very effective to at least stabilize the situation. >> and how likely -- how long is this operation likely to last? >> well, it's up to the president. you know, i think it'll be just a couple of days before we can stop isis and they'll know they no longer can command the roads and move as freely, so i think it's going to be up to the president. the president authored just the static position or strikes that would allow the iraqi military to begin to push back towards mosul and to begin to retake those areas that isis is controlling now. >> so many questions as this story continues to develop. colonel, thank you. . paula, over to you. >> thanks, dan. out west brutal wildfire season is intensifying this morning. more homes burning with others threatened at the mercy of the whim of the wind. firefighters waging battles on all fronts to try to contain the flames and abc's brandi hitt is tracking this overnight. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, paula. there are several wildfires burning out of control this morning. families say the flames moving so quickly they barely had any time to escape. this is a dramatic seen in oregon as firefighters battle a wildfire that consumed more than 3300 acres and destroyed cecelia's home. >> it feels unreal. >> reporter: crews have contained a third of the fire but 150 residents were forced to evacuate and more than 700 homes are in danger of going up in flames. meanwhile, firefighters in washington state are battling a blaze that has already burned 400 acres. crews keeping a close eye on the flames as shifting winds could send them towards home. another fire in northeast washington has forced 40 homes to be evacuated. wildfires have charred more than 480 square miles across the state of washington this season. and in idaho, three firefighters were hurt while battling this fire along the snake river. the 76-square-mile blaze is threatening hundreds of hopes there. such an explosive fire season already and many of the fires have been starked by lightning but some have also started accide accidentally. it takes just one park in these dry conditions for a massive fire to take off. dan? >> so dangerous there, brandi, thank you. now to hawaii which is paradise underwater right now. hit hard by a rare tropical storm, part one, in fact, of a double barreled extreme weather threat. the state has not been in a situation like this for decades and abc's clayton sandell is in hilo, hawaii, with the latest. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. iselle is now gone but there is still plenty of cleanup to be done and now everyone is nervously watching for julio, now just about 600 miles offshore. this morning, crews are breaking down debris after the first tropical storm in 20 years brought large waves and heavy winds to hawaii's big island threatening the area with landslides as residents dig out of the damage. >> anybody here? >> reporter: iselle's fury helped destroy this structure. powerful gusts leveled hundreds of giant trees that took power lines down with them. crews are scrambling to get the lights back on. >> it was scary. it was scary. >> you don't really experience winds like that here in hawaii. >> reporter: tractors are helping to clear the path for people cut off from the outside world. drivers stranded on roads and tourist destinations turned into boarded ghost towns. >> everything is okay, you know, except for no power. no water. >> reporter: the big island was soaked with rain. some areas drenched with over a foot. this is rainbow falls near hilo on thursday. and this is what it looks like now. this rainbow on maui, a sign the worst had passed but storm weary residents and tourists have a message for the approaching hurricane julio. >> stay that way. keep going that way. >> reporter: and for now that storm is expected to barely miss. and there's one other potential danger here, state officials are warning people to stay out of the storm runoff because wild dead animals can be washed downstream into the ocean and that can attract sharks. paula. >> wow. thank you very much, clayton sandell and tracking all this developing weather julie durda of our abc miami station wplg. julie, good morning. >> i'm no stranger to that but our friends in the hawaiian islands are and had to deal with iselle yesterday and we are watching hurricane julio just east of the big island. now, this is expected to push toward the west-northwest. the big concern with this system, it's going to slow down its forward progress as we go into tomorrow. the good news is the actual center of circulation of this system will stay well offshore but those outer bands could bring even more rainfall to parts of the hawaiian islands that had to deal with heavy rain already. i'll have more on this and some severe weather that occurred yesterday in the southeast and more on the nation's forecast coming up. dan and paula. >> thank you very much, julie. let's turn it over to ron claiborne with developing news. hey there. good morning to you. >> welcome to our merry little band. >> i love our merry little band. >> so far so good. good morning, everyone. we tart in orlando, florida, where there is a tense standoff between an armed murder suspect and deputies in town. he barricaded himself inside a house. more than 20 homes in the upscale neighborhood had to be evacuated while s.w.a.t. teams swarmed the neighborhood. it ended with the man being taken into custody. this happened late friday night. an odd legal twist in the death of james brady who died earlier this week. a medical examiner has determined that brady's death at the age of 73 was a homicide. the cause, the gunshot wound to the head he suffered in the 1981 attempted assassination of ronald reagan. he was partially paralyzed and unclear if john hinckley jr. will face new charges. he was found not guilty by reason of insanity. a frighten scene at a public swimming pool. three children were shocked with electricity. this happened friday. officials are still trying to determine the origin of the electrical current. they say an equipment malfunction could be to blame. the injured children are said to be recovering at a hospital. this one from miami beach, florida, where a small boat off the coast encountered rough water and waves and began taking on water. two people on board were rescu just as the craft sank. they got off so fast they left behind all their belongings scattered across the sea. the good news, no one was injured. and not a good start for tiger woods. he missed the cut at golf's pga championships on friday after finishing six over par and 15 strokes behind second round leader rory mcilroy. only the fourth time he has not made the cut in a major championship as a pro. tiger was clearly playing with back pain which forced him out of the tournament, another one just last week. finally, a great story. a 10-year-old girl being hailed as a hero or heroine for saving a 4-year-old boy from drowning. co-let crooks, her name, was at the beach at plum island, massachusetts, when she saw what she originally thought looked like a ball in the water. she dove in to investigate as kids do and she realized it was a little boy unconscious in the ocean so she sprung into action pulling the little guy to safety. >> i knew something was wrong right away because he wasn't breathing and underwater and his eyes were open so i picked him up and i called help. >> the young boy, he is said to be doing fine. co-let says anyone would have done the same thing. i'm not so sure about that. certainly not any 10-year-old. >> quick thinking from a 10-year-old. >> really smart. >> good for him too. >> thanks, ron. now to a strange and really startling new warning about tick bite. some are suffering violent reactions after eating burgers or steaks and some ending up in the er. let's turn to dr. jennifer ashton. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> this sounds so -- sorry this is not a medical term -- weird but what's the medical explanation. >> we don't know. is this really a culinary nightmare or a medical mystery. what happens is you'll get bitten by the tick. the tick then incites an immune reaction to a sugar molecule contained in meat. right? there's sugar in meat then when you eat meat down the road, pork, lamb or beef, not poultry or chicken, luckily, your body sees that sugar molecule, triggers a massive allergic response and in some cases it can be very, very serious. >> so this is a shortcut to ruining every barbecue this summer. >> pretty much. >> does it last forever. >> in some cases it can be permanent. they're not taking any chances those who suffered it. s that different from the dear tick associated with lyme disease. this is the lone star tick. much larger than a deer tick. originally it was only located in the south but if you look at a map, it's now pretty much half the country. south all the way up to maine so, again, get those pets treated and remember to protect yourself against ticks. >> okay, so if you start developing symptoms, first of all what are the simms you should look for and what do you do. >> three to six hours after eating meat, hives, swelling, you want to seek medical attention and speak to an i w l allergist and get a diagnosis. >> that is a clinical term, weird, apparently. we appreciate it. >> absolutely. >> paula, back over to you. >> devastating for all the carnivores, as well. the courageous kid who is a big battler and lucky to be alive after taking on an alligator who went after him in a florida lake. abc's linzie janis here with this story. good morning. >> i'm not sure brave is a strong enough term to describe this little boy. not only did he fight off an alligator with his bare hands in the aftermath he was calm and collected. he battled it out with an a alligator and won. >> i just immediately hit it and it let go a little so i i -- >> now amazing with his tale of victory from his hospital bed. >> first i thought someone was just playing with me and i didn't know what happened. i reached down to go grab it and i felt its jaw, i felt its teeth. >> reporter: the 9-foot-long, 400-pound creature forcing him to literally fight tooth and claw. >> i immediately hit him a couple times and it was slipping and that's why i got to scratch it. >> reporter: escaping with as many as 30 teeth marks all over his body. >> hey, what's this and i pulled out a tooth and showed it and said, oh, well, i want to put it on a necklace so then i could tell all my friends. >> reporter: while on a bike ride with friends 9-year-old james barney decided to cool off. taking a dip in an area off-limits to swimmers. a popular stomping ground for gators. >> there's a big ail gait ir. he was crawling up the shore screaming and crying. >> reporter: james barneyson still shaken by his son's terrifying idea. >> i thought i lost him yesterday. >> wildlife officials say more than 1.3 million alligators roam florida waters. this morning the reptile that pounced on james still on the loose. and while officials are on the lookout, young james has one important piece ofadvice. >> don't go swimming in that lake. >> oh. yeah, we're told the trappers nearly caught the greater friday morning but it got away. in the meantime, they closed that park. first time they've had an attack like that in that area st. cloud near orlando, florida, but he should be able to go home in a couple of days. you heard his friend, one of his young friends 911 also pretty calm. incredible the way they dealt with it. >> like it was story time. >> this show is filled with brave kids. now to an entire metro area engaged in what appears to be a mass display of forgiveness from the homecoming celebration for lebron james returning to akron, ohio, when james announced a few years ago he was taking his talents to south beach to play for the miami heat people in ohio literally burned this guy's jersey but now james is returning to the cleveland cavaliers and abc's gloria riviera is on the story in akron. gloria, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dan. well, it may be quiet now, but let me tell you, i think a lot of people in akron are recovering this morning after the massive party thrown at this stadium last night. fans lined up for hours to make sure they got a seat inside and let me tell you, i asked them, how long did it take you to forgive lebron when you heard he was coming back and they said right away. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: overnight delirium at the welcome back party celebrating lebron james' return home to the cleveland cavaliers. >> i'm going to do what makes my city and my state happy and that's why i came back. i love you. i'm back. >> reporter: for nearly 30,000 hometown fans, words many thought they'd never hear. >> wow! >> reporter: four years ago james ditched ohio to play for the miami heat. he won two nba championships there, but here they burned his jersey. >> i called him a traitor. >> all is forgiven? >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: off the court james' return has a significance impact on younger fans. through his foundation he supports education in ohio. >> these kids are the future. >> reporter: already his return is estimated to bring in an additional $500 million to a local community and on the court -- >> my number one goal is to win a championship here and i think it would be the greatest achievement in my life. i'm looking forward to the challenge. >> reporter: the power forward says he's ready to get to work. >> i swear i missed y'all. >> reporter: the city welcoming his full family back home. >> i smell a championship. >> reporter: you smell a championship. the future looks bright. gone, a villain, back a hero. well, it was raucous, it was downright fun but it was already really something to see these kids, 11, 12, 13, they remember when he left. they were heartbroken then, now they get a second chance to grow up with lebron james as their hometown hero. they are so proud and that was really something to see. dan, paula. >> quickly they forgive. paula faris covered him when she was a high school player. >> akron st. vincent and st. mary when i was shooting and producing. look the same. that's not part of the contract. >> our own in-house lebron james. >> not really. no, i am not. i am not. >> let's check the forecast now with julie durda who comes from our miami station and they're less forgiving about lebron down there. >> we got two championships from him, no problem, ready south floridians. let's talk about wild weather that occurred over the last 24 hours across the southeast. we saw some very heavy rain, gusty wind, wild weather to lightning strikes, as well. take a look at this video across atlanta, georgia. not only did we have do youed trees but also again a lightning show across the southeast. seven people were shocked by lightning. wind damage was a huge concern as you just saw from that video and today heavy rain and gusty winds will be a possibility. most of the severe weather will stretch up towards the central plains but the southeast, it's all about the rain. wish we could hold on to that and send it to the pacific northwest. they're not going to be seeing it and dealing with dry, very hot conditions and, again, fueling for the fire watches and warnings that will be across the pacific northwest today. >> good morning. a cooler than normal weekend on tap. a showewerlly activity is going to remain. we could see a s stray shower today and tomorrow. temperatureses on the mild side. it is 56 in rmantown. 84 was the high yeyesterday. the temperaturtoday is 79. it will be cloudy skies. >> paula, take it away. >> thank you so much. julie. coming up on "gma," we have a mystery at sea. did a champion power boat racer missing after a crash on the water fake his own death? why authorities suspect that he is now running. becoming forrest gump. this is tom hanks' screen test for the role. now, surfacing 0 years after the fact the big changes he made once he finally got the part. this will be great to see. paula faris, this is your life. we'll see how our new anchor goes from there to here in high fashion. >> what? >> you were in a suit, dan. welcome to the corner of and "getting major kudos." just look at you. you're being healthy, even in little ways. that's worth celebrating. that's why walgreens created the first program that gives you rewards points just for healthy behavior. so stick with it. you've got a lot of people cheering you on... download the app and start getting rewarded today. at the corner of happy and healthy. guess the mcmuffin doesn'tthe think hashbrowns matter. it's ok, hashbrowns... .we still love you. the new am crunchwrap from taco bell. eggs, bacon, cheese, plus a very meaningful hash brown inside. wrapped and grilled to go. 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only at famous footwear. famous footwear. victory is yours. choose nexium twenty-foureople hour for frequent heartburn. i was worried about orange juice, coffee... everything. not anymore. get nexium level protection ™ and for a limited time save six dollars at there is heavy rain on the border. this is part of stalled frt. it will stay to the south. we will be mostly high and dry. if you state -- straight showers will be ssible. cloudy skies over bethesda and down at ththe beach you can see ercast skies and o ocean city. 71 is the temperature in washington. calm conditions across the area. it it is 66 in germantown. partly to mostly cloudy skies and a mild day. 79 it to maybe 86. tonight a few showers are possible under mostly cloudy skies. will be 81 285. look for those temperatures to be below normal and around 80 degrees. so we're going to listen to some songs on the way, dan. ♪ this is the -- singing in the shower ♪ this is my jam. oh, my god. that's embarrassing. that's video from a little ride i took the other day in a minivan chauffeured by this one, abc's paula faris and today paula officially takes over as the "gma weekend" co-anchor. >> dan was so impressed. >> usually when you bring on somebody in you to the show, they get hazed a little bit. somehow we've turned around and i got hazed by your three children. >> i always say i like to deflect. did i? >> yes, in a big way. >> i should apologize. >> your children are beautiful and hilarious. all part of a story we're doing to welcome you to our family. we'll start on a very, very different note. this is a mystery involving a boat racing champion who appeared initially to have met his end in a terrible accident out on the water. >> but did he really? there are suspicions that andrew biddle faked his own death. authorities questioning whether his spectacular crash was nothing but an elaborate scheme to throw them off track. abc's michelle franzen has more on this investigation. >> reporter: this morning, a nationwide manhunt for champion boater andrew biddle. missing since a boating accident in mid-july. police believe biddle may have faked his own death to avoid criminal charges. on july 20th police say the father of two was with another racer justin bell, riding in a pontoon boat near longport, new jersey, when they hit a buoy and plowed into a jetty. bell survived but that night a massive search called off just a day later, tom murphy witnessed the accident. >> the mostry kickous thing to pull off. >> reporter: officials now reveal biddle is considered a wanted person and they believe that mr. biddle stained an incident to avoid prosecution. >> it's not illegal to fake your death. the problem is once you do it, you almost inevitably end up committing other crimes. by not showing up for court, not paying your taxes, fraud, et cetera. >> reporter: according to prosecutors biddle and his business and racing partner tracy bloomen steen have been indicted on multiple counts of theft by deception and fraud. >> when someone is facing criminal charges and he disappears, the authorities are going to be suspicious. >> reporter: court documents obtained by abc news allege biddle accepted a $20,000 down payment for a boat that he never supplied to the customer. neither blumen steen or biddle's attorneys would comment on the investigations when we asked but biddle, who has a stellar reputation on the water, may be in a world of trouble on land, that is if he is still alive. for "good morning america," michelle franzen, abc news, new york. >> our thanks to michelle. now an update of the important's top stories. >> 33 minutes into the show, what do you think? >> i feel at home. >> great. good morning to you and dan harris and sara over there, good morning to you and good morning, everyone. in the news the u.s. is taking military action in iraq. new video released overnight shows the first u.s. air strikes unleashed on sunni militants in northern iraq. they're aiming to stop the violent islamic group isis from advancing on erbil where there are 150 americans. president obama meanwhile, leaving for a family vacation on martha's vineyard said to be meeting with top security officials monitor the events in iraq. another recall by general motors affects 310,000 vehicles. it is for 2002 to 2004 saturn view suvs. gm says the key can be removed when ignitions are not in the off position. that could be a problem. that problem, in fact, is linked to two crashes and one injury. the company, gm, has issued a record 60 recalls just this year. covering nearly 29 million vehicles. and finally in madison, wisconsin, this huge blaze in an apartment building. luckily the apartments are under construction and currently not occupied. no word on what caused that fire. finally for real, finally, no, this is not a circus act. it is a -- well, trust me -- video of a camel and a pony going for a nighttime stroll. see, there they are. the pair, cool whip is the name of the camel and joe the pony, they managed to escape from a family farm in sylvania township, ohio, on friday and police corralled the unusual couple and safely returned them to the farm. sounds like the beginning of a joke, a camel and a horse walk into a bar. >> not walking too fast. >> they were easy to catch. >> cool whip and joe. >> very excited about lebron james returning to cleveland also. >> hollywood is opting their script -- their story for a script. good morning, julie durda. >> we are waking up to a beautiful shot in dallas. good morning to you in dallas. you are seeing nothing but sunny skies. it's great start to what will be a hot day so enjoy this morning because my friends, temperatures are going to soar. we are expecting highs today to be well into the triple digits. that's the actual air temperate. once you factor in the relative humidity to the air temperature feels like temperatures well into the triple digits, not just for dallas, austin, houston, corpus christi, as well. heat advisories in parts of texas. summer bliss not feeling like summer at all in the northeast. it's absolutely gorgeous feeling more like fall instead of summer with temperatures in the mid-80s in philadelphia. for the weekend in boston, picture perfect to be outdoors. temperatures in the upper 70s, washington, d.c. looking at the 80s as well new york. chicago, a little bit of a change as showers and storms move in. upper 70s, a stalled out front will bring severe weather across th >> partly to mostly sunny skies. mild conditions. some more sunshine tomorrow. >> weather report is brought to you by macy's. dan, paula. >> thank you, julie. coming up on "gma." growing up paula faris. we're welcoming the newest member of the "gma weekend" team at the bottom of the screen with a bowl cut. story of how this talented woman ending up sitting at this desk next to me and ron and sara. >> i cannot wait for that one. also ahead the unauthorized "saved by the bell" story, a sneak peek at the movie that will school you in what happened behind-the-scenes on the hit tv show all in "pop news." 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[ jay ] okay, now pick up the specially cured bacon! hit it with the brown sugar! now roll that beautiful bean footage! yes! [ jay ] bush's baked beans are slow-cooked according to our secret family recipe for a big flavor. high score! you get to put your name on the wall of fame! [ beeping ] whoa! game over... aww, you're no fun. 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well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. welcome to the corner of and "getting major kudos." just look at you. you're being healthy, even in little ways. that's worth celebrating. that's why walgreens created the first program that gives you rewards points just for healthy behavior. so stick with it. you've got a lot of people cheering you on... download the app and start getting rewarded today. at the corner of happy and healthy. ♪ i know you're new to the show but at this hour at this time of the hour we usually have this person over here. >> speak up. >> lovely. love supply dan's favorite part of the show. >> yes, it is. and first up, tom hanks audition tape for forrest gump surfaced on youtube and going crazy viral right now. of course, we all remember forrest gump like this. >> isn't it beautiful? >> it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. >> but he started out sounding a little bit different. >> isn't he beautiful? >> the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. >> now, the most noticeable thing for fans he did use a southern accent. i feel like he hasn't found his forrest voice but so cool seeing those early videos. >> i wonder what steps there were between that videotape and the film. did he come up with that voice? >> i bet he did tip lick after making a choice and wasn't fight forrest although jenny was definitely jenny. another trip down memory lane. a sneak peek of its "saved by the bell" movie which shows what life might have been hike for the young arcs working on the show in the '90s, elizabeth berkeley told "us weekly" the whole experience was innocent but this new video doesn't show it that way, in fact, in lifetime's version there's more drama off screen than there is on. >> what dan does before the show. >> that's right. >> that was ron. just at a different angle. now, a special "pop news" pop quiz for paula's first day. i managed to get the inside scoop from the person who knows paula best, her mom. and we got a picture here. there's carol right there. >> oh. >> and everyone can jump in with their answers so we'll start right now. question one -- >> can i play too? >> yes. interested to see if you remember this stuff, according to paula's mom as a child what did paula want to be, journalist, supermodel or an astronaut. >> i'll go with astronaut. >> astronaut. >> it's funny. you guys know her well, carol said she didn't want to be anything too common. she wanted to be a jet fighter on an astronaut. >> i love that. >> but you have to be good in science and i'm terrible but. >> but i really would have loved to see you top gun style. >> favorite subject, math, p.e., drama. >> i'm going with drama. >> "c," absolutely. >> why would you say that? >> i have no idea. >> but she said her mom she was excellent at playing the clarinet and narrating plays and we'll be right back. >> i want more. >> no, no. you're finally here. long way from the sandlot. first game in the majors? you don't know "aarp". because this family is enjoying a cross-country baseball stadium trip they planned online at aarp travel. it's where your journey begins with inspiration, planning, booking, and hot travel tips from real pros. if you don't think seize the trip when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at it's this new paint. nothing stays on the wall. not any of these things. valspar reserve super stain resistant. and scrubbable. and this color! still perfect! introducing valspar® reserve™ paint + primer with hydrochroma™ technology. exclusively at lowe's. i've been claritin clear for 8 days. at the first sign of your allergies, doctors recommended taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. 21 days! 14 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. veggies you're cool... woworking the menu. mayo, corn are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein... with 30% less sugars than before. ensure, your #1 dr. recommended brand now introduces ensure active. muscle health. clear protein drink and high protein. targeted nutrition to feed your active life. ensure. take life in. ron and i were so sad they cut off the "pop news." so what was paula's favorite candy, bubble gum, reese's pieces or m&ms. >> i know the answer? bubble gum. >> still is to this day. >> chewing it right now. >> no, i'm not. >> i am. >> no, that's it. that's all we got. she married her high school sweetheart who is a great guy. >> college sweetheart. >> john. bye, everybody. >> i knew it was kruger. >> live from the abc 7 broadcast center, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning. it is 7:56 a.m. i am caroline tucker. taking a look at some of the stories top in the region today -- in d.c. police are searching for a suspect in connection with a homicide that happened last night around 11:00. shot andy a man was died of his injuries. the man killed has not yet been identified. today there might be some celebrity sightings in downtown is. where "house of cards" shooting. we will have a list of where you can expect crews to be on our website. we toss it over now to the weather center. how is it going, dave? >> you could hardly tell it is august. only 190-degree day this month. high clouds. laurel, 66. i-72 in washington. -- 72 in washington. here is the big story to the south -- look at all those showers on the virginia, north carolina border. high-pressure reigning supreme. yesterday, 84. 87.season norm is there might be a stray shower. a mild day. tomorrow, repeat performance. 85 or more sunshine. next week, slight chance of showers each day with temperatures only about 80 , car. >> thank you, dave. >> "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide insurance. >> hello, i'm jack hanna, coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo. and welcome to "wild countdown." africa's big 5 are what's the most prized animals by hunters. golly day! fortunately, they're now protected. oh, there they are. sue, look at this. >> oh, my goodness! there's a whole herd of them. >> but they're still the continent's most iconic species, and some of the rarest. look at them all. look at the little baby in there. >> that baby is cute. >> today, we'll see them all, plus one more creature i i couldn't leave out. >> there's lions just up ahead of us. >> that close to that kill? look at this. look at this!

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